he Host Iftfulerful Medical Vh- covcry of the Age Every Han his own IMiys'cIan. Frazicr's Great Remedy The people of the United States hive been humbug/ed with all 1 lads of Patent Medicines , quacks _ ua importers jior the past lew years , In a most ishanielul manner. The writtr of the following is one of the victims , and M lahea to preient u very pl-du case. l > iing i that by cleansing the b'ood was tLecnly true w j I banishing disease , ami lielng a great snflerer fn.m weak lungs and 4 scrofulous alleclion , and after trying many kinds of 1 'a tent .Medicines and the most eminent FbysicUns , I commenced doctoring in j self , and at last U scovcred a Itlood Searcher , or iloot liitter * , which not only gave uie Im mediate rcleif , but alter a few weeks cflected a radical cure. The cough left me , my lungs became strong and sound , my appetite good , and the sciofulous disease had disappeared. Keeling confident that my Discovery possessed woudcrful healing v rtues , I gave it to others illlicinl , and loiinJ it eUectedthe roost miracu lous cures in thousands of cases , not alone curing Coughs , Consumption , Asthma. Catarrh , Scrofula and Weak Lungs , but all diseases caused from humors in the blood. Thedcmand Irwu luv friends and other , bearlngabont these Hitter * becoming ery great , I com tin-need putt - t n ? them up for sale , railing heni FliAZIhlfb UoOT IHTinRS. I was at first backward in presenting cither inytclf or medicine to the imblic-not being a I'atent Medicine Man , but I am getting bravely o.er that. I have sold thousands of bult > cs it my Hoot Bitters , and it is my desire and determination to place the same v. itliln the reach of every sullenng man , woman and child ou ti-e face of the cu ilized globe. ThogranJ principle that operates in these Root Kilters is toe power they jiussess iu cleans ing the turgid blood and banishing the Vila humors Irom the ) stem. Hoot iiitte s arc strictly a Medicinal Preparation , compounded from roots combined with herbj and plajts , many of whLh were used in the good o.d daxi of our forefathers , w hen people were cured by some simple loot or herb , and whea Calomel and oilier potsuus of the mineral kingdom ere utikn'owu. They bpcu all the natural passages of the body , cast out disease , take away all sickness and build up tha system witb pure blood , hence they must readi U diseases by purifica tion and iiGiirisbiucJJ * . No IM.TSOU can 'ate Koot Hitlers and remain long uundl. Victory upon \ictory they h.e gained ov " disra.se and death in all stations and coodltious in life. They are constantly ef- ffrili-S cures of th-- utmost iuiiHiriance. her vmikumitiion , Astuuu , acr fula , j.rufuluus K- ruptiuii" , Catarrh , U cilc Lungs. Lost Yitalitv and ISrukeii-down Constitutions , these Koot Hitters rc unhe sal y admitted to be the moil wonderful Medical ln-conry known to the world. 1'IiOir poUoral healing properties ine- t rate every poittonof the hutnau trauie , booth- ing the Lungs , strcngthcuin the Stomach , Kidneys and .Liver , cleansing the blood from every kind of humor. No other medicine "ill cure Chronic Uhcuntatistn , Neuralgia , Heart Disease , 1'iU , l-u/intsi , Headache , Dytpcpsia , 1'everand Ague , Coslivcncss , 1'ile * , Unuary Diseases , Kidney li ejse , and Li\er Complaint , go quickly as tins Koot Hitters. All such diseases are cniisei from a bad stomach end a poisonous condition of the blood 1'or weakly , nervous joung men , sulleriug Irom loss ot memory , loss of energy , etc. , caused Irom abuses in early llfeand to delicate fcuialesthc-e strengthening loot ! liitters are c < | > cually re commended. Oue bottle will do mote toward eradicating Syphilis , bcur\y , Tetter , l'e er . . . . . . . . , - Sores , tion < Uoil tion , . . - . , _ , tut lood ) than all othnr nnuulie > In existence. G. W. FRAZ1ER , Trailers Root Bitters are sold by all the losd- In4 Druggists , Storekeepers and Chembtn. Sold Wholesale by Strong & Cohb , 1U3 buporior street , and Ucutou M ) ers A Cautield , 127 Wat er street , Cleveland , O , ; 11 L. Kahnestock A < / > . , I'ltlsburg ; George ( " , ( inodnin & CJ.P Ujston ; John 1 * . lloury Cnrran i Co , United States Medicine Honse , 8 and 3 College Place , New York ; With llrothersj , Philadelph a ; Ful ler A 1'uller , Chicago ; John D. l"ark , Cincinna ti , and other first-class Drug Houses. bhovr this notice to jour drupU ; > t or store keeper. Askf jr niAZinij ROOT UllTKKb , and accept no substitute whatever. Price with in the reach of all SI per bottle six bottles S3. jU.tdAwly IMPORTANT 10 p i\ I. Goiiimcrcial Travelers. COMMERCIAL TKAVELERS who solicit orders by CARD , CATALOCUC , TKADE- LfaT , SAMPLi : . Oil OTHIIR oPECTMKX , also those who iisit their customers and solicit trade by purchaci mode DIRECT FROM StUCIC , and who travel in any section , by Kail or Itoat , telling any class of good , arc re quested to sen I their lllaIMtnd ) rhl- VATC.AUUl'K's ? , as In-low , si.ting class of goods ihey sell , and bv whom employed ; nUo those who are at prc&ent t'lider uo engagement. This matte , is of ( UiWr IJU'ORl'ANCi : INDIVIUUALI.Y to sa'esmen of this clas , or men solicltlns trade iu this manner. H is thciefore i PKCIALL ) ' desired tbat this noiicz wa/ meet tha eye ot ALI < Couimerci l Traveler ! and Salesmen in tlilj country and that they will AT ONCB give it their aboli tion. Iho&owho couip'yith aboc re < iiicit wilIbeCiNriIiNTiAlIA' treated and duly advised of object In Tiow. I'lcJkC address , ( by letter otily ) , CO-OPrUATION , care Qro. P. P.owell A Co.11 Park Row. j9eodlni NKW VoitK CITV. jon.v Practical Watchmaker , 171 ra .S.'S.Ojr.lltliSt. UMA1IA NEB APPLETON'S OYCLOPJEDIA Nev ? Eevised Edition. Entirely re ritteu by the ablest rritora on every subject. Printed from new tyt * , andlllustrated with Several Thousand Engravings and Maps. O - - THE work originally published under the title of TJIE NKW AMEIJICAN CYCI.OPAKDIA was completed in 1S03 , tinea which tltno the wide circulation which It has attained In all parts of the United States , and the signal developments which have taken place iu crery branch of clence literature , snd art , have indurod the editors and piiblishcrs to suhuiit it to an exact and thorough rovikion , and to issue a ne-r dilion entitled , TUB AutntcAJt CVCLOPAL.