f THE OMAHAOBEE 1HUKSDAY , AUG. 27 , 1874 OFFICIAL TAPER OF THE CETT. THE OMAHA DAILI BEE Ii serred to subscribers by carrier , to any part ol the city , every evening , ( Sundays ex- . . pled.t fifteen eent perweekorJ3..5for ix months , and 87.00 peranuum , wheii paid n advance. All complaint about Irregularities , addreued thli office will receive prompt attention. THE OMAHA IJT BEK will be mailed to inbscriben at the following rates , nyable Inra- liably in advance : $7.00 per an 11193. 8.75 " 6..onths. TBE OMAHA DAJLT BEE has by far the .LARGEST circulation In the city , and is , herefore , the best and cheapest advertising medium. JUTES or ADVEETISIKO. Local notices , 25 cents per line : local advertisements , 20 cents per line ; by the month , 10 cents. No advertisement Inserted for less tfr-n so cents. Special notices , 10 ccnu per line ; single inser tion , not less than 25 cents. Transient aui rti Cements must lnva.Ubly be paid for In advance. Bate * tor standing advertisement * by sped * ! contract. All Legal iotices , Statements , Tabular "Work , etc. , requiring careful revision by copy or proof to be furnished , must be handed in before ten o'clock x. x. to Insure Insertion the same day. Special and Local advertisements before two 6'tiOf * " . . Advertisements uciore one o'clock r. x. All advertisements for the WEEKLY BEX murt be handed in before llonday noon , for the tame week's iarue. iUKlYAL AJXD DEPAlllDliE OF TBAIXS. rime Card of the Darlington Route OMAHA. ABB11 ! AT OMAHA. LEAVE 2.50 P. M. I Express .9.55 A. M. Express Mall * 10.45 r. XI. Mill' . 5.00 A. it. \ Sunday * excepted. * ilonday excepted. This is the only line running Pullman Hotel. Dining ore. j ) . W. HITCHCOCK , HAERT P T > EUE _ , CeP'l. Wtt , Pass. Agt. Ticket Agent. CblcaRo , 111. Omaha , Neb. Union Pacific. LTATX. 11:30 A. M. 3.00P.M. Daily Express 10.-OOP.M. Mixed 4:15 : P.M. Dally Frelcht 5:00 A. M. 6:45 P.M. Ually Oally Freifiht _ _ 6 45 A. J ' . S.SOA. M Itock IrlKud & Pacflr. . .M. 10:40P.M. ' .M. tlOOOA.M. tUaodays excepted. Chicago tc Northwentirn. Kiuia * City i St. Jo. & Conucll Bluff- WomtagExpress..6:30A.M. 10:00 A. M. venlnjExpreBS..2KP.M. ) C:40PM. Ooialia & NorthTvcgtcrn and SIou Cltr k Paclflc. K-UBxpresB 8:15 : A.M. : J6P.J - Dally except Sundayu. OnmibnBca and Baggage Wagons leave the ffice , corner Farnham and Ninth streets , tlf- ecn mlnt s In advance of the above Railroad 'Opening and Closing of Malls In Omaha. CLOSE. WIST. X.K. P. 31. A.M. F. 2:20 11:00 EAST. * 5 N.JV.E llrfXT 1.90 &a/t do. . . . B.I.AP. R.K. . 11:00 4.30 do r'c. . . . . B.&iuB.Bui. 11:00 4 SO do co. . . . * BOUTH. JJ.&SLJo- . . . . 7.0C 4.SO do do. . * 0.sS.W 3.-00 10:00 f xoirrn. -j O-AN. W. R. R. 2:50 7:45 : Jf Chicago and all Eastern cities , Nebraska $ City , Plattvcouth , Council BluOaand Burling * ton , dueat 10S50 a , m. , closes at 4 50 a. m. and f p. m. ft , Louis and St. Joseph , duo at 10.00 a. m. MiJ 7 p. m. ; closes at 1:45 : p. m. and 4.30 a. m. Ofluie open Sundays from 12 to 1 p. m. O E. YOST. Postmaster. Republican County convention. A Republican County Convention for Dong- las county will be held at the Court House in the cllr of Omaha , on Saturday , the 29th day of August , A. D. , 1874. , at 2 o'clock , p. m. , for the purpose of electing 23 delegates to the Republican State Convention , to be held at Lincoln on the 2d day of September , 1874. Each ward in the city of Omaha will be on- iit&d to 7 delegates , and each precinct outside of * ai4 city to 3 delegates to said convention Primary elections , tor the purp so of cboot- Ing such del/gates , are hereby called for Satur day , the 224 day of Augutt , the p lls to beep op > > nln the city of Omaha from 4 to 7 p m. , and in the other precincts from 0 to 8 o'clock , p.m. None but well Vnown republican voters will be allowed to vote at said primary elections , end in the city of Omaha no person will be allowed to vote unless duly registered or iden tified to the satisfaction of the Judges of elec tion as being a properly qualified voter of the ward , where his ballot is oflercd. The following are designated as the places where such primary elections will be held : m Ward At Turner Hail. 2nd Ward At Engine If ou e. 3d Ward At Engine House. 4th Ward At City Engineer's office. 