BEE 9 by carrier , to _ . .J ecrrri to jubscnbers erenlog , ( Sundays ex- Kut ul Uxedty.eTery week , or T4./5 for > cr cents l jeptcd , ) M niteen beu paid , . peranuum - gli months , and $7.00 u advance. alxrat'lrreguUrlUes , addressed All complalnu prompt attention. this duct will recelre to DJLILT BKB Kill to .mailed icriliexeatthelolloiringrat OMAHA < as , j bleinT - in1 > rUblytnadTaoce : S7.uOperaa-iuxn. 8.75 ' * 6 .onth * . the hu fir OJLUU. DAILY BKK by Tax circulation In the city , and la , ti&BUEST advertising herHore , th * bett and cheapest medium. ADTKETHIXO. Local notices , KATKI OF 2 ( advertisements , local cents per lice : . Sid by the month , 10 centi. line oenuper ; cenu inserted ( or lea tiisn CO Special * d Teruaement notices , 10 cents per line ; alnglsinier Hits 25 cenu. not leu lion , must InTaJably b Transient iburU eraeau paid tot la advance. * dTertJiementt r-TipocJ Bate * for standing ecntract. * Tabula Statement * . Notices , All I/egsl carelul revision by copy Work etc. , requiring , must be banded li iurnj bed , proof to be er th before ten o'clock A. x. to Insure Insertion ameday. before tw rvecial and Local adTerUsexneut * ' . . o'wra AdrertbeiocnU ieiore pne o'clock P. ic , . WKEKXY BE for. to * All advertisements . lor U Bust be handed In before Monday.noon , tame week's Urne. "DEPARTOBE 0 TBAISg , of tlie BavllnRtoa Ron rime C * d . ABKVK JIT OMAHA. . OKAIIA. X.XATX 2:50 r. 11.1 Express _ _ 9S5A. . . . .mEx press. . : . " Mail * _ & :00 A. v. I SIail 10:45 f. 'Sundays except ed. . 'Mondays exceptt line running Pullman Ilot t Tali Is the only > r . iningc DECKI.- D. W. U ITCH COCK , HAKKYP Gen'L Wca. Pass. Agt. Ticket Agent Ni Chicago , 111. Omaha ; Onion I'ncIUc. IXATE. A3EI\ . D fly Erpret * . , 10:00 P. UailyMlrcd P. Frolsht. . . . . . . - - 6:45 : Oxily 3:30 A. Dally Freight 0:45 : A. ii nocu . . . . 5SOA.M. . * 10:40P. : AMP.M. tlOOOA. taiprcM SandJLTB ccccptod. titondaya except CUleeeo i Nortlixvcutcru. Kail * 6 CA. > r. 10:401' . IllBWA. , Expreef. . 2 0P.JL KtuiBU City , St. Jo. iCouucll Rla horning Express..530 A. M. 10:00 A. Bijre . . . .2aO P. M. 6:40 P. KortbweBteru uud 8Ioi Cltr & 1'aclUC. si 8:15A.1I. i':15P. Dally except Sundays. Cmnlbusea and Baggage Wagons leave I Ninth etrtcU , Pornham and ffice , comer een nUiuta * In advance of the above Italln lac. Opealng : and Closing ofMalls " / ' Omaha. DCS. OilCxgoifi all Eastern eltlei , " Nbr City , H tLcnxijh , Council Blufli snd Burll ton.Uue tlOUiU * . ni.clotcsat4:30a.1 m. i I p. Q. 1. Louis and EL. Joa h , due at 103)0 ) a. end 7 p. m. ; closes at 1 : p. nv and ,4:30 : a. Office open Bundsvs Jrotr , 12 to 1 p. m . ? ' O. E. YOST. Postmaiai 'ine ot t c DAILY BEE l Bto oable tUnt of nnyjollier dal arantand Oysl Btat9 A .Question , r * * * " - * f il S. A. Strickland , fine -of ' ' while > -opKappers , the city tile other- _ up recruits for , who met last night , , mv ? - r- , picked up the mong man when he tried to rope In one William State. When the General found , after hav- given State a free Tide around the city , from 'igrocer-ee to grosser- Tye , " "that 'he , "wastnot'tb be roped into the "Ku-Klus Klan ' he had him arrested on the charge of being a suspicious character. * State was fined next day for be j ing drunk. Now it appears that State knows a thing or two , and he accordingly published a card , giving Gen. S. A. S. , a rough deal , calling him Sir Rye Tanglefoot , accusing him ofbelngunable toquqte Shakes peare correctly , and of having been "hilariously happy , " on the evening that he picked State , up. Gen. 8. A. S. had his anger aroused , as his good tcharacter and- sobriety had been called in question , and he therefore - , fore publishes a card a column long in vindication of himself , and brings to his support cards from Judge Wilburand Enoch Honny to prove jhat it was State that was in- toxicated-and not himself. As the case now stands , it is evident that somebody must have been imbibing , which fa nothing strange in this Western country. Jfr. IJenny is x. General Strickland x.u. that u. positive . was pot drunk- and says7 cl. "In regard to you ( Gen. 8. A. S. } being drunk , I know that Jt js nol so ; and I also know that you had nothing to drink from 8 o'clock till . rz. M.M . a few minutes before we met M.M M ? StAte. " . - f _ , / , M