Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1874, Image 1

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LDWAUD BOStWAltK , Editor and Prop'r
OITiCXo.l38 * arnham ai
Klntli antlTcutli.
Best Goods ,
' cClureAS-iiilth. 185 U.rner tieet. tt.
Erinhart. 1S8 I'oatla street , dealei In
_ , .window glass aadpicture irauies , dialing "
Jone to order. * "
Lang , 155 Tarnham t , between Itth
Philip 115h. 'ebl9
La'cr , coruer 12th and IK.uglas < treem ,
manufacturer and wholesale dexier In
dHgandconteaionery. Country tmde si-
Ji .tea. I'l"
S ail , t , coal , llni , cemeu t ! r c. .
PoUnJ ft , WilMuS
T A. R < ler , flrusi t , corner 12th and ilfcr-
ucy.ispAWNBaoxBB >
n r Elgiitter , No. 200 Farnhsa t. lel'tf
A new Jauri'li ? onenwt at oil lltli t. , bet.
A Farulian. od lounl i. T J" > WHilMng and
froniue ill I * done to crder , nr t ciass work
Erst premium .awarded by the iougla county
and State fairs , and rottawattamie couuty , la.
Jraers soli'Jtcd from the trade.
indiscriminate slaugMer in
ts' furnishing
S" and Re
goods regardless of prices at 20G
Farnhnm Rtrwt. Fine linen and
chevoit shirts of Ol'r wn make at
$2.00 and S2.50 each.
Railroad 7i < . eti
bought and Bold by Gottheimer ,
Broker , at 2flO Fan.ham street.
Unredeemed flcdga for f ale.
may Jy20
Hamlet Drum ,
3th street bct cn Jones and Learenworth sti ,
IV met ofl-aiKes' .nd Gents' traw hats , trim
med and untritnrned , I'arasoU. Piques , Slar-
ellles JfaIn aoL and all kinds of l ry Goods ,
Ladies' tnd Ge&tr * Boots , etc. My line of Dry
Uoodi V Complete. Mil-g only for CASH , I
junabteto UNm.KSLfJ , any other le lerin
the City. Our PIUCEsa/e J/OWLU than ever
Pattw'e Block , EctCilifornia & Webster EU.
Puysidzn * Inscription * Carefully
Je2G3m ° cooiwoundi * ! .
OFFICE , ffo. 232 FARM HAM ST.
_ fr STUBS ,
Bel. t2th L 14lh SisO M AH A.
orn < lpf > t jiroctlpUif ! > Uts Iu the city
BeU itt and 14th , up italn.
Tetlh tKtractol without pain , bjuseof M-
trous Oxide 3u.
VUOicoopenatallhou eSU
Dlipeneca hi * otrn meddnes , and besldci
regular practice , nu&ea pcclalHles of Derangi-
tucnU and Dicuo ttcuuar to Women , FUtu-
! , Piles and other DkeaMi o ! the Urctuin.
N OFFICE : CornerFarnham and 14th itrecti ,
Cntdoor to the right , up i l > f , Ccsldenc * ,
" 10 Dougla * * trect , between 12 and 1Mb , n xt
to Lutbcrau Cburch Omaha. Feb. AddrMi
lack Box 5J1.
Eclectic Physieiant
Ilecldenceand offif. 250 Dodge st bet 14th und
15th Us.
Special attention paid lo'ohstclrlci and dls-
and children. f9t ( .
ctwe < pocui : jr to women
Dress ( Jooii ? , Silks and Trimmlng-a.
No 263Dodse * * eet , betve o 14th tjjd 13th.
Dress makinc done with neat-
uese and dispatch. Orders
P.OTls'oni ,
Confectionery ,
Tobacco ,
Seg-ari ,
&c , , &c. ' ,
a. K. < & TI ! oinlFAKXHAM.
a 114if
Fruit an4 Confectionary
Cor. 13th and LeaTemrorih Stf. ,
Cor. 16lh and Webster Sts. ,
Keeps a complete assortment ol
Jfo. 498 IWh BU , tetreea Panlum & Htnuy.
Will bj- the aid of guardian spirits , obtain
tat any one JUTICW ol tue put , prraent and fu
ture. No fe * charjed In caiea ef alckneu.
LONDON , .August 5.
Geo. James Peicivel , sixth earl of
Egmont , is dead.
HAVANA , August 3.
A party of Spanish Guerrilas had
a fight with a body of insurgents ,
three leagues from Saueti Pireturs.
Many were wounded on both sides.
PAKIS , August 5.
