YTondcrfcl Medical L'U- TL2 Xoi > \ . - X corerf of the Age Erorjr Man Ids owri flijs'dan. Frazicr's Great Remedy + . ppfojeo Hie United States hive Lren humbugged -th ! all kln-li of Patent iftdicines , quacks und iiapnsters [ iortbe past lew years , iu a most zhameiul inaLcer. The irritrr of the fallowing la one of the victims , and l he to preheat a very plain raae. Relieving that by cleansing tie b'ood was tliecMly true way of banishing disease , and llngagrcat suHcrcr fr .m urak lungs and a eciofulous aillcilou. and after trying many kinds of Patent Aicaiclnes and the most eminent Physicians , I cotamenced doctoring myself , and at last d covcrcd a Blood Searcher , or Koot Bitter * , which not only gave me Im mediate releif , but alter a few weeks eflccted a radical cure. The couch left me , my lungs became strong and sr.uud. my appetite good , and the tc'ofolous dUease had disappeared. Feeling confluent that my Discovery possessed wonderful dialing Virtues , I gave it to others ilSicied , and found It eBtcled the most mlracu- loui cures in thousands of cases , iiot alone curing Coughs , Consumption , Asthma , Catarrh , Scrofula and \Ve k Lungs , but all diseases caused from huuicr In the b'ood. The demand from my friends anJothels bearing about these Bit lets bofoniing.tery.great , I commenced putt - t as them up for sale , ( -ailing hem FRAZIKH'3 BOOT BITTERS. I was at first backward In presenting either myself or znsdlcin * to the public iiot being a Patent Medicine Man , hut 1 cm getting bravely ott > r that. I have sold thousands of boitles ti my ISoot Bitters , and it is my desire and determination to place the lame within the reach o ! every suftering man , woman ami child cii tua face of th * civilized globe. The grand principle that operates in these Boot Bitteis Is the power they possess In cleans ing the turgid blood and banishing the vile humors from the system. Koot Bitteis are strictly a Medicinal Preparation , compounded from roots combined with herbs and plants , mauy of wbiih were used In the good oid d j s of our forefathers , hen people were cured by kotnc simple root or herb , aud when Caloiuel uid other poh > nus ol the kingdom vere unknown. They o ] > en all the natural passages of the bed ) , cast out disease , takw w y aU sickness aud build up tha system with pur * blood , hence ther must reach all dikuuea by purifica tion and nourutimeuU J o person can tatc Boot Bitters and remain Jong uuwtll. Victory upon victory they have gained over disease and death in all stations and conditions in life. They are constantly ef fecting CUM of the utmost importance , for Consumption , , Scrofula , Sirofulous Eruptions - ruptions , Catarrh , Weak Lungs , lost YiUiitv and Broken-down Constitutions , thesa Boot Bittern ire universal y admitted to be th uiost known to the wouaerful llcdiil : Ki-covtry world , lueir healing prup > rties J > one- trate every ] H > ition of the human lr > uioso th- lnj the Lungs , stiougthcuiug the Stomach , tidnejs aud Liver , cleansing ihe blood from every kind of humur. No other medicine will cure Chronic BbeumatiMQ , l-eurnlgia , Heart Disease , Flti , IHuluits , Headache , Dyspepsia , Fever and Ague , Coslivencu , Piles , Urinary Diseases , Kidney Wisease , and Liver Complaint , so quickly as this Boot Bitters. All bad stomach such diseases are caused from a condition of the blood. For and a poisonous men , suQering from loss weakly , nervous young ot memory , Ion of energy , elc. , caused Irom abuses in early HN.and to delicate lernales.these btrenglhcning Boot Bitters are espetljJly re commended. One bottle will do more toward eradicating Syphilis , Scurvy , Tetter , Fever Bores , Sore byes , Tuniois , Cancirous forma lions , Dropsy , Erysipelas , salt Bbeutu , Ulcers , Boils , Flesh \Vonui. Blotches , Pustule , Lrup- octheface.aud Conuplioui. from tions , pimples the Blued than all other rcuudit : & in exUtcnce. G. W. FRAZIER , OIIIO.l Frazlera Root Bitters are sold by all the lead- Inz Druggists , Storekeepers and Chemist * . Sold Whelesale by Strong 4 Cobb , 199 Superior i Cuufield 127 Wat- trect , and Benton Myers , vr street , Cleveland , O. ; B. L. Fabnestock i ( o. , Pittsburg ; ncorge I' , Of odwln A Co , Button ; John F. Henry Curran A Co , United States Medicine Honse. 8 and 3 College Place , Xew York : Wytu Brothers , I'liUadclpu-a ; Ful ler A Fuller , Chicago ' , John D. Park , Cinclnna- tlj and other first-class Drug Uouses. Show this notice to your druggist rr store- keor. [ Ask far FBAZlEIid BOOT B1TTEBS , and accept no substitute whatever. Price with in the reach of all SI per bottle six bottles 83. IvlSdJLwly " "IMPORTANT TO Commercial Travelers. COMMERCIAL TBAVEfERS who solicit orders by OABD , CATALOGUE , TBADE- LlaT , SAMPLE. OB OTHEB cPECIMEN , also those who visit their customers and solicit trade by purchases made DIBtCT FBOM SiOCK , and who travel In any section , by Ball or Boat , felling any class of goods , are requested - quested to send their BUSINESS nd rKI- VATE ADDBESS , a > below , stjtlng class of goods they srll , and by whom employed ; also thobc who'arcatpicsent t'nder no enrageinent. This matte , is of OltEAT JMPOP.rANCE INDIVIDUALLY to sa esuieu of this clas , or men soliciting trade In this cuinncr. It is therefore KbPECIALLY desired that thli notice may DIP * * the eye ot ALL Commercial Travelers and Salesmen In this country and that thev will AT OX CK give If their atien- tlou. Ttioso nho comply with abote request will be CONFIDENT ! ALLY treated and duly advised ot object In vjew. Pleusc address , ( by letter only ) , CO-OPERATION , tare Gro. P. Bowell A Co. , 41 Part Bow. Jy9eodlm NKW YORK CITY. Practical Watchmaker , 171 Parap a , S. r. lltl St OMAHA - . NEB APPLETON'S American CYCLOPAEDIA New Eevised Edition. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on very tubject. Printed from new type , and illustrated with Several Thousand Engravings and Maps. - o THE work originally published under th title of TUB NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA , was completed in 1S63 , since which time the wide . circulation which It has attained in all parts of tb * United Slates , and the signal developments which have taken place in every branch of cience , literature , and art. hav Induced the editors and publishers to submit It to an exact and thorough revision , and to issue a nr dltlon entitled , TUB AMKKICAN CiCLOiMk- DIA. Within the last ten yean tu * pi ogress of dis covery in every department of knowledge has made a now work : of reference an Imperative THe movement of political affairs has kept pat * , with lh discoveries of science , and their Fruitful application to the Industrial and useful nrts and the convenience and refinomvnt of socir'liie. Great wars and consequent revolu tion * nave occured , involving