I W- Wfc fc r B * P R . L'- I ? > f ? t VOL. IV. OMAHA THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER 15 , 1874. , NO. 101. f , niK DAILY KKK N IDWA1JD KOSEWATKR , Editor and Prop * ! _ ? fflrr Nfc. 13S rurnhnni street. Mum iid Toil i. I ? TERMS OF SUBfeCKIKTION : copy , one year. In advance. . . . tlx months. In advancF J.W i " Uiree inntks in advance 2. . 3-lf not paid In advance , S3 per annum 1I i colleted 1 PREMIUM HATTEB V. .1 V.to to- FBEDEKICK , Best and Cheapest Hats and Caps. OMAHA. QKAHA BDSIBHSS DIKEGTORY. OEAOSBR MANUFAOrOET. Smith. IBS Uurncr street , bet. I AUD SHOES. ' - Lang. 155 Farnliara at. between tOth .f'iiuA 115U t febWyl OONFEOTIOHEEY. TT L. Latey , corner 12fh and Douglas streets , 'U. ro.nnfacturer and whulesale dealer In ciidi.sandconfettionery. Country trade BO- HiceUxl. I'l'f COAL DEALERS. t Elliot , coal , lime , eemcn Ihalr etc. . Poland ' et. fel > 13m3 PAWN BEOKEB. 11/T / Elgutter , So. 200 Farnham st. elTtf LADHDET. lann-lrr opened at oil llth at. , lt. Anew . i-nd Douclas. The trashing and Ironlnff irlll lv . done . to rrdn- . first class work „ . . rAOTOET. rvrcralam Soup Wurls , Powell A Co , § 1111 t uianu'acture their Premium Soap. Hvo first premium /awarded l.y the longla county and httte fairs , auJ Pottawattamle county , la. Onjers oH-lUjdJr U e trade. _ AT70BHE73. E. F. SMYT1IE. O. C. GRAVES. SMYTHE & GRAVES , Attorneys at-Ziaw. Room 5 CreigMon Block. SAVAGE & MANDERSOM , Attorneys ii 342 FAKN11AM 8TUEAT. JOltN C. COUDf , . Solioitoxr CODNSELOR. OFFICE-CUEIGirrOH'H I1/.OCK , OMAHA , KIIHDASKA. rSH T. W. T. Iticnards , Attornej * at Law , 0iflce490 13lh Sf , lict. Fnruliam and Hurnoy Oumha , Nob. f 0. Uox ItEDICK'S OrERA HOUSE OMAHA - NEB. fcrttr E. ESTABItODC. w. M. FEANCH8 ESTABROOK& FRANCIS ATT011NEYS AT LAW. flFFICE CreiijljUn Block , Omaha , fc'eb. DtXTER L THOMAS , Atlornej" And' .Coinselor at Law. JPFIOE SMW Be' Vissctet1 * OMAHA. - " - JOHN B. Attorney 1 Counselor at Law Office Boom 2 , Crelghton Block , I . QMAHA. Cor. 15th and JJonglas 6t . / _ _ „ „ „ „ - AKDPBOMPT- ly attended lo. No charge unless collec- n r mado. Wou.e to let andTenti col- icJ. Keal eeUte bought and old. apITtl O. BAIXOUT ATTORNEY at LAW Office n Crelghlon' Jir * Work , wuHioast cor room , floor. OHAIIlt , S. SITROPSHIRE , Attorney- - Law Uoom Ko. 1 , S. E. < Jo ncr 15thand Douglas St , OMAHA. . - * KEBB. SPAUN & PR1TCHETT , vnd Cous < Ior8 at Law. AKD . Secoa Jod- lor n ? lrlct Attontef IcLil JHstrlct , side rf Fsunlwm , between OCce Caldwell Block , To"ugliui KEBRASKA. - OMAHA. - - - PAKKE OD\VIJS , Attorney at-Xawj ( llellmin llficl : , ) ' * 49D THIRTEENTH STREET. OMAHA rifi 1m JOKN .T ? Selicltor IB Eqalty. . OFnOL-OT6T Flni KttIaa I Bmk , N. J. BURNHAM. ATTORNEY AND CODXGiJLLOR AT - ' . ( , , iaw , > , : 8. E. Cor 13th and Douju ! Streets. * * . - N3SB. Approaching Collapse of ttu Carlist Insurrection in Spain. Reported Desertion of the Sink ing Cause by General Dor- regaray With Eight Hundred Men. Withdrawal of the French War Steamer From Civita Vecchia.2 ROME , Oct K. The French war steamer Oroque , left Civita to-day. SANTANDOU , October 14- A report has been received here that General Dorregaray , with fcOO Carlist troops has gone over to the Republican army , but it lacks con firmation , although confirms the re ports of a partial submission of C'ar- lists. It is stated that two Carlist bat talions have surrendered at Algora , and that others are offering to sur render upon conditions that Fueros is respected. The Carlist provincial authorities in Durango have given public no tice that those wishing to lay down their arms may do so. LONDON , October 14. A special dispatch to the Pall Mall Gazette from Santandor confirms the reports of a partial submission of Carlists. LONDON , Oct 14. A public meeting was held in Bir mingham last night at Trains. BERLIN , Oct. 