THE BEE. VOL. IV. OMAHA TUESDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 29 , 1874. NO. 87. THE DAILY BEE. EDWAI1D KOSEWATEB , Editor and Prop'r OfSce-Ko. 138 ranibmm afreet , toetw. Mtilli ami Tenfli. TEKMS Of { SUBSCRIPTION , in ad ranee - 87.00 copy , one year innthN In advance - " tbrfc fix mrntbs in < lvanc * _ . _ _ 2. | eaa-lf noi paid ill advance , SS per annum will , colleted LEADING HATTER 1 Ecst Goods , Z.OWESTF21ICES Gran-1 OMAHA. OMAHA BUSINESS DIFF-CTORY , CBAOKEB MANUFAO'PET. * /Tenure * Fmith , 185 Harner street , bet. IV * llth arrt 12th. declSU " BOOTS A1TD 8HOE8. CCHFFCTIOHFBY. . Lntov. corner 12th nd D.ngla treew. mnuf turer and wh..l ale de er In cand . and confectionery. Country tr rte 8O- lieetod. aPltf COArD'nALEBS. . . * Kill -t , coil , lra ! , cemen Ihalr etc. , Fland Ktraham , feblSmS PAWN BEOKER. Tl T Elgutter , Vo. 800 Farnham at. lelllf LAOTDBT. > w lannlrnnned at oil llth * t. , rt Farnlian.nd Dou.l . Thi'WMlilni ! * nd Ironlce will l Ioneto rd T. first class work S -AOTOET. . Tircmlnm So p Worts , Powel' A Co , still 1 ; raanu act-ire their Pirmiuci foaji. Five Brut premium .awarded by the i.ouRla county and -t te fain , and Pottawattamie county , la. Orders Mli-ited from the trade A1TOBNE73. E. F. SMYT1IE. G. C. GRAVES. SMYIHE & GRAVES , Attorneys -at-lLaw. Koom 5 Creishton Block. E. ESTAWK ' > E. r. M. FRANCIS ESTABROOK& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE Crelihton Mock , Omaha , Neh. - it i)21 tf DtXTER L , THOMAS , Attorney and Counselor at Law. JFIOE Boom Mo' Vlacher'i Block , NEB OMAHA - - JOJI.t K. JCKLI.KV , Attorney ICounseloratLaw OEre-Frctn 2 , Creishjrn Block , \ . 0JJAHA. < H Crr. 15th and 1 on"1" * Pt . I rtoLixmoNS ( tnrTED AND PROMPT- \j IT ntteiKled to. Ki cliflne unless cllec - . . . spd rent * - llons are mi-do. J.uu.wtolrt roj- * ctcd. Ilcal taleU > iifiht and MIJ. I > 17U JOHN YLYTLE , nnd Solicitor In Fqaity. Sink , W , J. CONNELL. HWrict Attorney for Second Jua- IcI&I DlKtrlct. OVMCS Pouth He of Farnlism , between PABTiE GODWIK , Attorney at ! Law ( Hellman Rliek , > 4" > n THIETEENTH STBBBT. OMAHA * " < 1 0 _ G. W. AMiUiUSE , REDICE S OPERA 1IOCSE OMAHA - FEB. * rRtr T. W. T. Kicnards , Attorney at Law , Olfl . < . 40ft 18f Ii St. , liet. Fnrnliam lUrnoy Omuba , Neh. UC14U P' 0. Tn O. HBALLOU. . OOee nCTeI hton' , .e l.U % * room , floor. OMAHA. . H.resits. . JU BALDWIN 2O. H. OtEce CaJJwell Block , ICEBRASKA. OMAUA. - - - - j. s. simoPsnrRE , Attorney- - Law Eoom > 'o. 1 , S. E. Coiner J5th and Dongl flti , OMAHA. - - bAVAGE & MANDERSOh , Attorneys at Law , M2 FARSHAU 8TREAT. .J011N C. COU1N , olioitor COUNSELOR. OFFICE CREiairrON'3 BLOCK , OJ1AIIA , KEUUASKA. rRtl J. 8. SPATJh. * SPAL'N & PRITCHE'IT , Attorneys ind Couaselors at Law. . Mfi TelM b.reet. Address Rmr xna Omaha. BTTRNHA1L . J. ATTOHXEI AND rOUXG LLOB AT LAW , S.E.COT 15th and Douglas Stree'a. ' OMAHA - - NEB. I' ) EEPUBIICAU CONVENTIOH. The Douglas County Republican Convention convened for the pur pose of nominating seven delegates to the float convention of the Twen ty-fifth Representative District met at the Court house at 2 p. m. The following gentlemen -were elected to represent Douglas county in the Float Convention : C F Goodman , Otis II Ballou , C CSperry , Chas Wilkins , Charles H Dewey , H J Rolf , and J K Smith. WHERE , oh where , were the Dem- cratic sympathizers with the Inde pendent movement , Saturday. With the exception of James Me Ar- dle , who never professed to be any- thiuij but a square-toed Democrat , the Independent candidates for leg islative honors were completely ig nored and left shivering in