I' . ! THE IV. OMAHA TUESDAY MORNING OCTOBER S , 1874. NO. 96. 3CHB DAILY BEHL - KOSEWATEB , Editor and Prop'i -J Offlc * So. 13S farnlmni tre i. Ninth find Teiith. TEHMd OF bUUSClUPTION : copy , one year , lu advance . . six month ? . In ndvance 4.00 ' ' three inenths in advance. . . . . 2.01 lot paid in advance , 8 l er annum will , * 30) ) ICK ID L1ADIHG- HATTER ! Best Goods , OentrOMAHA. /Grand Oentr- . JE OMAHA BDSINESS DIRECTORY. OBAOKhR MAiTOFAOiOBY. frmlth. 185 Hurney street , hot. McUureA Uth. declStf BOOTS ACT ) SHOES. Parnham at , between 10th CONFECTIONERY. L. Latcy , corner 12th and Douglas streets. tint JDL. in iimficturer and wholesale de.Ier in eandnsand confectionery. Country trade ser - r as > llccted. 1 * "n" DEALEF.S. -T TJolandJ FJli.t.e3alHme , cemen thalr etc. . t if. J. 131 Farnham t. PAWN BBOKEB. rer Tl r Eljuttcr , No. 200 Famham st. " % AUNDET. * new laundrr op'-m-d at oil llth St. , bet. A. Farnlian. i-od Douslns. Thr washing and ' ironing will be done torder. . Ural class work S0P PAOTOBT. " * " Trcmlum fao p Works , Powell A. Co , still ' ] manu'acfire tbeir Premium Soap. Five tv first premium awarded by the tougla county and St te fairs , and Pottawattami * county , la. Orders soli-iUxl fiom the trade LIQOOrtS , WINES , ETC. ' ! F 22F1 F1 - EATS & HANS EN , IVbolesnlff Drnlera In LwifTobacco , Manufaclurm of o i a.A. . / s , [ AND DFALEB IN > t Tobacco Pipes , &c , , < tc , hai 103 FAUJiHAM ST. , Eot. iOth 4 llth , O - * * Jbi 3 > fl"o to- ectlU. fit P. N. GXYNN cor tie mo miOLBSALK AND BKTAIf. D TKE IK UI ines , I iquors. Segars , TOBtC 0 AXI ) PIPES. 0 T llfonia Winrs and Brandiea.'S * Corner of 15'h and lt itef streets opposite the new 1'ost Offce l.uil lins. Omaha. Nebie25tl n " Practical -Watcinnakcr , ho 171 , S.v-fVr.lltnBt. hou C7T.1AJM NEB u J ; J ROBINS , , V 137 ' flm s'pU - 9 ll MIUI ( Oppos'te ' Bi Office. ) UI t AION WAX IKIN' V ATCHES. JEW- .Al elry.ic. CI. thing Iwught and sold i ad t i. , a > i U ready to nceoinnioJate Fa ao\e Ilei , and now the public , with board ty dnjr or wek , at rea - cnahU rat . WILLIAM LEUIi. Prop. ' 7 * 1 PD California House. JEITZ HAFMEE , Prop'r. ' No ITl ? DouslasMrcet , cornv llth , Ont ha , tbu Ifebriska 4o rd by the day or week , trai lune 1. vl Clil and SOUSE. Gei On DIxt. . Farnham and Jfarney Stmtt , GeiS l * n enlirely refiittfd ai d : "r ° jfhed { HAS will accommodate all fo the beat oi GeiC joard f 1,50 P"1 < ! ' ? ; 40 = rer elnule meal. C C. V. & S , M , HARRYMAN , Propr etare. Central House , > o. 630 Sixteenth Street , Opp. J B r on Square. OMAHA , NEB , OMI JOSEPH DOVE , Prop'r , 1 nor and week 3oanl at reasonable raUc. Flr t-cl bar attached to the home St ! Ie \ i Soutnern Motel , B. rmtlnjc on 4th , 6ta ad WiImBttti , , 1511 > St. Louis , - Mo. " " & Co. "Laveille , "Warner , Sp ; first l In all 1U . - Hotel is The South J"1jj ° 57ble , Arf , t ,11 times sup- . Appointments. . abundance , with all the II pnedlnthegrMt * > , nd | 8ffor ( , Ita cerM L i\Stt \ ! W jft21SAia AGr * 'fyszz& ! fa lr sp r t * r i to the upper on * , . , , w l , ftnlan proi An indiscriminate slaughter in clothing and gent ' furnuhing goods regardless of prices at 206 Farnham street. Fine linen and chevoit shirts of our * * wa make ai $2.00 and $2.50 each. Jtailroad Ilckett bought and sold by P. Gottheimer , Broker , at 296 Fan.ham street Unredeemed Pledges for Sale. may Iy26 Harriet Oriim , GKNKRAL DEALtK IN Staple.and Fancy Dry Goods 9th st , l twren Jones and ixuirenwortb its. TO TMC PUBLIC A MOST COMplete - OFFERS line of l r Gowli. Fjnry Goods , ituolenand Cutton I lannels , Wrapper PeLalns Woolen -Shawlnanl all l.ind-1 of fail and winter material for ladif s' and cbiMrrus' drcssoi. Ale - o Callcoei of all grades and < les ripiioBsi tpo- clalty Boots and Hiovs for ladles' gents' aud childrenst wear. eiit4d1mo * 'Zi-iJiV. ' OFFICE. No. 232 FARNHAM ST. Bet. I3thi 14th SisOMAHA. . e ro : < U . | iira * ! pl i lw > i tl < iUi In the city DR , A , S , BILLINGS , _ _ _ 234 Jt/xx' M rl Mtt IStm , Bel. 1 th and 14th , up stairs. Teeth extracted without pain , by use of til trous Oxide laa. I reopea * tc - BIK8.J K.VANUKIlCOOIt h Eclectic Physician * Residence and offic. 