J 1'HE OMAHA BEE MONDAY , AUG. 10 , 1874. . . , , . I . " 71 . . - . .I . - - - ! WI I I - OFFICIAL PAPER OP THE CITY , DAILI BEE THE.OMAHA lubacribert by curler , to ut ] Is ( erred to ex erenlcg , ( Sunday * ol the dtjr , eTery . part week , or JS.75 fo : centa per jepted , ) At fifteen wheu pile * ix months , and S7.0Q per anuum , n tdTance. , addrwaei about irregularities All camplalnti . attention. this office will receive prompt will b maUed t But Imi/r Tux OMAHA , jable IHTI nbKriben at the following rate * zUblylnadrance : $7.00 per as'inm. . " 6..onthi. BKX has by tar th TBK OKAHA DAILT ii and In the city , XO.EGEST drculation adTertlxln faerefcre , the beat and cheapest MdlUB. . Local notice * , 5 KATKS or ADVisruma. adtenlaemenu , 3 eenu per line : the local month , 10 cent * . N cent * per line ; by lei th = n 60 cent dTertitement Inserted for * ilngleinie line ; .1 toedal notice * , 10 cents _ per . . uu i on , not leu than 25 cents. must InruUbly 1 Transient abtrti vauent * ptlJ ( or In adranct. adTertisemenU by ipec ! Bate * ( or standing contract. , Etatemenu , Tsbul legal VoUce * All carelul reTtaon by cop Work , etc. , requiring furnished , inuit be handed : or talon proof ten to o'clock be A. x. to Iniurv insertion t ! amedar. adTertlsemebU before ti Special and Local ocfk.H , velore one o'clock p. x. AdTertiMncat * Bi lor the WEEILT All idTeftlseoMOt beiorsUondsy * noon , for t 't be handed la ' Isru * . TOAD BKK ! mo UepAILY 01 LAU1ON of .oilier dsti doable tbat * ny ( ban Peycke'e Restaurant and Oyet of tl JUJUBB leading rooms. The kind. 207 , Farnbam street , betire Twelfth and Thirteenth. Ieb24tf 0MAHA BREVITIES. Prof. Sara. Gardner M-iU expla the pig and whistle to lh < 3 UJli call at M2Farulip. man , if he will street. hole in tl That dangerous sewer at the corner of Ninth ai Faruham streets , id being repair to-day. Andrew Frye was Saturd sent to jail for five days , and fin $2.00 and costs for disturbance his family. the peace , by abusing C. Wagner opened the old Be. Union Saturday in grand style as concert hall and restaurant , splendid free lunch and concert w given during the day. Don't fail to attend the lectu of Hon. * Win. O. Clark at the Fii Baptist church , Monday evenin Subject "What he saw and hea in his trip around the world. " It The District Court held a sh ( session Saturday at the clerl .office. Harry Clayton's case 1 ( Contempt came up for examinatio and he wai discharged. Mayor Chase has refused sign Harry Clayton' * license , ai \ve we informed that Clayton i tends to apply to Judge Lake for mandamus to compel him to do s A detachment of recruits i different points in the West , marc the Barracks Saturdi e < l down from morning to the depot , and left i their destination , in charge of Ca tain Mix , on the 11:30 train. A man named Monroe was rested Friday night on the charge being a suspicious character. I had in his possession a very peculi cane. At the bottom of it was hole into which was screwed a so of double fish-hook arrangemen which was evidently used in "read ing" for articles through doors ar windows. Judge Wilbur gave hi : two hours to leave town. Tl cane was retained by his.Honor , An employe of the Grand Cei tral Hotel , while standing outsit the circus tent Saturday eveniui was approached by two men , one < whom asked him the time , an before he could reply , the othi knocked himdown. What the intention wasbeyond the aj sault , could not be ascertains as they immediately disappeai ed in the crowd. The polk were informed of the transactioi and searched for the villians , bi without success. The Omaha Mcennerchor elecl ed the following officers last even ing : Wm. Alstadt , president Frank Herten , vice-president ; Johi Hnber , corresponding secretary Henry Strasbourg , financial secreta jy ; Albert Xast , treasurer ; Henr ; Xauer , standard-bearer. A fter th election , the newly appointed presi dent , in behalf of the members o the Mrennerchor , presented a gel < lieaded cane , having on itan appropriate -priate inscription , to Henry Stras lourg , the retiring president. Thi iappy evening ended with singing If the city editor of the Jlepub Mean will call upon the local repor ter of the BEE , he can obtain all the information he wishes concerning that mock marriage. We admin the zeal of that gentleman in the cause "of outraged humanity , and shall only be too happy to afford , him every facility possible to ferrei out'this ease. We do not doubt his ability to do so , as he has formerly had a very extensive experience in * 'thel.lferretlng" business , while acting as the city's private detec tive. t t _ _ r A complaint was"on Saturday made Tit the Probate Court against -James Miller for attempting to escape - * cape from jail He was put in about a month ago for 30 