VOL. IV. OMAHA WEDNESDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 16 , 1874. NO. 76. DAILY BEE. LDWAKD ItOSEWATKR , Editor and Prop'i Office So. 13 FaniliMtn irett , betwr. Mntlinnil Tenth. TEUMS OF bUlteCUUTION : One copr. one jcar. in advance ill. months , in advance three months Jn adrance . . < " BSTll not paid in advance , $8 per annum will colletel FEBDEBICK , LEADING HATTER 1 r' Best Goods , LOWESTFRXCES OMAHA. Grand * . OMAHA BUSINESS BIKRCTORY , MAUFAO cCIurei Miilth. 185 llarney street , bet. lllhand IJth. detlbtf QLA83 AND PIOTDEE FB'MLB T Helnhart. 188 1'ou ' Iw street , dealei In t } .wiuiluw glass audpiiturelraiujs , ( ilaiing done to order. a.2tf BOOTS AUD SHOES. Lang. 155 Farnhata st , betweeni 10th Philip 11BU feLWjrl CONFFCTIOHFEY. . Laley , corner I2th and D.iUgU * slrepu. HL. ni'f-tturcr and wholesale deiler In tai.d"saudconie tionery. Country ti > dei st- llceted. Pl" COAf. DEAtEFS. tid S Kill .t , coal , lime , ceuien thalr etc. , Pol 1W furnhani tU felildmS PAWN BEOKER. Elgutter , Ko. 200 Farnham st. Jel7tf iF M. LAUKDET. * fw laiiDdn'opened at oil lltn 't. . twt. * T. A , Farnhatui-ndOouJas. The washing and Ironicg will t e done to nlnr. tint class work 8' ' ) P "ACTOET. TJrcmlura SopVor . Powel' < t Co , still i manu ocfire tl-er ! Piemiuni S > ap. Fite first premium .awardeJ l.y ibei-oug'a count j endbtite fairs , and ruttawattamie louutj , la. Orders soli-itwl fioin the trade E. T. SMYTIIU. C. C. GRAVES. SMYIHE & GRAVES , Attorneys -at-Zia Boom 5 Crsighton Block. E. ESTABRO IK. r. M. ESTABBOOK& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE Crekhlou litock , Omaha , Nch. tv DhXTER L THOMAS , Attorney ami Counselor nt Lair. 0FICE-Ecom Ho' Vlwclier' * Block , OMAHA - NEB. JOII3 B. KKLL.KV , Attorney I CoimseloratLaw Office-Boom Creighton Block , I . QKAHA. Ccr. 16th ani Uouglaa bta. / " "w / OLLKCT IONS feOLICITED AND PttOM PT- \j ly attended to. No charge unless collec- i Jens are made. Houm to let and rents col- , -ectcd. Itcal cttale tuiichi m.d soM. apl.tf t JOHN Vf. JLYTLE , nnd Solicitor In "Eqailf. -OTcr Ilrrt Halloa * ! Bank , tntl-ff DEALtlj IN ' Cr-otN , Sil s and Trimmings. No 2C3 Doiljo f ' 'eet , between lltli ami 15tb. Dre smakine done -withneat- iiese and dispatch. Orders sdhcited. je.iS-3in . ZSamlet Orura , OE.NERAL DEALER IX Staple and Fancy Dry Goods 9tli st , 1-clwccn Jones an J t/eaveuwortli it * . TO THE PUBLIC A JK-ST cosi- Qrrcns line of I r Oonds. Funry Good ? , 0 > lennnJ Cotton I InnucK U'rapptr l'cLj.ln V o-.l. u blia Is anil all Llndi of fall and winter mater al for la-Iks' ati'l ' culMn-ns' dnuei. Al so tiillfoe * < > f all CTjdes nd , devrip Ion * a > pe- claltr Iloots and tlioos for ladleV gents' and children * ' ar. uepU J3mu * Practical Watchmaker , 171 r n > Ptm , S.vfhT. . llth Bt. OMAH > NEB V-tTtlB .0 FFM NBD , Physician 1 Surgeon , 241 Farnham Street , Over Ish's Drug Stoi . QUEAL.EY'S P. Soap Factory ! bltuated on the line of the Union Pacific Uillroa , ii.-ar the | > owilrr Lou e. Manufac ture ! ii st-cLibi Kwp for home con utuptii tune24-lT Established 1858. 'Di ' CARRIAGE RTA > UF1CTORY Fonrteenlh Street , f Otfca up ctun. ) Omaha. KebruVa. Hand Buggicj on hand or nc.a < te to order. X. B. Pirtlculir attention paid to Repair Ing. STOVE E. F. COOK. 637 llta St. , bet e M nnf clnrcr of Tin Copper and Sheet Iron Vfin , and dealer In Cooking and Heating stove s .Stamped , Ja anneJ anl Kunth War on W. a Ro .Hug. . ( iultcn an.l &i > uUn2 arid * Inne and arrsntisl. 1MAKKET , Mutton ass- , Fish , Poultry , sngS IT AHD N MUNICIPAL Can Can at Pattec's opera bouse to-night. to decide when doctors disagree. Doctor Johnson says the Independents have swallowed up the Democracy , and Doctor Miller insists that the Democrats will swallow the Independents when election day comes round. JOHN MOKRISHY wants the De mocracy of New York to return him to Congress. Jn vi w of the brisk demand for able bodied Democrats ) down in New Orleans John had better go to the Crescent City , where his services would bo better appre ciated. GEOKGEWASniXGTOXSncUXUUS is said to be meditating another in cursion into the domain of journal ism. If he can raise