220 Dodge st bet 14th und ; 15th sts. Bpeclal attention paid to obstetrics and dis lies peculZjr to women and children. f'Jtf. E3L VAN GAMP M. D. n \ Dispenses his own medclnes , and besldet regular ( practice , makes specialities of Derange ments and Diseases Peculiar to Women , Fistu la , Piles and other Diseases of the Rectum. W OFFICE i : Corner Farnham and 14th streets , first door to the right , up stolr * . Resident" , 211 Douglas street , between 12 and 1'UIi , next tit : toIx Lutherau Church Omaha , Vfh Addr-w ha Ixxk Box SM. iantldAwtf hahi hi : him VAN DORK'S MACHINE af in th : All kinds of light and heavy ev 1'r MACHINERY MADE& REPAIRED. ki kiki ki OMAHA. ca 2bB HAENEY 8TEEET. ag hi SPENCER'S ou Fruit an * Confectionary Cor. 13th aud L-avenworHi Sfp. , Te 25 ' r4Sm ATTUE B 1DE ( ed liv WILLIAM SEXAUER. coi 225 r wham Street , * - Omaha , Neb lia _ WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DEALER IN Sti FURNITURE. BEDDING , ETC , thha ho H. VALKEB ho . C. , TL -MANUFAClUUfc * ' AH 1) DKALEH IN otl BOOTS & SHOES coiUi 10 13tb St. Bvtuevc Farnliaui anl trc it 13 rai vis ENOCH HENNEY , viswi Justice of the Peacer Office over tno State Brfnk , conicrjf Farn. IHQI aud 13tb tr el . thi NEW SALOON- lar in UENIIY , the popular S.ilwn IwpT , hasro- cei Itted ! up the baiteiiif Ql of old Herald liuiMing th or. 13tn ml Uouglat Ms. , where , in connec- lia with hb bar heeti out a Lunch even nornIn Miirt JIIAND LUNCH KVEKY & Po TKDAY. tiira liim call. " ha haMi Miter Sclmeider & Bnnnestcr tor Manufacturers ot rix , coi'PEit AND SHEET IKOK del WARE. DEALERS IN arc Cooking and Hen tin ? Store * . cm Tin Roofing , Spouting and Gutter' > don Ge hort notice an > l ic the lwst maaner. tin tinMi Mi , , P , R , R , MEAT MARKET , als Ifith street bet California and Webster. chi PITE KEFP ON HAND THE BF8T in W supply of FRfeH AXD SALTED inme IEA1S. Alv\ * large utoik of Fine buar ure < ! Hams and Breakfast Bacon , .it the low- cui ritesWil AU-jT .1 KNUTH , cot mrl-lr I'rorrietors. * f Th * Slaax Cltjr Hd to > Ii C QB Uon vUh tit tris SIOUX CITY & ST , PAUL id RAILROAD , 03 Billsi tjic shortest route from Omaha Connril BloffV to S ( . I'anl , JlinraDoIIt , me wo tlllnater , Anoka , Dolntli , Bismarck , aid all jur olnUIn Sllnnrcota. the Train leaves Omaha dnilr , ( exrep Saturday ) ed 6 o.clock p. m. , and Council Bluffs at 8:05 ! > ' anj from Chicago A North-Western Depot. tine the 'are as LOW and 1 ime as QUICK as wei by any oilier Line. ULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING GARS she A OK ALL NIGHT TRAINS , sidi inu Be sure your ticket reads VIA Sioux City , hou avoiding circuitous rallies and midnight ) ransfira. win Tickets ran 1 i urchase ) at the offices of the winP hlcago A Northw-Hcru Railway in Omaha Council Blufls. Oil' J C. BOVDEN. eral len'l Paw A Ticket Agf St P. A S. C. B R. Paul , Minn. Wr F. C. HILL , PCHi n'I P si. and Ticket AgU , S. a A P. , Sioax GOT GEO. W. GBATTON , Agest. will 163 Farnham Street , Omaha , Nab. tim ItilT 50. tl den : the ma1 twc HBir of Cnmingi aid Twenty-second etreeU plei Pac The Qnest lager ber con - 13 tantly on hajjd. gra \ei5-6ta CUAS. lyEyMULLER. Prop liar . OKBBC. C. J. KABBA B Chi .GltEBE & K.UiUACII , tt. between Farnham an arney all OMAHA , - - NEB. C tatl 5 pring and Farm Wagons , ste * IUGGIKS AND OARIll 1GBS. " ; 0. ± a Dealers in and manufacturers ot low GRICCLTURAI , IMPLEMENTS ! fair ABTICUI.\R JT ENTION PAID TO 650 HORSBNilUKIXa. y ] E I wagon and blacksmlthlaf 3 ' i mrdawg VEEYLATEST. MIDNTG-HT. WASHINGTON , October 5. A letter received at the Post Office Department , dated Sumter county , Alabama , September 29th , written by the special agent , sent to investi gate the murder of the colored route agent there a mouth ago , states that he has caused warrants of arrest to Issue for nine men. He describes the State as being overrun with des peradoes who terrify the blacks and raid their farms. WASHINGTON , Octobers. The Commissioners of the Freed- man's Saving and Trust Company say it is impossible to state the date of the first dividend. They have now only $45,000 in the treasury , but require $ f > 00,000 as