THE OMAHA BE TUESDAY , ATJG. 11 , 1874 , OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE Cl 111E DA1LT BEE Js served subscribers by carrier , to part ot ft * city , every evening , ( bundayi . jcpted , ) M fills n cents per week , or Sis. ; ail month * , 47.00 peranuum , wheu advance. jj All complaint * about Irregularities , addr this office will receive prompt attention TUK OXABA IMILY BKK will be maili lubecribcrs at the follow ing now , ayable riably in advance : $7.00 per an-mm. 3.75 " C..onths. THE OMAHA DAILT BKK baa by fai LAEGEtT circulation In the city , an berefore , the best and cheapest advert medium. BATES or ADVEBTISIXO. Local notlw cents per lice : local advertisement ! cent * per line ; by the month , 10 cents , advertisement inserted for less ln = n 50 < Special notices , 10 cents per line ; single I lioa , pot leas " " 25 cenu. Transient abtni Cements most invi-lal paid for la sdnnct. ndvertUements t'y s ] Bate * for stnding ccDtract , All Legal Notice * , Statements , Ta Work , etc. , requiring careful revialon by < orvruot to be furnished , must be haiidi before ten o'clock A. v. to insure lusertio tame day. before pcllJ and Local blverUseraebts O'CjO-l " .M. Adfertbt-nenU before one o'clock p. K. Ali advcitisemeuta for the WKEKLT mutt be handixl in before Monday noon , Ic f aio0 week's isrue. iUUlYAL A&'D DEPAI11DUE TBAISS. lime Carf of Hie Bn lluRton K Pullman I Onion Pacific. WATT. AB Dily Egrets al p" loitx ) 5Sfe.r. : : : . 2 : S ? . * * ' UUy Frei8ht. . . 6-J1 * Xrlana * P Cble o , Kocfc Cblcaeo & Nortbwe lTn. . Jo- * Council If ma- City , St. - . M. 10:00 : o- * and 8. . of tte TOADTKK'JlM < ItS 'me uill LA'11 OK ot lioOA.IIT BKK inn Ilian double thnt r nny'oilict d paper published iu X "bra lta. Pcycte'e Restaurant and Os rooms. The leading house of kind. 207 , Farnham street , betv Twelfth and Thirteenth. Ieb24 OMAHA BREVITIES. A detachment of the Ninth fantry left Oaniha Barracks yes daymorning for Fort "Laramie. in the 1 A little scrimage ner Hall bar room caused a li excitement in that vicinity evening. Ttie appearance of llccraan Christopherson put an i to the fuss , and one of the bellij ent pugilists was lodged in jail. is inth street has a sensation the shape of an attemted rape S day near the Union Pacific pot. Uo names could bcascertair as no arrest has yet been made ; i it is said that the mother of the refuses to make complaint. A girl , named Amelia Kipp hann , disappeared from her he In this city , two weeks ago.r. last heard of her was that she i at Sirs. Jlertinson'b , in Shic addition. Her mother went th found t last Saturday , and she had gone , no one kn where. Her mother took . ' clothes home , and has not si ; heard from her. The girl is part ly out of her mind. Any inforr tlon concerning her can he left the American House , where It v he thankfully received hy her .sisj - An old man named Jose assaulted Boles vas hrutally Thirteenth street Sunday by saloon-keeper , whose name he gn as Gooch , who struck him a fear blow on the left cheek , blacking 1 eye , cutting the skin , and causi the cheek to swell up as big ns man's fist. Boles went up to F teeuth street , where he obtain some water and washed himself. J Informed the bystanders that t man had been arrested and rcleas on bail. On Inquiry at the Poll Court yesterday , we learned th .no such arrest had been made , ai no one knew anything of the r sault. The man who struck th blow should be hauled up and pu Ished. Boles says he knows tl n-an well , and if so , he ought proceed against him , unless he d something that would justify ams In belting him in that manner. Plattsmontb. Camp Hooting. + * The Nebraska Holiness Associi tlon will hold a camp meeting i Plattsmouth , Iseb. , comiuenciu Monday , ' August 12th , at 10 A. M and continuing six days. The pos er states that "the meeting wi hare for its special object tne pn motion of Holiness. But while th : -will be its special purpose , we sha look for a large ingathering of. sir. ners to Christ Board will be furr Ished on the grounds at the foi lowing rates : per week , $5.00 ; pe day > ? 