It is said that the French troops
guarding the Spanish frontier have
enforced vigorous measures and
been ordered to prevent uniformed
Carlists from crossing the boundary.
LONDON , Aug. 5.
Contrary to expectation the game
of cricket "at Leeds was continued
yesterday , both "parties having
agreed to make the match of one In
nings eachon , account ot the weath
er. The Americans were victors
having scored 107 with wickets to
full to , English clubs 103. In
their con.plete innings six English
men and two .Americans made no
runs. The English Club gained 14
runs from byes and A\ides. The
highest individual s-cores were 27
and 24. There was great excitement
at the conclusion of the game.
Harry and Geo. Wright , and
McBride w ere bowlers on American
side the Wrights took four w ickets
each ami McBride three.
LONDON , August 3.
It N rumored that the postal con
vention has been concluded between
France and the Carlists. The report
that Germany had sent a notice to
France protesting against violation
of the Spanish frontier and threat-
ning intervention , is pronounced
to be without foundation.
The Hou % of Ixirds- , yesterday
threw out an important amendment
made by the House of Commons
to the public worship regulation
bill , granting parishioners the right
of appeal to an Arch Bishop in
the ca"-e a Bishop refuses to author
ize the prosecution of Clergymen
for ritualistio practices. The action
of the Lords coincides with the views
of M- . Gladstone who was an earn
est opponent of the amendment.
Theacusatjonagaint Johnson in the
Mordunt cas-o bus * been withdrawn.
SALT LAKE , August 5 ,
A Mormon President , Daniel P.
AVells , Mayor of the citj * , was ar
rested yesterday afternoon by the
U. S marshal on a warrant issued
by U. S. Commissioner Tooliy ,
charging him with obstructing the
exercise of rights by voters al the
election yesterday. The complaint
H'HS filed under an act of Congie s
to enforce the rights ot citi/ens to
vote , cpproved February 1871. The
accused was held in bail at one
thousand dollars , to answer before
the commissioner on the llth hist.
Wells on being arrested expressed
fears that Ids life would be endarfg-
ered , btitoa arriving at the couit
room he was quieted by learning
that strict orders had been Issued by
Marshal Maxwell to his deputies to
disperse all threatening gatherings
of people. Everybody la praising
Governor Woods to-day for inter
posing as he did last hight w 1th the
excited"jonuace } , and preventing
New York Money Market.
NEW i'ORir , August 5.
Money Abundant at IJagJ per
Exchange Dull , nominal ; 4S7a
4SJ3J.Gpld Fjrmer , with a limited bus
iness'advanced ; to J09J ; now selling
Governments Gopd request and
Stocks Dull but strong early in
the morning Lake Shore advanced
Ja } ; AVesternUiiion23J ; Northwest
ern , 38J. In the afternoon stocks de-
cHned iaj ; except quicksilver ,
which Is J Jiigher ; Pacific Mail , 45 ;
Union Pacific. 0 | : Western Union ,
' '
75 ; Erie , 82 | .
New York Produce Market
JSEW YoKK , Augusts.
BreadstufjTsnrfifenerally better.
FJour AJoije ajctiVjB' super State
and Western , 4 5Qa § Of ) ; extro 3 45
5 50.
Wheat Strong ; spring , 1 34a
1 35 ; No. 2 Chicago , 1 26al 27 ;
Jfo. 2 Milwaukee spring , 1 29 ®
13 | .
Corn Firm j Western mixed
75 bid , 85 asked.
Provisiyns Generally firm ,
Pork New mess , strong at'23 50.
Lard Firm ; steam refined , 13J
Leather Quiet and steady.
Iron Dull.
Chicago Pruuuce Market.
CHICAGO , August 3.
Flour Dull ; nothing doing ex
cept In Minnesotas and winters' .
Wheat Finn , August , 1 05 J ;
September , 1 02 ,
Corn Firm , cash , 05J { August ,
64 | ; September , 04 } .
Oats Weak , cash , 43 ; Augu t , 3S ;
September , 35jj.
BarJ.ey Quiet ; ca * li , 1 04@1 00 ;
September I 03 } .
Highwines 93.
Pork Quiet ; September , 24 SO.
Lard Fjrm and quiet ; August ,
13J ; September , 13 } .
Chicano Live Stock Market.
CHICAGO , August 5.
Cattle Receipts , 2,000. Market
Is very dull , and the prlcpBare nom
inal and easy ; Texans 2 502 00 ;
extra steers 3 25.
