J Y THE MAHA DAILY BEE , , . . VOL. IV. OMAHA MONDAY MORNINGAUGUST 3 1874. NO. 38. FETE DAILY BE1 EDWAKD kOSLWATEU , Editor and Pro | Office Xo. 138 Fanilmiii street , beti Ninth and Tenth. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : Ore ropy , one year. ID advynce _ f 7 4 . . J'glx months In advance " three rornths in advance 2 K3T\\ not paid in advance , $8 per annum w * FREDERICK LEADING HATTER Best Goods , LOWESTFB.ICES Farn'liaziiSt. OMAHA GrandC DMA BUSINESS TOCTDRY. CRAOKEB MA * UFAO OBT. a/TcCIurei / Fmith. 185 Hdruev stteet. het QLA83 ASD PJOTUaB FR'JIES. T Beinhart , 1S6 I'oudw street , dealei Ii audr"-ture irauijs. ( flatln J .window glam - ' done to order. * ' " v BOOTS A1D SHOES. Lang , 155 Farnham st , between 1U1 PhUip 115h. JebWyl CONFECTIONEET. . Later , corner 12th snd Douglm strceia HL. . and wholesale de Ier Ii m.nuf cturer cand * s and coniecttonery. Country tr..de si , Uecti-d. "P1" COAL DB&LEIg. ' Elliot , coal , lime , ceuien thalr etc. Po'andA tt. felilSuii DRUOGIST9. . K der , druggist , comer 12'h and Mia , neysts "PAWN BBOKEH. - \ f Elgutter , No. 200 Farnham st. K I7lf LAHNDEY. n.w laur-UT opened at oil llth st. . N't Far.ihan. od DoupUS. 1 liowinl IUR and Ironing wiJl be done to rrder , Bret e a work PAIHTEES. T ehinan A < t l , bou and alpi . _ JLJ 10tl Ub t. t'-irphatn and Ilarney. / Worli. POWP ! ' i Co , still T mnlum bo p > . Five IT 'inauu acfire their Preuiiuo S < ip. Kst premium .awarded by tLe Louijla county , la. rotUwattamle county and SUIc Uirs. and Orders soli"il"Hiom the trade. A1IOBHE73. E. ESTABRODK. ' M. FBANCffi ESTABROOK& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW , OFFICE Cix'mMoa Uuck , Omaha. Keb. DEXTER L , THOMAS , Allornejaud' Counselor at Lair. .07FICE SaWJ Ho * Vlacher's Block , OMAHA ' - NEB " JOHK VJLYTLE , " ittornoynt-ljiw and Solicitor in Eqaitjv -OTer Tint Katlonil Bnk , oal-ti PARKE GODWES , Attorney at Law * ( CawpbeU'a Blisk. ) 5091-2 IHIETEEMH STEEET. OHAHA 26 Jm _ A. BALDWIN BAI.DWIS & ATTORNEYS ! Office Caldtrell Block , ougla" FUeet , KEBRASKA. - - OSIAHA. - - JOIIN tk . Solloltor COUNSELOR. OFFICE CKEIGHTOS'S W.OCK , OMAHA , NEUUASUA. wRtf T. , W. T. Kiciiards , Attorney at Law , Office 510 13th St. , bet , Farnliam and Douglas , Omaha , Neb. * 0. Baz 80 " " _ O. U. BALLO r.U. B.JGLASGOW. " . . Ballou & Glasgow , ATTORNEYSATLAW , Office nCrcl bton' tj < 3w block , outhe jt cor room , floor. 05LV1IA. EB bAVAGE & ( VIANDERSON , Attorneys at Law , 242 FABKHAM 6TBEAT. JAMES \r. si * " , } Omaha Nebraska N. J. BURNHAM. ATTOKNEI AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW , No. 200 Farnham Street OMAHA - - NEB. < nrh30tr JOIIN E. KKLJ < KT , Attorney 1 CounseloratLaw / > ( OLLECTIOK8 SOLICITED AND PEOMPT- l ly attended to. No charge unless ctllec- lion are tuadc. Jloaintolet and renU tel ccttd. Ittral tHale boutht and eold. apJTtf , J. CONNELL , AND Attorney for Second Jud icial District. OFUCS South aide of Farnham , between 15th ar < 1 6th U. , opposite Court Houw. o f. K. rsrrcHETT SPAUN & PRITCHE1T , Attorneys ind Counselors at Latr. 020,506 Twelt i SUeet. AT * m > , Omaha. Ieb. WILLIAM LATEY , Cor. 16th and "Webster Sts. , Keeps a complete assortment ol GROCERIES and crcnm PROVISIONS. STODlAItl > Si Ilt'ULllUT , Market Gardners ! \ LL KXD3 OF VEGETABLES AST ) . plant * , for tale. Orders addressed to us Pftal Streets , tteotkia. CABLEGRAMS PARIS , Aug. 1. The Assembly has rejected tl proposal to raise the state ot siege , prorogation was voted until Novet ber 30th. LONDON , August 1. The Boston club won a game base ball yesterday afternoon. Tht defeated the Athleticby five run BURLIN , August 1. The supreme court has decide that payments by third parties .wit n view of releasing the condemns bishops are illegal and cannot be a < cepted. MADRID , August 1. Sperial makes the followin specifications'of complaint agains France : Arms bearing the royal initials c Don Carlos have been publicly soli Bavonne. Amanufactory at Bordeaux ha been allowed to undertake contract Tor supplying-the Carlist army witl )0ots and shoe" . A demand for an extradition fo Chief S vells , on account of variou criminality , is