r BKK hii by tar the circulation in the city , .and is , iBin or ADVKBTisisa. Local notices , 25 local advertisement * , 20 line cent * per : cenu per line ; by the month , 10 cents. t > o dverUaeincnt Inserted lor less UcnCO cent * . 8pecm notices , 10 cent * per line ; single inser tion , not leu than 25 cent * . Transient b < rti < en ent must Inviolably be raid for in adranct. , . adrertiseiaenta t > r pee l Hate * for ( landing All Legal Notices , Statements , Tabular Work , etc. , requiring careful revision by copy or prool to be famished , must be handed in before ten o'clock x. K. to insure insertion the sjn daT. Mxjcisi aod Local advertiseineuU before two AdrerUt iuenU Leiore one o'clock p. JC. AU * dTertiteuienU lor the WEKKLY BKE must be handed in before Monday noon , lor the tame week's isrue. J.RR1VAL AKJ ) DEPARTURE 01 THAIS S. Time Ca/d oftUe BpHlagton Routi LXAVE OMAHA. AEKVB A * OMAHA. Sasc = S ? L 152K ± 3&t > tundaj-eicepted. ilondays excpt d This is the only line running Pullman Hotel DinfTugctirs. D. AV. UlTClicocK , HARRY P DEUEL , Gen'l. We * . Pass. Agt. Ticket Agent. Chicago , IU. Omaha , J rti Cniou Pacific. AEIUV1 Chicago , Koclt l > l n < l Jt Pacflf. 5:30A.M. 10:40P.J1 tMondaya eiceptei1 NortU\vc tirn. 10:40 : P. 1 ! 2:50 Cltr * St. Jd. & Council JBluO Morning EzpreBS..5:30 A. M. : . Jfrcnlnj ; Express _ 2:50 P. M. C0 P. Omaha Si N'orlhvreBteni and Slon : City tc. Pacllic. JlallErprcBi . 815A.M. 2:15P.il Daily except Sundays. Omnlbiwca and Baggage Wagon * leare ti face , comer Varnham and Ninth etreutt , fi een znlnnt s in advance of the above Ballroa Opening and Closing of Hails ii Omaha. BOOTJE OCX. CLOSX. wire. A.M. r. x. A. M. p. ] O.P.R.R. - 2:20 110 KABT. & N.W. K.R. . 1:30 do do. . . . K.I.&P. B.K. . 110 fe0 do < * llrfX * < : JO do do. . . . SOUTH. D.&St.Jo 7:00 4SO do do. . . . U.8.W.R 8:00 100 votnn. O.JtK. Vf.li. B _ . 2 0 7:45 Cblngo and all Eastern cities , Nebrask : City , PlfltiKrouth , Council Bluflaand Burling ton , dueat 1(130 ( a. ui. , closes at 4:30 : a. m. ani I p. xn. St. Louis and St. Joseph , duo at 10:00 a. m and 7 p. m. ; closes at 1:45 p. iu. and 4:30 : a. m OfCce open Eunday t Iroin 12 to 1 p. ni. O. J3. YOST. Postmaster. fjiIlCV- E. A "I ION at lie DAILY BKK In mor < Irian double tlintof anj oilirr dailj paiierpublisLcd iu Xeliraska. . Peycle's Restaurant and Oystei toonw. The leading bouso of the fcind. 207 , Farnliam street , between twelfth acd Thirteenth. Ieb24tf OMAHA BREVITIES. George Rcevis was fined § 2.00 and costs at the Police Court yes terday morning for drunkenness. The "Union Pacific employes are -circulating a petition for the pardon of Charles Ketcbum. A moonlight picnic , given by Miss Perry aud Miss Terrel , took place at Hanscom Park "Wednes day night. Twenty-six recruits for the 21st Infantry at San Fraucisoo passed through the city yesterday. Patrick Welch was yesterday arrested on the complaint of Marshal Snowden , for cruelly beat ing his horse "Wednesday night. Several petitions for the pardon of Charles Ketchum , are being cir culated , and are being signed by nearly everybody. Additional depositions are to be taken In the postal investigation , and will be published as soon as completed. It looked very much like rain yesterday morning , and everybody thought it would ; but a few persons foolishly brought out their umbrel las , which beared it away. Wilson's Palace Amphitheatre which will exhibit here next Circus , \l \ week on Friday and Saturday , is pronounced by the press every where as one of the finest institu tions of the kind now traveling. That sewer running east past thoWyoming Hotel again caughtfire Wednesday night about 12 o'clock was discovered by the night watchman Pacific headquarters man of the Union ters building. It was put out with out much difficulty. The watch man thinks the fire was thowork of an incendiary. The shooting match between the Omaha and Council Blufls Sportsmen's Clubs , took place at the CouncilUlutts fairgrounds Wednes day , and resulted iu favor of the Omaha shots by a soore of 106 to 91. Mr. Hoagland and Dr. Fichera shot a double match , which was won by Mr. Hoagland , the score being 9 to 5 ; and Air. Hoagland also shot a double match with Colonel Hoff- resulting in favor of the former mayr , mer by a score oflO to C. George Mills Vas defeated in a match by , .Mellis , by a score of S to" . After the match the Council Bluffs jjporismeu set out a luxuribos liirich for all present A pleasant day's sport was had , and the Omaha gen- tlraen speak in the highest terms the cordial reception tendered foot of _ . -S become so low * Bcount of the dry weather , that the supply is not sufficient to meet the demand. Tby are , however , making arrangements to get water