at THE OMAHA BEE FRIDAY , SEPT. 4 , 1874. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITI. THE OMAUA DAltT BEE Is f erred to robscnbers by carrier , to any " .All complaints abont irregularities , addre ed thl office will receive prompt attention. Tm OMAHA IUJI.T BKK will be mailed to * abacribers t the following rates , a/able InTa- rlably In advance : 1 7.00 per an cum. 8.75 " 6. onthl. TBK OMAHA. UAILT Bss has by Jar the LABQEST circulation In the city. nd i herefore , th * best and cheapest advertising - OF ADVJEBTISINO. Local notices , 23 esntt per line ; local advertisements , 20 cent * per line ; by the month , 10 cents. > o idvertisement inserted for less Unn 50 cents. Special notices , 10 cents per line ; single Inser tion , not lees than 25 cents. Transient abi Ttivsments must invariably be ' "tales tor standing advertisements by sped * ! ega 2 > otlce3 , Statements , Tabular Work , etc. , requiring carelul revision by copy of prool to be furnished , must be banded in before ten o'clock A. x. to insure insertion the * * peciaTand Local advertisement * before two oc.o' . . Advertisement * leforu one o'clock p. K. Ali advertinemenU for the WEEKLY BBK mail be handed in before Monday noon , lor the nmfl wwk > Ivor _ 0yelling and Closing oi Jiuiis in Omaha. noun WEUT. F. M. A. Jt. C. P.R.I'- . - 2:20 11:00 KAST. arn.w. R.R. . 11OC t30 do do. . . . R.L&P. U. It- 11:00 4:30 dodo 11:00 _ 4:30 do co. . . . BOCTH. D.&Ht-Jo-- 7OC 4:30 do do. . . / t $ . w. n . " 3:00 10:00 JJOETtt. . . W.K.R- . 2:10 7t5 Chlcsno and all Eastern cities , Nebraska , Council Bluflaand Burllng- StriSu'ls and St. Joseph , due t 1WQ ) m . . and 4:30 : a. m. in. and 7 p. m. ; closes at 1:45 p. Offi o Bepnbllcaa Comity Convention A Republican County Convention for Donjjbs County will be held at the Court "ou'elnthe City of Omaha , on Tuesday. the 6th day ot Oc tober. A. P 1671 , at 2 o'clock p. m. , for tbepur- In nomination Two Sen torn , of pUcioe tK e 2nd Sir fccpreientatives to the Lcgi Tature. and CommUsloner , to be roted for at tie election one County be held on October 13th , 1871 , and fir the purpose of transacting such other busi- PMS as comes properly before said Con nUon Each Ward in the City of Omaha will cn- tiUed to neren Delegates , and carli precinotout- ol aaid cjty , thlee (3) ( ) Delegates to said Con- . Teprinury elections for the purpose of choosing such delegate * we hereby called for SaturaJ-i lie 3d day of October , th pois : to be op n In the cltr of Omaha , from 4 to 7 o'clock , p. m. , and In tb * other pre incts , from 6 to 8 o'clock , p. a. None but well known Republican voters will be allowed to rote at wild Primary ejections , and In the dtT of Omsbg , no person will be allowed to vote unlets duly watered cr identified to the satisf ctlon of the Judges of election as be- Jne a properly qualified Uepub Icgn voter of the Ward where his ballot is ofcred. The foUo wing are designated as places wntre such primary elections wi 1 be made. 1st Ward-At Turner's Hall. 2d Ward Attho old Douglas House. 3d Ward At Engine House. 4th Ward At < ity Engineer's Office. flth Ward-AtEd. Dallow's on Chicago street. tb Ward At Engine Houte. Unloa Treclnct-At Knight's School House. Valley Pjeclnct At White' * Store , Valley 8fFlo rence Precinct At Florence School House Chicago Precinct At tlkhorn Station House. Mcirile Prednct-AtMoArdle School House Elkhorn Preclnct-At ElkLorn Cltv School Saratoia Precinct At Saralogt School House. D..ngls . Precinct-At Joel Griffiu's Residence ' st Omaha Precinct-At 0. B Selden's Reo- JIUard Precinct At Millard's Station House .By order of the Douglas County. Republican mm ttee. JQEL T _ GBIFFKr ( chairman. JOHN M. THi'ltSTON Secretary. TOADTBKTlBl'KS i I > A'11ON 01 he DAILY BBK U more ( ban double tbat of any oilier daily paiterpnbllsbed In Kcbraska. OMAHA BREVITIES. Ninety cents per can is the price of fresh Baltimore oysters which arrive daily by express at Peyoke's .Restaurant septS. The conditioned pupils were ex- nrnined at the High School yester day. The Union Pacific train from the west yesterday , was ten hours late. Fires are comfortahle. TLe cold weather has caused many stoves to be put up. The ladies of St. Marks' Church gave a sociable last evening at the residence of Mr. Clark , 209 Dodge street. Deputy Sheriff Dave Burley yesterday arrested ono John Ro gers , who had an old indictment for 'grand larceny hanging over him. The High School Debating So ciety will meet this evening to elect officers and transact other business. The Union.Pacilic Shops are running iiino hours instead of ten hours per day now , which accounts for the blowing of the whistle at 5 p. m. ) The now 3,000 pound fire alarm bell was hauled up to engine house > Ko. 3 , this morning. It is a beauty nnd will stir the boys up upon the occasion of a fire. The Milo and Eesolute base ball clubs have consolidated under the name of "The Reckless Club. " They propose to clean out the Stale , and then go for the Bluffs boys for H flOO. m m Attention is directed to the call published in this