THE OMAHA OFFICIAL PAl'EKOF "HE CITY. BEPUBLICAN PLATrORSI. WHXSEAS , Th KspubU'sn party , by lt coarse fo.r the past thlrtesn year * the doml- nunt political orpanlzaltou of thu United etato , ku allied Itself to ihe liber y-loving 'maun of the world , and lias maJo a r-.coni which intitcs icrutlny , and challenges all his tory for a parallel in Ucraticg uiiMuity , and titabllihlBg en a firm UmU "n gorernment by the people far the people ; " and . , IU neveral ac.s 10 pre erving the Union , in promoting and strvi-gt tiling n com mon allegiance to the fljg n-i government of this republic have passed into uUtory an.1 clic- lUd the ai. . roral of the Kepublic.n tentinit nt of the age , therefor * we , the repicsentatires of ( he It-publican party of Xcbr u. K , iu conven tion assembled , da rnolve as rotluws , viz : 1st. That all honest lal > ur sbor.Id bit protected , and rteelve its lust reward 2d. That w earnestly d&tire that the credit of ur goverameut shall be C."vly maintained , In order that the commercial and industrial interests - terosts ol the canotry mav nut sutler injury by fluctuations In values or by impairing in any degree that confideneo whlili now , rcvaiU in regard to our circulating medium which we bop * will , at no d.uUat day , tw based > pen metalie currency , the rcc gatzed money of the verld. Sd. That we believe that banldrg , under a well-guarded national sjBtpm , Miould be free , and we counsel reform and economy in all de partments of the public service , ant a reduc tion of the public debt in such a way and as rapidly , as it may be doi e w thout imposing burdens upon the industries of the country. 4th. That we demand a rigid ecrountabillty I the discharge of official duty on the part ol all office-holders , whether Staia or National , and ttu.t rs delegates , tpcaking for constituent * whom we represent we dl-avo * any sympathy with , rior dishonest public officials , in what * ever eapacitr they may be employed. 5th That while we recognize and appreciate ibe advantages derived by the people from a well-regulated sysUm of railways we demand that these public highways tliould bg rendered subservient to the public good. That while we disavow any hostility toward railroad corpora- Uoas we prudaim our d tern ination to resist by lawful meani all efforts to Impose oppressive er extortionate transport1 ion lulls. ttb. That taxation , to be just , must be equally imposed upon all classes ol property ; ws therefore demand such National aud State Ictflilatiou as will compel rai.roads . and all other corporations to p < y thi > same proportion o ; tax M is impoced ou individuals. 7th. That we favor the j > ro ( er exercise of the powers conferred upon the national govern- m at by the coostitutiou to regulai * oommerce between the States , nud to ihi > end we recom mend that the government e taWish and ope rate a double track railway from the Missouri rlvcto tbe Atlantic sealM.ird. gth. That we earnestly 'equeat that our Mansion aocure tlip passage 01 C'ruu e's Kail- road Land Tax Bill. ftk. That we tavor the amendment of the Destitution of the United States providing forthe election tf Presld nt , Vice { 'resident. United Stales Senators , aiid all other federal officer * by the direct vote ol the people. 10th. That the unwritten law c-.iacted by the example of the Father of his Country in declining a re-tlectiofc to the th-rd Presidential term , Is ai controling as though it was incor porated in the national constitution , and ought pever to be violated. llth. That the present so-ral'cd Quaker In dian policv h s failed to afford either benefits to the Indians or protection tu the frontl r set tlers , and we therefore d 'rnand the transfer ol tb * tnanagement of the Indians to the War De partment. Utn. Xhat we favor the reap ; > ortionnient of State representati vis through the enactment of new constitution- the earliest practicable day consistent with our present' fundamental law , and that we recommend the submission to the direct vote of the jieople iu a separate arti cle at the time the pruirascJ new constitution Isvotod upon , the questions of "Pro-ibitlcn , " "Local Option , " and lieenw. ISth , That we approve the acts of Congress Which pnt the rights or all citizens under pro tection of the National authorities when they arc assailed by hostile legislation , or by the vi olence of