TH . OMAHA FRIDAY MORX'ING ' . . VOL. IV OCTOBER 9. 1874. NO96. . CHK DAILY BbH. ) DWAKD KObKWATER , Editor and Prop'l Offlr No. ia * fcnnilmin street. Mn H neil Tenth. TEEMS OF SUI1SCKIPTION : cony , one year. In ix months in ndrance - three mentns m advance - 2. tsril not paid In adrance , 18 per annum will iicolleted ICK , LEADING HATTER i Best Goods , LOWESTFB.ICES Farnliam St > Cppoilto the \ OMAHA. Gracdlintr 1 Hotel. I . QHABA BDSmESS DffiECIflRT. CBAOKtB MA nFAO OS7. HfcdureA t-mlth. 185 Harner itreet. bet. 1\L llUi ll2ih. . declSU BOOTS AND BEOE8. Lang. 155 Farnham at. between 10th Philip UGh XebUrl COHFECTIOHFST. . Latey , corner 12th and Dnuglun atreeia. HL. nufacturer and wbulrsale do 'er in cand . and coniectionery. Country trade ao- Jlcttcd. apltf COAf. DEALEH8. TJ Oind i E31I it , coal , lime , cemen thalr etc. , J7 ial Farnbam M. feblSmS PAWN BEOKEP. h -s TlT / Elgutter , No. 200 Farnbam it. ) e7tf k LAUHDBT. kI * npwlann-lrTop'nedat oil IHh at. , het. A. Fa < nlian.i > nd Dou.las. The vaalilni ; and I ironlDi will he done to rder , first rlau work 80 , " P AOTOBT. Tremluin S < up Wor , Powell A Co , at 111 1 manu acfire tbelr Premium oap. Five first premium tiwanleJ hj the Lougla county aod tetate fairs , and 1'ottawattamle county , la. Orders sollitud Iiom the trade RATH & HANSFN , \Vhole a > I enlrr In H/jiufaoturers ( .f C IQ--A. TobaccOf Pipes , &c , , &c , 163 FIXIA. ST. , Bet.Oth illth , ettltl. P.N.GLYNN . . . TfUOLESALK AND BETAtt BBit * I Wines , I iquors , Segars , TOB C 0 AXD PIPES. JBB-Califorila Wine * and Brandiea.TPK Corner of 15'h and Dodge streets opposite the Post Office building , Umaha. Nebie23U .roiiiv Practical 'Watchmaker ' , 171 Farnt-wa , 8. ° - WJlth St. NEB OMAHA J , ROBINS , 137 am M het.9 h nnd lOlb , ( Oppoeite Bee Offiw. ) * ' * " * 1 5NE LOAN2I > ON W ATCHE9 , JEW- > I ei.yfic. Clothing bought and a old. Jl ipTdlm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HOTELS. GRAND CEJSITR/iL OMAHA , HEBRABKA The largrtt and best hot between Chicago find tun Francisco. Opened new fcepleml'crSOlb , 1873. ' vnRn If l.Vo. TMKALL. Proprietor. * Un : ) ed States Hot I , COK. DOUGLAS AND TENTH iTBEETB. mnEUNDEESl'-'NED r arectfnlly announ I nuribancd and reft ted , h. , e that he has aio ell , eland i"o ready toweo th public , with board I.d" 'fr ' onal.le raU-a. WILLIAM iEHB Prep. ' 7 * 1 JulT22 _ _ _ OaUfornia House. JEITZ HAFJlEE , Prop'r. No I7t > Doughiaatreet , corner IJtb , Om ha , KehrisUa to rd l > y theday or week. June 1. Tl I jjUTDIiB SOUSE. On 9/A , bet. Farnham cnt Jlanay Stneti , Tl AS been entirclr refiittrd at d re urni hed. H nd will accommodate all to the beat ol board at $1,80 per d y ; 40c per smglemBal. C , V , & S , M , HAERYMAK , 1 > rol'r eton > ' Central House ' o. 630 Sixteenth Btrett , 5 I Opp. Jefferson Square , OMAHA , NEB. JOSEPH DOTE. Prop'r. Dar and week Board at reasonable rate * flral-clau bsr attached to the house. Je27 S _ Sontliern Motel. frpBtisff on 4th , ! ti tpd Walnstntiu St. Louis , - Mo. Jjaveille , "Warner & Cp. , The Southern Hotel is flr t-cl ss In all lt ol nuients. Ita tabl * re at all limn iiip- n nlied In tb * create" ! abunijance , with 11 th nelln.c cs tbcma.ket. affor. ! , Ita clerea and .mnloWs are " ! pollt * and attentive to tbf SSRff iSff r-i fhe hotel 1 b-r. i. an .rleadinfrom the tnt flooi lmproTelrieTa ? on * , Bailroad and . the to ui per . . . fluiou Icket offiei. . newa t.nd. .nd wwvcrr Ul ir ph offl In th * otiinila of bet < -l . J. CONISEIX , AND for Second Judicial Kf > > rlct Attorney icial District. OFHCS-Pouth eWe of Karnham , between 1WH n i th.t . . or r * > l ' " " lton I _ XU.M. BAIITX & O'BRIEBT , ATTOENEYS LAW Offict Caddwell Block , Douglas Ftreet , NEBRASKA. OMAUi. - - - - PAHKB GODWIN , Attorney at Xaw ( Uellman BUek. ) 491 THIETEENTH STKEBT. OMAHA JOHN W. LTTLE , So Icitor U -Ortr Pint tfatlml Buk. An indiscriminate slaughter in clothing and gents' furnisbins goods regardless of prices at 206 Farnham street. Fine linen and cbevoit shirts ot our wn