the cold. MOSFS , the ruler of South Caroli na , has stretched out his hand to the great peace-maker at Washing ton , imploring him for a few thou sand bayonets , with well drilled regulars at the end of them. But Ulysses responded that bayonets are not always deoirable as political har- monizers. And Moses withdrew in supreme disgust. An indiscriminate bKiugMcr m clothing and gout * ' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 20G Farnham street. FJ U linen and chevolt shirts ot our wn make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Railroad 75o.t/s * bought and sold by P. Gotthcinier , Broker , at 296 Farnham street. Unredeemed Hedges for Sale. may Iy26 Orum , OCMiKAL DEALER IX Staple and Fancy Dry Goods 9th at , I etween Junes and ixKivenworthsts. TO THE PUBLIC A 3ICST COMp - QFFEICS line of l r GO..US. Fancy Goods , ttonleanud Cotton Hanuels , Wrapptr DeLains \ \ oolt-n Mia * Is and fall Undi of fall and winter mater al for lartits' and chl'drrns' drives. Al so Calicoe" of all grades and de * rip lonf a pe- cialtT ISools and fhoes for ladles' gents' auu efejlilrens' rar. ept4d3niu * OFFICE , No. 232 FAR11HAM ST. re STAIRS , Brt. 13th 414'Ji SU. . P JiSAS-A ! ias Jn tliecity DR , A , S , BILLINGS , 3EVa.ir2aLl3.XK txx. tot. I th and 14th , up stairs. Teeth extracted without pain , by use of M- trous OiiJe lia. "Office own itt" ccr e5tf L VAN CAMP M.D. Dlspenjes hl own meddnes , and besldct reeular praitlre , makes sicUlltles of Deiinffe- ment > and Dlseanw Peculiar to iVoiren , Ustu- U ril i anil other Diseases of the R o'um. OFFira : Corner Farnham ani 14"s , . " ' - . Itesidenc , flr t rtoor to the riuht. nn JIO ttoSlM .7r. t. betwcon 12 nd nth next Church Omaha. ' * ' ' to I l aw Besldence and offic , 250 Dolgo It bet Mth nnd IStti sts. Special attention paid to obMetriM and dl tses peculiar Ui women ami rhildr . f9tl. JOHN H. GllEEN , STATE MILLS DEALER IN 6IIAIX , FLOUB AS ! ) FEED , Ann COMMISSION VAN CORN'S JiiACiilNE All Hndj of light and heary MACIHXEIIY .HADE & REPAIUCF/ . tS All Wo'lc fJuarcu\Ue < ' . - < &i 2S8 HASNET STBEET. - . OUAHA. SPENCER'S Fruit an Confectionary Cor. 13th and L-j eiiTrorlh S . , 7143m AT THE BRID i C _ VILLIAM SEXAUEB. 225r jlianiBtrtet. - Oiaana , Keb DKALKR tlf tlfETC. ETC. H. C. UKALEB IN BOOT3 & SHOES and Douglas Justice of the Peace Office Tfr tno State Bank , Mi/1"1 Farn- iam and 13th r et . _ _ .roux , Practical Watchmaker , 171 ramp ja , 8."ir. . llth Bt - NEB OMAHA _ _ SchneiUer & Burniesler Manvfacturers ot CIN , COPPEB AND SHEET IROS WARE. DEALERS IN Cooking and Heating Store * . Tin Roofing , Spouting andOutteHig don , hort notice anV In U > N t maaner. lltwn tr Crr-OAt 3orner of Cuaicgs and Tweaty-secoad ttreets The finest lager baer con > stantly on hand. Ie23-6m CUAS. AV'EVSIULLER. Prop NEW SALOON- HESRV. the popnlu Saloon ke-rTt has re- Btted up the bmrnt ol o'd Ilrrald tiuiMlng. r. IStn and Douglas Sta. , where , in c-innec- llon with hl tor he tet out a Lnnch arery aornlnz nd URAXPXUNCII EVERY SAT- UEDAY. QiTebimac * ! } . ajsdtf VERY LATEST. MTDNIG-HT. SAN FRANCISCO , Sept 28. The supreme court has declared the local option law unconstitution al. Mayor Otis this morning took posession of the assessor's office and all the records , Warrants are out for several employes , and 'reports ol extensive frauds are in circulation , though nothing definite is known about the matter. At G o'clock this morning Mayor Otis took po&ession of the assessor's olllce , hooks and safes , and exclud ed the assessors and their deputies Warrants are out for several persons connected with the oflice , on what precise