G. HOMAN , Sr. , Oflers for the necessities of .the public , M-CIass Hearse and Carriages , All orders promptly attended to by leavlt them at Cor. lsh nd Harner Stt. acWtf 13Ui St. , bet. Farnham and Harnej All kinds of TAIIXKING , CLEANING an REPAID INU done at rautonr'ilK rat * TEEITSCHKE & CO. , O C B Ami Grneial Provision Denlers , S. W" . Cor. Jackson and 13th Ets. , Keep a iiM-rior | stock of Groceries , Provisions Wines , Liquor * and Cigars , and sell rheape : than anv other bouse iu Omaha. Jy3 3m KATE & HANSEN , \VIiolrxnle Dcnlcrs InlaiTobacco Manufacturers of O Z C3A. . ZS , AND DEALEE IN Tobaccoi Pipes , &c , , &c , 163 FAKXHAM ST. , Bet , 10th .tilth , ootltf. I ? P. N. GLYNN WHOLESALE AND EETAIL SXAIJJt U I Wines , Liquors , Segars , TOBVC 0 AND PIPES. RS'Californbi Wines and Brandies. KW s Corner of IS'h and Dodge streets , opposite the new Post Office bulldinc. Omaha Neb1e25U UAU.TlU.lt. Practical Watcliinaker , 171 Farnp ia n B. * - tor. llth Bt OMAHA - NEB J , ROBINS , 137 n mm SI. , bet. 9 li and 10Ib , ( Opposite Bee Office. ) LOAN2D ON WATCHES , JEWelry - MONC1 . Clothing bought and sold. ipTdlm 1 City Meat Km t Etljonhand A LARGE SUPPLY OF u 3E3 33 * , MUTTON. ) ULTET , GAME C333 QUEALEY'S P. Soap Factoryl Situated on the line of the Union Pacific Rallroal , near the jwwder house. Manufac tures first-class soap for home consumption- Iune24-Iv VV' . V GENERAL AUCTIONEER , Cor. ICth and Dodge Sts. Prompt attention given to sales of household furniture , store goods , unrsrs , cattle , etc. , either at store cr owner's residence. Real Estate at public or private sale. autfUdtl J.&COS GJS2 , 2 I K rntmni Ht. , Bet. I4tb A 15th VICTOR a. CCFFMANM.D. , Physician 1 Surgeon , 241 Farnham Street , Over Ish's JDrug store. S I S ! SILK , CASHMERE , AND ALPACA SDITp For sale and made to order. P. M. FAI.1.01T , 2G3 Dodge , bet. Hlhand 15th streets. GlfAIIA. NEBRASKA. TOTJIfc NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. 500HAE&E FOE APTIOE A D COH- BULTATIOtf. . r\B J. B : DYOTT , graduate of Jefferson Medical College , Philadel phia , author of several valuable works , jan be consulted on all disi eases of theSexuul and Orlnary or- gnus , ( which he has made an es pecial study , ) either in" male or fe male , no mutter from what cause originating' , or how long standing A practice of 30 years enables him to treut diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward let ters describing symptoms and en closing stamp to prepay postage. jj@-Send for the Guide to Health. Price lOc. J. B.DYO121M.D. Phyaicion and Surgeon , 104 JDuaue street , K. Y. _ PASSENG-EJSS Going East or South from Omaha intson U. P.K.K. , houldtakethi . 'LINCOLN ROUTE" Tla The ATCH1SON & .NEBRASKA p-Jf - fecure lor thrmselv < 4 the Six Popular E-.jtes front jLtciilsou to Chicago and SU Louis , All making Reliable jnections and being Shipped with Palace BkT * n4 Bl enbg Can. AJI delay and Inconvenience arriving from Ferries and transfer * can be avoided West ot Chicago and St. Louis by securing Tickets via and tbe ATCH1SUN A BATUIOAD. Dlraet and Bellable Connections are also made with the A. T. & S. F. B afor the Great Arkansas Taller & Colorado , And with all lines running South to points in Southern Kansas and the Indian Territory. LINCOLN & ATCHISOJN CHAS. OSJUTH - , Gen'lPaia.Ag't. P-'WHIT.E \ HORRIBLE SNAKE STORY. The Perils of Prospecting i Herth Paik trrom the l > nver World. ) Messrs. S..D. Perkins , Joseph Sti ley and John F. SteinracK , a part of Chicago tourists , returned ye te : day from a three months' tri through Park , Summit anil Grand counties. They fitted out an outf at Simpson's corral last July an drove southward , and prospecte from Granite to Fort Steele , on th Union Pacific. These gentlemen relate a mos horrible snake story which will Hen repeating. They were encamped i ; Elk Head mountains , in the Nortl Park , on the 10th of last Septembei when they met with a misfortuu which cost one of the party his life The party arrived in camp late on night after a day's hunt ana rambl over the hills. After a hearty suppe the party laid down their blanket around tie fire , which had been buil in thecleftofbomelarge'quartz rocks and all were soon fast asleep. Sir Straley wasawakened iu thenightbi a heavy weight upon his chest. A first he supposed it was his brother1 ! hand , but as it did not move , one becoming nervous and alarmed h ( raised his head and was horrified tc find a large mountain rattlesnake coiled upon hb chest with its heai nestled down in the centre of th ( coil. It was nearly daylight , bul Mr. Straley was so paralized witL fear thnt he could not make a nois and dare not move. He recovered his presence of mind .so far as to be able to draw the blankets over his face. This movement startled the reptile monster which glided from him to his brother , whc was fcleepins with him. The reptile passed from his breast to his brother's face , when , in a fatal moment , Henry Straley raised his hand to tear It away. There was a fierce rattle and a loud cry from tbe half awakened boy , and the monster buried its fangs in his right hand and a &econd time in his cheek. There was a horrible scream from Henry Straley as the poor boy jumped to hfs feet , while the snake glided from the blankets to a large fiat rock near the embers af the fire. Mr. Jenkins nrod his revolver at the horrible creature , ind at the second shot brought it lown. Poor young Straley was soon suf fering the most intense agony. His Brother , at his request , cut out a arge portion of the cheek in hopes hat ihe poison had not penetrated rery deep , and a tight ligature was Kjund around the wrist of the bit- en hand , which was bathed in cold vater. But nothing the horrified roung men could do availed to save he poor boy. He died in less han two hours in the most terri- > le agony. Had the ] fcrty been iupplied with a plentiful supply > f whisky his life might have been aved , but they had none with them. The body changed color within three lours after the accident. The roung men conveyed the corpse to fort Steele , whence it was shipped lomo to Chicago for interment. ? he snake measured four feet in ength aud had nine rattles , which vero taken olT , and which were hewn to our reporter at the corral ast evening , Thjsis certainly one if the saddest episodes of mountain ife whicn has bean brought to no- ice this season. Ln Inmate of a Penitentiary Who Works , Writes , Shaves.Etc- , Without Hands. fFrom the Pittbburg ( Pa ) Commercial. ) There id incarceiated in the East- rn Penitentiary a man named Seorge "Woodward , whose skill in erforming his allotted