refused by theFrencl government , and his return int < Spain is not prevented. The prefec of tlie department of the Jowei Pierene , and who permitted th < public entry of Carlists into Spain is still retained in office. Thousands of armed recruits foi the CarlMs have crossed the fron tier. Finally two cargoes of arms from France have been landed for the Carlists. PARIS , Aug. 1. In the Assembly yesterday the question of n recess came up for de bate. M. Debate made an impor tant speech against the prorogation of tlie session , but was really in fa vor of republic prorogation. He said it was simply intended to conceal tlie Impotenpy of the Assembly , which although it arrogated and constituted powers , it bad done nothing but reject all known for eign government" . He nifiilc a powerful appeal for the establishment of a Itepublic ; he would give peace and union to franco , and concluding th.it a state of siege be raised. The speaker was tuinujtflusly applauded by the Left. During a subsequent debate , the MarquisDeFranchien , a Legitimist , declared that he considered jt ; his rightnd duty to do everything In liis power t # re-establish the mon archy. This caused great excite ment , and the Left wtHed for the dews pf the government on the subject. General Decassey , Vice President tf the ministerial consul , pic-ad that the government would seek with firmness and impartiality to make its powers respected by nil pnrtie > J A. motion to raise ( lie state of the siege was rejected by a vote of 242 : o 306. A motion to adjourn on the 3th of August until November 30th , ivas carrietl. Intimidations are rpwn out by the press that the id vent 01 > f perman squadron , in Spanish wa'.ers , n useij the Spanish iavy to pronounce In favor of the 2arlists. A loan of $0,000,000 to \Q } Carlists baa been commenced. An infilscnminate vlatifffttcr in slothing and genfb' furnishing joods regardless of prices at 206 ? arnham street. Fine linen c.nd ihevolt xljfrtrf ot our wa make at 12.00 and $2.50 each , Jtailroad Tie.et * lought and sold by P. Gottheimer , Jroker , at 296 Fariiham street. Unredeemed Pledges for Sale. nay Iv26 Hamlet Orum , ill crect between Jones and Leaven worth sts. , OMAHA , - NEBRASKA. rT-tnrsTHE MOST COMPLETE ASSORT [ \ . mcl of Indies' < nd Gents' straw hats , trim- led and tmtrimuipd , rarasolj. Piques , Mar- ; llles , NainsooVa and all kinds of liry Goods , * uJi ? ' ind GenU ' Boi Is , etc. My line of Err loodi If Cojmilete. S llig only for CASH , I m able to UXDhJtSKLL any other Dealer in m City. Our 1'UICUS are fAtWEU than ercr card bl before. u 7 J3 J UID ! JT , 3KOOEEHEAD , AND PHfl-BMAGIST. utter' * Block , Bet. California & Webster Bis. OMAHA , NEB. Prescriptions carefully } FFIOE. No. 232 FARNHAM ST. r Bel. 13th 4 ; 14th SisOMAHA. . ' it > theclty DR , A , S , BILLINGS , Bou 13th and 1 1th , up itairt. etth extracted without pain , by on of M- troua Oxiie las. : . VAN GAMP M.D. DlspecM * his own ciedclnei , and besldn ! > tuUr tmctlrv , watt * 8 { > eclalltJea of Derangi- lenU and Ptrease * Peculiar to Women , Fistu- i , Piles and other Plstaw * of tte Bectum. OFFICK : Corner Farnhbm and 14ih Mreeu , rstdoor to the riht. HP M trf. Ilf ldeuc- , 10 Douglns strrct , betuetn Hand l th , next > Lutlieria Chinch Omaha. Vfb. Aildro a K \AMICUCM K Eclectic Physician * sldence and offif , 230 Podge st Let 14th nnd 15tb Us. [ < : lal attention paid to ohstetrlcs and dls * ises ptcull ar lo women and children. I9U. B DEALEP. IN fruits , Confectionery , CIO AUS AND TOBACCO. 213 < Donclas , bet. llth and 12tUSireet. MAHA , - MJBKA&KA. IARRIAGE , BUUCT add MANUFACTURER. r. E. IOBKEB of 14th ana H ARK El STS , [ T70ULD respectf ullj annoucce to the pub- V V lie that be Ii now ready to fill all con- acts In the abore lines with neator&a and Ibpatch. * 3-Expresi wagon * conitsotlf on hand and ir icle. VERY LATES1 ! MIDNIG-HT. THE WEST. Datoils of a Terrible Cloui Burst at Coalville , Utah. PITTSBURO , August 3. Another body was found amor the ruins at Butcher run to-day. . ' was that of a child , and was four in a cellar , where It had bee washed by the water. NEW ORLEANS , August 3. A square of small houses , bounded od by Music , JMorales , Spain an Enqubart streets , was burned U day. Loss , about $15,000 , ou whic. there is $8,000 insurance. CINCINNATI , August 2. Rev.Dr.Boyntonof the First Con gregational Church , preached to day in favor ot liquor.licensc , takiiij the ground that Christians inus reargue the whole question. Tin sermon has created a great sensa tion , as Mr. Boynton was a Jpromi neat total ubstinence advocate ever as far back as the "Wobhincitoniai movement. K ROCK , Ark. , August C. The Constitutional Conventior ye leiday adopted the franchise ar ticle , in the new Constitution. Ii provides that every male citizen o ; the United States , or who has de clared his intention of becoming u citizen , being 21 years of age , and who has been a rebidentof the State twelve months , of the county six months , and of the precinct one month , shall be qualified electors. BROOKLYN , August 2. Mr. H. W. says that the chairman of the investigating committee was called on to-day. He said he had nothing to give tc > tie press in re gard to the workings of the com- mjttpc. fi ; Mr. Ieecher's case , he hoped , ho sajd , that their labors would be brought to a close within the present week. It was their de- frire to have Mr. Beecher's statement as early as possible , and they wanted to be through with it the Hrst part of the week , and then if Moulton would not come forward they would not wait for him. SALT LAKE , August 2. Advices from Coalville to-day give additional details of the terrible cloud-burst that occurred in that lo cality on Saturday last. The dam age to tjje Echo & CoalviHe Rail road was far more serious than at u'rst reported. At one' point nearly a , mile of track , grade and ties were swept away , anjj the coal canals are all' floodedThere" Is a tumorpd loss " ' " ' ' ' The most pxpjtjnjj political cam paign over known In Utah closed last evening by an immense mass meeting in this city and Ogden. At the latter place almost the entire ludience were Mormon , who were iddressed by Gentiles without inter- uption. United States Mar&hal Maxwt'il has Appointed a large jumbpr'of Pjiputies tb prpjprvp err lor to-morrow , and the Liberals are letermlned that HOMO but citizens J.'icler the law shall be allowed to I'ote. JEBSEV CIT } ' , August 2. Vaneten , the national Bond forger , vho attempted to commit suicide in he Hudson county jail on Saturday , las recovered consciousness and lopes arc now entertained of his ecovery. ' When questioned by the allor , he stated that he" took } auda. iuu' with the Intention of commit- ingrfuicide. There are numerous uojors afloat regarding the manner n which he became possessed of he poison. When he wfls rjejjvered o the jailor by the deputy marshal , in Thursday , he was placed In a iell without having been searched , s is customary when prisqjiers are .dmitted to jail. Hje w/ll / bje taken o California as soon as he' can un- lergo the Journey , Jie was \isjted y Detective Lees to-day , but bad ittle to say. His injuries' , which esulted from a severe pumping to ounteract all effects of the poison , re such that he cannat possibly be erao'vei } for Several weeks. JJogTosr , Aug , 2 A. special dispatch from Oak BluflSs o tje } Advertiser says : For some reeks there has been a good deal of caudal In connection with Mr , Vin- an of Edgartown , and 8. K. Elliot f Watertown , who have occupied Cottage in company with two la-rled women , bejonging to Ed- arton. The e men Iwvp been 'areatened ' with tar and feathers , nd Vinson fearing trouble left the slancl some weeks ago. Last night a party of men went to tie cottagp , and called out Elliott. ifter a considerablp struggle they > rccd him into a wngon , in which ras a pot of tar and a bag of feath- rt. Elliott drew a revolver , and ircd twice : the " second shot killing laleb Smith , brotlipjr of * the two omen. The report ot1 the pistol Tightened the horse , whioh "ran \vay , and threw the whole party rom tjip wagon , Elliott escaped , nd surrendered hlmspjf Jo the ) iu- Uorjtie ? . jhtpnse excitpippfft'nre- alla here ill consequence of the ffiMr. AVASHINGTON , D. C. Aug. 2. The. Secretary of the Treasury has