THE OMAHA BSE OFFICIAL PAPEU OP THK CITY. REPUBLICAN ELATFOEM. ( WHEREAS , The Republican pirty , br IU course Jqr the past thirteen yrara s the domi nant political organization ol theu * * sf UB. has allied Itself to the libert--U > rt"E masses ol the world , and has ujude a record and challeugra all history - . whichlnTltes scrutiny , im. uity , aiid tory for a parallel in electing * establishing on a firm basis "a goveruuient by the pople for the people ; " and WIIEKEAS , IU several aci sin preferring the Dnlon , In promoting and streugt - n.on allerience to the flag ant government of this republic have passed into history soil elicited - - ited the approval of the Itepublic-u leutiinent "rr-theage. therefore we , the rcpiesentatlTes of "the ll'publican party of Nebna'.a , in conven tion assembled , do resolve as roilowj. viz : 1st. That aU honest lalwr should be protected , and receive its jnst reward 24. That WB earnestly desire that the credit of our government shall be fir.i-ly maintained , In ordsr that the commercial anJ Industrul In- tercstavf th conntry uiav not sutler Injury by fluctuations in values or by impairing In any decree that confidence which DOW , revails in rrgard to our circulating raediuu which we hope will , at no dibtant day , be b sedpon metalic currency , the rec cuued money of the < i. That -at believe that banklrg. under a well-guarded national system , thoulJ bei free , and we counsel reform and -conomy In all de partment * of the public service , an la reduc tion of the public debt In such a way and as rapidly , as U may be done w.thout imposing burdens upon tbe Industiiee of tbe country. 4lb. That wo deniana n rigid accountability la the dls hsreof official duty on the part ol all office-hi , do-a , whether State or J atlonal , and thi.t tt delegates , sjxakirjg for constituent * f whom wereprasent we disavow any sympathy - with , or for dishonest public officials , In what- ' be employed. - erer capacity they may ' 5lk That while we rocogqlw ) and appreciate the advantage * derived by the people from a well-regulateU sysU-n > of rail ways we demand that these public highways tliould bo rendered iuLwirvient to the public good. 1 hat while we disavow any hostility toward railroad corpora tions we proclaim our d tcrmlnttion to resist by lawful means all etl'oiU to Impose oppressive orertortion tetransporta'iont < jll . 6th TUat taxation , to IKS just must bee lly imposed up < > n all classes of prouerty ; e < iu therefore demand such National and * > tate l w < -rf Ution as will comiwl rai.roads and all other cTnKiratloni to pay th-s same projKirtion p. tax as i < Imposed on Ihdivlduuis. 7th. That we favor tbe pro ; or exercise of the rwwfcr8 couferred upon the national govern ment br the constitution to regulais commerce between tueStates , and to this end we recom mend that tha government e tablUh and ope rate a double track railway from the Missouri river to tlie Atbintlc iaibcwrJ. . gth. That we earnestly jgquest ihat oar Senators secure thf passage ol L'fOiin e Bail- road Land Tar Bill. ath. That wo favor tbe amendment of the onstitution of tbe United States providing forthe election if , Vlco President. Unltod States Senators , and all oher | federal officers by the direct vote of the people. 10th. That the unwritten law enacted by " tbe example of tbe Father of hU Country In declining a re-election to the th rd Presidential term , U a controling as though It was Incor porated in the national constitution , and ought never to bo violated. to te na tlers , and we therefore demand the transfer of the management of the Indians to the \V ar De- l. That we favor the nwportionment of BUt representatives through tbe enactment of a new constitution at the earliest practicable day consistent with our pre ont fundamental law , and that we recommend tlie submission to the direct vote of the people in a separate arti cle at the time the proposed new constitution U voted upon , tbe questions of "Prohibition , " "Local Option , " and llcenw. J3tb , That we approve the act ! of Congress which put tbe rights of all citizens under pro tection of the Rational authorities when