- w'lthin the last ten years tiio pi ogress of dis covery 5n every department of knowledge has made a oow work of reference an imperative The movement of political affairs has kept nit * with the disco ? ret of science , and their fruitful application to Uo industrial and useful trU and the convenience and relitipuisnt of soclrHife. Great wars aud consequent luVOlu- Uon > na\eoccurodiuvoUin : national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of our on n country , which was at iubeijut when the last rolumeol the old work appeared , lias happily bepu ended , and a new coarse of commercial and Industrial activily lva been commenced. IJSTSO accessions to our geographical know- cdgo h rs been male by the iudelitigablc ex- p'orersof Africa. rhe great political revolutions of the last decade , witU the * natural result of the lapse of lime , have brought into public view siiiltitude ) | ofuawiucn , whose names arc In every one's mouth , and of whose lives every one Is curious to know the particulars. Great battles have beeu fougljtand im ] > ortaut sieges maintained , of which iho details are as yet preserved ouly Jn the newspapers or in the transient publica tions of the day , bu which ought now 10 take their place in i > crmaacct and authentic history. Jn propsriLg the present edition for the pros , t hw act rdinglv been the aim of tbeeditori to bring dotrn the Information to the iutcst pos- Ible date * , ni.d to furnish an accurate account Of the mos' roccut il | coverlcs in science , of every fresh production in literature , and of thobowpst indention in the pra tpa ) arts , as well iuto eive a succinct and original record of the progrt : of political and historlal event. The ork IIM It n begun after long and care ful preliminary labor , and with the most ample resources for carrying it oa to s successful termination. Jfono of the origiaal stereotype plate ; hare beeu used , but every page has been "printed on new typr , loruilug in tact a new CyclopaMla , with the oaiae phin sn-1 compass as its predeccs- lor , but with a far creator pecuniary expendt- orc , and with such itnprovementt | n its com position an have been suggrtted by longer ex- perlencoandeoUrged kuowledgu. Tha llluslratioB * Which are introduced for the first time in the present edition have been added not for the sake of pictoria' effect , but to Hire creatcr lucidity and force to the explana tions in the text. Ttiey embrace all brancbw of cienie and na-ural history , * ud depict I'm most .amous and remarkable features of scencVy architecture , and art , as we. ' > as the various pro- cesees of mechanics and uiacufactures. Al though intended for Instruction rather than embdllshiafr. ! , no pains have been par d to Insure thei. % tiitlc excellence : the cost of their exocnf on ii enormous , nd it is believed they will Cud a welcome reception as an ad- rairable feature of the Cyclopedia , and worthy IU high < hargcto' . The wor * li fcotd to Subscribers only , payable on d'livery of each volume. It will U- com pleted in sitt-on large octavo volumes , each TOntainlngaboulSOOpageSfully Illustrated with ceveralthousand Wood Kngravlngs and with numerous colored Lithographic Maps. PBICE AilD STVLE OF BINDING. In extra Cloth , porvol _ . . . . . _ $3.00 Iu Library Leather , i > er vol. . . . . . . . . G.OO In llalf Turkey Morocco , jwr vol _ . 7.00 In Half Ruuia , cxira gilt , per vol 8 00 Jn full Morocco , antique , gilt edges , | > er yol. . . . „ _ „ . _ . . . . „ . . . . . . . . . „ . . . . „ . 10.00 In full Russia , per vol lO'.OO Three volums now readr. Succeeding.TO- um , until completion , will be issued once fn # o months. % * Sjwcirnen pages of the AIIKBICA.V CYCLO PAEDIA , showing type , llluscraliou. etc. , will beirnt ratir.ou application. KIBST CLASS CANVASSING AGENIS WANTED Addreu the Publisher * , D. Appletoii &G Co. , 649 & 551 Broadway , New York. BiSMARCK AS A GRANGER. How He Astonished a Bavarian Peasant. The following tale is told of Prince Bismarck's doings at Kissingen : One day the Prince was proceed ing on foot from the springs to the town , and was obliged to cross a meadow which was just being mowed. The Prince is , as is well known , owner of an estate himself , and takes a great interest in agricul tural afiairs ; so he commenced a conversation with the mowers , who did not recognize him , and at last requested one of them to give him a scythe , which he uted with appa rently creat skill. The Bavarian peasants were astonished at this proof of skill on the part of a gentleman who appeared to them to belong to the upper classes , and ex pressed their admiration according ly. As soon as the prince had left off mowing the grass one of the countrymen turned to him and added : "You- seem to be a good farmer , sir , and can use n scythe better than Iwho have worked with one more than forty years. " "Well , my dear fellow , " replied Bismarck , "one gets acquainted with many things in one's life , and what 1 do I like to do properly. " The prince now took leave of the ' people , shaking hands with the man who lent him the scythe , and con gratulating all ou the prospects of a good harvest which lay before them. The chancellor was hardly out of sight of the poor peasants when a stranger , who had watched the scene very attentively , came up to the latter and asked them if they had any idea with whom they had spoken. "Xo , " replied the lender < > f the scythe , "but at any rate he teems to be a good farmer , to me at least , and I ought to be a judge. " "Well , " replied the stranger , "he is no le s a person than Prince BK- mark.1" "What ! " exclaimed the peasant , bewildered with the fnfor- mation ; "it was he who used my scythe ! Then I would not part with it for any money. " Saying this , ho ! looked at l.is implement of hus bandry as tendeilv ns a mother at her child. So one sees that the Ba varian peasants have more esteem and a greater liking for Bismarck than the ultramontane journals wish to make one believe. But u few hours after the event it was known , of course , throughout the watering- place , and everybody , and more es pecially the linglishme'i resident here , proceeded to see t he spot an J scythe , and to converse with the happy owner , of the latter. The Englishmen were desirous uf buying the scythe which liad become such an interesting obji-et , and were overbidding one another In their of fers to the peasant ; but he refused to part with It , .saying , in his broad Bavarian dialect : "It is a treasure to me now , and I will keep it , but everybody may see it. " The field has been christened " Bismarck's Held , " and it is possi ble that next year we may find a bronze monument of Bismarck , oi\ \ this same field , just as we find ono of the Emperor Joseph , guiding