Jrjected the Assistant Treasurer at f ett'York to feel 1 gold during the ircsent month as follows : One nd a half milllqii dollars on thp Irst and third Thursday ? , Fourth hursdaj's each making In all live illUIon dgllars ; Secretary Brlstlo eturns fronj Peer fark to-uiorrow light. Congressman James II. PJatt , of he second Virginia dish let , caused ho arrest of Samuel Saflbrd , one of he editors pf the Sunday Gazette ust night , on tlie chargps of slander nd libel. TBe article to whiuh ex- eptionswere taken was published wo qr three weeks ago , and charged bat If Plate had received his just teserts hewould have bpen jn the icnitentiary ten years ago , and that liey had the documents in their ossession to prove it It is stated , , upon semi-official uth.ority , that Secretary Bristow rill not Attempt to negotiate the liree hundred ipjlUons of four and half percent , bonds , -but wil } rec- mmeud to Congress that the inter- st on them be increased to five per ent , , as he 4oes not think it pos- ible to negotiate a bond bearing so jw a rate of interest. He will also ecommcnd the enactment of a law ompelling national banks to loan n a bond bearing a lower rate of iterest than six per cent. TELEGRAPHIC 4 O'CLOCK P. H. Specially Reported for the Omaha Dally Be bv the Atlantic and Pacific TelemPh Co. if EW YORK , August 1. The evening papers say that th projected new administration orgar the New York Daily Republican will appeal as an eight-page pape about the 5th of August. Amonj the members of the staff will b Sedley , Xorveel , O'Grady , and oth ers , formerly of the Times. Georg F. Williams , of the Times , is namec as its managing editor. It is ru mored that George H. Butler is t < have a responsible position on tin paper. UTICA , N. Y. , Aug. 1. The Herald this mqrning contains a reported interview with Susan B , Anthony , at Unadilla- regarding he Beecher-Tilton matter. Miss Anthony declined to affirm or deny the statement attributed to her by Mrs. Stanton and her brother. She said if she did say It , it was very un grateful of them t repeat It. When asked if she would go before the comn.ittce if summoned , replied de cidedly : "Xo ; what I have to say will be said only before a tribunal competent to deal with the matter justly and impartially. " PHILADELPHIA , August 1. A meeting in honor of the centen nial of chemistry , and to commem orate the achievements and dKcov- eriesofDr. Priestley , was held at Northumberland yesterday. A num ber of distinguished scientists were present , and a permanent organiza tion was effected by electing Pro fessor Charles Chandler , of Columbia Co'lpge , New York City , President , and Albert T. Leeds , of Stevens' In stitute of Techniology , Hoboken'as , Secretary. The address of welcome was delivered by Colonel Taggart , of Northumberland , and responded to by Professor Chandler The origi nal letters of Dr. Priestly were ale read. OTTAWA , Out. , August 1. At the Jmnberman's convention held here , the following resolutions were passed in cojis ' ( { tiencp of an over production of manufacturers of lumber and timber , it is hereby agreed that firms here represented shall shut down their mills at the earliest po--ible moment , and re- iluce their u ual production by one lialf , either by that means or by curtailing their operations during the enduing winter. This agree ment to apply lo manufacturers i f > qiuire timber ns well as piannfnc- : nrerof lumber. A resolution was ilso passed authoi izing the Secretn- y to correspond with the lumber issoeintjoii of J'jo ' United States , isking their corporation , with u ; iew to the general curtailment of hpjr 3f i\vYoRic , August 1. At a Jatp hour last evening a ru- nor was In circulation that the firm if M. Pozenanlkls & Ero. , manu- iicturers of white and woolen shirts , S3 Church street , had suspended. t appears that this liim.have been loing a'large California trade , and lacj d.spatphp | { } IP Si" } Pnmcspo } ojnp time ago as their agent , a oung man who had been employed ly the firm a long while and who lad its entire confidence. Last \'cA \ Mr. Pozenanikis received in- ormation that things were not al- ogetlipr