make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. bought and sold by P. Gottheimer , Broker , at 296 Faruhain street. Unredeemed Pledges for Sale. may Iy26 Hamlet Orum , CnNEHAL DEALER IX Staple and Fancy Dry Goods 9th at , between Jones an J L/caven worth gti. TO THE PUBLIC A MOST COMplete - OFFERS line of Drv Go xls. Fancr Goo1 , Woolen and Cotton lanucls , Wrapovr 1'eL.iins Wo-ili n ShavU and all kiuds of fall and winter mater al for ladlfs' an < 1 ciiiMri-ns' dr.FVS. AI to Callcoe * t all cradei'and lierip ion < a i-pc- elaltf Boots and f lioei tor ladle * ' Rents' and children * ' wrar. sepMd3nn , * DKEHTXSTS , OFFICE , No. 232 FARNHAM ST. - CP STAIRS. BeU3th414hSs ! ! CB.SAKA. nBlilf ) .t i > r " * ! pl nTlV > ii ! ! i < in the city OR , A , S , BiLLINGS- , 1DEH1TTTST , 13 33 , Oc'rvnxirfina. J3 1. . B t. 1 < th and 14th , up stain. 'eeth cttracUxl without pain , by ueoof H\ \ trou < Oxide 'ia . = eStf BIRB.J K. VASI UlSIlCf K Eclectic Physician Residence and ofSc. 230 Dudge st bet 14th nnd 15th sta. Mpecial attention paid to ohctelrles and dls asea peculiar to women and children. f9tf L VAN CAMP M. D. Dispenses hla own modclnes. and beside * regular practice , makes B'-cciaJlliea of Deranj - menu and Pioeates Peculiar to Women , Fistu la , Piles and otber Diseases of the Bectum. OFFICE : Corner Farnbam anJ 14th utreet * , flrstdoor to the ri < ht. up i 1 . Rcsldenc , 210 Douglsa street , between 12 and 1Mb , next to Lutheran Church , Omaha , K h lx > rk VAX DORA'S MACHINE All klndi of light anil heavy WACniXEBY 3TLADE & REPAIUED. 258 HABHET BTBEEl. OMAHA wnl'ill SPENCER'S Fruit am Confectionary Cor. 13th aud -a\einvorlh y4Sm AT THE BUIDUE WILLIAM SEXATJER. 225 r TJi'iani Street * - Omaha , Neb WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALKR UT FUliNITORE , BEDDING , ETC. II. C. -MANUFAClUKt ) ' AM > DKALEE IN BOOTS < fe 8HOES 10 IStb St. Between i arnbam 9 < 1 Douglar a 13 ENOCH HENNEY , Justice of the Peace Office urer tno btato Bant , cornnruf Farn. ham aud 13th nrwtn. NEW SALOON- HENBY , the popular Sil on ke pr , hasre- Btted up the b nenipnt of o d llrrald Im Ming or 13tn and lK > uglas Sts , whre , in c nnoc- tlon w th hU btr he fettuta t.unch ever mornlnR id ( iRAND LUNCU tVEIlY hAP- Give him a call * ulUf Schneider & linrmesttr Manufacturers ol TIN , COPPEK AND SHEET IRQ ? WARE. DEALERS IN Conking and Hpatin Storps. Tin Hoofing , Spouting and Gutter1 IK ilon < nort notice an < i Ir tb best maan r. U , P , R , K , IVSEAT MARKhT , 16th street bet California 5S < 1 Webiter. KEFP ON HAND THE BFST supply of FRE&II AXD SALTED MEA'S. Also a larse mock of Fine SuRar ured Hams and Breakfast Bacon , at the low- it rtt . WM AUST A KNOTII , Iroprietora. The Sioux fltr n < l Par me Hatlroaii , la Onntetlon with ttj SIOUX CITY & ST , PAUL RAILROAD , It Oi mlUi the ahorteit route from Omaha and Council Bluffs to St. Panlv Ulneanolls , Stlllrratfr , AnoVs , Dnlnth , Bismarck , and all points IB Minnesota. Train leayes Oruaha dally , ( execp Saturday ) at 6 o.clock p. m. , and Council aluBs at 8:05 p * m , from Chicago A North-Western Depot. Fare as LOW and Unions QUICK as by any olber Lino. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS , Be sure TOUT ticket reads VIA Siour City , thus avoiding circuitous routes and luidnignt tranif r . Tickets can Tie rnrchaselTit the offices of the Chicago & Northerslern Hallway in Omaha and Council BluBs. J C , BOYDEN , Qen'l Pass. Jt Ticket Agf St P. A a. C. R. R. bt Paul , Minn. F. a IIILL , Oen'l Pass , and Ticket Agt. , S.C. & P. , Sioux City , Iowa. CtfCO.V. . QBATTON , Agent. 