OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE C TO CORRESPOJTDByTS. contribution ! * " VTx DO JfOT deilro tar character ; n ol iUterBTcr poetical , or to r will not undertake to preserre . -hettme'lnasr ' < a "h t Ter. Our ' - to more than appl . 'U aadentlj-l rge _ limited jpace in that direction. In full , musi li Ecu. If AIM o W r t and'ererj-'caaa accompany any commi tlonol what nature BoeTer. 13il ' Is n tinded lor.pnbUcation.T > ut lor'eur own fiction and as proof of coed faith. On * COUJCTBT FMESDS we will alwa ; pleued to bear from , on all nutlen conn wlti crcpf , country polltlct , and on nj ject irhateTar of general Interest to the . Information cot pie of oar Elate. Any d with the election , and relating to/1 ddenU.etc.wlUbe gladly received , inch eomnranlcftlona , howerer , mm brief upotdblt. ; and tier must , IE 1I ol the heet 01 be writun up c one tide < POLITICAL. Atl Axxot xcnmtTS ol candidates for wha&er made bj sell or friends , , whether u aol * aor con. jnnlcatlons 1 " oomlnatlons are i until Editor , re ( tiaplf personal , and will bo charged rertiaemrnu AlIcommurJcatloniahODld be address C. BCSEWATEB , Editor Bud Pohllaher , ] r 271. JfOTICE. On and after October twenty-first , 187 > "eUy circulation ol the DAILY B Is asi /by Mr. Edwin Daris , to whose order all > . -icrlptlbns not paid at the office will be pa ; ind by whom all receipt * for subscription counteraicned. counteraicned.E. . fcQSEWATEB , Pat STATE COHV K1 A EepuUlPan State Convention will U at the city ol Lincoln on Wedncway , tl darol Sept , mber , 1874 , at 3 o'clock p. m In nominator the purpose ol placing ciodldate for Oongresaf one candlnati member of Congress contingent , candlrial Governor , Bec.etary of State , Trea ; Superintendent of Public Initrnbtlon , - Prison Inipector aod AJjorney General lor the transaction of snt h otber buiim p-operljr cove before it. The iel ) may 'from each Judicial District will nomlj penon lor Piitrict Attorocr , lor their 'r lite IJistncta. - ' TbeorsrnUelcounHesare entitled to gatM upon the following tiauli : Countl < i em of the sixth Principal lie r' haUb ntitleJ tooue delegate for eacl inhabitanii , according to tb ccniiu take : 9' IcB'becornrDt year , and trader each fr orer Art hundred. But each organUid c shall be entitled to at least one del Organized counties west cf tbeGthF-M. bo entitled to one delegate eccb. and additional delrgste lor each cne tbcuMi habiiaoU. according to the ccnsui afoi ' and cue lor picu fraction orer fire' hui f U fultowat1 , DELEOATE3 FOB COUNTIES. 4 Johnson. . . Antelope 2 Kcor „ . 2 Keith M. BuUer _ 4 Burt _ . 4 BafTalo , 3 Sladlfon. . . . Ceu. . . . , .10 Mcrrick- Chase 1 Nemaba. . Ccdir . . . 2 Kuckolls . . . . . .6 0 toe . . . .6S Pawnee. . " 3 , Pierre. . , . 4 Platt _ . . . Daeotah. 4.2 4S 1 halpj „ . . , Pawion -.2 Polk , , - . . , liaon _ . . . . 3 Klchanlnoa „ . Dodge. . . 7 Bed Wlllcw Douclai , * 38 Dundjrw Sarpr - Franklin. . 3 Saunders- . - e Sewan. . . . . . J'urc . 2 Stanton . Frontier. . . 1 Shi rnan _ . . . S Thajtr . Gospcrm. . . I Valley Ilarli . . 8 Hall .5 Wayne. 3 Webster . . Hitchcock. . . 1 Hamilton. . .4 VnorcaoUed Te Unit . _ _ _ . , „ „ . . 1 in the Slat _ > 3 The conn ties are recommended to elei lernaudelrgatesto act in case the "del elect fall to attend the cocTcntion ; am convention ti recommended to exclude pi lor delegates that do not r < side In the coi tbcr propose to rcprcf cut- By order of tbe cojninittcc- K. It. Jotrsso ? C. H. GERE , Chalrn Secretary , „ AM > now it transpii es that Tr tirer Spinner and Secretary Bris arc not , and have never been j'are to'havea'Bn 'Congreesmau > be exalted o ly arises , who ia to supernumerary contingency ? GEX. SHERMAN has returned Washington fromlaia tour throi Virginia-and is now making aci preparations for the contemplo "removal of army headquaiten St. idea -that-the defection any German Republican can s niate any considerable numbei Germans -/rgm the .Ropubls ranks , is very-effectually exnlc by Mr. 