Hogs Receipts , 0,000. Market
dull and weak ; common grades
lower ; poor to common , 6 25a6 00 ;
medium to choice , 0 40aO SO.
Sheep Receipts , 2,000. Market
active ; sales at 6 C2a5 75" for com
mon to choice.
New York Live Stock Marke * .
SnwOHK , August 5.
Cattle Receipts , 1,000. Jfarket
trifle easier at full prices. Native
steers sold at 10 0012 75 ; Texans ,
8 25oll ( } 00 ; extra , 13 00.
Hogs-rReceipts , GOO. None of
fered alive ; dressed quiet at 9 00@
Sheep ahdLambs Receipts 4,600.
Ssheep , 525@6 25 ; fine selections ,
6 50 ; lambs , 6 00S 50.
St. Louis Live Stock.
ST. Louis , August 5.
Hogs Receipts 1,410. The maria -
ia lower and light. Sales at 5 75 ®
6 25 ; butchers 6 757 25.
Cattle Receipts 3,000. The mar
ket Is lower ; Texaus at 3 004 25 ;
natives 3 75@6 00 5 porn fed 2 00 ©
4 00 ; butchers 2 00@4 25 ,
Mr. Holmes , an engineer of the
steamboat Pat Rogers that was
burned at Aurora , gives the follow
ing account of the disaster :
It was about 8 o'clock when just
opposte Loughry creek , a stream
which flows into the Ohio two miles
below Aurora , I noticed a bright
light among some bales of cot
ton in the back part of the boat and
hastened to them , and I found them
burning rapidly , and beyond any
possibility of immediately extin
guishing them. I then hastened to
the hurricane deck , and gave the
alarm to the pilot that the boat w as
burning.and told him to run ashore.
He tried to do so , but she became
unmanageable. He thinks the till
er rope had been cut , and from this
fact it is believed that the fire was
the work of an incendiary , Another
theory is that a passenger dropped a
spark of the from a pipe into the
When the boat became unman
ageable she drifted on a sand bar ,
and the flames , spread along the
lower deck and shot through the
cabin to the pilot house , and then
swept acre s the hurricane deck.
The passengers were all aroused and
many of them were carried to the
shore , but others in their fright
jumped overboard into the water ,
and those who were not drowned
reached .safe landing places , but
> oiiicof them drifted a long time
in the current. There were about
one Hundred people on board , but
what proportion of this number
were really lost is not known at this
time , as many reported missing have
been seen onshore after the disaster
file particulars of the disaster to
the steamer Pat Rogers , near Au
rora , Tn'l. , are "oniing in slowly.
About five o'clock this morning
some bales of cotton forming a part
of lier cargo , got on fire , and the I
boat with all its contents , consist
ing of cattle , sheep and hogs , were
burned to the water's edge , and is
a total Io-s. AH the books and the
passenger register are lost. The boat
was valued at § 60,000 , and insured
for $32-
in a Cincinnati Company ,
OQO , uijd in a Louisville Company
tor $0,000. The value pt the cargo
has not been ascertained. The
namesof the lost as far as ascertain
ed are J. B. fetaurt and Mrs. Smith ,
of Madison , Ind. ; W. C. Brown , of
Cincinnati , son of W. H. Brown , of
the Union Transportation Line ;
Chas. H. Detnuin , pilot , Shirely
Snider and Jacob Light , of the
The lost and missing by the burn
ing of the steamer Pat Rogers up
to 9 o'clock to-nig'it are as follows :
Mr Medder , New Orleans ; Charles
Pitman , Newtown , Ky ; J Stewart ,
Madison , Ind ; G H Orley , Jacob
Light , Tuttle and child , and Wm
Brown , Cincinnati.
The lolloping Ls a list of those
that were savetft E O Ely , Oswe-
ire , X f ; W G Kinsley , Oneidn , X
Y ; Wm Allison , Cincinnati ; MKs
Emma Rowder , .Louisville , Ky ,
badly burned about the head ; Mr
W F Button , Now York City ; John
W Miller , Louisville , Ky. ; Wm
Barklow , Portsmouth ; E Graves ,
Shelby , Ky ; J H Helmar , Lexing
ton ; Gee SQemeyer , Chicago ; Mike
Crohan , Madison ; A GCrane.Marys-
ville , Kv ; Fred Suule , Carrollton ,
KVl a"4ecu.and ] ; F S Wallace ,
Ci'n ; F Meyers , C'ovington ; B R
Polllnger , Now Haven , Ky ; F
Stone , > 'orth Carolina , burned ;
Alex D Cunrey , Newport , Ky , deckhand
LoUiS- oWe
hand , face ;
and Tom gtapleton , Ind ; Henry
Grant and D M White , Louisville ;
C D Newell , Spilnglield , Mass ; Gee
Mrs IH
C Buchanan , Louisville ; /
Och , Aurora . , Ind _ _ ; Mrs . . . M F East T-I .