paper , for a mass logi gi meeting at the Court House this gi"i evening to make immediate br arrangements to aid the sufferers in al the grasshopper-stricken regions of of Nebraska. ac A gentleman who attended the lai State Convention at Lincoln , gathered sa ; ered eighty bedbugs , strung them on we a thread , and hung them in front of ho the mirror in his room , just as a bu gentle hint that the hotel was a little Sti huggvy ing The headquarters of the 23d Infantry ma fantry , Col Jeff" Davis , command Str ing , have been established at Oma- cri ] haBarrack" . Four companies and but t the band of the regiment arrived ne : here yesterday from the West , cas in charge-of IiieuL Col. Dodge. Str George Patterson , who was so jail I lonffconaected with the Union Coal thii and Mining Company of this city , hit has gone into business for himself At 220 Douglas street Ho has hosts of friends in this city , aud ho will Tin without doubt rapidly build up a Hoi handsome business. and 1 A girl named Clara Harris and her fellow kicked up a row at Mrs. Car Barber's on Tenth street , last night , Far breaking in the door and windows. EC > A-warrant was issued for the girl's ECN arrest , butshe skipped over to Coun N cil Bluffs before the officer could just catch bcr. sc A buffalo hunt created a great deal of amusing excitement on the bottoms yesterday. One of the buffaloes of a car load consigned to the Philadelphia Zoological Gardens escaped , and it took two hours before he was recaptured by the crowd who had gathered for that purpose. Wednesday afternoon about half- past three o'clock , the only son of Mr.H. K. Smith met with a sudden and horrible death , by being hooked by a cow , which tossed him In the air , goring him in the stomach fa tally. Ho lived but a few minutes afterwards. He was playing in an alley in thevicinity of the cow , which was very cross , owing to the fact that she was guarding her young calf. The deceased was about five years of ace. ace.Robert Robert Harris , General Super intendent of the C. B. & Q. railway , writes to Hon. J. 8. Morton , Presi dent of the State Board of Agricul ture , as follows : "We will carry passengers to the Nebraski State Fair at half rates , or full fare for the round trip from stations on the B. & M. road as far east as Burlington. " This liberal action should be fol lowed by all other railroads running into this city. The following officers were elected by Engine Company No. 3 , Wednesday evening : Form'n.Cbaa. Simpson ; 1st Assistant , CfcSchlank ; 2d Assistant , Frank Wilson ; Presi dent , Col. E. B. Willis ; Secretary , ( election deferred one mouth ) ; Treasurer , S. N. Meh'o ; Trustees , E. C. McShane , Julius Able , and Wm. Long. After the election the fire men and Invited guests adjourned toPeycke's restaurant , and sat down to an elegant supper , bpeech mak- ng and singing followed , and a good time generally was had. On Saturday afternoon P. Mc- Gavock rt'lll trot "Mollie Mack , " formerly -'Iowa Girl , " against the Council Bluffi horse , "Rutland Boy , " three-quarter mile hea'ts , best 2 In 5 , for $100 a side , and $50 be sides , added to the purse by Mr. Nevlus , the proprietor of the Park. Phero will also be a running race between Dennis Cunningham's t'Lady Clare , " and Ed. Wesson's "Lady Gray , ' , half mile Ueats , best 2 In 8 , for $100 a side , and $50 be sides , added by Mr. Novlus. Also a running race for a purse of $100 , free for all , half mile heats , 2 in 3 ; $00 to the first horse , § 30 to the second " end , and $10 to the third. En trance , $5. Entries will close at L. C , Richards' , Friday , at 8 p. m. Major Bogqe , the well known clerk of the Metropolitan , while in Chicago , stopped at the Palmer House. He speaks in the most glowing terms of this famous hotel , and as he Is ono of tfop host hpte } men In the West he can be rejied upon. The Palmer House , ho says , is the best conducted hotel in the country , in every respect in the office , la < ho dininc 1 > U ; end in the sleeping apartments , It Is a fire-proof struc ture , a model of architecture , aud in the interior its appearance is more like tbat of a royal palace than of a hotel. The terms are as'reason- ableas thosoofany other house in the city , and they have adopted the system of graded prices according to the location of the rooms. Ho ad vises all persons from ( be West vis iting Chicago to patronize the Palmer , where they will receive ev- erj' attention and bo made perfectly at home. S. C. .Abbott & Co. , who have the work for sale , have laid upon our table a copy of John B. Bach- elder's "Popular Resorts , and How to Reach Them. " 'ibis work fills a place in illustrated literature here tofore unoccupied. While it gives clearly the information required by tbe tourist , it also forms a beautiful table book , valuable either as a sou venir of travel , or a descriptive work on popular localities. The iargo demand last year proved most fully tbat such a publication was re quired and appreciated by the trav eling public ; the knowledge of this fact has