1 I breakfast and supper , 3 cents , dinner 50 cents , except o Sabbath , ' -when 50 cents -will b be charged for breakfast and suppei and 75 cents-for dinner. .Reduce rates have been filven by the rail roads.Tents must be furnished b the attendants. The grounds lyia on the west end of the city of Platfc jnouth have been cleared and com fortably sea'ted fora large audience. JBELI.EVUE GROVE , twelve mile from Omaha , on the line of the E & M. R.Ri and 10 ° vards from t1 depot , has been improved forpii Tic and private parties BY SI'AUSLAXD & MARTIX. .All engagements for the rev < Nbe made through " ANDY MCACSLAN-D , Tbev 242.Doufila $ Street. ' Vorionai. The Aimee Opera BouQe troi went East to-day via the C : B. & Master Saunders , son of ex-G ernor Saunders , went East to-daj Sam. Jones , the Granger , arrl' in town yesterday for a brief v to his many friends. General Superintendent Cla and General Freight Agent Vini of the Union Pacific , came in fr the west this afternoon. Chief Engineer Sickles , of Union Pacific , went east to- < over the Chicago , Burlington Quincy railway. L. M. Bennett , superintenden the Pullman Palace Pacific < Company went East over the C. & Q. to-day. Mrs. Brown , wife of Counciln M. H. Brown , left this morni accompanied by her children , fc month's visit to her relatives in souri. Henry "Webberaccompanied his daughter , left to-day for East via the C. B. & Q. for a b ness visit to New York , Boston i Philadelphia. Major C. D. Bogue , clerk at Metropolitan Hotel , will leave morrow morning for a two wee visit to Chicago on business i pleasure. For the past five yt and a half he has been identii with the Metropolitan Hotel , wL he , more than any other man , ever maintained us a strictly fi class house. His acquaintance very extensive , which , with qualities of a thorough gen man , has been the means attracting to the Metropolitan very best class of travel. He proved himself in every way a n valuable hotel man , as every < will testify. "We understand thi splendid opening has been ofle him in Chicago , and there is asli possibility of his not returning , hope , howflver , the present j prietor of the Metropolitan will j vail upon him , ifsuoh be the 01 to abandon bis intention of leav Omaha , where he Is so well knoi The following are the arnvals the Wyoming : 13 H Bullard , Chicago ; M Brv do ; "W M Hastings , G mew , do ; John Turnbull , Ireland ; "W ; D Ackerm jr city ; "Wm A Kelley , city ; 0 Bayell , Kansas CJiyjCharles Spade do ; C B Little , doj J If Urui shank , city ? A M Major , circus P Heiper , Harrisburg ; B T 1 ? thews , Chicago ; Joe Teahon , ol j B Saunders , city ; Wm Welt Chicago ; A A Svilson , do ; A Ba hart , Hastings. Irft P Hijrby , deB B Smith , Chicago , T B Davis , I Pleasant ; WH , Boyce , Cedar I pids. police Court Hewi. The drivers ot hacks NOB. 6 a 3 were brought before the Pol Court yesterday on the co plaint of Captain Payne for not sti ing near their hacks. It appe : that they had meandered outside the ten feet limit prescribed by 1 ordinance. The Captain withdr the complaint , on the defcndan paying the costs. James Kinney , drunk , paid and costs ; John Powell , for t same offense , $1 and costs ; Fra Curtis , drunk , was discharged , as had no money. Charles Dyer , a pugilistic tail got into a quarrel yesterday at Jo1 Benson's saloon in South Onial He badly bruised the head of Chi Duulson , who had called him a lit Both parties were arrested ; D $ ivas fined $7.50 , and Coulson § ! . ( ludge Wilbur declared yesterdi that hereafter he should alwa Tine a man for calling another a lit is it was a disturbance of the peac The city marshal yesterdi nade complaint against Fletcher rlubbard for committing a nuisan n cleaning out the Grand Centr Totel cess-pool during the daytim lis Honor imposed a fine of § 1.1 md costs. Dick Taylor and Ed. Ryau we leforc the Police Court yesterds n the charge of disturbing tl icace by fighting outside the circi laturday night Taylor was fine 2.00 ; Ryan was dicharged. Isaac Sylvester and Patric Icnton , two boys , got into a litt ! ifliculty at the circus Saturda ight. It appears that one struc ic other by mistake , thinking h as the man he was after. Bet ere discharged. 10 State Immigration Agent's Tri Through th State. Colonel Notcware , State Superin ndent of Immigration , returns mduy from an extended trij irough the counties of Cumings anton , Wayne , Pierce , Madison ntelope , Hall , Boone , and Plattc r the purpose of making i orough investigation of the condi > n of the people. He .fount c people very hopeful tha e recent rains would re- vc the corn so that ai ist a partial crop would be realized : e wheat will yield about a two- irds crop ; while the potatoes anc rn are badly injured. He says th ( oplc are far above the average foi telligence and clear grit. As fai their needing any help , he assures that there is no necessity for any 1 beinir extended ; but if there is y assistance -wanted tne State > ard of Immigration will prompt attend to the matter. It in not t time , however , to make any eve in that direction. Col. Notewarc also paid a visit to e O'Neill colony , in Holt county , d found it in a most flourishing ndition. Yesterday he left the west , intending to"A'isit ery county in the State on as'iml- trip as the above. E OREAM ! ICE CREAM ! ! 