THE OMAHA BEE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. TO CORRESPOXDKVTS. Wx zx > iror deslro any contribution ! whatever el a literary or poetical character ; and we vlll not undertake to preserre , or to return lie winie , in any case whatever. Our Stafl 1 luficicntly large to more than lupply oar limited ipace in that direction. KcaL NAME or WKTTEB , in full , mutt In each and erery cas accompany any communica tion ol what nature soerer. This la not In- Utided for publication , but lor ear own aatls- ' faction and as proof of eood faith. Ous COCHTKT FEIENDS we will always be pleased to hear from , on all nutters connected with crops , country politics , and on any sub ject whaterer of general interest to the people ple of our State. Any information connect ed with the election , and relating to floods , icdJtflt * . etc. , will be gladly received. All inch commnnU 'lions , however , must be brief a possible ; and dey must , in all cases , tw written up" > c one side of the iheet only. ALL AKKOt xcKXKVTf cf candidates for office _ whether made bj self or friends , and * , nunlcations to tie whether as not < xsor con < Editor , are ( until nominations are made ) simply personal , and will be charged as ad- Ail communications should b addressed to . EOSEWATEB , Editor and Publisher , Draw- I 27L JCOTICK. * On and after October twenty .first , 1872 , the city circulation of the DAILT BEE is asiumed by MrT Edwin Davis , to whose order all sub scriptions not paid at the office will be payable. pd by whom all receipts for mbscrfptlons will countersigned. E. HOSEWATER , Publisher BEPTOIICA1T STATE darofSept - , - . . . the purpou of placing in nomination one cindidaU for Congress , one canillnate for member of Congress contingent , candidates for Governor , fcec.etary of itate , Treasurer , Supeiintecdent of Public Instruction , State Prison Inipector , and Attorney Genera ! , and lor the transaction of inch other business as w r P'ooerly coae before it. The delegates ftoia. ach Judicial District will nominate a MntooforPistrict Attorney , for their riifec- tive Distract * . Ibeorgrniiei counties are entitle ! to dele gate * upon /ollowjflgbasi : Countlfs eait of the sixth Principal Meridian shall be entltlaJ to one delegate for each 1,000 inhabitants , according to the census tal > an Cur- ingihe current year , and one for each fraction over five hundred. But eich organized county stall ba entitled to at least ono delegate. Organizt-d counties west of the Cth P. il. , nball be entitled to one delegate each , and to one additional delegaU for each ono thousand in habitants , according ID the census aforesaid , 8nd one for eca fraction o > cr fi > * bundretl , fi follows : DKLEOATES FOB COUSITM. Adirai. . . , . . . 4 Johnson. . . . . . . . . 5 Antelope- _ 2 Kcor . . . . . . . . 1 „ 2 Keith. . . . 1 Butler . . . -4 Lancaster. . . . . . 14 Hurt . . 4 Lincoln. . . . . . . . . 3 Buffalo- . . , _ 3 Ma4ion _ . . . . . 4 Cass. . . . . .10 Merrick. _ . _ . . . 44 Chase. . - . 1 Ncmaha. . . . . . 8 Odar . 2 Xuctollj. . . . . . . . . 2 . S Otoe . . . . . _ _ 12 „ 3 Pawnee- . 5 -3 Cumitig. . . 4 . . . . Uacotak . . 3 I helps. . I > avon . -2 Polk _ _ . . S Richardson Iodce _ _ _ _ . . Hal Willow Douglas _ . _ Saline - Dundr _ _ _ . . _ I'nnfelln. . . . . . . Saundcrs. . . . . r'il/niore / . . . . . Sewari. . . . . . Stanton. . . . Thaver . . . . Valley „ „ „ Jtarlan- 3 Washington. . . . Ball Howard 2 Webster . . . . . . . „ . H 3 Hitchcock. . 1 York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Hamilton. . , „ „ 4 Unorganized Ter'y Holt. , . . . . 1 IntheState. . . . . 1 .Jefferson. . . . . . . . . . , _ . 