'Ch'arles Bankes , who bri reviews the'poiltical siUiation-in local column ? . GOVKINOH beginning to .muster .his forces tfio Upper Eikfidrrf.preparator : Qnoving upon' > Conventions * been dispniched to country to.obsetye thef jnovenu of the enemy. TiiE Pomeroy bribery caseVwi was set for trial on July" 29th , again been put offX pmgrsyift torneys succeeded hi obtaininj change of venue , and tlie'case ' g over until after-election ? " 6ltt clear himself before tlie courts. OLD PBQBABiiJTiESis nowpji ing hTrTraTn 'dver'thVjfufdri Btorm thet jdeluged FPHtsburc , . ! Alleghan ? Clty t atuffday rii { Itappeaw i o erw n ttTe P burg * slgiial station' had noticed indicMions jf an. approaching stc beyond a"\aighf change in harometer. ' , jilt j t WHAT bs become of the5 wt works project \ Some three-we ' called in atro this subjeot'vras up yV Council , and"bne of our c was instruct jd to c Tesp < prater' Works ith a"vi ir of .procuring ai this'dij before of T mililia army ] Tan French Assembly refuse dissolve and McMahon will prt bly have to turn them out by fo ble invita&tn. ' THE Independents of Douj county themove. .A. gat ] ing of the Ko-op Klan , and all other Klans that sympathize oppressed" Industry , will take pi in this city -Saturday. Do Johnson has prepared a stirring dress to awaken the slumbei toilers into a realization of their i cry and a recognition of his inv able services in their behalf. A m eeting of the Douglas Coi Republican" Central Committee be called by its chairman , Chauncey "VViltse , In a few d with a view of fixing the time holding the County primaries the County Convention. "When call is issued , we intend to na some suggestions for a betterprc tion against fraud in the prinm AT the last meeting of the Re ] lican State Central Committee P. O'Hawes stated , that he had warded $1,000 to C. E. Yost dui the campaign of 1872 for the ben of the Republican party. Not cent of this money ever came i the hands of the committee , have they ever been able to Je what disposition was made o : Now , inasmuch as the com rait U still in debt to various parties foi gitimate expenses , it might b < general interest to know what came of this money ? Mr. Yost was not a member of Republican Coromjttp , either Cc ty , State or National. Ottn Hawes Inform us how this mo was expended. POSTMASTER YOST had better money in his purse by dismiss that special ambassador , who i go to'Washington , to plead hisca This is not a matter that cm whitewashed by corrupt agents covered up by diplomatic plead : It is a matter that interests not c citizens of Omaha , but is vie1 with much concern by the peopl the whole State. An officer who holds the most crative position within the gil Senator JJJtchcopk , | s publ charged with , and convicted grave and disgraceful misdeme ore. Ho attempts , unauccessfu to cover up his corrupt aots throi whitewashing detectives and in ential personal friends. He may , such a course , temporarily misl the Department Officers Washington , but there is escape from the popular verd That-verdict will reverberate thunder tones throughout theSt and even Senator Hitchcock , M all the backing at his command/ bo unable to resist it. LIFE on the Locomotive is fuU thrilling incidents and halr-breai escapes. Another heroic deed , : bly performed , occurred last Mi day on the West "Wisconsin ro ; He was a fireman. The train \ rushing along at the rateoftwer miles an hour , and was just turn ! a curve when the engineer dlscc ered a child upon the road-bed , i Conscious of impending peril. 