5th Ward At Ed. Dallows' , on Chicago St. Cth Ward \t Engine ouse. Union Precinct At Knight's School House Florence Precinct Florence School House. Valley Precinct At Judge Hanej's residence Chicago Precinct At ElLhorn Station School House. IfcAardlo Precinct At McAnrdle School House. Elkhorn Precinct At Elkhorn City School House. Douglas Preclnct At Joel T. Griffin's r dence. West Omaha Precinct At 0. Scldcn's res idence. Saratoga PrecinctAt Saratoga School House By order of the Douglas County Republican Committee. CHAUNCEY WILTSE , Chairman. JOHN M. TnURSTOJT , hecretarv. TOADVKKTISKHS ine t > AVION Of he DAILY BEK In more than doable that of any.of Iier tlally paper published In Keliraaka. THE first FBESH BALTIMORE OYSTERS of ( ho season were re ceived at PEYCKE'S BESTAUR- ANT to-day. - feb24-tf OMAHA BREVITIES. _ _ To-day will be the last day of service for the September term of the Probate Court. Policeman Porter Las beeii in vestigated by the Council commit tee on Police , and has been proved innocent of the charges against him. _ A ten-minute dogfightwas the attraction at the southeast corner of Farnham and Twelfth tl streets , Tuesday evening about 7:30. : A. boy named Frederick Hutb. xvas fined § 5 and costs yesterday Ill ; at the Police Court , for carrying con Illgf cealed -weapons , and was sent to gf jail in default of the payment of the gfdt wail. so soN Frank Streamer has found his N way back to'Omaha again. He 111 \vas before the Police Court this morning for drunkenness , and was th discharged on promising to leaye town. \V General Strickland pleaded to Snowden yesterday in Marshal Gt behalf of "Sandy , " who wants to GtH Omaha on account of return to CL Marshal replied that CLDo The business. Do here and DoH "Sandy" had no business , H would have to he if he came back , SI sentence serve out the unespired ler atlllhangs overlushead. lerMe TYPE FOR SALE I De x Font of Bourgeois Type , of F ! 600 Sai weighing sample is a , been in use on got ' Ibs. * ype than ana year , vat Ibs.SlTWii Jai ' SlTWii- _ _ Fn for terms &c. , address Sai E. EC L fublisbcrof tbe Bee , Mr The races at the Driving Park Saturday afternoon will be well worth attending , ar Mr. Kevins has prevailed upon Mr. Williams , of Chicago , who is en route to Salt Lake with three fast .horses , " .Nel lie , " "Henry" and "Chicago , " to stop here over Sunday , in order to give our citizens an opportunity to witness some excellent and rapid trotting. The programme will be found in another column. One of the horses will trot inside of 2:30. : Between 12 and 1 a. m Tuesday night the guests of the Metropoli tan Hotel were aroused from their slumbers by several loud shrill shrieks , and thinking that a murder was being committed somewhereln the vicinity they got up to learn the cause of the disturbance. They found it to be a lady from Lincoln , suffering from 'some nervous com plaint. She was quieted by Dr. Ijewis , who attended her , and has been her physician for some time past. So loud were her screams that they attracted to the hotel sev eral policemen. The picnic at Hanscom Park Tuesday under the manage ment of Mr.C. E. Squiers.was a very pleasant affair. The platform was illuminated with numerous Chi nese . lanterns , and as the happy dancers gracefully glided hither and thither , to the ex cellent musicthe scene afforded was indeed a very happy one. The eve ning was cool and the moon was bright , so that all enjoyed them selves. The two picnics that have been given by Mr. Squiers this sea son have proven delightful social successes , owing to his personal ef forts to make them so. A young gentleman who drove out to Hanscom Park Tuesday even ing , hitched hjs horse to a tree , and when he was about to return home he found his rig gone. For some little time he was under the impres sion that some one must have play ed him a severe practical joke , Vp borrowing his horse and buggy for a ride to the city. Finally the thought struck him that it was against the rules of the Park to hitch to a tree , and he accordingly began looking along the railing , which has been put up for tying purposes , and at last found his turn-out. A hint to the wise is sufficient. _ / * TFertonai. Prof. Williams , of the Lowell Register , called at the BEE office yesterday. Hon. J. Sterling Morton , of Ne braska City , is at the Grand Cen tral. tral.Maj. Maj. D. H. Wheeler , of Plstts- mouth , is registered at tne Grand Central. J. G. Willis left yesterday for Sioux City , to he absent a few days on business. Samuel Jones has been visiting his Omaha friends for the past day or two. A. S. Nichols ami G , G. Valen tine , of the Michigan Central rail way , arc at the Grand Central. J , H- Stein , the merchant tailor , returned yesterday from the East , whither he went to piirphase his fall goods. R , C. Jordan , formerly in the hardware business in Omaha , but now located in Grand Island , is in i the city on business. Thomas JUley , ot the well-known wholesale liquor firm of Riley & Dcllone , returned yesterday from a very successful business trip through the West. Gen. William Sanborn , a prom inent citizen of Michigan , is at the Grand Central , accompanied by MissN. M. Sanborn and Miss N. A. Sanborn. Frank Ramge and wife returned yesterday from a three weeks' visit in the East. They visited Sar- itoga , Newlork , Long Branch , md Philadelphia , and enjoyed their irip very much indeed. Mr. T. X. Carvalho , the traveling epresentative of Church & Co. , so la manufacturers , New York , is at he Grand Central. He is a pleas- mt young gentleman , and has ma- ly warm personal friends in Oma- m. Samuel Bryan , wife and child are it the Grand Central. Mr. Bryan