i THE OMAHA BEE FBIDAY , AUG. 28 , 1874 OmCULJAPER OF THE CITY. THE OHAHA DAILI BEE by carrier , to any TObscnDers IB terre& to Sundays ex- , ol the city , every evening , ( part week , or $3.75 for 2epled , ) % t fifteen cenU per , when paid tlx montha , sad tT.OO peranuum n advance. addreued , irregularities All complaint * about . attention. receive prompt will this oluoe . DAILY BEE will be mailed to Tux OMAHA. able invariably tnbicribers at the followingratet , y riably In ad vance : (7.00 per urnum. 3.75 < 6..onths. THE OMAHA DAILY KKE baa by far the ULRGEST circulation In the city , and In , herefore , the beat and cheapest advertialng medium. notices 25 BATES o ADYKznsrae. local , local advertisemenU , 20 eenU per line : month 10 cents. Ko the , cent * per line ; by advertisement inserted lor less than 50 cenU. Bpedal notices , 10 cenU per line ; single inoer- than 25 cents. less tlon , not ! be Transtent abi Ttl vments must invalahy for in advance. paid Bates for standing advertisements by < pedl contract. Tabular All Legal Notices , Statements , revision by copy etc. requiring carelul Work , , handed in be orprool to be furnished , must the before ten o'clock A. x. to Insure insertion aameday. betoro two Special and Local advertisemeuu ' k . x. o'c/Of Advertisements before one o'clock p. K. advertisements for the WEKKLT BEE rauit All be handed in before Monday noon , for the aame week's isrue. 4.RRIYAL AMI 1)EPA1H DUE OF TBAIXS. Time Card of the Bnrllnjjton Route . ABRIVE AT OMAHA. X.KAVK OXAHA. .9:55 A. M. : . 2.50 P. M. I Express Express. . . | Mall . . . 10:15 : P. M. Mail5:00 : A. X. . Sundays excepted. 'Mondays excepted. line running Pullman IIoUJ. This la the only Dining cars. DEUKL , . W. HITCHCOCK , HAKRTP D. . Oen'l. Wca. Pass. Agt. Ticket Agent. Neb. Chicago , 111. Ouiaha , Union Pacific. LZAVX. ABBITZ. 1130 A. M. 3.00P.M. Dilly Express 4:45 P.M. 10SOP.M. Dally Mixed 5:00 A.M. 6:15P.M. : Oslly Uslly Freight Frcicht & 15 A. Si. 8.30 A. M Itock Irland & Pncflc. Cbc 2O , saOA.M. 10:40P.M. M n 2:50 P.M. nOOOA.M. * Sundays jpre excepted. IMondayi excepted. Chleaso & NortUweiitTn. * & : KA M. 10:40P.M. jUU 2:50 P.M. tlOOOA.M fixpregi Causa * City , St. Jo. & Council BlnfTc Exnress..B O A.M. 10:00 A.M. Morning KTenlng Express..2:50 P. M. 6:40 P. M. and Sioux &a * rfortUwestcrn Om City tc. Pacific. St5A.M. 2J5P.M. Express Hall Daily except Sundays. Wagon * leave the and Baggage Omnibuses flf- yarnham and Ninth streets , fflce , corner above Railroad een mlnuUe In advance of the no Opening and Closing of Malls In Omaha. DUX. CLOSE. war. * . * : " ' . * * . . 2-20 11ou J7.P.B.K.C. - " 'R.B. . tso . . . .fe. > 4 0 r'c . B.&ln. do R.Rji- _ 11:00 4.30 do do. . . . Bourn. B. A. St. Jo - 7OC 4SO do do. . . O. k 8. W. K. . . . . _ . . 3.-00 10:00 KOKTH. O. A . W. B. B _ . 2:50 7:45 and all Eastern cities , Nebraska Chicago Burlington BluOsand City , HkttKSonth , Council . . and 430 m. ton , ducat 1030 a. m. , closes at a. ( p. m. . . m. due at 10.00 a. and St Joseph , . Louis fit. 1:45 . m. and 4.30 a. m. at : and 7 p. m. ; closes p. . . Sundays Iroin 12 to 1 p. m. Office open n E. YOST. Postmaster. _ Republican Couuty Convention. Convention for Pong- County A Republican in the Court Home will bo held at las county 29th day the of Umahj , on Saturday , the of August city , A. 1) . , 1871. , at 2 o'clock , p. m. , for the of electing 23 delegates to the purpose State Convention , to be he'd a : Lincoln Republican on the 2d < 1ar of September , 1874. ' will be entitled Each ward in the city of 'Jmaba titled to 7 delegates , and each precinct outside of laid city to 3 delegate * to s Id convention Primary elections , for the purn'se of choosing such delegates , are hereby called for Saturday ing , the polls to bo the 224 day of August day , * In the city ol Omaha from 4 to.7 p m. , and opn in the other precinct * from 6 to 8 o'clock , P.M. republican voters will jf one but well Vnown be allowed to vote at said primary elections , and in the city of Omaha no person will bo allowed to vote unless duly registered or Iden tified to the satisfaction of the Judges of election voter of the properly qualified tion as being a ward , where his ballot Is offered. The folio * ing are designated as the places elections will be held : vh'-re such primary - . l t > 'ard At Turner Hall. 2nd Ward At Engine IIou e , 3d Ward At Engtee House. ' . Ward At City Englreer'n office. 