national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of our OK n country , which was at its height whea the last volume ot the old work appeared , bii < happily been ended , and a new conr&e of commercial end Industrial activity has been commenced. Large accessions to our gkograpbJcal know- edge have been inaie by iBfJaiefatitible ex- n.'orera of Africa. - * Ihe greav political revolutloni of the last decade , witli the natural result ot tht lapse of Xlue , have brought into public view a multitude f new men , whoso names are in every one's mouth , and of whose lives ovcry one is curious to know the particulars. Great battles have beau fougbt and important sieges maintained , of which the details are as yet preserved only ID the newspapers or in thotraukicnt publica tions ot the day , but which ought now u > take their place in permanent and authentic history. . In prcparli g the present edition for the press , t hsAaccordlnglv been the aim of the editor * to bring down the information to the latest pos- Jble dates , nud to furnish an accurate account of th < ! moil recent discoveries in science , ot every fresh production .in literature , and of the newest InicnUon intha practical arti , as well as to give a succinct and original record of the progrcu of political and hlstorial event. The work has been begun after long aud carc- tul preliminary labor , and with the most ample resources for carrying it oa to a successful termination. None cf the original stereotype plates hive be u used , but every page has been printed on new type , forming In tact a new Cyclopaedia , with the name plan and compass as its predecessor ser , but with a far greater pecuniary expendi ture , and with such Improvement * in Its com position as have been kuggested b. longer ex perience snd enlarged kuowledgb. The illustrations which are introduced for the first time In the present edition have been added not for the sake of pictorii1 effect , but to give greater lucidity and force to the explana tions in the text. Toey embrace all branches of science and zu'ural history , ntd depict the most laiuous and remarkable features of wenrry architecture , and art , as we. " las the various pro cesses of mechanics and manufactures. Al though Intended for instruction rather than eabelllihmcr.t , no palm have been spared to insure ttel- artistic excellence : the cost of their execuf ion Is enormous , . nd It Is believed they will tuda welcome reception as aa ad mirable feat-ire ot the Cyclopxdla. and worthy iU hlgt 'haracte' . The wore is sold to Subscribers only , payable ond'liv ry of each volume. It will bn com pleted in sltt-cn large octavo volumes , each containing about 00 pagcS fully illustrated with several thousand Wood Engravings and with numerous colored Lithographic Maps. PUICE AND STYLE OF BINDING. In extra doth , per vol - _ _ - J3.30 In Library Leather , per voU _ . . _ _ . _ _ 6.00 In ilalf Turkey Morocco , per vol _ _ . . 7 00 In Half Busila , extra gilt , per Tolmu In full Morocco , antique , gilt edges , per In 1 ttU niusia , per Tul. . . . . . loloo Three volqms now readr. Succeeding vc tuni , until completion , will be issued once in wo months. , ° Specimen page * c * the A VKKICAW CVCLO- PAHHI. , showing type , illiutratlou. etc. , will be sent r tl * , on application. FIEST CLAE3 CANVASSING JLGES73 WANTED Adilross the Publlshen , D. Appleton & Co. , & 551 Broadway , New York. MY ONLY GHOST. ( ContimtctL ) Of course it was the latter , and I did not intend to be conquered by such an illusion , so I had an inter view with a physician , who told me that these things were not uncom mon. "It is very natural , my dear mad am , " said the doctor , "that you should have invited this particular appearance , both by your having looked so much at the picture , and by your alter conversation with Sir. Ayscough on Spiritualism. You did not know how much lodgment those topics had made in your brain , for we never know , until the time has passed , how a thing has taken root , and now I advise you to leave this house and travel ; alter your course of life and you will not be troubled by spectres. " Alter talking with the doctor , I determined to remain ; I did not feel that this was a thing to be afraid of ; my natural courage came to my re lief and I determined to stay and fight my battle on the same field. Richard returned , heard the ghost story , and was very much amused that his prosaic relative should have had a vision. 1 went on with my work , lived my old life , and saw no more of the ghosts. 1 knew could conquer my nerves , if I had any , but I was glad when ilr. Ayscou h came to spend a few days. morning after his ar rival however , he came down to breakfast with a very complexed countenance. . As he walked around my writing-table he took up and examined my letter paper. It was of the plainest kind , foolscap , gen erally , and as he laid it down he laughed rather nervously aud said : "Mrs. Martin , you must pardon me. I have met with such a sin- gulor loss. You remember my writing-table ; it had a quantity of note paper with my monogram on it. ivas in the habit of writing my notes from here , and last even ing I looked for some and found it all gone. Of course it is a very trivial question ; but do you know any thingabout it ? " Of course my indignation smoth ered every other sentiment. For a moment , however , I remembered that to Mr. Ayscough I was but a poor old woman whom Mrs. Morton had placed in her house to take care of it , and I was in the habit of using a great deal of paper. So he put the two together and supposed I was guilty of the petty theft. I answered him as calmly as I could that I knew nothing about his paper. He came again after spending art hour in his apartments , and asked inc to come and examine them with with him. After a moments em barrassment , he began ; "I don't ' know , Mrs. Martin , but I am sure things are not as I left them. I miss nothing , but they have been distur bed ! These dresses of Gertrude's , do they not seem to you to have been displaced I could almost say worn ? " he turned pale ( ( T feel al most as if she herselt had been here. There Is a certain perfume in the air which she used to use. Could Xancy have been fumbling among these things ! " "We called the house keeper , who owned to having swept but who was above ali cnarges as to the wearing of the dresses. "We dismissed poor Nancy , and looked over the valuables. They were in tact , not a jewel had been removed ; but not my most'assidu- ous eloquence could induce AJr. Ayscough to remove thpsp valuables to a safer place. As J was looking through the rooms before leaving them , I picked up a liltle embroidered slipper , of \yhloU I could not find the mate , but I showed it iOMr. . Ayscough , asking him if it could have fallen out of