" V - The Jlcbi Woadtrful Xedfcal Uh- corerj cf tlie Age Erer/ Man his own L'lijs'claii. Frazier's Great Remedy Ibr p orle ot th9 United States h ve been humbugged with all klo-'s of Patent -dicines , quacks and importers I.or the past lew yesrs , in a most shamelul manner. The wriur oi tbe f blowing Is one of the victims , and withes to present a very plain case. Bo'leving ' thst by cleansing tbe b'ood was the c ly true wyr gf fciiilshing disease , and being a great stiffen' , ir < , m weak lungs and a scrofulous affection , and after trying many kinds of Patent .Medicine * and tbe most eminent Puysicians , I commenced doctoring myself , and at last d scovercd a Blood Searcher , or Root Bitters , which not only gave me im mediate rele'.f , but alter a few weeks eCected a radical cure. Tbe cough left me , my lungs became strong and souud. my appeute good , and the re-ofulous disease had disappeared. Feeling confident that my Discovery pos.-esed wonderful healing v rtucs , I gave it to others aSic.ed , and found it eB.-cted tha most miracu lous cures in thousands uf races , not alone curing Cuugbs , Consumption , Asthma. Catarrh , Scrolula and Weak Lungs , but all diseases caused from bunion In the blood. The demand from my friends and othera brsrlngabout these JHtteis Becoming ery great , I commenced putt - t n * them up for sslc , railing > beoi FRAZIhR'S ROOT BIT1ERS. I was at first backward in presenting , either myself or medicine to the public-cot being a Patent Medicine Man , but I am getting bravely o er that. I have sold thousands cf bottles ct niy Hoot Bitters , md it is my dtslre and determination to place tbe same within the reach of every suffering man. woman and child on tu face of tba civilized globe. The grand principle that operates in these Coot Bitters Is the power they possi-ss in cleans ing tbe turgid blued and banishing the vile humors Irom tbe system. Hoot Bitten are strictly a Medicinal Preparation , compounded from roots combined with herbs and plaju , many of whUh wen used in the good oid days of our forefathers , when people wen cured by s ue simple root or herb , aud when Calomel tnd other poisons ot tbe miner * ! Uugdou ere unknown. Ibev open nil the natural passages of the body , cast out disease , take away all sickness und build up tbe system with pure blood , Lcnce tber must reach all diseases by purifies- Uon and nourishment. No person can take Root Bitters and remain long unwell. Victory upon victory they luve , gained over disease and death la all stations und conditions in life. They are constantly ef fecting curts of lueutmoit importance , lor Consumption , AstLma , tx.r..fula , inrolulous Eruptions - ruptions , Catarrh , \\eak Lungs , lost Vitalltv and Broken-dOHii Coustltutiuns , tbe .Root Itittcrsrre uulve salty aJmitttd to Le tbe most wonderful iledlcjd Libcoviry kuown to the world , llie.r pettonU healing properties ] > ene- trat every poitlou of th * human Iroiue , south ing tbe Lungs , streojtheolug the btomach , tidnejs and Liver , cleansing the blood Irom % ery tlnd oi humor. No other medicine will cure Chronic Rheumatism , > eur lgia , lleart Disease , Fibt , lizziu < ss , lleadacbe. Dyspepsia , Fever and Ague , Costiveness , Pile * , Urinary IJiseases , Kidney Dbease. and Livur Complilnt , so quickly as this Root Bitters. All such dbeases are caused from a bad stomach and a poisonous condition of tbe blood. Fur weakly , nervous young men , suOering from loss ot memory , less of energy , etc. , caused Irom abuses in &irly lifeand to delicate females.these ttrengtbenlng Root Bitters are e-t-ecUlly re commended. One bottle will do more toward eradicating Syphilis , Scurvy , letter , Feier bores , Sort Lyes , lumors , Carcrrous forma tions , Dropsy , Erysipelas , bait Rbeuui , Ulcers , Boils , Flesh Worms , Blotches , Tuslule * , hrujf- tions , plmplnonthcfareand Conupiiciu from the Blood than all otter reuudie * lu existence. W. FRASIEB G. . , Frailer * Boot Hitters are sold by all the lead Ing Druggists , storekeepers and CheuiUts. fcok Wholesale by Strong A. Cobb , 193 buperio street , and Beotou Myers A Caufield , 127 Wat * r street , Cleveland , O. ; B. L. iahnestock < ( . . , I'ittsburg ; George . ' . IKodwln A Co Boston ; John F. Ilrcry Curran A Co , Unltec tutes Medicine Uonse. 8 and V College Place , New Vork ; Wyth Brothers , Philadelph.a ; Ful Jer 4 Fuller , Chicago ; John D. Park , Cinclnna ti , and other first-class Drug Houses. bbow this notice to your druggist or store keeper. Ask for FBAZ1ER3 BOOT BITTERS and accept no substitute whatever. Price with In tha reach of all $1 per bottla six bottles S3. ivlJdiwly JMPOBTANT TO Goimucrcial Travelers. COMMERCIAL TRAVEIEB3 who solid. ordeis by CARD , CATALOUUE , TRADE- LlbT. SAMPLE , OK OTHER oPECIMEN aUo those who vl lt their customers and solici trade by purchases made DIRECT FROM SIOCK , nud \ > bo travel in any section , by Rail or Boat , jelling any class of goods , are re quested to send their BUfilNEbS ind Phl- VATE ADDRESS , as * below , sUtlng class of goods they sril , sod bv whom employed ! also thong who are at present tmder no engagement. This mattei is of GUE.VT IMPORl'AhCE IXDIVIUUALLX to sa'esmen of this clas , or men sullcitlnc trade in this manner. It In theiefore ESPECIALLY desired" that this notice may meet tbe eye ot ALL Commercial Travelers and Salesmen in this country and that they will AT ONCE give It tbelr atten tion. lho e who comply wltb Above request will be CONFIDENTIALLY treated kCdUuly advised of object in view. Please address , ( by letter only ) , CO-OPERATION , car * Qro. P. Rowel ! A Co. , 41 Park Bow. jyBeodlm NEW YOBK CITT lX UAUItlKU , Practical Watchmaker , 171 Paranja , S.'E.Oor. llth St. OMA1IA KEB APPLETON'S American CYCl OPAJEDIA Hew Eevised Edition. Entirely rewritten bv the ablest writers on very , ubject. Printed from new type , and Illustrated with Several Thousand Engravings and Maps , o TUE work originally published under the title al TIIK NKW AMBUICUT CTCLOPAEDU. was completed in 1S6S , * ince which time the wide emulation which It haiattalnedln all parts of the United States , and tbe signal developments which have taken place in erory branch of dence , literature , and art , hare Induced the editors and publishers to submit It to an act and thorough revision , and to issue a no-r dltlon entitled , THK AMEBICAK CrnopAk- "w'llhln th last ten years tu ptogrws of dis covery in every department of knowledge has made a new work cf reference an imperative WThe movement of political flalrs has kept aoowitUth * discoveries of sciflnco. * nd their fruitful application to the industrial and useful erts and the convenience and refinement of socirHUe. Great wars and couscqueni revoln- Uon.n veoccured , involving national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of ouronn country , which was at Its height when the last volume of the old work appeared , has happllr been ended , and a new course of commercial and industrial activity has been commenced. Large accessions to our gtographleal