, \ Tv7 OMAHA THURSDAY MORNING- . JULY 30 , 1874. NO. 35. THE DAILY BEE. EmVAKD UOSEW ATER , Kilter and Pror-'r Cffltc No. 13S lamliHiii street , 1 > ctw. F litli nn < l T < 11 tit. TERMS OK fcUHSCUIITION : An . " * ln , " " . 'el * month * , in navimce . tlirrc imntln in advance. . . . > . < * > esrif not jaiaiuadrnncB , S3i rannum will fell t1. t . _ : FREDERICK , Best Goods , * Farnliaza. St. illCf0LtrPnitel. ! } 0 J\I \ AH A . m - Mtiitli. 1S5 ilarucr sticet. bet. Mcdim-A I2t ! . dfUStf GLASS AND PICTURI FA'MES. . Iso l > u U < treet , dralei in .Triujuw glass aad picture .r2ius , ( ilailng ' Couc to order. a.'ltf 200T3 AED SHOE3. Lang , 133 Karutiain st , b.-twcvn 1Mb Philip > li. 'oUDjl COSFEGTIOHIET. . I-atcy. comer 12th ni1 \ iti nVriyii , HL. nuf > iturtr utid wb"loje ! le "or In en' d sinil contort loncry. Couutiy Into ! * . - licetod. - apltf COAT , mAUJFS -rjolaiJ.t Clli't.ooal , linitf , cvuenl'iair etc. . JL 131 Furnham st. JcMui3 DRDGGI3Tc. . R ierdiUE5i ! > t , eormr 12th anJ Iar- . DCVM3 PAWN BEOKER. " . 'JOO Korubam st. iilTif "ir Elgutter , Ko. LAuKDET. nf > w lann-lrr opi-ncd at oil ft , ! * t Ironing will be done to order , tint c'.fi work PAIKTERS. T chman .V IVnnl , Lou o tnd sign raict'i" , lj Utlt sUlx'tF ruliain and liarter. i.2Mf SO P ° AOTORY. irrminra Fo.p Worfcn , r. > cll A Co , s'ill i. roauu act ire tl-cir 1' ciulurj heap l"i\c rstiiremiuiu.awanlou t > r tuo i ouRla countj tiid aislelalrf , nO rotlawHiUinlo couuty , la. Orders solicited finsn tlietnule. A170BKE7S. E. JCSTAUKO > K. i > . M. TIUXCIS ESTABROOK& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE Crc-UIiton Jiloci , Oinaba , l el > . DEX1ER L , THOMAS , Attorney and' .Couusdor nl Lair. OITICE Ewni Eo' YkrcLor'4 Block , NEB OMAHA - - - JOiDJ ttr. LYTLE , and Solid i or Iji _ - rriOLGTsr First KsUecal n l-tr FAKKE Attorney at ( CanipUll'3 Bltik. ) 5091-2 THIETKntTn' ; STESET. OKAHA h t llll C2O. U. O'EUIKM. A. E A LI ) WIN u.vi.nv.'is & ti'iimr.y , ATTOENEYS LAVV Office Caldwcll Block , Wouclas Ftrcct , KEI1UASKA. - - OXIAUA. - - l-l Jtf JOHN C. COrtiN , - . JSoiioitox- ln. fir COUXSKLGU. to OFFICE CRCIGHTOX'S < trStf T. Ytr. T. lucnurds , Attoyney at Law , Office 510 131 ! i St. , but. Faruham rai anil Douglas , Omulia , Neb. P1 0. Eoi 80 O. II. 1ULLU ti > .j5.GL.VSGOW. RuIIou& Glasgow , ATTORNEYSATLAW , OJico ' * Ulr ! tloci , e uthoast cor rouui , fioor. 03LV.IA. bAVAGE & MANDeRSQft , at La' Attorneys v , S12 FAIINHAM STl'-UAT. JAMKSW. S KT.J.BUBKHASI. ± * A1T011XLI AM ) COONSIIXOll AT at " ' LAW , No. 2CO Furubxm Street OMAHA - - NEB. mrlCOtt _ joii.\ . ICKL.L.K-V , Hi Attorney 1 Counselor at Law HiD Cfice Econ i , Crelgntca Elect \ D ne /COLLECTIONS tOLH LTED ANDIT.OJ11T- sd \ _ ; ly attrudeJ lo. No ctarge unless < xlkc- tiuns arc ii.itlcUTS ! to let and routs 10 ! ectctl. Upil tblatc Ktucliiuud tolJ. aj > 17tl AND ttfet-rict Attorney for Second Jtul- Iclal District. en OFtJCSSoatb sUa of Farnham , Utwc n 15tb ar ' ICtb tt . , opi > oslle Court Houie. feb4 * > . tf. I-UITCUKIT No- SPAl'N ' & PRITCHETT , Attorneys ind Counselors at Lair. iof ! ,6V. T cU.ifcjeet. \ .V RnT * r.a. Omaha. ITeK 23 J. S. SiillOPSIUKE , Attorney- - 2uaT7 Hoom No. 1 , S. E. Corner 15th and Douglas Sis , OMAHA , - k - , 2SEBR. G. W. REDICK'S OFEKA HOUSE . 01L4HA , - 1TEB. fcrS tl Now that Pattec has fully vindi cated Furay , it will be Ftiray's turn to vindicate Tattee. One good turn deserves another. PATTKC'S lotteries were great swindles , but the Omaha orphan deceives much credit for furnishing tickets to po-stal clerks that never failed to draw a prize. TIIK clownish antics and muscu lar contortions of the unrivalled performers in our municipal hippo drome ( formerly Pattec's opera house ) were witnessed by a highly appreciative audience las > t evening. to Doctor Goodwill , of North Katte , the Republicans in the Ninth Senatorial District object very decidedly to being represented in the State Central Committee by | a man who livcb in the peniten , tiary. Tin : Cincinnati Times ventures the opinion that if Uriah's wife had given usher vertionhi wrjtingofa certain great scandal , it is highly. ) probable