4th Mb Ward At Ed. Callows' , on Chicago St. Cth Ward At Engine House. Union Precinct At Knight's School House. Florence Precinct Florence School Uouse. Valley Precinct At Judge Haney's residence Station School Chicago Precinct At Ulkhorn House. School McAardle Precinct At McAardle House. Sch ol Eltbom Precinct At ElUiorn City House. Douglas PrccInclAt Joel T. Griffin's r dence. West Omaha Precinct At 0. Seldcn's res idence. School House vatoga Precinct > At Saratoga By C > rder of the Douglas County BepubUcan Committee. CUAUSCEY WILTSE , Chairman. JOHN M. THURSTOtf , Secrctarv. TOADTBKTIHKRS- UirrlOK of he DAILY UEK limore than doable tlint of anr'otltcr dully paperpalilUIied In Nebrtulut. THE first FRESH BAI/TIMOBE OYSTERS of the season \rere re ceived at PEYCKE'S 11ESTAUB- ANT ttMlay. feb24-tf OMAHA BREVITIES. Sheriff Barley look , a crazy man to Uncoln yesterday. The benefit to Harry Hales and George Stalcy , Wccnesda evening at the Academy of Music , was a pecu niary success , as the house was quite well filled. A reception was given this evening at Trinity Church rectory , to tie clergy in attendance at the annual council of the Episcopal Church of Nebraska. Mr. John "WithneU has put up a substantial brick wall , sur mounted by a handsome fence , in front of his residpnce lot , which was considerably cut down by the recent grading on Fifteenth street. For some time past a scat in front of Gibson's clothing store , has j een occupied almost every evening gjujtlemen who have taken occasion -by sion to p-'tch into the City Council in various ways. Mr. Gibson , -who is president of th > City Council , got the drop on them yesterday , by hav ing the seat removed. John Shields waspickcd up dead drunk Wednesday night by apolice- himlyiiigby therail- man.whofound road track. He was lodged in jail , examination he was found and upon to have $268 in his possession. 'He at the Police Court' yesterday Jio had been on a lengthy w hlch had cost him 5100 and and thus had his -reed , He was saved for hto. money diSBtoa- the usual amount for jjess. William Dinan , for disturbance of the peace , was fined $1.00 and costs at the Police Court yesterday. i'he awning in front of Brack in's store took a tumble yesterday. The wind did it The roof is being put on Byron Reed's new building on Fourteenth street. Invitations have been issued by the "Social Hours"club for a moon light picnic next Monday evening at Hanscom Park , Sixteen car loads of Colorado cattle Wednesday went east over the Chicago and Northwestern rail road , to Chicago , John Finlay , a very tough character , was before the Police Court yesterday , chargedjwith being a suspicious person. He was dis charged upon his promising to leave town by Sunday. The Council BlufEd Nonpareil speaks of a young lady who has been enjoying the social and ro mantic surroundings of that place. She must have fallen in love with the sunflowers that encircle that deserted village. "cerionai. Col. Dubois is at the Metropolitan. Mrs. Gen. Estabrookhas returned from St. Louis. R. O. Adams , private secretary to Senator Hitchcock , is at the Grand Central. John A. McMurphy , of the Platts- mouth Herald , is registered at the Grand Central. Henry Hickman left for Boston yesterdayvia the Chicago andNorth western railwaj * . Harry Deuel left yesterday after noon for a visit to Illinois. He will re turn with his family \vho have been visiting there during the summer. H. B. Rumsey , proprietor of the eating house at Laramie , passed through the city yesterday home ward bound from an European tour. Cassius Gise , son of Jonas Gise , Esq. , left yesterday to attend school at North Adams , Massachu setts , the same institution at which Fred. Millard is at present. Mr. Kissam , a brother-in-law of Commodore Vanderbilt , Wednesday returned from San Francisco , and proceeded over the Chicago and Northwestern to New York. He was accompanied by his wife and family , Dr. Buck and others. Mr. L. M. Andresen , of the for mer firm of WJUls & Andresen , left yesterdayaftemoonforEurops forbJ | health , being accompanied by his wife. Then- children , who are visit ing at Pavenport , will join them at that place. Wednesday night about 12 o'clock Mr. and Mrs , Andresen were serenaded at the Grand Central by an instrumental quartette of the City Band. The following are the arrivals at the Metropolitan Hotel : Fhineas Helm , Montour , Iowa ; A K Minton , Omaha ; Jno B Hun ter , Greenville , III ; Sol W Strohm , Lebanon , Pa ; C A Lyman , Bloom- mgton , Wis ; H A Jackson , Council Blufla ; F W Parish , do ; J Lyman , do ; R B Glbbs , Bt Joe ; MH Smith , Ann Arbor , Michigan ; Wm O Lee , Gus Fuller , Chicago. The followinc are the arrivals at the Wyoming : GV Bartholomew , JVew Lon don ; J W Strong , St Joe ; W M White , Hastings ; W HStowe , J k Mowbray , Nashville , Tenn ; O E Doane , Ed Hennessey , Chicago ; W Adams , City ; Clem Sparks , Chey- ennr ; FHeselmeyer , JMulholIand , Chicago ; H P Handy , F T Murray , Grand Island ; James HJnton , H Silsby , Seneca Falls , New York ; John R Peterson , F S Jones , New Orleans ; Tom Scott , Quincy , Illi nois ; Charles F Thomas , Trenton , NJ. Republican Connty Committee. A meeting of the Douglas County Republican Committee is hereby called to meet at the office of the