ho Most TTocderftil Medical K\ \ covcry of the Age Every Mi his own Plus'cIdJl. JFrazier's Great Kerned -f The people of the United States hive b , humbugged with all kin-is of Patent Mpdicin \ \ quacks and impasters I : or the pastfow ves in a uioH hhameiul manner. The writer ol t folloiritij is one of the victims , and visiles y. present a Verv plain cas * . . Bo'ieving that by cleansing the Vood v the only true way of lianlshing disease , a being a great suBercr from weak lungs am Krofuiouj affection , aud after trying tua kinds of Patent McJiclnei aud the mi eminent Puysiciani , I commenced doctor ! myself , and at last d.scover < d a Blood Search. . or Root Bitter ? , which not only gave me ii mediate releif , but alter e. few weeks eflect I a radical cure. The cough left me , my luc became strong and sound , my a , petite goc and the scrofulous disease had disappe rc that Discovery possess Feeling confident nijr ' , f wonderful healing virtues , I gave It to otbc attllcied , and found it cflected the most mlrac i ! loutt cure * In thousands of cases , not ale curing Coughs , Consumption , Asthma , Catar : Scrofula and Weak Lung * , but all diseas caused from humors in the b'.ood. The denial PI L. : < . fe from my friends aud others bearing about the It IK Jiitters bucomlng > vry great , I commenced pu t netbem up for sile , calling -hem FRAZIbl ! Uji * * IWOT BITTER * . I wa-i at first backward presenting eiiher myself or medicine to t - being a Patent Medicine Man , b am getting bravely over that. I have so thousands of bottlns ot uiy Itoot Bitters , ai ( * U is my desire and determination to place tl name within the TOKh of every suftering ma woman and child on tue face of the cjvillz globs. Tbe grand principle that operates in the Boot Bllter .is the power they posse.3 ia clean ing the turgid blood aud banishing the vi humors from the system. Itoot Bitte s a strictly a Medicinal Preparation , compound , from roots combined with herbs and pla it many of whi > b were used in the good old da ; of our forefathers , when people were cured i some simple root or herb , and whei Caloui tnd other poisons of the uilner * ! kiugdo i were uuknowu. Ther open all the natural passages of tl body , cast out disease , take away all s'ckne aud build up tba system with pure bloo iu hence th y must reach all diseases by purific tion and nourishment. No person can tate.lloot Bitters and remal long unwell. Victory upon victory they liji all statiot gained over disease and death in u and conditions in life. They are constantly e frctiog cures of the utmo l importance. F < C-.Ukumption , Asthma , scrofula , Scrofulous 1 ruptidiis , Catarrh , Wetk Lungs , lost Yitalit these lUx BiiJ Brokeu-dowu Cuuitltutiuus , Hitters nr uuiveisal y admitted to be the mo known to tl wonderful Modlcal Di-covery BrV worlj. 1'Leir pectoral healing prop-rties | ieni iraiiiou of the human frame , sootl trate every Stomatl the Lungs , sireiijlliuuiug th Inf KiJaeys and Liver , cleansing th blood Iroi Cind of humor. No other medicine wi tvery Chronic Rheumatism , > eur lgi , cure Heart Disease , Fits , Dlzzimss , IltaOach Dysjjtpiia , F ? ar and Ague , Costiveness , Pile Diseases , Kidney Dhejsc , and Llvi Urinary IHtter . A Complaint , so quickly as this Hoot * bad stomar caused from a diseases are such condition of the blood. F < sail poisonous a from lo : men , sutjerjnj nervous young weakly , ot ciemory , lass of energy , etc. , causu4 Iroi abuui in early life.and to delicate femalcs.thei strengthening Itoot Hitters are e < i > cially r < commended. Oue bottle will do more towar eradicating Syphilis , Scurvy , Tetter , Fevc forms Kjes , Tuiuois , Cancerous huros , Sore ' . Ulcer I'.lieum , salt , Erysipelas , Dropsy Lions , ISoils , Flesh Worms. KlotcUcs. Ppstulfs , truj Oirrmi'i'iiH ( roi lions , piuiplesontliefaceaud iu exktouo : remedies th Blood than ail other G. W. FRAZIEB CI lSVJSI VNJJ , OIXIO.l Root Bitters are sold by all the lead Trazlers and QJemisH. Sol . Storekeepers In ; DrugglstK. Cobb 19J Superio 4 by Strong & , Whelesala 127 Wai and Benton Sfycrs 4 Caufield , street , , O H1 Fahnestock cr street , Cleveland , , j - win A Co I1. Uoo . PitUburg ; Oeorge < , /o. / John F. Henry Curraq A CQ , Unit * Boston ; Medicine llonse , 8 and 9 College lUaci btatei . Ful New York ; \Vvth Brothers , Philadelph.a ; Icr 4 Fuller , Chicago ( John D. Park , Cincinn : II , and other lirst-clasi Inmf Houses. to druggist or stor < bhow thli notice your keeper. Ask for KB VZ1ERS KOUT lUTTlvl and accept no substitute T h te er. Price wilt In the reach of all 31 per bottle six bottles 85. jvlSdiwly ' \i \ IMPORTANT Commercial Travelers , CIOMMrRCIAI. TRAVELERS who sollci ordTrsb ; CARD. CATAI-OuUU TRADE SAMPLE. OR OTHEE cPECIMEN LfsT. and soliei also those who visit their customers mide DJRECf FHOJ trade by purchases .SIOCK , and who travel in any section , b , clais of goods , are requested Rail or Boat , telling any quested to send their BUSINESS and PKI VATE ADDRESS , ai below , st.ting class o goods tney sell , and bv whom employed ; nls those who are at present under .no enisgqujent This matte , is of CHEAT IMPORfANCl INDIVIDUALLY to ba esmeu of this clas < , omen toltcltine trade in th's ' manner. Ii i men theicfore ESPECIALLY desired that thi notice ma/ meet the eye ot ALL CommercU Travelers and Salesmen In this country an * that they will AT OXCE give it tholr aUen lion. Those who comp'y with above reques and dul will be CONFIDENTIALLY treated gdviMd of object in view. Please address , ( b ; tetter nl7) ) . care Gro. P. Uowell A Co. , 41 Park Row. NKW YOBK CITY JUHX IJAU.n.KK , Practical Watchmaker 171 Paran m , S.'S.Ow. llth St. UMAIIA - . - NE1 APPLEIW'S ILmejricaii CYCLOPAEDIA New Revised Edition. Entirclf rewritten by the ablest writeri o : every lubject. Printed from new type , and illustrated with Several Thousand Engravings and Maps. - o - THE work originally published under the till CYCLOPAKDIA wa AMEWCAJT of THE NEW completed in 18C3 , since which time the wid circulation which It has attained in all parts c the United Stales , and the signal development which have taken place in every branch c . have Induced th clence , literature , and art. editors and publishers to submit It to an eiac and thorough revision , and to lnuo a DP- aition entitled , TJIK AUKWCAS Crctopjii. Within the last ten years tuo mogreis of dii covery in every department of Knowledge ha made a new work of reference an imperallv The movement of political affairs has kcp , with the discoveries of science , and tuei pact Crultf ul application to the Industrial and usef u ecu and the convenience and refinement o coclrUlfe. Great wars and consequent rcrolu Uon fc veoccure < l , involving national change of peculiar moment. The civil war of our OK i country , which was at Its height when the las volume of the oUl work appeared , has bappllj been ended , and a new conrso of commercla end Industrial activity | ia * been commenced. Large accessions to our gireraphlcal know ' edge have been male by the Cidifatlgable' P1orerxof Africa. 