v THE OMAHA BI FBtDAY , AtJG. t , 1874. ] OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE Cl 1HE OMAHA DAIIT BEE I It served to lubscnters by carrier , U evening , ( Sunday ol tbe city , every pert . weeV $3. oepted. ) t fiUtca cectt per , or ix months , and J7.00per mium , wheii tdTEnce. zi All compltinti about Irregularities , add ] thii oflice will receive pruinpt attentloi TM OMAHA DAILY BkE will be mail mbKiibenattueiollowlngraUa , yable rUbly In advance : f7.tOperai-ium. 8.75 " 6..onth . Taz OMAHA DAILT BEE has by fa : T drculatlon In the city , an the belt and cheapest advcr . juj. . Local notic juj.BA.TE3 or ABVKSTISISO. ceuU per line : local advertisemuit csnU per line : by the month , 10 cents 50 i dTerUicment Inserted for less than Special notioes , 10 cents per line ; single lion , not lea tbu ) 25 cents. Transient abtrti' nenu mast inva-ial t ld ior in advance. advertisements py * ; Bat i lor standing " "All Statements , TJ Legal Notice * , Work , etc. , requiring careful revision by hand bo oJ"5ot to bTfumirued , must beiore Jtn o'clock A. M. to Insure iusertit " dilaud Local dvertlseinei.M bcfor ° CAd erU e nent lelore one o'doct P. K advertisements for the WtEKL * AU noon , I nest be banded la before Holiday e week'o isrue. JLBWTAL AND 1) ) FAI11U11I TBAIXS. time Cn/d of the . ABEl VK AT OJMU tKAVK OMAHA. _ .2.W F. M. fcipress - 9.5j M.Fl ! f..r. J.W A. * . 1 Slatl . . . . . 10:43 Sundaysexcepted. 'Mondays exc XhU is the only line running Pullman tfen'L Wc . Pass. Agt. - - - - ChicaRO.lU. Omaha Union Pacific. LEATZ. Al 3.0C Bally Dally Mixed . Jally Frelebt . Ually Frelib.t. . . Clilcvco , Itock Ilnn < l & . . .2iO P. M. t0:0l tMondayacxc Chlcaeo & NorlUwcet-rn , J0:4 : < Mall tlOt : ) Erpres * Kfmsa * City , St. Jo. & Council I ) -nd S . . . 8:15A.M. : " ! ' ' Dally except Sunday e . fMaes and Baggage VTagoue lea Karnhom and Ninth etree Occ , oorcer alnata * la advance of the above lit TOADTEKTltiliES J 1 UI1IOCI of licpAJL-Y BKK IK ghasi double tlintcf nnylotlicr paper publUlied ID A'rbrankn. Peyclce'a Eeataurant and 0 tooffift. Tbe leading bouse of kind. 207 , Farnham street , tet Twelfth awl Thirteenth. Ieb2 OMAHA BREVITIES. - Circus to-day. AH quiet at the Police < yesterday. Everybody and their fan will be at the circus this ovc-i An innumerable numbei small toads put in an appear with the heavy shower of yeste morning. Thematineeperformanceof son's Palace Circus , are carric. as full in programme as in the nlng. The two United States priso occupying the city cell wtth t city prisoners , complain of crov quarters. Both old and young should Wilson's Palace Circus , the show in the -world , to-day "Saturday , afternoon and evenin A Owing to the frequent oc rerice of the word "Ko-op" in tl columns of late , some of our c positors have fallen into the bat spelling all words beginning wil hard C , with a K. We would advise that ladies companicd by children , attend afternoon performance of the cin as at night it is sure to be crowc A man was fined ut the Po Courtyesterdayfor disturbance of peace by calling a woman a 1 The idea of fining a man for an fense of that nature is prepostert Ten chances to one when a n calls a woman a liar , be is corn E. M. Parker , the man v was sent to jail for thirty days "Judge Wilbur , for "steering" a I hive peddler against a red and bh game , is very sick , and at one ti during last night , it was thought would die. His wife is also vi sick. A Granger while viewing tl excellent large photograph of J T. Griffin , on exhibition in Curric Bhow-case , remarked Wcdnesds "Well , I'll be banged , if he would make a slick looking picture for " postage stamp. " In an article cntitled"AMissic ary Tour , " which appeared in We uesday's BEE , a slight mistake w "made in the name of the princij. hero. . . Instead of E. D. Pratt , , should have been D. H. Pratt. T Initials D. H. which sometim stand for dead bead are much me appropriate under the circunistanc < ' The next excursion to St. Pai . .Minneapolis , Minnehaha , and otl er points of interest in Minnesot will leave this city August 17 , ui der the management of George \ " Oratton , passenger agent of tl ' -Sioux City and St. Paul railwa "Mr. Gratton has put up in the wi dow of his office , in Caldwell Bloc , a large photographic bulletin boar exhibiting the beautiful scenery Minnesota. It is attracting cousi crable attention * A drunken man , while stn , gering along Tenth stxeet throu the mud yesterday , found Jam Stephenson's diamond horse-slu breast pin clittering upon tl ground. Taking it to McLoughlin pawn shop , he inquired its valu ivben the proprietor recognizing as the one lost by Stephenson , too Jt and returned it to Mrs. Stephei son , In the absence of her husbam fibe promptly .handed over $20 , tli reward offered for the return of th Mr. Segelke , proprietor mineral water manuiactory Xinth street , had his arm badi : Wednesday by the bursting of a water bottle , which he was cbarj A boot and shoe house Farnham street , whose prop : has been in business in Oman ; about eighteen years , was close Wednesday by Eastern creditoi Harry Clayton was arn yesterday by Deputy SI Dave Btirley , for contempt of c It appears that he was called i by tbe Probate Court , in answ a judgment to disclose his prop and to turn over the same , whi < refused to do. The examination set for yesterday afternoon. \Vbile .Mr. Max Schroeder sitUng "NVedhesday at the door c place , in the basement of the f Bank , reading a newspaper , i malicious devil threw an oyster filled with a nasty mixture , c the stairs. The contents spille over Mr. Schroeder , spoiling clothed. Sheriff Turner of Dodge ( tv , arrived in the city Wednc&d charge of two horse thieves , he cap'turcd at Juuction City , ' . sas. Bomo weeks ago they hi team and buggy from Turner' cry stable at Fremont , and fail return the outfit. Mr. Turner west with his prisoners ye t ( morning. Reuben Munger , who wa amined and committed to ja United States Commissioner Si in default of Sl.OOO bail , to i bis trial on the charge of havi his possession a $20 counter : with intent to pass tbe same yesterday examined by the ofiiupr on the charge of having ed a counterfeit S3 bill. H < held in $1,000 bail , The City Council ought to : somp provision for the policcm uniform themsejvps. As tbej appear , they arc anything but mental , although they may sionally be useful. It can him expected that on S70permonth ftjp } expense of a nev can go f/ > form , but they arp ivjlling tc half the bill. The case of G. K. Wrigl CouiwiJ Blufls , vs. F. D. Coop Omaha , which was Jried and t ed in the Pottowattamie C Court , of Council Bluffs , in av tbe plaintiff tot ] } * qmount Of i damages for false imprjsonr and which Wfs gjven a second on the petition of footU party. been transferred to tl P tf States Circuit Court. The storm which began ycati morning at about 4 o'clock , con ing until G , was a most violent the torrents of rain being ac puL'icd by heavy wind , deaft thunder , ailil terrific lightning , yet , however , we have fall learn of any serious damage 1 done. It extended as far we Kearney , where the wind w ; strong as to blow two cars ofi track. raraouai. Andy McAusland left ycste morning on a business trip to Og Dr. Pierson , of New York , i the Grand Central. Hon. J. M. Thaycr , is at the tropolitan. Congressman Crounse is stop at the Metropolitan. Samuel Aughey , of Lincoln , Geologist , is registered at the tropolitan , accompanied by hisi JS. C. Treat , Western travc agent of the Michigan Central Great Western railways , ariivei town yesterday morning. Dr. Miller , Ben Wood , J. C. Th as , and W. L. Adams , composii. . lappy quarcttchave ( returned f their trip to Colorado. Mr. G. D. Kughler , father of D. and James Kughler , who been visiting in Omaha , left Salt Lake yesterday morning. Samuel Bauserman , of the wb sale grocery bouse of Whitn Bauserman & Co. , left for the I yesterday afternoon on business. Judge Lambert Tree , of Chica s at the Grand Central. He is us way to the Pacific coast topp < lis summer vacation. J. II .Mountain , general tra > ng agent for the Chicago & Nor vestern railway , returned from Cage ago yesterday morning. Sir. Clark , proprietor ot an exti ive coal mine at Scranton , Pei ylvan'm , is at the Grand Centi iccompanu d by bis family. Tl ; rill go west to-day. Frank Ilamge and wife left y 2rday over the C. B. & Q. fo leasure tour through the East , : jndinjr to visit Saratoga , Lo ( ranch , and New York City. Th ill be absent three weeks. Tlic