) : I VOL : iv. OMAHA MONDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 141874. - . NO. TEE DAILY BEE. EDWAKD bOSEWATEU , Editor ani Prop'r. Office Xo. 138 Faiiilmui ireet , toelw. Kintli and Tenth. - 1- 1if TEEMS OF SUBSCUIITION : if One copy , one year. In adTjnce 87.00 . . . 4.00 .1 Bix months. In advance . . . . . " three mentLs in advance. 2.00 BSJ-If not paid in advance , S8 per annum will colletol FREDERICK , : LEADING HATTER ! s"f Best Goods , / IiOWESTFRICES / Farnham St- Opposite the \ rT , A Tl A Grand ( Vntr.,1 Hotel , f U1M AH A. K OMAHA BDSIHISSS DIRECTORY. OBAOKbB MANUFAOiUEY. A Smith. 185 liarneT street. bet. McClure and 12th. deU&U QLA83 AND PIOTORE F3'ME8. T Iteln'uart. 1S6 Poml.is street , dealei In ( J .window glass and picture Irauids. ( llarlng done to order. aJ2tf BOOTS ACT SHOES. Lane , 155 Farnham st , between lUh Philip 115h feU9rl COHFICTIOHEET. Later , corner 12th and Douglas streets , HI and wholesale deiler In and in and confectionery. Country tmde so- lloeted. ai > lt ( COAL DEA1EES. ' i tnilot , coal , lime , cemen Hialr etc. , F'and st. fcliUmS PAWN BSOKER. R JT dguttcr , No. 200 Fnrnham st. 1el7tf LAUHDET. A new lanndrr opened at oil llth St. , Ift JFarnhan. . rnd Douglas. The washing and ironing will be done to' rdcr , tint class work SOnV "AOTOEY. premium Soap Worts , Powell A Co , still IT manu'acftre their Premium Soap. FTB first premium /awarded by the i-oug'a county and State fairs , and Pottawattamle county , la. 1 ! Orders soll'Juil from the trade 13' 13'K K , F. SMYTHE. G. C. QP.AVE3. SMYTHE & GRAVES , Attorneys -at-Law. Room 5 Creishton Block. E. ESTABIIOMK. r. JI. FRANCIS ESTABROOK& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE Crelshton Block , Omaha , Neb. .111.1121 If OhXTER L , THOMAS , Attorney and Counselor at Lair. OmOE-Boom Sos VLscher's Block , OMAHA - NEB. W , J. Ooix23.aiol3.ox- AND Jsfptrlct Attorney Tor Second Jud icial District. OFUCS South sUe ot Tarnbam , between 1Mb an < 16th sta. , opl-osite Court House. ( M MPA1IKE GODWIN , . Attorney at Lawi ( IlellmaB Bkck , ) 490 THIETEEKTH 8TEEET. OMAHA s2G 1m G. W. AMBROSE , I KEDICK'S OPERA HOUSE QUA HA - IEB arttr _ _ T. W. T. Kicnards , Attorney at Law , Oiflce 400 13th St. , bet Farnnam and llarnoy Omaha , Xeb. f 0. Bor 80 O. BALLOU , ATTOENETatLAW OBco n Crelgbton'a tiew block , touthoatt cor room , floor. OMAITA. A. BALDTTIN .20. It. O'BKIEX. BA&DWIK i. O'BHIEJT , ATTOENEYS LAW Office Caldwell Block , T)0agu ! Ftreet , OMAHA. - - - - NEBEAfiKA. * < cu. K. rXITCUETT SPAUN & PRITCHETT , Attorneys and Counselors at Law. OS50A Twelt i Sreet. Address Lff * Bn * M Omaha , j. s. SHROPSHIRE" Attorney- - Law Boom No. 1 , S. E. Coiner 15th and Douglas Sts , NEBR. OMAHA , - - bAVAGE & MANDERSOft , Attorneys at Law , 242 FABNIIAH STBEAT. JOHN C. CONES1 , . . - - . Soll.oi.-tox- COUNSELOR. OFFICE cr.EiGrrros'3 OMAHA , AEUBASKA. trttf JUIIM K. KKLLKV , Attorney s Counselor at Law Office Room JjCrelghtcn Block , ! -OMAHA. Oor. 15th and UcngUs Bts. JOMAHA. SOLICITED AND PBOMPT- SOLLECTIOKS to. No charge unless collee ns arerasJc. Hoatrstolct and rents col- ectcd. Heal estate boucht and sold. aplTU JOHN TO LYTLE , AttoraeT-at-Law and Solicitor in Eqaitj. OTFIOL-Orer Firtt Katlonal Biak , aal-tf _ N , J. BURNHAM , ATTORXEI AND COUNS LLOB 11 LAW , S. E. Cr 15th and Doaglai StrMta. OMAHA - - NEB , FIRST came the drouth , then the voracious grasshoppers , and now the hungry horde of politicians are going to scour the country.