5he great political revolutions of th las decade , witU the natural rusult of the lapse o time , have brought into public view amultitud ' utuewmen , whose names are in every one' mouth , and of whoso llvei every one Is curlou to know the particulars. Great battles hav beeu fought and important sieges maintained of which the details are as yet preserved cnl ; ( athcncwspa | > ersorin the transient pnbllca UoQk of the day , but which ought now to tak their place in pennanect and authentic history In preparing the prevent edition for the press t has accordinglv been the aim f the editors ti bring down the Information to the latest pos iblc dates , nnd to furnish an accurate accoun of the most recent discoveries In science , o every fresh production is literature , and o .the newest Indention in the practical arts , a well as to give a succinct and original rpcord o / jig progress of political and hlstorlal event , vfe Tw > work has been begun after long aud care fail preliminary labor , aud with the moit ample & resources for carrying it on to a mccculu ft termination. None of the crlcUal stereotype plates havi asuuso d , but every page has b n printed ot typo , forming In tjct a new Cyclopjedia new anJ as its prrdeces- with tue same plan compass - or. but with a far greater pecuniary ezpendl. lure and irith such Improvements In Its com position an hare been suggested by longer nil and enlarged knowledge. perieuce The illustrations which are introduced foi Iho first time in the present edfUon have beei added not for the sake of pictori1 effect , but t ( give greater luciditr and force to the expl n * tlonsiu the text. Tncr embrace all branches else so leue and ca ural history , aid depict the most lamous and remarkable lealures of sccnrrj Architecture , and art , a * w6' las the various pro cesses of muciiauici and iiianufactoros. Al Ihojrh Intended for initructlon rather than cmbeiJUhmer.t , no pains have boon iparod U Insure thel artistic excellence : the cost ol i their ciccul jon la enormous , nd it Ii believed they will Cud a welcome reception as an aJ- talrable feature of the Cyclopxula , and worthy its hlgthiracU ) ' . The worK is sold to Subscribers only , payable oad'Uvery of each volume. It will bV > com- HveraTtEou&and Wood Engravln i a i numerous colored Lithographic Maps. PRICE AUD STYLE OF BINDING. In extra doth , per vol. . . . . . . _ . . . $3.00 In Library Leather , per rol _ 6.tx ) In ilalf Turkey Morocco , per voL _ . 7.00 In Half Ruscla. extra gilt , per vol 8.00 In full Morocco , antique , pit edges , per TOl - . . . - . I 10.00 - - - - In JullButsia , per vol.- . lO'.OO Throe Tolums now ready. Succeeding TO- Dfia , until completion , will be Issued once In wo month * . , Speciuuia pages of the AIIEJUCAX Cvcto- rAEDU , showlnj type , illustratiou. etc. , will becmt rallf.oa application. FIRST CLASS CANVASSING AGEKli WANTED Address the Publishers , D. Apt > leton' & Co. , 619 & 551 Broadway Sew York. THE SEDUCER AND HIS VII TIM. An Old Sermon of Beecher's. A resident of Minneapolis picti up an old scrap-book , created in L hours of boyish leisure , fifteen i twenty years ago , and found ther ; a serraonon "The Seducer and H Victim , which was delivered I Henry Ward Beecher , iu Brookly in the year 1830. The Minneapol gentleman copied the sermon , ai sent it to the St. Paul Pioneer. \ \ extract the following significant ii dictment of the seducer : The seducer ! Playing upon tl most sacred passions , he betrays n nocence. How ? By its tendere faculties ; by its trust ; by its m suspecting faith ; by its honor. Tl victim often and often is not tl accomplice so much as the sutTere betrayed by an exorcism which b ( witched her noblest affections , an became the suicide of her virtue The betrayer , for the most intens selfishness , without one noble me tive , without one pretense of hone by lies ; by a devilish jugglery < fraud ; by blinding the eye , confus ing the conscieflt-e , misleading tL judgment , and instilling the dew ( sorcery upon every flower of swec affection , deliberately , heartlessly damns the confiding victim ! J there one shade of good ii : tentlon one glimmering trace < light. Not one. There was nc the most shadowy , tremulous inter tion of honor. It was sheer , prc meditated , wholesale ruin from be ginning to end. The accursed soi cerer opens the door of the world t push her forth. She looks out nl shuddering , for there ia shame an sharp-toothed hatred , and chattel ing slander , and malignant envj and triumphingjcalousy , and niut derous revenge these are seen ris ing before her ; clouds full of lire that burn but will not kill. An there is for her want and povert. and gaunt famine. There i the world spread out. Sh sees father and niothe heartlessly abandoning her ; a broth er's shame , a Bister's anguish. Jti a vision of desolation , u plunderei home ; an altar where honor , am purity , and virtue , and peace havi been assidiously sacriliced to tin foul Moloch. All is cheerlessne&s t < thp eye , and her car catches thi sound qf .sjgiiifr | ami mourning wails nnd lament ; and fur down u the horizon of the vision , the mur ky cloud for a moment lifts , and sin sees the very bottom of infamy , thi ghastliness of death , the last spasn of honible departure , tin awful thunder of the fina doom. All this the trembling betrayed creature sees through tin open door of the future ; and with : voice that might move the dead , sh < turns nnd clasos his knees in awfti agony ; "Leave me not ! Oh ! span ine save ino past n,1P not awa.y j' Poor thing she is dealing with demon ! Spnio her save her ? Thi polished scoundrel betrayed her t < abandon her , aud walks the street t < l > oasthishellishdeed.Itbecomeshin as a reputation ! Surely society wll crush him ! They will smite the wol and seek the bleeding lamb. Oh , 1113 soul , believe it not ! "What sight i * that ? The drooping victim is worse used than the infernal de stroyer1 lie i. fondled , courted , passed from honor to Ijonor , nm she is crushed and mangled undei the infuriated tramp of public in djgnation. On her mangled corpse they stand to put the laurels on hei murderer's brow ! "Whenever J sec such things as these I thank Gee | there is a judgment , and that there is n hell ! " Beecher's First Sermon in Plynv outh Church. 