Probate Judge on Monday , the 31st day of August , at 2 o'clock p. m. A full attendance of the members is requested.JORL JORL T. GRIFFIN , Chm'n. | JOHX M. TitUBSTOjf , Sec'y. AUCTION. One fine 7-octave Piano , good as new , cost $050. Also a | fiue lot cf household goods , on Saturday morn ing at 10 a. m. , at our rooms on Douglasstreer. GBAY & ALLEN , aug 27 2t Auctioneers. LADIES' BAZAR. j The ladies of Omaha are hereby 'notified that I have moved my goods , temporarily , to my residence at 439 Twelfth street , where they will be sold very low until the com pletion of Odd Fellows' Hall , when I will re-open the Ladies' Bazar in said building with a full stock of choice new goods. MBS. L. M. JOHNSON . aug22 Steod. GEO. H. i'ETEBSox , tnepionee cigar manufacturer , keeps con stantly on hand the very best brands of cigars , and ako "Vine Jack , Fruits and Flowers , and "Durham" Smoking Tobacco. 1211 Douglas street mayGeodlv BROWXELL HALL will re-openon Tuesday the 1st of September. For catalogues apply to Mrs. P. C. HALL , auRlo-tospptl Principal. WANTED. A second cook at Peycke's Res- aurant Good wages will bo paid , aug 19 tf. DYEING , cleaning and repairing [ one in the neatest manner , at the STEAM DYE WORKS , Oth StLet Farnham and Douglas ] pr2St f. DR. POWELL , office 215 , Farn- iuu street Iune23-tf THE STATE FAIR. The Prospects are that it Will ba a Grand Success. Wednesday Hon. J. Sterling Mor ton , of Nebraska City , President of the State Agricultural Society ; Major D. H. Wheeler , of Platts- mouth , Secretary , and Jas. Moore , of Nebraska City , Treasurer , were in the city for uie purpose of ascer taining to their own satisfaction how matters are progressing in re- scard to the State Fair. In company with Martin Dun ham they visited the grounds , and examined the buildings , and ex pressed themselves very well satis fied with the arrangements thus far made. Mr. Morton said that our grounds and buildings will make the best accommodations fora State fair that Nebraska has everhad.and all agreed that the prospects are tliat the coming fan- will be the greatest success of the kind that has ever taken place in the West. The main building is in the shape of a cross , and is a very large struc ture , and with the paint that is be ing applied , will present a very handsome oppearance. The contract for furnishing hay and oats for the live stock was let yesterday morning. Over three hundred feet of front age for refreshment stands have been let Many applications have been made for room for exhibition pur poses , but as yet no action has been taken upon them. The display in every department will be very extensiye , judging from the number of letters received from every part of Nebraska and adjoin ing States , especially Iowa. The State Fair will draw to this city a very large attendance of strangers , as the attractions will be numerous. The races will form an interesting feature , as some very fast horses will put in an appear ance. During Fair week theatrical entertainments will be given at the Academy of Music by a first class troupe ; the Odd Fellows will give a four nights' social entertainment in thejr new building : and the firemen will have their annual parade ; so that our own citizens and our visit ors will have a grand time , Charged with Anon. An interesting case is in progress of examination before Judge Porter. , , Conrad Meier and one kandsberger , arrested some days ago on th'e ei Vge ° f arson in setting fire to a building oo Tenth ? treet , near the bridge , in July last , to de fraud the insurance company , are being examined. Brown & Thurs- ton appear for the defendants , and Col. Savage for thp pfpsecution. HOTEL ROBBERY. A Council Bluffs Hotel Thief Captured in Qnaha by Mar shal Jackson , from Whom. He Afterwards Escapes. Sometime during Wednesday a robbnry was committed at the Pa- oifio House , Gounpi } Bluffs , by which that hotel became loser to the extent of about fifty pieces of silverware , valued at over $100 , Marshal Jackson , of that place , Ac companied by Frank Parish , cle'rK of the house , traced the thief al $ Omaha , and followed him UVet here. Yesterday JacksoH-H tured liim here , and got him as far as the depot , to take him across the river on the dummy when the fellow , watching for a good opportunity , suddenly wrench. ed himself loose , and took to his heels , over the hills and far away j into the brushwhere he disappeared from the view of the astonished and pursuing Jackson , who having lost his revolver in the chase , was una ble to wing the flying fugitive. Jackson wended his way back to the depot , and- returned to Council Bluffs , without the prisoner , and minus his revolver , which he was unable to find. We did not ascertain - tain whether the silverware was re covered or not FOR SALE OR RENT. Two story brick dwelling bouse , containing nine rooms , in first-rate order , having been recently reno vated , The house was formerly oc cupied by P. Jler and family. Rent , $45 per month. Good cisterns and well. The house and premises oc cupy a full elty lot uninoumbered , from Barney street to the alley. Will sell for $9,000. Apply at nw corner Ninth and Harney streets. augl3-tf MRS. JESSE LOWE. ATTENTION. Those who are seeking for novel * ties in FALL CLorrnifo and GE TLEJIEN'S FOBNISHINO GOODS of all descriptions , should call and ex * amine the new stock just received by F. L. RUF , aug25tf Indian Curiosities at No. 170 Farnham street , corner llth streeu. may 7-tf. FOR SALE CHEAP. One Full Cabinet Wheeler and Wilson Sewirg Machine , with all the latest improvements. It is new lias never been run. Inquire at the BEE office. augl7-tf [ CE OREAM ! ICE CREAM ! ! H. L. LATEY'S is the place to goer or this very necessary commodity je23tf. TYPE FOR SALE ! A Font of Bourgeois Type , of t ] rhich th'i is a sample , weighing 600 33. This type has been in use , on nir tie Daily BEE less than one year , irtl ad is nearly as good as new. tlai For terms &c. , address ai R BOSEWATEB , to f. Publisher of the Bee. < ai LINCOLN. The Battle Over Eennard & Co. Carry Oil the Spoils. Correspondence of the BEE. LINCOLN , August 20. EDITOR BEE : Yesterday I walked the streets all day ; and , strange as it may seem , enjoyed it ; Generally , walking the streets is a bore , and besides , one cannot help but think that other people carry the notion that he is trying to make himself conspicu ous , lesterday , however , no such thought as that troubled us , and every person that we met seemed to take an unusual interest in our welfare , for as best ve can remem ber , every person was a man , and he was a candidate for the Legisla ture. We know many great men , and meet them every day , who do not speak to us , but yesterday they would grasp our hand so cordially , speak of our fu ture prospects so kindly , . that we thought , never again shall we be in want of a friend. One heavy ( aver- dupols ) man who was striving to be one'of the two that should drop the much coveted ballot for U. S. Sena tor on behalf of a portion of the people of this representative district , and who had not even "nodded at us" since he was last a candidate , almost embraced us and eagerly asked of our family. We have no family , but had not time to explain , so told him that they were well , and that we had taught our oldest to lisp his name. A smile passed over his cheeks , which resembled a rose of darkest hue , and handing us a ticket he moved majestically on. Thus the day passed. When night came all were satisfied as to the result , with out counting the tickets , but the formality was gone through with , proving that Kennard had again triumphed. A. K. White for the House , and C. C. Burr for the Sen ate , are as good as nominated , while Hastings and Funke will have a lively fight before either will be con tented to see the other the colleague of White. This , probably , secures three , votes for Tom Kennard for U. S. Senator , which makes him very happy. Candidates were as thick as grasshoppers In Minnesota , and the downcast look of the disappoint ed ones remind us of the bare stalks in a cornfield aft r being deserted by the destroyers that recently left us. us.Office seekers are not all dead , though , by any means. Numerous are those who desito to prosecute disturbers of the peace in this dis trict. Among the aspirants In this city are D. G. Hull and J. H. Ames. Of Mr. Ames , a good lawyer , we will say nothing , but In the case of Mr. Hull , must enter our protest In behalf the city and State not that "we believe Mr. Hull less , but Ne braska more. " This is our reason : If Chief-Justice Waite should re- tign , or if through any misfortune she seat he now occupies should be come vapant , Nebraska ought to have the honor of furnishing hs ( successor. This she can do if Hull is unlncumbered at the time. "General BIck , " the Herald's ' old reliable , is here , and you may ex pect to see a flaming " head , " an nouncing the success of the old " Kennard ring. " The General is a'pretty good feljow , but he can "sea a ring where Stout wouldn't mis trust sunh a thing. The delegates elected , such men as Balrd , Pound and others , are suf ficient guarantee that the Republi can party will have good men in the field. Next Saturday will tell , at whjoh tjme we will speak further of thV nominees. GBIMES , WHO KILLED TOBIAS MIT CHELL ? It Was Hot Andrew Sclzle , hut Some Other Han. The coroner's examination Wed nesday afternoon of the murder of Tobias Mitchell , the cojorec } man who was shot Tuesday afternoon , resulted in the discharge of Andrew Selzle , the German who was ar rested on sqspjcjon of having dope the deed. Notwithstanding .the apparently- positive testimony