VOL. IV. 'if THE DAILY BEE. - - * * fcOWAJiD hOSEWATKR , Editor and Prop'i If OfllcJo. . 13H Famhuin iret.t etir. f Ninth anil Tenth. TEHMb OK SUBSCRIPTION r copy , one year , in advance - * ] sir month * , in advance - - J-JJ1 i three mentbs in advance.W' * JTlf not paid in advance , IS per annum wilJ , collet * * ! JCK. LEADING HATTER I Best Goods , LOWESTPUXCES QnnOMAHA. . OMAHA BUSINESS BITOORY. . OET. df"c < 3ur.'A aiaith , 183 Unrner street , bet. iVL IHli ai'd 12th. declitf BOOTS AKD SHOES. T hlllr I ng. 155 Farnham St. between lUh Jf aui 115U fcbl9Tl COHFFCTIOireET. . Latey , corner 12th and Douglan strecvs , HL. nuftcturer and wholesale de-Ter In and * sand confectionery. Country tn.de § o- liceted. Pl" COA' DEALEFS. * raI..t. coal , lime , ccmen Ihalr etc. . Plsnd F rnham st. feblSmS PAWN BEOZEF. < l r Elgutter , Uo. UOO Farnham st. 1el7U LATODSY. launlr" opened at oil 1Mb St. , N-t Anew nlian. i-nd Dou.las. The washing * nd ironing will I * done to , rJi > r. first class work S.mp Worls , Powell A Co , Mill Premium ' act-ire their 1'iemiuiu Soap. Five first premium .awarded by the Loiigla county and Stute fairs , anil Vottawattsml * couuty , Ia. "h&en K > Ii-it d from the trade An indiscriminate staugMer m clothing nd RentV furnishing goods regardless of prices at 206 Farnham atreet Fine linen and chevoit shirts ot ourvn make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. JZailroad Ticket * bought and sold by P. GottheJmer , Broker , at 296 FanJiam street Unredeemed fledges for Sale. mar Iv20 Hamlet CKNEHAL DEALER IX Staple and Fancy Dry Goods 9th st , l twcen .Tone * and iveaTcnwortb sti. T ( > THE PUBLIC A MOST COM- QFFERS line nf l r Oo < ls. Fancy Goo < ls , ilcn ud Oitton I lannels. Wrapper DeLalns WH l n Sha l and all Linda of fall and winter m ter al for la li 8' ami chl'clrms' drtwes. AI- ao fill oe "f allzradesxnd de rip-ion a fpc- cli'tr Urtotd audIioca for laJUf f ? < nl ' and chlldrenn' wrar. OFFICE. No. 232 FARNHAM ST. CP STUBS. Bri. 13th & . 14th Slsn O3MAHA- BB-01.Ut iractj.pl.if IVnilsts In tliecity DR , A , S , BILLINGS , ID IE ITT T Si ? , Eft 1 th and 14th , np stairs. Teeth extracted without pain , by use of troun Oxide .Jas. e5tf HBB.J E.VAKOKItCOOIi. Eclectic Pliysioi Residence and offlfc 250 Dodge st Ut llth und 15th its. rdal uttentlon paid to obstetrits and dls rwoular ! to women and children. f9tl. L VAN CAMP M.D. Dispenses his own meddnes , end besides reKular practice , makes specialities of Deranw- mTOUaidlllWses Peculiar to Women , Fistu la , Piles and other Dlieaws of the R > ctum. OFFICX i Corner Farnham and 14lh streets , flrst door to the rlcht , up l" . * * * lme' ' 210 Dougbs street.betwwnlJanJ llth next to Lutheran Church Omaha , l eh. Addrw Bo lit. lamtldAwtf VAfl DORJS'S MACUI E All kinds of ligU an heaTy MADE & SJ > 8 HABSEY STBEEt. OKAHA. SPENCER'S Fruit am Confectionary Cor. 13ili and L aTenwortu Stp.f y4 m AT THE BlUD'iE _ SEXAUER- 225 IVrr > * i3 Etrett. nnOtEiiLS A D KETA1L DKALEE t FURHITORB. BEDDLIG. ETC. H. C. MANUFACl'UKtJ' AM ) IJJSALER IK BOOTS JO IJtb St. Bet * cir FarchsM ani Domglap l * ENOCH HENNEY , Justice of the Peace Office rer ta ? State Bank , corner f Fare , ham aud 13il < Practical Watchmaker , 171 Tarnr ta , B. "or. llth St. OMAHA - - Sclniclfler & Bunnester Manafictnrers oi , COPPER AND S11EET IROlf WARE. DEALERS IN Cooking and Heat In jr Stores. Tin Roofing , Spouting and GntUritgdoa fbort notice an < * Ic ib r t maoner. J | ltn - MEW SA1OOK- HENRY , th popular SslMin ke p r , has re fitted np the l > Kment of n'd ' Ilrrald b cor. 13th and I > ouflaii bis. , where , in connec tion w tb bl Vnr he ret ont a 1 Jinch even moraine sud GRAND LUKCH EVEKY SAT- VbPAY. - SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTlCt. AUvertiseuujnta ot fo ti , to dale , Ux-t , Wants , Kound , Boarding , AC. , wil be- Inserted In these columns once for TEN CENTSpj-r line ; each subsequent insertion FIVE CEF S per line. The first insertion never Iw h n TWENTY-FIVE CKNTS ANTED l > ay boarders , N. Yf. Cor llth vv an i Howard at ep28 odti. mUE Willow Sprlngi dUillery c iiipnjr are JnoW ready to buy grjln. scp296t - the jear , * man who Is a pract cal fa mer , wilh a wif who Is a good cook and I ouseke-per lo g Into Iowa tWrly miles tail o Co ncil Bluffs one or two chil dren not ob ] .tIonalJr