HE OMAHA BEE \VEDXESD AY , SEPT. 80 , 1874. 1C IA I. t'Al'Mi UK I HIH \ . . . . . 3A I * a A * i- - C-IIAII.Y lihlI - mote JO01 -ttdonMc ibnt T j mlirr dally * rimMI ld in N hrmUn Peycke Bros. , theleading oyster dealers , defy all competition. They tdl A. Bootb's Oval Brand oysters low er than any other house in the city. sep2tf BOOTH'S OYSTEKS received daily by express PCKDT , MEYiai & KAAPKE. eept25tf UMAHA BREVlllES. Omnibuses for the Fair grounds Central Hotels will leave the Grand s every hour during the day , com mencing at 9 o'clock a. m. The hotels are full. The town is already full of vis iting lnemen. The Police are out la a new uniform. Pools were sold at Richards ' night for the titati 240 Farnhamlast Fair races. Attend the Odd Fellowi. ' " 01 < Folkes Concert" to-night , at Odi Fellows Hall , and enjoy yourself. - During the press ot advertisini interesting local mat much to-day , tcr is necessarily omitted. The Sons of Temperance wl festival at Terope ; an oyster give ance Hall , Harney fatreet , th ovenincs. and to-morrow Those "who intend to turn 01 Hat Brigade wl with the Plug Government Cornj meet at the morning at nil mounted , this o'clock , bharp. The "Hooks have decided upt their uniform for the parade , will be black pantaloons , and whi gloves , and black coats. Tin at ti to-morrow will assemble o'clock. o'clock.Miss Fannie Clark , one of t teachers of Brownell Hall , was mi ried yesterday at Ft Culhoun , to prominent Crockery merchant Nebraska City. The pupils of Bro granted an excursl nell Hall were to witness the ce to Ft. Calhoun mony. . Personal The following notables are reg tered at the Metropolorau : b AE < Pacific land agent at t 61 * , Union Croun lanta , Ga ; Congressman ot Lincoln ; TJ Gen G H Roberts , of Cheyenne co\ \ . Kam , Treasurer Martin and w Wm ty ; Judge Fremont ; Hon Jarvis S Chur Brownville ; W D Blackburn , ] publican City. The following prominent arriv arc at the Grand Centnil : ' Prof A L Perry , of William's C who will deliver thec lege , Mass , 'ion before the State B > ard of A : -ilinre ; General Ama-n Cobb , , Lincoln ; Hon Guy C B irton , ' , North Platte ; OeneralJCMcBr' . f Schnyler , our next Triasui Hon J H Masters , Fremont. BOOTH'S OYSTiiRS Received dailjby express. _ PUNDT. ML.YEB & RAAVK : Tag Firemen Their Annual Para Line of March Boll , Etc T-i-day the annual parade tlic Omaha Fire Department and undoubtedly it ttle place , pr.o the most Miccevhful nd that has i kind I .nit afliiir of the Tin pircdln the West. The attendance from nelghbo e.ii'will be very large , nearly vi-titinir firemen having already 1 oillcially reported. The Mayor , ! Council , Police , and the mem of the press will also participate The parade will be an interes and beautiful scene , and the 1 Hat Brigade , who will take [ will be the means of causing a bi grin to spread over the countenai of thu thousands of spectators. The orators of the duy are I Cowln and Colonel E J. C. Smythe. The Department will form Douglas street , at 10:30 a m. , \ the Right resting on Fourtec Btieet , in the following order : Chief and Assistants , mounte City Marshal and Police. Twenty-third lufantrv Band. Chiefo of Visiting Fire Dej rnents. Visiting Firemen. Carriages with Mayor and Cc cil. cil.City Band. Durant Engine and Hose C pany. Pioneer Hook and Ladder C pany. Omaha Stenmer , No 1. r.i i 1 ing Steamer , No. 2. x i Band. Viiulu Steamer , No. 3. nvincible Brittle Baud , I more , alias Kvmpton. cible Brigade. occasion will bo revlewe Creiphton Hallby ndCity Council , and of march will be as follows ; line Farnhi South on Fourteenth to Faruham to Ninth ; t ou east countermarch west on Furnhan Fifteenth south on Fifteenth ; Hamey ; east on Harney to Nil north on Ninth to Douglas ; we * Douglas to Sixteenth ; north on 5 teenth to Dodge ; east on Dodgi Tenth south on Tenth to Furnli ; ; B vest on Farnham to Creighton where the oration will bo delivei ' and then be dismissed. The day will conclude will grand ball at Crelghton Hall.wl hntf been gaily decorated for the casion. a number of vHtins : i Quite men have already arrived , and remainder will put in an uppeara to-morrow me liiis evening and - ing. ing.A firemen's sociable will t ; at JKngino No. 2 night F m the fmet brand of Sejr ; gO to \VlST & FniTOHEH'S sep2&-ot 222 Douglas S Buy your