charges Mayor Otis will not state , hut it is reported that exten sive frauds have been discovered in the poll-tax department. No ar rests have yet been made. The action of Mayor Otis has caused much excitement. The Sidney News from August 8th to 29th , gives the lollowing ac counts of other recent disasters to vessels in the Australian seas : The brig Ellen Morris went ashore near the Bulari Pass and became a total wreck. The passengers and crew were saved , but her largo and valuable cargo was lost. The yacht Flying Cloud was lost on the Great Barrier icef. Allhands were saved. The iron ship Nonparicl , from Auckland to Newcastle , encounter ed a gale and the cargo shifted , throw ng the ship on her beam ends. Her masts were cut away , and the \vreok was cleared of all the rigging , and all was soon righted. On Au gust llth she was discovered by the bark Lady Emma , which took woid to Newcastle , and a tug was sent out and the wreo towed into New castle. No lives lost. In a similar storm the new Iron clipper Chrisomere , for hau Francis co , was dismasted. Jury masts were rigged , and .she made her way back to Newcastle , 200 miles , ar riving .August 13th. Another dis masted ship , the Southern Hello , had been towed into the harbor of Brisbane by the * steamer Western. Southern news give an account of the loss of the biig Carl , while try ing to make Bluff harbor The wreck was condemned. The cutter AlbertEdward ? , was totally wrecked near Fontaine Island , on the 3,1st of July ; all hands saved ; some on rafts , others by s vimming ashore , nearly two miles. August 16th , the steamer Florence , found the cutter Flying CJoud ashore on Barrier reef , abandoned and full of water. The steamer got the wreck oil' and towed her inteR R Jckingh'am bay. Tht News says there teems to be a singular inex plicable fatality attached to thc'nav- igation of vessela of all kinds between - tweon the different ports of the col onies and the rnqtjipr country. During the year nearly a dozen have been dismasted in making the voy age to colonial ports off the Dallam tower , Cambridgeshire. John Kerr , Lockurd , British Admiral , Southern Belle , ljonnare.1 and Crysomere , which were nearly new iron clip- pars , says thpse facts must attract the serious attention of marhiprs and underwriters. ; In several of Ine above Instances no dates are given. CHICAGO , Sept. 28. A terrible tnigedy occurreu about midnight last night on Hawthorne avenue. William Fischer , a middle aged man\vho , < ! o wife recently died , had unsuccessfully iripJ to induce his step-daughter , Catharine Miller , a girl of seventeen , who had left homo , to return and take charge of hi&'hotie. .Ltisthe wentto the house where the girl was staying and at tacked her \\itha Unffe , infljctfng seven or eight wounds in her breast abdomen , Irom the effects of which it is thought , she cannot recover. The girl alleges that Fischer Is the fiither of the young babe which she has. * iiO Jpving forced her to his " " uses. CHICAGO , Sept 28. The City Council to-night ordered the engrossment of the ordinance appropriating $264,000 for the pur chase of additional fire engines and apparatus for the nre department. Aii ordinance was also introduced , iuuhprlzlhg the controller to nego tiate a loan of S50dl70& , the amount to be expended in laying additional water mains in the business part of [ lie city. Tbjs was referred to the finance committee , who , } t is said , will report it favorably , and Its pas sage is determined to bo deemed : rtain. NKW Oitr.R4.NS , Sept. 28. The Price Current this afternoon says of the western produce