If able to do chores , in quire .t 233 Fa iihain ti eet. ep29dll ri > OBENr V house with four rooms , in L Shlnn's Addition. a 1 t iw Ottice of V. L I homas , Itojin 9 VUcher'i Block. wpt28d3t TTIOKALE Twolctsinbh nn'slst Addition , JP in the line of the street B. BAdrtres' 1. Q. , Bre Ottice. tep,28d8t * BENT-A two story even room dwel ling housNo 435 12 h i. , wi h lelUr , well.c teru aud shade irots. l"Qu'rf' ' . LI. " JO to , wp28dtf S. E. cor. ot l ou 'a and 1 .th tts. RENT fctore. DwcUinj , Boarding , and FOB * > " " InqUlkeL0F.D.JO.VEa . . . , sepZSJtf S. E. cor. Uuugl-s and 15th sts. CUfcS BOAlOK > G lIOUhE , IX AFIU3T icxatlon , and d-.lngafme business , with 15 rooms lor rent , and turnitu-e for salt- Inquire South asi cor. ol 16th and Chicago its. KIS11 c eiYCd every d'Jt whulentl- and retail. Also rg tiufor the Anvlcan Bunelcsi artiiiei. the chwpes luxury ol t' - fo. For i ale at B. BEIlUhN'O 231 s reel. " BEAT BABA1N i. > .il t * - - , Vj TIck't ioand Torn Fumi-e , fiuelgu t- uiange. Inquire el 509 14th street , bet. M- nshm and Uouilaj , . J. JOUNaOX. ANTLD-A firstcla s tinner at 183 l > ouc- W Iss St. , immcdiaUly. sept25JCt O KENT A suite of rooms si itab.'e for inf.ll family , ar d a small liou-ei.- t Apply to T II. Latey. cor. of U'll/ste' and ICtk IIS. ' . . - t , > OKSAI.E. Sgnod loton ISlh , nrar Paul I1 street for S&X ) . 1 Muull lot .s.1xi.C , Oi. 23 and ass street s2 X ) 0 acres of Ituuj'ai couuty and fi ft clas , 10 miles out , JGIX New Lous and lotS.retrs time. ; lSiX ) IlLKfUi 4 1IILL , llcjl eVate rjra' . sep23eodtf. ' 'Si lo < U.e s rcet. Fb\V firtt rlnu lioanle.s a- ted at Mis ttu'be * ' , 3 13th , Ut. Cap. are. an' v o ort- < > eel ULle. txpt22tf TT OR RENT -If y n sldi-uac. K , W. con er mh Jand hicajostieetii. S. WKIOUT. sept III OVgE FOR BENT 17th an. ) dp. Avenue. . A. TAYLOR A Co. Sept2It/ FORREST. PIANO 8. A. TAYLOB A Co. s < pt'1tf E FOR RLNT Niuth and Cipitkl HOl . X. A. iAVLOU t lo. sepi21tf FOR KI--Vr-2 h aid Can. I os- HOUSE SC.S3 on iveu about O < t. Isi. sept 21 If S. A. TAYLOR 4 Co. FOR RENT18th and Cans. H S. A. TAYLOR * Co. TO L < 4N Inquire * t L w Office MONEY . BEALa.Rooui 9 Vbchcr's n'ock Omaha. ssptlSdtf / 1 hUAT turgiinj in real < t te , lor sale lot 7 VjTiu t > 10ck SJ , with all imDroreiuents ihert- on aitu tc < lou DoilgeStr ct , bet weeulJthi. llth StreeU , at the low p Ice of 55,500. bnquire ol 31. HELLMAN A CO. Corner of Franhfia & thirteenth Streets. si 4 d 80 1. irANIEl ) .HUB' lean , ( jeruiau > urwq'ai. W c WKdJal ) , or Irish klrls , to work In hotels restauianu ai d private families. Inquire at Col rill A Co. , Employment liupau , 527 Fif teenth Mre t , opi * iie IVst Office , ei 18dt' Huus and lot next north of C. E. i osl'it T11L - - > nc 1 tors le at the low price of S3,5iOa irlHemoro tl.an the cost of In prove- mints. InqalrtMif I. W. .MliROaE , Attor ney , near head uf Ooiul > s treet. n /AM'tD-rAny one wanting to sell or \v change any tlnd f biriQ < ss. hi use lots , 'ands or ueichan ise , call < n u < W have cbauces . mirelj In our hands , affording ih < - best itiTiviuient fur capital , both small and great CO I I III LI A CO. , Exchange and Lol- leUlnj Bureau. 31 ISib street , oj polite V st Office. tcpiZ'Uf rpO THE lur , iU The uniler l ned ha * J _ oixiied an office for em loymentol male and female help fir stores , offices , hons'S , pri- ystf famUle' , f tc All in want of the same , or wanifai : employment , please c.11 on us. CoTTBII.L i ( > . , Exchange nd Employment Bureau. 53115cb struct , opiate Post Office. aeptZdlf ANTED A girl to do genera ] housework W at 418 Davenport st. TO LOAN in approved person * MONEY , also City and County Warrants Dougui tqd soil. Inquire at Law Office of T W. i. RichanU. S a. U 13th St. , Omaha. AugOdtf TORE TO BE 198 Douclas strret. Inr J quire of WEBBKB & BEHM. oinu _ ANTED Day boarders , f | b southwest W cor. of 10th and HarneT sta. jfi3tf WFifth Fifth Ward Voters Attention ! All person , who rlaira the right to vote in the FI th (5) ( ) Ward , and whose name * are not reg- Utered are requested to all on the Registrar , ft his stof.touth e > t coiner Ililrtcenth and CMeago streets , oq llon > ay and Tuesday , Octo ber Stu a d Ct , where h will nt for the pur- po-e of orrcctlnc the voting 1 s of siidV ard. llou.sol sit Ing from 9 a. m. to 5 