w VOL. IV. OMAHA TUESDAY MORNING OCTOBER 20 , 1874. NO. 105. CHR 1)AIL > EDWAKD JiOSEWATlUt , Editor and Prop'r No. 13C Fanihnni * irrrt. l e T. Ninth anil Tenth- TEKMS Ot SUlteCEIITlON : . In auvanre ± - JJ-00 copy , one jear. . 4.00 "nix monthin advance - advance 2.00 < three menths in - ae-If not paWinaJrance , $8 per annum will , colleled. PREMIUM HATTER f ] FREDERICK , Best and Cheapest .Hats and Caps. OMAHA. OKAHA BUSINESS DRECTOBY. OEAOKEB MANUFAGTOBY. HTcCIureA Pmlth. 185 lUrneT street , bet. i\i ilth nd 12th. declSU BOOTS AHD PHOES. Lang. 155 Farnhnin t , between IMh Philip 115h feblSyl OOHFEOTIONEBT. . Latey , comer 12th sml D ugla ? treeu < , . unnufacturer and wholesale dealer In candirs and confectionery. Country trade so- UeeUd. Pl" COAL DEALEES. Oo'and ' A Elliot , coal , lime , ccmen thalr etc. , J 131 Farnhmn st. feMSmS -\/T / Elgutter , No. 200 Farnham at. elTtl IAUHDBT. laundry opened at oil Ilth st. , bet. Anew . i-od l > ousrl s. The washing and Ironlne will lx > done torJer. . first class work BlP \&CTORY. Soap Worts , Powell A. Co , still Premium ' tl eir Premium Soap. Five first premium rtwanlivl by ihe i-ougla county and State ( airs , and Pottawattamia county , la. Orders soll-ited from the trade ATTOBNE18. E. F. SMYT1IE. G. C. GRAVES. SMYTHE & GRAVES , Attorneys -at-Law. Hoom 5 CreiEhton Block. SAVAGE & MAND RSOfi , Attorneys at Law , FAHSUAM STUKAT. JOI1X C. CODES' , . Solicitor COUNSELOR. OFFICE CREIGHTON'S B OCK , OMAHA , NKItUASKA. arRU T. W. T. Kiciwrds , Attorney at Law , Office 49ft 13fh St. , lief. Farnlam and Hnrnoy Orauha , Neb. P * 0. Box "B'4tl G. W. REDICK'S OPERA HOUSE OMAHA arSU E. nSTAUUOOS. * r. M. FllANCUS ESTABROQK& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE Creishton Block , Omaha , Neh. ncn21tf DbXTER L , THOMAS , Attorney and Counselor at La\r. OrTIOE Boom Ho Vlsschert Block. NEB OMAHA - - JOJIK KKL.L.KV , Attorney 1 Counselor at Law OEce Boom 2 , Creightcn Block , I . OMABL4. uaaa" " Cor. 15th and L'onglas SU. I - / OLLECTIONSSOl.triTEI ) ANDPBOMPT- \J Ij attended to. No uliarge unless collacr ( Ions are made , lloutes to let and rents col- ectcd. lU-al estate boutlH and jol.l. ap7u O. BALLOU , ATTORNEY at LAW OITiao n Crelgbtoa'a uew block , southeast cor room , Boor. OMAHA. ' IVEB. J. S. SHilOPSlIIUE. \ Attorney- - Law * Itoom Ko. 1 , S. E. Coiner 15th and Douglas SU , NEBR. J. 9. SPAUll. T.MI. K. I'KITCIIETT SPAL'N ' & PRITCHETT , Attorneys ind Coun-elors at Lair. Offixn. SW Twelf. i a.roet. Address "l wk * " Omaha. COISOTBLLi . J. AND Attorney Tor Second Jud icial DlxtricU OKJ-ICS South ille of Farnbam , between 15th sn' Ifith sts. , ori > eMU > Court House. A. BALDWIH ZO. V. O'BRIKN. AI.n VI & O'BRIEN , ATTORNEYS * LAW OtEce Oddwell Block , Douglas Street , NEBRASKA. OMAHA. - - - - PAKKE tiODWJQg , Attorney at Lawi ( IWIniau Bl.ck. ) 41 ! * inrETBBNTH STBBET , OMAHA < K t-u JOHN W. LYTLE , Utorner-at-Law and Solicitor in Eqnity. jFFIOhOrer Pint HtUraal Baak , N. J. BURNHAM , ATTOUNEI AND COUNGtiLLOB AT LAW , S. E. Cor 15th aod Douglas Streets. - - NEB ra MAYOR CHASE is about to estab lish a redemption bureau for city lots that are sold by the County Treas urer for taxes. SIXCE the election of Tzschuck has become an accomplished fact all is grace , mercy and peace with the apostles of prohibition. Now that the Pawnees have vir tually turned their backs upon Ne braska , what is to become of their honorary Omaha chieftain Box-ka- re-sha-hash-ta-ka ? STANLEY AFRIOANUS has reached Zanzibar , and James Gordon Ben nett is happy in anticipation of authentic news about the present condition of the natives of Ujiji. AND the cry. is , still they oome ! We mean the applications for the exalted position of door-keeper or Sremon at the coming legislative session. Up to this day forty-seven applications have been registered. WHILE the Carlist army is being decimated by wholesale desertions and a succession