G"W. . HOMAN , ST. , Uflers for the necessities of the public , I AH orders promptly a-ttndeJ to by leavin : them at Cur. 1 < Il > n.l Harnev Sts. asSotf 13th St. , bet. Farnhnm and Hamey. All kinds oJ TAILORING , CLEANING nd BEPAI"INti done * t rraumm lp ratn * TEEITSCHKE & CO. , G K O C E R S Am ! Geneial Pr vi Io- Dealers , 8. W > Cor. Jackson and 13th Ets- , Keep a superior stnck of Groceries , Provisions , Wines , Liquors and Cigars , and cell cheaper tlian mnr other house lu Omaha. jy3 3u > HATH & HANSRN , Wholesale Denlcra ln"l.eaf ; Tobacco , "Manufacturers oi O 31 OA. . IRS , AND DEALEH IN Tobacco * Pipes , &c , , , &c , 1G3 FAKXHA1K ST. , Bet.lOth Allth , t , l oto. octitr. P. N. GLYNN TTHOLKSAtK AKD RETAIL DBAT.ZB IN Wines , Liquors , Segars , TOIMC 0 AND PIPES. fWCalTfornia tVlnes and Brandies.- * * Corner of 15'h and Dod e ntrr ts. opposite the npv Post Office buililnOmaha. . Nebe25tf ] , fOJI.-V tIAU.TIl-.lt. Practical Watclimaker , 171 FarnPtn , n 8. fT r , Uth 8t OMAHA - - NEB ' J , ROBINS , 137 Farnlnm St. , hot. 9 li and lOtli , ( Opposite llje Office. ) t 1 ONEV LOANED O.V WATCIICS , JEW- I elry.X.c. Cluthing bought and said. , spTJlm" * ' City Meat f.tf t ntlylon hand A LARGE SUPPLY OF S 33 33 I ? * . < 3 MUTTON. P ) DLTIIT , TT P. Soap 3PactoryI Situated on the line of the Union Pacific Railroal , near the powder hou e. Manufac tures first-class soap for home consumption * ST. - AUCTIONEER GB-ERAL , Cor. IGth and Dodge Ma. Prompt attention given to sale * of household furniture , s ore goods , hors' s , cattle , etc. , either at store or owner's residence. Kcal E Ute at imblic or private sale. aujgUdtf JACOB GISS , 261 K rji i m St. . Oct. 14tb A 15th UNBEHTA.KER VICTOR S.GOFFM AN MD , , Physician 1 Surgeon , 241 Farnham Street , Over Ish's Drug store. wjitl 0II f _ s i XJK : : fc'ILK , CASHMERE , AND ALPACA SHITS For sale and made io order. p. M. 263 Dodge , beU Htliand 15th streets. OMAHA. NEBRASKA * TO Tilly- NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF B6TU SEXES. SO CHARGE FOR AUYIOg AHD OOF- HULTATIOIT. r\R J. B. DYOTT , graduate of Jefferson Medical College , Philadel phia , author of several valuable qrorks , i&n be consulted on all dis eases of the SexujJ an4 Grinary or gans , ( which he has made an es pecial study , ) either in male or fe male , no nietter from what cause originating- hxjv long standing A practice of 30 years tiiables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward let ters describing symptoms anrt en closing stamp to prepay postage. j@-Send for the Guide to Health. Price lOc. J. B.DyOIHM.D. Physttdou and Surgeon , 104 JDuaue street. N. " > PASS'EINTG-KHS Going East or South from Ofnaha JoU pa U. P.R.K. , could tale th < 'LINCOLN BOUTE" Tla The ATCHISON & NEBRASKA RAILROAD' And ( wore lor tbrmselTi tno caoSvB oi Six ropahxr Riatcsfrom Itehlsou to Chicago and St. Louis , All diking Reliable jneetioni and being p -alpped with Palace D r id Sleeping Can. AH d l v and Inconvenience arriving from Ferries aca transfers can be avoided West of Chicago and St. Louis by securing Ticket i via S nn.l th * ATCH1SOIS A NEBRASKA RAILROAD. Plreci wd Rel'ibl ' * Connections are also made with the A. T. 4 S. F. H. R. for the &rtyit Arkansas Tallej & Colorado , _ Afid with all Una running South to points in Southern Kansas and the Indian Territory. Ask lor Tickets Tla & ATOHISOW CHAS. P. WHITE CHAS.Oea" Oen'l Pass. Agt. Grape Cuttiags. The proper time to lake off th cuttings is soon after the fall of tin leaf. The canes may be cut of an ] length , and tied in bundles , and pu in the cellar , away from frost , an the cuttings made at leisure. Thi cane is cut square off below a bud and slanting cut an inch above thi other bud. This can be done will a pair of hand-pruuing-shears. Tb.ii makes a two eyed cutting. Thes < are tied in hand-bundled of about 100 each , all the short or butt end ; one way. liass matting is the bes material for t3'ing , though othei material may be used. A smootl place is mads on the ground , ant these little hand-bundles are set or the ground , top end down , and n layer of straw is put on , and ovei this earth and litter , to keep out the frost. During the winter , the cut tings callous , that is , they form a small white ring about the base ol the cutting , out of which comes the new roots. Cuttings thai do not form a callous be fore the buds swell will not make roots. Early in the spring , the cut tings are put into beds , butt-end down , and the tops even with the ground , and over these about hall an inch of sawdust , to keep them cool and moist , and to stirt the roots before the leaves ; for , if the leaves start lirst , the roots will not push. Some people put them in the beds in the fall , and cover with straw and stable-litter , to keep out the frost ; and this is removed about the time of early corn-planting. Cuttings of this kind should be two years old before setting out in the vineyards , unless they make vigorous growth , and then are not as good as one- year-old layers , made from old wood that has been properly cared for during the season. Early in the spring , when the canes are tied to the stake or trellis , the extra canes , that have been re served for layers , are pegged down on the ground alone : the rows , and as much out of the way of the culti vator as possible. The ground should be made smooth and mellow for the purpose After the shoots have made three or four inches of growth , an inch or so of earth maybe bo placed on the cane and about the base of the shoot , which will soon induce the growth of the roots. In the fall the cancels taken up , and the plants are separated for plantIng - Ing , This is the best plan for the farmer to pursue in order to grow his own vines. He gajns at least one year , and at less labor and less rjskof failure. Currant cuttings may be treated in the same manner as described for the grapes , and , in all cases , are better for being taken off in the fall. A first-class one-year-old layer Is ivortl ) about double that of two-year : > ld cuttings. In setting a vineyard , [ could hardly be persuaded to set the plants from cuttings , though they cost only half as much. Most peopfplet the layers go until the shoots are lops enough to cover with ; arth ; but it is far better to peg : hem down before the buds start , for ien they make a vigorous upright { rowtb , and the earth can be easily jacked around the base of the plants ; resides thin , the contact with the ; arth has the eflvCt of callousing he cane at the base of the shoqt , Hid roots are at once pushed out on he application of the soil. Garden- irsdepend largely on green cuttings , vhich they find thp most profitable ; vhile the fanner , without sill. ] or > ottom-heat , or steam-pipes , had > ettcr rely on layers. The First Grasshoppers. The prevalence of grasshoppers emjnds us of their first appearance n America , They first appeared in ted River towards the end of July , 818 , six years after the coraraence- uentofthe settlement. Theycov- red the settlement belt , but did not tterjy destroy the wheat crop , it elng nearly rjpe at the time. Bar- > y and other crops woros } wept away , 'hey deposited tueir eggs and ds- ppeared , and the following spring hp prop of young grasshoppers was nnneuso. 