3 'ft * counties are recommended * o elect al- /ernste&Iegatealo act In case the delegates fleet Jail Jo attend the convention ; and the /nnreotlon Js recommended to exclude proxies far delegates tbatdo not rrside In the counties llicy propose to rfpreMuf By order of the committee.e . e , U. JoHXSOX , C. H. GCRE , Chairman. Secretary , THE French National Assembly lias taken a recess , and France may now have a three month's respite from legislative recklessness. K VICTORIA having secured a $75,000 annuity for ono of her cults , has no further use for Parlia ment , and therefore the members were excused from further attend ance by Royal prorogue. ACCORDING to the St. Louis Qlole the Texas cattle fever is again making its appearance in portions of Ohio , Indiana and Illinois. These reports have , however , so far not been definitely authenticated. GENERAL \ IFQUAIN has set a practical example to those who de sire to aid the sufferers from tbe grasshopper invasion. He offers to be one of a thousand farmers who will donate one hundred bushels of wheat each to tbe poor homestead ers. TliE Hastings Journal has dis carded its patent St Louis bowels , and comes to us now entirely made up at homo. This is a marked im provement , and the people of Adams county will doubtless give proof of their appreciation by a liberal sup port. SEND Republican delegated to Lincoln who are in favor of return ing Crounse to Congress and nomin ating Hon. F. Welch for "Governor. Burtonian. Does our Tckamah contemporary honestly believe that both of these candidates can be nominated , and If not , why does it counsel what it knows cannot be accomplished ? X Governor Furnas made his famous requisition for arms on the War Department , the Herald si promptly secured a telegraphic re siP' siG vocation of the Indian bugaboo ' through the Omaha Merchant's P'c Club. Now when J. Sterling Mor P's ton issues his flaming grasshopper V proclamation , the Herald wants the s , Merchants Club convened to aid the tc ambiUous whopper in spreading the tcSi grass-whopper scare nil over the Siri risi country. si siei THE twenty political reformers eifl thai made up the mass Convention fl of Douglas county Independents fit last Saturday , may , for aught we fitg know , be perfectly sincere in their tc desires for ameliorting the condition fc of the industrial classes. At the same time they should not deceive themselves into the belief that they have so far succeeded in convincing tr.Si ten persons out of a thousand in this Si city that anything practical can. te.TI be accomplished by their movement. TI The fact is that out of the twelve an persons designated by them as the la ; City Ward Committee not more tic i four have ever thought of affll- tb tbP. avith \ them , fie much for the- , . P. the movement iri pr prM SENATOR HITCHCOCK AKD HIS POST- MABTEB. Federal patronage when judicious ly distributed may become a most powerful lever in the hands of a skilled political leader. On the other hand this prerogative may prove his greatest curse when be stowed on improper or unworthy persons. Such evidently seems to bee the case with Senator Hitch cock's most lucrative gift , the Oma ha postoffice. "When Senator Hitchbook firct or ganized the postal pool by which Griffen anu Yost were to share and divide Uncle Sam's most luscious sugarplum , he could not possibly have foreseen that this plum would turn to ashes in their unhallowed hands. Time has demonstrated what the Senator will doubtless ad mit that he committed a very grave blunder when he saddled Yost upon Griffin , and that he committed the greatest blunder of his political life when he saddled Yost upon himself. Xobody knows better than does Senator Hitchcock that Griffon's" troubles , beginning with Yost , were aggravated and precipitated by Yost. Griffin fell victim to his own stupidity in sustaining the outra geous policy inaugurated by Yost against the BEE , and Senator Hitch cock must inevitably fall a victim to his ovyn generosity if he attempts to sustain Yost hi his official corrupt tiou. tiou.In In his personal attachment to a political ally the Senator is apt to lose sight of his duty to the public. It was risky enough for him to ap point an unpopular officep to erne of the most important positions within his gift , but when he attempts to brave public opinion by sustaining tljat officer after he is publicly con- victe4 qf gravp offenses and flagrant violations of honor , he smpy } } com mits political hari karl. It is immaterial whether Special Agent Hawley sends in a white- washfng report or whether he con firms his publip depjan jon , made n the presencp of responsible wtT | ncjscs , that