armed associations , whether open or eocret , end in view of the recent ontngts In the toutharn States , we demmd the enforce ment of the laws that these r'ghts may be se curely Ld amply orotpct * d whenever and wher ever invaded ; we do , however , disapprove of all Bnconstltutlonal legislation , lor the cure of any of the disorders of noclety , or evils which prevail In our land. Hth. That we are in favor of and most cor dlally Invita immigration to our State. Ne braska needs immigration , that its vast agricul tural. ml eril , and manufacturing resources may be developed , with an area sufficient to ma > e ten States as Urge as Massachusetts , and a soil unsurpassed for fertility , we g ve a hearty welccine to the down-trodden masses of Ibe old world.sud assure them that th-y shall be secure it thir lives , Hiierty and prop erty , and frea to Jjold and express their relig- jouVand polit of opinions without restraint. 15th. That , relyliigupun the intelligence of the people of our young and prp. perous com mon wealth , which Is soon to take bth | rank In jhe great family of States , we hereby reuew pur allegiance to the p.irty whluh we represent apt } call upon Us ilat > ci , and conditions of tnon to unite with us ta | crpotuatini ; the bl ss- ings of frea government in accordance with the cherished principles which actuate and tootrol the great bodv of our wonle. REPUBLICAN TICKET , k Ya * Member ol Congress , LOBEXZO CKOUNSE , ol Washington county. fo For Member of Congress ( contingent ) fem PATBICK Q. 1IAWES , m o ! Douglas county. is isfo fo STATE TICKET. . iu iuw Stl Tor Oorernnr. BILAS UAK1IER , \Vcbst6r county. ial For Secretary of State , J < BUJ > 0 TZSCIIUCK , ed cf Sirpy county. be : for Tiexsurer , ini JOSEptf C. ilcBBJDE , tie of Colfas county. For Superintendent of Public Instruction , Ba J SI. SIcKHNZtE , the of > 'cmaha county. tin for State Prison Inspector , of NATHAN S. POUTER , Of Dixon county. sig ; For Attorney General , Vii OEOHUE II. ROCEBTS , cau ol Ilarlan countr. em For District Attorneys , ton first Dittrict-C , J. DILWOBTH , , of Plielps countyi plo ; Bwond DlstilctV. . J. CONNELL , bjn ot Do'ugUu county sotn Third District M. B. HOXIE , . duci of Colfix county ; Ban for Boprcscntativo of the 2Jth District , Is al JOHN \v. BABNES , ! IF the Morton organ could be in . duced to tell the - ii truth , itvoul < * have to confess that there * hadtc filngloman not a choos < on l&tlve ticket who -/cratlc legis- point. frame an draw a bill or a law. Wn eight ] " legisla motto -n necdapplv , was a of Bepublliins of who w County.-ZfcraW. the boi at about John Hush the Irish- , - Ins me American candidate for School superintendent govern perintendent on the Republican tsckct. THE isy > i ss iMs is B s i Ki iaii s iiss loads i GiBllDSTix was a very efficient into tli and pupular City Marshal , but he is packag the wronp man to canvas this.City turned for his brother the Democratic can and w < didate for the Senate. If theex- everyw ! narshal wants to become sergent at arms for the next Senate , he had TEIIB better keep out of sight were jul great o < .REPUBLICANS with temperance day thej proclivities should remember that that thi " "cutting off their noses to spite their strength faces " is neither , profitable nor agreeable. Every vote given direct How i ly or indirectly to Bourbon candi toward I dates for the legislature is a vote in bon dark favor of a Democratic United States purpose < Senator. for the 2J DOS' ! ES DECHVfiB. Republicans of Douglas counfy should bear in mind that every device - vice that cunuiug and duplicity can invent , is being unscrupulously used to bring about the election of ft Dem ocratic delegation from Douglas county to the legislature. It Is the only hope the Nebraska Democracy have of electing a Democrat to the United States Senate , and they pro pose to stake everything upon this issue. issue.A A Democratic Legislature means Mortou in the United States Senate , and nobody acquainted with the Otoe county acrobat will deny that Morton in the Senate would be a calamity to Nebraska. Republicans should not , and must not , deceive themselves into the belief that no harm will bo done by voting for respectable Demoorats , out of personal friendship , or from social or business attachments , .admit ting , if you choose , that some of these men would make good