a basis of a dividend of twenty per cent. Money being tight and collections hard in the District of Columbia , it will take a long time to raiao the required sum , The liabilities are fixed approximately at § 2,800,000 and the assets $2,700,000 ; or. Louis , October 5. The second annual convention of chief engineers of fire department * in the various cities of the Uniou met here to-day. H. Clay Sexton , of St Louis , was elected president. After the election of officers the convention adjourned until to-mor- roV.The The fourth annual fair of the St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Association opened to-day with fa vorable auspices and a large attend ance. FORT SCOTT , Kan. , Oct 5. John Bagby has been brought here < and confined in jail charged with a double murder on the lair ijrouudsat Oswego on Saturday. He bad : some ditliculty with the owners ofec the swing. When they attempt ed to remove him he plunged a knife into the abdomen of one of them , named Hogsit , completely dibem- boweling him , causing death in a few minutes ; also he gashed and wounded in the back the other , vn named : Westfall , who cannot re- jover. CINCINNATI , Oct. 5. Joseph Clare ot Bethel , Ohio , who ivas ! charged by the husband of the woman who murdered her lit- le girl in this city last week , with mvjug criminal intercourse with iis wife , niak s a statement in this rooming's Commercial , in which , ifter relating circumstantially the ncldoiits occurringjou the day of h murder , denies most positively jver having having had any im- : iroper intercourse with Mrs. Per- dns , and can only reconcile Pero tins' conduct toward him in this sase with a conspiracy on his part igainst his wife , and u design to use lim as an instrument for carrying * , ut his fccheme. ST. Louis , October 5. A special dispatch from se tl Fexos , says on thp25thof last month or 30 masked men riding blanket- n d horses , visited Thomas Boyd , iviug in St. Joseph , Montague ounty , and demanded to see Wil- iam Stone , who was living there. P Hone refused to appear , and wo * \v hen informed that he would be tanged unless he left town in 24 ai lours. The party visited other aiTi louses making similar threats. st Flie next day Stone and several stpf ithers began to journey from the pf ouutry under the protection of the pfM auders was to prevent the persons -kited from appearing in court as fitnesses against certain parties. of JNE\V J.CRK , Oct 5. The Brooklyn Argus , speaking of - he indictment against Tiltou and loulton , says the array of counsel the Til ton case will be unusually of irge. Roscoe Conkling has ac- epted a retainer , and will sum up he ! cusp . foe ' the i * * prosecution. . . * Wil- * * w- * * J W.- * v W iaro 11 Evnrt" , B 8 Tracy , John K 'orter , W 0 U rtlett , Jobn Gra- latuandTS Sherman will aasiat Ir Conkling. The list of Mr Til- fn mi's counsel is said not to b com fnSt 180. Senator Carpenter , of AVis- pa onsln , Dmiitl Doiixherty , of Phila- tu elpliia , and David Dudley Field tuwi mentioned Moulton has -e- tic urwj Judge Silvnrton , althougi ticM leneral Butler will take the lead in M case , and personally appear n Beeclier "will most likely appea. a Iso.A . h A motion will be made for : i .h hange of venue. This is a mutlci .hir the discretion of the court The irMl lotion will be made for certorri , to MlIt urry the case before the nuprenu fin jurt. This , we believe is a motioi an right , and an effort will be madt remove 1 the case to Albany or It is thought tin rol ial wll | | ifbp plagqjn a fortnight , it will probably last for two 01 ireo weeks at least. -thi ha SALT LAKE , October 5. , The third district court com- dii icnced its session to-day. The lie ork : of empanneiing the first grand Wa la iry ; under the Poland law occupied laOr Or en tire da.y , and will be complet- to-morrow. Jurymen having no conscientious scruples against inbe tiding indictments for violating be > law of 1872 , again&t polygamy , jue ere excused. we Brlgham foung has so far recov- ' if ed as to be able to ride out for a pa mrt tinie to-day. tro Mormon lady , Miss Adams , re- out fling at Bountiful , was brutally pai last in her nil urtlpred night own use , by bejuy hhot through the oil indow unknown . the by seine person. 