know- edge have been maie by the Indefatigable ez- porers of Africa. . . . rho great political revolutions ot the last decade , wltU tbe natural result of the lapse of lime , h T * brought Into public view a multitude at uewmcn , whose names are In every one's mouth , and of whos lives every one is curious ta kaow the particulars. Gre.it battles have beeu fooght aad Important sieges inalnUlned , of which the details are as y t preserved only In the newspapers or in the transient publica tions of the diY , but which ought now to take their place in permsoect and authentic history. In prcpariLi the pr * nt edition for the press , t has accordlugtv been the aim of tbe editors to brine down tbe infonuatUia to the latest pos- ib ! dates , nd to furnish an accurate account ot tbe mos recent discoveries In sdencc , ot every freah production In literature , and of tlie newest InTCntion in the practical arts , as wall as to give a surslnct and original record of the progress of political and historial event. The work has been begun alter long and care ful preliminary labor , and with the ( cost ample resources for carrying it on to a sucotisiaul twmlnation. None ot the orlsn ) l stereotype pistes have he , . ; usol , but every page has been printed on new fl * * lormtng IP tact a new Cyclopxdls , with tliJ toaae plan and compau as its predecessor ser , but wltb far greater pecunUry expendi ture and witli iuch improvements in its coin- position as have l * a suggested by longer ex- ierience and enlargfld knowledge , he Illustrations Which aru introduced for the first time in the present edition have been added not for the sake of ptotorU' effect , but to glv greater lucidity and force to the explana tions in the text. Tney embrace all branches of icien- and natural history , v d depict the most tamous nd remarkablefeaturcs oi scenery architecture , and art , as we ? las the various pro cesses of mochanica and wwufwlnres. Although - though intended lor insure tion ratherUian embdllshmeiit , no pains harii teen spared to Insure thcb artistic excellence : the cost ot their execuf ion is enormous , nd it w believed they will tnd a welcome reception as an ad- saAble feature oi the Cjclopadis , and worthy its hlgt Ouracte' . Tlw war Is sold to Subscribers only , payable pnd'lkeryof each volume. It will un com pleted 18 slxtn large octavo volumes , each containing tbout bOOpageS fully Illustrated with * veralihautanil Wood Engravings and with numerous colors ! Lithographic Maps. TRICE AKD STYLE OP BINDING. : In extra Goth , per vol. . . . . . „ _ . . . . . . $3.00 i nLthrary Leather , per vol „ „ , . 6.BO Jn Half TurkCT Morocco , per vol 7.09 Iv } n Half Kuala , extra gilt , per vol _ _ _ 8.00 ) n full Moroc&o , antique , gilt edges , per : ' ' ' " ' " In fuUBuss'l i''p < x"Tc4'r7n. ! Z 10.00 Three rnlums-now readr. Succeeding vc uns , until completion , vLl be Issued once la wo months. * V * Specimen pages of the ABIKICAS Crcuv- rxxou , showicg type , UlustxaUccj. tc- . will be-rt ntlf.onapplicstlon. FIRST CLASS CANVASSING AGEK13 WASTED AiUreea tha Publishers , J ) . Appleton & Co. , # 19 # 551-Eroadway , ; York. HY ONLY GHOST. I had from childhood that low- order of courage which consists in not knowing what fear la. It was an imperfection of nature which was unnecessarily lauded at the ex pense of my brothers and sisters , who , having a more poetical and more highly strung organization than myself , did know what fear was. But I laughed aloud when my dear friend Mrs. Morton asked me if I should be afraid to live in her beautiful house ulone during the summer months. Alone so iar as companionship went , but with a man and his wife to cook and wash for me , to shut up and open and protect the premises. I afraid ? .Never ! So she gave me ample fiduciary powers. She was going td TSurope P , a poor relation , was only too glad to have such a luxurious home. As she took me over the house , I saw her eyes fill with tears as he essayed to open a certain door. I remembered that even in this for tunate life had come the inevitable grief. 1 here was one empty chair , one dead Iamb. The eldest daughter had married , had gone abroad for her wedding journey , and had been brought home to be laid in yonder churchyard which we could see from the windows. Yes , tliis was Gertrude's roomj ! There was her portrait on the wall. A straight young woman , with a profusion of light hair , blue eyes , with a far-ofT look , a melancholy beauty , tender and twilight that face which the French call prcdesti- nce. She was dressed in diaphan ous white , with here and there a blue ribbon , andlier beautiful hands w ere clasped on what seemed to be a balcony. .Around the room were costly tri fles , the spoils of an European trip. The room was fitted up queerly with handsome firearms , suits of armor , boxing gloves , and fencing foils. I looked to Mrs. Morton for an ex planation. "This suite of rooms , " she explained - , plained , "I have given up to my son-in-law , Mr. .Ayfccough. During your residence here you will have an occasional visit from him. He comes and goes as he pleases. In the adjoining rooms aie poor Ger trude's trunks , which neither he nor I have ever thoroughly unpacked , because we have never had the courage. " She led me through the spacious ante-room , linen-closet , and so on to a large bedroom , where were many trunks. Some dresses hung in the closets , some bottles of per fume , dressing-cases , and little lady-like things strewed the bureau and table. A lady might have just stepped from her toilpt ; it seemed occupied and home-like. It was evident that the young husband found a sad pleasure in thus sur rounding hinuelf with the material for grief. Poor Mrs. Morton looked about her through her tears. We retraced our steps , but in passing again through tlie linen-closet , she turned , and , opening a little door , disclosed a garret staircase. "Come and see where my children used to go up and down , " said she. "These were my rooms in the days of young motherhood. Como and see my old nursery. " So we mounted upward into the Iargespaciou3 room , which deserved , a better name than garret , and she led nie to a comfortable apartment whose windows commanded a splendid view of the surrounding city. I could not help saying what I have so often felt : "Why are not the disused houses of the rloh the summer homes of the poor ? " Mrs. Morton did not seem to feel that she was called on to put these com fortable apartments to any such use. She only called my attention to a gigantio wisteria vine which coiled round the window , and which was now in its full blossom , and reached , like "Jack's beanstalk , " from the earth , in ever-ascending , ambitious tendrils , to the chimnej-s of this , the fourth story. We visited the other rooms , which had the plain , decent furniture of an opulent and sensible household. There they were , empty and deserted , but clean and good. We closed the blinds and windows , came down , and re- trachigour steps through Gertrude's rooms , we locked the doors behind us. I took possession of the key , to deliver it , when he should arrive , to Mr. Ayscough. Occasionally , I visited these rooms of his'fp air them , and to see that no stray mouse or intruder had violated their quiet loneliness. I was very much attracted by Ger trude's picture. It so happened that I had never seen her : her brief hour of youthful bloom had been spent before" I returned , an army officer's widow , from my hard life on the western frontier. Often. I would stand and look at the picture by the hour it fascinated me ; then rousing myself from my revery , I would complete my rounds , and go back to my room. After Mrs , Morton had been gone about a month , I had a visit from Mr. Ayscough. He was a pale and interesting young man , very re fined and educated , evidently much influenced by his sorrow. He talked Incessantly about his wife , and was interested in my admira tion of her portrait he took me in to show me some of the contents of i the trunks. To my horror I found that some very valuable jewelry and silver comprised part of that mysterious luggage which had never been unpacked. "But Mr. Ayscough , " I exclaim ed , "you arc not going to leave these valuable things here in this empty house , unlocked and strewn about in these trunks , and with no one but me to take care of them ! " He laughed a sort of empty laugh , as if he did not care much what be came of them , and gave me no sort of satisfaction. From that mo ment , I do not know why , I began to feel troubled. I had bad the com fort of seeing all the family failvor carred { off to the bank before Mrs. ftforton 'went away , and , if I had thought of them at all , I was con- vlnped that all burglars were aware af that foot and would never trouble me in the least. Now I had ft sort jf uneasy sensation about Sir. Ays- jough's room which I would gladly liavo had removed in fact , it be- 3amo the focus of many uneasy sen sations. Mr. Ayscoueh liked to como to Lhe library and look over thejuew books which were sent to me to jrltioise. One day he took up a book on Spiritualism which soon ; fascinated him. I was extremely sorry when I saw how he fastened to it and began to drink in a dan- jerous comfort from it. He talked o me about it , and asked me If I lad any belief in the communion ) f spirits. He found a most robust unbeliev- r In me , All my habits of thought , ny rough experience of life , my mti-nervous temperament wore igainst the theory and practice of ipiritualism. He went away after V few days , and I returned to ray lonely life. Perhaps I was not sor- y when i heard one day the un- isual souud of a voice asking for ne at the front door , and went lown to see my nephew Richard , a jood young fellow from tbe West , vho had come to the city to make iis fortune , and who hod found me tut. Richard was , of course , ious to see the sights of the great metropolis , so we agreed to make a tour of the amusements. He took me out of an evening , perhaps four times a week. I remembei being very-much charmed with a pair of acrobats , a man. and woman , who were entirely .independent of the Jaw of gravitatiori , and who sailed through the air "on the flying tra peze" with all the aplomb and fear lessness of birds : Richard used to laugh at me as I , night after night , declared in favor of the 'acrobats. Tbe woman was a beautiful creature and had , for me , a strange and weird attraction , which I could ! not ac count for but it is unnecessary to try to account for some things. I began at this time to believe tffat I was growing fanciful , a thing that had never occurred to me before. I had , once or twice , sleepless nights. I thought a great deal too much about the jewelry and silver in Mrs. Ayscough's rooms , and I began to make my inspections of the house with anxiety. One of my great pleasures , par ticularly of a Sunday evening , had been to have Thomas light all the gas that I might see the works of art to advantage ; and it gave me , too , a sense of companionship which I needed. On that evening Nancy and Thomas took their only pleas ure. They went out , leaving me ' entirely alone. The policeman in the square'had become somewhat * of an acquaintance of mine , and I had provided myself with a whistle by which I could cell him if necessary in these periods of utter loneliness. Sometimes , as he walked under the window , I would step to the balcony and speak to him ; BO long as I heard his tramp , tramp , I was not utterly isolated. One Sunday'evening I was walfc ing up and down , looking particu larly at'a fine Venetian picture a wilderness of color and action one of those pictures of Xeutze , in which a myriad of events are pic- lured as going on at the same time when my "eye "was" irresistibly drawn toward a mirror , and I saw good God ! wh'at did'J" see ? a tall , straight , female figure , covered with a profusion of light hair. I saw the dead Gertrude , stepped from her grave , the very presentiment of the picture I had'sq often studied. She was leaning on the balusters of the grand stahcasefand the image was reflected through two or three mir rors , for I could not see the staiicase where I stood. She reached me by reflection ! Tbe horror was so great that I do not know how long I looked. I am sure I saw her start to go , and I know I followed her. I lost sight of both mirror and staircase before X reached the door , but certainly 1 heard a door shut at the. top of the stairs as I reached the lower step. It was the door of Mr. " Ayscough's apartinent. , The vis-inn .was gone , but two senses had been appealed to sight and hearing. I had sense enough to open the front door , sound my whistle , and then I dropped sense less. When I resumed my con sciousness J. found myself on the sofa. The private watchman was bending" over me and I told him my story. "You're a getting a brain fever , ma'am , " said he ; "you're alone too much ; you must try for a little more company. If you saw a woman ' we'll catch man goin' up-stairs soon her ; but I guessshe was here , " tap ping his' forehead. So , summoning some of his brotherhood , we went to Mr. Ayscough's rooms , which we found locked , everything Undisturb ed ; the portrait was in its accus tomed place. Was it true that she had stepped from it to come and speak to me ? Or , had my brain furnished that tall , white figure ? be THE COMING STRUGGLE , The voters of our nation , r 3 ne'ir was known before , ' Are rising from Pacific's strand To Atlantic's roccy shore. ; Whr Is this mighty change ? > What c n the meaning be ? The rising of the masses From northern lake to soulhern'sea. Tbe spirit of old seventy-six From out our heroes' cra > cs * Forbids a nation drenched in patriots' blood , bhould sink : to that of slaves ; Tbe motto which our coins once bore , Though obsolete long since , Bemain as ever true : not one cent for tribute , But millions for defense. Patty ties and party laws Are but as ropes of sand. The ights of mm to be a man bhould govern Freedom's lau-i. Then shall our Flag