that .she would have repre sented Uriah as a mean , contempti ble feJiovv sis compared with King David , and , it is more than likely , would have justified , if she had not ' highly coin mended , the manner of his taking oil' 1 An indiscriminate tlauyMcr m clothing and geniV furnishing goods regardless of prices at liOti Farnham .street. Fine linen and , clicvoit shirts ot onr wn make at S2.00 anil S2.30 ctich. Jiullroad 7Jt..VcN ofiaght and > old b.v I * . Gottheimcr , liroker , at 290 Fan.ham street. . Unredeemed Fledges for fialc. may Iv20 Hamlet Orurn , Sth street lxtccii ; Junes sml I > cnwoitli ats , OMAHA , - NEBRASKA. I LTSTHK MOST C'-JirLCTi ' : AS-OUT K nut ol ljuli.nil CIunl&'Mrair hais , tnm- nied snil unlriuituril , ranuiol * . 1'Kjt.cs , J.ir- ! i-eillcs. NainMot and all kmds of Iny Uoo-ls , Ladies' iud GcnU' lo1 ! ? , lie. My line < > t try Goods if Coiupltlo S-lli g only lor CASH , I lunublctu UNUHISI.j-L any other I'enlcr in . the fay Our I'llICCaaru LuWLi : than o\er heard olleloie. inli"iutl J. I OOREHEAD , AND PHARMACIST , Patter's 2oct ! , Bet. Califcraia & ; Witsur ts. OMAHA , SCU. I l.ysiciaus I'rc criiil | < n.s tarefully jt2S . > - g&- > & a. w OFFICE , tlo. 232 FARffHAM ST. . Cth L Kth ' . . Or.rSL1. i I 1 DSroil-t : isroc'ipi" ! ' IfiiH < it . in llieclty su so DR. A , S , BILLINGS , Bot. 13th and Hth , up statr * . Teeth extractcil without paia. by usoof HIi i to tniue OzMa iu. eri > r.fpop - J'i'inoil e..tf ' "I ar LVANGAMPM.D. lila own me < ! clae5 , and htiFi hc , makes specialities of Fi racntfiand Disfioyos IVrullar to lVi > iiU > xi , Kiiti- . Piles and other IHrer.su of the llcctuin. OFSITE : Cjrnfr Knruham aa-l 14tl > ptrpey , to t < ) iwr to tl-p risM. tin ! " . Ksaidenc , hi CIO r > oigl R Ftrnt : , between 12 and 1'Uh , next hiki Lnthi'ran ChufQh Omi-hc , > ! > A < l < tn s Ixx-U toi toiTl Tl K. VA.MJIiKCOOIC TlTl Tl Solsetio Pliysieiaji * anM Residence and offit. 250 Duigo t be' Hth rud M 15tb tta. lai fejctial .ittentinn paid to obstetrics and dis- an > cs iHruiIjr to wciL.cn and children. Iltf. ! WILLIAM LATEY , frc Cor. IGlli and Webster Sts. , or Keeps a complete assortment ot raj GHOCE1UES and sU i . . . PnOYISIONS. ye 23 It3 2ST . j& . & C ? 3ST 33 JS tee -V * * * FACTOKKP OP ASD DEALKK JX- Be LamJiiuiS < ! and .V.r.ntIoTT he his ASZ > I , tw PICTURE FRAMES. . sai STOIJUAKtl & , lllltl iltTT , en Mariiet G : w Oil LL U > NHS or vr.pTABLES AND OilCa \ _ I'lar.l.ttfta'c . Orders ul'lietcduis ton our garden < or. i 1st ami Paul Strict * , ] ir StD will rrrclrr I'romi'i rttinlion. a13J3m | Sfbu bu e G po. So DEAI.ttit IN' Uross Rood , S'I ! > s and Trinimlnff. , . Til Xo. 2G3 DoJso c 'tei , lietween Uth'and ISilf. ton Dressmakinc dcnowith neat- and iioso and dispatch. Orders dr sdhoited. 1OOCOO siciji Til BICH FABKIlfG LAHD IK KEBEASEL ! ! end 500 IfanscomPIiiceLots ! IiMi HOU > Iis AN1 > UUb it. ino city of Omaha , Mi for tjprlert'U\ncl'.iii ! eood terms tie itnjr. < ; A. HID. tioMi Keal etato lm > lcrEuiLt < c oier Afsckej "s store , Mr. Dod e tA. orinwitci cw iiostdl'jff aiS0 > n2 ill illf EDWAlll ) KUEDL. tin ra : or rnc I > EIAHTED. St. No49310th Et.tetveea Parntan i JIarcey. beE WiH l y the aid of guardian spirit ? , obtain I 'ej ' any one a Tiew of tou i < i , preseut nnii Xu- that tuic. No fw charged in v tell aplitf tclI till Wl -DEALER IN ton Fruits , ConfcctionciTj | Si CIGARS ASD TOBACCO. tee 213 Douglas , let. llth and 12th. Street. OMAUA. . . . KUBlUal 1oi Uo ' UO SPENCER'S hate Pratt aa.i Confectionary. to : wi no Cor. 13th and Lcarenworlk Sjf.jj | fore ' " ' ' JjllSia ATTHEBKIDGi : toi H MIBNIQ-HT. r YORK , July 9. Late last night Mr. Tilton said if the libel complaint comes from Mr. Beecher or his friends , lam plad of I j , but if it is not an honest prosecu tion , ic is very trifling. Tilton sent word to ex-Judge Mor ris to call on him this morning. Gaynor , who brings the scandal" into i court , says : "Now this thing will come to a climax. Henry Ward | Beecher , Mrs. Woodhull , Frank Moulton , Mrs. Tiltonand everybody will have to testily here. The com mittee could never make them tes iit tify. : I don't know