determined the author to make this a utandard work , and is- lueit annually , each year adding to the illustrated descriptions It Is a nest carefully prepared book of 102 ages. elegantly bound In cloth , gilt ides , profusely illustrated , and rinted on fine calendered paper , in he clearest typo. Parker , the man who was im- irisoned for thirty days , for having oped a man againsf'red and black , " ut which c'.iargo he claims to be mocent of , has been released from lil , his sentence having expired , [ e stopped us on thestreetyesterday lorning , and requested that \ve take a brief statement to the fol- iwing effect : That ho never was jilty of inducing a man to play red and black ; " that when he was ought into the police court , he was wut to plead guilty to the charge gambling , but he "did not do so , iting on the advice of Gen , Strick- nd. When he was sentenced , he 11 ys Strickland told him that he Duld get bim'released inside of an iur for S25. He paid the money , t went to jail , and saw nothing of rickland till several days followto i Tl j , when he sent for him , and dc- mded the reason of the delay , icklaud told him that the trans- L. pt of the case had not been filed , in that when it was , probably the of st day , he would attend to his foi ic. Parker has seen nothing of foiTl icklaud since , but remained in in ] and served out his sentence. He tcx uks he has been a much injured tcxi i n. VIXDOW SHADES t TRIMMINGS. ited shade cloth , white linen ter Hands , band shades , store shades On cords and tassels to match. un < Joirx B. DETWILKR , wa pet Store , 14th street , between vet iiham and Douglas. 163 t p3dtfwlt anc froi OBBY STYLES In Hats and Caps froi received at BUNCH'S , pt3-2t 255 Douglas St H..A. Towne , of St. Paul , is at the Grand Central. Isaac Coe , of Nebraska City , is at the Metropolitan. Henry Webber , the well known boot aud shoe man , has returned from the east Charles W. Mead , superintendent of the Northern Pacific , is at the Grand Central , accompanied by his on. on.S. S. L. Holman , who went east some time ago , has returned to Omaha , with the Intention of re maining. He thinks there Is no place like Omaha. Mrs. Roberts , wife of Captain Roberts , olerk of the Wyoming Ho tel , left Wednesday for a visit to her mother in New Jersey. She will be absent two or three months. Mr. A. Polaok , the well known clothing and gents' furnishin goods dealer , returned Wednesday from the East , where he has been for the last month , engaged in pur chasing a heavy stock of fall and winter goods. The following are the arrivals a the Metropolitan Hotel : E L Clemens and lady , Red Oak M L Jackson.Dexter ; O W Bowles California ; N J Shark , A 1C Min ton , Omaha ; M L Higgins , Fre mont ; Samuel Faucett , Columbus P Hanneberry , San Francisco ; M : aud Mrs Samuel S Fales , Pr vi dence , Rho te Island ; H L Bean Oawego , N. Y. ; Jas S Charles , city WH Price , jr , Davenport , Iowa U H Sibley , Chicago ; Seth Mabry Texas. The following are the arrivals a the Wyoming : H Jj Cooper , Chicago ; S Read , S Joe ; Mrs Edmonds , Chicago ; D Howard , P Howard , Rock Lick , Ky ; R C Huson , Chicago ; W L Richardson , Chas E Eads , J B Lyon , John W Leudrum , M J Boark , Granville , Ky ; B H Robin son and wife , Tekamah ; Henry & Rier , St Louis ; C A Lanbacb Steubenville , O ; W H Scott , New York ; John Smith Plattsmouth Harry Gilmore , Grand Island ; DReioeand family , Warrensburg D W Seet , J R' Vioqui , H Kidder St Louis , Ben Goodman , Lincoln John S McLove , Wyoming ; Mrs T A Murphy , Alda ; T J Gorman Red Oak. A Proclamation. To all whom these presents shall come greeting : WHEREAS , It has come to iny knowledge jnform prescribed bylaw in such cases made and provided heretofore , to-wit : That on the 25th day of August , A. D. 1874 , in the county of Douglas , in this State , a murder was committed by some un- knowp person , upon the body of one Tobjas Mitchell , ' ( colored ) , and that the said person unknown hus fled from Justice. Therefore , I , Robert W. Furnas , Governorof the State of Nebraska , by "virtue of the authority in me vestedj and in pursuance of the stat ute in such cass inatle and provided , ' ' do hereby issue a'p'roblaniation , and offer a reward of two hundred ( $200) ) dollars for the arrest , apprehension and conviction of the said person unknown , and his delivery to the sberjff ; or jailor of said county of Douglas. In jvitness whereof I have 'hereunto set 'py ) hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of State. Done at Lincoln , this first day [ L. S. ] September , A. D. 1874. ROBERT W. FURNAS , By the Governor ! JOHN J. QoaPER , Secrttary of State , Hew Coal Firm. Geo. Patterson & Co. , 226 Douglas street , have now In stock and are still receiving all sizes of the finest Lackawanna Anthracite coal , which they offer , carefully screened and delivered , at less than Chicago prices , freight added. A full stock of Iowa and Blosshurg coals also on hand. The Mr. Patterson of this firm has long been connected with the Unjon C. & M. Co. in this