< „ - VOL.IV. . OMAHA TUESDAY MORNING OCTOBER 13 , 1874. F i NO. 99. THK DAILY BEE. KDWAUD M > 3EW ATK15 , Editor and Prop'i ? , o. ia * ranihBm < ret.l etvr. V Mn liim lTeutl . TEUSIS OK SUBSCRIPTION : COI.T , one year , in adyance ' Bix months. In fdvance - - menths in ad 1" ' - * } " : [ three ; { 1 will el f not icid in advance , ! S per annum colleted : i J7I MTTES Jlcst Goods , FarnliainSt. ( Srand ivntrtl Hotel , f O-JJ-LA-D A. uMABA BOSIBESS DIRECTORY. KB IIA MUPAOIOHT. . 185 llunicv street , bet. McUurcASmith. OOHFECTIOHEBY. . Later , corner 12th and Doughs streets. uunukcturer nnd wholesale dealer In oiniU a and confectionery. Country trade so- Jlreted. P1U COAL DE4LEBS. * Elliot , coal , lime , ceincn Ibalr etc. , Poland it. leblSmS PATCH BEOKEB. 11 , r ElgutUr , No. 200 Farobam at. JelTtl " LAUHDEY. laundrr opened at oil 11th t/j * * * Anex - * " > d IJouelM. Tht > washing and ironing will te done to rder , first class work S'JitF AOTORY. Soap W l , Powell & Co , still Premium tfcclr IVwaiuci Soap. Fire first urejnluu. awarded IiJIba i ougla- county and Sutc fal , and 1'ottawattaicw cpoaty , la. Orders soli-Jlulfrom the trade ) HOTELS. GRAND CENTRAL "ET O "T 23 3C . OHAHA , * - * " ' HEBRA8KA Thelarnst , d Lest hot betyecn Chicago vind San Francisco. Opeued new Scpteinl > er join. low. SO tf OEO. TH11ALL. Proprietor. .United States Hotel , COK. OOUGLAS AND TENTH STREETS. milCUNDERSIGNED rfsrectfnlly announ- [ ffg that he has purchased and reflitcd the stxne Hutcl , and la now ready to accommodate th puMlc. with board liy dry or we'k , at rcas- onal.Ie rates. WILLIAM LEHB. Frop. 7 * 1 Qalifornia House. HAFUEE , Prop'r. " Strcct corn"r "Mil , Onrha , * * * * * or week. June 1. Tl ( jSj Sth , M. Farnlam and Ilarnry Strtett , it A * I' n entirely rcflittod and refurnished. H will accommodate all to the best ot USrd anu at tlV50 Fr dj > ' ' 40c Per lns'e ' meal. 7. & S M C , . , , 1r2Sdlr. _ Central House > 'o. 630 ElrteeMh Street , Opp. JcOorson Square , OJIAIIA , NEB. JOSEPH DOTE , Prnp'r. Day ami week Board at reasonable rates. rirst-class brj attached to the house. Jc27 3m _ _ _ iotel , oa 4th , 5th and Walnat ti St. Louis , - Mo. , "Warnei & ; Co. , The Southern Hotel is first-cl ss In ell Its siniolntniems. Its table- are at all tlmea sup- j3uJ In the greatest abundance , with all the dcUracU * the markets afford , Its clerks and nployoa are all polite Mid attentlje to the raiitsol theguistsof the hotel , Ibfre is an ijoproTod elevator If. Jin ( ? from the firtt floor to Ihe u | per onr , E lroad and steamboat Jfkct olfircj. news stand. nd wesverr flnlon telocrap'J otA P in the Itotumln of hotel. .EETML CASE PIIECIiSEfiS For Sewing Machines. In order vO make r0001 for our ncT * * T te * ' wo have put in PERFECT order all of onr old snd offer them at second-hand , -stock , Including < 5ItEATLCy KEDUCEl ) jtrlcei , for CASIL BS AB 1ST MIND BVEKY "HOWE" BOUGHT OF pS = ? d onr AUTHORIZED canvassers la TARBANT- D , and JNhTOUCTION given , as AVE have a JlErUTATION TO Jst"TAIN.Experience yroves a. machlno WITHOUT Iiwtruction Is tV'ORSC thin NONE at all. CAUTION. We know of large lots of worth less machines bought at low Cgui ca , that are be ing palmed off on the public for aearij- jood s DJCTT. rertons that do not want to run the rsic of being swindled shonld XEVEB buy of JJIBEHPONSIBLE puartles , u they have NO utation AT STAKE , as have established co. , ISth Slree \VUcJesaleandEetallDealer id - , A > SALT. MEATS , Hams. Sausage , t = rd , PouHrr , Ac. , Ac. , Ac. Xo. 1T9 F r inm St. . t. lltU uml