and pro visions under thn present cash or nonthly account system , trade Is n a state of suspension just now , waiting the proceeds of the staples 9 fijl unexecuted orders from the : ouhtry for alj. sorts of goods , and "or produce and proypions of all kinds. Inward trips of coast packets are [ poked for with more than usual in terest. " ' "NEW'YOPK , Sept. 28. This was } he first day of the fall Meeting at Fleetwood Park. The first race was for the 2.38 class , and x ptirse of SSOO. Five heats were : ryeled without deciding superior ly. Thp end of the race will be re sumed to-morrow , between Midget ind Royal George. Tirflp to-day , 2:35 : , 2:34 , 2:33 } , 2:3S : , 2:40. : Second rare , 2:24 class ; purse , 51,600. Thomas L. Young won , Jommec second , Music third ; time , 5:25 , 2:23 , 2L'G. BOSTON. Sept 28. Charles Campbell , soteptman and rcasurer of the town of Waylapd , s uppo ed to have been drowned at Jn field on Saturday. The Canada from Liverpool has trrived. An effort will be made to have Morris matched against Brown for ive thousand dollars asldp to row in fune next at Springfield. MONTREAL , Sept 28. Another disastrous fire occurred his morning , which totally destroy ed J. L. Har man'a tannery. Loss 540,000 ; insured for 531,000. The ke was caused by back draft from he furnace. The -walls fell and the nen had a narrow escape from be- ng crushed. The Grand Trunk changp of juago was completed yesterday. FORT LAKAMIE , W. T. , Spt. 28. Parties in from Red Cloud say hat the surveyors place that agency vlthjn the Nebraska line by thirty niles'soutU and thirty-seven miles ; ast. Spotted Tail Agency Is also n the State , but the distance is not riven , TELESEAFHIC , 4 O'CLOCK P. H. Specially Beported for the Omaha Daily lee bv the Atl.ntio and Pacific TelezraPh Co. THE Affairs in Louisiana Again As suming a Serious Aspect. The White Leaguers Concocting Another Little Plan , Which the Same It Is Being Kept Secret. They Charge a Number of Lead ing Sejiators and Congress men with Blackmailing , Bribery , and other Harmless Re creations. ROMH , Sept. 27. Mount Etna is still in a state of agitation. Humbling noises are heard inside and yesterday an earth quake shook the mountain to its base. CINCINNATI , bept. 27. Arch Bishop Purcell and suite , lott this city by the Baltimore & Ohio R. II. , to-night in tLo pre = i- dents car for Washington , to per form the maniage ceremony of Miss Sherman , in Washington , Thursday next. LONDON , September 27. Dispatches from Madrid sny that it is possible that President Serrano will take command of the central army , and meanwhile General Jo- vella will replace General Pavia. The Republicans are preparing to dislodge the Carlists from Lagnulia , in the province of Alava. Advices from Santanta say that seven more German men of war are expected to arrive oil' that coast withjn a wepk. jcJaFi'AJ.0 , oepicmncr 23. Senator John Ganson was talen by a lit of apoplexy at 11:45 this forenoon , and expired shortly after wards. Mr. Ganson was engaged in the superior court trying a catc , and feeling ill a'-ked the judge if he would not pass it over , icmarking that he Qould not go on vith it. His request being granted , Mr. Ganson walked slowly down stairs and took a carriage for home. On arriving there the dmcr dis covered that Mr , qarsonas dead. He had fallen n . } Mvuuls In his seat , and life \\aso\iinot. An indescribable feelingot r JueiS pre vails throughout the city. 