tasks , not withstanding the fact that ho is without hands , is the cause of much nrprise to those who witness it. SVoodward , who is now about > rty-fivo years of age , was born without hands. His father was a welMo-farmer near Marahalltown , Ihester county , at the time of leorge's birth , but , when the latter was a small boy , removed to Ohio. is the latter grew up to manhood , e was here brought into contact with droyers and horse dealers , aud aon became a most expert horse- lan. lan.During" the wai Woodward re- urnod to this State and was a sutler t Camp Cadwalader for a time. VWle at the latter place he pur- based a horse , which proved to _ ave been stolen. Being a stranger , o could not prove the purchase or is own character , and he was con- icted and sentenced to imprison- icnt in the Eastern Penitentiary , n 1870 , having , it seems , gone reg- larly Into the business , he attempt- d to "run" a stolen horse out West ram here , but was arrested at Cham- ershurg and , upon trial , was cou- ictesd and sentenced to a term of jurteen years in the Eastern Peni- mtiary , of which he has served bout four years. Woodward is a man of intelli- ence , and seems to be not naturally ad of heart. He ako says that his ast experience has fully taught him Ixe value of an honest life , and af- sr he shall have been released he rill lead a proper life. Upon his commitment there was ome doubt as to whether he could 10 placed at labor of any kind , but 10 soon convinced those in charge if him that ho is , If the word can 10 properly used in this case , as dex- rousas the average prisoner , if not nore so. He was put at chair- aaking , and soon became a first- lass workman. He has now earn- d , since his term begun , the sum if $50 , which he has invested in a ertiflcate loan of Philadelphia. Woodward's arms are perfectly ormed to the wrist , but from that > olnt they taper off , being about two ir three Inches In thickness at the md. He works with ths utmost lase , using his feec in place of fln- cers He shaves himself quite ar- isticaUy , and writes a good 'hand. ' Altogether he is much more clever han some of the handless persons vho have exhibited about the coun- ry. Oat ot Patience The other day as a Detrdter was iding on the Potomac road , says he Detroit Free Press , he came icross an old lady seated in a buggy vbich had been halted within a few ward of the Grand Trunk railroad rack , bhe seemed to be uneasy ibout something , and as he drove ip she asked : "Say mister , hain't hat engine going to come along > retty soon ? He asked her to ex- ) lain , and she pointed to the sign vhich reads. "Look out for the sngine ! " and added : "I've waited nore'n two hours for the ole englno o go by ; but I'm getting tired , and f It don't come prttty soon I'll Irlvo right over the track and go mm. " THE gallant secretary of a life in- lurauce company , being in com- nand of a platoon during the late mpleasantness at New Orleans , struck up the gun of one of his men , ' ibout to fire on a staff officer , with Jie exclamation : D n it , don't ihoot at him ; we've got a policy on ilm ! " THE ACME OF IMPUDENCE. The Coolest Rohhery on Record The New Haven Register record the following : Policeman Badgei of the Tenth station , had a bit o experince the other night which h is not fond of talking about. It wa past midnight as he was leisurel ; pushing his beat through Jessop st. aud as he canie oppesite to Draftoi & Fogg's jewelry store he observe ! gleams of light through the chink of the shutters , and he rapped a the door. "Is that you , policeman ? " askec voice within. "Yes , " answered Badger. "Well , its only me ; it's all right kind o' chilly out , isn't it ? " "Yes. " "Thought so. I was just fixing the fire good night" Badger said "Good night , " and pursued his way. An hour afterward Badger passed through Jessop street again , and again he saw the light in the jewelry - , ry store. It didn't look right , aud he banged at the door loudly. "Hallo ! " cried the voice within. "Is that you , policeman ? " "Yes. " "All right. Won't you corno in and warm you ? It won't hurt any thing for you to slip from your beat a few minutes. " The door opened , and Policeman Badger entered , and he found the inmate to be a very gentlemanly- looking man , in a linen duster. "Come right up to the stove , po liceman. Excuse mo for a mo ment. " The man took the ash-pan from the bottom of the stove aud carried it down into the cellar , and emptied it , and when he had returned and wiped his hands he said , with a smile : "Chilly night , isn't ? " "Yes. " "Chilly outside , and dull inside. [ Another smile. ] New goods for the spring trade , and have to keep our eyes open. .Lonesome work , this watching all night ; but we manage to find a bit of comfort in , this. Won't you join me in a tip ? i'ou will find it the pure thing. " And the man produced a black bottle and a tumbler. Policeman Badger partook , and laving wiped his lips and given his ingers a new warmhur , he left the itore and resumed his beat , satisfied hat all was right at Drayton & Fogg's. But the morning brought a new evelation , Drayton & Fogg's store lad been robbed during the night of > 6,000 worth of watches and jewelry , ind although Policeman Badger sarries in his mind a complete da- juerreotype of the robbers , the idroit rafecals has not yet been bund. A Bridal Tit for Tat. Out in the town of Harrison , Cal- imet county : Wisconsin , aud about leven miles from Meuasha , a wed- ling occurred but a few weeks ago , he particulars of which we have tut been told : The daughter of a iromment farmer was united in the loly bonds to a "knight of the ilowand drill , " whose experience n the affairs of life had been sullic- sntly varied to post him on the 'tricks ' of trade , " and under all cir- umstauces to enable him to give tit for tat. " Previous to the hap- y event , arrangements were all lade for a wedding tour of several ays' duration. Lii due time the eremouy was performed , and. at a roper period the bride was oonduct- d to her chamber. The happy usband soon followed , and having cached the door of the 'chamber which contained his bride , rapped ently , but listened in vain for the nticipated welcome. He knocked gain more nervously than before , ut still no answer was hoard. He ently raised the latch ; the door was jcked. He called to the little mis- hief within , but she answered him , ot , and he was finally compelled 3 seek other quarters. How he assed the nightis not recorded. At n early hour in the morning , the arrlage which had been engaged ir the wedding tour was driven to be door , and our