more proudly float O'er land e * well as sea , And nations yet unborn shall gladly grent The emblem of tbe free. In trade we'll try to deal , As man should deal with man. And while we seek t j live ourselves , We'll sell as cheap as anybody can , And if a tat ycu need , Or friend you chance to moot , * . Remember Buuce , the HattOr , On Upper Doujlaa fatrccL elCtf II. OVXB1C. C. J. KABBACU GttEUE * KABBACIt , 15th st. between F r&bam and arney a > i OMAHA , - - NEB. lUNCFACTUBia O 7 Spring and Farm Wagons , BUGGIES AHtt C4.RR1/1GBS. / Dealers In and manufacturers of LGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS 1 Jl VENTION PAID TO PARTICULAR SHOEING. JWRepalrlng of wagons and blacksmlthlng irompllv done at reasonab'e Driers mrdAwg 100,009 , ACRES ! OF THE FINEST Elkliorn Valley Lands ! FOB. BALE BT OB. 3VI. GXi.AJEt.aZ , Wisner , - Hob F1HFSE LANDS ABE CONVENIENT TO L the market and the FINEST in the STATE ! And will be sold at front 52,50 to$5,00 PER ACRE ! is , For Cash or OB long Time. e@-LAKD"EXPLORING " 1ICK- 2TS for sale at O. & N. W. De- ot , bearing coupons which will > e token at full cost In payment srland. L. WOOD WRT1I , ! 38 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. WAGOIT Wood Stock , YAGON HARDWARE , Patent WheeU , Piaisltea Gearing , 4c. xles , Sprlagri and Thimble Skeins HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hacks u3 Buggies Stotlebackcr "Wafcmu .Depot. H ! mcbttt Ai 5fli eOAPEBDAY. Agents waut- AiHi W O0ed. . All classes of work- Hi g peopl oi tither sex , youag or old , = iak HiHi on motif v at wort for us la their spar * mo- enti or all tb ttoi than at anything els * ; ddimi STINSUil * Co. . Portland , JUUr MTfiTl Monev and Commerce. DailylEeTiew. OFFICE OMAHA DAILY BEE , ) August 4 , 1874. f "We have no changes to note in our monetary , excepting- ad vance in land grants , as shown by quotations from THE FIEST NATIONAL BANK liind Greats selling ) $820.00 Land Warrants , (160 ( acres buying ) - . 176.00 Land Warrants (160 ( acres selling ) 185.00 Agricultural College Scrip , ( ICO acra buying ) . . . 176.00 Do. Selling. 185.00 Exchange on New York , 1-5 of one perct In our general market all lines ore firm , with groceries slightly ad- vanclng. The most notable changes being in syrups , dried and canned fruits. OMAHA MARKETS. CareJully Corrected Dally DRY GOODS. V J. J. BROWN 4 BBO. , Cor. 14th and Douglaif Streets. PHINTS. Aliens. American Amoskeaz Bristol Warners. . . Hamilton Mcrrimack D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feabody „ . „ . . Kichmond. . . . . Simpson's.- , Simpson's.BLEACHED \ BLEACHED SHJBTING8. Bright 4 Boot. Q. . . Cabot 4-4 „ . Lonsdale. . . . _ . N. Y. Mills. . . , Peterboro. . . . . . Suffolk ] BLEACHEC SHEETINGS. Peppertll 8-4 dO 9-f linn . . I do 10 _ . _ _ . . _ _ . . - _ „ „ „ COTTON AD t S. Farmers and llechanici. . . _ _ . . _ _ BROWN SHEETINGS. AlbioD-A. . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ Bedford , B Urantville , E L Germania , B B. . . Lancler. . . . L. ls. . . . . . _ . . GINGHAMS , American . . . Amoskeag. . . Bates. . . . . . _ LID caster. . . . . TICKINGS. Amoskeig , a e - „ . „ Biddeford. . . . . . . . . . . . DENIMS. ATP ffg.i L.r1 , - - , „ , , , , , , - . . . . . . . . . _ . . ' 3H\ B aver Creek , BB Haymakers J ! Otis , B B. . . . . _ 11 Otis , C C JEANS. Biddeford. . Iloasler. . . . . E HOI loss- KURTZ MOIIB & co. , 2231 Fambain Street. aruuij txrnun. Clark's O. N. T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . _ _ 70 Coat's . „ „ . . „ . . . . . . . _ „ . _ _ 70 ' . _ . . . . _ _ _ _ HOTKEY. Domestic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ „ . . . _ _ „ . _ Wl flO Britlsh. . . . _ . - . . . _ . . „ _ . . . . . . „ _ ( OCSJ6 00 PAPEE COLLARS. Dickens' best _ . . . _ . . . „ _ _ 9 W King "WillUm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' I S5 DnniMfiff , , , , TT1 . . . . . . . . _ . . - . . ji.jL 1 W Stanley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 SHAWLS. Ottoman strips _ . _ . . . . _ . . _ . . . | Z tSM CO 8HIRW. White common. * . . . . * . . . . _ . . . . . . . . S10 0 ' medium . _ - . . . . _ . . . . _ > _ „ 15 00 ' custom made. . . . . . „ . . . SO 00 Percale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . .m.$1200ij CO iMlco , „ _ . „ . _ . „ . . . . . . . . _ - „ „ „ . „ 4 7 ! 7 SO OVEBALUJ. Brawn drill . _ $ C 50aT ' duck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m r 7 "iSt.9 00 Blue drill. . . . . . - , - , , „ „ - „ - , _ , . . „ . _ _ 7 B0 7 60 ' duck . _ . . „ . . . . _ . . „ . „ . . . . . . . . _ - . . „ OOat SO ffhlte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . _ „ „ 9 00a9 60 CORSETS. French whalebone. - . - S5 Ma * 00 3Ur OWQ.MM..OT. . ! rT-ltttm.JII.H.J.IlLIU- 15 00 hornet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ! . - . - . . . . - 28 M i-PBIHG SKIRTS. Mnen printed..m. . _ f 9 00 " ruffled _ . _ . _ . _ IX 00 " fluted . _ _ . _ . . . . _ . . . _ 16 00 GENERAL COMMIS310K. J. U. KOSENTELD glVCS US Ue bllowing quotations his day : Butter , active , 20 cts. inlubs ; Eggs Irm , at 15c per dozenUveT ; thickens , 2 002 { 50 per doz. ; Goose- merries , 2 50 per bu. ; Cherries , 180 per buLem ; ns,12 00 per box. ana Ra9pberrie3,20c per quart ; . ) lackberries , 20c ; currants 20c. HARDWAKli. JOUH T. EDOA . IRON. Common lorse shoe 1m Norway nail rod STEEL. last r1" " " - " " " " " " " " " - - " " " " - " 1 * prmon , .i.j..i . . Jl Lmerican casn , octagon and square. . IMt 42 essup's English do da _ 2 $ 40 lurdeu's horse shoos , per kfg. . . . _ . - 796 do mule do do- .MM..M. 1 35 rorthweitern horse nsllj _ , _ . . . _ 22s 33 lundee thimble skeins , discount 49 per e ut , tor half patent axles , discount 10 per eot. NAILS. , 3d to 60d per kej. - . . . _ , 4 Ifl' 1 do . . . „ . _ _ „ . „ _ _ 4 S3 1 do „ mu..1.- - - - * 6U 1 do _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 5 1 do - _ . - 5 10 I fine do „ _ ' 7 10 XI finla'ng do . . . . . . . . . „ _ . . . . „ _ . _ 6 8i 1 dO dO - - . . . . ntl-r _ * 6 60 1 do do . . . . _ „ . . . „ _ _ . . . . . . . . . _ & 6 * XI casing do . . . . _ „ _ . . , . . . 4. ti I do do . . _ i , . . , , , . . . . , . „ - . FlO 1 do do M. . _ , . . . . . _ 6 15 brought , all sUes . . . . . - . , „ - , , . , , . . . . . , „ - , 5 S5 BOLTS. * arrisge andjlre. . . . . . _ . - . .dlscout 70 pr BUTTS. 'arrow wrought , fast ] olnt .dlacount ffipre ast , loose pin rcversibl _ . do JS da MISCELLANEOUS. 'ay and manure fork . . . . . .dlscount JO pr e lot * and gaiden rakes. . . _ _ . do S d HINGES. , trap xotl T. . ( .s < i i _ i .3 li on n t29prc WRENCHES. aft's blict.w . _ . _ _ _ _ .dlsco nt ftprc ae's linmltatlon . . . - . . . . . . da 45 do jt's genuine. . . . . . . do 20 d * SCREWS. meric&xi Tron. . . . . . , . . , .mm. . ni-m . > . . * 45prc tlo br ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - * 40 pr AGRICULTCRAL nflEMHNTS. SCYTHES , Holt'i Ha > est Klngper da. , M t _ 18 ' 00 tampion HH.M.H.M.M.n.M.H.M H.H.M 9 00 Eureka - „ _ _ . . „ - 11 00 do red _ . _ _ . . „ _ _ . _ _ „ I M i v SPADES ASO CHOTXIA. < wUnd'sNo2 black ihoTeb. D H _ ll 00 do do polished do do IS M do ( UbUckipadei * o _ ' 1100 oore do polished do d _ 13 W do's "spring point" L H shovels. . . IS M " AXE3. . ppencott'Westera Crown _ IS W da da do btvefod'ISM COFFEE MILLS. irke'a > o 3 , iroa box - _ aet 5 K do do 103 do . _ . „ _ _ . „ _ _ 475 do doS Union lrh _ . 