following are tbe arrivals ic Wyoming : W M White , Hastings ; G W B ; iolomcwPlattsmonth ; Bobt Bui Igc , Paiis , III ; O II Wheelock ai mily , Kearney Junction ; Wiiliu tcvenson , do ; John Brand ai mily , d. ; J R Gray and wife , S : rauciseo : J Williams , Few Yor ' M Morgan , Adel , Iowa ; J [ itchell , Minneapolis ; Sirs Terr id two children , Decatur ; J * ard , do ; Jesse Collins , Minneap 3 ; Thos Rasmusen , Cincinnati ; r. Tucker , Marion , 111 ; F Dea ouncil Bluffs ; H L Cooper , Chic FOR TRADE 22 ACRES < VND With GOOD IMPROVEMENT luated in CANAAN TOWNSHI 'ayne Co- , Ohio ; will trade f ty or county property. Apply ' . fl. INagle , care Max Meyer > . augGtl. ! E CREAM ! ICE CREAM H. L. LATEY'S is the place to j r this very necessary coramodit ; ' The Temperance Conventioi LINCOLN , August 6,187 EDITOR BEE : Nine o'clock this morning the hour set for the assemblini the Temperance Convention at Opera House. At that hour we v on hand , but the temperance pei were not. Half an hour , howe brought some ten op fifteen i and women , and with J. A. P banks in the chair , they procee with the great work of organizii party. In several days and hi less time than that other illustr convention took to declare this tion free and independent , B , Slaughter reported the prohibit ists' plan of salvation , and the i party breathed the breath of Then came THE RESOLUTIONS that was to be their war-cry , by der Dnngan. They were in i stance as follows : That neil party is competent to benefit temperance cause , because of dc tive organization ; that as consc tious men we can no longer sup ] either party ; and that we favoi cal option only when it means 1 prohibition. These resolutions \ agreed to without a dissenting v Then Omaha's champion ai and gave them a sound di bing for not opposing these i lutions , that they might cuss them. He asked sev questions that would surest th selves to any one. AVbat are here for ? Who is responsible the fizzle ? I can not afford to sp my money on such con edition : tnis , and will not somebody something ? Sheldon said it not from lack of advertising ; he everything that he could , and not to blame. Slaughter he some one would have said eno to oppose these resolutions in convention , ft WftS evident tha bad an extemporaneous speeph c mitted , and was only waitin ) burl It at fiomo unfortunate n who should dlfler from him. 1 i man soon came in the person o J. M. MILLER , soonerdid bo-It of A&uianii , No what had been done -beiijS ah when the resolutions were ado ] than he stepped to the front pronounopd tjie adoption of tl resojutjons a "set up jolf. " Ho not think it took inucli skill for or five men to WPP * before the were through brertkrHst an ( } p lot of resolutions when ttU been agreed to before. Ho did f vor the resolutions , nor did tliiiik a majority of the tempers people of 'the ' , State ypald end them. H concluded with makli motion to reconsider. Elder I gan thought Miller very unjust , denjc/i / tlje charges in tote , and clafed 'tiiat ho Wfts emphatic opposed to the'motion. Jie to ) } ; he could demonstrate tLe tmtl each and pvcry proposition. Me ; Hardy and Rev. Alexander agi with Miller , and after much disi sion tjifi motion prevailed. They ncxj ; Jaunched into a dis sion of tlic resolution dcplgr/ng 1 parties incompetent to benefit temperance cause. REV. GEO. S. ALEXANDER then took an aotlvu part jn the cussion. He denied that tbe publican party was incompetent redress tj > o wrongs of tbe peoplt the future , as they had ( lone in past ; he spoke at length to pr his position on that point , and i many good things for Republic ! It was with peoular satisfaction I wo listened to Miller , Alexau and Hardy pjmmpion so ably cause of the REPUBLICAN PARTY. Dr. Scott , Rickets and others gaged in the discussion of the r < lution , but before disposing of it tl adjourned for rest and dinner. After dinner the discussion i renev.'ed with much vigor , and i tinallyadoptcd by a small majori By this act they seveied all pa ties , so of course , the second rest tion , "that as conscientious n they coultl no longer support a party , " was carried by the sa vote , being but a counterpart of i other resolution. Then came the . LOCAL OPTION proposition , which elicited fu as warm a discussion as the forii question. The resolution : "tl we are opposed to local option , 01 as it means total probibitioi Miller moved to strike the lat clause , leaving it to counties. 