of Allen "Wright , the colored boy and companion of Mitchell , that pelzle was the man and the identification by Mitphel before he died , yet Selzle proved perfect alfbi by reliable witnesses It seems that hp was jn the city from early in the morning till afte supper , and that when the shooting was done he was three miles fron : the scene of the tragedy , The jury after hearing the ev } ; dence , rendered a verdict that the deceased came to his death at the hands of some unknown person. We understand that the authori ties have got on the track ofanother man , whom they think did the shooting , This murder Is certainly uvery mysterious aifuir , ap4 tfyp officers should make every possible effort to bring tlie'right man to jus tice NOTICE TOTJfEHOUSEKEEPEBS'OF OMAHA. P. H. ALLEN has Just repeved } the finest , largest and most com pletely assorted stock of fancy and staple groceries that has ever been offered } n this market , and which , trading as he does on a cash basis only , he offers for sale at 1 $ per cent le&i than they can be purchased of any other merchants in this city. Call upon him , trade with him , ( FOB CASH ) and be happy , having no bills to pay at the end of the month. It will be to your .advan tage. aug2Gt2 OstAHA , August 20 , 1874 , Bids are invited by the Board of Education , for the removal of Cap itol avenue school building to lot 4 , block 101. For further particulars inquire of the undersigned. Bids Bill be received until Saturday eve , August 29th , at 7 o'clock &a ) t Committee on&a Property. WE notice a party advertising ' lowe Machines C. O. D. for 550.00. Ve have reliable information that hose machines are not new AND LAVE BEEN USED. We have a umber of machines that have been Bed , and we are prepared to sell len ? at GREATLY reduced prices , ad will WARRANT all we sell. THE Ho WE MACHINE Co. iglOeodiOt 480 13th. Street. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Advertisements of To Let , For Sale , Loct , Wants , Found , Boarding , AC. , will be inserted in these columns once for TEN CENTS per line ; each subsequent insertion , FIVE CEF1S per line , a he hrst insertion never less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ONEY TO LOAN 181 Farnham Street. M a266t DB. EDWABDd. TTTANTED Two gtrU ; one as nurse , the VV other as cook. Apply to Gi-O. W. HUMAN , Jr. , Nineteenth and Chicago streets. SALE A. Ko. 1 retail cigar and FOB store and manufactory ; situation one of the best in the city lor trade , doing a good business. Call on COTrBILL 4 CO. , Exchange and Collection Bureau , 031 15th street , opposite I'oat Office. a2C 2t * THE PUBLIC The undersigned has TO opened an office for employment of male and female help for stores , ofQus , hotels , private families , Ac. All in want of the sauio , or wanting employment , please call on us. COTTKILii & CO. , Exchange and Employ ment Bureau , 531 15th street , opposite Post Office. aug2C Gt WANTED Any one wanting to sell or exchange any Lind of business , house lots , lands or merchandise , call on us. We have chances entirely in our own hands , afford ing tue best investment It r capital both small and BTcat. COTTKILL A CO. , Exchange and Collecting Bureau , 531 15th struct , opposite Post Office. aio 6t * ANTED A girl to do general housework at 413 Davenport st. augl<f OR RENT Two front rooms , oiipodte new F Post Office. aug2Sdtf "pSTRAYED from larn on 8th St. , a large i I'J Brown Stallion , blind in one eye. Liberal - reward fur the return of same to said barn. a25d3t , WANTED To do house work. DR. GIRL EDWAKDS , 181 Farnbarn St. aug24dtl WANTED By a laJy , a situation as house keeper or nurse. Lest ol references. Ad dress , Mrs L. 31. C. , Post Office. uug24dtf WANTED A First Cook , either male or fe male , best of wagei will be paid , also a girl to help in the kitchen. Inquire t the American House. uug24 < lt ( OjT ! run Thursday K\eiilng , between the ' " , 111UU laVeifanClack Sallu ( yith , Uow- nted , oq , < he.f 5e _ A/Mberid rgwarU will - ' sameat this TO RENT-In the central portion of HOUSES . Enquire ol AL11) . JONES , S. E. Cor. Douglas autl 15th bts. aug22dtf ANTED A boy to work in a store W B. D. JOXEo , 2 0 Karnlum st. aug21dtf l/lOll bALt SoOacieaOt laud two milt Strom JD Wisner , on the O , N. W. K. R. , m Cuming Co. , Nebraska , at $2.50 per acre in cash , or half dun 11 and baiauce iu one year at ten per cent. Apply at "Great Western Land Agency , " 130 and 13. Farnham btreet , Ouiaha. augl'dtf RENT Uouse Jf. E. Cor. Dodge and FOR S reels. CI1AS. H. I-AAtS , aug2dtf 222 Farnham St. mo THE PUBLIC The. undersignea has J _ purchased and put upon the streets as public convej ances , some of the finest carriages ever manufactured ! - this country. They will be run to and from the depots , hotels and pri vate residences. All orders left atthe ) Metropol itan Hotel , or