14. Count Von Am ini has been trans ferred from prison to the Hospital of Charity. The appeal of the public prosecu tor against the release of the Bishop of fravea has been rejected. CONSTANTINOPLE , Oct 14. The government has withdrawn its prohibition of the transmission of cipher messages on the Turkish tel egraph lines. The Turkish town of Akhiolyi , coupling 5,000 inhabitantsaud sit uated on the Gulf of Burgos , in the Black Sea , has been totally destroy ed by fire. An indiscriminate slaughter in clothing and ge * ' furnishing goods regardless of wfcps at 206 Farnham street. Fine linen and chevoit shirts ot our wu make at 52.00 fllid $2.50 each. Jlatiroad Tickets Bought and sold by I * . Broker , at 296 Faruham street. Unredeemed fledges for Sale. nay ly2G XZamlet Or urn , OENEEAL DEALEB IX Staple and Fancy Dry Goods 9th at , between Jones anil wavenworMi sts. f-VFFEIlS TO THE PUBLIC A MOST COM- U piete line of Urr Goods. Fancy Goods , "Voolenand Cotton Flannels , Wrapper Detains Woolen Shawls and all kinds of fall and winter natenal for ladits' and chUdrens' drosses. AI- 10 Callcoe * of all erodes and descripllons a tpc- lalty. Boots and fcliocs lor ladies' Rents' and ihlldrcns'-ncar. uepUdSmu * FARNHAM ST. OFFICE , No , 232 Cf S Bet I3th & 14th Sts. . DR , A , S , BILLINGS. . 35/ir2aJbt . * a3. St. . Bel. litfc apd 14th , up stairs. FeeUi extraoteawlthoat pain , by use of Ml- troiu Oxlie ft . JJB8. J. E. VAJI DKUCOOK Eclectic Physician i Residence and offiu 250 DoJge st be' ' Hth nnd 15th sts. H | > eclal atlentlon i ld to obstetrics Mid dil sca pecuUor to wi ine n and children. I SrtX. L VAN CAMF M. D. | Dlcpenses his own. medeloct , CP'J Ujsldei rtieaUr practice , makes Biclalltb ( ot Pct n i- mcnU and Dltoues Peculiar to Wooitn , Ustu- J , Files and other Diteant * of the K .tuu > . OrxiCK : Corner FarnU in aud Hth streets , first door to the right , up tirKciWenc" , 210 Doughs street , betwc-n 12 and IHth , next to Lnthiran Church , Ontaba. Knh. - A.tJrwi SEXAUER. 225 r.n am Street , * Offala , Net \T OLEaALE AMD BBTA1I. DEJLLXB W FURNITOBB. BEDDING. ETC. ENOCH HENNEY , Justice of the Peace Office orcr the StsM Bank , cornnrot Firn. ham atid 13ll > treet5. NEW SALOON HEKRY. the ropplar Saloon kerpor , h ns fitted up tliB bajseui.ul of od ! Hrnld liUiMiDK. cor , 13th aud Uouglas Sts. , where , in connec tion with bU > bar he * eU outa I.unrb every laornlnz.Dd UliAND LUNCH EVERY SATT. UttDAY. airuhiraacall. alut Corner of Owamgs aad Twenty.Btccnd streata The finest lager ber con- * stantiy on hand. jeJ5-Gm CUAS. WEYMUI.LEU. Prop H. GKKBt .GltEBE te KAK15ACH , ' . s st. between i'aruham rner OMAHA , - - _ Spring and Farm Wagons , BUGGIES ASI > OAKUllCUS. J manufacturers oi Dealtrj In an JLGRICDLTUIUL DIL'LEr.rESTS ! n JIT'EKTION P-1H > TO PARHCTJL . B-Bp Ulnf ! rf waoa and blaEtamtthlog yromcUr Uone at rwwoible orlceji. MIDNIG-HT. THB What Ye Women , in Conventioi Assembled'at Detroit , Had to Say for Themselves. The Episcopal Convention ir Session in New York. BEATIJIOE , Oct. 14. Beatrice gives Crounse 176 major ity over all ; Hawes. 225 ; Garber , 160 ; Tzschuck , 167 ; McKenzie , 210 ; Porter , 183 ; Montgomery , 107 ; Griggs , 245. COLUMBUS , Oct 14. Crounsc , 3 majority ; Tuxbury 4 majority ; Tzschuck , 2 majority ; Jor dan , 4 majority ; Montgomery , 18 majority ; M ° Kenzie , 3 majority ; Porter , 3 majority ; Hoxie , 4 majori ty ; North , for Senator , 179 majority ; Schutte , representative , 84 majority ; Nance , 60 majority. SALT LAKE , October 14. In the case of Ann Eliza against Brigham Young for divorce with alimony , the argument was com pleted , but no decision has yet been rendered. The parties making the assault on : he marshal and deputy marshal White , faerving papers , were held in $5,000 bail. GRAND ISLAND , Oct. 14. A correspondent at Grand Island vrites : Returns from all the pre