p.m. C. WLKI > S Rejijtrar. A , Keb. . September 29 , 1S74. - ept29- Academy © f Music. FAIR WEEK , IMMENSE ATTRACTION FourtUnl htof to Brilliant youqg Artste | MISj FANNY B. PEICE. Tuesday aveulnj , the Drdt Emotional Dra ma of " EAST J.YNNE. " Prlera as u > nn. Secure your scats on and ' - irr > f i.day. September 2It.t fc. Wvti an.s , bite W. A F. . and at the Oran > l Central IIott-1. aep Ct SAM. U'LADsTONK A ( ot. BIDS FOK < KTEg DPP.T Of TilK rtlTTE , ' ) ClIIKF QUAK EBUAEriCK'l 'TB CK , J- OIIAIIA. Kat > raska. fr pl"m jr 2J. 1874 J Feal'dhldn in < 1 urinate lll be r iv < iat thb ffite until 11 o'clock , a. ia Monday , X ) . t S , 1ST , f-r .he delivery in. new ffiuny and burlhp neks , at Omaha Depot , Keliraaka , In quaniitirscs rrquired of t hive trl I on ( : ( ,00,1,003 pouudt ol corn. One mil Ion five hundred ihou3iiiJlMO,000) { ) pounds of oats Each iros sil to be considers ! mctt b gu.rant < ed by two rcjporsllilo ] > srties , net b d- I'ent , tb t they will b conig lKBdsmea onawaid of routract. Nebl swll'e te-talned under e , anycir- rumstrnte * unletiih bidder isprencnt in ptr- ion , or by duly authorised afeiit or attorney , > t the pe * 'n ' ° ' t' ' " bld , and is tbei and tDere I n-p > ed to i > how ihai he tt fully bl to car y out the contract in ell respects If awa ti ed t > him. B'd must be endorsed on envelopes , "lilds for Korage.- ' The Afleot < m ot Mddem Is erprd'Hy called to the forevDi'g riquir n-rnt . Th > contract i'l be let with 'he proviso tha < theci'mra/ts m < y b incr > a dor n-duo d ne-thi-d , by t e Chuf Qunrte nudcr o * tbp Deparimei t , at any time during the do..very of th e a'n. Til. right tonJrct any and all Lids it * e- serred. Kiank 'Ids fi < rn'shed and full conditions made Lno n on application av thi | office. By otler ot L l > epartment C .mni nM < r. Kpt2fi6tdLEXJ PEKRV , C. Q. M. Dciit. of ih fUtte. t'lIER FrS SALE. By Tirta" of ai trd. jr of s le issued cut of the District Court for Douglas County , Nebraska , audt mdirected , wilon tlergth day of Octuber. A D. 18.4 , at 10 o'clock . m of aild day , at the oouth oor ol the Court Houi . In the city of Om h , in said county , sell at auction k purt ol ibs firojieriy dcs.ribed in said order to-wit : Beginning at the north cut eornrr of the routh east qun ter .f f ei ti .n cixtcen (16) ( ) , townr ship fifteen ( 5) ) . nonh , of range th .teen ( IS ) , an , ami running tie cer-outhfichiin * , thence we t 8VJ chairs , thence north C cntlns , thence rut 8jirh ins tothepliceof beginnlnr , rent - t iningSacrrs.tnore or ! < > ; . in a id Douglas C un y.'to at sfy aindgmentof said Court , re covered by Jn'.n'l K-dict and CllnUin Brigjs against Archibald T Fi > n. " ALFRi-D BUBLEY , Sheriff. fmaha.j6 pt mber 28. VERY LA TEST. MTPNIQ-HT. bepr. Ii9. Secretary Belnap returned from a brief trip to New York this morn ing. Owing to the absence of the President no Cabinet meeting will be held to-day. _ PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 29. Freeman , the diamond robber , who escaped from the court room in this city last August , has been ar rested in San Francisco , whore h has passed under the name of Mor Tin , alias Colbert , by means of a photograph received from the Phil adelphia police. _ MIIAVAUKB , Sept , 29. The supreme court at Madison decided so much of the order of tbi 15th inst. as exonerated from th < writ of injunction to obey the Pottei law. The Prairie Du Chi en divlt- ionofthe Milwaukee ! & tit. Pan road vacated the injunction , and it now applies to the- other roads. LITTLE ROCK , Sept. 29. The hcrifl'H posse from the Hot Springs who have been pursuing stage robbers , encountered them lear Drakesvill , and in the skirmish liilfid one of their horses and badly wounded one of them. . The whole > arry escaped , however , and the chase was continued. At last re- iortthe sheriff was only half a day's ride behind them. BRANCH , Sept. 29. The total loss by fire here this morning will not exceed $100,000. , nsurance $35,000 , divided among he following companies : Mi s5s- ippi Valley , Memphis ; American Jnderwrittra Association , Philadel phia ; Old Dominion , Richmond ; Hi hernia , Ohio ; Clay. Newport , Ken tucky ; German , Erie , Pa. ; Patter son , N. J , and Germauia , of Eliza beth , N. J. BOSTON , Sept 29. A Concord dispatch received here says that Congressman William E. Chandler who iafttoppitiKthern tem porarily intimate * that the telegram from Louisiana don't misrepresent him that he i ? aware of , but tiioy do injustice to ex-Go v. Warmouth and Governor Kellogg , end that General Outler was always understood to be in favor of Judge Durrell's Impeach ment. x , N. Y. , Sept. 21. A collision between c gravel and .1 passenger train on the Utica > Chenango Valley railroad , this morning , resulted in the killing of three passengers and injured several others. The collision occurred near Oxford at 11 o'clock. 