jajtt. inat-.n , Oppo-itePlonwr Block. o 'u ' t . "REDMAN & LEWIS , Cor. 1 6th and Izard Streets. H LIBIEIR On baud anil SAWED TO ORDER. JOHN H. GREEN , STATE HILLS DEALER IH ' AKD FEED , A8D - jrERCHAKT. DO. JTOaxTX" OF AND D&1LKZ IH- ctjnins V-cdow Shades " ( -HBOMOS , EXGRATIKOS AN ] PICTURE FRAMES. Farnhaai8trtet.cojner fteenth An indiscriminate slaughter it clothins end gents' furmshiuj : goods regardJess of prices at 20 ( Farnham street. Fine linen anc cbevoit bhirts of our \vn make ai $2.00 and $2.50 each. Railroad Tickets bought and sold hy P. Gottheimer , Broker , at 296 FanJiam street Unredeemed fledges for Sale. may ly2C5 ZSamlet Or urn , GENERAL DEALER IK Staple and Fancy Dry Goods 9th st , between Jones and Lrf-avcnn-orth sts. /-VFFERS TO THE PUBLIC A MOST COM- material for ladits * anil cliildrens' dresses. Al so Calicoes of all grades and descriptions a tpe- cialty. Boots and tliocb for ladies' gents' aud childrens' wear. ZHESIBTISTS , OFFICE , No. 232 FARM HAM ST. Bel. 13th &i 14th Els. . O R AEC A. KjJ-Mc .t unic"riiii' iviiilsts in tlieclty DR , A , S , BILLINGS , . IDIEILTTTST , Bet. 1 th and 14th , up stairs. Teeth extracted without pain , by use of Hi- trous Oxide .iaa. VOffice oven tttll her eStf BIBS. J. K. VAN UKUCOOK. Eclectic Physician Residence and offici 230 DoJ e st bet 14th and 15tb sta. Special attention paid to ob'tctrlcs and dis aces peculiar to women and children. f9tf. I. VAN CAMP M. D. Dispenses his own medclnes. tnd besides regular practice , makes specialities of Derauxe- menta and Diseases Peculiar to Women , tistu- la , Piles and other Dlseaci'S of the Rectum. OFFICE : Corner Faruuim aud 14th street * , first door to the right , upit I" . Rcsidenc- , MO Douglas street , lictweon 12 and 11th , next to Lutheran Churchi Omaha , Feb. A < Wr s . ' ' ian'ldAwif All kinds ol light and heary JIADE & REPAIR EI > . Wo'Jc ? uarantcet'-a&k 258 HABHEY STEEE't. ' SFEITCER'S Fruit aiH Confectionary Cor. 13th and I > avcii worth's IP. , yl43m A 225 TrfJi am Street , - * Ozata , Neb _ \VBOI.KSAI. & AND EETA1L DKALKE IM FURNITORB. BEDDING , ETC , 11 C. - TALKE , MANUFACTUUtr AN1J UKA1UER IN BOOTS & SHOES 10 18th St. Between Farnham an ! Douglas 12 _ _ tNOCH HENNEY , Justice of the Peace Office over the State BanSr , cornerof Farn. tain and 13th streets. streets.SALOON SALOON- cor. ith and Douglas Sts. , where , in connec- | lop with his bar he ? ct outnLuncUeTay luorarnKaul U It AND LUNCH EVERY SAT- U RDA Y. Oijc hint call. _ a'1" ScUneldcr & Enrmcster JJanuIacturor ? ol ny , COPPER AND SHEET IHON VTARE. DEALERS IN Cookin ? htid Heating Stores. Tin Roofing , Spouting au Gntteriig don thort iibUcO'an.l in tbo btit msiincr ; Jllteen trnni _ Tt24 dl IJ.P.R.R , MEAT MARKET , 16th street bet California and Webster. KEEP ON HAND THE BEST WE supply of FREslI AXD SALTED MEATS. Also a Isrce stock of Fine Sugar ured Hams and HrwiV , fast Baeon , at the low- it lte . WJI AUsT A SNUTH , The Sioux City and TacKIf nallrosa , - InCaaoeetlou with th SIOUX CITY & , ST , PAUL RAILROAD , I CJ milts the shortest route from Omaha and Ceanfll KiaZf to SU Paul , Jllneaoolls , Stlllwatcr , Anoka , Unlulii , Iiliuigrit , and all points In Minnesota. Train leaves Omaha daily , ( excep Saturday ) at 6 o.clock p. ra. , and Council Bluffs at 8:05 p * m. , from Chicago A NorthWestern Depot. Fare as LOW aud lime as QUICK as by apy other Liiic. PGLLHAN PALACE SLEEPING GARS ON ALL EIGHT MS , Be sure your ticket reads VIA Slour City , thus avoiding circuitous routes and midnight transfers. Tickets can be purchav : 1 at the offices of the Chicago & Noithiustcrn Hallway in Omaha end Council Blu&s. J C. BOYDEN , cn'Uaw. A Ticket Agf St P. 4 S. a R. R St. Paul , Minn. F. a HILL , Oen'l P Mnd Ticket Agt. , S. C. & P. , SIoui City , Iowa. QEO. W. GBATTON , Agent , . 