Repre sentatives , we all know what parti- zanship can do when under the whip and spur of the Mortons and Millers. How was it with the. Democrats In the Omaha * City 'ouncillast ' spring , when they delib erately defrauded John Baumer out of the City Treasurership to which he was elected T Has not every Republican in Omaha who scratched his ticket last spring to accommodate Democratic candidates good reason for being heartily ashamed of himself ? Sup pose , for Instance , \vhat is lively to happen , that some of the seats in the coming legislature should be contested. Would not a Democratic majority rule out the Republican claimants ? Would not Democratic supremacy in the legislature exert a powerful ! influ ence in the enactment of a consti tutional convention bill with a view of manipulating the new con stitution in theinterest ofDemocra- cracy ? Don't deceive yourselves with the belief that honest Demo crats would not lena themselves to suqli schemes. The oft repeated -experience of many years pro yes that such men would not have the backbone to re sist the influences of partizan lead- i j jrs. Don't allow anybody to de- 11 jeive you Into the belief that any Republican candidate on our. , jounty ticket will dare to vote | $ tgainst tbo known choice of the > eople of this county for United states Senator. Every man placed m the Republican County tioket tands unequivocally committed to upport General Thayer , and In , loiug so , theyjwill simply represent I jj ue sentiments of nine-tenths of the | h ieoplo of Douglas county. All the tterapts of the Herald to create the C ) npression that this is not a Thayar 01 elegatjon are simply cunning arzi uments to Induce Republicans to j iratch their tickets , ami thus make bi possible for Miller's twin brother , bicc [ orton , to become Tipton'a succes- cccc > r in the United States Senate. ccni ni BA.ESOWS. Genial , jolly , and in some sense , ernl fted Ben Barrows , is busy becRing nlK r Demycratic votes. Poor Ben. K o man could better realize the ar Isery of the political company he reiDi now in , but Democrats do not vote Di r Democrats who take Republican lit iminations , and , of all the men of B know' Ben Barrows best under- ha unds this. Herald. ho Of all the men wo know , the gen- , jolly , aud in some sense gifted in itor of the Herald , understands to st how to transform a molehill meme me : o a mountain. The only foundaac | ( n the Herald has for charging tur rrowa with being a Democrat , Is in ) fact that Barrows was at one iti vai ic employed on the editorial staff tin a Democratic paper. Does that plo nify that he is a Democrat ? Is wai icent liurkley a Republican be- . em ton isc he has for two j'ears been an ployo of the BEE , or Is Reming- a Democrat because be is em- * ' red by the Herald f TheBour- j organ will have to concoct has letblng more substantial to inBap B Republicans to scratch Mr. rows. This Democratic dodge [ together too transparent. of yi : = = = = prav sitbOXAii enemies of William F. Eter ezy and , all others who are tryIn.p o influence voters against him , u better answer the following ® | ] [ tions. What do know you be c ( t his social or public record that priet. Id prevent Republicans from senti g for him ? ho not during the past eight- . ears contributed largely to the m da icemenc and prosperity of Eccle la and Nebraska ? Does not remoi truest labor for the Republican w icl from its Inception to the pregpreai Ti ttQ ft lay , entitle him to an honora- tablet jsition as your representative , ing , & ' i - - i IEH , the Democratic candid' ted IE " ' " * ' gislatlvo honors tool' . ! uia flret and i sinthoBohe- ' ; Fortu > hemla - - ' * ? nBUaT , saved jt , , .iiall yesterday. He the or da melodious language and tismli jll of 8-.veet sounds , and if he menu one tc > be born he would over again , .tor , tl } Bohemia as hla starting whoii for pei There H but two exceptions th ber on Democratic candidates for the tiouis ture are wealthy monopolists , oncep the suj ant to go to the legislature for left th ( leflt of corporations. WorkP flou in should remember this and came „ , . worse i - j- themselves i accordingly. belovet . ' - - . , . moval Bourbons are sending cart umenfcj jf bogus Republican tickets church e interior of the State. A o of this kind has been re- jj to this city for inspection. a would warn Republicans here to be on their guard. . * " ° { ! E days ago the Bourbons bilant and ready to give enough. Ids on their success. To- A ma r are beginning to discover seeking py have underrated the that she of the Republican ticket. latest so nuch did Morton contribute It is re ho fund raised by the Bour- & * & -F" -lantern committee for the .j wrled0 ) ' f carrying Douglas county"jer of Ei 'ortonians ? . There is no loss the t Inig'.t bird That clcavra the air fend flag * Hath toucn * ] om-j sordid an > l stirred , A w-sh lor better UtllgS.VV Thi lowliest flower by waygMeerown , .With izr turned tow ra the sty. Hath lifted to some wanderer worn ; A thoujht of purity. 