VOL. IV. EOM.AHA MONDAY MORMIISTG OCTOBER 19 , 1874. NO104. . THE DA 11A KKh. KDWAKD KOsKtt'AThU , Editor n < i Prop'i ORIcc So. JUw I nnil .itu irtt. fcetw. MnOi nmlT itl . TEKMS OF ropy , one yer. In advance A-x. months , in adrance - three menths in advance Ajw SJSnot paid in advance , $ R per annum wm colletcd PREMIUM HATTER FKEDEBICK , Be&t and Cheapest Hats and Caps. Grand' ' OMAHA. OMAHA BUSINESS DPCTORY , OBAOKEB MASDFAOlOBr. It/T / "cCIureA Smith , 185 Hartley street , bet. M llth and )2lli. declSU BOOTS AND SHOES , iblllr Lang. 155 Farnliaia si. between 10th CONFEOTIOHEET. * . Latey , corner 12tli and Douglna Btrwu , HI nunufacturer and wholesale dealer In candusandconlectionery. Country trade so- llceted. Pl" , GOAL DEiLEBS. S Elliot , coal , lime , cemen thalr etc. , Poland U feMSmS PAWN BBOKER. Elgutter , No. 200 Farnham at. el7U M. LAUSDBY. new Isun'IiT opened at oil llth t , , h t. 4 Farnlian. roA Houils * . Thcwashlng and lice will bpdoneto-rdir. first class work < , 80 * P 'ACTOET. Soap Worla , Powel' ' 4 Co , still Premium _ - tbeir Premium Soap. Fl e fln-t premium awardeJ hy the Lougla county and State fairs , and rottawatUmie county , la. Orders soli-itcd from the trade A1TOBHETB. E. F. SMYTIIE. O. C GRAVES. SMYTHE i GRAVES , Attorneys -at-La-w. Boom 5 Creishton Block. SAVAGE & MANDERSON , Attorneys at Law , 242 FA UN HAM 8TKEAT. JOilS C. C COUNSELOR. OKFICK CKCIGirTON'ij BLOCK , -i'IAIIA , XKllUASKA. T. W. T. Kicnsirds , Attorney at Law , Oiflce4yi > 1.1th St. , bet , Fnrnham and 1 1 ii r no y Omaha , > 'cb. P1 0. Box 0. W. AMUHOSE , KKDICK'S OPERA HOUSE OMAHA - PEP. E. ESTABUO 1C. w.M. FKANIIIS ESTABROOK& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE Creiiliton Block. Omaha , Neb. DtXTER L THOMAS , Attorney and Counselor at Law. OFFICE Boom No Yizschtr'a Block , OMAHA . - NEB JOHN K KKL.LKY , Attorney I Counselor at Law Office Boom's , CrelgbtoD Block , ) . OMAHA. " " " " " Cor. 15th anitonglas 8ts. / / OLLECTIONSSOI.irrrKDANDPIIOMPT- \J ly attended lo. No charge unless collec tions are nude. JIOUM-S to let and rents col- rcted. Keal eMste bought and void. aplTLf O. BALLOU , ATTORNEY at LAW Office n Crelgbton's ucir blwlc , southeut cor room , floor. OMAHA. > EB. j. S. SilROPSHlUK. Attorney- - Law lioom No. 1,8. E. Corner 15th and Douglas Sis , OMAHA. - - NEBR. ' t. 8. SPJLO. " B-rKlTClIKIT SPAl'N & PRITCHETT , Attorneys uid Coun'.elors at Law. OegSt * Twelf : Sj-eet. Address ! < > " - * " Om h . W ; J. CORNELL , Ooixxxsoilox- HMrict Attxiruejr for Second Jud icial District. iJKMU3outh side o ( Fsrnbatn , between 1Mb r > " IKth it * . , opposite Court House. XO.H. O'BKIEK. O'BRIF.Sf. ATTORNEYS LAW orEce-Ctl.lwell Block , i > ouglas Ktreet , OMAHA. - - - - NEBRASKA. PAKKE GODWIN , Attorney at Law * in Uman BI > tk. ) 4J1 THIRTEEAlTH BTKEET , OMAHA 2S liu JOHN \Y. LYTLE , J t-LaiT and Solicitor la Equity. jFFIOh-Orrr First tTatiosal Bank , N. J. BURNHAM , ATTORNEY AXD CODNbrfLLOB A3 LAW , S. E. Cor I5tb aod DoajUs Struts. OMA.HA - NEB SIXCE the remored indictment of Brigbara , fifty-five of his connubial partners have hung their card bas kets on the outer \valfs of the ha rem with cards marked , "not at home. " THE Lancoluites had better pre pare for the .vorst Several Oma- hawka have already filed applica tions for Capital removal commis- feionerships with our legislative can didates , and the cry is still they come. GOVERNOR KKLLOGO'S traducers charge General Sheridan with tl\e declaration that he would rather do nate fifty cents to the Madagascar Mission , than to go down to Louisi ana to help sustain a governor who hasn't got soul enough in him to ballast a bumblebee. THE Bourbons proclaim their in tention to carry Missouri by $50,000 majority. If the proviso of their constitution that restricts therightof suffrage after the year 1875 to those who can read and write , was in effect now , we opine the Democratic ma jority would dwindle down to 25,000 on the othr.