1 wakes were whistled down , but near wa/j the locomotive to the ch ttat it would assuredly have be crushed h > dttot James Bassford.t fireman seeing the child's dang ran o"ut upon the engine and do1 upon the cow-catcher : His intent ! wastojumpto theroad-bedcatcH1 child , and leap from , the trai 3ut there was not sufficient tiw he could only knock the child 01 so that it fell , between the ti when he was struct by the catcl and hurled down the embankme : .The child was found unharm under 'the fire-box of the < gine , and Bassford escaped wi some slight contusions. ' Bassford's bravery' 'deserves t highast praise , and it is to be hop will meet with substantial recogi ( ' UHCLinra ) PACKAGES. A very important decision 1 ] ust bee'ri rendered by the Kuprei "Court" Pennsylvania , declari r - J"r j the public sale of unclaimed pacl ges'by- transportation companies fraud upon the rights of the own Judge Mercur , who delivered t opinion of the court in a testca , said : "The first and second sections the act of the 14th of Decemb .1863 , Pur.-Dig ; 220 , pp. 0 and 7 , u der , which the plaintiff in error pi posed to sell the property , authi izetT * the company to 'expose * It sale at public .auction. The fi meaning of 'expose ? in this statu bbviourfy-Is to 'exhibit , ' 'to ' bri ' ' 'to point out into view,1 * 'display , show to the .bystanders. ' Belli ttie tmnfofwifh the goods locked ill. thc-m , and describing the cc tents as unknown , withholds frt the bidders all knowledge of t character or value of the couten and clearly was not within t meaning of the law which dire * tlie manner of sale. .This manner of selling goods any value'is uniust to the owner , is no answer for a corporation'to s that > y this.method its sales in t aggregate produce quite as larg < * sum as" if the articles were expos forview. . The company may i suflfer , yet great injustice be done the owner of valuable , goods. Tin is ; no just > eason why Jiis 500 should be sold at a sacrificeVter'ei ble the" almost worthlessipropert ' another to be sold for more than' value. Such n rodaeCof 6e8 $ Xunjustrto the bijfldera ; geawa they twill' , not st nd upon ] eqi ground. Thesta5ng trobabillty ithkt the couteiata will \knpwn e or more r the agents and- u are mlly'-valui ' k down , at IOJK * i Jc me one acting in the inter e knowJngagent "W thTs-vi the e\-ideuco Htbws-th'at * itonts of.thetrunks were actua irS& by < me of the agents company before the sale , nh-was eoldtw contents xmkno i lifewdolUrs. - - * : COLORADO. The red-skin scare is about o N. Considerable-activity prevail the gulch mines of Summit com "Working men are getting $4 day in the San Juan mines. ' Grasshoppers are reported nun ous in various parts of the ten-it * Th'e territorial election takes p September 8th. Grading has commenced on Pueblo and Salt Lake railroad. A party of twenty men left < orado Springs , last week , for 1 River valley , to prospect for gel A largo box of silver bull which was lost recently fror coach in southern California , been recovered. It had rolled d < a declivity into a clump of bus There were shipped from "V Las Anlmas , during the.weekjt ing" * last Thursday , .sirhum head's of sheep , three carload cattle , and about eighty thous pounds of wool. The Greeley people are in troi because they can't get water eno for their crops * and their 'to grasshoppers .arevexing"the"soul the -Boulder" county farmers ; shade-trees of Denver are shri ing in the drought. Del Norte was all excitement week. The cause of the stir commotion was the reported coV.ery of