* A T J M ? Ur he > itt , th IUO' 'cU 'cUr ( OB ? bu o' ' L- ( of of to of in t of ful lor the give ttaey T C f * GT li * W. OBCIO. Trazlen Root Bitten are sold by all the lead- In * Druggists , Storekeepers and Chembts. Sold Wholesale by Strong A Cobb , 193 Superior street , and Ilenton Myers i Canfield , 127 Wat er street , Cleveland , O. ; J > . L. Fahncstocic A her ( M. , PJttsburg : Oeorje 0. Goodwin A Co. . on Boston ; John F. Hoory Curran i Co , Unnei cr ue , . i , and other first-class Drug Housos. bhow thb notice to your drnggi t cr storo- , koei-er. Ask for FRAZ1ERS ROOf BITTEltS , " and accept no substitute whatever. 1'rlco with in the reach of all SI per bottle six bottles and t . tvlJdiwlr IMPORTANT " B TO Couiinercial Trarclcrs. ter's . COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS who solicit orders by CARD , CATALOGUE , TRADE- 1.I3T , SAMPLE , OH OTHER cPECIMEX , also those who visit their customers and solicit trade by purchases rnide DIRECT FROM SIOCK , aud who travel in any section , by 1U11 or Boat , belling any class of goods are re ly , quested to & < > n < l their UUaINEs5 nd t'KI- VATE ADDRESS , as below , st.tlng class of goods toey sell , and bv whom employed ; also t.Vcwe who sro at present under no f nzaiemeut. bolic This matte. i of QUUAT IMPORTANCE INDIVIDUALLY to &a'c9iuen of this cbu < , or I men soliciting trade in this mminor. U is work tbeicfore ESPECIALLY desired that this " notice uuy meet the eye ol ALL Commercial Travelers and Salesmen in this country aud Aunt that they will AT ONCE give it their at.en- "Uut tioni Those who comply with above request will bo CunvruESTlALLY treated and duly shall d vised of objectisn - . Please address , ( by v letter only ) , CO-OPEfJATION , Mr. ore Gco. P. Cowcll i Co. , 41 J' rk Row. sister Jy9eodlin NKW YonK CJTT. girl" to JA JI.VU.1IKit , prcatr Practical Watchmaker , and to 171 Famine , , 8. S.0r. llth St. "wir OMAHA NEB said APPLBTON'S across OUdSt come my CYCLOPJEDIA hear New Eovised clown Edition. fanill ntlrely rewritten bv every subject. Printed Jrom new tyi * suspei 8ndillu lrated with Several Thousand hair Engravings and Hap * . - o TUB workorielnally published under the title ly of TUG NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA was could completed in 18W , since which time the wide come circulation which It has attained in all parts of the United Slates , and the signal developments ness which have taken place in every branch of cup cience , literature , and art. have indured the editors and publishers to Fulmiit it to an exact good. snd thorough revision , and to issue a UPT marry dltion entitl ed , TUB AUEKICAN CYCLOPAE save DIA. Within the last tea years tiio pi ogress of dis some covery in every department of knowledge has of made a new vork of reference an imperative rimon want. rimony The movement cf political affairs 1m kept cure pact ) with the discoveries of science , and their " fruitful application to the industrial aqd useful rts and the convenience and reGnenunt of turned OdrUUe. Great warn and consequent revolu with tion. nave occurod , involving national changes peculiar moment. The civil war of our on n time country , which waj at Us height when the last able volume ol tbeoldwcrk appeared , has happily Hcl3 been ended , and a new conrwi of commercial and industrial activity Ivas been cotaiujnced. thins. largo accessions to our geographical tcow- 11W cdge have been ma le by tbe indefatigable ex plorers of Africa. qtiiret Jhe great political revolutions of the last to kii decade , wltli the natural result of tbe lapse of made time , have brought into public view a multitude tiew men , whose names are la every one's stirring mouth , and of whoso lives every one is curious thing know tbe particulars. Great battles have beeu fought and important alcges maintained , Bdlth which the details are aa yet preserved only "Of the newspapers or in the transient publications forEt of the but which take tions day , ought