VOL. IV. OMAHA * SATURDAY MORNING OCTOBER 10 , 1874. NO. 97. W DAILY BEE. KDWAUD HOsbWATEU , Editor and Prop'r t.fllr * Nu. I3S Kni-ivJmin street. Votw. Stntli nml TentU. TEHM& OF SUBSCRIPTION : , in a < _ _ . . . . . . _ . . $ . copy , one pix months year , in advance . . . . . . . 4.00 " three ratnths in advance. . . . 2.M WIf not paid in advance , $8 per annum will colletol MNQ HATTER Best Goods , St- Crandri5itrl ! llotei. f OJJ.IA.JLi . OMAHA BUSINESS DffiECWRT. CBACKEE J A1UTAOOBY. \ f cClure i Smith. 183 UorneT street , bet. 1 > JL llth tud 12th. decl&U BOOTS AUD SHOES. Lang. 155 Farnham st , Vtiteen Itth Philip U5h feblSyl COUFICTIOHEBY. . Latry , corner 12th ami Douglas slreeu , HL. iiiif-tcturcr and wholesale dealer in cand a aud confectionery. Country trade so- J'cotcd. apltf OOAL DEALERS. ' > al llm9iccine ° 'halr etc- ElL'"ti > * > . ! . - . . Poland Farnham "t. PAWH' BOEEB. M LAUNDEY. . lllfr rt- * * ' - - 4 ne-tr Unndr-r op.-ncd at oil ' . . . ThewM''ing and A. FRtnlian. i-od lfiu.lf.a. ironine will be dona torder. . first clus work SO P 'ACTOBY. Trcmium Soup \Vorl , Powell A Co , stiI ' JL nianu act-ire tLeir Fiemiuni Soap. Fiv | first premium .awarded by the 1-ougla county end stale fairs , and PottaKatttmla county , la. Orders M > li"jtud from the trad * HOTELS. GRAND CENTRAL OUAHA , - BEBEABKA The largest and beat hoi between Chicago tad San franclsco. Uptfuud new September SOth , 187S. SO tf iEO. THRALL. Proprietor. United States Hotel , COH. DOD" 1"48 AKD TENTH STBEET3. r < ti'ectfnlly annpun- . .cam u * enahle rates. WILLI Jul722 ' 7 * 1 \ . California FBITZ HAFUER , Prop > No. ITODouglasStreet , corav llth , OBI ( NeErasUa. Board by tha day or weok. 1ace 1. Tl ZtTNDZiS ; SOTJSE. On 9th , let , rarnham and Homey Slreeit , Tl AS been entirely refilttixl ard refurnished. ll and will accommodate all to the beat of Urd al SI,00 per djy ; 40c ] > r single meal. C , Y , & 8,1 , HAERim 1r28dl ? . Propr ctonu Central House t o. C30 Ekteeath Street , Upp. JiCTcraon Square , OUJLHA , NEB. JOSEPH DOTE , Prop'r. Day and week Board at reasonable rate * , first-dun tnr attached to tha house. Ie27 3n rnEioteJU < * tk fill ani TOdactitc , , is - Mo. St. Lei , . Laveffle7amei & Co. , The Southern Hotel is first-class In all Ita ap | ointments. Its table * HI " a' all times sup plied lu the greatest abundan'cev wlth a11 delicacies the markets afford , I" clerKs and mployea are all polite and at 'entire to the vantdot thf gutstsof the hotel , Tb re is an improved elova or leadinq from the firtt floor to the upper onr , Itailroad and . \toamhoat icketoffirt-c , news stand. nd weaierf flui > on telegraph cfle in tha hotonda of hotel. TtJ RETAIL CASH PURCHASERS For Sewing Machines , ID ordtr to make room ( or our new style * . ir In PERFECT order all of onr old bar * put and ofler thorn at stock , including second-hand , 6CCATLET REDUCED prices , for CASH. BVEIIY "UCWB" BOUGHT OF U3 md or AUTHORIZED canTMsers U TAHI1AST- ED.andJXSTEUCTIOK sl n , WChtTe * BCrtTTATIOS TO SU3TAIK. Experlenee proTO miclilnp WITHOUT Initructlom U TTOESB than KOKE at alt CATTnOX. We kao ot l rg lots of worth- U ranshlnci bought at low fl-mes. that r 1 > - for nearly as good IBJ palm * ! off oBthspublio . Psrtons that do not wa t to run the a * a if. riik of Wn swindled .honld KEVEB buy of JBEEliTOKSIBLS paartl s , aa they hare KO reputation AT STAKE , i T old esUUlsted mjMclca. ISth f/ J . lc.iland Retail Dealer in FRfi II A.VO S\LT HEATS Cams. S niit , Lard , Poultry , Ac4e. . , 4e. Vo. 170 ITaram 31. , lint. 1Kb and . Block. ortTtf Oppo its FloBecr SAVAGE & MANDERSOb , Attorneys at Law , 2 FAKNDAM STP.EAT. nx J-Omaha Kbraak JOIDi C. v CODXSELOB. OrfTCE CaETGHTON'3 BLOCS , JSKBBASKA. T. W. T. Attorney at Law , OiBce 01&lb > 8t. , Wt. Uonwy Cmuba , ' 0. t ln indiscriminate slaughter m clothing and gent ' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 