3. lu LATEY'S is the place to go this very necessary commodity. DR. POWELL , office 216 , Farn- ' n street. Jupe23-tf \ HOUSE DIVIDED AGAIN ITSELF. A. Bow in the First M. E. Chui Samuel Barns , Who Could : Endorse Mrs. Van Cott , S cedes With His Adherents , and Founds a New So- ciety. Ihe Breech is so Wide that Eyen Mrs. Van Cott Conld Mend It. For some time past there has I trouble brewing in the lirst Me dist Church of this city , and difficulty yesterday culminated 1 secession of a large portion of 1 church , This morning we obtai the particulars of yestei day's ceedings , but failed In securing authentic history of the orlg causes of the dissension , owinj the reticence of the promic members of each party. They ; fessed to the BEE reporter , a 1 horror of newspaper not ty , and begged that matter be suppressed When formed of the BEE'S determinai to publish what it could get hole according to the well known ref of metropolitan journalism , t endeavored to squelch the puU tion by assuring us that iu other per would publish it Politely forming them that the BEE st on its own bottom , and was guided in its course by the unioi any other journal , we gave ther understand that we were de mined to gratify the public appc for news at all hazards. As near as we can learn ut these adverse circumstances , trouble originated in June last ring the Van Cott revivals. Samuel Burns , superintendent the Sunday school , the teachei the seme , and his and their part lar friends had a falling out \ ijrs , Van Cott about seine tri matter } if > ve recojleot rightly 3 Vancott authoritatively took pos * Ion of the Sunday school refer for one of ner converts' meeti it the same time appointed the Sunday school teach meeting , which had to take plac mother hour. No very frien feeling had evpr existed betw Samuel Burns and his adhere md Mrs. Van Cott. They did ike her revival meetings , think : bey Wfjrp tgo njuch of a good thi 3f course Mrs. yau pott had personal backers , in the c u Ight thus begun , and among th A-ere the Rev. Clark Wright i 3eorge Washington Frost. Mrs. Van Cott took her jarture , but tbR , breach only gi he wider , tlie Rev. Clark Wri md his followers arrayed on thei Ida , ajjd Samuel Burns and ad ents on the p&er , Charges i sountor charges , of a morp qr j erious nature , have been advan > y the leaders of the two par igainst each other , but us yet , < ng to the foolish reticence of ioncerned , w.e have been HH W * iscertain , their character deflnit nough for publication. In June test Burns was elected uperintendent of tbo eJgnt Ichool , and the quarterly couf nee , supposing they had gt rounds for their action , renjcn tim. The teachers of the sch laimed the right to re eject hi nd they did so. Tiio conferer maintained that he was ineligi 3 the office on account of unwort onduct , and threatened to cj ( lie church If he was permitted erform the duties of superinter rat , and instructed the pastor , R < lark Wright , to inform them tl e could not act as such officer. The teachers' association , belie ig that they could not any ioti ; main in harmony with the enure ireatened to organize a sociel hich should be known as the M on Society of the First M. ' . hurch. Sunday they seceded from . ' other church in a body , and nj . the basement of the First Presb rian Church , just across the f rre < hich thus countenanced the i A Sunday School wr.s organic ith the original teachers and ( : ers of the First M. ID. Churc id thus the secedera assumed ice a very defiant attitude , ai opose to fight it on that line. The difficulty will be brought b < e Bishop Thomas Bowman , of S mis , for adjudication. One member of the Burns' fa n gave as his reason for secedin i fact that the church was run b : h men as George W. Frost , an it the followers of Burns neve I , and never could , endorse sue > ceedings as the Van Cott rev Is. \ . prominent man on the othe e condemns Burns , and think had made a mistake of a life le. le.L L large number of the niembei ; he congregation have demande ir letters of dismissal , and thu i matter stands at present. YE notice a party advertisin ; we Machines C. O. D. for S50.0C j have rch'ablc information tun se machines are not new AN1 LVE BEEN USED. We have i nbcr of machines that have beei d , and we are prepared to sel m at GREATLY reduced prices I will WARRANT all we sell. THE Ho WE MACHINE Co. ; 10eodlOt 480 13th Street. 