Ct s the Japanese postal commissioner t ; if foreign countries. He returned 8ol o America in May last to make ol ostal treaties with the United Itates , France and Germany. The ue with the United States has been ompleted , and those with France nd Germany are now in progress. Ce will remain in the city till Fri- thPi ay , when he leaves for Yokohama , Pi apan. 1ofi The following are the arrivals at fn 16 Metropolitan Hotel : on ' lei Isaac L Smith , Chicago ; W W [ cKenney , Blair ; M W Latta and anCa Cano other , Beluck Latta , Tekama ; Jas eattie , Kansas City ; John M Tag- irt , Palmyra , Neb ; S M Knox and nomi i lughter , Princeton , 111 ; S L Dob- mi n , Chicago ; Watson Tyson , Blair , tai eb ; F Curtis , G W Curtis , Aurora , [ ; J E North , Columbus. The following are the arrivals ate ' Ed e Wyoming : ito : F F Murray , Council Bluffi , ; J B bio illiams and family , Mt. Vernon , inq ; V S Allen and family , Atlanta , wil i ; A S Lord , C & N W R R ; W Au Cleland , Miss Maud Hutcherson ; ticago ; J Goodin , St Louis ; L J ibson , Lincoln ; Mrs H Roe , city ; OtI Ingraham and wife , Cheyenne ; I El Thompson , Lincoln ; A B Ful- , Ashland ; N J Miller , Des V > mes ; M Lawrny , 0 O Borgel , HoWe s Moines ; H Evens , U P R R ; We i S Chainberlin , David FSeymore , thoi a Francisco ; James G Fox , Ore- HA i ; Thomas F. Snyder , Reno , Ne- nun la ; Chas. S. Rae , West Point ; usec nes Kelley and family , USA ; thei K ! A Kline , 'New York ; Mrs. and ah Shoemaker , Rochester , NY ; 3 J G PettengUl , Elmlra , N Y. A Horrible Death A Young Kan Dies from lockjaw. _ Tuesday evening , a 6 o'clock , a young man named Samuel Smith died in Saratoga precinct from lock jaw. "About a week ago , he ran a rusly nail into one of his feet , the woundgiving * him great pain for several daj's. On Sunday last the pain ceased , and he thought he had < quite recovered. In the afternoon he went out into his melon patch , and gathering some melons , car ried them into his house. While on the way back , he sud denly felt the cords of the back of his neck commence drawing his head backward , and he became aware that his jaws were becoming set He remarked in a laughing way , but too true , that he believed that he was getting the lock jaw. His wife , father and mother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood , all inno cently made light of the remark. Supper was announced shortly after wards and when Mr. Smith tried to drink some tea from a saucer , he found he could not get the saucer in between his teeth , and oven then they thought it was only a cold. On Monday morninghoweverthey came io the sad conclusion as to the nature of the disease , as his jaws were firmly set , to open 110 more. They sent to the nearest doctor , which was Dr. Page , of the Bar racks. He came , and rendered all the services that man was capable of doing , and In the meantime Dr. Bablack was sent for ; but they con cluded the case a hopeless one , as spasms had already set in. They continued more frequent and severe until they were incessantup to 6 o'clopk last evening , when death stepped in and relieved the poor man from one of the most horrible deaths , not excepting hydrophobia , i on earth. During the last thirty-six hours of his lifo ho was faithfully attend ed by Franklin Baker , who did everything to alleviate his suffer ings. ings.The The deceased was but twenty-six years of age , and had been married only three weeks. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon. An Impudent Intruder. Yesterday morning a man nanjed Ruby , who lives at the corner of llth and Chicago , entered the Police Court , and made complaintof the disgraceful conduct of one Raight. It appears that Ruby is employed at the Checkered stable On Harney street , and sleeps there at night. KOHIP tme } before dayr light yesterday morning , Raight , being aware of Ruby's ' absence from home , slyly entered his house , and proceeding to the bed chamber of Mrs. Ruby , placed his hands upon her. She awoke and screaming out , gave the alarm to her sis.tpr. ltoighi retreated , but before going to hjs own house , tried to quiet the woni- BU. After he had gone , Mrs. Ruby liressjyl herself , and wert | ever to. Raigbt's house with the intention af informing his wife of the conduct Dfher nesthiding husband. He open- sd the door slightly , and in answer to her inquiry fur his \rlfebe told her that she ha i gone East-lwhlcb ac ? jounts for his behavior. Mrs. Ruby then returned home , and when her lusband came , she informed lim of wljat b.ai } transpired and he ; ook tbe.coursc above stated. Judge Wilbur made out a warrant \ir Ruby , who was arrested to an swer to tbe complaint of disorderly jonduot , The accused excused his conduct > y the plea of intoxication , and said hat ho had wandered into the louse , not knowing whither he was foing , and that he bad offered no violence , nor had ho committed my. He was fined § 5 and costs. The Episcopal Council. The Annual Council