days , for having robbed a trunk at the Tremout House. Some two or three weeks ago , lie obtained a file in some mys terious way , and stealing a table knife from the kitchen , he made it Into a saWj with which he cut through two planks and was about to commence work on the stone will , when he was discovered by the jailors. As his time was about put , this complaint was made against him A FACT. The public delghted , The Press united In praise of John Wilson & Co. . Tbe"Cremcdela Creme , " i the beat ever seen A BOLD DEED. A Man Dragged and Bobbed ii Broad Daylight. Saturdaymornlngaboutll o'clock as a young boy named. Gratian Browne , son ofMr.WilBrownewa coming up Ninth street , he saw i drunken man lying in the alle ; back of the Tivoli Garden. H immediately informed policemai Swartztender of the fact , and th officer soon arrived and took charg of him. The man , after being shaken up little , came to his senses , and told story that had every indication < being true. He gave his name z Charles Johnston , and stated thi he was formerly a brakeman on tt Union Pacific , He came In froi the East Friday night , having bee on a visit to bis father , a wholesa druggist of Columbus , Ohio. Beta the train reached Council Bluffs , 1 was accosted by a stronger , wl wanted to borrow 75 cents. Johi ston , on arriving in Omaha , put i at the St. Charles Hotel , and th morning he fell in with this san stranger , and while walking abe town was Induced to take a drink beer in some saloon with hit From the fact that he soon felt sl < and out of his head a short time terwards , it is B&tft tf ) conclude th he had been drugged. He w taken into the alley , thrown dev and robbed of $3Q and an Ame can silver watch by his pen ) panic When found by the policeman was Mug almost Insensible up the ground , and being very sick the stomach.The watchhad been u hooked from the silver chain , whi > yjW hanging from his pantalooi On examination of his pockets , 1 pocket-book was found fo conta ten dollars and a Union I cific employe's pass. Johnst stoutly maintained that he had h § 370 in the book , and asserted tl he knew the man who hed robl ) him. He was taken to jaj } if ) got up. It may be that he Invented t story to cover up the loss of ] money either hy three-card mor or by accident at Council Bluffd the transfer , both of which plai are infested by thieves , pick-pock and tough characters of every t scription. However , it is a ci that demands u rigid investigati at tlw hands of the police. Penonai. A. C. Note ware , of Galesburg , at the Wyoming. Jos. B. Southard is iu the cii He is in the government empl at Sidney. W. T. Sherman , representing large wholesale hat and cap hoi in Boston , is stopping at the Gra Central. Prof. S. Aughey , of the State Ui versity , and wife , who have been the city a few days , the latter und the professional care of Dr. E. Lew returned to Lincoln Saturday-do John T. Clark left for Clintc Iowa , Saturdaj' , to keep an e on "Bonnie Doon , " "Randall , " ai ' 'George Francis Train , " in ne Tuesday's races at that placo. Geo. W. Homan , Jr. , went wt to Salt .Lake this moniing , to attei to some business there in regard the omnibus and baggage translV which he recently purchased. Mr. John Morrow and wife , ai Mr. Hugh Morgan , arrived hon Saturday from Northern Mi nesota , whither they went on tl recent excursion. They had a vei delightful time. Thos. Coleman , editor of the B atrice Express , called at the Bi office Saturday. The Expre is one of the very best papers in tl State , and is a credit to the town 1 which it is published. Sergeant Thompson , who has fever < over a year past been acting as tt Clerk of General Ruggles , at Goi ernment head-quarters , has receive a more remunerative appointmei at Fort Laramie , for which point L left Saturday morning. Jean Schoi ; takes his place here. The following are the arrivals i the Wyoming : J W Holland , Canada ; Mrs j Mellville , Denver ; J W McClearj Gettysburg ; Harry Halst , do ; I Myers , city ; Chas Stounton , do ; ] Phillips , circus ; T M Carter , Foi Dodge ; John Dozier , do ; C Thomp son , Crete ; H Evans. U P R R ; Martin , Tuttlc ; Thos Coleman am wife , Beatrice ; J H Wi'son ' , Chicn go ; H J Randall , | Salt Lake ; J ] Saunders , DCS Moines ; N J Miller do. lisal Eitate Saloi For the week ending August 7 , ' 7-J Gee E Barker to Benj Ittnerw 1-i of lots 1 and 2 , block 208 J $400. J H Barlow to Ole Berntsen , s 2 ! feet of n hf of lot 5 , block 194 $300 John Y Clopper to Benj Ittner , 912-100 acres in whfswlO , 15 , 13 $8,700. Wm A JJwyerto M AGwycranc A Eogart , lot 7 iu block 137 , Omaha SI ,500. J C Ambrose to Emma O Am brose , s 1 lot 5 , blocs 333 $750. J E House to J W Rose , lot 9 , block 7 , Parker's add $333. Wm F Sweesy to Sarah Warnci and