the plow in Moravia , Many guests of the wateiing place have urged the proposal. A House in Milwaukee Cutting TTp Gueer Antics. | I"rom the Jlilwankee \ \ isconsin , Sth. | At length Milwaukee has a genu ine sensation , nothing less tlum a haunted house , where the spirits mal > e things lively by * slinging stoves , chairs- , pots , kettles , tables , and vegetables at spectators. It is exciting , but decidedly uncertain , when a huge stove jumps up anil down and suddenly strikes out from the shoulder at an unsuspecting and unbelieving mortal. Mr. Ueorge AV Allen , one of our best known citi/ens , furnishes ns the facts of this peculiar case. They are as fol lows : This forenoon at the house ofVm. . Giddjngs1 , in Allen's addition to the Twelfth ward , a sudden and unac countable couimotjpu commenced with the furniture. Chairs went sud denly from tbe floor up to the ceil ing , and one broke in falling back to the lloor. Crockery would lly from the Chjna-closet nut upon the floor , and break in pieces. The tea-kettle flew off the stove and up-set , wtth its scalding water , upon Mrs. Gid- dings , scalding her badly. An oil lamp flew from the shelf and broke in pieces upon the floor. A pail filled with earth and flowers was taken from the door , and flew over a fence into the next yard. Ou being brought back again , it went flying over the same fence. Wood from a pile M'ent flying over the fence. The floor of the liou.se vns fllleti with debris of broken chairs , crock ery , otc. , etc. The women of the neighborhood all gathered there and were terribly frightened. They sent for Messrs. George AV. Allen and his brother , Ilufus Allen , who happened to be down at their tan nery. They went in and saw the destruction , but believed nothing as to the causes , but saw the results. While Mr , George W. Allen was counselling the women to dismiss flieir fears , the iron ladle-hook , used to remove covers from the stove , and which was resting on the stove hearth , flew and struck him on the leg with considerable force. Xo one was as near the stove as himself , and he was ten feet away from it , Soon a newly- made pie , standing upon a tabfr , flew pas-eel him and smashed up against the stove. He retreated from the room simply to prevent froiji being hit by these unaccounta ble manifestation * . That these things occurred without human agency is vouched for by scores of eye-witnesses who are beyond im- jieaphnjent All of the above Mr. AJleir is wjl- ling to testify to. How to account for it he cannot tell , unless it is by electricity. This does not appear very reasonable , however. How could electricity so suddenly take possession of one house , and cause pots of earth to fly over fences nowly-made pies to prance around the room , and things in general to give a private sort of oircus ? Well , If it isn't electricity , is it spirits ? Real , genuine ghosts ? Who can account for it ? It's a lively subject , anyhow. Statues to be Piaced in Kawlits ana Lincoln Parks. T\vo new statues will make their J appearance in the public squares of J the capital during the present year. ' The first will be a semi-colossal bronze statue of General John A. Rawlins- , chief of staff to General Grant while in command of the ar mies of the United States , and sub sequently Secretary of War during the earlier portion oT the first Presi dential administration of General Grant This statue has already reached here , and is now awaiting the pedestal contracted for with the Westham Granite Co. , near Rich mond. The statue \\ill be placed in RawlinsSquare , immediately south west of the new State Department. The other statue is of Abraham ijincolu , sixteenth President , of the United States , and executed in Rome by the sculptor Ball. The fund which purchased this was com menced by a subscription of five dollars sent by a slave woman to the United States Sanitary Com mission for the purpose , immediate ly after the signing of the emanci pation proclamation. At the last session Congress appropriated $3,000 for a pede tal. The statue will be placed in Lincoln square , about a mile due east of the main eastera portico of the Capitol. Washington Cfironiclc. SUGGESTIONS FOB FARMERS. Fall radish should be sown. Earth up celery on dry days. Autumn lettuce should be sown at once. Small salads can be sown at the end of the month. Seed Be careful to select none but the very choicest for planting or sowing. Gather all seeds as fast as ripened , selecting only the very bes < . for pre servation. The early onion crop is ripened , should be pulled , well dried on the ground in the sun"and finally stored in a dry loft. Onion seed and shallots are plant ed out by some in this month , and in the autumn , covered with litter for early spring pulling. Stables for horses , soiled cattle , and all stock pens , cannot be too frequently whitewashed and floors limed during the hot season. Strawberry beds should be care fully cleared and strewn with old compost as early as possible , if they have been neglected heretofore. Lettuce , cabbage and cauliflower ihould also be sown for cold frames , and spinach for winter and spring use. Matured crops claim precedence. The balance of the hay and grain reps should be gathered in and stored away as rapidly as the weath er will permit. Plaster of Paris should be heavily itrcwn on all parts where manure is Iropped , for it not only sweetens the lir , but absorbs and saves valuable > lant food , and is itself carried to : he soil with the manure. Common turnips ought to be sown on every vacant space during this and next month. Those not ma turing will do to pull green for late fodder , or act as a mulch if left on the soil , or may be plowed in as a green crop. Draining or swamps and wetlands can usually be better done this month than at any other time. If help is scarce , you can , at least , du ring the dryeit time , make close observations as to the existence of springs , their course , etc. , and get ready for operation at the lime labor can be procured. Raspberries and blackberries , as soon us done fruiting , should have their olij wood cut out , all shoots i\ot \ required destroyed , that * the whole growth may go to the re maining stalks , which should be pinched back at the tops and tied up , to encourage side shoots for fruiting. Try Dubreuil's experiment on melons for enlarging the fruit : Dis solve thirty grains copperas ( sul phate of iron ) in one ( juart of water , and sprinkle < > u the vines at even ing. HO recommends five water ings during the