THE OMAHA BE OFFICIAL PAl'EK OF TIIE CI BEPUBLICAU PLATFOBB WHEBT.I * , Th Republican party , t > ] * course for the past thirteen years as the ! ur of the nant political organization iy-lo the "b allied itself to ! States. " * re masses of the -ororld , and h nadoa all challengra scrutiny , and which invites . i.umuMy , elevating tory for a parallel in establishing on a firm basis "a covernmen " and the people lor the people ; WHEKEAS , Its several acts in prcserrinj and gtreugtnening amen < Union , in promoting allcglence to the flag and governme : mon this republic have passed into history and itcd the approval of the Ucpabllcan rentli of the age , therefore vre , the rcpresentatlv the Republican party of Nebraska , in con tion assembled , do resolve as roilows , viz : Int. That all honest labor should be prote and receive its just reward. 2d. That we earnestly desire that the c of our government shall lie firirly malntai in order that the commercial and Industrie tercsts of the conntry niav not suffer injur fluctuations in values or by Impairing In degree that confidenee which now jrevai circulating medium whicl regard to our hope will , at no distant day , be based i metalle currency , the recognized money ol world. 3d. That we believe that banking , und well-guarded national system , fchould be and e counsel reform and economy in all parimentsof the public Mirvicc , an la re tion of the public debt in such a way ai rapidly , as it may bo done without impo burdens upon the industries of the countr ; 4th. That wo demand a rigid accountab in the discharge of official duty on the pa all office-holders , whether State or hatit and tbt.t ts delegates , spoking for constltu whom we represent we di-avo any srmp : with , or for dishonest public officials , in w ever capacity they may be employed. 5th That wLUe we recognize and apprei the advantages derived by the people fro well-regulated system of railways we den that these public highways tbould be rend subservient to the public good. That whil disavow any hostility toward railroad corp tions we proclaim our 1 termination to r by lawful means all cBbrts to Impose opprei or extortionate trang | > ortalon tolls. Ctb. That taxation , to lie Just , musl equally imposed upon all classes of prone we therefore demand such National and E Irgislatiou as will compel railroads and all o corporations to p y th same proportion ol as is Imposed on individuals. "th. That we favor the proper exercise of powers coufcrred upon the national gov ment by the constitution to regulate oomm between the States , and to thi > end we rcc incud that the government c tablish and crate from the Hiss rate a double tract railway river to tuo Atlantic scatKurd. T8th. That we earnestly icquest that Senators secure the passage ol Oounse's I TORd Land Tax Bill. 9th. That we favor the amendment of Constitution of the United States provic for the election if Fresid-nt , Vice I'resid United States Senators , and all other fed officers by the dirert vote of the people. JOth. That the unwritten law enacted the example of the Father of his Countrj declining arc-election to the third PresiJer though it was iui term , is ai controllng as porated in the national constitution , and 01 never to be violated. llth. That the present so-cal'ed Quatcr dian policy b s failed to afford cither bem to the Indians or protection to the frontl r demand the transfe tiers , and we therefore the management of the Indians to too War P 12th. That we favor the reapportionmen Elate representatives through the cnactuien a new constitution at the earliest practica day consistent with our present f undamci law. and that wo recommend the tubmissioi the direct vote of the people in a separate ai cle at the time the proposed new conslitut : liTotcd upon , the questions of "Prohibltio "Local Option , " and license. 