Alice M Cook , lot 3 , block 6 , Swccsy'd add $300. Bermuda Arrowroot , Nelson's Gelatine , Cox's Sparkling Gelatine , Unsworth's Soluble Chocolate , Deviled Ham , And a full line of fancy and staple jroceries always on hand , and for sale cheap for CASH. augS-2t P. H. ALLEN. RAILROAD tickets to New York , [ ndianapolis , Kansas City , St .Louis md Toledo , for sale at reduced rates it 206 Farnham street. Pit. GoTTHEIMER , mgS-tf Ticket Broker. GEO. fl. PETERSON , the pioneer ilgar manufacturer , keeps con- tantly on hand the very best rands of cigars , and also T/me ack , JFruits and Flowers , and 'Durham" ' Smoking Tobacco. jmuivfiandLY.Z.wJ . * , & _ POLITICAL. Action of the Douglas County Be publican Central Committee. A meeting of the Kepublica : County Central Committee was hel Saturday in the Probate Court roon Chauncey Wiltse in the chair. Present First Ward : C. F. Goot man , Col. John Burke. Secon Ward : J. W , xytle , Thomas Swob Third Ward : J. M. Thurston , E. 1 Williams. Fourth Ward : Chaunce ! Wiltse. Fifth Ward : Charles Wi kins. Sixth Ward ; C. TW. Brisk S. A. Orchard. Elkhorn Precine W. E. Turner. Douglas Preclnc J. T. Griffin. West Omaha Pr cinct : O. B. Seldon. Saratoga Pr -cinct : D. P. Redmond. It was voted to hold the Rtpti lican County Convention to ele delegates to ftp State ( Conventic which meets at Lincoln Septernb 2d , in this city , on Saturday , A gust 29th , at 2 p. m. It was voted to hold theprimari on Saturday , August 33 , tb.e poljs the city to be open from 4 to T p. J and in the country from 0 to 8 p. i It was voted that the conventii should consist of seven delegal from each ward In the city , ai three from each precinct in t country. A resolution offered by E. Williams was adopted , that t judges at the priinarJQS } je govern by the registration books. Tbg fpljowing Republicans w elected to fill vacanpips | n tje } co : mittee ; Fifth Wara-P B Hcuck. Union Precinct P P Kujght. Chicago " Rolf. Florence " J K SmHi. Valley " MH ' " The places of hol i . i rn ; > ? electjons were fixed n . . . r j another column < ) f the On motion , the foL ' ' ! of election were electee - of Omaha : First Ward R G J Rudowsky. Secon4Ward JS Tu . . - ; V Althaus. Third Ward-S H Q ty , Boehme. Fourth Ward M G MeJoon , M Francis. Fifth Ward D B HouckN Fleming. Sixth Ward N H Lawton , Jo Barnes. ' 'Cliauncey Wiltse ; chairman , ti dered his resignation as mem ' ] f 1 I \ I ! 'and as chairman of the commit on account of expected absei from tl > e CQunty. On motion t e resignation \ accepted and the thanks of the co mittee were tendered to Mr. Wil for the able , geutjpnanly and eff tive manner } n whjjch p } jad p formed his duties as chairman the committee. J. M. Thurston tendered his r ignation as secretary and muml of the committee , on account of moval from tbo the Third to 1 Fourth ward. On motion the sai was accepted and Mr. Thurston v elected as a nienibpr to fill a vacs cy from the Fourtli ward , and elected secretary of the committ On motion , Hon. Joel T. Grif was elected temporary chairman the committee , Chas. Bankes was elected to 1 the vacancy from the Third ward The committee adjourned. The Independent1 Cpnyention. The "Independents" held an a journed convention at the Coi House Saturday afternoon , the being thirty persons present , ten whom came as spectators ; and t ! remainder to participate in t' business. Among the twenty Independem there wer < i four Republicans ai sixteen Democrats. The on mechanics present were Billy Lnn anoTNVm Garnaby , who being out work , and on a sort of hurra thought this is as good a place any to spend an afternoon f amusement. Allen Root occupied the chair. A motion to strike out section . ' of the resolutions of the weekbefor referring to the license law , \vi lost. lost.The The following are the delegati elected to the State Convention : Wm Garnabee , H M Goff , . Clemmens , Allen Root , and Wi Wolcott. The following are the committt men elected to the County Centn Committee : Elkhorn Precinct , Mr. Wolcotl Chicago Precinct , John Rush ; M < Ardle Precinct , Patrick ? rdlu < Union Precinct , J. E , .rd Florence Precinct , Jac. b . > or Douglas Precinct , Edwjy. " ley West Omaha Precinct , Y. -.t.d dard ; Valley Precinct , . . . 