'J/hcs > P departed before eposlting their egcs , but devoured 11 vegetation on their route , thus estroyiug all the crops of 1819. Jreat numbers came in during the eason of 1819 and deposited their ggs , so that in 1820 the crops rere again nil destroyed. ? hus for three sucpessive years irere the crops in this ooun- ry destroyed by these pests. They ben disappear for thirty-six succes- ive years , the next yjsitation be- ng in 1857 , when they' visited the issiuiboiue settlement , doing but ittle injury beyond depositing their ggs. The following season tbejr irogeny destroyed all the crops k-ithln their reach. In 1804 they gain appeared in considerable lumbers but did little injury to the r-heat crop. The following year tie young grasshoppers partially estroyed the crops , leaving many istricts untouched. The largest yarm over known came in August , 867 , but the crops were so far ad- anced that season that they did. ttle injury. Their eggs produced nch immense quantities of young iiat vogetatjon was destroyed rherover they appeared the fojlow- ig season. Canada Farmer , Where Are the Black Hills 1 ( Cheyenne Leader.J In answering this we do not pro- ese to locate them on the Yellow- : one river , as that privilege has al- 'dy been taken ; so has the loca- on on the Sweetwater ; and so has IB location on the head waters of ae North Plattc. Thcsp pjaces are ow occupied by the Black Hills , ccordlng to some veracious writers pd newspaper correspondents , and ; njlght be a trespass to infringe on iein. Wo will have to hunt a new > cation for them besides these , and e do this , by informing "theworld nd the rest of mankind" that the unous Black Hills , where gold ex its in 'considerabie quantities , " ccording to Wheeler , Bay- olds , Ouster , * orsytho , Co- ler , Smith , McKay and toss ; and where it don't xist at all. according to Winchell nd John W. Clark , lie partly In lortheastern Wyoming and partly iSouth\vestern Dakota. The line etween these two terrltorjgg cuts irough the Black Hills nearly in ic centre of them. They are north- wt of Fort Larainie about eighty liles , over a good country , and can a reached easily ( u four days with agons , from that post. Fort L&r- tnie is distant from Cheyenne about Inety miles , over a good road. When Sheridan opens up that nmtry to settlement , as he haspro- lised to do soon , it will be a six or > ven days' trip , with loaded teams , om Cheyenne to the Black Hills ; nd 'a delightful country to" pass rer wood , water and whisky in Sundance. The Pawnee Moving. ( Polk County nomuteader. ) Last week we visited the Pawnees ad founJ everything among them i a bustle Commissioner Rush oberts and Superintendent Barky - y White had just left the Roser- ition , after having held several mncilswith the promlnenti chiefs id soldiers of the tribe , and asaist- ig in the distribution of the anuul- r. An agreement or treaty was nally settled upon , qjlpwlug them ( the Pawnees ) to remove to the IE .dian Territory , a party of forty t take the lead and pick out their nei Reservation , and the rest to folio ) some in a few weeks , and the res in the Spring. Forty men with thei immediate families was the numbe decided upon by the Com missioner , Superintendent , am Agent to constitute the advanc party. The Indian idea of famil ; does not resemble that of the whit man. Many of them aie polyga mists , and have plenty of childrei and grand-children , mothers-ln-la\ and fathew-in-law , brothers and sia ters and their families , cousins an < second cousins , &c. , so one lamil ; may comprise many people , and tb > granting of the consent of the fort men and families to go ahead is con strued by the Indians to mean thi whole tribe. It does not seem prob able that men would want thei mothers-in-law along , buf'lo ! th < poor Indian" will insist upon thii appendage to his family. A fev Skeede * , and the halt , blind and sicl of the three other bands are left and probably will remain unti spring. The farm and Manual La bor School will continue to be rue until after next harvest. It was really a novel sight to wit ness these "children of nature" on the march. The rubbish and truch heaped upon the backs of the little ponies , and a "papoose" perched on the top , and the squaw with hei back loaded leading the pony , the men walking along or riding with the dignity of kings , without care , altogether formed a procession rare ly seen by civilized people. Before another year , a Pawnee In dian will be quite a curiosity in this State. A large tract of beautiful country will be left open for settle ment by their removal. The land will be appraised and probably be boughtup by a colony or a few land speculators , A Hayseed Candidate. Would-be Granger candidates often encounter a good deal of un pleasant frankness among the class they seek to impose upon. A poli tician in Indiana , who had tried in vain to get an office from every party that had ever existed , plenti fully sprinkled his hair with hay seed and began to woo the Grang ers. In a brief biographical sketch which he had worked into one of his speeches he introduced thisag > ricultural remark : "Yes , I may truly say I was born between two rows of corn. " In the slight pause which followed a heavy-handed farmer , who knew of but one kind of vegetable which came into the world thus sandwiched , blurted out : "A pumpkin , by thunder ! " The speech was never finished. CROSSING THE KUBICON. Csrsar crossed the Rubicon , In search of sunny sUes , Beneath Ittalla'a genial sun , * Behold his standard rise. Across th * sweeping Rhine , Mapcletn led his men , To place upon bis aching brow Another Lingly diadem. ' We'ro crossed the Douglas Rubicon , As all the West should know , And now upon the corner , We'TO opened up our show. We had not room within our store For all the crowds which came ; We give you now a larger one With'prices Just the same. We're hats to suit the million , From high to low degree. With Caps and Gloves for all the West , As one can plalny | see , BUNCE , the 1st premium Hatter , ? 