163 Farnhara Street , Omaha , Neb. Tulv 20. tf. _ stoi-aa. Corner of Cunucgi and T-jreaty-seeoad 8tte t The finest lager bfier con * * stantly on hand. 1e25-6m CHAS. WEYMULLER. Prop H. BKEDtC. C. J. KAECA I ] .GliEBE i KAEBACH , Jith st. txtweea Fiurnhaia an arney s'i OMAHA , - - NEB. XANCFACTUnEIt O7 Spring and Farm Wagons , BUGGIES AND CAURMGBS. 0 ajf rs in and manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMULE ESTS1 R'ATTEKTION PAID T ( PARTICD nttubiNa. and blacksmlthloi MIDNIQ-HT. THE WEST. Mission of the United States War Steamer Which Left San Francisco Under Sealed Orders for the Mexican Coast. * It Takes a Whole Sheriff's Posse to Arrest the Poly gamous "King of Utah. " NEW YORK , Oct. 12. The Jerome Park Jackson Club races to-day , in selling race for a purse of $500 , mile and a half , Kadi < von , Galway second. Time 2:48 } . The second race was the grand na tional handicup sweepstakes , 2 } miles. Mute Aeon , Shylock second , Bessie Lee third. Time , 1:43 } . The third race was the annual sweep stakes for three year olds , 2 } miles , Vandalete won Rutherford second. Time , 4:03. The fourth race , Cham pagne stekes , two year olds , J mile , Haderoli won , James second. Time 1:20. SALT LAKE , October 12. This evening Deputy Marshal Pratt , in attempting to serve a sub poena upon Brigham Young to ap pear before the grand jury ; was re fused admittance by the doorkeeper. Marshal Maxwell was also refused and was assaulted by one of the gatekeepers. Maxwell after > vards returning with a posse , and was met at the door by Mayor Wells , through whom the service was ac knowledged by President Young. The Marshal stated that upon his appearance with a posse he found the house nnd yard occupied by a large number of armed men. May or Wells says no men were present except those who happened to been on tap street and were naturally attracted by the rumors of trouble. Ho expressed regret to the ' marshal that the gatekeeper had 'made re- sistcnce which was at the time un known to and discountenanced by Brigham Young. I. T. , Opt. 12. President' Grant. ' with Secretary Boone and General .Barney arrived here this morning. The Cherokees turned out In large numbers , and in an address made in their behalf by Colonel Boudinot , he welcomed the party to this section , througli which they we're about to pass and which contained thirty thousand civilized Indians who had abandoned a wild life for more than' oho gcD. * C " ! lx He expressed the confidence which the Cherokees , Choctaws , Chickasaws - saws and Creek Indians felt in the President's friendship for them and his regard for their interests evidenced in his an nual messages. The President re plied : It affords me pleasure to visit your beautiful country , whicli I have never seen 'before , though I have been on all sides of it. It is rich in soil 'and 'surpassingly beautiful. AVithout saying any thing at this time about the policy which I tliihk should be adopted with re gard to this'territory , I will e&y that I am pleased with such evidences of advancement among you and hope you will be encouraged in cultiva ting the soil of so rich and magnifi cent J } . territory. NEW ORLEANS , Oct. 12. The following was received and referred to the advisory board : "ST. MABTINSViTiLE , La. , October - ber 11. To Gov. Win. P. Kellogg : 1 have Ul/J honor to report that in timidation reigns suprepp at Breanx Biidge. One hundred ' anil fifty while league cavalry were under arms six miles above here last night. ( Signed ) p. DELAIIOTTSSAYE , JR. , { Sheriff St' Martin's parish. " "St. MartinsvHle , Oct. 12. Gov. \Vm. P. Kellogg : Receiving no an swer to my dispatch , I repaired to , Breaux Bridge , where was registered - ] ed 801 whites ami two colored Dem ocrats. Altliqugh there are over SOO Republicans in-that scot ion , not one dar d'come forward to register , j > n account 6 ? intimidation. " Musf I continue Vo register ? ' * V LOUIE C. LELOLOIRE , , Supervisor of Registration St. ajar > tin's Parish. A circular is issued to-day , signed by B. F. Joubert and Jumps , dis claiming in behalf of themselves bud other colored men , participation. , -/j "wmnattjy 'ththe ' few malcon tents who managed tne"m > § lng-klr the Central Church , October 8th , which adopted resolutions denounc ing the State government , with which the signers declare they are in full sympathy. J SAN FRANCISCO , Oct 12. Early last month the'United States war steamer Saranao sailed from this port under sealed orders , for tha Mexican coast. She reach ed La Paz on the 28th of September , when the commander put himsslf in Immediate communication with the authorities on the "subject of the recent difficulties between himself and the American citizens , the owners of the mine El Triuinpho. An investigation followed/ The report of the comniandec wlll be forwarded immediately to "Wash ington , t Gruet Binsley , rcronautjijbu mak ing a landing on BernalJIeights , near this city last eveningT'dragged on the ground and received injuries which , it is feared , will/prove fatal. News from the Arctic whaling fleet are not encouraging. Up to August 10th only fiVBs ( whales had been seen by the whale "fleet The season has "been very-J Bildr A ratification meeting at Virginia City , Nevada , Saturday nlght , Tvas great Huccess. 'It calledC together tbe largest concourse of people ever gathered in that state. Over four thousand were present. DeLong addressed tbe meeting. Mr. Sharon was not well enough to respond. A letter from Senator Jones wasread , endorsing" the action of the" Kepub- lican , parfy and its nominations. Great enthusiasm * vas manifested. The campaign in the Stata is now opened * " w fairly , j 3Thefuneral-of J. JI. EckJ&dt , su. perintendeot of oonstructUiiuin tbo new mines , who committed suicide , last week , took place yesteHfty , f. ternoon , under the auspices o&thV MWPJ ? fraternity. 4 O'CLOCK P. Specially Esported for the Omaha Daily Ben , bv tbe Atlontlo anil Pacific TelemPh Co. THE The Political Pot in New York Begins to Boil , and the Can didates to Lose Their Characters , IfThey Have Any. * A Daring Adventurer Proposes to Leave a Vessel 300 Miles at bea in Order to Test a Life-Saving Ap- aratus. ( Special to the Bee. ) ScnuYLEir , NEB. , Oct. 12. A lying canard has been sent to the Herald against McBride which will probably appear to-morrow morning. Forewarn your readers in this afternoon's edition. H. BERLIN , Oct 12. In consequence of Von Arnim's feeble health , the government will probably remove him to the private hospital at Schonberg. LONDON , Oct. 12. The Empress of Russia visits the Duchess ofEdinburghereon nrlday next. On her arrival she proceeds toEastwell Park , Kent MEMPHIS , Oct 12. Twenty-six of the Aikansas dele gates passed through this city en route to Chattanooga to attend the convention. Messrs. Freeman , Sherman , Thompson and Stillwe'il