1.1 son ; Saratoga Precinct , J. 7. -'rs Allan Root , of coura < ? .ai. ; - -al speech , bolstering up movement. Councilman Lucas , v.w wn there , did not go as an "Iiul2nd cut , " but as a looker on ; and thi same may be said of A. D. Jones who was called on for a speech , n which he simply gave his views OL the sentiment of the convention Ho did not commit himself vcrj heavily ; only intimating that th ( spirit of the convention seemed tc be to allow only Grangers to par ticipate. Harrison Johnson stated thatil was a farmers' and mechanics' meetingand suggested that six del- ? gates from the city wards , and nine from the country precincts would equalize the thing. Mr. Goff claimed that this was a people's movement ; but where were Jie people , we would like to ask lim ? The voting was done viva race , n order to conceal from the public : he small number present _ _ Mr. Root moved to elect an ad- litlohal commltteeman from each vard in the city. Carried. The meeting then proceeded to lect the following commltteemen o the Ounty Central Committee : First Ward , Fred Krug and M. lbin ; Second Ward , H Branner ward Wiuslaid and J 6 Qulmby ; Fourth Ward , E L Emery atid Al len Root ; Fifth Ward , H J Lucas and Wm Carnaby ; Sixth Ward David Knox and Julius Ross. Before the close of the corive'ntidr the number present had dwindlec down to .four , and several of thos who had attended , now claim t < have had nothing to do with the al fair , and among those are Council man Lucas and A. D. Jones , whos names were used because they ha.j pened to be present , William Ryan imd two or thre other prominent farmers positive. ! ; declined all honors at the h Uds c the convention. The convention adjourned sut ject to the call of the committee. Wilson' * Great San Francisco Ciron This great exhibition from th Occident , of which for the las three weeks we have heard so mucl both through the press and froi those who have seen the perfbrn ances , culminated Saturday night 1 oureutire satisfaction. We mustcoi fess we were prepared to see a fim or in other words , a first-class pe fornianoe , bqt we're nqt iqoHlng 'fo nor had we any expectancy , of tl consumatlon of such wonderful a.n novel circus performances , us wi oui fortun to witness Saturdayevei ing at Mr. John Wilson's San Frai Cisco Circus. It will not be inopportune to st that our intention in going to si this circus was partly with a vie to have some ainusement , and par ly with a view to cauterizing tl foibles , and dissecting for our reai errf' dclpctatjqn tp ) ) many slortco } ings , of whiph traypling cjrpus per pajju-s ) nowadays are prone to. 1 this iiiblanco we were most agree blvsurprised ; excellent , super grand , but mildly express what tl performance was. With this cor pany the motto seems to be , "Not ing ojf } . " Every act done in tl rjng was different frojn a.nytbii we httd ever beforp seen , rpb en merate oaoh and every special presented for our onjoyme would f.ll more of our spa than we can ftt this writing spai but } n justjce to the meritorious i tists who favored us with tb&jr vj ; to Omaha , a fehort mention will n be out of place. Little Harry ai Leo , we mention these first for I ing the most precocious and finis ed performers on the trapeze i have ever SQCIIJ and whftt is nio wonderftd stiU'iu connection wl them , they are but four and fl years of age respectively. The performer.- the height of 40 fe from the ground , pause many stout nerved man to hhudder. The Carlo family are the me finished acrobats ever witnessed this cjfy. Spending injpossibilitl are performed by" these gentl men. To describe all the acts , and with what neatness th < changed their postures when pert ed in positions in every mann contrary to the rules of nature is n within our province. M'lleDockrill riding cannot be fully reprpsenti frorrj a pictorial stand point.yon fail to cany to our understand ! : how justly this lady can claim tl title of "The Empress of tl Arena. " A pjn inight have been heard drop ( luring thp riding , while at tl finish deafening cheers repaid h efforts. Comparisons between th lady and other equestriennes wou be entirely out of plac * her equ in her performances does not exia Mr. Fred O'Brien , known as tl champion 'lion leaper , ' nextattrac ed our attention by being announce by the proprietor to pprforrn the fei of throwing a double sommersau over twelve horses and a pyrj mid of men twelve feet in heigh The performance fs marvellou and notwithstanding we ha\ seen what has been considered tli best leaping ever performed , Mi O'Brien towers higher above a others than the ' -giant above th pigmy. " Master Johnny Cool the child bareback rider , deserves good mention for his extraordinar cleverness. This child is some da destined to be a shining stai Messrs. Leon , Lasoelje , Port an Worland , both in their gymnast ! perf.imiance and evolutions on th triple bars , are thorougly finishe artists , and deserve moro prais than oiu space admits of. Mr. R. Dockrill is equally excel ent in his direction of the menage and in his wild Indian act of horse The Leopold Brothers and thi Australian. Brothers are all fine per formers. M'lle Adelaide , the'Qtieer ( of the Slack Wire , " is in no waj misnamed , us her performance ii both a very skillful and beautiful act. act.The The clowns , the Kenebel