they re assailed by hostile legislation , or by the vi olence of armed asaoctllious , whether open or ocret , and In view of tiia recent outrages In the southern States , vedemiud the enforce ment of the laws that these r'ghts may be se curely and ainply.protect d whenever and wher ever Invaded ; we do , however , disapprove of all unconstitutional legislation , lor the care of any of the disorders of society , or evils which pretall in our land. Hth. That we are In favor of and most cor dlally invite Immigration to our Bute. Ne braska needs immigration , that its vast agricul tural , ml-rrJli aud manufacturing resources may be developed , with an urea sufficient to make ten States a * large as Massachusetts , and a soil uniurus eil i ° r fertility , we E ve a hearty welcome to the down-trodden masses of the old worlJ.and assure them that they hall be secure It tli'ir lives , libcity and prop erty , and free to bold nd express tholr relig ious and political opinions without restraint. 15tb. That , relying upon the intelligence of the people of our young and pro-nerous com monwealth , which is soon to take high rank in the great family of States , we hereby renew our allegiance to the party which we represent and call upon its tbsse' , and conditions of men to UDlto will ) us la perpetuating thebltas- Ings of free government in accofd'Rra with the cherished principle. * which actuate .and control tUo treat bodv of our ueoolfl. .REPUBLICAN TICKET. To' Member of Congress , LOP.ESZO CttOUNSE , oi Washington county. For llembcr ol Congress ( contingent ) PATRICK 0. HA WES , of Douglas county. . STATE TICKET. For Governor , SILAS UARUER , of Wehster touuty. * * For Secretary of State , ' J1RUUO TZSCHDCK , " pf Sarpy county. For Trejsurer , JOSEPH C. McBRIDE , of Colfax county. For Superintendent of Public Instruction , J St. JIcKENZlE , 'ff - ot Kemahacounty. For Slate Prison Inspector , t ; NATHAN S. I'OKTER , of Dlxon county. For Attorney General , 'JEOEUC II. ROBERTS , of Ilarlan couutr. For District Attorneys , First District-a J. DILWORTH , of Fbclps county. Second District W. J. CONNELL , ot Douglas county' ; Third Dlstrlct-M. B. UOXIE , of Col fix county ; For Rprw ptallve of the 23th District , JOI J T V. BARNES , of Cus county. COUNTY TICKET. For State Foiiator , JACOI1 S. SPAUN , WILLIAM F. tWEESY. For IS prescntatlres , JOHN M. TIIUnSTO * . BENJAMIN II BARROWS , ' JACOB WEIDKNSALL , JOHN BAUMER , EPHUIAM D. PKATT , " ' JAMES MiCAliTUUR. 1'or County Comnibsloner , VALIJKTIN'E L. THOMAS. "For Superintendent ol Schools. - -JOHN-RUSH. DAVE HUME is a very clover young man , but he ia very foolish if he thinks free lager will maUo votes for him among people who- are in the hahlt of voting the Republican ticket. "DicK" RICHARDS has lived in Omaha nine years. He Was of the well-known linn of Pier ifeRicbards , and Is now a liquor dealer on .his tl own responsibility. Herald. tlS AVell , what of it , does that entitle in Dick Richards to a seat In the inV V ( braska legislature ? tii fete BAKER , Murphy and Hume made -another attempt Saturday night to corral the Bohemian vote. te They Interpreted the free trade pea plank in the Democratic platform a\ Into free lunch and free lager. afn Everybody was jolly at iheir ex in pense , but they will discover by Tuesday night that Bohemians are not subject to sucn melliflous influ la ences in casting their ballots. en to "EVERYBODY for himsel'.and the ex devil take the hindmost , " is the th motto.of . the candidates on the beer Bourbon legislative ticket. As a fair illustration , we quote the words of Saint John Goodrich at Elkhorn , or : Saturday , which we are assured tic were substantially as , follows : "I ra < don't care a a fig for the other fel- Jows.on ouritlcket ; " iTam working Goodrich. " jm KOVT ABOTJI Very silly and absurd charges aie trumped up by the Bourbon organ against Jacob "WeidensaU. We are assured that many Republicans who know Mr. W'eidensall Tvill not vote for him. First , because he procurec his nomination under false pre tenses ; second , because Weldensal' owns a farm in Saunders county which will eventually be his home ; and lastly , because he supported Curry , ( colored ) Republican , againsl Kimball. white Democrat , for Coun cilman in the Third Ward. Now we confess that these are most ter rible charges against a candidate who is otherwise universally re spected for his industry , integrity and moral worth. It would be grievous Indeed , if it were true , that Weldensall procured his nomina tion under false pretenses. That allegation is , however , entirely un founded. Mr. SVeideusall did not conspire against auybody nor did he even seek the nomination. In fact we know that he publicly declared that he would cheerfully give way to Air. Lilly or any other mechanic if the ticket could be strengthened thereby. We regret our inability to contra dict the statement that Mr. Weiden- sall has invested in some lands out side of Douglas county. We are even forced to admit thai Weiden- sall expects at some future period to become a farmer , but we'fail to com prehend why eight years residence in our midst should not render him eligible to represent us in the legis lature. When we reflect that Jacob Weidensall has knowingly and de liberately committed the unpardon able prime of voting for Richard Cnrry , wo tremble for his fate. This is indeed an eflfcnso which cannot well bo palliated by sympathizers with the White League. Under these circumstances , nobody will be surprised if the Herald's many im aginary Republicans shall vote Weidensall a monster of iniquity , who , to receive his just deserts , will have to sentenced to forty days poqn } servitude in the Nebraska leg- islaturOf A LOSING GAME. The attempt to win votes for Mr. Spaun by circulating Democratic tickets with the names of St. John Goodrich omitted , will result in helping , instead of hurting him. Fair-minded men do not believe in these resorts to ohoat the people of their rightful verdicts. Mr. fcJpaun Is losing votes every day by that bogus ticket business , and he de serves to lose them. Herald. The attempt to manufacture sen timent and votes for St. John Goodrich oy this bogus ticket dodge is too transparent to deceive any body. We believe these bogus tickets were gotten up in the Herald office for the purpose of injuring Mr. Spaun with Republicans. Mr. Spaun Is not a fool , whatever else he may be , aud nobody but an idiot would attempt to circulate bogus tickets in Omaha three days before the election. If the Democrats think they can injure Spaun and save Goodrich by such contemptible trickery , they are very much mis taken. Ag will be seen by our telegraphic advices from .New Orleans , the rebel white league element is again rampant , and may at any moment precipitate another bloody revolt As the election approaches it Is be coming evident that a peaceable election means a Eepublican vic tory. This , the .Louisiana cut throats are determined to prevent at all hazards. Their defiant and menacing attitude leaves very little room * for doubt that they are prepared to inaugurate a general onslaught upon loyal citizens whenever their blood-thirsty leaders shall give the signal. Every Democrat is not a White Leaguer but every White Leaguer is a Democrat , is a maxim Jiat applies forcibly to the Louis- ana outlaws. There is no doubt Jut the leaders of the White iicague ire just now looking toward the Sorth foractive encouragement and iupport Does it require a prophet to fore- iee that a Democratic victory in the lorthern States in October means a general outbreak of the White Jeaguers throughout the Southern States. Does any true Republican n ebraska , desire to precipitate uch a terribje pajarnlty by relaxing ils wonted vigilance ? Shall jt be aid of Nebraska Republicans that > atriotism > nd loyalty have become lead letters with them ? REPUBLICAN workingmen don't How the Bourbon manipulators of fool tie Independent dodge to deceive ol ou into Its support , beven out of 10 eight candidates on that ticket re Democrats or Liberals. Needy - beef bey ody pretends that the ticket can y < e elected , and every Republican of ote given to that mongrel porabl- atlon is simply a vote given to the ou 'emocracy. ' cr KEEP it before the Republicans ofWl mt the Independent dodge