hero stole gently own stairs , entered the carriage , ade the driver apply the lash , and was soon out of sight. He did not eturn until after the lapse of ten ays , during which time he visited very place contemplated previous D his marriage. On his return he jund his wife's bedroom open. Yes , e did. Menasha Press , THE AMERICAN DESEKT. Of tt-e American Desert Who has not ben told , Strewn with tones of the hunter In pea-ch alter gold ; With plains sand ? Mid sterile , Where naught ever grew To cbdilen ttie eye Of the stracger passing through. But In prrce3 of time A gre.it change arose , And the desert now liuds And blooms like the icse ; And Nebraska the Dtkert Takes her place on the scroll As one of < he vonngtst And best on the roll. With the proudeal of stales bhn now will compare , As one rlalnly ( an sea Bjr viewing the Fair ; Th renre works of the artist From all o'er our wide lard , Outrira'led only by bounties Fruni th3 Ureat Ulrcrs , Land. Go , vf.it that Fair , And do so at once , Then wfrcnyou get through , Go. caU upon Bunco , For tne cans of Nebraska All Batted shnula be. And Bunce has the goods As all can well so ? . ron't fail to buy your Hat j. Caps and Gloves t BULCO. Nobby stock ot Fall Good * , lust in I I'unces. Champion Hatter , Douglaslst.,223. sep30dtl fc' - QX'X * V STOVE ST.OSU3. E. F. COiOK , jrfF.4 37 Uta St. , between Donglu/ ) fannfacturer of Tin Copper and Sheet Iron Ware , and dealer in 3ooMng and Heating stove.s Stamped , Japanned and French War on nd. Tin Booting , Gutters nd Spouting and kTork done and warranted. , } Established 185S. / . . O" . 3ARRU6B mNOFAGTbRY 588 & 540 FourtMntli Street/ : > ' . ° " anitatn. ) Omaha , Nebraska Carriage nd Buggies on haad or made to order , v N , B , Particular attention paid to Repair * apr28-U apr28UH5 ITBOS BRED. I'KWIS S. BEU ) BYRON REBD & CO. The Oldest Eitablished Real Estate IN NEBBASKA Cecp a complete Abstract of Title to all Be f ouotr. Monav and Commerce. Dailv Review. OFFICE OMAHA DAILY BKK , ) October 13 , 1874. j The money market continues fira and active. .Business at tbe bank ; good , both in checking and in de posits. Rates of discount unaltered , THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK iand Greats selling ) . S825.0C land Warrants , (100 ( acres buj-ing ) . 176.0C Land Warrants (160 ( acres selling ) . 185.00 Agricultural College Scrip , ( ICO acres buying ) . 176.00 Do. Selling. . 185.00 Exchange on New York , 1-5 of one per ct. In the commercial market we note no change , as the market is firm at yesterday's quotations : Business through all general lines is brisk , and a healthy feeling per vades the market. OMAHA MARKETS. Careiuujr wirrected DailT DRY GOODS. r. j. HKOWN & BRO. . Uor. 14th and Douglas street. PRINTS. Ulens - American . _ _ . _ . , imo Leag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jristol. . _ . . . . . Tamers. . . . . . . . . . . . . lamllton . - . , lerrimack U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'eabodj- . . . . . . . - llchmond. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . impson'a. . . . „ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. ou&te 4 x. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . * * . . * . . . . * . toot G . . . . . . . labot 4-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f. Y. Mills . „ uffolk L. . . _ _ . . . . . . „ . . . . . . „ . . . . . . . . . . . . . BLEACHEO SHEETINGS. 'epporell 8-4 iio 9-1. do 10 10COTTON AD * 8. armers and Mechanic * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . real Western- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BROWN SHEETINGS. Jblon , A. dford , R _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . irantville , E IT ermania , B B . Is . . . . _ . _ GINGHAMS. .mcric&n * . . * . . . . . . * . * . . . . . . . * . * mosteat ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * . . . . . * * . ates _ ; _ . - . . . . _ , _ Hncaster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TICKINGS. moskcag , a c a _ . . . . . _ . . iddeford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DENIMS. moskeag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eaver Creek , B B . . . - . . . . . aymakers . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . tis , B B. . . . . . . . . . . . Us , C C _ . _ . _ JEANS. lddeford. „ referred . . . . . . ' 36 > . YANKEE NOTIONS. J > URTZ MOIIR & co. , 231 Parnham Street. /f ark's O. N. T. _ . . , . . . . . L. 7n > at's . „ . .ZmiH 70 H . . . . . . . . . . . . .M. . . . . " „ _ 42V HOSIERY : ; ; " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ .Ttr..n. . ? S5@2 00 " " ' " erino . . . . . . . „ . _ . .mIT""T.3 2 25a3 60 9 ° } - . .Z- . - 3 75a4 00 ulurens fancy hose ? . . : ; . „ . 7503 00 PAPER COLLARS. ckens' best..X . . _ " S 90 ing William _ . _ . „ . 1 35 hite Wing - * _ 1 80 met. . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . _ r.m . . . 2 50 8ILSWLS. tomau strip * . X.S. . „ . _ S2 25S6 50 SHIRTS. hite commnn..fS. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . 510 50 ' medlum..A . . . . _ _ . _ . . „ . 15 00 ' cu tom made - . So 00 an . . . . . _ . . . . „ _ . . . . „ . _ . „ „ . . „ , „ „ . „ _ „ _ 12 00 tlnet . _ . . . . _ C. . . _ . . . . . . . „ . 15 00 sslmcre . . . . . . _ i. . _ . . _ . . . . . . „ „ . „ . . . . 18a3C 01 ue Flannel..JU. _ . .m. . . . . . . . . . 18a24 03 f OVERALLS. 'own ' drill. . . . . ; . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ _ „ _ 55 50a7 25 11 dnck . ? s. . _ . „ . „ 775a900 ue drill . _ _ . . . . . . „ . . . ' . 7 00a7 50 ' ' duck . „ . . . „ . ; _ . . „ „ „ „ . „ „ . „ . . im 8 00a9 50 hite . . . . . . . . . . . „ . . . „ „ . . . . . . . . t 00a9 50 / CORSETS. ench whalebone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 25a8 00 lp Uovo..1 . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . 6 00 ) ve.r. . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . .m. . . _ . . 9 00 . S. Embel.- . „ . „ . _ lg 00 ' , , SKIRTS. J Sklrt34i.T.M . „ . _ ' 12 08 lit. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . „ . . . . . „ „ 15 00 , f * . YARNS. ilmoral Yarn , all colors , per Ib _ Jl 60 nnantown Wool , " „ _ 51 7032 05 xonv YarM , per box. . . . . . . _ . . $2 15 lied Yarns „ . „ . . . . „ . . . . . . 90at 00 bito.f. . „ . _ _ „ l 00 s * * 3E GENERAL COMMISSION. % J U. KOSENFELD gives US tUB Ubwinpf quotations this day : Potatoes , 90@$1 00 per bushel : utter , prime 2530c ; Butter , good ) @ 25c ; Butter , cooking 10@15c ; Iggs , 20c per doz ; Live chickens 50@2 75 ; Lemons , 14 00 per box. OYSTERS SV. B. & Co. Select , 05 cts per in ; Standard 55 cts per can ; Medi- m 45 ets per can. JOHN T , EDGAR. IRON. immon bar. . . . . . orse'shoe baMMMM. Drway nail rod. . . . STEEL. at Plow. . . . „ „ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 rmnn _ TirmiTt. mi H..MM * 11 ucrican casn , octagon and square. . 