OMAHA DAILY BEE VOL. IV. OMAHA WEDNESDAY MORNING AUGUST 26 , 1874. NO58 ; THE DAILY BEE. EDWAKD liOSEWATEB , Editor'and Prop'r , .V OBec-Ko. 138 Farnbmtn iirect , b tw. . Mnth nd Tenth. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : On. copr , three menths in dTance . _ _ Z. jrIf not paid In adTancc , 8 per annum will l-colM * ! . * TBEDERICK , l-v LEADING HATTER ! Best Goods , I.OWESTFR1CES . } OMAHA. OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY OBAOKBB MASUFAOrOBT. Smith. 185 Uarner itreet. b t. MedureA 12th. detUU GLASS AHD PIOTORS PB MES. T Belnhart , 186 Dou < U itreet. dealei In j.window gltnj and picture Iramei. ( Hating "done to order. a-2" BOOTS AHD SHOES. Lang. 155 Farnham at. between 10th Philip 115h febl rl OOHTEOTIOHEBT. . Later , corner 12th and Douglo strteu , mtnufacturer and wholesale dealer IB candicaand conlectionerr. Country trade ao- llceted. Pl ' OOATDEALERS. . S Elliot , coal , lime , cemen lhair etc. , Poland it. febUmS PAWH BBOKEB. Elgutter , No. 200 Farnham it. lelTtf M. IAUHDBT. IAUHDBT.all llth at. , tat. . first rlas work - - - - fAOTOKT. ircmtum Soap Works , Powell A Co , still I manufactire their Premium Soap. Fire nt premium rtwsrded by the l-ougla county and State lairs , and Pott wattaml county , la. Orders oli-JUdIrom the trade ATTOKHE7B. E. F. SUVTUE. Q. C. GRAVES. SMYTHE & GRAVES , Attorneys -at-aw. Boom 5 Creighton Block. E. ESTABROOK. IT. M. FRANCIS ESTABROOK& FRANCIS ATTOBNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE- Crouton Block , Omaha , Neb. DEXTER L THOMAS , Atlornej and * Counselor at Law. 07PIOE Boca Ho Vlw&er'i Block , OMAHA - NEB. JOHN W. LYTLE , Ittornoj-at-Isw and Solicitor la Eqolty. OITIOK.-OTK First Batloaal B tk , mil-tr , J. CORNELL. Ootua-fBollox- AKD fifptrict Attorney for Secoad Jnd- Iclal District , OFUCS South aide of Farnham , between IStb an Utb it * . , opposite Court Uous * . PAliKE GODWIN , Attorney at Law * ( Uallmsn Bkek , ) 4)0 THIETEEKTH BTBEET. OMAHA l2fi I ID ( A. BALDWIN BAX.DWIK * O'BRIES , ATTOENEYS LAW Office Caldwell Block , Pouglu Street , " \ OlfAILA. , - - - - NEBRASKA. JOHH B. KKLJ.KY. t ) Attorne 1 CounseloratLaw -OMAHA- .ptOLLECTIONS SOLICITED AND PROMPT- \J Ij attended to. No charge unl M ccllec- Uoni are made. Hou e * to let and renti col- cted. Heal estate bought and told. aplTtf G. W. AMBBOSE , BEDICK'8 OFERA HOUSE V OUAHA ? rtU T. W. T. Jiicnards , Attorney at Law , OCre 490 13th SI. , bet. FarBluua and llarnpy Omaha , Neb. P0. . Box BO O. BALLOU , ATTORNEY at LAW OOoe n Crelfhton'a uew block , tontheait cor room , floor. OMAHA. _ NEB. | JOHN C. CO WIN , .A.-ttox-xxoy. Solicitor 15D COUNSELOR. OFFICE-CREIGITTON'S BLOCK , OMAHA , KEBBASKA. N. arKU f. o.rAUk. so. K.rJtrTCiim SPAUN & PRITCHE'IT , Attorneys tad Couaselon at Lair. OS ? . 60 TweU. i b' Mt. J. S. SHROPSHIRE , AttorneyatLaw : Boom Ko. I , S. E. Coi ncr 13lh and DoajUi 8U , OMAHA , - - NEBR. I ji SAVAGE & MANDhRSON , 1 Attorneys at Law , MJ FAKNHAM STREAT. /aa tr. i r ) N. J. BURNHAM. ATIOBNEI AND COUKSCLLOB AT IAW , No. 260 Farnham Stntt NEB. DON'T forget tbe free exhibition of aldermanic pugiliam'at Pattee'a Municipal Academy of fun to-night. A NEW outlet to the seaboard has just been completed. "We refer to the Chicago branch of the Baltl- more & Ohio railroad , which is some miles shorter than any of the old routes , and presents superior advan tages to shippers of western products. An indiscriminate slaughter in clothing and gents' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 206 Farnham street. Fine linen and chevoit shirts oi our vn make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. fiailroad J ckett bought and sold by P. Gottheimer. Broker , at 296 Fan.ham street. Unredeemed Pledges for Sale. may Iy26 7. MOOEEHEAD , AND PHA-RM CIST , Block , Bet. Oalifbnk ( t Websttr Eta. OMAHA , NEB. Phyiklani Frescriptloui carefully Je2G3iu comnouniiwl , DENTISTS , OFFICE , /la. 23 ! FARHHAM ST. CI STUBS. Brt. 13th ( L Hth StsOMAHA. . OS-Oldest j > ractlclnir DmUUU lu the city DR , A , S , BILLINGS , Stt. , Bet. 1 tb and Utb , up Uir , - , Teeth nitrated