season , stating that it has a magic ellect on the fruit. Cattle nefHl special attention , as usually in August , pastures get re duced , and , food becoming scarce , they grow thin , and cease to yield milk abundantly. They should bp kept In well-watered , shady pas tures , when allowed to rim out , or in cool , well-ventilated stables , with plenty of pine well-water at their service. Jn either case , the value of sown fodder crops will become ap parent , none of which is better than corn , sown in drills and frequently horse-hoed. Many farmers are now following thisanethod of supplying summer food , but thousands have never tried it , even on a small scale. TUB CO3IIXG ST11UGGLE , The voters of our nation , As ne'ir was known before , Are rising from Pacific's strand To Atlantic's roccy shore/ ; Why is ths ! mighty change 1 V * hat can tbe meaning be ? The rising of the iiias t3 From northern lake to outhernsea. The sj > irit of old seventy-six From out oui heroes' graces Forbids a nation drenched in patriots'blood , should sink to that of slaves ; The motto which our coins once bore , 1 hough obsolete long since , Remain as ever true : not one cent lor tribute , liut millions for defouko. Parly ties and jiarty Uvrs Are but as ropes of sand. Theiighti of m in to t > ; a man Should govern Freedom's land. Tbcu shall our Flag more proudly Coat O'er land as well ns sea , And nations yet unborn shall gladly greet The emblem of tbe free. In trade we'll trv to deal , As man should deal with man. And wlnle we seek tj live ourselves , We'll sell as fhcap as any body can , And if a hat you need , Or iricsd you chance to meet , liomcmber llunte , the Hatter , On Upper Douglas Street. el6tl [ H. < KITUK' C. J. KARBACU UKEIIE k KARBACH , 15th st. between Farcliaiu.and srncyj * > U OMAHA , - - NEB. MAJ.UFACTUREROF Spring'and Farm Wagons , UUGGIES A.VD CAUIU/tGES. Dealers in and manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMl'LEMENTS ! - | PAETICULMl AT ENTIOK PAID TO HOUSliSllOKINQ. BSrllepairins of wagons an. . . . . promptly Jonoat rcisonable urlcej ENOCH HENNEY , Justice of the Peace Ofliecovor tn State Uank , corner cf Far ham and 13th streets. 400,009 , ACRES ! [ [ [ OF TIIH FINEST Elkliom Yallcy Lands ! FOR SALE BY E. 3VL. " 3T. ATF T3C , - - ITeb milESE IAXD5 AP.E CONVENIENT TO .1 the market and the FEWEST in the STATE ! An j ; will be sold at Irom $2,50 to $5,00 PhR ACRE ! For Cash or on Ions Time. XPLORING 1ECK- for sale at O. & X. W. De- ix > t , bearing coupons which will be taken at full cost in payment for land. QK fCO A 1 > KU DAY. / \ Agents waut- 2 D I * * > Vfiw > -11 clawes of work- ias people ° ' either sex , young or old , mke more money at work for us in their spare mo ments or a J tbe tito- ban at anything else Addiess STINSOS i CO. , Portland , Maine * T ft Cvl Monev and Commerce. Dailv Heview. OFFICE OMAHA DAILY I > IK , ) August 14 , 1874. f Business at the hanks to-day has been about as usual , excepting a livlier action in currencyto market crops. Kates of 'discount unaltered. THE FIRST XATIOXAL BAXK Land Greats ( .selling ) § 825.00 Land Warrants , (160 ( acres buying ) 176.00 Land Yarrants (160 ( acres selling ) 185.00 Agricultural College Scrip , ( ICO acr ° s buying ' 176.00 Do. SeUing . 185.00 Exchange on New York , 1-5 of one per ct. General jobbing trade has been quite active , principally iu dry goods and groceries , with no change in quotations. * Hardware , firm. Local trade in all lines rather quiet. In provisions , report , a full and quiet market. Apples , in large supply , and dull. Butter , in fair local demand. ' Eggs , quiet. Xo change in quations since yc - terday. OMAHA MARKETS. Carelully Corrected Daily DRY GOODS. / . J. BROWN & BRO. , Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. PRINTS. Aliens American Amoskeag Bristol Jarncrs Hamilton Merrimack D. . Peabody Richmond Simpson's BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. Bright 4-1 Boot G Calx > t11 Ix > n"idali N. Y. Mills Pcterboro. . Suffolk. L . . . . 15LEACIIEC SHEETINGS. Fepperell 8-4 31 do S-4. . . . _ _ & % do 10 . . . „ „ . - 3SJ4 COTTONADiS. Farmers and Mechanics 25'4 Great Western- 20 BROWN SHEETINGS. Albion. A } { Bedford. R „ „ 8 lirantville , EL „ 104 Germania , 15 B „ _ yys I an ley „ v. . . 11 L. L s 9 GINGHAMS. American . . . . . . 11 Auioskeag 12 Hates _ 13 Lincastcr 13 TICKINGS. ' , , a c a Biddeford DENIMS. Amoskpag _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 VI B aver Creek , B B . 1G\Z Haymakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ij rtis , K is . „ . \iy Otis , C C . _ . _ . 15) ) JEAN 3. Biddeford . _ 16 % YAXKEti ACTIONS. KURTZ MOIIR A CO. , 231 Farnhaiu Street. Clark's 0. N. T "o Coat's . . w 70 Merrick's _ 42 > $ HOSIERY. Domestic _ _ _ S . (52 ( 00 British „ _ 3 OP&G 00 PAPER COLLARS. nickens' best S 90 King William _ . 1 So Domestic _ . 1 80 Stanley. . . _ 60 bHAWLS. Ottoman strips „ ? 2 25@6 50 SHIRTri. White common S10 50 medium _ „ 15 0) ' c < i ° tom maue 30 00 Percal- _ „ -S12 00-i24 to Calico" „ 4 75750 OVERALLS. Brown drill SG 50a7 25 ' dnck 775.1900 Blue drill 7 00a7 50 < duck . 8 00a9 50 White - _ 8 00a9 50 COKSETd. French whalebone „ S5 2oa8 00 Ojr own 15 00 Comet _ 22 50 frl'IUNG SKIRTS. , Linen printed „ _ S 9 00 " riiflled 1200 " fluted _ 15 00 YARNS. Balmoral Yarn , all colorperlb SI CO Gcrmatitown Wool , " SI 70&2 05 Saxony Yarns , per bor Si 13 GENERAL COMMISSION. J. U. KOSENFELD glVCS US IUC following quotations his day : Butter , active 22cts. in tubs ; Eggs 10 per dozen ; Live Chickens , 2 00 © 2 50 per doz. ; Gooseberries , 2 50 per bu. : Cherries , 4 80 per bu. ; Lemons , 12 00 per box , and .Raspberries , 20c ; per quart ; Blackberries , 20c ; cur rants 20e. BARDWAKli. JOHN T. KDOAR. IKON. Common bar. . . . . . . . . .H..M. . . . . . . 4 Horse shoe bin CK Norway nail rod. . . . . . . . . „ _ 11 } STEEL. Cast plow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Sermon . .MHM . . . m. 11 American casn , oc'agon and siju-ire „ IS ® 22 Tes3"p' English do do . . . 2j $ 40 Burden's horse shoes , per keg 725 do mule do do 8 25 S'ortliwestern horse nails. . . . . 22a 23 Dundee thimble skeins , discount 45 ptr cent , i tor half patent axles , discount 10 per cent. NAILS. lOd to COJ per kee. . . . . _ _ 4 CO id do „ 4 23 < J do „ . _ . 4 50 Id do . . _ _ . 4 75 id do „ 5 to Jd Cne do „ 7 03 LOdfiuis'ngdo „ „ . 5 2 > id do do _ „ . . . . . 5 50 xl do do „ 5 75 I0d casing do „ . . . . „ „ „ . . . . 