18(5) ( 22 HS'ip's English do do . 25@ 40 irden's horse shoes , per keg- . . . . . . . 725 do mule do' do . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 25 irthwestern horse nails. . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . 22s 23 indee thimble skeins , discount 45 per cent. or halloatent axles , discount 10 per cent. NA1ZS. d to GOil per seg. . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . 4 10 do . . . . _ „ . . - - . . _ „ . . . „ . . _ 4 35 I do _ , , , , „ „ , . . . 4 6U do . . . . . . . . _ . _ 4 85 do . . . . . „ . . . . . . . . _ „ . . _ B 10 ; fine do . . . „ _ . . . . - _ . . . . . . . „ . . . „ 7 10 d finis'ng do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 25 do do M. . . . . . . . . .n 5 CO [ do do . . . . . . . . . . . 5 85 4 casing do . . . . . .M..MW..M. . . . 4 85 I do do . . . „ _ . . . . . „ _ . . . . „ _ 5 10 1 do do . . . . . . . _ . . . 5 35 all sizes. . . . . . . .H .MM..M.MM. 85 BOLTS. image and tire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .discount 70 pr e BUTTS. arrow wrought , fast tolnt..dlsconnt SOprc ut , loose pin reversible do 35 do MISCELLANEOUS. ay and manure forks. . . . dlsconnt SO pr e oca and golden rakoa. . . _ _ do 23 do HINGES. rap and T . . . . _ . . _ di connt 25prc TVEENCHES. . m. _ . . dl count CSpre m _ _ _ do 45 do . .i. . . . .H do 20 do BCKEW8. meric&n Iron .H.H.M.MH. . .nHH. .M. 45prc do braiff , , , , „ , , ' , , . , . „ , . . .M. 40 pr C AQBICULTURAXi IimEMKNTS. SCYTHES. Holt's"Ha.vest Klng.per do. , not 12 00 lampiOn . . .M.H..HH..MM.H.M..HH.M.M 9 00 Dald's Eureka . . . . _ . . - _ > . . . _ . 11 00 do red _ _ . _ _ . . . . . . _ . , . . . . . . . . . . _ 8 00 SPADES AND SHOVTLS. owland'aNoS black shovels , D II. _ 13 00 do co polished do do 13 00 do do black spades do . _ 12 00 oorc do polished do do . . . 13 00 do'i "sprlngpolnt"LIIshovels.- 60 AXES. ippencott s Western Crown 13 00 do do do beveled. . . 1360 COFFEE MOLLS. irke'iNo 3 , iron box net S 25 do do 103 do H. .H.H.M.M..M 5 75 do do 23 Union iroh. _ . . _ . _ _ _ 11 00 eo do 35 do Brltanlai. : _ 1200 FILES. argrave , Smith & Co.diconnt 80 w c FU Co . . . . . - do W 49 HAMMERS. Havdole's , A E No 1 , 1 > J , 2 . Hammond's A E No 2 J9 W do do do 4 10 a dc Engimcr's No 1. . . „ _ . . . . . . . „ 10 W do do do 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 & do do do 3 14 01 HATCHETS. Morris' shingling , no i . „ . „ . . . „ _ . . . . . - . ? 7 ( K d do do 2 . . . . „ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ 8 do do do 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 U do cLw do 1. „ . „ . . . . _ _ T K dc o do 2 . 8 Sf LEATHER. Best . Buffalo Sole . , 7M r .W(3 ( V : t. ilatamonia do -SiO.2 , Sic ; No.J 33- Best Oak do . Baltimore Oak bole French Kijs . .SI , . do Calf , leading brauds fci 10 ( 2 50 Domestic Kips. . . . . „ . „ . _ _ . . . . . . . . $ ! 00 < ; il UO do Calf „ . . . „ . . . . . „ _ . „ „ . . . . . - - ? 1 35 ( jl 75 Hemlock Uprw , per foot . . . . . .2o < g3Gc Oak do do _ ± J , , TU , -T-T 3Qi ; Grain do do n m. i. . " - Llnings , per dozen , 87 00@10 00 Toppings , do 311 00@U 00 Morocco ( Boot Leg ) per foot , 33@45o do ( Oil Dressed do . . . . . . . . .3C ( < j40c do ( Simon ) „ Si 00(3-5 ( 25 do ( Glove Kid. ) 83 60r 5 00 Welt Leather , per siue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tG OOty.7 00 Eoot Webbing , per bolt , 4c@70c Oak Harusss leather , " Pittsburg , " _ . 45c do do do No. 1.40(3 ( f-'c do do do No. 2 , ,3" - Oak Line do . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . llamlock Harness Leather , No. ! , _ . . _ do do do No. 2 , -37 < u.39c Hemlock Line do . . 44 < jj.4So Fair Bridle , per side , ? C 00 < g7 00 Team Collars , perdoi _ . - . . 25 50 < p5 50 Stage do do -.321 50 Scotch do do _ S3G 00 Ltoncord do do . . . . . . . .833 00 tollar Leathei ( Black ) per foot , ! S@i4c do do ( Ilussei ) ilo . . . . . . . . . . . . .Isfrj-Mc t'atent Dash Leather. 15c SOAPS Powell & Co. , coap uionufacturere. 3apc Publico , 6 l-2@6 3 4 ; Savon Republic , do. , Chemical Olive , G to J1-2 ; Palm , 551-4 ; German Meted - : ed , 6 l-4aG 1-2. AET GOODS AND UPHOLSTERER'S STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones , Decorative Up- lolsterer and dealer iu fine art goods , 270 Farnham Street , furniahe ? the olio wing quotations : FRAME MOULDINGS. j Oil walnut mournings , ono inch , > er foot , 5c ; 2 inch lOc ; 3 inch 15c ; wlislied walnut , 1 inch 7c ; 2 inch 5c ; 3 inch 21c.- Berlin gilt , 1 inch i15c ; 2 inch 1230c ; 3 inch 18@ 15c ; imitation rosewood and gilt , 1 uch 5@10c ; 2 inch 1020c ; 3 inch 5@30c. "i WINDOW SHADES. Plain Lands , 6 feet , all colors , per iair , 1 50 ; ornamental bands , 2 00@ 00 ; each additional foot75a per iair. " . ' REPPS. Union jnd all wool terry , per yard 50@S M ) ; Imperial , plain and stri- ed , a 50a8 00. V DAMASKS. Union per yard , 1 50 ; all wool , ' 00a3 CO. _ MATTRAS3ES. Husk , ,4-4x6-2 , 4 00a5 00 ; straw , 00a4 00 ; Excelsior , 3 50a4 50. " " ' LUMBER. KETAE , IJST Subject to change ot market wltnout t WM. M. FOSTER , a U. P. K. R. irac bot. I ; irnham ai. w. GEO A. HOAGLANL. Jats , studding and sills , 20 It , and un der . . .H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' " " ' ' 822 00 rer 2011 , each adJItional ft'sidd' ! . . . ! . 60 jnclng No 1 „ „ _ \ij 50 do No 2. . . . . . 1 . 21 00 t common boards _ . . „ _ . . . . . „ . . . is 00 d do do . . . . . . . . . „ . . 22 00 L" stock boards , 10 and 12 inch. . . , , . . . 50 00 J" do do do do . 85 00 ; " do do do do . . . . . . . . . . . . SO 00 t clear , 1,1 % , \ aad 2 inch _ _ 65 00 do do do do . . . . _ . . . . . „ _ 55 00 do do do do . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ 45 00 ooring , clear _ 50 00 do 1st common. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 00 do 2d do . . „ 35 00 do 3d do 27 50 do mrrow , clear . . . . . . . . . . .T 45 00 tclear celling Ji inch. - „ . 35 00 do do2 ineh. . . . . . 32 50 ; do do | | lnch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . 30 00 do do y inch. . . . . „ „ " 27 50 ; clear siding _ . . . 27 CO do do . . , „ , . . . . . . . . . . . ' " ' " 2G 00 ; common siding. , . , . . . . , . ' ' 24 00 " 2 ? , do _ . . 2000 L" shingles „ . 4 25 : tra No 1 shingles. . . . . . . . . . . " " " 3 00 inmoB No 1 shingles 2 00 thperlOOO . . . . . . " 3 Sn 4 H pickets eer 100 . . . . . . . . . J _ . . 