E CANDESAN , Dealer in Steam and _ . . Grinder Polisher , ft Office : 518 13th Street , OMAHA , JfElJ. OrJers taken for Silver Plutlug. All urder by mail will be promptly attended auxtSdlf KN- OXT. X > . tT O PACTUBKB OV JL.KD DEALKB I - iKSYndow Sbades , CIIUOJIOS , EXGBATISHS AXD PICTURE FRAMES. S70 Faraliaio ftrPft. inT F fttonth " "WILLIAM LATEY , Cor. 16Lli audWebster.Sts. , iecps a complete essortment ol GHOCEIUES and PilOYiSIONS. TO BHADTCM PURCMSERS For Sewing Machines. . . In order to make room for our new styles , we have put in PERFECT order all of our old stock , Including second-hand , and ofler them at GREATLCY REDUCED prices , for CASIL BSABIMT MIND EVERY "HOWE" IJUUr.HT OF US and our AUT1IOUIZEU canvassers is WARRANT ED , and INSTRUCTION given , as WE have a .REPUTATION TO SUSTAIN. Experience Instruction la yroves a machine WITHOUT WORSE than NONE at all. CAUTION. We know of large lots of worth less machines bought at low Cjuies , that are be- inspalmcd off qn the public for nearly as good as new. Persons that do not want to run ths rUk of liclng swindled slionlJ NEVER buy of gRRWPONSIBLE puarties , as theybaveNO reputation AT STAKE , os have oIJ establtsted Comianies. THE HOWE MACHINE CO. , a IStb Stree G"W. . HOMAN , Sr. , Offers for the necessities of the public , a First-Class Hearse and CarriaEes , All orders promptly attended to by leavin ; tliem at Ciir. IStb and Jlaruev Sts. ac23tf F. A. PETElTS. Saddle and Harness Maker , ANII CURIAHS TRIJIMER , No. 271 P"nrnnm ' . btl. 15th * Iflth A LL orders ami replying pTPDiptly attenled A to Ed satisfaction suarra-.t.eJ - Hiid lor Imli * ' . ' 13tli St. , bet. Faniliam and Hamey. All kinds ot T I1/KINO , CLRiKING and ne t rn.i .nr jl r tei BEDMAST & LEWIS , i'1 ' Cor. " 16tli and Izard Streets. \ ' " IM : On hand and SAWED TO OUDER. Je2C 1 m avaos SECT. . tKWIS " EEKD BYRON RBSD & CO. The Oldest Established Beal Estate Agency J NEBRASKA Atetnct of Title to all Bea Keep a . complete . . . . .d Uouilas ountr. Cit7 Meat Kro t r-UjJon'tend A LARGE SUPPLY OF i 33 33 MUTTON. GAME -A HE I'Klt DAY. Agent * waut- Ol , uw v/i/V / ; c.1. All -l ses of workIng - Ing people of either * cx. young or old , make inora luouejr at work for us iu .ueir snare nio- i , , mcntj ralftl.-tliii than at nyth nc e e. J JLddicbS ST1NSUH 4 Co. . Portland. Mil no- j nnvSrl , . QUEALEY'S ; P. Soap Factory ! T < cd on the line of It * Pn'on ' , Pacific Slti vi , sear the jwwdcr house , yanulac- Kailro n urs soap for home lures C iunc2t' " arfAUCTIQNEEB , 'nr . IPth Prompt attention i kr > rs < - , jttle.etc.eilher tun.lture , s-orc goods , < vice. lUal Estate at at tor or owner's res tu Sldtl public or private ale. _ I B. A. 537 riflecnttt Greet , l t. Da-ha luttoa and f k Fish , Poultry , Game , F' .auRfli lr AHD [ PASSENGERS T Going East or South from Omaha 1 IntaonU.P.E.B. , hould take the F 'LINCOLN EOUTE" : J y tla The i-V. . isATCHlSON & NEBRASKA .1" HA JX.ROAD' ' . . ; And taeurc lor tat cuclv s the cno ! > .a of Six : \ Vopular Kcjtesfrom SAtcliisoa t CUIcago smd SU Louis , All making Reliable Jnectioas andbeing T Shipped with Palans Bar and Sleeping CJM , All delay and Inconvenience arriving from Ferric * ttd transfers can be avoided West of T Chicago and St. Louis by securing Ticket i yia lr"ATCIIISON' the ATCniSUN 4k _ _ ! KECU-VSKA Il.VILUOAD. jDirect und EclliWe Connections are also made with the A. T. 4 a F. B. B. for the iiteQjval Arkansas Valley & Colorado Y n ind with all Jlue running South to points in . Southern Kansas and the Indian Territory. Ask lor Tickets via & ATCHISON CHAS. C.SMJTU , F. WHITE Geu'l Supt , Geu'l Pasa. Ag't. Kaaiai V THE PLAINMAH'S WOOIiG. ? A Waiter-Girl Captures a Slayer of Grizzlies A Eomance of a"Hast Hill. ( From the Detroit Pokt. ) Four years ago a bright , intelli gent , but not pretty-looking young miss , left homeless and penniless orphan by the death of her father , came to this city and procured employment at a well- ployment as a waiter-girl known second-class hotel , making her home with a family fitth cousins or something of that sort then residing on .Second street. One day , at dinner time , there strode into the dining-room a tall broad-shouldered , bronzed and bearded man , who was evidently from the Far "West. There was the unmistakable air of a plainsman about him , evidently one ot the better sort. Ho seated himself at the table served by the girl in ques tion ; and watched her movements very closely. At supper on the second end day after his arrival ho remained at the table until it was nearly deserted , and then as he was al out rising he ad dressed the girl in courteous tones , saying that he desired an interview with her , as he had informatipn of importance to communicate. Sue replied that she would see him in the ladies' parlor at a later hour. She dia so , and was not a little sur prised at receiving an offer of mar riage. He stated that he was a resi dent of the grazing districts of Cal ifornia , owned a large stock ranche , and was a wealthy man. He had been out then thirteen years , during which time he had mined , prospect ed for rich diggings , hunted grizzlies , fought Indians , chased greasers and pursued the usual avocations of an enterprising California ! ! . He was on his way JSast to visit his aged parents , who resided in Massachu setts , had stopped in Detroit to sec the city , had met her as above des cribed , was pleased with her appear ance , and thought it would be for her advantage to quit her present employment and become the wife of a ranchman. There was an honesty and sincer ity iu the man's voice as he made his declaration that convinced the girl that he was in earnest , tthe re plied Out she would consider his proposition and give him an answer at the breakfast table. During the night she thought the matter over seriously , and when in the morning she took her eccentric lover's order , and he asked in a low tone , "Are you going to California ? " she an- sworpil "Yes"and then went for the beefsteak and potatoes. That was the extent of ho courtship. As soon as the hungry gutst had departed from the dining-room , she repaired to Hio