1 President Dillon , Jay Gould and liver Ames , accompanied by Gen- tui Superintendent Clark , Gen - Bright , Agent Vining" , Gen. Pas- caj nger Agent Kimball , and the ovtfrnment Directors of the Union T iicitic. arrived here to-night , and tht remain until Tuesday , at which fra theyjexpect to meet Superintec- Sh nt Towne , and other ollicials of La Central Pacific , to consult upon ule atti-rs nflbcting the inte-es'-s of the dis roads. The party had a verj up easgnt trip , and report tie Union 1 sicttic road jn a splendid condition. Oil ! Bngham Young is reported as ity ; adunlly convalescing , though out irdly considered out of danger. nd riei ijqago Live Stock Market the ate CHICAGO , October 4. bus Cattle Receipts 5,000 ; quiet , quo- trai tlous nearly nominal ; Texans285 etc 00 ; stookers 3 25 ; fair to choice dee 4 25@5 75 ; lot of extra sold at the . dee Hogs Receipts 9,000 ; dull and tyt iver ; poor to medium 5 00@5 25 ; ty 5 80@G 10 ; ' good to ehoice C 61@ tyCle SO.Sheep daj Sheep Receipts 200 ; firmer , 2 75 the 75 ; fair to choice 3 OOai 50. put 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Specially Beported for the Omaha Daily Bee , br th A ' tie and Pacific TaleersPh Go. OlNOINXATI , Oct 5. President Grant arrived here yes terday , and is stopping at the Grand Hotel. NEW ORLEANS , Oct. 4. 3fGov. Kellogg received informa tion this evening that upon the ar rival of troops at ConMiatta some fifteen white leagura who were en gaged in a recent melee of Repub lican ollice holders left town for Arkansas and Texa ? . MONTGOMERY , ALA. , Oct. 5. A letter from Pen acola Flat says that yellow fever is increasing there , and that its ravages are fearful. A large number of persons are pros trated with the disease , and deaths are numerous. A number of per sons from this city , who were visit ing there are down with the fever. BROOKLYN- 4. Mr. Beecher preached at Ply mouth Church this morning for the first time since hh return. Th re was un immen'-e attendance , thou sands being unable to obtain admit- tance. The church was beautifully decorated with flowem and ever- greens. Beecher preached from th text , "Thy will be done. " VlCKSnURG , Oct 5. During a family fiirhtin Greuada county , yesterday between a mai named Green and his son 011 one side , and a man named Cattery and Min on the other , young Green Avas shot and killed , and all the others were seriousJy wounded. The Vicksburg and Canton Rail ; road company has gone into the hands of a receiver. NEW YORK , Octobers. A Washington special says , whether it is the truth or not , in the report of a loreign journal that Spain has paid the indemnity demanded : by Great Britian in the Virginus case on behalf of her subjects. It is hoped it is certain nt , , our government is fetill prosperous. th A Republican Washington special tic says advices icceived here show a 111 continuance of reign of terror in some of the southern States. Let Uli ters are daily received , showing that life is insecure and free speech ' impossible in portions of the .south. Po CitKKDMOiiK , October 5. SuHi The shooting for the long range dei championship was concluded Satur lea day. Several of the competitors de availed themselves of tlio opportu for nity of shooting the last five shots tic over agjiin , including several of the a American team. The Irish team were not satislipd with their score. pai Rjgby , of the Irish team , protested is against the lastfiveshots nnd in the face of this several refu-ed to shoot. jec According to totals , Rigby won the un first prize , scoring 159 ; Fulton the sin second , scoring 153 ; Milnor the AVI third , scoring 157. The Sharp-Rigby rifle contest is cor now < in progress. faUC NEW ORLEANS , Oct. 4. It is the general belief among Republicans orhe he publicans here that the compromise ioi will not be carried out in good frith. The White Leajjue LJ recruiting and receiving supplies of arms or of f They drilled last night in Canal street. The negroea secretl } * purpose not participating in the election. Mr. Marie , a wealthy Creole , Kellogg's ) OS opponent in the > eii nominating conven tion of 1872 , advi-es this course in a icl letter published this morning. He n alleges that Kellogg's policy since ula the late riotmdicates the repudiation dou the negroes , and saj's that they ivhe will require guarantees or they will he -tiiy away from the polls , also that hewk " ibsolutely no" policy has yet been imnouncedregardingthe prosecution the rioters. Kellogg averts the responsibility of the prosecution of the leaders in ihe riot , forcing the ame upon the United States courts. 