3 Sj uare do do do „ . . _ . . _ " " - Gr Batten pe' lineal It , . . . . . . . . \y. lUgh do do do _ . . . . . . . . . _ Liberal discount on carload lots. WINDOWS. ( Glazed. ) per ccntoS Chicago list. DOORS , ( Wedged. ) pel cent oQ Cl icago list. BLINDS , per cent offliut. * hite lime perbbl _ .S1 75@J 00 nisville cement perbbl . . 3 003 25 ister paris per hbl. . . . . . _ „ 3 50S3 ( 75 istering hair per bushel. . . . . . . 40 rred folt. . . . . . \ . 4 isterinz board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 % OILS. PAINT'S , GLASS , &c. .ROBERT C. STEELL. al OH- 5 18 I Lard oil , No IS 051 00 aseed Oil , raw. 105 " " " 2 70 " " bl'd 110 " " winter ! „ , . : rpentine _ 65 " "straln'dj 90 adllghtOll. . . _ 28 Lubricating ) _ „ PAINTJ > , AC hite Lead , St. LouU , Srtictly Pure _ S 11 ' " " " Fancy Brands . 9 % itty in Bladdcr3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ 514 1 " Bulk. . . . . - " 4 % lameld Glass , colors , % \ sq. ft 1 6fl Indow Glasd 50 il c discount TIN , SIIEET-1UUN. WIBE , &C. ILTON ROGERS , COR. 14th & FARNHAM. PLATE. , ir O.uallty..m. , _ w , _ . . . . . . . 5i2 50 Ic , best quality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . „ „ . _ 13 00 c4 IX do do . . . _ . _ TO. . . . . . 16 00 i21J do do „ . . „ _ . . . . „ . . . „ . „ 13 50 i2 IX do do . . . . . . _ 1C 50 t20 1C do do . . . . _ . . . 15 M C20IX do do 17 00 riOIXXdo do 2000 c20 IXXX do „ . 23 00 ) plate DC ( best quality ) . . . . . . . . . 23 00 ) plate DX , do do . 13 50 ) plate DXX do do 1650 > plate DXXX do do . . . , . . _ . . . U 50 ofing 1C charcoal do do - . _ „ . 14 50 ofinglX do . do do 15 60 t41C coke do do . . „ . . „ . . . 12 00 c231C charcoal rooang . . . . . . . . .m..m 27 00 c2S 1C charcoal roonng. . . _ . _ _ . . . _ _ S2 00 ill IX charcoal. . . . _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ . _ _ . . . _ . 27 50 i20 coke ( for cuttersl. . . . . . . . . _ . . 20 50 BLOCK TIN , Tge pigs lall pigs x tin . ZINC. eet tin 25 to 35 in . . „ _ „ lo do do In half casks. . . lo do do in 250 D > casks , eet 24 to 35 inches periheel. . nnerssoldei ( extra refined. . . , do do No. I. . . . do do roofing. . . . . . bid SHEET IRON rst qualit Numbers 18 to 24. 10 do do 25 _ lo do do 26. . . io do do 7 _ larcoal , both sides imothe do No 24. . do do S6 d do 27 niataNo. 24 do do 26 „ . _ do do 27 T1--I1 _ isjlaperfect 7 to I ? , , , . . . . . . . lo No. 1 , stained . . . _ . . . . -.M. Leas tnan tuU bundles , add one cent. L"American Immitat'n Russia , * U Not. Leas than full bundles , add one cent. GALVANIZED. . 14 to ? , - „ „ „ „ . , - , , , , . , , , , , , „ , , . , , _ i\jf 15 > 21 to 24 -r-t-iT-111-.m.i . . . _ ao 16 " ' ' * ' " CT , , . . , . , , - , , , . , , , . . , . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . , , . _ do 18 t > i _ , , , , , , . . . . , , , . . . .jj , . do 20 Full bundles discount 15 percent COPPER. azlers 6 to 9 . . . . _ _ . _ 45 do 10 to 12 Ib. , . , , , 42 do 12Ktol001& . . . . . . 38 eathine , 14 and 15 o _ . . _ . „ . . . . _ 37 anlsheo , 14 and 16 oz _ _ . _ . . . . . . _ . _ . , , „ 45 . 7 , 8 and , Planished . _ _ * _ . 43 tit C0pper . r l.tl.r.t CO ppar hntlntnrf TIT „ , . , , , „ , , . . . 33 BKIQHT WIRE. 9 10 11 11X > s. 0 to 6 8,8.9 10,11 12 14 15 16 19 SO .i > . .j.- . . - ; . > a . - , . . .mm * - ' * . . ' . 13,16 IS 19 20 Par bundle 15 p r e at conn it G-BOCEBIES. BTEELE & JOHNSON 538-540 14T1I 81 CLABK & FRENCH COB. FARNHAM AN llTH ST. PUMtt1 , MEYER & RAAPKE , 212 FARS HV11 ST. . WHOLESALE UEALEB8- MORGAN A GALLAGHER , 205 .tarn ham St. WHITNEY , BACSERMAX & CO. , 24 Douglas St. j. j. r.-nowN < t BBO. , Cor. 14th ant Douglas Streets. uiated prlb "owderud do L'ruaLrd do _ . . 12 ? Held cut loaf do - . _ . - 13,1 Stautitinl A * lo . . . . . . . . . . * * * Circle A do - UJial bxtzaC uo . .HM . . . . . .M. . . . . . . tlj ; : 1'ellow C do _ . .10Kall > N 0 choice do . . - . 10 , COFFEES. Rio choice prB > _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . 23K 2 do prime do . . . - . ' Zwil } : do icood do . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . - a i 3 ( r Java _ . 31a3- SYKUP& jtumon pr gallon. . . . . . . . „ . . . . . . . . _ „ S5a4i 3ood do _ . - . . 60u6l Choice do . - . . - 70 81 do N O inolnsses. . . . . . .H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ( angoon choice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . - . . < JS > < CAlJDLES. II Wcsk 4 Co _ , _ . _ . _ . 18al $ > j bOAP. Jis'ouri Vrlley. . . . . . . _ . _ . . „ . _ _ Sy3 Cirk'a Savun „ . . . . . . . _ . 6.S I. Weak A Co _ . . . _ 7a7 > kihofer's German. . . . . . . . . . . . „ . . . . . „ C Cirk's standard _ . _ . _ 4J do sterling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . _ 4al PLUG TOBACCO. Hack goods , Western . - . „ . 48 do do Virginia . _ 53aOT do do Lorrilard's. . . . . . . . . . . . - 55.16(1 ( Iright < lo uo do . C0a6.i dj do Virginia. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . CSahS fatnral leof _ _ _ . „ . „ 75a9o DBIEU FRUITS. , * # 1 outhern Apples , per barrel , . . . . . . . . . . . BalO Ilchigan " . few currants . . . . . . . . „ . . . lo prunes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lo German cherries . C : . . . _ . . . . 17 lo blickberrics A. . . S . _ 14 lo raapberrIftaTTrT-- , , , , .TT-T , So 3o ruisins , per l > oi. . . . . . . . . _ . „ . S3 GO lo eeedlcbs ralsiui , per pound _ „ . Vi % ew In barrels. . . . _ _ _ . . ? 2 70a2 85 lo dairy. . . - . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . 4 50u5 75 CANNED GOODS. poundcanMyer/soyslerBi > ercase..S4 25a4 50 do do do do do . . . 2 50o2 75 TEAS. 3lons , per pound. 25a75 oung Ilysoi , per pound. . . 40al 00 unpowder , do do . . . . . . . . Goal 25 FLOUR. low Flake , ( VTella A Kleman ) 4 50 aid Dust- . . _ . . . . 2 76 XXX Iowa City. . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ _ 3 00 ilifornia 4 75a5 00 BAGS. Uiiles , heavy weight. . . . _ „ „ . . . . _ 13SUV .o light do 171S lips , four buahcl. . . _ _ . . . „ l&ais odee guHnle3 _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . _ . . _ IE Jn bass , Amojkeg A 30 * : to do Ludlow a a _ SPICES. itmeg ! , Ponang best.per poundm. . . ave do do . . . „ . spice do do . . . . . . Damon bark do do COLUMBIA EIVER SALMON. bbls. , 100 Ibs „ $ t > cans , per doz. . . . . Mn..H . . 2 do do WHITE FISII. 1.1 lits _ _ rally in kits . bbls. . . miiy in > bbls _ _ 5 MACKEREL. rally , in kits „ 1 1 1.1 , do 1 > ss , do 3 „ „ inlly , > bbls 6 23 1.1 , ds „ „ 9 0" rdtncs , } boxes , IK 5 CIGAKS. E. SIMPSON , Manufacturer. 