rjglit in California. He ent a member there to Investigate he agent's aflfuirs , Full inquiry so nr appears to bpve been to the ef- ect that the agent had gone Into on his own account , and iafj pontinued to conduct Pozenan- kis'vuojnpss } ) at tlje game time. He otinto bad company ami Jed a ery fast Hfo , using the assets of the Tew York firm to liquidate his own ebts aud liabilities. The liabilities . -III probabjy reach ' § 500,000 , and it i thought tbftt'they cannot be Jess jan $250,000. BHOOKLYX , August 1. The Beecher riivestjgalipg Com- jittee. in session Jast night , exam- ie4 Mrs. TUtop. The examination sntinued until nearly midnight , hen Mrs. Tilton left ami proceeded > the residence of Mr. Ovington , nd the committee adjourned. The jmmittee will hold an afternoon ud evening session to-day The idjcjaj proceedings incident upon ilton's arre&t jl j po Commenced in ustice Riley's Court next Monday , hen it is believed that , acting im- 3r the ad\po of the District Attor- ey , the ustloo will dismiss the jmplaint. Mr. Moulton is expected to tcstisy n Monday , and shonjd lip fajl to o so , Mr. Beeohor will be ln.vtpd | > make his statement and Invosti- ition to be brought to a close as > eedily as possible. Oliver John- Hi contradicted two of Dr. Carpcn- ir's statements , and expresses his aubt as t' ) Tjltou'a veracjty. Mr. ortor said that \\s \ } \ faith jn Beeoher unchanged. Dr. Bacon denoun- ? s both for keeping silent , and cen- ires both Tilton and Beechcr. MONTRKAL , A j 'UStl. The local government of this rovince has been discovered in a aud which is sppond only to" the ecjftp raiwpy } scandal ' and.tbp . U. . Credit Mobiljer'ln its enormity , ometirpe ago tjiree membors'of the ibluot Tnet in secret conclave in ijs olty , and very quietly swapped piece of government land worth > me S230.0QO for another plat , the utslde value of which could not scepd $40,000. This transaction taked out and several indignation lepfingsjiave been hold here and i Quebec. A inenibpr of the Jjov- rnmont election commission itml Jitor r.id part proprietor of tjje I < a linerve , a government organ of n's city , is charged with having re- .Ived QQOQO a his share ot the x > ils. The rest of thp monpyjsfiup- Dsed to have been divided between ther political friends. Membersof the cabinet who are ; iarged with this fraud , are solici- ir general" Chapeau ] , Quimet and .rchunibault. Attorney General rvine to-day resigned his position i the cabinet , having come to the inclusion that was the onjy course hich was open for an honorable tan , and It is rumored thatthepre- lier commissioner of crown lands ad the president of the council will illow suit. In the event of their sing this the lieutenant governor ill have to call upon the opposi- on to form a ministry. There is reat excitement throughout the rovince , and the Canadians who ave always boosted of the honesty ' our government and purity and iperiority of our institutions , are ; ginning to feel that we arenobet- T th n our neighbors. * PEEKSKILI , , X. Y. , August 1. John Dyckman and Jas. Preye < row three milds for5500 , at this ci to-day. SARATOGA , August 1. In consequence of unfavorab weather the races announced for t da\ * have been postponed until Moi ( lay. CINCINNATI , August 1. Philadelphias Van Trump , e : Supreme Judge of Ohio , and for long time Congressman , died i Lancaster , Ohio , ye-terday morr ing. PHILADELPHIA , August 1. President Grant and family hav accepted the invitation of th Woniens' Christian Association c this city to attend the formal open ing of the Seaside House for work ing girls at Ashbury Park nea Long Branch , on Tuesday next. XE\V YORK , Aug. 1. The excitement in the market foi oats and for produce exchange stil continues , with a large amount a speculators around the stand. OaU are held by few hands. Quotations are still § 1,00 for Western mixed ; two cars having "been sold this u m at that price. The advance in pri ces for the week has been about 33 centri per bushel. Mrs Woodhull states that it is not her intention to sail for Europe to-day , but will leave next Saturday For an extended tour through Eu rope. _ WASHINGTON , August 1. The steamer CananiJajgua yester- lay arrived at Key West from San- ; iago de Cuba , with all on board The nc\v postal treaty w ith France joe into operation to-day. It pro vides for the exchange of letters be- ween the United States and France ind Algeria in enclosed mails , the ostage on all letters to be nine ents for each half ounce , if pre- taid , and if not prppaid , live cents dditional will be charged. There 5 a provision for registration at ten ents for each letter , which is to be repaid. Packages arc excluded rom registration by this tieaty , and i this respect it is different from lie treatic-5 \ \ ith Oreat Britain and Icrnujny. The bureau of engraving and rititing K busily engaged on the li- al printing of the bonds to be is- .icfl uiujera icpent placing of a ortjoiiofthe live ppr ppnt. loan , he printing bureau had ipmved ie bu'ks some time befoicfromthu ank Note C'ompany , so that the itire work will be completed in n iw days. A mimbor ot bonds have o readied the i egistwr of the trcaa- ry , who is at work signing them , lie entire amount \ \ ill be ready to . liver when called for. A prominent ippublican congress- an from Alabama , who jb now in iis city , expresses the opinion that e republicans will carry the State the ensuing election for State of- rc're and BROOKLYN , Aug. 1 , Tijton's fronds tcny | the truth of e .statements which have been ibllshed charging him \Ulh un- ndness towaul lib wife , and with fusing to let her take any dejrilish ing from the house as he is lepor- 1 to have said to her on a recent casion. Thp Argug lo-flay says it jsundrr- > od Mrs.Tilton's sneech before tlie mmitteo of JnvoiUgnUon was a est befiutlrul , touohingeninestde- , luo of her husband's character ; me members of the committee > re affected to tears ' y her elo- ent plea for justice to Tilton. She Hired the committee he had been isjudged In ) iitu2r : 'respects ; and at th"b Action of Plymouth church dropping his name from the roll is terrible wrong. It is now sta- l that both Bcecher and Tilton ve asked Moulton tocome for- ird and present his testimony and pors , ThH , however , thp latter peared in nti liurry ( o 'tlo. ' I'hero are rumors that Moulton Is Ing , or has already gene to ISu- ie with his invalid wife , but these ) Qfts do not proceed froth author- ve souiee , and the probability is it Moulton , who Is still tuduglit be at his country residence , will urn to t.hp pity np.st wppk and ; e definite steps in tlie matter. : echer , who is stjll in town , leaves PeoksktU to-day , to spend the nday on his farm. The daily ilon publishes an Interview with . McDonald , Superintendent of ; Kings county Insane Asylum , ring which the latter stated that . Tilton 's brother bad been an nate ju that Asylum and had 'd.tlpr6 ' ) scvorjil xyearu ago , Mr. ' epher's statement is n6w poni- te , and he only awaits the Invi- lon of the committee to submit The committee , however , Is in- posed to call on Bppoher before iring Monltop'a tpstnony. } ( Per is wno have seen Beecher's state- nt speak of it as a startling and liaustive document. Personally Beechcr looks as fresh J as strong as his friends could sh ; the scandal docs not appear veigh as hpavily on his mind as merj y. The Eagle this afternoon bllshes an Interview with Rev. . Leonard Bacon. The latter says it his indignation centers on Hilton for remaining silpnt , when 3 v.'orl ( from him woukl have set- ii Beochcr's guilt or innocence. gardlngTilton's statement Bacon rB that he believes that Tilton f jr : past three years has bepn cack- g to Jay that egg , jiiul u od his aeon's ) letter as n pretext for rging thp whole matter before ) pubyc. Bacon views the work the present Investigatingcommit- i as an ex parte proceeding , and nks for that reason that their rdlct will ' not be satisfactory ; thp nmittee'ts a poor substitute feral ; al pr-jcceclings. Dr. Bacon dis- ' imed any 'intention at personai- } { n } } ls 'ootiiro which offcndeii Til- i and provoked his remarkable tement , i' int nothing was farther m his mhid than calling him or y othpr individual a knave or Sfr. Bbcarnan eairt his opinion of itiltou's holding back from testi