money enough to btiyacontrolling interestin Clein- mie ( "base's Excelsior he will dem onstrate what hn can do with a paper controlled by himself. Foil the benefit of certain work ingmen , who claim that the BEI : had garbled and curtailed the Inde pendents platform , wo will state that we published the entire plat form proper. The resolutions intro duced after the platform had been adopted are not considered a part of the platfonu. This explains the alleged discrepancy. An indiscriminate slaughter in clothing end gents , ' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 206 Faruham street. Fine linen and chevoit shirts ot our wn make at $2.00 and $2.50 ouch. Railrond Tit \-cts bought and sold by P. Oottheimer , Broker , at 290 Fan.ham street. Utirerleenicd Pledges for Sale. may ly2G J. MOOSEHEAD , 3DIRCJC3C3IST ' .AND PHaRMACIST , Pattec' Boclr ! , Bet. OiUforaia & Wtuster ts. OMAHA , KEB. PI ysklaiu { Yptf-jptlous carofulljr Je253w * comnoiibdwl. SOT1 Lai I OFFICE , No. 232 FARM HAM ST. i Brf. tStij & 14th Sis. . OKr-A-HCA. . in Uieclty DR , A , S , BILLINGS , a Tc. rta. S3 t. . Pel. 1 < th and 14th , up statrn. Teetb extracted without pain , by use of 1H- trono OxMe > aa. - e5tl S-U.X-fl.OoX JK.OOX33.J3. L VAN CAMP M. D. DlspecFN his own medclne- , and letidcr reguUr prattlw , lunifs rcci ! itles of Deranc- menU and Piscarps Ftculiiir to Women , Fistu la , Pile * and other Pieman * of the Bvctum. OFFICE : Corner Farnhain n i 14fh f'roett , flmtiloor toth ri ht. up > ( " . Roiidenc , 210 Douglas street , between 12 and nth , next to Lutheran Church 'Omaha. N h Adilrrr BIK8. J. E. VA NUI2KCOOK. Eclectic Pliysiciarif Becldence and offif , 250 Dodge st bet Htl nd IStli sts. tjpecial attention paid to ohMetrici an < I < lli ] es peculiar U > women ai.il rhlMr"n. f9tf. NEW SALOON- IIEKIIV. the popular S.iloon Lo'p r , Ins re fitted up the b'HQiucnt of old Hrrald Imll I in ? cor. 13th and Douglai btt. , wh < re , inc < nnec- tion with hb bir ho fct < nut 3 I.unth ever > morninemd IIRAND I.UNC1I LVUUV f > Ar- Give him call al dtf C. F. 171 Cor. Fnruhniu nijil Rlrvrn-h l AllVlndiof TAILORING , Hijauingod re pairing done at reasonable rjtei. A une lot of UIlMblllXU UOODs couslantly on liand sud told cheap. < lec Gtf. GW. . HOMAN , Sr. , "Cers for the necessities of the public , a Hearse aflft Carriages , All orders promptly a'tcndivl to by leaving them at Cur. l.HU and Hari.ey Sti. ; ri' tf GENERAL AUCTIONEER , Cor. Kit hand Dodge Ms. Prompt at'ontion given to rales of household furniture , s oiegool * hm scattle.etc.either at store or owner's residence. Ccal I > tne ! at public or private sale. cu Sldtf us 3 > oar. . X7. ir ca IM13 s - MlFACTOEKP OF AMD DX4LKB IX- Lainbrrcptiiis amiVuJow Sbn.Ics , r CHKQMOS , EXGRATIN S AND PICTURE FRAMES. 1i i 270 Farnhum rtmt.roincr Fflponth 1 l II. C. > VALKKi ? . MAN'UFACl U KLJ' AMJ USLJ.LER IK BOUTS & SHOES e SlOUihSt. Eetwctn Karnljam anl Douglas ' ' " It JOHN Ii. tilt EN t . , 1 1t 1r DEALEU 1 J GPwVIN , FLOUli ANN FEED , f ' ANJI COMMISSION M ERCJIANT. CI Ct t 1 Comer of Cnmicgs and Tweaty-secoad streets The finest lager bser con - stantly on hand. Ie25-Cm CUAS. WEYMULI.ER. Prop VAfl DOHA'S JUAOllliNE All kinds ol light and tear ? MADE & BEPAIttED. 868 EAE5ET BTEEBT , - 'OMAHA. tepMl - - i VERY LATEST. MIDNIG-HT. SARATOGA , Sept. 15. The biennial convention of Uni tarians met hero to-day , at the United States Hotel , about 1,000 delegates being present , comprising many distinguished personages. The regular committees were ap pointed at the morning session , and in the afternoon addresses were made by Judce Hoar , president of the conveution , and others. The convention sent congratulations to the Universalist convention in New York. Robert Collyer delivered an eloquent sermon ibis evening. ST. Louis , Sept 13. A mass meeting was called to sympathize with the actors in the movement in Louisiana to secure a change of government. It was largely attended , and all speeches expressed sorrow and indignation at the past oppression , and the warm est congratulations at the success of the present step. Resolutions were adopted expressing these feelings. R. J. P. Garecho