13th , That we approve the acts of Congi which put the rights of all citizens under p lection of the National authorities when tl are assailed by hostile legislation , or by the olence of armed associations , whether open fcccret , and in view of the recent outrages the southern States , wo demand the enlor mcntol the laws that these r'ghU may bo enrelv andauiply.protcctd whenever and wli ever Invaded ; we do , however , disapprove of unconstitutional legislation , lor the cure sny of the disorders of society , or evils whi 3 > re\all In our land. 14th. That we are In favor of and most ci llally Invite immigration to our State. - "braska needs immigration , that its vast acric tural , mineral , and manufacturing rcsour may be developed , with an area sufficient mate ten States as large as Massachusetts , a n soil unsurpassed for fertility , wo giv hearty welcome to the down-trodden mas of lhaold world.and assure them that tli shall be secure iL their lives , liberty and prc erty , and free to hold and express their rcl loui and political opinions without restraint 15th. That , relying upon the intelligence of and prosperous co Ihe people our young monwealth , which is soon to take high rank the great family of States , wo hereby ren our allegiance to the party which we rcpresc and call upon its classes , and conditions men to unite with us in perpetuating the bit Ings of free government in accordance w : the cherished principles which actuate a control the crcat bodv of our oeoule. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Fo' Member of Congress , LOEESZO CUOUNSE , ol AVaihlngton countr. For Member of Congress ( contingent ) PATRICK O. IIAWES , ol Douglas county. f STATE TICKET. Tor GoTcrnnr. 61LAS GAIU1EH , of Webster couuty. or Secretary of State , JJRUNO TZSCHUCK , cf Saipy county. For Treasurer , JOSEPH C. McBRIDE , ol Colfax county. # For Supfrlntcndcnt of Public Inbtructlon , \ J M. McKENZIE , of Ncmaha county. For State Prison Inspector , NATHAN S. PORTER , of Dlxon county. For' Attorney General , GEOKOE II. ROBERTS , , of Red Willow countr. " * For Di > trct Attorneys , nt District-C. J. DILWORTH , of Phclps county. Second District W. J. CONNELL , ot Douglas county ; Third District M. B. IIOXTE , of Coif ix county ; THE first heavy gun of the cam paign was fired at Blair this aftei noon by General Thayer. TIIE Herald has slackened it flro on O'Havrps nnd directs it batteries now almost exclusively n Jloberta. That puts the election o Roberts beyound a reasonable doubt i , THAT consolidated newspape ? monstrosity the Icmpcrancc New i and Nebraska I\irmer \ has nt las made its appearance. It ia chicflj remarkable for its vigorous men' dacity ani Its unstinted abuse o Rosowater. UXDEK the new postal law per sons known to postmasters as regu lar dealers in newspapers and peri' j ! odicals may receive aud transinil u ; by mail such quanties of either as they may require , and pay the postage at the same rates &s regular publishers. WAR has been declared by the Bourbon chiefs at the head of the old fopy brigade against all who have been instrumental in the inau guration of permanent public im provements in this city. The fiat has gone forth that no member ol the present City Council , nor any ol their active friends or sympathisers , shall bo allowed a place oil the Democratic ticket. GKBAT alarm is said to prevail among the faithful at Salt Lake , owing to the supposed critical con dition of Brigham. There Js some consolation , however , for the Saints that his final dissolution is not to come off until Deccraber7thwhen _ , according to Mormon astrological observations Brighani's star - forever. THE question among Dou ; county Democrats just now is i are willing to become victim ! misplaced confidence on'tho con legislative ticket ? ST. Louis is famous for bullr paper railroads. A narrow gt railroad from St. Louis to Bismz is now talked of by the St. L papers. And this reminds us 1 St. Louis papers have for y talked about an ah- line railroad this side of the Missouri , bet\v St. iiouis and Omaha , but notl has , as yet , come of all this talk SATANTA and Big Tree , tl good and generous Kiowa chi are at the head of the brave hos noble savages who are just i amusing themselves in Northw em Texas by murderous scalj and maiming Uncle Sam's tn and devastating the country. 