cincts have not yet come in , but there aresufllcient now to give the eutirp State ticket , with the excep tion of Jordan , a splendid majority. Jordan aud McBride are about even , with the chance in favor of the for mer. On the county ticket , Jack son , Independent , has beaten "White , .Republican , for Commis sioner , by about 150 majority. On the legislative ticket , Barton is ahead of his ticket , polling nearly every vote. Pfcitt , Democrat , for Representative , is greatly aheadof _ Clark , Republican. INDIANAPOLIS , Oct. 14. The indications ore that the Dem ocratic majority is" 10,000 to } 5,000. The election of Hunter , in fhe eighth district , is doubtful , also that of Calkins , in the tenth. The fol lowing is the result : Congress , first district , Wm. Kem- raan , Republican , small majority ; second , A. J. "Williams , democrat , by 5JOOO' to 0QOQ majority ; third , Kerr , regular'democrat , over Cra vens , the fusion candidate , by 2lOpQ majority ; " -fourth , JSew , Democrat , by 500 ; fifth , Hol- mftil , B e'mocrai , 500 : sixth , Rob- [ iison , republican 5jOOO ; ninth , Mc- Dlurg" , democrat , by a small major- : ty ; tenth , Hayniond , democrat by i small majority ; eleventh , Evans , epublican , by 2,000 majority ; 12th , aamilton , democrat , by 400 ; 13th , 3aker , rcpuuijconfay ? , QQO. The ionte&tinthe SlhyOtll and 10th Is : ery olose. The olllcial vote may ihange tqe result. Baxter is elec- ed Senator by 4,000 majority. The ndicatious arp that the ' indepen- lents hold the balance'of powpr in xtb houses. DETROIT , October 14. The American Woman's Suffrage Vssixlqtion to-day adopted resolu- ions thanking thp twenty-two Uni- ed States Senators who votp.J for voiuau's suffrage , and rejoicing in he submission of that question to he people of Michigan and Iowa ; ilso rejoicing at the recent onforce- nent of the movement by the con- erences of Iowa aud other religious xdies ; expressing sympathy with : enperance and granges , and pro- ; esting against the taxation of un- epresenttd women. Letters -of lympathy were' read from eminent nen and women. The following were elected officers 'or the ensuing year : President , Bishop Golderhaven , D. D. ; Vice Presidents at large , T W Higglnson , [ { liodo Island : Julia W Howe , Heii- y Wilson , Washington , D C ; Mary Llvermore Hon George Ourtls , Kew York. Mrs Q P Hall , Missou ri ; W Loyd Garrison , Hon A A , Sargent , California ; Chairman of the executive committee , Lucy ; Stone , Massachusetts ; foreign correspondent * " respondent and secretary , Kate"N Daggett , Illinois ; corresponding secretary , H B Slack-well. KEW * p.KK , Oct. 14. In Ili5 Ep copal Convention thi , | forenoon a resolution- declaring it inexpedientfor the conS ; vent ion to take action on the matter of assembling the synod of all bjsh- , nps on communion with See of Can terbury , to consider the questions relating to the English version of Koly Scriptures , creeds , and Arigeli- jan Chhreli. A seris's pf resolutions wer passed by the joint committee of'the hous'e of bishops and the housesof cleric&l and lay delegates , with delegates of luo Provincial Synod of Canada , which were reported. The cover the cases of bishops dismissed from tiie dioceses In Canada , ana * matters of church discipline there. A secret session took place'this af ternoon. The only fact , gleaned as to the proceedings wasf that a wordy discussion took place over the peti tion forwarded from Chicago in rela tion to the confirmationvof Bishop Seymour of Illinois. The secret session contipues to-morrow. { The reporfof the .committee on deaconesses recommends tUo pas ? gage of certain canons of/ / deacon esses , or fcistere : First. .That such maybe ap pointed by any bishop of the church , according to thp fprn ) authorized by ' the bishop of the dlo'eese. \ . - 2d. The duties shall be the care of the sick and the poort nd relig ious histruction. _ * " * 3d. The woman set apart must be 25 yeab old , unless t lie bishop shall , for special reasons , deem It expedi ent to admit a younger-caridfdate , and eyery applicant must establish the fact that she is a communicant of proper character and fitness for. the work. -t 4th. No deaconess fehall vork offl- cially in the diocese withoTit the authority - thority of the bishop of that diocese. 