parlor , where the lover was anxiously awaiting her. By his directions t > lw informed the head-waiter that hho should network work any longer , donned her hat and shawl and the two started out shopping. Dresses were ordered of nearjy all the fashionable modistes in the city , the sajiie to be completed within twenty-four hours. Hats were similarly ordered , and then the retail dealers in all manner of small wearing apparel were visited and large purchases made , the last one being nvo large Saratoga trunks. The next aftentqon the pair were married at the residence of Jt clergy man , made a call on the bride's humble friends on Second street , and left for the East on the evening train. Of course , the few acquaintances of the bride who were aware of the circumstances of her marriage were all positive that she had acted rash ly , and predicted all manner of troubles and trials for her. From the hour of her departure , however , none of them have ever heard a word from her ; but , from the fact that the happiest-looking wife and mother to be seen riding about the city on Saturday , a curly-headed W in her arms , and the gentleman who " told her something to her ad vantage by her Ulc , was the wait er girl who "married in haste , " but did not repent at leisure , it may safely be assured that the prediction did not come true. The Story of Mrs. Barker- The statement floating about in the papers to the effect that "a jeal ous Indianapolis woman has just made her thirteenth Ineffectual at tempt at suicide' ' reminds me of the case of Mrs. Barker , of Harris- burg. She attempted to poison her self twenty-three times , but was al ways saved by the judicious use of a stomach-pump by her friends. She was Hfe and hope and comfort and bread and butter to the newspaper reporters , and they thought so much of her that at last they got her up a little testimonial in the shape of silver-plated stomach-pump , with a gutta-percha piston and bell-metal valves , inscribed with sentfmcnt , < May she never succeed 5" Some of her friends gave a little collation at the time , and after it was eaten somebodv proposed to test the ai- paratus "on one of the reporters. Ihey say that the meeting then ad- suddenly. J/ox Adder. Old Time Divorce in Colorado. [ Kouldcr ( Col. ) News. ] yea were scarce , and if it got about that wjp was not handsomely treated by her huriajid a miners' meeting was called and tuecai , > p con sidered. If the decree was granted it alwsya was then this was the mode : Two iionpst miners were Detailed to hold the broomstick in a horizontal position , and the parties to the feujt required to jump it iu token that their divorce was an ac complished fact. The good morals of the fanip required that the wo man mairy immediately , and as one after another of the elect men fell from luck it would often happen to the lady to have had as many hus bands as fiho of the Scriptures ; and it might be iid of the last as of the first : And ho jumped the broom stick aJao. A Promiiing Politician. [ Castle Roct ( Col. ) News. ] One Fluke Magiider thus throws himself in an "announcement" up on the suffrages of his fellow-citi zens , and makes very gracious promises of what he will do If elect- otl * "I promise to have a switch put at the county seat iu fifteen miu- iu jtgr my election ; I promise to utesa. the Beccher mystery ; I unravel . - educe rajn whenever promise to p. Avoiding the neces- ' needed , thereby . 'I wjll Danish sity of irrigation ; - > rjand ; and the grasshoppers from Ov W 3t a render this Eldorado of the " - foi Garden of Eden ; I will worK - * nothing and board myself. Haw pity on an orphan forty-two years old and elect the undersigned to a seat in Congress. " Baggs got up too early one morn ing , and began to scold the servant girl. His little six year old , who had been listening attentively du ring the conversation , broke irT with , "Father , stop scolding ; you needn't think Jane's your wife. " "What Poolish Jacob Did. Alady friend has transmitted to us the following "Opinions of the Press" upon the subject of the text which tells you that Jacob kissed Rachel and litted up his voice and wept : "If Rachel was a pretty girl , and kept her face clean , we can't see what Jacob had to cry about. Daily Telegraph. "How do you know but that she slapped his face for him. [ Ladies Treasury. "Weeping is not unfrequently produced by extreme pleasure , joy , or happiness ; it might have been so in Jacob's case. " [ Hardwick's Sci ence Gossip. "The cause of Jacob's weeping was the refusal of Rachel to allow liim to kiss her again. " Koncom- fortist. " It is our opinion that Jacob wept because he had not kissed Rachel before , and he wept for the time he had lost. " The City Press. "Tho fellow wept because the girl did not kiss him. " Pall Mall GJazette. "Jacob wept because Rachel told him to'do it twice more'and he was afraid to. " Methodist Recor der. "Jacob cried because Rachel ihreatened to tell her mamma. " Sunday Gazette. "He wept because there was only one Rachel to kiss. " Crackenwell News. "He wept for joy because it tasted so good. " Jewish Chronicle. " We reckon Jacob cried because Rachel bad been eating onions. " English Standard. "Our own opinion is , that Jacob wept because he found , after all , 'it was not half what it was cracked up to be. ' " [ New Zealand Exam iner. iner."A "A mistake not his eyes but his mouth watered. " [ The Ladies' Chronicle. "He thought it was a fast color , and wept to find the pain come oil' " [ Fine Art Gazette. "He remembered that lie washer uncle and recollected what the Prayer Book says , " Church Jour nal. "He was a fool and did not know what was good for him. " [ English woman's Adviser. "He knew there was a time to weep it had come , and he dare not put it oil. " [ Methodist News. "He thought she might have u big brother. " [ Sporting Chronicle. "Because there was no time lor another. " [ Express. "When he lifted up his voice , ho found it was heavy , and could not get it so high as he expected. [ Mu sical Notes. ' "He tried to impose on her feeling , because he wa'ntqd her to lend him five shillings , [ Baptist