of the Epls- opal Church of the alocese of Ne- iraska is now In session in this city , 'ho opening services began with lorning prayer at 8:30 : , followed at 10 y the Litany and HolyCommunlon , , -ith a sermon by the Rev. Mr. haw , of Silver Glen , and the ordi- ationofMr. Gilbert Higgs to the leaconate. Luncheon was served t the Rectory at one o'clock , and je Council re-assembled for busi- ess at 3 p. m. A reception will be given to the lergy and Lay Delegates at Trini- f Rectory , this evening at o'clock , to which the churchmen r the city are cordially invited. NOTICE o THE HOUSEKEEPERS OF OMAHA. P. H. ALLEN has Just received 16 finest , largest and most com- etely assorted stock of fancy and iple groceries that has over been fered in this market , and which , iding as he does on a cash basis ily , he oflers for sale at 15 i/er cent 5s than they can be purchased of y other merchants In this city , ill upon him , trade with him , OR CASH ) and be happy , having bills to pay at the end of the Fi jnth. It will be to your advan- " : e. aug2Ct2 OMAHA , August 26,1874. W Bids are invited by tbe Board of lucation , for the removal of Cap- ' tu ( I avenue school building to lot 4 , Bl ck 101. For further particulars ' [ uire of the undersigned. Bids I be received until Saturday eve , , gust 29th , at ? o'clock. J , CHAS. K. COUTANT , grc Committee on Buildings and hit 'roperty. rec hai VE notice a party advertising pla we Machines C. O. D. for $50.00. have reliable Information that a , 3e machines are not new AND .VE BEEN USED. We have a IC1 IC1I nberof machines that have been I i , and we are prepared to sell for B at GREATLY reduced prices , will WARRANT all we sell. THE HOWE MACHINE Co. lOeodlOt 48013th Street , ' CITY COUNCIL. At the City Council meeting Tuesday evening , there was a full attendance. Chief Engineer Galligan prefer red charges against engineer Phil ips , of steamer No. 1. He is charged with absence without permission and intoxication. Referred to the Mayor. The Mayor stated that he hart made a tender to Byron Reed of the damages , caused by the 3 8th street extensionand Mr. Reed had waived the tender. The Mayor stated that he understood there would be an appeal. appeal.A A communication from P. Mc- Hugh , asking that $15 worth of gra ding be done on the east side of 12th street , between Jackson and Jones , ' was referred to the committee on streets and grades , with power to act. A petition for a lamp post on the corner of Fourteenth and Jack son streets , was referred to the com- mitee on cas. A communication from Deputy City Weighmaster , stating that the coal for the High School , was not weighed on the city scales , was re ferred to the city attorney. A communication from Judge Wilbur , reporting the collection of $270.50 in lines in the Police Court , for the last month , was ordered on file. The Mayor was instructed to purchase sevei tons of Wyoming coal for the use of the steam fire engines. The Judiciary Committee made a report on the Murray nuisance , recommending that the Chief Engi neer of the Fire Department enforce the city law in such cases made ana provided. Adopted. The committee on streets and grades presented a resolution , in structing the street commissioner to replace the culverts taken up on the south side of St , Mary's avenue , across J8th , 19th and 20th streets ; and that the city engineer be in structed to cause the surplus dirt , should there be any in grading St. Mary's avenue , to be deposited at the intersection of 18lh , 10th and 20th streets , sufficient to make the approaches in said avenue in a good passable condition ; also that the street commissioner be instructed to immediately grade the approach of South avenue with St. Maiy's ave nue , and place the dirt so far as it will go , at the approaches of 20th , 19th and 18th streets with St. Ma ry's avenue , a.ne tfyat he place a temporary fpnce across college street , where it intersects with St. Mary's avenue , to prevent teams from driving over the embankment. The report was adopted. A number of improvements , which Mr. Marsh said would not in the aggregate cost over $50 , were ordered on 16th and Pierce streets ; 16th near Mason ; cutting brush on Johnson street ; a small culvert on 18th street ; excavnuori'of 420 yards of earth on 20th street , and 1,300 yards on 19th. The committee on police report that they have investigated the charges against officer J. W. Porter , and find nothing against him. Adopted. Mr. A. A. Qibson introduced a resolution that the'foreman of Hans com Park employ ten additional inen Debate on this proposition led to the reading of a communica tion from Dr. deo. W.'Smith , super intendent of Hanscom Park , and a lengthy discussion of it. The reso lution was laid on the table. Mr. Marsh moved that the Superintendent of the Ptyrk have the entire cohtrol'bf the men In the Park. Mr. Swobe moved to amend that the Superintendent dispense with the foreman and teams. Lost 5 to 7. A number