- * * FOUR icfcets are now In the field , and the army of disappointed office seekers Is now numerous enough to organize a party of their own "the sorehead party. " "DON'T all speak atonce , " will be the fervent prayer of the bewildered Granger when he learns that the thirty-two candidates on the four State tickets propose to stump the State. EXTREMES usually meet , hence it is not surprising that the Bourbon organ exhibits such tender aflection for the fanatics wh < > are trying to build up a prohibition party in Ne braska. ALECK STEPHENS , who some months ago went home to die , has concluded to defer his departure for another world until of tbe good poo- people of Georgia shall have en dorsed his salary grab by another election. THE most vital issue for the people ple of Nebraska is th < * proposition to frame a new Constitution. The Bepublican is the only platform that expresses a demand for a new Constitution , and still the opposi tion prate about the failure of Re publicans to deal with the livirrg issues of the day. Mosns II. SYDKNHAM has been commissioned by Governor Furuas as Nebraska's delegate to the National Capital removal conven tion , \vhfch assembles at Louisville October 22d , 1874. Moses is su premely happj' . The fervent prayers of Moses have at last been answered. Even a brigadier gen eral's commission on iho Governor's staff would not have been half as welcome as is this privilege to join the immortal conclave of rattle brained agitators who propose to re locate the National Capital. Among them the "Central Star" of Moses will shine with resplendent lustre , and his map of the future National Capital at Centoria , Nebraska , \ \ ill elicit marked admiration. An indiscriminate slaughter in clothing and gents' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 200 Farnham street. Fine linen and chevoit shirts of our wu make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. JIailroad Tu. cls bought and sold by I * . Gottheimer , Broker , at 296 Fan.harn street. Unredeemed Pledges for Sale. may Iy20 J. MOOREHEAD , ZDZR/tTQ-Q-IST AND PHARMACIST , Patter's Block , Bet California & Webster Ets. OMAHA , NEB. Physicians Prescriptions carefully je263tn * comnoundnU DENTIPTHV. BElffTISTS , OFFICE , No. 232 FARNHAM ST. UP STAIKS. Bet 13th & 14th Sts. . OMAHA. OF Oldest urnctol irlV > ntl < ; t8 in tlieclty DR , A , S , BILLINGS , TDIEILTTJST , Bet. 1 th and 14th , up stairs. Teeth extracted without pain , by use of II 1- trous Oxide 3 as. e5U L VAN CAMP M. D. Dispense * his own medclnes , and besides regular practice , makes specialities of Derange ment * and Diseases Peculiar to Women , Fistu la , Piles and other Diseases of the Krctum. OVPICE : Corner Faruham and 14th utreeU , first door to the right , up ntn ! f. Resldeqc- , 210 Douglas street , between 12 nnd IHUi , next to Lutheran Church Omana , > "eV Addrru Lock Hex SH. MB8. J. E. VAA UKUCOOU. Eclectic Physician * Residence and offici 259 Dodge st bet 14th nnd 15th sts. Upecial attention paid to obntclricj and dls 8 e * peculiar to women and children. f3tf. Hamlet Or urn , GENCKiL DEALCB J.V Staple and Fancy Dry Goods 6th st , between Jones and tearenworth sis. TO TUE PUBLIC A MO3T COMplete - QFFEUS line of Drv Goods. Fancy Goods , noolen and Cotton I tunnels , Wrapper Detains Woolen bhawls and all kinds of fall and winter material for ladles' and chUdrcns' dresses. Al so Calico ? ' of all crades and description * a ppe- cialtr. Boots and elides for ladies ' gents' and chili Idrens * wear. neptld3mo NEW SALOON- IIEJfRV. the popular Saloon k fl > er , has re fitted up the basement of old Hrrald buiIJirg , cor. J3th and Douglas Sts. , where , in connec tion with liH bar he U out a Lunch every morning aLd OKAKD LUXCU EVERY SAT URDAY. ( Jive him call. al dtf P , FALLQN , DEALLR ' I.N Press Goods , Silks and Trimmings So. 203 Dodje ' "eet , between Mtbaiid 13ih. Dress maMne done -with neat ness and dispatch. Orders sdlicited. C. F. ZZAMA2TXT , 171 Cor. FarntaBBinnd Eleventh Sti AU kinds of TAILORING , ( leaning and re pairing doqe at reasonable rates. A fine lot ol VUBNISUINO GOODS constantly on hand and sold cheap. JOHN H. GKEEN , STATE MILLS DEALEB IN GHAUT , FLOUR AXD FEED , AHD COMMISSION MEBCHANT. VERY LATEST , MIDNIG-HT. W-A.SHIITGTO1T. The Black Hills as They Appear to One of Custer's Officers. -The Other Side of this Glittering Story. FOB.EIG1T- Rumors of Serious Trouble Between Germany and Russia. NEW YORK , September 12. Mrs. Zirumermans dwelling house was destroyed last night by the explosion of a kerosene lamp , loss $4,000 , partly insured , the fur niture was paved. BAVOXNK , Sept 13. The Carlist general , Qambals , is making great preparations for his fierce attack on Purcerida , and de clares that he will bum the town this time. NK\V YoiiKjSept. 13. Weatou commenced a live hun dred mile walk at the hippodrome at 12 o'clock to-night. He will at tempt it in six days. LONDON , Sept. 13. A rumor comes from the' gold coast that the King of Ashantee v ill soon be deposed. Half of the town of Bomnybon was destroyed by fire. MADRID , Sept. 13. A levy of three thousand troops will bo sent to Cuba the end of this month and five thousand more in October. PARIS , Sept. 13. President MacMahon , in receiv ing the newly appointed Spanish ambassador , Friday , promised the friendliest co-operation of France , especially in the interest and pros perity of Spain. NEW OKLKANS , Sept. 13. Notwithstanding the reported seizure of arms , this city is usually quiet , and there is no excitement. In every ca&e where arms were seized the shipments were omitted from manifest and the goods were improperly marked. It is reported hero that the white leaguers of St. Martinsville have captured , and are now shipping , the United States oration appropriation to the suffer ers by the late overflow. NEW YOBIC , Sept. 13. The Pacific Mail Steamship Com pany , having chartered the TransPacific - Pacific Company's steamers Vasco de Gama and Vancouver , for the peiiod of fifteen months , have issud their tariff for teas from China and Japan , as follows : To San Fran cisco , two cents per pound ; to New York , Baltimore , Philadelphia , Bos ton , Montreal Quebec , Toronto , Chicago cage , and Cincinnati , four cents per pound. This movement , it is said , will give all the importers of the United States the option of the New tfork market. WASHINGTON , Sept. 13. An intelligent officer of Custer's command , who is with the Black Hills expedition , says that the news paper correspondents have giv n an undue importance to that country , and have represented it as a para dise , when Its counterpart cannot be found in many places. Plenty of gold is not found , and none in quartz. Old and experienced miners accompanying the expedi tion , who were charged with look ing for gold , were not at all enthusi astic. The reports of rich gold de posits and other minerals are said to be purely rumors. The country is to "be rich in pas turage , well watered , fine timbered and would be desirable for farming purposes ; but , however , the country belongs to the Indians and their right. It is guaranteed by a treaty with the government , and if an assay Qf war , acting under instruc tions of thePrcsldoqt , is Determined , the Indians shall be protected as their rights therein. NEW YORK , Sepr. 13 , The Worjd's special correspondent in a latter dqtcd London , August 30th , says : "I hear from Q scarce that commands my confidence that the difference between Bussla and Germany is really serious. Russia was seriously offended at the refusal of Germany to support the Russian demands at the Belgium Cohgrpss , It was even more offended at the attempt made by Germany to as sume the rqle 01 arbitrator of peace of the Spanish government. My information gives some complicated points whereby Russia seeks to em broil Franco and Germany in a quarrel conpernjngthp CarlLsts , and to use the quarrel for purposes of hep own. Russian diplomacy is to as , tute to be easily understood , but it may be useful to boar in mind