1 same livision upon this as upon I other questions , and after a tedit discussion those favoring afiiiliati with the Republican party were < fcated airain. To-night a heavy man ( aven pois ) from Indiana , is addrcssi quite an audience at tbe Opt House. After the convention closes labors , will inform the BEE of action , though its efforts arc virl ally killed by the resolutions adoj ed ; also of the leaders , &c. Sutti it to say , it is nothing that w divide the Republican vote. GRIMES. The Life Association of Americ is the only company doing businc in Nebraska whose policies are abs 'tttely non-forfeitable for non-pa nent of premium. H. A. BELLOWS , aug G-tG Manager. SEE "McKclligon's card c ccond page. june2-tf SALOON for sale cheap. Inqnii it BEI : ofilce. ju24-tf ! ATTENTION , KNIGHTS ! Meet for drill at the Castle Ha o-morrow evening , at 8 o'clocl harp. augO It 'alls of St. Anthony and Minnehahi Last excursion of the season to th eautiful fishing lakes of Minnesota linnehaha Falls , Taylor's Fall' liiieral Springs , the charming an eautiful scenery of the St. Crof. iver , and the thrilling passage c 10 Dalles , Lakes Superior am ther summer resorts in Minnesota ickets for the round trip , to SI aul or Minneapolis , $10.50 Du ith , $24.00 , good for 30 days , wll tave MONDAY , AUGUST 17,1S74 , om the Union Pacific depot , at clock p. m. Tickets for sale b : > mpany's agent , 225 Douglas St. .cpubUcan building. iig62weod GEO. W. GRATTON. LACKAWANA COAL at lowes larket price , by the IOWA COAJ OMPAKY. Office 13th street , ( for icrly Union Coal Company's ) . . 99 tf Gw > . SHE WASN'T A MAN AT Al A Girl Dresses in Male Alt ; and Works in a Harvest Field Two Weeks Be fore Her Sex is Discovered. Col. J. C. Meyers , owning an tensive farm about seven or ei miles west of Omaha , employed * eral harvest hands two or th weeks ago , at $2.50 perday ei Among the number thus enga was a young , rather good-loot and smooth-faced chap , who atti ted some attention on account of very symmetrical build. He wet faithfully from morning till ni { in the harvest field beneath the sun , and fairly earned his mon On Saturday last Colonel Mej was considerably surpri upon accidentally discovering t the supposed young man was a dressed hi male attire. He at o accused her of being a female , ; demanded her reason for thus scxinght'rsclf. She acknowlcd the fact , and explained that ow to adverse circumstances , and inability to obtain work at i reasonable compensation while tired as a girl , she had donned garments of a man. and had tl no diflicuty iu securing cmpl mcnt at a remunerative price. T was not her first appearance i harvest field , nor was it the i time that she had done the h work of a man. Further than 1 she would not explain , refusing give ! iur right name , her liome any other facts concerning hen Of course , under the eirci stances , Col. Myers could not lor continue her in his employment the fiNpovery Jjqd Ijcpome knc among the farm hands. He ace < ingly discharged her in theklndl manner , paying her in full for labor she had done. Khe then her employer good-bye , and t her departure to seek work e where. Had she attended Trinity Chu last Sunday pvguing , slie mi havp jjeen benefitted jy thqtnprl of Ir , Qarratt's ' sprnjon , wli stronply condemned Uio praotioi young people donning the costi of the opposite sex , either for ami or other objects. That h : one that originated among earliest heathen , who practiced i their idolatrous orgies. OUR NEBRASKA CITY LETT * * * i * t Furthei Information Concern the Coal Bed Discovered by Enterprising Omaha CITY , Aug. 3 , ' 74 Since writing you last mouth have been toOttoe pityscven an from town , and visited the c , flehl so ably secured by your Or gentlonPii , and should consider tl > yitU thp ppospppt tlicrp shown , t with a continuation of the cnl priae w fi.r exhibited by Omaha securing the control of the prope fjnd developing of tLe field ; tl this company has secured an [ Irrcndcncc , and has rendered 3 bra ku fcafe for the future agai Hie oxtortlonatp prices which lias been heretofore paying