of disastrous de feats , Don Carlo t-is recklessly squan dering Marshals and Generals com missions upon the Dukes and Prin ces that still cling to his cause like so many barnacles. An indiscriminate slaughter in clothing and gents' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 206 Farnham street. Fine linen and chevoit shirts ot our wn make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Railroad Tickets bought and sold by P. Gottheimer , Broker , at 296 Fan.hain street. Unredeemed Pledges for Sale. may Iy26 Hamlet Orum , GENERAL DEALER IK Staple and Fancy Dry Goods 9th st , between Jones and IM Ten worth sts. TO THE PUBLIC A MOST COMplete - OFFERS line of Dr Goods. Fancy Goods , oolenand Cotton Flannels , Wrapper DeLains Woolen Shawls and all Vindi of fall and winter material for ladlts' and chLMreus' d-esses. Al so Calicoes of all zrades and descriptions a * pe- clalty Boots and fchoes for ladies * cents' and chlldrens' wear. septldSino * DCNTIPTHY. /t RLE5/ / / < * ( $ < . OFFICE. No. 232 FARNHAM ST. BetI3th414thSts u r Olilest .aractlchisrIV'iillsts in the city OR , A , S , BILLINGS , . St. * Bet. 1 ( th and 14th , up stairs. Teeth extracted without pain , byuseol M- trous Oxide 5ai. WOfflceopec Jtciltcn eStl L VAN CAMP M. D. Dispenses his owp medclnea. and bostdei regular practice , makes stwcuUHiea of Dcrjnge- menti ani } Dlseaxea Peculiar to Woissn , * Istu- 1 * , Piles and other Diseases ol the Bectuo. OVFICE : Corner Farnham and 14th itreets , first door to the right , up stair * . Residency 210 Douglas itteet , ? > etween 12and IStb , next to Lutheran Churcbi Uinaha , Neb. Address Lock Bor 30 * . jacHl d * w I f SPENCER'S Fruit an * Confectionary 13.li ana l.ra > einrorlh * . L , . IHU1KJE EEDMAN & LEWIS , Cor. 16th and Izard Streets. Co ttoax-csro oci. LTJ IM : IBIEJIR/ On hand and SAWED TO OBDEB. SIRS. J. E. Eclectic Physiciani Residence and offio 250 Dodge st bet 14th and IStb sts. bpeclal attention paid to obstetrics and dls sees peculiar to women and children. fStf. SEXAUEB. 225 Irfjiliam Street , - - Omaha , Heb WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DKALKB IN FURNITURE. BEDDING. ETC , The hloax L'ltjr auct raunc la CnaKtlon with tie SIOUX CITY & ST , PAUL RAILROAD , Is C2 mllci the shortest route from "Omaha and Council Blatn to St. Paul , Mlneaoolls , Stlllnattr , Anoka. Dnlntb , Bismarck , and all points In Minnesota. Train leaTes Omaha dally , ( excep Saturday ) at 6 o.clock p. m. , and Council BluQj at 8.05 P' ra. , from Chicago A North-Western Depot. Fare as LOW and lime as QUICK as by any other Line. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS m ALL NIGHT TRAINS , Be sure Tour ticket reads VIA Sioux City , thus avoiding circuitous routes and uldnigbl transfers. Tickets can be purchase 1 at the offices of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway in Utuaha and Council liluSs. J a BOYDEN , Oen'lPass. 4 Ticket AgtSt P. 4 S. C. B. R. St Paul , Minn. F. 0. HILL , G n'l Pass , and Ticket Agt , S. C. A P. , Sioux City , Iowa. GEOf , QBATTOK , Agent. 163 Farnham Street , Omaha , Neb. July 20. tf. n. SKEDK. C. J. KABBAf H : G1CEK & KAEBAC1I , 15th st. between Farnham an srney a'l OMAHA , - - NEB. MANUFACTURER O7 Spring and Farm Wagons , BUGGIES AND CUKI\GES. Dealers in and manufacturers ot AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! ATTENTION PAID TO PABTICniAR HliOEIXO. WKoiwIrinz of wagon and blacksmlthlnj promptly done at reasonable Price * . YBBYLATBST. MIDNIQ-HT. THE Desperate Attempt of a Party of Men to Flood the Country Near Hannibal , Mo. , by Cutting Through a Levee. , DUBTJQTJE , Oct 19. The official canvass vote was held In all the counties of the State to day. In this district , official vote as canvassed has been received here and places Ainsworth's official ma jority for Congress at 63. Most of the counties show a falling off. BOSTON , Oct 19. JThe Fifth Congressional