the facts I have just stated. " A Times Washington special eays that President Grant arrived there at 4 o'clock yesterday morning. Owing to repairs to the White House he proceeded to Jhe l ousif of Maashal Sharpe , whose' guest ho will l > e until next Tuesdry when he leaves for his farm n St Louis. It is not probabte tljat a formal cabinet meeting wil } be held , but the members will consult with the President on Monday. The President gives a diunerto the Aztec club and the present sur vivors of thp Mexipan war. The niembers of that club take a trip down tha Potomao. Chicago Live Stock Market CHICAGO , September 12. Catte } Receipt ; , , 1,500. Good grades fairly actiye and prices steady at 4 50a5 00 for common to fair ; GQOaGoO for good to choice shipping steers ; Texans , 1 75a3 75 ; stockers , 2 25a5 00. ' Hogs Receipts , 5,000. Good grades active and firm , but other grades weak ; choice and extra , 7 50a8 00 ; fair to good , G 75a7 35 low grades , 5 50a6 50. Sheep Receipts , 300. Market quiet and steady * at 2 25a4 50. TEIMAPHIC , 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Specially Beported for the Omaha Dally Bee , bv ths Ati.ntlo and Pacific TeleEraPh Oo. THE EAST , Articles have been signed for a Single Scull Match between Morris of Pittsburg.and Brown of Halifax. THE SOUTH. It is reported that several thousand dollars worth of arms are to arrive at New Orleans. They are to be received by 1000 White Leaguers armed and ready for business. [ Special to in * UCE | BEATUICE , Neb. , Sept. , 12. Tue statement made by Lincoln correspondents to Omaha papers that Senator Griggs has declared for Weston for United States Senator , is wholly untrue. NATHAN S. BLAKELY , FORDYCE ROPEH , W. H. COLBY , Delegates to Senatorial Conv'n. NEW ORLEANS , Sept. 12. Six boxes of arms marked dry goods , shipped from New York by the steamer Dallas to the fifth ward by the White League Club , whore they were seized by the police to day as they were being landed. PITTSBURO , Sept. 12. Articles for a single scull match on the 2oth , between Morris , of this city , and Bro\\n , of Halifax , were received and signed by Morris this morning. Ho leaves for St. Johns , N. B. , this evening , accompanied by Siebert , his trainer. BOSTON , Sept. 12. Charles II. Ballard the alleged piincipal of the Boylaton , New York bank robberj' , several years ago , was arrested in New York a few days since and is now in jail here. Immediately after the rob bery , Ballard sailed for Paris , where he has since resided until two months ago. MEMPHIS , Kept. 12. The parties arrested at Picketts- ville by United States soldiers , for complicity in the Trenton outrage , have not yet arrived. "When they arrive they will be examined before the United States Commissioner. Another ot the negroes who escaped from the outrage is here , but refuses to say anything about the shooting of the six men near Trenton. NKW IOKK , Sept. 12. The case of RPV. Mr. Kendrick , of the Methodist Protestant Church , on Grand street , Wilharnsburg , which has been undergoing a trial by a committee appointed by the annual conference , on a charge of drunkenness and unseemly conduct , was finished to-day. The commit tee rendered a report finding Ken drick guilty , and expelling him from the conference and church. MEMPHIS , Sept. 12. The names of prisoners brought here from Gibson county are suppos ed to have been concerned in the late Fenton massacre of negro pris oners are T. Z. Houston , J. F. Dar ren , W.F. Peeple , A. M. Fly , J. S. Morgan. Monroe Morgan , J. P. Hall , and W. I. Eldridge. The last named surrendered himself to the marshall who made the arrest with a detachment of U. S. troops. The prisoners will be examined tomorrow row before U. S. Commissioner Garrett. The negro witness Doug las Jamieson wno claims to have escaped from the