Butter at TMier Catt Depot , two doors north of Han ' Meat Market on loth'streeL sey294t REMEMBER ARMSTRONG'S GREAT HAT EMPORIUM BEST GOODS , THE EXPOSITION ! Eighth Annual Exhibition of the State Agricultural and Horticultural Societies- Free to the World to Enter. Fi.stDay. The formal of enlng of the Eighth Annual Exhibition of the Nebraska State Agricultural and Horticultur al Societies occurred yesterdaj. The weather is auspicious and it is ac cepted as an omen of prosperity , while nature smiling and happy vith her laden fruitage , the proud creation from her fertile soi1 , stands on the very threshold of a grand success , to grace Nebraska's brow with the proudest coronet of earth moulded with the mature and gath ered products from her rich lands , the solid and gratifying results ol her past annual labors. juubor is the life of soil and sci ence , it brings order out of chaos , con ver s bogs and swamps into flow ing tields of grain and waving corn changes the wild prairie into t blooming garden , arrests barbarii forces anct in triumph plants upot their ruins a luminous civilization Our State's progression , Nationa prosperity and the support and ele vation of our social institutions ar indebted to the science of agricul 'tural labor. Whereagrioulture live all branches of Industry exists an flourishes ; when that declines th jt industries of a nation arc aflecte 111 and arrested and following in tt same disastrous wake , df-cay to comes sure and rapid. Then ho cheering and animating the infli > n euces of an oveut that is inaugi It rated to-day by the fruitful blessjuj te of agriculture for the exhibition varied productions of hart ey all the BD art to gratify and elevate the e and heart , and to Incite the umbitk citizen within our bold heir of every at tl devoted homage ir- to a more a s-hrine of her lofty science. of Large and liberal provisions ha the various Sts made w- been by won sevaral dppartmer on Boards in their Fair one of l re- to make the present most interesting and success ! events that has ever occurred in t State of Nebraska. following Officiary coropoi jh- the Slate Board of Agriculture ; J. Sterling Morton , Prest. Nub. Cl ise ; M. Dunham , 1st Vice Pres Omal 10S C. H. Walker , 2d " Low ( .111- Jas. W Moore , Treas. Neb. City D. H. Who. . lor , Sec'y. pjattsuiou BOAKU OF jrANAGERS. Re- M. Dunham , Chairman ; M. Stoi ing , C. H. Window , W. P. Cc als idge , Jus. T. Allen. GENERAL J. T. Edgar. > ra- MAnsiiAi , . gri- F. A. Tiwlel'.Jr. ' < > f The following is the Officiary en "f posing the State Horticultural i ide , ciety : rer ; Jas. T. Allan , President , utOrou Jas. H. Gregtf , Vice Pres A eb Ci D II. Wheeler , Treas. Plattsmoi Jas. W. Moore , Sec'y. Neb. C The Fair grounds are located . B. Saratoga Precinct , aim but a si distance from thecorporateliir.lt ide the city , and with its attractive ! roundings , convenipnces and fat of ties for a State Fair cani.ot be > will passed as a favorable location will any other portion in the State. ' briU enclosure comprise- acres of Iu The south elde c ntains 100 st for cattle , ft feet each , and 100 f ring swine 8 feet each , 400 for sheep and , jeen the north side are located 34 City stalls , 26 double open stalls , and bers single stalls. The building for ting offices of the various departmeni , ample and convenient , being : GO in length and 26 feet in width ; building for carriages and buggl aces large and commodious , being Ion. feet in length and 32 feet In wii . F. The Exhibition Building is the 1 : est of its class in the State I vlth on constructed in the form of a Oi ; nth Cross , and Is 150 feet in length e way , and by Including the vac d. corners it would be 150 feet squ ; Each termination of the cross I and the centre of lart- feet square , building is 50 feet square. It is i bellished with five towers , one mn- each terminal cross projection , ac main tower in the centre. Tl om- are large and spacious entrance * each of the cross terminals. om- In the centre of the structure an cnclo. uro Some 16 feet squi within J\liii4h a fountain has b erected. The sur oun < ling frai 'rof. work is tos cfully bovvered and corateditli runningrores and t nitig vines , and from the centre < d as mass of mineral and moss 'nat the the to the State , " arranged with a us ral carel s.