1 he conductor on the gravel train was misled by the stop page of his watch , and his train while loading WSH struck by th passenger locomotive at full speed. The mail agout , E. Child * , was killed , and Orange Einmons fatally injured ! Mrs Faulkner , a lady who was in the palace car , is believed to be fatally injured. LONDON , September 29. The race for the Great Eastern railway handicap sweepstakes , fif teen sovereigns each , ten forfeit , with one hundred added by the Eastern Railway Company , and a hundred 'by the Jockey Club , for three year olds and. upwards , the owner of the second horse to receive 200 sovereigns out of the stakes , took place at Newmarket to-day , and was won by Aurora , a three- year old ; Puzzle , five years old second , and Medina , five j ears old , third. The betting just before the cemmoncemeut of the race was six to one against Aurora , twenty-five to one against Puzzle , and seven to one against Modeua ; 19 starters. LONDON , Sept. 29. The Mark Lane Express , in its review of the crop prospects , says , recent rajns have materially bene fited the crops. There } ias been too much rain , however , for la'te pota toes , which have shown signs of dis- pasg This will cause a greater de mand upcm the lower descriptions of wheat and prevent tljpjr further de ' preciation. The grass poVsesses'the verdure of spring , which will help the growers to carry their stock through winter , notwithstanding the deficiency in hay and corn crops. The wheat trade shows ' neither eneburajr'lnfj nor discourac- ing features : Prices in France are a shilling lower , but elsewhere on the"continent they are unchanged , except at Odessa , where prices are firmer , in. the hope that the fine quality of the crop will eventually secure better prices. BT THOMAS , Sept 26. San Domingo city dates of the 12th inst. are .at band. President Uqnzalea bad just returned from his vovage to the northern provinces. The whole country Is perfectly quiet. A Haytian steamer has arrived from gan Domingo city , and by her dominican pommisaioner wil ) leave for Port au Prince to conclude the treaty of amity and commerce be tween the two republics. Gen. Cicres has arrived here , and met ex-President Baoz of Domingo. The Haytien government has im posed a tax upon resident foreigners including foreign clerks in the em ploy of Haytiens. A peculiar disturbance recently occurred jn the catholic cathedral at Jamaica. The priest torp the Cuban color * from the coffin of a patriot , refusing to permit the introduction of politics into Uie catholic service. A scuffle ensued and the pi lest \vos assaulted and knocked down. SlwFnAHCisco , Sept. 29. The superintendent of the Central P jelflo railroad * publi he0 a c > rd to- dsjr , in which he fjMJtUy admits that then * has been frequent rob beries and outrage ? committed on his road in Nevada , by gamblers and thieves , but says passengers must protect themselves by refusing to play at any game with the sharp en * . He dqei not allude to the state ment that the 'entire passenger " train had been captured by "robbers near Reno. The Nevada Democratic State Convention last night nominated Bradley for governor ; Jewett Adama for lieutenant governor , and A. C. Ellis , of Ormsoy county , for congress - . gress , and then adjourned until to day.Albert Albert Eckstem , Npwton Morgan ' ' and Joseph 'Cassey'the deputy "as sessors charged with forgery , are still in custody. The ball is fixed at twenty thousand dollars in each case. The ase or hasjKmsesaloii of the office again. * The committee on" finance of the auditing board of supervisors , re commended that the city and coun ty attorney institute a criminal prosecution for malftesanca ia offlco against Coroner