20G Farnham fitreet Fhio linen and chavoit shirts of our wa maka at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Jtailroad'TiKkct * bought and sold by P. Gotthoimer , Broker , at 29G Faruharn street Unredeemed fledges for Sale. may Iy26 Samlet Oruzn , OENEEAL DE1LEK Staple and Fancy Dry Goods 9th st , between Jones and Leavenworth sts. TO THE PUBLIC A MOST COJf- OFFERS line of DrOoods. . Fancy Goods , Woolen and Cotton Flannels , Wrapper DeLains Woolen Shawls and ail LInds of fall and winter material for ladies' and chi'drens' drt-s'es. Al so Callcoet of all snides and descriptions a spe cialty. Boots and theca for ladies' gents' and childrens' wear. isept4d3mu4 I I , No. 232 FARNHAM ST. . UP STAIES. Ecu 13th L. : * 3s Zb. . . OTil AEt A. DR. A , S , B t. 1 th and llth , up stairs. Teeth extracted without pain , by use of Ni tron * Oxide 3s. WOfflce ores t H cc = e5tf MRS. J. E. VANUKItCOOK. Eclectic Physician * Residence and offlc. 2.10 Dodo st Iwt 14th Pnd 15th sta. tipecfal attention paid to ob4elri and dls < aes ptcultjr to women and children. f9tf. I V'A.JSfOAMf M.D. tum Fcrnhnra uid 14tn utrects , 210 Donjlaa street , to Luthwan Church , Lock Box in. TAJ ! , CORN'S JS 33C OZ . All kinds of light and heavy HACHI3ERY MADE & BEPAIBCD. S&-AII Wok Vuarantev'- * 253 HAENET STREET. OMAHA. SPENCER'S JFrnit am Confectionary Cor. i tb and Leavcnirorlh A-TTUEBRIDUE FPRMTURB. H. L . 1TAUCK7 , MANTTFAClUKhJ' A l > UtlALER IN BOOTS & ; SHOES 10 llth St. Between Farnham and Douglaa a 13 ENOCH HENNEY , Justice of the Peace Office over the State Bank , cornprof Farn. ham and 13tb "traeu. NEW SAXOON- HEKRY. th popular Saloon keeper , has re fitted up the basement of old Hrrald building , cor. 13th and Douglas fits. , where , in connec tion with his bar ho ts out a Lunch every mornlnnanrt GRAND LDNCH EVERY SAT- UUDAY. QivohlmaceU. Sclineiaer & Bunnestcr Manufacturers of ns , COPPER ANli SHEET JROH WARE ; DEALIES IN Cooking and Heating Store * . Tin Roofing , Spouticg and.OntteH ig don short notice and Ic * h best mauner. jlftwn tr .t U. P , R , R , MEAT MARKET , 18th street bet California nd Webster. KEEP ON HAND THE HF8T WE supply of FRESH AO > SALTED MEATS. Also a largo stock of Fine Sugar nred Ilumn and Ureakfast Recon , at the lor- st rates. Wit. AU-jT A. KN0TH , iarl4-1v Vrorrletors. The Sioux City and Pacific HaUroad , Im Cannootlom with U > SIOUX CITY & ST , PAUL RAILROAD , It 6 ! mlUs the shortest route from Omaha and Council Blnffi to St. Panl , Mlnnoolts , Still water , AnoVa , Dulntb , Bliciarck , and all points In Minnfsota. Train leive * Omaha dally , ( excep Saturday ) t 6 o.cloek p. m. , and Council BluE at SC5 : P' m. , from Chicago i North-Western Depot. Fare as LOW and lime as QUICK as by any other Line. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT THAIS , VIA Sioux City , Be sure vour ticket reads thus avoiding circuitous routes and midnight | Tickets can b rnrchasel at the offices of the Chicago 4 Northwistern Railway In Omaha .nd Council Btefflu Qcn'l Fa . i Ticket Agf 81 P. A 5. C. B. St Paul , Minn. F. C. HILL , Ucn'l Pasj- and Ticket Agt , 8. C. 4 P. , Siour Oty , Iowa. GEO. W. GBATTON , Agent. 163 Farnham Street , Omaha , Neb. tuTn. ) tf. Corner of Cnmisg * and Tweaty-second treets The finest lager bser con stantly on hand. 1e2Wm CHAS. WEVMULtER. Prop x. ensue. c. J. EAKBA n GllEHE & EA.RBACU , lit * ( t. between Farnbain an arney a'l NEB. OMAHA , - - I Spring and Farm Wagons T . .r ic-fc AND fl UIUiaS8. Dealer. ! T ENTION PAID -TC PARTICULAR SHOEING. WRepalrtnjt cl wagon ad blaeinalthlnt ; ' MIDNIG-HT. Report of an Interesting Conver sation Which TooK Place Yesterday Between the Postmaster General and an Alabama Senator. rt'ASIUNGTON , Oct 9. The Chronicle in an editorial this morning headed " Is reconstruction a failure , " says recent events in the south cannot fail to create the i > ro- foundest cobrietude in the mind of every patriotic and peace loving citizen of the nation in regard to the efficiency of the reconstruction measure of Congress ; some import ant element necessary to proper re construction seems to have been omitted , and its the plain duty of an intelligent legislature to iccog- nize the situation with all its difli- cultita , supply the omission or cor rect the error , wlntevcr it m ty be. The Supreme Court meets here on Monday , October 13th , and several of the justices have already a-rived. The docket is now two j-ears behind time and will bo necessarily great. An interesting dialogue occurred at the Postoflice Departmentyester- day , between the Postmaster Gen eral and Senator Spencer and Rep resentative Hayes , of Alabama. These two parties called on the Postmaster General to urge upon him the appointment of an addi tional special to go "to Alabama to Investigate the killing -of mail agent Ivery. The PoU master General regarded this as unnecessary. Jlessrs. Spen cer and Hayes ' were not satisfied , and they continued to press the matter upon him , when he finally remarked that if Ivery had been attending to his official duties instead of diatrbqting } incen diary and inflamatory speeches among the negroes , ho would pro bably never have been molested. To this Mr. Spencer rejoined that if some gentlemen had not gone around the country making speech es , they could not Le in the cabinet. The end of } t was that the two had to withdraw without being able to persuade the Postmaster General to make the appointment. ORLEANS , Oct 9 Messrs. Burk and Packard , have resigned their positions on the advi- so-j board. The vacancies will be filled by the resoective state central committee. Burk resigned because ) ie is a candidate on the parish tf elect. Packard resigned because his dutieS as chairman of the State central republican commute , re quired all the attention and time that his official calling will permit him to bestow. The Picayune , in repl3'to Govern or Kellogg's letter , publishes a reit eration of its former statement , for tifying them by citations from rec ords and dates to show inconsisten cies and inefficacy in Kellogg's letter. Tho1 Democrat to-morrow pub lishes a letter from Governor Kel logg1 in reply to an editorial criticism that paper of his address , Sep- He says northern men holding ofc'ce south , find all aven ues closed to them. Agents of the press are sure to color their reports and all sorts of calumnies are hurled at them by the press. Those who have conscientiously labored to make the Republican party of the South strong and respectable and to give practical effect to reconstruc tion acts of Congress are discour aged by receiving hut scanty sym pathy from their friends at the North. He savs certain northern papers which do not understand the Louisiana question have called his conduct in regard to the new regis tration bill infamous , while by sign ing it he divested himself of power equal to control twenty thousand votes. Ho re-affirms the truth of the tacts and figures given by him to the public already , and challenges the closest scrutiny into all his official acts and conduct. WASHINGTON , Oct 9. There seems'to be a strong proba bility the question of completion oft the Union Pacific railroad will be pettled in a few days. During thel term of office of Secretary Cox , a reportw $ ? made by the commission , in regard to that road , in whloJvcer- tain things were recommended to render the road complete as a first class road within meaning of the act of congress. The pommission recently appointed by the President has just completed an examination of the road for the purpose of ascer * taining whether it has been oomJ * pleted. The report is looked .for with very great interest as itsjtre- commeudatlons if favomble/ will permanently establish the statues of the road