was path ) tten up by the Democrats in the paF itereats of Democracy. Every th ite cast by Republicans for that ce 2kct is equivalent to half a vote tic r the Democratic ticket th re : DAVE HUME is endorsed by the de mperance men , and he also ex th acts to be endorsed by theScandin- hi : lans , Germans and Bohemians , if ? e lacer and free lunch have any W fluence over them. OUR model Ex-City Marshal is boring very hard among his old onles in the Keno and Poker dens ba secure votes for "Riistln. " Gib an pects to beSergentat Arms in thi e State Senate , If his brother shall thi elected. leg Le REPUBLICANS remember that ev- of f vote given * to the'-Independent upi ketishalf a vote for theDemoc- oai jy. LOOKOUT for roorbacks about Re- the blican candidates itftheHerald , sfo SHALL OMAHA HJITEWATEEWOBKS Vv ! In a heated political contest like that just now in progress in thi city , it has been verj ifficult to introduce a subject that requires the impartial consideration at the hand of every citizen of Omaha Xo question that has ever been submit ted to the decision * o our people so derectlyj con cerns the future growth and prosperity of Omaha as does the water works problem. A favorable decision of the proposition to b voted on to-morrow cannot 'But re sult in a new era of progress1 * and material development of our mu nicipality. The establishment of water works will furnish the keystone to a system of permanent public improvements without which Omaha must , after all , remain but a mere-Village No body can deny that the establish ment of water-works will facilitate the introduction of manufacturing -enterprises , enhance the value o ] real estate , reduce insurance rates , and increase our permanent popu- tton. tton.Above Above all things it will furnish permanent employment to workingmen - men , whose prosperity will directly contribute to the welfare of our re tail merchants , /and small manufac turers. A first-class system of wa ter works will infusevconfidenco in our stability as a city. By voting down the water bonds our citizens will vote to continue Omaha as n. dull , dilapidated"se < ond-rate town. By voting for them they will Infuse life and vigor into her commercial arteries. By voting against water bonds you vote to continue the health-de stroying , pestilence-breeding cess pools , misnamed wells , which con tribute more to fill our graveyards thanjjo all of our drug stores and quacks. By voting for the bonds you will enable the people _ to estab- Ish cheap baths , and maintain clean and dustless streets. But these old fogies and nonresident dent tax shirkers , declare that Omaha can't afford water works at time. They point at our heavy taxes and our municipal debt. They say wo ought to have the money In he treasury If we want to build water works. All these picas are simply preposterous , Omaha never can build water works without issuing bonds. Hhe must incur this debt sooner or ater , and practical economy would dictate that we should inaugurate the work at a time when commerce s dull , workingmen in want of em- > loyment and building material can > e purchased at very low figures./ The report "of one of * the nfost competent water work engineers in he country , shows that the cost of constructing water works with large eservolrs and all necessary pipes and attachments , will not exceed $380,000. This amount it Is pro- > osed to issue in bonds payable in ifteen years at. eight per cent. As- iimlnc. therefore , that one fifteenth and interest upon the whole , is to be levied each year to meet the en tire cost , we have about 555,000 to pay each year. This , upon an as sumption that city property will re main where it is now for fifteen years , would only be a levy of one- half per cent , upon property , or five dollars for every thousand. This is the worst side of the proposition , for here no allowance is made for re duction in the fire department ex penses , nothing for water rents , nothing for increase of value In property , in fact , It is only an exhibit of one side exclusively. In view of these facts , Is there a mer- jhant who can candidly say that he ivill not derive more