Bicf. TELEGRAPHIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Specially Keporied tor the Umana Dany hTth * i.ntir.and P rifr' ' ' ( Special to HIH BEE ) BLAiR , Sept. 29. "Waldo Lyon was nominated for State Senator in the Sixth District , and is uncommitted as to United States Senator. C. H. WlLLARD. ( Special to tha Bee. ) GRAND ISLAND , Sept 29. At a political meeting of the In dependent party held here lost night , Joe Jenneman had his left had torn off and was otherwise bad ly burned and bruised by the prema ture discharge of a cannon , which he was firing. W. A. Plattehad his thumb blown off at the same time. DENVER , Col. , Sept. 29. Hon. Schuyler Colfax , and fam- ilv who have bee sojourning in Colorado for the past two months leave for the east by the Kansas Pacific , to-morow morning. HALIFAX , Sept. 29. Georpo Brown , the oar man , has s nt a challenge to row with Joseph H. Sadler , the English champion , a five mile race , for from 52,500 to S500 a side , the race to take place at Springfield , Mass. , or Halifax , St. John , during the la t week in Octo ber or first week in November. MONTREAL , Sept 29. In the libel suit of Mo.v-enu against the Montreal Witness , Justice E. Ramsey refused the defendants'mo tiou for n new trial , and sentenced the proprietors of the paper. J. R. Dougall to a fine of 560 , and J. D. Dougall $40. A writ of error was soon after placed in the baud ? of the clerk of the court. CINCINNATI , Sept. 29. The protracted dry weather has prevented plowing of sod grounds for wheat and delayed sowing in com grounds in nil of Ohio valley On account of the failure of rain much live stock has been put upon the market , whjcn would otherwise have been kept over winter If rain does not come soon the results will be serious WASHINGTON , eept 29. Congressman Hays , ofAlabima , now here , is daily in icceipr of let ters and telegrams relating to out rages that are being perpetrated on both white and black llepublicuns in his district. A letter received by him to-day from a friend advises bim to remain ou'side of the State , and ( hat he will certainly endanger his life by returning. SALT LABI : , fc't-pt. 29. Private advices from Jjt > n"or coun ty , in the outhern portK < \ of the territory , represent a de 'rmlnc ; [ spirit on the part of the MonnoiH to resist the expected Ipgni process from the District Court , tor the ar rest of prominent saint.o , indicted by the grai.d jury for murder com r mitted by pnrtic'pation ' in tlicOIoun- taln Meadow massacre. It \ % snjd that a demand is about to be mudu by the Governor for the : uiatauce . of United States troops to protect civil officers in the dii-cliarge of their duties. Much excitement is pre vailing in the district where the ar- reits are anticipated. NEW YORK , Sept 29. Joseph F. Knapp and John" R. > Hegeman , president and vice presi dent of the Metropolitan Life Insu rance Company , of this city , were " arrested at the suit of Corbin and Jaffray , managers of the North western Mutual Insurance company , ou a charge of malicious libel The bail was fixed at2,500. The alleged libel consisted of the publication of an itqru In tbe , Insurance Chronicle newspaper to the effect that Corbin and Jaflray had bribed clerks in the office of the Metropolitan company to furnish thorn information from that qfflce. Damages laid at $100.- " ' 000 , NEW Yt , K , Sept 29. Theodore Christy , a night watch man on Fourteenth street , who had been annoyed by a party of boys , shot a'lad named John YVelre , aged 14 years , his left arm was complete ly shattered , Christie was arrested. The Lord Mayor of Dublin , ac companied by Mayor Havemyer , visited the public schools and other institutions yesterday. The Lord Mayor and party attended a ban quet last night at the Brooklyn [ Acodmy of Music , and to-day start for Niugara Falls. The pigeon shooting match be tween fri Pajup apd Copt. 4ogar- dus , for $500 a eide'which was to have been shot at Deerfoot Park yesterday is declared oIT. Bogardus says 1'aiue failed to put up his mtiijpy , Jno. A. Hawes , the artist , died n.t ' his residence in this city lost'even- lug , of consumption. Aged 43. BROOKLYN , Sept. 29. TheBeecher-Tilton-Moultoncan- - - * - dal has not yet been entirely oblite rated from the minds of the public , nor has it been dropped or ignored by the