Demo cratic convention to-daj' , made no nomination. The action belongs to the joint support of Gen. N. P. Banks , by the Democrats and lib eral Republicans. Banks will run as an independent candidate. NEW ORLEANS , Oct 19. The committee to-day addressed Governor Kellogg by note disclaim ing the sentiments of an address adopted at the Central Church Oc tober 8th , becaube they say they are not ready to repudiate Republi canism nor join its opponents. So long as it continues to vindicate equality so long will it receive their support. Oct. 19. Governor Brown , in a letter to-day to Governor Beverlde , of Illinois , in relation to the alleged kidnapping of one Smith , now indicted in this State for murder , takes the ground that Smith is in the hands of the judiciary , and it ought to control , that the constitution of Tennessee distinctly demies and separates the executive and Judiciary depart ments. He can't interfere as to the abductor of Smith. Governor Brown says no requisition has been made for them , but when made It will receive due consideration. SANFBANCISCO , Oct. 19. Major Henry Larking , recently of the Post in this city , was shot and instantly killed last night by E. J : Maybridge , of this city. Jealously of the letter's wife is supposed to be the cause of the murder. , Last night , in the affray on the bark E. H. Kingsman , from Balti more , John Whitman , her first mate , shot and instantly killed Peter Doran - ran , stevedore oh the vessej. Whit man is in custody , and claim's that he aetei in self defense. The failure of E. E. Morgan's Sou's is announced. They have seen acting as shipping agents for : he California and Oregon grangers. The London and Sun JTraiiofspo jank 'are ' the 'principal creditors , The amount of liabilities unknown. SALT I.AKE , Oct. 19. Oil Sunday morning the Salt .Lake ETerald published an item taken 'rorn the Virginia ( Nevada ) Jnde- jeudent , whiph , jn commenting iponthe charge of Judge"l4cKean to the grand jury to look after the disposal of a vast tract of land and vast forests of timber by the territo rial legislature , says : ' 'What will je done wtu-them } after they have } eeh inquired into ? Wo do not Know , unless/ / indeed , with the ac commodating spirit for which the chief justice of Utah issoremarka- ale , he appropriate thfm to his own use and profit , as he did the Silver 3hjejdaml a couple of other'mlnes. " This morjjfng the chief justice call ed'the grant ! "jury intq thp court room and read this item to them , which he called upon them to In.- vestjgate , and if found guilty , to in dict him ; if fuunil false , to indict the editors of the Herald for libel. Qeo. Q. Cannon is upon the streets to-day , and shows no disposition to run away. If he has been indicted for lascivious cohabitation , as was telegraphed from here several days ago , the officers seein to be dila tory in making any arrest. It. B. Bask in will contest his seat In the next congress as a delegate ' ' ' from this'territory' , * v CHICAGO , October 19. In the Prrsbyteeiau Synod of nor ? them Illinois ttiis morning , Dr. urd , cQunsel _ for the Presbvtery of " ' tiicago , "made a'motion toqr6p'the whole matter pf Paton's complaint against the Presbytery fur its action in the swing case. A lengthy dis cussion ensued In which members were allowed three minutes ea < * h. A large number took part , and from the senfjments expressed , it is prob able the oopiplaint will bg enter tained and the matter 09 argued at length before the Synod. . A vote \vas finally taken on re ception of the complalnt''and re sulted in 58 to receive , 18 not to le- ceiye , and 1Q to receive in part. The complaint will bV entertained tbi * afternoon. The Judicial com mittee reported in favor of admit ting appeal of Pattopln \ action of the Presbytery In acquitting' Swing of the charge. Bev. Mr. Bogers , of Fjvanston , coipmenced a lengtjiy and very