all but ono of the charges brought against Yost have been sustained. - The people of Oma ha and Jfebraska have read the sworn testimony and fQFm94 their own verdict. They cannot bo bribed , nor can any honest or honorable Republican journal attempt to ex onerate the officer who , acrording to his own admissions , is gujty } of the most disgraceful offenses. Even the Omaha Republican , Yost's personal organ , has not dared to face public indignation by at tempting his defence. The silence of the Democratic } press at this stage of procedure may readily be ex plained. They want nothing bet ter than the retention of Yost in the Omaha postoffice to give the lie to the professions of Republicans , that lishonestand corrupt officials are promptlyremoved. The editor of the Herald has publicly declared his intention to ivrestle Douglas county from the Republicans by parading the fester ing postal sore during the impend ing campaign. He that hesitates is est , is a maxim that might ] well ipply to Senator Hitohcocks in this nstance. Let him hesitate between luty and personal friendship and it iocs require the gift of a prophet or of 3 lottery gambler ) to forsee he result. THE BEE is just as anxious as any ithcr Journal to make the coming state fair a success , but it cannot ipprovo the questionable method esorted to by Mr. Morton in his ate grasswhopper prouunciamento. f we have to send the exaggerated grasshopper invasion reports broad- : ast over the land for the purpose of [ rawing a full attendance to the air we had better abandon thatpro- jct altogether. In the first place the area of the uticlpated suffering will be almost ntirely confined within the settle- lents in the Loup and Republican alleys. The number of families liat will need immediate relief Is omparatively small. A grea ter number will need sup- lies for themselves and their stock uring the winter , and seed for the iriug. The most effective organ- : ation for their relief is the Grange , iid we apprehend the men who ave contributed so liberally toward relief of the Louisana sufferers tl ( ill not hold back when the call > mes from the people of their own Lite. The people in the towns and ties will also do their share to- ard ameliorating their conditiou. AH these measures will receive si ir . We are , hewer - er , inclined to the opinion that "r. Morton's proclamation will deere ore damage to Xebraska than has ( en Jone by the grasshoppers. Tun active sympathy and friend- ct ip displayed by the Emperor of ctni jrmany toward the Spanish Re- iblic , is after all not quite as disin- JuSi Si rested as one might suppose. Ac- rdiug to a French aceount.Kniser ilhelm is negotiating with the di > aninrds for the cession of the wn of Santana , in the province of inlander , to the domain of irnpe- il Prussia. The Germans propose , ould they obtain the place , to 3ct a second Gibraltar on its site. > es Germany need a Gibraltar ? 'hat can a country which personi- 3 unity at home and peace and od will all round the world want do with such an ugly looking rtress ? FT now looks as if Germany was : ing to provoke a war be'tween ain and France through the pre- : t of "active CarlM sympathy , .ere is no doubt that Don 'Carlos d his brigands have lecelved a ger portion of their arms , muni- nsand recrnlts Ju France , Jiut s was notoriously through Franch 'aliatB and contrary to the es > jssed orders of McJIabon and bis nistry , BTATE JOTTINGS. Decatur is getting lively. The Platte bridge atSchuyler is not in a passable condition. The new plow factory at Crete is booming. The Cuming County Fair will be held September 10,11 and 12. West Point will soon have an agricultural implement factory. Ashland is to have a sworn public weighmaster. Wahoo has a temperance dra matic club. i Fremont is to have a Bohemian hotel. Hastings is open for another bank experiment. The Platte bridge at Kearney will be completed within two weeks. The boundary lines between Dodge and Washington counties are to be readjusted. Ashland is projecting an oil mill , providing $10,000 in precinct bonds can be raised as a bonus. Cozad is putting on metropoli tan airs. They had a shooting af fray