and give the terminus. The entire land grant , amounting to 12,000,000 acres , has not as yetjbeen patented to the road. \ SPRINGFIELD , Bl.f Oct. 9. Arrangements have been made with various railroad companies for reduced rate of passenger tariff to those wishing to attend the'liinfoln monument dedication andfereunlon of the army of the Tennessee , which takes place here next Wednesday ard Thursday. \i , The following are the rates known to be reduced : , / Atlantic and Pacific , Cairo and Vincennes , Hannibal and St. Joe , KocKford and Ro < * k Island , und St Lcuis and South-Western roads give return tickets at one and one-sixth fare. Jfe The following roads give excur sion rates : Chicago < to Alton , C. C. &I.-to parties of 20 , Lake Snore , Michigan Central , Lawrence , Leavenworth & Galveston , Hamilton & Daylon , Missouri River & Ft. Scott Iodian- apolis & WabashOhio. & Mississippi , Bomsiana & Louisville railroads CEDAR P.APIDS , Oct The first annual horse fair and stock Eale begins here on the 13th inst. Arrangements are nearly ooin- pleted. 53,000 are to be given/for racing prizes. The ground tahd track are in fine order. Entries close on Monday , the 12th ins , and the list ot entries are large , especi ally fine cattle. This being thefirst * combined horse fair and stock * feale In the country , it naturally excites much interest among allclasses , ; bat pam'jMlarly important to stock 01811" and br dot9. 4 O'CLOCK P. Specially Reported for the Omaha Daily See , Tiv the aM.Titln and Papifin TAUgrepTi fin. THE Thrilling Adventura of anEro - naut at tha Maryland State Fair. General Staler Declines the Management of the Chicago. ' Fire Department. Nnw YORK , Oct. 9. Hon. Win. Edward Forrester , M. .f. , and Sir Towell Buxton , of Eng land , have arrived here. SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 9. John M. Rekafeldt , a number of years connected with the San Fran cisco mint as master and refiner , committed suicide yesterday. He was generally respected and his death is regretted. HOLLY SPRINGS , Oct. 9. 1 Last night a mob of necroes , numbering fifty , took James Per kins and W. Ravenswood , ( colored ) from the jail aud-shot them dead , thereby avenging the death of Mack Hill. It was done so quietly that few persons knew of it until morn ing. WASHINGTON , October 9. In compliance with a request of the secretary of war to General Sheridan , to detach a regiment of his command for duty iu the south , the 13th Infantry , with headquar ters at Omaha , Nebraska , yesterday received orders to proceed to Ala bama. YIUK , Oct 9. Cyrus Williams has brought suit for libel against the "Nation , " that paper having charged that Thomas connived with the salting of the Little Ijmma mine with silver ore , whereby Prof. Silliman was deceiv ed , and reported accordingly , so that English stockholders were de frauded to the amount of § 000,000. NEW YOUK , October 9. From the latest Panama advices we hear the following : _ Engljsh capitalists have expended over § 2,000,000 in laying a submaC rine cable to Laplata an'd Brazil , f Large numbers of emigrants are arriving from Spain at Buenos Ayrps and Entririos. J * The Brazilian Cable is to be com pleted to Caliao Marl and Lurche- " ' A reputed sorcerer was burned to death by the Indians during an as sumption day festival at Alemencla , Peru. BROOKLYN , Oct 8. A card pqblished'to day by Rev. T T Hendricko , of Grand street , Williamsburg Church , has been ex pelled from his church by trustees in consequence ofriminorality and other unbecoining'practices. He tje- nics charges of immorality intoxi cation and maladministration. He contends , however , that dancing under certain restrictions is no harm , he states his ( grievances at length , and conCji-'des by submitting his case to the impartial , ' nsideration and judgment of the public. > ' JJ.APRID , Oct 9. The Spanish