42 Doug- is Street , corner oi llth. cepSOdtf 1TEOK SEED. LEWIS 8. EKED BYRON REED & GO. The Oldest Established Real Estate Agency IN NEBUA8KA 'ecp a complete Abstract of Title to all Rea UUte in Omaha and DowJas ountr. JOHN H. GREEN , STATE MILLS DEALER IN GRAIN , FLOUR AND FEED , AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. -KAK FACTURKB OF AMD DKALKB IK- jamb r i\i \ nins YTnd1IT Shades , IIIROMOS , ENGRATINGS AND PICTURE FRAMES. 170 Farnhsm trpetcornpr ft enth STOVE STOB.3. E. F. COOK , , 37 14ta St. , betwwa Dongiui Dod ? fanufactnrer of Tin Copper and Sheet Iron Ware , and dealer In Booking and Heating stoves Stamped , Japanned SRd French War on ml. Tin Roofing , Gutters nd Spouting and r'ork > lone and warranted. SJltACHINE f' O 3E . , All kinds of light and heavy1 LVCIIINEHY MADE & REPAIRED. l&All Wo'k 3uarai\teef.9 b6 HAEHBT SfSCET , - OMAHA. tt > 2Mt 2MtF. F. A. PETEKS. laddie and Harness Maker , AND CARRIAGE TRIMMER , o.T4 Fqrnljum sr. bet. 15th & Ifitli I LL orders and repairing proiapUy atten led \ _ to acd satisfaction guarraateed. * * -Ca.h paid for hide * . ap391r 100,000 IOH FABKIS& ItASD IK REAL ESTATE AGENTS- IOUSES AND UT8 in the city of Omaha , for salechcao and on good terms. BOOOS Jt HIZ.I. 28 Dodge street. ANotiry Public , a ) * ays In' office , Mrs. D. A. M01TETT , ashionable Dressmaking 094 Fourteenth St. . e30 Sm OH A HA.EB. . Established 1858. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY 538540 FoartMintk Street , ( fflce up itcln. ) Ornaba , Nebraska. Carriage ! id Bugglea on band or maJe to order. N. B. Particular attention paid-to Repair E. ' j Pr23-U I. P , R , R , MEAT NIARKET. ICtb street bet California acd'Welater. TTE XEEP ON HAND .THE BEST ( y mpply of FRESH AXD SALTED EATS. Also a lam stock of J Fine , Sugar ired Hams and Breakfast Baconfmt the low- rites. WiL ADST i KNUTH , Monevand Commerce. Dailv Beview. OFFICE OMAHA DAILY IIEE , [ October 19 , 1874. [ Wo note no change in the mone tary. Business at the banks con tinues good , and the money mar&et generally active. Hates of discount and exchange unaltered. TILE FIHST NATIONAL BANK Land Greets ( selling ) $825.00 Land Varrants. (160 acres buying ) 176.00 Land Warrants (160 ( acres selling ) 185.00 Agricultural College Scrip , (160 ( acres buying ) 176.00 Do. Selling. 185.00 Exchange on New York , 1-5 of one per ct. In the commercial market we note no change in quotations as the market is firm. Business in all gen eral lines is brisk , both among the wholesale and retail dealers. Provisions The quotations stand the same as at the closing of last week , except sweet potatoes , which we quote at 2 cents per pound. OMAHA MARKETS. Carefuuj tiorrected DRY GOODS. j. j. BROWN & BRO. , Cor. 14th and Douglas street PRINTS. Aliens American. . . . . . . . . . Amoskeaz . . . .w . Bristol. . Garners. . . . . . . . Hamilton Merriraack D. . Peabody. . . . Richmond. . . . . . . Simpson's. Simpson's.BLEACHED BLEACHED SmBTINQS. Senate 4-1 „ . . * . _ Boot G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ Cabot 4-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lonsdale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ N. Y. illlls _ „ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . PeterboroM..HM.M..MH. . . . . . . .H..M.MM Suffolk L. . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ _ BLEACHED SHEETINGS. Peppercll 8-4 do 9-4 _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . do 10 . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . COTTONADhS. Farmers and Mechanics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Great Western. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . BROWN SHEETINaS. Albion , A . . . . . . Bedford. B „ . . . . . . _ _ Orantviile , E L\ Germania , B B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . . . . . . . . . 8 > Langloy. . . . . . . . . . . . H..M. * . . . . . . . . . . . 1 L. Ia . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . ! GINGHAMS. AmCrlcan..M. . . . . . . . . . . . .H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Amoskeaz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M * . . . . . . . . . . .M 12 Bates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 IAncaster..w..MH..M. . 18 TIOKtNQS. Amoskeag , a c a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blddeford. . . , DENIMS. AroosJceflg. . . . . . . . . U * < . .H * . . . * . . . . . . . . * 28' Bf aver Creek , B B . „ _ _ . . . „ „ . „ . . . 16 > Haymakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Otis.B B 17 } Otis , C C - 15 } JEANS. Ciddeford . „ . Preferred . . . . YANKEE NOTIONS. KURTZ MOim & CO. , 231 Farnham Street. SPOOL CUTXUfl. Mark's O. N. T . . . . . . 7o boat's . . . . .H. * . . . . W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? . . . .MM. 70 derrick's. . . . . - . . . _ . " . . . „ . _ 42K HOSIERY. Domestic. . . . . . . . m. . . .M. . . $ WZJ2 ( 00 British. . . . . „ . . . „ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ 3 00@6 00 tterlno . . . . . . . „ . . . . . . . . . $ 2 2Xa2 50 IVool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . . . . . . . . . 3 75a4 00 " " " " ncyhose - 7Ea3 00 PAPER COLLARS. jt..M . ' . . . . _ _ iCwMr _ 8 90 ring Williatn.i . . . . . . „ _ . 1 35 Vhite AVlng. : . 1 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2f 80 - . SHAWLS. ) ttoman stripe. „ . . „ $2 25@6 50 " SHIRTS. Vhite common . „ . „ . „ . 110 50 1 tnedium..HM..H . . . .HHM . 15 00 ' cu toni made. . . . . . . . . . .H. . . SO 00 'can. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 00 Satinet . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . „ . 15 00 iissimere. . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18a3G ( W Jlue Flannel 18a24 00 OVERALLS. Jrown drill. * . . . . . . . J8 50a7 25 ' dnct. . _ . . . 7 75a9 00 Hue drlll _ . . _ . . . . . _ . . „ . . . . . „ „ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00a7 60 ' duck . „ . . _ . . . _ . . . . . . . „ „ . . . . _ . 8 00 9 50 Vhtte. . _ . . 8 OOaS 50 CORSETS. 'rench whalebone . . $5 25a8 00 lip Gove . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . . 6 00 ) OTB . . _ . . . . „ 9 00 L 8. Erabel. _ . . . . . „ . 18 00 SKIRTS. 5al Skirts „ - * 12 08 "elt . . . . _ . . . _ . .i _ _ . . „ _ . 15 00 YARNS. lalmoral Yarn , all colors , pertti. . . . . . SI 60 fcrmantown Wool , " $1 7032 05 iazony Yarns , per hoz. . . . . . . . . .H 2 15 IlxedYarn . „ 90al 00 vhife. . „ , . . . . . ; . . - i oo GENERAL COMMISSION. " J. C. KOSENFELD gives us tne bllowing quotations this day : Sweet Potatoes 2 cents per pound 'otatoes , 90S1 00 per bushel : Gutter , prime 25@30c ; Butter , good ! 