several gold-leads- Jtiead-of .the southfork"of the" Grande river. Specimens of rock were exhibited which aasa $1,000 , per top. A stampede the resujt. At last accounts sevei five or a hundred miners had stfti for. the new mines. < ' 'UTAH. ' . . - - Thirty inches of ram has fallei Utah this season. Twenty incl evenly distributed and timely , \ ally insures good crops. "Wagons are now hauling < from" Weber , Salt Lake is t showing her determination to be dependent of the Union Pacific i road for coal. TheMormon authorities atFra lin , in the northern part of TJl are" arranging to have their S sljofle Indian converts vote at election in that city. Ann Eliza Young delivered first lecture in Salt Lake City on evening of July 20 , at the Met dlst Church , which was crowd felx of Brigham's daughters many .other Mormon ladies % \ present. Salt Lake has commenced an tion of trespass against the cc niander and other officers of Ca Douglas- breaking into the < Ml and forcibly releasing a sold hy virtue of the authority of Secretary of "War. During a heavy storm on the ternoon of July 23 inSaitLakeC ; the Catholic church was struck lightning and badly damag there was also a cloud hurst , flo ing the streets and private r dences. Nearly a dpzn stones , rema the Salt Lake JHfiune , have Ix placed on the new temple this & son , at a cost of about a thoust dollars apiece. This building figu up this-way : Twenty years ago foundation was laid. To-day t foundation is twelve feet above ground , and the $2,000,000 collec abroad for the building of the Te pie. have found their way Into Bi ham's bag. He holds the bag. NEVADA. Wood is retailing in Austin at 5 to $11 per cord. Eureka , Nevada , is to h&ve $ ivorks , 'Several of the mills jn Gold Cant 3old Hill , have shut down > f ore. The buildlrfg fever continues age in Gold Hill , on the Divide a n Virginia. Rich placer mines have just be liscovered on Bartlett Creek , sb nilts northwest of Winnemucca. Destructive fires have been n ng in the forests near Cornell Bay , Lake' Tahbe , and' are suppos a be the work of incendiaries , > vil disposed persons. The" Virginia and Truckee M cad-office ' Virginia ; now furnisl irbugh 'tickets to "Omaha and "l Louis first-class' to the. fonr ilace$90 ; to the latter , $105 ; jurrency. It is rumored thata Vigilan Committee has been organized eno , and that the" gamblers a Hoodlums have been notified eavc. Nothing definite isknoi ixcep't that quite a number ha eft. The Nevada Democratic.SU . rehtranCommltteVadopfed "resol ions in favor of laws regulatii ailroad freights and fares , and ; .tfl ng rallroa'd properiy > at its oa ralue , The test tor voters at t > rimaries is opposition to Gran administration. In the early days , of smelting. , Sasteni Nevada"r says the "Whi ? ine News , it was found necessa o obtain a substance for lining pu wses which would resist theinteq icat required in sineltiriganii 'U Pancake * sandstone was the result explorations , to discover the sam Since that time fire brick has be < mported frbm St. Louis , Phlj lelphia and other point ; wi vhich to line up furnaces , but , aft r short trial , It'wST found'TK lothing would so well fill the bill lid the f'Pancake.Today , qul ' ' L large traffiahas'sp'rupg p ; in' ti iue of buslnessj abd orrters'are' elved fromillTl lgtibbrlngdUtric is well 'as' from Omaha 'arid f& rancisco. All furnace.jnen agr hat no other stone ihWl ever y teen found the eqiiajrofrthat now ise. { . / CAIJFORXIA. ( Sacramento is to have afire alar ' ' ' ' ' * elegraph. - Marysville is putting in a clai or the location of the Lick observ ory. _ . ' . The oil wells being sunk at Si Fernando , show - excellentindk ' ions. A diamond , weighing