press , and each day new the ories , rumors or facts appear in tlie papers. It was rumored this morn I ing that Tilton was anxious to com promise by discontinuing his suit against BeecLer on condition that Edna Dean Proctor withdrew her suit against Moulton. The rumor was denied , however , by Tilton's counsel. Another rumor was start ed that an endeavor is being made by the members of the Plymouth . Church hostile to Beecher , to have another church council. This was I a sodeclared pure invention. There were various reports to-day regard ing law suits , to which 'Beecher , Tilton , Moulton , Bowen and Miss Proctor are parties' . All that Is known is that none of the cases have yet been placed on calendar for trial , and it te not yet ascertained when they will be. On Thursday a bill of indictment again&t Moulton , numbering twenty-four folios of le gal cap and containing two counts , was laid belore the grand jury of King's county. The first count charges Moulton with havjng proCured - Cured the publication of obscene matter , and willfully slandered Miss Proctor. On Saturday the grand jury found a true bill aniinst Moul ton. This morning Mmilton , ac companied by Tiltou , appeared at the district attornej-'s office for the purpose of giving bail. In the ab sence of that official , however , no bail was given. Moulton , it is stated , will not be arrested , but will appear to-morrow and give bail in tha sum of twenty thousand dollars. NEW YORK , Sept. 29. It is reported that the great colt , Tom Bowling , broke down yester day , while taking his regular gallop. All hope of seeing him again on the turf is now dispelled. YORK , September 29. The three mile boat race between Richard Hall , of this city , and James Barton , of Brooklyn , took place on Gowan's Bay , Brooklyn , yesterday. They rowed for 5500. Hall took the lead at the start and kept it for two miles when he broke his row lock and upset. Barton rowed in and won the race in twen ty-six minutes and fifteen seconds. Hall was just reached in time to save hltr from drowning The fall meeting of the Fleetwood Park Association , opened to-day with two races. The first race waster tor a purse of 5800 for horses of the 2 38 class ; six started , Arthur was the favorite but was dis tances in the first heat , which was won by Lonberg. The second and fifth heats was won by Midget , and third and fourth by Royal George. Finish of the race was postponed till to-day. Time , 2:35 : , 2:34. : 2:33 : J , 2:38 : and 2:40. : The second race was for 51,500 for 2:24 horses. Eight started ; won by Thomas L. Young , he taking id , 3d and 4th heats ; first heat wa" won by Como. Time , 2:23J : , 2:25 : , 2:23 , 2:20. NEW YORK , September 29. A New Orleans special say a final meeting of the Conference com- mittetook place at 4 p. m. , yester day , when personal of respective representatives was settled. Dis cussions during the evening turned upon the" statutes of t.vo parties. The Conferva ! ix-es were willing to u/lniit violence on their part pro vided the Republicans admitted tlieir intention to commit fraud , much time was exhausted in demand of the Conservatives for the recent outbreaks. The Repub licans said that a guarantee on this point was entirely beyond their power. The Republicans requested a cessation of any attempt at intimi dation on election day , mid the dis solution of all armed organizations \\liich muht overawe the colored voters. At eleven o'clock it was announced officially that a peaceful election was guaranteed by the Con servatives At midnight a compromise was finally agreed upon. A delay of 20 days is allowed for arrangements of returning to the board , as far as re publicans are concerned , but the conservative members have been named already. A letter fram Wilkes B. Leaoh , Capt. of the Irish International Ri fle team , published to-day , challeng ing the American team who won the late victory at Creedmore to an other trial with the Irish team in Dublin , in June , 1875 , the team to consist of sx or eight men. A let ter from J. Rigley , of thelrlsh team , who made the greatest number ot points in the aggregate , next to Ful ton , American , is also published , proposing another match on Creed- more , October 3d , four or five men jach , one hundred shots each , ill at one thousand yards , rish to