532 15th Street Upman < J ) M. 3 25 00 construction. _ . . . . . . „ . . . . „ „ . . do 33 00 and Central. . . . _ - . , . . . . . „ . . „ . do 35 00 liversaL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 40 09 ra . . . . . . . . . . . „ _ do 4Jt 00 lioquet . - . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ do 50 00 ion Pure „ „ „ do 60 00 r'igas. ' . . . „ „ . . . „ . . . . . . . . . do 75 CO urs Truly „ . do G5 00 Id Medal. . . . . . . . . . . „ _ . . - . _ _ do 50 00 Espanola „ . . do 60 00 iple Crown. . . . . . . „ . do 75 00 Dry Clay. . . . . . „ . _ . . . . do 10) 00 Vlller . . . .Mm „ . do 10000 Vlller. . . . . . „ . . do 100 00 6. . . . . . . . . „ . . . . . „ . . . . . . . _ . „ . . „ . . . „ . . . do 7500 CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. liolesale depot 548 14th Street. If barrel sacks. . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . 2 9C liicago , lloct Island and Pacific B. B. 'HE GRAND CENTBAL EODTE FEOJI ! \FAHA \ TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST , i Oca Moines , Irarenport and Bock Island. o Jl Passenger Trains are equipped with the iSTiNouousK PATENT AIE URAKKS and Uor's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. Fast Express Trains leave Daily , onnectlng as follows : 1 DE3 MOINES wllh the Des Moines Valley lailroad , f or Oskaloosa , Ottumwa , Kcokuk nd St. Lonis. ' U1UNNELL with the Central KaUroad ol owa , for all points north to St. Paul. 1 WEST LIlfeKTV with the Burlington , ledar Kaplds < t Minnesota Railroad , for turlington , Cedar Ilapids , Dubunue & St. 'aul. At WILTON JUNCTION with the outh-Western ( .ranch , for Muscatlne , Vashington and all points south. ' DAVENPOKT with the Davenport & St. 'aul Railroad for points north. 1 ROCK 13LA&U with the Western Union lailroad lei Freeport , Bej > it , Racine , Mil- raukee and all points in northern Illinois nd Wisconsin. : ROCK ISLAND with the Rocktord , Rock sandandSt. ! Loula Railroad for St. Louis nd points south. BOCK ISLAND with the PeoriaAKock sland Railioad for Peoria ana point * east. : B0REAU JUNG. , with branch , lorHen- y , Lacere , Cbiliicothe and Peoria. LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Ball- oadfor points nort hand south. ' CHICAGO with all lines East , North and louth. THROUGH TICKETS to all Eastern cities , i thil line , can be procured , and any Infor- , tion obtained , concerning points , at the ket office of the company , 123 Farnham St. , laha. and also at the principal ticket offices ng the line of the U. P. R. B. iffffaso Checked TUrongri to all Principal Katterii Points. M. SMITH , H. RIDDLE , len'l Pass'r ' ' ' Ag't , Gen'l Bup't _ _ Chicago. Chicago. H. LACEY , 8. 8. STEVENS , Ticket Agent , Gen'l Western Ag't ! U Usuna Omaha. ioux City & Pacific R , K , Tbe Shortest ana only Direct Route from IOTOSTCIL BLUFES St. Paul , Minneapolis , And all Points In ) BTHEBT IOWA & MINNESOTA. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CABS On all night trains Tla thli route. CONNECTIONS. . At TJ. P. Transfer with Un Pacific Uroadfor Omaha. . At Council Blufl , with Kansas City , St. i and Council Bluffs Railroad for St. Louis 1 all points south. . At Mlrsourl Valley with the Chicago and rthwettern railway fet Chicago and all nts east. . At Sioux City with Sioux City and S il , Illinois Central and DakoU Southern Iroads. Steamers for Upper Missouri River , ring navigation and with stages for all nU in the Northwest. . At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern Iroad for Omaha and Southern Nebraska. . At Fremont , Nebraska , wii the Unfon nfic railroad for all point * west and the : ific coait. . At Wliner with stages for Norfolk and al ! nts in Northern Nebraska. WTickets for aalein Chicago and North ern Railway offices. 9Be sou your ticket * read via S. C. A P. Uway. L. BUBNETT , Sup't. ' . C. HTJ.L3 Sen. Ticket Ag't. GEO. W. GRATTAN , Oath * , CHICAGOORTHWES'I ' The Popular Route from O ! N ' - " - \ Chicago and the East AND THE 1V\V ter3o > 1Fort Crosite , 1'ralrle Da Chleii. Wlnoiia St l * ul , Dulath , Junovllle , Ktno Mia , Grrcn M y > Kaclnc , Steven' Point , Watrrtown , O hkTe l > , Foi Dutiac. Madison and Milwaukee. It Being the Shortest and FLutComoleted Lin Between OMAHAand CHIC AGO Constant improvements have taken place ii the way of reducing Grade , and placing Iroi with Steel 1 tails , adding to its rolling stocl new and Elegant DA- and 8LKKP1NO CARS Equipped with the "Writlngbouse Air Brake' and "Miller Platform , " establishing comlurta lue and couimrdlous Eating Houses , oQerlngal the comf * > rts ot traveling the age can produce From. ! * to 10 Fast Express Trains ruu eact way dally over the various lines of this road tnus sec'uring to the traveler selecting this route sure and certain connections in any di rection he mar wish to sa. Principal Connections. AT MISSOURI VALLEY 3 UNCTION , foi Sioux City , Yantton and points reached via Sioux City and Pacific railroad. AT GRAND JUNCTION for Fort Dodge , Dea Mollies. Ottawa and Kcokuk. AT JiAltSHAU.forSt. Paul , Minneapolis , Dulilth , and northwestern points. AT CEDAR RAPIDH for Waterloo , Cedai Fall * . Ourles CHr , Burlington and St. Louis. AT.CLINTON for Dubuqne , Dun'eith , Pral- rie du Chien , La Crosse , anil all points on the Chicago , Clinton * nd Dubuque , and Chicago , Dubuque and Minnesota railroads. AT FULTON foi Fieeport , Racine Millwau- kee , and nil points in Wisconsin , "AT CHICAGO with all railway lines leading 3Ut of Chicago. Through tickets to ill eastern cities via this iino can be procured , and any informal ! * n ob tained , concerning Routes , Rate ] , etc , at the 3ompanic's Office , 21B Farnham Street , Omaha , ind also at the principal tiokut offices along the line oft he U. P.R. R. BSTBaggage checked through to all principal Eastern points. IV. H. bTKNNETT , MARVIN HUGHITT , Gcn'l Passingo'r AS t. Gen. Sup't. r. H LACEV , G.G.EDDY , Ticket As't , Omaha. Gen'l Ag't Omaha. mchlSvl Omaha St. Louis Short Line. 1874 ! . - Foe Kansas City , St. Joe and Council Bluffs R. R Is the only dire line to ST. XiOTTXS AND THE EAST , FROM > HAHA AND THE WEST : O CHANGE a cars between Omaha and St. Louis ana bit ore between OMAHA anu AEW YORK. Thisth Only Jne running a 'TJMMAH SLEEPING OAK EAST .FROM OtXAHA , ON ARRIVAL OtF THE UNION PACIFIC EXPRESS TRAIN , WPassengers taking othex routes nave a [ sagrceablu transfer at tna Hirer Statiom. % PASSENGER TRAINS DAILY I I REACHING ALL 9 EASTEBS AND WEaTEBH CITIES rith Less Changes and in adrance of other lines. This Entire Line is equipped with ullman's Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coaches and Chair Cars , Ciller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Weatinijhouse Air Brake. * WSee that your tickets read via " .anHas City , 8" . Josrpli A Connell Uluffii Ralrod , Via Omaha and St. Louis. ckets forsalo at cor. Tenth and Farnham streets , and U. P. Depot , Omaha IS. TEHON , GEO. L. BRADBURY , Pass. Agt. Gen' Agent. F. BARNARD , A. C. PAWES , Gcn-1 Supt. Gen'l rasa. Agt. , St. Joseoh. Kt. Joseph. B.OTTTE IE .A. S T. | TRAINS DAILY \ LEAVE ST. I.OTJ1S WITH 'oilman ' Palace Cars THBODGH WITHOUT OHAHQB nclianapolis. Cincinnati , Louisville , /hicago , Columbns , Pittsburg , Philadelphia , Baltimore Washington , - AND ANDTORK of Tralca from tbe 'West. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO llevelandi Buffalo & Boston ArerorS l altbe _ . Corer ay'gi Office , . K. cora.r Fonrtto < fc Chestnut its. , I.Loain , end a < the Principal Bal- ay Oflicet > In the "West. EIA8. BABCOCK , C. E. RUS3ELL , S'thern Pass. Ae't , West'n Pass. Ag't. DALLAS. TKXAS. KASHAS &TT , 1HN E. SIMPSON CHA3. E. FOLLETT , Gen i Supt. , Gen'l Pass. Ag't. 29U INDIAXAPOUS ST. Loots tonfcctioners' Tool Works , 1 Mills c& BroM Mannlacturerso 3onfectioners'Tools e oal Ice Freezer &c. 03. 1301 & 1303 No Eighth St. PHTT'A'Pirr.PmA , PA. oprletors : 1 ESTABLISHZD ISSt , ' IHOXAS MILLS , I - BBO. M. MILLS , /1ATALOGUES SENT ATLXK P.PASHEX. J\J upoc application. mar7dAw3m DAY. Agantswaut- r W * $ /iU ed. All classes of work- f people of either sex , young or old , make ire money at work for us In their spare mo- nti or all the time than at anything el * . idieu STLNSOa d CO. , Portland , Milnr - ' / Frazier's Eoot Bitterj tlio Great Blood and Humor Remedy. [ .From the Ckrcland Sunday Mcrniny I'ofct ] That Frazier't EootBitters possess an efficac greatlT luperlotto any other preparation Jc searching tbe blood with which we area qualt leile can testify from actual obserration.V know many Jusunws where indlriduals fc ye > rs afflicted , hare l en permanently restore to health by their > - Mr. Frailer , the en prietor , i a resld tt of this city , and is wljp ] known as one o' oar mast promlneut buslne : menT lIis refnces to the great ralueofb Kept Bitters. re aito persons well-known i citizens of standing und integrity , In whos statements implicit confidence may be place * ! and their testimony may be taten as conclti siyeeTidenceof the estimation In which Mi Trailer's remedy is held , particularly at hem < Ilere It has air , ad y attilnsd that positian thi requires no recommendation , harlug- stood th test of trial hero. We can say wltk safay , an. . dp recommend with entire confident , its u elsewhere , by all who may be affllcud wifl any kind of weakness or humor In the blued as the most searching , strengthening and heal Inz remedy of which we hare any Itnowkdg Sold by druKisUand at country stores. GEORGE W. FKAZIER/Proprietor , 591 StCIalrSt. Clereland , Chloj Over 1,000 Testimonials A few of the many parties cured by thegrea remedy. Keid and be convinced. SOPPKSEDOVKRTllIETKRX YK4BS WITH LIVE ] COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA , CCKKD Bl TIIBKK BOTTLIS OF BOOT BITTKES. MB FBAZIKR D ar Sir : I d < > em it an act o gratitude to you , and a duty toward those wht are luftering from liTercomp'alnt and dyspep. slatomakethe following itatement : I haie been an invalid for orer thlrtefc years. My complaint was a disease of the lltei and dyspepsia. My skin was yellow , the whlu ° f % IZ Tl ? tb " 'I0' of "nron : I was sl py and heayy , with headache aLd noappetliofot lood of any kind , 1 was afflicted as bad as any liTire woman could be. I took bottle alto bottle < f patent medicines , tnd paid orer setcn hundred jLllars to the Lest physicians without any benefit. I sufierwl more than I can tell you by letter , hut could get no relief until abVut two.ln,0n..K ° J ,1-urehascd a bottle of your Root Bitters from Louis Sialthnight , druggist , 13S Woodland AT. , this city. I used thisTios Ueup , and jince then h Teused nearly two more , and they are the only positive , sure cure tor llTer and dyspepsia cgmpUlnt J haTeever tried ; they have cur l me completely , and to- Jay I am as heilthy as any person can be. Ioumiu3crnna propper , u otters to trr vourdiseoveryand be cure.1 , for good health fa better than gold. Ever your friend. MRS cuwsiiAw N HAS DONE MB MOEE QOOD TUAJf AW. THE MDIC1ME I HAVE TAKES FOR TEN YEARS. Mrs. Usnlel Pmitli.of Concord , N. U. . afflictt d irith weakness , pain ia the lungs , shoulders wavy pain over ihe eye * , restless at night , and ured. flinty ft eling , all the time , wrlti. . .Si ? f EAZIE < ! Dearsir : I received tbe Bottle > f Bitters you sent me br expres ? , and I have : aken the whole of It , and it has done me more ; oed than all the medicines I have ever taken , 'J ' ? , * ? * Ulf ? n more or less for ten years. I honzht I could get them from our druggist * . y < 1 < ; not yet haTe them- l e oW 2s bottlfs.if I could have got them. I hint you might have a good sale lor your bit ers here. I want you to send me 6 bottles for dollaas , the price you advertise. Send quick 4 you can , by express , C. O. D. If is the best nedicinelevtrssw. From yaur most grate- " Bol" & EL MITH Con " 1. H p O Consuiuptires Read. ' MB. FBAZiKn-Bear Sir : I am taking your teot Bitters , they hate done me a great deal of ood. They have cured my cough , and I feel noth < Y rrryon Yours truly , BABNET CAIN , . ' , rf i.ffjf Ot Tetter Ciireil. y I t.l'IMi' . , 1O ETACH MT CASK UNTIL < i. . " 'n-r- ! ) ! : vu > r BITTEKS. ' 'jj.w.'A Sir ; TJieCrstim- vsn r " > au . / 10 ii been restored from iiir * . . . . n i ; ; .rl ( > \ . Is gratitude < o the , iii . .h ' " > l ' : : u. I ras afflicted over two err * wi.u . > > 'te Oiuy- d and face. I had ts 'i ti -i-f-.t * --ituc ' Fenton'a Sarsapa- s 1. anu 'er ' . j remedies , hut could get : ! Ir j'af Liy = > , , unlil about two ; naih ' , -ansin-Ts-i taking Boot Bitters , ' ' { .ft uau1 -i ijjc1 . I think it nothing .r.- . * izu t ' " yc''iiscovery toacfcnowl- H.- ' " . . . . i. . uy ! has used your Bitters ir . . ( ijuins. . I"t'uch she has been Doc- ) . - > _ - ini > ukvo , " nJ could find no relief , Ji Mi.i i > u t takluj them. They have r . 