one of the trunks. He took It and looked at it long and earnest ly , and finally said that he thought it had belonged to a costume that Gertrude had worn in some private theatricals in Florence. It did not look to me exactly like the slipper of a lady , but this explanation seemed to give it a place. I took it out of the room with moj absently , and threw it on a shelf of my own closet. As August , with its dull heat , came on , I yielded to Richard's so licitations and went with him to the sea-side for a few days. "When I went back to my lonely charge I had a great fit of literary industry to make up for my long and to me unexpected vacation at the sea-shore. "With a sort of sense of duty neglected , I went , one day , my rounds over the house. As 1 de- hceaded to the lower regions , Ifound Xancy quite agitated over a dis covery which she had made outside the door. The wisteria vine , which I had noticed as carrying its brave luxuriance from the ground to the chimneys , looked faded and cut , as if some blight had passed over it. It had long passed its blossoming , anil was in that dark green , rather dusty condition which city vines assume when the summer has nearly gone. It did look faded and broken. Perhaps some animal had run across it , and had hero and there twisted oll'a leaf or a tendril. Going up-stairs , I went to my closet for the key of Mr. Ayscough's room , and as I did so , I noticed that the queer little embroidered slipper was gone ! In a moment all my su perstitious terror came back upon me. me.As As I entered Mr. Ayscough's room , where the portrait hung , I was struck by a sense of sometning wrong , I know not what. Here was the portrait , and the handsome ornaments of the room were un touched. I looked in vain foi some proof of disorder. I soon found it. 'ihe writing-table was opened , paper spread about , and a pen with fresh ink in it was lying on the silver inkstand ! As I stood gazing at this inex plicable thing , a door swung to , and started me from ray stupor. I went to the inner room through the linen closet. As J did so , the door lead ing to the garret gently moved , as if by an invisible hand. I had never noticed or thought of this door before , nor had I ascended to these garret rooms since Mrs. Mor ton had taken me thither on the first day of my arrival. A tense of Infinite horror took possession of my soul. I was then In the land of spirits. The dead Gertrude did haunt these rooms consecrated to her. It was her pleasure to comeback , write at her j table , even arrange the cast-off garments - " ments she had worn , to use the per fumes she had loved in life per haps to go up into that play-room where she had played as a child , and whither 1 would follow her. I was lifted out of myself. I went on , I knew not how , up the garret stairs ; nor was I much astonished when I found on the topmost land ing the little embroidered , spangled slipper which I had missed from my closet shelf. I went on toward the pleasant bedroom which was curtained 03- the wisteria vine , and looked in. There she lay , the golden-haired Gertrude of the picture , sleeping on the bed in the corner. This was no trick of the imagination , for on one foot was the companion slipper to the one I held in ray hand. Her brpatbmg was rpguja.r ant } soft , and the colcr of youth and health was on her cheek and lip. Fear seemed to depart out of me. I approached and took hold of the hand which lay outside the light coverlid. Xo sooner had I touched it than it grasped minelikeavice. The being , ghost or live woman , started up and held me fast. " "Who and what are vou ? " i said. said."A "A woman , like yourself , " an swered the ghost ; "do have pity on me. " " Why are you here what does it mean ? " "Do not look frightened , " said she ; "I like you very much ; you and I have lived together all sum mer ; I. have heard you talk with Mr. Ayscough ; I know you were frightened about the ghost ; I found out the firstnight I came here how much I looked like the picture of the dead lady , and I have conied her dress so that I could use the likeness to the best advantage if ever J should be caught ; but I have overslept my self , and have been caught at latt ! It does not much matter ; I am sick ; I shall not last long ; but I must go ; it is almost time for re hearsal ; Ferdinand is waiting for me ; let me go ; how could I grow so careless ? " " .uet you go. " said I , "out of this house ? Never ! Burglar thief I know not what ! " "Xo , neither. Come with me to 1 Mr. Ayscough's rooms. Every jewel , eveiy bit of silver is safe. I have taken nothing but some aper , and that is all here. You shall have it , but you must let mo go. We are the acrobates you have of ten been to see. I would hear you arrange in the morning with the nephew to come and see us in the evening. Then I would look for your good , kind eyes and gray hair in the audience , and I would think 'She little knows how intimate we are , ' and I would laugh at the thought. Now come and see that I am no thief , and then let me go ! " So she took me down unresisting ly to the lower rooms. Possessing herself of the keys , she unlocked the trunks and showed me the sparkling diamonds , the pearls , the silver , which were indeed all there , all intact. She then looked long ingly in the other trunks. "Ah ! " said she , "I do love luxury ! I wish I could take some of these dresses ! But no ; I am no vulgar thief ! " "How did you get hi this house ? " at last I found voice to say. (2b lie continued. ) THE CO9IINQ STRUGGLE. The voters of our nation , AS neVr was known before , ' Are ruing from Pacific's stran j To Atlantic's rocKy shore. ; Why Is th s mighty change ? What cjn the moaning Let The rising of the mss'ta From northern laLe to southern'sea. The eplrit of old seventy-six From out our heroes' erases " Forbids a n.ulon drenched in patriots' blood , Should sink to that of slaves ; The motto which our coins ones bore , Tboush obsolete long since , Remain HS ever true : nolouecent far tribute , But millions for defenbe. t Party ties and pat ty law * .Kre but as i oi < es of sand. Tne > ighu of mm to b a man Should govern Freedom's land. Tben shall our Flag more proudly flout O'er land as well as sea , And nations yet unborn shall gladly greet The emblem of tie free. In trade we'll trv to deal , As man Simula deal with man , And while we st-ek t > live ourseltM , We'll sell as cheap as anybody can , And if a yen need , Or fries'l jou chance to me ' , Rjmember fiuuoe , the Hatter , O Upl-er Douglas Street. flfltf II. GUKUK. C. J. KAKBAtll UHEItE & KAKBACU , 13th at. between Fartham and arnoy s's OMAHA , - - NEB. MAN VFACTCSEX OF Spring and Farm Wagons , BUOGIRS AND CAllKltGKS. Dealers in and manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! T ENTION PAID TO PAKTICULMl NIIOEINU. tfSrr.epnlrine rf wasona and blackvnithing proraptlv donoMt reasonable oriceH li. GREEN , STATE MILLS DEALER tN GRAIN , FLOUR AND FEED , AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. EEDMAN & LEWIS , Cor. 16th and Izard Streets. Oottoxi/c roocl LTJ IMIIBIEIR ; On hand and SAWED TO OEDEK. jc26Im F. A. PETE1IS. Saddle and Harness Maker , AND CARRIAGE TRIMMER , No. 274 Farnhamiit.bel.lSth&lGth. orders ami repairing promptly attended ALL und satisfaction guarranteed. SB-Cash paid lor hides : ap39vl J. O. SCATTER , Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries. Highest price paid for Country Produce. Brick Store , B. B. Cor. ICth & Chicago Si ; . , Jeiott OMAHA , NEB. 400,000 , ACRES ! OF THE FINEST Elkliorn Valley Lauds ! FOIt SALE BT 33. 