THE OMAHA BEI OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CIT1 BEPTTBLICAff PLATFOEH. „ iir.r.-.i. > , The Republican psrtr , by 1 course for the past thirteen years as tts aon nant political organization of the Uniti States , has allied Itself to the libmy-lovii tnafies of the world , and has made a recoi which invites scrutiny , and challenges all hi tory for a parallel in elevating tuiranity , 31 establhhing on a firm basis "a government 1 the people tor the people ; " and WHKEEAS , Its t > everal acts in preserving tl Union , in promoting and strengthening a coi mon ailcgience to the flag and government this republic have passed into history and JI ited the approval of the Bepublicin centime of the age , therefore we , the representatives the Republican party of Nebraska , in conve : tion assembled , do resolve as roilows , viz : 1st. That ail honest labor should be protecte Mid receive its just reward 2d. That we earnestly desire that the cred ot our government shall be finely inalntaiae In ordir that the commercial and industrial li teftts of the country mav not sufler injury I fluctuations in values or by impairing in an degree thi * confidenee which now | rcvails I regard to our circulating medium which T hope will , at no distant day , bo based -pc metallc currency , the recrgmzed money of tl W3d. That we believe that banking , under well-guarded national system , should be ire and we counsel reform wid economy in all d partments of the public service , anl a redn lion of the nubile debt in such a way and : rapidly , as it may be done without Imposh burdens upon the industries of the country. 4th. That we demand a rigid accountabillt in the dl&ch rge of official duty on the part < all office-holders , whether State or l < atluna and tha s delegates , tpeating for constitucn whom werepresent wedifavow any sympath with , or for dishonest public officials , in wha ever capacity they nia > bo employed. fth That while we recognize andapprecla ! the a-Jrantages derived by the people from will-regulated system of railways wo demau that these public highways should be render * subservient to the public good That while v disavow any hostility toward railroad corjior ; tions we proclaim our d tcru.jnation to rest : by lawful means all c2orts to Impcsa oj'pressii or eitortion.te transportation tulls 0tb , That taratlou , to be Just , must I jequi'lly Imposed upon all classes of property re therefore demand such Katioual and fetal Icgislatioa as will compel railroads and all otht corporations to p y tl.e same proportion oi ta. ihdlyidpn'- ' . ai is impoiftd on - , 7th. That wo f-vor the pjorcr rxerche of th powers conferred upon the national goverr isent by the constitution to regulate ocmmcrc betiveon the States , auti to this end we recotu mend that the government c tabli h and ope rate a double tracX railway from the Jlissoiu rirerto tlie. tbntic seabojrd. gth. Thaj , tre earnestly icqucst that oui the 8 oi Crounac's Railroad ! e i8tors tecure pas < ; road Land Tas BUI- , . , . 9th That welavor the amendment of th Constitution of the United States providin for the election if J'resld.nt , Vlco President Dnltwi Mates.Senators , and all other feuera officers by the direct vote of the people. .JOtb , That the unwritten las enacted by the example of the Father of his Country ii declining a re-election to the third Prcsi Jentia term , is as centreline as though it was iueur j > ora'ixl in the national constitution , aud ougb never to bo violated. . iK llth. That the present so-called Quatcr ; n dlan policy has failed to aCord cither benefit to the Indians or protection to tbo f rontl r set tiers , and we therefore demand the transfer o ; tha management of the Indians to the War DC- n rtm 2U r i2th. That we favor the rcapportlonment o Stale representatives through the enactment o : n new constitutive Rt the earliest practicabU day contistcnt with our present f undamenta. lair , and that we recommend the jrutmlwion U the direct vote of the people in a separate arti. cle at the time the proposed ncn constitution is voted upon , the questions of "Prohibition , " "Local Option , " and license. 