163 Farnham Street , OmabaNeh. * Inlr 2fl. tf < 3-r-o .t "VTCToettorxi Corner of Cnmtcgs and Tweaty-iecosd streets The finest lager baer con stantly on hand. C1IAS. WEYIIULLEIJ , Prop B. eKKB . c. j. KARUA B .GllEHE Jc K.VRBACH , 15th st. between Farnham an arney i * NEB. OMAHA , y - MAKUTACTCBKR OI Spring and Farm Wagons , BUGGIES JLND CllKllGES. Dealers in and manufacturers of AGHICOLTURAL IMPLEMENTS 1 4TPENTION PAID TO PABTICDL1R .kuti > a. WBepattlng of wagon and blkcktmlthtnj prompUT dm * at reasgaable prices ' MIDNIG-HT. THE "WEST. A Salt Lake Grand Jury Indie One of Their Own Number For Having Five Wives. JjAiCE , October 8. The grand jury to-day indicted or. ofthciro\vn number , Thos. E.Ricks- for lacivious cohabitation He is charged with having live wive * , three of whom were married to him since 1862. His own daughter ap pearing as on oof the principal wit nesses. SAN FUANCISCO , October fi. . Dr. Bice , coroner of the city , has been held to answer be'oro the gcandjury for embezzelmcnt and misdemeanor in oiTicc. All the saloons in thi * city where waiter girls a-e employed were employed were closed last night , undfr the new ordinance. Mr J F Eekfelt , superintendent in the new branch mint , hhot himself through tLe head at Oakland to-day. The cau-e of the suicide is yet un known , but is supposed to have been done in a fit of mental aberation , caused by overwork. WASHINGTON- . 8. The committee appointed by the Boston Board of Trade to confer with the Secretary of the Trea ury on the subject of the revision of the : aritr , has not , as yer , indicated whether it proposes to come here in advance of the preparation of his annual report by the Secretary. Senator Sherman , Chairman of the Finance Commute , and Representa tive Dawes , Chairmnn of the Com mittee on Ways and Means , have both devoted con&iderable time , during recess , to the consideration of the laws effecting customs duties and a better method of collection of the same. Both Mr. Sherman and Mr. Dawes haxo received numerous letters from importers , urging the substitution of specific for ad valorem duties where it can possibly bi done theo retically. Nothing can be fairer than adyalorem duty , but both mer chants and appraisers often find it extremely difficult to agree upon a valuation , and experience has also proved that it is frequently the source of great corruption and abuse. Another point in connection with this matter which is being carefully looked into is the propriety of dis pensing with superfluous custom houses , of which there are quite a number. But without a bill is re ported before the holidays the prospect of securing a very ma terial revision of the present tarifl is not very promising ; its not impro bable that the duty on tea and coffee may be restoied. Government loses yearly millions of revenue by the abolition of duties on these products and they have not , in consequence thereof , been cheapened one cent to the consumer. 8 S Kimball , chief of the revenue marine bureau , of the treasury de partment , hasnotycr completed the selection of points on western lakes to establish life-saving stations , au thorized by law of last Congress ; he is inspecting the coast of lake Erie , and is expected Jjoine as soon as the exact locatloi ) of the stations are determined upon -after the slips have been selected and stations erected a patrol of men to march from one stated point along HP ) coast to another , will be formed for the purpose pf watching for ves sels in distress and qn discovering a wreck these men will immediately signal the lookout at the station , thus securing prompt action. JUOBIT.K , Ala , Oct. 8. The case of the Sumpter Commis sioners is still pending before the United States courts. Two of the counsel submitted their arguments yesterday. Dr. Turner sought to istabllsh the existence of conspira- jy. John Little Smith followed for the defente , and bought to M'IOW there was no conspiracy. The defense - i fense will also endeavor to prove an i ilibi. Further arguments will be heard to-day. Testimony in the Sumpter county murder case cl sed to-day. Evi dence was very conflicting. "Wit nesses for the prosecution , except Henry Keatler , Billings' law part ner , have been colored. Witnesses for the defence are partly white and partly oqlqred , One colored witness i rtlio prosecution Jtlprjtjfied nm roe and ElfllocU , and dore posl- ; ively tbat they were present md assisted In the Killing , tlong with twenty or twenty- ive others. The witnesses iworo that they were } n the road at he time of tbo killinjr. Billman ivaa not Identified , and will probab- y be discbargjh ] . Evidence for es- ablishins an alibi In faypj" of Ken < r roe and Bulleck is sffong. Several" ) artles swore positively that tlfey vere at their homes , tb.e nearest e ; ng nlnu miles from the scene of the nurder There la eome discrepancy tbout the name of Hiilman. He is jailed in the nlliduvit and warrant 'or his arrest William Hlllman but i Is true name Is Philip A. Hiluian. Dhe two mnln witnes.