without pain , byutoof NI- . troua Oxtdo 7u. roffircopezatcUtcz tftf L VAN CAMP M.D. DUpensei hi * own meJclnea , and beaidei nenlar practice , makei ipeci&lltlM of Deran ge- raenU and Dlaeaaw Peculiar to Women , Flitu * . la , File * and other Dlieaaea of the Bectum. OFFICE : Corner Farnham and 14th street * , Bnt door to the right , up U1' . Restdenc- , 210 Douglu street , between 12 and nth , next to Lutheran Church Omaha , Feb. Addrm * Lock Box SH. UBS. J. E. VAS DBUCOOK. Eclectic Physician. Betldenee and offic , 230 DoJga $ t bet 14th nnd 15th its. Kpeclal attention paid to obstetrics and dt * uu peculiar to women and children. f9tf. NEW SALOON- HENRY , the popular Saloon ke per , has re. fitted up tha buement of old Herald building , cor. 13th and Douglas Sts. , There , in connec tion with bin bsr be sets out a Lunch prerr mornlnjracd URAND LUNCU EVKBV SAT- UUDAY. Ulre him a call. al dU Mrs. D. A. MOFFETT , Fashionable Dressmaking Fourteenth St. , OMAHA. NEB. Wood ! Wood ! Wood ! Immense Reduction ! A T S. P. BKIO 8' YARD , CORNER OF A llth and Chi ago Street * . Good Hard Wood 17 00 ; Soft $ % 00. Store Wood to lull anr number of store rerr cheap. aplStf EDWARD KUEHL. MAoisraa OF THE DEPAUTPD. Ho49310th St , between Farniam & Haraej , Will by tbe aid of guardian spirit * , obtainer or any tme A riew of tue pant , present and fu ture. No fen oharged in cases of sickness , LhU.U , NOTICE. To th'e oiroera o { th * lands sought by the City ol Omaha to be condemned lor the ex Untlon 01 10th street , In said CJtr , jpuf h from It * pres ent terminus. The undersigned tbrea disinterested freeho'd. en of tbe Clt r of Om.ha. tppulnted by the Slayer - JtI Jt or and Council of said Olty to assess tha dam ige to tbe owners of the properly nought to be ta ken fcr the extension uf 10th street In said City' south from Its present terminus , at the north 1 Hue of lands owned by George Francis Train , { south to Caslellar Street in South Omaha addi tion , such eztention to be 100 feet In width , A will on the 5th day of September , A. D. 1374 , 1 magi on the said lands to be appropriated , at 1 10 o'clock in the forenoon , lor the purpose of assessing said dsmages It harlng heretofore bren declared necetsarr l > r tbe Council of said City by ordinance , to appfoprjale said lands to the useof said City. ' B. G JENKINSON. P. McGAVOCKJ Dated t Omaha , AiWW JHth , 1874. aagl3d2tprw ttepta ( LEGAL NOTICE. Hugh G. Clark , and Junlus B. French , a firm doing business as Claik A French , vs. S I Field , wbOH first name is unknown. Before John R. Porter , Justice of the Peace , in and for Douglas Connty , State of Nebraska. On the 17th day of August. A. D. , 1874 , said Justice issued an order of altachmtnt in the abore action lor the sum of dnjlars and ninety-six cents. You will answer on or J ttfore Sept. 29th , 1674 CLARK A FRENCH. Vf IT : 1Burnbam , Attorney. p V SPENCER'S Fruit ani Confectionary n a u Cor. 13th and avonworth SIB. , e y43m AT TUE BRIDGE n lit t ] CARRIAGE , BUGCY and WAGON Ph Pn MASUFACTDRER. n . E. CORNER ot Hth and BARNEY 8X8 , n OULD respectfully announce to the pub v W lic that be is now ready to fill all con ti tracts la the abort line * with neatnet * and tit dispatch. tiri 'Express wagons constantly on hand and ri for sale. of sale.P to P , FALLON , ; : DEALER IV e f ll llb Dress Goods , Silks and Trimmings. b Ko. 263 Dodge I ' e t , between Hth and 13th. Dress maMnc done with neat- e aese and dispatch. Orders iiIc sdhoited. Icri Je3S-Sm ri ritJ tJ C. T. HALIAU1T , tJP tJv ITtCor. FamtiamiiBd Elerenlb Sts g Allklcdiot TAILORING , Cleaning and re- pelrlni done at reasonable rates. A fine lot of KURNISUUiU GOODS constantly on band ind told cheap. dec26tf. JOHN H. GKEEN. d STATE MILLS 5 5ai DEALER Ot ai GRAIN , FLOUB AND FEED , aitt AKD hi COMMISSION MERCHANT.hi VERT LATEST , MIDNIGHT. CHICAGO , August 25. The farmers of the Eleventh Con gressional District have nominated James P. DImmitt. CINCINNATI , Aug. 25. The republicans of the eighteenth district to-day renomlnated James Monroe for congress EVANSVILLE , Ind. , August 26. The