elsewhere. About twenty Bohemians of Omaha met Wednesday night , and heldameeting to organizethemselvea into an association for the founding and building up of a new Bohemian colony in Nebraska , under the name of "Slavonia. " The final organiza tion will take place on Saturday next , after which they immediatelj commence their labors. They hop to locate a colony of at least 10 ( settlers next spring. Next weel tLey propose to send out three o their number to explore the lands which they intend to locate upon. Personal. Hon. Ed. Parker , of Lone Tree , ! In the city. Mrs. J. J. Dickey and' mcthe left yesterday for a visit to Sal Lake. Al. Maxwell , traveling agent c the Kansas City , St. Joe & Coun cil Bluffs railway , was in this cit ; yesterday evening. Mr. Larson , the agent of th American Express Company , re turned Wednesday from a trip t the West , W. A. Ros , acting local apdjtc of the Texas Pacific railroad at Mai shall , Texas , Is making a short vis ; In the city. Colonel Noteware , State Superir tendent of Immigration , left for tl northwestern part of the State ye terduy to interview the grasshoi pers. pers.Mr. Mr. A. H. Church , Probate/udg of Lincoln county , returned froi the East yesterday , and .left fc North Plattg pi } the morning 02 pres ? , The following are tue arnvals i the Wyoming : A J Miller , DCS Moines ; J RBui gess , Davenport ; WM White , Has tings , Neb ; S F Sawyers , City ; I W Osborn , Chicago ; G H Tayloi Council Bluffs ; Chas Sparks , Ogder Mrs Dr Carpenter , FortDodgej Ti Ellison , Evanston , W T ; H Lou renski and wife , New York ; A Ai kinspBi Queen's Circus ; H Acklej Sioux City ; John Cowan , C Smith Columbns ; T S Carpenter , V/pgpin ] Water ; U O Cooper , Kansas pity O Frost , Plattsmoutfy E Pjtimmer H Eavens , Chicago ; D B Tnurstpn West Point ; W W Dee , Salt Lake George P Frysenger , Rock Island R B Smith , Chicago. A Depd.ppad Passenger. A very good joke was ployl 01 conductor Billy Smith , w'ho ran ou on Tuesday afternoon's train for the East over the Chicago & Rock Is laud railroad , by some boys at Dex ter , who , just as the train was leav Ing that pjace , placed upon the reai platform of the sleeper a "dummy' man. They had taken a &ut { PI clothes , stuffed them full of straw fixed up a head by means of a mask , and had put an old stove-pipe hal on thp top. The "dummy' ' was seated on the etpps , with one arm around the railing , and thp pthei 8upK ] > rting his weary head , .as il asleep. Conductor Smith came along , and seeing the supposed man sleeping - ing there , took him for a "dead- beat , " and giving him a slight kick , demanded , "your ticket , sir. " No answer. Smith stirs him up again , and says , "Here , you fellow , wake up. " Again there was no re ply , and Smith then discovered thP "sell" as he took hold of the "dum my's" shoulder. Going forward tc the brakeman , he informed him that there was a dead man on the rear platform , and he wanted him to watch the oody till they got to Des Moines. The brakeman did as commanded , but was so tender-hearted that he did not examine the remains , but wit on the inside of the car and kept an eye on them. On the arrival of the train in Des Moines , the "dummy" was slyly tumbled on the track , and the chief of police was informed that a man had been killed. The chief of police immediately sent down two policemen to take charge of the remains till the coroner arrived to hold an inquest. The two unsuspecting "beaks' ' kept guard of the "corpse" till the coroner put in an appearance. He came in haste , fully expecting to make the customary fee , but his rhagrin , as well as that of the two policemen , may b easily imagined when he discovered the "sell. " It x > sthim just $7.50 to' stt 'cm Upfor ; he b'hoys , " every one of whom , ivhcn they meet him , ask him if he las found any more dead men. The Camp Meeting at Hattsmouth. Rev. C. M. McKelvy , of Plaits uouth , is in the city on business oncerning the camp meeting that s to beheld at Plattsmouth , begin- ling Wednesday , August llilh , and nntinuing six days , by the Nebras ka Holiness Association , the objects > eing the promotion of holiness , and i large ingathering of sinners to Christ Board will be furnished on he grounds at $5.00 per week , and 1.00 per day. Transportation will e furnished by the railroads at reatly reduced rates. The grounds , lying just on the rest end of the city , have been leared and comfortably seated for [ large congregation. Water In reat abundance is provided , and o pains will be spared to make all > nifortable. It was not long since that the Pacific coast papers chronicled the arrival of an eccentric female , who had walked from Omaha to San Francisco. The BEE to-day notes the arrival here of a