for pc I have carefully examined 1 jrouml and found coal in great abi lance , and have also liac } an int I'iexv with the State ( jeologlbt , w lasmade a thorough examinati > f tliis property , and who , I v icre atop to say , js a gentlepian ; reat information and sound mid itanding. He expresses his opini hat this point is the centre of t jreat coal basin between DesMoir md Wyoming , and it has all t mints to sustain lis ) opinion. T Company here are only borjng i he second .strata. They have be \ ailing for the grading of the Jur ion Kailroad to commence , apt oad-bed will expose the coal the c ire three mile" , at a depth varyji rom lifteou to fifty foot in tin ; rrdng along the river ban hereby uncovering and expc ng to view thousands ef to f coal and aiTonting a market wit ut the expense of hauling. Tl omjKtn.v intend to lay , or rath 2lay the old town site of Otoe Cit liiuh hy the way is the oldest tote \ \ to in the State , which it is reasoi ble to presume , that with tl lean ? , railroad and excellent rivi outage and landing , will at r cry distant day , become a town i ime importance , and , as we ma iy , "a daughter of Omaha , " fc will be through Omaha enterprh tat it come into existence. The company purpose commem g shipping coal to St. Joe , Lin In and Nebraska C ty in the nex days. So much for Omaha. Yours , J. W. D. BEI T.KVUE GROVE , twelve mile mi Omaha , on the line of the B JL Jl. R. , and 100 yards from thi pot , has been improved for pit tic ; d private parties 15V M'AUSI VjfD & MARTIX , All engagements for the grovt 11 be made through AXI > Y MCAUSLAND , iyTtf. 242 Douglas Street. Fou SALE. A handsome fire : > ofdwelling house safe. Cheaj ca.h. May be seen by calling the ofllcc of the Life Association America. Aug. 3 , tf. DYEING , cleaning anil repairing tie in the neatest manner , at the STEA3E DYE WORKS , h St.Let. Farnham and Douglas r28t f. Indian Curiosities at No. 170 rnham street , corner llth street , nay 7-tf. 3K. POWELL , oCice 215 , Farn- n street , fnne23-tf ( ew Style of silk hats just re- SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Aavertlsements of To Let , Sale , Loct , Wants , Found , Boarding , AC. , be inserted in these columns once for CENTS per line ; each subsequent inset CEFIS per line. The hrst luse never less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS rrUKEN UP By J. E. Lattiu , at Fox's ] JL 6 miles west of Omaha , on tbe Mil Itoad , 5 Texas cows ind 2 calves. Ownei call at farm or address J. E. Lnttin , thi Omaha P. O. aOJStw ONEY TO LOAN On approved per M security , also City and County War bought and sold. Inquire nt Law Office i W.T. Richards , No.JIM 13th St. , Omaha. AugGdtf A girl to do general house- WANTED on west side of 16 , bet. , and Leaven worth. auc5 2 Girls at Central Hotel , ci WANTED Leavenworth Sis. Good i will be paid. CHARLES KELDMAN , Pr augjd.it OK HKNT A stable containing 1 stall so u grainery and carriage house. I < Ibthand Uonara Sis. .Inquire US9 llowai augldCt rpO LET Small house , cor. Capitnl A\ JL and 14th St. , one block from Post ( J 1' ssession , August 15th. Apply at Co House , 3th St. aug3 A gill to do gcnerjl housev WANTED at 401 Hurt St. , bet. 20 and aug3dtf LET House itli four rooms , near I TO Depot. Possess ! n August 8th. API Cozzens House , Oth Si , aug-J IKON MOULDER WANTED Nebraska City 1'oundry. JOHN WALK , al 4t P. O. Box S SALE At a Uargiin , a Hou e ind FOU situated on Many St. Lot 8 , Rlocl bet. 10 > hand Jlth fclrteu , inquire on picu jjSldCt Hy a } oun > imrned man , : WANTED for himself and wife Adi 11 D , " live Oflice. jy31 < SALE-Iuimrdiately , anJ at a C FOR . The furniture In the I'hiljjp ] House can be bought cheap , one-half cash , the other half on three to six months t with good security. Lea e of tli3 house set en months , at S-j per mouth. Forty-tr fifty good cash boardeis. Ihe Propnetoi other busineKS to attend tn imuiedutcly. for that i easoit o tiers this splendid opportui iv231f. C hCHAKNUOltt FOP. RENT. RENT.THE COTTAGE of 7 ROOM ! joining mjnice. . ACUriAUK of 4 ROOMS , 1 Yart. A COTTAGE of 5ROOMS , no erjntes refiuirot. A STORE U ITU LIVING J < attached good location. A HUILIUXU SUITAULi : F ( Srtlionamll ( ) illir.g. Two r.oms ups'airs , on JacLso FOU SALE. SALE.Tour