Brothers , are indeed funny fellows , their acts and joked being new and original , keeping everybody in continual laughter' during their presence in the ring. Many other ladies and uentlemen , not forgetting the noble stud of trained horses and ponies connected with this institution , stamp Wil son's circus as the greatest in America. BKLT.EVUE GROVE , twelve miles from Omaha , on the line of the B. & M. R. R. , and 100 yards from the depot , has been improved for ph nics and private parties BY Jl'AUSLAND & MARTIN. All engagements for Uie grove will be made through ANI > Y McAusLAND , jy7tf. 242 Douglas Street ICE OREAM. ! ICE CREAM ! ! H. L. LATEY'S is the place to gofer for this very necessary commodity. je23tf. J SALOON for sale cheap. Inquire at BEE office. ju24-tf DYEING , cieaumg and repairing lone in the neatest manner , at the STEAM DYE WORKS , LOth 8tLet. Farnham and Douglas ipr28t f. DRUGGED AND ROBBED , - Another Gase A Soldier ii Plundered of $110- Friday afternoon [ a dischargee soldier named Patrick Conners , o the Ninth Infantry , left Omaha fo the East , with § 110 in his pocket Qn arriving at Spoon Lake , he fel in with a man who made him be lieve they were old acquaintance 4td companions in arms in th same regiment. Connors was In duced. to remain over night at Coun oil Bluffs , and go on a spree. Thi morning he woke up and foun himself lying on the sidewalk , hi friend and his $110 both bavin gone. He soon became aware of th fact that he had been drugged an robbed. He came baek to Qm.qh.fl anl ( reported the case to some of hi friends , and also at Governmer headquarters. As yet , however , h has obtained no trace of his missln wealth or the man who eloped wit it. Tls } | professional method ( robbing spotted victims is becomin altogether too common on both sidi of the river , and the authorjtu cannot do any too much to put stop to It. The V. F. Bamd will soon Give us Ope Air Concert ! . OMAHA , Aug. 7 , 1S74. EDITOR BEE ; ' Hfjv jng no'tiged a call iqade by t } citizens of Qraaha through the co umns of yqur paper , requesting tl U. P. Band to give concerts on Caj tel Hil | , we would.siy \ , tlj t tjt pr sent wp cannot "possibly aeeonuu date them , but will as soon as v can make the necessary arrang ments , which we trust will not 1 longer than one or two weeks at tl farthest , and will , at the end of th ; time , explain the cause of the deli to their satisfaction. Hoping th this fpart } ' ! wjll be satisfsjctory' ' all , we remain Yours , < Se. , UNION PACIFIC BAND. Fou BALE. A handsome fi proof dwelling house safe. Che : for cash. May pe seen liy callh at the office of the Life Associate of America. Aug. 3 , tf. J6SPSEE .McKelligoirs card second pngp. juueS-tf The Life Association of Americ is the only company doing busine in Nebraska whose policies arc abs lutely non-forfeitable for non-pa ment of premium. H. H. BELLOWS , aug G-tQ Manager. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. AUTerUsemeats o ( To Let , F Sale , Loct , Want * , Found , Boarding , Ac. , w be Inserted in these columns once for TI CENTS per line ; each subsequent insertio FIVECEFJS per line. The first insert ! nerer less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS T710B KENT Brick Stoie corner Chicago 31 J } Sixteenth streets The best location in t cUj , having " been occupied for the lat rev years as "a grocery. " augTdtf S. WEIGHT. SALE A small house , South East c < FOR 7th and Jackson Streets. Inqul on the premises. aiigSJ3i ( T OST An American silver watch witn doul I l hunting case. The finder will be liberal rewarded by tearing same at Wm. Sexauer 225 Farnham Street. augSd2t A good capable girl to do bous WANTED 53517th St. augTdtl Mrs. A. Polack , for many yean MUSIC fuUteachcr of music la the U ale Institutes of Kentucky , will receive p pils in that branch at her residence , 253 llown St. Will commence teaching , Sept. aug'dtf mAKEN UP By J. E. Lattin , at For'a Far _ L 6 mile * west of Oniaha , on the Militaj Koad , 5 Texas cows and 2 calves. Owner W : call at farm or address J. E. Lattin , tbrouj Omaha P. O. aGd3twlt MONEY TO LOAN On approved person security , also City and County Warran bought and solJ. Inquire at Law Office of ' W. T. Richards , Ne. i ) 13th St. . Omaha. Aug6dtf TTTANTED A girl to do general honse-woi VV at houie on west side of 1C , bet. Jon and LeaYenwgrth. augSdtf aug4d t rpO LET Small house , cor. Capitol Avent .L and l th it. , one block from Post Offic 1 * ssession , August 15th. Apply at Cozzci House , 9th St. ' augSdtf A girj to do general houseworl WANTED at 4Q4 Burt St. , bet. 20 and 21. augSdtf _ rpO LET House will * four rooms , near U. I I Depot. Tossesiion August 8th. Apply s Cozzens House , 9th St. augSdtf SALE Immediately , and at a Grea FOR Bargain. The furniture