6th. Any deaconess may resign , but cannot be re-appointed-unless the bishop judge the cause'of the re signation was weighty , f 6th. A deaconess or sister may be transferred from a diocesjiby let ter or the request of the bishop. 7th. The coDslitution aad rules of deaconesses shall the sanction of the bishop of the diocese such -community exists , books and formulaijUes of wore 4 O'CLOCK P. M. BpeciaUy Beported for tte Omaha Daily Bee , IJT the Ati-ntlc aad PaciSs TolecrsPh Co. Miscellansous. The Military Authorities of Kansas Arrest a Squad of Indian Chiefs Who Were Starting Out to Raise a Little Hair- Iowa Goes Republican in Yes- torday.s Election by 25,000 Majority. DENVER , Oct 14. Passengeis bythe Kansas & Pa cific train arriving here last night report the arrest of several Otoi chiefs by the military authorities a Waiuego , Kansas , last Sunday Among the number captured arc MedicineHorse.Iattle Fife and Rob ert. These chiefs with about one hundred and fifty warriors , left the reservation a week ago on the war path for the suspected purpose of joining the Arrapahoes in an attack on the settlements along the border. Lieut. Sands was at once dispatched with a company of cavalry aud took the chiefs to Fort Hayes , leaving the band at Marysville. WASHINGTON. Oct. 14. General Sheridan telegraphs Ad jutant General of the Army that ho has received the following telegram from the General commanding headquarters of the Department of the Missouri : ' 'We have arrested eight of the principal men of the Atlas and they are no win the guard house at Fort Hays. The remain der of the baud are in camp six miles north of Wamcgo , Kansas , on the Kansas Pacific railroad , east of Rilcy , aud say they are waiting the release of their chief to go back on their reservation. Superintend ent Hoag , at Lawrence , recommends that the- chiefs be released. I have replied : Can give him no assurance of such release , but that the party must go back to their reservation immediately or troops will force theih to go. ? ' The Adjutant General ot the Ar my has issued the following general order : "When ofliccrs are author ized to advertise in a newspa'per which publishes daily or weekly or semi-weekly editions the letteriof authority must be construed to refer to the ( Jaily edition , and the weekly or semi-weekly editions are "not to be used , unless specially authorized. Letters to publishers of newspapers directing the publication of adver tisements should DC written in such manner as to prevent the violation af this order , " ; CHATTANOOOA7 Tcnn. , Oct. 14. The Southern Republican Con- I'eution promises to be a success , .boyt t 9 hjjjujred delegates have irriveo autf" ijipre aie jsqiputpd : imong tho&e present are we'st ana Piuchback , o Louisiana ; Peabe , Barry and Lynch , of Mississippi ; Spencer , Parsous and Lewis , of Ala- aaina ; Dorsey , Clayborn , McClure ind Brooks of Askansas ; Farrow , if GiorgIa ? , ' > nd Javis , of Toxaa. * rhe Convention rn'ct at noon ; Hon. Win. Marcum , of Georgia , was cho sen temporary chairman , and Capt. Ef. J3. CHamberlain , of Tennessee , iemp'oraryjifecrfitary. After the appointment ' ' ' pointment r'of.'a 'coinirift'teo of pur- inanent organization the Conven ? : ion took a re cess until 4 p. ni. On reassembling Gov. Parsons , of Ala bama , , was elected President , and Paschall , of Texas , Sec'y. The Prcst's speech was very con servative ; he said