than one half lercentfromtheincrease of business esultlng from the labor employed gt gf ind confidence and vigor imparted t n our cityIs there a laboring nan who would not cheerfully pay S on every thousand he posesses , o see laborers thriving by steady imployment. Aside from these considerations , he money expended for water forks would form a striking con- rast with the annual pxpenrtitures pen street repairs. . .While the lat. sr are , as a general rule , invisible , b , lie former would be strikingly manl- tl ; statonce. tlVI tlU VI VIw JOHlf BAU1CEE. w The personal enemies of John 01 burner are trying to bring about 01tl is defeat by all sorts of contempti- tl le pretexts. They admit that he ia onest , capable and worthy , but ley say he ought not to have ac- spted a nomination In order f o af- rd his friends an opportunity'to eot him as City Treasurer next ordn iring. th Now , whenever you hear any- lif lifhe > dy advance such silly arguments , he m may set him down as an enemy as John Baumer. Why cannot the HE > op } § of pouglas county rebuke the pa itrage , committed by the Demo- Sa atlo Council in the the treatment John Baumer , now ? Why are a a to wait until next spring for a Wf ipular expression on this subject ? tin ) r our part we hope and believe no thi at John Baumer will not only re DO ! ive the unanimous and enlhuslas- i support of Republicans , but also me at of hundreds of Democrats who ap ; member how shamefully he was su frauded out of a position to which tabo e people of Omaha had elected bo ; I m. Don't fall to vote for John turner , la our advice to all who sib int to rebuke partlzau rascality. for the asp BPATHT A5B SWEESY. ing hal rhe whole flro of the Bourbon wa tterlcs will be directed at Spaun am d Sweesy. Republicans should he ; refore take special pains to thwart pla 3 designs ot the enemy by every wh ; ltlmato means at their command. pro t them see to it , that the names of 1 Spaun and Sweesy shall apjiear per an every ticket voted byjlepubliUP ° - eie < 1S < no bee ) NCE more and for the last time eve the S.BEE exhorts all Republicans tend exe nd bv tbejr colors , DISTRICT ATTOEHET. Every citizen of Douglas County knows W. J. Council , the Republi can condidate for District Attorney , as a young man who has made an enviable record in the office to which he was elected two years ago. He now comes before them for an endorsement , and we hope that Douglas County will give him a rousing majority. Chief Justice Lake and the entire bar of this city , if not of this District , express une quivocal satisfaction with his servi ces. The County Treasurer's rec ords will show that he has paid In more money to the school fund for fines col lected through his energetic labors than has been drawn by him for his salary. Having done so well during his first term , the people haye every reason to expect that his second term will prove more successful and beneficial to his constituency. THUBSTON. If ever a talented and industrious young man deserved popular en dorsement at the ballot , it la John M. Thurston. During his five years residence in Omaha , he has by indefategable application to his professional duties succeeded in emerging from com parative obscurity to regoguized prominence as a leading attorney. Whether as councilman or city at torney Judge Thbrston has over dis charged the trust reposed in him ° vrtth diligence and fidelity. As a Republican ho has ever been one of the most energetic and unflinching workers in behalf of his party. Jfa man has a better rjght to demand and expect tl\e undivided support of Republicans than John M , Thurs ton. - THE saving of one-half per cent , in insurance rates on account of.vfa- ter works on two million dollars of property alone , amounts to $10,000 per annum. Saving in fire depart ment expenses will be not less than $5,000 per annum , and therefore cts- auming that the water rents only pay running expenses , the city will save fifteen - thousand per annum. Without considering anything by way of increased val uation , growth of city , and pros perity of the merchants and the laboring element , this reduction alone would leave but $17,000 of an nual interest to pay for public use ot water on the streets and fire exting uishing purposes. In other words , a little over one and a half mills on the dollar , or $1.50 per thousand , dollars. What a fearful burden upon taxpayers ! WHEN citizens of this State are > aylng from ten to twelve per cent nterest for the use of money no sane man , not even a banker , can deny that It is more economical to Issue bonds payable in fifteen years oi eight per cent than to levy upon citizens who pay from two to four per Cent higher on money for their own use. DOUGLAS COUNTY owes it to Judge Orounse to glvo him a hand some majority. RELIEF IN LOUP VALLEY. Irateful Acknowledgment of Omaha Liberality. SOUTH LOUPE , VALLEY COUNTY , I NEB. , Oct. 6 , 1874. J EDITOR OMAHA BEE : The undersigned hereby takes Measure in acknowledging the re- ieipt of flour , corn meal , meat , ilothing , aud boots and shoes for ome five families in this vicinity , rom the Omaha Aid Society , hrough their agents , Messrs. Force , .Vest . and Smith , of St. Paul , How- rd county , Nebraska. On the de- ivery of these supplies I found ne family that was reported lestitute , to be well supplied with lour and potatoes. I gave them ne ham and hold the flour and leal drawn for them for some who lay need it very soon. The gratl- jde of sonie of them was evinced y something that rolled down over jelr cheeks. There are a few fam- ies in this portion of. the valley ho mut have help all through the inter. All who can are at work i the t'ort. and many of them will ira enough to carry tneir families irough the winter. i PHABLES BADQER en John AEatherlY. . This gorgeous youth fills a place i the Democratic ticket as candi- ite for Secretary of State , and in 28 ! is way , for tbe first time In his e , Is Introduced to the public. Where he came from , and who ! was , did not seem to concern the semblage that put him in nomi- ition , the main object being ap- rently to fill up the \\dket \ \ after ivagej Tuxbury & pd. , liad'got liat' they' wanted ; they" didn ! { > p to inquire whether he had been "red hot" Republican until ajx jeks before his appearance in e Democratic -convention or 1 t. They didn't consider at he had held an appointment as CA stmaster in a Seward county vil. 50 for a term ending "nly six inths before bis nomination , and ( Offl it up to and after the close of this and pointment he was a "staunch" Dg. N. > pporter of his party. They didn't co into account that be was a mere y.aud In intellectual capacity was below the average of youths In Fai s State. They didn't know , pos- ly that during the vociferous calls "Patherly , " after the result of 'eSQ ! ballot was announce' ! , that that tiring statesman was pac- ' , the corridor of the II where the convention MAI s sitting , biting hla finger nails Ho- - 1 trembling with confusion lest - would be obliged to go on the Wl tform and attempt a speech , forai lure. ich he knew he oould not make , , no ! they didn't think , and bably didn't care to consider , any BTJK these facts , for facts they are , but. slsted hi placing this "stick" in their ticket , knowing that if jted which , thank God , there la obauoe of he would be liabl * to ome Acting-Governor , in the int of death or other disability to man who shall be chosen as the icutive of this State for the next years , ffsbrasfa BANKING EZRA MILI/ARD , President , j Cashier. NATIONAL BANK Cor. Douglas and Thirteenth Streets. OMAHA , - * .NEBRASKA. . _ . . _ _ . _ . . . . . . . .m..m5200 600 00 Surplus and Profits. . _ Zu,000 00 T7UHANCIAL AGEXTSFOR THE UNITED JD STATES. AN ! DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FOR DISBURSING OFFCER3. THIS BANK DEALS In Exchange , Government Bonds , Vouchers , Gold Coin , \ BULLIONand GOLDDU&T\ * \ And sells drafts and wakes collections on all parts of Europe. Drafts drawn payable In gold or anrren- cy on the Bank of California. SHU Francisc ? . TUCKETS FOR SALE TO ALT , PARTS * - of Europe via the Cunard and National Steamship Lines , and the Hamburg-Amer'can Packet CC12r. . IT. S. DEPOSITORY The First National Bank Corner of Farhara aud I3tu Ktreetn. THE OLDEST BAKHNO