of substitutes Sf fire Qffpred in turn "and voted down. Finally the niotrtri of Mr. Marsh was carried with the addition that "he shall have power to dis charge either men or teams and hire Dthers in their place. " tflie pity Engineer reports that J,223 cubic yards of grading is ne- jessary on Farnham ; Douglas and jonneotiug cross streets between Mnth and Sixteenth streets , which , it 20 rents amounts tp 5,844.fiO. } The City Engineer reports that i dam can be built on the north Draaha creek for $335 , and one on he south Omaha creek for $206. An ordinance levying a special ax for grading Howard street from fifteenth . St. ' 'lllCCliLM street westtand kJL. Mary's ivenue from Howard to the north- vest corner of Jacob's addition was ntroducej anc } referred , An ordinance providing man- icr of purchase of bonds was intro- luccd and passed. An ordinance to prohibit the aking of ball and release of prison- rs by certain officers was passed. The matter of putting in gut- Brs ami curbs on Farnham , Douglas nd their cross-streets , was discussed I length. The Mayor wa.s in truded to contract with the lowest idder. idder.The The Treasurer wasautborized to dvertke for proposals for the sur- snder of $15,000 city bonds. The Council adjourned for one fotu eek. tu , ATTENTION. Those who are seeking for novel- es In FALL CLOTHING and GEX- LEMEN'S FPRNISHTNO GOODS of Of 1 descriptions , should call and ex- 0 ] ulne the new stock just received by F. L. RUF , aug25tf ! Indian Curiosities at No. 170 irnham street , corner llth street , may 7-tf. FOR SALE CHEAP. One Full Cabinet Wheeler and ilson Sewirg Machine , with all B latest improvements. Itisnew s never been run. Inquire at the x office. augl"-tf STATE FAIR. The managers of j A j State Fair will offer for rent , Sao nmencing Monday , August 24th , muds for refreshment stands , ex- ' iltions , etc. Applications will be S/ eived at the office of M. Dun- ra , 258 Farnham street , where ns of the ground can be seen. J. T. ALLAX , Sec'y ug 2112 Board of Managers. tut CHA 3 CREAM ! ICE CREAM ! ! CHAN I. L. LATEY'S is the place to go N this very necessary commodity. ATI i23tf. IR. POWELL , office 215 , Farn- n street iune23-tf Got the Wrong Man. The examination of Seltzer yes terday afternoon on the charge of murdering Tobias Mitchell , resulted in his being discharged. He suc ceeded hi clearly proving an alibi. He was three miles from the scene of the tragedy , when it occurred , and had been all that afternoon. Baces Kezt Saturday at the Driving Park. On next Saturday afternoon , the following , races , the most interest ing ones of the season , will take place at the Driving Park. The first race will be a trot , best three in five , to harness , between "Iowa Girl" of Omaha , and "Bay Henry , " of Chicago , for a purse of $125 ; $75 to first , and $50 to second horse. The second race will be a trot bet - t rcpn "Nellie , " of Chicago , and "Rutland Boy , " of Council Bluffs , for a purse of $100 ; $60 to first , and $40 to second horse. The third race will be a match against time , for $50 a side The brown horse "Chicago' ' will trot a mile in 2:30 or better , to harness , with the privilege of having three trials , and to bo "prompted" by a galloper. C. NEVIUS. LADIES' BAZAR. The ladles of Omaha are hereby notified that I have moved my goods , temporarily , to my residence ac 439 Twelfth street , where they will be sold very low until the com pletion of Odd Fellows' Hall , when I will re-open the Ladles' Bazar in said building with a full stock of choice new goods. MRS. L. M. JOIINSOX. aug22 Steod. GEO. H. PETERSON , thepionee cigar manufacturer , keeps con stantly on hand the very best brands of cigars , and also xjone Jack , Fruits and Flowers , and "Durham" Smoking Tobacco. 211 Douglas street. may6eodlv THE LAST CHANCE To obtain the best dally paper pub lished in Nebraska at the exceed ingly low rate of fifty cents per month. After the first of August no sub scriptions will be received at less than the regular price. Now is THE TIME ; $1.50 in ad vance pays for the OMAHA DAILY BEE three months. jy23 3t BROWNELL HALL will re-openon Tuesday the 1st of September. For catalogues apply to Mrs. P. C. HALL , auglo-toseptl Principal. WANTED. A second cook at Peycke's Res taurant. Good wages will be paid. auglOtf. DYEING , CiCamng and repairing done in the neatest manner , at the STEAM DYE WORKS , 10th St.bet. Farnham and Douglas ] apr28t f. FOK SALE OR RENT. Two story brick dwelling bouse , containing nine rooms , in first-rate order , having been recently reno vated. The house was formerly oc cupied by P. Her and family. Rent , 545 per month. Good cisterns and well. The house and premises oc- supy a full city lot uuincumbered , from Haruey street to the alley. Will seli'for $9,000. Apply at nw jorner Ninth and Harney streets , s. JESSE LOWE , McKelligon-s card on iecond page. iuue2-tf B 33 TO" iT. 33. O" O 3XT XI & -KIT1 FACTURKB OF AND DKALKB IN- jambreqnins and TV.ndow Shades , PROMOS , ENGRAVINGS AND PICTURE FRAMES. 