1 conversed with a gentleman to day who heard Mr. Beecher make his first sermon in Brooklyn. T" < site where Plymouth Church no\i stands was considered so uniiivora- ble to public worship that Dr. Cox's Society abandoned it , nnd sold it tc the Plymouth people for a song. Dr Cox's people , owing to the visit o Mr. Beecher , were obliged to give up their church before they were ready. The Jecturo-rooin beinj crowded , many of the old Ho ciety went back to their old home , The congregation thai greeted Mr. Beecher hnl ; filled the house. Just before the service commenced , a rough-looking youngster , with a turn-down collar , with an air of haste anel energy , took the pulpit. He looked like r young farmer , fresh from the plow , His dress was.soiled , his hair in the utmost confusion , clothes ill-fittini : , stockings blue , shoes unblacked , Following Dr. Cox , who was ultra clerical , with his white crnvat antl black silk gown , theyoung Western preacher formed a marked contrast He then did what ho has done evei since , proceeded at once to business , without the formality of what Is known as private prayer. Before the preacher got through , his rougli Western look , his untidy hair , seeely dress , blue stockings , short pants , and coarse shoes were forgotten. Then nearly all the churches had service in the afternoon. Young Beecher was to preach in the even ing. My informant and his family went leisurely to church. There was an acre of people outside. Even the standing room was occupied before 7 o'clock. Tht disappointed ones , as they went away , gave vent to their feelings in the original re mark , "A. now broom , " etc. And the broom has been sweeping away for twenty-seven years. JJurlcigh's Letter to the Boston Journal. The Eomanco of Two Young Bridge Painters. ( From the Eastoii ( Pu ) FrepPu-ss. ) About thirty years ngo the Dela ware bridge was just as it is now- much in want of a coat of good paint ; well spread on , and the man agers then ordereel , as I hope they will now order , its being forthwith done , as work ntvpresent with that worthy class of our citizens is not very pressing. As the job at that time was a pretty large one , several painters were employed , and among tha party wfts a young Jew , who received sixtyTtwq and a half cents per day for bis labor , and his broth- sr at S100 per annum. But Jeny ivages and salaries did not stamp jut their indomitable energy and perseverance , for shortly aftarwards .hey both went to California where : liere was then a wide and profit- ible field for energy and en- : erprise , just -such as they pos sessed and used to great advan- : age , which secured to them a largo imount of wealth. In due time they eturned to New York , which gave Jiem i more suitable field for em- Joying their large capital for a time n mercantile business ; but latterly prominent bankers in large financi- il operations on their own account , um agents for the Messrs. Roths- thilds. Xow , reader wno do you ; hink these two young Jews are , .vbojn e have hastily described ? Why none other than the Messrs. Seligmans , so prominently conuec- ; ed with Uuncle Sam's $179.000,000 > f five percent , bonds.j About Two Pious Wom n. [ Alta-exlifornla , July So. | l&st Wednesday as the wester bound train of the Central Pacil railroad arrived at Toano , two w men of the crusading class , wl had beeu traveling on the train f some time , got off to see if th could find either sin or sinner to j for. They had with them a bask filled with nice little Bibles , ar with these they were going aboi doing good and making mone , While on the train they sold sever Bibles ana 'talked about religion at rum to every one who would subm to being thus inflicted. While'wai dering about seeking customers fi their wares they ran across a gei teel-looking individual , who w. engaged in tossing around thn pieces of pasteboarel , and who seen eel to be buried in deep meditatioi They drew nigh unto him , and , ne ticing his finely-cut , classical fei tures were o'erspread with shade of sadness , they offered consolatio and a Bible for lour bits. Findin there were no"customers insight , h good naturedly resolved to give th ladies a little game , just to whil away time and keep them quie He threw the cards , and then aske them to pick out the Jack , which h had previously shown them. The , did so , once , twice , three timei Then he threw them again , and on of the innocents cried , "there it is you can't fool me if you did thro\ 'em quick. " "Xo , madame , you ar mistaken , " he replied , and draw ing out of his pocke a ten and two twenty dollar pieces he said , "I'll bet you $50 you don' know which is the Jack. " "Oh , w never bet , " said one of them , "bu you can't fool us with your nimbi fingers. " And then they stood am eyed those gold pieces and though how much gooel they would d > them and how little the possessor apparently , appreciated their worth Watching for the favorable momen the reckless young man said , "Well 1 don't , care , seeing it's you , I'l tell you what I'll do , seeing you arise so sure about it , I'll bet you thi SoO against that basket of books- hallo , dem-me , they're Bibles ; bu everything goes as it lays yet can't find the Jack. " now thej were convinced more than evei that he was a bold , bad , wicked man , anel tljpydetermlned to take his mon ey to help them aldng in the cooi cause in which they were engaged. They "put up , " and as both were certain that the same card was th ( one they wore after , one of them seized it with , "this is the boy. " I was turned over , and it was the tray of hearts. Their naturally lonj faces at once assumed n longei and more .serious cast , am they looked at the card , at each other , at the bad , bad man , a the money , and then at the boskel of Bibles , thoroughly bewildered , The montc sharp put up his tools anel walked oft'with his. plunder , anel before the victims comprehen ded the situation ho disappeared from sight. The sequel is soon told. The winner marched through the train ami distributed the Bibles among the passengers. Several ol the trophies are now on exhibition in this city. What became of the women is not known by the passen ger * . Wanted a Notice. | Wellington Chronicle. ] A little cock-eyed fellow strolled into the ollice last evening , with a piece of manuscript in his hand , and a merry twinkle in his eye , saying : f'Say , Mister , will you put our game in the ? " "What paper game , ray ? " " I the Arrow son "Why , belongs to row Base-Ball Club , and we had a njateh gnmo , with the Gem for 40 cents , and after we licked 'em they stole our bats from us , put a head on the umpire , and took the 40 cents. " "Well , what do you want to men tion that in the paper for ? " "Gh , wo don't want anything seel about that , but we wants to challenge 'em for a square game of forty-nine in nings. Just here an elderly lady , with an umbrella under her arm , cam.e creeping slowly in the door , and caught the youngster by the left ear , and waltzed