0@25c ; Butter , cooking 1015c ; Sggs , 20c per doz ; Live chickens ! 50@2 75 ; Lemons , 14 00 per box. OYSTERS W. B. & Co. Sf Ject , 65 cts per an ; Standard 55 ctVper can ; Med | : im 45 cts per can. JOHN T. KDOAR. IRON. ommon tiar. . . [ orseshoebu . . . orway nail rod. STEEL , ast ow. . p iiiiiTiuiiiiiiii.in r- i ermon . . . . . . . . . . . - .merican casn , octagon and square. . 18& 22 ess p's Englbh do do „ 259 40 urdea'a horse shoes , per keg. . . . . . . . . . . 725 do mule do do 825 orthwestern horse nails. . . . . . . . . . . - 22a 23 undee thimble skeins , discount 45 per cemt. tor hall oat eat axles , discount 10 per cent. NAILS. d to 60d per * "g , , , , , „ . . , , , , . . , „ „ . - . „ „ . . 4 10 i do . . .M.M. . .H.HM..HM.H. 4 35 1 dp „ . _ , 4 ft' i do > . 4 85 I do . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , I . . . , , ' , . . . , -T 5-10 1 Hne do . . ! . ! HHn ! ! n ! 7 10 XI finis'ng do „ . „ _ . . . , . . . ; . „ 5 25 } do do , . . . . . . . . . . „ . , . . . . _ . , . . 5 60 1 do do . , , . . .M. . , . . . , , , . .W 5 85 XI casing do . . . . _ . . . . . „ . . . . . . . _ . . . 4 J5 1 do do „ . . „ . . _ . . . . „ . . . . . _ _ S 10 1 do do „ . . . . . _ _ M _ . . . _ S 85 Brought , all slzes..H.HH..MM..M.H.M 5 83 BOLTS. arriage and tlre. . . . . _ . . . . . _ duconnt 70 pr c BUTTS. arroir Trrought , fast Jolnt.dlsconnt 20prc ut , loose pin reversible.- . do 35 do MISCELLANEOUS , 'ay and manure fork-.discount 30 pr c : oes and gaiden rike5..r. . do 25 do HINGES , trap and TH..HHHH.H.HH..discount 25 pr c WRENCHES. aft's black _ . „ . . _ _ . . . .discount BSprc jo's linmitatton „ . . „ do 4 $ do 3e's . . . . . . . . . . . . . < io 20 4 * SCREWS. merlcan TronHH.M.w.MM..HH.MH.rt.M. 45prc do braxs.K . .w.M. . - . . .M. 40prc AGRICTJLTTJKAL IMTiEMBNTS. SCTTHE3. Holt's Ha.iest Klng.per doi , net _ 12 00 bampion H..M.H. . . H.M..M.MM.M.M- 9 00 eald i Eureka . . _ . . , . . , , _ _ 11 00 do red _ . . . . . . _ . , . . . . . . . _ 800 3PADE3 ASD ( UOVKLS. ovland'iNoZllaek shorels , D H . 12 00 do do polished do do „ 13 09 do do black spadri do . . . 12 00 oore do polished do do „ 13 00 do'i "spring point" L H shore ] * . 13 60 AXES. Ippencott Western Crown „ 1309 do do do boTefed 13 50 COFFEE MILLS. irke'iKo S , Iron box _ , . , , _ _ net fi 25 do do 103 do . _ M _ W _ . 5 75 do do25Dnlonirih. . . . 1100 o do 85 do Brltanla _ . IS 00 FILSB. argraTe , Smith & Co.discount 80 pr c njerlcan Fil Co mmlm. do 60 do HAMMERS. 'llavdole'g , A E No 1 , 1ft , 2 Mauirnoiid's A E No 2 . _ _ . . . _ . . . . - 59 0 do do do 4 . . . . . . . . . .H. . . M 10 t > dc Lngimer't No 1. . . . . . 10 d do do do 2 . . . „ . . . . . . 13 5 * do do do 3 U 01 HATCHETS. Morris' shinglingno i . . . „ . . . . _ 7 01 do do do 2. . . . . _ _ _ 8 0 ! do do do 3. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ( X do cl w do - _ . . - - - . 7 5 ( dc o do 2..MMWWm.w. 8 6 ( LEATHER. Matamoras do Best Oak do Baltimore Oak Sole. . tSc Srench Kljs . . . _ SI 40(32 ( W do Calf , leading brands SOy2 5(1 Domestic Kips . - . SI 00@1 3J ( do Calf _ SI 35&1 75 Hemlock Upper , per foot. Oak do do Grain do do . . . . . . . Linings , per dozen , . . . 87 00@10 CO Toppings , do in.-- Stl 00&14 00 Morocco ( Boot Leg ) per foot33@4So do ( Oil Dressed do _ _ . . 36 < 340c do ( &imon ) . . . . . _ . . . . . „ _ _ . _ J3 OO&J 25 do ( Glove Kid , ) . . . . S3 50 < < J5 00 Welt Leather , i cr side. J6 00 7 00 Boot Webbing , per bolt , 4-70c Oak Harnsss Leather , " Plttsburg , " .45c do do do No. 1 , _ 40Qt2c do do do No. 2 , . 33ftj40c Oak Line du . . . . . . „ . . . _ . 4 @ 4Cc Ifemloik Harness Leather , No. 1 , 39 < < j40c do do do No.2 , _ _ . .3739c Hemlock Line do . . . . _ , _ . --U < 34Sc Fair Bridle , per aide- . SS 00(37 ( 00 Team Collars , per doi. . . 825 50 < 6t25 SO Stage do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321 50 Scotch do do . . . . . _ . . . S3G 00 Concord do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533 00 Collar Leathei ( Black ) per foot , 18@24c do do ( Russet ) do 18@ < > 4c Patent Dash Leather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Joe BOAPB Powell & Co. , Soap monufacturere. SapcPublico , 6 l-2@6 3-4 ; Savon RepubLc , do. , Chemical Olire , 6 to 61-2 ; Palm , 5@51-4 ; German Mot- led , 6 l-4a6 1-2. ART GOODS AND UPHOLSTERER'S STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones , Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine art goods , 270 Farnham Street , furnisher the following quotations ? FRAME MOULDINGS. Oil walnut mouldings , one inch , per foot , 5c ; 2 inch iOc ; 3 inch 15c ; polished walnut , 1 inch 7q 2 Inch I5c ; 3 inch 21c. Berlin gilt , 1 inch 515c ; 2 injh 12@30c ; 3 inch 18@ I5c ; imitation rosewood and gilt , 1 iuch 610c ; 2 inch 10@20c ; 3 inch I5@30c. WINDOW BHADES. ' Plain bands , 6 feet , all colors , per pair , 1 50 ; ornamental bands , 2 00@ t 00 ; each additional foot , 75c per jair. BEPP3. Union ind all wool terry , per yard . 50@3 jQ ; Imperial-plain and stri- > ed , 2 50a8 00. 00.DAMASKS. DAMASKS. Union per yard , 1 60 ; all wool , ! 00a3 00. MATTBABSBS. Huak , 4-4x6-2 , 4 00a5 00 ; straw , : 00a4 00 ; Excelsior , 3 50a4 50. LUMBER. , v EETAH. LIST Snblect to chang * of market witnout " > WM. M. FOSTER , a U.P. R. R. irac'cbot. r or n bam at. . GEO A. HOAGLANL. Dials , studding and sills , 20 it , and un der . . . „ „ - - . . . . . . . " . . " . . . . . . . 00 ver 20f t. each additional ft ad"d"l."L 60 encing No l. . . . . . . . . . . _ . . > . . . . . . . _ „ . 00 do No 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . .M. . 21 00 it common boards.- _ . „ . „ . . . . . . . . . . „ . . . . . . 25 00 id do do „ . . . . . . „ „ „ 22 00 A" stock boards , 10 and 12 inch . . . . . . . . . 6U 00 B" do do do do 25 00 C" do do do do . . . . . . . . . . . . SO 00 it clear , l.ljf , 1 j aad21nch _ _ 65 00 I do do do do . . " _ . _ . „ 55 00 I do do do do . . . . - . . . . . 00 leering , clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 00 do lit common. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 40 00 do 2d do - 35 00 do 3d do . , . . . „ . . . . . . _ 27 50 do narrow , dear . . . . . . 45 00 i clear celling V Inch _ 35 00 1 do do % inch 32 50 t do do % lnch..H. . . . . .H.M.MM. . SO 00 I do do JJ inch . . . . . 37 50 t clear siding. . . 27 CO [ do do . . . „ . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ 26 00 t common siding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 00 1 do do „ . . . . . . . 2000 i"shingles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 25 itra No 1 slflnsles. . . . . 