* * * " " \ -tSSSJi jar- A - . . . . - i * * * TH OMAHA DAI VOL. IV. OMAHA MONDAY MORNING- . AUGUST 10 , 1874. NO. 44. THE DAILY BEE. EDWAKD iOSEWATEB , Editor and Prop'r Officc-Xo. 138 Fmroliain street , betw. KlntH nJ Tenth. TEI1MS OF SUBSCRIPTION : Ore , one year , la advance tj.00 . . Pi\ix months. In advance 4-00 three mrnths in adTance 2.00 &Tl ( not paid in advance , * 8 per annum will FREDERICK , LEADINS HATTER I Best Goods , FarnliamSi > OMAHA. OMAHA MESS GBA.CKF.R MAUFAC CET. n/fcClurei / inith. 185 Ilarney tret. Let. J > llHh i.aWth. 1 * # QLA83 AND P10TOBB PR'.2. . T Ketubart , ISO HouHs street , .Alci In J .window glass and picture : r uiea , Mating done to order. Ju BOOTS AKD SHOES. I-ang , 153 FarnUaui it , between tUh Philip 115h. feUSrl CONFICTIONEET. . Latev , corner 12th and Douglw trma , minuf.icturer and wholesale dealer in rand" . and confectionery. Country tn.de so- liccted. ' * ' COAL DE/aEr.S. / S KIHut , coal , lime , cemen tlwlr etc. . Poland Farnbam at. fcMSuiS DBUQGIBT ? . . R der , druggist , corner I2th and U.r- . neysis PAWN BBOKEB. Tl T Elgutter , No. 200 Karnham st. IrfVtl LAUHDBY. new laun'UT opened at oil llth st. , lt A Farnliaiurnd Douglas. The washing and Ironing will be done to order , first class wort * Soap Worls , Powell A Co , s'Hl Premium - their Pictuiuci Soap. Fire first premium .awarded by the Lougia county iind btatc fairs , and Pottawatumie county , In. Ordeis soliiuxllrom the trade ATTORNEYS. E. F.STABUOJK. " M. FKANCIS ESTABROOK& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE Crc ; hton Block , Omaha , Jf eb. DEXTER L , THOMAS , Attorney and' .Counselor ftt Law. OrriOE Boom Bo Vlaclir'i Kiosk OMAHA - NEB JOHN W. LYTLE , and Solicitor In Eqaity. -OTer First Ni-tlssal Bmk , PARKE GODWIN , Attorney at Law ( Campbell1 * liltt * , ) 5091-2 THIBTEEKTHr.BTBEET. OMAHA JL. BAtDWIJf .ICO.K.O-BBIKV. BALDWIN < fc O'BKIEN. ATTORNEYS * LAW Office Cald well Block , DougUs Street , NEBRASKA. OMAHA , - - - - JOIIN R. KKLIKY , Attorney 1 CounseloratLaw ecled. ecled.T. T. W. T. Kicnurds , Attorney at Law , Office 510 13th St. , bet. Faraltam and Douglas , Omaha , Neb. F 0. Bor 80 U 14U O. BALLOT ! , ATTORNEY AT LAW , Office n Creiguton'k iiew block , southeast cor room , floor. OMAHA. - W' JOHN C. AND COUNSELOR. OFFICE-CREIQHTOX'S bLOCK , OSIAIIA , NEUBASKA. arftU SAVAGE & MANDERSON , Attorneys at Law , 242 FARNHAM BTBEAT. N. J. BUBNHAM. " * ATTORNEI AND COUNSELLOR AT i LAW , No. 2CO Farnham Sirst OMAHA - - NEB. rarliSOtf W , J. CONNELL , AKD Attorney for Second Jud icial District. OFHCS South side ot Farnham , between 15th an * 16th sU. , opposite Conn House. teb4 J. 8. tr.lUN. -rjUTCUKTT SPAl'N & PRITCHEH , Attorneys lud Counselors at Law. Olt ) . 50ft Twelt i t..reek n-r tM. Omaha , tli J. S. SHROPSHIRE , atLaw Attorney- - Uooui Ko. 1 , S. E. Corner ISth&nd Douglas Sti , OMAHA , - - NEBR. G. W. AMBROSE , KEDICK'S OPERA HOUSE OMAHA , > ITEB. K U Senator Hitchcock has come back to wrestle with the postal agony and the applicants for the postmas- tership. BILLY LUMB and Councilman Lucas represented the mechanical toilers of Omaha in the Independent Mass Convention. BY the aid of the Omaha Herald , ihe immortal sixteen Independents were able to muster twenty votes in that Mass Convention. DOCTOR JOHNSON'S native rcoJ- esty prevented his acceptance of a nomination represent Douglas county at the Independent State Convention. ALI.KN ROOT'S discourse on the rock rooted principles of the Ko-op movement was received with much enthusiasm by the twenty irrepres sibles who met Jn solemn conclave at the court-house to-day. SENATOR HARLAN , writing from .North Platte to his paper , the Wash ington Chronicle , is very severe in his condemnation of the Omaha bridge transfer. After describing the misery experienced by travelers , the Senator says : If the parties in interest do not soon bring this disgraceful annoy ance to travelers and freighters to an end they will presently be com pelled I to sutler vast pecuniary losses , reople are learning that it may be flanked by running from Chicago via Quiucy and"St. Joseph to Kear- ny 1I Junction , two hundred miles west of Omaha , in the val- h-y 1t 1 of the Platte River , and thence t by the Union Pa cific railroad westward. It is .said by 1 the Kearney Junction people ple 1 that about two-fifths of the through 1 freight over the trunk line of the Union Pacific reid to and 1i from 1 Chicago already passes by the St. i 1i Joseph and Quincy , thus avoid ing i the Omaha and Council BlufTs obstruction , notwithstanding the three 1 equally good and shorter com peting ] lines from Chicago across Iowa to Omaha. An indiscriminate slaughter m clothing and gent ' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 20G Farnham street. Fine linen and chevoit shirts ot our wn make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Railroad Tif.ets bought and sold by P. Gottheimor , Broker , at 298 Fariiham street. Unredeemed Hedges for &ale. may Iv20 Hamlet Orum , 9th street between Jones and Learenworth sts. , OMAHA , - NEBRASKA. T EEPS THE MOST COMPLETE ASSORT XV n > et of Ladles' nd Gents' straw hats , trim- Uoodj if Complete. S < ! llig only lor CASH , I ainablato y ! 'DERSLi.L any other Healer in the City Oijrl'UICEdare LOWER than ever heardct belore. mvl4-3iu-Dl J. MOOEEHEAD , AND Patter's Bock ! , Bot. California & WeUteEts , OMAHA , NEB. Prescriptions carefully DENTISTS , OFFICE , No. 232 FARNHAM ST. Bet 13th i 14th ti. . . aa-niili.i.t r cUpi i'i ) ii' i * in Uieclty " OR , A , % BILLINGS , 884 Z'M. Bet. ISth and 14th , up i lairs. Teetb extracted without pain , by use of HI- trout Ozida 3a > . Krtfflc own iUll hou e5tf I.VANCAMPM.D. blspensei nil own msdclnet , and besldoi regular practice , makw iteciaJIes ) of Derange ment * and DUeaaei Peculiar to Women , Vistu la , Pile , and other Diseuei of the Rectum. OFFICE : Corn- Farnham and 14th itrNU , flntdoor to the right , up * 1'f. Kesldenc' , 210 PouglM itrret , between 12 aod IXth , next o Lutheran Uburch Omalia. "h. Addma Lock Hoi 3 > 4. isnlldiwif LEGAL NOTICE. To BudohiU Miller , n n-resident : TAKE > OTICE That Jleiick Cuminpi , as 'lalulIQ. has sued you a * defendant , in the 1'ro- xte Court of Poujas County. Nebraska : and lut you are roqulreil to answer Ms bijl of 1'nr- iculara theiein , on or before SepteuibtrTth , 874. The object and prayer r > f ssid b 11 of particu- > is.i \ a judgment ot said Court agnlrst you inner nor ot uid 1-UintitT , for the sum of SI37.91-1 CO and interest thereon since April llth , IS74 , and co ti of suit for goods , wares and merihaudiae , old and delivered to you by said Hatntitr. That an order of attachment tor tbealoye amount was issued in bald action on the 7th day if July , 1874 , by taid Guirt. JIERICK CIIMINKS. py P. L. THOMAS , his Att'y Dated July 20th , } 74. jy Sw4t. Jf KB , J. K. VANDHRCOO | Eclectic Physician * Residence and offic * 250 Dodge st bet 14th and 15th its. Special attention paliobstetric ( ( - and dis- pises peculiar lo jcciatu and 1'UlUron. 19U. DEALEE IS Fruits , Confectionery , CIGARS AA'J ) TOBACCO. 215 Douglas. Lot ? llth and 12thStreet. OMAHA , . . . KKBUA&EA. aepZT CARRIAGE , BUULT SAKUFACTDRER. N. E. IOENEB of 14th and HABNET1 * STS , WOULD respectfully announce to the pul > - llc that he U now ready to fill al ) con- iracta in the abare lines with ncatneu acd dlj patch , * * Eipress wagons constantly on hand and or aala. aala.EDWARD EDWARD KUEHL. KCAGISTBK OF THE BEPAB.TKD. o493 lUth 8ttetweea Farabaa & Harnej Will by the aid of guardUn spirit ; , obtain lor any one A new of tun pat , ptseut anil fu ture. No fen charged In cases of sickness , VERY LATEST. MIDNIG-HT. NEW YORK , Aug. 9. An interview with prominent of ficials , published in the Mercury to-day says : Governor Dix has rendered the decision adverse to Mayor Havermeyer , but has not promulgated it , as a large number of politicians have appealed in the Mayor's behalf. WASHINGTON. August 9. Hon. Clifton ± 1. Cobb has been defeated for Congress in the First North Carolina District , and this will lose him his government pat ronage. It will probably cause the removal of his brother , B. R. Cobb , supervisor of internal revenue for the district composed of the States of Kentucky , Tennessee , Alabama , Mississippi and Louisiana. WASHINGTON , Aug. 9. TheTa'cific Mail Steamship Mail company i have made application to the Secretary of the Navy for an as signment of naval officers to com mand their ships. The secrctaiy will not , however , take the respon sibility , as there is no law for it , but will probably endorse the company's application and send it to Congress at its next session. Naval officers did command these vessels at one time , and it is thought others can be assigned now without detriment to the service. JS EW YORK , August 9. Mr. Sage , chairman of the Beech er investigating committee , and other member * of the committee state authoratively that all rumors of compromise which circulateu yes terday are absurd. A rumor that Moulton's statement had been de layed for the purpose of allowing further efforts to be made for a com promise , is distinctly denied. The committee v'Hl persevere in its work until the end is reached in spite of any attempts from any parties for a compromise. Indeed , no such attempts have been made. Rev. Mr. Halliday , assistant pastor of Plymouth Church , also denies those rumors , and says at this stage of the proceedings com promise is impossible , the church would never consent to settling the matter in that manner. A rumor that Gen. Traccy had withdrawn from the case , was also denied by Mr. Holliday , and several members of the committee. Gen. Butler re fuses to say whether his visit here is in connection , witli the Beecher case. Beecher remained at his Peekskill farm yesterday and to day , and returns to Brooklyn on Monday. BuooKLV-V , August 9 , It is assprted that Moulton will not submit to a cross-examination by the Committee after present ing his statement. There is a lull in the case and most of the parties connected with it are out of town. The chief icason for the postpone ment of Moulton's statement ap pears to be to allow the Committee to spend the Sunday in the country , iloulton denies that any one of the committee Lave a right to foretell what his testimony will be. He says he is still for peace , and will work hard for a reconciliation. He will make no regular statement it is understood , but has arranged all " documents on the poinj : at issue ' ? and will submit'them to the com mittee in the order in whjch he se cured them. This he will do at 3 p. in. Monday. ' Moultofj's steno ' " ' grapher'will be"present'to takp ver- batum reports o'f any conversation that may follow. There is a proba bility of'the committee deplining to receive Moulton's testimony if he refuses to submit to a cross-examin ation. Now that the case draws near a close some of the strangest rumors are being circulated by 01- ficious partizans on eitherside. One of these reports say that Moulton will not testify , and that the com mittee will quietly exonerate Beech er and ( Iron ftp. sujjjpct , Anotlier says { hat 'thq ( jom'inUtep ar& ftfraid of Moultbn's testimony , nud lience their delay In receiving It' . ' FijANciscoj Aug. 0 , The Japanese Qazetto of July 20th says that the great subject of Inter est still continues to be the Japanese expedition to Formosa. The Ja panese la.v& ) Qujtp sijppeded in the primary object of the oxpedftjon und might retire with good grace ; In deed they have nothing else to do there , unless it be true that they think of qoonizing ] , and that to all brelgners an4 to njany among themselves it appears merp folly. Tlie Mikado has made no public appearance during the month. The Emperor pays out of his irivate purse the exppnse ot foreign doctors to attend the troops | n For mosa. Tlje deliberate assembly com mences Its sittings jn September. There is a report that the Japanese iiave left the island of Saghalion and bound for Yesto. , ToianPse government has appealed to the CJircuit Court of California against the adverse de cision given by the United States Consul in its last suit against the Pacific mail Steam Ship "company for damages to the amount of § 10r 25,0 for jjreach of contract. Shhnnenis'of 'tpafrom 'h.prp con tinue to be on the increase , and'are larger than in former seasons in