1 1I 1G LITTLE ROOK , Oct. 5. 1K Nothing further has been heard K from the party pursuing the Hot 1OV Springs robbers. Several of the 1OVG parties that were in pursuit have re m turned and state that the robbers K were well known in the Indian .Na dec tion as ruffians and horse thieves. ink Throe of them me named Burke , the McLaughlin and Parker. One horse UI nun c.iuiu up witli them \vhiie in amp Fiiday and opejed lire but N8' he robbers returned the lire and hen mounted and fled. A running N8'P ire was kept up between the pur- N8'V uer and "pursued robbers , for a cou- . ' le of miles , when the former were V ' Unally obliged to fall Dack as thrlr imunition gave out. The party selliC ias now started again and will jrobably succeed in capturing the aflo obbers. 0 BlIREVEPORT , Oct. 4. WeB The Times editorially denies that B northern parishes of Louisiana P mve agreed to compromise in dlvl- 23 ling State officers between Repub- L icans-aud white conservatives. It ( a\ ays : there is not a shadow of foun- aV lation for the report fcent from New Means ; that statement is absurd ; such oompromj e is dreamed of the northern parishes , nor will it dissussed there ; such a move- 4 7 uent would bo folly ; in fact it extr vould be a complete abandonment extrV the principles of the white muiis' her tarty. ; One company of federal d r , roops is now camped half a mile 79 } luteide of the city , it is said that a O iart of the seventh cavalry regiment her , be stationed here and at several B Uier points in the northern part of 101 state. Nick Woodward an alleged horse H bief was killed near Ouchita yes- P -HIV by a posse of citizens while 17P 17 7. aptiring him. 7.Li .N Ew'i OKK , October 5. Feb The Republic publishes exclusively G full expose of the real estate rauds tn this cityv in case of James - S ihea and Ellen Riley against Thos SFl arkin and others. A similar fraud- Fl lent transaction of broker Sacia , isclosed a few weeks ago , will come MO : to-morrow. iue The plaintiffs were induced to cx- C < liauge a steam tug worth $6,000 for east lots , which it afterwards turned 0 ; did not belong to the defendant mar the titles to which were forgc- tor. . An investigation haa revealed tor.B ! fact that Larkin and his associ- had been doing an-extensive W usiness In swindling in real estate ansactions , using false mapsdeeds , . , A great number ofthese , forged eeds and maps have been found in county clerk's office" . Some eeds conveying lauds worth twen- thousand dollars , but the majori- H ranging from S500 to $5,000. stoc ! lerks have been engajred several butc butcC drawtag-up certified copies of C icse and other deeds which will be chai in vldenc on the trial. > ; NEW YORK , Oct 5. A most disastrous and unprece dented calamity occurred here yes terday. A drove of wild Texan steers being driven through the street en route for BulTalo , escaped from a careless driver , soon scatter ed through the street and through out the lower part of the city , and maddened by the shouts of men and boys they rushed blindly in every direction. Many persons were in jured by the infuriated animals , and up to ten o'clock last night over 33 casualties was reported. It is not known how many of the injuied will die , but some are badly injured internally , and others will be disfig ured for life. Theexcitementarooug the people was indescribable , every body in the streets armed with pis tols , clubs , swords and knives , all confused and not knowing what to do. At lirst the ix > lice appeared to be much demoralized as well as the citizens. Bulls dashed down the fctreets into store windowsanywhere to