270 Farnham streetcoiner Flteenth ftTood ! Wood ! "Wood ! Immense Reduction ! A T S. P. BRIO S'-YARl ) , CORNER OF \ _ 14th and Chi ago Streets. Good Hard r'oodST 00 ; Soft 35 00. Stove Wood to suit ay'numbcr of stove verr cheap. aplSU EDWARD KUEHL. [ AGISTKT . OF THE DEPARTED. th o. 49810th St. , between Farniam & .Tarney. Will br the aid of guardUn spirits , obtain i any one _ view of tne past , present and fu- ire. No fera charged in cases ol sickness , api3tf O. H. BALZ.OU , LTTOENE Y at LAW Sco n Creigbton's tiew bloc. , southeast cor room , floor. HAHA , - KEB. I sto JOHN C. e0WIff ? GB Lttorxxoy. Solloltor ] COUNSELOR. EV OFFICE-CREIGnTOJf'S B OCa , ' OMAHA. KEBBASKA. I our arttf ! ED , ! . SPAtTh. J 0. K.FJUTC1IKT. RE1 5PAUN & PRITCHETT , tornejsnd Counselors at Law. , wo Office. 606 Tweli. i > .nxt. I t.lr . Ix > ck Hnr JAB On lit. c. J. S. SHROPSHIEE , . .ttorney- -Xaw risk asm m No. 1 , S. E. Coiner 15th and Douglas Sts , IRR [ AHA NEBR. , - - repu iVAGE & MANDERSON , Com ; Attorneys at Law , aui 342 FARNHAM STREAT. M J Omah. Nebraska 5101 ! . J. BURNHAM. a FORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW , T7 , < No. 2CO Farnham Street Sit ; Baliri [ AHA - - NEB. tares SPECIAL , NOTICES. NOTICE. Advertisements of To Let , For Sale , loct , Wants , Found , Boarding , Jkc. , will be inserted in these columns once for TEN CENTS per line ; each subsequent insertion , FIVE CEFJS per line. The nrst insertion never less than TWEMY-FIVE CENTS M ONEY TO LOAN-131 Farnham Street. a266t DR. EDWARDS. WANTED Two girls ; one as nurse , the other as cook. Apply to GtO. W. UOMAN , Jr. , Nineteenth and Chicago streets. FOR SALE A. No. 1 retail cigar and tobacco store and manufactory ; situation one of the best in the city tor trade , doing a good business. Call on COTTRILL i CO. , Exchange and Collection 'Bureau , 531 15th street , opposite Post Office. a2G 2t * THE PUBLIC Th undersigned has TO opened an office for employment of male aud female help for stores , offices , hotels , private families , Ac. All In wain of the same , or wanting employment , pleasa call on us. COTTRILL & CO. , Exchange an4 Employ ment Kuteau , 531 15th street ) opposite Post Office. aug2S 6t * WANTED Any one wanting to sell or exchange any kind of business , house lots , lands or merchandise , call on us. We have chances entirely In our own bands , afford ing tbe best investment lor capital both small and treat. COTTRILL , & CO. , Exchange and Collecting Bureau , 631 15th street , opposite Post Omce. aft > 6t * ANTED A girl to do general housework : at 413 Davenport st. aug 5dtf niOR RENT Two front rooms , opposite new J } Post . Office. aug2SdUj > T71STRAYED from barn on 8th St , a large _ CJ Brown Stallion , blind In one eye Liberal renard f r the return of same to said barn. aJ5J3t GIRL WANTED-To do house work. DR. ISAAC tDWARDS , 181 Farnham St. augZ4Utl WANTED By a laJy , a situation as house- keep r or nurse , best of references. Ad dress , Mrs L. M. C. , Post Urtice. auglWtf WANTED A First Cook , either male or fe- inale , best of wages will be paid , also a girl to help in the kitchen. Inquire t the American House. aug2Jdtf ObT-im Ihursday Evening , between the "Park Hous " on Barracks road , and \Vlrtli's Restauranton Douglas fet. , or on Capi tal Hill , a ladies Ian. Black Satin , with flow ers painted on the face. A liberal reward will be paid the finder on leaving the same at this office. aug24dtf HOUSES TO RENT-In the central portion of the city. Enquire ol ALF. D. JONES ) , S. E. Cor. Douglas and 15tb Sts. aug22dtf ANTED A boy to work iu a store W B. D. JONES , 270 Farnhatn st. augZldtf WWANTED WANTED girl to do general house work. Apply at 2bl Farnham St. a9d6t * EOR SALE 500 acres ol land two miles from Wisner , on the O. N. W. R. R. , in Cuming Co. , Nebraska , at $160 per acre in cash , or half down and balance in one year at ten percent. Apply at "Great Western Land Agency , " 130 and 132 Farnham Street , Omaha. auglTdtf hENT-A fine suite of front rooms suita TO ble for gentleman and wife. Apply at 277 Davenport fat , between 15th and I6th. auglSdtf mllE NICEST and best house in town lor J _ rent , South East corner of 17th and Chica go Streets. 9 Rooms , besides clothes presses , summer kitchen and bath room. Gas fixtures , good well , cistern , and cellar , and all other con veniences. P. BICKNELL , auglSdtf No. 230 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT House N. E. Cor. Dodge and 15th S.rcets. CUAS. H. I AAtS , auglZdtf 2U Farnham St. TO THE PUBLIC The undersigned has purchased and put upon the streets a public conveyances , some of the fluent carriages ever manufactured in this country. They will be run to and from the depots , hotels and pri vate residences. All orders left at'the Metropol itan Hotel , or at the stable , near S. E. cor. of Eleventh st. and Capitol ave , will be promptly attended to. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. auglldU -WM. E .BULL. T7\OR \ RENT Brick S.toiecprner Chicago and P Sixteenth streets The best location in the city , having been occupied far the last seven years as a grocery. ausTdtf S. WRIGHT. T\/rUSIC Mrs. A. Polack , for many years a 1VL successful teacher of music in the best Female Institutes of Kentucky , will receive pu pils in that branch at her residence , 253 Howard bt. Will commence teaching , Sept. augTdtf ] \/fONEY / TO LOAN On approved nersopil 1VJ. securitr , also City ap4 County Warrants bought and void. Inquire at Law Office of T. W. T. Richards , No. 49013th St. , Omaha. AugGdtf WANTED A girl to do general house-work at house on wtst side of 16 , bet. Jcpea md Leavenworth. TT7"ANTED A girl to do general housework. YY Inquire at 404 Burt St. , bet. 20 and 21. augSdtf _ 1TORE TO RENT 198 Douglas street. In- O quire ol WEBBER i BEHM. julTltt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ TTA.NTED-Iar ! Vuardtrs.lt ( fit Ioul6wT > t YY ror. of iOtH and Htfney aU. ie29tf WANTLD . . cneap irui in excnange for merchandise. Address , Farmer , BEK ifflce. JLD'M 'ROPOL.ALS FOR SURRENDER OF OMAHA PITT BprfDSV - ' CITV TREASURES 8 OFFICE. OMAIU , NED. , August 28th 1874. Scaled proposals will be received at this ffice until Sept. 8th at 12 M. , for the surrender f i imaha City Bonds , in any sums to the mount fl > fifteen thousand dollars or less , lids to be openea at the City Council meeting , ept. 8tb. Ik7 , ' " " * * 1 EDWARD JOHNSTON' , ang25 lOt City Treasurer. UNION MARKET , B. A. HARRIS , 37 Fifteenth Bieet , bat. Donglu and Podge. BEEF , FORK. button and Veal , Fish , Poultry , Game , og2G ly MD VE3BTABLES. QW. . HOMAN , Sr. , Cora for the necessities of the public , a First-Class Hearse and Carriages , s ! AH orders promptly attended to by leaving em at Cor. 13th and Harney Sts. ag23tf TO ETAIL CASH PURCHASERS For Sewing Machines. 32 ! n order to make room for our new styles , WP re put in PERFECT order all of our r/ld ck , including second-ban J , and offer them at 1EATLEY TituuCKD prices , for CASH. 3EAR IN MIND Ol ban ERY " HOWE " BOUGHT OF US acd AUTHORIZED canvassers is H'ARRAKT- , and INSTRUCTION given , as WE have a Sll PUTATION TO SUSTAIN. Experience res a machine WITHOUT Instruction is RSn than NONE at alL Ii G : aad ! .UTION. We know of large lots of worth- Still uiucs bought at low figures , that are be * lalmed off on the public for nearly as good polnl sw. Persons that do not want to run the Tn at6c of being swindled should NEVER buy of m.fi ESPONSIBLE puartles , u they have NO tation AT STAKE , as have old established panics. THE HOWE MACHINE CO. , PUL [ lOdlra 430 13th Street. H. U. WALKEB , Bei AJiUFAClUKEr. AHi DKALER IN thus i traasl : DOTS & SHOES Chicai Ticl UhSU Between Farnham and Douglas andC DI3V1 Gen'l Stl ' . Q.UAILEY'S F. Soap Factory ! ttted on the line of the Union Pacific no , near the powder house. Manufac- . fiisKlajj soap for home consumption. ] * 62MT Julj LIQUORS , WINES , ETC. _ 5 5O 8H 8b b * S H a R r1 IH i J 1 s i P. N. GLYBTN WHOLESALE AMD kJ-Hi BXILW IX Wines , Liquors , oegars , TOBtC 0 AND PIPES. JWCaHfomla Wines and Brandies."EO Corner of 15'h and Dodge streets opposite the new Post Office bulldinz , Omaha. Nebie25tf Bavarian Beer Hall ! 198 Douglas St , Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Finest brands of all classes of LIqcors and Scears. Fresh Lager constantly on hand. je25-3m CHAS. HART Prop. DEALER IN Fruits , Confectionery , CIO ASS AND T02ACCO. 215 Douglas , bet. llth and 1 Street. OMAHA , . . . NEBKAaKA. * ec2T HOTELS. GRAND CEiNTRAJL ISC > 17 33 Xj . OMAHA , - - - NEBHASKA The largest and best hot between Chicago ind San Francisco. Opened new September 30th. 1873. 30 tf GEO. THRALL. Proprietor. CITY HOTEL , E. T. PAGE , Proprietor. 10th St. , bet. Famham and Harney , O9I4.IIA , NEB. Free BUM to qr\frQin \ all Train * . Passengers for other Hole's or private Resi dences , carried for 23 cents. OS- All orders left at P. H. Allen's , 2d door from P. O , C. Wilson 4 bon , cor. 13ih and H'rney , and the City Hotel Othce , will receive prompt attention. jyTlm United States Hotel , COR. DOUGLAS AND TENTU STBUETS. T1HEUNDER5JIGNED respectfully announ- _ l _ ces thafne has purchased and refitted the i bore Hotel , and is now ready to accommodate he public , with board by dav or week , at reas * mable rates. WILLIASl LEUR , Prop. ILLINOIS HOUSE. root Between JHh" andolOth. , Prop. California House. FEITZ HATKEE , Prop'r. No. 170 Douglas Street , corp r Uth , Giaaha , rebraska. Botrd * by the diiy - - " ' Oentral House K 0.630 fLneentn Street , pp. Jefferson Square , OM.4HA , NEB. JOSEPH DOYE , Prop'r. Pay and.wceBoard at reasonable rates. First-class bur attached to the house. 