11. . ik IP .ure In her case. I hire tr o ItiM u l" of the Cleveland Post Office i'rrlt > i'tj ! tterrcurier for eleven years. can lre . v . jd liouc.t'y recommend your Root liters to * every person , sulTering with Salt heuru , ( Tetter ) Chronic Khenmatlsm , Scrof- la or any kind ot Ilumor in the Blood , at one ' the HoMtl Caret. O. W. UPTON. Cleveland Ohio. If your Druggist or storekeeper don't have IB Bitters , ask him to order them lor you. CATARRH CORED. MK. FEAZIEE I wish to inform you , what our medrcine has done for me. I was afflicted Ith Catarrh in its worst forma for many years. tried various medicines recommended by hyslciacs , which proved but a tempoary re ef. By the advice of a Udy who was cured : this same disease by your Boot Bitters , I rocured one half dozen bottles and they hare rconipllshed a perfect cure in my case. Be- eving that thousands are drarged out of a .Iserable existeuce from the effect of Catarrh. cheerfully recommend your Boot Bit.eri to 1 who are similarly aflected. MISS. AMELIA BBAMT. Buena Vista , Butler Co. , Pa. Retail trade supplied by a F. Goodman , bolesale agent Omaha Nebraska. Nebraska.IvlSJAwly IvlSJAwly KEARNEY'S IFLUID-EXTBACr BUCHU Tho'only known remedy for * BBIGHT'S DISEASE , And a positive cure for out , Gravel , Strictures , Diabetes , Dyspepsia Xeri vous- Debility , Dropsy , on-rctontlon or Incoztinence of Urine , Irri tation. InSainatlon or Ulceratlon of tha ILADDER AND KIDNEYS SPERMATORRHCEA , racoerhoe or Whites , Diseases of the Prostrata Gland. S ono In the Bladder , Colculut , RAVEL OR BRICK DUSTJ DE POSIT. And Mucus or Milky .Discharges. KEARNEY Extract Bnclm ! Permanently Cure * all IDIseasesJof the ( ladder , Kidneys , and Dropsical Swellings , Existing In Men , Women and Children , No Mailer What the Agei Prof. Steele savs : "Oa bottle of Kearney'i luld Extract Buchn Is worth more than all ther Buchus combined. " Price one dollar per bottle ; or , slx > > ttlss.for re dollars. ) epot 104 Duane'St , , N , Y , A physician In attendance to i answer corref ondence and give advice gratia.i . aSend stamp for pamphlets , fre. _ f Crane 4 Brigham Wholesale Agents. San rancisco. CaL ROL Keller , Proprietor of UM RISING SUN AND ANGELES TINEYEDS. Depot for the sale of hia NATIVE WINES AND Corner of Battery and Washington SU. S.B FRASCI8 JOAl , DON'T B UNTJZ.yon HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED OTTE , AND LOW RESERVOIR AS WE HAVE TWELVE UOoD REASONS why they will do your work. Quick and Easv. Chea ) and Clean. Theyarecneipestto Duy , They are besi to use , They bate evtnly and quickly , Their operation is perfect , TheT haT9 alwavs a good draft , They are made of ike bcstmaterlal They roast perfectly , They require but lltile fuel , They are Tery low priced , They are easily nunaged. They are suited to all localities , E y atOTeguaiuntcea to giTaaitiafacUoa SOLD BY Excelsior MaiJ % Co. , ST. HYUia. ti" . . 4MI \ TV" R C" ' ' v.v vTv \ * ' < . or FEILEB.1 OQO OOO ) r SBgar-Coaled , Concentrated , B e < and Herbal Juice , Antl- BlUons Grannies. THE * LOTLn GIANT" CATH.1HT1C. or SXultvm in Parvo Physic. The norelty of modern Mcdlcai. Chcnlcal < I harmacenucal Science. Ko use of any lonzet ktni ( ho l rgp. repulsive and naiveous pilu , onipO4Cd of cheap , crude , and bulky ingredient * . -hen we can by a careful application of chemical cicnce. extract all the cathartic anil other rntdt- inal properties from the moat \iluabia rocU ton erbi , and concentrate them tate a minute Qna- lo. crt My lariccr tuan a tnattara oed , that can be readily swallowed by UIOM o | lie moat sensitive etomochi and faetidloas tutea. cnlluloI'urKHtlvo Pellet represent * . ln vat coacentrateU farm , tu mnc > > Qithartic power s la embodied la any of the Jar u plllj { bend fs > 9 lie In the drcz shops. From their wonderful ca. turtle power , in proportion Vj their Elzepeor ! rho have not tried them tn. apt to rnppc e uat bey are bana or dmttc in effect , bnt such U col t all thil case. vha dlUcrent active medicinal prln- ipleaofkhich they are composed being to bar. ionized and modeled , one by the othcn , ai to iroduco a moft Bonrcliliiz and tlior iUKbyet Boutlf and kludly operating athartl : . fSOO noirard Is hereby offered lytho pro. irictor of these Pullet : * , to any chenljt itho , pea onr.Ijsi * . rill find in them an ) Calomel or ithcr furma of mercury ot any other mineral loison. Bclnpf entlrcIrTCKOtablo.iioparllcaUr are is . - equircdvhilo nsins them. They ope- atc without dbtnrbanco to the constitution , diet , iroccnpation. For Jaundice , Ilcadacae. Constipation. Impure RIood , Paiu u tbe Sliouiilcrw , TiKlTnicss of tha Sliest , DlzzIiiCKH. Sour Kructatloa ? > I tbo Stomach , Ua < \ lanto in jiontb. BlllouB attackii , Vain In region of Kldncyn , Internal J'over , illoatcd fooliuff about StooijclJ , lluHli ot Blood to klcad. JIl J Col- jrod llrljm , ViiHocIattllt3r nd : ; loomr ForcbodttiKHf take Dr Plcrco'sPIcaHaiit Purgative Pellets. n cxplauMlon of the remedial power of my Tcr- ative Pellets over f o great a ra-iety of dUeues. [ wish torsythat tbclr action upon tbo in.lmal economy in iinlvtsrHul , not * llaiid or tissue escaping tbclr ana. live Ini press. Ago Coca not impajr tiem ; ; helr susar-coatin5"aEdf being encloycu In glass littles pn eril > ; clr\lrtneiunlnipalrcd foi anr 'cn-nh ' of time , rrliny chmato , so thai ther are a > ; nvs fresh and reliable , which is not the caja vifh tha pihs fbnnd Jn the druij tor " , put np in : b2apwoodorpate-bcard boxes. Bcc&IIect thu -rnll diseaecs nhcre a Laxative , Alters * Ire or PurRatlvo is indicated , thew UtUo Vtli'td will pho the moat perfect BatisfacUea to .11 who use them. They are Kold by all cnterprlilar 9r ugglata at 25 cent n bottle. Do not allow any ilragsist to Indues roa to ake onythlngr e' ' > thatlia may * ar U Jest as xxi M my Pellcto bec4uo bo makes \tiyet > roflt on that \vuich bo recommends. If your IrajjrUt cannot supply them , enclosa S3 ceau mdrccelve them oy return mnll from . B. r. fJLElilE , 21. J > , JVcpV , BCTf AIO. K. T. FOE PYLES1 JALERATUS ! AND BAKING- SODA I TO" TTJ3 Pi < nax Meyer ARaanks and Whltnty Bauserman & Co. OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE , HAPPY RELEIF FOR Y00NG MEN from he effects of Errors and Abuses In early life. lanhood Restored. Impediments to Marriage Removed. New method of treatment. New nd remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars ent free , in sealed envelopes * * Address , IIOW- LRD ASSOCIATION , 419 North Ninth St. , Philadelphia , Pa. , an Instl tutlon having a high eputatlon for honorable conduct and profea- . lonal still. 83-lAw8m 3ASTLE BROS. , IMPORTERSjjOF TEAS AND East India Good * , 213 and MS FROST STREET 3an Francisco Californlal , * " " * mchSTm PLATTE VALLEY "T , REAL ESTATE Samuel C , Smith , * fOB - ' tool Agent for tha 4 CJ. P. B. B. LANDS , V Solumbus lTQ"b , - , to vernment Lands Located I TJ. P. Lands Sold ! Improved Farms andToyra totv fer ' CASH ! - " -OB DN LONG-TIME ! ! Communications Ch&srie/'r iilly Answered ' Uliaries Popper , WHOLESALE BUTCHE * HO CATTtK BROKER , - „ ALT LAKE OTT , - - TJTA