abe ) argument against ad mitting the appeal and in dpfence pf the Presbytery. The Synod ad journed for the evening Sunday- school meeting , which was poorly attended. Mr. Bogers resumes his argument to-morrow morning. CHICAGO , Oct. 19. Hon. John A. Kasson , of Des Moines , is a guest at the Palmer House. A spepial from Quincy says at 2 o'clock yeaterdav morning the au thorities at Hannibal were notified that a party of men were cutting the Buy levee , four miles below that city. The City Marshal , United States Deputy Marshal , and four as sistants , hastily armed themselves , and proceeded tg the locality. They found over ninety men at work digging a hole through the levee fourteen feet broad at thfl head of Buy river. The men ere ordered to stop their work , told that if they attempted to escape they would be shot The laborers offered no resis tance , but another small party was sent out from Hannibal to help guard over them and to prevent thehescape. . Sheriff Trotle , of this county , was telegraphed for , and the whole party of eighty-eight men engaged In cutting the levee were brought to this city this afternoon and placed under guard. In an other ho r they would hav § effected a break , and all the reclaimed land bordering on the Suy would have S 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Specially Reported for the Omaha Dally Bee , IT the AtUntlo and Pacific Telegraph Oo. Miscellaneous. Vigorous Kick From Colonel Forney Against the Asso ciated Press Mo nopoly. Tha Ten Court ases in Which Tilton is Interested Will In terfere Slightly With His Projected Lec ture Tour. ALEXANDKIA , Va. , Oct. 19. Joseph Clark , a murderer who es caped from jail at Pottsylvama Court House , in August last , was tound Friday last in his hiding place a few miles from that village. He was forthwith arrested , but getaway away from his captors. Pursuit was given and during the chase a deputy sheriff fired at the fugitive lodging ten buckshoot in his bodv , inflicting several latal wounds. He is now in jail. I'KENTON , JJ. . . Oct 19. At the request of several promi nent gentlemen of this State , H N Smith has decided this morning to give a grand trotting matinee at the Trenton Fashion Shed Farm , on No\'ember 22d , at which he announ ces that the celebrated mare , Gold smith Maid will attempt to beat her own best time , 2:44 , to harness , ac companied by a running horse , the mare to have three trials. His bay stallion will als-o trot for a premium of 51,000 against the celebrated bay gelding , sensation. Between the trots the celebrated trotters , Lady Thorne , Lucy and Rosalind , will be exhibitec ; also several other head of noted stock which are now on the farm. WASHINGTON , Oct 19. Congress will be asked at the next session to make an appropriation of 320,000 for a colossal statue of the late President Lincoln , to be placed in .Lincoln square east of the Capitol. This square lias recently been great ly improved , and as no * work of art has been placed in any public grounds in the eastern section of the city , it is hoped that the appropria tion will be made. When the yellow fever abates at Pensacola , the officers and crews of the iron-clads lying there will be re turned on board and the vessels kept ready for immediate servicej this action wiI ] be taken because qf the unsettled con itipn'orr aflairs } u Cu ba and the West Indies. The Attorney General will deliver an opinion to-morrow a ? to whether the certificates of indebtedness is sued by the late Board of Public Works bear interest or not. YOKK , October 19. The Post's Washington special says : The prominence which the third term question has assumed , especially since the western election is no longer ignored here in admin istration circles , and is more than likely now to receive prompt atten tion and earnest consideration. Up on President Grant's return , a mem ber of the Cabinet says , the