f. - * - * i t c * n * * * < * r > r > - n
Lupine , Washington , D C ; Sirs Tut
tie , Cincinnati ; SI W Baker , Cin
cinnati ; B Koorp , Kn i to be lost ;
Miss Ll/zie Gaunor ami Jacob Gar-
inor. of Sfadison ; one German lady
was not identified ; ono child was
taken out on mattrass and not iden
tified ; Chas Bassenger , B 8 Stewart ,
Madjsoij ; Chas Pilmail , pilot ,
drowned } and ale J jruunnerskape ,
The boat burned near the .shore ,
and the flames enveloped HlP frhore
bide of the ves-el. ra sengers who
jumped over on that hide , were
nearly all lo t or badly burned.
None of'tho J who used life-pre
servers are known"o ( .be lost , and
t\\o ladies were saved by ojiiicfing to
each other in the water. The scene
of the wreck is 30 miles by the river ,
anil WAS above Longhey creek , and
a mile and ji half below Aurora.
The fire was discovered about five
o'clock in the morning. A1 } the
passengers were asjcop , and the
crew didn't know anything about
it. Heartlessness ami heroism were
displayed in awful contrast. Offi
cers exerted themselves nobly to
aive the passengers. One who
plaimed to be the In one to leave
the 'boat , says the last object he
saw was a child < > y a rapid , beyond
his reach , naked and crying mid
shouting for help.
Captain P vjd says the officers
were awake'ned promptly and run
at once to tji3 rooms of tjio passen
gers , and tried to tave them-
The boat was Insured in thp fol
lowing companies j vEtna , $3,000 ;
American , § 3,000 ; Fire , Commer
cial , Eureka and National 5,000
each ; jotfil , $37,500.
1)E * ifarjES. August 5.
At the Republican Congnsssional
Convention held here to day Johii
A. Kasson was renominated on the
second ballot by a vote of 43 to 20.
No motion was made to yiake it
ifnjority report of the committee
on resolutions endorsed his Cou-
gressjopal conrsu and ask d the people
ple , jrrespectj\e of party , to support
A minority repon made by three
members of thp corflmHtee repu
diated and condemned nfs anti-re
publican and anii-atfmjnifatration
utterances as made Jn hjs public
speeches and public letters.
A motion was made in the con
vention to substitute this for the
majority report , but was defeated
by a vote as gjvpn above.
A resolution asking for harmony
through a compromise candidate
was tabled , as was also a resolution
absolving all Republicans from sup
porting the nominee , if he should
not be in full accord with the prin
ciples of the party.
Mr. Gow , of Adair , and Mr.
Smith , of Madison , made speeches
lu opposition to Mr. Kasson's nomi
nation , on the ground that he was o
Mr. Kasson was invited before
the convention and made a speech
accepting the nomination , which
was received with a good deal of
Specially Beported for the Caaba Dally Bee ,
br tie Atlantic and Pacific Telezrash Co.
Farmers from the interior report
a white frost throughout Dutches
county last night.
SARATOGA , August 5.
The last race was a three mile
dash , and was won by Springbok in
5:42J , with Breakness second , am
Fellowcraft third.
CINCINNATI , August 3.
Yesterday atFalmouth , Ky. , Gu
Lightfoot , while endeavoring to kil
Rev. B. C. Robins , whom hechargec
with being a local optionist , she
and killed Marshal G. L. Abornet
CINCINNATI , August o.
In the Kentucky election Jones
the Democratic candidate for Clerk
of the Court ot Appeals , has re
ceived a majority estimated al
45,000 to .30 000.
NEW Yonic , August 3.
The Pacific Mail Steamship Com
pany's steamer City of Gautemaula ,
which went ashore on Watkins' '
Island , in the Bahamas , is a total
loss. The expenditures of the Com
pany on the vessel , compared with
her earnings , and the amount for
which she was insured , will cause a
net loss to the Company of $79.-
Ni\v Yoiuc , August 5.
The Times' Boston special says
that a number of well known gen
tlemen have combined to obtain a
a charter for a railroad , from Boston
harbor through Hoosao Tunnel to
Lake Ontario and the west , and to
be of double track , and to be run
especially in the farming interest
and the people generally , for the
purpose of placing Boston and New
Yort on equal terms , in regard to
freight and passenger rates to and
from the \ \ est.