-es fortbo ) rosecution s > uore that Billings was tilled between sunset and duskjun Saturday , August 1st , as he as idmg alomr the public road iiear lis residence in Sumpter "county. " Both man and horse wen killed md were found dead .Sundaymorn- . > np. v They also swore tbat RenTfoe , : amo out of ihe woods and said- , vith an oath , "halt , " when tbo , > thers rose and fired. Nothing was" iroven by the prosecution , as to his previous threats by either of the msoners against Billings. Tlfe insoners are quite respectable Io6k- nj ; young men , are farmers * n jtnnter county. The commi ion. r endered his decision in the Stimt r : ounry case this afternoon , by m ultting Henfroe and Bullock lO ) jail ivithout bail , and dkeharging Hill- aaan , The commkalonenPrefused to enter into the Iponstiu- tionality of the law , anJLbased liin decision upon the faot\tbat while no evidence eslabHshedTirii ilibi in the ca es of Bullock and Renfroe , the evidence against them was strong enough to jrstify a com- tnlttal. Attcr this decision , and be fore it was rurrled into effect , th'e CTnited Sates ! dlstrlo'attorney usked the commissioner to bold Hillthan until a new aflldavit. charglngjiira witbthe whipping-of Wilsun , coad > be prepared , and a warrant was IsS tued for his arrest This the com 1 rnissioner refused to do , and subse quently Hiilman told the distriptj attorney that bewouldappear ; fireball , 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Specially Reported for the Omaha Daily Bee , bv th Atlantic and Pacific TelemPh Co. OTTAWA , Oct. 8. The meeting of the Lumbermans' Association to day was a failure , not being attended by any of the lead ing lumbermen of this district. MACON , Ga , Oct 8. The election in this city , yester day , resulted in a complete victory for the Democrats. The greatest enthusiasm prevails , and nodisturb- ance whatever occurred. NEW YOKK , Oct. 8. Steerage rates across the Atlantic have been still furxher reduced by some of the competing companies. The price in Saturday's steameris to be $10. - -CJTAIUESTON , S 0 , Oct 8. Mayor Cunningham of this city has been indicted for official mis- conduot Tne hearing in the case is fixed for this week , but it is hard ly thought it can be sustained. Nnw YORK , Opt. 8. Among the arrivals from Europi yesterday were Mrs. Lee NeiKon Hon. John F Hoflman , General E , Lr Banks and Robert B Minturn It is rumored that Meggatt , Hav land & Co. , dry goods merchants , jave failed. OTTAWA , Ont. , Oct. , 8. It is now generally understood hat tlieDoiniiiioii toeminent con- emplates the speedy estahlifhmeu of a military academy at Kingston on the same plan as the "West Point academy. Nr.wYoiiK , Oct. 8. Muvor llavemeyer was to-day erved withbimimonsandcomplaint n the suit of John Kelly , for libel , the damages being laid at S50jOOO. No order of arrest has yet been is sued. LONDON , Oct. 8. Reports of the Erie railroad ac counts , published to-day , cau&ed great excitement in the stock mar- Ret , Erie bhares decliniug one and a quarter per cent. A sppcial from Berlin says the Von Arnim atluir looks serious. The Emperor has ordered a strict search for the missing papers. AVoncisTCR , Mass. , Oct. 8. In he Republican State Conven tion yesterday , Mr. Dawes , on tak ing the chair , spoke at some length , mainly on national affairs. After thanking the convention for th& honor conferred on him , he remind ed them of the past glory of the Repub jean party in Massaphusetts * and counselled them