-ncsfi ( from which am , fountain > i.-es encompas > ed will : hen variety of ferns ana water plai i tote " to The fountain is "composed of fee1 ith : jets , one stationary , and six on a ton volving g'obe , under which h Six fountain head containing twc B team am ; jets , when in lull motion there [ all , udes a dslicate vapory spray as red , jets from the revolving globe fch up their silvery streams in sp li a rich form , invo'ving and circling oc- centre jet as it darts its clean liquid column upward , the wli Ire- - creating an effect beautiful n thc nee attractive. The fountain at i > rn- head will throw a stream twen rtv ) feet above the j t. We are ake formed that James C. Mailer , tows young plumber of our city , devl and constructed it. ws , Within the centre of the groui is located the half mile race tra on which the trials of speed by i blooded horses are determined. J cing is a concomitant of fairs , i ris's educated 1 one of its exciting and tures. To exhibit the mettle f endurance of an animal , and ( play upon the turf the strength i speed of blooded horses , cxuioit II the astonishing power and peri tion which can only be seemed BS ! severe and constant training , rapid tlino by practice , la not with * out its lesson , and will ever com * mand the recognition and support of all classes and conditions of soci ety. A tastefully erected stand for the judges is located on the north side of the arena near the track , and another near it for the use and accommodation of reporters for the press. On the north side of the track , and directly opposite the judges' stand , is a large and well arranged amphitheatre , capable of seating eight hundred persons comfortably , while a thousand can be accommo dated. It commands an excellent view of the arena , where the pro cessions of premium stock , and other interesting features occur , and also an uninterrupted prospect ol the entire race course and tqe great er portion of the Fair grounds. It is firmly and substantially erected , with a good roof for protection , and is convenient and useful as well as ornamental. On the east side is the main gate or general entrance to the grounds ; the treasurer's office is lo cated at the gate. Horses and car riages enter on the south side of it , foot passengers on the north tide. Booths and refreshment stands are erected above the entrance in a con tinuous line , running north anc facing the west. The agricultural and horticultura departments are arranged int < classes and then divided into lot ? by which the premium list is regu lated and determined. The agri cultural department consists o twelve classes. THE FIRST CliASS is 'composed of horses , mules an asses , und Is divided into seven lot Lot 1 consists of thoroughbreds ; 1 < 2 , draft horses , to be actually teste \v on the grounds ; lot 3 , general util and horses of a roadsters ty lot.4 , 11- ; . 11u - work ; lot 5 , sweepstake horses ; li 6 , asses and mules ; lot 7 , lad of equestrlanshlp. TWO er CLASS is composed of cattle and is dividt > u into 11 lots as follows : Lot 1 , Shu er Horns and Thorough-breds ; lot Lie Devons , thorough-bred ; lot 3 , derneya ; lot 4 , Ayershires ; lot lot 6 Holsteins lot ve Jerseys ; , ; ite Herefords ; lots , Grade cattle ; 1 its 9 , Sweepstakes cattle ; lot 10Wor , he ing cattle , and lot 11 , Put ( tattle. ful CLASS TIIKEE he ii composed of sheep and diviu into 4 lots : Lot 1 , Short wool ; : ; es 2 , Middle wools ; lot 3 , Longwoo ! Jot 4 , Sweepstakes and mixed hree < C&ASS FOU m. is composed of swine and divid m.11. . into 5 lots : Lot 1 , Berkshircs ; 2 , Poland-China ; lot 3 , Essex : th. 4 , White hogs ; lot 5 , Sweepatak FIVE. is composed entirely of poultry a . consists of only one lot in variety CLASS six is comuosed of agricultural produ and is divided Into 4 lots : Lei relates to grain ; lot 2 , seeds ; lo root crop' ; lot 4 , vegetables. Th nn 13 a just provision made for So- those obtaining premiums in t class rJiut the articles shall be ha. Dated to the fair , and either sold ity. the ground to tjip highest bidder ith. the benefit of the association , or < ity. tributed gratuitously iu such qu tjtjes as the board may determi There are no exnibltors in this cl but what will appreciate tlm cqu ble disposition of their articles. CLASS SEVF.N is known as "Champion" and c sists of two