BROOKLYN , August 5.
Mr. MorrK , Mr. Tilton's counsel ,
says he will at once begin prelimin
ary proceedings of a suit for dam
ages against Henry Ward Beecher ,
on a charge of criminal conversa
tion with Mr * . Elizabeth R. Tilton.
The summons is to be served on
Beecher's counsel to-morrow , and
the suit will be pressed at t'ie first
sitting of the supreme court. The
amount of damages to be claimed is
not yet decided upon. The suit for
divorce at first spoken of has been
WOIti'KSTER , MASS. , Aug. 5.
A girl named Mary lj. Shaw , thir
teen yeari old , residing with her
mother in an alleyay olt from
Cambridgs street , near the Provi
dence and Worcester railroad , yvas
yesterday delivered of a child , the
father of which she claims is her un
cle , Edward Matthews. The only
proof of Matthews' ' gujjtis the asser
tion of the girl , Mrs , Shaw , the
mother of the girl , although she had
noticed the change in the appear
ance of her daughter , had no suspi
cion of the real facts of the case un
til yesterday. Matthews denies any
knowledge of the case whatever. A
charge of bastardy has been pre
ferred asjajnsthiiji.
BROOKLYN , August 5 ,
Tillon's action in bringing his
case bsfore the courts is favorably
commented on as the most satisfac
tory way such a case can be ad
justed. His oounspj ypstorday said
the reason for his aptjon was that
the Plymouth Investigating : t'oui-
mitte was a farce. It was ridiculous
to think that they could try Beecher
without bias , as they are all his own
personal hjeuds , Lojdes they have
not the power to summon witnesses
and poiijpel them to qpne'ar and
testify , ftenpe thejj. wprji niust be
imperfect anfj unsatisfactory.
They havp been tljscourtcous to
Tilton , who should bp prpspnt at
their session to aid their delibera
tions. His coxm&el is confident that
the committee's ' verdict caii ll ° Ye
no possjblp weight wjtli the public.
The matter wilt now' liecessarjjy lie
until September , wjieij the courts
reopen. One ourjous point in con
nection with the latest phaso'of the
scandal U that District Attorney
Winslow , who is a member of the
jnvpstigatingcommittee and a warm
friend of JJpepher's , may any day be
called upon by the people or com
plainant to appear in his official ca
pacities and conduct the suit against
DETKOIT , Miph , Aug. 5.
The American Dental Association
commenced Its fourteenth annual
session yesterday. Dr. Buckingham
of Philadelphia , President. Nearly
every State in the Union is repre
sented. Business in the forenoon
was preliminary. In the afternoon
M S Dean of Chicago , Prof Mc-
QuJlJap. of Philadelphia , Dr Atkin
son of New York discussed the ab-
feo'ption of deciduos teeth' .
The National Educational Asso-
poipjpencpd its fourteenth
annual sessjon in thjs pfty tOrCJay.
Professor White of Peoria , Illinois ]
presiding. W R Cheery of Balti
more , J 0 "WUson of Washington ,
JW AlUud of Boston , sore made
assistant secretaries ; jj O Vale of
Cincinnati , Alfred Kirk of Chicago ,
E H Cook of Columbus , assistant
treasurers. Rev George P Hayes of
the Washington and Jefleison Col
lege of Pennsylvania , frofnthp pom-
mittee on intermediate school8read
n report which elicited lengthy dls-
cussion , but } was finally adopted
and approved. The association tjigij
adjourned \ resume wor& in seo- ;
tjons ,
In the afternoon in the depart
ment of higher Instruction , Professor
ser Peabody , of Harvard College ,
read a paper on the elective system
injcolleges and universities. Ho was
followed by C S Yewable , chairman
of the faculty of the Institution in
question of the plan of the universi
ty of Virginia. In the department
of normal schools , John Ogden of
the Onio normal school , read a pa
per on what constitutes a consistent
pourse of study for normal schools ,
ami j C Grpenough , principal of the
State normal school discoursed upon
training in schools in connection
with normal schools.
The National Association of Ger
man teachers commenced its fifth
annual session here to-day. About
200 teachers are present. The prin
cipal business to-day was the elec
tion of officers , which are as fol.
lows : President , Prof 8chem-.New
York ; Vice President , Dr J C Christen -
ten , fit Louis ; Secretaries , Ernest
Retocke , Henry Tyck.HeJene Thlss ,
U of CiricinuttU ,
BROOKLYN , Aug. 3.