frame Buildings , with I on ground JAS. F. MORTON A'C jy28U 4U1 Tenth &t A girl to dogencral houses WANTED at 11. Poireroy's , West eni Mary's Aumue. AVagis S5 CO per week. jul22tf. RENT House on ISth n < arCassst FOU ± itf. S. A. JAYLOK i ( A girl tp corV at Amu Wi , bet. JU auj Iglh , Douglas st. CT7ANTED IMMEDIATELY girl I W house-work. Apply 831 iJavcn street , between 17lhand 18th. jy TOUE TO RENT 1S8 Douglas slrret. qulra o ! WE1WKU A BEII ulvmANTED ANTED Day boarder' ' , at tie south W cor. of 10th and Hartley sts. jei : WW AKTKD- . chcaj ) lunu in ex nar.gi W luercliaudise. Address , 1'arnier. , ap'JIt /CHATTEL MOUTfiAHE SALE Where : \J the fith ilay of October , Ib73 , J. A. llu made and executed a certain Chat cl Mort to I.ars Christensen , which was duly reco in Hook N , of Mortgages in Douglas Count ; secure the payment of the sum of two hum and fifty ( S2oO ) dollars with interu.1 from a.h day of April , 1874 , and there i < now du said Note the sum of Two Hundred and S tS2'0) dollars nt this dttc. Now therefoi shall hy the authority vested in me by\i ot said Chattel Mortgage , proceed to sell property therein described at the store No rarnham fctreet in Omaha , on Friday , An 21ft , 1874/at 3 o'clock n. m. , To-AVit : The s of gentlemeiiB furnishing goods togotbtr i ill the sheh Ing avl | Qxtures , and Lease hull terest in tniJ ircmUcs. Angust J , 1S74. " LARS CHRISIENSE : lugl 10 20 1131 By James if. Morton , his Al SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued out ot Probate Court , for Douglas County Nehru md to me directed , I will on the 17th daj \iicust , A. D. , 1S74 , at 1 o'clock P. M. , of lay , at the brick Store-room on Cass , near : Street , lately occupied by Wm. E. McCon I Hro. , in the City of Omaha , in said Com .ell at auction , the property described in i irder to-wit : A certain lot of Groceries , Cri > ry ware. Showcases , Ac. , to satisfy a judgn if said Court , recovered hy Clark , Parson 3o. , against the said Win. E. McConnell i ] ALF11ED 1JUKLEY , Sheril ) mgha , Ang. C , 1874 djt NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hcrtby given that the co-partners icretofors existing between William Dew ; Villiam Ma pn under the firm name of Dei lason , has this day been dissolved. Will : ) cw will continue t'he buoincss at tlic old st : ' .or. 15 , and Farnham St. Lug. 5 , 1874. WILLIAM DEW aug'dSt * _ TREITSCHKE & C0 GROCER And G'eneinl Proyisiou Dealers , 8. "WCor. . Jackson and 13th Eta- , Iccp a supfiipr stock of Groceries , Provisio I'ines , Liquors and Cigars , and sell chea linu any other house in Omaia. jyS 3i O. F 71 C'or. Varuhnm and EIcvciilU S .11 kinds ot TAILORING , rieanlng and airine done nt reacooable ratt s. A fine lot UKNIsIllNG GOODS constantly on ha ad sold cheap. -lec2Ct 1OOCOO . & .CB.ES ! IOH TABUING LAND IN NEBRASKA iOO HanscoinPlaceLoti TOUSES AND LOTS jr. the city of Omal H for salecheaoand on coed terms. BOGGS < b IIII-I. Ecal estate brotcrs.office over Mackey's stoi i Dodce omxisite new i > nslolBrp- . f - T O 3V 33 -MAr'FACTUKKP _ OV ASD DEALKR IX- umbrt quins and TV-udow Skadci HKOMOS , EXGRAYIN S AN PICTURE FRAMES. 770 Farnhum trM't.rntnfr Fiftwnth , PRR , MEAT MARKET 16th street bet California and Webster. [ TE KEEP ON HAND THE I5ES V supply of FRESH A > 'D SALTE 2A1S. Also a largo nock of Fine Sug : red Haus and llreakfait Bacon , at the lov rates. WM. AUST A KNUTH , ioTl4-ly Proprietors. THE 03SIAHA rEEKLYBEi ACKNOWLEDGED BY EVERYBODY T ( be the BFST PAPER Published in Nebraska , Contains More Heading Malta md Less Advertisements than any Newspaper Published in the West. loracing a choice selection o , vsand miscellaneous matter witL i Editorials on all important top- ; complete and reliable telegraph- nd local market reports to the day ssue , and a variety of StateEast- andWesteni correspondence .that ether makeup a newspaper sel- a equalled and never surpassed Ivery article coing into the coi ns of the BEE is carefully scru- ! zed , and everything that can of- i the most scrupulous , rejected. roodWoodWood ! ! ! Immense Reduction ! C S. P. BP.IG S' YARD , CORNER OF 14th and Chi ago Streets. Good Hard d87 00 ; Soft S5 00.Stote Wood to suft AT OMAHA , MONDAY , AUG. 31,1874 ON JEFFERSON SQUARE. WJ IT ! ! W.A.IT ! ! FOE