Democrats of the First Con gressional District , at Princeton , to day , nominated Benois S. Fuller. LOUISVILLE , August 25. The United States militia are ar resting the rioters In Owen county whether white or black. A num. of troops left here for that region to-day. In Lancaster everything is quiet. HARTFORD , August 25. The races at the new Charter Oak Park commenced to-day. The 2:40 trot was won by Wetherby , with Reserve second. Time , 2:28 : } , 2:32 2:31 } . The 2:27 race was won Sy Nashville Girl , witn Music second. Time 2:28 } , 2:20 } , 2:24 : } . ST. Louis , August 25. The Democrat to-morrow will publish information which shows that Iowa has excellent corn crops , but only 75 per cent , as many hogs as last year , and greatly reduced in weight. , The Illinois corn crop will be about one-third less than last year , and hogs are one-half less , and much lighter. Missouri will have a poor corn crop , and a large falling off in hogs Sioux CITY , August 25. A large meeting of old miners and others interested In the devel opment of the mineral resources of tue Black Hills , was held here this evening. Two hundred and fifty names were enrolled under Captain Russell , who intends to leave here a1 out the 10th of September for the Black Hills. It is understood that tliis organization will move in con junction with several others form- intr in different places on the fron tier. WASHINGTON August 25. In reply to a request of the Gov ernor of Kansas for arms and am munition , to be used in defending the southern border of the State against the reported threatened in vasion of the Osage Indians , the Secretary of war states that in view of the fact that the State was fur nished In July last with five hun dred carbines and fifty rounds of ammunition , on which account the $ ateiis still indebted to the general government , he does not feel au thorized tq grant the request. SAN FRANCISCO , August 25. The mail steamer' China , from Panama , has arrived. A dspatch | from San Diego says the 4pacpes'are making more .raids into donora. Don"Irpuo Landres sends word to the President of the municipality of Booatohuachi that ho was attacked by savag&ron the 15th ult. As four of his party are not to be found , he supposes them to have been killed. A force of 22 men was sent to the scene of attack. They found the bodies of three of them , who had fought valliantly uatfl their ammunition gave out , and they "then broke their guns ha pieces. SPRINGFIELD , 111 ? , Aug. 25. The Democratic congressional convention for the twelfth district met here to-day and nominated Wm. M. Springer , of this city , against the protest of the Christian county delegation , whose candidate , a farmer , was beaten. Delegates to the Democratic State convention , to be held hereto ? morrow , are beginning to arrive. The Convention called by Judge Ledlie ] , of this city , met at two o'clock in mass meeting , and were addressed by Gen. Singleton , of Qulncy. < v It The stialght Democratic conven w tion t organized by electing Gen Jas. sitl jjlngleton , of Adams county , tem tlte porary I president , and R. C. Neely , teoi ' of Sang'anjon pounty , Secretary- oisi The convention was thinly attended , si and the appointment o'f committees siS was deferred until U o'clock to morrow , till whiohtime the qon e vention adjourned. aibi BATON ROUGE , August 25. biti The congressional district conven tihi tion nominated as follows : hiSE have n * 'tff ' N.L _ i T * Tl C-lll . SE SESi Sim jf St. Landry , and other districts si ill probably nominate to-night siT The ooventions BSQ Dominated oi > Bandall Gibson , troro the first oon- gresalonal dlstrfot. Col , WM. . J evy from the fourth district , and B. F. Bpencer , from the fifth district. Tbe Btate convention nominated oc , 0. Jfonoour , { rgasurer , and then "W adjourned. The resolutions and platform rsbv ported and adopted set forth that the white people of Louisiana , embraSi cing thp democratic , conservative , th reform , liberal , white man's parties , St and others opposed to the J elojjg } bo usurpationand declare that the fjov * in