use muzzle loaders and the Americans breech loaders ; the natch to decide the superiority of nuzzle or breech loaders at long an e taiget. The annual spring meeting of the - National Rifle A&bociatha will ue icld at Creedmore to day , and for everal succeeding da3s. The .veather to-day is unfavorable , being OPRV and drizzling. The Irish team is expected to com- jete in several matches. NEW YORK , Sept 29. The Lord Mayor and Lady May- ; re s ofDublfn'Alderman Making , ) Mr. Foster , of Dublin , and-the Irish iile team departed by the 9:20 train n the Erie railway this morning "or a pleasure trip to Niagara Fulls. Flic party occupied a palace car svhich had been reserved lor them 3y the company. The Lord Mayor ind party , after spending a few days it the Falls and in their vicinity , w\ll \ return to thjs pity. ALBANY , N. Y. , Sept. 29. The adjourned Liberal Republican Convention reassembled at 12 JH. to-day , Hon. Chas. Hughes of Sandy Efjll in the chair. A resolution was introduced , in effect" leaving' liberal voters to vote oa they thought best , ind a substitute endorsing the entire Democratic State ticket has occu pied the greater part of the session , [ it this nouf , 145 | p. in , , it ia proba- oio that the convention will adjourn ivithout the nomination or endorse ment of either ticket. BRANCH , Sept 29. Afire occurred this morning in he Atlantic block and spread rap idly , owing to the lack of proper facilities for extinguishing the lire I'he block was. completely destroy ed , . Loss on building and contents 5200,000. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH , ; [ New York Money Rartet. NEW JfoitK , September 28. Money Still abundant , at 2@3 per cent. * Foreign Exchange Steady ; at 184J@487. Gold- Higher ; opened at 1 09J ; idvauced to 1 10 , its present price , Governments Firm and higher ; [ I0-40s coupon , 1 lij , registered , 10J. fc > u.cks Lake Shore leading , 79J 78i ; remainder of the list was sus tained by ttie strength of this stock. New York rroau.ce Harket. iEW VoKK , Sept. 29. Breadstufls DuU. Flour Steady. " \Vheat Film ; No 1 spring , 20@126 ; No 2 Chicago 1 10@1 11 ; No Z Milwaukee spring , 1 13 bid. Corn Strong ; westein , mixed , afloat , Oofe'JU. Oats Heavy ; Western mixed , ne\v , 00 04. Rye Quiet , 90@,93. Chicago Pruuuca narket. CHICAGO , Sept. 29. Flour Very quiet ; good@choice spring extras 485@8J ; shipping ex tras not wanted ; supers scarce 300@ 100. 100.Wheat Wheat Dull ; cash 98J ; Oct 94J. , Corn Quiet ; cash 813 ; Sept 81 j ; Oct 80J. Oats Quiet ; cash 49J ; Oct 49 | ; year 47J. Barley Steady ; cash 105 ; Oct 97 } Rye 90 ; dull. Highwines 103. PorK Dull ; cash 22 ; Oct 21 } ; t pear 1765. Lard Quiet ; cash 14Jaj ; Oat c L4Jy ; irllHf St. Louis Produce market. ST. Louis , Sept. 29. Flour Low grades active and higuerf.othei-3 lower. Wheat Fraction higher ; No 'red fell , 1041 04 } ; No 2 red , 1 00 } © 1 16. i Corn Finn , Mow , at 80. Oats Shade higher ; 52053 } . Barley Unchanged. Rye Unchanged. Whisky Firm , at 1 04. Lard Unchanged. . , Pork Lower , at23J23 } . St. Louis Live Stock. ST. Louis , Sept. 29. Hogs Receipts 6,000 , good grades fair demand ; stockers , 4 ( 4 J ; you- kers , 5G ; bacon , 5J@6 } ; butch ers , 6J7 . Cattle Receipts , 1,200 , dull ; good to choice corn fed Tcxans , 3@4 ; cows and heifers 1'3J ; fat oxen , 2J@3l ; natives , 3J@5J. Chicago Live Stock Market. CHICAGO , September 29. Cattle Receipts 4,600. Market dull ; prices depressed and weak sales ; Texans , 1 90a3 10 ; fair to extra steers , 4 40a4 65. Hogs-Receipts , 18,000 ; dull ; in ferior and common , 15a25 ; lower ; cloked weak and pens full ; inferior to. oommon " , 5 60a6 80 ; choice to ex tra , 8 7oa7 20. LIQUORS , WINES , ETC. en ITJ --p o ° Sli H a w 53 * * 5 § 2. fi - fl i ara S * S ? f 32 g H * a- _ , _ S - 1 F'Ti B M " % t" y . e > g M a 0 g s R y § 2 i S cr S ° 0 hrj D1 § ' I § a ! § a P. H. WUOLE8ALK AMD KhTAII. D1VJ IK Wines , Liauors , Segars , TOB4C 0 AND PIPES. OWCalifornis Wines and Bnndiea.TT * Corner of 15 * h nnd Dodtia streets opposite the new Pott Office building. Omrha. NebeiM \ HOTELS. TE C5 T ? OS 3J . ) \ JUAH1 , - - - EEBBABO The lurest and best hot between Chicago ind SJn t'mncbco. Opened nc Septoralier Mth , 1S73. * 30 U OE i. THKAX.L. Proprietor. United States Hold , COK. DOUOLA AND TENTH STREETS. TTIIE UNDERSIGNED nepectfnlly announ- I era that he haj purchased and rcfi ted the ibov * Hotel , , and is now readr to accommodate hp public , with board by 'dar or we1 k , at reus- nablo rates. WILLIAM LE1IK. Prop. ' 74 1 California House. FRITS EAJ3SP.R , Prop'r. No. 17 * Douglas Street , corn r llth , Om ha , Nebraska Board by tha day or week. lunel.rl House . 