The Argus publishes an interview
held with Mr. Moulton , who re
turned to Brooklyn yesterday.
Moulton said that although be had
heard an invitation had been sent
to him to appear before the Investi
gating Committee , he had not
received any invitation. He de
clared he was ready to go before
the committee , if Beecher and Til-
ton requested it. He said he had
not received a letter from Beecher ,
asking him to go before the com
mittee and testify , although he had
received his mail regularly. He still
adheres to the opinion that he ex
pressed to the committee , that the
matter should have betn compro
mised. He regretted that the in
vestigation had been commenced.
He also expressed regret at the
present situation , but said that the
affair had now reached such a pass
that all the facts must come out.
He was now here In time to testify ,
if his evidence should be requested
by both Beecher and Tilton.
The Brooklyn Eagle publishes
a lengthy interview with Moulton
in which Moulton declined posi
tively to give any information re
garding letters said to be in his pos
session , or whether they were reallj
in his possession. He also said tlia
he would not go before the commit
tee , nor make "any revelations to
that body , unless upon the'writtei
request of both Beecher and Tilton
and that he wouli avoid speaking
as long as possible ; but if Beecher
and Tilton insist upon it , he will go
forward and speak the truth , and
the whole truth. He has been hon
ored with Ihe friendship and confi
dence of both. The trouble arose
between them , and he as a gentle
man and friend undertook to serve
both by bringing about a reconcilia
tion. He looked upon their fami
lies as certainly Innocent of any
wrong , but they were sure to suffer
by any open hostilities , and that for
their sake , if for no other reason ,
peace ought to be preserved. He
was also convinced that irrespective
of right or wrong in the matter ,
both Beeeher and Tilton would ,
of necessity , suffer , and could not by
any possibility gain anything by
having their difficulties diagged be
fore the public for arbitration. On
these beliefs he had acted , and he
felt time his present duty WHS tq re
main silent. In answer to a question
whether he thought his testimony
would injure Tilton , he said , "Not
until I testify shall it be known who
my tp tlinony vjll help or hurt. "
The Eagle also says that one of the
witnesses examined last night was a
livery stable keeper , who told about
IrivingTilton and Moulton , with a
short-haired woman , down to Coney
[ sland , and related Incidentsof their
bathing at that place , and of the
wine dinneis followed. The
shoi t-haireu wmian supposed to
) e Mrs. Woodluill. One of the
Committee , accouling to the Eagle ,
says that after Tilton had finished
reading his statement he was asked
f lie had the oiiginal documents
vith him , A\hen he answered tbat
le had not ; that some were at his
louse , and the remainder were in
Moulton's posspssion. He has made
our distinct promise * , 'at diflerqnt
imes1 , to pi od uce the 'documents ,
not one of which he has produced ,
and up to the present time he haslet
lot produced a sjngla one of the
original letters- , from which ho as
sumes to quote. With regard to the
rumored postponement of Becchei's
examination before the Committee ,
this gentleman said they were not
willing for Beecher to testify until
all effort had been exhausted to ob
tain the docujneijts fron ) Mquton | ,
' ' '
and as'M'ouIfo'ri is'now In town , it is
hoped the delay will not be Jong.
Bowen arrived from AVoodstock ,
Conn. , Tuesday , but positively de
clined to give any lufoimatlon as to
his intentions.
The New Y < > rk Grnnhic publishes
a rumor , thNafternooj } , that Beech
er is to resign from Plyniouth
Church and become the editor of a
Republican paper in New York ; in
fact , that the manager has had an
interview with Beecher qnd he now
liolds nip matter under advispment.
The Eagle' , however , 'explodes this ,
by sayjng there js nothjmjhi the ru
mor except that It js n.t Jpast a year
Did , jjnd never ha.d a.nv foundation
at all ,
Nn\v VORK , August 3.
The cross-examination of Mrs.
lijton beforp thp Plyn outh phurph
investigation pommlttpe was given
to the prpss last night. The ex
amination took place on the 31st of
July , ami was conducted by Mr.