Guide. "A truce to all ! Beneath the starry vault or golden sun is there aught in nature or in art equal to the rapture and intense deliciousness - ness of the first Idss ? I answer , verily , No. Jacob had never Just ed Ji fair maiden before , and his first realization of'crowding a life's deliciousness in these moments' overcame himand Jio wept for joy. " [ Hornsey Hornet. "Oh ! " ' Doings , my [ Day's , THE STfiEET tfKADi : i Considerable f uss in our IVrs Is now made About whati s called tliu useless street grade ; Though prophets foretold " hills leveled should be , And vgllejrs filled up , " still our people don't see. Somp claim the old charter Ir.d a big flaw , So the case is referred to the limbsof the law , And the nionev will go , as all can foresee , To those wLo'll exiMjund " tweedledum twee- dlodea. " Thus mistakes will arise as everyone tnows , From not using ones eyes , through the wurld as one goes. The moral we here would Feek to enforce Is. if you wish a iievv lut , go to Bunco's , of course. lie always is ready , the nul > < : c doth know , To show al ) the styles which in York are the go. As to prices , a proverb you'll find , " buy at JJunce's , then vou'll have peace of mind. " All the leading styles in tilk and stllThats , silk haU from S5.50 upwards , raps of all btylej , scpt21dtf % $ Douglas SI , SILK , CASHMERE , AND ALPACA SUITS Tor sale and made to order. P. . FALI.O1T , 2C3 Dodge , beU Hlhand OMAHA. NEBRASKA. VICTORS. ClFFMANED. , Physician 1 Surgeon , 241 Farnham Street , Ovoj : Ish's Prug stoic. sfptlOJly JOiDf II. GllEEN , STATE MILLS DEALKU IN GRAIN , FLOUR AND FEED , AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Established 1858. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY 538&uiO FonrtofiBtli Street , ( Office up stain , ) Omaha , Nebraska. Carriage ! and Buggies on hand or rcado to order. N. B. Particular attention paid to Repair Ing. pr2S-tl TO NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. 500HABQE FOB ADVICE AND CON- BOLTATIOTI. F\R J. B. DYOTT , graduate ol Jefferson Medical College , Philadel phia , author of several valuabjf Trorks , jan be consulted on all dia * eases of the Sexuul and Grinary or gans , ( which he has made an es pecial study , ) either in male or fe male , no matter from what cause originating- how long standing A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable - < * at a distance can forward let Thi > * * 3g symptoms and en tersde.sc , . . „ y g > closing stamp. , J5"Send for the b * . Price IOc. J. B. JDY0111 , M.D. . Physicion. and Surgeon , 104 JDuaue street , N. Y. Monev and Commerco. Dailv lieview. OFFICE OMAHA DAII.V I KI : , October 1 , 1874. "We note no changes in monetary quotations as the market is firm. Business at the banks is very brisk. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Land Grcuts ( selling ) 5825.00 Land " \Varrants , (1UO ( acres buying ) 176.00 Land Warrants (1GO ( acres selling ) 185.00 Agricultural College Scrip , - ( ICO acres buying ) 17G.OO Do. Selling. , 185.00 Exchange on New York , 1-5 of one per ct. In the Commercial market we note no change in quotations. Bu siness is extremely active , both in the "Wholesale and retail depart ment through all lines. Provisions The market is full and active , with no change except eggs , which we quote at 20 cents. OMAHA MARKETS. Caretully Corrected Daily DRY GOODS. j. J. BROWN & URO. . Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. PRINTS. Aliens . „ . . . . . . . _ . „ . . . . . . 3 American . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Amcbkeag . . „ . . . 8 Bristol . „ ' 9 Uarncrs . 8 % Hamilton . _ . ' < } Merrimark I'J Peabody . _ . . . „ . _ "JY Richmond . _ . 9 > ? Simpsou's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 11LEAHIED SHIRTINGS. Senat e 4-1 . „ . _ . . - 1-H Boot Q . _ . _ 9 Cabot 4-4 . „ . „ . . _ . . . . . . 12 Lonsdale . . . . . . . . . . . _ . * * . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * . . 1- N. Y. mils . _ . „ . _ . \ y. Peterlioro _ . . . . . . . _ . _ 8 Suffolk L. . . . . . „ . 8 BLEAOHEC SHEETINGS. PeppcMl 8-4 . - 31 do 9-1 _ . 3-tK do 10 . . . . . . -i. . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ 33 } COTTONADi S. Farmers and Mechanics . 25V ( Sreat Western . _ . „ 26 BROWN SHEETINGS. Allilon. A . _ t K Bedford. R . „ . 1 % ( Jrantville , E L * . „ . 1GJJ Gennania , B B . - . } Lancley . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M..H..M. . . . . . . . 11 L. i.'s . „ . . . _ . 9 GINGHAMS. American . 11 AmosVeag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . I5 Bates . - . _ . „ . IS Lincasler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 TICKINGS. fig , a c a. . Biddeford . - . ITyCj DENIMS. Arnr.stcng . . _ 231X B. arer Creek , B B . „ . - 1GU Haymakers . _ . 12 Otis , B B . 17'X. Otis , C C . 15 % JEANS. Biddeford . „ . „ . „ . . 1C' < Hoasicr . _ . . . . . . . . 4H Prefer cd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * "t YAXK1W : NOTIONS. KUHTZ Jioun A co. , "Jl Fanihani Street. Clark's O , N. T . „ . . To Coat's . „ 70 Slerrick'a . _ ny HOSIERY. Domestic. . . . . „ . „ . . . _ 5 Tfnl 01 British . „ . „ . _ . . K OCftfi M Jlerino . _ 3 2 i"ia2 M Wool . „ . „ . . . 3 7.a4 00 ChilJrens fanov hosi . 75a3 03 PAPUll COLL A US. nickcni' best . „ . S 90 Kin ? William . l S3 White Wing . „ . _ 1 SO Comet . _ . . „ 2 DO MIAWL8. Ottoman strips . SJ2 2SKiO 50 SHI UTS. White common . SIO 50 1 medium . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 00 ' custom made . 30 (10 ( , Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . 12 00 Satinet . . . . _ . „ . 15 00 Cassimere . _ . . . . 18a3G 0 1 Blue Flannel _ . Iga24 00 OVERALLS. Brown drill. . . _ . . . . . . . JC 50a7 25 ' dnck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 ; > a9 00 Blue drill . _ . _ . 7 00a7 50 < duck . „ . 8 00a9 50 Whlce . . . . . - . „ . _ S 00a3 50 CORSETS. French whalebone . _ . $5 2oaS 00 Hip Hove . „ . . . . G 00 Dove . 9 00 H. S. Embel . _ . - 18 00 SKIRTS. Bal Skirts . . ' . . _ . 12 08 Felt . _ . „ ' . _ . _ . 15 00 YARNS. Balmoral Yarn , all colors , pcr& . SI CO Gcrmantown Wool , " „ _ SI TOS2 ( ; 05 Saxonv Yarns , per box . „ . . 