government has re newed its complaints to France in relation to lack of vigilance by French officials on the frontiers. The Ibreanewspaper says General Dorregayrre.turued from his coru- niand'in the service of Don Carlos because the latter ref'ised to act upon Dorregay's advice to dismiss some of his resent force and recall Gen eral Cabrera. The Spanish government has dis banded 10,000 men , whoso term of service had expired. SALT LAKE , Oct. 9. The conference still continues. There were 12,000 saints present yesterday. Geo. Q. Cannon spoke ( tvfo hours on the Order of Enoch , -soundly rating the bishops for standIng - Ing in.the way of its adoption , and said he Knew by divine revelation jtbat it ts the right plan. Over fifty Missionaries were appointed to labor ; ia the United States and only five tin Europe. The church officers will be elected to-day , The Grand Jury , yesterday , pre sented an indictment against one of their own number , Thomas E.Ricks , /orrperjury and lascivious-cohabita tion. This man swore he could con scientiously indict for violation of the law of 1862 , and is now living with four wives. In default of $10- 000 bail lie was confined jn the pen. itentiary. NEW YORK , Oct. 8. . Gen. Shaler has returned to New fork from visiting Chicago , where he was inspecting the fire depart , rncnt , etc. He declines passing an opinion on the efficiency or man agement of the Chicago fire depart ment , until formally requested to dose so by the citizens committee. He says , however , that it is impossible for him to accept the position of fire marshal , tendered him by the citi zens of Chicago. The commissioners of the Chicago board of public works called upon Commissioner Sanart at the depart ment of public works to acquire in formation relative to the water sys tem of this city , and particularly of elevating water on the high service system. To-morrow they will make a" tour of inspection to the reser voirs , high bridge , and high service tower. Hepwortb Dixon , formerly an ed itor on th ° London News , now in this city , to day received a private telegram from London , informing him that his family escaped with out harm from a disaster caused to his house by the recent powder ex plosion on Regent's Park canal. He fears that his valuable library may be partially or wholly destroyed. A protest , numerously signed by the envelop makers of this city , baa been forwarded to the postmaster general at Washington , protesting against any further extension , be yond October 10th , of the time for commencing the delivery of stamp ed envelopes and newspaper wrap pers , under the now contract with the Plyrnpton Company , and ask ing that the contract be annulled , Jn consequence of their " inability to fulfil its obligations , YORK , Oct 9. The three mile boat race between Teueyck , of Peukskill , and John Biglin , of New York , was rowed here this morning ; Biglin won by half a length. Time 23 minutes. Betting was ten to six on Bijrlin. OAN FRANCISCO , Oct 9. The heavy thunder , lightning , and rain storm which prevailed heri last night detroved the telegraph atGilroy. E. M. Houkiua , on trial for the murder of Michael Fahey , hu re ceived a verdict of acqiiittnl. At Camp Halieck , Nevada , a lire destroyed the ollloera1 quartern ; la s. 58,000. The Sanfrancisco-Berkley fern- route was formally opened yester day. BALTIMORE , Oot 9. There was a large attendance at the State fair yesterday , o.OOO ' er- sons being present. About pl'evpn o'clock Senator Thurnian of Ohio , arrived on the grounds with Hon. Revedy Johnston , John C Merri- nian and C G Kerr. Mr. Thurmau was welcomed by Hon. A B Davis , president of the association. After reviewing the stock and machinery he delivered the annual addrcssand after partaking of a collation he left the grounds and returned to Wash ington. George Washington , a colored jeroneaut , made