This is pretty pbsftlvp MM. that Gon. S. was not drunk , for h < M.W. . . had not had a drink from 8 o'blocl W.ed. . till about eleven , and we kno\vtha it would take more then one swal 11. low to intoxicate him or any 'Othe ,11Co "Ko-op. " Hennyfurther intimate CoM. tha.t tftte was "either.crazy , drunker M.M. . , or very much u$4rthe' infli/enc / IXU. of Jiquor , " and as § tate. was fiiipi U. for drunUermjjSS bv Judge Wilbui we are Inclined to think that it wa the ar- he who was intoxicated and no Gen. S. , who seems to have had th safety of the city at heart. : o hop that tUp phorjtftble reader w-UTafere in with us that Qtn. S , hfts cleare himself on this particular' occasior although it is not a matter of ver , grave importance to the publi whether .he orStato was , or both c them-wf re , under the influence t liquor on the eventful evening. 1 ' . ; -ii r y . ' . On tlie Cth of Ap'ril two men bought tickets from Denver t ( Omaha. "When they arrived o r Gfrand Island , they got off to "la over a few days , Tfje conducto ermitfed one of them to do so , an ska refused the other , who bad a con ng- ngmd .ductor3 ? check. .On the 20th hot ) mdm. m.El. . got on the train , the conductor hon El. oring the ticket of the one , ami dla honoring the check of the other , pu him oflf tje cars between two sta Cre tions. Tlje name of thp young mai llj- ejected is Reed , and he has em ployed J ; O , Adams to proseelut ier Pacific forTdajna'gest he Smythe has gone t < oln to attend a pic-nic. . * . L ! _ _ - f. * " " - , emon has returned fr6h He reports splendid crop ; " "aoppers. - . - Sardner , agjnt ; oftKe"Tn ; ' .Menagerie , , 'Museum jnd 'Circus , , is at th < al. He is making ; ar [ for the InternationaUc Lugust 31st. - .j jfchcock , the geiiera the Great Bur it the Grand Cen Mr. Hitclicocl rom his arduous duties i comes to Omaha , his for ic , where he has hosts o : tsonal friends , A noi evei [ w . < . , - JL * A. n a cordial reception. illowmg are the arrivals ai Doming : ! Taylor , Charles Sparkes , Og- I ; Stephen Malalan , John Har- .gton , Misa .nnje Bejlq Gordon , England ; JoIint > amerohiP Shuley , HamburgTarJW , Taylor , St Lou- tis ; P A Pottcr.Sidux City ; B Sclla- Miss Jennie Wilson , jnsas City ; Charles M' ' Gdf fechalk , 3uistMn ; , Hull , Cedar Rapids ; incaster , G W Barlhplowew , in. i eaneu. - ban uamcdp.-W.Suan KnT7nU vi''Stnfna' .llTrftri itory , is visiting in he went on a Awhile .walking a Tenth street , | noflensice In- -4 would ' A Few Jfo the Uennansy &s a nu" in all. , political. Rafters ; jt wonder that some one amongst them should express ; his opinion regarding the political prospects-and the host means to. at- , tainthe most beneficiaVresuits. 'Mr. . PhiUp Metz .has'thought proper to. advise , his countrymen in this re gard. * " Formerly a strohgt"and sfauneh/Renublican / , w.ho conld not even be induced to enter-theliberal rankg.two years ago , Se'is. nowinore than willing to describe banner he has helped to carry to victory for years past. In an. article appearing ov this signature in the Omaha" Tbk , of July 4th , he cites from the Illinois Zeitung , and-tells u& that .vybat tMr. Hesing .saySjJs the j pol icy : of the Germans'in.'UlinoiS ' , finds its corresponding expression among us Germans of Nebrask'a. , and that the wants ana expectations of the German population of Nebraska-are identical , ; witu , .Jhpse , , ol. Jhe same element of Illinois. We-do not be lieve that this iaa _ correct view ol the-cale , Mr.Hesjng'is , too.muchoi a politician , and he is fa tno.anxious for .the advancement ofl himself and family" , ; tb be'jjlassed aaian" , 'impar ; , tJal judge "of the politiciil'Jbehtimenti .of his countrymen , add , besides , 3fe b'raska is certainly not Illinois. Where the political aiid-inateria interests of 'the 'latter 'are. riearlj fully developed , there these sami .matters are in their infancy witl us. Jt , Is possible thattlieGwnau ; of Illinoisby united action mi'gh control , the .fall election ; of. tha State , but the .Germans otNebrask can certainly not do any.such thin ; ere. , An4 when Mr. Mu z tells u ' "toVolldw" the' example o'f'Mr. . ing , the Illinois > laats Zeitung , an its political adherents , h forgel that Mr..HesIng , only by force ( circumstances,1 has been brought t : advocate the course