him off down the steps. Tbe boy said nothing , neither did the old woman. Both thoroughly understood each other. THE : COMING STRUGGLE , The voters of our nation. AS ne'er was knowt ) before,1 Are rising from Pacific's strand To Atlantic's rocicy shore. Why is th's mighty change ? \ \ liat on the meaning be ? The rising of the mas From northern lake to southern'sea. Tbe f plrUof ol < l seventy-six From out our heron' graces " ForbicU a nation drenched in patriots' blood , Should sink to that of slaves ; The motto which our coins once bore , Thoush obsolete long since , Kemaiu as ever true : not one cent for tribute , Uut millions for defcnue. Party ties and party hws Are but as ropes of sand. Thei'igiiti of in m to bt a man Should govern Freedom' * laud. Then sU-ill our Flag more proudly float O'er land as well as sea , And uitions yet unborn shall gladly great The emblem of the free. In trade we'll try to deal , As man should deal with man , And wh Iu we seek ti lire ourdelvea , We'll fell as cheap as anybody can , And if a hat ycu need , er f nerd you chance to meet , Remember Bunco , the Hatter , On Uin > er Dougla > Street. elCtf II. OKEL'tC. C. J. KABBACH G'llEDE A : KARBACH , 15th st. Letwccn Faruhain and trney sti OMAHA , - - NEB. M ASOFACTUREE OF Spring and Farm Wagons , ' BUGGIES AND CARRI.1GBS. Dealers in and manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS I . jIT ESTION PAID TO PAUTICUIAP. SHOEING. gons and blacksmfthlng promptly done at reasonable cricea ENOCH HENNEY , Justice of the Peace Office over the State "Vank , corner of Far ACRES ! Of THE FINEST Elkliorn Yallcy Lands FOR SALE BT Wisner , - - XTob TUIESE I.AKPS ARP CONVENIENT TO JL the iiarfcet and the FINEST in the STATE ! And > ill be sold at from B2.50 to $5,00 PER ACRE ! For Cash or on Ions ; Time. © * LAND EXPLORING 1ICK- 2TS for sale at O. & N. W. De- K > r , bearing coupons which will > e taken at full cost in payment or land. JS in OOA FEU DAYAgentswaut - > 0 IU $ ( } ed. All clashes of work- of people of either ser , young or old , make lore money at work for us In their spare mo- lenti nr nil tb tiu > than tt anything Us. LddiojCT1NSOM A Co. , Portland , Maine- Monev and Commerce. Daily Heview. " OFFICE OMAHA DAILY BEE , ) Augusts , 1S74. J The week closeel to-day with tl market linn at yesterday's quoti tions , and general activity throug all lines , both on orders and. loci trade. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK . Land Greets ( .selling ) 5820.C Land Warrants , (160 ( acres buying ) 176.C Land Warrants (160 ( acres selling ) 185.C Agricultural College Scrip , ( ICO acres buying ) 176.C Do. Selling 185.C Exchange on New York , 1-5 of on per ct. OMAHA MARKETS. Carefully Corrected Daily DRY GOODS. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , ( Jor. 14th ant Douglas Streets. PRINTS. „ . Aliens . . _ _ . . . . „ 9J American. . . . . . . . . T-i 9/ Amoskeag . . . . .M . Bristol . _ . - Uarners . „ . . . . . . . . 8 } Hamilton . ' Merrimack D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9) Peabody . „ . . _ sj Richmond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 9J Simpson's. . . . ' . . _ . _ . . 9 ; BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. Bright 4-4 . _ Boot G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ „ _ Cabot 4-4 . . . . . . . „ . _ „ . „ . . . . . . 12 } . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. V. Mills . „ . „ . _ 18J Peterboro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk L. . . . . . . _ . _ 8) BLEACHEO SHEETINGS. Pepperell 8-4 . - . . . . - S do Q-J _ . SS > do 10 . . . . . . . - _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 } ceyrroNADtS. Farmers and Mechanics. . . 25 Great Western. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . . . . 2 BROWN SHEETINGS. Albion , A _ . _ . . . _ _ _ SJ Bedford , R . „ . _ . . „ . ' eirantville , El - > - . lOJ Germanla , B B . „ . _ . _ . 9 > Lanclev . . . . . . . . . . 1 L. La. . . . _ . T _ GIXGIIAMS. Am erica a . „ . 1 Ainoskeag . . . . - l ! Bates . . . . . . . . _ . 1 ! TICKINGS. Amoskftag , a c aL..HH..MM . . . . . . Biddeford . „ . _ . . _ 17/ DENIMS. Arnoske g . „ . _ 2SJ < Braver Creek , B 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 i Haymakers. . . . „ . . li ( Us , B B _ _ . . „ . „ . . 171-j Otis , 0 C . . . . . \5y : JEANS. Biddeford . „ . _ ] 6J YANKEK NOT 10 KURTZ MOHK A CO. , 31 Farnhttlll Street. sl'U.ii. Clark's 0. N. T - . 7fl boat's „ „ . . . . . . . . . _ 70 Merrick's..M _ 4ik HOSIERY. Domestic. . . . . . _ . . . . _ ? f5@2 00 British. 3 0006 00 PAPER COLLARS. Dickens' best. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ 5 90 Ulng William. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 35 Domestic. . . . . . . . „ „ . . . . „ . _ . 1 SO Stanley „ „ „ . . . a 50 SHAWLS. Jttomau strips $2 25Jj6 ( 50 SHIRTS. kVhlte common „ SIO 50 medium 15 0J ( ' " custom rnaue. . . . . . . . 30 00 Percale. . . . . _ . _ S1200u24 00 Jallco _ 4 757 50 OVEKALL3. Brown drill „ . _ _ . . . . . . 56 50a7 25 ' dnct . . . . . . 7733900 Blue drill „ . 7 00a7 50 ' duck 8 OOaS 50 White . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 00a9 50 CORSETS. French whalebone „ to 25aS 00 3ur own. . 15 00 Jomet . 22 50 t-PIUNG feKIKTS. [ .inen printed S 9 00 " ruffled 1200 " fluted. . . . . _ . . . 15 00 GENERAL COMMISSION. J. ( J. ItosENFELD gives us ttie following quotations his day : Butter , active , 20 cts. in tubs ; Eggs Irm , at 15c per dozen ; Live thickens , 200@2 50 per doz. ; Goose- jerries , 2 50 per bu. ; Cherries , 180 per bu ; Lemens,12 00 per box. ana Raspberries,20c per quart ; jlackberries , 20c ; currants 20c. HAKDWAKK JOUX T. EDOAE. IRON. Common bar. . . . . . . . . .H..MMH..MMM 4 Jorse shoe ha * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6J Norway nail rod. . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . ll > i STEEL. . . . . . . . . . . .H..M..M. . . . . . . . 12 . ' . . . . . American casn , oc'agon and square. . 18(4 ( 22 esi'.p's English do do . . . 25(9 ( > iurdeu's horse shoes , per keg. . . . . . . . . . . . 725 do mule do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 25 Torthvestrrn hone nails. . . . . _ 22a 23 ) undee thimble Sieins , discount 45 ptr cent. tor half patent axles , discount 10 per ctnt. NAILS. Od to 60J per kez. . . _ . „ . „ . . . 4 10 < 1 do _ „ _ 4 33 d do „ _ . _ . . . _ . . . 4 60 d do _ . _ 4 85 d do . _ . . . . . . . 5 10 d fine do . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . . 7 10 Odfinis'nzdo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631 d do do _ . . . . . _ . 5 60 d do do . _ . _ 5 85 Od casing do . . . . . _ . . „ . . „ . . . 