Hill. The following is a synopsis of
the first portion of her evidence and
a recital of her early married life :
She was married in 1803 , and did
not receive much attention from her
husband , butshe excused this , as
she told him she did not expecthim
to devote himself to her Avhen ehe
was sick. 'He'was'so inditferent
that he was frequently upbraided by
uer mother , ami nurse , He was
very extravagant , and then abused
lier when lie had to pay a bill. He
insulted her in public and apologized
in private. The first thing that dis
turbed her peace of mind was her
this was about I860. Prior to 1869 ,
rheodore had criticised her conduct ;
lier mannpr to every one was a
trouble to jiim. . Wb.on sb'e'livfd In
dxford , in 1865 , Theocjore began to
talk of Beecher's wrong doings with
ladles , whjoh Tjltqn had heard from
i Mr. , and night affer night
ind day after day lip talked about
Beeohw ; he seemed to bo worried
MI that subject , so that when
Beeoher came Tilton Immediately
jegan to have suspicions. Whenever
Beecher's interviews were with her
done she made memorandurrs ana
epeated all the conversation to her '
lus and. . TJltou watehejljierclosp-
y and questioned her regarding
2\ery gentleman that called , but
jspecially regarding Beecher. Some-
ines ) In ponyp'rsation ho would
] \ro\v qut sonie , remark made by >
Beecher on some previous vis-it , and
rheodore would say , "you didn't
el ] me That , " and she would reply ,
'I fprgot } t ; " thpn he would pay ,
'You dian't mean to tejl me. " Slip
: ried for over three years to repeat
o her husband everything she said
) r did , but found it made him more
uispieious , accusing her of Inten-
4onal ommlssions in using the ex-
Dresslon "you lie. " His manner
ivas passionate and angry. His
; ridcisms and suspicions have con-
inued up to the present day. It
.vas in the spring of 1869 that her
msband openly accused her of
I guilty intimacy with Mr ,
Beecher , and in his letters
ie also made the accusation ,
She had invariably denied it , but
jls evident intention and desire was
o bring her to such a state that she
ivould acknowledge some wrong.
\11 his Influence In conversation
yas exerted in this direction. He
ivonld read the Bible and ask her
igaln and again , "IVhat do yon
r Icoketh
upon a worn an , &e. , ' ? " He would
discourse upon this subject nearlj-
whole .night. In makingthesealle-
gations he would often say , " You
will not den } ' tlmt you have
had criminal intercourse , "
and in this way tried to frighten
her. He also pretended to have
seen certain things , and accused
her once or twice of sitting ii :
Beecher's lap. This she denied , bu
by this continued talk year in and
year out she came to become quite
indifferent , except as regarding her
anxiety for Tilton ; she was worn
and sick of it. Up to this time his
accusations related only to Beecher ,
but about 1870 he began to think her
admiration extended to others , and
spoke of two or three gentlemen ac
quaintances. In his charges , even
respecting Beecher , he never
named any definite time or place or
any criminal act , nor did ho pre
tend that she had been guilty of any
impropriety at Beeoher's house , and
she had never mei Beecher at any
place by appointment. Tilton , in
his public statement , based an accu
sation against her upon the inter
view she had with Beecher in her
second story room , which he claims
Aas admitted by her. This she de
nied. She also denied making any
admission to her husband in July ,
1S70 , of any act of impropriety with
Becclier. Regarding her conversa
tion with Tilton in July , 1870 , or
thereabouts , on that subject , Mrs.
Tilton stated that she not made a
confession similar to that made by
Catherine Gaunt , but had said many
things in many conversations , out
of which there might have been
gathered up such a story. She had
read Catherine Gaunt , to ascertain
the point , and writing to her hus
band from Scholmrie , felt that it
reached her case , andVrote herhtis-
band accordingly. She had not
thpn read thp book through and had
uo thought or reference to adultery.
TORONTO , Aug. 5.
Prof. Wise baleen w hich stai ted
from Stratford last evening at 3iiO
ro e steadily until it reached at al
titude of 13,000 feet when the great
eastern current was struck , which
carried the baleen along. The gas
commenced to escapeand a descent
was made and terra liimawas about
Smiles from herc ascension was
WASHINGTON , August 3 ,
The Attorney General has decided
that the contract for additional
mail service between San Fran
cisco , Japan , and China , as provided
for in act of Ju-ie 1st , 187:1 , is still
existing , and that the Pacific Mail
Steamship Company are entitled
to have their new iron steamships
inspected , with the view of putting
them into service.
CINCINNATI , August o.
The greatest excitement prevails
liere over the burning of the Pat
Rogers near Aurora , Ind. , this
morning. The fire did not occur at
1 a. m. as stated in a previous dis
patch , but at five s , m. It originated
in a bale of cotton , and before it was
iisco'vered it wjvsunfoitunately past
L'xtingujshing. Attempts were
inaile to" get the steamer ashore but
proved unavailable. A panic oc-
jiwred among the passsengers and
jrewwho were only able to save
: hemselves. The loss of life Is now
? nt at 35 persons , mostly women
md children. The passenger list is
turned up. Among those knowjj
: o be lost are Mr. Stuart and Mrs.