he now doc : to- wit : 'i'hfft. ' the 'Germans ' shTdul tuni from the .Republican party an enTer the itenppnif jc ranks as pr vate ? , corporals and coopela } , alwaj with Mr. Hesing-as general. It : first after havlug : been snubbed b the farmers , jndependant con vet tionthatMr. Hesing came to tl conclusion -that - - the. - Demo'crati ptjriy was the salvation of the com try , " and it is very doubtful ho' many of Oils countrymen are wilJ ing to accept this doctrine. Jleganiing the great bug-bear % a waya held up bcfbre the anxiot minds ' 5f the Gernfansthe ten peranclf question ITiave no fear < any. suicidal , action ontha part i the Republican part ) ' . The radicj temperance men are of such an e : ceedingly small number , that the 'clamor ami cries will have no effei upjjn a party whose principleJbz been , ijn.i will be , personi freedom to all. Let us awajt tL platforms adopted by the two polit cal State Conventions , and apt ai cording to tlio promises andpiedg ( madn therein. In the mcantlm I hope that no German will folio thp ail vice of Mr. Philip .Metz , . an jump frora one i ) rty . o rl ) ° tne he might jjpss.ibly regret It ifte ; wards. . CIIAULES , . BAXKES. , . i H - * - -r < Tk. t ' r i .The.heated term can be robbed < half'its terrors by donning one c Bunco's summer hats. He isno ) closing them qff _ at astonishing ! low prices. , . , jul3-31-2t OFFICEJIOOMS. formerly occup'ledi'b ' , t&o , City rnVGaiawelliBlocl a Council .Rp ems , , Mayor's offlct and Clerk'R offlce roil RENT. AI ply to j . - " , C. F , CATTJN. jy31-3t * " " * Ml * \ T 111.Carpets. . ; . j : During thi8nibnth < Iwill offe .special bargains s ' In < remnants c C IIPETS' . ' ' CL6 S ; MAT TZNG aiid HvStL' ? PAPER : Cal ! and examine goods and prices You can always , fiud.-a.JargearJi ( well * selected sockqPcARPET ! : . WIN DOW SHADES EATS , RUGS , and as ' . buy direct Jrom manufacturers an < importers , I can selliiie of goods , as low ag , Chicago or St Louis. GlvrmcTtVlaib 504Farnham and Dougla6treets. . at flu PKEXCII COFFEEHOUSE , 12th St. betweenFarnham andJETurne has luanufac tud it himself/it / is the best tha can'frelnui Tn the cify. " " "jfuSOcodt [ RAND CLOSING OUT , SAM ! oi TriK k\s6i- P urferof As's ! ; - Now or never. This Is the lagi * l - ? ' .Wl S ? , . > W1U fl , lIfnhiA ? .An Iowa Bee-Hive Peddler Learns „ _ a Costly Lesson. . . ' ' r i ' . i1 an-who "Capped" .sejatenced to pay a fine of ; . $2i Rndto'beimpris- -edVorthirty days. ' " - ' . - . < A very interesting case took place at the Policed Court yesterday the fects of which we gathered from the evidence and other sources. It appears that one Wm. R. Burgess , of Indlanola , Iowa , arrived in this city two or three days ago , in com pany with his partner , they being Interested in a patent bee-hive. They stopped at Vandanlker's De pot Hotel. Thursday afternoon Bur- jesa made the acquaintance of one E. M. Parker , "who has -been in the city about ten weeks , and has within a .week or so , been carry ing on a small grocery opposite the DepqtHotelf In the evening Burgess was taken to the Crystal Saloon , where the two men went up stairs to play faro. Parker lost his. own money , and $80"which he borrowed from Clayton. He then intimated , according to Burgess's story , that his head was thick , and he wanted to play a simpler game one that did 'not require so much study ; A "red and black" cloth was 1 spread uppn the , table , and Burgesa was induced , to play , and when he had lost S10S , he went tothqPepot Hotel togetsome money from his partner , who refused to let him have It. Van Daniker , land lord of the hotel , hearing of the -scrape Burgess had got into , sen ! word tcx Policeman Collins , who in formed Marshal Snowden. Parker , Harry Clayton , and Ed. Keens , d were then arrested released or ts- - bail , Yesterday the case . cam tsb up for trial. ' The prosecuting witness b ness- told a very straight forward 3 , story , stou'tly maintaining the fac dd of a "red and.'black" . cloth having d been spread upon the table , and a ira which game he lost his money. ra Parker testified that no such garni Is had been played . Harry Clayton whoiwas a mere looker-on , testlfle ( the , same , and that the room wa rented and managed by Ed. Koona Jim Nealis and Keens , and one o two others gave corroborative