to make the party worthy of success in the fu ture. He said it was the duty5of the party to solve the problem of cheap transportation ; to lighten the burden ot taxation ; to aid the na tional organization in the Work of keeping the Democrats from power ; to cherish rhe precious legacy of tlie civil rights bill ; to punish corrup tion ; to maintain public faith , and to lift the currency to a specie basis , rhe question of centralization was illuded to as one of the great nation- il questions of thcji hour , but the speaker did not commit himself Cither way. At the conclusion of the speech a motion was carried that tjo | convention proceed to bal lot for candidate for Governor , The iotp was taken by counties , and re sulted in thei nomination of Mr. Falhot by 755 out of 1,042. The esult of the ballot was received with sheers. The ( first ballot for Lieu- : enftut Governor , resulted in no ihojce , apd , on motion of Mr. Klm- jall , that Mr.H. . C. Knight , who eceived the /highest number ol rote , be declared the nominee the notion was carried unanimously. The committee on resolutions re ported atffollows : ThB-"R/ > publicans of Massachu ietts , 'proud of their -party record , eatliriU their devotion to the great muclples of justice upon which It vas founded , and pledge their best md constant endeavors to the namialnauce of those principles in he { future. Therefore be it Resolved , That a sound curren- sy Lfindispen&able to national pros perity , and that to that end the na- iori must make Its promises to pay jqual to gold , which Is the recog- lized standard of value throughout he civilized world ; that It is the luty of Congress to adopt such neasures as should safely and ipeedily lead to the equalization of ralues ; and that no inflation of cur- ' .enpy by adding to the government ssues should be pern.ittod Hesolved , That Massachusetts las been with adherence the at- eropt- ' through bonded leagues to leprlve whole classes of our popula- ion of their constitullonal preroga- ivo-- and the amplest protection of ? very Individual jn his civil rights md privileges is the tlrst duty or the tional Government. Therefore , ve , as representatives affirm an un- haken faith i'u equality of all citi- ens before'd gratitude to he President of the United" States or his prompt interference "gainst he efl'ort of usurpation over a recog lizod State government , and for his letermined opposition toward all Movements and combinations seuk- ng to abridge , limit or restrain tbo ighta of any portion of the Ameri- ; an people. Resolved , That the Republican mrty of Massachusetts demand and \ ill require of nil persons holding illices , whether national , state or nunicipal administration of Gov- ( rnrapnt which shall conform to the lighest standard ot honesty , iuteg- iy and economy to this end ; that he public indebtedness may bo lonorably and speedily paid , and be burden of taxation lightened. Resolved , That the record ot the ppubllcan party of Massachusetts s a sufficient guarantee of the con- inucd sympathy with that leglsla- ioii which will promote the best in- erests of labor and tend to the mor- d and intellectual elevation of all ) ersons engaged In Industrial pur- mlts. mlts.Resolved Resolved , That In the nomination > f Hot : Thomas Talbot as Governor his town expresses its appreciation > f his distinguished public services md relying upon his administrative jxperience and bis personal purity md his sterling Integrity , , and feel ionfldont ot his triumphant election md very heartily commend him md other nominees of this conven- ion to the suQVage of our fellow olt- zens. The resolutions were unan- mously adopted. A motion was adopted tendering lie thanks of the convention , to [ Jon H L Dawes for his services as fresideat. Mr Dawed - re turned- - ibanksBfor courtesies. "The oouven t adjourned. " CINCIXXATI Oct 8. The main supply of pipe of the city water works burst this morn ing , overflowing the streets and cel lars in the vicinity of tlie break. The contents of a , coal yard