massacre of pris oners is also in jail held to give his testimony. BROOKLYN , September 12. Moulton's statement is the topic of conversation here and obscures all minor developments in the Beepher case. The evening papers refrain from coniment at present , Cleaving comment to be passed upon the case by the common sense of the community. Much conjecture is in dulged in as to whether or not the committee of investigation will ta.ko action on this statement ) opinions at presentaredividod as to whether they will Ignore } t , or rnakeit cause . for supplementary Investigation , The reverend's friends claim that } t contains but little that is new , and of what there is new , there Is but little pf sqflicient importance to challenge thecommHtpe'aattontJon. ' All wil ) now be left to ttie courts for settle ment. ORLEANS , Sept. 12. A number of creditors of the citizen's bank have met and adopt ed resolutions expressing confidence in that institution. The president of the bank has sent a letter to thp Governor not to prosecute the claims of the State against that in stitution , and assuring him that the assets ex2eed the liabilities. . The Governor in response states that he could take no steps in the matter , and it has been referred to the At- tornpy General and.h . > pnlnlqu'of it obtained. ' ' It is reported here that a promi nent member of the White League states that several thousand dollars worth of arms are shortly to arrive am } will be met at the landing by one thousand White ' Leagures , armed. He states 'that any attempt to interfere with the removal of the arn)3 will be the sjgnal for an at > lac f upon the aggressors , \v\\o \ \ eyer they may bo. General Badger and Judge McAr- thur , a police justice , and Mr Cur tis , property clerk of the police de partment , were to-day committed to thp county prison fortwentv-four hours for contempt of court , by Jus tice Houstop , Jn refusjng to Deliver on a writ three cases of arms be longing to the Fifth Word White League Club , and seized by detect ives. The Governor at once par doned all three. The arms arp hed ] by the police as evidence. Three cases of arms were seized by the police in the store of A. OHver , No. 80 Canal street , but caused little ex citement , . g jg.s y N EW YORK , Sept , 12. Julius Mendelssohn , who claimed that thegreat composerof thatname was his father , and who was yester day found guilty of forgery , took arsenic in the Toombs this morning and died about 9 o'clock. LONDON , Sept. 12. The strike of cotton operators at Belton was inaugurated to day One thousand operators in all struck work. They were employed in 78 mills and which have snspended operations. Forty-eight mills em ploying IjflOOnands is still working. iiONDON , Sept. 12. The Japanese embassador to Pe- kin , has arrived here. He proposes to submit the Formosa difficulty for arbitration to the President of the United States. States.NEW NEW IORK , Spot. 12. The Herald , this morning , pub lishes a letter to its editor from Mar shal Bazaine , dated Bois de Breaux , near Liege , September Gth. Tbo letter is printed both in French and English , and reviews the late war between France and Germany. Bazaine complains ho was a victim of the army and the nation. He had but two supports ; these were the Emperor , who "is dead , and TBIers , who has been set aside and replaced by McMahon. He says ho would not have attempted to escape had McMahon seen fit to lesson the severities of his captivity. He considers now that during his trial he should have employed the same weapons as McMahon , and she a how the latter was defeated , and had evacu ated Alsace , and was one of the first authors of the army disasters. McMahon hail been as unfortunate at Sedan as he ( Bazaine ) at Met ? . Trochu and Ducrot were in Paris and Bourbake and CHnchant were in the east , but ho