left to-day. Indications point to a large attendance. NEW YORK , Oct. 12. Paul Boyndon , an attache of the life saving station at Atlantic City , N. J. , left here yesterday by the steamer Queen with the intention of abandoning a vessel about 300 miles from Sandy Hook , for the purpose of testing the merits of the Merriman life saving dress. His intention is to float and swim homeward - * ward until picked up by some in ward bound vessel. The suit'en- ' velopes' but the face of the wear er , and 'is capable of sustaining a weight of 300 pounds. Boyiidon will carry in a water proof bag a sufficiency of provisions and water to last ten days. r _ , WASHINGTON , October 12. General Sickels' application for pay as Major General in the United tu-"a grrnv. retired , to date from the time that his pay administer to Spain ceased , has , raised the ques tion as to whether'under , the law of 1870 , retired t officers , who accept sivil offices , and take pay for such services , do iiot-wholly/vacate their military commission. General Sick- els' application was referred to At torney General Williams for an opinion , but that official has not yet taken aqtjon on the subject , he having' delayed doing so under the impression that Ueneral Sickels might desire to file an argument in the case m support of his demand. The decision of the case will affect the position of Gen. Robinson , lieu tenant-governor of New York and a major-general on the retired list ; Adam Badeau , now consul-general at London , and others who now hold , or have held since 1870 , civil offices. / - A few days before the breaking jut of the Louisiana tioubles , the government sold at public sale it , . New Orleans three of the monitor iron-clads which were atthat point for 10,000 each. The rang had , not yet been removed or foe ve'sseJy delivered When tie ] bmeute took place , null tuo United States authorities immediately pla ced on board with a view to quel ling the troubles. The purchaser of these yesjels during the past week filed a demand at the JNavy De partment for five thqusancl dollars. NEW YORK , Oct. 12. At about midnight last night a large three-story frame building , No. 239 North Sixth street , Wil- Uainsburg. owned and occupied tai lless' & Hegenjan , pablnet manu facturers , was totally destroyed by flro. Loss , § 20,000 ; insured for $5,000. Tbe adjoining buildings were damaged to the amount of 5,000 , The fire WAS the work of an Incendiary , A letter is published this morning byJohnMoKeen arraigning Hon. 3. S. Tilden and opposing him as a " dangerous candidate"for Governor. ' McKeen accuses Tilden of being a railroad monopolist , an enemy of equal rights and a friend of exclu sive privilege. 'Ihe campaign is now becoming warm on both sides , each calculating on a large majority in the State. Democrats assert that Tilden is certain of election by at least 25,000 majority. Republicans claim that Dix will have a more de cisive victory than in 1872. A Tribune Washington Lpecial says more bogus South Carolina bonds have been discovered , amount ing to a million and a quarter of dollars , besides the conversion of bonds which Chamberlain & Co. issued and the legislatuie repudiate. These newly discovered bonds were issued by the same parties , Scott , Parker & Chamberlain. The Attor ney General refuses to move in the matter. PARIS , Oct 12. The government has received on official communication from the Spanish government remonstrating in an Imperious and irrelevating tone against the alleged violation In France of the neutrality laws. Spe cial