THE BIG SHJ\Y \ , Apariii /A , JAS. A. BAILEY & CO. , Proprietors o- A forffs Fair oil ftels ! Nothing Like It ! Ever Seer in Nebraska ! COMPRISING UNDER A CITYfOF TENTS ! A Grand Menagerie of f 00 Living Animals ; A Museum of Rare Won- dfrs ; an Aquarium of Deep Sea Am- pbibui , and tlie BEST CIRCUS TROUPE On the American Continent , comprising Fifty Great Performers , appearing in Two Separate and Distinct Rinps , under tbe same Tent , thui giving TWO PERFORMANCES SIMULTANEOUSLY , introducing at each exbibition , tbe most wonderlul of all living performers. M'LLE Re \NVILLE The Lady with the Jans of Iron , who will appear in her wonderful FeaS of Strength , aclnallv Lifting withTiah Alone A HOGSHEAD FILLED WITH WATER The collect ion of Li\ing Wild Animals atttch- pd to the Inte-rnationnl , is by far the Largest and Rarest ever seen in Nebraska , where the student of Zoology ean Studj Natural History from Na ture's Own liook. Rcuieml > c * that the Grcit International is the Largest fchow c\er in Omaha ; that it it the Only Show that will \i-it this Section during August. HAVING A MENAGERIE , A COMPLirTE' MUSEUM , A REAUTIFUL AQUARIUM , And a circus troupe-of such numerical strength is to require TWO SEPARATE AND DISTINCT RINGS , In order to introduce all tbq Great Arfis s at one exhibition. Don't compare " " of tbe shows advertised pare ot confound Tbe International yith any Pigmy vertised in tins locality , for it soars as high above nuch as tbe Eagle does above tbe hawk. It is an Institution of Wealth and Worth , traveling ex clusively by its own conveyances , requiring to transport it over Seventy Wagons , Cages , Vans , Chariots and Carriages drawn by nearly 400 Horses , and employing in its various departments , 3GG Men , Women and Children. You have never looked upon its like before , so await the advent of tbe cjreat unapproachable Internationrl , and save your money for something worth seeing. TWO MILES OF GLITTER AND NOVELTY ! Mar be < = een in the Grand Free Street Paicant early on the morning of Exhibition , introdu cing" Lh ing Lions , Tigers , and Leopards , looys in i he streets : Elephants and Camei ; Kniguti and LTlii on Hnri , > elackj Drove of Shetland Poti v ; I eng Line of Magnificent Animal Dens anJ V it * , the whole headed by the i Goto Car of CONTAINING Cte , KADFFMAH'S ' Centemal BaM In Gorgeous Uniforms , the ( vorth Fifty miles of Travel Remember the Name jOSTTHE lou't confound it with any other Circus will not Exhibit i ( A , HNTIL MONDAY , AU& . 31,1874. Factory. & Manufatturcrs o MILLINERY , ASD _ adies' ' and Gents SKPllIXE , or Nice Crnamenta for Itdies. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Yisclicr's Bloclt Omalia , Xcl ) . 516 Douglas St , , HOTEI S. GRAND CENTRA ! NEBEASK OMAHA , - - - The lanrcst ami best hot between Chicai ind San Francisco. Opened new fc'eptcinbcr SOtli , 1S73. s30 tf OCO. TI1KALL. Proprietor. E. T. PAGE , Proprietor. 10th St. , bet. Farnham and Ilarne ; OHUA , NEB. Free liuss to and from all Trains. Passengers for other Hole's or private Kes dcnecs , carried for 25 cents. B3J-A1I orders left at P. II. Allen's , 2.1 doc from P. 0,0. Wilson A Son. cor. 15th an II 'r'iey , and tlie City Hotel Ollico , will rrcch . iy7 1m I > touu > t attention. United States Hotel , COlt. DOUGLAS AND TENTH STRKETS. mHEUNDEIlblGKCD rrspcctfnlljannoun JL ccs that he has purchased and refuted Ih nbove Hottl , and is HOW ready to accommodat the public , with board l.y dy or w < k , at rcas onaWe rates. WILLIAM LEIIR , Prop. jnlj--e ' 71 1 _ ILLINOIS HOUSE. rctwtcn 9th st.d 10th. C1IAKI.EM niclililf Central House Eo. 630 Eixteealh Street , , OMAHA , NEB. Opp. Jefferson Square JOSEPH DOVE , Prop'r. Jay and weet Board at reasonable rales. Firsl-ela = bnr nttachtd to the house. ic-8' Su _ _ _ _ California House. FEITZ HAPHEE , Prop'r. No. 170 Douglas Street , corner llth , Om ha , Nebraska Uoard by the day or week. iunel.Tl On 9'A , let. Farnlam and llarney Slreilt , been entirely rcfiittcd and relurnished , HAS will accommodate all tothel stof board at IH , > per day ; -iOc. per single meal. & S M HAEEYM , C , Y , , , jvISdly. Proprietors. SontlierH ilotel , Frontlig on 4'h , 5A and 'Wabatjlzu St. Louis , - Mo. " & Co. "Laveille , Warner , first-class in all its The Southern Hotel u - _ . Its tables are at all times applied ointments. ap { abundance , with all the In the greatest plied and delicacies the markets afford , Its clerts and attentive to the al ! polite employes are waits "ol the gucsti of the hotel , There is an eleTa-or leading from the fint floor Scupper Eaffroad and ttcamboat o , one , stand. nd wesxerr flnlon ickct offices news Kotnnda ol hotel , tdcsrspli c ce la the LIQUOI , WINES , ETC. 1 Do " K i f w. o cn f o r S I > * * * " 5 : 5 x xP CO P. N. GLYNN WHOLESALE AMD HETA1L DEALCB IN Wines , Liquors , Segars , TODiC 0 AXD PIPES. foriia Wines and Hr.iiidies. 