at the stable , near S. E. cor. oi Eleventh st. and Capitol aye , will be promptly attended to. A share of the nubile patronage Is respectfully solicited. auglldtt WM. E .BULL. T710R KENT Brick Stoie corner Chicago and J } Sixteenth streets The best location in the city , having Ix-en occupied for the last seven years as a grocery. au 7d S. WRIGHT. Mrs. A. Polack , for many years a _ _ successful teacher of music la the best Female Institutes of Kentucky , will receive pu pils in that branch at her residence , 253 Howard at. Will commence teaching , Sept. augTdtf TO LOAN On approved personal MONEY , also City and County Warrants bought and toll. Inquire at Law Office of T. W. J' . Richards. No. 4KO 13th St. , Omaha. AugSdtf A girl to do general house-work WANTED on west side of 16 , bet Jones and Leavenworth. aucadtf A girl to do general housework. WANTED at 404 Hurt at. , bet. 20 and 21. augSdtf TORE TO BENT 198 Douglas street. In quire of WEBBER 4 BEHJI. . olTlU Day boarders , at the touthwcgt WANTED and'Harner els.e2Stt \ _ cneap inrui in exonange tor WANTLD . Address , Farmer , B E office. apjlt TO RETAIL CASH PURCHASERS For Sewing Machines. In order to make room for our new styles , we have put in PERFECT order all of our old stock , including txond-hand , and offer them at GREATLEY REDUCED prices , for CASH. BEAR IN MIND EVERY " HOWE " BOUGHT OF US and our AUTHORIZED canvassers is n'ARRANT- EP , and INSTRUCTION giyen , as WE have a "DEPUTATION TQ SUSTAIN. Experience proves a machine WITHOUT Instruction is WORSE than NONE at all. CAUTION. We know of large lots of worth less machines bought at low figures , that are be ing palmed off on thp public for nearly as good as new. Persons that do not want to run the } sk of beipg swindled should NEVER buy of IRRESPONSIBLE puartles , as they have NO reputation AT STAKE , as have old established Companies. THE HOWE SIACinNE CO. , auglOdlm 430 13th Street. _ Agents Wanted ! We can show active men how to make money by selling the best household articles , Magic Needle Threaders , Carbonized Steel Glass Cut ter , Carbonized Steel Knife Sharpener , Magic Flour Shifter , Ac. CHICAGO NOVELTY CO , , H , CANDRIAN , Manager , OFFICE 819 THIRTEENTH ST. , auglSdtf 8SAltANEB. . 33 33 U 3" . 3D.T O 3V OK & OV AND D BALKS TN- : Lambrequins and W-ndo1 Shades , CHBOMOS , ENGBAYINGS AND PICTURE FRAMES. 270 Farnbam itreet.coiner F Iteentb Wood ! Wooa ! Wood ! Immense Reduction ! A T S. P. BRIO 6' YARD , CORNER OF J14th and Chi ago Street * . Good Hard WoodST 00 ; Soft % W. Stove Wood to scft any number of stove yerr cheap. aplStf NEW SALOON- HENRY , the popular Saloon keeper , has re fitted up the basement oJ old Herald building , cor. 13th and Douglas Su. , where , in copnec- tion with hla bar he sets out a Lunch every morning and URAXD LtJNCJI EVEEY SAT- aODAY. Give him call. aJSdtf PEK DAY. Agents trant- W ed. AH clashes of work 3)0 ) tyf\/ = " * " Vi a- - - - ing people of either sex , young or old , jaaie Bore money at work lor ua in thoiripare mo- \ nents or all tbn Urn * than at anytblog else. I &ddina ST1MSUN A Co. . Forjtland , Maine- ' 'orner of Cnmicgs and The finest lager beer con- B : tantly on hand. je25-ta CHAS. WEYMULLER. Prop itc itct be ! TBETTSCHKE & CO. , J R O C E R S Aod General Prorlsloa Dealers , 8. 7Cor. . Jacbon and 13th Eta- , S wp np iior7tock of Groceries , Provisions , Bel Ines , Liquors and Cigars , snd sell cheaper tor id aoTotber house In Omaha. jy3 3m 1' ' OMAHA , MONDAY , AUG , 31. Location on Jefferson Square. THE GREAT International Menagerie , Mtueam , Aquarium , Grecian Giro us , AM Granil Roman liotomie , JAS. A. BAILEY & Co. , PRO'S The Largest Show on Earth , Exhibiting under A CITY OF TENTS ! A Grand Menagerie of 500 1 iving Animals A Mii'eum of 1 are Wonders , an Aquarium o Deep Sta Amphibia , and the BEST CIECFa TROUPE On the American Continent , comprising Fffty Great Performers , appearing in Two Separate and Distinct Rings , under the same Tent , thus giving 2 Performances Simultaneously , Introducing at Every Exhibition , M'lle De Granville , The Lady with the Jaws of Iron , who will ap pear in her Wonderful FeaU of Strength , ac- lually Lifting with her Teeth Alone a Ifoji- head FMed utth Water. AGrtfREESWPABAE TWO IflLES IN LENGTH , Will tale place early on cho morning of exhib ition , introducing Jiving Liens , Tigrrs and Leopards loose in the streets , the entire retlnuo forming a Pageant of Dazzling fepkndor. ExMMtiis Afternoon an j HiiJit Doors open at one and seven o'clock , p. m. Circus performance begins one hour later. ADMISSION FIFTY CENTS. " Children under nine years , 23 cents. One tick et admits to Menagerie , Museum , Aquarium audClrcut. , ' " II'LF RATE' . Arrangements have been conaumated with the Omaha and Northwestern railroad by which passen e's lUIl be carried from all stations be tween