'IheBuffalo board of tiade met at 12:15 and adopted approptiutc rc-o- lutiond in eulogizing Mr. Ganson. } OKIC , Sept. " 7. ' The following is a i eou ! to the New York Times : JXcw Orleans , Sept. 20. A com mittee of white leaguers and demo crats \ \ ho have had the matter in charge , published this afternoon a statement denouncing Keliogg and others 'or ' haying , as is alleged , bribed certain otlicialb in Washing ton to prevent Congress from passIng - Ing laws'favorable to the native white element In the State to keep the Kellogg government in power , in support 01 the allegations made a number of letters which were found in Kellogg's desk when the State House was captui ed were giv en to the public. An extract from one coming from Billing- candi date in 1872 , the icpublican nomina tion , to Kellogg , contains the fol lowing : " ym. E. Changer hn.s done yeo man service Tor 'us , and lie has worked to better effect than any other man ; I would advise you to pay his fees , " Another , which Is said to be in Caleb Cushing's hand writing , says : "Of the $2,000 you sent me , I had to give to Chandler $1,000. " Benj. F. Butler is represented as writing a Jflttej : { o Kellogg , in which is contained tlie'paSsjistrj "Were it not for the retalnei I rcceivc'd ' from you , 1 could have gone to the other side. Please remit by draft $3OCO. The draft will "bo your receipt. " Other extracts are equally as libel lous. lous.The publication of the letters at tracted but little attention and no comment. In an interview on the subject had with Governor Kellogg he sta ted most positively that while he certainly had many communica tions from gentlemen named , he had never received from Gen. But ler or Caleb Gushing any letter con- imate one. Heretofore he liwd en tered into no discussion of the mat ter of the letters and papers taken from his office by tne white league party , believing that they would be returned ; now that they had been ' made public , however , he felt it'his duty to explain how he had receiv ed them. , The governor then proceeded testate state that in December , 1872 , an ap plication was made to the Supreme Court of the United States fora writ of prohillitfon hi tjip pasc of Kellogg against McEnery aiid others. The object was to prevent further pro ceedings in the case , then pending in the circuit court of this State. The governor add < nl that he wrote at this time to Caleb Cubbing , Eut- Jcr , find Matt Carpenter , retaining theni as lega ) advisers in the case , which was afterward fully argued ana decided , the writ of prohibition being refused Subsequently he again wrote to the gentlemen named asking them for astatement of the amount he was indebted to them for the servi ces they had rendprcd. In reply he received the letters captured when the State House was taken. Mr. Kellogg is most emphatic in the statement that the fees paid to the gentleman named were for Jegal services only , and were ijot Intended to and did not in any way influence the action of Congress in tlie Ijo'iiisiqna oaso. The White League party Claim that they havp in their pos session a letter which is very dam aging to Senator Morton. Mr. Kel logg denies this , and says that he never received any communication from Morton which In the remotest degree relates to money matters or connects him with anything of a dishonorable nature , NEW YORK , Sept 29. A Times Washington special says that negotiations between the Kel logg and McEnery parties , Jby for mal delegates and representatives are at an end. There is reason to believe that another plan Blunder lormal consideration by the league , and will be dlscosed when a blow is struck. This involves a new out break of such violence and extent that military authority of the gener al go\ernment must be declared. A