female pedes trian , who can discount the one above mentioned in several ways. She came all the way from Penn sylvania on foot , and put in an ap pearance in this city yesterday , after a journey of several weeks. She came accompanied by her two little sons , aged respectively six and eight years , and a child not yet two years old. This child she had drawn after her in a small two-wheeled cart , in which also were her pro visions , such as they were , and hei carpet-bag , stuffed full of old and dirty clothes. The two boys likewise had walked the same distance with their moth er. She was a woman apparently forty years of age , ugly as an alli gator , and one who probably had not had the luxury of a bath foi many a month. The same can b < said of her youngsters , who wen the sauciest little rascals that evei crossed the Big Muddy. Yesterdaj morning this forlorn family o pedestrians camped on thesidewall attae Sc. Joe ticket office and then partook of a frugal breakfast washed down with some milk which Imd very likely been bpggei from some charitable person. A re porter of the BEE approached th < head of the wandering family , ant addressed her thus : "Madanie , where do you hai from , and where are you going ? " "None of your d d business , ' was the polite reply. Further than this we could no learn , as she seemed too much en gaged in her breakfast. The older boy spoke up and said and I'll tel "Give me five cents you. " "Tell him we are going to liell , ' chimed in the old lady , who b : this time had exhibited evidence that she was not exactly in her righ niind. The reporter handed him a nl } re and In reward learned as abovi stated ; that they came from Penn sylvania , and wanted to go to Caa county , Iowa , after they hnd seei Omaha. Neither the mother no the boys would tell their name , o anything further. The family found their way tp tjj | depot , where they excited consider ble sympathy and curiosity , espec ially the little chiid in the cart , wh < was tprrjbly sunburned , snd wh ( seemed to be suffering from the ef fects of the trip. They were seni overt 1m river by Captain Payne , ir the dummy , and are now tramping on Iowa soil. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEBff. This is to certify that we will sell the genujnp EJias Howe Sewing * Machines , box top , for ? 5p ( fifty dollars ) cash. The machines are all warranted , and of the latest style. The Howe Machine Is known throughout the world as one of the best made and most reliable ma- ichjnos in the market. Why pay from $80 to § QQ for machines when you can purchase firjt class machines for nbou one-half the price ! A word to the wise is sufficient. We will sent niachines to any address by express C. p. p. , for $0. If you wish a machine of any other manufacture please send in your orders.Ve focfln business. By permission we will refer you to tlp ) First Nationa Bank of tis } | city. Address LEVAJJ & Co. , jul30-lt * Box 552 , Omaha , Nob. LACKAWANA COAL at lowest market price , by the IOWA COAL COMPANY. Office 13th street , ( for merly Union Coa } Company's ) , jy 30 tf UEO. ( J. TOV'L- : , Agent. McKelligon-s card on second page. june2-tf DYKING , c.eanmg anil repairing done in the neatest manner , at the STEAM DYE WORKS , 10th St.Let. Faniham and Douglas apr28t f. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY. OMAHA , July 24. EXTRA NOTICE , to all concerned. Fred Riepen is no longer in the employ of the Opaha Steam Laun dry , and the customers of * he sanie will not pay him any more money. jul24-lw. SALOON for sale .cheap. Inquire at BEE office. ju24-tf ICE UREAM ! ICE CREAM ! ! H. L. LATEY'S is the place to gofer for this very necessary commodity. je23tf. CALIFORNIA Peas at Allen's. jy29t2 Carpets. During this month I will offer special bargains in remnants of CARPETS , OIL CLOTH , MAT- IING and AY ALL TAPER. Call ind examine goods and prices. You can always find a large and ivell selected stock of CARPETS , 3IL CLOTH , MATTING , WIN DOW SHADES , MATS , RUGS , ; tc. , at my establishment , and as I > uy direct from manufacturers and mporters , I can sell the same class if goods as low as Chicago or St. liouis. Give men call. JOHN B. DETNVILER , Carpets , 04 Fourteenth street , between Farnham and Douglas streets. Jy25-d6t Indian Curiosities at No. 170 'arnhamstreet , corner llth street , may 7-tf. CALIFORNIA Flour at Allen's. jy29t2 t _ * to have a Best ? Omaha , as well as Brooklyn and New York , is having a season of scandal at the present time , excel- ing in this respect , all towns of its size in the land. The latest was told us to-day of a married man living on Sixteenth street who had taken all the oaths private and public that man is ca pable of taking to a sweet and lov ing \yife. After living with her for some ten years , as happy as a big sun-flower , a troubled wave came in the form of a young lady , ( not a Chicago sufferer ) who put in her appearance from some sister city , and who at once made the ac quaintance of our noble citizen. Then the old story was repeated. Attention was paid the .fair one by our married hero , unbeknown to the loving wife at home. Many a delightful meeting was had. Ice cream , lemonades and promenades were indulged in. A few evenings ago a buggy ride was had for a change. The loving wife had by this time had her suspicions , as well as her jealousy , aroused , and on this eventful eveningshesecured a position wheroshe was enabled to see the couple pass "courting on the highway" beneath the pale moon light. The husband on his return home that night at about t\velv met with a warm reception at the hands of his indignant wife who gave him a curtain lecture thai would have done honor to Mrs. Caudle when she was in her best lecturing trim. The direlect hus band made a lame apology , prom ised to "do better in the future , " and thus he calmed for the time being the troubled inatrinjonial sea of that household. He niust look a "little owet , " for all such wander ings from the path of strict rectitude are liable to be investigated for the gootl of the public morals , wiiicl need a great deal of improvement at the present time. liaising the Freight Tariff between Oma ha and Chicago. Iii the Chicago Times of yester day we find the following impor tant items concerning the raising o the freight tariff'on the Chicago and Northwestern raijway between Chipago apd Omaim : The Chicago and Northwester ! railway company has issued a new freight tariff which includes higher rates on live stock and grain to Oma ha and intervening points. The in crease in charges range from 5 to 10 cents per 100 pounds. T ) > p through rnte to Omaha , Couji- cil Bluffs , anil Cheyenne oir first , second , third , and fourth classes , was uniformly Increased livfc cents per 100 pounds. CALL IMMEDIATELY ands.ee the large stock of BOOTS fe SHOES lately bought at a bapkrunj : sole , mid now being fcold at exceed ingly low prices , nt less than one- half their vblue. jy2Stf H. DOIILE & Co. TYPE FOR SALE ! A Font of Bourgeois Type , of which ths ; is a sample , weighing 600 lb * . Tins type has been iu use ou the Dail * BEE Jpss than one year , and is nearly as good as new. For terms &c. , address E. ROSEWATEE , in f. Publisher of the Bee. GROCERIES. The place to buy your family supplies is at Jno. S. Johnson & Co.'x , 260 Dodge street. Prime Butter , Country Produce , a fresh in voice of one of the very best brands of St. Loujs family flour , and all other goods needed in the family , can be found fresh and reliable , and as cheap as the cheapest. We can not If undersold , JNO. S. JOHNSCo. " . . july2o-eod3t 200 Dodge St. TRY the ICE CREAM at the FRENCH COFFEE HOUSE , 12th St. , between Farnham and Harney. Sjupe Mr. Alstcad has manufnc- tu vil it himsplf , it fs the best that can be had in the city. ju20eodtf GRAND"CLOSING OUT SALE OF THE SEASON AT UUSHMAN'S. 2fow or never. This is the lost opportunity you wil } have to buy loii-'dalc muslins at 12Ac , frultof the loom at 13ic , good yard widebleech- cd inudjns at 9 , } 0 and lie per yard ; Jn ? ! s goods , sliawjs , grenadines Lluma lace points , also our cele brated raven black alapacas , at 20 , 30 , 40 and 50c. These prices have tiever been equaled in Omaha , and no one having a little ready cash to spare should fall to visit this , our last grand closing cjish sale of t > eason. Please do not take our rt'onl for It only , but call and see for yourselves at Bushman's. ju27eodtf ! THE FRENCH COFFEE HOUSE , on 2th.street , between Farnham and Sariiey , will , during the months of f uly and August , be open from 5 'clock a. m. till 12:30 : p. m. and roni 4:30 p. m. to 12:30 : a. m. F. ALSTEAP. jnly20eodtf GEO. fl. PETERSON , the pioneer igar manuRcturer , keeps con- tahtly on hand the very best rands of cigars , and also Tione ack , Fruits and Flowers , and Durham" Smoking Tobacco. 