3 00 > mmoa No 1 shingles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 ith per 1000 „ „ „ _ . . _ 3 5fl A U pickets ecr 100 . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . 3 6fl | uare do do do . . _ . G Batten per lineal f'- . - ' do do do _ . . , Liberal discount on carload lota. WINDOWS. ( Glazed. ) per cent off Chicago list. DOORS , ( Wedged. ) pei ceat off C > teaco list. BLINDS , per cent off list. bite lime per bbl. _ . . . . . . . . . _ . ? 1 75@2 00 inlivllle cement perlbl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00@3 25 aster paris per bbl _ . . _ „ 3 60 ( 3 75 astering hair per bUBhel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 trred fclt.M..H. . . . . . . MH .H 4 asterinc board „ . . . . . . . „ . . . . . . _ . . . . . 5 % OILS. PAINT * ) . GLASS , &c. TSI. . D. SOLOMON. HOBBKT C. STEELL. bite Lead , St. Loub , tirtlctlv Pure S 11 " < Fancy Brands . 9 } < itty In Bladders " " Bulk lameld Glass , colors , $ ) sq. ft. . . indow Glass 60 S c discount TIN , SHEET-IKON. WIEE , &C. ILTON ROGERS , COR. 14th & PLATIJ. 35 iaii pigs. . . - - . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . 15 rtln . . . . . . „ - , , _ . . . _ . - SS ZJNO. e < t tin 26 to Sb lp _ . . . . , . „ . . . . Io do do Ic. half casks 11U J lo do do In 250 Tt > casks 12 eet ? 4 to 35 inchw par sheet „ . 12 % i nnerssoldei ( extra refined. . . do do No. 1 . .mini xi.xjiiiiiimiii , " i do do rooflngM. * wH. . . * . . . . 21 I bid metal . . . . . . . . . . _ . „ . _ „ _ . . . - Oa2 I ' SHEET IRON rat qualit Numbers IB to 24. . . . Io do do 5 lo do do 26. . lo do do 27 _ arcoal , both sides smotha do No t * . . , . . . . . . . , . , . . do do 'K do do 27 M. - . nlataNo. 24 do do 26 _ , . . . . da do 2T..M. . . , isjia perfect 1 to 12. lo No. 1 , stained . . . . . . . . _ 'jets tnan lull bandits , add one cent. . "American immitat'n Russia , 11 Not. esj than fall bundles add oqe .ent. GA1VANIZEU. . to 20m . . „ _ . . . . . - „ _ . „ . 'Ut t 21 to 24 _ . _ _ _ _ j , ! , _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ ; . -do i 25 toVi.L.i. . . . . . . . . . . . i. . - - . ' i i ) * 7-- . . . . . . . . . „ „ „ . . „ „ . . . „ . _ do 181 > 28 T. do 20 ' ' ? ull bundles discount 15 per cent. j COPPER. J uiera 8 to 9 „ , _ „ . . „ . , . , . - „ - _ 45 ] ao io to 12 a. . . . . . . . . . . _ 43 i do 12Wto 100 In _ . . . _ . , . 88 i eatbinK , 14 aud 18 o _ : _ _ _ , . _ _ 37. j tnlibed , 14 and 18 oz. . . . . . . _ . „ . 45 s. 7 , 8 and 9 , Planished , 48 It copper 1 . - -ii..I- , . , , . - 60 , i > perbottoms _ . _ . . . 33,1 I BRIGHT WISE. * W II Mi ISii I I Ii s. 0 to 6 8,8.9 10,11 IS 14 15 * 16 19 20 I i.lS.lS'1'J 18 19 ' r bund U15 p r cant eoun , , f " ' . i GROCERIES. STEELE < fe JOHNSON 53S-540 14TH SI CLARK i FRENCH COR. FAUN1IAM AN ] llTH BT. PUNDT , MEYER * P.AAPKE , 212 FARN HVJI ST. . WHOLESALE DEALERS- MORGAN < t OAXLAGHER , 205 * am hum St. WHITNEY , BATJSER5IAN A Co. , 241 Douglas St. J. J. BKOWN 4 BRO. . Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. SUGARS. Granulated pr D > . . . . Powdered do . . . . . . . . Crusted do \1 A Refd culloaldo . . . „ „ . . . . . _ . . . . . „ . 13 > i Standard A do . . . . . . . „ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . lli arcle A do KxtiaC IIS Yellow C do. N O choice do , COFFEES. Rio choice pr ft. . . . . . . . . . . do prime do . . . . . . . . . . . do good do . . . . . . . . . . O d Jara. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SYRUPS. Common pr gallon. . . . . . . . . _ . Good do . . . _ . . . . „ . . . . . . . . . . 5065 Choic < do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70o30 do N O moLdsesM . . . . .M..H. . . . . . .MM. . SO Rangoon choice. . . . . . . - . _ . . . _ 6'S % Cerolinn , . . . . , . . , , , t 10 CAUDLES. M Weak A Co ISalStf Kcbofer * . 33 SOAP. Mis ourl Vrlley. . 5K Kirk's Savon- _ 6 * M Wesk A Co . _ . 7a7J < Scholar's German „ . . . . . . . „ > . . . . . . 6 Kirk's standard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . do sterling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLUG TOBACCO. Black goods , " Western _ „ . _ . . 48 .do do Virginia. . . . . . . . . . . . . 65aGO do do Lorrilard's. . . . . _ „ _ 55.iGO Bright do do do . . . . „ . . . GOaGS do do Virginia „ . „ . . . . . . . . 68ai 3 Natural leaf 75a9. > DRIED FRUI1S. Southern Apples , per bariel , . SalO Michigan " " New cunants _ . , do piiiT1ft . . .T T rm do German cherrles.M..MM. . . . . 17 do bl ckberries A . . . . _ . 14 do raspberries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . 35 do raisios , per box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3 60 do seedless raisins , per pound. . . 12 % SALT. New In barrels. . . . . . . . .S2 70a2 85 do dairY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 60o5 75 CANNED GOODS. J pound can Myer'soys-ers , per ca . . .J4 23a4 so L do do do do do . . . 2 50a2 75 t dc do William's do do 4 00a4 75 t do do peaches pet case. . . . . . . 5 60 J do do do do 7 73aS 00 I do do tomatoes du . 3 25a3 50 I do do do * do . . . 5 00 Torn , Tropny per case. . . . . . . . . . . 5 dO do Wlnslow do . . . 5 60 do Yarmouth do .n. T-i. 5 60 Strawberries , do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50a4 75 itaspbcrrles , do . . . . . . 6 25a5 50 Pineapples , do . . . . . . . 5 00 TEAS. ) olon s. per pound..H..H. . . . . S5a75 foung Hyson , per pound . . . . . . . 40al 00 lunpowder , do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60al 25 FLOUR. Inow Flake , ( Weils A NIeman ) _ _ . 4 BO lold Dust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ „ „ „ „ „ 2 70 CXXX Iowa City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . 8 60 Ulfornia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . 4 75a5 60 BAGS. Ini'iies , heavy weight. .o light do Ijps , lour bushel. . . _ _ . . . _ ISaif fldee gunnles.HMHH. . . _ . . . . . . IS . lin bags , Amoskeg A . . . . . . . . _ „ . . SOaS : < o do Ludlow a a..m _ _ . . . 84"pV SPICES. rntmegs , Penang boet.per pound . iO Ijvej do do . _ > 5 ( .Isplce do do _ . _ . \f.-f inamonbark do do 3r-5iO COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON. Jbbls. , 100 Ba. „ . 8 8 ' tt > cans , perdoi. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 OOQ 2 2fl do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . 3 50 WHITE FISH. o. 1 kits. . . „ _ „ . . . . . . . . . _ , g 1 25 amlly In klU. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 0@ 1 20 ! bbls. . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ 50@ 7 00 amiiyln bbls 5 50 § 6 CO MACKEREL. amily , in klta. . . . . „ . . . _ . . . _ . . . 