-r side of the political ledcer. * WASHINGTON Judges are remark ably tender and touchy if the fol lowing case , reported to us by tele graph , may be taken as a fair sam ple. While a case was being tried before Judge Humphrey , in the Criminal Court , one of the jurors passed a side remark that displeas ed the Court , whereupon tha Judge announced that he would grant a recess , remarking that he had been Informed that one of the jurors , a Mr. Time , was in the habit of car rying a brick in his hat , and closing with the admonition that he did not want it to occur again. Just then Mr. Time exclaimed , "I often heard of you getting drunk your honor , but I did not believe a damned word of it. " Strange to relate , Mr. Time was immediately called to time and discharged from the jury. An indiscriminate slaughter m clothing and gents' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 206 Farnham street. Fine linen and chevoit shirts of our wn make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Railroad Tickets bought and sold by P , Gottheimer , Broker , at 29G Fan.ham street. Unredeemed Hedges for Sale. may Iy26 Hamlet Or urn , GENERAL DKALEB IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods 9th st , between Jones and Leavenworth sts. TO THE PUBLIC A MObT COMplete - OFFERS line of Drv Goods. Fancy Goods , Woolen and Cotton Flannels , Wrapper ReLatns W oolen bhawls and all Unds of f.ill and winter material for ladlts' and chi'drens' dresses. Al so Calicoes of all grades and description * a dpe- cialty. Boots and eliocs for ladies' gents' and childrens' wear. iteptldSmo * OFFICE. No. 232 FARNHAM ST. - cr STAIRS BeU3thiH5t5 , , OMAHA. as-Oldest jjractSrliu' IVuMsU Jfi Jbeclty DR , A , S , BILLINGS , , IDZEZLTTTST , 234Bet. Bet. l.ith and 14th , np sUlrs. Teeth ertrmcted without pain , by use of M- trpus Oxide 3as. WOfflceovei tBllfccc eStf I. VAJSI CAMP JVi. D. Dispense * his own meddnes. and besides egular practice , makes specialities of Derange ments and DUeaaea Peculiar to Women , Fistu- a. Piles and other Diseases of the Kectum. OPFICK : Corner Farnham and 14th streets , Srst doer to the right , up i'Jilr . Residency 210 Douglas meet , between 12 and llth , next to Lutheran Church ) Omaha , yea. Addr * Ux > k Box S ) * . SPENCER'S Fruit and Confectionary JST-A-TSTIID , , . . . 13 n unu l. n > emvortli Su. , The Slour City ana rarmo ttallroaa , IB Onnntloa with U > e SIOUX CITY & ST , PAUL RA-ILROAD , Is Ci ( illis the shortest route from Omaha and Connrll Blnffa to St. Paul , Mlneanolln , SUIInater , AnoVa. Inlnth , Bismarck , and all points In Minnesota. Train learu Omaha dally , ( ezcep Saturday ) at 6 o.clock p. m. , and Council Bluffs at 8.05 P" ia.from Chicago A North-Western Depot. Fare as LOW and lime as QUICK as by any otlier Line. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT fBAfflS. Be sure vour ticket reads VIA. Sloui City , thus aroldlng circuitous routes and uridnlgbt transfers. Tickets can be | urchas ( l at the offices of the Chicago A Korthwi stern Hallway in Omaha and Council Blutfs. J C. BOYDEN , Gen'J Pass. A Ticket Agf 6t P. i S. a U. K. St Paul. Minn. F. C. HILL , Uen'l Pass , and Ticket Agt , S. C. & P. , Sioux City , leva. QEO. W. OBATTON , Agent. 1C3 Farnham Street , Omaha , Neb. JnlySO.tJ. II. ( IRZBK. C. J. iGUEBE & KARBACII , lith at. between Farnham an iraey a'a NEB. OMAHA , - - XAKBFACTCRIR O ? Spring and Farm Wagons , BUGGIES AND CAltnitOES. Dealers in and manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! 