whether Beech er is innocent or guilty , but I want to ( see , and the only way to tee is in a judicial tribunal. " Gaynor f-aid "he didn't know Til- ton < ; whether I am liked or disliked by him , but simply as a citizen ! lie wi hed to bring the scandal to a fo cus , and help to crush it , either in proving its truth or ialsity. " The Sun of this morning says : "Wo arc authorized to state that Mr. Beecher's full answer will be probably - bly made as soon as the allegations and testimony against him shall be put in. " The third district court room of Brooklyn was crowded this morn- ing long before the time for the trial of Tilton on the charge of libelling Henry Ward Beoclicr , preferred against him yesterday by T. G. Gaynor. Tilton was , accompanied by liis counsel , ex-Judge Samuel D. Morris. Gaynor was present with a number of gentlemen , with whom he often conversed in a low tone. After the routine work of c > urt was " of , Ga3nor was requested by "the Justice to step into the room in which Tilton was awaiting the calling of his ease. Justice lUley .followed , and as teen as he men tioned the case , Tilton s5d he ob jected to a pi i vale examination , and an adjournment was taken to the general court room. Mr. Mor ris was asked by the court if ho had any suggestion to.make , and re plied that he' had spoken to the complainant about whether this cate was brought by Mr. Beecher through him , and was an swered that he took the case en tirely on his own responsibility. The counsel argued that the case . = .should not hae been called to sat- ify the cravings of public scandal. ITe suggested that the matter stand over until Monday next , that he might take counsel with the repre sentative of the people of this State. Gaynor argued that Tilton had violated lated one of the laws of the .State , and it was hi * , Gayior's duty , as a citizen , to bring him into court to answer , lie thought he had a public right to bring Mr. Tilton here for a preliminary examination. If the de ex fendant chose , he could let his ea e go before the grand jury. He hail consulted no person , and was urged on his present coun-e by no one , but only appeared as . member of the community. Judge Morris submitted ! that there was : no object in view of this prose in cution , except to gain notoriety. be Gaynor wished to know if defend gi ant waived examination , or de tie manded a hearing , as lie wished to syi summon Henry Ward Beecher and some other witnesses for the ex tlu sonn amination. Judge Mori is asked of Uiat the case be set down for Mon day next , as his client was not pie- of parcd for an examination , and be th sides the counsel wis-hed to consult with the district attorney. Justice itiley . , then both parties- consenting ' it , adjourned the hearing until fnr Monday ' next. , y" The Brooklyn Eagle fraysVe th are informed and authorized to an- bc nourtce that Henry Ward Beecher bcOS has very recently written a letter to is Frank Moulton , in which he earnestly bla nestly asks and adjures Mr. Moul me ton : to go before the committee , ex co hibit all he lias illl(1 ( tell all he Jl'C knows with reference to the mat tai ters in the controversy between tec Theodore Tilton and n. W. Beecher. nix The letter is declared to bo explicit but and unmistakeable to the efl'ect that bii Mr. Beecher has no wish and Mr. Moulton no alternative than for the gei latter to go before the committee mi an-1 fully and frankly wiy all he fan ,1101 say. The letter of request from Mr. wa Beecher coming in with a request Ca from the committee itself will reach Cawil has reached Mr. Moulton' Nar- oisi ragnn ctt J'ler , whore he has been the staying- with his wife. toi The Argus to-day concludes Car ing penter's story of the dilllculty be tween Beecher and Tilton , * Oliver Johnson stated before'tho' commit ( that Tilton never charged ofi Bccchcrwith criminality in his we hearing. Mr. Carpenter stated that ( lie lirst absolute conviction of adul Bel tery between Mrs. Tijton as froni. - ' Johnson , ass . . . says that he can prove v hat he inn said , uMy lips are eued ! bya sol ind emn : promise , but if I should