escape the excited crowds sur rounding and following them. Pis tols were tired carelessly and several persons injured by the shots Sev eral bulls escaped to the river jump ed in und were drowned. The casualties reported are Ham- uel Bogers , Henry Penokins. Eugene O'Hara , Officer Hanley , Eliza Mulllmll , George Kedick , Timothy Daley , Maurice McGen- nings , Isaac Bates , August Albert Irving , Graceall Gallagher , Bounds- man Ryan , Officer Alback , Alice Crawford , James Quinn , Officer Foster , shot in the rectum , Cathe rine Nagles , Sergeant Maloney , Of ficer Donovan , Albert Pope , Frank Mangin , Eliza Williams , chased over a block by a bull and thei Hung into the air , Dennis Drisco Officer O'Beilly , D C Evans , Hugh Hiley , Cornelius O'Connor , Thomas C Oldy , James Caughlin , MaryStu art , her husband , Elite Long ) Mag giki ie Slater , and several others uu known. Weston is again attempting the task of walking 500 miles in six lays. WASHINGTON , Oct. 5. a Secretary Bristo'v in pursuance he provisions of the act regulating ree importnge of goods for the Cen- enniul exposition , has issued the iecesary regulations prescribing he form of entry for such importo- ions , the rules to be observed in nuking : the entry , and forwarding m he goods to Philadelphia , and reg- dating the payment of charges for Irayage , etc. The ports of New York , Boston , St 'ortland , Me. , Burlington , VI. , toi Suspension Bridge , Detroit and Port foi IuronMich. , Chicago , 111. . Phila- foimi lelphia , Pu. , Norfolk , Va. , New Or- ba mi L-ans , La. , aud San Francisco , are tin lesignated as the only ports of entry tinBi ir such free importations , as all ar- icles must be attached before oumi miDi United Statel Consul and ackrffees conspicuously marked : To the International Exhibition of 876 ; , at Philadelphia. All goods Di ball remain in the custody of Col- [ ) e ctors of Custom at Philadelphia rer ntil the building for such troods rel liall be ready to receive them. relj Vlien receipts for packages are im- Be erfectiy described , or appearing to are Mitain merchandise not suitable for Joh an exhibition , or in regard to apjoi Inch the good faith of the person : oi awarding the same is questioned , Isa ie Collector may cause examina- an on to be made , and if found un- litable such goods may be rejected err subject to appeal to the Secretary ai the i Treasury. MlDDI.ETOWN , Ct. , Oct 5. The election for town officers Cai issed off quietly. A small vote is CaiW iing polled. There are many split ckets circulating , all being in-the ts iterest of the Democrats. The reg- mil ar Democratic ticket will without ' nibtbe elected , The represputa- Mil [ ves < are making ijo eflbrts to elect lint ielr ticket. lintI he "ni\t I O . " w m bia urmr KI. QIC | va New York Money Market. hu His NEW YORK , October 5. clir Money Easy at 3 percent Exchange Firm ; 4 854 88 } . Gold Dull and steady ; opened at 10J ; with subsequent fall to 1 10 : poi iw selling at 1J20J- sen Governments Firm but dealings Ser null : ; currency O's 1 17J. ty Stocks Opened less active at a ing jcline of J to J per cent. After pea idday Erie and P M were held at wis lowest point. Erie 33J ; P JVI 49 : Urn P37WU8lJ. ; nat ft BW York n-oauce Market. mit NEW YORK , Oct. 5. and Breadstuffs Quiet. de ! Flour Irregular ; lower grades 1 . and others on .v steady. Wheat Heavy , and lower to clai Hers. oft Corn Dull ; Western mixed , pref loat , 9699. tha QaU and Sen Quiet unchanged ; res.tern mixed , 61@63J. tive Rye Nominal , mat Barley Nominal. Pork Market is quiet at 2275 00. Dei Lard Market dull and lower ; 14 forj Lai Whisky 1 08@110. trio Bar Chicngo Pruuuce market. pros CHICAQO , Oct. 5. com Flour Dull and unchanged ; at 75@5 12 } for good to choice spring tion tras ; superlines 3 25@4 00. Disl Wheat Steauy ; cash 91 J , Octo- non 91 j ; November , 91 i. his Corn Quiet ; cash , 80 } ; October , ; T Oats Quiet.firm } oash and Octo- acki 49V ; Nov 48J ; year 47 j@47J. ficiii Barley ; Quiet ; cashes ; October ow I1J@1 02. brin Rye 84. Highwlnes 1 03. AIK Pork < Firm ; cash 21 75 ; year chai 75@1S 00 ; February , 1810@18 25. Gou > Lard Firm ; year , 11 37J11 45 ; not bruary : 11 6511 75. 