were swept away. Tfie extent of the damage will not be heavy. Mrs. Perkins who recently at tempted suicide after murdering her child is very low this morning and is though cannot recover. BALTIMORE , Oct 8. The Fair of the Maryland agri cultural society was opened tu-duy. Senator Thtirman delivered aiAira- tion at 1 o'clock , giving a revicw'of ' the rise and progress of agricultural industries in this country , showing most satisfactory results. Secretary Bristow and postmaster general Jewell are expected to visit the fair grounds to-day. Several races will take place this afternoon , and the hurdle race and steeple chase Mill coma ofT to-morrow. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Oct. S. Last evening , between the hours of bix and seven , a young man hamcd A. S. Sounders , a native of Butler county , Nebraska , who was on his way to visit us relations re siding near Lewis , Cass county , low a , was shot by an un known man as he was walking from the Trans fer depot up town , the ball taking effect in the back of his neck and making an ugly , but not dangerous wound. He grappled with the vil lain , but could not retain his hold. The man shot at him again , the ball grazing tlie little linger of his left hand. The man then tied. Saunders - ders went east this morning. KK\V YOKK , October 8. Letters i.i the Herald dated Lon- don.Kept. 2Gsays : On the arrival a Queenstown of the American steamer with papers containing Moulton'8 statement , one or tw < London correspondents telegraphet it to their papers Subsequently the telegraphic authorities jatoppec the transmission of the statement as containing objectionable/ matter and notified the London papers o ; the improper character of the press as placed on the \yires by corres pondents. The post office authori ties have prohibi tea jits publication before inhibition was promulgated , however , severalrjournals has re ceived the report/a portion of which was published in the Standard and Daily News , jf PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 8. The heavy rain which fell here List night'bas been doing considera ble damage in some sections of this 3ity. By the overflowing of the ; ulvert at Eighth street the cellars if tlie stores between Market and A.rch streets are generally flooded , loing a large amount of damage to roocjs A collision occurred this morning it the intersection of the Northern Pennsylvania & Junction railroads , n the northern part of tbs , | city , be- ; ween a passenger train from Hat- ) ere , on the former road md a Now York freight tram > n the latter. The roads cross at ight angles , and at a grade , the ipproach to the intersection being n full sight. Bv some confusion of Ignals , both trains continued mov- ng though not at a high rate of peed. The freight engine struck he lower part of the passenger rain , overturning the naggag , racking , and two passenger oars , mt causing no , serious injuries bc- end a few serious bruises and a ; reat fright. JARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money" Market. NEW i'ORK , October 8. Money Easy at 23 per cent. Exchange Steady ; at 4 86 for CO ays , 4 89 sight. Gold Weak and lower ; opened 11 09J ; declined to 109 } ; now sell- jg at 1 08- . Governmentsy-Steady ; currency ixes 1 17 $ . Stocks Opened generally dull nd volume of business moderate ; t this hour the market is steady , rithout any special feature ; Erie , SJ ; P M 48J ; U P 361 ; WU 80J. lew York Produce Market. .NEW VUKK , Oct. 8. Breadstuffs Generally heavy. Flour Dull ; superfine State nd Western , 4 504 70. Wheat Easy ; No 1 spring , < 20(5U ( 22 ; No 2 Chicago , 111 ( 112 ; Io 2 Milwaukee spring 1 15 bid. Corn Quiet ; Western mixed , float , 06 } . Oats Strong ; Western mixed , GO &G3. Rye Quiet. Barley Strong. Provisions Quiet and unchanged Chicago Pruuuce market. . CHICAGO , Oct. 8. Flour Dullweakgood ; to choice pring extras , 4 7o5 00 ; low to ledium 4 2o@4 50 ; supers 300@ QOWheat Wheat Strong ; cash 92J , Nov. I } ; ' Dec. 92i. Corn Quiet ; cash , 79 | ; year 72 } 72J. Oats LowerjVash , 49 @ 49J ; No- ember 48J. Barley Firm ; cash 1 09@1 10 ; iovl 07 } . Rye 83. Highwlnes 1 03. Pork Steauy ; ca h 21 50 ; year r 80 ; February , 18 00. Lard Firm ; year , 11 j@ ; Feb- lary 11 | < Sllf. ) Gold Closed at 110. hicago' Live Stock Market. CHICAGO , October S. Cattle Receipts 2 500 ; fairly ne ve ; prices firmer ; Mockers 2 40@ 30 ; fair to choice steers 4 00@6 35' ; 'oxan6teere2SO@412J ' Hogs Receipts 12,000 ; firm and oed demand for good to choice , there dull , weak ; common to choice 30@6 CO ; extra 0 750 90 ; infe- ior -20@0 25. Sheep Receipts 900 ; fairly ae- ive ; easier , sales , poor to choice 504 50. lew York , Live Stock Market. .NEW xoiiK , Octobers. Cattle Receipts 4,540. Market ) fair for good cattle , and dull tor nmmon. Sales of natives at 8 CO i > 815 ; bat the bulk ofjthe sales were t 9 0011 50. Texans , 0 009 75. Hogs Receipts 8,000 ; Market * quiet for live hogs at 5 756 50 ; 8 00@8 75. Sheep and .Lambs RecJits 7,000 J larket is a fraction higher but ? eak , though there is a fair de- land. Sheep , 4 60G 25 ; lambs , 000860. - x , Octobers. Hon. Mr. DNraeli is quite ill at bis residence with the gout. CAIRO , Egpyt , Oct S. Ihe emperor of Morocco will shortly visit England , and stay sev eral weeks. LONDOX , Oct. 8. * The residence of Hepworth Dixon nas entirely wrecked by a recent explosion on Regents Park Canal. BAYONNL , October 8. Advices have been received here giving authoritative contradiction tn the reports of the death of Don Carlos. . , October 8. Much dissatisfaction is expressed in the stock exchange at the delay in the distribution of reports of the Erie Railway company. DUBLIN , October 8. A movement is on foot hero to give a fitting reception to the Iilsh rifle team on their return ; the pros- ppctofavi&it from the American team gives much satisfaction. LISBON , Oct 8. Private dispatches from Monte- veido via Rio Janeiro regardiug-the * upiising in Entreriascontain rumors to the effect that a collision lias oc curred between thegovernmeutand insurgents with loss oflife. . . The absence of official information con cerning the reported engagement , causes great anxiety. -Loxnox , Oct. 8. The following dispatch has been received here , causing great excite ment : VBuenos Ayres , October 7 _ The first engagement between the gov ernment troops and insurgents took place n ar this city to-day. The government 'roops were debated and compelled to retrea * , after sus taining considerable loss. The government is endeavoring to raise a war fund loan of 500 , ' 00 sterlinor. STOVE E. F. COOK , 637 14th St. , between DongLu , Manufacturer of Tin Copper and Sheet Iron , and dealer in Cooking and Heating stove s , Japanned an < l Krenfh War rn and. linlto fliig. Untten nd Spoutin : and orb-Ion and < .nri-nnl I. 201 Farobcua St. . Bet. 14th A ISth VICTOR e. Physician 1 Surgeon , 241 Farnham Street , Over Ish's Drug store. septKHly G. "W. HOMAN , Sr. , iflers for the necessities of ; the public , a First-Class Hearse M Carriages , All orders promptly a'tended to by jem at Cor. l. h and Haruev bts. aciltt F. A. PETEKS. laddie and Harness Maker , ANli 'o. 274 7nrutinrn n . b'l. 15 Hi < < b tr.tli i LL orders ami repairing promptly atten led A to - < rd satisfaction guarra : t c < l * pile ! inr hulm A 3th St. , bet. Farnham and Hartley. ,11 kinds of TAILORING , CLEANING and REPAI"INO donfl HI rntknnr'iln EEDMAN & LEWIS , Jor. 1 6th and Izard Stieets. nun On hand and SAWED TO ORDER. Je2Slm SHERIFF'S fcALK By Tlrta * of an ordir of sale issued out o' the Utrict Court for Douglas County , Nebraska , d t' m * directed , I will , on t'oiSth ' da ) of ctuber , A D. 1874 , at 10 o'clock t > . m of a lid ly , at the south oor of the Court Hout .In leclty of Omaha , in said county , cll at motion purl of th property described iu ta d order n ° * Hwit : Beginning at the north east corner of the lUtheastqutcrcfterti n sUteen (1C ( ) , town- lip fi'teen ( 5) ) . north , of rane th .teen (13) ( ) , > tnnd ruunlnptliC' ce > outh fi chain.