4 $5 d do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 10 d do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 33 brought , all sizes . . . . _ 5 85 BOLTS. irrbge and tire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .discount 70 pr c BCTTS. Harrow wrought , fast joint. . .discount 20 pr c last , loose pin reversible. . . . . . do 33 do MISCELLANEOUS. fay and manure forki. . . . . . dicount 20 prc IOM and gi den rsken. . . . . . . . . do 25 do HINGES. trap and T. . . . . . . . . . discount 25 pr c WRENCHES. 'aft's black- . . _ . . . . . .dUicount fSprc oo' iuimitation. . . . . . . . do 45 do oe't genuine . - . . . . - - do 20 do SCREWS. .mprican Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . 45 pr c do brans. . . . . . . - . . . . _ 40 prc AGRICULTOHAT , TM SCTT1IE' . L Holt's Ha. > estKlngperdo.- 1200 hampion * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f 9 00 : taldvg Eureka _ - 11 W do red _ . - 8 00 AND SHOVELS. owlind'tNoa black ghorekj , D U 12 00 do do polished do do 13 00 do do black spades do 12 00 [ oore do polished do do . _ 13 00 do'a "gpringpolnt" L U shovels. . . 13 50 AXES. ippencott'i Western e > own. . . _ . . . . . . . . . IS 00 do do do b.Tefea 13 50 COFFEE MILLS. irke's2 < a 3 , iron box : - net C 5 do do 103 do - 5 75 do do23 Onion irh _ 1100 eo do 35 do Britania _ 13 00 FILES. irzraTe , Smith A. Co.dUcount 30 pr c merlcaa > ii < Co. _ do 50 do HAMMERS. ardole's , A E No 1 , IX , 2 - ammond'i A E No Q , , - m do do do 4 _ _ . . _ do tnslDter" No 1 , do do do 2. . . 4 do da 3. . . HATCHETS. Morris' shingling , No 1 . . . . $7 do do do 2 . . .MMM..HHHH.M 8 do do do ? -iiin IIIHIIIMI--I. , . 9 do cliir do ! . . „ . „ . . . . . „ _ _ . _ 7 dc o do 7 , 8 LEATHER. BestBuffalo le , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , | zs& Matamoras do > o.2 , 32c ; No. 1,2 Best Oak do . 43 < g Baltimore Oak Sole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . irench Kijs : S1 40 < g2 do Calf , leading brands 82 tO2 Domestic Kipa . 81 00 < jl do Calf . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . : i 35Q1 Hemlock Upper , per foot _ . . .Ji5g3 ( Oak do do . . 3 Grain do do . . . , . . . . . . . .3 Linings , per dozen , 87 00(310 ( Toppings , do . . . . SU 00i14 ( Morocco ( Boot Leg ) per foot . _ . . . . . . . 3S@4 do ( Oil Dressed ) do .36 < ij4 do ( Simon ) . . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . .Si 00@3 do ( ( Hove Kid , ) . 83 50&5 Welt Leather , per side , 1C 00 < jj7 Boot WebbingVper bolt , . . . . . .4 @ 7 Ok Harusss Leather , " Plttsburg , " .4 do do do No. 1 , „ . . . . _ „ 40@1 do do do Ko. 2 , . . _ 33@4 Oak Line do „ . . . _ _ .44Q4 llfmlock llarntis Leather , ho. 1 , . .39i$4 ( do do do No. 2 , . .37 ( < )3 Hemlock Line do , . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . ( Fair Bridle , per side - S6 00@7 i Team Collars , per doi. . . . . 125 50&25 J btage do do . .S21 I Scotch do do . . . . . . S36 I ioncoid do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . M .M S33 t Cellar Leathei ( Black ) per foot , 18@i do do ( Hussct ) do . . . . . . _ _ . . _ lQ-i : ) Patent Dash Leather. . . . . . . . . ! ; SOAPS Powell & Co. , Soap monufacturer Sap ( . Publico , 6 l-26 34 ; Save Kepubhc , do , , Chemical OliTe , 6 t 6 1-2 ; Palm , 5@51-4 ; German Mdl led , 6 l-4a6 1-2. ART GOODS AND UPaoLSTEBEB'3 STOCK. Beujamin B. Jones , Decorative Up. holsterer and dealer in fine art good : 270 Farnbain Street , furnishe ? th following quotations : FRAME MOULDINGS. Oil walnut mouldings , one inch per foot , 5c ; 2 inch iOc ; 3 inch 15c polished walnut , 1 inch 7c ; 2 incl 15c ; 3inch21c. Berlin gilt , 1 incl 615c ; 2 inch 12@30c ; 3 inch 18S ( 45c ; imitation rosewood and gilt , iuch 510c ; 2 inch 1020c ; S incl 1530c. VlNDOW SHADES. Plain bands , 6 feet , all colors , pe pair , 1 50 ; ornamental bands , 2 00S ( 4 00 ; each additional foot , 75o pe pair. EEPPS. Union ind all wool terry , peryare 1 50@3 tQ ; Imperial , plain and stri ped , 2 50a8 00.DAMASKS. DAMASKS. Union per yard , i 50 ; all wool 2 00a3 00. MATTRASSES. Husk , 4-4xG > 2 , 4 00a5 00 ; straw 3 00a4 00 ; Excelsior , 8 50a4 50. LUMBER. RETAIL LIST Subject to change of market witnout 9 WM. M. FOSTER , On U. P. R. R. track bet. 1 irnham ai is. GEO A. HOAGLANL. Joists , studding and sills. 20 tt , and un der | CX Over 20f t , each additional ft add'l _ 51 Fencing No 1 _ * ! Ot do No 2 - - . 21 Ot Istcgmmnn boards _ 25 0 ( 2nd do do _ 22 01 "A" stock l > oards , 10 and 12 inch „ 5U ex "B" do do do uo 35 ( X "C" do do do do , 0 Ot 1st clear , 1,1 } { , 1 and 2 Iuch C5 0 ( 2d do Uo do do 55 01 3d do do do do _ 45 CK Flooring , clear _ 50 W do 1st common _ 40 01 do 2d do „ _ 35 oe do 3d do _ 27 5C do narrow , clear- 45 Ot 1st clear ceiling % inch „ 85 Ol id do do yx iuth 32 5t tut do do % Inch _ . . 30 OC 2d do do JJ inch 27 5C 1st clear siding - 27 OC lil do do . . _ 2C OC 1st common siding .M Ot U do do „ 20 00 "A" shingles _ 4 2i Extra No 1 shingles 3 W Common No 1 sli.ngles. . . , 2 00 Uth per 1000 3 So D A 11 pickets eer 100 i 6c square do do deL L ) G Batten per lineal f' _ 1 % Hough do do do „ . _ Liberal discount on carload loU. WINDOWS. ( Glazed. ) 15 per cent oil Chicago list. DOOHS , ( Wedged. ) ! 5 pei cent ofl Cl K-ago 1'st. ' BLINDS. SO per cent off lint. White lime per bbl _ tl 75@2 00 Louisville cement per bbl _ . . . 3 00&3 25 [ 'laster paris per bbl _ 3 50 < jj3 75 Piaster ! ug hair per bushel 40 rmd felt 4 Plastering boaru . . 5 % OILS. PAIXTS , GLASS , &c. N. I. D. SOLOMON. ROBEKT C. STEELL. 3oaIOil $ 19 l > ara Uil , No IS 951 00 Unseed Oil , raw. 105 " " " 2 _ . _ 70 " " bl'd. _ 110 " " winterl gn "u rurpentine _ 65 " "stridn'dj Jeadlight Oil 28 Lubricating { . . . „ „ „ gg | W.Va. f PAINTS , AC iVhlte Lead , St. Louis , SrtlctlrPure _ . $ \\Yt ' ' " " " i'ancy'Brauda' . S % 'utty in Bladders - . . . . . . . . . , . ! % " " Bulk . „ . _ . . . . . . . . . 4)4 ) Jnsmeld Glass , colors , V ! sq. ft. . „ . . 1 00 iVindow Glass. 50 S c discount TIN , SHEET-IRON. WISE , &C. UILTON ROGERS , COR. 14th & FARNHAM. PLATK. 0x14 1C , latr qualltf. . . . . . . - . . . . , . . 813 00 0x14 Ic , best quality . . . . . . . 13 50 0x14 IX do do _ . . . - 16 50 2x12 1C do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 00 2x12 IX do do . . . . . . . . - . . . 17 00 4x20 1C do do . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 50 4x20 IX do do - .1750 4x20IXXdo do - . . . . _ - . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 50 4x20 IXXX do - . - 23 50 1 0 plate ) ) C ( best quality ) _ . . . . . . . 23 50 00 plate DX , do' dj - .1400 00 plate DXX do do . . . . 17 00 00 plate DXXX do do - 2000 loofing 1C charcoal do do . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 00 loofinglX do do do . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 00 0x14 1C coke do do . - 1250 0x23 1C charcoal roofing. . . . . . - 27 50 0x78 1C charcoal rooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 50 1x14 IX charcoal . - 28 00 0x20 coke ( for sutlers ) . . - . . „ _ . . . . . . 