com ention was of jreat importance , and its work was if interest to the south. Public opin- fori'llrthe south had QVfcrrJdon. the statutes of the States"aiia Con'grelssj and the work of'convention should be to prepare such an address to the people as would correct this public aninion , and show the secession ele- mgnf ; of the south that their opposi tion to ciyir.aiVd1 pBlUlcal 'equality was useless , and could only result in continued violence and depression of her material interests. Gov. Parsons expressed the opin ion that public sentiment in the south was now so inflamed that it would be impossible for this conven tion to peaceably assemble in many parts of the lately reconstructed ( States. He discussed at length the diSlSultieS exjsting unde.r the prea- ' gjt statutes of state and federal'fri prpseeutjng offenders in jnurders and outrages' , now called political , but which he called felonies of the blackest kind. To remedy this , he would suggest that jurors , grand and petjt , be required to swear they did not belong to the White League or Ku Klux He endorsed the Presi dent's actjon } n the Louibiana in- burrcctiduj and said that his prompt attention saved the south and1 the entire nation frotn war. A committee of three from each State was appointed on resolutions , including Dorsey of Ark.Pinchback of Louisiana , Lynch of Mississippi , Speed of Alabama , Wilson of Vir ginia , and Marshall and Gaskell of Tennessee. All the resolutions were reported without debate to the com mittee. _ A committee of one from each Stale was appointed on an address to the people , consisting of Senator Welsh of Louisiana , Judge McClure of Arkansas , Shoemaker of Virgin ia , 3 ayer of Alabama , aud Abbott of Tennessee.1 A committee of one from each State was also named on facts and statistics of crimes , to continue , if necessary , until the assemblage of Govl .Brooks , of Arkansas , ad dressed the convention to-night , re viewing the situation In the South , and defending the reconstruction policy of Congress. He said if the reconstructed states had made mis takes , as } t was to have been expect ed , theDemocratlc government that succeeded them , made all their pre- vjous blunders respectable. He de fender ] carper-baggers against the miscellaneous charges preferred against them , and made a terrible arraignment of crimes of the Ku- Klux and White Leaguers. Ho was severe on newspaper corres pondents who had misrepresented southern representatives and had ridiculed their grievances. He clos ed with a detailed statement of Ar kansas' case , and personal dangers he had encountered in defense of his convictions. The committees are at work to F night. - WORCESTER , Mass. , Oct. 14. The Hon. G F.JJoar was renom- inated for Congress to-day in the Ninth Congressional ( Republican ) District. TOLEDO , October 14. Partial returns indicate the defeat of Pratt ( Rep. ) for Congress by 800 to 1000. The Democrats carry Lu cas county by a small majority. INDIANAPOLIS , Oct 14. This city and Marlon county give democratic majorities. State prob ably democratic by 10,000. Hartman - man , republican , elected in the fir&t district. BOSTON , Got 14. Henry Ward Beecher lectured in Music hall last night to a fair audi ence , giving his new lecture , "Upper and Under. " At the clo e there was a great rush of women to the platform to secure the lecturer's au tograph. CINCINNATI. Oct. 14. Out of 37,000 votes , with 20 pre cincts to hear from , Bell , Democrat ic candidate for Secretary of State , gets 4,500 majority ; Sailor , Demo cratic candidate for Congress in the 1st District , has 4,200 majority over Greener ; Banning ( Dem ) , 2d dis trict , has 1,200 majority over Ste venson. PKOVIDENCE , October 13. The death of Bishop McFarland , of Hartford , casts gloom and sorrow row throughout the State. Many prominent Catholics of this city