a prominent law yer of this city , addressed the people ple at some length. LITTLE ROCK , Sept. 13. The Republican State Convention met to-day and effected a tempo rary organization. Commutes were appointed as usual. W. H. Gray ( colored ) made a speech , during which he received a paper purport ing to be a dispatch from New Or leans to the effect that General Longstreet and 430 men were killed to-day. It created c profound sen sation on the street. Speeches were made denouncing the Constitutional Convention It is generally understood that there will bo no nominations for State ollicers to-night. CHICAGO , Sept. 15. The Episcopal diocesian comen- tion of Illinois iuet at 10 o'clock this morning at the Cathedral of j Ste. Peter and Paul , the attendance ' being very large of both clerical and lay delegates. The annual sermon was preached by Rov. Dr. Locke , of of Grace Church , in memory of the late Bishop Whitehouse. At two o'clock this afternoon the conven tion will organize and proceed to business. The election of a Bishop will probably not be reached until the evening session. The Episcopal Convention reassembled sembled at two o'clock this after noon for business , and was called to order by. Canon Knowles at whose request Rev. Jr. { Samuel Chase took the chair. Tho' roll o'f delegates was railed and 50 clerical and 37 lay delegates , representing 33 parishes , responded. The convention then proceeded to elect permanent oilicers , and Rev. Dr. Chase and Rev. Edward Sulli- vauVere nominated fof permanent presidents. Jr. Sullivan declined the honor and urged the unanimous choice of Dr. Oha c , and insisted upon a ballot , which was then taken , resulting clergy for Chase 34 , Sulli van 17 ; laymen tor Chase 21 , Sul livan 10. The high church par ty claim the vote was a partial imljcation of the relative strength of the two parties in the convention. , llev. J. H. Knowles was elected Secretary and C. R. Larrabes Treas urer. The President announced the standing committees , afier which the question of admission of dele gates from delinquent parishes came up , and after a long debate was de cided in the negative. In this re sult his church men again claim a triumph. The que-tiou of the elec tion of a bishop then came up and it was finally sigreed that a secret cauoua should be held to-night and that the election should occur at 2 o'clock to-morrow evening. The secret caucus of delegates to the Episcopal convention met this evenjng. A large numberof names was presented fylt no decision was reached in repaid the successor of of Bishop Whitehouso. The chief discussion was on the name of Dr. DeKoven and the general opinion seemed to bo favorable to him. . VVASiiiAqTox , Sept 15. The President has received r.'om Governor Kcllogsj , by telegraph , an application for aid to protect Louis iana from domestic violence. So other djspatcnps have been re ceived by the President ir Attorney General from Kollojrg , except an ap ? plication for aid. This was referred to the Attorney General , Secretary Bell-nap being absent. The Presitjcnt leaves for Jong Branch to-night. Adjutant General Townsend is sues military orders in the absence of General Sherman and Secretary Belknap. A New Orleans dispatch to the War Department confirms Ihe Pres ident's reports. The President in conversation to-day , expressed his surprise at the civil war inaugurated by the opponents of the Kellogg Govcrnment.Hehad expressed hope to many citizens of Louisiana of better things. These remarks seem ed to have been misconstrued. Ho remarked , incidentally , that prompt measures would be taken to suppress all further disturbances. The Pres ? ideijthus addressed two orders tp. the commander to preserve peace to the best of hs } ability. Orders will be issued to meet any emergen cy ; troops will be sent to New Or leans jn such numbers as are need ed , at the President is resolved to preserve the peace. Gen. Emery has addressed a dis L patch to Gen. McDowell , which has been sent to tlje War ' Depart ment. He says he has jj'n insuffic l ient number of troops to maintain himself in case of a conflict between QIC troops and insurgents , Robert J. Mull