18th , That wo approve the acts of Congress Which put the rights of all citizens under pro tection of the National authorities when they or by the violence jtre assailed by hostile legislation , olence oi armed assocfations , whether open or secret , and in view of the recent outrages In the southern States , wo demind the entorcc- ipent of the laws that these rights may be se curely Mdamplyiprotected whenever and wher ever tavaded ; we 140 , bpwcvcr , disapprove of all unconstitutional legislation. , lor the cure of any of the disorders of society , w erlls which pret all in our land. 14th. That we are In favor of and most cor dlally invite immigration to our State. Ne braska needs immigration , that its vast agricul tural , mineral , and manufacturing resources may be developed , with an area sufficient to make ten States as large as Massachusetts , and a soil unsurpassed for fertility , we g > vc a hearty welccme to the down-trodden misses of theoldworld.and assure them that they shall be secure IL thir lives , lil > erty and prop erty , and free to hold and express their relig ious and polit'cal opinions without restraint. JJth. That , relying upon the intelligence oi the people of our young and pro i > crous com- znonweqlth , which Is soon to taLe high rank in the great family of fctatcs , wo hereby renew pur allegiance tfl the party which we represent fnt\ call upon its cjagsej , and conditions of mpn to unite with us in perpetuating the bl ss- injs of free government in accordance with the cherished principles which acttjato and control the great body of our people. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Member of Congress , POBESZO cuouNsn , pi WMblngton county. Tor Member oi Congress ( contingent ) PATRICK O. IIAWCS , of Douglas count1. STATE TICKET. Tor Gorcrnnr , - SILAS A. ( JAR1IER , oi Webster touuty. For Secretary of State , BHDKO TZSCIIUCK , , ct Sarpy county. For Trcainrer , JAMES C. McBRIDE , - of Colfox county. Tor BupeilntcndeDt of Public Instruction , J. M. McKCNZIE , of Nemaha county. For Stale Prison Inspector , - NATHAN s. PORTER" of Dixon county. Tof Attorney General , GEORU'5 U- ROBERTS , of Red Willow countr. For Dlstr'ct Attorneys , First Dlstrict-1V. J. CONSELL , ot Douglaii county ; ' EecomlDUtrlct-M. B. HOXIE , of Colfix county ; Third Dblrict-C. J. DILWOHTH. Ko victory-without organization. Republicans of Douglas county should at once organize a campaign club. JDocron JOIIXSON cucountcred'al- most insurmountable difficulties in drumming up a delegation to the Ko-op State ConventioiiJ but his lofty genius was equal to the emer gency. THE general order , transferring army headquarters 'from Washing tlg ton to St. Louis , lias at last been tlb promulgated by General Sherman , b who proposes to occupy his now quarters early in October. a lia lia \VHAT does the Herald think of a : the brilliant strategy of the Douglas county Democracy in adjourning Pn Ph their convention -while a resolution n : \vhich declared in pendingvhich \vftB tl favor of a btraight Democratic can- tlF vaas. There was no artful dodging if among these courageous Bourbon ifbl reformers uv coorse. blm declares a ; that o lmd the Pleasur * of attending tl ! Political funerals at the if ] ing two In the . Court House Saturday. w afternoon he held n inquest over to the putrifying Democratic oorpse , and during the evening he assisted or Doctor Johnson In a post mortem fn fixamluatlon over the itili-born Keep - fOc ] op Infant. : \c vn history esi DURING an eventful political - county th ( tory of twenty j-earsDoUglas witnessed such an unmitigated wl has never wls gated fizzle as was the Den cratic s County Conventionj-Saturday. It J was indeed a most beggarly array tra of empt benches , and the unutter issi able dlsfcUBt of Ihe actors in .that era melancholy drailia can much better dif be imagined than desOtlbed. of THE county precincts were muc better represented than we had re son to believe they would be , au Convention passed off wish the u most harmony and good feeiiiig.- Herald. In view of the fact that only fet out of the ten county precincts wei actually represented , and the Cor veution was adjourned suddenly 1 avoid a row on a pending resoli lion , the Herald's harmonious r < marks must be interpreted in purely Pickwickian sense. TIIE Herald charges Nebrask .Republicans with a failure to afliri the right of the people to home ruli or local self-government. For oi part , we fail to comprehend why tb Republican party should affirm principle that is universally cor ceded to be the corner stone of oi federal government. If , howove ; home rule is another name forStat rights , according to the great Soul Carolina nullifier , we certainly can not blaaio the