reference is made to the assist ance said to have been tendered to the Carlists in then operations in the north , and aid extended to Car- list refugees seeking asylums in France and Switzerland. The facilities granted to Carlists in transporting arms and supplies across the border are also made sub ject of complaint. The remon strance has seriously embarrassed the cabinet , and rendered it exceed ingly difficult for them to preserve their official dignity , and at the same time avoid embroiling the countryinto "a general war with Spain-which would Involve the en tire position of Germany , and prob ably open the way to another Eu- .ropeaa war. D'lsraeli's 111 Health so Serious as to Prevent His Pro jected Visit to Ireland. The Carlists in Spain Suffering Continued Defeats at the Hands of the Republicans. The Famine in India at an End , Though the Continued Drouth May Pro duce Another. - YQIUC , Oct 12. From the latest Britibhfiles , per steamer Java , of the Cuiiard line , we glean the following : Hon. B. Disraeli is suffering irom a joint at tack of bronchitis and gout. His projected visit to Ireland has there fore been postponed. A large troop-ship of over two hundred tons , with accommodations for 1,500 persons , has been launched at Blackwell. Foreign mail brings Indian advi ces which state that the famine is at an cud , although thousands of the natives are still obtaining relief. The crops are suffering much from droutn and in many , districts the prospects for a rice crop are alarm ing. ing.The The latest news from Madrid in dicates that in all the recent en counters the Carlists have suffered defeats. Several bands have been dispersed and their leaders compell ed to seek refuge. LONDON , pet. 12. The British Board of Deputies in terested in the Roumante question , are at a loss to understand the im portance attached by the Associated Press in cooling the statement of the Bucharest correspondent of the Ail- gemeinr Zeitung In'regard to Rbu- manln Jews. The hostility of this correspondent td Consul Peixotip's active endeavors to ameliorate the condition of the Jews in the princi palities , has for a long time been well-known. The real news of im portance in regard to the Roumanian question is , the intimation of the policy pursued by the American government. The British Secretary of State , the Earl of Derby , is now actively engaged with the Berlin Cabinet in perfect ing negotiations which will lead to the permanent establishment of Jewish rights and interests in Rou- mania. The joint labors of tlie A'pierican and British Board and the zeal ot Consul Peixottos are about being crowned with success , notwithstanding the latter's ene mies at Bucharest aud at Washings ton. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. NEW VfoRic , October 12. Money Easy at 23 p6r cent. Exchange Heavv ; now 4 85 © 4 88. 88.Gold Gold Dull , heavyf at 10J ; de clined 9J ; now 10. Govt's Strong , principal busi ness registered utlO"10i. Stocks Higher ; * advanced " 12 ; above lower prices last"week , after wards reached quarter to half ; Erie W. U. L. S. R. I. leading. Erie , 30J PM , 47J ; U P , 36 } ; W U 70 } . New York produce Market. JS'EW YORK , Oct. 12. Breadstuffs Quiet. ' Flour Heavy and lower to sel lers ; superfine slate and western nominally 4 60(44 ( 76 ; extra 5 10@5 l ' 75. Wheat Heavy ; No 1 spring 120 © 1 23 ; No 3 Chicago 119 < SXl 21 ; No 2 Milwaukee spring 114@115. Corn Dull ; western mixed 90 } . Oats Steady at 6264i. -Bye Qujet , Sarley Quiet. Provisions Heavy and nominal ly lower. Chicago Pruuuce