ernment existing in the State is th maintained by violence and fraud , Ci In opposition to the State and nawi tlonal constitution , aud also to the of popular will ; that dominant faction fo has inflamed the passions of the PJ negroes against the "whites and Is made the unity of the B < whites a necessity , they prolei test against the enactment of laws lei force the social equality of the nx races , -while asking that the rights be all be protected , without regard colon They are , however ; conhs vmced that tbe flection of white gr ; men to omoe Is necessary to effectual reform. They disclaim the alleged } intention of carrying the election m by violence , and denounce Governor * th Kellogg as a usurper and his govac ernment : as unjust. While favor- sit Ing the payment of taxes and the po legitimate debt , they disfavor the or recognition of fraudulent obligaHi tlons , and call for a searching inaq vestlgatlon In the matter. They or pledge themselves to restore the sa : government to honesty- . de ex St. Louis Live Stock. an toi ST. Louis , August 25. ev Hogs Receipts , 3,000 ; market evwJ dull anrt weak ; Yorkers held at ct 756 70. foi Cattle Receipts 860 | good graces do ire wanted , others duil ; common sii choice Texans held at 2 003 75 ; ea bytchers , 2 603 00 ; good to choice no natives , 4 50@6 75. lei TELEGRAPHIC , 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Bp cialljr Baported for the Omaha Dally B * * , br the ItUntio and Padfio TelezrtPk Oo. NEW YORK , August 25. Barney Aaron has challenged Collyer to fight at catch weight for 1,000 or two thousand dollars a side within two months after signing articles , and within 500 miles of JNew York. ST. PAUL , August 24. A rise in the Mississippi river last night broke a log boom of the St. Anthony boom company , at St. An thony Falls , and a million and a quarter of logs went over the Falls , ojoss , § 12,000. The escaped logs have 'considerably damaged other dams. "WlLKESBARRE , AUgUSt 24. All coal companies doing business around ArdenWyoming and Lack- awanna Valleys , stopped working yesterday , the market being over stocked. They expect to resume September first. Twenty thousand men and boys will have no em ployment during the suspension. WARRENTOX AUg. 25. The following is published by authority : CARD : "The difficulty between Col. J. S. Mosby and Captain D. Payne has been tills day amiciably and honorably adjusted. ( Signed. ) E. HUNTON , JAS. KUTH. NEW YORK , August 25. A special irom Birmingham England , says Arthur Claydon wll arrive in New York next week in the interest of the British labo movement. His mission is to re port on Virginia and North Carolina lina as fields for labor for the mid die classes of British emigrants. WASHINGTON , August 25. The Secretary of the Treasury will , on the first of September , issue a i call for $15,000,000 five-twenty 1i bonds 1 , the interest of which wil cease 1I i in ninety days after date , for collection < This amount is equal to the I remainder of subscriptions to the I new five per cents , $25,000,00 ( of < the amount having been callec some time since. Sometime during September f it is expected that the syndicate will take another install ment ' of the five per cents , probabh $45,000,000. ROCHESTER , August 25. The Union publishes the result of an interview of one of its reporters and Miss Susan B. Anthony , rela tive to the statement of Mrs. Tilton and Bessie , implicating Miss An thony in an improper tete-a-tete with Theodore Tilton. Miss An thony denies the whole story , but regards } t as too absurd to be worthy of notice , yhe say's slie never heard that girl Bessie was anything more than a servant to Tilton's family , that she was half an idiot , and Mrs. Tjfton had repeatedly said she could not instjll jnto thp girl the first elements of truth , / NEW YORK , August 23. It Is understood that a large amount of money is belngstaked on the success of the American team with the coming international rifle matchthe , Americans bettingheavy odds on their countrymen. The managers of the affair counsel against this , as