4T--E5TION PAID TO PARTICULAR SltOEINO. VBcpalring ot wagon and blacfcsmlthing promptly done t nmomble vrices , : * ' MIDNIQ-HT. FOS.EIG1T'J _ _ _ _ _ * * Full Account of the Conduct of Count Von Arnim While Am bassador at Paris. BAN FRANCISCO , Oct 18. Major Harry Larkyus , a journal ist , was shot dead at Calistoga , by Myerbridge , an artist , for supposed interference with marital relations. NEW YORK , Oct 18. TheleadingDernocraticpoliticians here say the result of the recent western elections is already being felt here , and claim that its immedi ate effect lias been to largely in crease the Democratic chances at the coming elections in this State. BOSTON , October 18. A special to the Globe says that four prisoners escaped from the Auburn ( Maine ) jail , this afternoon at five oVJock , by knocking down the jailor , Mr. Littlefield , with a bottle , and overpowering the turn key , who accompanied him. One convict , named Smith , was shot and is reported to be dying. The three others escaped , but have been re captured. Mr. iilttlefield was bad ly hurt about the head. NEW YORK , Oct. 18. The police are at work on the ex traordinary robber case developed yesterday , involving a loss of $100- 000. The reward offered by the victim , Mr. Bryant , stimulating them to still greater exertions. Bry ant says he has lived a sort of her mits life for the past forty years , and was opposed to placing his money in the banks. He had made his will so that his friends could get it in the event of his death. He Lhinkd he has been watched for years by the persons who have now robbed him. It is thought by the police that there were three robbers in the party , CINCINNATI , Oct. 18. About 5 o'clock this morning the Baltimore express train on the Ma rietta and Cincinnati railroad due bere at 6 o'clock , ran through a bridge at Obanyon , A short distance east of Loveland , instantly killing the engineer and fireman. The bridge is a double span , about 120 feet long ; the eastern span is over the roadway , and the western over Obanyon's creek. The engineer and fireman were extricated with great difficulty from the wreck. Hurd , the engineer , leaves a family in Chillicothe. Povent , the fireman , also leaves a wife and three children at the same place. NEW Y RK , Oct. 18. A Herald special from Cuashn , gives what puiports to be the cor rect version from a reliable source of the recent arrest of Count Von Arnim , } t sa3's : The cessation of lostilities between Germany and France in the spring of 1871 , im- > oi-ed upon Bismarck the task of > erfecthir } the work of the informal reaty It was necessary that the Chancellor should have the aid of an experienced diplomatist in ar ranging the necessary papers. The mly one available at the time was Count Von Arnim , to whom it was confided under Bismaick's personal supervision tne preparation of ter of 1871-72as Ambassador explic itly charged to maintain the most peaceable and agreeable course in all "his deajfngs with the French officials. Bismarck biinself prepared instructions which were to guide Count Von Arnim in bis new posi tion. No sooner had the ambassa dor presented bis credentials and been foimally received by Thlers than he began to make himself of fensive \ everybody connected with the French government. HIg first step was most extraordinary and unprecedented. Addressing the Emperor William privately and criticizing the policy of Bismarck as unworthy of the government , and excusing his familiarity on the ground that he oould confidentially communicate through the foreign office. This was the beginning of the pqrrefepoiideiice between Bis marck , as Chancellor , an4 YOU Ar nim on ambassador , which'lasted' until the early part of last spring , comprising eighty-two communication which Von Ar- mjn withdrew from the archives of the ambjUay QfPar3 { , and which the German government thought the criminal courf at Berlin now seeks tp reppvgr letters of Yon Ar- min to the