ponbequeiice of the excessive"com " petition among buyers. "Prices rule too high to leave a margin of proba ble profit to exporters. The government is radically op posed to the circulation of foreigners in tUo jnterjor unlessthevwjllagrep to l p siiljept to Jnpanpsp law. " Thp command of the British China fequadron , which will shortly be vacant , In completion by Vice Admiral Sir C. F. A. Shadwell , C. B. F. R. S. , of his prescribed period of service will , } t is believed , be con ferred on Y'PP Afhniral H. Chads. The steamer Carbon wasjbat neir | Foochow with a full cargo of tea. Her Majesty's counsul at Saigon has been notified that unless pro vided with clean bills of health , al vessels taking cargo or passengers at Saigon will be placed in quaran ? tine at Hongkong for seven days. ; The Chinese authorities have con sented to the telegraph being con structed between Padaga auphorage and the foreign seitleraent of Fee chow , The Viceroy is desirous of having a wjre to his own yamen in the city. The Peruvian treaty seems to be very unpopular wjth the Chinese , who are said to have refused to do more or come to a provisional ar rnngement until the report of the commissioner is received , TELEGRAPHIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Specially Reported for the Omaha Dally Sec , br the Atlantic and Pacific TeleftaPh Co. "WASHINGTON , Aug. 8. General Howard has left Wash ington for Oregon to take command of the department recently under General Davis. TORONTO , Ont. , August 8. There was a demonstration of Orange Young Briton's yesterday , when about 1,500 marched in pro cession. A slight disturbance took .place , but was quickly checked. PHILADELPHIA , August 8. To-day two wine merchantsfrom Bordeaux , .France , made application for space at the Centennial exhibi tion. One expressed his intention of exhibiting lift } ' different brands of Bordeaux. CINCINNATI , Aug. 8. The tow-boat Sam Roberts explo ded her boiler to-day when near Guayanville , resulting in the death of one person and injury of several others. All the employes on board the boat , Captain , clerk , mate , en gineer , steward and cook were all slightly injured. The pilot and lire- roan were seriously hurt , A man named Holland was killed. YORK , August 8. Late mail advices from Europe give very encouraging reports of crops. The London Economist of July 25th , has a paper on the harvest of 1874 , and its probable consequences. After reviewing reports from the grain growing sections of Europe , it concludes that the harvest through out Europe will be excellent. YORK , August 8. The Golden Age , commenting on the Beecher scandal , says : "Tilton hag at last found , what has been evident to the public from the first , that the committee are trying him instead of Beecher , and sparing no pains to break the force of his state ment and cover his name in oblo quy. They have done the utmost for the accused by crushing the ac cuser. " Mrs. Tilton's testimony it considers a pitiable exposure of her known weakness in order to blacken her husband's character. Tilton's action in taking the case to the courts is approved of , and the fact that Beecher did not carry it to the courts is regarded as an evidence of his guilt. MOIJTLK , August , 8. A fire in this city last evening de stroyed some dwelling houses on Franklin and Munroe streets ; lo s not known. During the confusion 8 boy named Schaeljpr was run over by a fire engine and killed. There Is a well authenticated ru mor current of a negro uprising in Clarke county , in this State. The object is to overcome the whites by force of arms , and thus secure , in a summary manner , the promised provisions of the civil rights bill. Meetings are being held by the whites , and measures of protection discussed. Cropieports are favorable. There are no indications of fever. CHARLESTOAVN , N.C.Aug 8. The returns from this county have ' ' been'received in' full. The Demo crats have carried the comity by a argely increased majority , electing all their county ollicprs. Poole , Demoprat ) for Superintendent of public instruction , has a majority of iG2. Schenpjr , fqr .judge , 35.5 , and Montgomery , for solicitor ! 