an ascension in a hot air balloon from Haverhill's circus to Georgetownthis afternoon. The balloon attained a height of over one hundred feet , when it de scended rapidly , and struck the flag staff on the court house where it was impaled. The basket rocked and swayed fearfully. Washington jumped twenty feet to the stone steps beneath. He was badly sha ken up , but no bones were broken. NEW YORK , Oct 9. A special from Wilkesbarre , Pa. , says the situation at Moosic rniiies is unchanged. The sheriff's posss are still guarding he works. No fires yesterday. Aoout 20 warrants against most of the head strikers are in the hands C6f officers. No trouble is expected until the Welsh miners are lett without the protec tion of the sheriff , and then it will be serious. ' - At present , peace s maintained by the power of Jaw , but , under the current of national prejudices , will ultimately bring" about great mis chief and outrages upon persons and property , f A special from St. Louis says that PresideutGrant , and party , aecora- paniei-by General Sherman will leave'St Louis Saturday , for a visit to the Indian Territory , and will go < as far as Dennison , Texaq , Weston has succeded 'in making a third failure of his attempted five hundred mile ' walk. He has only walked 245'miies In four days. Ho is is still limping around the hippo drome track , and will probably con tinue to do so until midnight to morrow. NYACK , N. Y. , October 9. A large crowd of sporting men assembled this morhing to witness the great boat race between Joseph Teneyck and John Biglin , distance three miles , for $1,000 and the State championship. At 9 o'clock prep arations were made for the contest. Charlie Ward was selected as judge for Biglin , and Thomas Lewis for Teneyck. Commodore Voorhees was appointed referee. At 9:20 : Teneyck launched his shell , and 'o few minutes later Bigliu rowed up to the starting point. The betting , which had been at $100 to $80 on Biglin , was now $100 to $60 , Teneyck tookthe lead at the start but was soon passed by Biglin , who rowed a much more powerful stroke. At the ooaj ± , .half a mile from the start , Biglin was leading Ten eyck by half a length , and tlie lat ter struggling hard to again lead. As boats approached the upper stake boat Bigliu begap to ease up , and Teneyck by a powerful spurt drew up to a level with Biglin , when the latter shot his boat to the front and turned his etako boat , one mile and a half from the start ing point in eleven minutes. The return race was an exciting one , Teneyck drew up level with Biglin and a hard struggle ensued for the first position ; here Biglin's splendid staying qualities began to tell , and he took the lead and won the raue. Time 23 minutes ; Teueycke's time was 33:02. NEW YORK , Oct. 9. The Episcopal Convention con tinued its session this morning. Religious services were celebrated shortly after 10 o'clock by Rev. Horace Strong Felton , of Ala. , first part of lesson , and Rev. J. .H. H. Brown'of Albany , read lessons , the litany being recited by Rev. R. W. Trimble , ot Arkansas , while the benediction was pronounced by Right Rev. Wm. R. Whitingham , Bishop of Maryland. JEKSEY CITY , Oct. 9. The Executive Committee of tbe Presbytery of Jersey City , at a ses sion this morning , presented charges and specifications against Rev. John S. Glendenning , upon which he Is to bo tried on charges of seduction , breach of promise , &c. , in the case of deceased Mary E. Pomeroy. The time for the trial will be fixed this morning. The session will be open to reporters and the public , MONTREAL , October 9. Josepe Hickson has been applont- ed general manager of the Grand Trunk railroads , with T. J. Sargent , as traffic manager. The control of the companies affairs in Canada , have been delegated to an execu tive council , of which Mr. Hiskson , is President , and Sargent