11 00 eo do 55 do Brltanla. - - U M FILES. irzrave , Smith & Co. , . discount W pr e aericaa Flla Co _ _ _ _ _ _ , da Sato HAMMUBS. tTdole'a , A E No I. IX , ± . - umnoBd'i A I No . . . , „ . _ , , . ti W do da da 4 . . , , . . . . * . . . . . II It 4 * tajlaier'a i . . , , - , . ' ? . . . . U M do * J , . - .V ISM 0 * < 0 t I . , - . , . . . 14 ft HATCHETS. MorrU' hlngllng , No 1 f 7 00 do do do 2. . . . _ . . . . - 8 00 do do do s , _ _ , _ _ i 9 COde do dor do ! . . _ . . . . * _ _ 7 50 dc o do ? i..i. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5fl LEATHER. Bltdafla ° t > rzirrzr : : } * 8 * Matamoras do . . . Best Oak do Baltimore Oak Sole irencA iif. m. . . . . do Calf , leading brands Domestic Klpa - do Calf _ _ Hemlock Upper , per foot _ _ Oak do do , ± , , , , , , , , nt .n..iffio Grain do do - . . - . _ .SO ; Linings' p r dozen , . 7 00(310 ( 00 Toppings , do 811 00&U4 . . 00 _ - - - ilorocco ( Boot Leg ) per foot , do ( Oil Dressed ) do do ( Simon ) . . . . . . do ( Glove Eld. ) . Welt Leather , per side , , Boot Webbing , ir bolt , _ . 0 kHarnsu lather , " PltuburgI5e do do do No. 1 , _ 40@42c do do do > o. 2 , : . - _ S3g40c Oak Line dj . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . - 44 < 34Cc Htmlock Harness Leather , ho. . . . . . . . . . . . % do do do No. 2r.M. . .37 23c Hemlock Lin do 44@46c Fair Bridle , per aide , 6 OOQ7 00 Team Collars , per doa. . S25 S0&i CO Stage do do „ . „ „ . „ _ . . . . . _ $21 50 Scotch do do . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . S3C 00 ioncoiddo do . . . . . . _ . . . _ . . . . , . _ . . . $ S3 00 CUlerLeathe * ( Black ) per foot , - . 18Q24c do do ( Busset ) do . . lS/4c Patent Dash Leather. . . . . .lie SOAPS Powell & Co. , Soap monufactnrers. 8po Publico , 6 l-26 3-4 ; Savon BepabltC , do. , Chemical Olire , 6 to 6 1-2 ; Palm , 5 ® 514 ; German Mot- led , 6 l-4aG 1:2. A T GOODS ANC UPaOLSTESZR'a STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones , Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine art goods , 270 Farnham Street , furnishes the following quotations : r&AMK MOULDINGS. Oil walnut mouldings , one inch , per foot , 5c ; 2 inch lOc ; 3 inch 15c ; poliaHed walnut , 1 inch 7c ; 2 inch 16c ; 3 inch 21e. Berlin gilt , 1 inch 615q 2 inch 12@SOc ; 3 inch 18 © 4&7 imitation rotewood and gilt , 1 iuch 5@10c ; 2 inch 10@20c ; 3 inch "WINDOW BHADB3. Plain bandi , 6 feet , all colors , per pair , 1 50 ; ornamental bands , 2 00 ® 4 00 ; cadi t dditional foot , 75o per pair. REPPS. Union ind all wool terry , per yard 60@8 jO ; Imperial , plain and stri ped , 2 60a8 00.DAMABIS. DAMABIS. Union per yard , 1 60 ; all wool , I 00a3 GO. ItATTBABSES. Husk , 4-4x6-2 , 4 00a6 00 ; straff , 00a4 00 ; Eic laior , 3 50a4 50. LUMBER. EBTATt. LIST bubject to change of market witnout WM. M. FOSTER , OaU.P.'E-K. track bet. 1 irnhara ai QEO A. HOAGLASL. Joists , studding and sills , 20 It , and un der. . . _ . . . „ jaa oo Over SOf t , each additional ft add'l _ CO Fencing No 1 _ . . . . . 'SCO do Bo 2 _ . . . . . _ _ . . . . . _ . 21 09 Istcummnn board > . . . . . _ . . . _ _ . _ . . . . . . 25 (10 ind do do „ . . . 22 09 f -A" stock boards , 10 and 12 inch . . . 6U 00 "B" do do do ao . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 00 "C" do do do do 20 00 1st clear , 1,1 , IA asd 2 Inch „ . 65 00 3d do do do do 55 00 Sd do do do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 00 Flooring , clear. . . SO 00 do 1st common. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M.M 40 00 do 2d do . . . . . _ _ . . . _ . . . . 3S 00 do Sd do . . . . . . . . . . . . „ _ . . . . . . . „ . _ 27 50 do narrow , clfarw..H.M..M. . . . . . 4500 Utclear celling Hincb _ 35 00 " 2d da ' da 44 ln hl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 50 1st do do % Inch. . . . . „ . . . . . . „ „ . „ „ . . SO 00 U do do % inch „ . „ . 37 CO 1st clear sIJlng. . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ „ _ 27 00 2d do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 26 00 1st common tiding. . . . . . . 24 CO 2J do do „ . . 20 00 "A" shingles- . . „ . . . „ „ . _ . . . . . . . _ 4 25 Extra No 1 shln lea. . . . . „ _ . . . . . . . _ . . . S U ) Common No 1 shaigles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . 3 00 Lath per 1000. . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ „ S Co D i 11 pickets eer 100 . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . „ „ . 3 60 Bqaare do do do . . . . .MH..H.HH. . . . O G Batten per lineal f r _ . _ . . . . . . . 1 % H ugh do do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liberal discount on carload lot * WINDOWS. ( Glaasd. ) SS percent off Chiago list. DOORS , ( Wedged ) It pet cent ofl CV trajco 1'st. ' BLIND3. SO per cent off list. WhiU line per bbl 1 75(32 ( 00 Lonisvllle cement per bbl. . . . . _ . . . . 3 OOQ3 25 Plaster parts per bbl S 50 3 75 Plastering hair per bushel. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Tarred felt _ „ . . . . „ „ 4 Plastering boaiu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4J I OILS. PAIKTS , GLASS. &e. N. I. D. SOLOMON. ROBERT C.STEELL. Coal Oil- . „ . < 19 uutl utl , No 1 $ SSil 00 Linseed Oil , raw. 1 05 * * * " 2 70 " W'd. _ 1 10 " " wlnterTI ! M Turpentine . _ 65 " "itraln'dj w Hadll htOu - 28 Lubricating I , , " " M W.Va. "f" PAlNTb , AC White Lead , St. Loub , Srtlctlv Pure _ f llji I v " " " " Fancy Brands V& \ 4 Patty InBladdeTi . . .M..M..MM.M. . M. . 6i < 11 " Balk. . . . . „ _ . . . _ „ . „ . „ . . . . . . . _ _ „ _ 4 > 5 1 2 Enameld Glass , colors , W sq.ft. . . . _ _ 1 00 ' Window Ghus. 0 3 c discount TIN. SHEET'IRON. WIRE , AC. MILTON ROGERS , COR. 14th & FARNHAM. PLATU. 10x14 If , lair quaiitr. . , 10x14 Ic.bestqualltv. _ . I'xl4 IX do do „ . 12x121C do 12x12 IX do 14x20 1C do 14x20 IX do 14X20IXX do 14x20 IXXX 1(4 plate 1 > C lMSI quality ) . . , zj 60 I A 100 plate DX , vj. - , . , I 100 piste DXX no ao . . . . . „ _ 11 uu I A lOOplate DXXX - - * Eooflng 1C charcoal do do EoofinglX do do do 10x14 1C coke do da (0x23 1C charcoal roofing. . . tOxZS 1C charcoal roofing. . . , Mil 4 IX charcoal - 10x20 coke ( ( or cutters ) . . BLOCKTIN. ZINC. iTieet tin 25 to S6 ln. _ _ . . . . ( U do do it half tt do do do in 250 tt casks. . . J. Sheet 34 to T5 Inchw pershM1 J.a nonenaoldei ( extra refined a do do No. V , , , . „ , , . , , . . , „ - , 2S d do rooflpg , . . , . . . 