cvi tjence. In the evidence it appeare < that the dealer was one David Tur , nor , from Denver , who was not ar rested , and that the only garni played was faro. Gen. Strickland made an argu ment in favor of a light pimishmen tupon Parker. Burgesa was a bee 1 hive patent right humbug and : speculator ; he had played poker fo IT money ; lie ought to have knowi 2t better , and this experience woul < ISll prove a good lea-son for him. ll At this point the Judge called 01 Bjiirggas to rpppat some of his testi i- mon > \.iij was askecj , " said , he , "bj Parker , 'why ' I didn't bet , as tb < game was.slmple , and u child couk play it as cheap aa a man. ' Then were four aces at one end , and h the centre was a jack of diamonds. ' Jwtee' Wilbur here ashed Marsha * * 4 * * r- * nnd Byrnp } Sno\4en } Pqljceman they knew' anything 'of tlfe game but they answered that they die not , > f i Policeman Collins was also aske ( ) f but he replied , "Divil a bit do : ] play the game. " His Honor in rendering his de cision stated that he would bt obliged to consider the evidence o Burgess , as" entitled to the rnos weight , and hp accordingly sen tenoed Parker to pay a fine of $2 ( and to be imprisoned | n jail foi .thirty days , ' General Strickland gave notice 01 exceptions to the ruling of the court , He also wanted to make com plaint against Burgess for gambling r but his Honor would not entertain the complaint. . Clayton's case was postponed till 1 this afternoon at three o'clock o'clock. He will be tried for per mitting gambling in his house , in connection with his saloon , and il will , be a question with the Courl whether his license shall be revoked or not. . Judge Wilbur distinctly stated .that It was not his intention to make Lwarlupon the "square" faro banks , wljiich were run entirely jndepen- deaden taud separate from saloons. Keens was discharged. 1' BARGAINS. / NOW OB , NEVER ! . V : Tirna Extended for One it * ' ontn longer. _ _ ' _ f J IA - _ , - BOp'TS AND SHOES ! At These Prices : Men's boots . . " . . . . .52 50 Mpn $ shoes. . . . . . . . . . . . . : ; .i. . . . . : . 1" 00 Men's Congress. . . . , 1 50 Men's slippers. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 ' boots nice 1 25 Ladles' , very . , . ! J - ' - - , , - - 7 v Ladies' slippers.- . „ . . -6 Ladies' leather boots 1 25 Boy's-shoea. . . . . * . 1 00 " Boy's'boots./- . ' . . ; . \ . : . . . . 2 00 Misses' cloth L6o& . ' . . . . . . . ; 75 jGWldren's from1 J5c up ; WEBBE& & BEITM , It Cpr. Douglas and 13th Sts. iositics at No. 170 et , > corner 11 th"street. . ! fx the pioneer lecturer , keeps con- the very best "Lone Bowers , and Tobacco. JLINCQLN. f ' * * Grasshoppers j Efcop's' and Krusad- * " * . . - - ers Men-onitcs * dnd Jl/cno- nitcsscs Political Spccu- - . * tations Temperance , Candidates'etc , . ' : ' . - - ICorresponiltnce of tU ? Bn : . ) ' . , LINCOLN , July20'lS74. ' OJIAHABEE : . Rob. Burns used to get very much discouraged , , once in a while , when contemplating the humble spberein which he was compelled to move be- . sause of the lack of gold , and while : hus meditating , he gave to the ivorld proof that "man was made to mourn" in a form that has chal enged the admiration of all. If , however , there are any who still doubt what Burns said in regard to it , let them but ride one-half day rom farm-house to farm-house through parts of this county , and ask the occupants what-tho pros ? pects are for an abundant com crop this season. Their faces will immc1" diately assume fully as sorrowful an expression as that which must have marked the countenance of the no ble bard when the old gray-haired stranger assured him that everyday for twice -loity years he had seen proofs -of man'a1 misfortune , with such an expression they will of grasshoppers - : point to the myriads pers , shake their heads , and utter never a word.Yes. . - Some fields are stripped bare > and they are yet withus. , The wheat safe. But this is not all that Lincoln and its surrounding people .have to mourn over ; for in addition' .to grasshoppers and Co-ops surely enough for one community her citizens have followed within two weeks , two of the purest and bright ? eat members of her society to the grave. Mrs. Col. Cropsy , and Mrs. Carrie , L. McFarland , the.latter but twenty-four years of age. I merely