'OR SALE. A handsome fin of dwelling house safe. Chea ] cash. May be seen by callinj he office of the Life Associatioi America. Aug. 3 , tf. LATLBOAB tickets to New York ianapolis , Kansas City , St. .Loui ; . Toledo , for sale at reduced rate ; OG Farnham street PH. GOTTHEISIER , 8-tf Ticket Broker. COUNTY COMMISSIONER SATURDAY , August 8,187 The Board met pursuant to journment. Present , Commiss ers McArdle , Knight , and Redfi Dr. McClelland , county physic reported 20 paupers remaining Poor House. Byron Reed , Isaac S. Hascall , James U. Gridley , Commlssloi appointed at the last meeting , i mitted a report showing that t had assessed the damages accri to the estate of Jesbe Lowe in i sequence of opening of roads as lows : Platte River and Omaha R * $503,00. Cuming street extension , $14 Total , $645,00. Specifications for a board fenc be built along Enos Lowe's lane settlement of his claim for righ way for the roads above mentio were adopted , and the clerk dir ed to publish notice that propc for building said fence would be ceived by the Board up to 4 o'e p. m. Saturday , 15th inst. The following official bonds % approved : John Rush , County Supt. of I lie Instruction ; Reginald Twad < Constable Union Precinct. Petition and bond having I filed , license for sale of liquoi Waterloo , in Valley Precinct , ordered issued to John Maguire one year from August 1st , 1874 having paid $35.00 into the Treas therefor. George Smith was appointed c missioner to view and report up county road petitioned for by ] Nielsen and others , viz : Commi ing at ne corner of se qr of sw q Sec 31 , T 16 , R13 east , running \ 1 } miles to west line of Sec 36 16 , R 12 east. The following accounts were lowed : Wm H Ijtims , ac. numerical index . . . . . . $30 < S D Beals , County Supt 41 A Burley , taking Mrs. Con ner to asylum 3' W McClelland , post mortem and witness fee 1. B Reed & Co , fees assigd II S Saunders , 20 yds toweling ' M Hellrnan & Co , fees as'd. . : J F Morton , fees assigned. . . i Homer Stull , witness on in quests Charles Drake , do ' . G M Conger , do : Henry Grebe , dp ' F A Cushman , work ' , poor farm . . 2 ] Wm McClelland. , county phj'sician 4 ( Shecly Bros. , meat for poor house 11 Charles Riewe , coffee for pauper. 4 F Kelley , wood for poor. J F Lewon , work on road S'i Adjourned to Saturday , 151h i LEWIS S. REEP , County Clerl THE Land Department of Burlington & Missouri River R road , Company are engaged in } curjng the best samples of agrii ' tural , mineral and'o'tlier product Nebraska. Their purpose Is to these samples in illustrating throi the East the resources of this port of our Stale. AlJ persons who have sam ] which can serve the afeovq nupp * particularly samples of the croj 1874 , should address the Depi rupnj. TJie full value will be p for all articles supplied , gnd tl sau bo forwarded by express ot uxpcnse of the Company. All packages and corresponds Should be addressed to LAND C < MISSIONS" B , , & M. R , . R. , Burlii ton , fowa. The Life Association of Ameri is the only company doing busin n Nebraska whose polipjes are al ulely non-forfeitable for non-pi ui'iit of premium. H. H. BELLOWS , nug G.-tJ ( Manager McKelligoiys card ecomi pngo. jinie2-t Bermuda Arrowroot , Nelson's Gelatine , Coxs Sparkling Gelatine , Unsworth's Soluble Chocolate , Deviled Ham , And a full line of fancy and staj Tocerics always on hand , and : ale cheap for CASH. augS-2t Pf H. ALLEN. 'alls ' of St. Anthony and Ulanehal Last excursion of the season to t eautiful fishing lakes of Minnesol limiehaha Fall ? , Taylor's Fal lineral Springs , the charming ai eautiful scenery of the St. Cro iver , and thu thrilling passage je Dallps , Lafees Superior ai [ her summer resorts in Minnpsot ickcts for the round trip , to k atil.or Minneapolis , $10,50 D ith , $24.00 , good for 30 days , wi ave MONDAY , AUGUST 17 , 1874 , urn the Union Pacific depotpat clock p. m. Tickets for sale I impany's agent , 225 Douglas St cpiiLlican building. ig62\veod GEO. W. GBATTOX. Indian Curiosities at No. , .17 irnham street , " corner llth stree may 7-tf. LACKAWANA COAL at lowes arket price , by the IOWA COA > MPAXY. Office 13th street , ( foi erly Union Coal Company's ) . 