last week. The newSaunders county court house at Wahoo will be completed by November 1st. It costs 27 cents to transport a bushel of wheat from Ashland to Chicago. Tekama proposes to put on Me tropoljtan ajrs by grading her prin clpal thoroughfares. The hog cholera is raging in Seward and other southwestern counties. Two horse thieves were caugh by the sheriff of Dodge couuty las week. Some of the Mennonite colonists nists are looking up lundi in Gage and Jefferson counties. The great salt reservoir in the square at .Lincoln , has been turned into avbatl } tub , for bulls lately. Qtoe pqqnfy was reinforced last week by a number of thrlity Ger man Immigrants , who have jusl come across the big pond. A portion of the Ifennonites who recently arrived at Lincoln havg gone to Dakota , where they tiavo Friojids ana relatives Louis Baxter , a Bohemian blacksmith , residing near Crete , went out on a hunt last week , Sun day , and is since missing Governor Furnas has issued a circular 10 prominent citjtizuns of every county In the State asking for a statement of the exact damages done by the grasshoppers. Sixty Pawnee warriors have re- turne < J to their reservation from a grand bufftyo hunt in Ue ) Republi can Valley : They were veiy suc cessful. cessful.A A farm house , occupied by a German family , ten miles north west of Crete , was struck by light ning and totally Destroyed , last week , Wednesday , Ezra Masters , while driving a team acros-s the track of theEIkhorn Valley road near Hooper , was caught ijy the cowcatcher of the engine and seriously injured. His wagon was ; ompjetely demolished. Settlers in Loup Valley are go ng to exchange their plows fur bea- er traps and shooting irons. They jxpect to make up their losses by he grasshopper scourge in hunting tnd trapping. Seventy-six Lodges of Good Demplars have been organized in Lis State since December last [ "here are 17 lodges in Nemaha , 15 n Hjphardson , JO in Johnson , 12 in ) toe , 8 in Gage , and 13 in Pawnee. The Clark bridge companyhave eceived the contract for the build- ng of a bridge across theEepublicar iver at Eiverton and Franklin ounty , the contract price being 17,900 to be completed in ninety lays. The B & M R R Company have list received two large forty-ton lanchester engines , direct from be shops , to be put on the road be- ween Plattsinouth and Kearney , 'hey are named , respectively , Ko. 5 , Omaha , and No. 10 , Kearney. Upon the recent re-organization f the Beatrice Cement Co. , the fol- > wing officers were elected : H. V. Parker , President ; A. S. Pad- ock , Secretary ; J. E. Smith , Treas- rer ; O. C. Campbell , Omaha Man ger ; Fordyce Roper , Beatrice Man ger. Between Hastings and Kear- oy , a distance of forty miles , ten lousand head of cattle may be ; en from the car window. One undrcd and twenty-five thousand edd of cattle are grazing on the rairie in an area of twenty miles luare between Hastings and Kear- ey. NEBRASKA POLITICS. Governor Furnes has come to le conclusion that he cannot afford i be his own successor. H. C. Lett la contingent cantli- ite for the U. S. Senu'p , CJiitlii- > nt on a Democratic LegUlaturo. Henry Atkinson J * fald to be eparing his feet for the Senatorial ippers of his father-in-law. r-Gospor , he of the wocJen leg , is candidate for re-election , And the slilandeJtepublican backs him. The Pawnee County Republican mventlon will be held at Pawnee Deputy Treasurer Bartlett is a B ndldate for the succession to Koe- di g as State Treasurer. re Thomas P. Kennard & Co. , tli , ve a candidate in training for the tlifii ate Treasury. fii fiibj Candidates for theState's prison bj -Inspectorship are preparing their tilat plomas. at cr The State Convention of Inde- OI ndents is called to meet at Lin- In August 12th , at 1 p. m. n . ] Capt. Silas Gurber , receiver of Lincoln land talked of e office , is en the Guberna- enut coming Republican - ut nal candidate. iy The Republican Central Com- ty iteeof Gage county meet atBea- thH ce Wednesday , August 12th , at H > . m. So The Total Prohibition State of nvcntion is called at Lincoln , th ednesday the 19th of August , at de Jil * Colonel Henman Rhodes is