Emperor was promptly sent to to the phanccllor , resulting In a short imperative note lo the Count that correspondence o.n mat ters relating to policy and the inter est of the empire must be held only with the ' foreign office , wUjejlYB Arnim'refused , it was 'therefore de- teimined to forbear public recogni tion of Von Arnlmfs course"as to such time as it could bo done with out spandal to diplomatic relations of Germany with France. The next step was to Indirectly engage the French press In a quarrel , * From time to time articles ap peared In the leading Paris journals antagonistic to Bismarck ; .the of fice commenced an investigation , and was soon satisfied that Von Ar nim was secretly plotting against the peace of the empire , ami doing all In his power to embarrass the re lations between Paris and Berlin. When Von Arnim was directed by Bismarck to assure McMahoii of the entente cordiale1 on the part of Ger many toward France , Von Arnim replied that he was not on . .good terms with MoMahon , and could not communicate with Lira. "Bis marck forcibly replied to ; maintain friendly relations with the French government. In January lost , mat ters however , reached the crisjsaud ! there was but one remedy , to recall Von Arnim and sendv him to Constantinople. He waa de livered and ordered \Turkey a letter was received at thes Berlin foreign office from Chief of Records of the Pails embassy stating-that eighty-two confidential letters be longing to ( lie ari hives tf the de' egation were missing and there vas no explanation for H- They vere the reproving letters of Bismarck to the Count , containing the jvhole history of Count Von Arnim , to prejudice toe Emperor against his Chancellor. Whether the higher court ot appeal wijl sustan } < * Van Arnim's claim of a proprletorytright Jn the letters In question is a matter ot some importance to the United States and to every other goverttf ment recognizing the usages of so-- clety. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Specially Reported for the Omaha Daily Bee br the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Do. THEWSST. A Colorado Man Shot in His Tracks , Without a Mo ment's Warning. The Political Struggle in Neva da at a White Heat , With the Republicans Ahead. THE EAST , How a Busted Corner on Oats in Chicago Made the "Bulis" Squirm in the New York Market. NEW YORK , 17. Mile. Albara , a distinguished American cantratrice , arrived from Europe yesterday. Six cases , each containing 5,000 cigars , was stolen from pier 13 , .North river , Wednesday night. No trace of the thieves. They were consigned to Hartz , in this city. VIRGINIA CITY , Nev. , Oct. 17. The political issue in this State is not doubtful except in Bradley's dis trict , where his personal popularity may secure him a majority and give the democrats the Governor , but the republicans will very probably carry the Congressmen and legislature. The democrats and republicans are withdrawing bodily fiom the cres cent or anti-Catholic ticket. The excitement is at fever heat , and meetings are being held all over the State. PHILADELPHIA , Oct 17. A well-known theatrical mana ger of this city is making arrange ments for a walking match open to all pedestrians in America. He in- : ends to give the champion a gold , medal , and $500 in pri/esfora walk ing match from New York to Phila delphia ; the contest is to take place helatterpartof this month. Among : he pedestrians who will enter are Edward Millen and George Avery of Boston ; C. F. Payne of Albany , and C. E. Sangarde of New York. Preparations for the match will be completed next week. YORK , Oct 17. The grain trade was thrown into v state of excitement yesterday by he announcement of the collapse of he conier in oataat Chicago , and he suspension of E 8 Edgar & Co. , of Burlington , Iowa , who were the principal movers in Ihe corner. The ) nce of corn here was very unset- led , and dealers timid of operating , hut nothing special transpired be yond a decline of one cent per bush el. The agitation was felt in nearly all branches of business , and values were very much unsettled. The irovision market was almost entire- y demoralized , and the bear move ments in mess pork wpre out in full force. It is feared that several sus pensions will follow. * # NEW ORLEANS , Oct. 17. Dr. Bronpono , onpoftlje members of the advlsory'boafd , has resigned , and in consequence the conference committee Las been called to name lit suppessqr. Arrangements have been com pleted between the levee commis sioners and levee company to use ; ne repair fund with the construc- : ion fund on levees. The work will be commenced immediately. Of the 18,000,000 cubic yards projected 1,000,000 will be builf. The propos ed arrangement leaves open Mor- gnnlza and Bennett Carre , where the two important crevasses oc curred. : _ DENVER , Oct 17. William Van Bmlert , a resident of El Paso county , Col. , was shot and Instantly killed , on Wednesday evening , by a man named Jeff. Steele. Van JEndert and wife were , "stonpjnglemnornrijy at thp house of 0 , M. Jones and Mrs. Van Entfert was at a well , drawing a bucket of water , her husband standing iiear , when Steele rode up , and , without saying a word , fired the fatal shot and rode rapidly away. Steele 1 * wealthy , owning a Jarge quantity of stock , and has heretofore borne a good character. Van Endert was Bjso wealthy antf bfgftiy respgcteil. At last accounts Steele had not been arrested , NEW YORK , Qct 17 , The challenge of G TV JMealley , of Boston , to row any man In the United States except Evan Morris , of Pjttsburg , or George Brown , of Halifax , n five-mile race at Spring. . Held , Massachusetts , for $1,000 a filde , was to-day accepted by John Jilgler , of this city , who agrees to row Mualley at Springfield next month. All arrangements were perfected this afternoon for the grand nation al billiard tournament , which will be held here In November ; It will lost nine days. Those already en tered are George T Slosson , of Chicago cage , Monsieur Vigneaux , the French expert , the Dion brothers , A P Rudolph , Albert Gamier , and G Daniels , of Boston. NEW YORK , Oct. 17. A letter received In this city from Havana , dated October lOfh , says there is a report afloat of the defal cation of 51,000,000 In the Havana custom house. No further particu lars are given. Budd Doblo has purchased of Jno. F. Morrow , of Boston , his famous black gelding , Camors , for $25,000. Doble acts merely as agent for a man In San Francisco , and the horse will go west very toon. The jury which tried Wm. M. Tweed were found guilty of misdemeanor meaner , but JudgeTaviB in signing the record made It misdemeanors , and imposed a sentence of fine and Imprisonment for each misdemeanor to which the verdict applied. A motion was made before Judge Brady , in the court of Oyer and Terminer , yesterday , to restore the record to Its original finding. - After hearing arguments the courts re- 'Wired decision , B JERSEY CITY , Oct 17. At 3 o'clock this morning a fire occurred at the residence of ex- Mayor Sawyer on Summit avenue. The inmates narrowly escaped death by suffocation. Building damaged to the amount of $7,000. MEMPHIS , October 17. A white man named Wood was shot and killed during an alterca tion on "Wednesday at Marion. Ar kansas , by a negro named Fish. Ex-President Johnson arrived here this morning , and will address u meeting this evening. MONTRKAL , Oct. 17. Mr. Page , Chief Engineer of the public Works , in ia tins city on bus iness connected with the location of a new canal. When he has finished here he will proceed to the