4 75 5d do do , . . „ _ 5 OU kl do do ; 5 25 Wrought , all sizes „ „ 0 75 BOLTS. Carriage and tire. . . . . _ . discount 70 pr c BUTTS. farrow wrought , fast joint.disconnt 20 pr c Jast , loose pin reiarsible . . . do 35 do MISCELLANEOUS. lay and manure forks discount 30 prc Iocs and gulden rakes. . . . . do 25 do HINGES. , strap and T. . „ . . . . . .discount 23 pr c J WRENCHES. rift's black discount 5 prc ' Joe's iniuiitation do 45 do 3oe's genuine . _ d 20 do SCREWS. American Iron „ . . „ . „ „ . _ 45prc do hrassn..M . .H . . . . . . 40 VT c AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. SCTT1IR . El Holt's Ha > est Kitig.pcr do , net _ . :2 W Jhauipion . 9 00 iltald's Eureka. „ „ . . „ . Jl 00 do red „ . 8 00 SPADES A > D SKOV'tS. Iowbnd'No2 black shovels , D II. . . 12 00 do do polished do do . . . 13 00 do do black spades do . . . 12 00 hfoore do polished do do . _ -13 00 do's "spring point" LII shovels 13 50 AXES. Jppcncott's Western Crown _ . _ . _ _ . 13 00 do do do b.TefeU. . . IS 50 COFFEE MILLS. l-arte'sliio 3 , Iroa box . „ „ _ net 5 25 do do 103 do > 75 do do23 Union Ir h „ „ 1100 eo do 35 do Britania 33 00 FILES. larerave , Smith A Co. , discount 00 pr c American > lle Co _ „ _ do 50 do HAMMERS. Ut dole's , A E No 1 , IX , 2 iIammond'aAENo2 _ . _ _ _ . .M _ $900 do do do * . T i.iiu IU 50 do Engineer's No 1 10 00 -do do do 2 , . _ _ _ . _ .13 BO do do do 3 _ , HATCHETS. Morris' shingling , No 1 S7 00 do do do 2' 8 COde do do do 3 - 9 COde do ( .law do 1. . . 7 50 do o do 2. „ 8 5o LEATHER. BestBuflalo Sole--- ! ISc Matamoras do . . . . . . . . > o. 2 , 32e ; No. l,35c Best Oak. do 4S@45c Baltimore Oak Sole . .4Sc irenh Kits. SI 40Q2 00 do Calf , leading brand * Si IO&2 50 Domestic Kips _ . Si OOyl 30 do Calf . . . SI So l 75 Hemlock Upper , per foot ioQSOc Oak do do _ _ . .30c Grain do do SO , : IJuings , per dozen S7 UOQ10 00 Toppings , do 51100 1400 Morocco ( .Boot Leg ) per foot , . . . . . . . . 3s@43e do ( Oil Dressed ) do .36&40C do ( oimon ) „ SI 00&J 25 do ( Glove Kid , ) _ S-5 5045 < W Welt Leather , per side , tC 00 ( 7 00 Boot Webbing , lr bolt , 4c&70c Odk Harnsss Leather , " Pittsburg , " _ . .45c do do do No. 1 , 40g4Cc ( do do do No. 2 33ij40e ( Oak Line do _ 44sj4Cc Ilimlook llarniis Leather , I o. 1 , 30y40e do do do No. 2 , 37 < < j39c Hemlock Line do . . . . . _ . _ .4lCo hair Bridle , per side _ SC 00,7 ( 00 Team Collars , per do * _ . . ? 25 50&25 50 bta e do do S.l ! 50 Scotch do do S3C 00 loncorddo do S.3 00 Cellar Leathci ( liiack ) per foot , lS < S24e do do ( Russet ) do . . . l Cj24c Patent Dash Leather. _ 15c SOAPS Powell & Co. , Soap monufacturera. SapcPuhlico , 6 l-26 34 ; Savon Kepuhl.c , do. , Chemical Olire , G to 6 1-2 ; Palm , 5@514 ; German Mot- led , 6 l-4aG 1-2. AP.T GOODS AND UPHOLSTERER'S STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones , Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine art goods , 270 Farnham Street , furnishes the following quotations : FRAME MOULDINGS. Oil walnut mouldings , one inch , per foot ; 5c ; 2 inch iOc ; 3 inch 15c ; polished walnut , 1 inch 7c ; 2 inch 15c ; 3inch21c. Berlin gilt , 1 inch 615c ; 2 inch 12@30c ; 3 inch 18 © 45c ; imitation rosewood and gilt , 1 iuch 510c ; 2 inch 1020c ; 3 inch 15@30c. WINDOW SHADES. Plain hands. G feet , all colors , per pair , 1 50 ; ornamental bands , 2 00 © 4 00 ; each additional foot , 75c per pair. REPPS. Union jnd all wool terry , per yard 1 50@3 ) Q ; Imperial- plain and stri ped , 2 50aS 00. DAMASKS. Union per yard , 1 50 ; all wool , 2 O0.i3 00. MATTRASSES. Husk , 4-4xG-2 , 4 00a5 00 ; straw , 3 0U4 ( 00 ; Excelsior , 3 50a4 50. LUMBER. UBTAIC LIST Subject to chauze of market ituout WM. M. FOSTER , On U. P. R. R. track bet. 1 : irnliam ai GEO A. HOAGLAN1. Joists , studding and sills , 20 It , and un der 82 00 Over 20f t , each adJitioual ft add'I „ 50 Fencing No 1 " 3 00 do Ko 2 - _ 21 Ou 1st common boards „ 2j 00 2nd do do . . 22 00 "A" stock lioards , 10 and 12 inch 5U 00 "B" do do do uo : t5 00 "C" do do do do tO 00 lit clear , 1 , IJi , IA and 2 Inch _ 55 00 2d do do do do „ _ 55 00 3d do do do do _ 45 00 1'looring , clear _ 50 00 du 1st common. . . _ 40 00 do 2d do _ 25 00 do 3d do 27 SO dj narrow , char 4500 Istclcar ceiling yt inch 35 00 2d do do J iutii r. . . 32 50 1st do do % Inch 3D 00 2d do do % iuch 27 50 1st clear siding 27 00 2d do do _ 2G 00 1st cummon siding 21 00 2J do do 20 00 "A" shingles _ 1 25 Extra No 1 shingles 3 UO Common No 1 sh ngles _ 2 00 Lath per 1000 3 o DA 11 pickets eir 100 3 5o Square do do do O G Batten per lineal f r _ \y. \ Rou h do do do „ Liberal discount on cat load lots WINDOWS , ( Glazed. ) 35 per cent oil Chicago list. DOORS , ( Wedged ) 25 pel cent oU Cl tcago lUt. BLINDS. 30 per cent off t ! t. White lime per bbl _ _ .S1 75@2 00 Lonisville cement per bbl 3 00 < a,3 25 Plaster jiaris per bbl 3 50Q3 75 Plastering hair per bushel 40 Tarred felt „ „ 4 Plastering boaiu 5 % OILS. PAINT4 } , GLASS , Jtc. N. i. D.HOLOMON. : ROBERT C. STEELL. Coal Oil _ S 19 lard Ull , No IS S5M 00 Unseed Oil , raw. 105 " " 2. . . _ 70 " " ' . . . " " bl'd. 1 10 winter ! Turpentine bo " "strainM } on deadlight Oil. 28 Lubricating 1 . W.Va. f" PAINTS , AC White Lead , St. Louis , Srtictly Pure _ . S 11 % " " " " Fancy Brands. . . . . . 9 % Putty In Bladders _ „ _ . . 5 } $ " " Bulk 4 > J Ensmeld Glass , colors , ? ) sq.ft „ . . 1 00 Window Glasx iO i ) c discount TIN , SHEET-IRON. AVIBE , &C. MILTON ROGERS , COR. 14th & FARNHAJ1. iX PLATE. ZINC. ihwl tin25 to35in „ do do do Ic half casks. . . . . . . . . . , , do do do in 250 tb coats. . . . . . . 12 J Sheet 54 to 5 inches per sheet. . . . . M'A finncrssoldei ( extra refined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 a do do No. ! . . . . . . - . . . . . . _ 23 do do roofing. . _ . . . . . . . 21 bid metal.- Oa2 i , V \ SHEET IKON 'irst quality , Numbers 1C to : i. . . . . . . . . . . . . do do do V5 COO do do do 2C „ . . . . . . _ . . . COO do do do i7. . . . . . . . . _ . . _ _ G % : hareoal , both sides aniothe do No 24 . " . 7Ji do do 1C T'A do do 27 - . . f'A uniata , No. 24 . . . „ . _ . . . . . , _ . „ . . „ . „ . . . 9 > 1 do 1o 2C „ . . . . . „ . . 9 > J do do 27 . „ _ . „ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 % .ussia forfeit 7 to 12 „ „ „ . . "i > do No. I , stained „ _ . :3 lx-59 tnan lull bundles , add one cent. 