21 00 ULOCKTIN. ZINC. heel tin S3 to 36 in. . . . . „ . ' . . . . . . . . > . . . . . . _ . . . do do do ir. half cask ] . . . . . . 11U do do do in 250 tt > casks. . . . 12 heet J4 to 35 inches per sheet. . . . . . 12 % 'innerssoldci ( extra refined. . . . . . 5 do do No. l..H. . . .MM..HHM S3 do do roofiiig . . . _ . . . . . . . . . 1 bid metal . . . . . . . „ . . . . . . . . . 0 2 * SHEET IRON. v irst quality , Numbers 18 to 24. . . . „ . . . . _ fl do do do 2& . . . do do do 26. . , do do do 47 , harcoal , both sides smothe do No 24- . . . . . . . . , do do 26. . . . . . . . . do do 27 _ . . „ iniataNo. 24 - do 10 26 _ do do 27 ussia rerfe * t 7 to 12. . do No. 1 , stained Less tnan lull bundles , add one cent. A."A merican Immltat'n Kussii , U Noi. 1 Less ihan full bundles add one cent. GALVANIZED. o. 14 to Bl . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . Hst 15 o 2' ' to'J4 . . . . . . . . . „ „ . „ . . . . „ . . . . „ _ _ ao 16 o 23 to 25 . _ . , , . , T..r _ 1.1,11. . . dc 1' ' ' " " " lo g ? . . , „ , - - , , „ . _ , . . „ , ! . . . . ! ! do SO Full bundles discount 15 per cent. COPPEB. " razlcn 6 * o 9 . . . - . do 10 to 12 fl > . . . . . _ . do 12Uto 1U02 > _ . leathlnz , HauU is ox _ anlshed , 14 and 16 or. . . . . . DS. 7 , 8 and 9 , Planished ) lt copper. . . . . . . ipper bottoms . . . BKIQHT WIRE. ' 4 10 11 11 } Per bvmdloU per aatdtcra GROCERIES , BTEELE & JOHNSON 53S-10 14TH i CLARK i FRENCH COK. FARNHAM A3 111H ST. PTJNDT , MEYER & RAAPKE , 212 FAR HVM ST. . WHOLESALE DEALERS- MORGAN i GALLAGHER , 205 Far hum St. \VHTTNEY , BAUSERMAN i Co. , 2 Douglas St. J. J. BROWN & BRO. . Cor. 14th ni Douglas Streets. bUGARS. Granulated pi K > _ . . Powdered do „ Crushed do Kefd cut loaf do . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard A do . . . . „ . UVall Qrcle A do . . . „ II Extia C uo . . . . . . Yellow C do _ _ 10'ialC N O choice do Ill COFfEES. Elo choice pr Ib .S . _ 2i > i do prime Uo . . . . . . . . . . . . .H 2 > < do iood ; do 54. O G Java . „ 3U SYUUPd. Common pr gallon * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.1 Good do . _ _ . . SIA. Choice do _ 70a do N O lAOhisses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . Rangoon choU . . . . _ . . . S > < a.M. . . . , . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . S a CAtJDLES. M Wesk 4 Co . . . . 16 > Ja fccaoten . „ . - _ 1 TjlT SOAP. MissourlVrlley . „ . CaC Kirk's Savon . G M. Wesk i Co . _ . - 7a7 chofer's German . * . . * . * . * . . . . . . . . Kirk's standard . - < do sterling. . . . . . . . 4a4. PLUG TOBACCO. Black goods , Western . . . . . ; do do Virj'iula . _ . COa ; do do Lorrilard's . _ . _ . . . 55.U Bright do do do . ( .Uat do do Virginia . 53a < Natural leaf . 75a ! DRIED FRUITS. California peach per pound _ . 16 > ia ; do apples do . . . . . . . . . . . . lMrJ : ] Plate uo do . . . . „ . „ . . . Ilal4i New currants. . . . . 8. do prunes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14411 , do German cherries . . . . > do bl ckbcrrles . . . . ' do raspberries . _ . . . - . . 3Sa do raising , per box . . . . M ( do seedless raisins , per pound. . . . . . . . . izj SALT. New in barrels . S2 70o2 i do dairy _ . . _ . - 4 SOoj ' , ' CABNCD GOODS. 2poundcanMvei'3oys'ersperca e..SI 2ja4 f 1 do do do do do . . . 2 502 'i 2 dc do William's do Uo . . . 4 Oua4 ' 2 do do peaches pei case . „ . 5 C 3 do do do do . 7 75.iS C 2 do do tomatoes do . . . . 3 5uo3 7 3 do do do < io . _ . 5 e Corn , Tropny per case . . . . 5 i do Wlnslow do . 5 5 do Yarmouth do „ . J 5 Strawberries , ilo . 4 50a4 7 Raspberries , do . 4 ( l Pineapples , do . . * > 0 TEAS. Oolon.a , per pound . 2.a7 Young llybou , per pound . 40al li Gunpowder , do do . . . . . Cual - FLOUK , Snow Fhike , ( Wells A Nieman ) . . . 4 > eiold IJiist . - . - 3 1 XXXX Iowa City - . „ . : ; U California . - . . 4 7Jo5 e BAGS. Qua' lies , heavy weight - „ - _ 18gl .o light d. > - 17 1 lips , four biuhel. . . _ _ . . . l ul iln bags , Ainoskeg A . . . . . S0a3 .o do Lud ow a a. . . . . " SPIOES. Nutmegs , IVuang Lent , per pound . . . . . 1 2T al 4 t'l vei uo ilo . C Alspice do do - Ciuamon bark do di > . COLUMBIA RIVKR SALJIOX. ' % bbls. , leO lfc . . . .J9 50G10 ( ' 1 tticaus , per doz . „ . , . 2 5t ( 2 7 2 do do . „ . 3 90ij ( * " ' WlllTi : FISH. Ko. 1 Ills . „ . „ 1 15S 1 : Familv in kits . 1 lOfe 1 ' . Mbbls . _ . C 50g ( 7 C Family in > $ bbU . _ 5 30 G t MACKEREL. Family , in kits . 1 1C@ 1 2i No. 1 , do . 1 GVlti , ' - ' 0 Mess , do . _ . . 3 OOf-j. 3 a Family , V bbl * . G 2 % G 14 N'o. 1 , da . 9 exilO ( Cl Sardiuca , Ji boxes , . . . . . . . . . . . 1G G0i < i,17 tl CIGARS. A. E. SIMPSON , Manufacturer , 53 : 15th Street. H. Upmai . . „ $ M. S T3 01 Hecotiatructiou. . . . . . do S.i 0 Brand Central . „ . _ . do 3501 Universal . . . . do 41) 0" " Vara . _ . do 4J W La Boquet . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . do 50 O1 Simon Pure . „ . . . do 60 C ( Pariigas . „ _ . . . . . . . . . lo 75 ( ( Vours Truly . _ . _ do C5 Ct 'Jold Jfedal . _ do Ol * Ut La Eapanola . do GO Ol Triple Crowu. , . . , . do 75 d Uenry Clay . , . do 100 Ol De Villcr. . . . . . - . do 100 Ot V Viller. - , . „ . _ . do 10 1 CK 1876 - „ - . do 73 it CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale depot 648 14'h ' Street. Halt barrel sacks. . . „ . 2 EC Chicago , Hock Island aud Pacific E. K. THE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE r'EOM DMAHA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST , r'ia Des Moines , i/arenport and Rock Island. - o All Passenger Trains are equipped with the iVEiTUJouousK PATENT AIR BRAKKS and filler's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. I Fast Express Trains Leave Daily , cnnecting as follows : IT DBS MOINES with the DCS Moines Valley Railroad , for Oskaloosa , Otturnwa , Kcokuk and St. Lonla. IT GK1NNELL with the Central Railroad of Iowa , for all points north to St. Paul. IT WEST LIBERTY with the Burlington , Cedar Rapids A Minnesota Railroad , for Burlington , Cedar Rapids , Dubuque A St. Paul , At WILTON JUNCTION with the South-Western branch , for Muscatine , Washington and all points south. IT DAVENPORT with the Davenport & St. Paul Railroad for points north. IT HOCK ISLAND with the Western Union Railroad for Freeport , Be ; > it , liacinc , Mil waukee and all points in northern Illinois and Wisconsin. LT ROCK ISLAND with the Rocklord , Rock Island and St. Louis Railroad for St. Louis and points south. IT ROCK ISLAND with Iho 1'eoria & Rock Island Railioad for Peoria and points east. LT BUREAU JUNG. , with branch , ior Hen ry , Larere , Chllllcothe and Peoria. LT LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points north and south. LT CHICAGO with all lines East , North and South. THROUGH TICKETS to all Eastern cities , la tbU line , can bo procured , and any information mation obtained , concerning points , at the Icket office of the company , 123 Farnham St. , imaha , and also at the principal ticket offices long the line of the U. P. R. IS. ( aggage Checked Tlironjli lo nil Principal East cm L. M. SMITH , U. RIDDLE , Gen'l Pass'r ' ' ' Ag't , Gen'l Sup't Chicago. Chkago. . H. LACEY , 8. 