one'and lalf carats k as beerniBn'lin Stra' > erry ValleyJlYur ; County.v'It me of the straw'colored sort. , - * A bee cave was'dficovered at B fernando , Los Angeles county , ew days shice , in which : there c e seen 24 lay era of honey : A sixty-ounce chunk of gold w bund recently in th Bald Mou ain nihie , Sierra coun ij Califi lia. \ , ' * j j The Aid en Fruit jand' Vegetal preserving Company1 , of Se i Jas ' iaa commeQBfcl thelereot'lon oi tour-story bulldiBgibnVthe lot nt the Block Brfdg Tewt aicio of't Buadaloupe Cre > fcIt"lB e'xpect that the factoryVilTbe irl operati In Lake , Inyo county 5,000 bare of b lion , with a steady accumulation spite of the continual increase of I number ofttewns fcr tniiBport tt ( Lns Angelw roadTeach taking bars-'of eighty-pounds each at al New mines are being opened , the demand for transportatio ; constantly , In excess of the sur. The army worms in the fleldgof Davlsville. htve been e icated by a flock of five hundred keys ; and the crop now promises usually-well from-thirty to' 1 tons-to the acre.Thebeets wil sent to the Sacramento sugarie year , but steps have been takei establish a factory at Davlsville fore next season. Work on the southern branc the Central Pacific Railroad , is greasing finely , and the track is laid to. within a mile and aha Kern river. A side-track has 1 constructed for -few miles on north side of.the river-in accord with the Jaw that requires a s\v every ten miles. Next week v yvill , be commenced.on a long tr and bridgeand a force of carper will begin work upon ; the d buildini ; : Passenger trains wil as far as the'river on.Monday. The discovery of wild coffe various.'parts of the State has ( ted" great 'interest on , the sub arid the adaptability of the soil climate of California to'the' grc of the genuine articje. InMont county Mr. Watersls expenm ing on its growth at his farri Carrnello valley. "His plants year are- not looking so "well as" 1 have done , owing to their expo to the sea breeze ; but this fact .not shake his conviction that ui more-favorable conditions the c < tree : can be made , to "flourish yield'a , handsome crop. Mr , D DevJne , of San , Jose , who .k i something bf/coSee culturerw to , the Auburn HpraM that he heves the cofijbo tree "will flou in PlacerEl Dorado and others ties on. the foothills of the SI Nevadas , after you rIse-1,500 al the sea level , .and from that to 4 , Wherevet you .find the wild cc you may be ? assured the tree flourish finely. Oregon and "Washington Ti tory will have a wheat surplus ISOjOOO tons this year. Albanv will be the big maiiu turiug city of the "Willamette " ley in another decade. So says exchange. A company haa been organ in Oprvallis , Oregon , for the pur ] of cdnstiuctlnR'a narrow gauge i road ; from Coryallls to the navlg ; waters of Yaquina Bay , to conni there with ocean , steamers and ; ing vessels. Immense business is now b ( done in the canning of soli among the fisheries on tbe lo Columbia. The warehouse at toria is jammed full of cases , refer for shipment MONTAXA. The Jefferson river is now so . that miners in the Canon Dist are busily engaged in construe ! wing dams to work their claims , The Bozeman Courier of Jul i says : "We are credibly inforr that rich river mines have been covered on the Missouri oppo Nave's , and about eight miles fi Radersburg. Twenty-five cent ; the pan have been obtained , ' . river prospects well' from the Th Forks to Nave's , and the grea excitement prevails In the set mcnts contiguous to the river. Tbe country around Camp Le Is alive with Crow Indians , tl whole force being mustered "then receive their annuities , which hi been "forwarded to' that point for ( Tibution. The Mountain