they say , although tlfe Araorjqan. tSSP3 are improving rapidly , the' dharie&s'jn' the matcii D t will be against them for the reason 1 that 'ama ' they are comparatively teurs In shooting at one thousand g' yards , while the Isish team have practiced at this range for many years. The Americans have prac ) ticed at this range only since last spring. There are three or four , qts Jn thp Anierjcan team who ' E capabje'of gxcelling the . : NEW YORK , August 24 , The Herald reporter who inter g'w viewed Tilton asked whether there truth whatever In the aliu- was any aliufo jions to Miss Susan . Anthony by jj the girl Bessie , before the commitpj tee. Mr. Tilton replied with an air ? jf solemnity : "I tremble and w skiver to answer until I hear what b cnyveperable friend , Susan a. Anthony - ' > r thony , h'as tq say concerning the ' " smbsrrassing ] situation'in"wh'gbt } we | werp c ughf th t evening. My e mxiety is not concerning Bessie , pc but Susan , Little Bessie's apousa- pcn Lion sits far more lightly on ray at lead than dear , good Susan iat upon my knee. I don' t say that bl Susan would do the same thing blve low , but she was younger then. ve STou'need not prpsa me farther ; I th ihall hot , ' for Sosanls 'sake , deny It. of Dhere ; have been too fe\v confessions de f plain truth in this controversy. " in , July2-i. } Considerable excitement has been de occasioned by reason of the bail of thFr rVmBentouone of the parties con- Fr ' lected with the Harrington Safe in mrglary. an The Evening CrJtio eays , that on Jo Sunday evening lost it w s reported piall hat Richard Harrington , United all States District Attorney John Os- > rne , United States District Com- be njbsjoner of New i'ork , and Chris- be Ian Bcheltenhand , of New York in Jity , arrived here , and' soon aftprr hrjws rards effected the release from jail ws Wm. Benton , under indictment Sa : the burglary of the safe of the Jstrict Attorney in April last. It also hinted that on release of ienton and A. D. Williams , they eft the city together. Benton's re- , case Is commented on in the most mflattcring terms , especially as it cars on Mr. Harrington. 1C It is concluded that Benton should < been held inasmuch 681 3 iaye , as the randjury and the criminal court < lave agreed to meet to-day , and va enton might be wanted at any ] aoment. The best lawyers told ] acm that bail should not have been ccepted from a party residing out. ide , and they to-day assert most r ositively that neither Judge Fisher the District Attorney , nor Mr. larrington , as his assistant , had ny right to accept bail for Benton any one else connected with the ftfe burglary. The Attorney General , having eslgnated Mr. A. G. .Kiddle to take . xclusive control of the whole case , nd at the request of Mr. Harring- himself. If Mr. Harrington has ver done any one act in connection rith the case to hurt his cause , this has done most effectually Ills sake , and it was a pity it was ) one. As to Mr. Benton , $2,000 is dr imply nominal bail , which may be asily made up , and he appear , or , just as it may suit his conven- r LITTLE ROCK , Aug. 25. Returns from seventeen county conventions for nearly half of th State , show that the election of del egates aieinstruted to vote for Bax ter for Governor. WASHINGTON , August 25. The treasury department has is sued a letter to collectors of cus toms , instructing them not to exac fees for the oath to a manifest o coastwise cargo of registered or li censed vessels. George B. Williams , of Indiana , formerly second deputy commission er of Internal revenue , who is ai present an officer of the finance de partment of Japan , in a letter to friend in this city says there seems to be a fine prospect for a fight be tween China and Japan , growing out of the occupation of the Island of Formosa by Japanese troops , General Williams .reports himself and other Americans connected with the Japanese government , in good health. Private advices from other sources report the arrival of a prominent American officer , who has obtained leave of absence from the govern ment , and whose