Republicans for fail ins to affirm this dangerous dog mu. THE effect of the extortlonat transportation rates exacted by th Iowa pool is strikingly exhibited b , the following transaction , as reporl ed by the Chicago Tribune of September tember 4th : As an illustration of the uncci taiuty of the grain trade , wo cite ; transaction which closed a day 01 two ngo. A merchant here pur chased in Nebraska a lot of wheat paying CO cents a bushel. He soli it here at 93J cents per bushel , tbj freight , storage , and other charge for handling amounting to 44 } cent per bushel , leaving him 49 cents i bushel for what cost him GO cents The cost of transportation was 31 cpnts per bushel. A MOST remarkable indifferenci seems to bo exhibited by the Jfo braska Grange organization wltl reference to the impending desti tution among the homesteaders it ; the Republican Vallcv and North' western counties. It is not a little singular that they exhibited auol unseliish liberality last spring to ward the sufferers in the inundated districts of the lower Mississippi Valley , and now when their next door neighbors are threatened with want and starvation they remain inactive. If over the Grange or ganization is to give practical proofs of usefulness , this is certainly a golden opportunlty- FOR the beneflt of people who are seeking to manufacture political capital against General McBride , from the fact that articles of im peachment had been recently pre ferred against him as olork of Col- fax county , we will quote the yer- dict promulgated by the County Commissioners , who , in this case , ivere acting as a court of impeach- uent. It reads as follows : "In the matter of the charges md specifications preferred against r. C. MeTJride , County Clerk , by J. \V. \ 3ko\vn , the Commissioners hon- > rably acquit him on all the charges md specifications , aud render Judg- nent for costs against the coiuplain- int , Brown. " \Yc understand the Trades' As- embly M ill iend the names of six ) ersons to each county convention issembling in this city , to be t-elect- d as representatives of the work- oguicn at the respective State con ditions at Lincoln. Union , Aitg , bth. The workingmen , although utter- y ignored by the Republican party a tnis city at their convention on aturday last , will present the names f an equal number of men to the lemocratic convention next Satur- ay. Union , Aug. 31st. Saturday came , and with it the Democratic convention , but no amcs were presented by the work- igmen , as predicted by the Union. nd this striking discrimination in , vor of the Bourbons would seem i amply justify the course pursued , ' the Republican convention. If :0 : workingmen , or rather the radcs' Assemblj' , had treated the epublicans as they did the Democ- cy , simply presenting resolutions [ pressing a desire to be represented their State convention , their pe- ion would doubtless have received oper attention ; but inasmuch as cy arrogated to themselves the jht to name the Republican dele tes their request could uotconsist- tly be granted. And this natu- ! ly leads us to the pertinent inqui- , why did not the Trades' Assem- t , ' present a similar petition to tt t ictor Johnson's Independent conation ( ation ? t tr r , [ t did nnt even mention the great tf jstion of Free Trade. It la treat- ti with silent contempt. Herald. i : , Ve plead guilty to this soft im- Jfc ichmcnt. The Republicans of fcV V brafcka very properly ignore what fctl Herald is pleased to call the tlV at question of free trade , simply V , ause it h an imaginary issue. flS flb Lbsolute free trade is impossible b I impracticable in a country itt so urs , where the people are rse to direct federal taxation , I where the government is corn ed to raise from four to six idred millions annually to ; t the cuncnt expenses and interest on the national debt , theruioro , absolute free trade , re tt arried into effect , would inevita- destroy American industries , re he Republicans of Nebraska did tb sco fit to make commodious tbpi s of themselves by repeating pi platitude that they favor a tar- in for revenue. Such a plank ild have properly subjected them en idicule. ndnow let us examine the rec- sf the Democracy on this great pu trade question. While the plat- L of the Maine Democracy pro- thi ices for free trade , the Peunsyi- Co ! a Democrats demand the high- if protective tariffs. lu Iowa is ; favor a tariff for revenue only , ate e in Tennessee they