3 I * There is no loss the cloud that flcata Across the erening IKV ' | Uath wakened the unspoken thoughts , ! The thought * that neter die. The first long star in the west Shines , CT ning's oltnire , Inradcs the twilight of some breast < And lights a chamber there. ' ' There is no loss -the faded leaf Now fluttering iu the gilt , And kiuldng. lice a hjuiau grill , To th * earth's bosom i ale. jf Will turn to mold 'uealh wintry sxtprs , .A dark forgotten thing ; % t But in its bosom , biding close , L A seed to lil will api lug. \ There is no loss the babe tnat die ? , , / Lite luoiuing's first pure breath , ' 'A TothuBO who loved it lives for aye . 'i In sweetness born of death. \ TV uubMuen tear , the tender thoughts , y Tha better deeds , that tare , f Grow from the meiaoiics that oft : Cling round a dusty grave. BELIGIOTTSr - Four hundred Englishy Catholics have gone on a pilgrimage to Pontigny , where Sr. Edmund Rich , oncoan archbishopxof Canterbury , ia burled. K The Roman Catholics have just organized their firstf church in Old Plymouth. The.-e'diflce , which is not completed , > 8tands in the Main street , nearly opposite the Memorial Hall. ) The'ministers' of the Reformed Church in California have organized a classis , to be known as the San Francisco Classis : ' It 'isTioped that a Synod of the Pacific Coast may be formed in duo time. s Benne Leipschutz , a citizen of Vienna , who died recently , { left- property to the value of 150,000 to be divided equally between the Jewifh Catholic and Protestant congrega tions of that city. Bishop Payne , of the African Methodist Episcopal Church , who resigned the Presidency of Wilber- force University on account of an issue with the trustees about the ex pulsion of an alleged slanderer , has been reinstated. The Ohio Open Communion Bap tist Association held their annual meeting this year at Albany. The reports showed the past year to have been a successful one. Over 6,000 members are connected with the Association. . A union rejlgeous conference , at ivbich Unitarians , Uuiversalists , md other will attend , will be jeldat Wbitemato , Wis. , October .2-15. The programme announces i long list of subjects of interest , on vhlch papers will be read and liscussions had. D ing the month of September Jistiop Clarkson has visited the aissionary jurisdiction of Dakota , 'his is his third visit to the Terri- ory during the present year. At everal of the points visited , nether ther religious services but those of tie Protestant Episcopal Church ave ever been held. It has been proposed to hold a inference of Lutherans to ascertain ( u what points the different organi- xtions disagree and the nature of [ le disagreements , and whether oser relations can be established [ 3twcen them. If an organic union mid take place the united Church ould contain 2,100 ministers , 3,550 mgregatlons and 475,000 comma- cants. The Rev. John McElroy , of Fred- n Ick , Maryland now in his , ninety- is nth year , and the Rev. Father isti i ti , eenan , of Lancaster , Pa. , aged 90 , e the sole survivors of those who esH ceived ordination at the nands of esai . Carroll , first Archbishop of Bal- ai nore. They are both in full vigor 1 miud and faculties. The former. in is 3 been seventy years in thepriest- tb od , and the latter nearly as long. tbhi rhe members of the T"n New York havp sent an address the Busglun Imperial Govern- mt representing their need of a > re commodious church edifice , iompauied with plans for a struc- ce : e to cost $85,000. About 535,000 aid of the project br/ve already , fan s understood , been obtained from rious sources , Mr. Winatis , of Bal- lore having given $10,000 , A BO t of ground . for such a church frc > a