302 , Aslje. for Congress , has a majority of 1,044. Cleveland county gives Durham , Independent Democrat for Congress , 1,100 majority. Schenck 660 , and Poole , 750. In Lincoln county , Schenck , Poole and Aslie , jave from 360 to 400 majority. In' Gaston county , Scheuck has 355 , Ashe 300 , and Poole , 314 majority. rives the Doraoorata an1'unusual Targe majority. ' Everything indi cates that the State has gb'no Jen ) > ocratjp , { F flPJ ; } P3 'tfoJin 0,0.0.0 'ina- jority. The kcgisJtUuro largely Deraocratip , BROQKLYN , August 7. Mr. Moulton wjll not appear be fore the committee until Monday evening. Mr. Sqge , cljairman of the con. mittpp , sent a cbmniuncq- { tion to Moulton to-day , stating'that as several members of the commit tee desired to spend Sunday out of the cty | they would prefpr that he postpone the presentation of his statement until Moncjay evening. Moulton replied that he would be very happy to comply with the re quest and. would a ] > peqr on M.oiiday evening , Soigp of the committee nowthihk the investigation will be prolonged beyond the'coming wpek. Tiltou was busy ail day arranging papers to jjp used as evidence in his coming suit. IJis counsel declines to give any information as to the nature of the complaint to be made. It will not bp ready before the last of next week. Mrs. Tilton has left thp city tp visit some friends , but the plape" she is visiting could not be learned. . Beecher's , pounsel say that it is still ( Joubtful whether"Beecher will prei sent 'a"written statement to 'the committee or simply submit to an examination. He will be governed by ttie Wll63 of the com.inittee In tqls respect. Ho has not received any summons from them tp testify , and , the report that he has drawn up a written statement to be given to ' tljp pomrrjjttep'ja ( jcclar d to be , premature. Henry C. Bowcn } eft for Woodr etopk to-day ! He will not nppenr before the committep nor testify in In court unless siibpcpnaed , nor does he desire to be nilxed up in the case in qny way | but iri an Interview yesterday Jjp iiitiiqated th.at it was hjs inten.ton.of . { presenting a state ment to tljp publfp at no distant day. fully explaining his position to the parties in the scandal , and in order to meet charges against hini , and. I set himself right before the pommur nity. The regular Friday evening lecture and prayer meeting , at Ply * mouth Churph. was largely atten ded. Mr. Beecher was not present. The only remarks made , referring to th.e scandal , were made by one of the members. He said he under- dergtQod from the reports that he had read , that the congregation was disorganized , and that the church would be divided. He was happy , however , to see that they were de termined to stand together , [ and he knew their pastor would in the end come out brighter than ever. NEW YORK , Aug. 8. A fire this a. in. at 194 West 35th street , caused $150,000 damage to the property. SARATOGA , N. Y. , Aug. 8. The first race to day was for the Kentucky stakes , for two-year olds , $100 eatrr.nce money , with $1,000 added ; $200 to the second horse ; distance one mile. Ten horses star ted. The race was won by McGrath's Chesepeake ; the favorite , James A. , second ; Willie Burke , third. Time , 1.48 * . MONTREAL , Aug. 8. As the steamer Fawn was leaving the canal at Carleton last night with two American barges , she burst her boiler , tearing her forward deck and wheel house to pieces. Fortunately no one was seriously injured. ' , The engineer and several others were slightly scalded. "WASHINGTON , August 8. "Where a chief engineer of the navy , with relative rank of captain , obtained upon visiting a vessel , he is to J > e receded , hea-ln Iferm ; -with'four side boys and to be piped over the side by the boatswain. The Secretary of the Navy decides that the engineer is entitled to the hon ors. He claims thia settles the meaning of the law of the assimila tion of rank , to b"e that staff officers are entitled to the honors of the side , such as would be given to the line of equivalent assimilated rank , and