squint to- trii I protection. the great question of free coi tie : one of the principal j Is really ter 3 of the day why do Demo- B platforms in the various States en < r so widely In their views of for is fundamental policy ? C. COLUMBUS. SubBtanlial Improvements Jen perancc and Flirtation Tl Grain Trade Social , Musica and Aboriginal Nolea. Correspondence of the BEE. COLUMBUS , Neb. , Sept. 5 , ' 74. EDITOR BEE : As the weather is getting coole now , and the mind is more actlv than when it was one hundred i the shade , your correspondent ho taken upon herself the plcasac duty of sending you a few line ; that the world may knoi that the Columbus Girl Has awakac ed from her lethargy. The city of Columbus continues t build up , and the new briok build Ings of Bonested Brothers , Tunic & Hulsr , and Mr. Bakar , mock thei surroundings with beaut/ and gran dour. The citizens generally ar pleased to sea those great and sul Btantial improvements in thei midst ; only the temperance folk will not like to see a portion of Mi Baker's building used as a billian hall and saloon. But opposition i the life of trade , so that thoio whi do not like it will have to quietl : submit , until our worthy city fath er'a ordain otherwise. The organisation of the Sons o Temperance has flourished here fo over one year and still continues t ( thrive under the regime of Hon. A M Buokloy as AVorthy Patriarch who is a young lawyer with brl h prospects beforp hjm. Some of our good citizens ha\ ' ( recently organized a lodge of Qooc Templars here. What success wil attend their efforts remains to be dfr terniined. The meetings of sucl organizations are oft times regaided as places of flirtation by outside in dividuals , but such is not the case here , as the young ladies who at tend these meetings , wtb veiy feyt exceptions , come and go away alone , Thus it 13 plain to be seen that our temperance societies and their indi vidual members have some noblec and loftier objects to accomplish than mere childish flirtation. Largo quantities of wheat con tinue to come into our markets. There seenisto be some opposition ju the wheat trade , ns there are a number of buyer * * , and that com modity always brings a good price. The farmers who come to town , as a general thing , look gloomy on ac count of the grasshopper plngua. But "The d.arkest cloud has its fcil- ver lining. " The ladies of Columbus regret that the Misses Langhclf are going out of business. About one year and a half ago the young ladies started in business here as milliners and dressmakers. They did very well up to the present time , and now , as they have closed , Columbus is left without a dress maker. A new house going up on a claim ex plains the story. A good chance is now offered for other parties. But just at present we could not guaran tee tjiat a , npw { louse would fie up on another claim very soon. On Monday evening , August 24 , Prof. Schaller , a musical teacher of ? reat merit , gave a grand concert ; o our citizens. The building , : hough one of the largest in the ! ity , was well filled. The audience istened throughout with profound Hence and attention to the display if musical talents by the Professor , md his pupils. Miss Jnsaphine Jremer played the piano while tf rs. Platte Baker and Miss Lizzie Jaker sang. The citizens were veil pleased viih the efforts of hese worthy young ladies , and ex- > ect that the time is near at hand rhen they will become proficients n their undertakings. After the oncert was over , there was a ball , nd many hearts beat merrily. lour correspondent , being a wo- lan , but withal a woman like lato's daughter , who meddles , not rith men's affairs , knows very little bout what is going on in politica. I believe two of our citizens , Mr. 'ompton ' and Mr. Becher , are hav- ig some trouble about an office ; but 'hat is the nature ot that trouble , r who is right , I will not under- ike to decide. All are entitled to leir rights before the law but the lachinery is worked by men , with 1 their imperfections and trailties ; nsequently justice is too frequent- sacrificed to gain a selfish end. Columbus has a graded school , lie brick schoolhouse recently ected is an ornament to the place. ; heel will commence soon , with r. C. L. Hill as principal. Mr , ill is a , youpg man of integrity id ability , and will undoubtedly v satifaction in his high calling. Last "Wednesday the children of ' e Congregational Sabbath School ' > ro to have a picnic at a short dls- ncc from town , but owing to the d state of the weather it waspost- ncd. It is reported that the Pawnco In- ins are desirous of leaving thejr iervation , They intend to go ith , and settle somewhere in the dian Territory. Your correspon- tit thinks that many of the sot- ra will be glad of their departure , they are frequently annoyed \ \ Hh ; ir presence. The Columbus Journal and Era , s two newspapers published at lumbus , are flourishing , despite ! grasshopper plague. The Jour- ' , is the same staunch old paper as yore , never sacrificing piinclple temporary ail vantage. The Era dited by Mr. W. N. Ilensley , a ing man ° f culture , and who ks to expose the evils of society liout regard to rank or condition , Flo 'husyou can see , Mr. Editor , that o : re is no backward movement Vi Vist h us. Everything looks cheer- sttt ahead. If the capital of the tt te is ever located hero , Colum- isre will become the seat of learn- re and the fine arts. lo Respectfully yours , tliof COLUMBUS GIRL. ofd d ( HEBBASKA POLITICS. w lo -.Nebraska City has organized a ne ing Men's Republican Club. nenc -Hon. J. B. McDowell has been ncT miiuated for the Legislature by T < Republicans of Gage county. Hon. D. C. McKellip has been iminated as representative of tenth district , ( Seward county. ) Hon. W. G. Olingeris the Re- oil icaii nominee for the Legislature ov iurt county. all The Butler county Independ- hold a convention at David thi , September 12th. DO ! A. N. Smith has been nomin- fes for Representative by the Re- pei icans of Saunders county. no bul Credit Mobilier Davis is to be candidate of Independents for C01 jress. am 3.C. _ Burr , a Lincoln attorney , of 1 B Republican nominee for Ben- sig of the eleventh Senatoial Dis- tot oth hoi rhe Republicans of Platte 187 ty hold a nominating conven- at Columbus on Saturday , Sep- son > er 19th. [ Tie Nemaha county Independ- lenl have nominated O. B. Hewett Me. tate Senator , ChurchHowe and . Sha Haydeu for Representatlvea. oth < Henry Atkinson positively n nouuces himself a candidate for t capacious senatorial slippers of 1 father-in-law. T. P. Chapman , a promine granger of Saunders county , is t Republican candidate for represei ative of the 14th Representati District. Wnpre , ohwhere is the huge liberal party That shouted and howled for reiona hearty 7 Captured and swallowed , necV , heels a crop , By Harrison Johnson , the great Ko-op. INebraika Ilsrold J. B. Fisher is the Republic * candidate of Nemaha county f State Senator , while B M. Bail < and J. P. Burueck are the Republ can nominees of this district for tl Lower House of the Legislature. SPIRIT OF THE STATE PEES The Republican State ticket uoc inated yesterday , is the stronge ticket ever nominated by any par in this State. Read the names ai locations and judge for yourselves. . JVe&rasAa City JVess , The convention at Lincoln is thing of the past Disappointe self-admiring political prelates wi now return to their homes and r fleet upon the nauseating influent of a "packed convention" .and tl baneful results of a notorious "ring. Will defeated candidates ever recoj nize any honest motive in a major ty vote ? If not , why not ? Salii County Fet > l. The ticket nominated at Lincol yesterday seems to give gener : satisfaction. The men put in tli field for State officers and Congrc * nicaere selected by one of tli largesf and most enthusiastic cor ventious which ever met in thi State. Wo will place the ticket i the head of our columns and tak an outlook of the battle which is t be fought in Oc'ober , and see hoi much e can do toward winnin the fight. Nebraska CityChroniclt In the excitement of the proven campaign the fact sio ! kl not b ovcrloo'rod th.f\t \ w& need member qf the Legislature for some otho purpose than the election of a U. S Senator. There are many measure in which the people aio directly in terested , such as u uniform tax law an efficient and reasonable collec tion law , a law for the creation o County Assessors , and scvern.1 oth ers equally impoitant , Nemaht Granger , Weknn of no leason why con tingent congiessmcu should not l > < as numerous as county imraigratioi agents , centennial commissioners o : evens Governor's staff. In anj event they are perfectly harmless for all practical purpo- , and as Ne braskans are somewhat given tc ornamentation , it might bo well to have an ornamental contingent in every school district. Like multi