'A"AmerIcac ' immitat'n Russia , all Nos. IS Less than full bundles add one cent. QALVAjaZED. fo. 14 to 'M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .list 15 lo 21 to 24 . . „ „ . . „ . „ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ uo 1C lo 25 to 3-T „ - , , , , „ , , , , , , , - , dc 1' do 27 . . _ . „ „ . _ _ . . „ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 18 ' , do Full ? _ . . . . > . . . _ _ „ _ . . . . . „ . . . . . . . do SO I J bundles Oiscount15percent a : COPPER. N trailers 6 o 9 _ . . . * _ . . . . . . . 45 do 10 to 12 tt > . . . . „ . „ „ . „ _ . . _ . 42 ' do 12UtoIOOIb . - „ _ . 33 heat bint ; , 14 and IS o/ _ _ . . _ . . . _ _ . . 37 'lanished , 14 and 16 oz _ - . „ . 45 fos. 7 , 8 and 9 , Plauished. . . . - . . . 43 toll copper . _ _ - . - . . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ M topper bottoins. . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ _ . 33 BRIGHT \\TRE. 'os. 15,16 13 19 20 Per bundle K per ceaUIcoun GROCERIES. BTEELE & JOHNSON 533-540 14TH ST. CLARK i FP.ENCH COR. FARNHAM AND llTH ST. PUNDT , MEYER & RAAPKE , 212 FARN- IIVM ST. , 'WHOLESALE DEALERS- MORGAN & GALLAGHER , 203 Farn ham. St. WHITNEY , BAUSERMAN & Co. , 247 Douglas St. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. bUGARS. Granulated pi t ! > 12 Powdered do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U Ciu > Led do _ _ „ 12 Rtfd cut loaf do 13 Standard A do UKaHJii Circle A do „ „ 11 > 4 ExtiaC uo „ U Yellow C do . . . _ .10ialO > i N O choice do 10) | COFFEES. Rio choice pr ft „ _ 25K 2S do prime do _ . . . . . 2V 25J < : do good do „ . . . _ :4j25 O U Java 31a23 SYKUPd. Common pr gallon. . . . G."n4o Good do . 5Ub65 Choice do 70aSO do N 0 iiiolasscs. . . . SO Rangoon choice . Carolina . CANDLES. M Wesk A Co . . 16'a7 fcOAP. Kirk's ta\ou. . . . . . . . . M. Wesk A. Co . _ . . . . 7a7J4 fcchofer's German . 7 Kirk's standard . - 43A do sterling . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . 4a4 > J PLUG TOBACCO. Black goods , AVeitern . 45 ; do do Virginia . „ . 5fla55 do do l.ornlard'o . _ 55at > 0 Bright do do do . „ . C0a65 do do Virginia . 55atfl Natural leaf . _ 75a9j DRIED FRUITS. California pcachrsper pound . 16 > ial7 do apples do . Ual2M Ftate do do _ HUy New currants . . . . . . . . . . . . Sou do prunes . llalli , do German cherries . . . . . . . 17 do bl ckbcrries . 17 do raspberries . _ . 3Sa40 do raUius , per box . . . . . . _ . . . . SJ 65 do seedier raUius , per pound . . \-Yi isALT. New in barrtls . . . . . .S2 70a2 85 do dairy . . . . . 4 50a5 75 CAixNED GOODS. 2potindcanM\er'soy ierspcrcase..SI 2" > at 50 1 do do do do do . . . 2 5U.lJ 75 2 dc do Willnm'sdo do . . . 4 Oua4 75 2 do do peaches pel rase . 5 50 3 do do do do . 7 75.\S 00 2 do do tomatoes do . „ . 3 50a. ; 75 3 do do do do . _ . 5 00 Corn , Tropny per case . 5 ( K ) do Winslc'W do . 5 50 do Yarmouth do . . - 5 5i ) Strawberries , do . . 4 C0a4 75 Raspberries , do . „ 4 ( X ) Pineapples , do . . . . . . ! i 00 TEAS. Oolon s , , per pound . 2.Ta75 Young Ilj sou , per pound . 40al IK ) Gunpowder , do do . . _ . Cual 25 FLOUR. Snow Fl.iVe , ( Wells & Nieman ) . _ 4 SO Gold Dust . _ 3 10 XXXX Iowa City . „ . _ 3 00 California . I 75a5 10 BAGS. 3uJ'iiei ' , hea\y weight - . .o light do - . . . _ 17 I8 I ips , four bu-hil . . . . - . . . . . . _ . ISil'J adee gunnies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 iiii ba s , AmosLeg A . . . . , "Oa31 .o do Lud ow a a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Nutmegs , Peuang brat , per pound . . . . . 1 35al 41 Cl.voi < io do . _ CO Alspice do do - ISa.O Cinumun batk da d > . 35aJG COLUMRIA RIVER SALMON . y bbls. , luO Ks . J ! ) 50Q10 f 0 1 " | I > cans , rerm . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 2 75 J do do . o UOO 4 UO WHITE 1'lall. No. 1 lils . „ . 1 15 ® l 25 Famil ) in kits . „ . 1 lOtj , 1 20 y bbU . G 50j ( > 7 00 lliniiiyitijjbbN. . _ 5 53 ( < j G 10 MACKERLL. ramily , in kits . 1 10(3 ( 1 20 No. 1 , do . „ . 1 Wu ( , 2 00 Me-- . do . 3 00ij. ( 3 25 Family , y bbs ! . G 2 > ( , G f 0 No. 1 , "do . 9 ( WfejlO CO Sardines , J4 boscs , . - 16 50yl7 tO CIGARS. A. E. SIMPSON , I\ramifacturer , 532 15th Street. II. TJpman . , _ j } M. S T5 00 lUtonstruction. . do 35 00 Grand CentRil . . . . . . . do 3500 Ulihcib.il . do 40 0(1 ( Yara . _ . „ do 4J 00 La lioquet . . . do 50 00 Sim.in 1'ure . do 5000 Pariigas . _ , . do 75 CO Yours Truly . _ . _ do 05 00 Hold Medal . _ do 50 00 La Espanola . „ . do GO 00 Iriple Crowu . do 75 00 Henry Clay . do 100 00 De Villfr - . _ . do 100 00 Y Viller. . , - . „ . do 10J 00 1876 . - . „ do 75 10 CAL1IOUN MILLS FLOUK. Wholesale depot 548 14'h Street. llalf barrel sacks.-- . . _ . . . 2 St Chicago , lioclc Island and Pacific R. R. THE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE FROM OMAHA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST , k'ta DCS Moincs , l/avenport and Rock Island. o All Passenger Trains are equipped with the iVtSTlJ-GUOUSK l'ATt > T AtK BlUKKS and filler's Patent bafety Platform and Coupler. 2 Fast Express Trains Leave Dally , onncttlng as follows : IT DES MOINES with the DCS Moines Valley Railroad , lor Oakaloosa , Ottuuiwa , Kcokuk and St. Louis. VT GRINNELL with the Central Railroad of Iowa , for all points north to St. Paul. VT WEST LIBERTY with the Burlington , Cedar Rapids i Minnesota Railroad , for Burlington , Cedar Rapids , Duhunue A St. Paul , At WILTON JUNCflON with the South-Western iiranch , for Muscatine , Washington and all points south. VT DAVUNPOlir with the Davenport & St. Paul Railroad for points north. VT ROCK laLAND with the Western Union Railroad for Frccport , Bejit , Racine. Mil waukee and all points in nortbprn Illinois and Wisconsin. VT ROCK ISLAND with the Rocklord , Rock Island and St. Louis Railroad for bt. Louis and points couth. VT ROCK ISLAND with the 1'eoria A Rock Island Railioad for Peoria and points east. VT BUREAU JUNC. , with branch , for llen- ry , Larere , Cbillicothe and Peoria. VT LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points nort h and south. VT CHICAGO with all lines East , North and South. THROUGH TICKETS to all Eastern cities , lathi * line , can be procured , and any intor- uation obtained , concerning points , at the Icket ofllco of the company , 123 Farnhain St. , Iniaun , and also at the principal ticket offices long incline of the U. P. R. li. inggngc Checked Throngl ! lo nil Principal Kantcm PoiulH. V. M. SMITH , H. RIDDLE , Gen'l Pass'r ' ' ' Ag't , Gcn'l Sup't CbiCBgo. Chicago. . H. LACEY , S. 8 STEVENS , Ticket Agent , Gen'l Western Ag't 2Stf Omaha Oinsba. sioux City & Pacific R , K , , j The MiortCit and only Direct Koiitcrronx UOUjSTCIL BLUFES St. Paiil , Minneapolis , And all Points in iORTIIERN I01VA & MINNESOTA. FULLJLVN PALACE SLE1-JPING CARS On all night trains via tbh route. CONNECTION'S. 1. At U. P. Transfer with Un Pacific ! allroad for Omaha. 