8. STEVENS , Ticket Gen'l Western ' Agent , Ag't 28U Omaha Oiaaha. lioux City & Pacific R , R , Tbe Shortcut anil only Direct Route from fromBLTJFES BLTJFES St. Paul , Minneapolis , And all Points in ORTHEBN IOWA & MINNESOTA. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS . - On all night trains 7ia this route. CONNECTION'S. 1. At U. P. Transfer with Un Pacific Ulroad for Omaha. 2. At Council Bluff , with Kansas City , St. o and Council Blufb liailroad for St. Louis id all points south. 3. At ML-sourl Valley with the Chicago ami arthwestern railway lot Chicago and all lints east. i. At Siour City with Slonz City and 5 ml , Illinois Central end DaVoti Southern ilroadv. Steamers for Upper Missouri River , iring navigation and with stages for all ilnts in the Northwest. 5. At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern llroad for Omaha and Southern Nebraska. S. At Fremont , Nebraska , with the Union icific railroad for all point : west and the icific coast. 7 , At Wisner with stages for Norfolk and al ! ints in Northern Nebraska. $ rickets for sale in Chlcaga ard North- aiteni Railway offices. -B sure your tickets read via S. C. A P. dlway. E. BURNETT , Sup't. F. C. HU.LS , Gen. Ticket Ais't. GEO , W. GRATTAN Agent , CHICAGO &NORTHWES' ' The Popular Route from O ZMZ-A-HI TO- Chicago and the East AND THE TVW 1 rrloo.Fo rt Dodce.Dubnqn el j Cro < sc , lr lrle Uu Ctilcii.Vluoii 1 St l'a.ulUtilulh , Jai r vlllc , Km Mm , tiimt > ny , ICacliie. Mivet Point. Wrtrrtutrn , Oslil jHli , Fc UuLno. AlndUon niitl Mllivaultec. It Being tit-Shortest ami FUstCouioleted U Between OMAHAandCHICAGC Constant improvm nts have taten place the wit ) of reducing dude , and planng In with Steel Rails , adding to its rolling sto- - new and Elegant DAV nuil Sl.HEPlN tl CAK Equipped wilh the "Wootlughouie Alr'Brali and "Jliller Platform. " establishing comtort bieand couimr < Uou3 Eating Houses , offering i the comf'.rts ot traveling the age can produc Frou.v to lOFist Express Trains ruu cai way daily over the various lines of this 10.1 thus securing to the traveler selecting th rou'e sure and certain connections in any d reitlon he may wish to go. 1'rliicipnl Connections. AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTION , I Sioux U ty , Yankton and poluts rcaahed v Sioux City and Pacific railroad. AT GUAM ) JUNCTION for Fort Podg Des Molocs. Ottawa and Keokutc. AT JtARSHAuLfurSt. Paul , Mlnneapo ! ! Duluth , ami northwestern points. AT CEDAR RAPIDS for Waterloo. Cei Falls , Charles City , Burlington und St. Loul ATCLIN1ON forDubuqne.Dunlelth , Pra rle du Chien , La Crosse , and all points on tl Chicago , Cliuton and Dubuque , and Chicag Dubuque and Minnesota railroads. AT FULTON for Fieeport , Itacine Millwai kee , and 11 points in Wisconsin , AT CHICAGO with all railway lines leadii out of Chicago. Through tickets to all eastern cities via th line can be procured , and any informal ! , n ol talned , cunccriiin. Routes , Ratei , etc , at tl Comrauie's Office , 218 Farnham Street , Omah ; and also at the principal ticket offices along tt line of i he U. P. R. R. U f Baggage checked through to all princjp : Eastern points. W. H. STKNNETT , MARVIN HUGHITr , ' ' ' . Gen. Gen'l Passinge'r Ag't. Sup1 J. H LACEY , G.G.EDDY , Ticket Ag't , Omaha. Geu'l Ag'tOmak mchlSvl Omaha & St , Louis Shor Line The Kansas City , St. Joe an < Council Bluffs R. R Is the only Jiru line to JS-37. 3j OTCTTS AND THE EAST , FROM OMAHA AKD THE "WES' ] KO CHANGE i un& between OmanaandSl Louis ana b : toi c between OMAHA anu s ts.Vf YORK. This th Only iue running a 1'UM.TIAN SLKEPIXQ OAK EAS1 KK03I O'lAllA , OX AUUIV.1L. OP THK VSIOS PACIFIC TRA IN . crs tafelng othei routes have transfer at the lilver Station. Til AIMS DAILY REACHING ALL EASTERN AND \VE3TEEN OITIE ! With 1x33 Clungcs and In advince of othe lines. ThU Entire Line is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Curs , Palace Day Coaches and ChairCars Miller's Safety Platform and Couple : and the Celebrated Westinqhouse Air Brake. your tickets read via Itunsus City , S . JTogrph & C'onuell mufti Itulrod , I"a Omaha and S ( . Louis. Tickets for la r.t cor. Tenth and Farnhani & \ reels , end U. P. Depot , OiuaUi. JOS.TEHON , GEO. L. 3RADBURY , Pass. Agt. Gen' Agent , . r. BAINARD : , A. o. PAW us , e e 'I S pt. Uen'l "ass. Agt. , St. Joscoh. St. Joapnh. E.OTITB O ? . 3 TEAINS DAILY ! LEAVE ST. I.OUISVITII Pullman Palace Cars THBOUGH WITHOUT CHANQE TO Isidianapolis , Cincinnati , iLouisville , CMuago , Cclunibns , Pittsburg , Pliiiadelpliia , Baltimore , Washington , KTSW TORK Arrivtl oi Trains fron the West. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland , Buffalo & Boston T > 1T7"Tj1rT'C1 ' Are for Sale at llie LJLL'l\'llJ-O Office , V. K. corner Fourth & Cliefitnut t . , if.LonlK , niict al the Principal Hal' - vny onicc In tlie West. HAS. BABCOCK , C. E. RUSSELL , fa'thern Pass. As't , Wtsl'n Pass. Ag't. DALLAS. TEXAS. KANSAS LTrr , OUN E. SIMPSOX. CHAS. E. FOLLETT , eien i Supt. , Gen'l PJM. Ag't. 2)t' ) IMIIAXAPOLM ST. LOOI3. T7XI ± TOCt X9T2VTOS Confectioners' Tool Works , rh.cs * Mills & Bro. , llanutacturera o Uonfecfioners'Tools Jloililte MouJiUi , Ice Cretin Freeze/ * . ios. 1301 & 1303 > o Eighth St. PHILADELPHIA , PA. roprletors : 1 ESTAELISHSD 1864. ' THOMAS MILLS , 1 - GEO. M. MILLS , f1ATALOaUES SENT ATLEEP.PABMEK.J npoc application. mar7diw3m 3th St. , bet ; Farnham and Harnej. 