furnishes a guide for decisions on all similar occasions. The decis ion is of special interest in naval circles. YORK , August 8. Victoria Wooduull and Tennie Claflin were arrested this morning ancl taken to the sheriff's ofHice ; everything was conducted private ly. They intended to sail for Europe to-day. The arrest is nom inally on a suit to recover four hun dred dollars deposited with thjm as hankers. y The hank statement is favorable , and shows a gain in the net reserve of $1)296,823. Loans decreased , $1- 478,300 ; specie increased , $446,300 ; legal tenders increased , $730,600 ; deposits decreased , $479,700 ; circulation , - lation increased , $43,500. SELMA , Ala. , August 8. At the Dallas County Hepublican Con vention , yesterday , Tom Walker , a full-blooded negro , aged twenty- two years , was nominated for circuit - cuit clerk , after declaring in a speech that he was in favor of the civil rights bill , mixed schools , and everything of the kind. He was opposed by John Silhby , a whjte Republican , who said ho was a no race is-ue man. "NValker received 111 votes , and Silsby 92 , Pjnchback's defeat in the conven tion yesterday was overwhelming , and much surprise Is expressed at the attitude assumed in this contest by Senator West and a portion of the custom house oflioials hitherto strongly opposed to Pinckback. Sheldon's defeat for nomination for Congress is attributed to his con nection with the new election move ment of Senator Carpenter's. Sypher's renomination is popular on account of the efforts made by him to secure Jhe FortjSL Phillip canal. < BROOKLYN , Augusts. Tilton positively denies having seen Moulton since he returned to the city. He had no reason to be lieve Moulton's statement would favor him more than Beecher. He also denies the allegations that a collusion exists between himself and Moulton ; nor ' has he seen any of the papers h'eld by Moulton as alleged. He is indifferent as { o'thp committep's pbu'rsp , fts hp jri'tends to vindicate and justify hjmself before another tribunal. f YORK , Aug. 8. The industrial exhibition compa ny of this city to-day paid an nddi ; tional amount of $100,000 to Steele the owner of property bought by them for the purpose of retaining a permanent Industrial .building. This amount was realized frorq the of the twenty d ltar prem'iujn to recently pyt on th'd market by the financial agents of the company. " Win. M. Tweed's former residence at 43d street and th"t ve iie Vas sold at auction ' fa-d y" one. hun dred o.iyj nipe'iy-flvji thousand del lars , It is stated on authority that decision of governor Dj'x } n ivga ; to the charges agajn.st Mayor Jf av myer was served , oh the Mayor yes terday , and is to tlie effect that all the charges made by the qttorqoy general before on < j qf the Judges of this county are correct' . This result is considered fatal to the Mayor. It is also stated that the grand jury is now considering serious charges of official rqiscopdupt agajnst Comptroller Green' . WASHINGTON , August 8. A letter received at thp Indian Bureau to-day from a resid.entof In dian Territory , who is regarded , by the com.mjsslon.ors of Indian affairs as thoroughly reliable , says that White Shield , a Cheyenne chief , came into the agency from a hostile camp on the 27th jiist , He reports a camp about 225 miles from the Agency , a little south-west , and near the border of Staked Plain. The Cheyennes and Comanches are en camped'together. On hs | way to thp agency he met a camp of eighty lodges of Kiowas movng | to join the CheypnnpsandConianches. large parqes of Comanghes and Kiowas arp i aiding qn Texas and other places. Big "Bow , a Kiowa chief , recently returned from a successful raid with 20Q horses and mules. A party of Cheyennes returned recently from Colorado vith 70 head of horses , and report th.a.t they Iqlled. three wh es. , " The man killed n ar .port SjU was Jellied by a party of Kiowas to whom Agent Zfaworth had issued rations but a , few llQUra before. AYlUte Shield says that men who were north of the agency were killed by a party of Cheyennes , and that the latter are willing to quit and call it even , but If soldiers are spnt aftpr them they will make plenty of work for them. Up to the present time the Cheyennes have eight mpu lulled , and many of their chiefs would like to come In Vlth thejr people. The writer tl inks that jhp hostile Indians have between 600 and ? 