will attend the funeral at Hartford , on Thursday morning , and also the Right Rev. Bishop Hendrickson o this city , together with nearly al the c'.ty clergy. CINCINNATI , Oct.,14. - An Enquirer special claims the State has gone Democratic by twen ty-five thousand majority , anil have twelve out of twenty Congressmen. Returns from all parts of the State Indicate that the Republicans are defeated on the entire State ticket , ind elect only four or five Congress men. Paine , Democrat , for Con gress , 1,500 majority ; Wilson , 1,000 majority ; Hurdl,000. .N"EW YORK , Oct 14. Rudolphe challenges Gamier to a : hree boll game of billiards for the ; hampionship and silver cup. The JJ" i. World's special from Columbus claims the State Demo- iratic by 10,000 majority. The World's Indianapolis special claims he State to have gone Democratic , uit the majority not j'et ascertained , fhe World's Des Moines special con- icdes that the Republicans have Carried the State by 20,000"majorlty. Stocks were depressed yesterday , vith a decline. - DES MOINES , Oct. 14. Partial reports indicate the elec- lon of the Republican State ticket iy 25,000 majority. All theRepub- ican congressmen are elected , by aajoritles less than "those of two ears ago. 'In the first district Mc- Jrary's majority is small. In the even th district the majority was bout 2,500. The vote polled was ery light , The Grangers appear 3 hayc voted politically not in a ody. Later returns indicate a possible efeat of McCrary in the first dis- rict , on account of local difficulties. JN EW ORJjEANS"Oct. 14. The Bulletin publishes the follow- ig editorial : "We have read with astonish- lent not unmixed with incredulity , telegram purporting to have been ant by Mayor Y/iltz to. Present { rant , Inviting him to New Orleans n his return from a junketing ex- ursion into Texas. We are not ot aware that Grant has done any- liingoflate which entitles him to hy Special courtesy on' our part , und " he coin.es here at all wo hope the amf-kissing and flunkevism gen- rally , will be confined to office iolders and their black and tan fol- iwers. Lot Packard and Kellogg ttend to their master when He ornes along. The people of .Louls- ina are certainly not anxious to go ut of their way to do honor to Boss SAN FRANCISCO Oct. 14. " The Pacific Mail steamer balya- or arrived hero this morning , \venty-five days from Ponama. The political contest In Nevada is t reyer tyegt , antj is conducted wfth crimohy and personal bitterness. Omball throws down the gauntjet o T. H. Williams , democratic can- iidate for the senate , in language o grossly offensive as to invite a icrsonal conflict. The press is qually personal and vituperative , ach of those paaties having its pr- ; an. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money 'Market. NEW ifORK , October 14. Money Easy at 23 per cent. Exchange Dull but steady , at : 844 87J. Gold Dull and uninteresting , at JPr Governments Steady and quiet ; iurrency sixes , 117 | . Stocks Heavy , J to IJ lower ; Srie dropped to 27 | ; Lake Shore 78J ; lock Island , 07 | ; U P strongest on he list at 35 } ; W U 79 ; lowest > rices now being realized Eric , 271 ; JP,35 } ; WU79J ; P M , 40J. Yew York Produce Market. NEW YORK , Oct. 14. Breadstuffs Quiet. " " ' Flour Quiet. ? ' Wheat Quiet and steady ; No 1 Tring 1181 20 ; No 2 Chicago 107 1 03 | No 2 Milwaukee sprjng 112 3)114. ) Corn Decidedly lower at 83 | ; jid 04. Oats Easier at G1@63J. Rye quiet. Barley Unchanged. Provisions Quiet. Leather Qufet" Wool Unchanged , Chicago PruuucD market. CHICAGO , Oct. 14. Flour Dull and unchanged ; good © choice spring extra $4 50 ; low medium 4 00@4 40 ; superfine scarce 3 504 00. Wheat Weak ; cash 88J ; Nov. 83 | ; seller year. 88 | . Corn Weak ; cash , 73 * ; Nov. 70 , seller year , 08 } . Oats Steady ; cash , 47J ; , Nov , 46J ; seller year , 45 } . Barley Quiet ; cash , 105 ; Feb'y 103. 