1 is another striking illustration of practical operations of the Inc peace policy. Only a short t ago Satauta and Big Tree wer the Texas State prison under i tencc of death. Their sentence commuted and they were finallj leased , through the interpositio Influential philanthropists. these humane chiefs are i ing practical illustrations of tl native gratefulness. WE cheerfully join the Hcrah commending an appeal to the "N Department for aid to the distres settlers in our frontier count Although the people in the ri Bounties are subscribing as liben is their circumstances will permi tvill require prompt and system ! lief , which can be best accc ilished by a distribution of rati : hrough the government comn sary. sary.Last Last spring when the people he lower Mississippi Vallay w endered destitute by the floods , government very nromplly ca o their relief by issuing rations \ il sufficient supplies were raceii rom other contributors. "We p umesimilaraid would be promp jantcd to our destitute homesti [ ers upon application of our Sti uthorities. X the chivalrous Penn a is White Leaguers had first tak osscssiou of the Louisiana Sti [ ouse the rebel New Orleans ag ( f the Associated Press telegrapL lat they had found a number itters and dispatches implicati euator Carpenter and Ben But i a scheme to blackmail Kellof It now transpires that Penn t ot find anything of the sort eitl i the Suite House or Exesutive i ce , but it is-ascertained lhataco : littee of citizens belonging to t 0 un faction did form themseh ito a committee to exercise censi iip over the telegraph. They rui laged the files and documents 10 ofllce , and made copies or toi 10 originals of all the telegrams political tenor of which there w ny record. The names of this cor litteo are in the hands of the a loritics , and they will probably ealt with for the commission of j Dfense which , it is belived , is mai enal by aTTnited Statesstatuteai lablo in a United States Court. From our special Lincoln corrt undent it will be seen that there general fright prevading the Ha : al clans of the State. McBRii tys he will be seen in h 11 fin ut it is believed thatGAitBER ai OBEUTS will be compelled ithdraw from the Republics cket. It is believed thi ZSCIIUCK will have to go pverboai kewise. Such are the discussioi 'the leaders of the party who ii ilted the average self-respeot of i lasses with the worst and weake uket ever nominated by any pan L Nebraska. Herald. That reliable special corresponi it has as usual indulged his 1 ; g propensities. The Herald knov st as well as wo do that there lithcr a general nor even a partii ght pervading the Republica mp. Neither McBride , Garbe schuck , or any other candidal t the Republican ticket , has ev ( en invltod or expected to witl aw. Everybody in the Repub.1 n , nnd everbody in the Democrat ] mp , knows and believes that th tire Republican State ticket wi elected. Furthermore , it is uni rsally conceded that the Republi u ticket is by all odds the strong : among the lour tickets in th Id. THIS AUD THAT , Che Republicans meet the Tern auce issue by postponing it thre four years. This is not the plai the same party in Ohio. Then y are forced to adopt prohibitioi its most odious form. They an favor of it in Nebraska , but dan t meet the question. Do the Ger , n-Amcncans of Nebraska com lieiid the situation. Omahalfer ? he Prohibition party of Ohl ( uts the Republican temperance nk. "We expected it would , and 3 fortunate for the Republican ty that it does. 'here was a meeting of temper- ; e men , including , perhaps , some ihibitionists , in Cincinnati , thai toiuted a committee of fifteen tc in a circular to the temperance n of Ohio on the " ? itua- i. " That committee advised temperance men of Ohio ibandon any third party project I to vote the Republican ticket , it was very sensible advice. But . as advice thatwould fall heavy cad on an intefipe Prohibitionist's Probably-one naif of the hibitionists do not wish to sea Temperance legislation , tioy the Temperance agitation oimected with political parties . , the occupation of the chronic nibltlonistftwould begone , and f emk out of sight.Jfcat's the "thing they wane , jhe Prohib- i Era of this cltyeoohts the idea ailing on the Hapublican ticket. iys the Democrats will try to Cjtoiit that'sthe Republicans radfeal Prohibitionists , hoping atch the German votes , hut the