00 warriors , well armed afid determined , who have banded together tor their mu tual defense. It will take a strong force to subdue them , and the cam paign should be short , sharp and decisive. The writer says he thinks there js but one Intelligent solution of the Indian question'in this coun try , and that Is to dismount and dis arm raiders , and then hang every one found guilty of murder ; and do it at once in the presence of the In dians. The letter is dated at Chey enne and Arrapahoe agency , July SARATOGA , August S. In the second race , the summer handicap , for all ages , one hundred entrance and two thousand added , distance two miles , there were twenty-nine nominations but only ix horses started. Lizzie J ucas , the favorite , won , William Culpep- per second , and Survivor third. BROOKLYN , August S. It is understood now that Moul ton's statement in the Tilton- Beecher aflair is ready , but the Committee on Investigation desire a postponement until Monday , in order to gain further time , for ic- conciliation of the antagonists if possible , or end the sad aflair by an amicable settlement of the diflicul- tles. tles.Peter Peter Wilmer , who was arrested yesterday in connection with a Philadelphia jewelry robbery , has Riven Information as to the wherea bouts of the thief , Jacob Rosenberg. The latter was arrested to-day , and committed to jail. CABLEGRAM MADRID , August 8. The Hepublicans have relieved Tereul , and the Carlists who were besieging the city have fled. The judicial investigation into the assassination of Marshal B'imas re sulted In an indictment of fifty more persons. PAKIS , August 7. The attitude of the Spanisli repre sentation here is most conciliatory , and the difficulties with Spain are at an end. Castelaris reported at Versailles guarded with missions of negotia tions of his resignation of the Re public of Spain. LOXDOX , Aug. G. The cricket match between Eng lishmen and American was resumed yesterday afternoon. The eleven of the Princes Club wnt to the bat- for | their second innings and scored 39 , their second score for innings being only 60 , the Americans winningtlie game with one inning , 52 score. After the cricket game , base ball commenced. It was a scratch by two members of the Princes Club playing , with the Athletics and two with , the Red Stockings. The former won by a score of 15 to 8. August . The new Free Press of this city reports that the Duke de Gazes , French ] minister of foreign affairs , has complained to the British gov ernment that Germany is seeking a quarrel with France , The com plaint is based on the conversation of July 30 between do Gazes and the Prince of Hohenzollern , of the Ger man embassy , when the latter stated that Germany , irrespective of the action of other nations , would have taken steps which would have brought proper action against the discriminations made by the French in favor of the Carlists , in violation of the obligations of neutrality. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. NEW I'oitic , August 8. Money Easy at 2S per cent. Exchange Firm at48 3@491. Gold Dull and. firm , ' opening at 110 , rose' } ; now selling \ 1QJ' . ' Goverhinehts i $ > 're acfivp ami highef. ptqpfts 3trqng anil advanced : P 4pJ'LS73.fVU ; , 751 ; * ? Y 0 Ji market is now hrm ; "SV V New York Produce Market. JS'EW YOKIC , August S. Breadstuff's Generally quiet , Flour Dull ; superfine State and Western. 4 GQa4 70 : extra 5 50 5 8P 8PYheat " \Yheat \ Stronger , but not proba- ) ly"higher ; JNo. 1 spring , 130 © . 