1 10@ 1 20 b. 1 , do . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . * . . 1 C0@ 2 00 'ess , do . . . . . . . 3 00@ 3 25 amlly , % bbla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 25 < g 6 PO o. 1 , d _ . . . . . . 9 0 (310 ( CO irdmes , y boxes , 16 50(317 ( 00 CIGARS. . E. SIMPSON , Manufacturer , 532 15th Street. : . Upmon . . . . _ . . _ ? ) M. S " 5 00 econstructlon- . . . „ . . do 35 00 rand Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . do 3500 nlTersal. . . . . . do 40 09 ara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . _ do 4300 \ Itoquet . . do 50 00 mou Pure „ do 60 00 irtlgaa. . . . , . . . . „ _ . . . . . . . . . . - do 75 fO ours Truly . . „ do 65 00 old Medal. . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . . . . _ „ . . . _ . _ do 60 00 1 Espanola . „ . _ „ . do 60 00- riple Crown _ . . . „ do 75 00 enrr Clay. . . do 100 00 B Viller- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 100 00 Vlller. . . . , . . . . do 100 00 76 . . . . . . . _ M. . n..H.H. . do 75 CO CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale depot 548 14th Street. alf barrel sacks . . . _ _ . _ 2 9C IMcago , Ifock Island and Pacific B. R. IHE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE FROM > T.AffA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST , * Dea Molnes , l/avenport and Rock Island. - o AH Passenger Trains are equipped with the ESTINOUOUSK PATENT AlB liRAKKS and Uler's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. Fast Express Trains Leave Daily , onnectlng as follows : r DBS MOINES with the Des Molnes Valley Railroad , for Oskalooaa , Ottumwa , Keokuk ind St. Lonls. r OHINHELL with the Central Railroad of towa , foraU points north to St. Paul. r WEST LIBERTY with the Burlington , 3edar Rapids A Minnesota Railroad , for Burlington , Cedar Rapids , Dubuque i St. Paul. At WILTON JUNCTION with the iouth-Weiteril nranch , for Muscatine , IVashln'gton and all points south. r DAVE.NPQBT witb the Davenport A St. Paul Railroad for points north. r ROCK ISLAND with the Western Union Railroad foi Freeport , Be. lit , Kacinc , Mll- iraukee and all points In northern Illinois ind V/lconsIn. r ROCK ISLAND with the Rocklord , Rock [ s'and and St. Louis Railroad for St. Louis ind points south. r ROCK ISLAND with the Peorla & Rock Island Rallioad for Peoria and pqinUeaat. C BUREAy JUNC. , witlibranch , for Hen- y , Lacere , Cbllllcotbe and Peoria. P LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points nort hand south. r CHICAGO vlth "U lines East , North and South. rHROUGH TICKETS to all Eastern lilies , i thlt line , can be procured , and any infor- ttlon obtained , concerning points , at the ket office of the company , 12 $ Farnham St. , laha. and also at the principal ticket offices ing the line of the U. P.K. & . Checked Throngh to all Principal Eastern Points. M. SMITH , 5. RIDDLE , 3en'lFss'rAE > t , Gen'ISup't Chicago. Chicago. H.LACEY , as : STEVENS , Tickit Agent , Gtn'l WwUrn Aj't | t | ioux Citv & Pacific R , K , The Sbortekt and only Direct Route from IOTOTCIL BLTJFES fc § t. Paul , Minneapolis , And all Points in ) ETHERN IOWA & MINNESOTA. P0LL3IAN PALACE SLEKPBJQ CARS On all night trains Tla thb route. . j. COSNECT1ONS. . . At TJ. P. Transfer with Un Pacific ilroad for Omaha : . At Council Bluff , with Kansas City , St. > and Council Bluffs Railroad lor St. Louis i ail points south. . At Mt-sourl VaUey with the Chicago and rthwestern railway foi Chicago pd a } ] inU eait , . At ilpi > z City with Sioux City and S ol , Illinois Central and DaVot * tionthern Iroads. Steamers for UpperMltsourl River , ring narigatloit and with stages for aU InU in the Northwest. i. At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern Iroad for Omaha and Southern Nebraska. : . At Fremont , Nebraska. wlh the Union nflc railroad lor nil polntr west and tha dflo coast. . 'At Wisner with singes fqr Norfolk and al > ntsln Northern Nebraska. OTtckeU for die In Chicago and North- iUrn Railway offiors. w Be soil year UcfceU road Yi S. C. A P. Uway. L. BUBNETT , Sup't. ' . C. HTLLS Oen. Ticket Ag't. OEO. W. GRATTAN , CHICAGO & NORTH WEST TO Chicago and the East * , AND THE X > l3reot 3rC.o-u.-te Tr\V terlooFort DodKeDabnqneIj Crouie , l mlrle Da Cliten. Wfdbna St.P ulDulnth , Jancmrllle , Krno- ha , Green tar ? Racine. Steven'i : Point. W tort own , OauVoan , For ' Dn Lae. filadlMm and Mllvr ulte . It Being tha Shortest and Fltst Comoleted Line Between OMAHAand CHIC AGO , Constant Improvements have taken place in the way of reducing Grade , and placing Iroc with Steel Rails , adding to its rolling stock new and Elegant DA ? and 8LKEPING CARS Equipped with the "Wcstlnghouse Air Brake" and "Miller Platform. " rstabllshlnz comforta ble and commodious Eitinz Houses , offering all the com ! irts ot traveling the age can produce. From * to iOFast Express Tralus run each way dailv over the various lines of this toad , thus securing to the traveler selecting this route sure and certain connections in any di rection ho mar wish to so. Principal Connections. AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTION , for Sioux C ty , Yankton and poIaU reached via Sioux City and Pacific railroad. AT GRAND JUNCTION for Fort Dodge , Des Moires. Ottawa and Keokuk. AT MARSHAiAI rSt. Paul , Minneapolis , DuIUh , and northwestern points. AT EDAR RAPID- for Waterloo. Cedar Falls , ( harlr * Citv , Burlington and St Louis. AT CLINT ON fnrDubuqne , Dun'elth , Prai rie du Chlrn , La frosse , and all points on the Chicago , Clinton and Dnbuque , nd Chicago. Dulmque and Minnesota railroad * . AT FULTON foi Fref portT Racine Mlllwau- kee , and all points In Wisconsin , , AT CHICAGO with all rail war lines leading out of Chicago. Through tickets to ill eastern cities vU this line can be procured , and any informal ! n ob tained , concerning Routes , Rate' , etc , at the Companle's Office , 21" Farnhatu Street , Omaha , and also at the principal ticket offices along the linn of the U. P. R. R. Kg-Riffiee checked through to all principal Eastern points. W. H. bTI-NNETT , MARVIN nUGHITT , Gen'l Paxslnge'r Ag t. fien. Sup't. J.H LACEY , O G.EDDY , Ticket'Ag't , Omaha. Gen'l Ag'tQmaha. inchlSvl Omana & St. .Louis Short Line. 1874 ! Fbe Kansas City , St. Joe and Conncil Blnfis E. B Is the only dire line to T. 3JOTTIJB . AND THE EAST , FROM DMAHAANDTHE WEST (6 CHANGE i can between Omaha and fit. Louis ana bit ore between OMAHA anu KttW YORK. This th Only -Jjia running s ULI.3IAN SLEEPING OAR EAST FRODI OIIAHA , ON ARRIVAL OP TUB UNION PACIFIC EXPRESS VPassengers taking othei routes nara a isagreeablu transfer at tne River Station. PASSESUEIi TRAINS DAILT I REACHING ALL EASTEBN AND WE3TEBH OITIES flth Less Changes and In adrince of other lines. This Entire Line is equipped with 'ullman'a Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coaches and Chair Cars , liner's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Weatinqhouse Air Brake. 