30 tf GEO. C. TOWLE , Agent. DYEING , c.eamng and repairin , ne in the neatest manner , at th STEAM DYE WORKS , th Farnham and Douglas r28t f. SALOON for sale cheap. Inquin BEE olllee. ju24-tf TYPE FOR SALE I \ Font of Bourgeois Type , o iich th's is a sample , weighing 601 . This type has been" iu use 01 5 Daily BEE than'one"ye&r I is nearly as good aa new. For terina &c. , address E. ROSEWATEB , f. Publisher of the Bee THE LAST CHANCE obtain the best daily paper pub led in Nebraska at the exceed- ; ly low rate of fifty cents pei mth. Vfter the first of August no sub- iptions will be received at less in the regular price. Sow is THE TIME ; $1.50 in ad- ice pays-for the OMAHA DAILY E three months. jy23-3t Chickens , Religion , Corn , : Temperance. PLATTSMOUTH , Aug. K EDITOR BEE : The sporting days have come , galliest of the year. And the I of Plattsmouth , even the sedate men of ripest years , are impro\ the festive occasion. Some tir just to relieve the monotony of sport , some one with eommendi coolness , will remove a gun fi the wagon , muzzle first , a shatt < arm or perforated hat is the aence. Some times a "setter" historical pedigree , and fabu worth , will suddenly lose all in est In the game , by simply meel a defensive reptile , or a horse , \ drooping ears and bleeding nee the victim of an amateur shot. beyond these slight irrcgulari the sport is intense. Speaking of game , reminds u the HOLINESS CAMP MEETING , that is soon to be inflicted h Brother Alex , light weight of I coin ; and Plattsmouth's div : Brother McC. , will discharge orthodox , howitzer. The felaugl is expected to be immense. TL good men , no doubt , will "roll clover , " ( figuratively ) , and en the result Plattsmouth has alw stood high in the way of ami ments , ind we see no reason v this should not be a success. 1 notwithstanding the hardness of hearts , and the prayers of & men , by the laithful labor of farmers and the late refresh rains , our will be good. For a time it 7 feared that the grasshoppers we destroy every thingbut it seems t they have had compassion on frontier State , and have checl themselves for Bother climes. " i our testimonials attend them. Passing down street thn other c ning we met the temperance d Ration returning from Linc ( Their sickly smile spake their c grin. We feel sorry for our t < perance folks , and think it i mean that no one will help tli along. They ought to bust the KEPUBLICAX I'AKTY for its obstinacy. Mr. BEE did it ever occur to ; that this | _ movement was wren named ? How would "Wonu Kights" do Instead of "Temj anoe ? " Or they might call th ( selves f'the Old Ladies' Caligo ] grade. " This would embrace male retainers , and yet be sugf live of the agitators. If the "movement" will persis unsexinc itself , how does it exf to gain recognition from men ? FONTENELLl GEO. fl. PETERSON , tuepiou cigar manufacturer , keeps c stantjy on fyand.thp ve > ry I brands of cigars , and also Tj Jack , Fruits and Flowers , j "Durham" Smoking Tobac 211 Douglas street. mayfleodlv L. WOODWOBTJI , 238 Douglas St. , Omaha , N < Wood Stocl WAGOS HARDWAR ] Patent Wheels , Plnishei Gearing , &o. \xles , Springs ami Thimble Skci HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hacks ana Buggi Stmleliacker Wagon Depot. mchStt _ WILLIAM LATEY , Dor. 16th aud "Webster , St Keeps a complete assortment ot GROCERIES and PROYISIONI 3ARGAINS ! BARGAINS J. Q. SXiATTER , Pealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries Irick Store , 8. F. Cor. 16ft & Chicago B WILL KESIOVE SEPTEMBH 1st , io ACOBS' New Brick Bloct , cor. , 15th and G .ol Avenue. Special Bargains are now offend in grocer : efore removal. auglOdtf TREITSCHKE & CO. , GROCER ! And Geneial Provision Dealers , 8. WCor. . Jackson and 13th Sta- , > ep a superior stock of Groceries , Provisioi rlncs , Liquors and Cigars , and sell rheap lan any other house iu Omaha. jyS 3ui SPENCER'S an.i . Confection ar dor. 13Ui and Learenworlli St ? . , 148nj AT TOE BRIDGE JOB Printing he Bee Job Printing House EXECUTES ALL KINDS OF BOOK ASD JOB FRISHXG ERY BEST STYLES AMD AT THE Lowest Casli Prices. > mpetent workmen are in charge of the ral departments , and FIRST-CLASS work be turned out In either glish , Germair , Bohemian , or Danish Languages. rOrden may be left at the BEE Conrl Boom or forwarded by nail and K Ire prompt attention. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Advertisement * of To Let , dale , Loct , Wants , Found , Boarding , Ac. , be inserted in these columns once for ' CENTS per line : each subsequent insert FIVE CEF1S per line. The first insei never lessthaa TWENTY-FIVE CENTS By a gentleman , board and i WANTED quiet family. Acdress "M Bee Office. " auglCKl TT'OR RENT Brick Stoic corner Chicagc JD Sixteenth streets The best location li city , liarinc been occupied for the last s years as a grocery. augTdtf S. WRIGHT SALE A small house , South East EOR of 7th and Jackson Streets. Im on the premises. augSd ANTED A good capable girl to do hi W work at 535 17th M. acg7 "JITUSIC Sirs. A. Polack , for mnny ye JLlJL successful teacher of music la the Female Institutes of Kentucky , will receivi pils in that branch at her reticence , 233 Ho bt. Will commence teaching , Sept. aug7 < mAKEN UP-By J. E. Lattin , at Fox's I J _ G Liileb west of Omaha , on the Jill ] Itucd , 5 Texas cows t nil 2 calves. Owner call at farm or address J. E. Lattin , tbn Omaha 1' . O. aGdStw : MONEY TO LOAN On approved pers security , also City and County Wan bought and soM. Inquire nt Law Office c W. J' . Kitharda , No. J 13th St. . Omaha. AugGdtf A girl to do general house- ? WANTED on west side of 16 , bet. J and l.eaen worth. aug5 < UtNT A stable containing { stall ! FOU a graicery and carriage house. Co IGtliHud Howard Sta. Inquire269 Howan aug4d6t LET Small house , cor. Capitol AVI TIO and 14th tt. , one block from Post O : 1' ssession , August loth. Apply at Coz llouse , Sth St. aug3t A girl to do houscw WANTED at 401 hurt bt. , bet. 20 aud : aug3dtf LET House with four rooms , near U TO Depot. Possession August Sth. App Cozzens House , Sth St , aug& SALE-Iinmedlatcly , and at a G FOR . The furniture in the Philadel Home can be bought cheap , one-half cash , the other half on three to six months i with good security. Leaseof tha house ) seven month ! ! , at SJ3 per mouth. Forty-Ill fifty good cash boaruus. The Proprietor other business to attend to immediately , for tliat leasou oilers this splendid upportui iv23tf. C SCUAhNliOi.b WANTED-A girl to Uo general house w Apply at 11. Pomeroy's , West em Mary's Avenue. Wajts-Sj.OO per week. july22tf. RENT House on 18th near Cass sti FOIl tf. S. A. U AY LOB i C A girl to cook at Anur WANTED . lit * aud 12th , , Douglas : st. IMMEDIATEL"i girl t WANTED . Apply S31 Haven street , between 17thand 18th. jyl TO RENT-193 Douglas street , STORE of WEBBER i BEH : julvltf Day boarders , at the south' ' WANTED and Hartley sU. { e2 A cncap larni in ercnange WANTLD . Address , Farmer , 1 office. apl'lt /CHATTEL JIORTC.AGE SALE Wherea \J the fith day of October. 1873 , J. A. The made and executed a certain Chat-el Mortj to Lars Christensen , which was duly recoi in Boot J , of Jlortgaces In Doughs Cpupty secure the payment of Ibe turn ol two huniJ and fifty'S2oO'dollars ) with interest from jih dny of April , 1S74 , and there is now dui > aid Note the sum of Two Hundred aud Si [ $2'0) dollais at this d te. Now thercfon ) hall bj the authority \ested in me by vii ot said Chattel Morlgaje , proceed to sell property therein described at th < " storj No. L'arnliar.l ttrRpt in Omaha , oa Friday , AUJ Jl t , 1874 , at 3 o'clock B. m. , To-Wlt : Ihes- jt pentlemt-iH furnishing cnods together w ill the shelving and fixtures , and Lease hold Lerest in said premises. Angust 1 , IbTl. LARS CIir.ISr.FXSE * iusllu20d3t Br James K Morton his Ati TO 5TAIL CASH PURCHASE ] For Sewing Machines. In order to make rcom pr o pep atj'lca , lave pufln PEBFECr order all of our lock , including second-hand , and offer them JREATLEY REDUCED prices , for CASH. BEAR IN MINI .VERY " HOWE " BOUGHT OF US a ur AUTHORIZED cnvaisers is WABRAN ID , and INSTRUCTION given , ta WE hav .EPUTATION TO SUSTAIN. Experiei roves a machine WITHOUT Instruction CORSE than NONE at all. CAUTION. We know of large lots of wort S3 machines bought at low figures , that are I ig palmed off on the public for nearly as go i new. Persons that do not want to run t sk of being swindled should NEVER buy RESPONSIBLE puartles , a.3 they hare S putation AT STARE , 43 have old establish * > rnpanlcs. THE HOWE MACHINE CO. , auglOJlni 450 13th Stree CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Whereas , On the 9th day of May , 1873 , Job . L'ickerhciU * made and executed a certai lattcl Mortgage to Isaac C Hanscow , TV hie is duly recorucd in Book M of Mortgages , i luglas County , to secure the payment of tb iu of one hundred dollars , with Interest froi 3 'Jth day of May , 1873 , and there it no' e on said mortgage the sum of one hundre il fifteen dollars at this date , s'ow , therefore , I shall by the authorit ited in me by virtue of eaid chattel mortgag ) cced to sell the property therein describe Wilson's Auction Store , corner of 13th am rncy street , in Omaha , on the 2nd day o jtembcr , 1374 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to-wlt e bay horse , about eight years old ; on ihop wagon , and one sett Concord doubl ness , lugust 10th , J874. ISAAC C. HANSCOM. 