forgot all this when he became Piesident. He says that the court were puzzled as to what course to pursue. They con demned and absolved him at the same time , and in the same breath declared him a criminal and a hero. Ho expresses gratitude toward the Emperor and Thiers , and says if the latter liad not been overthrown , he would have found means of avoid ing the disgraceful trial to which he was subjected. He does not con sider his literary career as ended. : > ? ? , Sept. 12. Tlie ofllclal report of Qon , Nelson A. Miles of liis march from Camp Supply to his present position on the south bank of the dry fork of the Was-chita river , Texas , vas re ceived at the headquarters of the army yesterday. After giving the details of the march ho says : "I am satisfied that the Cheyennes , Kiowas and Comanches have con centrated at the headwaters of the north fork of the Red river and its affluents and on the Elm Fork , and I propose to continue the movement in that di rection. The Indians appear to be burning the prairies south of us , and will doubtless leave the country a barren waste. Should they con tinue thus it would embarass our movements and be Injurious to our stock , and undoubtedly prolong the campaign. After conversing as I have , with men who have lived with the Indians for months , and have traded with them for years and have also supplied them witli arms , I am of the opinion that the strength of the Indians has been greatly under-rated , and tbat they are we'l ' armed with rifles of an improved pattern , and provided with an abundance ot ammuni tion. Indeed , it is doubtless ihe confidence in their strength , in spired by the possession of these arms , which has occasioned their outbrealcand depredations , to sup press which these organizations h'ave been organized. " NEW YORK , Sept. 12. The papers this morning com ment at length upon Moulton's statement , and in a manner which must prove satisfactory , at least to Moulton , who expected by this doc ument to thoroughly vindicate him self before the public. The only article favorable to Moulton is con tained in the Herald's editorial. It considers that Moulton , in this state ment , clears himself of the charges of blackmail , and that any further defense on his part Is unnecessary. The question now is to be innocent , but it Is useless now to test that question out of the court. The climax of the scandal appears to have been reached , and legal decis ion is all that the public desire. The Tribune dissects the state ment at length , and reduces it to four points , as follows : First. He gives from memory words which he , Beecher , confessed to him of improper relations with Mrs. Tilton. 'Second. Asserts that the confes. sion was jnacie In the hearing of two persons. Third. Produces loiters passed be tween Beecher and Mrs. Tilton after the allpged confession. Fourth. Finally declares that Beecher confessed to him that he had pomrnjttert adultery wth } anr other woman. As to the first and second the Tribune holds that the lan guage , as to that of Beeoh- er's , shows no evidence of guilt , and in the malignant earnestness , which Moujton tries to twist evil significance out of these innocent , albeit gushing sentences , there Is something of the devil's own tem per. Regarding the fourth the Tribune says : We know the particulars of this case ; we know Moulton's charge to he an atrocious calumnity , with out the shcdow of justification , and at the proper day the truth will be established by indisputable evidence. The Tilbune denounces Moulton in the severest and most scathing tones , and says it will arpi } Mr _ , Moulton deeper than a.ny revelation of baseness mid treachery than may be made by Beecher or his friends. It is such a document as one might expect from ft ma.ii wh.o allqwa his frjend to make merchandise of wife's ' honor , and act as broker In the transaction. Jt Is brutal , coward ly , and infamous. The Times , Sun and Wo'rld consider that the state ? incnt does not materially change tip ) paso , The Times says that It is offered for a double purpose : First , as defehse ; and second , as a fresh ar raignment against Beecher , hut fulfilling neither. The World questions Moulton's veracity poccernius many of his declaratlons-and says tha.t it would be an outrage upon common sense to believe what he tells until the belief has been forced upon us by other testimony. QTJEALEY'S "OF. . Soap Faotoryl Situated on th * line of the Union Pacific Bailroad , near the powder house. Manufac tures first-class soap lor home consumption MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. NEW ifORK , September 12. Money Easy at 2@2 } per cent. Foreign Exchange Heavy ; 4 S4 for sixty daj-s ; 4 SGfor sight. Gold Dull and heavy , with all sales at 109 } . Governments Neglected , but prices steady ; currency sixes , 11GJ. Stocks Dull at opening , but more active after midday ; prices strong in early trade under the leadership of Union Pacific , which advanced to 32 } , but subsequently , on reports of reduced earnings in Wabash , North west and St. Paul roads , consequent upon the withholding of grain from shipment because of a grain corner in Chicago , these latter stocks loll off to the lowest price of the day ; St Paul dropped to 32 ; W U to 75 J ; Wabash 32 j , and Lake Shore from 74f to 74 } . The New York city bank state ment shows a large increase in de posits , while the gain in total re serve is § 093,000. The banks now hold $25,718,375 in excess of the 25 per cent legal requirements. The following are the figures : Loans in creased § 1,782,900 ; specie increased $971,800 ; legal tenders increased $278,800 ; deposits increased , $3,136- 500 ; circulation decreased 36,700. New York Produce Market. NEW YORK , Sept. 12. Breadstuffs Quiet. Flour Dull ; surperfino state and western 4 50@4 75 ; extra , 4 90 © 540. 540.Wheat Wheat Stronger ; No 1 spring , 1 27@1 30 ; No 2 Chicago , 1 16 © 1 18 ; No 2 Milwaukee spring , 1 24 © 1 25. 25.Corn Corn Steady ; Western mixed , afloat , 97a99. Oats Dull ; western mixed , new , 65aG6. Rye 92al 00. Barley Neglected. Provisions Very quiet. Mess Pork 25 cents better. Lard Better ; 13 } for Oct. Leather In good demand and firm , without material change. Iron Quiet. Wool Quiet. Chicago Pruuuce market. CHICAGO , Sept 12. Flour Steady , tending upwards ; cash , 67 ; September , 90 } ; Ootober , 94 } . Corn Steady ; cash , 77J ; Septem ber , 96 } ; October , 74. Oats Weaker ; cash , 49 } ; Sep tember , 45 } ; October , 44. Barley Weak ; cash 94. Rye 82. Highwines 1 01. Pork Quiet ; cash , 23 00 ; Octo ber , 14 2514 50 ; year , 11 25all 37 } . Lard Nominal. W © Corner of Comings and Twenty-second streets The finest lager bser con * stantly on hand. CIIAS. WEYJIULLElt. Prop VAE BORA'S MACHINE All kinds of light au.1. heavy MACHINERY MADE& REPAIRl/ . 266 HAENET 8TEEET. - "OMAHA. ep.UM G. W. HOMAN , Sr. , Oilers for the necessities of the public , a First-Class fleam aM Carriages , All orders promptly attended to by leaving them at Cor. 13th and Ilarcor Sts. ag25tf a * . GENERAL AUCTIONEER , Cor. IGth and Dodge Sts. Prompt attention given to sales of household furniture , s ore goods , horses , cattle , etc. , either at store or owner's residence. Bcal Estate at public or private Bale. aug31dtf STOVE STOR3. : E. F. COOK , 637 14th St. , between DcragUii Manufacturer of Tin Copper and Sheet Iron Wire , and dealer In Cooking and Heating stove s Stamped , Japanned and Frenth War on and. lin Roofing , ( juttcnand Sjioatlug and Work -lone and warranted. THE COMING iTUUuGLE. The voters of our nation. Ai ne'er was knowa before , ' Are rising from Pacific's strand To Atlantic's rocsy hore.tj