mention this in connection witli other facts , as the readers of the BEE were doubtless cognizant of the particulars long ere this. Upon the other hand , the city ia improving at a rate satisfactory to the most sanguine. There are large brick buildings in course of erection in almost every direction , while the improved plans for the postofllce bujlding are being purrjed out as rapidly' "practical , and give Uncle Sam's employes a good compensa tion for their toil ! J. S. Atwood is erecting a large brick on the cornet of Tenth and C streets , and will I start another bank. As yet , other business houses are in the majority , but I fear banks will outnurnhei them soo.n. The Mennonltes still make head quarters at the fair ground. Thej are a peculiar class of people. Thej build one house large enough for the accommodation of all , and there ; barefooted , lousy and dirty , "thej live and have their being. " ' It if customary , especially with the women , when coming to town , tc form in a Ijne , at least four abreasi and such breasts ! and witl delicate ankles in full view , marcl through the streets. They nevei take goods at the price lirSt asked , The merchant must come down 01 no sale. In view of this they have learntd to' charge enough . ' " " Speculation a's" to who are nol only willing , but anxious to servt this district Ir. the Legislature , 'might successfully be indulged iii , but we refrain this time , thougL promise a glance at it in our next. Saloon keepers are anticipating an increase in their business nexl weejc , as tjie temperance eifms 'will be in-sessibi ) for' three 'days. Atex- ander.Brother ( ) may be their can didate' for Governor , and he , maj B9t , Sheldon wguld tgup it , and Earlier , th'e ihaftyr , ' wh"bspvife \ Is competent , if he isn't , would also b willing to uanilflCQ , etc , Alexandei is the choice of your correspondent , GKISIES. _ LACKAWANA COAL at lowesl market pricp , byr the' IOWA COAI COMPANY. Office 13th street , ( for merly Union Coal Company's ) . jy GEO. C\ TOW E , Agent , B3T8EE McKelligon-s card on second page. * . . juue2-tf SALOON for sale cheap. Inquire at BEE office. ju24-tf ! UALX IMMEDIATELY ahdsep the largp stpck.of. BOOTS & SHOES lately bought at , a . .bankrupt sale , and now being sold at exceed ing * low prices , at less'lhan one- lialf their .vj.lue. jy28tf , H. DOHLE & Co. TYPE FOR SALE ! A Font of Bourgeois Type , -of which th3 ; is a sample. , weighing GOO Ibs. This type has been ( iu use pn the Daily BEE less than one yedr , and ia nearly as good as new. ' For ierma &c.t address ; E. ROSEWATEE , in f. Publisher of the Bee. . _ - - i DR. POWELL , office 215 , Farn ham street. * Iune23tf . BELI.EVUE GBOVE , twelve miles from Omaha , on the line of the B. & M. R. R. , and 100-yards from the depot Jtas been'improve'dforpii nics and private parties BY JI'AUSLAND & MARTIN. All engagements for the prove will bo made through ANDY MCAUSLAND , jy7tf. 242 Douglas Street. & LEWIS , Cor. 16th. and Izard Streets. Ootrtoza/rcroocL LTJ IMl'lBIE On hand and SAWED TO OKDER. -JeSGlm CARRIAGE , BUGCI MAJfUFACTDBEE. N. E. COHNEE o ! 34tU ana HABNEY STS , respectfully announce to the pub lic that bets now ready to. . fill.sU .eon- Bracts in the above lines with "neatness and dispatch. ' " . . . * g"Eipre S Tfagons constantly on hand and or tale. 03 IE 3ST . 3DtT < O IXT 2S 33 -VA > FACTTEIB OS ASD DEALlOt T3C- Larabrcquins and " \Y-ndoTT Sb'aclcs , CHEOXOS , ES6BATI5KS AKD PICTURE FRAMED. 270 Farnhim street , coiner Fifteenth Q.TJAIIEY'3 ; Soap Factory. ! , H < . on the ftne'ot the' Union Taclfic ' tlie posrJer house. Manulac- i soap fg mc coniwapttna , - , SEEClAIj NOTICES. - > C _ Advertisement * of To Let , For siile , l Ktj * .Van Ur-iVucd-,1'Hoarding , AC. , will IN ; mseru-tl mihtise columns once for TEN CENTSptr line ; each subsequent insertion , FIVKCEFiS tierline.lie first Insertion never less thai TWENTY-FIVE CENTS , r STBAYED-iFrom'my * residence , Jnly 26 , a white mue , saddle marked. Anyone who ' can give cnr information sbaut s'IJtnare , please , address , , P. BOISKLL , Jy3W2l _ Pierce 4,6th Street. F"OUN D. ESTliAY-One Red Cow Tith T. II. , ri. branded on both horns. The owner can find her at .the river bottom : three miles north of Omaha. " Jy31d2t . " 171611 SALE At a Bargain , a House and Sts- i ? ble situated on Marcy St.