ked of in connection with the ididacy of float member from the pe th h representative district. tit -J. Merion is - Sterling training op i favorite chargers , Granger and opW mopoly , for a two horse act In the wl IslaUve circus , providing the Be * of blieans shall be in the minority. -Brigadier General A. K. Val- tine , one of the Governor's staff. thi ; aid to aspire to the contingent tal jrctaryfcbip of State contingent us > Frapfc Welch's failure to defeat The members of the committee of the Twelfth Senatorial district meet at Hastings Thursday , August 20th , for the purpose oft apportion ing delegates and holding the dis trict nominating convention. A Republican delegate conven tion of the -Ninth- Senatorial Dis trict , jf Platte. Colfcxr Butler ; .Mer- rick , Hall , Cheyenne , JJncolnDaw- son , Sherman , Valley Greeley , Boone , Antelope ) , will be held" at Grand Island September 8th. The Republican , Central Com mittee of the 14th representative district ( Lancaster , Saunders , Paw nee , Johnson and Gage counties , ) meet at Lincoln on _ Thursday , August 12th , for the purpose of calling - , ing a delegate convention of their district. The Buffalo county Republican ; Convention will be held at Kearney Junction , Saturday , the 22d day of August , 1 P. TH. , to " nominate 1 county commissioner , 3"delegates to the State Convention and dele gates to the Representative and Senatorial Conventions. The Lancaster county Republi can primaries are called for Wednes day , August 10th , and'th'e conven tion for August 29th. The conven tion will be composed of sixty dele gates , of which Lincoln'elects. 25. " The convention will nominate 14 delegates to the Slate Convention , 1 County Commissioner , 2 Repre sentatives to the Legislature , and delegates to the Fourteenth llepre sentative District Convention an ( Eleventh Senatorial District Con vention. GRASSHOPPER POINTS. Webster county suffered severely from the scourge. * A Franklin county was badly clea.n ed out out by the hoppers , Sounders county lost two thirds of her crop by the invaders. Dodge County will escape with more than half a crop. Jefferson county was evacuated by the Grasshopper army last T.tursi day. day.Th" Th" advance guard of the voracious cious invaders made their appear ance in Pawnee county last Friday , Grasshoppers did not damage the oat crop in the Logan Valley , and only here and there a. fiejd of peru before they left. [ Burtonlan. A few straggling grasshoppers are still lingering in Gage county , but on the whole the damage is not aa great as was at first reported. The west half of Cass county near the Weeping Water and Eight Milo Grove were overrun by the hoppers last weet , with but slight damage however. Parties from the country state that the corn so badly riddled by the G-hops is likejy to make somor thing yet. Many will have enough to feed their stock. [ Schuyler Register. The reports of the grasshoppers in Otoe county having Destroyed the jrops is to a great extent a "ca- aard. " We have the word of R. Fledge , of Syracuse , that the datu- ige is not so bad as represented. Nebraska City Chronicle. Clouds of grasshoppers have been mssing Westward this week. They aave not detroyed tbp crops in this > ouiity to any great extent , and we rust our farmers may be spared heir visitation [ North Platte En- erprise * The crop of native grasshoppers in his county is much larger his season than ever before known , mil are doing considerable damage o gardens , butas yet the highflyers , he immigrant grasshopper , is not icre yet , but we have every reason o expect them at any hour. Thej re near. On Monday they were ju 'awnee and Johnsou counties , near ur webtern county line , and com- ng this way. fBrownville Adver. iser. iser.WP WP hear a great many exaggera- ed reports of the damages thai ra'.shoppers have done In Polk , lamilton , York and Butler coun ts , which are hardly creditable , nd it is no earthly benefit to give liem currency. In fact we believe > is damaging to the future pros- ects of the different localities for the itizens to start such stories ; although lis plague may not come next year , ill the impression will