103.Rye S3. Highwines 1.00. Pork Steady ; seller year , 17.40 Feb'y. . 18.00.OJ ? \ Lard Steady ; seller year , 11 } @ 30 ; Feb'y Election Returns The following are the election re turns by telegraph from difleren parts of the State : PAPILLION. Majorities Crounse , 43 ; Hawes 82 Garber , 43 ; Tzschuck , 64 ; Me- Bride 43 ; McKenzie , 43. Senator , A RICennedy , 91. Representative , Davidson , 16. ALKALI. The following are the majorities : I Crounse , 24 ; Tzschuck , 18 ; Hawes , 18 ; Uarber.22 ; OUckenzie , 17 ; Porter ter , 14 ; Roberts , 22 ; MoBride , 18 ; Barton , 28 ; Watts , 28 ; Newton , 28 ; for Constitutional Convention , 28. Republican gain , 6. Schuyler The majority for the Republican State ticket in this pre cinct is about 56. Sidney , Cheyenne county , gives the Democratic State ticket 50 ma jority. Big Springs gives a Democratic majority of 19 on the State ticket. Overton Republican majority 18. Willow Island 26 votes ; demo cratic majority 6. FREMONT. The following are the majorities as far as heard Irom , in this city : Crounse , 87 ; Garber , 69 ; Tzscjiuck. ' 129 ; McBride , 9 ; McKenzie 9 ; Roberts - erts , 39 ; Nicodemus , 37. TABLE ROCK. Republican State- ' ticket , abou ono hundred majority. Abbott , In dependent , one hundred. " GIBBON. Crounse , 71-LIiller ; , 2 ; Savage , 3 Hawes , 70 ; Fairbanks , S ; Furber 77 ; Church , 2 ; Tuxbury , 3 ; Olinger , 15 ; Szschtick , 63 ; Eathorly , 2 ; Mc Bride , 53 ; Jordan , 27 ; B'isscll , 2 Roberts , 74 ; Montgomery , 6. Silver Creek The Republican majority for the state ticket isabotit [ 3. 3.North North Bend Republican majori- ; y for state ticket is 29. Plum Creek Crounse's majority s 139 ; balance state tldket about .00 majority. O'Fallons Republican majority > f 5 on State ticket. Potter Republican State ticket las 12 majority , 16 votes cast. Ogalalla Democratic majority on Jtate ticket 16 ; votes 30. Elm Creek Democratic majority 9 all around. Brady Island State Ticket tralght Democratic , 14 majority ; jegislature 14. McPherson State Ticket Re- ublican majority , 3 ; Senate -Bar- m 12 majority ; Representative Vatts , 11 majority. ' ' ' LINDSAY , Ont. , Oct. 14. The first fcnow fell ticre last night nd the early close of navigation on ie back lakes and rivers is ex- ected. CINCINNATI , October 14. The election returns were all in ir the county at three o'clock this lorning. They indicate the elec- on of everything on theDemocrat- ! ticket , except county commission- Sayler ( rep ) being elected by a lajorityof 540. The-following are ie majorities given by the returns " the vote : Wm Bells , majority for secretary ' state , 4634 ; Charles B Smart , liool commissioner , 4616 ; W J ijnlore , judge of supreme court , 69 } Arnold" Green , clerk of su- eme court , 4630 ; Martin Schilder , > ard of public works , 4826 ; Say- r , 2d district , Hamilton county , r Congress , 4334 ; Banning , 1st strict , 1417 ; Spring Meyer , sheriff Hamiltpn eouptj' , 871 ; fcjayler , iinty' commisst6ner , Hamilton mnty , ( independent candidate , ) c3. " TOLEDO , Oct. 14. Hurd , Democrat , fqr Congress , lis , sixth district , has 1,500 major- y. The Bepublicans concede the ate by a largo majority. The ernocrats claim 13 outof20Con- essmeu , including Vance , McMil- i , Payne , Poppleton , Wilson and .urd. Dispatches from Democratic mrces in the tenth district claim ester , Bepubljcan , is < Jof % ted , and ' erey elected , i NEW YORK , Oct. 14. Tne Book Publishers Board met > -day at the Grand Central Hotel ; number of largo publishing houses' " this and other cities represented " ' icmeqting ; it wass.tricty ] private" . The 25th annual meeting of the .nierican Bible Union is in pro- re&s ( o-day , the chief bushiess bet ig the eHotlon of ofllcera foi the isuing year. MANCHESTEK , Oct 14. Two passenger cars and an en- ine