now u > their place in ] > crmaaect and authentic hlsjory. iar , " In preparing the present edition for the press , her has accordingly been tbe aim of the editors to bring down tbe Information to the latest pos- Impor Ible date * , and to furnish an accurate account atraitl tbe most recent discoveries in science , of every fresh production in literature , and of too the newest JnTeutioa in the practical arts , as pears well as to givp a p'.iccinct and original record of in rel tba progress of polltiMl and blstorlal event. Tbe work has been bogul ) aftcrlong and care lieve preliminary labor , and irifh tha most ample for resources for carrying it on to a luccpsklul termination. None of the original stereotype plates have beeu used , but every page bag been * printed on new type , forming in fact a new Cyclopedia , At rlth the same plan and compass as its predeces- , but with afar greater pecuniary expendi nunot ture , and with such Improvements fa its com out position as have been suggested by longer ex perience and enlarged knowledge. After Tbe illustrations which are introduced for Mason first tinjo in tbe present edition bavo been good added not for tuo sake of plctori1 effect , but to greater lucidltr and force to the explana vexati tions in the text. They niabrsco all branches of and science and na'uraj hlstorr , n'jd depict the most lanious and remarkable leaturcjcf scenery been architecture , and art , u weT las the various pro ngaiiij cesses of mechanics and inanufactnres. Although tea instruction than an though intended for rather embeilisbmect , no pains have been spared to Mason's Insure thek artistic excellence : the cost of head their cxccuf ion is enormous , > nd It is believed with will Cud a welcome reception u an ad- Ojlrable feanre ot the Cyclopedia , and worthy book The won forgot "II nndp he calls In extra Cloth , per vol. . . . _ . . . Is a fli In Library Leather , per vol In flail Turkey Morocco , per TO himh "W every flitted That shall her ro returned house With rather parlor dent , young unaflected evenness nature MISS EDITH'S PRACTICE. ( .Concluded. ) "There it is again , " groaned Mrs. Mason , "you always bring that dreadful proposition forward when I am least able to cope with it. What \vould the Dashawayg say to bear of your attending lectures and going through those horrid hospitals , - tals , in danger of catching all sorts of diseases. I think Ernest Dasha- way admires Sylvia. If they are thrown together , and matters are managed right , he may be led to propose. Surely you would'notwish beartlessly to ruin your sister's pros pects in life , " and Mrs. Mason closed her eyes with the martyr expres sion considerably intensified. In the course of a week Mrs. Dor cas Stephenson came to visit Uio Mason family. Aunt Dorcas was not particulirly young or fetylibh , or well-dressed. "She was not the kind of person to hhow about among the elegant families.of one's acquain tance , but fche diffused , wherever she went , an atmosphere of &anny , quiet cheer. The worries of Mrs. Mason to meet the responsibilities pf what she called her station , were the vexations of businps" , Sylvia's extravagance , and Edith's eccentricities - cities , was never so happy as when his gentle , old-fashioned bister was "Ci been ! cliild1 Maso fl toi At heard "Di Borer "Edil I result Mr. answi "Win have" asked ' t Aui rather limp and pale , holdin tion. Edith hand in her's. "This dear child thought she could relieve me , " said she , smiling faint " "and I let her try. " " "Yes , papa , " returned Edith , as sweet as honey-dew. "I knew car you acid i was good for asthma , and he got Auntie to use it , but it don't quite Jis I expected it would. " and "It almost suffocated me , " said Itast Dorcas , with a wan smile. don't scold the dear girl. 1 plea soon i be nicely over it. " and Aunt Dorcas closed her eyes , and . Mason , for fear of injuring his , wss obligo-l to leave the "dear " " unreprimanded , and go down slie his wife , wljo , In spite of her utter her prostration , had donned her moire go. diamond-pin , and was prepared " air the family splendor. you "WHAT'S TO BI : DONE WITH THE to CHILD ? " he , pacing back and forth " . ' the carpet with n. quicknerv- stride. "I declare life has be tease a burden. I never > mlock tient. on door without expecting to " that Edith's practice has ever brought the police and the coroner he upon us , and disgraced the family. ; It's like having a sword suspended over one's head by a , and ; the fearful part of it is she charms every one into doing exact Tbe as she wishes. I don't believe I resist her myself , if she should Are to me In a moment of weak , and say , 'Papa , dear , here is a The of cold poison that will do you . ' : Where is the man who will my unfortunate child , and The her 1 from taking the life of haplet-s being in the interests The science ? fsothing short of mat , I am convinced , will ever her 1 mania. " "There is Charley Marshall , " re Parly Mrs. Mason. "He is in love Edith ] , and has been for a long , I suppose he is unexception Then , although : he's not In our set. And Is self-made and all that sort of . " "What's that to object to ? " in In Mr. Masontcstily. , "I want And know < If we are not all of us self- And ? Young Marshall is a fine , Or fellow , and the only unwise' about him is his passion for On . " course , we can't look as high II. Edith as if she were not pecul said Mrs. Mason , intrenched in 15th JitUe J breastwork of pride and Importance. "The only thing I am of Is , that young Marshall is sound and healthy. Edith ap to regard human beings solely relation : to their disordeis. I be she would marry an incurable , the OF PRACTICING UPON" HIJI , " xea that ] moment the carriage was promptlv announced , and Mrs , Mason rustled of the room. an agreeable dinner Mr. was always in a tolerable humor , no matter what the vexations and worries of business his 1 womankind might Iiave , Aunt Dorcas was bright , although sue chose to take and toast in her own room. Mr. ' hand patted Edith's pretty 33- as i she sat by the gas lamp , " her glassej on , ami a grim before her on therapeutics. girl's j unconscious sweetness its i way to his heart , and he milESE the trials of her peculiarities. I the hope you are always very civil FIN polite to young Marshall when here , " said Mr. Mason. "He flno young fejlow , and I esteem highly. " $2,5 , "Why , papa , I always try to treat one well- ' and a little blush over Edith's soft cheek. same evening young Mar did i call. Aunt Dorcas was in room. The carriage had not yet EST.L with the mistress of the ETSI , . and Mr. Mason had gone out bearing a friend. The gas burned en at dimly in the big , shadowy . Young Marshall was an ar impetuous , warm-hearted MAI man breezy and cheery with enjoyment of life. The BO and placidity of Edith's had won his entire devotion. 51013th 13 he i tun I mo ' ine ineI mu : , . . . ' m. Pea N. P B-aver Otis Otis Edith's eye's sparkled with anima tion."You "You shall have a skeleton in every room , " said Charley , eagerly ; "only , " he added , a little ruefully , Clark's ' "they are not exactly jolly to have SIcrrick' 'oat'g around. And , Edith , I do want to love me a little , just a little , " British. Dcmesti added ju pathetic tones. "I know I am not deserving of much , DlckenV I should bo so grateful for the Domestii King crumb you could give me. " Stanley. In the ardor and passion of his Ottoman he had seized Edith's band , she was surprised'into ' a slight Whits flutter of the heart , which was certainly a novel symptom. Percal" 1 hear mamma coming , " said Calico , starling up , aiiih trying to pull Brown hand away. "Please let me ' " ' Blue ' "Xo"said Charley , " .Not until White. give me a word just one word French live upon ; " and he pressed her Our fragile little fingers to his lips. Comet. "There , don't be foolish , " stam T'Inen mered Edith ; ' 'Don't ' worry and " . ; " wait a little while ; be pa " Balmora "I will be the best patient you German had , " whispered Charley , and Saxony went home that night supremely happy. Augusta learned in the Golden Age. J. TlltS COJIIXG STJCUUGLK. follow voters of our nation , Butt As noVr was known before , rising from Pacific's strand 10 To Atlantic's rocKjr shore. 