galu cre- ence in the east that some of these jctions of country are doomed to ifler from grasshopper visits con- nually , because people will not op to think that this is but a lianoe occurrence. [ Seward Re- arter. Statutory Temperance. Thp gathering of a temperance lass meeting at Lincoln this week as provided an ogoasjon for sundry cprcssions of views on the temper , ice subject ( which is now taking 1 n political aspect ) , the drift of ii hich in this community may be Uhcred from our report of the leeches made in last Sunday eve- Ing's meeting , and from corre- londcnce to be found in another ihiinn. If these correctly repre- nt the sentiments of the temper- ice reformers of Beatrice , the e\vs ln-ld are reducible to this pro- ( sj'lon j We arc opposed t& every , > dy Jur office who is not a teeto- StFt ler in praotiee and to all uieas- ea relating fo the subject of mperanco ( or intemperance ) hich have not for their object the tal prohibition by law of the sale id use of liquors as a beverage , hp people are solemnly informed at tlijs is temperance and nothing te ; , and that he whose creed de1 ates from this must expect to be xssed with drunkards and to suffer 2 know not what lively torments. ; tween this straight line of oon- ict and toeory and the broad guage id of intemperance and crime , ere is no neutral ground , say our ends ; and they who undertake to id one will be taken by the throat am (0 ( public opinion and planted where 1 eir heresies justly consign them Inj K > UK the minions of saloon keep- 5 and the murderers of wives and phans. * It is either total absti- nce or drunkenne s ; choose which 'U ' Will. \Ve say this } s the tenor-of the unclations to be found in our col' ins this week , but it is not equal- dear that there is perfect unanimi- V among temperance reformers DE roughout the State on the subject. isl IDC > w comes it that the leader of the In I ns of Temperance , Mr. Slaughter , all : Omaha , dares to substitute for DE ty ; principle of total prohibition the TE vice of high license ? And if our HIN atrice friends are orthodox , w happens it ihat Prof. Mil- FU , the nead and front of the tem- ance hosts in Nebraska , has Br temerity to advocate the adop- BrOl n of a local option law ? A local Ol ion law affirms no principle. It uld simply do in another way OlV. tat the power granted to a Board V. Councilman now does gives the . > pje of a community the right to mse the sale of liquor or not , as sysee fit "Unless we have mlsi : en the Intent of the language ( d here , th * above gentlemen will yl a little straightening out. fit la indeed true that the ds- 966 cussion of this subject of liquor drinking and selling is to be con fined to the proposition first above set forth , we think there will be no lack of disputants on the negative among those who have heretofore considered themselves tolerable tem perate , even if that position does ostracise- them from the ranks of those-who are ambitious to get up a little public opinion terrorism. There will be no lack of men who are not altogether sots , to affirm that the plan of enforcing upon others total abstinence by statu tory enactment is not alto gether startling for its novelty , and that , indeed , it has been so long before the people without having re deemed the vorld that a doubt as to its divinity is permissible. Under the shadow of this doubt our Bea trice friends will have no difficulty In finding even teetolalers seeking for some more practicable planTmd we are sorry that they cannot con sent to discuss with heretics of this kind any. aspect of the temperance question less momentous than that involved in the ancient device of enforcing individual morality at the point off the sword. Beatrice Ex press , BANKING. U.S. DEPOSITORY The First National Bank Corner oCFarliam and J3ti ! RtrteU. THE OLDEST BANKINC ESTABLISHmENT IS YEBBASKA. ( Successor * to Kountze Brothers. ) ESTABLISHED IN 1858. Onjaniwd u a National Bink , Angnst 26 , 1863 Capital end Profits over - $230,000 OFFICERS AXD DIRECTORS : E. CKEIQIITON , A. KOUNTZE , President. Cashier. H. COUNTZE , IT. W. YATES , Vice Pres't. As't Cashier. A. j. IN , Attorney. ALVUf