lots Lot 1. relates the best yield per acre of corn , wheat , spring wheat , oats , bar Irih potatoes , flax and rye. ' . society haswi'ely denominated class as "Champion" , " with view "that these will be uw the successful competitor of the t of "Champion" in their respeoi classes. The party winning championship is required to be re to contest for the championship each subsequent fair and rem "Champion" until the honoi taken from him by a more ski person. " Lot 2- relates to "Ai Day" or the planting of trees wL is required to be done on the sea Wednesday of April in each yi and to any farmer or citizen A succeeds in planting a greater ni ber of trees , either of fruit , for evergreens , or other varieties , si be entitled tothe requisite premh is composed of machinery and plementa relating to farm , don tic and general use , and is divi into four lots : Lot 1 relates to : is the machinery connected w farming ; lot 2 , to domestic UF een 1 13 , to appurtenant tor bulldi lot 4. to the apiary , or hives for * * " culture. CLASS MSB is miscellaneous nnd Is divided I ivi- itu- five lots : Lot 2 relates to vehicl the lot 2 , to t-toves and tinware ; Iol cabinet ware ; lot 4 , tanners' , s i a Its dlers' and shoemakers' work , be and shoes ; lot 5. wooden ware. re- CLASS TEX > a is composed of fine arts and tex Ive "abrics , and h divided into two I ex- Lot 1 , relating tothe best num the of pards of woolen cloth flannel , 1 oot cloth , carpets &c. ; best pair iral woolen blankets , stockings , soc the mittens , &c. ; also , patchwork qul md in silks , calico , cloth , and worsti and coverlets ; lo iol- counterpanes iolmd relates to plain Dewing , embroide needlework , crochet wo luh laming , ty- &n. in- CLASS ELEVENT of geological , mine ; tin- is composed tined botanical and zoological , and is vided into two lots. nds CLASS TWELVE ck , elates to edibles , and is confined our one lot. Ra- CLASS THIRTEEN Ramd is o discretionary one , which "ea- Board in their wisdom have create in d to guard against any omission : lis- articles in any of the foreeo : lismd md classes. ing The Horticultural Departm fee- consists of three classes. feeby CLASS ONE /el- relates to fruits , and is divided t pears , peaches , plums , apricots , nec- tarlnes , quinces and grapes In all their varieties. Lot 2 relates to canned and dried fruits , Jellies and preserves. CLASS TWO is composed of and relates entirely to hedges , groves and orchards. CLASS TltKEK composes the Floral , and is divided into t\vo lots. Lot one embraces the professional and cut Cowers ; lot two relates to the amateur and same as the professional. In this latter lot special premiums are to be awarded by James Vick , the Florist , of Ro chester and W. J. Hesser , Florist , Plattsinouth , Nebraska , for the best display of llowers grown from their cuts or seeds We have taken the care and pains to enumerate all these classes for the bene'fit of thu patrons of the Omaha Daily and Weekly LEE for our city , county and State , and from which will follow a technical report of the classes as represented hi "The Exposition. " Secretary Wheeler's book at eight o'clock last evening , exhibited over thirteen hundred entries , and from the manner they arc coming in , it is supposed they will reach nearly three thousand before the day closes , as the books were to remain open only until 5 o'clock p. m. yesterday. 1 This alone speaks volumes , and prognosticates a success without an equal in the chronicle of Nebraska fairs. fairs.The The BIE : special reporter desire : if here to sincerely acknowledge the gentlemanly courtesies and facili ties extended to him by Hon. J d Sterling Morton , president ; D. H s : Wheeler , secretary , and J. W itd Moore , treasurer , of the Board o d Agriculture , and also to James T i11 Allen , president of the Horticultura 11 Society ; Hon. nMartin Dunham chairman of the board of manager * and J.T.Edgar , general superinten dent , for their generous assistance uniform kindness and urbanity i imparting every information reli tive to their official trusts with ! their respective spheres. A- A5 5 , NOTICK is hereby given that ot respective banks will be closed at [ otk o'clock p. m , , Wednesday , Sept. 31 k- and Thursday , Oct. 1 , next , for tl purpose of giving our employees a opportunity to attend the