mission is to sell a large quantity of arms to the Japanese government. The mis sion of this official , it can be stat ed , was projected , and he started to Japan previous to any difficulty be tween China and Japan , in fact ne gotiations for'sale-of the arms re ferred to , was- almost completed by a coirespondence through the Span ish Charge d'affairs , before the offi cer had left this country , and his enl > object in visiting Japan waste to satisfy the sale and benefit his health by a sea voyage. JNEW XOKKf AUgUSt 25. Josiah Shoves , confidential clerk of Corlies , Macey fe Co. , stationers , of Nassau street , was arrested to day , charged by the firm of having embezzled funds to the amount of $35,000 , committed to him for , ma king purchases , etc. The defalca tion was discovered by examining the books during Shoves' summer vacation. YORK , Aug. 25. Three hundred Menuonites ar rived by the steamer City of Chester from Liverpool Sunday , and started for Dakota yesterday. While the tug boat , James Ma- hon , towing five coal barges , was coming down East river yesterday , three men in a small boat attempt ed to get tow behind the barges. The boat upset and they were all swept under the barges and drown ed. Names not learned. NEW i'oRK , August 25. Gustave Meyer , supposed to be a defaulter or having committed a lar ceny of one hundred and eighty thousand dollars in bonds irom a German bank , has been arrested. The matter so far has been kept very quiet. WASHINGTON , August 25. In reply to the telegrams of Gov. Qsborne. 'of Kansas , requesting arms ' ' an'd ammunition'to be used in de fending the southern border of that State from the threatened devastar tions by hostile Indians , 'the se'qra- tary ; Pf Wftf 8ays "flip 'debt of that State on account of arms , aminuni1 tion and equipments furnished by the general government , amounts now to fortv-seven thousand dollars , and he does not feel authorized to Issue any more. Five hundred car- blues and fifty thousand rounds of cartridges were furnished as late as July last. In army circles theopln- lon Is expressed that there will not be any trouble with the Indians but what can oe successfully controlled > y the United States forces. Q6v , U0\Vel-tifenpw ! 'postmaster jen'eral-visited ' th'e post'ofllco'depart- ' raent this morning. Aftef an in- Lervlew with the assistant postmas ter general and a brief examination f the condition of the department , 3ov. Jewell went to the state de partment for the purpose ot examin- ng th ? new commissioner. He re- urnstO qng } } tbjs af-teruoou iyith thp comrfllssioriers. " LONG BBANCH , Aug. 25. The talked of swimming match 'or the ljpnplonshlp of the world jetween ( J. B. Johnson. the chara- lon of England , and Andrew rantz , the champion of America , vill take place here at two o'clock his afternoon. The stakes are for me thousand dollars a side and a @ ijiampion cup valued at five bupr s " " | red. fFhe contest w s arrarigVji ' everaj weeks ago and has been twj'ce d postponed. Both men have been at training for the past two weeks atP1 .ttended by professional trainers. P1e The match has created considerate e\ ! te interest here ; betting has been efe ery brisk and large sums been in- 11 ested , the English champion being he favorite at 100 to 60. Crowds te visitors from New York , Phila- tePJ ielphlfi and Washington are r arrly- PJ ' " ' ' ag , ttf witness1 Uie fa'ge. . ilr ' According to 'the articles of agree- \ \ pqt , thp men wjl | Vjjve ofl ' the bu eck of a steamboat and sw'm ( to 4P shore , a distance of three miles , 'rants is comparatively unknown H aquatic circles , and Is more of an mateur than a professional , while ohnson is the recognized cbam- lon of England , having defatec | competitors ft > r tbpt tjfp ] , fii LATER. The swimming [ match exIt etwecn Johnson and Frantz has een postponed until four o'clock , ItN. consequence of a heavy sea. A N. rjsk wind is blowincr. and the aves are funning higher than on atnrday. 