2. At Council Bluff , with Kansas City , St. 0 * and Council Blulfcl-ailroad for St. Louis lid all points south. 3. At ML-sourl Valley with the Chicago and lorthwestcrn railway lot Chicago and all olntg east. 4. At Siour City with Sioux City and S 'anl , Illinois Central and Dakott Southern lilroads. Steamers for Upper Missouri River , uring navigation and with stages for all oinU in the Northwest. 5. At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern lilroal for Omaha and Southern Nebraska. C. At Fremont , Nebraska , with the Union acific railroad lor all point ; west and the acilic coast. 7. At WIsner with stages for Norfolk and al' Dints in Northern Nebraska. BSTTickeU lor &alein Chicago and Norlh- ealern Itailway offices. " " " "i sure your tickets read via S. C. A P. allway. L. BURNETT , Snp't. F. C. HULS.Gen. Ticket Ag't. QEO. W. GEATTAK , Agent , Oratia , i CHICAGO & NORTHWEST The Popular Route from o IM : BE TO Chicago and the East ! AND THE IDi.roo1 : DFl.o-u.to Tr"\Viit rlooFort Cro sr , 1'rnlrieDu Ctilen. AVIiiona , St. l' ulDulatn , Jniirttille , Ktno- Nlia , Greru l'a > , Kacliip. Mevcii'n I'olnt , Wntertoivii , OnukTcsh , Fan Du Lac , WnitUoii and 3111 vaul.ec. It L'eingtte Shortest and FUstComoIetedLine Betwteu OMAHAandCKICAG-O , Constant improvm nts have taken place in the way of reducing Giade , and plafing Iron with Steel Rails , adding to its roiling stock new and Llegaut DAV nuil SLKKPIXO CARS Equipped with the"WtstIuKhou eAir Braie" and "Miller Platform. " establishing comlurta- bieand couimMious Eating Housesotleringall the comf iris ot traveling the age can produce. From' * to 1O Fast Express Trains ruu each way daily over thd various lines of this load , thus securing to the traveler selecting this rou < e sure and certain connections in any di rection he may wish to go. Vrlitcipal Connections. AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTION , for Sioux City , Yankton and points reached via Sioux City and Pacific railroad. AT GRAND JUNCTION for Fort Dodge , Des Molnes , Ottawa and Keokulc. AT HARSH.Vt.Lfor St. Paul , Minneapolis , Duluth , and northwestern points. AT CEDAR RAPIDS for Waterloo , Cedar Falls , ( rnrlea City , Burlington and St. Louis. ATCLIN10N forDubuqne , Dunicith , Prai rie du Chlen , La Crosse , and all points on the Chicago , Clinton and Dubuquc , and Chicago , Dubuque and Minnesota railroads. AT FULTON for FreFort. | Racine Millwau- kee , and all points In Wisconsin , AT CHICAGO with all railway lines leading out of Chicago. Through tickets to all eastern cities via tliU line can be procured , and any informal ! n ob tained , concerning Routes , Rates , etc , at the Companie's Office , 213 Farnhaiu Street , Omaha , and also at the principal ticket othces along the line of the U. P. R. R. lifi'Baggage checked through to all principal Eastern iioints. W. U. &TENNETT , MARVIN HUGHITT , Gen'l Passinge'rAg't. Gen. Sup't. J. LACEY , G. G. EDDY , Ticket Ag't , Omaha. Gen't Ag'tOmalia. rnchlStl Omaha & St. Louis Short t Line 1874 : ! The Kansas City , St. Joe and CouncU Bluffs R. B Is tbe only dire line to cj-r1. x -cris AND THE EAST , FROM OMAHA AN THE WEST NO CHAIsGE t between Omahi and St. Louis ana b ito : c belwcop OMAHA anu j < r.W YORK. This th Only _ Ine running a I'ULI,1IAN SLEEPING CAIl KAST Fuo.n OIAHA , ov ARRIVAL OV THE UNION PACIFIC KXPKKSS TRAIN. taking othct routes Jj.ive a disagreeable transfer at the River Station. TIIAINS DAJLV I UEACIIING ALL EA3TEBN AND WESTERN CITIES With Ix-33 Changes and in advance of other lines. 1 his Entire Line Is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Care , Palace Day Coached and Chair Cars , Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Weslimjhouse Air Brake. etB-See that your tickets read via Kansas City , S . Jogpph & Council UnilTi Knlroil , T7a Omaha and St. Louis. Tickets forralo at cor. Tenth and Farnham streets , and U. P. Depot , Omaha. JOS.TEIION , GEO.L.2P.ADBUP.Y , Pass. Agt. Ucn * Agent. . F. BARNARD , A. C. DA WES , Gen'l S . ' ' . . pt. tien'l 1'8's. Agt. , St. Josebh. " " ANDALI.JL T S g TEAELSTS DAILY ! LEAVE ST. IO CIS 1VITII Pullman Palace Cars THEOnQH WITHOUT CHANGE Indianapolis , Cincinnati , Louisville , CMcago , Columbus , Pittsburg , Pidladelpnia , Baltimore , WasMngton , 4UD NEW TORK ArrivU of Traits fraa the West. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland. Buffalo & Boston Are for Sale ntllio . Comrnny't Office , M. K. corner Fourth & ClicHtiint tx , S < . Loiiiw , and al the Principal Ilal'- ivay Ofllcca in the West. HIAS. BABCOCK , C. E. RUSSELL , fa'thern Pass. As't , West'n Pass. Ag't. DALLAS. TEXAS. KANSAS CITT , tOHN E. SIMI-SON. CHAS. E. FOLLETT , GeniSupt. , Gcn'l PassAg't. . ' 29tf I.DIAXArOLI3 i ) TTjtJ iTOCt R TOTOS onfectioners' Tool Works , f Mills & Bro. , Manulacturers'o CJonfectioners'Tools Uii < tili.e o < i IiU , Ice Creirn Frzczeri. < tc. 03. 1301 & 1303 No Eighth St. PHILADELPHIA , PA. gf roprietors : 1 ESTABLISHED 186J. THOMAS MILLS , I - GEO.M.3IILLS , /CATALOGUES SENT ATLKElM'AiuiKE.J upoc application. mar"dAw3m 3th St. , bet. Farnham and Harncy. ,11 kinds ol TAILOP.ING , CLEANING and REPAIRING doneatreaaoncilaratej u > r2CU KEARNEY'S FLUID-EXTRACT The.onlj known remedy lor BRIGHT'S DISEASE , And a positive cura lor Gout , Gravel , Strictures , Diabetes , Dyspepsia Ner-i vous Debility , Dropsy , Non-retention or Incontinence of Urine , Iri- tatlon , ludamatiou or Ulceration of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS SPEEMA TORRUEA , Loncoerhoe or Whites , Diseases of the Prostrate Gbuid. S one in the Bladder. Colcul ur , GKAVEL OK niUCIC DUST 1)E- U'OMT , And Mucus or IHIky.Dlscharges. J ! KEARNEY'S 1 Extract Buciia ! Permacputly Curt' all Diseases of the Bladder , Kidneys , and Dropsical Swellings. Existing in Men , Women and Children , No Mailer What Prof , iteele eays : "One hottle ot Kearney's Fluid Extract Buchu is worth more than all other Buchus combined. " Price one dollar per bottle ; or , six bottles for five dollars. Depot 104 Duane St. , N , Y , A physician in attendance to answer corrc * poiidence and give advice gratis. OiJ"Scnd stamp for pamphlets , free , ja Crane & Brigham Wholesale Agents. an Francisco. Cal. % SKI TO T11K. NERVOUS& DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. ? 