5n Corner of ID'li and Dodge streets OM > O3ilethe new Posl OtGtu building , Oiu jlia. Nebic 5tf The Sioux City ami Pacific Ilullroj.l , la ConDKtlon with tbe SIOUX CITY & ST , PAUL RAILROAD , * Ci mile * ( he khoAeht route from Omaha .ml Council Ilium , to St. Paul , llineaoolN , tillnatcr , AnoVa , Daluth , BItmarcL , and all oints In Minnesota. Train leaves Ontaha daily , ( eicept Saturday ) 16 o.clock p. m. , and Council KiulTs at S.U5 ! > ' i.from Chicago A North-Western Depot. 'arc as LOW and 1 ime as QUICK as by anj other Line. 'ULLffl ' PALACE SLEEPING CARS OK ALL NIGHT TRAINS , Be sure your ticket reads VIA Sioux City. lus avoiding circuitous routes and inidnlgut ansfcrs. Tickets can be purchase 1 at I he offices of the bicago & Northwi stern Railway in Omaha id Council Blu Bs. J C. HOYDEN" , en'l Pass , iTicUt Agf St P.is. C. R. R. &t. Paul , Minn. F. C. HILL , en'l Pass , and Ticket Ajt. , S. C. 4 P. , Sioux City , Iowa. GEO. TV. GBATTON , Agent. 163 Fainham Street , Omaha , K b. July 20 , U. The Kibgof iLe-EEVTlXG XAtBfeE WOJ1D „ ne-inlLCLtlj- Ctld rents Kealins ci Finance. SALES EOK 1873 : In Round Numbers 232,444 Machines ! " > t the Mircrltilty of tte Sil.lcr8 | , u lr THE mm MANFG CO , W , N. NASON , Agent , O. 212 DOUGLAS STflEKT , OMAHA. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS , fc Agents for the Oriental Powder Co. , 3ST1EB. . . STEELE & JOHNSON , OLESALE GROCERS ! SI31PSO.VS. BLOCK 538 and 54O Foiirteentli Street , BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE MOHGAN & GALJLAGER -SUCt'hSSOns TO CKEIG1ITON AN"3 MORGAN WHOLESALE GROCERS , No. Wa Parnliam Street WHITNEY , BATJSERMAET & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS STo. 247 Douglas Street , Cb27yl AHEATSrOK TH * . DUPO.NT POWDER CO. CLARE : & FRENCH , WHOLESALE GROCERS AXD DEALER& jy tanned Goods , Dried 'Fruits ' , Green Fruits in Season , JC 1 .MtL-EliS SOLICITED . ' NI > VHOM1TLY FILLED. A. . : EL s i IM : : p s o IN" , AND WHOLESALE- --MANUFACTUKEn - IN CIGAK 532 IB 'IFTIEIEJISrTIH : ST. , C , L. - , 288 Eodge Street , 2d Door East of 16th Street. I keep cons Jntly on hand tlie finest stoikol Broad Cloth. Csssin-ms rml Veflints lich I am prepared to maie up in tic most fj hionab'e sij Its aud tg suit the most fastidious tlic lowest fossit.o prices. jelOdlr TABLISHfcU PUKDT , MEYER & RAAPEE , -YHO.EiALE DEALH13 IN &ROCEEI1 Teas , Spices , Tobacco and Cigars. L2 FarnLam Street , - - Oinalia Neb JOBBERS OF RY GOODS , HOSIERY , GLOYES and KOMOXS. 231 2Paraa.l3.ani Street , J. J. BROWN & BBO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS' ! -IT Notions. iiul Boots fliid Shoes. JOHN T. -JOBBER OF-- Ihelf s Heavy Hardware IRON , STEEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK,1 AND- i > H FLEM ITTS , , IIAU\I--STIClt.S , RKAPKItS.MOAVKnS. UHiLLs . , hEiui-it COttX-"CA.S1KItS. PLO\V , CUI/riVATOIlS , I1A.V- AND WAGONS. mcbUy : S Douglas Stt , Oznalia , Hebraska. H NRY HOBNBERGEK. DEALER IK C , KentuckyjWhiskies and Jmportpl. oods a Spcci 3MBS and * " w 3 ? i5f ra iae rr cuitlrated , withiu t o year , from data of purchase. DEDUCIONS FOR CASH PAYJIENT3. lh of "latte , loup Fork and Elkhorn Valley c M P. 'K. Co. Ul ei : Rl-onl 1.000.000 . . acn * of nplen long It 1 Kruln credit. tat on > ctVre < J'.rouulry , t lioai SI . ' 4 U. 87.00 lr South of he Platte * , numerous rit il Sint < alareeboJ7oUheUatIan In the et 4nd < linNebrasaintersectedbT deTeloped , part of the Staie , zs alsa In $ . nafulllnfornatioa apply to b mblican Valley. For circulais SCIIALLER Agent B. & M. land Oilier a. , . . Corner of Ninth and Farnbnm Sts. Omaha Or General Load Depulaeat , Llncoln , > V |