11 kinds of TAILORING , CLEANING and REPAIRING done t reawnt'jle ratM aprMtt KBAENEY'S FLUID-EXTEACT BUCHl Theonly known remedy for ' DISEASE BRIGIIT'S , And a positive cure for Gout , Gravel , Stricture ? , Diabetes , Dyspepsia Xer- > voua Debility , Drop ? ; Non-retentlcn or Incoztinence of Urine , If tation. Intlamatlon or Ulceration of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS SPERMA TORRHCEA , Louroerhoe or Whites , Diseases oi the Pro-tra ( iLinJ. S one iu tha ItUJJer. Colculu : , GUAVKL Oil BUICK DUST UK VOslT , And Mucus or MilkyJJlscharges. KEARNEY'S Extract Buclia Permanently Cures all DUeasej'ot Iho Bladder , Kidneya , and Dropsies Swellings. Existing in Men , Women and Children , No Matter What , Prof. Stetle says : "One bottle of Kearney' Fluid Extract Buchu is worth moro tUan a other Bucbus comhined. " Price one dollar per bottle ; or , six bottles fo five dollars. Depot 104 Duane St , , N , Y A physician in attendance to answer ccrref pondence and give advice gratis. AVSend stamp for paiuphleU , Iree.aa Crane .1 Brigham Wholesale -\gent3 , ai Francisco. Cal. a SKI TO Tilt NERVOUS&DEBILITATEC OF BOTH SEXES. JOOHABQE FOS ADVICE A3D CON SULTATIOM. F\R J. B. DYOTT , graduate o Jefferson Medical College , Philadel pliia , author of several valuabli \vork3 , jan he consulted on all dis eases of the SexuU and urinary or gans , ( which he has muele an es pecial stuely , ) either in male or fe.v male , no matter from what caus ( originating' , or how long standing A practice of 30 years cuablos hin to treat diseases Avith success. Cure guaranteed. Charges reasonable Those at a distance can forward let' tors describing symptoms and en closing stamp to prepay postage. B"Send for the Guide to Health , Price IOc. J. 1LDYO'122,3LD , Physiclon and Surgeon , 104 Duane street. K. Y. OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE , HAPPY RCLEIF FOIt YOUXG MEN frou thecllects of 1-rrors and Abuses in early life.- Manbood Hectored. Impediments to Marriagi Itemoved. New method of treatment. Nen and remarkable remedies. Hooks and Circular ! sent free , in sealed cnveiopcs. Address , HOW ARD ASSOCIATION'.No. 2 South Ninth St. Philadelphia , Pa , an Institution hsvingahi l reputation for honorable conduct and profts iouol kill ] . 1t < Uw3iu- ciiarles Copper , WHOLESALE BUTCHER NI > CATTLE VROKEIt , SALT LAKE CIT1 , - - UTAH feb27it Proprietor of U et RISING SUM AIIO LOS ANGELES YINEYRDS. Depot for the sale of hiaf NATIVE WINES AND . KBLLBR. & Co. , CorncKof Battery and'Wasalngton'Sts. CAN IIA.VCISCO , maiTU PASSENGKEKS String East orSouth from Omaha And Points on U. P.R.R. , * hould take the 'LINCOLN'ROUTE" v ia \TCHISON & NEBRASKA RAILROAD' ' . Lnd r < * .ure Ior themselves the choice of Six Popular R'jte3 from LtcliLsou to Chicago anel St. Lonls , All miking Reliable G Jnectionj and b mg l ulppsd with Palace Day acd Sleeping C JTB. All delay and Inconvenience arriving from ' 'errles ami transfer ) can be avoided West of 'hlcago ' and St. Louij by securing Ticket ! via iTCHISO.V anil the ATCII1SUX A SEBRASKA. KA1LHOAJO. Ircct nnd Reliable Connections are also made with the A. T. & S. F. B. B. for the treat Arkansas Tallcy & Colorado , nd with all lines mnntn ; South to points in Southern Xansas and the Indian Territory. Ask for Tickets via & TCHISQJN" CHAS. as'MTTH , . F. WHITE Gen'l Supt. Gen'l Pass. Ag'U 129U te'i on , Haato * i UNTIL YOU HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED OT7B. RESERVOIR n WJ.f// ' . ? / > / , + &Wto9V r/ S U E HAVE Trt h'uiiOOD REASONS why ther will do your work. Quick and Easv , Chea ) and Clean. Theyarccho'pcsttobuy , They are best to u e. They bate evvnly and quickly , Their operation is perfect , They have always a good draft. - - They are made of tlie bcstuiaterlal Thev roast perfectly , They require but lltile fuel , Tbey are very low priced , InJ They ars easily managed. f They are suited to all localities , fiQ Every atoveguarautecdtogivesatisfactioa SOLD BY Excelsior -Man'fg Co. , ST. LOUIJ ? , 310. , AND BT M. R O GEBiS. . Or Snjar-Coaic < l , Concentrated. Root and Herbal Juice , AiitN Billons Granules. T E" CIAXT" CAT1MRTIC. or 1 Parvo riiysic. The novelty of modern jrcdif.li. Chemical and ! Pharmaceutical Science Ko u c of any locket Ukini ; the lait-e. republic nnd Dfiicoii3 pUU , compo-jcd of cheap , criido. nnd balky Ingredients. \vheu we can by a circuit npplicatloa oucbcmicat fcicnce. citraa all tie cathartic and otter medi cinal properties from the most \aiuabiu rccti ana herb J , aua rourruT.ua them into a minute Gran ule. scan i ly larger than a mttftartl sec J , that ran be nradily BU allowed by ttoc ol tnjra)3tfeH.ivo ! ( ! : rtotu.-.c'H and fastidious tastes , Cachlittlo Purcativu t'cllct represent * , in a mo'tconccnintcil fona. nj cncK cathartic power as It embodied in any of thoi lany pilis fonnd foe falc in the Urr' BU > IM. Trazi. their wondeiful ca. tlurtic power , in pmpO7ttot > o their Mze , people vcha hiva not trie.l them arc apt to rnppo o teat they are har a ordrn- tie ia effect , bnt such. l aot at all the ca- < . > . thedltTcrcnt actlvo fflcdicical prin- . cipies of which they are cnsipoecd bcln o bar. nonized and motived , one by tha cthcns , as to priJuos a mo t heart-ltliiR an-l thor- t gcutly and Klildly operating ' S500 Ue\vnr l i 3 hereby offered by the pro- prictor of .hesa Pellets , to oi.y thcmljt nho , upoa analysis. > rill Cad in them en ) Calomel cr other forms of mercury ot cny other poUon. sctable.no Tiartrca tar care is 'equired while usin thczi. They eye- rate v.'ithout dbtnrbancc to the contltntioa , diet , oroccupation. For Jaundice. Headache * Constipation. Impure iciood , 1'alu til tlio Slioiiiilcr.i , XiKl ' "C > > M of tint Chest , Dlzziuch , Jionr KructnUoiisj ol tlio stotnavh , Uail intto iu uioutli , Blllouu attacUs Pain in rogiou o ICitlncyh' , tuteriial Forer , Itloatcil fcelinsf about Xitoinaeli , Itu-.li of IHO oil Co i-.Icatl Illaix Colored - orod Urlac , fn-oclaljlliir n4 CJIoomy t'orcboillim * , take Ur VIcrco'a Pleaxasit I'lirRatlvo Pclleta * aiinial economy Is 1111 1 vorsal , not it Klaiid or tissue escaping tlicir. sana tive Im ; > rc . Ae does uot Impair theai ; their i > u ar-coatir.i"ntl being cnclotcd in glas * bittics pro-crve their \lrtue4 unimpaired. Tot any ] cti ! of time , in any climate , so thautey are any : . \ny < fresh and reliable , uhich is j\ot \ the cao trull the pili * foand in the drnjj itorc- " , pat tip ia cheap \riiod or pa ? te-bcanl uoir3. Kccollect thai I ; rc'i diseases where a La ntivc. Altera tive or PursatlVQ i * indicated. 'theee litUo IVit.t ! will e.i\a tiic tuo6t porfCct gdtufacticn to all Tiiey are fJolJ by ri35 cutorprlalnc Druggist at3 cents a bottle. Do not allow any cirassist to is 'co von 10 take anything eU that l.o may ay U just ni peed aa my Pclleio because Ua oaken a \ezze\ \ profit on that whi'h ho recommends. ? f yoat urugpiFt cannot supply then , rnclcno S3 cvut4 Bed receive them r y rt-tcm r-nll r-om ASK EOE PYLE'S SALB1ATUS -AND BAKINQ SODA' ' X2vT i Meyer i lUacke and Whitney Bauserman A Co. CASTLE Sast India Goods , 213 and 315 PKOXT STISERT San Francisco - California. mcbG7m FLA.TTE TALLEY Samuel G , Smith , Local Agent for tha U. P. Pu. B. LANDS , Columbus , - ETeb , Gcvernment Lands Located ! TJ. P. Lauds Sold ! [ mproved Farms andTorrnEots , Ior O -A.S 531 ! ! OR DISTLOKG- TIME ! ! jKa-AIl ComntUDications Cheer- ully Answered 3TOVS ST.OS.S. E. F. COOK : . 37 lita St. , tstwesa Donglis ad DoJJ tanufacturer ol Tin Copper and Sheet Iroa \V < re , and dealer in ; ooking and Heating stove s Stamped , Jananned anl French id. TinRoftllng TTa on , Outtersanl SiKjaUu- - ri done ani arranca , " and