- Lots , Block203 , bet. 10'haud llth Streets , inquire on pictnlwa By a young married man.'a sit uation for hiuueli and wife. Addres : "D , " Bee Office. " Jy3Id6t MONEY" AND LOTS-I cantell prltate rei idence lota In the heart of the city at i great sacrifice , 'on easy terms and can negotiat < . two Jeans f Sl.OyO each. .Who wants them ? t JOHN M ; CLARKE , JySldlt * ' lleal Estate Agent TO I.'OAN On approreJ persona MONEY ' . at Lanr Office ol T. W j.rivlchanls , l d. 490 lithS.reet. Jj30eod2 I TTT ANfED A giri to do bouserwork , Inquln ' . VV at' Cracker Factory. Harney Street bet .llth . and 12th. i , 't yJSOdSt * r ANTED TO P'UBCUASE-A first inert gage .oh improiied o ty property abou . . .J. r D. iTTHOMAS Jy29d3t. * i Vfsschcrs BlocV TO LOAN At Dr. Isaac Edwards MONEY Farnham Street. Jy28d6r TTIOUtSALE Immf-tliately , an < l at a Grea JQ -ThefurnitureiDthePhilatlelpbL ' House cah'be twitjlircheap , one-hjlf cash , am the other , holt on ( .threeto six months Ume ith good security. , Lca > e of the house run seven months , at $23 per mouih. Forty-flve t fifty good cash boarders. The Proprietor ha other business" to'atte'nd to immediately , am for that jcasouo&ers this splendid opportunity jy23tf. C'SCHABNHOUbT. RENT. RENT.THE COTTAGE of 7 IlOOilS ad ' ' joining my Offica. - - - - A COTTAUE of 4 ROOMS , larg Yard. - ' A COTTAGE of 5 BOOMS , no rel ' "erancea'required. t " A STORE WITH LIVING Tocn T " attached good location. u -A-ItUILMNU SUITABLE FOR Saloon and Dwelling. Two r ems upstairs , on Jackson S' FORSALE. - Four frame Buildings , with Lea : on ground JAS. F. MORTON 4 X ) . jy28tf . . 431 Tenth Jstree WANTEdr-Nurse. girl , at (356) ( ) three hut drrd and fifty-six Chicago it. , near 19tl Grown girl preferred. JyS7dtf. TABLES For sale , .two near ] EJLMARD by 9. latest , style , 4 leg Bllliat 'i'ablea-'witH'balls- ) and fixtures compled will bo sold very cheap Apply at B110WN & THURSTON'3 jy2TiCt. ! Ij'w Offio ' MINING AND' SMEL1 MECHANICS' The semi-annual meetln aiJjourned from July 21st , will be hel < | at tl Durant Engine Uouse-oq Thursday , July SOtl at 8 P. il. , lor the clectian of oOicers , and tt transaction of business cf great Importance I tno stockholders. K. K. LONG. jy23'7t President. i T\7 ANTED A prt to do general bouse wor ! T V Apply at 11 , Pomeroy's , West end S ' Miry's Avenue. Wagis-S5.CO per week. ' inlvOOff KENT Houae on ISth near Ca strec FOR ' , . S. A.-1AYLOE & O ) . A girl to cook at Am'rlcj WANTED . llth and 12th , Douglas st. st.jvlCI T MPLOYMENt OFFICE Room No. 1. soul J2J cast corner 15th and Douglas Sts. Wan ed immediately , servant girls , farmhands , ca " pentcrs abd laborers" , also real estate bought ai sold , and taxes paid for non-residents. J. N. FISHER , jyStf Omaha , Ne CT7- ANTED IMMEDIATELY-A gll to' < YV house-wort : Apply 331 Davcnpo street , between 17th and 18th. jy3tf QTORE TO RENT IDS Douglas strfet. I O Quire of " WEBBER 4 BEHM. [ ulyltf WANTEDr-Day ooarders , at th touthwe cor. of 10th and Harney sts. jpgtf WAKTtD A cncap mrm in escnange fi mirchaudlic. Address , Farmer , Bt office. - ap' lt T WILL SELL SECOJSD-HAND Carriage J _ and one Hearse , cheap for cash or trade , i 1 need the room for new onei. je:5dtf. : " " O. W. HOMAtf. mo T IE PUBLIC-T } ; ? Onaeri.jS , .hi JL parchRjcJ Bud put-ui > bn1'tbe itree'i * i pupiiccbntcyaccU , some 61 the finest carrlag cveriUMiuffiCturcd in this country. They will I run to andlrom the depots , hotels andpriva residences. Alloide s'Jeltat thelTetropollta Hotel , or at thestable , nrnrsecarQlEicireril .st and Capittl Avjepue , will be proinpily 'a tended to. A nhnic cf the pub'llc 'patrtuago respectfully sollciied. J * UN E. BUIX. * - - myloti PROPOSALS FOR -STONE 'CURBING. SEALED PROPOSltS will ha received b the undcrsigfled until 4'o'clockP , M ; , Augti 4th , 1874. for Pacing a ktoua curbing cp boi sides of Farjiliam and D.opgla ? Qt reets.f row tl east siVU of NtUlh"sm < ; t11o-lthe ; west 'sidei Sixteenth ttrcet , an'd upon both sides of a cross-streets within said limits. Such cu hlng to' be placed on a lirje tlxtw fcct'from ' the Hue of- the lot ; , ' To bo ot stouo tiye inahcs thick and of ni le < s ltanvtwe'ny ) ( depth- nor luastl ) twenty-iour inc'hcsln'length. Placed so that the upper edge shall bo at 11 established gtade upon vaid ( treats. ALSO for proposals for laying a surface gu ter of stone next out ide of said curbing upc all ot said streets , to befour feet in width , tt inner edge thereof to be laid five inches belo the top of said curbing and to be laid accoidlc to plans to be furpisbed by the City Englnte All of such work to be paid for la warran drawn upon the Special fund to be levied upo the property adjacent to said improvement for the purpose of * "paying"the cost and . - . eipen . . - ; at thesnmc. The Council'rcserf ps the right to reject aa o.