ublicans will interpret the reso ; into auit themselves , or will Me it off. Cleveland Herald , f. 19th. HONEY POB THE IADIE Street dresses are to be niadi form a demi-train. The "Alhambra" Is the new b silk at Stewart's. "White tulle veils are fashion with long streamers behind.m The back hair is worn in a ai braid called .the "queue. " For evening dress a very h ! some dotted organdie has madt appearance. Buff and gray boots made of en are all the rage with the 1 ladies. A New Yoik doctor figures it that an average woman sheds' barrel ofteare , in forty years. Ball fringe will be all the : next winter. There are bund of styles. Jet fringe of new pattern is in market for the fall and winter s It promises to be generally used There is a great variety of cl morning silks. They are mostl ; stripes. The plaid is also revive There is nothing especially ne' opera cloaks , although seyeral i styles are promised before long. Appearances are often decelv Many a pale , thin young lady eat more corned beef tban a penter. Camels' hair shawl costumes be as fashionable as ever am those who have the mouey to them. Overskirts are made very long front and have long sash ends or looped up Dehind in every inn nable style. An enterprising New York fur respectfully announces to ladies A wish genuine furs that he ma muffs , boas , etc. , "out of their c skins. " China ear-rings represent lowers are among the noveltie : he season. They are very frag Diit exceedingly pretty und gn ill. The brocade silks worn by jrandmothers are to be revived he winter season , andareconspi > usly displayed by leading dry gn louses. Bands of black velvet about icck , with small gold or enai ocket depending , are in vogue o nore among ultra-fashiona oung ladies. The Lowell mill girls have a n 1 way of getting rid of any m inployo who happens to be obu ous to them. They rush at him roups nnd kiss him , and keep bis treatment until the poor fell j forced to leave. "Of course , " says n returned su tier tourist , "one in the coun ees , among other things , 'barefo d maidens tripping o'er the de rass , ' but then most of 'em hi are heels , and the romance lai way like washing left nut fl ight. " A party of sixteen ladies wi athing. in a group at Long Bran jc other day , and a Boston di lerk who stood near , declares tl 10 paint and powder turned t ater a bright orange color foi msiderable distance around. A woman with a baby under o rm and a dog under the oth itered a crowded car near Cc > rd , New Hampshire , the otl ly , made for a seat where an t lan was sitting alone , and was pi : eding to stow herself , child ai 3g into the vacant seat , when t lan blandly remarked to the lad , Madame , I have no objection 10 baby in this seat , but T ha iost decided objections to twins lie woman found another seat. The changes in woman's gait a ore mysterious than the trail rmatiousin her garments. Oi > ar she walks a queen , stately ai aceful ; the next she frisks aloi linfully like a spring lamb or ayful kitten. Now she bends fo ardjlets her limp hands drop fro is wrists , and wiggles as if si anted to advertise the fact th jr boots are tight , a thing which tally unnecessary ; again , as ; esent , she throws her shoulde ick and goes bravely forward wil ng steps. The. next change mu most inevitably tend to show lai ilshing movements. No othi ylo of locomotion will be po jle with the narrow skirts whic o to be worn. POLITICAL 5UTES. An Illinois stump-speaker , wl arried four rebel bullets" as' proi his patriotism , was found to ha\ em in his breeches pocket. Colored Republicans of Charle i , S. C. , have called a coiiventio nominate an Independent Stal ket , Congressman H. L. Dawes hi en invited by the Republica mmitteo of Massachusetts to pr < le at the State Convention , whic sots at Worcester , October 7. Moses is not nominated in bout rolina. Ho evidently cannc mt well. He thought he hardened rdoned enough out of the pen ; itiary to give him a majority , bu ; re was not enough of them. There will be several tremeudou in in the next Congress if all th ididates nominated get electee e other-day we copied a descrip 11 of a man in Georgia who seem to be a sort of moving electric : tery , and hero comes anothei lives in Florida , and Is thus pic ed : "From the highest stand nt known to man , the science end nd , this gentleman stands pre inent , aud soars above any othc son whoso name can be men let ! for any position within tin : of the people of Florida. Thi ntal , motive , and vital tempera nts are about In equal proper is , and with large organic quail places him , in spite of himself , J n among the first men in thii ntry. " Keep him at home. H < great for Congress. Mak < i a member of the School Com tee. hio is not unanimous for infla i , in spite of the efforts of t tion of its press to give that im- ssion. About five hundred citi- 9 of Cincinnati , nmong whom many men prominent in politic : business , have signed the fol- ing admirable pledge : "The erslgned , voters In the 1st or 2d xictsof Ohio , recognizing thai question of the currency is now mramount Importance , believe ; sound policy , as well ns good j , demands the prohibition ol Increase of our Irredeemable sr currency , and the speediest ilble return by the government ard money. We , therefore , do hereby pledge ourselves that , ily only one of the political les nominates a candidates for gress who is inknown , syinpa- with our view9 , > on the currency itiou , or who stands upon a form in accordance with them , , vill vote for him irrespective of party affiliations ; and if nei party nominates such a candid that we will , in mass convent make an independent nominat and we will support him at polls. " Several of the Southern new pers have been abusing the Lo ville Courier-Journal for its p language on the subject of the cent disturbances. It hits bacl them in this way : "The Soutl people might as well recognize i the fact that we shall never gel our feet unless we can unite am ourselves in keeping the peace , the first time since the war our cal authorities , our governors , judges , our grand juries are tl oughly aroused , and , while t activity conies too late to save the fall elections , it gives the cc try at large a guarantee of the ginning of a new era , whose pol if it be adhered to , will ultima bring us out of the woods. In meantime it seems to us to be n important to support the m < ments of Governor Leslie in E tucky and Governoi Brown in 1 nessee by the organization of an equate public sentiment than tea a little goose-grease over our so thinking to conceal them by vain hope of current partisan ! cesses. " The convention of colored oiti ? commenced its session in Utica , "Y. , Thursday. The committee resolutions reported n series dec ing that the present barbaritie the South are due to a policy a gether too lenient on the part of administration towards the nx-rel of the south in enfranchising self-disfranchised enemies of government to the disparagem of loyal colored citizens ; that disapprove of the action of the Pr dent in pardoning convicted i imprisoned Ku Klux , who she have been hanged , only for their turn to their former haunts to commit their hellish perpetrati on their inoffensive fellow- ( zens ; that the defeat of civil rights bill in the IIousi Representatives is due to the c duct offkreacherous Republica and they deserve the ostracism both white and colored voters ; t we look to the Republican party the passage of an adequate C Rights Bill ; that we earnestly , treat the Republican party not nominate men who have put the selves on record against this bill to nominate others of the same pi cipals ; asserting that we will p < lively withhold our support fr the same ; that those of our own r ; who refuse to grant civil rig to their own color , for fear lisapproval of white factions are serving the severest coudemnat md are a living disgrace to the p r > le with whom they are identifu : hat we call upou the A merit government to repress existing o ages. In the South , and to prot colored citizens in their natu ights , aud anything short of tl vill be looked upon as a failure ecognize the rights guaranteed is by the Constitution of the Unil Hates ; that if the President requi mr sen-ices in the present strugj f right against wrong , of weakm igainst strength , we are willing ender them. GRANGE POINTS. There are