value has been ap pointed gauger of the internal rev enue for the 13th district of Illi nois. nois.The The court to-day refused the ap plication of counsel for Wm. Benton - ton , safe burglar , to furtherpostponc his trial , oi ] account of his absence , and ordered that his recognizances be forfeited. The grand jury found a true bill for conspiracy against Richard Har rington , A. B Williams , Colonel Whiteley.Ncttlpsbip and Cunz , late qf the detective service. The former two have given bailjin $5,000. Har rington asked that the trial proceed at the earliest possible day. He said though the confidence of the 7 -A.ttoruoy General In him remained unshaKen , he would not till his of fice pending trial. The President , " before leaving to day , issued two orders to General Emery , commanding the federal troops in Louisiana , through Adju tant General Townsend , but the pur port of these orders could not be as certained further than that they 6 were issued for the purpose &f p rs- serviug " peace and - - prevpntlug"blood- . . CABLEGRAM PARIS , isept 15. The trial of August Balzazo and others who aided the escape of Mar shal BazuinOjConimenced yesterday. Balzazc was Bazaine's man servant. BEULIX , September 15. Mr. Bancroft has presented his credentials to the King of Saxony and returned to Berlin. Ho has taken a fine house on Berlin strasse , M'hich he will make the headquar ters of Americans , and where he will give weekly socials. WASHINGTON , Sept. 15. The receiver of Jay Cooke & Co. intends to issue a call , based on an order of the court , for a meeting of nil creditors of the company , to take place at Philadelphia on October lith , to consider all questions which have arisen in and out of court re garding the settlement of the es tate. PARIS , Sept. 15. The government of Marshal Mac- Mahon has determined to place no statue on the summit of the recon structed vcndome column , notwith standing the Assembly decree that the column should bo constructed as it stood before the leign of the Commune , when it was surmounted by the statue of Napoleon. Mac- Mahou will visit Lyons in about ten days. LONDON , Sept 15. A Times special dispatch from Hendia , Fiance , says it was repor ted totheiefroni Spain that the re publican troops have mutinied against General Lozarina , the new ly appointed comuiandcr-in-chiefof the army of the north , and cheered for General Marions , whoso restora tion tliev demand. The Standard's correspondent tel egraph from Madrid that General Loza ina is operating his troops at Marinda and expects to begin ope rations next week. PAULS , September 15. Yotjng in the Department of the Maine KI Doreli resulted in no elec tion. The following are the full re turns : Demaille , 45,000 ; Bruas , government candidate , 16,500 ; Bergcr , Bonapartist , 25,000. A second end election is ordeied for the 27th instant. It is understood that Berger will formally withdraw from the contest. Thiers is going to Italy on a month's tour. Jules Simon is about to open a political campaign in the Soutli of France. Ho is announced to speak at Viernon , Montello and Toulon. LONDON , Sept. ] . ' > . The rumors ot the intended visit on the part of the Emperors of Ger many and Austria to Home , are re vived both at Berlin and Vienna. Emperor William will frst A Kit King Violor fimanuel. : .i 1 } aiftpr a few days will be joined by ' Francis Joseph. The lirst practical of ? ft of the oc cupation of Alsace bv fifnr.rW 1ms been felt by a meeting ( if U > e inter national Union , hjivhJj phargo ol " all matters pertaining { thu Rhino , and which has just uoiu < iifdodit < 9 ses sions in this city. AJ1 ( ' , ( prritories tlnouglj whjon the KlU e flows were rpprespntcd , the former seat of France being oceuplo < | by fin im perial commissioner. 