- all bds | , . endorsed "Proponali fi Curbing" and be addres'cl lo the underslgne 0. C. LUDLOWJ - i City Clerl Onaha Jnly.SOth 1874. YICTOit COFFMAN , PHYSICIAN and SURGEON ( O.VEP. ISH'S DRUG STORE , ) HOTTSE ' @n Sth , bet. Farnham and Ilarney Strati , TTAS been entirely refiitud and refurnishec rl and will accommodate all to the best'c board at SI,50 per day ; 40c per single meal , i' C , V , & S , M , HAERYMAH , jylSdly. Proprleton U.P.R.R , MEAT MARKET 16th street befCallfornla and Webster. KEEP ON HAND THE BFsi WE supply , of , EP.ESH AND SALTE1 MEATS. Also a-larrfe"stock"of Fine Suga Cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon , at the low st rites. - WM. AUST & KNUTII , mvl4-ly Proprietors. J. O. SCATTER Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries , Highest price paid for Country' ' Produce . ) Brlci * Store , B. B.Ccr. 1GA t Chicago Ets. je26tf OMAHA.-I EB. TEEITSCHKE & CO. ; B O ,0 R S And Gcncial Frorislon Dealers , B. 'WCcr , Jackson sad 13th Ets- , Keep a superior stoct of Groceries , Provision ! Wines , Liquors and Cigars.and sell fheapei thaa any other house in Omaha. ] y3 3m -Burmester " * * * - Manufacturers of COPPER AHD SHl ET IROB WARE. 'DEALERS IN Cooking and Heatib ? Stores. . Tin" Roofing , Spouting andGntterl ng don short notice and In'ltd 'best maaner. iltftn trcct pt21 dl F.-A. Saddle and Harness Maker , AND CARRIAGE TBESMEB , ' A LL orders and repalrlngjromptly attended to nd satisfaction g irranteed. paid for hides. sp39vl "Mrs. D. A. MOITETT , " Fashionable iDressrhaking , - * 564 Fourteenth St. ; JeSbVm ' . L'WIAHA , WKB , ' v-3 . . . . . . . uH * " LIQTJOiCS , WINES , ETC 01O * if z i s rt O l-l a a K " * J" 1T 1 -T 00 ( > Im s o g Ij s ° - _ f I W P B . . "I o § S -I f' B ) CO ' . Ml GLYNN TTHOLISA1X , AMD KKTAIL DEALER IX Wines ' Liquors. Segars , - PIPES. Corner of 15th and Dodga streets , opposite the new Post Office building ; Omaha , Neb.je2Stf. . Bavarian Beer1 Hall ! 198 Douglas St. .Opposite Metropolitan. 'Hotel. ' Finest brands of aU classes ol Liquors-and Seqars. 'Fresh Lager constantly 'oh hand. je25-3m CHAS. HART Prop. Comer of Cnmingj 'and T-weaty-second streets The finest lager beer con stantly on hand. JeSWm ; CHAS.'WEYMULLEB , Prop. HOTELS. nmAAm d CENTRAL 33 OMAHA , . . KEBSAKA The larcest and beat hoi between Chicago indSaa Francisco. Opened new September 30th , 1873. s3Q ti . OEO. THKALL. Proprietor. CITY HOTEL , it. E. T. .PAGE , Proprietor. 10th Su beL arnnam and Harney , it. . OM4.HA , NEB. Free Bu > 3 to and from all Trains. Passengers for other Hole's or private Eesl- idcncts , carried for 25 cents. < W AU orders left at P. H. Allen's , 2-1 door from P. O , C. Wilson Son , tor. 13th and H -rney , aud the City Hotel Offlcc , wUl rstolve , pi ouipt.attention. , ' . Jj71m b. United States Hotel , COU. DOUGLAS AND TENTH STREETS. mHE UNDERSIGNED nspeclfnlly announ- J. ces that he has purchased and refi. ted the above" Hotel , and Is now ready to accommodate thd public , with board by day or we < k , at reai- onaMe rates. WILLIAM . LEJIB , Prop. ' ' FARMERS HOUSE ! B. W. Cor. of 14th nd Harney Sts. JUSTUS KESSLEB , Proprietor , Omaha , Neb , jy3 lu ( HQOSE. atd 10th ; : u i CHARLES FE1.DEKMAW , Prop. mchlltf Central Hoiis © T e , C30 Eliteenth Street , Opp. Jefierso ? Sqpsre , Ol AHA , KEB , JOSEPH IIOTE , Prop'r , Day and r-eek Board itt reasopable rales. Firtt-clau btir attached to the home. te27 3ia California House. TEITZ EAPHEE , Prop'r. No. 170 Douglas Street , corner llth , Omaha , Nebraska. Board by the day or week. June 1. Tl' ' Southern Hotel. Treating on 4th , Eth tni Wakntifc , , St. Louis , - Mo. Laveille , "Warner & Co. , The Southern Hotel is first-cliss in all Its appolntmenu. Its tables are at all times sup plied In the greatest