Crows 1 ilso begun to arrive , and repor ; hat all of their bands were enro rom the Crow Agency. The enl ibsence of the Crows from it \ is doubtless the reason u he Sioux have recently been raid and troublesome in that qu er. Beuton still maintains her snr. nccy as "the head of navlgatioi n the Missouri. The arrival of i Tosephine , one of the finest bo hat ever ascended the Big Mudi las surprised many , for it Avas g jrally predicted that she would i ) e able to reach a point above C island , on account of the low w al 3ersuccessful trip the second he season demonstrates the f h'at navigation on the upper SI wuri-for , five or six months hv rear , Is not to be counted among' in possibilities , Shocking Harder .at Elm Cree ( Grand Island Times. ) The .dead body of a stranger. \ bund near Elm Creek , on Sunc lighfwho had , doubtless been" b ally murdered by some of. the gai if ruffians , dead beats and thie vho continually infest the line he. Union Pacific railroad. , .He v Dtind by a settler , lying on his fi .bout fifty yards east of the east < ml of the switch at that place , a iad ( Apparently been dead from o -48 hours. His features wi e/y much- swollen and be \ \ iast , recognition. . Not& thing v jund about his , clothing or upon ! icrson to indicate who he w sr- rhere he came from. His har , 'ere folded under his face "Jid o f iliem"grasped a jpistol , a fact tl , -ould indicate fliatTie endeavoi a's.ell-hisiife ; dearly. His popk < ( KJk was found empty and 1 . atch remained .upon his person x jucheU , Tho. fwl " that five bulli ad pierced his "person , utterly 3 atea the.lJeat pf.suicjde. The cone ! [ on only remains that a brutal a r < wardly murder lifts' been comin id by sorao party or parties u nowu , and wlio have made go lielr Escape. The murdered mi , -a.s well dressed , hadohln whiske ud was apporontlv about thir ears of agOi We hope every effi , 'UI he made to ferret out and bri y justice the author or authors Ills' hlghr handed and brutal crin 'o this end the governor shot tier a reward at onoo for the i est and conviction of the murdei r murderers , or for informal ! tiat would , lead to then * detect ! nd punishment. TheKearnev Press of the 27 irrnishes us with the following i ults arrived at by the corone iryr , On the 27th day of July , 181 ? e , being duly subpoenaed by I . T. Brown , coroner of Buffi ounty , tojhpldr Inquest over ead bocly'fpund at Elm Creek , B lib county , Nebraska , Sund vening , July 26th , . 1874 , we wi he coroner examined the boc , bout six hundred yards east of t tation and about fifty yards 'sot f the Union Pacific railroad , lyl n his face .with a small Derriuj a'h'ls. right , hand. On examinl he body ve found one bullet h < n the.leftbreastr which pnetral he-left. lung > near -the heart , * Ja bur bullet holesjntb.e right side he head and neck , sufficient , in t iphiion , causT.deflU . He was dr e4 : in oed .bis lothes and fine white shirt , _ w fold buffonsln ahir j we found c c iBook &ufila pocket , tempi > ne"0 silver. watpU and chain , t alnx5atl"'gu3dce , * an"a a Coui UMlsne wooden pipe , and we tin he body bad been' ' .dead about - * . . * - - TLS.DEPOSITOI The First National BJ Corner of Farhnm and 13ttx 8t THE OLDEST 3ATOIHG ESTlBLISEi nr HpaAssi. ( Successors to Kountie Brothers. ) ESTABLISHED IN li ' Or anbed aa a H&tlon&l Biak , Angrut 28 Capital and Profits orer $250 OFFICE&S AND DIBECTOBS : E. CBEIQHTON , A. . KOUNTZE President. Cash ! H. COUNTZE , II. W.YATES Vice Pres't As't Cashi A. J. POPPIJETOX , Attorney SAUNDERS , President. Vice Prest BEN WOOD , Cashier. ST-A-TIE SAVIITGS BAX7 'N. W ; Cor. Farnham aud 13th Sta Capital . _ _ . . . . „ _ . „ . $ 1 Authorized