630 f iiteeati Etittt , Jpp. JeCerson Square , OMAHA , NEB. JO.SKFH DOTE , Frop'r. Dsy snd week Board at reasonable ralej. Fint-clau bar attach * ! to the houst. On 9M , iff. Farnhtm enJ flcrnty Street * , been entirely remitted and refurnished. SA3 will accommodate all to the bent ot ward at tl0 per day ; 49c prr single meal. C , Y , & 8 , JL HARRYMAH , Proprietors. rn J3.otl , St. Louis , ' - Mo. Laveilla , "Warner & Co. , The Southera Hotel Is first-class in all its pi ointments. Its toblss are at all times eup- plied In the Kifattst abundance , with all the iellcaciea th uirket * afford , Its clerxs and mployes are all polite and attentive to the wants of th frufsts of tb * hatel , It ere is an improTsdeltvator Itadimtfrou the flrt floor to th upper one , Railrccd and eteamboat crotoflrfs , ntvs stand. d wei\err flnion tclcsraph offl ia the Botuada cf hotel Tkt Kleix City aad Fasins nallroaJ , Ia CoaiMl Ttth li SIOUX CITY & ST , PAUL RAILROAD , i 01 niUs the ikort lt rostt fron Onaha ud Csoarll BUff * to St. Paul , Xlntanblii , SUIlwaftr , latka , Dnluth , Bitmarck , and all politi In BlHinota. 'Train leaves Omaha dally , ( eirep Saturday ) at 6 .clock p. m. , and Council Blufij at 8:05 : p- m.from Chicago A North-WesUro Depot. Fareu LOW and line as QUICK as bj cny other Line. PULLSAK PALACE SLEEPffiG CARS ' 0 ? ALL BIGHT TRAINS , Be § ur * TOUT ticket reads VIA Siour City , thus avoiding circuitous routes and midnight transfers. Tickets can b purchased at the offices of the Chicago A Northvt stern Railway in Omaha and Council Bluffs. J C. BOYDEN. Gen'l Pas * . A Ticket Agf St P. 4 a. C. R. E. St Paul , Minn. F. c. HILLf Uen'l Pass , aad Ticket Agt. , S. C. 4 f. . Sioux City , Iowa. QEO. VT. QBATTOU , Ajent. ICX Farmhan Street , Omaha , Neb. July 29. tf. Mrs. D. A. HOFFETT , Fashionable Dressmaking 564 Fourteenth St. , ' SO Sin OMAHA. "Wo Dtrnai of CnoiDga tad Tvaatj-itooad etieats The finest lager baer con stantly on hand. < HU * . WETJiUIiEB. fz t. M. HELU&&XS T 17 SAND -AND DEALERS OOOIDS , and 223 FABNHAM STREET , COB. 13TH ST Call tlie Attention of tlie" Public to our Sxteasive And Well Selected Stock for the FALL AID UNTIE SI Comprising The Latest Styles in HATS AISTD CAPS , TETJKKS AND VALISES , ETC. -ar Prices are VS " &ow" to s-udt t&o Tis es. Call soon at . KB EsAB5r , & CO. " ss Street , SPETS , An Immense Stock of Fresh New G-oods Just Opened to ba sold lower than aiiy other house in the city , consisting of ALPACA & MOHAIES , also YELYST & BSAYEE CLOJLKINGS. A FULL STOCK OF SSAWLS , BLJ KETS , FLANNELS , ERINO UNDERWEAR AND WORSTED GOODS. TABLE UNEN IS ( 'RILVT VARIE1T. A FULL LLVE OP mmm AND AMBRICM GABFBTS , OIL CLOTHS , SETTING BUSS , m HATS , Isr THIS mcl everytLung pertaining ; to the FURNITURE" and TJP- 3OLSTER Y trade ; has largely increased his stock , and now las a complete assc.'tment oi FlNE , MEDIUM and LOW PRIOED goods , which he is pfiering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of ever v one desiring inything in this line , to esamine his stock before purchas- n. iTS , IiOUNGES &o. . ITPHOI.STSSEB.ANP COVERED TO L. 138 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. Wood. Stock , iVAOOS 1UKDWABE , Patent Wheels , Finished Gearing , do. ixles , Springs and Thimble Skeins HARDWOOD LUMBER , Jarriaces , Hacks H * Buggies Stuieb ! i-LcrTVVa onj Depot. rachCU DEALER IK S. O C Fniils , Nu i , Confcclinncrj , Tobacco , Sepnra , E. CO ? . OF TENTH -aai FAHKHAM. 114t B CA1NDZES I arc. ow inanuiacturing all varieties of candies andjwill sell a JL S O ? IE3 IH , IsT E IOE Dealers In thu State itociJ net mat to ? Kait for CANDIES. A trial is solicited. . OOr- . 2 tit. mclillt' ' mclillt'B. B. & J. WIZ.SUK , s WPIOLESALE AND RETAIL , Street , - Osaalia. , 2Tob GENERAL AGENTS FOX ALIi SCHOOL BOOKS arS-lmy ASRSGOLTOM , IMPLEMENTS ? . 2 > 3tb , and EZorasy Strosts , inter Styles A ; POLAOK , a &A 238 Farnhara St. IJToar 14th" 4 , Fine and Medium and Furnishing Goods.