- , thence en 8V chains , tlience north G cnalns , thence st & % chains to the plicc of beginning , ron. 3 iring 5 acrrs , more or less , in a > d Douglas n T , -at'sfy a Judgment of faid C-iurt , re- .TereJ . by Ji.'in I IVdlck and Clinton Brljji vlnil Archibald T. Finn ALFKI-D HURLEY , Sheriff. Oicahx-September 2 , Sept25-dltawfor5w JOHN fl. GllEEN , STATE MILLS DEALER IN GRAIN , FLOUR AND FEK1) , coMirrssiON ELECTION PROCLAMATION , Notice It hereby etren to the quillfied electors ! theCitv of Om ha , that a Election ill be held within and for the City < if Omaha , u Tuesday the 13th day of Octcbcr , A D. 1871. > r the purpose of submitting to tlif qualt- ectorsof saldotty tha following propoalilon , "Shall bonds of the city of Omaha he i saedbv iM tity in ihosum cf four hundred thousand ollars , due In tTCJ.ty years with interest at Ight per cent , per arnum , to be uw l for the urp * e of erecilnp , or ptocuriDg the erebtlon f Water Works , in the Ci'y "f Omaha. " Said proposition , entire , shjll be wrlttaa or rinted upoo each ballot , and the vote tb rcon lallbeonly "Yea" or "No , " written or priut- 1 below said proposition , upjn the ganiQ illot. At said Special Election the polls will be pcned at 9 o'clock A. M. , and be kept open ntil 7 o'clock P. M. , at the fo lowiug places : Irst Ward at Turner Hall. eeond Ward at i-nzine Uou e , Ko.3. hird Ward at Engine House. No 2. 'ourthW'rd at Sheriff * Office , Court House. IHh Wttxl at Penmylvanla Uorue , Chicago street. jxth Ward at Engine House , J o. 1. In wltneM whereof I hayo hereunto set ray acd. aud caus ° d the real o ! said city to be ermnto affixed , tbU 17ta day of Septeciber , . . D. 1871. CIIASK , _ C M. C 1LO THIE AND DEALERS IS OOOIDS , 221 and 223 FARNHAM STREET , COR. 13TH ST We Call tlie Attention of tlie Public to our Extensive And "Well Selected Stock for the 4 FALL AND WINTEE SEASON Comprising The latest Styles in othing Furnishing Goodn. S A1STD CAPS , TRUNKS AND YALISESETC. Ovrr Prices are Very "Iiow" to suit tti © Times. Call soon at M. HELLMAN & CO. , Si873. . BRQWlf , 248 Douglas Street , THOLESALE3AND RETAIL Y GOODS CARPETS , AND OIL CLOTH , An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to ba sold lower than acy other house in the city , consisting of UJ & > J. & Afl JL5 JJ IS AH JL &l | ALPACAS & MOHAIRS , also VELVET & BEAVER CLO AKItfQS. A. FULL STOCK OF StIAWLS , BLANKETS , FLANNELS. MERINO UNDERWEAR AND WORSTED GOODS. TABLE LIKE5 IN GBEAT TARIETY. A FDLL LIKE OP ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPSTS , OIL GLOTES , MATTINS RUfiS. AND MATS , Furniture , beddin . . _ . . _ . . _ . . > - ' --f r * * - -i I - Jb. WAbU 'j * MI > bv v/o. V J.iJH/i V LfckJV Vl. OJ.iO O UIX. d kWL JJ.VJ VV las a complete assc.tment pi FINE , MEDIUM and LOW PRICED goods , which , he is pffering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of everyone desiring inything in this line , to examine his stock before purchas- ? ARLO G3 T5 , LOUNGES &c.5 UPHOLSTSBEB-ANP COVERED TO RDER. " 5. SHIVERIC3S , 2O3 E * , Stroot. L. WOODWOKT1T , 138 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. WAGO1T Wood Stock , HARDWARE , Patent Wheels , Fiaialied Cairinj , to. xlc , Springs and Thimble Skeins HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hacks nd Buggies SttidcViacker jonj Depot. mohGLt G. STHIFFLER DEALER IN 3 S. O C SHIES , rovMons Frnlls , Au s , Confectionery , Tobacco , E. COB. OP TEHTH and FABKHAM. iHt WHOLESALE , Iam ow manulacturing all varieties oi candies j andjwill sell a S T IE IR , 3ST K , I O Dealers In this State iieed not want to tro East f.u CANDIES. A trial Is solicited. I3tOor - - mchllt1 B. & J. WILBUR , Books and i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Street. - Omaha. , GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL SCHOOL BOOKS art Imjr AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th , and Saraey Streets , Fall And Winter Styles A. POLACK , C L O T H I 238 Farnliam St. ITaar fine and Medium Clothing , and FurnisLing Goods. TSIEI