ESTABLlSHmENT IN KEBBASKA. ( Successor ! to Kountze Brothers. ) ESTABLISHED IN 1858. Orjranlzad M a National Sink , Angnst 26 , 1883 Capital and Profits over - $250,000 OFFICERS AKO DIRECTORS : E. CBEiaHTON , A. KOUNTZE , President. Cashier. H. OOUNTZE , ir. w. YATES , Vice Pres't. Aa't Cashier. A. j. POPPLETON. Attorney. r. The Oldest hstabusnea BANKING HOUSE Ilf NimASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co , , -Business transacted same as thai of an Incorporated Hank. ixconnts Kent hi Currency or Gold subject to gight check without no tice.Certificates > Certificates of Deposit Issued par able on demand , or at fixed date bearing * interest at six percent , per annnm , and available In in all parts of the country. 1 .Advances made ; to customers 011 approved securitiesat ; market rales of interest- Boj and sell Gold , Bills of Exchange - change , Government , State , County , and City Bonds. i. Ye eve special attention 'jo nego tiating Railroad iand other" Corpo rate Loans issued within tiieStato. Draw Sight Drafts on England , Ireland , Scotland , aud all parts of Europe. Sell European Passnere Tickets , r1 OOLLLECTION8 PROMPTLY MADE. JLVIN SATJNDERS , ENOS LOWE - ' President Vice Presdent.- BEN WOOD , Cashier. 3AVHTGS N. W. Cor. Farnham aud 13th St .f lapltal . S 100,000 Authorized CapltU 1,000,000 AS SMALL AS ONE DOLlar - I DEPOSITS and compound interest allowed - I lowed on the same. I - _ . . _ _ _ > _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ 4i Advantages OVER Certificates of Deooslt : nHE WHOLE OR ANY PART OF A DEL - L posit after remaining in this Bent three tenths , will draw interest from d.te of depoa- . to payment. The whole or any part o ? a < le- osit can be drawn atanv _ t < > < > . aug2 tf THE AMERICAN DESERT. Of tbe American Desert Who has not been told , Strewn with-bones of the hunter In sea-ch alter gold ; With plains sandy and sterile , Where naught ever grew To cbd.Ien . tne eye Of the slrauger passing through. But In process of time A great change arose , Aiirt the deserr now tuds And blooms like the rose ; Ami Nebraska the Desert Takes her place on the scroll As one of ) he youngest And best on the roll. With tbe proudest of statej fchn now will compare , As one plainly ( an sea By viewing the Fair ; Th re are works of the artist From all o'er our wide land , Outrlya'led only by bounties Frt m the ( ireat ( ilrers , Land. Go , Ti-It that Fair , And do so at once , Then wbn you Ret through , ( io , call upon Bunce. Far the ons of Nebraska All Hatted should be. And Bunce has the goads As al can well s < - . 3on't fall to buy your Hati > , Cips and Gloves Bucce. Nobby iitock of Fall Goods just in funces , Chamidon Hatter , Douglas fct. , 225. , K , CAS MERE , AND ALPACA SUITS For sa'P ' and made to order. jp _ Id. _ EP _ XiXiOXT J Dodge , bet. Hthand 15th streets. OMAHA. NEBIIA8KA. Establislied 1858. A..iT.l RRIA6B MANUFACTORY 538640 Fourteenth Street , cfl up ( tair'f. ) Omatu , Nebraska. CarrUgu Buggies on h nd or ica < le to order. B. Particular attention paid to Repair apr2S-tl Mrs. D. A. MOiTETT , shionable Dressmaking 504 Fourteenth St. , 3m OMAHA. NEB. EBWAKD KUEHL. BHTEb. OF rllE DBPAKTKD. 198 lUtk St , between Funtan & Harney. Ha 11 by the aid of gaardUn iplrlts , obtain in i ly one * Tiew ol tn past , present and luKe - Inc Ko fee * charged In caaei cf dclmeu. PMtf IH BKZO. LKWIS 8. REED BYRON REED & GO , The .Oldett sal Estate Agency IH NEBRASKA a compIeU Abstract of Title"to tU Ee - - " - - - omjtT. DE WE Y STOHE , Furniture Dealers Nos. 187 , 189 and 191 Fainham Street. . , 3XT3E IB3E . .STC A. mar2d MILTON -ROGEBS. Wholesale Stoves THTW-AJRE and TUT 1TEHS' STOC-S. SOLE WESTERN AGENCYFOR STEWART'S COOKING and HEATING STOVES , THE "FBABLESS , " COOKING STOVES , O IE Zj IE U3 _ RA T1 IB "D CHARTER OAK COOKING- STOVES , AllofWhUU Will bo Sold at Manufacturers' Prices , With Freiffhtjadded. So-ttd * orPiloo Fort Calhoun Mills. & Mannfiietnrcd with Great Care from the Best Grain. General Depot , Ccr. l tn c& Dodge Sts , Q1WTATT . A W * > ifc a.f > . . ELAM CLARK. PITCH , FELT AND GRAVEL ROOFER , And Manufacturer orDiyanrt Saturated llooflnK > na.SbeatbliifrF lt. ALSO DEALERS IN Roofing , Pitcli , Coal , Tar , Etc. , Etc. In any pit of Nebraska or adjoining States. Offi * opposite ; theGas Works , on O. F. GOODMAN , WHOLESALE DRUGGIST , . . , I > caIer In PAINTS , OILS AND WINDOW GLASS , Omaha. Nebraska. , , l9u. . J" . > ! HPOBTKB AND JOBBEB OF FOBEIOH AND DOMESTIC WIJtfES ' and LIQUORS , obaccos and Cigars , No. 142 " ' ABNHAIC STREET , OMAHA , NEB. ; 01d Kentucky Whiskies a Specially. 