Presi dent will bo strenuously urged to immediately make some emphatic statement on the subject. It Is believed that Grant will ef fectually silence all further agitation tdf thls'quesilon by an authoritative statement or letter soon after his re turn from the West. * To-daya building at 330 west 40th street fell and buried a number of persons. The police and fireman are now digging in the rums. The extent of the casualities are un known. WASHINGTON , Oct. 19. Forney's Sunday Chronicle , an Associated Press pnper , to day on * tains the following ; The'New' York Dally Republic has 'demonstrated one thing so far , that we trust will not be lost to other leading papers of the country , that it is enabled to furnish a goofl sho\y qf ne\ys with out belonging to the Associated Press. It has been a matter of siir- prise to us that the loading papers of the country have submitted so long to the monopolizing exactions of the Associated Press , and on matters of news , that they should be contented with a stereotyped version ot each other. The , whole arrangement is a fraud ) and If each' paper would make this department one of fair competi tion the public would be gainer , and such paper be Judged by its merits , as well as in the character of UB nen'd as. any otigr | dppartinent. The New Tfork Herald is th'e paper of all othererto lead off in this much desir ed reform. Nuw YOBIC , Oct 19. A Herald special says that Stan ley , chief of the .Herald's epedition for the exploration of Afrjca , has arrived at Zanzibar on his way to the scene of his new labor. The Sultan of Zanzibar has accorded a friendly reception to tne American press representatives , The IIS steamer Juniata has arri ved at Z.ante Coast. The Wrecking Company's steam er Winants sailed from Quarantine for Key West twenty days ago , and ; has not since bcpn heard from. A vessel believed to be the Winants was seen In a gale off Gull Island on Tuesday , and on Wednesday the crew of a Key West steamer aaw joiner work and settee cushions floating near them. 'It is believed tnat the wreck that Vi8 ( ulghtet ] bottom ppwgrda on the fourteenth by the Grace Bradley was that"of the Winants , and that her crew lias been drowned , Theodore Tilton has written to his lecture agent to cancel all his engagements until after January 1st. He is interested as the princi pal witness in ten court cases and is with h's ' counsel day and night. The Master Builders and Carpen ters association of Newark , N.J. , has decided that in consequence of the poor building prospects for the fall and winter the demand will not warrant the payment to labor , era more than 25 cents an hour. The association has invited capit alists and others about to build to take advantage of the low state of the market both with regard to la bor gad material , ALBANY , October 19. The Rt. Rev. Wm. Bacon Sfeph- ens , Bishop of Pennsylvania , preached in St. Paul's Church of this city yesterday. NEW YORK , Oct. 19. A. M. Cristaller , well known here as proprietor of Dickens' Curiosity Shop , Broadway , has mysteriously disappeared. He is indebted to various parties in sums aggregating to § 20,000. Before his disappear ance he drew money from the banks where he had it deposited. LONDON , October 19. The activity of the German Navy In various parts of the globe is no tably. The attempted seizure of Navegator Islands , in the Pacific as telegraphed from San Francisco , creates uneasiness in government circles here. Germanp is also increasing - creasing her squadron in Asiatic waters. WASHINGTON. Oot. 19. Attorney General Williams , in an elaborate opinion just rendered , decides that the certificates of in debtedness issued by the late board of public works bear interest from the date of thesr Jssue at six jper cent. cent.The The internal revenue receipts to day amount to § 537,939 88 ; the amount of national bank notes re ceived for redemption amount io $134,525. In the case of an ex-captain of a steamboat , who applied to the local Inspector of steamboats fora mate's license , which was refused him , the treasury department decides thatas the captain had disrated himself by applying for a mate's li cense , it should have been granted him. and the department holds that the inspectors were in error la refusing him license and instruc tions for their future guidance have been issued. Twenty-five thousand dollars In called 5:20 : bunds were received at the treasury to-day for redemption. A great court martial has been or dered to convene at Fort Whlpple October 20th. JNEW YORK. Oct. 19. The trustees of the Peabody edu cational fund held their annual meeting at the Fifth Avenue Hotel a few days ago. The eighth report of the general agent was read , go ing over the business of the past year in detail , and shows favorable results. Hon. Wm.EJvarts read the report of the committee appointed on the subject of education. The reports consider the prospects and hopes of the public systems of edu cation at the South will receive a serious , if not fa tal blow from any legislation which should mate such a system maintainable on the scheme of mixed schools , and that while jus tice and public duty in the interests of both white and colored peopie | of the South concur in demanding a system of public education which should give equal opportunities and advantages to their children yet no' such result could be attained by leg- slation of the character indicated. MARKETS SY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. NEW ifoRic , October 19. Money Easy on call at 2@3ppr UCIIt. Exchange Dull but seady ; 4 85 for 60 lays and 4 88 } for sight , with actual business at a conclusion of ; } per cent. Gold Dull but steady at 1 10 ; no life or animation in the market. Governments Firm , with large sales ; currency Gs , 117 . Stocks Opened strong and Irreg ular under the leadership of Erie , which advanced from 29 to 30 } , but : here was subbequently'a decline qf | @J per cent ; the market , however , at this hour is slightly better. The principal dealers 'were in Erie , Lake Shore , UP , P M ) Wabash , Oiiio's & North Western ; Erie , 301 : P M. ' 4GJUP,0J ; ; WU,7Q } . New York produce Market. NEW YORK , Oct. 19. Breadstuffs Quiet , but generally firmer. Flour Easy. " Western shippers extras , 5 165 25. Wheat Firm , and higher prices asked. No 2 Milwaukee nominally 110@1 m. " ' " T Corn" F/rmer / ; 92 afloat. Oats Quiet ; He. - Bye and Barley quiet. Provisions Dull. " Pork 20. ' Leather , Iron and.VY ° ° 1 TJr\- \ changed. Chicago Pruuuce market. CHICAGO , Oct. 19. Flour Dull and prices unchang ed ; good and choice spripg extras 4 50@5 00 : low medium 425@4 40j superfiues scarce at 3 25@4 00. Wheat Firm ; cash , 88J ; No vember , 88J ; December , 89J ; seller year , 88 $ . Corn Easier : cash , 75 } ; l N.QY , QatsWeak ; cash , 48 | ; Novem ber , 40 i ; seller year , 46 J. Barley Steady ; cash , 109@110 } Nov. 1 05 } . Pork pull and easier ; cash 19 25 ; year , 16 90 ; January and February , 1710. Lard Dull and easier ; year , 11J © 11 30 ; February , 11 45 , St. Louis Produce Market. ST Louis , October 19. Flour Unchanged. Wheat Steady ; A'o 2 red 109J © 110. 110.Corn Corn Dull and lower ; No 2 , old , 77t ( 78 , east elevators. Oats Dull and drooping ) No2 , 5Q50 } in elevator , .Barley Quiet and unchanged. Bye Dull and lower at 85@80. Pork Dull and nominal. Lard Dull and lower ; summer. 1213. Whiskey Quiet at QS , St. Louis Live Stock , ST. Louis , Oct. 19. Hogs Receipts , 850 ; Yorkers , 4'75 © 5 00 ; butchers , 5 34. Rheep Beceipts , 2,600 : unchangj ed. Chicago Live Stock Market. CHICAGO , October 19. Cattle Receipts , 6,600 ; markel largely overstocked. Very dull al easy prices. Tsxans 1 | 75@3 25 ; fair to choice steers , 4 505 75 ; stock- era , 2 30@3 30 ; extra steers 6 25 © 630. 