city , and trusts to see in his new Jopatfon , his old friends and as many new ones as may wish to fortify themselves against the cold. 6ept3-lt CAKPETINGS. You can always find the largesl and best assortment of c ° CARPETS OIJj.CJ.OTHS WINDOW SHADES MATTINGS MAI'S AND RUGS 01 at JOHN B. DET\VIIER'S , 14th street , between Farnham and Douglas streets. s3 atfwlt. W. J CUSSEN , general auctioneer ind real estate agent , southeast cor- icr of 10th and Dodge street , Oma- ta , Neb. All kinds of personal iroperty and real estate bought and old on commission. Prompt re- urns when goods are sold , and mod- rate commissions. Consignments B ( Bspcetfully solicited. sepStl If you want the last thing out in ic hat line , go to s3 2t BUNCE'S. tie ' COAL. . TT Eljiott & Pratt are now prepared a [ contract for winter coal , at 518 an hirteenth street. s3 It PRATT & ELIJOTT , agent * , for E Hedstrom & Co. , of Chicago , are daily receipt of Anthracite coal the best quality , which is offered ] r sale at the lowest market rates , doi present is the time for contract- g for winter supply. 518 Thir- lOt : snth street , Church Block. ap , sepStf ' . Fint Ward Begiitration Sotice. . Notice Is hereby given to the vo- Ag s of the First. Ward In the city of Co. oaha , State ot Nebraska , that the stre ; the of said dersigned , Registrar las .rd , will sit for registration of the ters of said ward at his office , No. Farnham street , on the 7th. 8th A i 9th days of September , 1874 , tauiai m 9 o'clock a. m. to 12 m. , and ai aiIi m 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Ii [ JOHN RATH , Far Farm ug23tf Registrar. ' m Medical. ( Communicated. ) EDITOR BEE : As there seems to be some misap prehension concerning the practice of medicine in this city , that the public may know the rules and reg ulations governing the "regular practitioners , " at a recent meeting of the Omaha Medical Society , the following sections of the by-laws of the Society were directed to be pub lished : Sec. IV. No person holding any patent or part thereof , for medicines or secret remedies for diseases , or who shall by publication in news papers or otherwise , announce his pretentious to superior qualifications In any particular disease or diseases , or who shall resort to public adver tisement or printed cards , or hand bills inviting the attention of indi viduals afflicted with particular dis eases , or publicly offer advice or medicine to the poor gratis , or at tend persons or families gratuitously in order to secure their influence or the business of the house they keep , or to attend gratuitously public in stitutions , not charitable , or promise radical cures , or publish cases or op erations in the daily prints , or suffer such publications to be made , or in vite non-professional men to be pre sent at operations , or boast of cures or remedies or adduce certificates of skill and success , or perform any othei similar acts , shall be eligible to membership or hold a seat in this Society. Sec VI. The code of ethics of the American Medical Association shall be the recognized ethics of this Society. Sec. VII. The members of this Society shall not consult with any practitioner of medicine who bus resided in this ( Douglas ) county six mouths and who is not a member of this Society. Nor shall they in any case consult with irregular prac titioners. Sec. VIII. Any member violat ing sections four , six or seven , upon proper evidence , after notification for six mouths , ho shall have his name dropped from the rolls of the Society and shall be considered as expelled and be subjected to all th pains and penalties of expulsion , M. T , ANDERSON , M. D. , Secretary. Aid for tn urasiaoppir Snfftreri. Tha following call for a public meeting has been issued : To the Good People of Omaha : Whereas , it is well known that , by reason of the grasshopper ? and drought destroying the crops In Howard , Taylor , Valley , and other counties in Northwestern Nebraska , hundreds'ofpeopleincludingw'omen and child'-en , have been rendered entirely destitute and are in a starv ing condition , those who are able are leaving their homes , and unless they are relieved in some way , the State will losp many gop $ citizens. The above statement is fully con firmed by General Ord and Major Brown , who have just returned from there , and by Captain Force , who resides in that vicinity. We , the undersigned , deem it no more than right that the people of this city and Viclnjty should be ' called together for the purpose of'taking some action in their behalf. To that end wo , the undersign cd , call a meeting of the citizens inclu ding the ladles , who are especially invited , to meet at the district court house on Friday evening , Septem ber 4th , at 7 p. m. JOHN I. REDJCK , JOHN T. EDOAH , O. P. HURFORD , EZRA. MILLARD , MILDER & JUplIABPSON , TninuNE PKINTISQ Co. , An many others. Mayor Chase has sent us the fol lowing for publication : I am in possession of facts which warrant me In saying that immedi ate and abundant rplfef must be ren dered 'to our