Herman and Cmaha at halt rates , on the day of the Big Show. The Great International Will also Exhibit in Plattsmouth. Thursday , September 3' . Ashlan 1. Friday , September 4th. Lincoln , Saturday , September 5th. And remember , Omahi , Monday. Aug. 31st , 8Uid22 24 27429 LLGAL NuTICE. To the owners of the lands sought by the pity of Omaha to be condemned forthe extention of i 16th stieet , in said City , south from its pres ent terminus. The undersigned three disinterested frecho'd- ers of the Cit f of Onuha , appointed by the May or and Council of said Olty to assess the darn'Re to the iiwners of the property sought to be ta ken fcr the extension of 10th street in said City * south from its prrsent terminus , st the north lite of lands owned by George Fr nci"Tra1n , south to Caslellar'Street ID Sauth Omaha addi tion , such extention to ba 100 test In width , will on tbo Mb day of September , A. D. 1874 , meet on the said land * to be appropriated , at 10 o'clock in the forenoon , lor the purpose cf assessing said damages It having heietolore bren declared necessary by the Council of said City by ordinance , to appropriate said lends to f * -I T the use of said City. JOSIAH KENT. R. G JENBINSON. P. McGAVOCK. Dated at Omaha , August llth , 1874. auglSd2tprw tsent5 PROPOSALS FOR SURRENDER OF OMAHA CITY UOrlDS. CITV TREASURER'S OFFICE. OMAHA. NEB. , August 26th 1874. Sealed proposal * will be received at this office until Sept. 8th at 12 M. , for the surrender of Omaha City Bonds , in any sums to the amount of fifteen thousand dollars or less. Bids to be opened at the City Council meeting , Sept. 8tb , 1874.EDWARD EDWARD JOHNSTON , aug2S lOt City Treasurer. UNION MARKET , B. 'A. HARRIS , 537 Fifteenth Srcot , set. Doughs and BEEF , FORK , MuttQA and Veal , Fish , Poultry , Game , aug26 ly AHD VE8ETABIEg , , G. W. HOMAN , Sr , , Offers for the necessities of the public , a First-Class Hearse anfl Carriages , All orders promptly attended to by leaving hem at Cor. 1,5th and Harcey Sts. ag33tf fl. U. YTALlfES , Aftii DEADER JN BOOTS & SHOES 10 13th St. Between Farnham ani Douglas apl3rl H. CKECe. C. J. XABBA'U UUEBE & gABJUCII , 5th at. Letwecn * Farnham.apdv rheyai I Q OM iSA , - - NEB. . MAS DFACICBEB O Ipring2and Farm Wagons , i * J DliGOIES AND CAURIXGES. Dealers in and manufacturer ] of .GRICDLTUBAi IMPLEMENTS ! 3ABTICBHR MTTEHTION fAID TO . IlOBSKSHOKIXQ. JX&T.epiirinj ; cf wagon and blacksmlthlrg atm. rompilv done at reasonable oricea mrdiwg m. m.Fl JARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! Fl J. O.Pealer Pealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries. - R. B , dor. 18ft & flileaw Btt. , "tUtto " * ick tsiw. , _ WILL REMOVE Str * , .COBS' New Brick Block , cor. , 15th and Cap- il Avenue. Chi special Bargains are now offered In groceries and [ ore removal. auglOdtf. Gei f QUAILEY'S P. Soap Factory ! | ° ? it anted on the line of the Union Pacific [ Iroad , near the powder house. Manofac- es first-class goap for home coojumptlon. LIQUORS , WINES , ETC. P. N. GLYNN4 WHOLX&1I.B AND BJwlAH , DXXLW IX Wines Liquors , , Segars , TOBACi 0 AND PIPES. JWCallfornla Wines and BrandIes."E Corner of 15'h and Dodge streets , opposite the new Foil Office building , Omaha. NebIe25tl Bavarian Beer Hall ! 193 Douglas St , Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Finest brands of all classes of Liquors and Scgars. Fresh Lager constantly on hand. Je25-3m CHAS. HART Prop. 33 W X 3KT Z > = > c a * ] X DEALER IN Fruits , Confectionery , CIGARS AND TOBACCO. 215 Douglas , bet. llth and 1 Street. OMAHA , . . . NEBRASKA. ap2r HOTELS. GRAND CEJNTRAL 'p-i ' _ < > fp T ; T m OMAHA , - NEBRASKA The largest and beat hot between Chicago tnd San Francisco. Opened new September 30th , 1ST3. 30 tf OEO. THKALL. Proprietor. CUT HOTEL , E. T. PAGE , Proprietor. 10th St. , bet. Farnham and Harney , O9I4HA , NEB. Free Bust to and from all Trains. Passengers for other Hole's or private Resi dences , curried for 25 cents. OS- All orders left t * N flAllen's , 24 door from P. Q , 0. Wilson A. son. cor. 13th and IImey , and the City Hotel Office , will receive piouipt attention. Iy7 1m United States Hotel , COR. DOUGLAS AND TENTH STREETS. mHE UNDERSIGNED respectfully aanoun- JL ces that he has purchased and refilled the above Hotel , and is now readv to accommodate the public , with board by da v or wei k , at reasonable enable rates. WILLIAil LEI1B. Prop. julv22 'I * 1 ILLINOIS HOUSE. xroot BetweenJHh andolOth. CH ABLES FELDERMAN , Prop. mchlltl California House. FBITZ HAFNEE , Prop'r. No. 170 Douglas Street , corner llth , Omaha , Nebraska. Board by thd day orjwcek. ; luno'l. Tl _ Central House Ko. 630 Sixteenth Street , Opp. Jefferson Square , OMAHA , NEB. JOSEPH DOTE , Prop'r. Day and week Board at reasonable rates. First-cUa * bur attached to the house. ie273m On 9/A , ttt. Farnham