Sta ed Fair. C.LD WELL , HAMILTON & C lot B. B. WOOD , Cashier , Is ; EZUA MlLLARD , Prest. , E. CUEIQHTON , Preat , sept29- led | Who sells pure liquor the chea lot est ? McKelligon. tep29tf lot es. FOR IUE AND CHEAPEST .nil HAT3 , Goto AUMSTRONG'S ict- HAT EMPORIU tl , Best Silk Hats , ts , Best Soft Hats , ere Best Stiff Hats , all In the Cil hide - 511 Thirteenth street. s29 t do- enter PRINCIPE CHIARS and CurPE tor IQUE at Max Meyer & Co.'a. iis- sept29t3 an sll FrtdericUs Qrcat Hat St ( ne. opposite Grand C < for Bargains , tralllctd. S273I ita- Whitney , 255 Douglas street , Celling very flue shoes at Very L < Prices. seplfltl on- f to TJIIJ finest brands of Sherry a fall Port Wines at Chas L Krutli's , ley 267 Douglas , corner 15th fit Die sept29 thi Call at FolacVs and be convim the that he is selling Fine Clothing a ded Furnishing Goods cheaper than a : itle other house in Omaha. tive sept295t 238 Farnhnm \ the ady Who sells the purest whiske McKelligon. sop20t i at lain Fonthe Finest and nevest is styles of Furniture , both in I Iful Room and Parlor sets , and in fan bor . Brackets Ottoma articles , viz. , , lich the Furniti should visit etc. , y > u end Warehouse nf WM. SEXAUER ear sept295t 225 Farnham i vho jm- .TUCKER'S STOCK ! ! | est , SALE OF liall BANKRUPT STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES 1m- AT 16s * i | LORING & CO'S. ded W. B. all corner 14th and Farnham street Having bought the entire stock . ies ; BOOTS AND SHOES ng ; of 'the assignee ot A. Tuck bee bankrupt , at a large discount frr the original cost to Tucker , we t prepared to offer some EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN nto Allgoodsare marked in plain flguri es ; ONLY OXE PRICE , t3 , fall and examine them , ad AT W. B. LORING & Co. , tots Corner of 14th and Farnham stre sep 29 It tile Who sells the best whlsVe ; nts : McKelligon. sep29tl . OMAHA CANDY FACTORY , corn of Douglas and 12th. Do not of home without calling at this poplar ks , It lar establishment. * , sept29t5 HKSRY L. LATEY. ed ; t 2 VISITORS to the State Fair shou > remember that WIST & FKITSCHJ irk , re the largest Manufacturing ai Importing CTg'ar House in the cit and should call and examine thi ral , immense stock. sept29t3 ditto NOTICE. James McVittie has removed tto 169 l < arnham street , where he prepared to furnish the public wl fruits of all descriptions Also m the and candles of every kind. Al ted the finest and purest cider in t sot market. sept29t5 ing IXPOTED Rhine Wine , and Clos of the-Best Brands and Most Sup < ent . XKUTLI'S ior quality at-CHAS. L. sep',29 5t 267 Douglas Cor. 15tb a to Who has the finest brands cigars ? McKellJgon. eep29U REPUBLICAN FLOAT CONVEN TION. 25th .Representative District. Met at the Grand Central at3 o'clock yesterday and was called * o older by the "Chairman , Elam Clark , of Was > hinjr on. On motion , Judge Morton , of Fremont , was called to the chair and John McMurphy elected Sec- tii a-y. A committee of three , on creden tials , was appointed as follows : Messrs. Wm. Horn , Ballew and Briggs. On motion the informal ballot showed the following candidate ? and votes : Btrnes , of Cass , four ; Thurston , of Omaha , seven ; Cater , of Dodge , three ; Sprick , of Wash ington , three. The first formal bal lot stood the same and for the whole afternoon those seventeen fellows ballotted for that flout Representa tive and never got any further than : Thurston , seven ; Barnes , four ; Sprick , three ; Cater , thrte. At five o'clock they adjourned one hour for supper , and stayed out two hours. to canvas for more than They had then taken just thirty ballots. On opening the conven tion after the nd'ournnient , four more ballots were taken , making34 in all. John W. Barnes was nominated on the 34th ballot by the following vote : Color , one ; Thurston , seven ; Barnes , nine. Mr. Barnes was called for and made a handsome speech. Mr. Thurston was called out and made a glorious , triumphant and amid sreat cheers. happy.ppi-ech , ; Mr. Cater said he was for the Mpicet first , last and all the time ; urged unit n and harmony and shook the nominee by the hand. A central committee for the ensu ing year was then appointed , con sisting of Wm. Morti n , of Dodge , Chairman ; Jame * Foley , of Washington of Ca s : ington ; John McMurphy , .1. M. Thurston , of Douglas ; B Tz chuck , of Sarpy. Meeting adjourned. JOHN MACMURPIIY , Sec'y. WM. MOKTON. , Ch'm. It is a fact that Polaok sells tin be-t clothing for the least money. 