ng , was not that his testimony iulcl damage either of his friends , ton orBeecher , but Moulton him- fhas everything to lose , and is willing to testify , Shearnian has ked to Moulton ttnd is confident has no testimony to give that U hurt Beecher , but it is for his n interest that ho- ' does not speak , earnian declined to explain any ther , but said he ' .know what mlton's testimony is , and he only shed he would speak it. Jt is re- : ted that Victoria " \VoodhuIf and nnje Clafliu intend to present uuselves before the committee to I all they know , as they will so/J / Europe in a few days. District torney "Winslow says the com- ? ttee has five or sis more wltnes j to examine , but will finish their rk next week , LONDOX , Ont. , August 1 Last night as policeman Blacl well and John Kelly were'conve ; " ing a prisoner named AV D MHle" arrested for larceny , to the jail 1 drew a knite and stabbed both me in a terrible manner. After the had secured the prisoner , they bet sank down exhausted , and are noi lying at the point of death. " \VASIIIXGTOX , August 1. The debt statement for July show a reduction of $1,233,800.49. Th following are the balances In th treasury , in connection with th debt statement : Currencj' , $15 , 913,232.87 ; special deposits of lega tenders for redemption certificate of deposit , $ o,59o,00000 ; coin , $7 , 113,210.99 ; outstanding legal ten ders , $382,000,000 ; total expendi tuies of the government for the fiscal year ending June 30. 1S74 $28,713,287,317. JERSEY CITV , August 1. This morning a man who gives his name as Henry Thompson , ol San Francisco , \ \ ho had been ar rested and committed to the Hud son county jail under Marshal Daily , of San Francisco , committed sui cide by hanging himself in his cell early this morning. Frank Galely , a white man en gaged in the junk business , and Henry Jackson alias Sweet , colored , had a prize fight at a secluded spot in this city. Fourteen rounds were fought , and every time the negro , without striking a blow , picked up liis opponent and pitched him head long. Galely then procured a knife and stabbed the negro three times in the back and breast , and hej al though in a dying condition , refuses to make complaint. Yoiuc , August 1. Over two hundred dogs were as- ihyxiated this morning. Pound- naster Merritt says that he can dis pose of a thousand a week , and he jxpocts to have thp city well rid o hem In a year's tlnie. The Beecher-Tilton scandal is to- lay in slatu quo , and new points of nterest in connection with the case ire developed. It is stated that during Mrs Tii- on's examination Lefortf the com- uittee last evening , she gave addi- ional evidence , showing the cause fMr Tilton's animosity towards Ir Beecher. His hatred had , be- ome morea.ni ! njore intensified as e saw Beecher increase jn popu- irjty and prosperity , while he ( Til- 3ii ) , was gradually growing poorer nd losing all caste among his for- icr friends , Jt is also stated that the commit- so yesterday decided to prepare [ re. Tilton's testimony for publiea- on complete , and it will probably ? given to the press to-day. It is understood , that MouUon is i Mie city and tho1 committee are imting him up. ARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Hew York Money Market. Xnw I'ORK , August 31. Money Very easy at 1 per cent. i call. Foreign Exchange DuU settling 4S7@4S7l for sixty day.c ; 480 ® 9 } tsfeh > 'n ' ' GoU | "Stronger in early trade in nsequence of active covering of orta j price advanced from 1 09 | opening to 1 OOj , but subsequently clined to 1 09 which is the pres- t price. Government Bonds Steady on a ry limited volume of business : rrency , Cs 1 } 7J. > ' ' ' * stocks Qppnfcd dull , but gencr- y strong ; ' Union Pacific was the ief feature , advancing to 28 } ; * iket now steady ; O C & Ifj ened at 15 as against ITliesterday cause the company defaulted on : payment of interest on.Us . sec- d. n orlgagj ; bonds ; the coupons the first mortgage bonds are be- ? paid at the St Nicholas Bank. ie 37j ; Pacific Mail 44J ; U P 28 | ; U 73 . rhe city bank statement to-day is . "orable ; the reservp is inprpa.sed ' ,144,100 , and the hank's