New Orleans special saj-s the Democratic Conference Committee have accepted the proposition of the Kellogg party relative to the Board of Slate Canyasfcers , giving the Democrats two and the Republicans three members. The score made at Creedmore on Saturday by the Irish and Ameri can teams has never been equalled in any long range competition. The error of making the bull's eye on the wrong target by Milnor , of the Irish team , lost his comrades their victory , as the shot was ruled out , allowing the Americans to win by three points. The Irishmen really made the highest score , surpassing all their former efforts. It- claimed that the contest has proved the superiority of muzzle- loaders as military arms. : \ , BROOKLYN , September 28. Pratt's Astral Oil .vorks , in Ihe Eastern district , caught lire this morning. After burning half an hour the flames were extinguished. The damage is unknown. YORK , September 28. A large crowd of sporting men from Boston , Philadelphia , Buffalo , and Biltimore , arrived here to wit- i.ess thepigon match this afternoon between Bogardus , of Chicago , and Payne , of New York , for $2,000 and the championship of America. Bojrardus is the favorite 100 to 75. The President left last night for Long Branch. He will icturn to Washington Thursday. Ihe burning of the postal car and mail messenger on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad , | ias led to a confer ence on the part of the postoflico oillcials , for some other agency for lighting cars than the explosive coal oil which appeal's to have been used on the occasion referred to. \V.\siiiNCiTON , Sept. 28. Within the past six days the re demption bureau has called o'n the National Banks for $4,350,910 In legal tenders to reimburse it for their circulating notes redeemed and assorted , other sums will fol low , at the rate of about $750,000 per day , until a suffi cient amount shall have been received to justify resumption of redemption. The date of resump tion will depend somewhat on the promptitude with which the Na tional bank * respond to the calls. Thp internal enuereceipts tOTday amount to $60,535,299. $90,200 Jn national bank currency was re ceived at the treasury to-day for re demption. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. NEW I'ORK , September 28. Money Still abundant , at 2@3 per cent. . ' Foreign Exchange Steady : at 482484. Gold Firmer ; market manipula ted by a clique , who forced down stocks to 9J. Governments Steady ; light bus iness ; 10-40's registered 110J ; coupons pens 111J. Stocks Opened active firm ; P M rose to i03jj , whole market improv ed , but aoout 10:80 the bears madfe an fearful rush to sell based on un founded reports of Vanderbilt's ill ness , prices declined J toj ; market now recovered. W U 79J ; Eiie47 } ; P M 50 } ; U P 301. President Grant was in Wall street to-pay. New York Produce Market. .NEW YORK , Sept. 28. Breadstuffs Dull. Flour Dull ; superfine State and Western , 470@485 ; extra , 5 10@ 5 3,0 ; bakers and family braiius , Q QO @ 0 5Q. Wheat Fiim ; No 1 spring , 1 20@l 20 ; No 2 Chicago 1 09@1 10 ; No 2 Milwaukee spring , 1 121 12 } . Corn Strong ; western , mixed , afloat , 90 } . Oats Heavy ; Western mixed , . , Rye Quiet , 90@93. Barley § teady , at J 0 for Can " ' " ' " ada" . Provisions Dull and nominal. unchanged. Eggs Heavy : western , 24@25. Pork Dull and lower , at 23 00. L.ard Firmer , at 14 } . Butter Firm ; western , 2535. Whisky Dull , 1 071 08. LQatjier-Steady. Iron Dun , Wool Quiet. Chicago Pruuuce market. CHICAGO , Sept. 28. Flour Very quiet ; good@choice spring extrass 485@5J ; shipping ex tras not wanted ; supers scarce 325@ 100. 