2 50 Why is th's mighty change ? Wliat can tbe meanfnx b ? bu. : rising of the : u.wes 1200p From northern laic ' to soulhcrn'sea. per spirit of old seventy-six " From out our heroes' gra cs " Forbids a nation drenched In patriots' blood , Should sink to that of slaves ; motto which our coins one * bore , Tboush obsolete long since , Remain as ever true : not one cent for tribute , But millions for defense. ties and parly laira Are but as ropes of sand. The.ighti of mm to b * a man Should govern Freedom's land. Common slull our Flag more proudly float ' Horse O'er land as well as sea , nntions yet unborn shall gladly great Norway The emblem of tbe frea. Cast trade we'll try to deal , Uermon As man should deal with mnn , America whll ' wo seek l- > lire ourselves , Jess ip's We'll sell its rheap as anybody can , Burdeo'i If a hat you need , do friend you chance to meet , Northwc Kcmeinbcr Buuce , the Hatter , Dundee Upper Douglas Street. Stor half el6tf _ HlfUK. C. J. KAKDA'H iGHEUE lOd to Si KARBACir , 8d st. between Farnham and srney fl's td id OMAHA , - - NEB. 3d 3d fine JMJJCFACTUEER O ? lOd finis' Spring and Farm Wagons Sd Gd do do , JOdcasln BUGGIES AND CAIUIMGBS. Sd do Gd do Dealers in and manufacturers of Wrought AGRICDLTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! JT ENTION PAID TO . Carriage Rf pairing ff wagon and blacksmlthing done at reasonable nricen mrdAwg Narrow Cast , lee 400,009 ACRES ! Hay and , Uoes and OF TIIE FINEST Strap an Elldiorn Yalley Lands ! Tail's Coe's imi FOB. SALE BT Coe's gei 333VC. . America do "Wisner , Web L\XDS AKE CONVENIENT TO market and the H Holt's FINEST in the STATE ! Ucadrs Champloi ! do And will bo sold at from Eowlind' to $5,00 PhR ACRE ! dodo Moore do's- For Cash or on loDgfTIrae. IJppenco do . A2CD EXPLORING TICK ' Parka's > for sale at O. &N. W. depot , do coupons which wi'l ' be tak do dee eo d full cost in payments for land. II. C. > TALKEtf , American MANUFACl U B.W AMI 1 > ALEB IN Havdole'i BOOTS & SHOES St. Between Ftrchtm tni Aliens Amcrii Amoat Bristol. Uarner Ilamllt Merrira bed Kichmc SImpso Bngnt BootG. Cabot 4 Lcnsdai Y. : Petcrbo Suffolk pper ( dele lo Farmer Great V Albion , Bedford Urantvi German Amcrici Amoske Bates. . . Lancasb Amoake Biddefoi Amoske ( Ilaymat , B , C Biddefoj Hoobier. KUKT2 ' ' . . . ' . . W . ( " . . „ d d dri du < . . , i per own . . . ' pel pi ru i per llu 'bite jnisville ! luster ! lastcring irred lasterin C ! per po Cl qt sh po ! < ! ' ' I CO. . ' i ; i TStqnaltt do Us lo do larcoal do do ] do iciata , do do jsaia Jo Less l"Arnericac Less I i > . 14 to J 21 to ' J 25 to 027 02 ° Full - ailera do do catblnz d inisbed is. 7 , 8 It copper. p per HATCHETS. Morris' shlcgling.Nol . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70C do S OC do 90C 75C 86V . S3 CO&3 25 . . . . . $3 50(35 ( 00 21 00 2o 00 2200 5U 00 85 OJ SO 00 Co 00 55 00 45 00 50 00 4000 3500 2750 4500 35 00 3250 30 00 2750 27 00 2C 24 00 20 00 425 3 W ) 2 00 350 350 Liberal discount on carload lots. WINDOWS , ( Glazed. ) cent off Chicago list. DOOKS , ( Wedged. ) tent oil Cl icngo 1'St. ' BLINDa. cent off li t. lime per bbl . Si 7o@2 00 cement per bbl . . . parls per bbl. hair per bushel. . . . . . . . . Half foil boaru OILS. PAINTS , GLASS , &c. N. I. D. B Via All Miller's 2 AT and AT Iowa AT Paul AT Paul AT and AT Island and AT Island AT ry. AT road AT South. t la mation ticket Omaha along A. M. . . SHEET IRON Numbers 16 to 24. . . do do 25. . . . . . . . . . . . do do 26. do do V7. . . , both sides smothe No 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 16 . - _ . . do 27 No. 24. . . . . . . . _ . . . . 