in t he Phila < lelphi House can be bought cheap , one-half cash , an the other half on three to six months lime with good security. Lease of tha house run seven months , at $25 per month. Forty-five t fifty good cash boardeis. The Proprietor ha other business to attend to immediately , am for that leasouofl'era this splendid opportunity tTZStf. C SCUAUNlIOkbT. WANTED A cirj to do general house wort Apply at 11. Pomeroy's , West end St JUry's Avenue. Wagts-SS.OO per week. ] uly22tf. IOII RENT House on ISth near Cass street , F jvKtf. S. A. 1AYLOR A CO. A girl to cook at Ain rican WANTED , llth and 12th , Doughs st. V - JYlCtf , CTTANTED IMMEDIATELY girl todc YV hon e-work. Apply 311 Davenport street , between 17th and ) Sth. jy3tf OTORE TO RENT 193 Douglas strret. In- O quire of WEBUEIl 4 BEHM. julvltf ANTED Day boarders , at th toutbwtst W cor. of 10th and Harney sts. ieJtf WANTLD A cneap jariu in excnange lor merchandise. Address , Farmer , ) Cce. api'lt AOE SALE Wherras on the 8th day of October , 1ST3 , J. A. Thorup n de and executed a cenam Cbnfcl Mortgage o Lars Christensen , which was duly recorded n Book H , of Mortgages In Douglas County , to ecure the payment of the sum of two hundred ind fifty ( $260) ) dollars with interest from the lib day of April , IS'4 , and there is now due on aid Note the rain of Two Hundred and Sixty $ i 0) ) dollaia at this dtte. Now therefore , { hall by tke authority vested in me by virtue .t . aaid Chattel Mortgage , proceed to tell the iroperty therein described at the store No. 159 'arnham'btreet In Omaha , on Friday , August l t , 1874 , at 9 o'clock a. m. , To-Wit : The stock f gentlemen * furnishing goods together with U the shelving and fixtures , and Lease hold in- rre t in aid premises. Angnst 1 , 1874. LARS CHRISTENSEN. ugll020d3t BT James F. Morton hisAtt'y. 5OTICE Taken up as Estrays July 20,1574 on prem ie * leased from Q. W. Foibes about four miles forth East of Omaha one red and white epot- sd cow , about 10 or 12 yean fold , with abort ill , and right horn broken off. Also one red od white bcU calf about nix weeks old. The owner is requested to prove property , ay charges , and take said stock away. aujTdlt wlw ISAAC KEAVIS. TBETTSCHEE & CO. , GROCERS AH * Geaeial ProTlsIoa Dealers , 8. W * Cor. Jackson axd 13th Eta- , eep a superior stock of Groceries , Provisions , rUw * , liquors and Cigars , and sell cheaper UUL Uf w r beae la Omiha , J j3 3a ORDINA > CE NO. 313. An Ordinance for the Government of Ilacbcoii Part. Be it ordalntd by the City Council of the Citj ct Omaha : SECTIO.V I. The use of the Park shall be f re < to ail civilly disposed persons without distinc lion. lion.SEC. . II , Whenever any Church , Sundaj School , or any other organization or party o persons mar desire to hold a Picnic or entertain ment requiring the use of the Platform ant Music Stand , they shall apply to the Mayor lo : such permit which may be granted to such par ty in the order in which applications are made SEC. Ill , It shall be unlawful for any per son 10 demand or receive any admission fee t ( the Park , or to mukcany charges for any exbib itipn of any nature on said premises , Providti this shall not prei-ludeany paity who may hav the written permit of the Mayor for the use o the Platform and Music Stand on any particu lar day , from collecting from tnose who ma ; dance on the Platform any contribution the ; luay feel disposed to give to d fray the expens of Music , dc. , or to charge for any dinner o collation prepared lor such occasion , but huck stering shall not be allowed. Any violation o this Section shall subject the oflender to a fin of not If ss than five dollars , and imprbonuien not to exceed five days. SEC. IV. It shall be unlawful for any pcrsoi to sell , bartfr or give away or iu any nianne ditpo eotai.y Malt , Spirituousor Vtmus Liq uois within said Pa k. Any person > lolutln the provisions of this Section shall upon convic tiun thereof lie fiu'd any amu tot exceeding fi ! ty dollars and imprisoned not to exceed thii ty dav- . Si.c. V. It shall be unlawful for any perso to tie an v Horse or Mule to any tree or shrub i cald Park , or in anv manner cut , break or in jure any tree or shrub , or brejk or deface or in jureany fiirnitureor fixtures of said Park An person violating any of the provisions gf ( hi Section shall mi co'imct.on be EuMect to th payment of all damages so < ( or.e , and to a fine t not less than tivp , nor mure than ten dollars. SEC. YL II 4uiH be unlawful fo-any p-rso tQ niuco on tlio platform or grounds of the Par on the Sabbatbd y , commonly known as Sue day. Any person violating this prouibitio shall be subject to a fiuc pot to exceed thre dollars. SKC. VH. A1J persons visiting said Par shall at all times be subject to the orJen < [ th