9See that your tickets read Tia CaiisaaCJty , N .Joseph < k. Conncil Illuffl Ralrud , Via Omaha and St. Louis. icketa forsalo at cor. Tenth and Farnham streets , and U. P. Depot. Omaha. 38. TEHON , GEO. L. BRADBURY , Pass. Agt. Gen' Agent. , F. BARNARD , A. a DAWES. Gen-1 Supt. Gen'l Taxs. Agt. , St. Jos < > Dh. St. Josenh. RO'P'TB S T. TRAINS DAILY ! LEAVE ST. IXJTJ1S WITH 'ullman Palace Caw THBOUQH WITHOUT OHAHOB TO Cinoiimati , Xouisville , /kieago , Columbus , Pittsburg , Washington , .ND YORK oi Traiu from tha Wat. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO levelandi Buffalo & Boston Are Tor Sale at the . Con > r oy' Offlce , . E. corfc r IToarth ic Chmtnnt t . , I. lionln , end ml the Prlaclpal RjU'- ajr Office * In the \Veat. IAS. BABCOCK , a E. RUSSELL , S'thern Pass. An't , West'n Pass. Ag't. DALLAS. TEXAS. KANSAS CITY , IHN E. SIMPSON CHAS. E. FOLLBrT. Gen t Supt. , Gtm'l Pass. Ag't. att IKDIAXAPOLIS ST. Louis onftctioners' Tool Works , Mills < ft Sro. , Manulactnrerso Jqnfeotioners'Tools oul Ice Cr BB Freezer Ac. M. 1301 & 1303 No Eighth St. PHILADELPHIA , PA. oprletorr : 1 EkTAsmniD ISftl. faoaii MILLS , I } to , M. Mitts , /CATALOGUES f SENT LTLEK P.PAXIIKZ. jj j npoc application. nard w3m H fn CO A PER DAY. Agents waut- ) LU $ ZU ed. All classes of workpeople - ; people of either sox , yean * . or old , zuk * ire money at work tor as In thelrjp ire ao- nti nr all the tlm than at t yt il i , .diras ST1N3UN 4 CO. , PortUa I 111 n ' Frazior's Root Bitters the Great Blood'and Humor Remedy. [ From tht Onelaad Stiidajf 3ton > tt > g FMre ] That Fraziert Root Bitters possess an efficac greatly superior to anr other preparation fo sexrchin the blood with which we are a-quaic teJ , e can testify from actual obserratlon. W know many Insisnces where ImllTlduab fo yeirs atSIcted , hare l en | * mancntijr restorei to health by their use. Mr. Frailer , the pro prietor , i a rcsid i lot this city , and is wllrl ; kuown > s one o' o jr mcs : prominent bujines men. His ref-J'tnces to the great roluc of hi Root Bitters , jre ao persons well-known K citizens of standing and integrity , In who * statements implicit confidence uiay be placed and their testimony may be takrn as eonclu flie erldence of the estimation In which il- Frazler's remedy is held , particularly at home Here It has air. ady attilned tbat posltian thi requires no recommendation , haitug stood th test of trial hero. We can say with > af ty , am do recommend with entire confiden e , its ui el whire , by all who may l afflict * d will I any kind of weakness or humor in the bVcd as the most searching , strengthening nn I heal ing rem-dy of which we hare any cnowledg Sold by druggists and at country stores. GEORGE W. FRAZ1ER. Proprietor. 691 StClalrSt. Cleveland , Chlo. Over 1,000 Testimonials. A fewof the many parties cured by the great remedy. Ke.id and be on Inced. SUrFEREDOVEBTlIIETLEN TEABS WITB LIVE ] COMPLAINT AND OTSPEFSIA. COBKO BX T1IBEE BOTTLK3 OF BOOT BITTERS MR FBAZIKB Dear Mr : Idrem It anactol gratitude to you , and a duty toward those who are sutferlng from llrerconip aintand dyspep sia , to makethe following statement : I have been an inralld for orrr thirteen years. My complaint wasa disease of the liver nd dyspepsia. My skin was yel'ow , the white ofmreyeaw a the color of saUronIwa. . slpy and heavy , with headache aid no appetite for food of any kind. I was afflicted as bad as any Urine woman could be. I took bottle a'trr ' bottle ft patent medicines , tnd paid orer seven hundred d .liars to the Ust physicians without any benefit. I sufler * ! more than I can tel1 you by letter , ut could g t no relief until about two months ago 1 | > un based * bottle of your Ro > t Biitert from Lo [ j Sinlthnight. drugciM. 136 Woodland AT. , this city. I used thlslo - tl up , and fluie then h Teusixl nearly two more , and th < * y * re the only positive , sure cure for lirer and drsprpsia complxlnt I have ever tiled ; they hate curid me complrtelT , and to day I am as ho liny as any person can be. You may use my name , if you see propper , as it may bo the means of inducing otters to try yourdlseoTery and be cured , for good > calih is b-tter than gold. Ever vour friend , MRS. ELLEN CRAWSHAW , No. 20 Grange at , Cleveland Ohio. " - IIAS DOXE ME lirtXB GOOD Tit AS Att THE MEDICINE 1 1IAVK TAKEN FOR TEX VE.lKa. Mrs. D mitl c'mith.of Concord , N II. , afflictnl with weaknes * , pa'n ' in the lunss , sbouUcn. heavy pal j over the ey J , test less atnlght , aud tired , f > Inty feelings nil thf time , writes . MR FR ZIE Drarsir : I received the Bottle nf Bitters Tim sent me by rxprrs * , and I have taken the whole of It , and It has done me more good than all the medicines I hare ever taken , and I hive taken more or lc for ton years. I thnught I could get I hem. from our drugzist * . but they do not yet have them. I could have sold 25 lot tit .1 , if I could have got them. I think you might have a goo.1 sale lor rour bit ten here. I waut you to send mo 6 bottle * for S doliaas , the price you advertise. Send qu'tk u you can , by expres * , C O. D. It Is the liost medicine 1 ever saw. From your most grate ful friend. MRS. DANIEL SMITH , Concord , N. H. P. O. Box t82. Consumptives Read. MR. FBAZIKB Dear Fir : I am taking your Keot Bitters , they have done me a great deal of rood. They have cured mr cough , and I f l mothrr rrn-R. Tours truly , BARNEY CAJN , , ' s . , , , . "iVtter , -Lf\.i K'rill. . - ' ! . IpE'iCHMT CASK UNTlt > I ! JI j 1 UCU fO jt BITTEM. Vs f-'R t ir vi' - I'frjfjfrA Sir : The Cr t im- : = t. 'V v . < . i been restored from K : tr . > ! ' ' i.Ii , U eratitude fo the . .jn.h jd Uir. . L was afllicte-I over two r r- with i 'tci OTS my 5-rad and face. Ibad = = -'jb- ' _ > , .te ioltit o' Fenton's Sarnapa- Iatiu cr ' . oa rruiedies , but could get -i-ir o . < sr - t ca , un'll about two s' 'b ,1 ' j-ji-wn-s-l taking Root Bitten , / \.i > fa. T _ i- . < .C'l I think it nothing r. . -laii fim f.t yc'Ibcovery to acknowl- "yr ' . 