1e27 3m - - LUTDLE HOUSE. On 9/A , let. Farnham and Harney Slreelt , 'J AS been entirely refiltud and re urnlshed. H * nd will accommodate all tolheboitot lardat $1,50 per day ; 40c per single meil. C , V , & S , M , HARRIS JyZSdly. Propr.etors. Southern Motel. Fronting oa 4th , 6thnd WalantiU , , 3t , Louis , - Mo. Laveille , "Warner & Co. , The Southern Hotel Is _ rjtclaM in all its ipointments. JU tables are at all times sup- icd in the greatest abundance , with all the licacies the markets afford , Its clerks and iployes are all polite and attentive to the inta of tbe guests of tbe hotel , There is an iproved elevator leading from the firct floor thp upper one , Railroad apd steamboat tetqffices. news $ ( apd. > pd wesicrr Union egraph offl e in the Hotnnda of hotel. ' WILUAM LATEY , orf 16th and "Webster Sts. , Keeps a complete assortment ol ROCEKIES and PBOYISIONS. WILLIAM SEZAUER. jrni1iam Strut , - - Oaaba , Keb WHOLES * LEiI ! > KKTAlL DEALER IN IRNITURE. BEDDING. ETC. I ENOCH HENNEY , ustice of the Peace TI dice over the State Bank , corner Farn. land 13thtri U. The Slonx City and Pacific Railroad , t Connection vlth lie DUX CITY & ST , PAUL RAILROAD , ! mllei the shortest route from Omaha Council Bluffr to St. Paul , JHce oolI , irater , Anoka , Dnlnth , Bismarck , and all ti In Minnesota. tin leaves Omaha daily , ( except Saturday ) i.clock p. m. , and Council Bluffs at 8.05 p * om Chicago A North-Western Depot. e as LOW and lime as QUICK as ' T- bj 007 other Line. credl pure LMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS OH ALL NIGHT TRAINS , ' , No mre your ticket reads VIA Sioux City , ivoioUng circuitous routes and midnight cr . Thel cets can be purchased at tbe offices of the a'weJ jo 4 Northwt item Railway in Omaha ouncll BIuQJ. J C. BOYDEN , Pau. t Ticket Agf St P. 4 S. C. R. R. ? _ ol , Minn. TheC F. C. HILL , and Pa s. and Ticket Agt , S. C.4P. , SIouz am oil a , Iowa. GEO. 17. GBATTON , Agent. C. 16J Firnhna Street , Oauthi , Keb. SIIsTGKEIR , , The Kingof the SEWING MACHINE WOPLD _ as rrf-cmincctly as Gold Eef"s Realms ct Finance. SALES JFOE 1873 : In Round Numbers 232,444 Machines ! TtBeine ever One Hundred and Thirteen Thousand mote MithlDcttlan were sold * v Sewing Machine Company during the same life. - * It will h tr . ly le denied -pen such evidence that the buptrlorlty of the Singer is fu'Jv monstrated. THE SINGER MANF'G ' CO. W. N. NASOKT , Agent , je KO. 212 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE GROOERS , Agents for the Oriental Powder 3TEELE & JOHNSON , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! S1MPSO.VS BLOCK 533 and 54O Four to © nth. Street , BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE - - - USTIEIB , MORGAN & GALLAGER. SUCCESSORS TO CREIGUTON AlO MORGAN 4 WHOLESALE GROCERS , ffo. LOi ; Farnham Street. aprSdly WHITNEY , B AUSER&AN fe CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS XTo. 247 Doug-lag Street , ! L , - USTIEIB mch27yi AGENTS FOR Til1 ! DUTO.NT POWDER CO. CLARK & FRENCH , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! AND DEALERS IN Canned Goods , Dried Fruits , Green Fruits in Season. JO 1 ORDERS SOLICITED. ' ND PROMPTLY FILLED. . s i IM : 3 ? s o nsr , MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN CIGAK 532OH OH 33IC3TO2r C. X. . A. 288 Dodge Street , 2d-Door East of 16th Street. I keep cons .ntly on hand the finest stock of Broad Cloth , Caulcierrs nd V which I am prepared to make up in tie most [ asUiooaDo si j Its and to suit the moat fastidious at the lowest possible pricta. jelOdly ROBERT C. STEELL , , JEALESIN- Faints , Oils. Varnishes , BRUSHES , LAMP , GOODS ETC. 257 Douglas Street mcMSeodlr JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS , HOSIERY , GLOYES and NOTIOXS. 231 Farnnam Street , - - " IsTIBIB. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE.DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS' ' TMT Notions , a id Boots and Shoes. JOHN T. -JOBBER OF Shelf i Heavy Hardware IRON , STEEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK , ! AND GmiCITLT'C lAli IMFIiEMBITTS , twmiSi ffiSS 3Stt , , KAKKS AND WAOOXt. ' mcblJy 46 Douglas Sttf Omalia , Nebraska. HENRY HORNBERGER. DEALER IX dbc-cfco. OldiKenluckjiWskles and Jmporlo't.tfoods a Specially. 39 ( CaldwellUlock DOUGLAS 8TB. , ) . , _ "KT"P1"R _ _ . OMES and FARMS IIT1TSBRASKA ie Burliozton and Mluonri P > er Rallroail Co. , oBers best Ian s at'low prlcei on 10 year It at 6 pc ceo ; interest , a A with a bonus preoiiuiaof 20 per cent , on the amount of th hase , U half the land is cultivated , withiii two yearn from data of p-rchuo. LAKGE DEDUCIONS FOR CASH PAYilENTS. rlh of ? latte , loup Fork and Elkhorn Valleys 3. A M R. K. Co. will seC about 1,000.000acres of iplcnll i < razlor and ajricultaral Ian 11 watered country , at Irom SI . ' to 37.00 per acrr oa long credit. South of he Piatte > nit > ny ownes a large body of the best land in Kebraska , Intersected by numerous Ijaceut to iurailroaj and in the largest _ nd best developed part of the State , u alia i tpablican Valley. For circulars and full information apply to R. SCHALLER , Agent B. & M. land Office , Corner of Ninth and Faralian Sts. , Omalia Or General Load Department , Lincoln , Ne ,