3VE. OT ATFlTg , 'Wisner , - - Hob milESE LANDS AKE CONVENIENT TO I the maiket and the FINEST in the STATE ! And will be sold at from $2,50 to $5,00 PER ACRE ! For Cash or on Long : Time. SS-LAXD EXPLORING 1ICK- ETS for sale at O. & N. W. De pot , bearing coupons which will he taken at full cost in payment for land. L. WOODWORTJI , 23S Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. Wood Stock , iXD WAGOX HARDWARE , Patent Wheels , linisiei Gearing , tc. Axle ? , Sprng : } and Thimbl6 Skeins HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hacks a Buggies $ tn < leta krr AVagon .Depot. DAY. Agents waut- ( ed. All classes of workIng - Ing people of either sex , young or old , aake mor * money at work for ui in their tpara mo- mrnU v all tb tlni than at anything else. Addiutd ST1HSW > & Co. , Portland , nettvl Monev and Commerce. Daily Review. OFFICE OMAHA DAILY BEE , ) Augusts , 1874. J Vt'c have no changes to note in either our monetary or general market , as both are steady and firm at yesterday's quotations. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Land Greats Celling ) . SS20.00 Land Warrants , (160 ( acres buying ) . 176.00 Land Warrants (160 ( acres selling ) .1 . 185.00 Agricultural College Scrip , ( ICO acres buying ) . 176.00 Do. Selling. . 185.00 Exchange on New York , 1-5 of one per ct. Groceries Active , wilhlarge and continued shipments to Iowa. Boots and Shoes Fair trade. Dry Goods Active , both on or ders and local trade. Hardware Firm but quiet. Pi o visions Steady , with a well stocked market. OMAHA MABKET3. Carefully Corrected Daily DRY GOODS. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , Cor. 14tk and Douglas Streets. PRINTS. Aliens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . American . . . . . . . Amoakeaz . . . . . . . Bristol . „ iiarners Hamilton Merrimack D Peahody _ . . . . . . Simpson's . . . . . .J _ . . . . _ . . 9/i BLEACHED SUTEKTINQS. Brigh t 4-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . _ . . - Boot O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . _ 9 Cahot 4-4 . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . .i. . . . . . . . . 12 } Lonsdale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A N. Y. Mills _ . _ . 18 > i Peterboro- . . . . . „ . „ . . „ . . . . . . . . _ U. . . . . . _ 8 Suffolk L _ . _ . . . _ * . . . . . _ 8 } BLEACHEC SHEETMNGS. Peppcr .ll 8-4 . _ . _ _ -i _ 31 do 9-4 _ . - „ . . „ _ . 33 Vide do 10 . „ . „ - „ „ , „ - , . . , „ , „ , , 38)2 COTTON ADt 8. Farmers and Mechanics. . . . . . „ . . . * . . . . . . - . 25H Great Western . . _ ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2u BROWN SHKET1NCS. Albion , A _ . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . SJi Bedford. E _ . „ . . . . „ _ . s Urantrille , E L . _ . 10)i Gerinanla , B B . „ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . V/t Langley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ „ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . 11 L. L . . . . _ . 9 GINGHAMS. American. . . . . „ . _ . _ . . 11 Aiuoskeug . _ . . 12 _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 TICKINGS. Amoskerg , a c a. . . . . . „ . „ . Biddeford . _ . „ . 17/f DENIMS. Amoskeag . . . „ _ „ 23 % B. urer Creek , B B . „ . . _ lt % Haymakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l Cts ; , B B . _ . „ . „ _ > 11 % Otla , C C . 15 > j [ JEANS. Buldeford . „ . _ . . 1 > 5 „ . . . 40 YASEEK NOTIONS. KURTZ MCIIK * cc , . , ii3L Farnbain Street. ! ClarVa 0. N. T. foal's . _ . _ _ , , , , _ ; . . . . . „ , - "o Merrick's . _ _ . . . . „ . . . . . . . . _ ; . . _ 42 > < j UOSICBY. Domestic. . . . . . . . _ „ . . . . „ . . . „ „ . „ . _ $ S@2 00 British „ . . „ . . . . . . _ 3 OC < g6 00 PAPEP. COJ.LAUS. Dickens' best. . . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . 9 90 King William _ . . . . 1 35 Domestic. . . . . . . „ - _ . _ . . . . _ „ . 1 SO atanley . _ \.7. . _ . . „ . _ . . _ _ . 2 50 SUAWL3. Ottoman strlpp _ . „ . . „ . J2 25@6 50 SHIRTS. White common . _ . _ . S10 50 ' medium. . . . . . . . . _ . „ . . . . . . _ . . . . . 15 00 ' custom luaile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 Percale . _ . _ . _ S1200a24 CO Calico . . . _ . „ . . . 4 7S 7 50 ! OVERALLS. Brown drill . „ . _ . . . . ! C 50a7 25 < dnck . . ; . . . . . . . . . 7 75a9 00 Blue drill . „ . „ . . ' . _ . . 7 00a7 50 duck . _ . _ „ . . . . _ 8 OOlS 60 \Vhlie . „ . ' . . . _ . . . . _ i. . . . . _ 8 00a3 60 COBSETS. . French whalebone . . _ 55 25aS 00 Our wn . . . . . _ . . . . . .i. . . . . . . . . . . 15 00 Comet . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ _ : . . . . . _ ' . . . . . . . . . . _ 22 60 . Linen printed . . ' . " . . . . : . ' _ _ . " ; . ' . _ S 9 00 " ruffled . 12 00 " tinted. . . . _ „ . _ . IS 00 GENERAL COMMISSION. J. C. KOSENFELD glVCS US UlC following quotations his day : - Butter , active , 20 cts. in tubs ; Eggs firm , at 15c per dozen ; Live Chickens , 2 00@2 50 per doz. ; Goose berries , 2 50 per bu. ; Cherries , 4 80 per bu ; Lem ns,12 00 per bor. ana Easpberries,20c per quart ; blackberries , 20c ; currants 20c. HARDWARE. JOHN T. EPOAK. IRON. Common har. . . . . . . . . _ . . - _ . . . . . . . . 4 Horse nhoe b i _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . 6 % Norway nail rod . - . . - HH STEEL. Cast plow - . - . 12 Uerrnon . - _ . . . . 11 American casn , oc'agon add square. . . 18 22 Jess'.p'g English do do . . . 25 ® 40 Burden's horse shoes , per keg. . . . . . . . . . . . 725 do mule do do . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 25 Northwestern horse nails. - 22 2 * Dnndee thimble skeins , discount 45 ptr cent. Stor half patent axles , discount 10 par cent. NAILS. lOd to GO 1 per ke . _ _ . _ . . „ _ 4 10 gd do _ . „ * 435 td do . _ . , _ . _ < 60 4d do . . . . . . . . „ , . _ . . . _ „ . . . 4 S5 3d do . . . . . . . . . . . „ . _ . . . - „ . . . . 5 10 3d fine do . . . . . . . _ „ . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 lOd Cnls'ne do . . _ . _ „ - 5 35 8d do do . . . . _ . „ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 60 6d do do . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . _ . . . _ 5 85 lOd casing do . . . . . _ . . . - . . . * 85 8d do do . . . . . . . . „ . _ _ 6 10 6d do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ _ 5 35 Wrought , all ilits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - 5 85 BOLTS. Carrisga and tire . . . . . . . . . . _ discount 78 pr c BUTTS. Narrow wrought , fast 1oint.dlcount SOprc Cast , loose pin rerersible _ . . do 35 do MISCELLANEOUS. Hay and manure 39 pr c Hoes and gjiden rakes. . . . . . . . do 25 do HINGES. Strap and T.- . . . . . . . . . . . _ .dlscount 25prc WBKNCHES. Taft's black. . . . . . -discount I G pr c Coe's limitation. . . . . . _ „ „ . do 45 do Coe's genuine . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ - do 20 do SCREW8. American Iron.-- . . . . . . . . _ M . . . . . 45 pr c do bnu 3 . . _ . _ . _ ; ' - _ 40j > r e j' AGRlCULTTJiftAI. IMPIEMENTS. SCTTHES. H Holt's Ha.-v est Klng.per do / , net „ 12 00 Champion . . - . „ _ . . . . _ „ . . . . . . . . . , 90 } lltald't Eurek * _ - „ „ - Jl 00 do red . . . . . - „ . . - . . . . . . 8 00 SPADKS ASD SUOTKLS. RowUtnd'sNo2 iTttk shorela , D II. . . . 12 00 do do potiiheil do do . - U 00 do do black jpadjj do . _ 12 00 Moore do p0llkhodd da . - 13 00 do's "spring point" L II shorels.U 50 AXES. Lippencott's Western Crown - 1300 do do do hcTefea 13V5 COFFEE MILLS. Irarke's J o 3 , Iron boz- - . . _ . _ 5 25 do do 103 do . _ „ . _ - . _ - . „ 5 75 do do25 Union Ir-h-- . . . . _ . 11 00 60 do 35 do Britanls _ „ - _ . 13 00 TILES. KarzraTe , Smith A 80 pre American File Coi _ . do - S/lo * * HAMMERS. i FUrdole's ; A E Ko 1 , IK , 2 _ Uammond's A E N S. _ _ _ _ do do do 4- . . . _ _ do njlnterj No 1. do do do 2 4o do 49 3 , HATCHETS. llorrii' shlngllng.No 1 $7 00 do do do 2 . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . 8 00 do do do 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 do cl.iw do 1. . . . . . . „ „ _ . . 7 50 dc o do . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 60 LEATHER. BestBuffalo Me - . . . . . . . . . . J 3GQSSC Jfatnmoras do > o. 2 , 32c ; No. lS3fi KSst Oak do 43(345c ( Baltimore Oak Sole . . 43o iiench KIS . . _ Si 40@2 COde do Calf , leading brands$2 t0 < g2 0 Domestic Kips. . . . - ; SI OOftjl SO do Calf . . . . - . _ . . . 51 35 < 3l 75 Hemlock Upper , per foot 2jQ30c Oak do do . . . .20c drain do do . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . .00o Linings , per dozen _ 7 GO < glO 00 Toppings , do Sll OOAjM 00 Morocco ( Boot Leg ) per foot , 3S < 345c do ( Oil Dressed ! do 36 < ij40c do ( Simon ) _ ? 3 00 < r 3 23 do ( Glove Kid. ) _ . . . . . .S3 50&5 W Welt leather , per side , .t6 00ij7 00 Boot Webbing , per bolt . . . . . . . . . _ . .4rQ70c Leather " " _ . .45c 0k Harass * , Pittsburg , do do do Xo. 1 , 40@42c do do do No. 2 , _ _ USy-lOc Oak Line du _ _ .44@4Gc Umok ! Harness Leather , > o. 1 , _ 30@40c do do do No. 2- 37 ( < j39c Hemlock I.lne do . . . 4) < v 4Cc ralr Bridle , per side SO 00@7 00 Team Collars , perdox . . . . J25 GO&25 50 Staie do do _ . . _ . . . . . .S21 50 Scotch do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S36 00 I ontord do do . . . . . . $33 CO Cellar Leathei ( Black ) per foot , 18@24c do do ( Kusset ) do . . . . .13g.24c ( Patent Dash Leather. _ _ 15c SOAPS Powell & Co. , Soap monufacturers. Sapc. Publico , 6 l-2@6 3-4 ; Savon Republic , dc. , Chemical OliTe , 6 to 6 1-2 ; Palm , 651-4 ; German Mot- led , 6 l-4a.G 1-2. AET GOODS AND UPSOLSTEEEB'S STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones , Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine art goods , 270 Farnham Street , furniahe ? the following quotations : FRAME MOULDINGS. Oil walnut mouldings , one inch , per foot , 5c ; 2 inch lOc ; 3 inch 15c ; polished walnut , 1 inch 7c ; 2 inch 15c ; 3 inch 21c. Berlin gilt , 1 inch 615c ; 2 inch 12@30c ; 3 inch 18 © 45c ; imitation rosewood and gilt , 1 j iuch 5@10c ; 2 inch 1020c ; 3 inch 16@30c. WINDOW BIIADE3. Plain hands , G feet , all colors , per pair , 1 50 ; ornamental hands , 2 00 © 4 00 ; each additional foot , 75c per pair. EEPP8. Union .ind all wool terry , per yard 50@3 jO ; Imperial , plain and stri ped , 2 50a8 00.DAMASKS. DAMASKS. Union per yard , 1 50 ; all wool , 2 00a3 00. MATTBASSE3. Husk , 4-4x6-2 , 4 00a5 00 ; straw , 3 00a4 00 ; Excelsior , 3 50a4 50. LUMBER. KETAIE. IIST Sublect to change of market witnout i WM. M. FOSTER , Oo U. P. K. B. track bot. Tt irnuam ai GEO A. HOAGLASI. Joins , studding and sills , 20 It. and un der . .82 00 Over 20f t , each additional ft add'l „ . 50 Fencing No 1 „ _ 00 j do Ko 2 - 21 0 * 1st cwiumon boards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H . .M. . . . . . 2j 00 2nd do do 82 00 "A" totk boards , ] 0 and 12 inch 50 00 "B" do do do ua ' 15 00 "C" do do do do 0 00 1st clear , 1 , IK , 1 A and 2 Inch _ 65 00 2d do do do do 55 CO 3d do do do do . . . . _ 45 00 Flooring , clear _ 50 00 do 1st common 40 00 do 2d du _ 35 COde do 3d do „ _ 27 50 do narrow , ( .liar- 4500 Istclrar ceiling % inch 35 00 2d do do ii intu 32 50 1st do do % Inch 30 00 2d do do % inch 37 50 1st clear lid in" „ _ 27 00 " 2d do do „ _ 2C 00 1st common siding _ -I 00 2d do do „ . . 2000 "A" shingles _ 4 23 Extra No 1 fchinje.n 3 W ) Common No 1 sh.ngles 2 00 .Lath per 1000 - . . _ 3 5o D A H pickets etr 100 J 60 Square do do do „ - OG Buttenper lineal ft , RoiijUi do dd do M * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liberal dhcount on carload lou WINDOWS , ( Glazed. ) 35 per cent offCbicsgo list. DOOKSVedgwl ( ) 25fu cent oQ Ci icngo list. BLINDS. 30percentoO ° ixt. White lime per bbl SI 75@2 00 Lcnisvllle cement per bbl 3 03 ( 25 Piaster paris per bbl 3 50&3 75 Plastering hair per bushel 40 Tarred felt 4 Pbuteringboaiu 4 % OILS , PAISTS , ULAhS , Jtc. N. I. D. SOLOMON ROBEKT C. STEELL. Coal Oil. . -.5 19 uira oil. No 1 $ 5i < l 00 Linked Oil , raw. 105 it it tt 2. " 70 " " bl'd. _ 1 10 " " winterT" nn Turpentine _ . 5 " "strain'dj Ju Headlight Oil 28 Lubricating I | W. Va. PA7NT6 , iC White Lead , St. Louii , Srtlctlr Pure _ . S 11J " " " " Fancy Braidi 9 > Putty in Bladders. . . . . . . „ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . 6J. " " Bulk \1/ Euiraeld Glass , colors , & sq. ft 1 00 Window Qlasi. 0 & c discount TIN. SHEET-IEON. TTIEE , &C. JIILTON KOGERS , COR. 14th & FARNHAM. TN PLATE. BLOCKT1N. Large pgs ! . . . . - . . . . . _ 35 Small pigs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ _ - . . . . . . _ . . . . . - . - 3G Bar tin . „ - . . . . . . _ . 33 ZINC. Sheet tin 25 to 36 indo _ . . . - . . - . do do do IL half casks 114 do do do In 250 B > casks. . . . . . 