82 15 Mixed Yarns . „ . _ OOal 00 White. . _ . 1 00 COMMISSION. J. U. KOSENFELD glVCS US tile following quotations this day : Potatoes , 00@S1 00 per bushel ; Uutter , jrime2o@30c ; Butter , good 202oc ; Butter , cooking 10@15c ; Eggs , 20c per doz ; Live chickens 2 50@2 75 ; Lemons , 14 00 per box. OYSTERS > V. B. & Co. Select , C5 cts per can ; Standard 55 9ts per can ; Medi- uhr45ts ( ; per can' . ' * HABDWAltli. JOHN T. EDQAR. IKON. Common har. . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . _ . 4 Horse fchoe bM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 % Norway nail rod. . . . . . . . . . _ J l i STEEL. Cast plow . . . . . . . . . . I ; Germon..M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 American casn , octagon and square. . 18@ 22 Jess-p's English du do . . . 2j@ 40 Burden's horseshoes , per keg " 2s do mule do do 8 2o Northwestern horse nails. . . . . . . . . ' . _ 22a 23 Dundee thimble skeins , discount 45 per cent. Slcr hj.lf patent axles , discount 10 per cent. NAILS. . lOd to COd per keg. . . . . . _ . 4 10 gd do „ 4 35 Cd do 4 K' 4d do . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . „ . . . . . . . . . 4 S5 3d dp . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 10 3d fine do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 lOd Cnis'ng do _ 5 23 8d do do _ 5 CO Cd do do _ . 5 F5 lOd casing do 4 85 8d do do . . . . . 5 10 Gd do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 35 Wrought , all slies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 85 BOLTS. Carriage and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 pr c BUTTS. * Narrow wrought , fast Joint discount 20 pr c Cast , loose pin reversible. . . . . . do 35 do MISCELLANEOUS. Ilay and manure fork . . .discount 30 pr c IIocs and gaidon rakes. . . . . . . . . do 25 do HINGES. Strap and T . _ . discount 25prc WKENCHE3. Toll's Uock. . . _ .m. . . . _ . . . . . .discoimt 65 pr c Coe's linmilationn _ do 45 do Coe's genuine . do 20 do SCREWS. American Iron-- . . „ . _ _ „ . _ 45pro do bro33. _ . _ . _ . _ _ . . „ _ „ 40 lire AGRICULTUHAl ! TJITLEMENTS. SCTTI1KS. H Holt's 3a > est KIng.pcr donct 12 00 ChscipIoD , HM.H.H.H. .H * . 4 . . * M 3 00 Ueald5 * Eureka . 11 00 do red 8 00 SPADES ASD SltOVfLS. . Rowl niTsNo2 black shovels , D II 12 00 do do polished do do . . . 13 00 do do black epadrs do „ 12 00 iloora do polished do dp „ 13 00 do's "spring point" LII shovels. . . 13 SO AXES. Lippencott s Western Crown IS 00 do do do b.veTed. . . 13 SO COFFEE MILLS. tate's N o 3 , Iron box net 5 23 do da 103 do . . . . 5 7S < lo 'iloiS Union ir h 11 00 ' & > do 35 do Britania 13 00 FILES. "sf. Smith & Co. , _ _ . dlscoantSO pr c Harg. J American HAMMERS. Hardolc's , A E No 1 , 1 % , 2 - . _ Maininond's A E No 2 - . - 9 00 do do do 4 _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . 10 50 dc Lngint r' No 1 - 10 00 do do do 2 . . . . „ . . . . . . . _ 13 50 do do do 3 - 1 * 00 HATCHSTS. Morris * shingling , no l _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . S7 00 do do do 2 . . . . . . . . . 8 00 do do do S . 9 COde do cliw do 1 - _ 750 dc o do 2. . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . _ 8 5o LEATHER. Matamoras do _ . o. 2 , Sic ; No. l.Soo liest Oak do . . _ . _ 43@4oc Baltimore Oak fcola. . _ . - . . . .4Sc irenth Kiis . „ . - SI 40 2 00 du Calf , leading brands _ S2 < 0 2 50 Domestic Kip * . „ . . _ . . „ . $1 00@1 30 do Calf . „ . . . . . . „ . . $1 35j ( l 75 Hemlock Upper , per toot . „ _ . . . J30e Oak do do . . . . . „ _ . „ . . . . . . „ . . 20o ( iraln do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SO- Linings , per dozen . „ . 57 OOQ10 00 Toppings , do _ . Sll 00ftl4 ( CO Morocco ( Boot Leg ) per foot , . . . . . _ . SS@45c do ( Oil Dressed ) do . .366s JOc do ( Simon ) . „ . „ . S1 ? OOftS 25 do ( Glove Kid , ) S3 50 < 35 00 Welt Leather , per side 16 00y7 00 Too : Webbing , lr bolt , „ . 4ct > 70c Cak llarusss "leather , " Pittsburg , " .45c di do do ITo. 1 , 40@42c do do do No. 2 , * . . . . . . 33 4'Jc ' Oak Line do _ . .446c llamlock Harness Leather , No. 1 , 3a < j$40c $ do do do No. 2 , .37&3DC Hemlock Line do _ 41@4Cc Fair llr.dlc , t r side , S6 00&7 00 Team Collars , per doz „ .J25 50i2 ( > 50 Sta.se do do _ 321 50 Scotch do do S3C 00 concord do do S3S 00 Cellar Lcathei ( lilack ) per foot lS@24c do do ( Russet ) do 1S4J24C Patent Dash Leather. lee BOAP3 Powell & Co. , boap inonufacturers. Sapc. Publico , 6 1-2@G 3-4 ; Savon Republic , do. , Chemical Olire , G to G 1-2 ; Palm , 5@51-4 ; German Mot- led , G l-4aG 1-2. ABT GOODS AND UPHOLSTERER'S STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones , Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine art goods , 270 Farnham Street , furnishes the following quotations : FRAME MOULDINGS. Oil walnut mournings , one inch , per foot , 5c ; 2 inch iOc ; 3 inch 15c ; polished walnut , 1 inch 7c ; 2 inch 15c ; 3 inch 21c. Berlin gilt , 1 inch G@15c ; 2 injh 12@30c ; 3 inch 18@ 45c ; imitotion rosewood and gilt , 1 iuch 5@10c ; 2 inch 10@20c ; 3 iuch 15@30c. WINDOW SHADES. Plain bauds , G feet , all colors , per pair , 1 50 ; ornamental bands , 2 00 © 4 00 ; each additional foot , 75c per pair. REPPS. Union ind all wool terry , per yard 1 50@3 jO ; Imperial , plain aiid stri ped , 2 50a8 00. DAStASSH. Union per yard , 1 50 ; all wool , 2 00a3 00. KATTRAS3I3. Hu.sk , 4-4x6-2 , 4 00a5 00 ; straw , 3 OOa-1 00 ; Excelsior , 3 50a4 50. LUMBER , KETATC. LI3T fcubleel to clianiw ol market wttnout WM. M. FOSTER , On U. P. It. n. iruc'c ' bet. i irnham ai QEO A. HOAGLANL. Joints , studding and sills , 20 ft , and un der _ _ . . . Over 20f t. each additional ft add'l _ 60 1'eucing No 1 _ „ 'S 00 do No 2 _ 21 00 Istcomnmn boards „ „ . . . . „ 25 00 2nd do do 22 00 "A" stock boards. 10 and 12 inch 50 00 "B" do do do do 35 00 "C" do do do do SO 00 1st clear , 1,1 % , l/t aad 2 Inch „ _ 65 00 2d do do do do . . . . „ . . . . . . . . _ 55 00 3d do do do do _ 45 00 Flooring , clear. 50 00 do 1st common _ 40 00 do 2d do _ So 00 do 3d do „ 27 SO do narrow , clear- 4300 l ltlear ceiling lij inch. 35 00 2d do do kiuch 3250 1st do Uo ? i Inch „ „ . . . 