TVellaud canal and locate that. > NEW YORK , Oct. 17. The bank statement is unfavora ble , showing a falling off of $2,598- 975 on the reserve. The following are the figures : Loans increased $897,400 ; specie decreased , 1,908- 900 ; legal tenders decreased , $ l,697v 200 ; deposits decreased , $2,348,400 ; circulation decreased , J55.300. WASHINGTON , Oct. 17. The Treasury department to-day received a letter from Philadelphia containing a check on the National Bank of Commerce to be added to the conscience fund to cover duties on personal apparel Imported through friends si nee 1860. A New Yorker also sends $25 to be placed to the same fund on account of cus tom duties. NEW ORLEANS , Oct. 17. Four ot the five Radical members of the" returning Board of Elections bave agreed to resign , to enable Kellogg to reconstruct the Board with two Conservatives and three Radicals. This is the basis of , a compromise between the White League and Kellogg's party , and one of the conditions of peace in the future. Ex-Governor Wells , the fifth member , will resign also. BUFFALO , October 17. The Courier this morning authori tatively denies the statement pub lished by the Suspension Bridge Journal , that the works of the Nia gara River Company at Ironton had suspended , owing to the chilling of the blast furnace. An officer of the company stated that a scaffold or monster clinker had developed in the furnace , which cannot easily be accounted for. Work is to be re sumed in thirty days. JEROME PARK , October 17. To-day is the pleasantest day of ae fall meeting of the American Fockey Club. The programme is an excellent one , comprising six races altogether. The weather is ine , and this fact has had the effect of bringing large- crowds to the grounds. Pool selling in the mile ind five-eighths race is as follows : Shylock , the favorite , 100 , Jack ? rest 55 , and Nellie Norton 50. NEW YORK , Oct. 17. The secret session of the Episco pal Convention was continued to- lay and will probably continue hrec or four ' days. Luther 'Bryant , who occupies rooms No. 1 and 2 Forsyth street , vas absent from home a few days his week. During his absence burglars entered the rooms and stole jonsiderable property , including a arge sum of money. Bryant says lis loss will exceed $100,000 , $70,000 > eing in $20 gold pieces. No clue to he thieves. WASHINGTON , Oct 17. The internal levenup reflejpts { OT lay amounted to $1,586,470 ; nation- il'bunlc notes received 'for redemp- lon amount to $240,300 ; the amount if national bank currency outstand- ng amounts to $250,944,233 , of vhiph amount " § 2,15TOQp ( Js in 'gold notes , "the Tre'asury holds $253- 530,150 In U S bonds to secure the national ' bank circulation , and $6- , : Q22QQ tq.spcure tliq puh.Uo deposits. Che treasury shipments of legal ten- Jer and fractional currency for the veek ending to-day were § 5,507- 385 , ' WASHINGTON , Oct 17. The Republican of this morning says ; "It is about time that some- hlng was done with the Plympton ? onipany and the envelope contract , rhe public are tired of the whole hing and newspapers are beginning o get sick of the discussion. Day after day we are caller ] upon tftprjnt wragraphs upon'ttie subject , which ire really apologies for thp non-per- brnmnce of a contract which the Plympton people entered into , but which , it seems , they are unable " o pprform. The "only" way out of the present difficulty which department can see now , js to re ad vertise for thirty days , meanwhile tjie public trust will suffer all the inconveniences which the leading xiatraastera of the country declare Jiey are aufifcrlng. If the contract can be given to the next lowest tyd.