disclose an what ] I know , the roof of the Plym eon ) outh church would come right oil. " kin Carpenter says he accompanied Til- my to Dr. Stoirs for advice "as to .oan proper action about the Woodhull . - 'om statement. I have not read the cci statement made by Mrs. Woodiiull , cor if you think it of suflicicnt im pei : portance to merit attention , T will the Dr. Storrs read Mrs. Woodhull's the fetory , and a few days later , when bai Tilton visited him , said : "Mr. Til- the , I have read this paper carfully , cecl , if the statements are true , I draw ; from them four conclusions. " Mr. Tilton asked what the. conclu abs sions were. Dr. Storrs then said , TO "First , that Mr. Beeclier and Mrs. . paj Tilton had criminal relations. Sec afli , that you discovered that. Third , ma . Beecher received a paper from ma Mrs. Tilton denying that such rela , , r , tions had ever existed. Fourth , that . Moulton got that paper from ious " * Mr.Beccher. " } ind Tilton said : "Dr. Storrs , what if ] reli those points can't be denied ? " Dr. [ Storrs . replied , "If those points can't me denied , I have no advice to give , fal Evasion would be worse than si'J lencc. " Tilton said to the Doctor ton he had not told -and could not Fn him the whole truth. res General I Tracy said to-day that per committee expect to end the ma whole thing this week. .Mr. MoulJ , , . Mr. Bcechor , .and one or two of minor witnesses , were all there Un were to be examined. . -ays TheJBccelicr examining commitMe met again to night , and ndwh journed after a session lasting an till hour , and , itis believed , examining * witnesses. Mr. Moulton was to to have submitted the letters he had at sib to-night's Fossion , but was absent. It for stated that Mr. Beecher will 1 lay his detailed statement bebe ( the committe , before Mr. Moul- - and ton's testimony has been talieui * rie < ' 'i ' = C 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Specially Eeported for the Onaha Daily Be ? , bv the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Co. WSST. A Very Enthusiastic' Anti- ulcrmon Meeting at Salt Lake City. SALT LAKE , July 29. There was a rousing anti-mormon meeting last night in the street in front of the Tiibune Oflicc. There 'was no intcruption , for the iirst time on such an occasion as an out door Gentile political demonstra tion. The mormon police were on Land to preserve order. Bands o' 'music/torch ' lights and transparen cies etc. Great enthusiasm , speak ing by leading citizens , liberal mor mons and gentiles. Kiw : Youic , July 9. The latest news concerning the disaster 'o ' the Pacilie- mail steam ship Gautcmala , gives but little hopes of saving the vessel , although a portion of her cargo may bo saved. A rumor prevails in certain circles here and Brooklyn that Beecher intends resigning , this , however , is emphaticaly denied by ail his friends. , Ala. , July 29. A shooting affair occuncd here yesterday afternoon on Broad street bct een Horace 11. Hood Porter of the Republican and E. A. Barker , editor of the Independent. The diliiculty is supposed to have prown out of articles appearing in their re- bpcctive papers. Several shots "Wore lircd , but no one was hurt. The parties were arrested and gave bonds lor their appeal ance. , July 28. No trustworthy statement of the loss-oMife or damages to property by the "fetorm of Sunday has been made from the confuscd'and conflic ting repeats received up to this time. About ; 110 bodies have been recova cred , and it is stated that one hun dred more persons aie missing. Beporters who have traveled over the districts devastated by the storm say that not less than 21o lives , were lost , and others state the number with confidence at 219. There is absolutely no means of estimating the value of property destroyed , but 0 rough : estimates place it at 8800,000. WASHINGTON July 1:9. A rumor gained circulation on the sheets that Sam. Felkcr , of Chisei cage ; , had just been appointed chief m ofCo the tre-T-ury secret service , vice Colonel WhiteJy. On irquiry , how ever , at the pioper ollice , it was as certained that no appointment had been made- and none