630.Hogs Receipts , . ,14,000 ; active , and firm ; common to medlumo OC © } ; good to prlme,5 50@o 90 ; choice to extra 000@6 40. Sheep Receipts , 200 ; market dull ; the 0017 sale wo ? at 2 80. Stanley , the Discoverer of Liv ingstone , Arrives at Zanzi bar , and is Well Re ceived. s C Important Budget of Spanish News. Mortal Illness of' General Espartero. The French-Span ish Imbroglio , &c. , &c/ LONDON , Oct. 19. The postoffice gives notice that in accordance with the desire of the ISew Zealand government , the mails will again be sent to that col ony by way of San Francisce. . MADRID , Oct. 19. Marshall Espartero is dying. Don Baldomero Espartero , Duke De l > a Victoria , Marshall and ex-regent of Spain , was born atGianatula in La Manclia , in 1792. LONDON , October 19. Dispatches from Egypt say that the cotton crop , which la large , has suffered but little from the recent overflow of the Nile. .BERLIN , Oct 19. Emperor William has written a letter to King Victor Emanuel , ex pressing regret that the condition of his health compels the postpone ment of his Intended visit to Italy this autumn. LONDON , Oct. 19. A Palmyra dispatch says a slight earthquake has been felt in Malta. The shock was perceptib'e ' through out the whole Island , but no loss of life or damage to property is re ported. BERLIN , October 19. The proposal recently made by Prince Bismarck to guarantee inter est on the Spanish-German loan on security of the Island of Porto Rico Is much discussed in financial cir cles here. The leading bankers of this city opgose floating the loan in Germany. LONDON , Oct 19. A dispatch to the Standard from St Juan de Luz , reports that the Spanish gun boat had been allowed to tow the steamer Nieves into the harbor of San Sabastian. Permission has been granted to Prince Alphonso to study at $ au Durst. Dispatches from Berlin represent that Count Von Arnim has been ex cluded from all communication with the other world. The Times this morning declares the vklt of the Prince of Wales a.pil Duke La Rocbefoncald rt Blssiacca , ' is without political significance. BAYONNE , October 19. The steamer Nevis which was detained by the French authorities on the representation of the Spanish Consul at Bayonue that she Jconj j tained contrabands of war , for the Carlists , is held under guard in the port of Pocoa , Department of Lower Pyrenees. The mayor of Irum'and the Spanish Consul at Heudye , have arrived there in a Spanish gun boat and demanded the surren der of the bteamer. The Captain of the port answered that he Is with out authority to compel her. The Spanish government has not vet made any formal demand on Prance for the vessel. Four hundred Carlists haye been captured by the Republican troops near Albacilo. "In the engagement at Amporita one thousand Carlists were killed. 'Navarrese soldiers in Dan Carlos' army refuse to leave their province and march into Leon. Don Carlos has appointed the Duke of Parma and Counts Caserta and Bardi to important commands. TheCarllst Chieftain Nava has destroyed eleven bridges on the Va lencia and Terregona railway. PARIS , Oct 19. Partial returns of the elections for members of the Assepihly , which were h. ° Jd.In three districts yester- dayr have uqen'received. . In Pas De Calais and Seine Exoise , M. Bra- zell and Senard , Repqbljoans , aje ahead , a.nd in Alps Maritiines and 1 $ . Medicln' , Fre'ucu Nationalists , hiive a majority as far as heard from. It Js officially announced that the rebuilding of the column Vendome will be completed next month , and that the statue of Napoleon , which is nearly finished , will be placed on the monument. The French government has is sued fresh orders prohibiting the residence of Spaniards in eight com mune districts bordering on Spain. Some thirty Carlistshave according ly been notified to leavp. The Pre fect of th4 Department of Lower Pyrenees , whoseconductisoneof the subjects of Spanish complaint , will