Why Is th'g mighty change ? What can the meaning be ? The rising of the masses From northern lake to couthern'sea. The spirit of old seventy-six From out our heroes' Era-e * * Forbids a nation drenched In patriots' blood , Should sink to that of slaves ; The motto which our coins once bore , Though obsolete long since , Remain as ever true : not one cent for tribute. Hut millions for defense. Party ties and party laws Are but aa ropes of sand. The i ighti of man to be a man Should govern Freedom's land. Then shill our Flag more proudly float O'er land as well as sea , And nations yet unborn shall gladly crsot The emblem of the free. In trade we'll try to deal , As man should deal with man. . And whiln we seek to live aurse'v&s , We'll tell a ] cheap aa anybody can And U a bat you uooi ; Or inecd you chance to meet , Remember Bunce , the Hatter , On Upper Douglas Street. elCU K. OllXBq. C. J. K ABB.it H : GllETlE & KABBACII , 15th at. totwe a Farnham and arney a'l OMAHA , - - NEB. U ! U FACTCBCB Or Spring and Farm Wagons , BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES. Dealers in and manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! . * VEXTIOH PAID TO PASTICDLAE 1C SHOEING. B -R * pairing of wagon and blacksmlthln ? prouptlv done at reaioiabl * nrlces UNION MARKET , R. A. HARRIS , 537 Fifteenth Erect , bet. Douglu ud Bodge. BEEF , FORK , Mutton and Veal , Fish , Poultry , Game , AHD M. HELLMAN & CO. , ? "D C * CLO IT Us JTL O , . \NDDEALERS _ IN OOOUDS , 221 and 223 FARNHAM STREET , COS13TH ST OUR STOCK FOR THE SIFIR/IHSTGr JLIsTlJ STJUUCIMIIEIR , SIEj SOUST Is Complete now ; Onr Assortment in Clothing a Gents' Furnishing Goods Comprises th. © Latest Novelties. THE IiATEST ST"2TiES ZET SATS AUD CAPS. We Dave also a Full Line in BOY'S and YOUTH'S Clothing WE WILL SELL OTJRGOODS LOWER THAN EVER. [ . HELLMAN & CO. 1873. T OWN , 248 Douglas Street , WHOLESALE AND.RETAIL DRY GOODS , AND OIL CLOTH. An Immense Stock of Fresh New G-oods Just Opened toabe sold lower than any other house in the city , consisting of j MERINOS , EMPRESS CLOTHS , RSPELLAN'T'S ' ' , ALPACAS & MOHAIRS , also VELVET & BEAVER CLOAKINGS. A FULL STOCK OF StIAWLS , BLANKETS , FLANNELS , MERINO l/.NDERWEAR AND WORSTED G-OODS. TABLE LINEN IN GREAT VARIETY. A FULL LINE OP ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS , OIL CLOTHS , MATTING RU8S , AND MATS , TIHIIEJ dEaHEJLIFIEJST Furniture , bedding , Mirrors , and everything pertaining to the FURNITURE and UP- HOLSTERY trade ; has largely increased his stock , and now fe ST-bmpletie assortment oi FINE , MEDIUM and LOW TbSrSIPS gocls' T111 .116 Peering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of everyone anything in this -line , to examine his stock before mg. , LOUNGES &c. , UPHOLSTERED AXP COVERED TO ORDER. . SHIVERICS , L. WOODTVORTH , 238 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. Wood Stock , WAGOX HARDWARE , Patent Wheels , Finished Gearing , &c. Axles , Springs and Thimble Skeins HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hacks and Buggies Stuilebacker IWagqn. Depot. rnchGtl G. STBIFFLER DEALER IX G B , O C ProTMons Fruits , Nil s , Confectionery , Tobacco , Segars , S. ECOR. . OF TE5TH and FABNIIAH. aplHt WHOLESALE CANDIES I air. cw manulacturing all varieties of candies and will sell a Dealers In this State uecJ not irant to go East foi CANDIES. A trial is solicited. . 12 tia. . mchlltl B. & J. WILBUR , Books and Stationery , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Street , Omatia. , XTob GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL SCHOOL BOOKS IBTJIR/IR , AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. and Sarnoy Streets , OM.AJB.A. : . Fall And Winter Styl A. POLACK , CLOTHIER. 233 Farnbam St. ITear ! < &th. Fine and Medium Clothing,1 and Furnishing Goods. THA-lsT TiKIE !