21 t > U "if * * ! , , . , . . - - . - - - - . - TI T r Oa2 SRBBT IKON. first qualltr , Numbers 1C to 24- . . . _ _ . . . I do do da -5 _ do do do 23. . , da da do i7 _ 3uLrooal , both side * smothe do No 24. do do :6 _ . do da 27. . unlata , No. _ do 1o 26 do do 27 _ toaala perfect 7 to 12 . _ _ _ . _ . _ da No. 1 , stained _ _ . . . „ _ , . „ _ Less tttaa lull bundles , add one cent. A"Am rlcat Immitat'a Busiia , U No * . Less than fall bundle * add on * cent. GALVANIZED. fO. 14 ta * " . . .Mii-r.n I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IU * 15 In jl tn M , , , , . . . . . ' „ . . _ , . . . " " 16 1 1 Ja * T , ' . ' . . . . . --r.-----'i.- do IT IS Ba iaX _ .do 90 Full bundles discount ISper cent. i J < X Ul COPPEB. No nden 6 to 45 10 to :2B > _ _ J I 42 pol da lfy to 100 tt - , „ . 3 Psi hfathlnr , 14 aud IS o < . rsi . „ „ 45 dm as. I , i and 9 , Plauiihed _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ 48 ) lt COPper _ * . . . . . -m. t. . . i mu.n j..i ji 60 1all ? rr " " nm . .i. . . . . . . u. . . . . . i. . 38 -all 6 BKIGHT WIRE. Pat Fat II 11 . 11 } { UK po ] M. * U < 3,8. 1 ,11 18 14,14 we- It IS IS 19 90 Bal U 1 * r r taadl * 16 pv c tUlK i GROCERIES. STEELE 4 JOHNSON 538-540 14TH 8T. CLARK A FRENCH COB. FAENHAM AND llTH ST. PUNDT , MEYEE & RAAPKE , 212 FARN- HVST ST. , WHOLESALE DEALEBS- MOBGAN & GALLAGHER , 205 Fain- ham St WHITNEY , BAUSERMAN 4 CO. , 247 Douglas St. J. J. BB.OWN & BRO. , Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. faUGARS. Granulated pr > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . 12" Powdered do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K Crushed do „ . . . . . . . „ _ _ . . . _ „ . . . . . „ IS Held cut loaf do . . . . . . . . . . . „ „ . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . IS Standard A do . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . UKall'i Circle A do „ ll Kxlra C ao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Yellow C do _ . . „ . _ _ „ „ . „ _ . . . . _ 10kalO)4 NO choice do 10 } | COFFEES. Bio choice prB > , M , . . . . . , , . . . . . . „ , . . . . . 2Sa27 do prime do „ „ . . „ , „ . , . - . 2526 do Rood do . .MH. .M..HH.M.H.H .H. i4 25 > ; O ( * Java. . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ _ . . . . „ „ . . . Sla45 SYRUPS. Common pr p ft" , , - _ _ _ x 8545 Good do „ _ . . . . . _ . . _ . . „ „ _ _ . 60n65 Choice do . . . HHM.MWMH..H. . 7G&8C ] do N 0 rn * > V"M i 8C Rangoon choice.- CANDLES. II Weak & Co SOAP. Missouri Vrlley. . Kirk's Savon . . . . . M. West A Co bchofer's German Kirk's standard. . do > tcriiijg. . i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < W PLUG TOBACCO. Black goods , Western . 48 ; do do Virginia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50a55 do da Lorrllard'i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . C5a60 Bright do do do . . . . . _ E0a65 da do Virginia 53a(0 ( Natural l aX _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 75a9o DRIED FRUITS. California peach- per pound. . . . . . . 16 > ial7 da apple * do State do do do . do German choxTies . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i. . . 17 do bl ckberrles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 da * * a pb rr M T-iiiiiTLiiTt Ttiirrii 33a4Q do raisins , per box. . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . „ . S3 65 do seedless raisins , per pound SALT. New in barrels . . _ . . . . . _ . . . _ _ .S2 70a2 85 do dairy. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . . 4 60a5 75 CANNED GOODS. 2poundcanMyer' oysperjpcrcaie.$4 25a4 50 1 do do do do do . . . 2 Ws2 75 2 dc do William's do do „ . 4 00a 75 3 do do peaches pet case. . . . . . . . . . . 6 50 S do do do do 7 75sS 00 2 da do tomatoes do . . . . . . . . . . S 50a3 75 3 do do do do . . . . . _ . . . . . 5 00 Corn , Tropny per case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C dO do Winalow Jo . . . . „ . 5 COde do Yarmouth do _ . _ . . . _ 5 50 Strawberries , do 4 50a4 75 Baspberries , do . . . . . . _ . „ . _ . - 4 00 Piaeapples , do . _ . . _ . . . . . . . 5 00 TEAS. Oolonzs. per pound. . . . . . . .M. . . . 2Sa75 Young Hyson , per pound . . . . . _ 40al 00 Gunpowder , do da . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EUal 25 FLOUR , Snow Flake , ( Well * 4 Nieman ) „ . 4 0 Uold Dust. . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ 3 10 XXXX Iowa City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ 800 California. . . . . . _ . . . . _ „ . . . „ „ . . . . . 4 75a5 CO BAGS. QoBiiiee , heavy weight. . .c _ _ 18.gl9 .o light du 17418 lip * , four V' ° * " 'V , „ „ , m _ Ial9 adeo gunziles . . . . .H. i LI-LH-JHM IS ilnbags , Amoskeg A , . . . . 30a31 .o do LudJow a a. . _ _ . . . _ ti35 SPICEd. Nutmegs , Penang best.per pound _ _ . 1 Z3al 4i L'luvai uo do „ _ 60 Alspice do do . „ _ . ISa.O Clnamon bark do do . . . . . 3548 COLUMBIA BIVEB SALMON. bbls. , 1W tts - . . . . S9 60(310 ( CO L fl > cans , per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 2 75 I do do . . _ _ 3 SWy 4 00 WHITE FISH. So. 1 kits. . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 18 < a 1 25 Family In kit „ . . . . . „ . . 1 10 ® 1 20 . . " . .7. 5 50 $ 6 CO MACKEELL , Family , in kits 1 10 < § 1 20 So. 1 , do _ . . 1 BO& 2 00 kless , do _ „ . 3 00(3 ( 3 25 "amlly , 1 < bbls . C 239 6 M * o. 1 , de 9 00(310 ( CO iardmes , % boxes , 16 50 < < J17 CO CIGARS. L. R. 3IJIPSON , Manufacturer , 532 15th Street. I. Upmu . . . . . . . . V ! SI. 8 35 00 ieconstrmction _ _ . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . do 33 00 J rand Lentral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 3500 Jniversol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 40 00 fara . M..H MM. . . . . . . . . . . . . .H do 4300 .A Boquet.ni.m -riTmill TI do 50 00 ilmon Pure „ . . . do CO 00 * f flfjraa , . . . . . . . „ r - --.mmtn . dO 75 tO fours Truly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 65 00 lold Medal . . . . _ . . . . „ . „ „ . „ _ _ „ . _ do 50 00 JSL Eepanola.- . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . do 60 00 Mple Crown do 75 00 lenry Clay. . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . , do 100 00 ) e Vlller _ . . _ . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . „ . do 100 00 f Vlller. . . _ . _ . . . „ _ . . . . . . „ . . . . . . . _ . . . . do 100 00 876. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . do 75 CO . CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale depot 548 14'h Street falf barrel sacks. . . 2 9t Chicago , Rock Island and Pacific B. B. THE GRAND CENTRAL COUTE FROM. fflfATTA TO CHICAGO AOT ) THE EAST , 'ia De * Uoinei , l > aTenport and Rock Island o All Passenger Train * are equipped with the fxiTUrauouiUC PATENT Aik BOAKKS and Uller'a Patent Safety Fhitfonn and Coupler. ! Fait Express Trains Leave Dolly , onnectlng as follows : .T DE3 MOINES with the Dea Koine * Taller Railroad , lor Oakalooia , Qttumwa , Keokuk and St. Lonii. .T GKINNKLL with the Central Railroad of Iowa , for all points north to St. Paul. .T WEST LIBEKTY with the .Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Minnesota Railroad , for Burlington , Cedar Rapids , Dubuque < t St. Paul , At WILTON JUNCTION with the South-Western branch , for Muscatine , Washington and all points south. .T DAVENPORT with the Davenport 4 St. Paul Railroad for points north. .T ROCJC ISLAND with the Western Union Railroad for Freeport , Be.jit , Racine. Mil- waukea and all point * in northprn Illinois and Wisconsin. T ROCK ISLAND with tbe Rocktord , Rock Is'andandSU Louis Railroad lor St. Louis and point * south. T ROCK ISLAND with the Peorla & Rock . Island Railroad for Peorla and points east. I T BUREAU JUNC. . with branch , for Hen. J rr. Lacere , Chlllicothe and Peorla. T LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for point * nort h and south. T CHICAGO with all lines East , North and South THROUGH TICKETS to all Eastern cities , la this Une , can be procured , and any inlor- atton obtained , concerning points , a ; the cket office of the company , 128 Farnham St , maha , and also at the principal ticket offices eng the line oi the U. P. B. a. KiVK * Checked Tbrongh to all Principal Kaatern Poiuu. .M.SMITH , i. RIDDLE , ' - - ' ' Gen'lPass-rAg-t , Gen'ISnp't ChfcBgo. Chicago. H. LACEY , a a STEVENS , Ticket Agent , Geo'l Wartern Ag't C 6tl Oaaate OauAa. ioux City & Pacific R , R , 3 The Sborteat mud onljr Direct IlOHte from JOUNCIL BLUFFS St. Paul , Minneapolis , And all Point * IB ) BTHEBN IOTTA& MINNESOTA. PULLMAN PALACE SLEKPING CARS.l On all night trains 7la thl * rout * . cajrarjccrioxs. . At U. P. Transfer with Un Pacific llroad for Omaha ! . At Council Bluff , with Kaniss CUT , St. > and Council Blub ftallroad for St , Louis 1 all point * south. . At ML-sonrl Valley with the Chicago and rthwestern railway fet Chicago and all nts east. . > t Sioux City with Sioux City andS al , Illinois Central and DaloU Southern Iroads. Steamers for Upper Missouri River , ring cavigatloi and with stages for all nts In the Northwest. Pn . At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern Iroad for Omaha and Southern Nebraska. . At Fremont , Nebraska , with tbe Union nfie railroad for all points Test and the : ine coast. . At WIsner with stage * for Norfolk and al ? . nts In Northern Nebraska. Tickets lor sale in Chicago acd North- item Railway offices. " "t sore your ticket * read via S. C. A P. Hway. 13 L. BURNETT , Snp't. ' . C. HILLS. Gen. Tlektt Ac't. All CHICAGO & NORTH WES'N ' The Popular Route from 70 Chicago and tlifr East ! AND THE T > " \V tcTlooFort'Dods , I Crossw , Pralrte Da Ctitea.Vlnona , St. l' ul , Dulntli , Jane TllIe , Kenosha - sha , Green liar , Jlacinr , l " Point. Wntcrtovrn , Oahlrej _ . DuLar. fliailUon autdatlltrmaliee. It Being the Shortest and Flist Comnleted Line Between OMAHA'and OHIO AGO , Constant Improvements nave taken place la the way of reducing Giade , and placing Iron with Steel Halls , adding to Its roiling stock new and .Elegant DAT and 8X.KBPIHC1 CARS Equipped wltb the "Wcatfnghouse Air Brake" i and 'iMUler Platform , " establishing coxniurta- Ue and commodious Eating Houses , offering all the comTtrts ot traveling the age can produce. Froic , V tolO Fast Express Indus run each. way daily over the various line * ot this toad , thus securing to the traveler selecting this route sure and certain connections in any di rection he may wish I o go. Principal Connection * . AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTION , for Sioux City , Yanktoa and poIoU reached via Sioux City and Pacific railroad. AT GRAND JUNCTION for Fort Dodge , Des Molnes , Ottawa and Keokuk. AT SlARSUAixLforSt. Paul , Minneapolis , Duluth , and northwestern point * . AT CEDAR RAPID j Jor Waterloo , Cedar Falls , fhnrles City , Burlington and St. Louis. ATCLIN10N forDubuqnt , Dunlelth , Prai rie du Chlen , La Crosse. and all point * on tbe Chicago , Clinton and Dubuqne , and Chicago , Dubuque and Minnesota railroads. AT FULTON for Freeport , Racine HUlwan tec , and all points in Wisconsin , AT CHICAGO -with all railway line * leading out of Chicago. Through ticket * ta all eastern cities via thl * line can oe procured , and.any informatli n ob tained , concerning Routes , "Rates , etc , at tha Companle's Office , 218 Farnham. Street , Omaha , and .also at the principal ticket offices along the line of the U. P. R. R. - JK9 Baggage checked through to all principal Eastern points. W. H. STENNETT , MARVIN HUGHITT , Gen'lPuslnge'rAg't. Gen.bup't. J.H LACEY , G.G.EDDY , Ticket Ag't , Omaha. Gen'l AgUOmaha. mchUvl , Omaha & St. Louis Short Line 1874 ! The Kansas City , St. Joe and Council Bluffs B. B Is tbe only dire line to JHT. XjO-CTXS AND THE.EAST.J-BOM OMAHA AND THE "WEST KO CHA.NGE u out between Omana and St. Louis ana b ttoi e between OMAUA anu AiiW YORi. This th Only Ine running a I'ULLMAS SLEEPING OAK KAST KllOM O AIIA , OX AltBIVAL OF TUB UNION PACIFIC carPassengers taking othet routes nave a Usagreeabln transfer at the River Station. PASSENUEH TRAIH9 DAILT I 8 REACHING ALL EASTERN AHD WE3TEEH CITIES filth Lesa Change * and in advance of other line * . This Entire Line i * equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coaches and Chair Cars , Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Westintghouse Air Brake. 9"See that your ticket * read via Kansas City , S' , Joacph A C'oaacil IlluSb Ualrod , Via Omaha and St. Louis. rickets for sale at eor. Tenth and Farnham streets , and U. P. Depot , Oinaha. fOS. TEHON , GEO. L. SRADBURY , Pass. Agt. Gen' Agent. . F. BARNABD , A. H. PAWES , Uen'l Supt. Uen'l Pus * . Agt. , St. Josenh. St. Joseph. KOTTTS A. S 3 TEAItfS DAILY ! * * LEAVE ST. I.OUI3 VITH ? nllman Palace Cars THEOTJQH WITHOUT OHAHQB [ ndiajiapolis , Cincinnati iLouisville , Uliicago , Columbus , Pittsburg , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Washington , AMD E W TORK Arrivtl of Train * frota tie Wett. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland , Buffalo & Boston . u.u * * * * * * * * e x J ' Oflicea. to the Weaf. aAS. BABCOCK , C. E. RUSSELL , S'thern Pass. Ag-t , Wcst'n Pass. Ag't. DALLAS. TBXAJ. K yaja crrr , > HN E. SIMPSON. C1IAS. E. FOLLEIT , Gen i Supt. , Gen'l Pans. Ag't. 29tr iNDtutApotrj Sr. Louis. TJxJltOO. C9TA.TOS onfectioners1 Tool Works , . 'hos' Mills & Bro. , i A , jlanuiacturers o U < Jonfectioners'Tools Katbtce Moulds , Ice Croim Freeze r a. sa. 1301 & 1303 No Eighth St. Fe PHILADELPHIA , PA. CD ) prieton : 1 ESTJJUUSXD ltS4 , ' 'HOMIS MILLS , 1 - > 20. M. MILLV f rUTALOQUES SENT Dl LTLZxP.PASMKB.Jvy ujwc application. DlGi Gi GiAr Ar Are th St , bet. Farahaai aid Haruej. i kinds of TAILORING , CLEAKINa sad REPAIRING done st nsoasU ratM . KEARNEY'S FLTJUVEXTRAClr HIT nil IT U Tne.onlj kaown remedy for HEIGHT'S DISEASE , And a. poaltfrs cure for Goat , Qraycl , Stricturea , Diabetea , Dyspepsia Ner- . Toua Debility , Dropsy , Non-retentlcn orlncoitlnence of Urine , Ir'l- tatlon. Inflamatlon or Ulceratlon of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS , SPERSIATORRHCEA , Louccerho or Whites , Diseases of the Prostrate Ofcnd. 