shortly be removed , The Journal de Parla states that the Prefect of the Department of the Alps Mari- tuns will also soon be removed , on account of his course with regard to election ? , PANAMA , Oot. 10. A Guatemala paper gives the fol lowing account of an earthquake September 3rd : The losses in this department are calculated to be from 3200,000 to 5250,000 , Including farm houses , machinery and some thous ands of yards of storehouses in which cochineal was buried under the ruins. The number of victims canqot be exactly stated , because many dead bodies remain buried under the stream of mud which de scended from Corro Del Frata. In Tulga alone thirty persons perished , the greater part being women ancj children , It } a estimated that twenty-five bodies were bqried in other forms , and ope hundred moie or jggg wounded. The town of Duenosis entirely ruined. It shook a distance from Duenos , and near the qoltee farm of Zeinza. | rj a place called La Estaripla there was an extraordt- jiary promontory of mud , whjoh had descended from the heights of Cterreo Del Trata. The promontory had , in some places , a depth of one hundred feet , as it was formed by eruptions of mud , which geologists call callas , which generally are not a good sign for border counties. The eruption which produced this promontory consists of cold mud , which although very compact , car. ried in its current enormous masses of stones , trees , eto. The government nas ordered flour from Salvador and California. Sub. Borlptlon in being raised in Guata- -mala for those families who have suffered by the last earthquake , Clearing Sale ! EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS ! ! 1 AT- CRUICKSHANK'IS ' Clearing Sale ! THIS.TV BEING OUR 'Clearing Sale ! Annual Clearing Sale OF- SL Foreign and Domestic Clearing Sale. DRY GOODS \ , Clearing Sale ! IER/3r , PKEPAKATOIIY1TO STOCK TAKTKO. A. CRUICESHANZ , Clearing Sale ! . Cor. uiid Farnuaiu , ,1873. H. A. BROWN , 248 Douglas teeet , \7HOLESALE1AND RETAIL DRY GOODS/ CARPETS , AND OIL CLOTH. An Immense Stock of Fresh New Q-oods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city , consisting of MERINOS , EMFFJS a USPSLLANff ALPACAS & MOHAIRS , al-a ? 3LYET & BEATER CLOAKINGS. A FULL STOCK OF SdAWLS , BLANKETS , FLANNELS. < -MERINO WroEBW Aii AND WORSTED GOODS , TABLE LTNEN JN HRPTTARIEIT. A FULL LINE OP ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS , OIL CLOTES , MATTING RUS5 , AND MATS , TDECIEJ Furniture , bedding , Mirrors , and everything pertaining to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade ; has largely increased his stock and how has a complete assortment oi FINE , MEDIUM and LOW PRICED goods , which he is pffering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of evenronedesirine anything in this -line , to examine his stock before purchase mg. _ PAHLOBSKTS , LOUNGES < fce. . UPHOLSTERED AND COVERED TO ORDER. , . SHZVEB.IO33L 2O3 H' x- - ' L. WOODWORTH , 238 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. Wood Stock , WAGON HARDWARE , Patent 'YTneelB , Finished Snaring , &o. Axles , Springs and Thimble Skeins HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hacks ss4 Baggies mch6U G , STHIFFLER DEALER IN CROC EB.IES , Provisions Frulls , Nu s , Confectionery , Tobacco , Separa , 8. E. COB. OF TENTH tad PABHHAM- IHt WH O LES ALE , CADDIE'S lam ow manulacturing all varieties or candies ! IE.A. Dealers la this State noeil not want to ? o East for CANDIKS. A trial Is solicited. Sit- mcblltf B. & J. WILBUR , Books and Stationery , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Fo-virtosxith Stroei. Oma.h. u , GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL SCHOOL BOOKS arS-lmy AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. and Fall And Winter Styles A. POLACK , CLOTHIER , 233 Farnh-aiai St. ITestr 14th. Fine and Hedium Clothing , and Fnrnisliing Goods. JLlsT