30 26 „ . . . . . _ . . do 27 _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ . perfect 7 to 12 . . . No. 1 , stained- . . . . tnan lull bundles , add one cent. immitat'n Russia , 11 Noi. than full bundles add one cent. GALVANIZED. 20 list 13 1. At 24. . . _ Railroai 25 ao 16 do IT 2. At do IS Joa anc . . do ISSO and all bundles discount 15 per cent , 3. At Northw COPPER , points 4. At 6 to 9 „ . „ . _ _ . Paul 10 to 12 It * . . . . . railroad , 12U to WOlb . , 14 aud 15 o * during points i , 14 and Iff or. . . 5. and 9 , Planished At . . . railroad bottoms- 6. At - Pacific BHIGHT WIBE. Pacific 10 7. At 11 points ii western * a-Bj Railway F. C. Nutmegs , Penang besl.pcr pound. . . 140 CJjveT do do _ 60 Alspico do do . . . . . . ISa.O Cinurnonbark do do . SoalO 1 15 ® 1 23 1 10 < i $ 1 20 6 50(3 ( 7 00 5 50& G CO 1 20 Millei 35 00 40 00 4JOO 5U W 50 CO 75 CO 05 CO 50 IX ) 6000 75 OU 100 00 do 10)00 KiOOO Tickets do 75 to CALIIOUN MILLS FLOUR. J03.T1F Wholesale depot 548 14th Street. barrel sacks. . . . . . 2 Ot . F. Chicago , Iloclc Island and Pacific R. R. THE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE FROM OMAHA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST , DCS Moines , mvcnport and Rock Island. o WESTINOIIOUSK Passenger Trains are equipped with the ' PATENT An : BRAKES and Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. Fast Express Trains Leave Daily , onnettlng as follows : DES MOINES with the Des Molnes - Railroad , 1 or Oskaloosa , Ottumwa Valley- St. Lonis. , Keok.uk GHINNELL with the Central Railroad of , for all points north to St. Paul. WEST LIBERTY with the Cedar Rapids & Minnesota Railroad Burlington , for , Burlington , Cedar Rapids , Dubuoue A St. , At WILTON JUNCTION with the South-Western branch , for Muscatine , Washington and all points south. DAVENPORT with the Davenport A St. Railroad for points north. ROCK ISLAND with the Western Union Ch Railroad for Freeport , Bejit , Racine. Mil waukee and ail points in northern Illinois Wisconsin. ROCK ISLAND with the Rocklord Rock , and St. Louis Railroad for St. Louis points south. ROCK ISLAND with the Peoria & Rock Railioad for Peoria and . points east. BUREAU JUNG. , with branch , for lien , Larere , Chilllcotho and Peoria. LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail for points nort hand south. CHICAGO . withail lines East , North and THROUGH TICKETS to all Eastern cities thU line , can be procured , and any infer , office obtained , concerning points , at the of the company , J2S Farnham St. , , and also at the principal ticket offices the line of the U. P. R. it. affO Checked Tbrongb tn nil Principal Katteni Polntn. SMITH , H. RIDDLE ' , ' ' Gen'IPass'rAg't , Gen'l Sup't J.H.LACEY0880- Clev Onaha. TIC A. E. St. Lo way CUAS S'U JOHN 29tt Cor c II ) Propriet TIIOSIJ GEO. ; ATLEI . for saloin Chicago and North Railway o Sices. . sura your tickets read via S. C. A P. 13th [ S L. BURNETT , Sap't. HttLS. Ctn. ' Ticket Ait't. All kind CEO.V. . GBATTAN , REP Aeeat , Oat ! * . CHICAGO & NORTH WES'N The Popular Route from O IMI .A. ZE3I .A. -TO Chicago and tlie East ! AND THE OxiJL-v ZDircot chocked through to all principal Eastern points. W. IL MENNETT , MARVIN HUGHITT , auu AiiW YORK. This th Only * Jna running a N SLEEPING CAR KAST OH AH A , ON AKBIVAL OP TIIE UXIOS PACIFIC EXPUKSS THAIS , dlsagre taking other rontea nave a A to IMSSEWUKIi TRAINS DAILT I REACHING ALL ters and . F . It S.O'CTTE S : - ASD M. o 1T7" C"T'C' ' ' Are ror Sale at the J.lL'IX'llJ-io ' Going Comrnny'a Office , - , corn. r Kourtb & . Cliestuut rU , Lonlx , anU al the Principal Eal'- Office j , In tne AVeit. - . BABCOCK , . C. E. RUSSELL , And S'thern Pass. Ag't , Wcst'n Pass. Ag't. DALLAS. TEXAS. KANSAS fc'irr , E. SIMIOK CHAS. E. FOLLETT , " Gen i Supt. , Gtu'l Pass. Ag't. INDIANAPOLIS Sr. Louis. 