50 St. Loiijs Produce Market. ST , L.OUI2 , August 85. Flour Dull and weak. stc Wheat Dull ; No 3 red held at 00@1 05 ; No Sat 1101 15. Corn Higher ; No 2 mixed,68 © } , elevator. Oats Firm ; No 2 44j45J in ele- ator. Rye Quiet and unchanged. Barley No 2 100iao. go Whisky Firm , 98. ' de Pork Firm ; at 24 for cash and at seller foe the year. tei Lard Higher , good , 15 } . 37 37i i hicago Live Stock Market. be CHICAGO , August-25. 84 ! Cattle Receipts , 2,000 , Market eadler and prices weak and easy. large number on hand at close , exans held at 2 20a4 30 ; fair to lolce steers , 4 65a5 90 ; extra , 6 25a 50. Hogs Receipts , 2,600. Market Jtive and lOalQc higher for good , there steady. Sales of poor to Te 5- mmon at 5 50a6 50 ; medium to No : , 6 60a6 75 ; good to choi.e , 6 80a te i tail and Sbeep Receipts , 1,000. Market 1 loderately active und lower ; sales paj L poor to choice at 2 00a4 50. CABLEGRAMS. HAVANA , August 5 On and after September 1st , cus tom duties will be payable entirely in gold , and paper will not be re ceived. St. THOMAS , August 18,1 via HAVANA , August 24. f Ex-President Baez of San Domin go arrived yesterday from Porto Bl- co , en route for Uuracoa. BAYONNE , Aug. 25 , In consequence of the confisca tion of the property of the Carllsts by the Spanish government , Prince Alphonso , brother to Don Carlos has Issued an order to his troops an nouncing that relentless measures will bo taken. CALCUTTA , August 25. Late returns in regard to the ex tent and efforts , report that eigh millions of Knave are still depend ent for charitable relief. Further distress is threatened. In Terhate the weather is exceedingly dry , anc unless rain falls soon , the harvesi will prove a failure. MADRID , August 23. The ministerial crisis has again approached , and Senors Gesta and Cortuna have resigned from the cabinet. Arshal Zabala has been removed from his command in the army. It is reported that Don Car los proposes to convoke the General Assembly. JACONET 20th , via ) HAVANA 25. / The gathering of the coffee crop will begin next month. f The war steamer Haytian is mo mentarily expected here on her way to San Domingo City , bearing com missioners to negotiate a treaty of peace and commerce between Hay- ti and San Domingo. SAN DOMINGO CITY , Aug. 12. \ via HAVANA , Aug. 14 , j The Republic is perfectly tranquil. Ex-Minister Delmonte , of Baez's government has taken refuge in Concatti. Baez and his son Felix is in prison. By a recent decree of the government , seventy-five per cent , of all duties must be paid in specie and the remainder in govern ment bonds. .LONPON , August 25 , A special dispatch to the News from Sautander announces the ar rival of the German men-of-war Nautlus and Albatros at that port , and says they were well received. The LaRepublique France has an account of the proceedings of the international congress at Brussels , which is considered trustworty. It shows that the German diplomats took the lead in the deliberations , and the representative of Great Britain was silent most of the time. LONDON , August 25. The twenty-two Americans began a crjckot match at Dublin yesterday with the Dublin Club. The Ameri cans scored 71 in their first inning , and the D.ublin club had made 22 runs with 9 wickets down when'the game was postponed for the clay. The , American clubs then played a * game of base ball , in which the Bostons beat the f > hHad.elplUas by "a score of 12 to 7. Thp weather was favorable , and the players had a large and admiring crowd of specta tors , among whom was the Duke of $ Abercora. LONDON , Aug. 25. The Carlista have extinguished the lights on the Spanish coast be tween St. Baiz and Santouia. Spanish advices by way of Paris , report that the inhabitants refuse to supralt to Frenqh conscrvatlsmanq disturMnces arelmnlinenl. News come from Carllst sources that Baycerardo Is in flames. The formal recognition of Spain by Sweden is announced. Five hundred laborers belonging to the Englisn agricultural union , will leave thjs country for tomprrow. ' MARKETS ' BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. NEW i'ORic , August 25. A Money On call easy at 2@2 } wr cent. Foreign Exchange Pull qt 480 3J487 for