was likely to an be jnade at any very early date. The secretary of the treasury will of issue a call at an early day for lifty- wi live millions of live-tw cnfy bonds1 , a large proportion of which arc held n Europe. Subsequent calls will made as fast as the syndicate se- give notice to the treasury of addi sedii tional subscriptions. Members of the SC3 syndicate in conversation this af gQi ternoon expressed the opinion that they will be able to place the whole the-one hundred ami sixtyjiiine millions of live-twenty bonds in&ido the six months allotted them by the contract with the government. * Niw : YOISK , July 29. K. ] G. Watson , who is accused of six forging the signature of the assistant United States treasurer to a one sh thousand ( dollar bond , was to have 101 been < examined before commissioner Osborne yesterday. The piioiicr a : line looking man with flowing black side whiskers and sandy tip moustache. He was taken to the ton commissioner's oflice and thcie sub ad' jected to the searching gaze of Cap kel tain Lees , of the San Francisco de kP tective corps. The captain recog- ni/ed him as an old California ! ! , He says there is nothing against bim in San Francisco. . ] s M. Vanetten , 3 noted foi- ger. whose nrrest for a forgery com mitted in California in 1870 was an WC nounced yesterday , is now on hjs way to San Francisco hi charge of No Captain .Lees. * Having signified his MiC willingness to return to San Fran- Diseo and stand trial without fur ther proceedings , he was delivered Captain Lees , and left this even for the Pacific coast , or WASHINGTON , July 29. 1 dulI The egotiations for the balance ma ( he live per cent.-funded } ° 5uii iverc : concluded by the Secretary of Treasury on behalf of August in or. t f-Co , RH'.t ilc * * tloil' * - ; - - . " . ' V ' - .V , " . .ml & London son , , and their sea issociate" , and Messrs. J & W Sely- seaxt inan & Co. on behalf of themselves low associates. These parties made - absolute subscription for S45,000- ust , coupled with the option of ta- ustC Iving the remainder of the loan at 02 time within six months. The is taken at par to be paid for in SGI ! or 5-20 ' bonds ; tlic'parties lo re- civc one'quarter of one per cent , © commission , and to defray all cx- " ienses of the transaction , including delivery of the bonds. From Sei we'll known reputation of these SeiI bankers there Is no doubt but that ten Treasury Department will con cede to them the entire loan. Kiw YOHK , July 29. The Beecher scandal still largely I absorbs the attention of the New A YTork and Brooklyn press. Sdme No papers think public interest in the NoC ifl'air has pasted the crisis , and mi many conflicting statements arc C made regaiding the plans of the 42 ' principal parties concerned. It is said that Mrs. Tilton is anx I , to appear before the committee 'I repeat her denial of guilt. It 'IA related that when she read Mrs. I idy Stanion's she statemenjb im 1 mediately denounced it as entirely fal'-e. and'I Chime The general opinion is that Til- Chic ton's case is now closed , unless Frank Moulton , who is now at bis c residence , Narragansett , R. I. , ap nore pears before the committee and pin inakcs a statement. I S.'S ' , , ! nf 41- 1 I 140. .Little is to be learned of the plans the committee , but the Brooklyn I Union , speaking authoritatively , acti the committee will invite ccn Moulton to testify before Beecher , geeS who-e statement will be reserved S the last , atf A number of ladies will be called testify i , and Mrs. Tilton , and pos- ibly her husband , will be recalled examination. C The Eaple tays that Moulton has irm1 summoned to appear' to-day , stei bring all papers he has ia "con- dection wit1 { be scr"-1' uroi MONTKEAL , July 29. The eastern train leaving Mon treal at 10 o'clock last night run in to a freight train near-Saixaute , and was badly telescoped. The two engine ? , the Pullman car and the , brake van were considerably [ -smashed. The conductor and sev eral other persons were injured , but no one was killed. .WlLKESBAKRE , Pa. , Jul29. . This morning Altred Green , su perintendent of the coal mines at Jcfymyne , wasinspecting themine , previous to the descent of workmen , he was assaulted by three men with pistols. Throe shots were lircd at him , two taking effect. The miners came to his relief , shot one of tle ruffians dead and wounded another , who , however , escaped. QUKBKC , July 20. A large fire is raging across the j river at Port Le\vi * > , within a short j | distance of the ferry landing. The j postollice and adjoining "buildings 1 are in flames. The Mayor of this city has ordered the Quebec lire brigade witli their steam engines to the scene of the conflagration. Co.vTnsvii.LE , July 29. ' " The gas u ed by a "shoo factory here was found to be escaping last night , and men attempted to enter the cellar with a lighted lamp when an explosion took place , blowing one end of the building out and se riously injuring two men Jaud two boys. BICOOICLYN , July 29. Tilton and Gaynor were both in court early this morning , but it was nearly noon before the case was called. It was proposed to have a private examination , but Gaynor objected and demanded a public hearing. After some discussion , without any developments , the ca"'c was adjourned to Monday. The court room was crowded. WASHINGTON , July 9. General Sherman returned from Virginia Springs to-dny. The secretary of the treasury will not issue a call for live-twenties un til August 1st. Half a million of national bank notes were received at the treasury to-day for redemption. BOSTON. July 29. William G. Gaynor who has pros ectited Theodore"Tilton , for libe against Beecher , was formerly in the employ of Merchant's bun an of Utica , as one of the attorneys. He next turned up as attorney foi another collecting linn at 22 School street , Boston. He is said to be a mere cat's paw , \ \ ho beloi gs to $ certain of Benj. Butler's admirers in Pemberton Square , and last years opinion ] ( in this city , is that the ar rest ( of Tilton is the work of Butler ' WASHINGTON , July 29 Late advices from Georgia repre sent the corn crop prosperous and > more < favorable than for years. , - The Commissioner of Indian af fairs , states that it is- Ins belief that tin recent warlike demonstrations and crimes committed in the Indian territory , is the result of the ab-ertcc sa a ; system , and the want of laws for which would hold an Indian and of whitu settler amenable to them. As nil now i is the territory is a refuge ' criminals. Congress t ILs ncstJ JQ se-sion will do ' ' undoubtedly v.'l'iat it ( did not have tiniC to"do at its last me sec-sion , ( Imt is , to provide law and government for territories , MARKETS UY TELEGRAPH. ' pit [ > of : me Hew York Money Market. . Xi\v Yonic July 9. net Money Eavv at 12(5)2 ( ) per cent. bcc Exchange Dull , nominal 4SS for ccc sixty days ; 490 1 for sight. of Gold ( Moio active ; covering of tee : hortsj at 109 in.i opened , advanced to 109J ; owoiling at 109 } . me Governments ( thr Strong in sympa thy with gold ; currency Gs 117J. M. Stocks Dul ] but generally firm ifbei to noon , when a decidedly better bei lone was ob-crved , and the market advanced 1-4 to 3-4 the - - per cent. Mar now firm ; Erie 32 ] ; P M 44" * ; U pro 27j j ; W U 73J. all y Hew York Produce Market. , l we JNnw Youic , July 29. on BrcadstufFs Generally firm. | wa Flour Quiet ; Superfine State and me ivi'Stcrn ; 4 70a5 05 ; extra 5 COao SO. Lei Wheat Steady , spring , 1 37al 38 ; . 2 , Chicago"l 2Sal 29 ; Xo. 2 , Milwaukee spring , 1 33al 3-3. Corn Nominally SOaSl. yes Gats Firm. Sea Provisions Quiet but firm. res' Leather tfair demand and firm end prime stock. orJiiiary qualities i i10 lull. Jatt Iron add Wool In uiodate ' * - ' icr [ naiid ; " wet Chicago vas CHICAGO , July 29. . > y Flour Quiet and firm ; old flour eac rcarcc and wanted ; good to choice fun xtras , 5 25@C 50 ; supers 3 50@-17o ; Tin [ to medium 5 005 25. Mo Wheat \ Easier ; cash 1 CSV ; Aug- ' Chi , 1 Ooji ; September 1 03 $ . Ke Corn Excited ; cash G3J ; August , Uet } ; September , GOJ. one Oats Steady ; cash , 51 ; August , twt ; September , 34J. , anil Barley Steady ; September , 1 00 icss 3107. live "Highwines 97. iess Pork Quiet ; August , 23 CO ; the