wuwsiV * r * 4 ftT" sin 3 purchased for thc USsian Qov. ment three y-eara ago in Lexjng- avGnue , between Fiftieth and ty-first streets. nei tev.Edwnrd F , Strickland , late tor of the Calvary Baptist iroh , Westerly , Hhodo Island , the 1 addressed a note ta the Boston sot : itist Ministers' Conference stat- hoj. "that in Of consequence of my ] Brienclng a change of belief re- Ii iting the fundamental doctrines tha aur church , to wit : Total De- and 1 ' 'ityofthe Human family , tne the nal Punishment of the Finally staj enitent , the Doctrine of the ity , and Divinity of Christ , I iforocanno longer retain my odis ion In your ranks , and feel it to scho insistent with honor and prey - unre ! y to inform you of my change "tak : ment , and the dissolution of A onnecttou with the Baptist de- nation. " tonjs fens ( amous old church of London is ry jv nger of being destroyed. The I luuc ! sjastical Commission desire to I ve All Hallows , Bread-st- Ta i on Dec. , - 28.1008 . . i JoV- .n , Mr. , > , , , Mrs _ ' ediii ' .j bo baptized. A hats the fact. Thisbuild- .ound which many historical iations are gathered , was crec- Illim L 1365 , destroyed by fire in 1CC6 , what t rebuilt by Christopher Wren , awaj nately the church register was busy from the great lire , and three ( iginal record of Milton's bap- Op < 3 still to bo seen. Among the old fashii ments the church contains lathe The i > the memory of a former rec- less i ie Rev. Lawrence Saunders , , sions a 1555 was burned to death rsisting in the reformed faith , ghmj ) heave isident parlshoners now num- and t ly SO ; the average congrega- nine persons , and a sermon reached every Thursday , for Wear pport of which u legacy was a church in 1629 , was given 10 time ago because no one Am to listen. This last is even were than Dean Swift's "dearly at opti i Roger. ' When the re cious i Is effected the records , mon worn 1 ! , &c. , will be sent to the it was i of BL Maryle-Bow. in ate hand , then 01 ATEIMONIAIITIES. one 01 cording daily , c > k entitled ' .Lectures to Mar- not ts en" Is to bo published in but sl- - d , as If those poor creatures sle : t already received lectures were of also on i rried girl of thirteen years , rings v a divorce on the ground the join is too young , is one of the torn. 1 cial development of Indian- Slafforcl i Brooms , with a r sported in social circles at last one tncisco that Senator J. P. thumb f Nevada , is engaged to be of weal I to Georgia Sullivan , daugh- staff dec ugene L. Sullivan , of this could ha thumb r. The merry marriage bell will not be rung at DCS Moines for a certain pair because the ardent young man bought 12 boxts of pills at auction and sent half of them to his intend ed as a birthday gift. It is said that Miss Minnie Sher man has 100 pat's of stockings with which to commence her married life. Well , there is one thing about it ; she cannot wear them all at onoe. onoe.Marry Marry for love , young man , but remember that it' easy to love a frirl whose pa has u hundred thousand - > and in bank as one whose old man sits up behind a pair ot mul s and yells , " Whoa ! you Pete , or I'll take your ear off ! " A justice of the peace in Cincin nati had become so imbued with the routine of his oflice that , in con cluding a marriage ceremony the other evening , hesubstituted.forthe usual formula , "You will now stand committed until fine aud costs are paid. " A Sioux chief offered to marry a celebrated authoress the other day. An cnthusiaytic eye witness reports that herobs stood open like the eye of a frightened gazelle , and the blush on her cheek was as pink as the heart of a pomegranate. A resident of Erie , Pa. , refused to marry his alliunced , who had come overirom Gernitiny for the purpose , because she had not brought a feather bed with her. She has now brought suit for breechofproin- ise against him , and claims $1,000 damages. . ( \ . rumor 01 death got abroad in .London recent ly , and fifty or sixty offers of mar riage were precipitated upon Mrs. Bazaino within the next forty-eight hours. She tliowed them to her husband and the man's , poor at- tpmpt tb laugh nearly resulted in paralysis of his facial muscles. A Toledo girl was to bo married yesterday. She wtut with the bri dal party to tlidpor of the church , when all at once ihe fair bride took to her heels and started off down Cherry street , witlu-bridal