30 00 2d do do % inch 27 50 1st clear siding 27 00 2d do do _ 26 00 1st common siding _ . . . . . 24 00 2d do do 2000 "A" shingles _ 4 23 Extra No 1 shingles _ . . 3 W ) Common No 1 sli.ngles. . . . . ( . „ 2 00 Lath per 1000 : 3 5fl 1) A 11 pickets ctr 100 , „ . . 3 DO Pqaare do do do - O G Batten per lineil fr. 1 % Uou h do do do M . Liberal discount on caiload Iota. WINDOWS. ( Glazed.l 35 per cent oil Chicago list. DOORS , ( Wedged. ) 25 I'd cent oQ C icago 1'St. BLINDS. 30 per cent off list. White lime per bbl _ _ .S1 75@2 00 Lonlsville cement per bbl „ 3 00&3 25 Plaster paris per libl. . . . . . . . 3 50ij3 ( 75 Plastering hair per bushel 40 Tarred fait ' . ' . ' , „ _ ' 4 Plastering boata _ S % OILS. PAINTS , GL1SS. &c. N.I. D.SOLOMOM. ROBERT C. BTEELL. Coal Oil. . . . . . $ IS 11-ara Oil , No IS 05l 00 Linseed Oil , raw. 105 If " bl'd. . . 1 10 " " winter ! 90 " " ' U "atrain'dj OH.- . 24 Lubnpatingl > a J PAlNTb , iC White Lead , St. Louis , Srtictlv Pure _ . S 1 1 " " " " Fancy Brands - 9V Putty in Bladders . _ . . . . . . - . . . 5k " " Bulk. . _ . . . . . . . . . . 4K Enameld Glass , colors , V < ! ft . . 1 00 Window Glast 0 13 c discount TIX , SHEET-IKON. TTIBE , &C. MILTON ROGERS , COR. 14th & FARNHAM. Large pigs _ . . . . . „ . . . . , „ . . 85 Small plgs. . . . . M. . . . . . . . . . . . .M..MM. . . . . M B6 Bar tin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ M..H , . . .M . . M 38 ZINC. Sheet tin 25 to 36 In. . . . . . . . . . . . do do do in half casks . 11U do do do in 250 It ) casks. . . . . . . 12 Sheet 24 to 35 inches per sheet . . . „ . „ 12J TiunersKo'.Jei ( extra refined. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 do do No. l..rt.M. . . . _ 22 do do roouQ . . . . H . . . * . . . . . . . .MM 21 bid metal _ . „ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oa2 SHEET IRON First quaht Numbers 10 to Z . . . _ . . > 5 % do do do 5. . . . do do do 26. . . . , do do do VI . . . . . . . . . Charcoal , both sides iniothe do No 24 . . . . _ . . . . . . . . „ do do G. . . . . . . . . . do do 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . Juniata , No. 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do io 2S „ „ „ . . „ do do 27 ItusjIaperfeU 7 to 12 do No. 1 , stained Less tnan lull bundles , add one cent. "A"Amerlcac Immitat'n Russia , U Nos. 18 Less lhan full bundles , add one tent. GALVANIZED. No. 14 to 20 . _ . . . . . * . w "Ut 15 do 21 to 24 . . „ _ . . . „ _ _ „ . „ . . . . „ „ _ ao 16 do 25 to 25 . . . _ „ . . . . . . _ . . . . „ „ . _ dc 11 lift 97 . .i.j- , . dp Jg do 2 ? - . . . _ . . . _ . . . _ . . _ _ _ . . „ „ . do SO Full bundles discount 15 per cent. COPPER. Braziers 6 to 9 m n. . . . . . _ . . . . . M. 4/j / do 10 to 12 It * . . . „ „ , . . . . . _ . . „ . „ . _ „ 43 do 12U to 100 tt . „ _ . . „ „ . „ „ _ . „ _ . 33 Sheathin : , 14 aud IS o _ _ _ . . . . _ _ . 37 Planished , 14 and IB oz _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ 43 Nos. 7 , 8 and 9 , Planish * ! . „ - , , „ „ , . , 48 Bolt copper _ , , , , , , .ll , to Copper bottoms. . . _ _ _ . > . _ m. . . , _ _ 3J B31QHT WIHE. 9 10 11 1114 12 Per bundle 15 per cent coutt GROCERIES. BTEELE < t JOHNSON 538-540 1-iTH ST. CLARK Jk FRENCH COR. FARNHAif AND llTH ET. PTTNDT , MEYER & BAAPKE , 212 FARN- HVM ST. , WHOLESALE DEALERS- MORGAN < fe GALLAGHER , 205 .barn- hum St. WHITNEY , BATJSEUMAX & Co. , 247 Douglas St. J. J. BROWN & BRO. . Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. MJGAE3. TEAS. Oolonis , per pounfl . „ . „ . 2."a75 Young Hyson , per pound . 40al 00 Gunpowder , do do . . . . . CUal 25 FLOUR. Snow Flake , ( Wells A NIeman ) _ 4 60 Gold Dust . _ 2 78 XXXX Iowa City . . „ . _ . 3 00 California . „ . . 4 75a5 00 RAGS. GoH'iies , heavy weight - _ _ i8$19 .0 light do . . „ 17 18 | jp , lour bushel . . _ . _ . . . 18aI3 odee gunnies . , . „ 18 _ iln baus , Arnoskeg A . . . . . - 30a31 dQ do Ludlow a a. . . . . . . _ . . . . . „ . . _ 3-ltUo SPICKS. Nutmegs , Pcnang best.pcr pound. . . . . . HO Cluve. do do . . . . „ CO Alspice do do . ISa 0 Cinanionbark do dj . SSalC COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON. J bbls. , 100 ft3 . „ . S 8 73 1 lb cans , I er doz . „ . . _ . 2 5C@ 2 73 2 do do . _ . 3 SO ® 4 CO WHITE FISH. No. 1 kils . , . . 3 1 25 Family In kits . - . . . OM 1 20 Jibbls . . „ . „ . 50 < g 7 UO ilimiiyiujibbls. . - 5 50 < y C 10 MACKEUEL. Family , in kits . „ . 1 10 ® 1 20 No. 1 , do . 1 G0i4 ( 2 00 Mess. do . 3 00a , 3 25 Family , > bbls . C 23 ® C 50 No. 1 , ile . „ . 9 00&10 CO Sardines , % bores . _ . 16 50(317 ( GO CIGAES. A. E. SIMPSON , Manufacturer , 532 15th Street. II. Upman . _ < $ M. S 5 00 Reconstruction. . . . ! . . „ . „ . . do ? 5 O'J Grand ( entral . „ . _ . do So 00 Universal . . „ . do 40 03 Yara . . . . . . . . „ . „ do 4300 La Boquet . _ . do 50 00 Simon Pure . „ . do 60 CO Parligas . _ . do 73 (0 Yours Truly . „ . _ . _ „ . . . . do fie 00 Gold Medal . _ do 50 UO La Espanola . do CO 00 Triple Crown. . . . . . . . „ . - do 73 00 Henry Clay _ „ . do 100 00 De Villpr. . . . . _ . do 100 00 Y Viller - . do 100 00 1876 - . „ . do 75 10 CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale depot 548 14th Street. Half barrel sacks. . . . . . „ . . . _ . . o DC Chicago , Hock Island aiia Pacific R. B. THE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE FROM OMAHA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST , Via Dea Moines , bayenport and Rock Island. All Passenger Trains are equipped with the WBSTINOUOUSK PATENT AIR BBAKKS and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. 2 Fast Express Trains Leave Daily , canceling as follows : AT DES MOINES with the Des Moines Valley Railroad , lor Oskaloosa , Qttumwa , Keokuk and St. Lonli. AT GRINNELL with the Central Railroad of Iowa , for all points north to St. Paul. AT WEST LIBERTY with the Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Minnesota Railroad , for Burlington , Cedar Rapids , Dubuque A St. Paul , At WILTON JUNCTION with the South-Western nranch , for Muscatlne , Washington and all points south. AT DAVENPORT with ( lie Davtnpart 4 SU Paul TJallroad lor pointa'nprth. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Western Union Railroad for Freeport , Be * jit , Kacine , Mil waukee and all points in northern Illinois and Wisconsin. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Rocklord , Rock Island and St. Louis Railroad for St. Louis and points south. AT BOCK ISLAND with the PeoriaARock Island Kailioad for Peoria and points eaut AT BUREAU JUNC. , vtth bSSsTtor ffi .J7vTl2re' ? ; ChlUiCQthe and Peoria. AT LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points nort h and south. AT CHICAGO withall lines East , North and South. THROUGH TICKETS to all Eastern cities , Y lathi * line , can be procured , and any information mation obtained , concerning points , at the ticket office of the company , 123 Farnham St. , Omaha , and also at the principal ticket offices along the line of the U. P. R. B , Checked Tlironcli to all Principal A. M. SMITH , H. RIDDLE , Gen'l Pass'r ' ' ' Ag't , Gen'l Sup't Chicago. Chicago. J. H. LACEY , 8. 8. 8TEVEN8 , Ticket Azent , Geu'l Western Ag't a2SU Oman * Omaha. Sioux City & Pacific R , R , The Shortoit and only Direct Ronte from COUKCIL BLUFFS St. Paul , Minnctipolis , And all Points in SOUTHERN IOWA & MINNESOTA. PULLMAN PALACE SLEKPINO CARS On all night trains via this route. CQJTSECTIONS. 1. At U. P. Transfer with Un Pacific Eailroad for Omaha. 2. At Council Bltifl , with Kansas City , St. Jo and Council Bluflj Railroad for St. Loui : and all point ! south. 3. At ilL-yjuri Valley with the Chicago and Northwestern railwaj fet Chicago and aU points east. 4. At Sionr City with Siour City and S Paul , Illinois Central and Dakota Southern railroads , gteamera for Upper Missouri Kiver daring navigatias and with stage * for al points in the Northwest. 5. At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern railroad for Omaha and Southern Nebraska. 6. At Fremont , Nebraska , wih the Union Pacific railroad for all polnte west and the Pacific coast. 7. AtS'isner with stages for Norfolk and al points In Northern Nebraska. * * TckeU ! for ! IB Chicago acd North western Hails-ay oficej. a Be sure year tickets read * Ia 3. C. A P Hallway , i , BURNETT , Snp't. F. C. HILLS , Gen. Ticket Au't. QEO. W. QBATTAK , , Ootlia CHICAGO & NORTHWEST Tha Popular Bout * from O : MI .A. HI .A. TO Chicago and the East ! AND THE X3 ± a.-oot IVXVMerloo.Fort Do < ljreDitbnqiieta Crosse , 1'ralrie Du C'lilen.Vli > oii , St. I'uul , Duluth , Janravillc , Ktno- slin , Gireii Ila > . Kaclne , Steven's I'oliit. WHtertowii , OalilffHli , Fen Dul.no. aiadUoii null aillwauUee. It Being the Shortest and Fust Comnicted Line Between OMAHA and CHIC AGO , Constant improvements hive taken place in the way of reducing Grade , and placing Iron with Steel Itailj , adding to its rolling stock new and Elegant DAI' find 8I.KEPIKO CAUS Equipped with the "WestinguoujeAlr Brake" and " .Miller Platform , " establishing cnmturta- bleand commMtuus Hating Kouses.ofleringall the comforts ol traveling the ace can produce. Fromto 10 Fast Express Trains ruu each waj daily over the various lines of this road , thus securing to the traveler selecting this route sure and certain connections in an/ di rection hn mav wish to iro. Mk VrliicJunI Connections. AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTION , for Sioux ( Mr , Yunkton and points reached via Sioux City and Pacific railroad. AT OIIAN 1) JUNCTION' for Fort Dodge , DesMolnes , Ottawa nnd Keokuk. AT MAUSIlAi LfurSt. Paul , Minneapolis , DKlLth , anil northwestern points. AT CEDAR UAPID < for Waterloo , Cedar Falls , Charles Citv , Burlington nd St Louis. AT CLINTON for Dulmqne , Dun'eith , Prai rie du Culm , La Crose , and all points on the Chicigo , Clinton and Dubuque , and Chicago , 3ubuque and Minnesota railroads. AT FULTON foi Frefport. Racine Mlllwau- ; ee , and all points in Wisconsin , AT.CHICAGO with all railvay lines leading out of Chicago. Through tickets to til eastern cities via this ine can be procured , and any informal ! ' n ob- aiaed , concerning Itoutes , Rate * , etc. , at the 'ompanie's Office , 21 ? Farnham Street , Omaha , tnd also at the principal ticket offices along the ine of the U. P. It. IL tt * BagK3ge checked through to all principal Eastern points . II. STKNNCTT , MARVIN IIUOniTT , Gen'l Passlnge'r Ac t. Gen. Sup't. r. II LACEY , O G.EDDY , Ticket Ag't , Omaha. Gen'l Ac'tOmaha. mchlSrl Omaha & St , Louis Short Line. 1 8 73 = ! The Kansas City , St. Joe and Council Bluffs R. B Is the only dire line to & T . HjOTTXSJ AND THE EAST , F20U OMAHA AND THE "WEST JO CHANGE .1 tars between Omsas and St. Louis ana b it ore between OMAHA ana Ar.W YOUK. This th Only .nine running a L > ULI.Tf ATI SLEEPING OAR EAST FUO.H OMAHA , ON AUR1VAL OK THE UNION PACIFIC EXPRESS TllAIK , CSTPasseniters taiInc ; other routes nave a Ljagioeabl. . ' transfer at the lUrer Station. PASSENGER THAINS UAIX.T I KEACIIING ALL BA3TEBH AND WE3TEBH CITIES Vlth I-ess Changes and in advance of other lines. This Entire Line is equipped with ? ulluian'a Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coaches and Chair Cars , Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Westinqhouae Air Brate. your tickets read via S' . .Tosrpli Jt Council U lit Hi Italrod , Via Omaha and St. Louis. Tickets for sale at tor. Tenth and Farnham streets , and U. P. Depot , Omaha. JOS.1EIION , GEO.L. BRAD BURY , Pass , 4\it. Gen' Agent. . F. BARNARD , A. O. DAWES , Gen'l Supt. Gen'l Pass. Agt. , Kl. Jospoh. St. Josenh. H.OTJTS S T. | THAINS DAILY ! LEAVE ST. LOUIS WITH Pullman Palace Cars THBOUGH WITHOUT OHAHGB TO Indianapolis , Cincinnati , 'Louisville , CJuuago , -t Columbus , Pittsburg , PMladelpaia , iBaltimore Wasninston. y x - AND NEW TORK of Tralta from tts West. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland , Buffalo & Boston Are Tor Sale nt tfto - - _ . Com-nny's Office , N. E. coriv r Fonrtli < fc ClitHtnat lg. , St.LoulH , nnd nf the Principal Rail way Ofllce In tlio AVegt. ' CUA3. BABCDCK , C. n. nUSSELL , B'thcrn Pass. Ac't , Wcst'n Pa a. Ag't. IULLAS. TKIAS. KANSAS CITT , JOHN E. SIMPSON CHAS. E. FOLLBrT , tlen i Supt. , Uen'l Pass. Ag't. 20tf I.S-DIANAPOLI3 ST. LOUI3. ' 9 Proprietor of tha RISIHG SUN AKO LOS ANGELES YIKEYBDS. Depot for the sale of his NATIVE WINES AND M. Z BZZEFt. & Co. , Corner of Battery and Washington SU. SAH FRAXCIS - - .CAL Frazier's Root Bitters , the Great Blood and Humor Remedy. [ From tht Cltttlatul Sunday Morning Volet ] That Fnuler't Reel Bitters possess an efficacy greatly superior to any other preparation lor tearching the blood with which we area-quatn- ted , e can testify from actual otnervstion. We know many Instances where Indiriduals for years afflicted , hare been permanently restored to health by their use. Mr. Frailer , the pro prietor , Is a resided of this city , nd Is wljely known is one of our moat prominent business men. Ilis references to the great Talue of bis Root Bitters , are also persons well-known as citizens of standing and integrity , in whoe statements implicit confidence uiay be placed , and their testimony may be taken u conclu- Mte eTidence of the estimation In which Mr. Fraiier's remedy Is held , rartlcularly at home. Here it has alr.ady attained that positian that requires no recommendation , having stood the test of trial here. We can say with tfr ty , and do recommend with entire confidence , Us use elsewlure , by all who may be affllcUd wifh any kind of weakness or humor in the blocd , as the most searching , strengthening xnd heal- ine remedy of which we haye any knowltdge. Sold by drussistsand at country storei. UEOUGE W. FKAZ1ER , Proprietor , 531 StClairSt , UeTelanJ , Chlo. Over 1,000 Testimonial * . A few of the manj parties cured by tbe great remedy. Head nd be on inred. SL'FFEnKDOVEniUIRTEEX TK1B3 WITH UVKB VOUPLAIST A"iD DYSPEPSIA , CUEKO DT THREE BOTTLES OF ROOT BITTERS. MB FRAZIER Dear Sir : I deem it an act o ! gratitude to you , and a duty to-vard those who are sutiering from liver complaint and dyspep sia , to make the following statement : I haTe been an invalid for orer thirteen j-ears. My complaint wasa disease of the llTer and dyspepsia. My skin was yellow , the white of my eyes ws the color of saflron I was sleepy and heavy , with headache ar.d no appetite for food of any kind , I was afflicted as bad an any Urine woman could be. I toot bottle alter bottle of patent medicines , end paid over SOTCU hundred dollars to the best phyiicians without any benefit. I sudornl more than I can tell you by letter. Mil could get no reliel until about two months ago I purchased bottle of your Ko jt Bitters from Louis Smltbnight , druggist , 135 Woodland AT. , this city. I used thia bottle tle up , and since then have uied nearly two more , and they are the only positive , sure euro for liver and dyspepsia complaint I have ever tiled ; they hare cured me completely , and to day lam as heilthy aa any jerson can bo. You may use my name , if you sed proppcr , a it may be the means of Inducing otbcrs to try your discovery and be cured , for good health Is better tha gold. Ever your friend , MRS. ELLEN CRAWS1IAW , No. 20 Orange at. , Cleveland Ohio. HAS DOSE MET'MORK GOOD THAX ALt TUB JIKDICINE 1 HAVE TAKEX FOB TEX YEARS. Mrs.Dsnitl Smith.of Concord , N. II. , afflicted with weakness , pain in the lungs , shoulders. heavy paia over the eyes , rcstlens at night , and tired , falnty feelings all the time , writes . MB FRAZIE Dearsir : I received tl * Bottle of Bitters you sent me by express , and I have taken the whole of it , and it ha * done me more good than all the medicines I have ever taken , and I have taken more or less for ten years. I thought I could get them from our drugglsU , but they do not yet have them. I could have sold 25 bottks , if I could have got them. I think you might have a good sale lor your bit ters here. Twaut you to tend me C bottles for 5 dollaas , the price you advertise. Send quick as you can , by expres * , C O. D. It is the best medicine I evtr saw. From your most erato- ful friend , MRS. DANIEL SMITH , Concord , N. H. P.O.Boris * . ConsTiinptiYcs Road. MB. FRAZIER Dear Sir : I am taking your Reot Bitters , they ha e done me a great deal of zood. They have cured my cough , and I f-el another person. Yours truly , BARNEY CAJN , NlRgaia , Ontario. A Bnd Cme of Tetter Cured. COULD GET NOTIII.XQ TOHKACII II Y CASE VSTIL I D3EO YOUU BOOT BITTERS. MRFRAZIEB Respected Sir : The Cnt im pulse of a man who has been restored from thickness to Perfect Health , is irratituda lo the hand that healed him. I waaattticted over two years with Tetter on my head and face. I Had taken bottle after bottle of Fenton'g Saraapa- rilla and other bl > od remedies , but could get nothing to reach my cose , umil about two months ago , I commenced taking Root Uitterx , which has cured me , and I ihlnk it nothing more than justice to yourdiscovery to acknowl edge the same. My wife has used your Bitters for Rheutn&tish , lor which she has beei Doc toring for a long lime , and cuuld find no relief , until she commenced takin ; them. They have e flee led a complete cure In her"'case. . I hnve beep } n the empluy of the Cleveland Post Office Department zs letter carrier for eleven yean. I can fre ly and liontstly recommend your Root Bitters to every person , suffering with Salt Rheum , ( Tetter ) Chronic Rheumatism , Scrof ula or any kind ot Humor In the Blood , aj me of the Jfmttt Curei. G. W. UPTON. Cleveland Ohio. If your Druggist or storekeeper don't Iave | the Bitters , ask. him to order them lor } ou. VATARKII CUHEO. MR. FRAZIER I wish to Inform you , what your medrcine has done for me. I was afflicted with Catarrh in its worst forms for many years. I tried various medicines recommended by Physicians , which proved but a tempoary re lief. By the advice of a Udy who was cured of this same disease by your Root Bitters , I procured one half dozen bottles and they have accomplished a perfect euro in my case. Believing - lieving that thoutands ar dragged out ot B miserable existpuco from the eflect o ( Cau rV I cheerfully recommend your Itco * ' Bit'c to all who are similarly ante ; a. MISS. AMELIA BRAMT. liutna Vista , But'er ' Co. , PJ. Retail trade supplied by C. F. Goodman , wholesale agent Omaha