12 Sheet 24 to 85 Inches per sheet. . . . Tinners soldei ( extra refined. . . do do No. 1. . . . do do roofing , Ud metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . SHEET IRON. First quality , Numbers IS to 24. . . . . do do do 15 . . . . do do do 2C..M . . . - do do do 17 . . . . Charcoal , both sides sniothe do' No 24. . . do do * 6 do do 27 . „ . . - Junlata. No. 24 do Ao 26 do do 27 Uussla perfect 7 to 12 do No. J , stained . 133 tnan lull bundles , add one cent. "A"Amerlcac immltat'n Russia , * U Nos. Leu than full bundles add one cent. GALVANIZED. No. 14 to 2U- . . . . . . . . . .list 15 do 21 to 24 . . . „ . . . . . - . . . . . _ _ . - . _ < io 16 do 23 to 25. . . „ . . . . . . . . „ . . „ . , - „ Jc 11 do 27 „ , - , - , , do 18 dO g -----.I-- . . i. . . . ! . ! . CtO 20 Full bundles discount COPPER. Braziers 6 to 9 , . , . . „ - , . . . . . - , . . . . „ - „ . 45 do 10 to 12 ! * > , , - „ _ , , „ „ „ , , , , , , , 42 do 12U to 100 a 33 Sheathine , 14 aud 15 ot . . . . . _ _ Planished , 14 and 16 oz _ 45 Nos. 7 , 8 and 9 , Tiaulshed. „ _ 4S Bolt COpper w. - . . -T' , - . , . . . , , , , - , . _ , r , 00 Copper hnttnm , , , , i..i.n. . . . 3S BKIQHT WIRE. 9 10 II UK 18 ! KM. Ul IS 19 20 P r baadleK p r c ntdl c o GROCERIES. ETEELE i JOHNSON 538-540 14TH ST. CLARK A FRENCH COB. FABNHAM AND lllH ST. PIJNDT , MEYER & RAAPKE , 212 FARN- HVM ST. . WHOLESALE DEALERS- MORGAN & GALLAGHER , 205 Fam- haui St. SVHITNEY , BAUSERMAN & CO. , 247 Douglas St. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , Cor. 14th and- Douglas Streets. SUGARS. Granulated pi Ift . . . . - . 12 I'owdertd do . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- Crushed do . _ - . _ 12 Refd cut loaf do . . - . _ 13 Standard A do . - HMallJS Circle A do . _ . . 11 > ? Extra C do . _ . . . . tl Yellow C do _ . lOUalOX N O choice do . _ . 10 > | COFFEES. < Rio choice pr B . _ . _ 26a27 do prime do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2526 do f oed do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54a 3 O It Java . - . . „ „ . . _ 31a35 SYRUPd. Common pr gallon . . 35A43 Good Uo . . . _ . _ . . - . . S0a65 Choice do . „ . 70a80 do N 0 molasses . . . . . . feO Rangoon choice . . . - . SK. 9 Csrolina . . - . . . S. > CAiJDLES. M Wesk 4 Co . . . . . . 16lial7 SOAP. ' Missouri Vrlley. . . . . Kirk's Savon . „ 0 > * M. Wesk A Co . - . _ . . - 7a7W fcchofer's German . . . . . . . 7 Kirk's standard . . . 4J { do sterling. . - . . . . . . . . - . . 4al J -1 PLUG TOBACCO. Black goods , Western . 43 ; do do Virginia . - E0a55 do do Lorrllard's . „ . - 5560 Erisht do Uo do . - . Ua63 do do Virginia. . . . . . . SeaM ) Natural leal- . - . - 75a95 DRIED FRUITS. California peach's per pound . ! S > ial7 do apples do . . l2al2K f = tate do do . 14al43 | New cunanlf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E a do prunes . . . - . . . . . . . . . . - . . 14al4X do German cherries . - . 17 do bl ckbemes . - . _ . 21 Co raspberries . - . . 33a40 do ralsius , per box . - . * t3 5 do Etedlebs raisins , per pound. . . . . . . . . l SALT. New In barrels . . . . . . . . . S2 70a2 83 do dairy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 505 75 CANNED GOODS. 2poundcanMver'soys'crspercas . . .S'l 2Jal 50 1 do do do do do . . . 2 60jJ 73 2 dc do William's du do . . .403175 2 do do peaches pet case . . . . 5 50 3 do do do do - . . 7 TjjS 00 2 do do tomatoes do . . . . 3 53a3 75 3 do do. do do . - . 5 00 Corn , Tropny per case . . . . . 5 K ) do Winalow do . - . 5 50 do Yarmouth do „ . - 5 50 Strawberries , ( Jo - . _ 4 50a4 75 Raspberries , do . . . . . - 4 00 Pineapples , do . . . . . . . . . . . ' < 00 TEAS. Oolon b , per pounJ . 25j75 Young Hyson , per pound . 4Cal 00 Gunpowder , do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CUal 25 FLOUR. Snow Flake , ( Wells i Nisman ) _ 4 50 Gold Uust . _ 3 10 XXXX Iowa City . - . - 3 00 California . . 4 75 5 to BAGS. M. heavy weight. . . . _ , . . . „ . _ _ 18319 v light < io . . . . - 17413 lips , four btiihel. . . . . . . . . . - „ ISal ! ) udee guuules. . . . _ . , . . . . . . „ . . _ IS da bags , A'moskeg A. . . . . . . - _ . „ SOaSl .o do Ludiow a a. . . . . „ . - . - . _ SPICES. Nulmega , Penang best.per pouiid . 1 33al It Cljvei uo do . C& Alspice do du . - „ . ISa 0 Cinamon bark do do . COLUMBfA RIVER SALMON. bbls. , luO Ibs . „ . _ . 9 50(910 ( M 1 lb cans , per doi . . . 1 5C& 2 75 2 do do . _ . 3 SOy 4 00 WHITE FISH. No. 1 ills . 1 15 ® 1 25 Family iu kiu . _ . . . „ _ . 1 10 1 20 i bDls . _ . 6504 $ 7 04 Family in Jbbls . - 5 SOfcS C 10 MACKElibL. familr " , in kits . 1 10 © 1 20 No. 1 , do . 1 W < s > 2 00 Mess , do . 3 00 ® 3 25 Family , U bbls . 6 2545 6 to No. 1 , do . 9 00@10 CO Sardines , } $ boxes , . - . in 50 ( 17 tO CIGARS. A. i : . SIMPSON , Manufacturer , 532 loth Street. H. Unman . tl M. S T5 00 lX.uii3truclHiii _ . do 3. ) CO Grand Central . „ . _ . do 3500 Universal . _ . du 40 00 Yara . - . . M du 4j 00 La Itoquc ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 50 00 Sirncm Pure . - . - . do 50 CO Pariigas . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . do 75 (0 Yours Truly . - . _ _ do C5 00 Gold Medal . _ do 50 00 La Espanola . - . do CO 00 Triple Crown . . . . do 75 00 lleury Clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 100 00 Dc Villtr - . - . _ . do 100 00 Y Vlllcr. _ . do 10 1 00 1S76 . _ . do 75 CO CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale depot 548 14th Street. Half barrel saclcs. . . . * . . . . . . . 2 9C Chicago , Hock Island and Pacific E. B. THE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE FROM OMAHA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST , Via DCS Molnes , J/arenport and Rock Island. All Passenger Trains are equipped with the WEiTixoiioi'SK PATENT AIR BIUKKS and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. 2 Fast Express Trains Leave Daily , onncctlng as follows : AT DE3 MOINES with the Des Moices Valley Railroad , for Oskaloosa , Ottumwa , Keokulc and St. Lonis. AT GKINNELL with the Central Railroad of Iowa , for all points north to St. Paul. AT WEST LIBERTY with the Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Minnesota Railroad , for Burlington , Cedar Rapids , Dubuque A St. Paul , At WILTON JUNCTION with the South-Western nranch , for Muscatine , Washington and all points south. AT DAVENPORT with the Davenport A St. Paul Railroad for points north. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Western Union Railroad for Freeport , , liaclne , Mil waukee and all points in nortberu Illinois and Wisconsin. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Rocklord , Rock Island and St. Louis Railroad for St. Louis and points south. AT ROCK IS LAND with the Peoria A Rock Island. Kaihoad for Peoria and points east. AT BUREAU JUNG. , with branch , for Hen ry. Larere , Cbilllcothe and Peoria. AT LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points nott hand south. AT CHICAGO with all lines East , North and South. THROUGH TICKE1S to all Eastern cities , > U : hls line , can bo procured , and any information mation obtained , concerningVpoints , at the ticket office of the company , 12s Farnham St. , Omaha , and also at the principal ticket offices along the line of the U. P. R. B. Dajjca-e checked Through to all Principal Kanteru Poaita. A. M. SMITH , H. RIDDLE , Gen'l Pass'r Atftt Gen'l Sup't Chicago. Chicago. J. H. LACEY , 8. 8. STEVENS , Ticket Agent , Gen'l Western Ag't a2SU Oauh * Omaha. Sioux City'fc Pacific R , K , The Shortest and only Direct Route from COUNCIL BLUFES St. Paul , Minneapolis , And all Points in NORTHERN IOWA & MINNESOTA. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CAES } On all iht trains Tia this route. COSSECT10SS. 1. At U. P. Transfer with Un Pacific Railroad for Omaha. 2. At Council Bluff , with Kansas City , St. Joe and Council Bluffs Railroad for St. Louis and all points south. S. At ML-jouri Valley with the Chlcaso and Northwestern railway fox Chicago and all points east. i At Siour City with Sionr City and S Paul , Illinois Central and DakoU Southern railroads. Steamers for Upper Missouri River , during naTigatlox and with stages for all points in the Northwest. 5. At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern railroad for ( rmaha and Southern Nebraska. 6. At Fremont , Nebraska , with the Union Pacific railroad for all point ; west and the Pacific coast. 7. At Wisner with stages for Xorfclk and all points in Northern Nebraska. JEBTlckeU for saU'in Chicago acd Nortb- irenlgrn Railway offices. SS-Be iura your tickets read Tla S. C. < t P. BaUway. L. BURNETT , Sup't F. C. HILLS , Gen. Ticket A't. * S , GEO , Vf. GRATTAN , r ; Agent , OsBlia. CHICAGO &NORTHWES'N The Popular Route from O HVE .A. IK .A. -TO- Gliicngo and tlie East ! AND THE TV Waterloo. Fort n < xlseDubtiqueIj > Croitse , 1'ralrle Dit Clileti , AVliionn , St. l'ul , Uululli , Joiirtvlllr , K no- Mia , Urtrrn i ni , Kuclne , Mevca' * Point. AVatrrtoMii , Okhk'c Hh , fen Du Lac , aiuclUou mid Mll vaukee. It Being tie Sbortcstand Fbst Com Dieted Line Between OMAHAandCHICAGO , Constant lmproT < m'nts have taken place in the way o ! reducing Giadr , and placing Iron | with Steel Rails , adding to its roillag stack new and Elegant DA ? nud PL.KEP1NO CARS Equipped with the "Wcstlughou. e Air Brake" and "Miller Platform. " establishing comturta- bieand commnlious Eating Houses , offering all the comforts ot traveling the age can produce. Fromto lOFast Express Tralus ruu each way daily over the various lines of this road , thus securing to the traveler selecting this route sure and certain connections in any di rection he may wish to go. Principal Connection * . AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTION , for Sioux C ty , Yankton and points reached via Sioux City and Pacific railroad. AT GRA > D JUNCTION for Fort Dodge , Des Moioes , Ottawa and Keokuk. AT MARSUAiJ fur St. Paul , Minneapolis , Duluth , and northwestern points. AT LEDAR RAPIDS for Waterloo , Cedar Falls , I harles City , Burlington and St. Louis. ATCHN1ON forDubuqne , Dun'elth , Prai rie du Chien , La Crosse , and all points on the Chicago , Clinton and Dubuque , and Chicago , Dubuque and Minnesota railroads. AT FULTON for Freeport , Racine Millwau- kee , and all points in Wisconsin , AT CHICAGO with ill rail war lines leading out of Chicago. Through tickets to all eastern cities via this line can DC procured , and any informal ! n ob tained , conceminz Routes , Rates , etc , at the Coiupanie's Office , 213 Farnham Street , Omaha , and also at tbe principal ticket offices along the Hue of the U. P. R. R. B3rBaggage checked through to all principal Eastern points. W. U. &TKNNETT , MARVIN HUGHITT , Gen'l Passinge'r Aj't. Gen. Sup't. J. H LACEY , G.G.EDDY , Ticket Ag't , Crnaha. Geu'l Ag'lOmaha. mcblSvl Omaha & St , Louis Short Line 1874 ! The Kansas City , St. Joe and Council Bluffs R. B Is tbe only dire line to S S ? . 2J OT7IS AND THE EAST , FROM OMAHA AKD THE "WEST KO ClfA.NGE > cait- between Oiuat.i and St. Louis ana b ttoi e between UUAIIA anu Au.Vf YORK. This th Only _ ine running a I'ULLJZAN SLEEPIXQ OAIl FAST KHOJI OMAHA , OX AUKIVAL. OH1 THE VXlOy PACIFIC * KXPKKJvS Tit AIX , taking othei routes Lave a er at the hirer Station. TKAIXS DAILY I REACHING ALL EASTERN AND WESTERN CITIES With Less Changes and In advance of other lines. This Entire Line'is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coaches and Chair Cars , Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler aud the Celebrated Weatinqhouse Air Brake. B See that your tickets read via Ilniisn.s City , S . Joa pli < & . t'ouucll UluIEi Ralrud , Via Omaha and St. Loulx. Tickets for palo at cor. Tenth nnd Farnham sireoti/and U. P. Depot , Omaha. JOS.TEHON , GEO. 7u 3RADBURY , Pass. Agt. Gen' Agent. . F. RAIINARD , A. O.PAWES , Gen'l Supt. Gen'l "ais. Agt. , Kt.JnsoDh. BALlJL B.OT7TS .A. S 3 TEAIJSTS DAILY ! LEAVE ST. I.OTJIS 1VITH Pullman Palace Cars THBOUGH WITHOUT OHANGB TO Indianapolis , Cincinnati , iLouisville , Chicago , Columbus , Pittsbnrg , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Washington , IND NEW Y ORK Anivd of Trains from the West. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland , Buffalo & Boston nVIYYTTHPrnri Are for Sale at the J.lL'iV'jJ-D Company' Ofllce , N. E. coriwr Fourtb & Chtntunt t . , St. Lotil , oud al the Principal Bal'- way Offlcet In the 1Vrt. CHAS. BABCOCK , C. E. RUSSELL , S'thern Pass. Az't , West'n Pass. Ag't. DALLAS. TKIAS. KANSAS CITT , JOHN E. SIMI-SON. CHAS. E. FOLLETT , Gen i Supt. , Gt-n'l P ss. Ag't. ? 2H' INDIANAPOLIS ST. Locu. onftctioners1 Tool Works , Tiles' Mills < BJTO. , ifanufacturcrsjo Confectioners'Tools STncblte BlouItU , Ice Crem I'rcczen. ST03. 1301 & 1303 No Eignlli St. PHILADELPHIA , PA. Proprietors : 1 ESTABUSIIKD ISij/ Tiioms MILLS , 1 - GKO. IL JlitLs , f /"lATALOaUES SENT ATLEK P.PAEUEB. jJ j upoc application. L3tii St. , bet. Famliam and Ilarney. Ul kinds of TAILOEINO , CLEANING utd REPAL tNG dona at rwuwntila r te KEAENEY'S FLUID-EXTRACT BUCHU The'only known remeJr for HEIGHT'S DISEASE , And a posltlre cure for Gout , Gravel , Strictures , Diabetes , Dyspepsia Ner- vou3 Debility , Dropsy , Non-retention orlneoitlnence of Urine , Ir l- tation. Inflomatlon or Ulceration of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS , SPER&IA TORRHEA , Loucoerhoe or Whites , Diseases of tha Prostrate GknJ. In tha Bladder. Colcul c : , OKAVKL OR BRICK DCST DK- ll'OSlT. Anil Mucus or Mllky Dlschirgrs. KEARNEY'S Extract Bnehn ! Ptrmaneutl y Curc < til Diseasei'of the Bladder , Kidneys , and Dropsical Swellings. Existing In Men , Women and Children , No Matter What the Age ] Prof , btetle saTs : "Un * bottle at Kearney's Fluid Extract Buchu is worth more than all other Buchus combined. " Price one dollar per bottle ; or , six bottles for fire dollars. Depot 104 Duane St , , N , Y , A. physician in attendance to answer corres pondence and glre adrice gratis. JCV'Send stamp for pamphlets , free. . * * Crane & Brigham Wholesale Agents , San Francisco. Cal. TO TH NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. 