Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1874, Image 4
THE OMAHA BEE MONDAY , JULY 27 , 1874. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. aerred to robscnbera by carrier , to any la evening , ( faundays ex- part ol the city , every eek , or $3.75 lor cento per .aepled , ) t filteen wheu paid li months , and { 7.00 pcrauuum , n advance. addressed about irregulariUe * , JUI complaints . attention. this ollice will receive prompt THZ OMAHA. DAILY EK will be mailed to tnbacribera at the following rates , nyableinva- xiably In advance : $7.00 per an inm. 5.75 " 6..onth . THE OMAIIA. DAILY BKK haa by far the , end is , LAKGEbT circulation in the city 'herelore , the beat and cheapest advertising medium. . Local notices , 25 ADTKETISIHO. KATCC or advertisements , 0 centa per line : local month , 10 cents. > 'o line by the centa per ; , inserted for leea vh u 50 cents sulvutisemeut centa line ; alnfile insertion bfecial notices , 10 per tion Transient , not leas abi than rtlsemenla 25 centa. must lnva.ably be tld lor in advance. Kates for standing advertisement * by epccM contract All Legal , > otlccs , Statements , Tabular revision by copy . careful Work , etc. , requiring furnished , must be handed in or proof to be the insertion before ten o'clock A. M , io insure ame day. advertisements before two Special and Local d'cxj.'k . [ . ' . * Iore one o'clock r. K. Advertisement > * advertisements for the WUEKLY BII most AU be handed in before Monday noon , for th < came week's iarue. JLKKLVAL AM ) Dl AfilUilE 01 TfiALSS. Rout BurlliiRtem rime Card pfUie AERJVK ATOUAHA. . LIAVEOUA11A. . . . . . . .tL50 p. K. I Lpress..W5 A. > Eipres . . > * . . | Hdi . 10. p. Mail * . 6:00 : A. M. excepte < bundaya ezceptod. Moo4j ys This is the only line running Pullman llote Diaingcsra. DEUEt , UAEBTP D. W. HITCHCOCK , , Gen'l. V , ca. Pass. Agt. TicLct Agent ' Ne' ChU-aKO , ill. Omaha , Uriloo Pacific. A-HIUV 3.00 P. 1 Dally Express. . . . Daily Mlxtd Oaily Vrelcht . -j Uaily Freight 6 5 A. if lPl nd & Cblc co , Itock , .5flOA.M. rjS : ? v . .2 0 P.M. tlO.OOA. Cblcaco & Nortliwcat-ru. 53C A.M. . a. City , St. Jo. & Council Mlu Morning ErpreBS..5:30 A. M. 10.00 A. Evening Express 2ao if. M. . i . * u r. 8I0' ' UallEsprew . 8:15 A.M. 83BV. Dally except Sunday 8. OmnlbuBes and Baggsee Wagone leave dec , corner ITarnham and hlctb ecU , eenmliiut iB In advaixe ol the above Uflilr Opening and Closing of Mails Omaha. WTBT. O.P.K.K - & N.W. XAST. K.R. . .30 do do. . . . B.I.&P. K.K. . do 11:00 4:30 do do. . . B."SUJO 7OC 4 0 do do. . . _ _ O.8.W.R. . SS 10:00 NORTH. O.4.N. W.K.B . 2:50 7.45 Chlwco tnd ail Eastern cities , Nebr City , rlitts.-TOuth , Council BluQsaud Bur ton.duent lU3Ua. m.closes st 4.3g a. m. I p. m. St. Loula and St. Joseph , due nt 10 00 2 and 7 p. m. ; closes at 1:45 p. tn. and 4.30 : Office Sundays Iroin 12 to 1 p. m. open O. E. YOST. I'oitmasl , TOADTKIITI SklSS'ine jall f < fl1Otl or ho DAILY BKK IK n chandoetile tbnt.ef nnyjotlicr d fiajter jml > U L { ) _ in Kebrnklin. Peycke'e Restaurant and Oj roomsTbc leading houaa of kind. 207 , Faruham street , betv Twelfth and Thirteenth. Jeb24 OMAHA BREVITIES. "NVIrtk savs lie \viil bavc gift concert deer , if it co tfl li bund red dollars. A. second summer nigbt's i val was given by the Ou' Macnnorchor last evening Tbiele's garden. The Sledges pounded the 1 yesterday , in a match game of ball. Score Sledges , 38 ; 1 22. The hot vrcathcr of the three days has caused considei sickness. People cannot be too < ful during such oppressively weather as that of Friday. - The funeral of "Willie S aged 15 , son of "William and 1 * Saturday afteri Scott , took place from the residence , U78 Doi street. He was a bright boy , the pride of his loving parentSj , are deeply bowed down with over his untimely death. Jt as * so hot Friday iv kitchen of the Grand Central ] that the heat caused the hole' alarm to strike in the ofllce in succession for sometime. "N\ ' 'ever the heat in any of the a mentsof the hotel reach 112 fire alarm announces the fact i office. office.The public investigation o charges against Postmaster and Special Agent Fumy wa gun before Justice BartlettSati morning , and will be continue * oday. A lengthy and impo affidavit has been made by Mi M. Bamberge , which will prol be published on Monday. 