sixteen Granges daho territory. There ire 18,990 granges in t tailed States. " To\va has 1,994 Granges , ai ; ads all other States in numbers. A portion of the Opera Hous alem , Oregon , is to be fitted up f 10 Grangers. General Fitzhugh Lee , of Vi inia , favors the apparent objec f the Grangers , but objects to the : crecy and to the introduction omen into its membership. Robert Mays , district denut , ganizcd a Grange of twenty-fl' icmbers nt Goldenale , Klickit mnty , Washington territory , c URtist 29th , to bo called Klickit range. The Gilroy ( California ) Gran ? is passed n resolution sympathi K with nnd Indorsing the prote ' Worthy Master Hamilton , on tl : casion of the removal of Profess < irr from the Chair of Agriculf ui the California University. By thn authority of the Stal xecutive Committee , a Grange < itrons of Husbandry was orgai ed at Lincoln on Saturday ever g. It is composed of members r < ling in the city and surroundin untry , and the intention is take t ako it model working Grange. One of the best things about th range movement is the effort t ake the American farmer remem r that his house is not a tent i e desert , but n homo" , and shoul ive all the surroundings whic : ould make home agreeable. It i strange fact that the nearer on inej to a city the more delightft ' finds the gardens. The fact i at the denizens of the city np eclate the pleasure nffordei ivy nnd shade trees nnd flowers lile the farmer does not. Ho look on his land as something to scrap ivlng. from , aud chop down th [ > wing shade trees for cord wood ilh a very fews days extra troubl ch year , our farmers could live ii uses embowered by roses am orgreens , and surrounded witl wer gardens. Banner. Indignant , 1'he "Independents" are very in ; nant at the declination of thi publican State Central Commit i to get up audiences for them t ( re with their lugubrious orntloni the beauties of fellows who don' ik offices , but whom 'the office ; > k with a singular persistence t the central committee hnve , ai 5 earnest request of Republicans over the State , who desire to be- ne acquainted with their own ididates , spared the infliction > n them of such antiquated ante- uvians as Gardner , who never lol Republican convention pasa bj etofore without presenting hh h for a loaf and a fish , and sucli nitigated humbugs as Davis , b , after taking a sham contracl the U. P. railroad , as the servant the Credit Mobllier , turns round 1 pretends to champion the cause th poor tax-payers against the oated monopolists. " As to the ance of the "P. L" ticket , there lot one who was ever accused of ability to make a speech jre any kind of an audi- e , so far ns wo can learn , leaving Prof. McKenzie , who is not nping for that ticket so far as rd from. Lincoln Journal , he International Union of chinists and Blacksmiths assem- l at the Court-house , in Louisa - a on Wednesday , There were rge number of delegates , repre- ting about fifty thousand machi- s and blacksmiths in the Unietd : es and Canada. President John renbatch delivered the annual ress. BANKIKG EZRA MILLARD , j J. II. JIILLA1 President. | Casl NATIONAL BAN Car. Douglas and Thirteenth Streak. OMAHA , - , NE1.RAS1 Capital _ _ „ „ . $200,0 Surplus and Profits. ' . _ 30,0 AGENT SFOK THE UNI FINANCIAL STATES. ANf DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY DISBURSING OFFCEU3. THIS BANK DEALS in Exchange , Government Bonds , Vouc Gold Coin , BULLION and GOLDDUS' * And sells drafts and makes collections o parts of Europe. tt "Draftsdrawn pavaWe in gold or cui cy en the Bank of California , San Francisc TICKETS FOR SALE TO ALL PA of Europe via the Cunard and Nat Steamship Lines , and the llamburg-Aine ; Packf ? Cc ? t. 27 U.S.DEPOSITOE The First National Ba ; OX * Corner of Fnihnm and 13tlt Str < THE OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHfltJ IN * J BHA8KA. ( Successors to Kountze Brothers. ) ESTABLISHED IN 18' ' Organized as a National Bant , August 26 , 1 Capital mid Prodis over - $250 , ( OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : E. CREIOHTON , A. KOUNTZE , President. C'ashici II. COUNTZE , II. AV. YATES , Vice Pres't. As't Cashiei A. j. I'oi'PLETOX. Attorney. The