4WAQENT FOB THE ELDORADO WINE COMPANT , CALIFORNIA.-5M * o3rtoy'ai flLle , ctf JTollot. Xll. Omaha Shirt Factory. CHARLES H. PLATZ * " * MILLINERY , .adles' and Gents * _ Fl'SH-FLOWERS , Nice Ornaments for Ladles. _ ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED ? r < - - ' - | L'T i J f 116 . . . , . . , . - . Douglas - . , , Stif _ „ yischcr's _ Block _ _ . , OiuahaNeb. -reat reatWe We te n c Business College. B , .NEBRASKA. J8"Send Stamp for Circulars. , G. R. RATHBUN , Principal. SAFES ! LO be Celebrated DieBoldNcrris & Co.'s . ( Late Diebold it. Klenzlp ) ° FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF , , re the best record of all , not.One Lost in the two great fires Driicago , also preserved the contents in every instance at lependence , Iowa , also at.Central City , Col , and at all places have stood the est without failure. 11 Sizes for Sale and Made to Order. Old Safes Taken , in E.acph.axLge. ALSO TALKy BASK "AND SOTAUt. LOCKS. S. COTTEB.T , Ganroral Agent , GMoago. d S , Agent , IStre MAX MEYER & BROTHER , OMAHA , NEBRASKA o S tl o Cg T"3 S2 * * hi So "J * S _ H ssffi 20 f * IcI < I RS "ca FREE SOMES On trip Line of th * Union Pacific Railroad ' & Laid Grant of 12,000,000 , lores of tha best FABMIHG and MINERAL Lands of Amtrlca 1,000,000-ACKFS O NEBBASKA IN THE HREAT PLA1TE YALLE TEE QABDEH OF THE VEST HOW FOB SALE These lands are In the central portion of the United Sutes , on tbe list decree ot Lat > itude , the central line ot the great Temperate Zone o ! the American Ctntiuent , aud for grain { rowing and stock nlsin unsurpassed by any In the United State * . OHBAPEB 13 PRICE , nors EiTorabUterms d'tn. and more conTsnlaat to market than ca ba found Elsevhue. FIVE and TEN YEARS' credit gtren with Interest at SIX. PER CEKT COLONISTS tad JJOTDAL8ETDLER3 ca hay on T n Yean' Oradlt. Liads the n trie * to all CREDIT PURCHASERS. A Deduction TEN PER CENT. FOR CASH. FREE HOMESTEADS FOB ACTUAL SETTLERS. > id tlio Best Locutions for Colonies ! Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead „ 160 Acres. Exroo FnasfBOsv to Fxuola.A.r o2ri oT Send lor new Descrlptlre Pamphlet , with new maps , published In English. Oennan , Sweed and Dan' h. mailed ( rra ererywhere. Address > . S * . 3O A. ' 'iei uly MaU und Commlsainner U. P R. K. Co. Omaha. Seb. A. B. HUBETcMANN & CO , , WATCHMAKERS , OF JEWELRY S. E. Cor. 13th & Douglas Sts. WATCHES & CLOCKS JEWELRY AND PLATED-WARE , AT WHOLESALE OB RETAIL. Dealers Can Save TIME and FREIGHT by Ordering of Us. ENGRAVING DONE FREE OP CHARGE 1 J-ALL WOODS WABBANIiiD TO BE A3 REPRESENTED.- * iau31-tf 8. C. ABBOTT j C-IPWISLO S. C. ABBOTT & CO. , Booksellers i Stationers * DKALSHS 1M No. 188 Fonrham Street. Omalia , Pnhllsherg'yents for 8choo [ Books awd hi Vohni GEO. A. HOAGLANJD , Wholesale Lumber OFFICE AND YAED COR , OF DOUGLAS AND 6THSTS , , D , P , R , R , TRACK. anlltf USTIEIB , WM. M. FOSTER , j Wrhoesale Lumber. WINDOWS , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , &C. Plaster Paris , .Hair , Dry and Tarred Felt. Sole Agents for Bear Cre k Lime and Louisville ComeatZ OFFICE AND YARb : 1 f\/T / * TT A a U. P. Track , bet Furnham and DoujjUn 8 s. j tf _ M AHA , NEB aprttf . I. D. SOLOMON , OZZiS AUD "WIITDO" ' GZiASS , JOAL OIL AND HEAD-LIG-HT OIL MAHA - NEBRASKA7 ] j FAIRLIE & MONELL , LANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS , Stationers , Engravers and Printers. 2TOTARXAX. AXTD LODGE SEALS. . ascMc , Odd Fellows and Kniglits of Fjtliias TJ TZFOK/n-vdlS. DGE PHOPERTIES , JEWELS , BOOKS , BLANKS , ETC. , AT Xt."EASTEBN PRICES AXD EXPRESS. " © ! J2 i Stx-oot. mayltt ARTHUR BUCKBEE. AND DEALER IN J J K ) For Yards , Lawns , Cexcteriej OfflteandSho prSU.