- der ; if there ia an oil ] Ja.w of this century against It , let us h Ye the aa'vertigement of an end of the rn.aU ter , The'Postmaster Qenera.l ha.s Introduced ; a great many reforms In his departmentt In the present conflict between the con tractors there is great danger that he will lose tlje popularity ne Uus acquired , and thereby damage bis administration. iMt the com pany be indulged as much as possi ble , but not at the expense of the public. JOB Printing The Bee Job Printing House KJCCUTE3 ILL KINDS OP BOOK AUU JOB PRINTING LN TDK VERY BEST STYLES Lowest Cash Prices. Competent workmen are in charge ot the several departments , and FIRST-CLASS will be turned out In either English , Germair , Bohemian , or Danish Languages. 8RAIS , The Fortunes of Don Carlos Still on the Wane.-His Ar- Disbanding and Desert ing in AH Directions. .LONDON' , October 17. The steamers engaged in laying the direct cable have all coaled and wait only for repairs to the Faraday's rudder , which will soon be com pleted. LONDON , Oct. 17. A proposition is on foot to re-elecl Hon. Bejjamin Disraeli Rector of Glasgow University. The proposi tion meets with general favor , and it is believed that if elected Mr. Disraeli would accept the trust. SANTANDKK , Oct 17. Important dispatches were receiv ed in this city from Madrid in rela tion to negotiations for the surren der of certain battalions of Don Carlos' army to the Republicans. LONDON , Oct. 17. A -trial of the new military air balloon was made from thiscityyes- terday by Messrs. Minier and Sim- monds. The aeronauts met with numerous mishaps during the trip , though none of a serious nature. 17. Count Von rnunis still kept in the strictest privacy , and constant watch is maintained over the ac tions of his relatives. His wife and his counsel have made vain endeav ors to be permitted to visit him in prison , but have been denied. MADRID , October 17. Don Carlos has returned to Tolos from Pitinta La Reina. Reports continue to be received of additional defeats of bands of Car- lists by the Republicans , and of the appearance of insurgents in the camps of the government troops , with requests for amnesty , BERLIN , Oct 17. An election for a member of Ger man parliament was held in the town of Dortman , WestPh lia yes terday. The contest was. between a Progressionist and Ultramontane , and resulted in the success of the former. The residence of Count Von Ar nim was again searched to-day by the police and agents of the govern ment. LONDON , Oct 17. It is reported on .semi-official au thority that Captain Catoris has jeen awarded tne Victoria Cross jy the government , in recognition > { his valuable services in the \shantee war. The minister of the Argentine Republic resident in this city has eceived a telegram from the author- ties at Buenos Ayres , stating that : he insurgent revolution has proved i failure , and that General Mitre , .he insurgent chjef , has returned ionic. PARIS , Oct 17. Duke Mecases , Minister of For- : lgn Affairs , has rendered an oflicial explanation to the Spanish govern- nent , through its ambassador in Paris , of the complaint in the recent Spanish note concern Ing the alleged , 'iolation of neutrality laws by France. He explains the attitude > f France in regard to the Carlist 'overnmeut and proves to thesatis- action of the ambassador that the jomplaints are entirely unfounded. ; t is now thought that any danger ) f fuither complications is over , and , hat the Snaqjsh Cabinet will accept IP satisfactory the explanation and riendly assurances which have been jiven. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. NEW YORK , October 17. Money Easy at 3 per cent. Exchange Steady ; 4 85a4 88j. Gold Dull but steady at 1 09J © L10. Governments Fair ; registered , L0-40s , 111 $ ; currency 6s , 117J ; coupons pens , 1 llf. Stocks Opened active hut de- jlined , Erie falling to 28.J , W U291 , Lake Shore 78 } , but the market is Vow heavy at at a decline ; Erie 295. " M. 40J , WU7 | 5 , JJP35f. New York produce Market. NEW YORK , Oct. 17. Breadstuffs Quiet , but generally toner. Flour Easy. Western shippers ixtras , 5 155 25. Wheat Firm , and higher prices isked. No 2 Milwaukee nominally 110 ; No 2 Chicago , 1 06. Cqrn. firmer ; Ql91Jc. Oats Steadier. Rye and Barley quiet , Provisions Pu.ll , Porfc SQ , Leather , Iron and Wool Un changed. Chicago Pruuuce market. CHICAGO , Oct. 16. Flour Dull weak and lower ; good and choice spring extras offered at $4 604 90 ; low medium 425@4 40 ; superlines scarce at 3 25@4 00. Wheat Eirm ; cash , 89J ; No vember , 89 J ; December , 89J ; seller year , 89 } . Corn Steady ; cash , 74 } ; Nov. 70 } ; seller year , 68. . Oats Steady ; cash , 47 } ; Octo ber , 48J@48 } ; November , 461 ; sel ler year , 46. Barley Steady ; cash , 106 ; Nov. J. U * > 7 * Rye S2. Highwines 1 00. Pork Quiet" ; year , 1700 ; Febru ary , 1750. Lard Steady ; seller year , 11J ; February , 11 55. EEDMAN & LEWIS , Cor. 16th and Izard Streets. ILi TJ IMI IB IE IROn / On hand and SAWED TO OEDEB. MB8.J.E.VAJ8DERCOOK. Eclectic Physician * Residence and offift 250 Dodge st bet 14th nnd 15th sU. Special attention paid to obstetrics and dls ases peculiar to wome n and children. Ktf. WILLIAM SEXAUEB. 225 r rnUm'.Strcit , - - Omaha , Hsi WHOLMALX AMD KKTAII. DKAZJCK tS FURNITURE. BEDDIN6. ETC. & CO. CLO THIERS , - AND DEALERS IS - a-nuisTTs' s1 u isrzsmisrcsOOOHDS , and 223 FARNHAM STREET , COS. 13TH ST We Call the Attention of the- Public to our Extensive And Well Selected Stock for the FALL AND WINTER SEASON Comprising The Latest Styles in lothing Furnishing Goods. " ( I HATS AND CAPS , TEtHSTKS AND VALISES , ETC. Pricss ar © Very "Iiow" to sujlt tlio Times. Gail soon at M. HELLMAN & CO. STOOSZ , ,1873. B , .248 Douglas Street. , WHOLESALEjAKD RETAIL DRY GOODS , CARPETS , AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh New G-oods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city , consisting of MFlHWfK PIWPBPCS , P ! /iiUillOj ilii ijliljiLJH dj ALPACAS & MOHAIRS , aU > V3LYET & BEAVER CLOAKINGS. A FULL STOCK OF SctAWLS ; BLANKETS , FLANNELS. MERINO TJ.NDEBWEAH AND WORSTED G-OODS. TABLE LliN EN IN H IfT VARIETY. A FULL LINE OP ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARKTS , OIL CLOTHS , MATTIN8 RDSS , AND MATS , TjHZIEI Furniture , bedding , Mirrors , and "everything pertaining to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade ; has largely increased his stock.-and now lias a complete assortment ot FINE , MEDIUM and LOW PRICED goods , which he is offering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of everyone desiring anything in this line , to examine his stock before purchas PARLOR SETS , LOUNGES &e.UPHOLSTERED AND COVERED TO ORDER. CHAS. SHIVEHICS , . . Stx-oo * < \VOOD\VOBT1I , 238 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. WAGO1T Wood Stock , WAGON HARD WAKE , Patent Wleefc , Finished Gearing , &c. Axles , Springs and Thimble Skeins HARDWOOD- LUMBER , Carriages , Hacks ssa Buggies StailebackerjAV { jonj Depot. mchett G. STJRIFFLER DEALER IN G B. O O EE.IES , ProyMons Fruits , Nu S , Confectionery , Tobacco , Scpars , S. E. COR. OF TESTH and FARHHAM. IHt WHOLESALE CANDIED lam ow fnanulacturing all varieties or candies and jwill sell a S Dealers In this State need not want to croKastfot CAVDIKS. A trial Is solicited. SEXTET StOor - mclillti B. & J. WILBUR , Books and Stationery , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Fo-urtoanth , Street , Omalasu , 2 GE1ST1RAL AGENTS FOR ALL SCHOOL BOOKS ar3-lmy AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. a&d barney Streets , Fall And Winter Styl A. POLACK , CLOTHIER , 233 Farnb.3iaa. St. XToar 14th , . Fine and SEedinm Clotning , and Furnisning Goods. T OHIE-A IFIES1 ! ?