Oldest hstablisheti BANKING nOITS IS NBHASK.A. Caldwell , Hamilton & C Business transacted same as 11 > f an Incorporated liank. Accounts Kent in Currency or GI subject to sight check without i ice. Certificates of Deposit issned pi ible on demand , or at fixed d ) eariii interest at sis percent. ] minim , and available in in all pa if the country. Advances made to customers ipproved securities at market ra if interest. Buy and sell Gold , Bills of I hange. Government , State , Conn , iid Cit ; Bonds. "We give special attention to nej ; fating Railroad and other Cor ] ate Loans issued within the Sta Draw" Sight Drafts on Englai relaud , Scotland , and all parts Europe. Sell European Passage Tickets. COLULECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. aultl -I/VIN SAtJNDERS , ENOS LOWI President. Vice Presdei BEN WOOD , Casb'ier. 3AVIXTGS BAXTE N. W. Cor. Farnhara aud 13th Sts. , ipital _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S ' 00,1 uthorized CapitU „ 1,000,1 AS SHALL AS ONE DOT , DEPOSITS and compound interest al lowed on the same. Advantages OVER Certificates of Denosit : TOE WHOLE OR ANY PART OF A D . posit after remaining in this Bent thi raths , will draw interest from d.ta of dep < to payment. The whole or any part o' a d sit can ' drawn ntjany tme. auc2 tf P , FALLON , DEALER IN ' rcss Gnods , Silks and Trimming So. 2C3 Do < ] 20s 'rect , between 14th and 15t ress makinc done with nea 3se and dispatch. Ordei Uicited. J , ROBINS , ; 7 nlam St. , bet. 9 h and lot ( Opposite Bc Office. ) LOANED ON WATCHES , JE\ IONEV . Clothing bought and sold. dimHamlet Hamlet Orum , GENERAL BEALEU IX : aple and Fancy Dry Good th s ( . , between Jones and Lcavcmvorth sts. ? FERS TO THE PUBLIC A MOST COJ ( plcte line of Drv Goods. Fancy Good olenand Cotton Flannels , Wrapper DeLaii < ilen Shawls and all kinds ot fall and winti terial for ladlts' and childrens' dresses. A -allcoes of all cradcs and Jescripiions a up. . ty. Boots and fchoes tor ladies' gents' an Idrcns' wear. septldSmo * QUEALEY'S r. P. Soap Factory itnatcd on the line of the Union Faclfl Iroad , near the iiowdcr house. Manufac es first-class soap for home consumption me24-lv _ ENOCH HENNEY , ustioe of the Peace ffico over the State Bank , cornerol Farn i and 13ih c-treeU. I fft QOA TKK DA.TC. Agents want I W p U ed. All classes of work people of either scr , young or oldaak e money at work for us In their pare mo its or all the tim < than at anythW else liessSTlNSON A. CO. . PortUnd. Jltine" novSvl TOVE E. F. COOK , 14th St. , botwsea Donglisl lufacturcc of Tin. Copper and Sheet Iroi Ware , and dealer in eking and Heating stove s imped. Japanned and French War oi Tin Roofing , Gutters nil Spouting and k -lone and -warranted. actical : 171 FarnP * ia , B , E , dr. Uth St. AUA - . NEE TEEITSCHKE & CO. , ROGERS n3 General ProTlsloa Dealers , 8. W. Cor. Jackson and 13th Sts- , i a superior stock of Gicries , Prorlsions , SM , Liquors nnd Cigars , and sell rhearcr any other bouse in Omaha. jy33m EDWAKI ) KUEHL. 3ISTE& OF TIIK DEPARTED. 108 lOti EtjletweeaFarnia"- U by the aid of guardian s > ( rTtj , ly one a riew of tn past , prewnt and fu- Ko l&t charged In CUM ci slckn Js , Nos. 187 , 189 and 191 Fainliam Stree mar2d MILTON RQGEBS , Wholesale Stove ! and TIIT 1TEHS' STOCS SOLE WESTERN AGENCY FOR STEWART'S COOKING and KEATING STOYE ! THE "FEABLESS , " COOKING STOVES , CHARTER OAK COOKING- STOVES 1Uof Which Will bo Sold at Manufacturers' Trices , With Freight addc fox- Fort Oalhoun & ! Manufactured with Great Care from the Best Grain. General Depot , Ccr. l tla & Dodge Sts mayWy. OMAHA. ELAJt CL.AKK "W. S. PITCH , FELT Aud Olaiiirfacturcr of Dry ; au-i Saturated llooflii ; ; nnd Sheuililiig Felt. ALSO DEALERS IN Roofing , Fitch , Coal , Tar , Etc. , LOOPING lu any part of Nebtasta or adjoining States. Offics opposite 'the * Gas Works < .V 12th trect. AddrtsaP. O. Boz 452. O. F. GOODMAN , ffHOLE RUSGIST I > enlcr PAINTS , OILS AND WINDOW GLASS , Oinalia. Nebraska. IlIPOETElt ASD JODBER OF FOREIGN AXD DOMESTIC WINES and LIQUORS , Tobaccos and Cigars , No. 142 FAKNHAM STREET , OMAHA , NEB. Old Kentucky Whiskies a Specialty. BB-AQENT FOB TIIE ELDORADO WINE COMPANY. CALIFORNIA.