Vyeil , orange blossoms and white drapery generally flapping in the moining wind. The Groom wasstruok dumb at the sudden departure , but did not follow. This was the situation at last accounts , and no person can be found who will offer an explana tion. Clevclnnd Plaindcaler. The following is a list of the bridesmaids and groomsmen for the Grant-Honore wedding : Brides maids Miss Hall , daughter of Col onel Winchester Hall , and cousin of Miss Honore , Chicago ; Miss Lucia Houston , daughter of Judge Russell Houston , of Louisville , Kentucky ; Miss Irene Rucker , daughter of General Ruckor , Chicago ; Miss Dunlevy , daughter of Judge Dun * levy , Chicago. Groomsmen Ulys ses S. Qrajjt , Jr. , brother of the bridegroom , Washington ; Mr. Henry C. Houore , brother of the bride , Chicago ; Lieutenant Lamed , Q. S. A. , West Point ; General 3eorge A. Forsyth , Sheridan's staff , Chicago. Ladles of a certain age may take ourage from the fact that , in Eng- and , at all evenfs , it is becoming tiite the fashion for men to marry vomen older than themselves , "luis the brilliant wife of the bril- iant Secretary of India , the Marquis f Salisbury , is several years his enior , and now the Earl of Pem- roke , the greatest "catch" in EUg- ind , who is twenty-four , ig to be larried to Lady Gertrude Talbot , ho is thirty-four. Lord Pembroke the son of the late well-known Caj idiicy Herbert , and inherited vast Au states of both his uncle and father. [ e is the greatest property owner hi ' ad aroun'd. Duolin , and has at least 100,000 a year. Lord Pembroke's iothpr , Lady Herbert of Lea , who \\ellknownas an author , joined ic Catholic Churoh soon after her isbuud's death. ' IMPIETIES. AUubur-,0 nian offers T his servi moi s to . j.ray with the * c-k at S3 Ht < 0 is also .vilUrig a day posi to drive a team eak coltSj and run a cider mill. The odor of Brooklyn sanctity is strong that when the wind is ni the east New Jersey people ut down their windows. Deacon Lee is being tried by the iptist Church of Honey Creek , jo county , Ind. , for coveting his Ighbor'a wife. "Grasshopper" boxes have taken place of mite boxes in Minneso- . a. Mischievous boya catnh prnss- ) pers and drop them in instead pennies. t is now understood in Richmond t people who can't attend church "read their title clear , " without aid of opera-glasses , had better T at home. Whatcanjwe do , " inquire Mo'u. . t ministers "to * u. , make Sab'Jath lols more ' Jath interesting1 j > generate publican ndan e the boys Q\ \ Pueblo inrjfon cqyjidcrab , as _ 3 "V-oto-rin San Ilde- > - ' , > in rePJy to his to 'ue inqui- crop prospects , "U h ! " % dam good crop , by God ! " ilk about th < & American branch llie church bring neglected ! Scttum Do'.vne says she count- fty-eight of those new Cardinal at church. Sunday. res , Job suffered some , " said an DIS deacon , "but he never knev it was to have his team run rand kill his wife right in the season , when lured girls want dollars a week. " era glaasea are used In the suable churches of Richmond , levout worshipers.wish doubt- to read their title clear to man- in the skies , and take a sc , en passant , of the blue snly eyes , nose * , new bonnets , bings. ing Sixty Finger Rings Daily. eng the Romans plain rings ivorn originally on either hand ion , but .when gems and pres- stoiies were added they were by preference on the left , ami considered exceedingly eflfem- to wear them on the righc At first one ring was worn , ue on each finger , and lastly i eacli Joint , Cliarinus , ac- j to Martial , wore sixty rings irslx on each finger , and did ike them off at night , ept in them. . This was streme case , but rinirs ten worn on every finger and Will hr , for any oni the thumbs. Jn Germany ture. No j verc frequently n\Atf \ worn upon its , as was the Roman cus- Fhe wife of Sir Humphrey (1450) ( is sculptured in the ? ? rove Church , Worcester , ing on every finger , but the on the right baud. Massive rings were supposed to tell th and importance and Real , . * % * * IMJIVC , UiJU Fal- iln- * U- ilared that when 3oung he ivc crept into an Alderman's ing. ' : \ . - . JCecp s con EitattinOn BAIIKI O EZRA MILLARD , 1 J. II. MILLARD , President. | Cashier. NATIONAL BANK Cor. DouElu and Thirteenth Streets. OMAHA , - * .NEBRASKA. Capital. . . . . . „ . _ . . - . . . . . . . . . ! . . . „ . . . . „ . - .5200,000 00 Surplus