CapiUl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . _ li f T\EPS1TS AS 51IALL AS ONE I [ Xlarseco'Tcil and compound iDteres I lowed on the same. Advantages OVER Certificates of Deposi mHE WHOLE OR ANY PAUT OF J J. posit aficr remaining- this' Benk months , will draw interest Irom d.te of i H .to payment. The whole or any part o' posit can * drawn atjany t'me. aug2j The Oldest Establishec BANKING HOU ! IN XM ASKA. Caldweil , Hamilton & I Business transacted same as of an Ineorporated Bank. Accounts kept in Currency or subject to sight check 'withon ' tice. tice.Certificates Certificates of Deposit Issued able on demand , or at fixed bearing Interest at six percent aunum , and available in in all i of the country. Advances made to customer approved securities at market i or interest. BUT and sell Gold , Bills of change. Government , State , Con and Citr Bonds. We giro special attention to n tiating Railroad and other Cerate rate teams issued witliiu tlieSi Draw Sight Drafts on Engl Ireland , Scotland , anil all part Europe. Sell Enroppan Passage Tickets COLLLECTIONS PEOJIPTLY MAD1 aultf EZRA MILLARD. I J. II. MIIJLAJ President. Casl NATIONAL BA1S Cor. Douglas and Thirteenth Streets , OMAHA , - s .NE1JIAS ] Capital . - S200.C Surplus and Profits _ 3u,0 AGENTSFOR THE UN ] FINANCIAL STATES. ANf DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY DISBURSING OFFCER3. . THIS BANK DEALS In Exchange. Government Bonds. Vouc Gold Coin , f BULLION and GOLDDUS. And sells drafts and makes collections o partaol Europe. WDrafts drawn payable In gold or cm : jrn the Bank of California. San. Francisc TICKETS FOR SALE TO ALL PA of Europe via the Cunard and Nat Steamship Lines , and the Haraburg-Amci Packet Comp-ny. jy27t EstalDllshed 1858. CARRIAGE MANUFACTOE 638.6540 Fourteenth Street , Office up itairi. ) Omaha , Nebraska. Carrl ind Buggies on hand or made to order. N. B. Particular attention paid to Be ; ng. apras 5TEON BEED. LKVH3. S. I BYRON REED & GO. The Oldeei EstabUaheA Real Estate Agenc IH. NEBRASK A a complete Abstnct of Title to all statalnOu > haand Douclas countv. Eydranlic , Oemei ] AND A PIPEINFORM -INFORM THE PUBLIC TE TV they are. now ready to furnish 1 > BAJJL1C CEMENT , of the very best qua ! nd in an y'quantlt jr.cither at tbe factory , < * . i located at Bcatriee.Neb. , or at the Pipe wi n Omaha. They also are prepared to fur 11 kinds of OlIENT PIPING IprSEWERA ) KAINAGE. ETC , " Also' nianulactnre tyles of CHIMNEY WORK. WE GUAB. EE OUB CEMENT T < BE EQl'L TO A [ YDRAUL1C CEMENT MANT/rACXUl N THE UNITED STATES- WOBDERS FROM DEALEES BESPI ULLY SOUCITED. JtllTBIGK HYDBAUHC CE E & I'IPE CO. ) M ZA , - - NEBRAS1 mr21-3m JOHN H. GBEENV DEALER IN UBA1N , FLOUR AKD FEED , AND COMMISSION MERCHANH Si Hamcr itreet , betipca llta and 1 Carriage and Wagon Makfc En all'H Branches , in the latest and - approred pattern. aOBSE SHOEING lid repairing done on abort notica. VAN BORIS'S All Undk ol 'light and MAC1IINEBY MADE b RE PAIR aee JUA5ET SIXEBIOM. . --.v . . DEWEY & , - rf- * STONE , Furniture Dealer ! c Nos. 187 , 189 and 191 Fainham Stree" * martdtl MILTON ROGEBS , Wholesale Stoves and THTITEB.S' STOCS - SOLE WE3TEBN AQENCYFOB - t STEWART'S COOKED and HEATEJa STOVJEJ THE "FEABLESS , " COOKING STOVES , - OEX.IEIBIR/.A.'X'IEID CHARTER OAK COOKING- STOVES All of Which Will be Sold at Manufacturers' Prices , With Freight a dde Send foxr JFrrtoo J NEBRASKA SHIFT MANJFASTO. FARNHAM ST. , 'wB.fARNHAM ST. , ' OMAHA , KEBEASKA SHIRTS AND GENTS1 lURNISfflNG GOODS , &C , , & ! CS'Sliiria of all kinds made to order. Satisfatlon guatrantsed.