were thrown from the track on ie Boston and Concord railroad iis morning. The engineer was WHEELING , W. V. , Oct. 14. Owing to the lack of telegraph fa- ilitles no definite returns from the tate can be obtained to-day. Un- IHcial returns from about half the aunties indicate that the Republi- ins have carried the First district , 'he ' second and third districts are laimed by both parties. The re- jrns received from the second ds- | ' Ict are'fuvorabje to the election of ae Democratic candidate. Sfe Louis Produce Market. ST Louis , October 14. Flour Low grades scarce ; oth- rs weak and lower , superfine wln- 2r , 4@4 } ; extra , 4 004 OOJ ; dou- lo extra , 4J@4J ; 'family and fancy , ! © 6J. Wheat-rDull and lower ; Ko. 3 , 31 ; Ko. 2" , 111111 } . Corn Dull and drooping ; 8092 ; iew , 68 track. Oats Dull and unsettled ; No. 2 , 950 } , Harley Firm ; No. 2,1 H117i. Rye Opened firmer at 92. Whiskey Firm , 102. Jhicarjo Live Stock Market. CHICAGO , October 14. Cattle Receipts , 3,500 ; market ictive , steady and firm , at full > rlces ; fair to choice steers , 4 50 © > 75 ; Tjxans , 225@8 53. Hogs Receipts , 19,000 ; active , Irm and a shade better prices and juality good ; eastern advices favor- ible ; common to medium , 5 00 © > 75 ; fair to choice , 5 S0@0 50 ; bulk ) f sales at 5 50@6 00. Sheep Receipts , 730 ; active but i shade lower ; common to good sold at § S5@4 00 ; choice , 5 00. St. Louis Live Stock. ST. Louis , Oct. 14. Hogs Receipts , 5,000 ; dull and weak , closing lower ; yorkers at 3 75 © 5 25 ; bacon , 5 2i5@5 75 ; butchers , 5 7o@6 25. Cattle Receipts 1740 ; Texans 1 1 75@2 00 ; butchers 2 502 75 ; cows and heifers 4 753 25 ; native steera 450600. Clearing r Sale ! B1TRAGRBIMRY ! ! -AT- Clearing Sale ! FOB , THZ2.T1T BEING OUU Clearing Sale ! Annual Clearing Sale + - and Domestic Clearing Sale. I Y GO rin Sale ! PKEPARATORYiTO STOCK ; TAKEfO. A. CRUICZSHANE Clearing Sale ! Co , urn Mfl ft m MS. STOCK , ,1873. 148 Bougl Sji-M . ? CC3 e&ESJ tfjfisi \VROLESALE3ANDRETAIL , CARPET ! An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city , consisting of lIFIIlfi ? PHPB Cv s IflTnC DVV17TT JINiiKI- ! , i&33 'jbyllla , asr JiLliM * ! & , ALPACAS &MGRAIM8 , i&I , VrLf ST& BEATER CLOAEINGS. A FULL STOCK OF S I AWLS. BLANKETS , FLANNELS. . . ' ' ' . - - Xa.A.rESmS'SJ' Ki-ST-aS CJI3CTTjX > 35H3r T SJ MERINO I/STDERW' Il AND WORSTED G-OODS. TABLE HAM IS * , ' ' AT VARIETY. A POLL LINE OF ENGLISH AND AfflBBICAB CARFOT , OIL CLOTHS , MATTINS RU6S. AND MATS , edding , Mirrors , perteininsc to the FURNITURE and UP- iOLSiEHT trade ; has largely increased his stock , and now ias _ a . complete assqJtment oi FINE , MEDIUM and LOW sJ2 5 goods , which he is offering at such REDUCED J ± vIU ± Lib as to make it to the interest of eyerv one desiring Lnything in this line , to examine his stock before purchas- , LOUNGES &c.5 UPHOLSTEBSB A P TO ORDER. \VOOD\\rOSTlIf 138 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. HASDWARE , Patent Wheels , Iblsled Qeatjog , o. x * - * ? , Springs and Thimble Skeins HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hack * ; § Buggies Stnitelintber.XVagon Depot. rachCU G , STBIFFLER PEAtCB IN 3 B. 0 C Frnlfs , Nu's , Confectionery , Tobacco , Scgars , I. E. COB. OP TEETH 'and PABHHAM. IHt WHOLESALED C I arc. ow inanulacttiring a l Varieties oicandlesl . ' Dealers In thU State need not want to io East far CANDID , * ] \ ' A trial is solicited. - Oor- . mclilltt B. & J. WILBUR , ; n ooks and Stationery , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Fourteenth StcaeT , > Oraalia. , GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL SCHOOL BOOKS arS-lmy & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th and Uarnsy Streota , And Winter Styles A. POLACK , CLOTHIER , 238 Farnlaaiaa. St. Hear14tla. and Medium Clotliing , and PumisKing G-oodSi T isr T IE / .