11 Douglas street. " mavGeodlv rEO. W. ELKINS , GEXTEHAZ. OMMISSION JjBRCHANT , 1916 & 1918 Mai ket St , PHILADELPHIA. rrain , Flour , jSeeds , Ecci lties i Bailer , Vtlt Hops. ANOTHER "KICK. " Council Bluffs Grasps at another Straw. Ever since Council BluQis was shoved into the troubled sea of misfortune - fortune , she lias been grasping at straws -with all the avidity of a drowning man. No improvement has taken place in Omaha for years past but that it has deeply wounded our envious sister city , who wants the initial point , both ends of the bridge , and the Union Pacific buildings and shops , neither one of which , however , she is likely to get. Sometime ago the Kansas City , St. Joe & Council Rlulld railroad began running a through sleeper from Omaha to St. Louis , and the enterprise meeting a d&served suc cess , they put on a passenger coach in addition. Not long ago the three Iowa roads determined that they would check baggage to and from Omaha. Both these steps in the right direction Imve worried the Council Bluffers , who now propose , if possibl" , to at least compel the K. C. St. Joe & C. B. railway to stop running its cars to and from Omalia. Concern ing their intentions the Council BluiTs Nonpareil -ot yesterday contains the following "squeal : " "Some months since the Kansas City , St. Joseph and Council Blufls railroad company-commenced send ing their sleeping car over the bridge. At the time this caused a fever of excitement , and there was talk of an injunction to restrain the company from continuing this pro ceeding. Such action , however , was nottukenandthecompanycontinues to this day to send its sleepers over the bridge in violation of the laws of Io\va. Finding , after some months trial that they weic not molested in this course , the company became so emboldened that they ventured upon the experiment of operating their passenger cars in the same way. Knowledge of this proceed ing coming to the Mayor , he yester day instructed the City Attorney to commence a suit to restrain the company from pursuing this course longer. The proper papers and writs were served last evening , and the case will come up for hear ing soon. This road , of all others , is the one that should have respect ed the law of Iowa implicitly for it owes its existence , and such rights and privileges asit has , to the liber ality and energy of the private citi zens ot Council Bluffs , and the city contributed liberally to its early completion. The law is' plain and emphatic against any anJ all roads terminating in Iowa , transferring passpngers , express mutter , or freight to a point outside of the State , and our authorities here now propose to test the virtues of 'his law. While there should be no war upon rail roads , there should be an enforce ment of every legitimate contract enteied into by and between the railroad companies and the people , ah'd onp .slioulfl 'not'tyqm'ize ' / ov r the othpr/ ' LINDLE HOUSE , Formerly STATE HOTEL , on Ninth street , batwcen Farnham and Har ney , having been completely re- iltted and refurnished b'y th'pVuder- sjgned , is this day opened to the public. It is Intended tp run the LINDLE HOUSE in first-class style , and the proprietors being thorough HOTEL MEN are confident of success in their endeavors to please the most fastidious. C. V. & S. M. UARRYJIAN , jy2St3 Proprietors. TEAS , Coffee &c. , cheaper than the cheapest , at Allen's. Jy20l2 DR. POWELL , office 215 , Farn ham stre-ot , Inne23-tf BELLEVUE GROVE , twelve miles from Omaha , on the line of the B. & M. R. It. , aud 100 yards from the depot , has been improved for pit nics and prjvatp parties BY M'AUSLAND & 3IARTIN. AH engagements for the rrove will be made through ANDY MCATJSLAND , jyTtf. 242 Douglas Street. THE finest and best Tomatoes in : he city at Allen's. Jy29t2 JARRIAOE , BUGCY aafi 3IAXUFACTURER. i. E. COP.NER of 14th ana HAP.NEY STS , respectfully announce ( o the pub lic that he is now ready to fill all con- rods in the above lines vrith neatness and Jlspatch. ft Exprcss wagons constantly on band and ir sab. . DD. T O 2NT IE JS -MA' FACTtJREP Of ASD DEALKR IN- jambrf quins and W-iidoiy Shades , JUROJIOS , ENGRAVINGS AND PICTURE FRAMES. j 270 Farnbam street , coiner Fifteenth Iclmeider & Burniester Manufacturers of IN , COPPER AND SHEET IROX WABE. DEALERS IN Cooking and Heating Stores. Tin Roofing , Spouting and Gutter1 ig don tort notice and ic the best uiaaner. Ilrtn trwt tept24 dl J. O. SZ.ATTER. , Dealer in Staple and Fancy Qrroceries. Highest price paid for Country Produce , rick Store , B. E. Cor. 16rt & Chicago Bts. , | e26tf OMAHA , NEB. QTJAILEY'S T. P. Soap Factory ! Situated on the line'of the Union Pacific .Ilroaa , near the powder house. Manufac- res fiist-class soap for home consumption unc24-lr ° - - ! 