Nebraska. KEARNEY'S FLUID-EXTRACT BUCHV The only known remedy loij BRIGHT'S DISEASE , And a positive care for Gout , Gravel , Strictures , Diabetes , Dyspepsia Xer- voua Debility , Dropsy , Non-retention or Incoztinence of Urine , Irri tation , Inflamation or Ulceration of tha BLADDER AND KIDNEYS , SPERMA TORRHEA , Loucoerhoe or Whites , Diseases of the Prostrate Gland. Slone In the Bladder , Colcul us , GRAVHL OB BRICK DUSTj DK. POSIT , And Mucus or Milky .Discharge ! . KEAHNEY Extract Buchti ! Permanently Cure * all [ Diseases of tha Bladder , Kidneys , and Dropsical SwellingSj Existing In Men , Women and Children , No Mailer What ths Age ! Prof , fcteele UTS : "One bottle of Kearney1 ! Fluid Extract Buchu is worth more than all other Buchua combined. " Price one dollar per bottle ; or , lx > DtUai foi ave dollars. Depot 104 Duane'St , , N , Y , A physician In attendance to answer correr ponuence and give ad vice gratis. BVSend i tamp for pamphlets , free..cv Crane A Brigham Wholesale Agenta. Sai Francisco. Cal. a 8 > t 1OOCOO tCZUBS ! BIOS FAHMIKG LAND IH NEBRASKA ! ! REAL ESTATE AGENTS , HOUSES AND LOTS m the city of Omaha forialecheaoandon eood terms. HOGGS & HILL 231 Dodge itreet. A Notary Public , al .rays In office , apIO } onfectioners5 Tool Works , Th.031 Mill ? Maniilaclurers o Confectioners'Tools e out Ice Cieam Freezer to. Kos. 1301 & 1 K N"o Eighth St PHIIADELPHUPA , Proprietors : 1 ETMBUSTTBD 186t' TnosiAi MILLS , I GEO. M. MILLS , fCATALOG f OE3 SEK1 ATLZiP.PiKJiEa.JVj upoc application. UNTIL TOU I1AVK CAREFULLY EXAMINED OTTS , AND LOW BESERVOIK A S UE HAVE TWELVE GOOD ltfiASON3 XX. why ther wilt do your work. Quick and Easv. Chea ) and Clean. I They arecnejpcst to ouy , = They are best to use , Thej bats evenly and quickly , Their operation is perfect. They have always a good draft. They are made of ibe bestinalerlal They roast perfectly , They require but lltile fuel , They are very low priced , L They ara easily managed. T They are suited to all localities , BQ Ere/y stoveguaranleed to givesatMacUea SOLD BY Excelsior Man'fg Co. , ST. LOUIS , 310. , AMD BY M , ROG-ERS. SIZE OF PELLETS O O o o o Or 8apar.Coa.tcc ! , Concentrated , ReeS and Herbal Juice , Aiitl- BUiorts Granules. THX : I.ITTUS CIAMT" CATHARTIC , or Xultuu. in Jarvo Physic. The novelty of modem Medicai. Cbcmlcal and Pharmaceutical Scieuie. No use of any longei Ukmn the largo , repulsive nnd nauseous pilu. composed of cheap , crude , nnd bnlty lujrcdienS when we can by a careful application , ofcheinica ! Ecicnce. extrair all the cathartic and other BeOZ- cinsl properties froaj the most aluaWa roctt aar berbi , ana conrentrulo them into a minute Gran nie , vicart.'ly larccr than a niuftara soca , that can bo readily swallowed by thee ol tha nostsensitiva rmmacfn end la.tldlous taster. Eacnllttlo I'urcntlvo I'ollct npreventr inn noijtcoccentrateU form , ai mucK cathartic power as is embodied in any of the lanv pills found for file in tha drcz shop * . From their wonderful ca. thartic power , m proportion o their Ize , pccptt who huvo not tried them crt apt to mppoH ] t 5 thjyaruhaMa or drastic in effect , bnt eucittinot at all thd cae. , he diuVront actlvo medicinal prin. ciple * of which they are compose being BO tar. manizcd and modeled , ono by | hu others , as to proJuco a muHt enrohliis end thois. ouj h yet Bently guU l ixitlS y ope rat lix catliartl * . * B5CO ricvrar < l is hereby offered r/the tiro- pnetor. of ihcso PclIt-tJ , lo nuj themisit who upon analvsu , will fin.l ln them nnv Calomel or other form * of racrcnry 01 any other BolUK ciitIrclrvcsctaWc.no part rta tor CATO 1equired while nsinthem. . Thrr PUS > - rate without clUtnrbanco to tlio constitution , du.-L or occupation. ForJaiiiiaicc.SIcrulachrT Constipation , Iruiiiira Hlood , 1'nli * in the Sliouldcrw. TlclTiuchfi of the Cheat , DIzzIucBK , Sour Uructattou * ? of the Stomach , Uail tame lu oiouth , Ullloua nttaclis , I'aln In retjlou o ( Kldiicyii , IiitcrnnI Fovcr , nioatcd foollnt : about stomach , UUHU of Blood , to kloaU. Illaix Col ored Urine , Unwoclaliillty Rloomy t'urcbodIiiK , take Vlcrco'a ' ' I'lcaxaiitl'iirgatlvo P la cxulaniUion of tha remedial power of my rar- ' gativo Pellets over eo prcat ava-'ictT of di'cMes. IwUhtoraytUat their ncUou upon the aj'.lmal economy i universal , iiota s their sana tive iraprcs > . Ago docs not impair thca ; tneir ea ar-toatlnjf nnif being enclosed In ctaj * " .itlea prcscn-e their \ irtuc i untapaircil foi any- IcLgth of time , la any climate , eo that they are af- way fresh and reliable , which la not the ca > o with the pilia found in the dm ? stores , pnt np fci cheap wotid or pa te-bcanl boxos. Recollect that fir nil diseases where a Laxative , wlltora- tlro or Purgative i < Indicated , these little- Puiktvih chotheiuoat perfect Batbfacllou to all wbonsothein. They are ( fold by nil enterprising Druggist * at 5 ccntu a bottle. Do not allow any nrngnriet to indnco you to lake anything" elsi that Lo may eay Ii just ai Rood as my Pcllcto becau o he makca a barsei profit on that which ho rccomnienit ) . Jf your Jrn rist cannot knpply them , onclcso 23 cenu and receive them oy rctnrn mail from B. r. fjjutcj : , jr. j BUFFALO , if. ASK EOR PYLES' O SALEMTUS ! AND BAKING- SODA X 3NT lar J3 2E3 Pi'Jiox nVe and Whitney OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE , HAPPY RELEIF FOR YOUNG MEN from .he effect * of Errors and Abusea , In early life. Manhood Restored. I mpedimenU to Marriage ; Remored. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free , in sealed enrelopes. Address , HOW ARD ASSOCIATION , 419 North Ninth St. Philadelphia , Pa. , an Institution baring a blub reputation for honorable conduct and profes sional akllL s3dJcw3m- CASTLE _ TEAS ASTD East Zndia , Goods , 213 nd 813 FBOXT STREET San Francisco - California. mcnC'in , PLATTE VALLEY REAL ESTATE ; Samuel C , Smith , Local Agent lor tha U. P. B. R. LANDS , Colum'bns , Heb. Government Lands Located I U. P. Lands Sold ! Improved Tarns andTownXoU for O -A.S EC ! ! -OR- TJ ON LONGTIME ! ! * © "A11 Communications Cheer fully Answeretl Foppsr , WHOLESALE BUTCHER nn CATTI.E SALT LAKE CUT ,