3old < 1 10J. ; ' D St. Louis Produce Market. ST Louis , October 5 ' Flour Quiet. re-e Wheat Very dull and drooping ; 2 red 115115 $ ; No 3 1 03@1 04 elevator. ! U orn Higher ; No 8 mixed 83 on wall track ; 83J in elevator. one 3ats Heavy ; receipts depress the irket ; No 2 51@52 in east eleva- Barley Steady ; No 2,1 05@1 15 Distr Br ilye Lower ; 7071 andt I Whisky Firm , at 1 04. Octol Lard Quiet at 14. thecl day , Pork Lower , at222212 } . a par to-wi Bes St. Louis Live Stock. south hip I ST. Louis , Oct fi. cast , i west : Bogs Receipts , 7,000 ; [ dull ; east I cters33J } bacon grades 5@ } ; talcli tchers Coun corer Cattle' Receipts , 3,000 ; un- again anged ; good to extra natives 4 } Texans 23J. CABLEGRAMS LONDON , October 5. The Princess Von Lock Is an nounced convalescent. LONDON , October 4. Lord Walter Campbell has been elected a member of the stock ex change. PARIS , Oct. 5. ThreeRepublicans have been elec ted in Lille , defeating the Legiti mists. BERLIN , Oct. 5. -Charles Beia announced to-daj that the Bank of Prussia discount rate had been advanced to iivo per cent. .LONDON' , October 4. _ Dispatches from Berlin state that Count Von Arman has arrived in that city , . His residence was searched - ed by the police. BERLIN , October 4. The Emperor and Empress of Germany have entertained the Em peror of Australia at Greud Luncheon choon and at Baden. CARLSRUIIK , Octobers. Jolly , the president of the Baden cabinet , in a speech here yesterday said that Germany must bo pre pared for a freshwar. . LONDON , Oct 5. A meeting will be held to-day at which steps will be taken to obtain government relief for the suflerers by the gunpowder explosion in Ite- geut's canal. COPENHAGEN , Oct 5. The government has addressed a note to the Prussian government , protesting against the expulsion of the Danes from Schleswig. PARIS , Oct. 4. A further split has taken place among the Bonapartists. Richard aiE member of ministry under the Empire has joined Prince Napoleon. ROME , October 5. The La LiberUi says the Pope's letter to President MacMahon was written in reply to the announce ment of withdrawal of a mau-of- ivarfrona Cevita Vicchia. Rio JANEIRO. Oct. 5. The insurrection in the Argentine States continues , and it Is becoming ormidable. The fleet has declared or General Mitrel , the lea ler of the novement. The Insurgent forces lave assembled at Chivilorore , au/1 he fcsan Martine government , a t Juenos Ayres , are taking veryisevi- ius measures to meet the mo.ve- neiit. October 5. It J is reported that the Dulte and hiches ; of Northumberland , have een < converted to Catholic . This eport causes quite u se'.tsation in ellgioud circles A figure of the Rev. Henry W. Seecher , has been added to Mad- mo Tussands , wax works. The ppearance of Mr. Tinny , the actor Hamlet , has been delayed in insequence of the illness of Miss g abell Batcman. The first appear , -r ticeof < Lyttonand Sothern , in Liv- I rppol , has been a decided success. J3 Jolly Nash the comic singer J3I liled : for New York. Iii Ia LONDON , October 5. a The Great Western railway of anada , it Js reported , is deficient iiI venty-frlx ( thousand pounds hter- I In its Income ng required to meet interest , indenture , and the pre- lium on its shares. The directors 'commend that the Detroit and ilwaukee undertaking be assisted nancially. It is reported that petitions will lortly be put in circulation , re- nestingtbe government in some ay ; to mitigate the sentence of Ar- jurOrton , theTichoorne claimant , ils health is said to be rapidly de- ining. MADRID , Oct. 5. M. De Chamhonl , the newly ap- inted minister of France , in pre- nting his credential to President jranno , said he hoped the difficul- of Spain which now seems pa ? ' . away , will soon wholly dis-Ap- ar , and gave expression to. ine ishes of his government for con- nurd friendship between the two itlons. Marshal Serrano thanked the & inister for his cordial expression fully reciprocated the friendly ires i of France. Mr. : Layard. the British minister , presenting his credentials , de- ared his confidence in the example the Spanish Government in the esent