'I dp j > Hf.v of France always lias baen to discour * ago all communi'Mtion , not indis pensable between tjio two hanks of the river , has been confined to a single point this year. The board has resolved to build six bridges at various points between Bultz and Ninngcn. Om.nANS , S pt. 15 The city } s comparatively quiet to-day , but there is still great ex citement over the events of yester day. Business is almost at a stand still , mid the majority of the stores ant ) ollices arc closed , anil pvery cit izen is dis. "jssliig ypstenjay's'fighr ' , There appears to bo no cause to fear further outbreaks for the present , at least , but the people generally ex press themselves as apprehensive of furtjjpr trouble beAjrc tfio present excitement subsides , Several of tuose reported seriously wounded In yesterday's fight , will , In all probability die. Governor Koljogg js stjl | in the Custom. House , guarded by troops. ThoStateHousc was surrounded and the Ja'okson Squ re police station is also surren dered and a large quantity f arms were delivered up in both places. The ap > iit of the American Press Association was shot and killed in yesterday's battlo. All State ami city property , com prising the State House , police sta tions and arsenals , are in possession of the league. : BUFFALO , Sept. 15. The Erie county delegates to the Democratic Convention to-morrow at Syracuse are nearly unanimous for Judge Church as candidate for Governor. QUEBEC , Sept 15 : The c binetis not j'et formed Debauchervilleistrvmg to form one , 3iit as yet has not been successful jq > ping al } th St. Louis Produce market. w STt Louis , Sept. 5. Four { Qujet and a shade better for lower grades. Wheat Firmer ; No 2 red 1 3S@ 58 } ; No 21 17117 } . Corn Active ; higher 7f@SO ) , [ f nts Active and higher ; Ao 2 19Ja50 ! } . Barley Quiet and unchanged. Rye Higlier , at 05. Whisky Steady , at 1 02. Pork Higher , 25 00. > Bacon Active and higher ; shoul- . lers , 11 ; clear rib , 15J ; clear 1C@ Lard Unchanged , t Chicago Live Stock Market , CHICAGO , Spptemher 13. Cattle Receipts , 3,600. Market lull ; bemand chiefly for inferior inujes at unchanged prisas. Texas sold 2J @ 3 10 ; stockers 3 35@3 40 ; 3ommon to choice " , 4@G. Hogs Receipts" , 11,000. Firm c. 1 steady ; inferior grades easier , clos : ing weaker all around ; common to extra , G 30@Q 00 } : good to choice , 00p > 7 00 } ; poor to common , G OOJ © G OOJ ; medium G S07 00. Sheep Receipts , SOU. Market quiet and unchanged , ' u St. Louis Live Stock. ST. LODIS , Sept. 15. Cattle Fairly active ; " receipt ? , 380 ; fair to choice natives , 3 23 © in ' 00. . - Hogs ttcceips , 1,530 ; .firm ; stock ers , 3 25@5 00 ; light fat , 5,25@5 50. } It J and 5 foQG JiO : butchgrs , 6 ? * * * * V * * TELM'RAPHIC ' , 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Specially Beported for the Omaha Daily Ber , bv the Ati.nHe and Pao'fic ' TVIezruPli Co. COLUMBIA , Sept 13. Tlie Republican State convention yesterday passed a resolution in fa vor of a third term for President and returning him thanks for send ing troops to tberescue of the people. The platform adopted maintains the settlement of the public debt and re jects all claims against which there is a shadow of suspicion ; renews the devotion of the principles of gener al reform ; promised to reduce the expenses and pledges the passage of the civil rights rights bill. It con demns lawlessness and violence ; recommends such modification of the system of taxation as will prove advantageous to the agricultural interests. A caucus was held last evening in the interests of Green against Chamberlain. Another co.u- vention will be held in Charleston. YORK , Sept. 15. There is quite a stir in acquatic circles in this city over the proposed international boat race , to bo ar ranged between the English cham pion four Sadler , Winship , Baga- nell and Taylor and a four selected from New York and Pittsburff. The English champion fcur re cently issued a challenge to row any four men in America a live-mile race in a four-scull Loat for 500 ; to give expenses to row in the Thames , or take expenses and row in Ameri ca. After consulting several prom inent oarsmen. Bernard Biglin , of New York , has accepted the chal lenge and agrees to row the Eng lish crew either at Saratoga Spring field , Philadelphia , or New York , for § 2,000 aside , and allow theEng- lishmcn $1,000 for expenses. Big- lin's otter will be forwarded to Eng land Wednesday. The American four will be Morris , stroke ; John Biglin , No. 2 ; Josli Ward