1 Cor. tarnham and Kleventn Sin. I kinds of TAILORIXG , ( "leaning and re- ring done nt reasonable raU s. A fine lot of IRNISHING GOODS constantly on band 1 told cheap. -lec2Gtf - 4-fL CO A PEK DAY. Agents waut- ) IO $6 ( ) ed. All classes of work people of either sex , young or old , jaake re money at work for us in their spare mo- nts nr all tbp Urn" than at anything else. diessSTlNSON 4 Co. . Portland , JIaine- LOOGOO 3H TABM1SQ LAND IH HEBEASKAI ! )0 ) HaEscomPlaceLots ! "ODSES AND LOTS n tne city of Omaha , for salecheanand on eood termi. BOGGS & HILL , eil estate brokers.office over Hotkey's store , Dodge U opposite tew psttoffice * ap30m2 SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Advertisements of To Let , For Sale , Lost , Wants , Found , Boarding , Ac. , will be inserted in these columni once for TEN CENTS per line ; each subsequent insertion , FIVE CEFIS pr line. The first insertion nerer less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ONEVTO.LOAN-On approved personal security. Inquire at Law Office of T. Vf. T. Kichards , No. 490 13th Street. GIRL WANTED By Mrs. Kennard , todo A general house-work. North East corner of Dodge and 19th Street. I WANTED A girl to do house-work , inquire at Cracker Factory , Harney Street bet. llth and 12th. j30d3t ] ° TO PURCHASE-A first mort gage on improyed c.ty property about SCOOO. D. L. THOMAS Jj23d3t. Visschers Block. WANTED By a lady , a situation as house keeper , l > est ol references. Address , L. M. C. , Post Office. jy2Sd2l ) ONEY TO LOAN At Dr. Isaac Edwards , No. 181 Farnham Street. jy2Sd6t TDLACKSMITIIS WASTED At Hall's Foun- JD dry. jj23tl. SALE-Iumiediatoly , and at a Great FOR . Thcfuruiture in the Philadelphia House can be bought cheap , one-half cash , and the other half on three to ii months lime , with good security. Lease of the house runs seven months , at ? . ! 5 per mouth. Forty-fire to fifty good cash boarders. The Proprietor has other business to attend In immediately , and fur that i eaiou oilers this splendid opportunity. jy23tf. C SCUAt.NaOi.eT. FOR RENT. RENT.THE COTTAGE of 7 ROOMS ad joining my utlice. A COINAGE of 4 ROOMS , large Yard. A COTTAGE of 5 ROOMS , no ref- erances required. A STORE \\ITU LIVING looms attached good location. A BUILMNU SUITABLE FOR a Saloon aud Dwelling. Two r onis upstairs , on Jackson St. FOR SALE. SALE.Four Four frame Buildings , with Lease on ground JAS. F. MORTON A O. jj2Stf 491 Tenth Street. Nurse girl , at (356) ( ) three hun dred and fifty-six Chicago st. , near 19th. Grovrn girl preferred. jy27dtf. TABLES For sale , two nearly BILLIARD by 3 , latest style , 4 leg Billiard ith bulls , cues and fixtures complete. w ill be sold very cheap Apply at BKOWN 4 THURSTON'3 Jy27dGt. 1-aw Office. ' MINING AND SMELTING MECHANICS' ING CO The semi-annual meeting , uujuurnol from Julv 21st , will be held at the Durant Engine House , on Thursday , July 30th , at S P. M. , lor the election of officers , and the transaction of business of great importance to tbe stockholJcrs. K. K. LONG , JJ23 7t President. WANTED gin to do general house work. Apply at 11. Pomeroy's , West end St. Mary's A\cnuc. Wages -55.00 per week. july22tf. RENT House on ISlh near Casi street. FOR - . S. A. UAYLOB & CO. ANTED A girl to cook at American W House , bet. llth aud 12th , Douglas st. st.jvlCtf. . T7 > MPLOYJIENTOFFICE-RoomNo.l.80uth XU cast corner 15th and Douglas Sta. Want ed immediately , servant girls , farmhands , car penters and laborers , also real estate bought aud sold , and taxes paid lor non-residents. J. N. FISHER. jyStl Omaha , Neb. . , . . - , - T - IMMEDIATEL1 girl tpdc YV hous6-w6rk : Apply Sl Davenport street , betueen 17th and 18th. JyStf TORE TO RENT 198 DoiiRlas strfet. In- J quire of WUBUEIl A BEIIM. ulyltf Day boarders , ct the touthwcst WANTED cor. of 10th and Harney sts. jc29tf WANTLD A cueap inrui in eicnange for merchandise. Addras , Farmer , BI.E office. ap2lt WILL SELp SECOND-HAND Carriages , I and' one Hearse , ( .heap for cash or trade , as I npert the room for new ones. je'Sdtf , G. W. nOMAX. T IE PUBLIC The undersigned has TO purcl uted and put upon tbe streets as public conveyances , some of the finest carriages e\crmanufactured in this country. They will he run toendlrom tbe depots , hotels and private residences. All orde left at the Mttropolitan - - Hotel. st aini FORECLOSURE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Notice is hereby fi\cn that default ha : oc curred in a condition of thj chattel niortpig'o , wherein Jiannah Ljuugstfoci is mortRager and James II 1'Iutz A. Brother are mortgagees , by which the povicr to sell has become opera tive. tive.Said Said mortgage bears dale June 30th , A D. 1S71 , and is letordcd in book O oi mortgages , at page 534 in the Cuunty Clerk's oflicp of DougUs County , JCebras . The amount clajmcd to he tfuc on'said mortgage at this date ii cllo. The following is a description of the mortgaged property as contained in ( aid mort gage , to wit : 1 pair of horses , to wit : 1 brown stallion and 1 white horse , known as " Hilly " and" Rattler" : 1 light "Henrv GreVe" wag- 3u , and 1 sett double harness. The sale of said mortgage property will take place on the 19th Jay of August , A. D. , 1SV4 , in front of Homan's Livery Stable , on the South East corner of ISth unc } Harney sjrpets , in- the city-'of