crisis , Jt was noticeable at both ihe ministers addressed irrauo as President of the execu power , and in their speeches Pr ade no allusion to a Republic. BOSTON , Octobers. William Gaston has accepted the emocratlo and Reform nomination rgovernor. The Democrats and ibor Reformers of the Fifth Dis- „ , have nominated General inks , for Congress , with good ospect for his election. There is nsiderable aisappointment here Hon. Geo. M. Htearns , declina- intorun for Congress in l5awes strict , as it was regarded that his imiuatlon would be equivalent to election. SALT LAKE , Oct. 5. The : Mormons of Beaver county knowledge ihat the Mormon of- ialsplanned the Mountain Mead- massacre i , and offer to assist in inging the perpetrators to Justice. Igham Young is convalescing lotlier report saya there is no ance for his recovery. Jay uld arrived at Ogden mid will go on to California. NEW HAVEN , Oct. 5 Despatches from throughout the ate report the election of town leers as passing ofl quietly. The y'ority of Democratic candidates .elected. NEW YORK , October 5. Op to noon to-day Weston had ilked fifty miles. He will walk hundred miles to-day. SHERIFF'S SALK. Tirtue of aa order ot sale issued oat of the trict Court for Douglas County , Nebraska , to me directed , [ will , on the 28th day of aber , A. D. 1874 , at 10 o'clock a. m of said at : the south f'oor of the Court Hous ? . la- city of Omaha , id said county , sell atauctlou ' of the property described In taid order : leglnning at the north east corner of the east qua-ter of tection sixteen (16) ( ) , town- fifteen ( i51 , north , of range thi.teen (13) ( ) , and running thence eouth 6 chains , thtnc * yy chains , thence north 6 chains , thence 8)4 chains to the place of beginning , con' ing 2 acre * , more or less , in 91 id Douglas mty , to ratisfy a ] nirment ; of said Court , re efed by John I Kedick and Clinton Brian Archibald T. Finn. ALFHED BPBLEY. Sheriff. . Sept & < UUir for ! * Clearing Sale ! EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS ! ! -AT- CRUICKSHANK'S ' Clearing Sale ! t FOB , TH1RTTT DA'S'S ! . i BEING ODE Clearing Sale ! Annual Clearing Sale OF Foreiga and Domestic Clearing Sale. DRY GOODS Clearing Sale ! IEIR/IT , . . PKEAEATOP.T TO STOCK TAKING. A. CRUICKSHANZ , Clearing Sale ! ninrS Cor. 14tli : and Farnliain sfs. R.A. , 243 Douglas Street , WHOLESALEJAND.RETAIL DRY GOODS , CAKPETS , AND OIL CLOTH. An Immense Stock of Fresh New G-oods Just Opened to ba sold lower than any other house in the city , consisting of MERINOS , EIPRBSS CLOTBi , RSPELLANTf § ALPACAS & MOHAIRS , also VELVET & BE AVER CLOATQtfGS. A FULL STOCK OF SdEAWLS. BLANKETS , FLANNELS , MERINO I .NDERWEAR AND WORSTED O-OODS. TABLE LINEN IN RKAT TARIETY. A FULL LINE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS , OIL CLOTES , MATTING RUGS. AND MATS , TIHIIEJ Furniture , bedding , Mirrors , , has ; a complete assc.Tment pi FINE ? MEDI1JM and LOW PRICED o-oocls , which he is pfiering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of evero- one de siring anything in this line , to examine his stock before purchas ng. PAKLQRSL'TS , LOUNGES &c. UPHOLSTERSD.ANP COVERED TO L. > VOOD WORTH , 38 Do-Qglas St. , Omaha , Neb. V7AGOIT Wood Stock , AGOX HARDWARE , Patent Wleelz , Finhlisd dotting , &c. xics Springs and Tbinible Skcias HARDWOOD LUMBER , larriages ' , Hacks and Buggies Stu lebacUer'WiiRon , Dej'.ot , mchfill G , STBIFFLEB DEALEU IN s n o c ES. IES , roviions Frulis , Nu's , ConfpcHonery , Tobacco , Separs , ECOB. . OF TEHTH and FABHHAST. WHOLESALE lam ow inanutacturing all varieties or candies ] f andjwill eell a S Dealers In this State n"C'I not wint to Jo East for CANDIES. A trial la solicited. mchlltl B. fc J. WILBUR , looks and Stationery , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , 1 Fourtosath Street , - Omajb.a. , ITeb GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALTi SCHOOL BOOKS ar3 Imy _ AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. IStli and TZarney Streets , - - - ZCsHSIB all And Winter Styles A. POLACK , C L O T H 12 238 Fa.rn3aam St. IToar 14th. . ine and IfLedi.um Clotliing , . < f. and Furnisliing Goods * T