SAUNDERS , ENOS LOWE President. Vice Presdent. BEN WOOD , Cashier. SAVINGS BAITS , N. W. Cor. Farnham aud 13th Sts. , Capital _ 5 100 000 AuthoriioJ CapitU , , . . lUoXX ) ( ) I T-vEyOSlTS AS SMALL AS ONE DDL- ' \J lar sece ved and compound Interest allowed - | lowed on the same. * . , . Advantages OVER Certificates of Deposit : TUIE WHOLE OR ANY PART OF A DE- JL posit * ftor remaining in this Bent three Jianthu , will draw interest from d.te of depos- , t to payment. The whole or any part o a de- josit can * > e drawn atjany fine. aug2 ii The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSE IN MIRASKA. Saldwell , Hamilton & , Co , , i Business transacted came as that > f an Incorporated Bank. Accounts kept in Currency or Gold nbject to sight check without no * ice. ice.Certificates Certificates of Deposit issued pay- ible on demand , or at fixed date tearing interest at six percent , per nnnm , and available in in all parts f the country. Advances made to customers on pproyed securities at market rates f interest. Buy and sell Gold , Bills of Ex- hauge. Government , State , County , nd City Bonds. IVe give special attention to nego- lating Railroad ted other Corpo- ate Loans issued within the Stale. Draw Sight Drafts on England , reland , Scotland , and all parts of urope. Sell European Passaeo Tickets. COLU.ECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. aulU ZRA MILLARD. I J. H. MILLARD , President , j Cashier. NATIONAL BANK Cor. Douglas and Thirteenth Streets. MAHA , - H TTEiRASKA. L ipltal . . . . $200,000 00 irplus and Profit ! _ 3u , e 00 FINANCIAL AGENT SFOR THE UNITED ! STATES. Hr DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FOR DISBURSING OFFCERS. THIS BANK DEALS Exchange , Government Bonds , Vouchers. Gold Coin , * BVLLIONand GOLDDUST\ \ ' t * id > lli drafts and makes collections on all parts of Europe. WDrafts drawn payable in gold or curren- < n the Bank of California , S.m Jtranusco. FOR SALE TO ALL PARTS Q ( Europe vU the Cunard and National mushlp Lines , and the Ilamburg-Amcrcan eket Cowp-'cy. Jy27tl Established 1858. -a. . 3T. LRRIAGE MANUFACTORY 588 & 540 Fourteenth Street , Dee np itaiR. ) Omaha , Nebraska. Carriages I Huggiea on hand or made to order. ' . B. Particular attention paid to Repair apr28-tt Kec Est TM3.0 3 [ vdraulic , Cement , AND- rOULD INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT ' tbey are now ready to furnish HY- VDL1C CEMENT , of the very best quality , in any qnantity.eitber at the factory , which icated at BeatriceNeb. , or at the Pipe worts luiaha. They alv > are prepared to furnish B Jndi ofCF-MENT PIPING for SEWERAGE. ( LINAGE , ETC , Also manufacture all ML ei of CHIMNEY WORK. WEGUARAN- 3 OUR CEMENT TO BE EQU , TO ANY DRAUL1C CEMENT MANLrACTURED CHE UNITED STATES. -ORDERS FROM DEALERS RESPECT- LLY SOLICITED. ATRICK HYDRAULIC CEMENT & PIPE CO. [ AHA - - NEBRASKA. Of BOBK'JS MACHINE All ygd > of light and heayy PH CHJSBBT MADE & BEPAIEED. 3 HAWTBY BTKBEt , - OMAHA. y2Sd DEWEY & STONE , Furniture Dealers ISTos. 187,189 and 191 Fainham Street. tnar2dtf MILTON ROGEBS. Wholesale Stoves and TIinTERS' STOCK. SOLE WESTERN AGENCY FOR STEWART'S COOKIXG and IIEATISG STOYES , THE "FEABLESS , " COOKING STOVES , CHARTER OAK COOKINGSTOYES , All of Which Will bo Sold at Manufacturers' Prices , With Frelylit'addcd. aP2"tf ISojaca. forFrioe Fort Calhoun Mills. < Sc Manufactured with Great Care from the Besfr Graiu. General Depot , Ccr. 14th. & Dodge Sts , may 9-ly. OMASA. F.LAM CLARK. W. B. 21ICSAS.DSO1T. -EL& . PITCH , FELT ANO ORAVEL ROOFER , And Manufacturer of Dry nil ! .Viturnttil Uooflii ; ; a id Slieaihin ; ; Felt. ALSO DEALERS IN Roofing , Pitch , Coal , Tar , Etc. , Etc. DOOPiKG in . any pat t of Ncbiasta or adolnlng Slates. Office opposite tbe Gas Worts , on . . . . [ \i 12th i treet. Addriu P. O. Box 4.12. r O. F. GOODMAN , iVHOLESALE BRUS6IST , I > caler In . PAINTS , OILS AND WINDOW GLASS , Omaha. Nebraska. M. nvc. cr. iMiciKiiEjZjXjZG-oiisr , IMPORTEK AND JOBBER or FOREIGN A > D DOHESTIC WINES and LIQUORS , Tobaccos and Cigars , No. 142 FARNHAM STREET , OMAHA , NEB. Old Kentucky Whistles a Specialty. B -AGENT FOR THE ELDORADO WINE COMPANY. CALIFORNIA.