No. 3 , and Bernard Biglin , bow. WASHINGTON , Sept. 15. The President to-day among other appointments made the following : Commodore Howell , to bo chief of the bureau of the yards and docks of the United States navy ; William Burnet , of Boston to be the super vising Inspector general of steam boats ; vice Smith resigned. The dinner given by the Presi dent to the Aztec Club , took place last night in the state dining-room of the executive mansion. General Robert Patterson , of Philadelphia , President of the club , p.rpsjded. Among those present were'General George A. Blake , General Buchan an , Professor Henry , General H. W. French. General II. V. Hajner ] General W. W. Marshal , General S. B. Tower , General H. Prince , General W. T. Barry , General B. Alvord. General M. L Ronham , Gpapral fiporge padwallader , G.en- 0 , L. Shepherd. Qf tbpsp present who were not members of the olub there were present Secretary Fish , Secretary Bristow , Attorney Gen- eneral Williams , Postmaster Gen eral Jewell , Assistant iecretiry ; qf the Interior Cowan , General Porter , General O. E. Babpock , qnd Dr. Sharp , United States Marshal. BOSTON , Sept. Ju , Special dispatches from all parts of Maine to the Boston Globe shows that 120 towns , which last year gave Dingley , Republican , for Governor , 22,030 , and Tiloomb , Democrat , and Williams , Reform , 10,400 , this year give Dingley 25,835 , and Tilcomb 19,310 , showing a majo.ity of 0,151 this year , against 5,903 last year. If the remaining towns have the same ratio Dingley's m.ajority will exceed 11,000' , . 'tho total vote in the State will reach 93,000 , whereof Dingley will receive 55,500 and Til- comb , 39,000. Returns from 18 ad ditional towns make no proportional change in the n-sult from thp alcove tigurps , Tie } majorities In the 'sev eral Congressional districts will ave rage upwards of 2,500 for the Repub lican candidates. In the First Dis trict Rurleigh will have about 1,000 majority ; JfPyp , fa thp geoond Dis trict , 2.6QOJ Blajne , u ; the Third District , upwards of 3,000 majority , I In the Fourth Percy will have 2,100 mnjorltj' , and in the Fifth Halo will have about 2,800. The Republicans have carried ovpry pqunty In the Statp. Thpy have gained a Senator in Somerset county and | est ono In Cumberland ; and have gained more members in the House than thev have lost. BROOKLYN , Sept. 15. The Argus says Tilton's statement ivlll probably be published next Friday , and it is said the document . ivill bo much stronger in analysis j ' han that of its predepssor , Tjftori aas reduqed the dimensions of hg { IV statement greatly , and is still en- jaged In cutciug it down , which irocess ho expects to conclude to- norrow. The Argus says Jt will jontajn startling loiters witb yltal ividence. The persons who wrote hese letters supposed they were eng since destroj-ed. Tilton has cept the fact of his possession Qf his evidence a secret , and it is ox- ected the persons will be surprised vhen Tjlton'd statement is made. The Eagle publishes an interview * vith Mr. Cleveland , | n which , ho ol ays the e vidence tftUen by the com' p nittee will bo published at a con venient time. The main evidence las already been published , and ftd omainder does not 1" the least au.oh.Tijton's allegations against Jeecher , but relates to Tilton and ils family affairs , He considered hot Moulton'a statement will help atber than hurt Beeolior's posU 5 ion , as many of the state- nents are known to scores 1 f people to be false , particularly in .hat portion relating to Miss Edna a Dean Proctor , regarding the letter eferrhig to her by Moulton. CarOi icnter stated , with emphasis , that was purely a business letter on natters wh.'oh occurred in 1858 , and lid not refer to anything of a urim- nal or improper nature. Ho de fined to eonvejso further on the iubject of Moulton allegation with eierence to Miss Proctor , for the eason , as ho said , that parties di- eptly Interested will attend to this 4 I jaseatthe proper time , Intimating e : hat suit for would be instituted 5 igainst Moulton. - C TRENTON , N. J. , Sept. 15. The delegates to the State Demo- iratio Convention have