September , 2'i 2523 30. ent Lard Strong ; August , 12 } ; Sop- allc ember , 12J. St. Louis Produce Kiarket. Sc ST. Louis , July 29. Flour Dull and weak. ? IX Wheat Firmer ; No 2 fall 1 10 ; S'o2 > 1 10. " Jorn Dull and No 2 drooping ; ; , Tin nixodj : 59@GO in elevators. alior Oats Steady and linn ; No 2,41 © 5itf in i elevator. Bye Higher and more active ; No 7074. Pork 23 oO24 00. Whisky Firm ; 9S. Lard Firm ; refined 121. " Bacon Co. . Brit Chicago Live Stock Market. Jei CHICAGO , July 29. Cattle Receipt ? , 3,000. Market D active ; prices easy for ship- ing and nearly nominal ; extra Sil ileers ! , 4 GO ; Texans sold at 3 7o@ Reili [ ( . - I ures Hogs Eeroipss 1,80 ; market only ictive at decline in vahic of lOfnilo cnts ; commo'n to fair 750@GSO ; to choice 6 857. Sheep Rceipts GOO ; quiet , closing 171 2 G04 50. A1U St. Louis Live Stock. I Fv | l and ST. Louis , July 29. Cattle Receipts , 1,040. Market )5 ; Texans , 3 003 73ntvtiyft ; ) iteers , 3 25G OQ. TTncrB _ _ 'Hn 1- " ' , , more _ . * cipi * , 710. Market menU , - - ' ' ' ' - , > BAYONNI : , July 29. Two columns of republican troops which were marching to the relief of Otol have met with a repulse from the Carlists , sufleriiig heavy losses. ROME , July 29. j The Liberty newspaper is in formed that Marshal Kcreno has de cided to convoke the Cortes in con sequence of a communication from European powers , intimating that the recognition of the present gov ' ernment will be thereby facilitated. PARIS , " July 29. The German Government is nego tiating for the recognition of the Spani-h Republic b.v European po\v- ers Prince Holtendenbe , German ambassador , imforinrd DuUeDe- , Cargc-i thai : Germany may intervene against the Corli-st. Tim HAdi'i : , July 9. The following is the new Dutch Ministry : Hcenaskiik , minister of interior ; Van Derhcen , minister of finance ; Goldstein , minister of col- , ouics ; Werttcl , minister of war ; Doeide Willebois , minister of for eign affairs ; PaLsnyckeu , minister of marine. ' liiviirooL : , July 9. The fire in the fery landing in this city ycsteiday , proved most di-astrfous. Causing an immense loss of propel ty. The loss is esti mated at 230'OCO pounds sterling : Trall'.c betu ccn IJeukhcad and this city has been suspended all day. MADJMD , July 29. The morning papers state that the Spanish government lias seat a btrongly worded note lo Versailles ofi the subject of Carlist violations of the frontier. It is reported that the Carlists have shot 235 prisoners , \xho were captured from Gen. Nouvallas col umn in Catalona. ' I II I LONDON , July 29. The Morning Post reports that then German government is actively engaged in negotiations aiming at the suppression of the Carlist in- su-rection. It has exchanged opin ions ith the Russian government , but the Czar is opposed to interfer ing. Germany is now trying ( o bring ahrut a concurrence of great powers in the recognition of the Spanish Republic. The king of Ashantce has paid $00,000 to Great Britain on the war indemnity. LOXDOX , July 29. In the Houco of Commons last evening M. DKraeli said that the Government had received satisfac tory aaeuranccd from tlic confciiing pott ers in regard to Brussels Con- grc-a , and that a delegate had been s-ent on behalf of Great Britain'un- cbi the restriction already made known to the Ilou-e The Colnnge Gazette'pays the Prince Hohonlohi , German Ambns * wulor at Paria , has unotlicially in formed the DuUe DeCta - mJiustorJ foieign aliairs , tiiat - ' " , J rnih to apt htrlnso.- - : "jj > f'niuio ill- * " " * i0"irii uio - UJhl * u.t v.orman squadron will JQfont to tlic Spanish coast- , and hat Germany resolved < to take measures against the Carlists. PAUIS , July 29. In the Assembly ye tei day as mi- limcntary report of the committee parliamentary ] inifivc on Dtival's measure for the dissolution was f.