-fcu | uly21y lE oX'tOr's .A.J.O , of SToULot. 111. Dmalia Shirt Faetory. Manufacturers o 4 MILLINERY , AND adies' ' and Gents' ' NEPTUXE , or FlsILFLOWEIlS , Nice OiE&ments for Lediea , ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. 16 Douglas St. , Tisclier's Bloclf , Omaha , Xeb. IDS ECU ! . LETVH r. KZED BYRON REED & GO , The Oldest Established eal Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA P a complete Abstnct af Title to all Rea t in ( ) mha and Douglas countv. ity Meat Marker. 0 Kiwp constantly on bsnd A LARQE SUPPLY OF fTTON , POULTRY , GAME SiS. M. M ITTIB , WHOLESALE DCALEP. IN la ried Cide2\ 135 anil ISfl Farnham Strnft. VECTOR COFF3IAN , YSICIAN and SURGEON , ( OVER ISH'S DRUG tjTORE , ) - * .raa.3fci. .xia. Street , tf. JACOB GISH , JS1 St. , Bel. lllli & I5IU JN H MiLO UNDERTAKER Schneider & Burmester LO Manufacturers of FIX , COPPER AXD SHEET IRQS WARE. DEALERS IN Cooking and Heating Stores. Tin Roofing , Spouting and OntteHng don abort notice and ic ( he Lot tnajner. j Itteen treet pt24 dl BEDMAN & LEWIS ? " u Cor. 16th and Izard Streets o Q LTJ IMI IBIEIR , On hand and SAWED TO ORDER. C je261m a F. A. PJSTEKS. u. Saddle and Harness Maker , 3C AND CARRIAGE TRIMMER , No. 274 Funibam dr. bet. 151 h & ictb. A LL orders and repairing promptly > ttended /i. to and satisfaction guarranUed. llth ! * 9-CHh paid f r bidet. ap33yl tff. MAX MEYER & BROTHER , OMAHA , NEBRASKA CHEAP FARMS ! FREE 2OMES On tta Uaa oitht Union Pacific Railroad A Laii Grant cf 12,000,000 Acres of tt test FABMIHG lad MIHEEiL Liaii of Amarica 1,000,000 ACKFS IS KEBKASKA O THE GREAT PLA1TE YALLEi THE QABDEH OF THE WEST HOW FOB SALE Tbese lands are In the central portion ot tbe United States , on tbe 4Iit degree o ( Noith Lat HuJe , the central line ol the great Temperate Zone ol the American Continent , and for tfraln growing and stock raising unsurpassed by any in the United States. OHEAPEK IH PBIOEjinnri favorable tarns 7 ! ' n. and more ccaTealeat to narket ti a ca bo found Ehewnore. FIVE and TEN YEARS' credit glfpn with Interest at SIX PEE CEST COLOKI3T3 and .aOnjALSETULEBScaannyoaTea Yean * Credit Linda at tha its orlc to ill OEEDIT PPBOHASEBB. A Deduction TEN PEIJ CENT. FOR CASH. FREE HOMESTEADS' ACTUAL SETTLERS. J nd the Best Locations for Colonies ! Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead cf 160 Acres. Z = > As aoa to I'ujrola.o.mox-s oJT Send for new Descriptive Pamphlet , with new maps , pnbllshed In English , OVnnan , SweeJ and lUn' > 'i. mailed fre everywhere. Address "V " * n. "T" > A 'tyr'Ct- nlr M\-'J Lund Couimtaioner U. P. R. It Co. Omaha , Neb. A. B. HUBERMANN & CO. , WATCHMAKERS , OF JEWELHY S. E. Cor. 13tk & Douglas Sts. WATCHES & CLOCKS JEWELRY AND PLATES-WARE , AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Dealers Can Save TIME and FREIGHT by Ordering of Us. ENGBAYING DONE FREE OF CHARGE ! UOODS WARRANTED TO BE AS REPRESENTED.- * ian31-t/ S C. ABBOTT J. S. C. ABBOTT & CO. , Booksellers 1 Stationers OBALEIIS IN WAX. ! . PAPERS , 188 Famhain Street. Omalia , Publishers' Agents for School Dooks used in Vphraskiu GEO. A. HOAGLAN Wholesale Lumber - OFFICE AND Y.ARD - COR , OF DOUGLAS AND 6THSTS. , U , P , R , R , TBACX. anlltf WM. M. FOSTER , Wholesale Lumber , WINDOWS , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , &C , Plaster Paris , Hair , Dry aud Tarred Felt. Sole Agents for Bear Creek Lime and Louis * Hie CemeatJ OFFICE AND YAR1. : 1 fT A TT A " \T1TJ U. P. Track , bet Farnham aud Douglas Sts. ; Ultl A. JlLci , jM Jll D aprttf N. I. D. SOLOMON , OIZ-3 CLASS , OAL OIL AND HEAD-LIGHT OIL i/lAHA / - NEBRASKA _ _ FAIRLIE & MONELL , LANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. Stationers , Engravers and Printers , BTOTAHXAX. AlTD LODGE SEALS. iscriic , Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias DGE PROPERTIES , JEWELS , BOOKS , BLANKS , ETC. , AT fiST-EASTERX PRICES AND EXPRESS.-3 C > 1laC' Staroot. ' * ' * ARTHUR BUCKBEE. . , B TJ I L D E H AND DEALER IN i 3 Tor Yards , Lairns , Cemeteries Church Grouils ana Public Parks , Office and Shop : 1 rr A TT A treet bet. Farnham and Ilarney , [ - IJ IV 1 1tl A