238 Farnham St * ept295t THE best Bourbon and Ryp Whis kles in the city at Chas. L. Krutli's 267 Douglas , corner 15th st. sept29-J ir 1D GreatBargains in Boots and Shoe D | at Whitney's , 255 Douglas st. sep29tl te For fine clothing and furnishin tee goods to suit the fall and wiuti season , call at se5eodts M. HELLMAN & C' ' It WANTED ! ItP One first-class Shirt Troner ar P- Polisher , one g od Plain Ironer , ai one good Starcher. To persons wl can fill these places , Steady emplo. ment will be civen. GAGE'S L\UNI > UY. s21tf 515 und 517 12th st. REMOVAL. Whesler & Wilson's "Sewn Machine rooms has removed to N 569 15thstreet _ , Jacobs' block. e25-t4. y- 25 25 25 25 per cent savea by purchasing yo CLOTHING , GENTS' FURNISHING GOOD HATS , TRILNKS , n-e AND VALISES , Etc. , at H. BRASH & BRO , Corner of 12th & Farnham Sts. is sept 28 J5t Birth Ward Begistration Notice. Notice is hereby given to tl nd voters of the Sixth Ward in theci of Omaha , State of Nebraska , th the undersigned Registrar of sa . -5t wafa will sit for the corre tion the registry of the voters of sn ! Cd ward at the Engine House , corn nd of Twentieth and Izara streets , < ny the 5th and 6th days of Octob < 1874" , from 9 o'clock a. mto . St. o'clock p. m. , except one hour noon of each day.GEO. GEO. L. SEYBOLT , Registn of ted Any quantity of furnishing goo < icy such , as shirts , underwear , socl ns , etc. , from the 'finest" to low are grades , sold very cheap at Bel5eodtf M. HELLMAN & C Bt , YOUTHS' ANP BOYS' CLOT ] ING , the best assortment in tl city at H. BRASH & BRO. , forner 12th and Farnham Si tep26t6 WE received this morning all tl novelties in Ladies' Collars at Cuffs. KURTZ , MOHH & Co. sept29t2 s. s..of .of MANILLA and DOVE TAIL Cm AI at Max Meyer & Co.'a. sept29t3 or , | e > m Visit Frederick18 Great Hat Slo ire for Bargains , opposite Grand Ce : tral Hotel. a 29 3t DYEIXQ , Cleaning and repaint es , done in the neatest manner , at tl STEAM DYE WORKS , 10th SL.bet. Farnham and Dougla , apr28t f. 8t. CRA5IBKRRIES , NEW CANNED GOODS , and ALL GROCERIES RETAILED AT WHOLESALE Piucr-s BY icr 24tf A. H. GLADSTONE & Co. go BOY your Hats and Caps at tl Cheap Cash Store. E. H. Samor ; 539 16th street. sept21tf CALL AT O'NEILL'S Id and examine the Finest , Best S < bill | lected nd Cheape ° t stock of CAS nd HIMERES , COATINGS , etc. , ev < brought to Omaha. Choose yoi patterns , and I will make tlum i in the latest styles , and ut exceei iugly low figures.BfeJ. to BfeJ. O'NEILL , is 23 101 217 Faruham St. th i CAKPETINGS. its You can always find the large I 1 and best assortment of be CARPETS OIL-CLOTHS iet WINDOW SHADES MATTINGS MATS AJS'D RUGS 3t.of at JOHN B. DETWILER'S , of 14th street , between Farnham an D o lM stmts. 3 atfwlt ! ATTENTION. A few questions for the parties to answer in regard to "NEW" Howe Machines for $35.00. 1st. Why are the Machines all numbered over 700,000 ( which numbers the Company have never reached ) if th y aie good machines ? 2d Why do not the numbers iu the shuttle race correspond with the plate uumbers if they are new machines ? 3d. Why are the numbers in the shuttle-race all filed down so as not to be legible if they are new ma chines ? CAUTION. Parties purchasing Howe Ma chines will look well to the uumbers and see that the plate numbers and numbeife in shuttle-race correspond , as they ought to in every Howe Machine that has not been tampered with. THE HOWE MACHINE Co. sept23tf The best Boots and Shoes are Burt and Mear's hand made. Get them at Whitney's 255 Douglas street. Ho has the exclusive sale of them. s29 It SADDLE ROCK OYSTERS & 2S 2t at PEYCKE'S. E6PSEE McKelligon-a card on second page. June2-tf OYSTERS ! The cheapest and best plpce to get a gooU dish of oysters , or a cup of coffee and a sandwich , is at MARSHALL'S , 254 Dodge St. , bet. 14th & 15th. sep24-9t VISITORS i.v THE CITY SHOULI NOT FAIL TO CALL and see BUSH MAN'S immense stock of DR"i GOODS. Only One Price Asked. AT 265 DOUGLAS STREET , One Door East of Fifteenth Street THOSE in want of any of the ne\ Beaded trimmings , can f.nd a mag niticeut line in all the new styles a HOUSTON < k GARRISON'S , sepl26t6 227 Farnham stree IN TIME FOR THE FAII Mrs. C. F Hickman will have grand display of Milinery Goods o Tuesday next , the 29th lust. , an will continue during the week. 26 Ot No 2ofi Douglas street. 