0 OHAEQB FOS ADVICE AND CQN- SULTATIOtf. JQR J. B. DYOTT , graduate of Jefferson Sfediual College , Pliiladcl- phia , author of several valuable tvorks , aii be consulted on all dis- . ease.s of the Sexu.l and urinary or gans , ( which he has made an es pecial .study , ) either in male or fe male , no matter from what cause originating * , or how long .standing A practice of GO years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can lorward let ters describing symptoms and en closing stamp to prepay "Wstage. C2fSend for the Guide to Health. Price lOe. J. J } . DYOJII.M.D , Physicion and Surgeon , lOl'Duane street , ] N . Y. OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE , HAPPY r.ELEIFFOU YOUNG MEN" from theetlects of hrrors and Abuses in early life. Manhood Itvstored. impediments to Marriage Removed. New metrou of treatment. Ken and remarkable remedies. ItooLs and Circulars sent free , in sealed envelopes. Addrc a , HOW ARD ASSOCIATION , No. 2 South Ninth St. , Philadelphia , Pa , an Institution havlugahigh emitnti'in for honorable conduct and profcs- rional tills. ieodAwSm uJbarles Popper , WHOLESALE BUTCHER NI > CATTLK I1ROKEK , ALT LAKE CITY , - - TJTAII feb27it Proprietor of tto BISIKG SUN AIO LOS ANGELES YI1STEYRIS. Depot for the sale of his NATIVE WINES AND M. KS2L.LEB. < & Co. , Corncr ol Bailery and"WashIngtonst3. SAN R CISCO , C'Al , . mai7tf PASSENGEJaS Going East or South from Omaha And Points on U. P.R.R. , hould tate the "LINCOLN EOUTE" Vll h3 ATCH1SON & NEBRASKA RAILROAD i AnU f < Hure lor themselT 3 the choice of SIz Popular K.Jtesfrouj Atchiso i to Chicago and St. Louis , All making Reliable C anectionj and being S -oippsd Trith Palace Daj and Sleeping CJM. AH d-l.iy and inconvenience arrliln ? from Ferries ard transfers can be avoided West of olcago anJ St. Louis by securing Ticket ! rla 1TCIIISO.V anil the ATCII1SOS dc A'EIJKASKA R.lIIJtO.lD. Direct and Reliable Connections are also made with the A. T. i S. F. R. R. for the 3rct Arkausas Yalley & Colorado , ind with all lines running South to points in Southern Kansas and the Indian Territory" . Ask lor Tickets Tla LINGO N- & CHAS. csjirrii , F. WHITE Gen'l Supt. Gen'l Pass. Ag't. A cJJSon , K ITXTJL'YOU HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED OTJE. AXD LOW RESERYOIK I V V-- * " uu _ ff \ \ E HAVE T \ \ LL * . L GOOD KEASOK3 AS why ther will do your TTutK. t&t , Quick aud Eas v , i Oheon and Glean. IsB Theyarcchajpest to buy , " 3fl They are best to use. * They bate evenly and quickly , Their operation ts perfect , Ther have always a good draft , They arc made of tlic bcstniaiexiul They roast perfectly , They require but little fuel , They are Tery low priced , B B They ara easily managed. " ' They sre suiteu to all localities , SOLD BV Excelsior Man'fg Co. , ST. LOUIS , HO. , M , B O G"ERs. : O OO o eo Or Sngnr-CoaictJ , Conccntraicil , Itool and Herbal Jutcc , Atitl- C J.tA'T" CATHAKTSC. or Multum I'1 ' Parvo riiysic. The novelty of mo < ie-i jr.'diMi Cannlcal : Phatmaccuttcal Sci. n to u c of aiy Icr * tal .ni ; thu larjc rcputl\e ! nod nan < ucs p. ,3 , tamponed of c "icap. ci ml > . and balky tned. . nti. vrlicu we can liy a ca'crul application of Chen ir * { science , cxtru r all lk < - cathartic ami ctbt r mid clnal properties 'ion the moet % alaabi < < roots ins. hcrba , ana ro-ireu'at3 tum Into a in.ncr Gran ule. scnr < \ ly tarecr tlinn n nuiptsril ncc\l , that "in Do readily e allowed byttCcovt Dm nKHtxett" MVIJ i-tomachi and fa tidioca tl tej , Eactilittliil'iirsativo t'cllot - rnt In n-prr ? . a ra'ut concentrate I form , m EJ ic * eafiar Ic povret as is embodieil m any of tb" Lin.p.lls foncd foe rale in the drr ? thopj ] run tb < ! r wonderful cathartic - thartic pos-cr , In pro-wrtS t * < o tbetr flic , peoplf nia have not tried them ftt apt to tnppota thai they are bar a ur drvtic iu. effect , but euch la noi at alt th. ; ca > < > . Jie dilToract Rctivo medicinal print ciplesof which they ara ompcH < Hl bcinO bar * munizca and tnml-led. < > ne or tha othcro , M to proJurc ti ninut .carcliliiy nd tlior-i t-utliartl. . JS500 Rcwqr l U lirrc y cSfrrc-l bytho pro prietor of , hc IVlIets. tj a y chemist -who. upon nr.a3ia.ill ! ti : ' I in tVni analomclor other fomu cf tacrcury ot any other poisoa. caru Is / eipjireilvlulo i = : u them They OIJ- rate \rithoui distnrluncc 1 3 the coa tltutlon , diet ; or occup.it ton. For J nil nil Ice , I3cniacbe ( Cozissipntlnn. Impure mood , Pain In tlio MionMcr" , TlcirtiiCHN ot the Client , Dlzzinciv , Jiour Kructatlone of tlio Stomach , Katl taslo In tiioutb , Uillou-i attacks , 1'alu la. rt-uioii ol ttld IJ-K , Internal Fever , Itlouletl fceliiii ; about Stomaebf It.u u of Itloud to klead. Itl&ii Col ored t'rlnc , I uxoclaljinty Clooniy Furcbodtit-rs , tika * In cipUiaMlon cf the rcnn 'dial power of lay rcr- gathc IV.tetdO'.crfopri tavxkty of dUcwfS lTCNhtoraytutUclr ! action upon tho. aitimal cconoui ) Is unlvornal , iieta Claiitl or tissue Oficuiiiii tliclrsajia-- tlvo Iniprcfa. - \ rt ica tot Impair then * . their sa ar ccuiins'ocil l'i s enclo ril la ga ! * bottles proven e th Ir \ irt < H unimpaired for ar Ics thoftime. irtnay ct- ! " . , to that they are al- irays frcsii cad rcluMi1. which H not the ca tvitli the iulw found la t'io drr < ; itorM , rinl up fac caejn.o. . l or pj-te-bcanl box < - . Itccoltat that , f.ra'i ' . ! r i"cs ul'ore A Laxative , Attrra tire or Parsrativo n lullcaUtl , thcsm lU.lo IVihti will K\\S the moat perfect BatfeOcUc * ) t all \ > ho use 11:0. T ! cj- arc Mold bj- all csitcrprlslnj Ht-5 cent * u bottle. Do not allow any cinnr st tq lodnto rou t lake anything cl * tltat to Bay My ia J peed 03 my IMlcio brcsucc ho naf.es a profit on that % vh.i ! ho tccoiaineBda. Tf drasplst cannot > nppy ! them , enclose S3 ceaa anuftcccui' thrin ny ivtnrn nalt from. C. I" . n.IHCJK , JT. D , IV nr * , O , ir , y ; ASK FOR PYLEE \ \ SALEEATUiS ! AUD BAKING- SODA ; I3S127 XKT TTSOB Pi-nai Meyer iRaankc and VThltaey Batucriuan t Co CASTLE BSQS > , IMPORTERS .OP AXD East India , Good * , 213 nnil 215 FROST STREET San Francisco California . | mcbC'ia PLATTE TALLEY -s REAL ESTATE I ij Samuel C , SmithL * Local Agent for the - U. P. R. R LANDS , Columbus , 2Tob , Government Lands Located ! \ ' 1T. P. Lands SoM ! Improved Farms and TOTTO Eot\ fee oit ON LONGTIME ! ! JCS7-A11 Comumuicationg Cheer fully Answered STOVS ST.OS.23. E. F. OOO-K , 637 Uta St , tetvsaa DosgLu wiB [ j Manufacturer of Tin Copper and Sfcett Iroa Wire , and dealer In ' " Cooking and Heating SUtflpiJ , Jananne-1 aal TVenh Wa and. TInHoonng , Outfera auJ 5iioutui/ Work don : anj warranted , , ' ,