nearly all irrived , and the hotels are very much crowded. N. Perry , of Newark , ono of the prominent cannidates foi governor , lias withdrawn from the convention. Mr. J Daggett Hunt also declines tl favor of Judge Bedle , A few delegates are talking of pharles Height , of Mo tSouth , but now Bought that Bedle will re ceive the nomination. ORLENS , Septlo. Ihe'disturbances at New Orleans command general attention here , and are commented on by ihe press. The Herald savs if this is the be ginning of the strife what may not be expected as the passions of the radicals and conservatives , whites and blacks , become excited by the shedding of blood and the struggle for power. The results of the contlict is yet too early to predict , and the reports may bo exaggerated , but it seems to be most important and alarming struggle that has occurred in the south for years. The Tribune attributes the trouble to the frightful mismanagement of affairs in Louisiana under its present administration. It sympathizes with the people , but is strong against revolting , and says this is no time for Mdh.iicry to assume power and undertake to overthrow the existing government by force. The World says the troubles are the result of the pitch of despera tion to which the oppression and mismanagement of the Kellogg usurpation have brought the people of Louisiana. It takes very strong grounds against the party in power there. The Times says that the seizure of arms designed for the White League exasperated the Democrats to n great degree. It regards Penn's ac tion during McEnery's absence as a melancholy furre of re volution , and says it may become tragic if Penn's militia respond to his call and at tempt to drive the usurpers from power , as they are directed to do. The seizure of arms was made un der the well known State laws , and the revival ot McEnery's jgovern- rnent seems to have been the direct result of an attempt to prevent oath bound organizations from secretly arming themselves. WASHINGTON , Sept. 15. The President has just issued the following proclamation : "It is represented to me that turb ulent and disorderly persons have combined together with force and arms to overthrow the State govern ment of Louisiana and to resist the laws and CQnstjtuteu authorities of said State , and Wiiereas , It is provided in the Constitution of the United States that the United States shall protect every Sttte in this Union on appli cation of the legislative , or the exec utive , when the legislative cannot bo convened , against domestic violence lence ; and Whereas , It is provided in the laws of the United States that in all cases of insurrec tion in any State , or of obstruction to the laws thereof , it shall be h wful for th'e 'President of the "United States , on application of the legislature of such State , or the executive when the legislature can not bo convened , to call for the militia of any other State , or employ such part of the land and naval forces as shall be nidged necessary for the purpose of suppressing such insurrection , or ( musing the laws to be. duly executed ; ' and , Wiiereas , the legislation of said State is not In session and cannot be convened in tima to meet the present emergency , and the executive of said State un der septjotj four of article four of the constitution of the U'iited States , and laws' passed in pursuance " there of , has therefore made "an applica tion to mo for puch part of the mili tary force of the United States as may be necessary and adequate to protect said state and the citizens thereof against domestic violence , and to enforce the due execution of the laws ; And WLcreas , It is required that whenever it may be nceeflaary , in the judgment of the i'.residentto , use military force for the purpose afore said , he shall forthwith by procla mation command such Insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective homes wjtbin a named time. No\v ; , therefore , I , Ulyssea B , Grant , President of the United States , do hereby make proclamation and command said tin huleiit and disorderly persons to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes within five days frani thjs date , and hereafter to submit themselves to tno law and constituted authorities of saidbtate. Invoke the aid and co-operation of all good citizens to uphold the law and reserve the public peace. In witness whereof I have here with sot my hand , and caused the seal of the United States to be af fixed. Done at the city of Wash ington , tills 15th day of'Seotember. in the year of our Lord , 1874 , and of the Independence of the United States the 08th. [ Signed. ] U. S. GRANT. By the President : HAMILTON Fisrr , Secretary of State. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. ' New York Money Market. NEW i'ORir , September 15. Money Easy at 2 } per cent. Foreign Exchange . Dull and inlet ; 4 S44 80 } , Gold Firm at 109109 } § . Governments Steady ; 10-40s' 10J ; coupons 1 HJ. Stocks Strong and active ; W U , W , St P and Wabash ; prices in- illning upward ; Erie , 351 ; U P , 34J ; M , 48J ; W U , TO } . lew York Produce Market. WEW YORK , Sept. 15. Breadstuffs Quiet. Flour Dull ; surperflnestate and iveatern 4 75@5 00 ; extra , 5 00 © oO. oO.Wheat Wheat Dull ; No 1 spring , 291 32 ; No 2 Chicago , 1 28 bid. Corn Steady ; Western mixed , ifloa.t ; , 95a99. Oats Quiet ; western mixed , new , J2a04J. Rye 92al 00. Barley 125 bid. Lard Strong. Chicago Prouuce market. CHICAGO , Sept 15. Flour Iu good demand ; firm at 904 95 } for good , choice spring 3Xtros ; superfines scarce and firm at 504 25. Wheat Quiet : September , 90 } ; October , 04J. Corn Strong ; cash , 74J ; Septem ber , 75J ; October , 74J. Oats Firm ; cash , 49 ; Septem ber , 47J ; October , 45J. seller year , 45. Barley Frm ; cash 100 ; Septem ber 991 00. Rye 82 on the spot or'scllerfor the month. Hlgliwincs 1 01. Pork Very quiet ; cash , 2f50 bid ; seller year 18 00. Lard Quiet and unchanged ; sel ler year 1170. GO. , c m JL J. Jii Jri AND DEALERS IN- GKEHsTTS' TJZ iTZSKIZnSraGOOIDS , 221 and 223 TARNHAM STBEST , CCS. 13TH ST "We Call tL.0 Attention of the Public to our Extensive And Well Selected Stock for the FALL WINTER SEASON Comprising The Latest Styles in Clothing Furnishing Goods. HATS AND CAPS , TRUNKS AND VALISES , ETC. Our Prices ar © Very "Xaow" to suit th. © Times. Call soon at M. HELLMAN & CO. STOOIEC , 1873. Douglas Street , WHOLESALE ANDRETAIL DRY GOODS , CARPETS , A37B DLL CLOTH.f An Immense Stock of Fresli ISTew G-oods Just Opened toabe sold lower than any other house in the city , consisting of " L WUnOTftfl MBH ieCl ! fi ftmiJfl ALPACAS & MOHAJRS , also VELYET & BEATER CLOAJONGS. A FULL STOCK OF StIAWLS , BLANKETS , FLANNELS , MERINO Ir.NDERWEAR AND WORSTED G-OODS. TABLE LIXEN IX URFAT VARIETY. A FULL LINK OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS , Oil , CLGTSS , MATM& RMS , AND MATS , Fomiture , 3 everything pertaining to the FURNITURE and UP- HOLSTE'JRY trade ; has largely increased his stock and now hgs a complete asscJtment ot FINE , MEDIUM and LOW § § goods , which he isL offering at such REDUCED PKIpJiiS as to make it to the interest of everyone desiring anythuig in0. in this -line , to examine his stock before purchas- J , LOUNGES &o. , UPHOLSTERED ANP * COVSBSD TO ORDER. 2O3EVxx-xa.a3.ct.Txa. . SSIVERICK JSJtx-oot. , L. MOOD WORTH , J38 Douglas St.Omaha Neb. WACO1T Wood Stock , IYAGON 1IAEDWARE , Patent Wheels , FinhleJ Gearing , &o. LXC , Spring and Thimble Skeins HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hack5 * 52 Buggies Stuilebackcr . "XVafjon , I > opot. mchGtt G , STBIFFLER DEALER IN 3 B , O O 'rovi'ions Fruits , Xu a , Coiifpcllonery , Tobaccn , Scpars , E. TOR. OF TE5TH end FABKHAM- apim HOLESALE CAKBIES I am ow liianulacturing all varieties of candies and will sell a IE.A. STZEHR/lSr F IR , X O Dealers hi HiU State IIPC.I nnt irant to sroKostfji- VNDICS. A trial is solicited. . 3.2 tiX. mclillf B. & J. WILBUR , Stationery , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Fourtooatlx Strssi , - Omalia. , GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL SCHOOL BOOKS - - j ar3 ln > 7 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. and Sarnoy Streets , And Winter Styl A. POLACK , oil 23S St. EToar 3/4ta. fine and Medium ClotMng , and Farnisnin Goodst