35 ; No. 2. Chicago , 1 23al 24 ; io. 2 Milwaukee spring , 1 29 © i 3,0Corn Corn Quiet but sirong ; "Western mixed aflo'at 83. Oats , Firm ; oW mixed Western 75 : new 65 , Provisions Quiet but firm ; new- mess pork 23 75a23 87i. Lard } 4al4 | . leather In. better demand , but prices unchanged. Iron Dull. Wool Moderately active , and all description firm. Chiccgo Pruuuce Markat. CUIOAGO , August 7. Flour Dull and unchanged ; ihippers not In market ; Minnesotns easier. Wheat Steady ; cash , 1 04 ; Aug ust , 104 } ; September , 1 01 } . Corn Weak ; cash , 60 } : August , 06 } ; September , 65J. Oats Firm ; cash,40J ; AugustS'J ; September , 30 } . Barley Dull ; September , 1 OH. Higbwlnes 96J. Eye 74 : Pork Firm ; cash , 24 00 ; Sep tember , 2450. Lard Quiet ; cash , 15J ; Septem ber , I4i bid. * _ . Chicago Live Stock Market. CHICAGO , Augusts. Cattle Receipts , 2,000. Market more active and firm ; prices a shade higher ; Texans 240a300 ; fair to choice steers 5 35a6 05 ; natives 2f Hogs Receipts 8,000 ; aetivegood grades and higher , common 5 90a 6 10 ; fair to good 6aGJ } ; choice G CO ; few top lots sold at 710a7 50. Sheep Receipts , 4,000. Market quiet } sales at 3 00a4 50. New York Live Stock Market. JN EW i. ORK , August 8. Cattle Receipts 700. There is a fair demand for good selections. The market elosed firm and a trifle aasier at full prices. Native eteera sold at 10 25@12 75 ; Texans 8 0011 00 ; extra , 13 00. ' Hogs Receipts , 3000. Live 6 30- dressed quiet and closed at 8 86J (3 ( } 20 9 12 } . Sheep andLambs Receipts 4,600. Sheep , 525@6 25 ; fine selections , 0 50 ; lambs , 7 00@9 00. St. Louis Live Stock. ST. Louis , August 8. Hogs Receipts , 1,820. The mar ket Is firm. Sales of Yorkers at 5 50 @ 000. Cattle Receipts , 1,330. The market Is dull. Sales of Texans 2 00@4 00 ; natives , 3 004 50 butchers , 2 002 50 ; good to extra Jiteers , M. HELLMAN & CO. , LO THIERS f ! , AXD DEALERS IK- GOODS , 221 and 223 FARNHA.M STREET , COR. 13TH ST OUR STOCK FOR THE SIFIRIliTGrAJKTID STJl dliyCEIR ; Is Complete now ; Our Assortment in othing . Gents' Furnishing Goods Comprises tlis Latest THE LATEST STALES IXT 5..TS AXTD CAPS. We Have also a Full Line in BOY'S and YOUTH'S Clothing WE WILL SELL OURGOODS LOWER THAN EVER. M. HELLMAN & CO. STOCK , 1873. , BROWN , 248 Douglas Street , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL RY GOODS , CARPETS , AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh. New Goods Just Opened to.be sold lower than any other house in.the city , consisting of- IERIIOJ , EMPRESS CLOTHE , RSPELLAffi , ALPACAS & MOHAIRS , also VELYET & BEAYER CLOAKDTGS. A FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS , BLANKETS , FLANNELS , MERINO l/.NDEBWEAR AND WORSTED GOODS * TABLE LIKEN IN GREAT VARIETY. A FULL LINE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS , OIL CLOTHS , MATTING BBSS , AND MATS , , bedding , Mirrors , and 'everything pertaining to the FURNITURE arid UP HOLSTERY trade ; has largely increased his stoc > and now has a complete asscJtment pi FINE , MEDIU and LOW PRICED * goocls , which he is pffering at gnch REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of everyone desiring ing. anything in this line , to examine ] s stock before purchas- * , UPHOLSTERED ANJ > OVERED TO HAVING BOUGHT THE BANKRUPT STOCK 01 the Popular Goods Store , 223 Farnham Slrce % I l.crcby wish to inform the public of Omaha and vicinity that I shall cent nue the business and oU'er at all times GREAT INDUCEMENTS In all kinds of STAPLE AXD FANCY' DRY. GOODS ! I have adopted the Strictly Cash and One Price Principle , which I hope will meet with the approval of the public as my prices shall be always THE VERT LOWEST. A liberal patronage solicited. Respectfully , JOHN H , F , LEHMANN , 228 Farnhcin Street. Omaha , Neb. , July 21st , 187-1. jy23 liu FRANK J.RAMGE DRAPER & TAILOR , AM DEALER IN GENTLEMEN'S ' FURNISHING IGOODS , Full > ssortrnentof Imported "Woolens. All "Work "Warranted1. 2b2 . FarnliamSt. , - - Omalia , XTeb 3i SeodlT B. & J WILBUR Books and Stationery , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Fourtoantli Street , - Omah. = u , GENERAL AGENTS FOB ALL SCHOOL BOOKS ar3-lmy AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th , and Haraoy Streets , - - - USTIEIB. pring and Summer Styles. A. POL ACK , CLOTHIER , 233 Far nil am St. Hear _ Fine and Medium Clothing , and Furnishing Goods. OHELA.-FER : : : : : ,