3 Great And with Southern St. , bet. Farnham and Haruej. of NU TAILORING , CLEANING * nd donaitreasontblaraU * KEARNEY'S FLUID-EXTRA Cl' BUG HIT g H Price one dolUr periwltle ; or , slz bottles for five dollars. Depot 104 DuaneSt , , N , Y , A , physician in attendance to answer corre- ondenea and give advice gratis. * * Send stamp r r pamphlets , free..a * Crane A Brlgaa3l- Wholesale Agents , fan Francisco. Cal. a. 8wi Or NERVOUS &DEBLL1TATED OF BOTH SEXL5. 100EABQE POB AD7IOE ASV C0IJ- . tlnal T\n J. B. DYOTT , graduate of OJ nie ; Jefferson Medical College , Philadel thtt phia , author of several valuable ta na works , jan be consulted on all diseases f ale i\io eases of the Sexual and Drinsry or Jlicy gans , ( which he at has made an es ciple's pecial study , ) either in male or fe male , no matter from what cause < ! originating' , or how long standing upon practice of 30 years enables him otncr treat diseases with success. Cures care guaranteed. Charges reasonable. rate cr Those at a distance can forward let it describing symptoms and en o ! closing stamp to prepay postage. r tuc auiiiu to Health. JIU.-.1 Price lOc. orcd lucxpi cat catv I \v tlvo tisir bottles vttu cheon fjrt'i tlve 1'oilct all-uhu Do take rpoJ ) dmgplst enj feb27ft Proprietor of tfce RISING SUN AKO Depot for the sale of his NATIVE WINES T AND East San . KELLER & Co. , Corner of Battery and Vaahlngton Sta. ' CAU mar7tl PASSENG-EBS East or South from Omaha Points on U. P.R.B. , could late the II. "LINCOLN ' KOTJTE' Col- Arkaasa. ? Yalley & Colorado , all lines running South to points In Kansas AskforTIc and tbe Indian Territory. I > * NTJL-VOU HAVE- CAREFULLY EXAMINED OTIS. AS \ \ E II WE TWELVE liOOD REASONS why the v will do your work. Quick and Easv. Chear * and Clean. it a Theyarecheipcsttobuy , & * They are best to use , They baie evenly and ( juicily , Tlieirof.tration isi > crfect , | They have always a good draft , i They are made of Hie beatmatcrlol i They roast i > cifectlr , i They require but lltilcfuel , ' They are wry low priced , B They arj easily minagcd. * s = a They are suited to all localities , SOLD BY Excelsior Man'fg Co. , ST. LOUIS , m , M , BOG-EBS. Sajjar-Coalcd , Concentrated ; noot and Herbal JTulco , Autl- BlUoao Granules. TflMI.ITTJLi : C JAXT" CA-JCir-ajnTIC , - or Dlultmu. in ! Parvo : riiysic. The novelty : of ratxlem Jfcdlcai. Cnnaical tad Pharmaceutical Sen. nee No uao of any locgot taLini ; the Urjc , repulsive end nan eom piU * , composed of ca ap. crude , and bnlky Jn edicnts , vrbcti wo can by a careful application of chemica ! Kieacc , cstrarf all tbo cathartic and other tnol ! * properties from the moat i alcabio roct ? acft herb , aaaroiircnrrato them into a minute Gran- . scare , ly larger tlinii a muetartl e J that c'l.'i be readily B allowed by tto e cl loatsenj''ivt ; etoraactn end fostidloas tute ; . EacUltIo ' I'tirpativo 1'ellct represent * , la a t co'w rntrateU funn. a < inacK cathartic pcw t iJ cmboii.c i in any of the larx > pills found foe in the drrx bhopj. rrom their wonder'ul ca tlurtic po\vcr. ] in cronortioa 'a their tlze , people have nst tried Jicni m. apt to tappcjo tiit Jlieyarv har-sn or drastic in effect , bet euch is not all ! the C2 < ; , < he dlfloreat active aeilictcol prin " ofhica thcv are competed be.n ; * to har- noaUcd na.l mod'ied. ' one by tha aliens , ai to c Kio-it ncarcliliic and tlior- t500 < ReTar l Is iicrcby offered bytho rro- rrictor Df ihrsc IVlIrt' , 'o my chcinl the , , ana.'jvii. vjH C.d in them an > Calomel or forma of mercury 01 any other raincra' pOUOQ. Bell ? r eitircl"'cpctableoo partfcnlar la .n.ijnircil while u tn them. 'Ihey ope without disturbance to tl.i con-titation , dft J ; occupation. For Jaiimllcc , IloaJnclic , Count th Client . - . : CIool : 1 pn S fr ti ! is ' ' o * not allow any nrnprfat to ! ndnro you Jo anjthin clsj tlinttc may tay is jn < t ns HA my 1'clli to becau e 1m nukes a lorrct tliat whi-h ho . jroflton rccoaizicnds. Tf j cannot snpply them , ercloso 23 ceu'j tccchv them ny rrtnn rni.l from B. y. nmw , jr. j > , m r , . BVPFALO. If.5. EOB PYLE'S i'oai. MeycriRaaDcteaad TTnltney Rauserioan A Co. AXD India G'cods , 213 and 313 FUOXT STREET I -