0. VIRGINIA Straight-cut and Ca1 endish at Max Meyer& Co.'s. sept29t3 id I id The finest shoos for ladies are J 10 CBnrt's. . You can get them y Whitney , 255 Douglas street. sep29tl Yixit Frederick's ' Great Hat Sto for Bargains , opposite Grand Cfa tral Hotel. s29 3t lg ' GOOD SIK HATS. FALL STYLI only f 5 00 Also the finer grad just received at BUNCE'S , sept20,29,30i31 Douglas strec The latest styles iu suits at su ur | prising low figures sold by &e5eodtf M. HELLMAN&C , , I The Finest Boots and Shoes a at W. N WHINEY'S. s29 It 255 Douglas street. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS BY TUB HUNDRED AT H. BRASH & BROTHERS , Corner Twelfth and Farnham at 8ept28- at .id FOR the finest brands of Smokir .ido o and Chewing Tobacco , go to WEST & FRITCHEB'S , er sept29 5t 222 Douglas St. an HOME MADE BOOTS AND SHOES at THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK IN THE CITY AT HENRY DOHLE & CO. iris sep28 t2 is , Our carpet department vras nev before so well supplied with bcaul er ful goods , in all the new styles ai o > patterns , as now ; and our prices a altogether pcasjug ] to those who a in search of pretty and cheap good HOUSTON & GARRISON. ue sept 26 6t 227 Farnham St ts. | SADDLE ROCK OYSTERS H sep28t2 PEYCKE ae id LADIES' FINE SHOES , THE BEST AoSORTMENT AND THE LAUGEST STOCK LOW PRICES , AT HENRY DOHLE & CO.'S 210 FARNHAM ST. , BET. 12TJ re stpt28t2 AND 13TH. n- SADDLE ROCK OYSTERS PEYCKK'S. a 28 2t at ie ERROR CORRECTED. Bunce does have all the leadin 3 , styles of fine batsand sells as low i the very lowest. .Give him a call. sept 26 4t. ELEGANT DRESS GOODS A' ' BUSHMAN'S. sept25tf BU\ BETSWORTH'S CELEBRATED DEE SEA BRAND OYSTERS. The opst flavored Oyster jtj tb market. TAKE NO OTHER. For sale at wholesale by J. C. ROSENFELD , General Northwestern Ag L sr Send for Price List. s9 1m. TO HOTEL KEEPERS. 'P ' 1- Co-is , MATTRASSES , PILLOWS , BED COMFORTS , ETC For sale in any quantities by DEWEY & STONE , st 187,189 , and 191 Farnham bl sep24-lw READ the ne-.v advertisement c M. Hellman & Co. septlSeodtf Havana and Domesti Cigars of the finest brands at CKAS. L. KRUTLI'S , 267 Douglas , cor. 15th SI PEYCKE'S OYSTER HOUSE. 207 Farnham Street. JM3DOZ. W * Raw Oyster Stewed " in milk , 50 do " in water , 50 50 " do dry 50 " do plain 50 do " Boston " 5 " Broiled plain do " a la Brochct 75 75 Fried " ' 75 Scalloped 50 " toast Roasted fancy on A Booth's Select per can 75 do medium G5 fcep26tf JEWELRY A very fine assortment at the ment now invite attention Popular Store of Butterfield & Whipple , No. 264 Douglas street , Jorner 15th. sept28-6t NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED ! LOW PRICKS ! ! SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ! ! ! SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. CALL AT THE NEW YORK DRY GOODSSTORE 228 FARNHAM STREET. sept28-t6 FOR SALE CHEAP. One Full Cabinet Wheeler and Wilson Sewirg Machine , with all the latest improvements. Itianew has never been run. Inquire at the BEE office. aug7-tf HOUSEKEEPERS'ATTENTION ! Blankets , Table Linens , Towels , Napkins , Bed Spreads , Quilts , Car pets , &c. , in immense variety at HOUSTON & GARRISON'S. sept26t6 227 Farnham street IMPORTANT TO COAL CON SUPERS. Edwards & Conklin , coal dealers sell their OWN coal , purchased it Buffalo and at the cval mines , ant do NOT sell on COMMISSION LACKAWANNA am Buy your all kinds of SOFT coal of LEGITI MATE dealers. 182 Farnham st. bet. lltb and 12th fep26t3 Boys' , youths' and children' clothing ; the best varieties and sol tvery low at se5eodtf M. HELLUAN < k Cc SADDLE ROCK OYSTERS at fcep28t2 PEYCKE'S. IMMENSE STOCK OF DRY GOODS sep25tr at BUSHMAN'S. v- We will sell the best Boots an finest Shoes at the lowest prices. s29 It W.N. WHITNEY. GEO. H. PETERSON , taepionec cigar manufacturer , keeps coi stantly on hand the very be brands of cigars , and also Tion Jack , Fruits and Flowers , an re "Durham" Smoking Tobacci n- 211 Douglas street. may6eodlv s OMNIBUS for the Fair Grount es will leave the Grand Central Hoti and Post Office at 2 p. m. every da itr - during the week. r sept23tf G. W. HosrAN , Jr. Persons who are willing to ai commodate guests during the Stai re Fair with rooms aiid board , wi please leave their names or addrei with D. H. WHEELER , 11 Secretaiy of State Board of Agr culture. bept 26-3t Overcoats made up m the be ; style , for comfort as well as el < gance , at very moderate prices. 