and Profits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Su.OOO W ) T7UNANCIAL AGENT SFOB TIIE UNITED J > STATES. ANF DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FOB DISHUKSING OFFCEUS. THIS BANK DEALS in Exchange , Government liouda , Vouchers , Gold Con , * \BVLLIONand \ OOLDDUST\ \ * _ * And sells drafts and makes collections on all parts of Europe. OS-Drafts drawn parable in gold'or curren cy n thuBauk of California , San Francisco. TICKETS FOR SAM : TO ALL PARTS of Europe via the Cunard and national Steamship Lines , and the Hamburg-Auur'can Packet ecu vf. 27 U.S. DEPOSITORY Tlie First ftatiomil Bank Corner of Fnrhnm and I3tli Street * . THE OLDEST BANKING ESTABLlSHm NT EJ UEBEABKA. ( Successors to Kountz Brothers. ) ESTABLISHED IN 1858. Organized as a National Hint , August 26 , 1863 Capital and Profits over - $250,000 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : E. CREIQIITON , A. KOUNTZE , President. Cashier. H. COUNTZE , IT.V. . YATES , Vice Pros't. As't Cashier. A. j. ' , Attorney. The Oldest Lstaolisheii BANKING HOUSE IS ? NBRASKJl. Caldweli , Hamilton & Co. , \ -A.j\rjei:333 : a . Business transacted name as that of an'fucorporated Hank. Accounts kept in Currency or Gold subject to sight check without no- Lice. . Certificates of Deposit issued paj- iblo on demand , or at fixed date loaring interest at six ] > crcent. per innnm , and arailable in iu all parts f the country. ; Advances made fo customers on inproved securities , at market rates i Interest , ' " 5 Buy and sell Gold ; Dills of Ex- baugro , Government. State , County , iid City Bonds. v "We giro siteclal attention , f o ncgo- fating Railroad and other Corpo- ate Loans issued within tlie Stalo. Draw Sight Drafts on England , relruid , Scotland , and all parts of uropc. v Sell Eurojinati Passage Ticfeetn. O'LliECTIONS PKOMITLY MADE. aulU N SAUNDEItS , ENOS LOVTE President. Vice Presdent. BEN WOOD , Cashier. " N. IV. Cor. Farnhnnx aud 13th sts- > EPOS'Ts"A7. SMALI , AS ONE IOL- Kt w e Te < > antl compound interest al- M.ou thes ine. ' OVER Certificates of Deoosit : HE WHOLE OB ANY PART OF A DE- nosit after remaining in this Benk three nhs , will drnv interest from d.te of depos- > payment. T hp whole or any part o ? 8 de- it can 'ie dratu atian" ' " . aug2 tT THE AMERICAN DESEUT. Of th Arc erican I'esert Who lias not b-en told , Strewn with I ones of the hunter In sea' ch alter gold ; AVitli plains sandaii'l sterile , Wht're naught ever grew To cbdilen ttie eye Of the stranger passing through. But in process of time A gre < t change arose , An < t the descri nr.w > uds Aril Mooms like the rcso ; An 1 Nebraska the Dttert 7'akfs her plac1 ou the scroll As one of 'He voungcst A& > roll. I . With the proudest of sfatesi : Hic uow will compare , Jit one i Ijinly r au see liy viewing the Fu.r ; Th re i-re works of tT.earffet From all o'er ouwije ] and Outriva led only jy bounties Fr. m tha t.veat OiTer.s Laud. Go , vl It that Fair , And do so at oncer Ihen whn you Rut through- , , ( I'D , rail upon Bunee. For the SIRS cf > ebraska All hattc < l stvailn Le. And liuuce has the goods As all can wellse- . I't fail to liuy your Hat. , Cip * and ! Olovcfj uee. N'obuy itock of Fall Goods just in nces. ' Chain ) ion ilattcr , Douglas bt. , 223. CASHMERE , AND ALPACA IUITS For calc and made to order. > . M. FAULOIT , ) edge , bet. 14th and 15th sti reels. OMAHA. NEBflASKA. Established .1855. . r. [ USE 1MKOFACTOB T \5iO \ Foartwnth Stra si , OM , psUiiitf.IOinata. Nebraiks. Cirrlxtt pea on band or icaiie t on ler. Particular aWntloa pali ? to Repair s. D. A , morjETT , onabfe Dress making 64 FourteenliEt St. , WARD KTO JUL. OF THE I K PARTED. 1 irth St. , between Fanii Have the aid of ffnartiiio in Cfi ipiritf , obUfn ffff 3 a TIC" of tne pajO , pre sent and lor- Indep chrtnrfd in c ( tea cf sickness. All I.SWU S. EEKD. BON REF.D . & CO. Tte Oldest Estate Agency IN NRhRAsr- . iplete Abstnct of Title to i ha and Douilis all Bea ountr. Idtf Nos. 187 , 189 and 191 Fainham Street. martd ROGEBS , Whole : Stoves and TUT 1TERS' STOCK. . SOLE WESTERN AGENCY" FOR STEWART'S COOKITO and HEATING STOYES , THE "FEABLISS , " COOKING STOVES , CHARTER OAK COOKING- STOVES , ill of Which Will bo Sold at Manufacturers' Prices , With Prelffhtjaddeil. Sezici. Fort Calhoim Mills. & Manufactured with Great Care from the Best Grain. General Depot , Ccr. 14th. c& Dodge Sts , m79-l7. OMAHA. ELAItl CI.