tudinous Vice Presidents at a pollti- 3al gathering , they tend in a won- lerful degree to harmonize discord- int elements. Blair Times. In this morning's issue will be bund the platform adopted by the State Convention. Read it and see low it suits you. Tuerp is good , icund sense in it all , and we fail to ieo Anything to which any one iould take exceptions. Every plank resents the views of the people of iur State in a manner which will 10 pleasing to one and all. It was tot gotten up either by unprincipled loliticians/for the sake of enticing otes , as the Republican party of Uis State is so strong that a iiom- latipn is almost equivalent to an ieetjoji , but we think it is the set- Ing forth of the honest views of oncst men. Kearney JFVes * * The day for nominations for State nd legislative officers is rapidly ap- roaehing. The cloud of candidates > r eve -y important office can only e compared to the cloud of grass- oppcrs which has overshadowed artions of our State. It behooves i-ery good citizen to exercise a stricl igilance and to see that none but ic best men receive their support. 0 man is fit for a position who cfers his own advancement to the iterests of the people. The intel- jenco and patritism of our citizens is brought about a desired state ol iblic indignation , in that men ho prefer their own .aggrandize- entto the will of the people , and longer make the public second to cir own selfish ends. Give us an > en , square contest free from tricks 1 munipulations of old party hacks , it will be made hot for you. now \ e one and all , "that the peo- B demand servants and not tusk xstcrs. " North Platte Enterprise Nebraska's Contingent. ( Chicago Tribune , Sept. 4th. ) A contingent Congressman has pn nominated by the Republicans Nebraska. The contingency in- Ived is the granting of an addi- nal Representative to the State the grace of Congress. The pop- ition of Nebraska at the last cen- i was 129,322. This is something low the number required for one presentative. But a State cen- i has recently been taken , and 1 iwa the present population to be the neighborhood of 300,000 ugress has , in one or two in- iicos , violated the law which ividej that the apportionment o [ > reeontallvcs to each State shai ; lain unchanged between the Ing of two successive censuses _ I it Is supposed that the prece- it thus established may be owed 1 the case of brtU'ka. The fate of the con- jeut Congressman , wo fancy , 1 depend very much upon the 1 itical complexion of the House he happens to present his ms. If the Republicans are in a jority ho will of course be re ed ; if the Republicans are in a ill majority , and have use for more devotid follower , ho will y likely be admitted. The con- jtional provision in respect to apportionment of Congressmen i-ery plain ; but for weighty ion , it has been generally al- ed that every legislative body is sole judge of the qualifications ts members. Hence Congress i pretty much as it chooses n the party is in danger of ig power. The Democrats of iraskai it wil be observed , have thought It" worth the while to ilnate a "contingent" the Farmers of Douglas County. hereas , S. H. H Clark , Esq. , eral Superintendent Union Pa- Fl i railroad , has magnanimously cd to transport free of charge 1 ! the .necessary portions of the t railroad under his supervision , O Jonatious of provisions and i made to relieve the wants of needy and suffering In those ons of the State that were in- 251 [ 1 and scourged with , grasshop- ; aud believing that there Is a farmer in Douglas county rould cheerfully and willingly , an opportunity offered him , ibute from his store of grain provisions , to aid in the relief i suffering brethren , the under- d have taken upon themselves , [ 1 a meeting of farmers , and all In s interested , to be held at Elk- InHO on Jthe 10th day of September , HO at o'clock p. m. , to .devise system to cany in o effect the > object. George N Crawford , Kean , S B Haney , John Hal- ck , James F-jry , James thur , Harvey Link , George Si Sail , George Kerstetter and ruanj ture in : BANKING. EZRA MILL.VRD , I J. II. MILLAKD President. | Cashie NATIONAL BANI Sor. Douglas kad Thlrteanth Streets. OMAHA , - H M. . . . _ . . _ . . . . . „ . . . . - 5200,0001 Surplus and Profits . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . So.OOO i TnNANCIAI , AGEXTSFOR THE UNITE -C STATLS. AN ! DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FO DISBURSING OFFCERS. THIS BANK DEALS In Eichanje , Government Bonds , Voucher Gold Coin , BULLION and GOLD DUST * * * And sells drafts and makes collections on a parts of Europe OSJ-DraftsdranpayabI In gold or currer cyon theBinL. of California , Sun Francisco. HHlCKETS FOR SALE TO ALL PART - * - of Europe Tia the Cunard and ftationi Steamship Lines , and the Hamhurg-Amtr'ca Packet Coiup'nr. 1111 U.S.DEPOSITOB1 The First National Haul Corner of Farliam ami 13tli fitrteti THE OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHmEN : ( Successors to Kountze Brothers. ) ESTABLISHED IN 1858 janted as a National Sink , Angnst 29,1803 Capital snil Profits over - $250.00C oinccns A * D DIRECTORS : E. CKEIGHUOX , A. KOUXTZE , President , Cashier. u , COUNTZK , II. W. YATES , Vice As't Cashier. A. J. POPPLETOX. Attornev. The Oldest hstaoiisneu BANKING ROUSE IN BII1IIASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton dt Co , , Knslncss transnctetl same as that of an Incorporated Hank. Accounts kept in Currency or Gold subject to sight tlieck without no- tice. tice.Certificates Certificates of Deposit issued pay able on demand , or at fixed date bearing interest at six percent , per annum , and available in in all parts of the country. Advances made to customers on approved securities at market rates of Interest. Bay and sell Gold , Bills of Ex- change. Government , State , Conuty , and City Bonds. IVe give snccial attention to nego tiating Railroad and other Corpo rate Loans issued vrithiu the State. Draw Sight Dralts on England , Ireland , Scotland , and all parts of Europe. SeJl Kurouoan Passage Tickets. C ( > LI LECTIONS PEOMPTLY MADE. cult ! _ ALVIX SAUNDERS , ENOS LOWE Pieaident. Vice Presdent. BKX WOOD , Cashier. SAVIUGS IT.V. . Cor. Farnham aud ISth Sis. , Capital . , „ . 5 too ' ooo Luthorizad Capitll . „ l,00o',000 pvEposrrs AS SMALL AS ONE DOL-I \J lar secelved and compound interest alI I lowed 011 tha samo. | Advantages OVER Certificates of Deposit : HHE WHOLE OR ANY PART OP A DEL - L posit after remaining in this Bent three tenths , will draw interest from d.te of depos- to payment. The whole or any p rt o' a d - 3SH can ' )0 drawn atjauy t'me. aug2 ti Established 1858. ARRIA6B MANUFACTORY 638 & 540 Fourteenth Street , fflce up stair > . ) Omaha , Nebraska. " Carriage * d Buggies on hand or made to order. . B. Particular attention paid to Repair : at > r28-tt ARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! J. O. SLATTBR , Dealer In Staple and Fancr Groceries. .ck ' Store , 8. B. Cor. 16ft & Chicago Eta , , WILL REMOVE SEPTEMBR lit , to COBS' New Brick Block , cor. , 15th and Cap- lATenue. pecial Bargains sre now offered Jn grorerles ore remoTal. _ augiodtf. ESWAKD KUEHL. LGISTBA. OF THE DEPAUTED. 493 lUta St. , between Fainham & Harney. rill by tbo aid of guardian spirit ? , obtain my one < i view oi tue past , prtscut and luKe - ; . Ko fe < charged in casai of sickness , EK DAY. Agents waut- ' " Ojy" < A11 dM > 9 o workpeople - people of either BCI , young or old , make e money at worker ns in their spare mo- f tl > ntim < > than at scything else. A. CO. , Portland. Maine- Tito ydranlic , Cement , AND- EPE COMPAIT , 'OULD INFORJI THE PJBLIC THAT they are now ready to furnish HY- LULICCEMENT.oftheTcry best quality , in any quantity.elther at the factory , which ated at Beatrice.Ncb , or at the Pipe works in aha. They aljo are prepared to furnish indj ofCf MENT PIPING for SEWERAGE , .lilAOE , ETC , xVlso manufacture all Ke. . s of CHIMNEY WORK. WE GUARAN- Eat OUR CEMENT TO BE EQU < L TO ANY ) RAULIC CEMENT MANUFACTURED IIE UNITED STATES. rORDERS FROM DEALERS RESPECT- LY SOLICITED. E HYDRAULIC & I'lTJJ CO. 'AITA - - NEBRASKA. iv21-3m B larney ureet , between 14th and 15th. Ml * triage and Wagon Making it'Branchcs , in the latest and most approred pattern. E SHOEING AND BLACKSMITHiau lid s < epalring done on short notice. QUEALET'S PH F. Soap Factory ! tied ou the line of the Union Pacific u ] , near the powder house. Man if s. rst-dass soap for home consumption * " ' ' Nos. 187 , 189 and 191 Fainham Street mar2d MIXTON SOGEBS , Wholesale Stoves and TZ2T 2TBHS' STOCBZ. - -SOLEWE3TERX AGENCY FOR - STEW4RT'S COOKING and HEATING STOTESa THE "FEABLESS , " COOKING STOVES , CHARTER OAK GOOZHSTG- STOVES , All of Which Will bo Sold at Maanfactnrcrs Prices , With Freihtadded. ; apC'tf for- Manufactured irllh Great Care from General Depot , Ocr. l tbr < 2Tbodge Sts , . OMASA. jwy. ELAJI CLARK. -flu. PITCH FELT , 9 And Manufacturer of Dry nniS Snturalcil SIieuililiiff Felt. ALSO DEALEia IN Roofing , Piton , Coal , Tar , Etc. , Stc. offl ° rPO lte the Gas Worts , on O. F. GOODMAN , WHOLE Doaloi ? In PAINTS , OILS AND WINDOW GLASS , Onialia. Nebraska. je u. JJS L. { j , J\/nn * H j i'T \ C3rCy * Si IMPORTER AND JOBBER or FOREIGN AND Doarsnc WHINES and LIQUORS , Tobaccos and Cigars , No. 142 FABNHAM STREET , OMAHA , NEB. Old Kentucky TYMsUes a Specialty. S -AGENT FOR THE ELDORADO WEfE COMPANY , CALIFORNIA.TI3 OE ortor'e , of Dmaha Shirt F CHAELES H. PLATZ Manufacturer of JVIILLINERY , AND idies' and Gents' ' NEPTUNE or Rica Ornaments for Ladies. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. 6 Douglas St. , Visclier's Bloct , Omaha , CO 13 t- > 00 - 05 | | § Or P-"rS - P < uw7 < 8ftl P M . * a o SON SEED. L1.TCI3 . RiEl BYRON REED & GQ , Tha Oldest Eitablkhed eal Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA 4 p a complete Abstract of Title to all Rca ttnln Om-ba and Douzlas rountv. ity Meat Maricei. 0 Erep constactly'on.hand A LARGE SUPPLY OF I * 13 33 U * , O TTON.P3UMET P3UMET , 6AU WVJTELB. WHOLESALE DEALER IN tarried Cider. 1 r , aad 1SS Farnham Street. HECTOK COFFiSIAN , /SICIAN and SURGEON , ( OVER ISH'3 DRUG STORE , ) Street , 0 ciss : , 2111 Farnhnin St. , Del. 14tb & 0B UNDERTAKER LO : Sclmelder & Burmester Manufacturers ot IDT , COPPER AND SHEET IROff WARE. DEALERS IN Cooking and Heatin ; Stores. Tin Roofing , Spouting and Guttering don hort notice and Ic th but mauncr. Uwen treat iaDt24 dj EEDMABT & LEWIS , Cor. 16th and Izard Streets. DC Oo tt ozi.'c o o cl CC = 3 3O On hsnd and SAWED TO ORDER. Je2 Im QL ! ImF. F. A. PETEKS. UJ < C Saddle and Harness Maker , UJo AND CARRIAGE TRIXMER , Kb. 274 earnbam * t. bet , IStb & inth A LL orders and repairing promptly attended \ to and satisfaction cuarractted. JWCash paid for hide * . pS91r * " " * * m m m m Kiu--B.TiT % < paigiagsn ; sssrssi3i Bg MAX MEYER & BROTHER , OMAHA , NEBRASK7 CHEAP FARMS ! FUSE HOMES On too Line of tht A Land Grant of 12,000,000 Acres of the best FAEMIX3 and MISEBAL Lands of Amrioa 1,000,000 ACKfS IN NEBRASKA IN THE GUHYT I'LATTE YALLE THE GABDEff OF THE WE3T NOW FOB SALE These lands are In the central portion of the United States , on tbo 41st doqreo of NoithLnt tude , tha central line of the great Temperate Zoneo ! the American Ccntinent , and for grata ; rowin and stock raising unsurpassed by any in the United States. OHEAFEB IB PEIOE.nnre favorableteras ? lnn. and nors conTealeat to naiket this c * be found Elf rxbeta. FIVE and TEN YEARS' credit giv n with Interest at SIX PER CENT COLONISTS aad .flOTIIAL SETULEBScaanny on Tea Years' Credit. Lands at tha tin Mice to all OBEDIT PUBCHASEB3. JL Deduction TEN PEU CENT. FOR CASH. FEEE HOMESTEADS FOB ACTUAL SnTTLRES. liid the Best Locations for Colonies ! Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead cf 160 Acres. I -fXH"O.T3LtVOO37S O3T Send for new ] > oscrlptlve Pamphlet , with new maps , published In English , Gfnna-i , Sweat ! and Dan' i , mailed free every where. Address Q. "JT * . T * ± 7"TC < = t- nlrtWartl Land Commissioner U. P. R. K. Co. Omaha , Xeb. WATCHMAKERS , OF JEWELBY S. E. Cor. IStli & Douglas Sts. WATCHES JEWELRY AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Dealers Can Save TIME and FUEIGIIT by Ordering of Us. ENG1.AYING DONE FUEE OF C1IAEGE ! UOODS WARRANl D TO BE AS REPRESENTED. ian31-t/ S C. ABBOTT J. CACumcu > ABBOTTS DSALEIIS Kl PAP2SB.S , DSOOS.ATIO2T3 , . 1 § § Famlissa Street , Qiaalia , Neb1 Pnlillflhers' Agfnt or alioo Ronta ngpd in Xelirasba. GEO. A. HOAGiANB , oles ale OFFICE AND YARD [ , OF DOUGLAS AND 6TH STS , , D , P , R , R , TBACR , TEB , anlltf BLINDS MOULDINGS &C WINDOWS , DOORS , , , , Plaster Paris , Hair , Dry and Tarred Eelt. Sole Agents for Bear Creek Liino siiil LoulsrillcComentJ OFFICE AND YARl.t IT A . "NTTTi I/TAT A j. P. Track , bet Varnham anjDou laiSts.\Jjj\ll \ A I 1 > \ , IN jlllJ iprttf . I. D , SOLOMOM , OILS ) AL OIL AND HEAD-LIG-HT OIL AHA - NEBRASKA _ _ FAIBLIE & MONELL , ANK BOOK Stationers , Engravers and Printers , AITD ZiOSCS SEALS. crdc , Odd Fellows and Knights of Pytlilas 3E PROPERTIES , JEWELS , BOOKS , Br. VXK3 , ETC. , AT Z"EASTERX PRICES AND EXi BE Jd.-a niayltl ARTHUR BITCKBEE. LRFEXTTER , B TJ I L D E AND DEALER IX r Yards , Lairns , Ceffcterlw ! ChorohGrcBds anaJPabllc Parks , OSce and Shop 1 ff A TT A ot. Faimhamaad Harney / UJylAHA J