market. CHICAGO , Oct. 12. Flour Dullweakgood ; to choice spring extras , 4 50@5 00 ; low to medium 4 25@4 50 ; supers 3 50@ 400 Wheat Dull ; cash 90 } , Nov. 89 , year 99 } . Corn Weak ; cash , 7G7GJ | ; Oct. 78J ; Nov 72 } ; year 70V. 1 Oats Weak ; cash49 ; Novem ber 47 } ; year 40 } . Barley Steady ; cash 1 09 ; Nov. 1 04@1 05. Rye 84. Hlghwlnes 1 00101. Pork Steady ; year 17 65 ; Febru ary 18 1218 75. Lard Quiet ; year , li 45 ; Febru- Gold Closed at 110. St. Louis Produce market. ST Louis , October 12. Flour Unchanged. Wheat Dull and drooping. No. 3 fall , 1 00 ; No. 2,1 13@1 13 } . Corn Higher ; 83. Oats Dull and lower , at 51@51 } . Rye Unchanged. Whisky Firm , at 1 04. Pork Dull ; 22 00. Lard Lower ; summer , 13 } , Chicago Live Stock Market. CHICAGO , October 12. Cattle Receipts 6000 ; Market steady and quiet ; prices unchanged ; Texan steers , 2 C53 37 } ; fair to choice steers , 8 50@6 10 ; extra steers 6 256 50. Hogs Receipts 18,000 ; weak and easy , closing moderately active aud steady ; good fo choice , 5 90@G 60j extra heavy , 0 70@6 90. Sheep Small market and prices steady and unchanged. St. Louis Live Stock. ST. Louis , Oct. 12. Hogs Receipts , 2,300 ; yorkers active at 5 50 ; bacon , 5 50@5 85 ; butchers , 6 00@6 50. Cattle Lowest grades plenty and dull ; Texaus , 1 75@3 50 ; wintered 2 004 00. BEES ! BEES | ! BEES ! ! ! m HE tlndenlgned has sixty swarms of na- JL tire and Italian be-s for sale , In hives of the American and Buckeye patents. Strong iwanns at six to eight dollars earn , with ectaal cost of hive added. Light swarms , from four to six dollars each. I hare more tes than tfie location will support , and must sell. Address. : HIEAil CRAIG. ' Fort Calhoon , lb Omaha & St. Louis Shorl Line. 1874 = ! The Kansas City , St. Joe and Council Bluffs R. S Is tli-j only dire line to iss1. . aj o-crse AND THE EAST , FBOH OMAHA AND THE WEST HO CHANGE i caib between Omaha and St. Louis anu bit ore between OMAHA anu c.W YORK. Thisth Only Jne running a SLEEPING OAU EAST FROM OMAHA , OH AKBITAIi OK THE UNION PACIFIC KXPUESS TRAIN , WPassenijers tatlng othoi routes Bare a Jlsasrecablo transfer at tne Kirer Station. PASSENGEU. T1IAIKS DAILT I 8 BEACHING ALL EASTEEH AHD WE3TEBN CITIES With Less Changes and in advance of other lines. This Entire Line is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coaches and Chair Cars , Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Westin houae Air Brake. - - - . _ - VSee that your tickets lead ria Kansas City * H Josppli & Council Ilalrocl , Via Omaha and St. Louit. Ticket * for sale at cor. Tenth and Farnham streets , and U. P. Depot , Omaha. J03. TEHOlf , QEO. L. BRADBURY , Pass. Agt. Gen' Agent. . F. BARNARD , A. C. IUWE3 , Gen-1 Supt. Gen'l Pass. Agt. , St.Joa > Dh. St-Jowoh. S.OT7TS IE .A. S T. 3 TRAINS DAILY ! LEAVE ST. X.OU1S 1VITII Pullman Palace Cars THBOUGH WITHOUT CHANGE ' -TO- Indianapolis , Cincinnati , C&iuago , Colmnbus , Pittsburg , PMladelpMa , Baltimore Washington , -AND NEW YORK ArrlvU of Trairs from the West. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO 3leveandj ! Buffalo & Boston Are for Pale at the - - Comyany ' Ofiice , I. E. eorA.fi Fourth < fc Chestnut tt * . . il.LonU , nnd at the Principal Ral'- vay Office * In the West. JHAS. BABCOCK , C. E. RUSSELL S'thern Pass. Aa't , AVest'n Pass. As't. DALLAS , TBX4S. HAVSAS Crir , , SIMPSON CHAS. E. FOLLETT. Gen t Bupt. , Qen'l Pass. Ag't. 29t' INDIANAPOLIS ST. Louis E. KliLLEY , Attorney 1 CounseloratLaw Ifflca Hoomi , Orelghton Block , ) . nvATTA . OtAHA. Cor. 16th andDolglas