Vice- Presldeut. A dispatch from Gaspe , says the bark Largen from Quebec , was wrecked in EastEllis Bay. She Is a total loss. The crew narrowly es caped with their livos. LONDON , October 9. A special dispatch to the Standard from Berlin states that in consequence quence of domiciling visits to the residences of friends of Count Von Arnim throughout the empire , they cannot communicate with him. It is reported , says the dispatch , that these events are connected with his forthcoming book , early sheets of which are already in circulation in "Ultramontane circles in Munich and Vienna. It Js uow said that the missing documents number one hundred. LONDON , Oct. 9. A petition has been presented to the Court of Chancery to wind up the aSairs of Little Emma Mining Company. Dispatches from Shanghai con tain rumors to the effect that China lias declared war against Spain. Further Particulars Concerning the Arrest of the Count Von Arnim/ and the Troubles of the Paris Em- baosy. Reported Declaration of War Against Spain by China. ROME , October 9. M Tesdoli has been released by briganda who had captured him , on payment ot a ransom of $10,000. ROME , Oct 9. The Voce Delia Vents says in re lation to Count Arnim's arrest that there is also reason to believe that the missing documents related to the establishment of a new govern ment in Franco and to German in tervention. BERLIN , October 9. The Spenersche Zeitung , in an editorial to-day on the Schleswig- Holstein question says , "Russian diplomatists openly state thai ft is the intention of Russia to assist Denmark. This statement , emi- nating , it is believed , from authen tic sources , causes considerable com ment in political circles. .LONDON , October 9. Advices just received from Buenos Ayres state that a battle is Immi nent between the government forces and the insurgents ; the lat- te'raro being rapidly reinforced by "malcontents from the surounding provinces. They have appeared in force in several towns , and have committed depredations upon the inhabitants , A number of their leaders have been arrested. BERLIN , Oct. 9. Count Von Arnim had an inter view with his son and the govern ment officials yesterday. In the course of conversation the Count protested against the insinuation that he had published or intended to publish any of the documents re tained by him. He also said that he noticed in the spring that there was a deficiency in the documents belonging to the archives of the Paris Embassy. HAVANA , October 9. Three hundred and eighty-seven soldiers arrived here yesterday from. Spain. The Spanish man-of-war which started S'esterday , bound for Nueva , having on board SOO mobili zed volunteers and a number of ciyil guards. She was obliged to put back to this port on account of heavy head seas. The new draft infantry doing du ty at Cabanns and Mevor Castle , were sworn Into the army yester day. PARIS , October 9. The Journal Je Paris says that the Count Von Arnim , when am bassador at Paris , hastened the downfall of President Thiers , and urged Germany to recognize the government of MacMahon immedi ately. Prince Bismarck disapproved of this course of Von Arnim's , and wrote to the latter , explaining the reason wliy he prefprred the policy of Thiers to that of MacMahou. The Journal says that these are the letters of Bismarck which are miss ing. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH , New York Money Market. NEW ifORK , October 9. Money Easy at 2@3 per cent. Exchanges-Steady ; at 4 86 } for CO days , 4 88 } sight. Gold Weak and steady ; all sales at 1 10. Governments Steady ; currency sixes 1 17J. Stocks Opened generally dull and lower ; Erie dropped 1 per cent , the market is unsettled , Erie , 8T { ; P M 48J ; U P 36 ; WU 80J. New York Produce Market. * NEW YORK , Oct. 9. Breadstuffs Generally heavy. Flour Heavy and lower to sel lers. Wheat Dull and nominal. Corn Steady ; 9J. Qats Firm ; J to } cent better Rye Nominal ; 95@97 for Penn sylvania and State on dock or de livered. Barley Nominal aud unchanged. Provisions Dull and easier. Leather Quiet. Iron Nominally unchanged. Wool Nominally unchanged. Chicago Live Stock Market. CHICAGO , October 9. Cattle Receipts 2 000 ; fairly ac tive and prices unchanged good to choice strong and firm stackers 2 40 2 731 ; fair to choice steers 4 00@6 00 ; extra 6 25a7000. Hogs Receipts 12,000 ; firm and good demand for good to choice , others dull , weak ; common to choice 5008 , 00 ; extra 625@6 50 ; infe rior 4 26@6 25. Shepp 4 50@430. St. Louis Produce market. ST Loins , October 9. Wheat Dull and drooping. No. S fall , 1 02 } ; No. 2,1 131 14 } . Corn Higher ; 84@84 } . Oats Dull and lower , at 51@52. Rye Unchanged. Whisky Firm , at 1 07. Pork Dull ; 22 00@22 25. Lard Lower ; summer , 13 } . New York , Live Stock Market NEW iORK , October 9. Cattle Receipts 3,000. Market firm for good to choice , but Inferior grades are plenty and weak. Sales of common to prime at 9 00@12 75 ; Texans , 9 00@9 75. A few fancy sold at 12 25. Hogs Receipts 3,000. Live hogs ore dull at 5 756 75 ; d reused are a shnde flriner at 8 12i@S 50. Sheep and iiamb3 Receipts 4,500. The markpt is very dull and lower. Sheep ) 4 50@6 00 : lambs , 0 00 © 775. St. Louis Live Stock. ST. Louis , Oct. 9. Hogs Dulljporkers 44bacon ; 5@5 } ; butchers , 5J@5J ; extra , ftj © 6. 6.Cattle Market la quiet Native teere , 40 ; butchers , 22 } . ; Clearing-Sale ! EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS ! ! -AT- Clearing Sale ! FOS. THZHT 2" BEING OUR Clearing Sale ! Annual Clearing Sale OF- Foreign , and Domestic Clearing Sale. Y GOODS Cle.aring Sale ! A.2STX ) Z ZLLIIDsl ISIR/IT , " " * " < if i PREPARATOnViTO STOCK ITAKIJCO. A. CRUICKSHANK , Clearing Sale ! Cor. 14th mart and Fnrnliani ts. STOOIEC , ,1S73. , 248 Douglas Street , WHOLESALEJAND RETAIL THL A iJUft > * An Immense Stock of Fresh Ne r Goods Just Opened to ba sold lower than asy other house in the city , consisting of ' 8 ft ALPACAS & MOHAIRS , also YBLYET& BEAVER CLOAKItfGS. A FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS , 'BLANKETS , FLANNELS. MERINO I/.NDEBWEAR AND WORSTED G-OODS. TABLE LIKEN IS GREAT VARIETY. A FULL LIKE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN OARPBTS. OIL GLOTES , HATTIKfl RU8S- AND HATS , 'Z'lELA.ISr TIKIS 'umiture ' , and 'everything pertaining to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade ; has largely increased his stock , and now has a complete assortment oi FINE , MEDIUM and LOW PRICED goods.which he is offering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of ever one de siring anything in this line , to examine his stock before purchas PARLO&SLTS. LOUNGES &c. , UPHOLSTERKDI&IO ? TO ORBE. CHA.S. L. WOODWORTH , 238 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. " W.A.GO1T Wood Stock , WAGON HARDWARE , Patent Wheel * , Finished Gearing , &o , Axles , Springs and Thimble Skeins HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hacks a Buggies Stnilehi.cker.W KonJ Depot. mcbGU G , STBXFFLER DEALER IN G B. O Q E SIZES. Prorislons Fruits , Nu s , Confectionery , Tobacco , Segara , 8. ECOH. . or TESTH ui H4t WHOLESALE ] I arc. o-w Bianulacturing \rarietiosoicandies3 \ andjwill pell a IE JL S ID IE IR ; ILST IFIR/IOIEJ Dealers in this Stale uood not want to io Ka t frtr CANDIKS. A trial is solicited. : 3.2tlx. mchlltl B. & J , WILBUR , Books and Stationery , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Fourtsontk Strsoi ; , - Omah.su , GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL SCHOOL BOOKS arS-lmy & ; HSvCTTO JLTTO-JE3 : . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT Cor. 13th. and Uaraoy Streets , Fall And Winter Styles. A. POLACK , OL 233 Farnliam St. Fine and DXeditmi Clothing * and Furnishing Goods. O7IE3IIE3