- a pr lly 1 e o J _ Fort Calhoun Mills. &c Manufactured trllli Great Care from the Best Grain. Gezieral Depot , Ccr. 1th. . c& Dodge.Sts E1.ABI CLAHK WHOLESALE CANDIE2 iQanulactnring all varieties of candies I am i cw and will sell a Dealers In this State need not want t * > go East for CANDIES. A trial Is solicited. mchlltl 77. B. PITCH , FELT AND GRAVEL ROOFER AudMaiiufactartr of Dry and Saturated llooflnp and JSbenthlnff Felt. ALSO DEALERS IS Hoofing , Pitclx , Coal , Tar , Eta , Etc . tlie Gas Works , o States. Office oppoMtf T > OOPiRO in any pat t of Nebiaslta or adjoining . . . XV 12thi treet. Address P. O. Box 432. O. P. GOOBMAM , WHOLESALE DRUGGIST , .And X > oalor in. PAINTS , OILS AND WINDOW GLASS , Omaha. Nebraska. i t cr. i ISJrORTKK AND JOBCEK OPFOREIOIf AND DOMESTIC' WINES and LIQUORS Tobaccos and Gigars/ ' -v.o I No. 142 , FARNHAM STREET , OMAHA , NEB. Old Kentucky Whiskies a Specialty. . . - ' ' " J9B-AGEKT FOB THE ELDORADO WISE COMPANY , CALlFOKSr.\-aa Julys ly OE osrtex : ' .A.lo , of aTollo * . XL1. Cj > ' ' . . . 11 i * * eco co . M ITTIE. WHOLESALE DEALEK IN . Ola ri ed Cider. th. 135 and ISO Farnhmra Street. fl. C. MANDFACTUBJiK AMI ) DliALEBIN BOOTS & SHOES 510 ISlh St. Between Farnham nd Doujlas' pl3ri aoat SEXAtTEB. 225 r-trnliam Street , ' * - Omii * , He . ' W 'BKAtZX BETAlt. WHOLKSAU : AS D FUBMTORB , BEDDING , ETC. ENOCH HENNEY , * ? Justice of the Peace . ' . ol Fara- . Offlee.oT r the StatelEanlr..conier HA. bam and 13th street * . JACOB GISS , 261 aTambaa St. , B t. 14Ui Jk 131 UNDERTAKE ] City Meat * Max'kfei K p conitanllr on band A LASGE SUPPLY OF Gr 3D V MAX MEYER & BROTHER , OMAHA , NEBRASK/ / SOME Oa tae Line * Union Pacific Railroa A Lasi Orwt of 12,000,000 A ef tlii test FABJU5Q ad MIHESAL Lwds of An 1,000,000 ACKFS IN KEBBASKA IN THE GREAT PLATTE YAL THE OARDEHOrTHB WEST SOW FOB BALE ' , tbe 41st dsree of Noith 'United States on These lands are In the csntral portion of ths antiuentandfori ItuJe. the central line ol the great Temperate Zone o ! the American . { rowing and stock railing uniurpaaed by any In the United States. . nleat to market ttas OHEAPBB IH PBIOEttnr fkT8raHe ' ' n. and neri coaT FIVE and TEN YEAES' credit glren with Interwl at SDC PER CENT Tens' Crodlt. Land * at ti , , OOL05I3TB Jia\flOTUALBETULEBScaahnyoaT a trice to all PaEDIT PUBOHAaTTRB. A Dednctloi TEN PER CENT. FOR CASH. FREE HOMESTEADS FOB ACTUAL SETTLEES. > nd the Best Locations for Colonies ! Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead 160 Acres. io to Send for ne r Descriptlre Pamphit , with new mips , published < in Enzllsh , ' A. B. HUBEICMANN fc CO. X O WATCHMAKERS , OF JEWELH1 S. E. Cor. 13tk & Douglas Sts. WATCHES & CLOCKS JEWELRY AND PLATED-WAHi , AT WHOLESALE OB RETAIL Dealers Can Save TIME and FREIGHT Ordering of Us. ENGBAYIKG DONE FREE OF CHARGE ! WOODS WARBAKIiJ ) TO BE AS REPRESENTED. ' * ] 2n31-tf J. C.IUUIEL3J . . S. C. ABBOTT ABBOTTS. . C. ABBOTT & CO. , Booksellers ! Stations 0BALBBSIN , 188 Farnham Street. Omaha , Publishers' Agents for School Books aged In Nebraska. GEO. A. HOAGXANP , Wholesale Lumb OFFICK AND YARD COR , OF DOUGLAS AND ( Hi STS , , U. P. B , R , TBACRJ WM. M , FOSTER , f Wholesale Lumb WINDOWS , DOORS ! BUNDS , MOULDINGS , &S Plaster. Paris , . Har , Dry and Tarred * * ' s - * SoIe'Agcnts for Bear tek time and LouIsTille Ceuieat J OFFICE AND YAHL : n U. P. Trade , bet Farnham JLOMAHA , aprZtf N. I. I SOLOMOj " OILS AND TINB.O GI.ASS \ t . : ! . ' 10 AT. OIL ANJ ] HE AD-LIGHT IMAHA > NEBf j _ FAIBLI3& MONELLj ILANK BOOK MXNUFACTUR ! Stationers , E ravers and Printers JL _ 3 0202 ; [ ascMc , Odd FeUo a'nd Knlghls of TJ IT X1 O l&j 3 S. PHOPERTIES , JEtELS , BOOKS , . BLANKS , ODGE BSyEASTERX HCES AN D EXPBESb.a iaia f t BUCKEEE. UJJ 00 < DC < & Q _ . < C ForTarfls , Lt Shoji Office and th'Street bet. Faroh jamey , aprllU