and JTarney Sireclt , TTAS been entirely refitttrd and refurnished , XI and will accommodate all to. the best ot board at 81,50 per day ; 40c per single meal. C , 7 , & S , I , HARRYMAN , Jy2Sdly. Propr.etora. Sonthern Motel. Flatting on lib , 6tn ud Walnntatz , , St. Louis , - Mo. Laveille , "Warner & Co. , The Southern Hotel is first-class In all its appointments. Its tables are at all times sun- Slied in the greatest abundance , with all the elicacies the markets afford , Its clems and employes are all polite and attentive to the wants of the gueiU of the hotel , There is an improved elevator leading from the Grit floor to the upper one , Railroad and steamboat Icket offices , news stand , and wesverr Union telegraph office in the Botunda of hotel. 'WILUAH LATEY , Cor. 16th and "Webster Sts. , Keeps a complete assortment ol GROCERIES and "WILLIAM SEXAUEB. 225 TcrnUm Street , - Omaha , Keb | WHOLESALE ASD BETJUL DEALEB W FURNITURE , BEDDING , ETC. ENOCH HENNEY , lustioe of the Peace Office over the State EauV , cornpr.f Farn. am and 13tl' trwU. The Sloox City and Pacific Railroad , Ie ConBMtioQ wtth th * CTY | & ST , PAUL RAILROAD , 1 02 mll i the ihortfst route from Omaha id ConnclJ Bntti | ( p t. Paul , ainca ollj , lllwatfr , Antka , Dolntb , BItmarck , end all Inti la JUnneiotB. rrjln ( eifes Omaha daily , ( except Saturday ) 6 ocloek p. m. , and Coqncl | Bluffs at 8.05 P' , from Chicago & North-Western Depot. ire as LOW and lime as QUICK as T bj anj other Line. cree pur JLHANPAHCESLEEPIQCAES ON ffl , Pffl TONS , N ( ? tare your ticket leads Y1A Sionx City. pa j circuitous routes and midnight The - - . mrrhtMd t th Offices of the a'w < - Omaha 'icketa can < . . _ Icago 4 Northwtatern Rauw > . 1 Council Bluff. . J C. BOYDEN , j'l Pass. 4 Ticket Agt-St P. < fS. C. B. B. Faol , Minn. The F. a HILL , ind : I'l Pau. and Ticket Agt , 8. C. 4 > . , SIoui UDOl itjr , lows. OEO. W. GBATTON , Agent. 0. IC3 Farahasj Stret , Omaha , Ntb. ilr20tl. The Kingof theSEWING "MACHINE WOILD ta pHnn-Infcfy as Gold Fdins Realms ct Finance. SALES EOK 1873 : In Round Numbers 232,444 Machines ! TtBelnjt over One Hundred and Thirteen TiiOn . and more Machines tisn were sold 'JT Sewing Machine Compan v during the same Hire. It will hnr . ly be dental jpon such evidence that th * superiority of tte Singer is fully monstrated. THE SINGER MANF'G ' CO , W. N. NASON , Agent , Je O. 212 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE GROWERS I Agents for the Oriental Powder Co. v STEFXE & JOHNSON , WHOLESALE 6ROUERS ! -SIMPSON'S 11LOCK 533 and 54O Fourteenth. Street , m. - BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE uichl32rMORGAN MORGAN & GALLAGER. SUCCESSORS TO CREIGHTOK JvIO MORGAN WHOLESALE GROCERS , 5fo. LO& Farnliam Street aprSdly WHITNEY , B AUSERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS XTo. 247 Douglas Street , - - ZSTIEIB 1 mch27yl AOEMS FOR Til1 ! DUPOXT POWDER CO. CLARK & FRENCH , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! AND DEALERS JZV Canned Goods , Dried Fruits , Green Fruits in Season , Je 1 AHDERS SOLICITED/ PltOMITLY FILLED. A. , s. s i IM : i ? s o isr , MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN CIG-AKS1. 532 JE3S J < TOH : SO ? . , om 33i cso Tcxrxr C. Zi. A. , 288 Dod&e Street , 2d Door East of 16th Street. I keep conn antly on hand the finest slock of Broad Cloth. Coslr.icrcj and Ve.it Ing j which I am prepared to make up in the niost fashionahe ) styles and to ult the most fautidlous . at the lowest possible prices. JelOdly ESTABLISHliU 135 PUNDT , MEYER & RAAPKE , -.YHOr.ESALE DEALERS IK FANCY G-ROCEEIBB , Teas , Spices , Tobacco and Cigars. 212 FarnLam Street , Onmlia , Nel > mchl odvl ] JOHR& 0o JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS , HOSIERY , GLOYES and KOHOX& 231 Farnham Street , J. J. BROWJSf & BRO. , \VHOLESALEDRtVLEES _ IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY 6 iT8-lr Notions , itTid Boots and. Shoes. JOHN T. JOBBER OF Shelf i Heavy Hardware IRON , STFEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK , ' AND- ANDIMPLEMENTS IMPLEMENTS , I1KESHEK8 , HAUVKSTKnSUEAPEnSM01VEKg. . DHILU , , NBEIJKltS COHNtAaiTERJI. PLOWS , crfLriVATOUS. IIAV. KAKKH AND WAGOS9. mchlZy 146 Douglas St. , OmeOaa. ITebraska. HENRY HOBNB RG R. DEALER lif- URINES. LWORS , CMES , JJaa 01dKentackyj\yTilskie ; and Imyorte'l.'u'ood-j a Spccjallj. , USTEIB. COMBS and i..ni. . o rri..nrrt p > er Railroad Co.oaari bs t Ua'aat'law . prlcai . on 10 ye r KS" . taSS ? " TbSai piOTlanol Mpareeai. oa th9 .mount ol th ' . . . cha , ; 5 iut tne UndU cu'tlr.ted , within two y r. Irooi dm ol parebaM. LAKGE DEDUCIONS FQI CASH PAYMENTS. ) rlh of ? Iatte , ) .oup Fork and Elkhorn Valleys EU South of he Platte numerous as also ' , Agent B. & M. Land Office , ie lnt,1 , and FarabamSts. , Omaha Or General Lamd Depaitmeat , Lincoln , Se ,