destitute" neighbors whose means of subsistence have been destroyed by the grasshoppers , and therefore J most earnestly second end the above call , well knowing that the people of Omaha only need the opportunity and they will give most liberally.C. . C. 8. CHASE , Mayor. WALL PAPER for sale very cheap it JOHN B. DETWILER'S Darppt Storp , J-Jth street between Faniham and Douglas. sept3dtf&wlt FOU SALE OR RENT. Two story brick dwelling house , tontuining nine rooms , in first-rate irder , having been recently reno- 1 rated. The house was formerly oc- upjed by P. Her and family. R.ent , 45 per month. Good cisterns and cell. The house and premises oc- upy a full city lot unencumbered , rom Harney street to the alley. Vill sell for § 9,000. Apply at nw orner Ninth and Harney streets. ugl3-tf MRS. JESSE LOWE. A LARGE STOCK OF LADIES , GENT'S , BOY'S , TI MISSES , AND CHILDREN'S ' , DOTS AND SHOES AT Low PRICES r HENRY DOHLE & CO'S. sept2-2t ATTENTION. Those who are seeking for novel 's in FALL CLOTHING and GEN- jEMBN's FURNISHING GOODS of descriptions , should call and ex- line the new stock just received by F. L. RUF , iug25tf _ DYEING , cleaning ana repairing ne in the neatest manner , at the STEAM DYE WORKS , h Farnham and Douglas , r28tf. .own Coal , $7.00 per ton , deliver- by Perry t'Yeomans , , General ents , Eclipse Coal and Mining eevei Coi , Des Moines , office 508 13th will ! er , between Farnham and Doug- streets. - sept 11m. En , WANTED. L second cook at Peycke's Res- rant , Good wages will b paid , uglfltf. idian Curiosities at No. 170 Fas nhamstreet , corner llth street. lay 7-tt ' Ml Third Ward Begiitration Notice. Notice is liereby given to the voters of the third ward in the city of Omaha , State of Nebraska , that the undersigned , the Eegistrar of said ward , will sit for registration of tha voters of said ward at his office , No. 509J , Thirteenth street , In Campbell Block , between Poug- las and Farnham streets , in said city of Omaha , oa 7th , 8th , 9th and 10th days of September , 1874 , from from 0 o'clock a. m. to 11 a m. , and from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. LTJOIAX F. HALE , septltf Registrar. WANTED , 20 SHOEMAKERS , IMMEDIATELY , at HENUY DOIILE'S. sept2-2t GEO. H. PETERSON , tnepionee cigar manufacturer , keeps con stantly on hand the very best brands of cigars , and also " " one Jack , Fruits and Flowers , and "Durham" - Smoking Tobacco. 211 Douglas street , mayGeodlv I TYPE FOR HALE ! A Font of Bourgeois Type , of which th'8 is a airaple , weighing COO Ibs. This type baa been iu use on tbe Daily BEE less than one year , and ia nearly as good as new. For terma &c. , address E. KOSEWATKU , ui f. Publisher of the Uee. FOR SALE CHEAP. Ono Full Cabinet Wheeler and ( Wilson Sowirg Machine , with all the latest improvements. It is new has never been run. Inquire at the BEE office. aujj7-tf B2TSEH AlcKellison-s card on second pago. june2-tf LbUAL MO'llCl. To I he owners ol the lands sought by theCl' of Omaha to be condemned for the extentiou o 10th stieet , in said City , south from its prea rnt terminus. The undereigned three disinterested frpcho'd crs of the Citv of OniAha , apiwinteu by the Maj or and Council of said olty toastvssthedam K to the owners of tl'C property sought to be ta ken fir Ihe extension uf 10th street in raid C ity south from its pr sent terminus , at the nori line of lar.ds owned by George Francis Train south to C. . stellar Strcot in S.uth Omaha tion , such exteutlon 10 be 100 feet in width will on tha Mb day of September , A. D. 1374 meet on the said lauds to be appropriated , a 10 o'clock In the lorenoon , lor the purpi sa as < e sinj ; said damages It having heielolor b.en declare 1 necessary by the Council of sail City by ordinance , " to appropriate said lands t th. us , of said CUr. K. O JEXhlSSON P. MiGAVOCK. Dated * t Omibs , Aufrast llth , GSS1RAL AU'TIONEER , Cor. 16th and IrodjeMs. . Prompt afcntion given to sales of household furniture , s oi * goods , hors < s , cattlietc.eithe at store or owner's rasideni * . lUal Estate a public or prlT U ja'.a. "hug3)dtf ) TREITSCHKE & GO , , G R O G E B S And General Provision Denlers , 8. T7Cor. . Jackgoa and 13th Qts- , Kr p a superior itock of Groceries , Provisions , Wines , Liquor * and Cigars , aud cell cheaper tfaaa any cthar § in Omaha. jyS .tm SPENCER'S b Fruit am Confectionary al St ? . , isai i ai ] yl43ra AT THE BRIDGE x/v oattoxrxa. pi iai i ai Ooraer of Coming ! and Twenty-second streets Th finest lager beer con stantly on hand. 1e2Wm CIIAS. WEYJIULLER , Prop . SALOON- IIENBY. the popular Saloon ke-pcr , has re fitted up the bineincnt oi old Herald liuiMinj cor. 13th and Douglas Sts. , where , In connec tion with hU bar ho fet out a Lunch ever morning i d GRAND LUNCH EVERY SAT- UKDAY. Oiv * him H call. al dtf G"W. . HO AN" , Sr. , Offers lot ; tbe ueceJiltlcj of the public , a First-Class Hearse aud Carriages , Q ) a e ; poi anl th. CUE CUEI All orders promptly a' tended to by Icavin I hem at Cor. 13th and Home Sts. o-.Jtf eta or I ope : CTOIB par 1 the i 