0-17-24Asl PAUL STEIN , Constable LEGAL NOTICE. drcus Johnson , Plaintlfl , v ; . John Munsen ic endent. Ihfure KnoUi Henny , Justice o lie Peace , Douglas County , Nebraska , said Defendant : ake notice. That on the 3rd day of August I , raid Justice issued an order of attachment be above action for'the sum of sixty-Wii iarsand < exenty-five cents , atd interest from y 24th , 1871. You are required to unswei the 18th day of September , 1874 , at 0 o'clock , i. , or judgment will be taken agaiu t you lefauli for i-aid amount nnd cos Is. SEALS i SHROPSHIRE , OJltwSt Plaintiff's Attorneys. LEGAL NOTICE. istlan Larsen , Plaintiff , vs. John MunMn , cfendant. Before Enoch Ifenny , Justice of ic Peace , Douglas County , Nebraska , lolin Munscn , Defendant : ou are hereby notified that on the 23th day uly , 1874 , zaid Justice issued an order of chuient in the above action lor the sum of 10 and Interest from October 18th , 1873 , and s. You are required to answer on the 18th of Septcrul-cr , 1874 , at 9 o'clock. A. M. , or ; mcnt will be taken against you by default aid amount and cojli. naha , Neb. , Aug. 10th , 1874. CHRIbTIAN LARSEN , Odltw3t Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. stian Larsen , Plaintiff , vs. John Erickson , ifrndant. Before Enoch Henny , Justice of e Peace , Douglas County , Nebraska , ohn Erickion , Defendant : > u are hereby notified that on the 29th day uly , 1874 , said Justice Issued an order of hment in the above action for the sum of Ijand interest from October 18tb , 1S73 , and i. You are required to answer on the ISth of September , 1S74 , at 9 o'clock , A. M. , or ment will be taken against you by default aid amount and costs , laha , Neb. , Aug 10th , 1374. CHRISTIAN LABSEN , UltwSt Plaintiff. SCHOOL NOTICE. ilice is h-reby riven that I will examine all > ns who may desire to offer tbeuuel > es as dates for teachers ot the common schools is county , a the Court House on Saturday lay of August , A."D. 1S74. the first Saturday of every month there- a public examination of teachers will be at the tame place. 1 communications addressed JOHK RUSH , County Superintendent , Elkhorn Station , jlOdlt CoBgUl Co. , Nb. LIQUOKS , WINES , ETC. en > a o = ® 2 cn * -r 00 g 3S r * 03 S3 1 a S " ? H § 9 * * $ P - " m 0O1 B tfS1 o tf = ! w s-55 ft w CDP. P. N. GLYNN \rUOt.ESALE AND RETAIL DEALER t : Wines , Liquors , Sega TOBACrO AND PIPES. * 3"Callfornia Wines and Brandies. * ® ! Corner of 15'h and Dodge streets , opposit new Post Office building , Omaha. Neb- \ Bavarian Beer Ha 198 Douglas St , Opposite Metropolitan ITo * Finest brands of all classes of Liquors Sevan. Fresh Lager constantly on hand. Je25-3m C1IAS. HART Pr ( Gr-ro , t W ostona. Comer of Cnmisga and Tceaty-seccnd st : The finest lager baer cc stantly on hand. Je23-Cm CUAS. WEYMULLER. I HOTELS. GRAND CENTRA T3C O T JH3 Xj . 3MAHA , - - - NEBBAS The largest and beat hot between Chli md San Francisco. Opened new September 30th , 1S73. i30 tl OEO. THKALL. Proprieto CITYHOTE1 E. T. PAGE , Proprietor. 10th St. , l > t. "parnhaai and Harn OM4IH , NEB. Free Jiuss to and from all Train 'avengers for other Hole' ? or private R denres , fitrried for 25 cents. C3AH orders Ipft at P. H. Allen's , 2d d rom P. O , C. Wilson & Son , cor. 13th { rney , and the City Hotel OiEcc , will reci touipt attention. ly" li United States Hotel , COl l. DOUGLAS AND TENTH STREE1 nllEUNDERSIGNED respectfully anne L ces that he has purchased and rc&ited IIOTC Hotel , and is now rvadr to accommod le public , with board by dav rr wpik. at n nable ratei. WILLIAM LE11R , Prot ] ulv ± ! ' 74 1 : LLINOIS Between ; , Ui aud 10th. CHAKLKS FEL.DEUMAN , Prop. mchlltt Central Uousi V * . 