now hojd 34,272,7oO in excess of the legal luirements of 25 * per cent. The lowing is the figures : Loans de mised $1,155,500 ; specie decreased 353,000 ; legal tenders inei eased 14,100 ; deposits decreased $1,573- ) ; circulation decreased $54,000. sw York Produce Market. .NEW YORK , August 1. Brcadstufis penerally lower. Flour Dull ; Supprfine State and : stprn 50a5 00 ; extra 3 35a5 75. rt'heat Heavy , spring , 1 3Gal 38 ; i. 2 Chicago , 1 28al 29 ; Iso. 2 Iwaukee spring , 1 33a ] 34 , Uoru Quiet j njixcd qfloa.t , 78 © 3ats Easier , but not yet quot- ly lower ; two car loads sold this irnlng at 1 00. [ lye Nominal. L'ork Firm. A sha'de higher. L'eatlior Steady. Iron Dull and nominal. kVool Nominally unchanged , Chicago Pruuuce Market. CHICAGO , August 1. ? lour Dull and unchangedgood ; choice siriiig ) extras 5 25i ( 00 ; r to medium 50Q525 ; Mmne- a G 7o7 25 ; low grades wanted , 04 5U. IVheat Steado ; cash 1 05 ; Aug- : , 1 04J ; September. 1 02 } . L'oni Steady ; cash Cla02 ; August | ; Septepiber , CO } . 3ats Quiet ; cash , 40 ; August , [ ; September , 35 $ . Barley Steady ; September , 1 04 LOf. Highwines 98. Rye 70. Pork Firm } August , 23 25 ; ptcmhor , 23 7523 50. Lard Firm ; August , 13 ; Sep- nber , 13 15 , P. FALLON , DEAI.EH IX ' css Goods , Silks and Trimmlnga. 'o. 203 Dod3e r ' 'eel , between 14th and 13th. ress jnakinc done with neat- sse and dispatch. Orders licited. SPENCER'S rait an * Confectionary or. IStli and LcarcmTorlh Sir. , 43m ATTnEBWDOE " EBWARD KUEHL. lOISTEU. OF TIIE DBPAIITED. 498 llrtk Et , between raralam & ainey. Fin by the aid of guardian iplriU , obtain any-one 4. flew of tue p > t , preseut nu Iu- M. &CO. , CLO THIERS , ANDiDEALEHS IN- GKElsTTS' TTI iTISHIZnsraOOO3DS , 221 and 223 FABNHAM STREET , COR. 13TH ST OUR STOCK FOR THE Is Complete now ; Our Assortment in Clothing a Gents' Furnishing Goods Comprises th.e Latest Novelties. TSE LATEST STALES HT HATS A1TD CAPS. We Hare also a Full Line in BOY'S and YOUTH'S Clothing. WE WILL SELL OURG-OODS LOWER THAN EVER. _ M. HELLJffAN & CO. ' , 1873. R. A. BROWN , 248 Douglas Streefc WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS , AND OIL CLOTH Immense Stock of Fresh New G-oods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city , consisting of HER1N9S , IMPRESS CLOTHS , RSPILLAfH , ALPACAS & MGIIAIRS , also TELYET & BEAYER CJ OAKIXGS. L FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS , BLANKETS , MERINO LNDERWEAR AND WORSTED Q-OODS , TABLE LIXEX IS ( JUEAT VARIETY. A FULL LINE OP ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS , OIL CLOTHS , MATTING RUfiS , IND MATS bedding , Mirrors , ? Af ything pertaining to the FTJRTSTITUKE and TJP- LOLSTEKY trade ; has largely increased his stock , and now a complete asscjtment pi FINE ) , MEDIUM and LOW gg goods , which he is offering at such REDUCED 1 o as to make it tQ the interest of everyone desirine- oything in this inae , tG esamine his stock before piirchas- o * , LOUNGES &c. : UPHOLSTERED AND COVERED TO ORDER. CHLA.S. HAVING BoyGHT TIIE BANKRUPT STOCK OJ the Popular Goods Store , 22S Farnham Slrce * , licreby wish to inform the public of Oniahi d > icmlty that I shall cent nue the business d offer it all times -REAT INDUCEMENTS In all kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY IRY GOODS ! I baye adopted the trictly Cash and One Price inclple , which I hope will meet with the prcval of the public as uy price * shall be fays THE VERY LOWEST. liberal patronage solicited , I5c pcctiuily , IOHN H , F , LEHMANN , 328 Farnlifiiu fctrcet. imaha , Kcb. , July 2Ut , 1371. ! 31m FRANK J.RAMGE DEAFER & TAILOR DEAUER IX GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 'GOODS ' , Jt'uU > sbortmcnlof Imported TYoolcns. All Work Warranted. 2b2 - - OmaJaa. ITb Ou. 5eodlr B. & J WILBUR Books and Stationery , \ ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , v I Fourteenth Strset , . Omafca J GENEHAL AGENTS EOR ALL SCHOOL BOOKS ar3 Imy AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th , and Sarnsy Streets , ' ' il and Summer Styles. < r A. POLACK , CLOTHIER , 233 Farnham St. IT ear Fine and Medium Clothing , * Goods , THLA.1T