-ad. It insists that the powcrless- iiessoftlie present Assembly has been repeatedly shown in recent 3cca = ions at meetings of the bureaus the I As-cmbly to appoint commit- ces onrcfcnthtatements tiiat was made on the tart of the govorii- nent , and tiiat it was desirable that recess should be1 a short one. . Brison a radical deputy , ahkod - monarchical interests were to tolerated during rece ° . Du-c ! no la Rochabaldi slid that r.egitimists reserved the right to roniote the cause of monai'chy by loyal means. M. Chamuel , late- anJ I minister of tlie interior , replied and jvasiveb' by inf/uirinsj / tlie Left dis-Fati'-lied. ' G-I .verc ; - - The committee M. Malatro's motion for recess .vas chosen. It consists of eleven ncmbcrs of the Right and four of the Left. LONDON. J.ilj29 , In- the national channel match , estcrday , from Havre to the South , the American yacht Encbant- Sti ' ' ess'came'in first ; Coriana wassec- , but takes the lirst prize , on tccount of time allowance. The Trin atter Jast her topmast and gatTs. ntwa yachtSS.tarte3. ; Tlii ls-tliclifttday of thcGood- T voo'l races. The principal event ; the race forStowart'soup , value A hrce hundred sovereigns , handicap , subscriptions of ten sovereigns J Lach , with one lumdrcd for the race U.IHI , three year olds and upwards "he race waswpn by Lord Wilton' with Mr. A. Truemain'e's second , and Mr. R. ' " veith's Princess Theresa third. Jetting before the race was ten to on the field against nlodina , welvp to one against Chingahook , twenty-five to oneagainstPrin- . ' Theresa. There were twenty- starters. The I'rince and Prin- ; of Wales and other members of rdyaltyand nobility were pres- . No ready money betting was illowed on the course. Schneider & Eurmestcr Jlanataciurcrs ol , COPPEIi AS1) SHEET IROX WAKC. DEALERS IN Cooking I and Heating Store ? . Roofing , Spouting and 0 utter1 igilon notice and ic the test ma.mrr. iitren troct miit24 ; ilj J. O , Dealer in Staple and Taney Highest price paid for Country Produce. Store , B. . Cor. 16f & CMcasD Ets. , Jei5t { OMAHA , N B. QUAILEY'S ; . P. Soap Factory ! Situated on , the line oj the Union Taclfic eilroal , urar the po cr hou e. Jtanufac- fi 5t-clJts sonp for home consumptiou juuc21-lv C. Cor. l-anihnm arid Elercjitn SU. kinds of TAILOIlUrCfCeintD2 : ! and re- > K donp at tuuxu tle riitt 3 < A fine lot ot VESIsfllNG OOOD3"coiiita3Uj- hand sold clicaDi < -fes2Ct { to .vV. Agents vrant- rj\l ed. All clacres of workpeople - people of either six , younger old , male money at wori for us in thrirop re mo- or all tli ttin" than al anythin ; else. Addiess STUJSOS i CO.TortJanJ , noisvl OlearinsSale ! . BSTB19EMAEY BARGAINS ! ! -AT- Clearing * Sale ! FOB , BEiG OCR -31 Clearing1 Sale ! Clearing1 Sale \ or- ' ' foreign and Doinestio Clearing. Sale ! ring Sale ! . . rr.EARATor.Y 10 STOCK TAKING. A. CBUICKSHANK , Clearing Sale ! iw.r5 Cor. Ittlli and Earnliaiu ' STOOIC , 1873. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL An Immense Stock of Fresh. New G-oods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city , consisting of ALPACAS &HCHAmS , also VELVET & BEAVER CLOA3OXGS. A FULL STOCK OF StTAWLS , BLANKETS , FLANNELS , MERINO L. TDEKWEAR AND WORSTED G-OODS. TABLE LIM-N IS II EAT TAKIETY. A FULL LIXE OF ENGLISH AND iSSMW CARPETS , OIL CLOTHS , HATTSffi E53 , AND MATS , irnd _ evemhisg pertaininsc to the FURNiTUBE and TJP- HO.LjSTE.RY trade ; has largely increasedjiisstqck. and now rs , iionrT(3-ss ( .UPHOLSTEBEB AND COVERED TO " " GS&.S. IIAVIXC ! ISOVOIIT TUG BANKEUPT STOCK Of the Popular O-oois Store , 223 rariilisui Sircc , lie rcbr wish to inform the public of Omaha J Ticiiit ) t n I rti.iU coat nuj the l > uaincs il otllrtat times INDUCEMENTS In ail kinds of STAPLE AKD FANCY I Iiavc adopt ? ! the trictly Cash and One Price inclple , whlc'i I licpo vrill meet with the irov .1 of tie ! imblic 33 uiy jirlecs shall be rap - rHE VERY LOWEST , liberal pairoaoso sqllcjtca , IOHN < H , F , LEKliSANN , 228 Farnhciu Street. a , Kcb. , July 2Iat , 1ST ! . FSAHK J.BABI&S ' 8 iSlUl K Oa rCi E 7 AllDEALKK IX GENTLEMEN'S ' FURNISHING 'GOODS ' , orlcilVooIeus. \ . All Work Warrjntcd. . Osnaiia , 'STob > .i SeoJiv B. & J WILBUR , > WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , GENERAL AGENTS FOE , ALL SCHOOL BOOKS Oor. 13th. arid SSarnsy Jstrsets , - - - USTIEIB. 238 Farn&am St. 2Toar 14th , . 11 and Hedium Clptb ig , . and FurnisMiig Goods.