1 Wheat Firm ; gept 90 ? : Oct 95J. Corn Quiet ; cash 82 ; Sept Slfj Oct 79 } . Oats Quiet ; cash 49J ; Sept 49J ; Oct 48J ; year 47. Barley Steady ; cash 103 ; Oct 97J © e. Rye 90 ; dull. Highwines 103. Pork Dull ; cash 21 J ; Oct 21 J ; year 1765. Lard Quiet ; cash } © ; Oct 14 } ; year 11 } . _ St. Louis Produce market. ST. Louis , Sept. 28. Flour High grades dull , at 1 10 ol ) 15 ; few sales ; low grades quiet Wheat Shade higher ; No 3 red fall , 1 04 ; No 2 red , 1 151 15 } . Con ? Slow , at 80. dats Inactive ; iNo 2 , 52a53. Barley Dull. Bye Pull , at 90a91. Whisky Firm , at 1 04. Lard Unchanged. Pork Lower , at 23. St. Louis Live Stock. ST. Louis , Kept 28. Hogs Receipts , 6,000 ; lower dull ; BPdium to light 5 25@5 50 ; jacon grades 5t5Q@6 30 ; butchers , 5a7. 5a7.Catt'e ' Receipts 2,000 ; market lull ; Texans 3a4 ; cows and heifers J ; fat oxen 2J3 } ; natives 3a Chicago Live Stock Market CHICAGO , September 28. Cattle Receipts 6,000. Market lull and easy , closing weak with pens full ; quotations nearly noml- lal ; fair to choice steera 44 } ; rexaus,2 304 40. Hogs Receipts , 9,000 ; weak and lull , unchanged ; to choice 6 LIQUORS , WINES , ETC. Ol t o _ = * B CD 3 - 52 ° * 63 " M O " - o o I i S W K > < o - k. i m o % z Mi \ P. N. GLYNJSP TVUOLE3AI.E AND RETAIL DBAIBE IX Wines , I iquors , Segars , TOBtC 0 AXl ) PIPES. BSTalifonlA Wines and BrandIcs. S Corner of 15'h ami Dodge streets opposite the new Post Oflice building. Omaha. Nebie23tl HOTELS. GRAND CEJ51TR&L DMAHA , - - - NEBRASKA The largest and best hot between Chicago ind San Francisco. Opened new September 30th , 1S73. 830 tf OEO. THHALL. Proprietor. United States HoH COK , DOUGLAS AND TENTH STREETS. milEUNDERSIONED rfspectfnlly announ- _ L cei that he has pun.ha. od and rcfi ted ihe abote II-lcl , und Is now ready to accommodate th public , with board lijtbv rr we k , at reasonable enable rates. WILLIAM LEHR. Prop. Julv22 ' 7 * 1 California House. FEITZ HAFJIEH , Prop'r. No. 170 Douglas Street , corn r llth , Oin ha , Nebraska Board by the day or week. lunal. vl Central House > o. 630 S Ixteeath Etree t , Opp. Jcfllrson Square , OMAHA , NEB. JOSEPH DOYE. Prop'r. Day and week Board at reasonable rates. First-class bar attached to the house. Ie27 3ra ' XiZXTD&E BIOT7SB , On 9th , Itt. Farnham and Harncy Streets , HAS been entirely refiittixl at d re'urnished , and will accommodate all to the best ot board at SI , SO per day ; 4Gc per single meal. C , Y , & S , M , BABRYHAH , lT28dly. Propr etors. Southern Hotel. Fronting on. 4th , 6th and 'Walnntit * , , * t St. Lotus , - Mo. Laveille , Warner & Co. , The Southern Hotel is first-cliss In all it * BDI ointments. Its tableireat all times siip- in tht < greatest abuudincc , with all the Slied acics the markets afford , Its clerks and employes are all polite and attentive to the want ; of thepxustsof the hotel , Th re is an ImproTed eleva or leading from the fint floor to the upper one , Railroad and steamboat Icketoffi'es. news stxnd. nd wesxerr Union telegraph ofil e In the hotunda of hotel BEES ! BEES ! ! BEES ! ! ! TJndcr isncJ has sixty swarms of na tive and Italnn be s for sale , in hi es of the American and Buckero patent . Strong iwarms at six to right dollars eaih , with actual co t of hire added. Light swDrra" , from four to < li dollars each. I have more Ix-ea than toe location will support , and must seU. Address : Fort Calhoun , Neb The Sioux City and PacIHo Kallroaff , la C nBectlon with the SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL RAILROAD , It 03 mllss ttc shortest routp from Omaha ind Council Bluffs to St. Fan ] , Illneanolli , itlllwater , Anoka , Dnlnth , EUmnrck , and all points In Minnesota. Train leates Omaha dally , ( excep Saturday ) it 6 o.clock p. m. , and Council BluCi at 8.05 ! > n. , from Chicago & NorthWestern Dcpqt , Faro as LOW and lime as QUICK as by any other Line. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS , Be sure your ticket reads VIA Sioux City , : hus avoiding circuitous routes and midnight .ransfcrs. Tickets can be rnrclmol it Ihe offices of the Chicago & Northwestern Hallway in Omaha , nd Council Blu& . 3en'l Tass. & Ticket Agf St - P. 4 3. C. B. B. St Paul , Minn. p > & Jen'l Pass , and Ticket Agt , S. C. < t P. , Sioux City , Iowa. GEO. W. OBATTON , Agent. 1G3 Farnham Street , Omaha , Neh. SI 5ILK , CASHMERE , AND ALPACA SUITS For sale and made to order. P. M. FALL01T , J63 Dodge , bet. 14th and 15th streets. OMAHA. NEBRASKA. J , ROBINS , [ 37 n am St. , Let. 9 h and 10th , " ( Opposite Bee Office. ) 1 ONELOANSD ON w ATCHES , JEAV- 'I elry.ic. Clothing bought and suld. ip'dlm _ VICTOR 3,0 FFMWD , Physician 1 Surgeon , 241 Farnham Street , Oyer Jsh's Drug store. (3th ( St. , bet. Farnham and Hamey. ill kinds ol TAILOMNO , CLEANING and BEPAiylNU done at reuonrble rate * anr7fil _ Mrs. D. A. MOFFETT , Fashionable Dressmaking 564 Fourteenth St. , ' 303m OJ1AIIA , NEB , Clearing Sale ! EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS ! ! -AT- Clearing Sale ! FOR THIRTY BEING OUIt Clearing Sale ! Annual Clearing Sale OF Foreign and Domestic Clearing Sale. Sale.DRY GOODS Clearing Sale ! . . PKEPABATOr.Yi.TO STOCK TAKING. A. CRUICKSHANK , Clearing Sale I „ „ , Cor. Mtt and Farnlam sts- A. BROWN , 248 Douglas Street , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS , CARPETS , AND OIL CLOTH , An Immense Stock of Fresh. New G-oods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city , consisting of MERINOS , IMPRESS CLOTHS , SSPELLANTi , ALPACAS & MOHAIRS , also YELYET& BEAVER CLOAKINGS. A FULL STOCK OF StJAWLS , BLANKETS-FLANNELS , MERINO Ir.NDERWEAR AND WORSTED G-OODS. TABLE JJXEN IS GREAT VARIETY. A PULL LIXE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS , OIL CLOTHS , MATTING RDffS , AND MATS , Furniture , bedding , Mirrors , and everything pertaining : to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade ; has largely increased his stock and now has a complete assc-tment o ± FINE , MEDIUM and LOW TbrSil ? goods , which he is offering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of everv one de sirine anything in this line , to examine his'stock before purchas- TT * PABLOBSLTS , LOUNGES & & . , UPHOLSTERED AH3 > COVERED TO OBDER. L. VOOB WBTII , 238 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. WAGO1T Wood Stock , WAGON HARDWARE , Patent Wheels , Finished Gearing , &o. Axles , Springs and Thimble Skeins HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hacks and Buggies StntUbacker.'AVagonj Depot. mcbBU G. STEIFFLER DEALER DT CROC ERSES , Prori'-lons ' Fruits , Nu s , Confocllonery , Tobacco , h'cgars , S. E. COR. OF TENTH -'and FABHHAH. I14t WHOLESALE CANDIES I am ow mamilactming all varieties of candies andjxvill sell a JLSTEK/lNT IF IR , I O IE Dealers in this State nt > ed not want to ? o Cast for CANDIUS. A trial Is solicited. mchlltl B. & J. WILBUR , Books and Stationery , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Stre © , . GENERAL AGENTS FOB ALL SCHOOL BOOKS ar3-lmy AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th , and barney Fall And Winter Styl A. POLACK , CLOTHIER. 233 Farnbam St. Hoar Fine and Medium Clothing , and Furnishing Goods ,