Cft days ; 4S9j@490 for ijght. Gold More aptivt , but lower un- , ier ( influence of free sales ; opened 119 , ( JecUned to 100J , which is jresent price. Governments Firm with how- ver less inquiry ; no particular eature presented ; currency sixes C 17f.Stock Stock Weak at opening , but af- PI erward advanced J@J per cent ; irices then fell olT@J percent , but this hour the market is a trifle Inner ; W U Pac Mail S S U'B. Vabasli & R I represented bulk of iUsiness ; Erie 32Jj P M 48 ; TJ P 20J ; 8. lew ( York Produce Market. . MEW YORK , August 2.3. BreadstufEi Heavy. Flour Heavy and lower ; super , ine State and Western , 5 00@5 15 ; I xtra 5 30@5 85. Wheat Cent lower ; Ko 1 spring 24@1 25 ; No 2 Chicago 112@115 ; \o . 1 Milwaukee spring 115al 18. Corn Steady ; Western mixed float , 83. Oats Easy ; Western mixed new 0@55. Rye 931 00. Provisions Quiet and unchanged feather In fair demand and teadyt Iron Nominal. Wool Nominal. Chicago Prouuce market. CHICAGO , August 25. Flour Quiet and unchanged ; oed to choice new extras 4 75a5 00 ; emand fair. Wheat Steady ; August 02J ; Sep- smber 91f Oats Steady ; cash 41 ; September Corn Cash , August and Septem- 65J@66 ; October 66a66 } . Barley Quiet ; cash 88a90 ; Sept. Rye 74. Highwines 97. Pork DullSept22'50 ; , year. 1GJ. Lard Dull ; 14 * year 11. SOT1CE Taken up M Estrajs July 20,1374 on prem- leased from U. W. Foibes about four miles orth hut o ( Omaha one red and while apot- cow , about 10 or 12 years old , with abort , and right horn broken oE Abe one red white bell calf alwut ilz wcelu old. Tha owner Is requested to prove propartf , chirjea , and take Bald stock away aozlSdltwlw' ISAAC EEAVIS , Lt HELLMAN & CO. , CLOTHIERS , AND DEALERS IN- OOOJDS , 221 and 223 FARNHAM STREET , COR. 13TH ST OUR STOCK FOB THE -AJSro STJIMIIMlEiR ; Is Complete now ; Our Assortment in Fur Goods Comprises tko Latest , THE LATEST STTLES HT SATS A2TD CAPS. We Hare also a Full Hue in BOY'S and YOUTH'S Clothing. WE WILL SELL OURGOODS LOWER THAN EVER. M. HELLMAN & CO. - * * * * c TPAT.T. STOCK : , 1873. R. A. BROWN , 248 Douglas Street , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS , CARPETS , AND OIL CLOTH , An Immense Stock of Fresh New G-oods Just Opened to/3be / sold lower than any other house in the city , consisting of MERINOS , EMPRESS CLOTHS , RSPELLAffi , ALPACAS & MOHAIRS , also VELYET & BEAYER CLOAKIffGS. A FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS , BLANKETS , FLANNELS , MERINO "UNDERWEAR AND WORSTED GOODS. TABLE LINEN IN GREAT TARI T . A FULL LINE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS , OIL CLOTHS , MATTING RUGS , AND MATS , Furniture , bedding , Mirrors , pertaining to the FURNITURE ± ycx S4Le and UP HOLSTERY trade ; has largely increased his stock , and now has a complete asso.tment p ± FINE , MEDIUM and LOW PRICED goods , which he is offering at such REDUCED PRICES as tq make it to the interest of everyone desiring anything in this : line , to examine his stock before * purchas- PARLORSLTS , LOUNGES 4850. , UPHOLSTERED ANP COVERED TO ORDER. _ CH4.S. SHXVEHIC3S , . treet. Oxx > L. WOODWORTH , 538 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. WACO1T Wood Stock , HABDWABE , Patent Wheels , PinMed Oatrlag , &C. .xles , Springs and Thimble Skeins HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hacks Buggies Stadebacker I'XVmgonj Depqt. mchCU G. STBIFFLER DEALER IN o c rorkions Fruits , Nuifc Conreclionery , Tobacco , Segars , E. COS. OF TEHTH and PABNHAM. apii4t WHOLESALE CANDIES I am. ov 4&anuiacturing all varieties of candles and will pell a STIEIE&IISr F NICIES , Dealers In this State need not want to go East far CANDIES , A trial Is solicited. im atOor - mchlltl B. & J. WILBUR , Books and Stationery , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Fourteenth , Street ! - , XTofe GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL SCHOOL BOOKS arS-lmy AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. and Sarney Streets , Spring and Summer Styles , A. POLACK , CLOTHIER , 233 Farnliam St. ITear 14th. 'ine and Medium Clothing , and Fu ]