abundance , with all the delicacies the markets afford , , Its clcrKi and employes are all polite' ' and attentive to the wants ot the guests of the 'hotel , There is an improred elevator leading from the fmt floor to' the. uppar one , Railroad and 'steamboat icket offices , news ftr.nd. and wesxerr Onion telegraph offlre in the totonda Of hotel. Wed LWoodlWood ! Immense jReduction ! . A T S. P. BKIO b' YARD , CORNEB OF JHth and Chi RO Streets. Good Hard WobdST 00 ; Soft * * 00. S'ote Wood to scft any number of store Terr choir. aplStf G. STRIFFLER , 'N CB.CICE n-'I E B , ProTlsions , * Pr ? ' CoHfrctltiHery , " r ' Tobacco , &c. , &c. , &c. . S. K. 1 1i ; ri : ; FARSII AH. v.a The Sioux City and Pacific Railroad , In 'C ofctloo vltb tiit . ' - SIOUX iCITY-AnST. PAUt ; RAILROAD- , : , --j' ! : . ' - - - Is C2 miles the thorteit route from.Omtha . and Conaeli.Blum. to St. Paul , Xlaetpolls , StlUwater , inota , Dulath , Bhmarck , and all i . ' - ' * polati In JUnnftota. Train leaves Omaha daily , ( except Saturday ) at 6 o.clock p. m. , and Council BIuBi at 8:05 f m. , from. Chicago U > orth * Western Depot , i ; , , . . \ 'ft .1 Fare as LOltanailfficas QUICK .as . ' . ' " . . i.V * * _ - - bj BBj olIier Line * Be tare your ticket reads VIAS lour -City , thus avoiding circultottJ route * and "mldnlgbt transfers. Tickets can be porehase-1 t the offices of i the Chicago & Northw < sUrn Railway In 'Omaha and Council BlUOi. , . . . . - . -JC.BOYDEN , Gen'lPass.4TIcketAgl-St.P.48.C. R. R. SUPaaljiUnn. i Uen'l Pass , and Ticxat AfiWit- ? . , , SIouz - " " Omaha. Neb. * V The Kingpf the SETClNG MACH1J.2 VOJ.JD r pcniiicr.tlr tt Celd Peters _ " . . . Kealuxs" Flcaice. \ x . V-/ SALES EOE1873l : Ip. .Roimd : Htimbers 232,444 Machines ! ItBclnK orer One-Hao Jrcd rtd TI > Iitrtn 71cotacd ccrcXacUcc ! tlzn wire told iv tcr otLer Sewing Machine Cortptuy Juriogttcsyjre v'fe. , It will haiuly Le Jtulwjcn such evidence that the anrerlcrity tl ttc Elcftrb lu IT monstnted. THE SINGER MANFg CO , ' ' " - ' . . 'W. N. NASOKT , Agent , je - - : ISO. 212 DOUGLAS STREET , OifAHA. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE GROuFRS A Agents 'for the Oriental Powder Co ? STEFXE & JOHNSON , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! > SIMPSOS'S. BtOCIC 5GS and 540 Fourtoenth. Street , BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE nichiayMORGAN MORGAN & &ALLAGEB. SUCCESSORS TO CREIGHTON AKD MORGAN WHOLESALE GROCERS , ffo. 20 ( ; Farnliam Street aprSdly WHITNEY , BAUSERMAN : < fc CO. WHOLESALE GROCER ITo. 2 7 Douglas Street , mch27yl AG&NTS FOR Til1 ? DUPOXT POWDER HO. CLARE : & FRENCH , WHOLESALE 6ROCERS ! AND DEALERS 12 ! CannetLGoods , Dried Truits , Green Fruits in Season , je I . % Rl EItS SOLICITED . ' ND PBOMPTI/T / A. . S. S O'lsT , - JlANUFACrUEER AND IN C 532 C. Zi. A. , 288 Dodge Street , 2d Door East of 16th Street. I keep cons intly on hand the frest rtotkof Broad Cloth , Caisliuvirs end Vesticrt which I am prepared to mate up In the mct Iaabiccib.'e si 3 Its nd lu tuit the muit futidiouB a ) the lowest possibla prices. - JelOdl Y ROBERT C. STEEL1 , , JEALEB IN Paints , Oils , BRUSHES , LAMP GOODS ETC , 257 Douglas Street - - OMAHA * * mcblSeodlT JOBBEES OF DRY GOODS , HOSIERY , GLOYES and MOTIONS. 231 Street , ZETIEO. i . J. J. BROWN l& BRQ. , VHOLESALE DRALEES IN , I STAPLE m FANli , ' DRY myS-lr Motions , aid Bets nnd Shoes. JOHN T. JOBBER Of- Shelf I Heavy hardware IRON , STEEL , NAILS , \ AGON STOCK,5 ASD- THKKSHBHS. IIAUVKSTKHSnEAl'EIlS , twEJls. 'laUa-IBlTTS ' Dllllr > , t , . > NKFnenu coRx-muiYEnti. PLOWS , ccnvvromsntv' - > KAKEH AND WAbjJS. * ' ' mh , 246 Douglas Sttt. OinaTii , - HENRY HORN ERGER. DEALEE d JKentHckyj Yhiskle * aad Impol-l ood-j a Specially. HOMES . and 7AHMS ' .u * * TboEarlij W ua JCUsiarl PtrerrRaltrool l-est laa'i aflow price i onlOjcir credit at S pC. cecv. InterestA * 1 < ha bonus premln f ,20 per cent , .on the amount of tig purchase , if half the Iao4 Is cultivated , within two year > m date of nsrduw. LAKGE DEDUCIONS FOB SH PAYJIEXT3. * .3 North ! of : ? lalte , j xiup Fork ftid . El The B. A M. R.T. , Co. will seC about 7.003,000 crei oi 1 a we" : ' --Sofith The Comi ny ownn * larte body of th * fcist tail'i and aU / iit Id Itsrallroad and In iheltrgt iM tmousifpubllcan Valley. C. B. SCHALLtB , Coraerj