-Sfl , of aroiiot. xn. Dmaha Shirt OHAELES H. PLATZ Manufacturer of MILLINERY , adies' ' and Gents' XEPTUXE , or FISH.fLOWERS Nioe Crnaments for Ladies. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLEt 16 Douglas St. , Visclier's Block , Omahn , Nel ) 3 LKVTIS S. JtEEO BYRON REED & GO. The Oldest Established .Real Estate Agency IK NEBRASKA Keep a complete Abstract of Title to all Rca Estate in Oinnha and Douelas count v. City Meat KfO t ctly'onhand ; A LARGE SUPPLY OF un X * , I * O 3EI EC MUTTON. DULTBY , GAVE 33 Xa OE3 i = tn GOEJ T u YICTOR COFFMAN , PHYSICIAN and SURGEON , ( OVER ISH'S DRUG.STORn , ) Staroot , Sdtf. O3VI.A.EC.A. U , P , R , R , MEAT MARKET , 16th street bet California and Webster. TTTE KEEP ON * HAND THE BEST W supply ol FRESII AJTD SALTED MEATS. Also a'large stock of Fine Sugar nred Ilams and Breakfast Bacon , at tbo lotr- tales. WM. AUST 4 KNUTU , Mjl-lJ > ' Proprietors. JACOB GISB : , 261 Knrnhnn St. , Bet. 14th A 1511 UNDERTAKES Schneider & Burmester Macofactnreri ot TIX , COPPER AND SHEET IR05 WAP.E. DEALERS IN Cookiii ? and Heating Stores. Tin Roofing , Spouting and Gutter ! ig don short notice and in tne best mauner. Ifteen troet scpt21 d ] EEDMAN & LEWIS , Cor. 16th and Izard Streets. TJ IMI IB IE IR , On hand and SAWED TO OEDEK F. A. PETEltS. Saddle and Harness Maker , AND CARRIAGE TRIMMER , To. 271 Pnrnham ft. bet. 15tb d&.inth A LL orders and repairing premptly attended ; \ to acd satisfaction gqarralteed. BJTCaah paid for bided. MAX MEYER & BROTHER , OMAHA , NEBRASKA CHEAP FARMS ! FBJBS HOLIES On tne Line oi th < Union Pacific Raikoad of ths last TABMING aad MIHEKAL Lands of Anerlc * A laid Grant of 12,000,000 , , Acres 1,000,000 ACUFS Df NEBRASKA IX THE GREAT PLATTE TALLE THE GAEDE5 OF THE WEST NOW IOB SALE These lands are In the central portion of the United States , on tbo 41st degree ot Noith Lat Zone o ! the American Continent , and for grain Ittale , the central line oi the great Temperate . growing and stock raising unsurpassed by any in the United States. OHEAPBB IH PRICE , inure fcTorable terns Hrea. and more coaTenlsat to market tt a c be fontd Ebewuere. FIVE and TEN YEARS' credit given with Interest at SIX PER CENT OOLOH18T8RadaOTUALSETULEa3c&nnuyoiiTea Toirs' Credit Laadj at tht caa uric * to all OBEDIT PPBOHA3EB3. A Deduction TEN PEU CENT. FOR CASH. FREE HOJtESTEADS FOB AOTUAL SETTLERS. jjid tlio Best Locations for Colonies ! Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead ci 160 Acres. to fvLXola.zi.nioim of , with , pcUlshol in Enellsh , Gfjman , Sweed new maps Pamphlet Bend for new Descriptive . . . rX. & and Dan' ih , mailed free everywhere. uand Address Coinuilulouer < u. P. .f3 . . . Omaha , Neb. ulr2il r U A. B. HUBEICMAWN < fc CO X.O & . la I WATCHMAKERS , I OF JEWELKY S. E. Cor. 13th & Douglas Sts. WATCHES & CLOCKS JEWELRY AND FIATED-WARE , AT WHOLESALE Oil RETAIL. Dealer Can Save TIMS and FJREIGHT by Ordering of Us. ENGRAVING DONE FREE OF CHARGE ! © -ALL WOODS WARRANTS TO BE AS REPRESENTED.- * * ian31-tf j. S. C. ABBOTT ABBOTTS. . C. ABBOTT CO. , Booksellers 1 - DBALSUS IN Ho. 188 Famliam Str ot. Omaiia , Publishers' Aponts for Sr.hoo > Root ? M. cd In GEO. A , HOAGIiANTD , Wholesale Lumber OFFICE AND YARD COR , OF DOUGLAS AND 6TH STS. , U , P , R , R , TBACR , IsTIEIB , anlltl WH. M. FOSTER , Wholesale Lumber ; WINDOWS , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , &C , and Tarred Felt. Plaster Paris , Hair , Dry Sole Agents for Boar Creek Lime and Louisville Cement OFFICE AND YARL : 1 ff A TT A - NEB . . . . , Sts. { WlU..O.JLJLnL n C. P. Track , het Farnham and Domjlm apr2tf ET. I. D. OILS A2TD WZiTDOW GLASS , HEAD-LIG-HT OIL JOAL OIL AND - NEBRASKA MAHA - _ _ FAIRLIE & MONELL , LANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS , Stationers , Engravers and Printers , STOTARIAIi A2TD LOSCE SEALS. isoic , OtM Fellows -and Kniglits of Pythias DGE PEOPERTTES , JEWELS , BOOKS , B VXKS , ETC. , AT SS E ASTERN" PIUUE3 AND EXI * -JS.-S stroot. mr AEC A. ARTHUR BUCKBEE. BTTILDEH AND DEALEB IN J 3C J 1 I ? 3 For Yards , Lawns , Cenrcterlej .Chnreh'Orondg anaPublic Parks , Office and Shop } - - OMAHA 01 W. Famhamaad pr3t/ .