6t s5 cod tf M. HELLMAN & Co. 6tB > B NEW GOODS AT BUSHMAN'S ! sep22tf _ WALL PAPER f. > r sale very chea at JOHN B. DETWILEK'S Carpet Store , 14th street betwee Farnham and Douglas. sept3dtffewlt FRESH Imported and KE WEST Cigars at Max Meyer & Co' sep29-3t NEW GOODS AT BUSHMAN'S. er sept22tf ti- tiid WINDOW SHADES t TRIMMINO Tinted shade cloth , white line re re Hollands , band shades , store ehadi and cords and tassels to match. JOHN B. DBTWILBR , Carpet Store , 14th street , ootww Faruham and Douglas. sepSdtfwlt Foit SALE. A neat cottage cor taining four rooms , together wit lease of lot for three years. Ther is a well of excellent water , and 50 barrel cistern on the premise ! Will be sold CJteap for Cash. Aj ply to SPAUN < fc PHITCUETT , Attorneys at Law , 51113th stree ; japt25-6t Tun leading Merchant Tajloi J. H. Stein , having purchased large and elegant stock of goods i now prepared to do lioth civil am military work In the latest am best style. He guarantees to fur nish entire satisfaction to all/nn < at the very lowest possible figures We advise all to give him a call be fore looking elsewhere. aept24tf NEW GOODS AT UUSIIMAN s. Buy your Dry Goods at the Cheaj Cash Store. E. H. Samory , 55 ! 16th street. eept21-tf Iowa Coal , $7.00 per ton , deliver pd by Perry & Yeomans , Genera Agents , Ellipse Coal and Mining Co. , Des Moines , office 508 13tl street , between Farnham and Doug las streets. sept 1 1m. BUY your Boots and Shoes at thi .I/heap Cash Store. E. H. Samory 559 16th street sept21tf Fresh Taffy and Caramels at thi the Omaha Candy Factory. Fresl broken stick candy at half price. if H. L. LATET , s7tf Douglas st. , cor. 12th. Indian Curiosities at No. 17C Farnham street , corner llth street may 7-tf. _ NEW GOODS AT BUSH MAN'S ! * TVOELB t , * . CfcM FWtS Th Kl g J SALES TOE 1873 : In Round Numbers 232,444 Machines * ItBelWOTer One Hundred and Thirteen llioujsndn.ore JUililLcstltni'crcsoId ' of th. ra utnt d THE SINGER MANF 0 00. , N. NASON , Agest , NO. 212 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA J. J. BROWN & BRO. . WHOLESALE GROCERS , Agents for the Oriental Powder -'Co. , USTEEB. . STEJXE & JOHNSON , J1LPC-K and 54O Fo-orioezxTli Street , BET. DOUGLAS AND DOD&E mchl32jMORGAN MORGAN & GALLAGER. TO CUKIGIITOK AX D MOUOAK WHOLESALE GEOCEES , So. W j Fariiliam Street WHITNSY , CO. WHOLESALE GEOCERS ? o. 2 7 Sougiaa Street , AGE.NTS'FOa TH DUTOVT POWDER CO. CLARE : & FRENCH , fj i IJH \ AND DEALERS ZZV Canned Goods , Dried 'Fruits , Green Fruits in Season , j 1 ORDERS SOLICITED. ' ND PROMITLY FILLED. A , IE. S I DUE IF S O US' , MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE 532 ST. , 288 Dodge Street , 2d Door East of 16th Street. I beep con -.ntly on hand the tinr t ? lo.Vof Bread Cloili , CuMcirrcs znd Yntln rhlcb I am prepared to mate up in tie moat fa.'LiocjL'e HIJ lo iLd to Milt tin uioit faMlflinu nt the lowest i > o3iicie prict . jelOdl r ESTABIISHtU 135 PUNDT , ISEYEB § c RAAP3IE , Teas , Spices , Tobacco and Cigars. 212 FarnLain Street. Omalia. mchl odri < J J JOBBERS DRY GOODS , HOSIERY , GLOYES and SOTIOSS.1 231 J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS Ef- STAPIMPY / Kotions. il Boots nnfl Shoes. JOBBER I F" IRON , STEEL , "NAILS- WAGON STOCK/ AND- afHh , > . -3 , toxv" , roi.nvvrotiLtv. . tKKAO IVAOMNS. mchl3y4 Bou2.icx.f3 St. , O aaJia. STGS DEALEE IN- TIjw Old KentiivkrWliWi < an'l Importcl oed * a , I9T1 bit'an ' sat lotr prlcai on 10 yea 1 I ftpc-rceat. on the amount oi II laloof parchiae. LARGE DEDUCIONS FOR CASH PAYMENTS. North of Platte , J.oup Fo --i --K- n VaHej ; . AM. R.E. Co. will seU about 010.000 , . v waured rounlry , at Irons Jlto f " South of he - - TbeComim7'OwB < 8Iarg bodr ftbc butlan'IfnMc i na. inipr r'fiJ ' nnmtrou ind ijt ut tpltsrailroil iniin tbaUr-eit.inl _ l "riop i pift Ibe dt U , M alj UDOuit < > pabUcai VtHaj. Kjrclrculiij altjll iafjr ion " " " ! 10 C. B. SCHALLhR , . Agent B. & 3L Land Offlc < tornerof Mntfi and Farnham St . . i Or btstral Land Dep&xtBUBt *