11 Foi FoiT T tha one Der of t Printing mad B. Chi ( In he Bee Job Printing House hav stock : GRE : EVE EXECUTES ALL KIJfDS OT our J. ED.s REn prore BOOK AXD JOB PMXTISO WOR. CA1 IN TBE less m in ; pa EBT BEST STYLES as ncv risk c ) IRRE ; Lowest Casli Prices. anzl' ' mpetent workmen are in charge of the ral departments , and FIRST-CLASS work be turned out in either Ag Germair Bohemian Wee glish , , , by ? ell Needl- ter , Ca \ or Danish Languages. FlourS CE Mrs. D. A. MOFFETT , ihionable Dressmaking5 564 Fourteenth St. , gHil SFECIAT , NOTICES. NOTICE. Advertisements of To Lot , For Sale , Lort , Wants , Found , Boarding , .tc. , will be inserted in thesfl columns once for TEN CKSTSper line ; each subsequent iuscrtiou , FIVE Cii-'JS : jcrline. The first Insertion never less than TV/ENTV-FIVE CENTS FOU i.ENT Two pleasant front rooms , fur- nishtJ , on cor. Douglas and 12th. septSJl't n. L. LATEY. . , V7"ANTED A situation by sn experienced > V pharmacist. U 3t of references. Address Drupgut , this clfico. S ptid2t EOR SALE Private r idanca [ lot , spUndid location , bargain. Lot rr , block 47 , J > ri < e Sl.SOO cssh , y3la 9 monihs , balante m 18 months. Apply to J. II. CLAKKE , Kcal E.late ctnt. septU12l * mill : House and lot next north of C. E. Yost's J _ residence is iurmle at the low price of Sj,5CU--i I rill o moro tbau tha coil of lu.prove- Bients. Imiuireof L. W. AMBKOSE , Attor ney , n-ar head of Douglas street. soptSdtf UP 1 Jlile westof the Hish School. J _ ou Dr. Lowe's farm , one sorrel m ire and cult which theownercan have by paying charg- i and proving property. \7Oll SALE The ccaipcst cotiaje and lot in Jj fchmiris.Cun4adaition. UOCiiJSa HILL , soptSood t 23 1 Dodge St. LOST On Sunday , between Howard and Wcb.ler sis , a black cashmere cape triui- un-l with passauieuineaud I co The tinder will be rewarded on leavcug it at BeeUllko. . WANTLU Miy jiersou uautitigale Ulster , or good man for any wcrt , can be sup plied bycallin ; upon COT HULL A Co. , Ex change au i hmplovnitnt Bureau , opposite I'ost ny onu .ranting to sell orer cbanje auy kind i f busintss , h.-use luts , 'andsor n.urclunaue , call < m us. We have chauits miircly in our hands , alfardin ; ihu b - t invrsluieut for capital , botn small and creat COriiiU < & CO. , L'xcluujj and Lul- lix-tin ; Bureau , i3l loih stieot , oj.po-ito Pust OUite. sepl2Itf rno lUi : rUIil.lU Ihe umlcrM , nod has JL opiiii-d HII ofTuc foi em Icyuientot male aud tcmale l.ctp for stores , olliccs , honsrs , prl- vaie families , < : tc. Al iu want of the same , or warning employment , plense C-.II on us. CoTI'llII L U ' . , Lxchnnge > nd Employment Bureau. 53115.h struct , opp s.te Post Olhca. \\"A * TED A girl ti ) take care'of a babv , 11 and make her o f geucially useful , lli- juire at this otlico. te'itld2t LOiT , ST AYEI/.Ort STOLEN -Two horses oneblafkand one bay , from II rcey St. , boi 19th und 20tli , on last Sund y. Aug. COth , 1874. An information leading to their rtcov- ery or their return to A. P. QAarn tron will be liberally rawaided. seplWSt * NOTirE-To can-enters and builders , that bids will be received for building a school house ! n S heel l.isinti No. 40 , Union Preciuct , Town-hip 1C , I.n0-u 11 , Ddujl s Co. Neb. , by Justus Steiu.rt till ibe Ulth ilay of Sept. , at 1 o'clock p. M , < 374 , I'lius and sn.cificationi can be seen at St-inert * * . TEItUS Cash , one-half when tlie frame is up ail'l tlie re > t holloa ia finished. Iluuse is to b finished Nor. 1 , IS71. JUslU . rTCINFItT , Dirrctor. [ Dated this 31st day of Aug , ' 74. j d sepl Sio * rTIUUNISIIED liriOMS To rcn , wl-h or JD wituout board , at MIJ-j. DELAWKE's , ti.Vf.Cur llth and llarney EOIi KENT-House it ilu 11 ruuuis. No. 233 Capltul Auuo. . aui9jtf S. WEIGHT. ONEY TO LOAN-181 Farubara Street. a2G6t UK. EUWAHOi. WANTED Two girls ; ono as nurse , the other an cook. Apply to G > O. W. IIUilAN , Jr. , Nineteenth and Chicago streets. vy ANTED A girl to do general homework YV at 413 Davenport st , augtiadtf FOR KENT Two front rooms , opposite new Post Office. aug-2odlf GIRL , WANTED To do house work. DR. ISAAC EDU'AKDS , 181 Faruaasu St. aug21 < lll YYTANTEt ) By a hdr , a sUiialioo as Louse- > T kc j > r or nurse , lest of refurente" , Ad- Iress , Mrs" L. M. C. , Post oilice. augI41tf II OUSES TO RENT-In the central portion of I I the city. Enquire oi ALF. D. JONI > . i. E. Cor. Douglas and 15th bts. auj:2dtf : FOK SALK 5M acres ot land two miles Irom Wisuer , on theO. N. W. K. K. , in Cumins | o. , Nebraska , at S-.M peracrein casli , prh.ili lowu and ba.ance In oua yearat ten pen tut , Vppjy at "Creat Western Land Agency , " 1SU nd 13i I'aruhani Street , OniaLa. augUdlf riO TIIK PUBI.IO-The undcrsignea has purclasevl and put npoa the strce s as mb'ie conveyance , some ot the Guest ran laves ver manufae'.urcd in th s , country. Ihcy will ie run to 2nd Irom the dejiots , l.otes ! and pri- ate reiidei ccs. All oracrs It-It nflh J o Ian Il"tel , oat the stable , near S. K , cor. ul llereiith st. anj C-initol avu , will be Koiiinlly ttendcd to. A sharaof the