'nf H.'ii > . Mywjl has used your Bitters 'r . .t'liinii'rt "v'uth she has beei Dot > - j - ' ' nf. tivo , nd ciiuld find no relief , .mfir.torbtiitr iu > t taking ttiim. They have ti < ! ni \ tv.r.l tp Jure In her ca e. I huve in r > IDiniii .1" of the Cleveland Post Office j-srlu'til rtterfairier for eleven years. can irB0.y. idhooc.t'y recommend your Root litters to every ptfriion , sunerinj ; with Salt theum , ( Tetter ) Chronic Rheumntltm , Scrof- la or any kind oi Humor in the Blood , at one ( Iht Jfonat Cum. O. W. UPTON Cleveland Ohio. If your Druzslst or storekeeper dpa't have be Bitters , ask him tq order them tor you. CATAlUtn CUKED. MR. FRAZIER I wish to inform you , what our medrcine has don > > for me. I was afflicted 'Ith ' Catarrh laiU worst forma for many years- tried various medldnes recommended by 'byslclacs ' , which proved but a tempoary - ef. By t'ie advice of a l < u\j \ who was cured J this same disrate by your Root Bitters , I rocured one half dozen bottles and they have ccomplished a perfect cure In my case. Re eving that the > hands ar > dragged ou.t of a ilserable ezlstruce from t e efl t ot Catarrh. cheerfully recommend your Root Bit era to II who are similarly adected. MISS. AMELIA BRAMT. Bu-na Vista , But'cr Co. , Pa , Retail trade sujipliud by C , F. Goodman , holesale agent Outaha Nebraska. lvl3JAwlT KEAENEY'S ; FLUID-EXTRACT BUCHU The only known remedy for ; BRIGHT'S DISEASE , And a positive cure for [ out. Gravel , Strictures , Diabetes , Dyspepsia Neri voua Debility , Dropsy , on-retention or Incoatlnence at Urine , Itri- tatlon , Inflamatlon or Ulceratlon of tha [ LADDER AND KIDNEYS SPERMA TORSHCEA , mcoercoe or Whites , Diseases of the Prostrate Oland. S.one In the Bladder. Colculuz , RAVEL OB BRICK DCSTJ DB. POSIT. And Mucus or Mllky.Dlsciargea. KEARNEY Extract Buohti ! Permanently Cure * all J Diseases/ ) I th.9 ladder , Kidneys , and Dropsical Swellings , Existing la Men , Women and Children , No Matter What the Agel Prof. it Je says : "On * bottle ot Kearney's luid Extract Buchn is worth more than all her Buchus combined. " Price one dollar per bottle ; or , six hoHlas.for re dollars. lepot 104 Duane'St , , N , Y , A physician In attendance to answer corre ? mdence and give ad vice gratis. * fSeu& stamp for pamphlets , free. _ r Crane A Brlgham Wholesale A nts. San rancisco. Cal. a wi KeUer , Proprietor of th RISING SUN Ailt ) ANGELES TINEYIIDS. Depot for the sale of bia TATIYE WINES AND Corner of Battery and Washington Sta. IS FRAXCIS aurtU ( DON'T ' MI 'OU IIAVt CAREFULLY EXAMINED : OT7E. LOW BESERVOIK A S WE HAVE TWELVE UOOU REASONS X\ . why ther will do your wuric. Quick and Easv. Cheon and Clean. | Thcyarec > > e pest to buy , 1 They are bes * to ute , ) Thejr base er.nlj and quickly , rtieir o tratlon is perfect , ) They have always a good draft , They ttrt-maueofitebe-stniaterlal I They ruast ] > r > fectlT , " . They require but llt-le fuel , Ti.ey are very low priced , I They an easily managed. ' They re suited tu all localititx ) . Cu | bvery stoveguAranteeU io give vttlsfaeUoa feOLD BV Excelsior Ulw'fo Co. , Or Sagar-Coatcd , Concentrated ! Boot and Herbal Juice , Antl- BlUoas Granule * . TttE"l.rrm2 GIANT > CATHARTIC , or SZultnxa. 41 Varro Physic. The norelty of modem Sfcdlffli. Chralcal lad Pharmaceutical Science No use of any Icnzet taking tha larse , repulsive and naos < u * pills , composed of cheap , crude , and Ijnlky Ingredients , ivhen wo can by a careful application of chemical icience , extracr all the caihaulc anil other null- : Inal properties from iho mobt valuable roct > nr ierbi , and concentrate them tote minute Cm ne. icartt Jy larger than a mustard iee l that can oa readily fiwaUonod byUiOeoi .homostaontitlTo etomachi aud fastidious UiKr. Sacallttla Purgative fcllct represent * , in a not conccntratzU form , a * nnc * " . cathartic poT7 r , n. ropoon o er The have not tried them < uv apt to top ofe ' " * f hey are tuwa or dn < tic in effect , bat i nch la not tt all thi ) ea i > . the different artiva jncjiclnal prla- : iplcs of which they era eompoonl beln ao hir- nouUed and modiScd. ono oy the others , ss to iroJuco a moot nearohlncr and thor- [ > uzbyel . H500 nc\var HsiiercDyo3cred ly tha pro- irlctor of ibeao 1'clU-u. to my chemist rho , : pen auily < U , vlll Cnd in them an ) talomclor 3th er funui of mercury ot any other ciinii poinon. nclDK entirely vccctablo.nopsrtrcnlar are Isequired wlfilo usin them. Ihey ope rate without dlstnrbanco to the constitution , diet. jroccupstlon. For Jaundice * Headache , Constipation. Impiiro Ittood , I'atu iu the Shoulders. Tlsfftncos of tha Chcttt , DizzlncRVSunr KructatJon ? of the ftotunch , Itad tunic lu jiontht Bilious attacks , 1'uiu la rcclon oC ICldiicyis Iiitornnl tcvrr , Uloated fccllHR about MoruiOl , RURh or Illood to lload. ItlJt Col ored Itriuo , UiisQcluUUJty ua rjloomy I'orcbodlUK'S V&.e Lr. ' ' . ' L'Icrcc'iiFIcaHautl'ursut vo a'cllris * a cxplonM ion o f tha remedial power of my Tor. rativo relicts over ro prcat aviv Icty of ( lucs-ei. . wlh td ray that tlielr nctiun upon the mimal ccoiiouir i'iilv rs ltnota rland ortlxsuc f capltiu their ain- tlve lmprc . As iloca tot impair then. heir Busur-coa'inc'ard bein cncloi-eil In gl littles preJcn llicir\irnicsunlmpalrrd foi any c-.stIioftime.TTl.ny climalo.KJtUaithe'are tl- VITS fresh and reliable , ubich 1 * DOl tto ca a vifh the pilia found in the drtuj Moreo , put np ia : 'uap wood or pa'te-boanl boi . Rccol. t that Lirall d : cs whcro a Lnxutivc , AIlrri- Llro or Purgative ii indicated. th < o IKUe ; > eiltjvih chcthoinoat perfect aatiifactiou to ill wbouMUiem. Tlicy nro pold by nil oiitrrprialnig OrUKKl i at i5 cotitd a bottle. Do not allow any drarfst to Indnce TOU .o ake tnythiujr rial tlutto may ray U jtui u -ood 04 my Pcllcto beci\u e ho nuLca a Urget ) roflt on that xvhi'fj ho rccoinmenuX Jf jour Iragrtat cannot supply them , enclnso 33 cenla ind lecclve them oy relnrn n-ill f-oni K. y. PJJUitlC , JD . frop'r , DCTPALO. N. Y ; FOE PYLES' iALERAT AND BAKING- SODA Pi < nai MeyerARaaokaand Whitney k. Bauserman & COL ) BSTACLES to MARRIAGE HAPPY RELEIF FOB Y00NO MEX from leedects of Krrora and Abum la early iife. [ anhood Restored , impediments to Marriage emoted. New method of treatment. Xen id remarkabla 'emedles Books and Clrcolara : nt free , In sealed envelopes. Address , HOW- ED ASSOCIATION , 419 North Ninth St. , hlladelphla. Pa , an Institution h" Ing a high putallon for honorable conduct and profea- onal skill. aSd&w3m CASTLE BROS IMPORTERS OP TEAS A0 > - . Sast India Goods , 213 ana 913 FttO.Vr STREET JaA Francisco California. FLATTEYALLEY IEAL ESTATEI Samuel C , Smith , Local Agent lor tha J. P. K. R. LANDS , Doluzabiis , . XTob. lavernment Lands Located1 U. P. Lands Sold ! raproyed Farms and Town EoU for GASH ! LONGTIME ! ! Communications Cheer- illy Answered WHOLESALE BUTGHEB 80 CATTLE JBROKXti , U.TLAKECITT , - .