3 one la the BUdder. Colculsr , GRAVEL OR-BRICK DUST DE- | POSIT. And Mccux or Milky Discharges. KEARNEY'S Extract Buohti ! Permanently Curt * all DUeaaee'of the Bladder , Kidneys , and Dropsical Swellings. Existing In Men , Woman and Children , No Matter WhaS the Agt } Prof. Steels saji : "On b > * ttle of Kearney' * Fluid Extract Bachu Is worth more Uun all other Buchus combined. " Price one dollar per bottle ; tr , six bottles for an dollar * . Depot 104 Duane St. , N , Y , 4 physician in attendance to answer correr pondenca and give advlcugratis. arSend ttamp for pamphlet * , free. v Crane 4 BiigUam , Wholesale Agents , San Fnnclteo. CaL a Swt TO THfc NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. IOOHABQB lOB.ADVIOB AHD flULTATIOlT. JQB J. B. DYOTT , graduate of Jefferson Medical College , Philadel phia , author of several valuable works , jan be consulted on all dls < eases of the SCXUK ! and Orinary or gans , ( which he has made an es pecial study , ) either In male or fe male , no nutter from what cause originating' , or how locg standing A. practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward let ters describing symptoms and en- dosing stamp to prepay postage. j-Send for the Guide to Health. Price lOc. J. B. DYOIII.M.D. Physicion and Surgeon , 104 JDuane jtreet. N. Y. OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE , HAPPY RELEIF FOR YOUNG MEN from .he effects of trrors and Abuses in early life. tfanhood Restored. Impediments to Marriage Removed.NewmeUodof treatment. New ind remarkable i emedle * . Rooks and Circulars ent free , in sealed envelope * . Address , I1OW- IRD ASSOCIATION , No * 2 South Ninth St , , Philadelphia , Pa , an Institution havingablgh eputatlon for ' honorable conduct and prolea- lonal kill * . 1e5dAw3m- -Popper , WHOLESALE BUTCHER t Kl > C ATTIRE BROK R , ALT T. ifR CITY , - - UTAH febSTitM. . Keller , Proprietor of tto RISING SUN AND LOS ANGELES YDfETBDS. Depot for the sale of his , STATUTE WINES AND SELLER c& Co , , Corner of Battery and WuhlBgton.St * . AIT RASCLSCO , CAL. marTU PASSENG-EJRS olng East or South from Omaha And Point * on U.P.R.H. , ' hould take the LINCOLN 'KOUTE" ' TbTh * TCHISON < t NEBRASKA RAILROAD f U t < vcre lor themselves the choice of Six Popular Routes from lehlsoa to Chicago asd St. Loala , ill making Eeliable C. anecllons and being | / Dipped -with Falie * Dayaad fflespia j CJM , ill dcliv and Inconvenience arrlvlnz from rrles acd transfers ctn be avoided West of [ f Icajo and St. Louis by tecnrlnc Ticketi via and tbe ATCmsoJT & NEBRASKA BAIUtOAD. rect and Reliable Connections are abe made with the A. T. A S. F. R. R. for tba real Arkansas Talley k Colorado , id with all lines running South to point * in i , toathera Kansas and tbe Indian Territory. I ° - Aak for Ticket * via f y [ INCO & TCHI8O.N SA3. CSMITH , F. WHITE ( fea'l Supt. Otn'l Pas * . Ag't. n DOl'T ' UNT'L-VOUHAVK CAREFULLY EXAMINED AND LOW RESERYOIK yvferiMxvw \ \V / / / 7 ; i\uW\ \ \ WE HAVE lYvLLVk GOOD REASONS AS why thav will do your wori. Quick and Easv. Cheapo and Clean. i B B They arecheipcst to buy , I They are best to u'e. " Ther bate evenly and quickly , Ttelr nation is perfect , „ , They have alwavs a coed draft. They are made of the bcslmaterial They rcast psrfcctlr. They require but little fntl , They are very low priced , They ara easily managed. They are suited to all localities , Etery stove guaranteed to siTcjat-factoa ! SOLD BY Excelsior Man-'fg Co0 ST. LOUIS , 210. , ii'DDY M. BOOEBS. size or. mins : O GO oeo Or Sesar-Coa ca , ConccntraJcrt , Hoot and Hsrbal Juice , Autl- Unions CraanlcB. TaiE " E.nrrz.1 : GIANT" CATI1.1KT2C , or Multuja 1M Porvo Physic. The novelty of tnodcrs J-WIcai Chemical ari Pharmaceutical Science I o ma of a y lc- t talcing thu larrepul lvo and naisetu * pi _ composed of cheap , cruilo , and bull.laejJjeiL.j. . vthca wo eaa by a carcIUl application cf cLc = lc ; science , estnrr ell tne catuartlc ai-J oti.r m. . . , rinil properties from the ciosi voltiabio roc'j e _ bS3 , aud conrcntmto thcai into a rn.cc * C' 3- Wo , vpa < ly lartrcr titan a intiFtanl ce < it ut can be readily enallowctl t > U ! the mostNRslttTO etoinachi end fa tuliou3 to. . UschliuiaPiirgntlvo I'dlctrcprc-'ec' ? . LT molt concentrated foni. ai mac * " < 3thirt ? p w c as U ombodleil Ja any of ttre la-v pills fbrr " i r ala ta the drr ehopa Trdsj Uu.\r \ wcni. _ : co- tiartic power , in proiortiou 'o t' cif * ! : < ? . pcopf who have not tried then an. apt to fa ; ; - c U-S they are ham or dn > ttc in efT t. bnt p nch U n I at all thd ca < ? . he different active n * ie * Jil pr" 2- ciplesof which they arc composed be r ; BO ta- . raanizea find modiicd. one bv the oth n. ai t j prodnco n rno t Boarrltiit a.i I thor- ousli.yel Rcutlj-tuIliluUiy oj > cr-ttur ( catburll . 8500 IJevrartl lihsrebyoCera'l b tha r-o- priutor of .hcao IVlkt * . to a / chc . t wi , cpon ansJysu. v-ll ! C-al in thea m > to. > .Ti-iC- olher fornii of nicrvury ct t-y olicr poUon. , - care isequlred while ustn ? thtci 1 * . y c 2- rsle without distcrbanco to tha cos t tn * . a d t , oroccupatlon. For Jaundice. Ilcaclaclic. Conatlpatioii , In > i > uro Rlood , Palu ill Cbo Shouldcre , YlKlTdiciii of ! io Chest , JUIzzIucsa , Sour Uructatioii of tlio Momacli , lad taste In uiouth , Blllout cttacl < % I'aln In region ot Kidneys , Inturnal I'tTcr- Uloatcd fcclltiR about MoniacI , ICush of niood to > Jcail , Zllsfi Col ored , fJriuc , f nioclariility xtnd. Gloomr Forcboaiii B , ts' ? Sir. Plcrcc's PIea > > aut I'u rtjatl vo I'cllf t . In ciplansllou of tha rcm'nllal p iwr of try I L - gotive Pellets over FO peat n va. letof d ra. Iwlshtoraytiat tlicir action upon the animal economy lamilvcrs.- ! , not a. IClaiid or tissue escji > li tlicirsaiia live iraprcHi. A o cloca cot lirfa r tt T their eusar coatlns'CLil beinjjcnclo U la _ t bottles pre > crvo their \IrtUM unGnpalfJ fct asr Ics tii of tlae. in any chmate , to tin. tl.c are a - trava fresh and reliable , which is not tta ca > nrifhthapilofonnj ia thcdmjEtorcspitnpia cie2ptroodorpaite-bcardbox' > 3. II L-I e LJ : fjra'i ' da ! c3vlicra a Lsrratlvc , Allcra- . tivo or Purgative Is indirateJ. tk.r-i 1. 1 i PcUitanl chothcnoat perfect EatuUcUca to all wnoueothem. They are ftolil bja3 enterprising Druggists atj coutj u bottle. Do not allow any urn-rrlBt to ! a'-e yon it > late anything el > that t o ene y lj ] i. si rood aa my Pellclo becau o Ins m-fc3 fc L t nrofltoa that whrh ho rccctL icnii ) . Tf jx rtrqsgist cannot npply Ihsm , e-c'c'3 C3 ctujj andTrcccne them oy n-tnrtji ' .If-oin iz. r. PIEHVJ : , 21. D , jv v , _ BUFFALO. I. Y. ASK EOE FYLEE SALEAND AND f BAKING- SODA * i Meyer & Kaankc anil Whitney auserman i Co. ' CASTLE IMPORTERS OF AND Zast Za.dik Gcods _ , 213 and 315 FRONT STREET San Francisco California. mcbtT'm PLATTE YALLEY REAL Samuel C , Smith , Local Agent for th U. P. B. B. LANDS , Columbus , - ; , Government Lands Located ! U. P. lands Sold ! [ mproTCd Farms andToira LoU loren -on- onTIME TIME ! ! Communications Cheer- ully Answcretl " STOVE E. F. coos : 57 14th St , bet7 * 2 Dnglu ui anofidnrer of Tin Cnpp r aiU.Siieet Iroa Vfae , and dealer in looking and Heatingstove s Stamped. Jarance-l anl French TTar oa id. Tla Hoofing , Uuttcrs ind Siiautini aal