puMic pitronagu respectfully solicited. I ujlldU WM. E .DULL. ITUJK Mrs. 1. Polack , for m. ny years a > JL succes ful teacher of musip In tha lest euiale Institutes of Kentucky , will receive pu- ili in that branch at her residence,253 Howard t. Will lomuiciue teaching , Sept. augidtf LTONKY TO LOAN On approval personil \JL security , also City and County Warrant ? jught and toll. Ii , < iulrent Lav Offlceof T. " . i. Illchanls , No' 43013th Si. , Omaha. AugSdtf \rASTED A Rirl to do gcaerjl housework. augSJtfImjuire at 401 Hurt fat. , bet , 30 and 21. N 1TOHE TO RENT 193 Douglas slrrct. Inquire - ) quire of WEUBElt A BE1IM. fulrltt \T ANTEL- Day boarder. " , at the touthwest rV " 'or. of lOth and Harney sta. je29tj 15IDS FUR FOKAGE IIC.ID Qa'S DCPARTMKST OF THE PtlTTE , 1 Ctiltf Quariermiiter'a Office. J Qu.ui4 , NCB. , Septemb r2 1874. IEALED bids in duplicate , will be received at this Office until eleven o'clock a. m. , Tues- y , September 13th , 1874 , for th delivery in w gunnv . " .ad bnrlap &ack at Omaha depot , I br s a , In quantities as required , of rhrec inilllun y.OOO OOJ bo ( ) puiinds oi corn Juemillion ( ho hundred thousand (1,500,000) ( ) uuds of oats. Each proposal , to bo considered , must be cuar- | Utd by twn responsible nartics , not biddeis , it thev will become bondsmen on award of itract. S'o bid will bo entprt irced under any clrcum- nce- , unless tuo Udder is | > e-cnt in person , by duly authorized asent or attorney , at the nin 'f the Mds , anil i- > then and there pre- e t tu show tha lie is fully able to carry out S contrjct in all respects it a to him. rheatte tionof bidders is especially qallqd to foregoing requirements , lids must bo endorsed on envelopes "Bids for rage. " 'ho contracts will bo lot with tto proviso t the contracts may bo increased or reduced apj [ i-third by the Chief Quartermaster of the plu lartment , at any time during thu delivery del ihe > nrairi. am ] he right to reject any or all bids Is reserved , wai lank bids furnished and full conditions Imj le known on application. to y order of the Department Commander. icki ALKI. J. PEKRV , tele f Qunrtcrmnstsr Dopt. Platte J Bvt. lirlj ? , en. U. S. A. Co m CASE PUBCIASERS 01 For Sewing Llachines. 225 ( order to make room for our nair itjlc , wo put In PERFCCr order all of our old 'FDI , including sacond-hand , and oGcr them at ATLEY REDUCED prices , for CASH. UEAR Hff'MINZl Ji Off RY " HOWE " I50UGIIT Of US and ham lUTHOIUZED canvassers la WARKANT- ' md INSTRUCTION" given , as WE have a UTATION TO SUSTAIN. Experience X > a machinn WITHOUT Instruction Is SE than NONE at all. - * " - - , . UTION. We know of larjc lots of irorth- SD lachlnes bought at lovr Cjurcs , that ara be- Imod off on Ilia public for nearly as good pointi r. Persons that do not want to run tha f being swindled should NEVER buy of Tral at So , dPONSIBLE puarties , as they have KO m. , frc ition AT STAKE , as have old established „ i inici. THE HOW2 1LVCIIINE CO. , OJIm'j * 450 13th Street PULI jents Waated ! Ban thus a an show active met. how to maks money transfi ling the txst householl articles , ilngic Tick Threaders. Carbonized a'tetl Glass Cut- Chlca ; \r\Mnizel \ Steel Knife SharpaLor , llaic and Co BiiifUrr , Ac. [ - CO ' JCAGO-NOVSLTI , , > H , CANDR'AN , * $ Manager , OFFICE 513 TaiKTEEKTH ST. , U LIQUOKS , WINES , ETC. c K en en K f _ M § i m < " > P PM 12J M w | eFt Ft FtS 55 55W P. W. TT1IOLE3ALE XND Ktljtt IX Wines , Liquors , Jsegars , T01MC 0 AND PIPES. WCulifornla Wines and Brandlcs.- Corner of 15'h and Dodge streets oppoiite the new Pos-t Oliice building , Ouiaha. Nebie25ti Bavarian Beer Hall ! 19 RIJS St , Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Finest braniM of all classes ot Liquori and Sc/ars I'rosh I-aer con.htautlv on houil. je2.3-r.tu C1IAS.1IAKT Prop. 33 JL 3 > r 2 JEJ I DEALER IN Fruits , Confectionery , CIGARS AND TOBACCO. 215 Doujbs , Ut. llth anil 1 Btrct. OMAUA , . . . NEBUAaKA. ' * sep'A HOTELS. GEANDO O T ? 23 DKAHA , KEBSASKA The largest and beat hot between Chicago ad San Francisco. Opened BOW September 30lh , 1S7S. HO tf GEO. THKALL. Proprietor. C HOTEL , E. T. PAGE , Proprietor. 10th St. , Let. Faruham and Harney , O1HI51. NED. Free Bun to and from all Traint. Pasjinjera for other Tlote's cr prlrate Eesl- deurcs , curri d for 2S centi. BE- All orders left at P. II. Allen's , 2.1 door from I * . O , C. Wilson X Son. ( or. 13th and II Tney , and the City Hotel Office , will receire > HurH , atlcntiuu. l71m United States Hotel , COK. DOUGLAS AND TENTH STREETS. TUIEUXDEKSIONEn respectfully announ- J. ics that ho has purchased and refl.ted the ibotc II tcl , : ind id nu\v ready to accommodate he public , with board by day or Tre'-k , at reas- mal.le rat"VLLIAlt LEIIR. Prop , julvii ' 7 1 [ LLUN01S HOUSE. I'etwesnJHh andolOth. wh CHARLES FEMJEIiMAJf , Prop. at : mcliliu - ES- California House. FRITZ HAFflEB , Prop'r. No. 170 Douglas Street , corner llth , Onuhi , icbraska Hoard by the day or.vw ek. lune 1. vl Central House i * C. CSO 'liieentli Street , pp. Jcflerson Square , OMAHA , NEB. JOM.m JJOYE. Trop'r. Day and week Hoard at reasonable rates. Firat cU\u live attached to the house. 