Policeman in charge , who shall report any vie latiou of this Ordinance to the Police Court an make complaint against all persons so violating and ho shall diive irorn the grounds any unrul boys or children \isiting the Park without Pa rent or Guardian and refusing to obey his oi der. Passed Aug.Uh.'lS74. . J. S. GIBSON , Pres. City Counci ATTEST : O. C. LUDLOW , City Clerk. Approved Aug. Stli , 1574. ' ' C. 3- CHASE , Mayo C. 171 Cor. tarulmm auil Klevcnln Sli Ail kinds of TAILORING , Cleaning and n pairing done nt rencouable raU i. Anne lot < FURNISHING (100D3 constantly on ban and cold clicaii. * lec2Utf 1QOCOO BIOS FABMI5G LAND IN NEBEASKL 500 IFanscomPlaeeLpts . AND LOTS m the city of Omah for Ea'echeao and on coed rertus. * P.cal estate 'oroierSjOlfica over M ackey's slor on Iimuiu bt. or-i > Q ! itc new postofticeaiiMu ! SPENCER'S Fruit ani Confection ar : Cor. 13th and Leavcinvorlh S K\ : JOHN H. GREEN , STASB MILLS DEALER It GKAIN , FLOUR AND FEED , AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. EEDMAH & LEWIS , Cor. 16th and Izard Streets LTJ On hand and SAWED TO ORDER. jc26 1 m mF. F. A. PETEttS. Saddle and Harness Maker AXII CAIUllAGS TRIMMER , No. 27-1 ( ? ariihnm < ii.bet.l5tli&lGtt orders and repairing promptly attendc ALL ? nd satisfaction guarranueu. JSS-Cash Piid lor hides. apSOvl J. O Dealer In Staple and Fancy Highest price paid for Country Produce. ' Brick Store , S. B. Cor. 16A & Ohicago'sti je25tf OMAHA. NEB. L. WOODWORTJL 238 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb Wood Stock WAGON HARDWAEE Patent Wheels , Finiahad Gearing , &o. Axles , Springs aud Thimble Skciiii HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hacks a a Buggies Stutlebacker "XV'agonJl'.Dcpot. mchGU "OP. . Soap Factory ! Situated on the line 'of the Union Pacifii Railroaj , near the powder house. Manufac tures first-lass soap for home consumptinu , ) unc21-lv _ 5TODUAHI ) & IlL'lCL.lIUT , Market Gardners ! K7NDS np.VFOETADLlS AND ALL , for sale. Orders addressed to us at our garden Cor. 21st anil Paul Streets , will receive prompt attention. apl5d3m JAS. M. MCYITTJE , WHOLESALE DEALER IN Cla ried Cider. 135 ninl ISO Fnruhnin Slre t. . COFE3IAN , PHYSICIAN and SURGEON , ( OVEIl ISII'ovDRUO STORE , ) > -sdtf. Wood ! Wood ! Wood ! Immense Reduction ! ATS. r. IJUIG S' YARD , CORNER OK / I.lllh and thi apo' fatrccts. God Hard IVoodS" 00 ; Sott 15 00. Stove Wood to suft my number of store tcrv cheap. arilSlf DEALER IN Jrcss ( noJs- , Silks _ and Trimming. No. 203 Dodge t ' "eet , tetween 14th and Uth. Dress makine done with neat- lese and dispatch. Orders idhcited. Je23-3u > G. STRIFFLER , DEALER N 3B.OCEE.SE S , 'lOYlsions , FruiL" , Xuls , Confcctionerf , Tobacco , &C. | &C. . &C. , 1C. On. Of TENTH nndPAIlNIIAJI a 114tf "WILLIAM LATEY , lor. 16th aud "Webster Sts" , Keeps a complete assortment ol HIOCERIES and je:63n PROVISIONS. ] LIQUORS , WINES , ETC. 01 ? iisjS. H § c i 1 B > - Si T * 2 S V\ < * o p : 0 p K l H > H I IO * M I § * 98 | m B v. p COP. P. N. GLYNN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IX Wines , Liquors , Segars TOBXCtO AND PIPES. B3-Mifornia Wines and Brandies.-Sa Corner of 15'h and Dodge streets opposite th new Post Office bulldine , Omaha. Neb1c25l Bavarian Beer Hall 193 Doughs St , Opposite Metropolitan Hotel Finest brands of til classes of Liquors an Fresh Lager constantly on hand. CIIAS. HART Prop. Grroc "W e stor-xx Corner cf Cnmings and Twenty-second street The finest lager bser con stantly ori hand , 1e25-Cm CHAS. WEYJIULLER. Proj GRAND CENTRA.I EC O T 33 Xj . - NEBUASK OMAHA , - - The largest and lest hot between Chicag and San Francisco. Opened new September 30th , 1873. 30 tf GEO. THUALL. Prjpriator. r. T. PAGE , Proprietor. 10th St. , bet. Faruham and Harnej O3I4U1 , NEB. San to and from all Trains. Passengers for other Hole's or private Res delicts , carried for 23 ceuts. E3- All orders left at P. II. Allen's , 2d do ( from P. O , C. Wilson & Son. ror. Uth an Jl-rney , and the City Hotel Office , will rcccii ptoiupt attention. i7 1m United States Hotel , COlt. DOUGLAS AND TENTH STREETS milE UNDERSIGNED rtsreclfnllv annour J _ ces tbat he has purchased and refilled tL above Hotel , und is now ready to accommodal the public , with board by dy or we'k , at rea : enable rates. WILL1AJI LEHR , Prop. july',22 ' 74 1 ILLINOIS HOUSE Sx-oot Between 9th and 10th. OH ARLKS PKLDEK3IAN , Prop. mchlltt Central House Ko. 630 SizteenUi Street , Opp. JeOerson Square , OMAHA , NED JOSEPH DOTE , Prop'r. Day and week Board at reasonable rates. First-class bar attached to the house. Ie27 3m _ California House. HAFUEH ; No. 170 Douglas Street , corner llth , Omiha Nebraska. Board by the day'or week. June 1 , Tl On 3th , M. Farnham and Jfarney Strceti , been entirely refiittcd and refurnished HAS will accommodate all to the best o : board at $1,00 per day ; 4Qc per single meal. C , Y , & S , M , HARRYMAN , jy2SdJy. Proprietors , Southern ilotel , Fronting on 4th , 6tn and Wabmtstu , , St. Louis , - Mo. Laveille , "Warner & Co. , The Southern Hotel is fint-clnst in all its api ointments , l.s taMeiHre at all times sup- phf-d inth gr ate t abuudnnce. with all Uie deliracics themirkrts afford , Iti clercs and employts are a ! ) pulite and attentive to the wanu'ot ti. > pu ii of the hotel , There is an improve lelcva or Itadiiiii from the fir.