Bts. J COLLECTIONS SOLICITED AND PROMPT- J ly attended to. No charge unless collec- ions ara made. Houses to let and rents col' ected. Real estate bought and sold. aplTtf O. BALLOT7 , iTTQRNE Y at LAW ) ffice n Crelghtoa'a riow bloclt , southeast cor room , floor. ) MAHA , - SEE. J. S. SHROPSHIRE , Attorney- - Law Joom No. 1 , S. E. Coiner IJt.hanJ p.cmglas Sts , 3MAHA , - - NEBR. r. 8. SPAUN. rrFO. K. PRITCUCTT SPAUN & PRITCHEH , Vttornejs and Counselors at Law. PE" ( 5 , 5W ( TTBU . i B'.rcet. Address LonV Rnx wa Omaha , Wf J. CONHELL , OcxKun.aol3.o3r AND Dfftrict Attorney for Second Jud icial District. [ ) Ft ICS South side of Farnhara , between 16th SP 1 16th sU. , opposite Court Ilonse. A. BALDWIN u 2O. M. BALmVIX & O'BKIEX , ATTOENEYS LAW Office Caldwell Block , Douglas Street , OMAHA. - - - - NEBRASKA. JsJvJU PARKE GODWIN , Attorney at Lawi ( Hellmin likct , ) 433 THIETBESTH STBBET , OKAHA a2E lin JOHN W , LTTLE , itlornef-at-LaTf end Solicitor in Eqaity. OFFIOt-Orer Firrt Ifatlonil N. J. BVBNHAM , ATTOBSEI AND COUNG LLOK AT LATY , S. E. Cor : isth and Douglaa Streets. OMAELA" - - NEB. B Clearing Sale ! EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS ! ! -AT- OEUSOKSHANK'S Clearing Sale ! THIE.TT - BEING OUK Clearing Sale ! Annual Clearing Sale OF Foreign , and Domestic Clearing Sale. DRY GOODS Clear-ing Sale ! ftct-JlV tj FEEARATOIIY-TO STOCK ; TAKINO. A. CRUICKSHANE ; Sale ! Clearing marS Cor. 14rih hiid Fsrnliaiii Ms. A T.Xj STOCTC , H.873. IHOWN , 248 Douglas Street , tVHOLESALESAND-RETAIL DRY GOODS , CARPETS , AND Oil , CLOTH. An Immense Stock of Fresh New G-oods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city , consisting of IlRHOf , EfflPEISi OliOm , RSPELLANfi , ALPACAS & MOHAIRS , ale 7ELVBT & BEATER CLOAKINGS , A FULL STOCK OF StIAWLS , BLANKETS , FLANNELS. MERINO IJ.NDBBWEAR AND WORSTED G-OODS. TABLE LIXEN IN OB yr TAHIETi" . A PULL LINE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPI fS , OIL CLOTHS , MATTING RU8S , AND MATS , urniture , bedding , Mirrors , everything pertaining to the FTTRNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade ; has largely increased hiastock , and'now has a complete assortment oi FINE , MEPIUM and LOW PRIOED goocls , which he is offering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of everyone desiring anything in this line , to examine his stock before purchas- PABLOB-.SL'TS , LOUNGED &c , , UPHOLSTEBEDJANP COVERED TO ORDER. . . SHIVERICS , 2O3 'Gn. L. WOODWORTH , 238 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. W-A.GO1T Wood Stock , -OiD WAGON HARDWARE , Patent Wheels , Finished Gearing , &c. Axles , Springs and Thimble Skeins HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hacks ssl Buggies Stmlebaelter Wagon ] Depot. " " * mcbGLJ G , STBIFFLER DEALER IN CROC SE.IES , Provisions Fruits " , Kuis , Confpctioneryt Tobacco , Segars , S. E. COB. OF TE5TH 'and FABHHAM. IMt WHOLES A L E3 C AiNB I E 5 I arc. o\v inarmlacturing all varieties oi candies' ] andlwill sell a s Dealers lu this State need not want to go East for CANDIES , A trial is solicited , - "L2tlx. mchlltl J. WILBUR , Books and Stationery , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Fourteenth Street , - Omah.cu , ITeb GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALT. SCHOOL BOOKS arSlmyBTJEK / & AdTTJ A-TJO-ia : . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. and Blarney Streets , Fall And Winter Styles A. POLAOK , CL O T H IE R , 238 Farnhaaaa. St. Hearll4th , . Fine and Medium Clothing , and. Fnrnisning Goods * ! ET THE