Smith , b.othqfMaciJso'iInfl. ; | , ' W C
[ Jrown , Ciifrinhati , II Pitman
nlot , Charles Snyder and Jacob
[ light of the crew ,
BROOKLYN , Angus * 4.
It U understood that the friends
) f Plymouth Church view Tilton's
ict in bringing' the matter' to the
: ourbs as preposterous. The mom-
jers of the church and residents of
Brooklyn heights shrank from the
irobability of certain oiipd of their
lumber being compelled to appear
n publip court in such a case , I
The case of Gaynor vs. Tilton
! amo up again before Justice Riley
o-dap. Gaynor and Tilton were
join present. I 1
The Judge called the case at ten an an
i in. Grynor arose and said , if the anG
: ourf. pleases , I had prepared a pa- G
> er to apply to the supreme court
'or a mandamus' ' to poripp'yeur ) ]
tonqr top'.o'pppd } n this case ,
hg satisfied myself that the Avar-
ant should bo issued , and having
ssued the warrant I claim that it
vas the duty of your honor to pro-
ecdunlessl withdrawjunless It was
bi some Informality In ihe aflida-
sts , of which there nas none been
> rodueed here , and claiming this [
mve no hesitation in stating here , " Pr
is a lawyer , that tne Supreme Court "P
vquld grant nie " a mandamus upon
affidavit jii" this Paso , hut it has
ionic to my knowledge and the
; nowlcdge of the world that the de-
endant Is a'bout to bring mitters
lefore the court of his own accord.
Truth , light , justice , and conser-
atlve and well defined law of
he Commonwealth , were as I sta-
cd heretofore , my only motives.
[ 'hese ' ends will now all be attained ,
auch better than in a higher court !
therefore withdraw the coniplajnt
n this page apclieavp thppartles inter
ested to conduct the nu'estigation ,
Jaynor also intimatee that he was
irojnispd assistance of very eml-
icnt counsel had he continued the
ase. The Judge said the court was
nly too willing to hove the case
rlthdrawn ; he then dismissed Til-
on ,
NEW Yomc , Augusts.
Over twq hundred dogs were as-
'hixiated to-day.
The market for oats is unsettled
at lowe'r , In consequence of the re-
elpts being 27,000 bushels for the
ast two days. There is more doing
wng } to the largo supply and lower
rices , but the market opened this
aorulng at nominal prices ; 73 cents
id and 85 cents asked for old mixed
James Ref , a gunsmith , 42 Centre
treet , while standing in front of a
nusket which another workman
t-as repairing , this morning , was
hot and Instantly killed. The- gun
ras supposed to bo unloaded.
Attorneys at Law ,
Ko. 2eOF rnbam Street
Clearing Sale !
Clearing Sale ! Annual Clearing Sale
Foreign and Domestic
Clearing Sale !
Clearing Sale !
Clearing Sale ! marf Cor. Mtli and FarnLaiii gts.
STOOKI , 1873.
, A. BROWN , 248 Douglas Street ,
A.n Immense Stock of Fresh New G-oods Just Opened to be
sold lower than any other house in the city , consisting of
multure , bedding , Mitrors ,
everything pertainins : to the FURNITURE and UP-
IOLSTER Y trade ; has largely increased his stock , and now
ias a complete assortment oi FINE , MEDIUM and LOW
g ED goo s , which & © is offering at such REDUCED
. ± tiOJib , as to make it to the interest of everv one desiring
inytfrmg m this ime , to examine his stock before pnrchas-
ng ,
. .
a. Star oo-t. ' Ozx
0 { the Popular
Goods Store ,
223 Farnliaiu Strcc %
litrtby wish to inform the public of Omaha
a ticmity that I shall coat nue the business
J oCer U all times
In all kinds oJ
I hare adopted the
trictly Cash and One Price
inciple , which I hope will me t with tlta
prr.vnl of the public as wr pncei shall be
liberal patrr.n 2 solicited. Ktspecttullj- ,
228 Farnhaiu Street.
Iraaln , Neb , July 21st , 1874.
! 31m
Fall > ssortmeu1 of Imported TYoolens. All Work TVarranteil.
' . . OmaJha , ITeb
Books and Stationery ,
Fourteenth Street , - Omaha. , ITeb
Cor , 13th and Harney Streets ,
Spring and Summer Styles
233 St ITaar 14th , .
ine and Medium Clothing ,
and Furnishing Goods.