1t27 3m On 9/A , let. Farnham an/I JIarnty Slrtett , T AS been entirely refiitted ari refurnished. I and will accommodate all to the btil oi lard at $1,50 per day ; 40c per single meal. C , Y , & S , I , HARRYMAN , y28dly. Propr etors. Southern Hotel , Froatkg on 4th , 5th tad Wabtntita , , It. Louis , - Mo. Laveille , "Warner & Co. , fhs Southern Hotel is first-class In all Its ointments. Its tables are at all times sup- ed In the greatest abundance , with all the leaclcs the markets afford , Its clerks and ployes are all polite and attentive to the ntsof < if the hotel , There Is an proved eleva-crltsuiui ; from tha first floor the Up | r one , lijilroad and steamboat etolS . cevrs st nd. and wesxerr Union oUl e in the Lotunda of hotel. mrS-1 WILLIAM LATEY , r. 16th aud . "Webster ; Sts. , Keepa a complete assortment ot ROCEKIES and PKOYISIONS. WILLIAM SEZAUER. Fern'lan Street , - OnahiNeb -17I1OLE3ALE AKD RETAIL DKALKE UC RNITURE. BSDDINS , ETC. TUB : ENOCH HENNEY , istice of the Peace ice over tno State Bank , cornercf Parn. and 13th tr < vt9. 'he Sloax City anil Pacinc Rallroail , Ic CoaacetioB with tht ) UX CITY & ST , PAUL RAILROAD , D milti the ihortrit roate from Omaha Council Dlnffs to St. rani , JHnt oolI , rater , Anoka , Dclnth , Bismarck , and all In Minnesota. 239 : ( Ce In leires Omaha daily , ( ezcep Saturday ) clock p. m. , and Council Bluffl at S:05 p- jin Chicago 4 North-WesUrn Depot. ' as LOW and lime as QUICK as Th B Ij nnj oilier Line. crtditat purcnui IAN PALACE SLEEPINf } CARS ON ALL NIGHT MNS , Nortl art Tour ticket reads VIA Sioux City , voiding circuitous routes and midnight ThB.A ra. * : els can ha rurchas * ! at the offices of the a well w o & Northwtitern Railway la Omaha mncll BluCi. J C. BOYBEX , P s. & Tickat Agf Si P. i S. C. E.E. . 'aul , Minn. The Com F. C. HILL , and a Ijf Pass , and Ticiit Agt , 3. C. 4 P. , Sioux naouttt plowo. CEO. W. GBATTOJT/Agwt. C. B ; ICS Faraham Street , Omau ( Keb. 20. U. ' The Klngof the SEWING MACHINE WOULD I rrc-nnintctly Gold t Ed ns If Realms ct Finance. f SALES FOR 1873 : In Round Numbers 232,444 Machines , ItRjlne over One HcndreU and Thirteen .TbocsudBcrtl.' were Wly S Ing Machine Company during the in : lit' * . 11 It will oar . ly be Jeaied . . [ * iuob Tlde > c * that Ik * mporUrlly t the Uaar It f ! lr oafitratao * THE SINGER MANF'G ' CO , , W. IT. MASON , Agent , M Je KO. 212 DOUQLA1 STRBBT , OiTAHA. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE GROUERS , Agents for the Oriental Powder Co. nyS-lr STEELE & JOHNSON , WHOLESALE GROCERS SIM PS OX 'f J BLO CK 538 and 54O Fooirt enta Street , BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE MORGAN & GALLAGEB. SUCCUKOBS TO CSEIQIITOX .OO MOBUAN WHOLESALE GROCERS , \ So. HO& Farniiani Street WHITNEY , B AUSERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS XTo. 247 Douglaa Str t , ich27yl AGENTS FOtt TUT DUPOXT POWDER CO. CLARK & FRENCH , iVHOLESAIE 3ROCERS ! AND DEALERS IX banned Goods , Dried Fruits , Green Fruits in Season. J ° ! .ORDERS SOLICITED . ' ND PBOMPTI/T FIliED. A. . S. S X DM : IF S O ILsT , MANTJFACTDBKR JL D TTHOI.FJALI DEALER IN CIGAKS. S32 SO ? . , C. L. A. 288 Dod&e Street , 2d Door East of 16th Street. I keep cons intly on hand th finest tock of Bread Cloth. OMimerct end Vesting * ilcb I am prepared t * mats up In tL most fi hlonib > t suJ fa * ' > ult the most fsslidiou * * the lowott rouit.o pricts. jelOdly iTABUSHtU PUNDT , MEYER & RAAPKE , DEALKRS IK fANCY GROCERIES , Teas , Spices , Tobacco eind Cigars. 12 FarnLam Street , - - Omalia ' Xeb mrfit oilvl JOBBERS OF RY GOODS , HOSIERY , GLOYES and NOTIONS. 231 Street , IsTIEIB. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , VVHOLESALEpEAUIRg DT FAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS IT Notions , and Boots and Shoes. JOHN T ; -JOBEKE OF helfi Heavy Hardware IRON , STEEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK,1 AKD- 'Z.XM22TTS , ISS &ysStf'SSg'SEEDE11 : RAKK8 AND IVAQOKS. mchl3y 6 Douglas Stif OmaJaa. HENRY HORNBERGER. DEALER IN- Ilaa OldJKentnckWIiIikFc * and JnparlftlJtJoodi a Spcclallf. DOUOIA88TH. U-twell Block , ) * , _ LNLlJ Tl 'MES and arliiizton tad Missouri Plver IUllro l Co. , o3-rs h st Ima is il'low priMs n 10 year 16 pc.wox. Interest , sid -i'habjnus pretaluiuof Mp rce t. on tbt amount of th * , if hall lh land is cultivated , within two jeu * front dxu ot narehu * . LAKGE DEDUCIONS FOR CASH PAYMENTS. h of Platte , ) .oup Fork and Eikhorn Valleys Jt. R. fc. Oo. wlllsaC about I 000,000 crM of ipbisll 1 Trul'ir aaJ * 2ri at > nl Ua t red raualry , ut iroas jl-'J to ii.OO p r acrr oa lunztrtdlt. South of he Platte jsnyownwa Urjibody of th bestlaniin Xsbnsks , InUrs ; t lby nanaroas ut to ltjrailro.vl anlla thelarjsit a 1 bitdorelop l pirt of tk State , as also publUia Villty. ForclrcuUrsaalfulliaf raAtloa apply to . SCHALUsR , Agent B. & M. Land Office Corner of Ninth and Farnbam SU. , Omaka Or eeaeral Laad Deputttaatj Lincoln , Ife