630 Eizteonta Street , pp. Jefferson Square , OMAHA , NI JOSEPH DOTE , Prop'r. Day and week Board at reasonable rates. First-class tar attached to the hovs , w ' Ie27 3m California House. FRITZ HAFHER , Prop'r , No. 170 Douglasistrcet , coin r Jlth , Ouul Dbr-aska. Board Ly the day or week , iune 1 , T ! On Sth , bet. Farnham and JTarney Streets , been entirely refiittcd and refurnisht IAS will accommodate all to the best ard at J 1 , 50 per day ; 40c per single meal. Y & S M HARRYMM G , , , , , y284ly. Proprietoi Southern Hotel , Fronting on ith , Eth and "Walnut st , , It. Louis , - Mo Laveille , "Warner & Co. , 'lie Southern Hotel is first-da In all i > ointraenp ) . its tables are at all tlraea sur id in the greatest abundance , witii ail t'i icaclea the markets afford , Its clcres an ploye * are ail polite and attentive to il itiof tlippii' t of the hotel , There is : > rovoleiova or leading from the first floe the upper one , ICiilroad and steambo.i etoffiies. new * slnnd nd wesicrr flnio : trapli ; otti e In thu 1 otunda of hotel , . 3D. a- < -UA > ' FACIDREP OP AXO DEALKB IK- mbniinlns and TY-udow Stadcs : ROMOS , ESQRAYISGS AXE PICTURE FRAMES. 170 Farnham street. coiner Fifteenth P.R.R.MEAT MARKET , 16th street bet California and Webster. rE KEEP ON HAND THE BFS1 eupply of FRESH A P SALTEIJ \1S. Also a largp stwk of Kino bngai dl Kiaand Hfpaitfost Ihe low- it cs. WM. AUsT A KNUTH , mv'4-lr 1 ropri > tor The Slunx City and Pacific Itsllroail , ID CoDD ctioa with th 3UX CITY & ST , PAUL RAILROAD , ! miles the Uortest rpute frcm Council Blafft to St. Paul , 31Iueaiolis , irater , Anokt , Dnluth , BNmarcL , and all Is In Minnesota. iln leaves Omaha daily , ( except Saturday ) . p. m. , and Council E2ul& at 8.05 p- om Chicago i North-Western Depot. e as LOW and lime as QUICK as by any oilier line. LMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS , mre your ticket reads VIA Sioux City , iToidlng circuitous routes and luidnignt ! cr . kett can be purchase" ! at ihe oCccs of the go < t Korthwi stern Railway in * Omaha ouncU Bluffs. J C. BOYDEN , Pass , i Ticket Agf St P. i s. C. P. . K. Paul , Minn. * F. C. HILL , Pass , and Ticket Agt. , S. C. i P. , Sioux a- OEO. W. GBATTOU , .Agent. * 163 Firnham Street , Omaha , The Kingof thelSEWING MACHINE WOILD „ pifxn.inintlr u Cold L'eisns Kealms ci Finance. SALES FOE 1873 : In Round Numbers 232,444 Machines ! SePntr0ac ! ! ? It will ban ly bedinita jptn such evidence that the s-utcriorily of the Singer is rulT : Q10C5w3t6U THE mm MJINPO co. W. N. NASQN , Agent , Je : SO. 212 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE &RQOERS , Agents for the Orler-tal Powder Co. STEFXE & JOHNSON , f SIJHPSOVS. ELOCIt 533 and 5-40 Fourteenth. Street , BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE mclil32yMORGAN MORGAN & GALLAGEK. SCCCLSSOP.S TO CREIGHTON AN.3 MOUOAN WliUJbl ? < bALiJb ! r1 "P nf TP'O C ! . I\To. kO FariiJiam Street. at rgdly WHITNEY , BAUSERMAN : & CO WHOLESALE GROCERS 2To. 247 Douglas Street , aich27yl AGEiNTS FOR TH1 ? DUTO.NT POWDER CO. CLARK & FRENCH , AND J > ALHJS fanned Goods , Dried Truits , Green Fruits in Season , je 1 . ' .KL-EIJS SOLICITED / XD PUOM1TLY FILLED. A , . S. S I IMI 3 ? S O ZLsT , --MANUFACTUEEH AND \VlIOr.ESALE ST. , . A. , 288 Dodge Street , 2d Door East of 16th Street. I keep cons intly on hand the finest tlo. lof Broad Cloth , Cassiuerrs and VeJtiufS hich I ani prepared to mate up in tie niOEt fashiunab.-e M j les : md to suit the most fastidious : the lowest possi'u.a price : } . jclOdly r ROBERT C , - > EALr.P. IN BRUSHES , LAMP GOODS ETC. 157 Douglas Street mchlSeodlr JOBBERS OF RY GOODS , UOSIFRY , GLOYES and MOTIONS. 231 Farn."h.aro. Street , - IsTIBB. x. BRO WN &BRO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TAPLi AMD FANCY DBY GOODS5 5-lT Motions , jind Boots and Shoes. JOHN T , -JOBEEP. OF Ihelf \ Heavy Hardware IRON , STEEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK,5 AND- AC-RlCT7T.TT7B.AIi IMPLEMENTS , . . ' . . , . , RESIIBRS. IIAR\KSTEIIS. llEAl'EllS.aiOIVERS. DUILLf hEEDKU.S COnSfcAXTEHN. . 1'LOIVS , CULTIVATOILS. II.VV- KAKK4 AND U'AGO.NS. mchljy : iS Douglas St , , OmeOia , ITebrasisa. HEKKY HORNBERGER. DEiVLER Cf- L a Specialty. I9DODOL48STH , > [ Caldwell Block. ) f DMES and 5 half tneUDdta a cultivated , within two years from Jate ot purchase. LARGE DEDUCIONS FOR CASH PAYMENTS. lh of Platte , J oup Fork and Elkhorn Valleys 5 n.-h.Co.wlllscirabontl.OOO.OOOvj-'Hof'ipIenlllsra 'i til . Sl-f * U , § 7.00 per ocrr on Iun3crelit. vU South of he Piatte , Int no'ielby numerous river ' best dcTelope-1 part ot the State , ai also In tt ' - ' ' bvpublican apply to i. SCI&LLEB , Agent B. & M. land Office , , Coracr of Ninth and Farnbam Sts. , Omalia * 1 Or General Land Ccpaalmeutj LIccolOjNe i