Omaha , Couuty and State aforesijd. Omaha , Nebraska , July 29th , 1874. JAMi-S H. PLATZ A BROTHER. jjSOtl By D. L. Thomas their Att'y. PROPOSALS FOR STONE CURBING. SEALED PROPOSALS will be rcceive4 by : hc undersigned uqtil 4 o'clock p. M. , August Uii , I87J , lor placing a' ktoiie curbing on both iidcs of Faruham aud Douglan Si reels , from the mst side of Ninth street , to tbe west side of ii'centh street , and upon both side ) of all Toss treets within said limits. Suih cu blng to be placed on a line slztten eel from the line of the lots. To be of stone five inches thick and of not ess than twenty inchts in depth , nor luss that wpnty.four inches in rohgth ; Placed so that the upper edge shall b at the stablished giade upon said streets. ALSO for preposals for laying a surface gut- er of stone next out ide of said curbing upon 11 ot said streets , to be four feet in width , the nner edge thereof to be laid five inches below he top of said curbing and to be laid according o plans to be furnished by the City Engineer. All of such work to be paid for In warrants [ rawn upon the Piecial f4ud to'bo levied upon lie property 'adjacent to said improvements , or the purpose of paying the cost and expent f thosame. The Council reserves the right to reject any ml ! hid * , . Proposals should bo endorsed "Proposals fo. lathing" and be addressed 10 the underclgned 0. C. LUDI.OW- ' ' ' rv City Clerk. > maha July seth 1874. JyGOdet YICTOR COFFMAN , 'HYSICIAN and SURGEON , ( O 'EU ISH'S DRUG STOKE , } I * , x-44la . .2xxt root , -2S < ltf. LI1TDLE HOUSE , On Qlli , Itl. Farnham and Ihrnty filrttls , TAS been entirely refiittcd and rc'urnlsbed , J. aud will accommodate ail to the best of iard at SICO per day ; 40c per single meal. C , V , & S , M , HARRYMAN , Jy2SdIy. IVoprlctorf. I P.R.R MEAT MARKET , . . , , 16th street bet California and " \Vebster. XTE KEEP ON HAND THE BFST /V / supply of FRESH AND SALTED EATS. Also a larpe stock of Fine Sugar ired Haus and lireaUfast Bacon , at the low- L rites. WM. AUbT 4 KNIJTII , inv4-ly ! iToprietors TREITSCHKE & CO. , ROGERS And General Provision Dealers , 8. "WCor. . Jackson and 13th EU. , op a superior stock of Groceries , Provisions , incs , Liquor : ) and Cigars , and sell cheaper m any other house iu Omaha. jyS 3m F. A. 1'ETEKS. iddle and Harness Maker , AND CARRIAGE TRIMMER , 1.874 e'nrabamii'.bet. 15th 4c.lGth. LL orders and repairing promptly attended to nnd satisfaction guarranued. 3-Cash paid for hides. ap39yl Mrs. D. A. MOFFETT , ishionable Dressmaking , 564 Fourteenth St. , 03m 031AHA , NEB. REDMAN & LEWIS , > r. i6th and Izard Streets. IMIIBIEIIR , On hand and SAWED TO OBDEB. L T.J jj't.'StJi . . . . . < . _ „ j. . _ , jj . c- ' _ . - LIQUOtCS , WINES. ETC , Cl I'd * § 9i s B ; t , | 5 i i CT OCD 8 Im * ' r : > rm oo P 3 N 6 II I BJ & CA n co * _ 1 _ P.N.GLYNN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Wines , Liquors , Segars TOBACi 0 AND PIPES. JKff"California Wlnea and Brandles. Sa Corner of 15'h and Dodge streets , opposite th new Post Office building , Omaha. Nebie25t Bavarian Beer Kail 193 Douglas St , Opposite Metropolitan Hotel Finest brands of aU classes of Liquors am Segars. Fresh Lager constantly on hand. je25-3m CHAS. HART Prop. Corner cf Cnmicgs and Twenty-second street The finest lager baer con stantly on hand , je25-6m CHAS. WEYMULLER , Prop HOTELS. GRAND CENTRA ! "EC O T X2 Xa . - HEBBASKA OMAHA , - - The largest and best hot between Chicagi ind San Francisco. Opened new September 30th , IS73. s30 tf GEO. THRALL. Proprietor. CITY 1011 , E. T. PAfiE , Proprietor. 10th St. , Let. Farnham and Harney ODIAUA , NEB. free liuss to and from all Trains. Passengers for other Hole's or private Resi dences , carried for 25 cents. OS- All onlers left at P. J { . AU.fn'j , 2-1 dooi from P. O , C. Wilson & te'on. r'or. 13ih ant II r iey , ccl ( the City Hotel VJBc ? , wllf recelTi prompt atleation. " 'jy71tn United States Hotel , COM. DOUGLAS AND TENTH STREETS. rpHE UNDERSIGNED respectfully announ- 1 ces that he has purchased and refitted the above Hotel , and is row ready to accommodate the public , with board by dpy or wei H , a ' ' W1 ' ' FARMERS HOUSE ! S. . C . of 14th and Harney Sts. JUSTUS KESSLEB , Proprietor , Ousaha , JTeb. jy3 lu ILLINOIS HOUSE. © root Between ,9th aid 10th. cii ARL.KS FELDEKM AN , prop. mchllif _ Central House To. 630 fJiteenth Street , Opp. Jefferson Square , OMAHA , NEB. JOSEPH IOYE , Prop'r. Day and treei. Board at rcosonnlle rales. First-clam Lor attached to tbe houc. 1e27 3m _ California House. THITZ HAFUEE , Prop'r. No. ITODouglasStmt , rotn r llth , Om. ha , Nebraska. Jioard by the day or week. lunel , rl Motel. FrontliK or. 4th , ' 6th and Walnntiti , , St. Louis , - Mo. Laveille , "Warner & Co. , lellcacics tbe markets afford , Its clerKs and imployes are all polite and attentive to the wants of the guests of the hotel , 1 here is an mprored cleva'or leading from the first floor o the upper one. Railroad and steamboat cket offices , news stund. tpd vesierr fluion elegraph offl p ig the fiolunda of hotel. Wbbdl Wood ! Wood ! Immense -.Reduction ! T S. P. BRIG & YARD. fOf.N'ER OF UtU ami IW a a SlrYJts. J6od Hard VopdS ? ( tfjSott'Ss.dO. Sieve Wcod to suft ny number 01 Move v ry cheap. apIStf G. STRIFFLER , DEALEB N- E B. i EJ s , 1'rulJ.s . O-nfeclionorj , Tobrcc" , &c. , &c. . &c. K. iVll.it TI a I14if The Sioux City and Pacific Railroad , In Co&Lfctloo * nh tbe IOUX CITY & ST , PAUL RAILROAD , C2 mile * the hortst route from Omaha d Council Blnirs to St. Paul , 31Ine polI , llnater , Anoka , Dulutb , BNmarck , and all nts In Mlnnfsota. 'rain leaves Omaha dally , ( except Saturday ) > o.clock p. in. , and Council Bluffs at 8:05 p- , from Chicago & North-Weittrn Depot. I re as LOW and lime as QUICK as by anj other Line. LLMAN PALACE SLEEPINU CARS ON ALL MHT TRAINS , , esarc your ticket reads VIA Sioux City , s avoiding circuitous routes and uiidnigbt isfcrs. * ickets can be purchase ! at the offices of the cage A Northwt stern Railray in Omaha Council Bluffs. J C. HOYDEN , 1'lPaM.ATIcketAgt-St.P.AS.C. R. K. uPaul , Minn. F. C. HILL , I'l Pass , and Ticket Aft. , S. C. i P. , Sioar Ity , Iowa. OEO. TV. GBATTON , Agent. 163 Faniham Street , Omaha , Neb. Uy20U. The Kingof tkclSEWING MACII1NE M'OI ID ss pic n.iEtutly s Geld Tt ! ; I Kealmj ci Finance. SALES EOE 1873 : In Round Numbers 232,444 Machines ! ItBelng over One Hundred aril lliirtf en 1 I.riuacd n rre yscl.ircs tl rn Tttrc sold \ \ t v ctl r Sewing Machine Cornj any di-iing tl.rsaiue tir-e. It will baiuly ledtnicu . .jcn such eTidtnie lLat the Mireriority of the Silver in tu IT inonatrate d . THE SINGER MANPG CO , W. N. NASOKT , Agent , iNO. 212 EOUGLAS STEEET , OMAHA. J. J. BROWN & BRO. ? WHOLESALE GROCERS Agents for the Oriental Powder Co. , 2sT"EB. , STEFLE & JOHNSON , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! SIMPSO.VS BLOCK 538 and 54O Fourteenth. Street , BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE - IsTIEIB IM _ J ii > MORGAN & GALLAGEH. SUCCL3SORS TO CREIGHTON Ay MORGAN WHOLESALE GROCERS , Farnham Street , - - IsTEJIB. - fcl ' ' ' WHITNEY , BAUSERMAN- . WHOLESALE GROCERS ITo. 247 Douglas Street , OIMI.A.IEI.A. , - - USTIEIB AGESTS FOR TH DUPO.VT POWDEtt CO. CLARE : & FRENCH , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! ASD DEALERS IN Canned Goods , Dried Truits , Green Fru'ts ' in Season. JC 1 . ' .RL-ERS SOLICITED / ND PROMITLY A. , s z IM : 3 ? s o MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE IN CZGAH ! 532 so ? . , C. Zi. 288 Dodfee Street , 2d Door East of 16th Str < ct. I kcjp con intly on hand tie mt sleutof Dread Cloth. C < lni rf > mil Vw which I am prepared to mate up iu tLenicst la > hionuh.'e sljlcscnd la tuit th - most iuH at the lowest ronltle prices. ESTABLISHhU t PUNDT , MEYER & RAAPKE , -.Vimr.ESALE DE.VLF.R3 IN FANCY GROCHHI , Spices , Tobacco and Cigars. 212 FarnLam Street , * - - Omaha Neb 3 JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS , HOSIERY , GLOYES 231 Farnliam Street , ICTIEIB. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE UEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY yptions. jrid Boots and Shoes. JOHNT. JOBBER OF Shelf Heavy Hardware IRON , STEEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK,1 AND AGTU'OTTLTTTRAXi 1MPLEME1TTS , IIRKSIIKRH. JIAUVKSTKIIH , IlEAl'KIlS.tIO1VRHS. DHILf i SEI'OI.'lt * . COUNtASTKRH. . I'LOWS , ctfl/VIVATOKS , HAY- KAKCM AND WAGONS. rcchljy i46 Douglas Stif Omalia , ITetraska , HENRY HORNBERGER. DEALER IN- WINES CMRS , , , JKentuckyJ Whiskies and Imporlo'l.'Uoods a Fpoci-illy. ZOMES and ° be Burlio ton aad MUsauri PIrerlRiilroad Co. , off-rs lieit laalsat'Jow price * on 10 year dit at 6 pc. cer. . . interest , a . -I'liahmin premium of 20 percent , on the amount of the rchase , If half the land is cuitirated , within two years from data of purchase. LA11GE DEDUCIONS FOR CASH PAYMENTS. orlhl of : "latte , j cup Fork and Elkhorn- Valleys sB. A M. R-Jh. Co. will sell about J.000.000 acrei of tnn \ II 1 gra Inand.agricuHuraiUn'l : ; elltwatereii rounlry , ; t Irom 81'W to J7.00 per acre on longereJIu South of he Platte Comi ny ownesa large body of the best land jn Nebraska , Intersected by nuraerotH rirers adjacent to itsrallroad and in the largest and best derelopcl part of the SUie.aj also In th > uj t-publican Valley. ForcirculaisandfuIIlnforoutlon apply to B. SCHALL R , Agent B. & M. Land Office , Corner of Moth and Farnham Sts. , Omaha Or General Load Depaaimcnt ,