-t floor to tiie upper on- , Railroad and tcanlboat lcketolflc * . newt stunl. nd wesierr flnion telex raph ottl c in the rotunilaof hotel. .OO. ir03MT3E3S * -iur1 yiCTOSKR OP ASD DEALKR ix- Lambrrqnins anilVuilow Shades , [ JHUOJIOS , EXGRAYINJS ( AXU PICT USE FRAMES. J70 Fnrnh " rp f.minor FIFtponth J , P , R , R , MEAT MARKED 16th street bet California and Webster. [ TTE KEFP OX HANI ) THE P.PST VV supply of FHKSII AX1) SAI.TUD tKAlS. XltH a larze utook of Fine Sugar ure.1 Hauii and lr ; < iUat liacon. at tlie low- it rites. WM. AUsT A KNUTll , iav"4-ly I rourictors The Soqx | I'ltjr and I'liciHc Itallrcatl. Iu Conautuu * illi 11. * ; iOUX CITY & ST , PAUL RAILROAD , Ci miles the shortest ronte from Omaha id Conncll Bluffs to St. Pan ] , Hlneaoolh , Illwater , Anoka , Dulutli , Blimarrk , and all ituts In lllnntsota. Train leaves Omaha daily , ( exrejit Saturday ) C o.clock p. m. , and Council Blutfi at 3:05 : p- , , from Chicago Jt Xorth-WesUrn Depot. f ureas LOW and lime as QUICK as by any other Line. JLLHM PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON ALL MHT TRAINS , 3e sure your ticket reads VIA Sioux City. is avoiding circuitous routes and inidnlgnt .nsfcrs. Pickets can be rurcbaj&l at the offices of the icago A Northwestern Hallway In Omaha 1 Council Blufis. JC.BOYDEK , n'lPau. 4 Ticket AgfSt.P.iS. C. P K- it. Paul , Minn. F. CHILL , n'l Pass , and Ticket Agt. , S. C. A P. , Slour 3ty , Iowa. GEO. TT. GBATTOX , Agent. 1C3 Farnbam Street , Omaha , Keb , nly20tl. The Kingof tbelSEWISG MACHINE * WOELD as ric-iclccntly s Gold Eeicas Uealuu ci Finance. SALES JFOE 1873 : In Round Numbers 232,444 Machines ! ItBcinc uver One Hurdred and Thirteen Ttcussnd rcore Machines than true told iy any ottei Se ing Machine Company durii the sume tir'e. It will hir > ly be denim pcu such evidence that the superiuiity of the Singer is iullr monstrated. THE SINGER MANF'G ' CO , W. N. NASON , Agent , Je MX 212 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , ' WHOLESALE GROl'ERS Agents for the Oriental Powder Co. , 3STEH3. . STEFLE & JOHNSON , WHOLESALE BROKERS ! SIMPSCKVS. BLOCK 533 and 54O Fourteenth. Street , BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE \ - - - IsTIEIB mclilXirMORGAN MORGAN & GALLAGER. SUCChSHORS TO CEEIQUTON AX3 MOP.UAN WHOLESALE GROCERS , ] STo. Wa Farnliam Street. spr&lly WHITNEY , B AUSERlttAN : & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS 2sTo. 24:7 Douglas Street , mch27yl AUKM'S FOR TH DUPONT POWDEH CO. CLARK & FRENCH , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! AXD DEALERS IX Canned Goods , Dried : Fruits , Green Fruits in Season , SOLICITED. ' * D PltOMVTLY FILI.EP. A. . S. S Z 3 C 1 ? S O 3ST , MANUFACTUBEK AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN 532 I ' ST. , C. Zi. A. ULATTE , 288 Dodge Street , 2d Door East of 16th Street. I ktep cons intly on hand the Cccst sto-lof Broad Cloth , Catsir-iertt snd Vcstlngs which I am prepared to'make up iu tie mcst fashionable styles and to tuit the most fastidious at the lowest rossli.e prices. jelOdlr ESTABLISHED ISi : PUNDT , MEYER & RAAPKE , - .VIIOLEiALE DEALERS IN FANCY GROCERIES , ] Teas , Spices , Tobacco and Cigars. 212 Farnliani Street , - - Oraalia , Nel mclil odvl JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS , HOSIERY , GLOYES 231 Farnb-aro. Street , J. J. BBOWJSf & BRO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IX STAPLE AND FANCY DRY G.COO nyS-lr Actions , jiiil Boots and Shoes. JOHN T. JOU12EU OF helf Heavy Hardware IRON , STEEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK , ' AND- IIIlKSIIKRCi , IIAUVKSTEIIN , ItKA fJULS , .IIO VKOS. DH1LLS , COKN-Dt.ASTK S I'LOXVS , COI/riVATOnS. 1IAV- KAKKtl AXD WAGONS. rechWl 2 3 Douglas St. , Onaalia , ITebraskaJ HENRY HORNBERGER. DEALEH IX- iaj01iKcutUckyWiiskIesand ( : ! Jmyortft-l.u'oods a Spccl.illj. D.TinteVesti a .d fl haUinus r the Und is cuitiwteJ , within two ye-ira from LniGE DEDUCIONS FOR CASH PAYMENTS. orlh of Platte , I cup Fork and Elkhorn Yalta 1 000 000 acres of spten III zrJzinrfand.asricalturil.'Und ' . I' to S7.00 p r : rf on longcrollt. South of he Platte B. SCIIALLtK , Agent B. & M. I . . ConicrofSInth and Faraharaoi. , Or General Lund Department , IAS.