&RK. PITCH , FELT AND GRAVEL ROOFER , AudMonufiiclurer t > fDry anrj Saturated llooJIug'and.SIieaibtiig Felt. AXSO DEALERS IN Roofing , Pitcla , Coal , Tar , Etc , Etc. R ° wSureef { * A5/-tof NcblaskarradJoInInSstatc3- < * opposite JUielGas Works , on O. F. GOODMAN , tfHOIESALE DEUS6IST , 3 > onlcr In PAINTS , OILS AND WINDOW GLASS , / Omalia. Nebraska. o\ : AND JOBBER OF FOSEION AXD DOUESTIC WHINES and LIQUORS , Tobaccos and Cigars , No. 142 FARNHAM STREET , OMAHA , NEB. Old Kentucky TNiiskies a Specially. WarAGENT FOB THE ELDOKADO WINE COMPANY , CALIFORNIA.- * * 1 luijllr Jg'ojrtoy'ga .AJ.O. of JoULot , 111. Dmaia Shirt Factory. OKA BLES H. PLATZ' " * ' "I _ . Manufacturer of MILLINERY , adies' and Gents FISILFLOWERS , Bice Ornaments for Ltdles. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED- ! 16 Douglas St. , Tisclicr's Block , Omaha , treatWesJera WesJera B'nsmess ' s Bl College. iHA , NEBRASKA. BSTSend Stamp for Circulars. G. K. HATHfitfjf , AW V C ! f LOE Jyil 282 B Celebrated Diebold l r rris & Co.'s ( tare Dlebolc ] & Klenzle ) FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF , the best record of all , not One LostJn" Uieirwo great firas UJ icago. also preserved the contents in vrery instance at UJl l endence , Iowa , also at Central City , Cd , and at all CO places have stood the test without" failure. < cc Sizes for Sale and Blade to Ordfl . ccQ Old Safes Talsan imZ&scli ALSO YAL.E , B.IMC , AND S9CAI.I. LOCKS- L COVERT , Ceneral Agent , ( ! E , STEVENS Agent cai o mi-j _ - _ . - . _ --TS , , JlStren alpi MEYER & BROTHER , OMAHA , NEBRASKA ; Vp5ip5V ; . / f\ * i _ - isuii , iBSi < q = ? 5 * = ° p. ff jgjJ3tUgfH ! Ifeg 4fe. . ' " ' - l1 ; i < w iipJSi ne piii K I i oir * IBM i i I AjaopEOHSWORfiAHS FAS.MSI FHEE HOMES ( in tne I.lceof th * Union Paoi o Railroad A Lvtd Grant of 12,000,000 , , Acres of the beat PAR11IHO ud MIKEKAL Liads of Amtric * 1,000,000 ACUFS O KEBBASKA IX THE HBEAT PLATTE YALLE THE GABDEN OF THB WEST HOW FOB SALE These lands are in tha central portion of the United States , on tbo 41st degree ol Ninth L t tude , the central Itneot the great Temperate Zone o the American Continent , and for grain { rowing and stock raising nnsurpane-i bj any in the United States. CHEAPER 15 PEIOE , more favorable terns d n. and mor coarealant to market than he found E FIVE and TEN YEARS' credit gircn with lnter ist t SIX PEK CENT COLONISTS cd jjOTUALSETULERScaahny on Tea Tears' Credit. Linfc at th * < ta srlca to all OBEDIT PPBCSASEBS. A Deduction TEN PEK CENT. FOR CASH. FEEE HOMESTEADS FOR ACTUAL SETTLERS. A fid tlu > Best Locations for Colonies ! Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead cf 160 Acres. < go i to Send ( or new Descriptive Pamphlet , with new maps , pnbllshed In English , German , Sweed and Dan * ih , inniled f roe everywhere. Address 3. TT . T" > . .AJ Itst. _ alr Mart ) land OunrnKnioner U. P. K.ILCo. Omaha. Neb , A. B , HUBILEliANN & CO. , f * H. - O " 27 3C O X * 2VTrt.ia.-vxr .ot Tiarez- WATCHMAKERS , OF JEWELRY S. E. Cor. 13th & Douglas Sts. WATCHES & CLOCKS JEWELRY AND PLATEg-WARE , AT WHOLESALE OH RETAll * Dealers Can Save TD1E and FREIGHT by Ordering of Us. ESGUAYING DONE FREE OF CiLUlGE J ( STALL uOODS7ARR ANTLfiD TO BE AS REPRESENTED. S C. ABBOTT J. CADUIKXJI ABBOTTS i A TT9TS < Ti''Vr2' ! ' S . Arli2ol.jl CO. , ee&FJ3&Trl3 f Tma ! * f < r s < s9 S fea.wH3. &JAVt-E 6 S : DSALEHS IN STo. 188 Famham Street. Gmaim , rnr Hcho > GEO. A. HOAGLAWD , Wholesale Lumber OFFICE AND YARD- COR , OF DOUGLAS AND 6Tfl STS. , U. P , R , R , TBACS , anlltf IsTIEIB , WBL U. FOSTER , Wholesale Lumber. > * WINDOWS , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , &C , Plaster Paris , Hair , Dry and Tarred Felt. Sole Agciits for Boar Crook LiuieauJ LouNrUIo Cement OFFICE AND YARb : ir\"l\T A TT A U. P. Track , bet Fariiham aud Douglas gis. / UJjl-jnL JtlA. NEB aprttf N. I. D. SOLOMON , OILS TATIDTDO "w GZ.ASS , OAL OIL AND HEAD-LIGHT OIL /AHA / [ - NEBRASKA _ _ FAIRLIE & MONELL , LANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. Stationers , Engravers and Printers. AITD IiOPCB SEALS. soic , Odd Fellows and Kniglils of Pythias [ JEWELS , BOOKS , BLANKS , ETC. , AT ARTHUR I w I 2 'or lards , Lawns , Cerxcteriei Ciiarclij iroa I 0 ceandSliot > 1 OMAHA . \71T4. iVjl a tet. FainUamai.- barney I Stf.