50 OHAHQE FOH ADVICE AHD CON- SULTATIOST. T\R J. B. DYOTT , graduate of Jeflersou Medical College , Philadel phia , author of several valuable ivorks , jan be consulted oil all disi eases of the Sexual and Grliiary or gans , ( which he has made an es pecial study , ) either in male or fe male , no matter from what cause originating , or how long standing A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward let ters describing symptoms and en closing stamp to prepay postage. JCSTSend for the Guide to Health. Price lOc. J. B. DYOIII LD. Physic-ion and Surgeon , 104 'Duane street , N. Y. OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE , HAPPY RELEIF FOR YOUNG MEN from the effects of hrrors and Abuses in early life. Manhood Restored , impediments to Marriage Removed. New mettod of treatment. New and remarkable icmcdie * . Books and Circulars sent free , In sealed envelopes. Address , HOW ARD ASSOCIATION , No. 2 South Ninth St , , Philadelphia , Pa. , an Institution havingahigh reputation for honorable conduct and profes- ional kills. 1e5diw3m- Popper , WHOLESALE BUTCHER HI ) CATTLE BROKER , SALT LAKE CTTr , - - UTAH feb27it XML Keller , Proprietor of th * * RISING SUN LOS ANGELES YINEYRDS. Depot for the sale of hisj NATIVE WINES AND Corner > f Battery andWashIngtonSis. ; SAW RAX CIS CO , CA1. . mai'tt PASSENGERS Going East or South from Omaha And Points on U. P.B.B. , * hould take the "LINCOLN 'KOUTE" Via ATCHISON & NEBRASKA BAILBOAD And xnre tor thfmselvs the choice ol Six Popular liSJtesfmm Itehlsoa to Chicago and St. Louis , All making Reliable C Jnectlons and being Equipped witi Fftlac * Daj ted Slteplng' Cjr * . All dtlar'and inconvenience arriving from Ferries acd transfers can be avoided West of Cnfcago and St. Ix > oii by securing Ticket ! via > 5 > l ATCIIISO.V mad tbe ATC81SUX A i .VEBRA8KA BAUVKOAP. Direct nd Reliable Connections are also made with the A. T. A 8. F. B. E. for the Great Arkansas Yallej & Colorado , And with all lines running South to point * in Southern Xansas and tbe Indian Territory. Ask for Ticket ! via LINGO & TCHISO.N CHAS. aSMITH , F. WHITE Gen'l Supt. Gju'l Put. Ag't. UNTIL YOU IIAVK CAREFULLY EXAMINED OTJSl ANl ) LOW BESERVOIK S VE HAVE TVVKLVL OOOD REASONS _ why ther will do Tour work. , Quick and Easv. Chea ) and Clean. l i a i Therarecteipesttoburi i " They are best to use. They late ev nly and quietly , Their operation is perfect , They have always a good draft , Tlii-y areiuadeorikebfslniatcrlal They roast perfectly. They require but UMefuel , They are very low priced , They ara easily managed. They are suited to all localities. Every etoveguarantcedtogivesatisfactfoa SOLD BY Excelsior ManTg Co. , ST. LOUIS , m , ANDDY M. BOG-EBS. O < 3O ooo Or Snjar-CoactJ , Conccntratod. Hoot and Herbal Juice , Ami- BlUccs Granules. TiIE"tITTI.n CJANT" CATKAimc. Or Hultau. In Parvo Physic. The novelty of modo.-c Sfcdlcai. Chemical azS Pharmaceatical Science No u-e of any Iccm taking thu larje , rvptilsivc and naifcocj pUi , composed of cieap. crude , and balky Ingredients , when we can by a careful application of chemical science , extract all tlia cathartic and other mcd ! tlnal properties from the most valuabiu roots oat barbs , and concentrate them Into a minute Gran , me. earr ly tarscr tlmu n rauitard BCCtl , that can t > e readily 8wallowed by those cl the mo-itoensltivo tom.icfn and fastidious tasta ? Eacblittla I'urjratlvo Pellet represent * , la a moit concentrated fora. j raucK cathartic pov - as U embodied in any uf the lanv , pills fucml ; o ; rale la the d rr' Bhops. Fruai their wonderful ca thartic power , in pro-jorttou o their tlz3p cpl : \rho hare nat tried them an. apt to ecppon ) ttil they are harj.i or drastic m effect , bat ecch la nol At all the caje. the different , acttvo medieval prin ciples of which they nro composed bcin BO bar. nanized and modlScd. one by tha others , as to produce a moot senroJiliijr aud thor- ouKb TCl gcutlf aaauiuUlyopcratlug' cathartic. 25CO Reward i hereby offorotl by tno rro- prietor of ihcso Pcllcw. to any chemist nrbo , upon analysijlll find in theru an > Calomel or other formj of mercury 01 any other mineral poison. Being eutl pirtrcn Ice care Iscqalrcd while uciu tacia Tt y cit rate withoct dintnrbanco to the constitution , diet , or occupation. For Jaundice. IlcaU eUc , Constipation * Iiuiuiro niood , Falu Iu tbe .Sliouldcr , Til7iicft9 ot the Client , Dizziness , Satir Eructatlouc of tbo Stomach , Uad laxto in. uiouth , Bllloua attack ! ) , Vain In region of Kidneys , Internal fever , Bloated fooling nbout Stomjclj , IlusU uf Blood to Xlcad , Hle& Col ored Urine , ITiisocIaqll'ty ' < ond. Olootny Br'orcboainus , tate Vr Plcrco'8 Pleasant Ifurjratlvo Pellets. In cxplanAtloa of the remedial power of my ru > cative 1'cllcts over PO prcat a va Icty of discuses , IwIahtoraytUattlielr action upoi > the ni'lmal ccoiiom jIn universe ] , uotrt claud or tissue eHCJVinjrtlielr saiic- ilve lms rcss. Ago tlocs isl tmpalr then ; their ensar-costlng'acd bchig cnclorcd In gas ! * bottles preserve their \lrtuci unimpaired foiaar lcsith of time , in any clinia'p ' , so tixt they are al- tTiya frcsb and reliable , wb'.ch is not the ca u ivith ths pilis foand In the dra elom , put np la cheap wood or paste-beard bos'-s. Kccoi.cct ttat frali dipcasc * when : n Laintlvo , A Hera- Uro or Purcatl\-o is Irulldtcd , thryd lituo I'cil"tJvili ehctiicznoat perfect satlaCxlicu to all wuo u e them. Tbor arc * > ld by nil cntorprlalng' Drugglfct * at j cent * a bottle. Do cot allow nny crnpsist to 5n5aro rot to take anything cl J that l.o inay ear Id Just s na Pelk-to because ho nntca fc my a larj t profit oa that vthi a ho rccoaiaicnds. Tf year orusplst cannot utipply thcnj , rnclcta 23 ccun anjreecive them oy relnmt-a.lf-oin C. r. PIEHW , 21. StPlcnV , ECPTAiO , K. T > ASK EOE PYLE'S SALEEAT AND BAKINGSODA' 33ST I3ST TT i Meyer iRaanVe and IThltnej Bauserman i Co. CASTLE UIPORTEKS | OP AKD East India Goods , 213 and 315 PROXT STREET San Francisco California. mchC7m PLATTE TALLEY KtAL Samuel C , Smith , Local Agent for tha U. P. B. B. LANDS , Colum'bus , - 2Tob. Government Lands Located ! IJ. P. Lands Sold ! Improved Farms andToiTaTok O -A. SIS ! ! _ on ON LONGTIME ! ! Communications Cheer fully Answered STOVS t E. F. COOK. 637 Htl St. , betveea Koiglu &aj Manabctarer of Tin Copper and Sheet Iwa. Wire , and dealer la Cooking and Heating stoves Stamped. Jacanned anl French War on and. Tin Eosfln j , Ufttten mi SponUnj " 1 1