1 About two months ago , It ] Gopdrichj landlord of the St. Cl .Hotel , had h'is coat stolen fror office. Itcontainedapccket-lxx , J which \yere' some valuable pi book. F - . and a thank note a" colored man named George . don .found the pocket booki "cellar 'of tbehou o atthesout - corner of Douglas and Sixl < - streets , which he has rented , n " TTfiCHng"np for a boarding house dellveredlhepockeUbook to 3 Pealxxiy , wuo returned it th ( Goodrich. FOR SALE Immediately and at a * gteat in the I - gain. The furniture ' delphia House can be bought < > - = -one half cash , and the othci ' " mouths time 'on throe "to she "J good fcccurity. Lease of the ! runs seven months , at $25 month. Foity-live io fifty cash boarders. The propriety ; . oilier important busiuess to ate to immediately , and for that n olTers this splendid opportunity C. ScirAitxiiOK july24-2t. _ _ DR. POWELL , oCicc215 , 1 TIRED.OF LIFE. Suicide-of Mrs. Welch , an Aged and Estimable lady of South. Omaha. She is Pound Hangine to the Cellar Stairway. Ill- Except BLfcent No Cause. Health , Assigned for the Deed. | At nocn Saturday , South Omaha was startled by the announcement that a Mrs. Welch , a most estimable lady living in the vicinity of Brew er & Bemis' brewing establishment , had committed suicide by hanging herself. Her son , John "Welch , a about twenty-one yount ; man of who is employed as a i years of age , { brakesman on the transfer , came home to dinner at twelve o'clock , and not seeing his mother about the house , nor his dinner ready for him as was usually the case , he thought something strange must have hap pened , and accordingly begar searching for her. Looking lute he horror-stricken t < the cellar was iind his mother hanging dead fron the stairway. She had ended he own life. She had taken a rope am tied it between two steps , and the ! placing the iatal noose around he neck , had thrown herself from th htairway , her feetbeing about a foe from thp ground. Mr. Welch at once cut herdowi gave the alarm to the peighbor who came to his assistance , and ca ryjng the deceased upstairs , laid tl corpse upon a bed. Dr. Parke from Ish's N inth sfrggt drug stor was immediately bummoned. f found the deceased cold In deat ii. having been dead for som § two ii.Gn three hours. Coroner Uish was n Gn GnM tified , and ho "will hold an Inqut M over the remains. [ IX The only cause that can be I ii. signed fpr the deed , is recent i health , she having been unwell I the fif- several days past , and having eo ] oad plained of severe headache. S tiad tlifWtlout ) some vague hii in of being tired of } } fp , and that s contemplated suicide ; but they wi not strong enough to excite a suspicion at the time of their utt ; ance. In the morning she appeared P. V. hgajfhan the i be in herordinary ; ly intimation of her Intentions > that she ofiercd her son , before vent to his work , which calls 1 nway at an. parly hour , all therei money she had ami thp family ] turcs. He did not notice anyth wrong , however , and went his w little expecting that he had lee ! a ska mother for the , ' ling- upon his living sud | time. i. m. Mrs. Welch was a lady of betw i. m. 05 and 70 years of age , and was 1 er. in high esteem by her neighb who cannot appount for her sad e cu- - icre ing. She had always been -5 kindly treated by her son , wh almost bean-broken over the ster afl'air. the Feriouai. reen Fred Millard has gone to Ma Itf chusctts to attend ecliool there. William Hare , Bishop of } brara , is at the Grand Central. that George L. Seybolt has been ima meted to the position of head c of the Union Pacific railway i Vail1 1 service , mha Fred. Thomas is back again i at his New i'ork home , whpw hp had a pleasant visit for the pas lilos weeks. base Mr. L. T. Farr has received [ ilos , appointment of United States a , for the Japan malls. Mr. Farr last been a postal clerk on the U rable Paoific for the last three years. care- Dr. A. S. Wright , who rece hot left this city to visit Santa I California , for his health , w cott ac tuat he is "greatly imprc > am' ' that he is so well pleased Mary California , that he has decide teen , permanently locate there , uglas and family Avill leave in a few da ] join him. who grief The following are the arriva the Wyoming : i the C H Cooper , Chicago ; J C Elotel win , St .Louis ; A J Tuttle , John L fire tie , Wisconsin ; Mrs McClure , rapid Moiiies ; Henry Beeman , Oscar rhen- man , New Pi e&ton , Conn ; L F' ipart- Miss Emma Lewis , Avon , 111 ; , the Rountree , W S FormanlSrM C n the in , Nashville , 111 ; Jas Keating , ' . sas City ; Mrs Millburry , Mrs f the Sacramento ; ETSchenck , Me Yost Mo ; T E Calvcrt , Plattsmouth Early Dubuque ; James Coi . - , irday Lincoln ; Joseph Lanning and U S A. yl on irtant Bool Estate Sales. For the week cndtngl July 24th , bably John I. Redick to Susan I wood , 3 , acres east of cemetei 13 , 13 § 100. [ r. S. Gregory Stanwood to Wi ! larles Hennery , 52 square rods in 3 n bis 13 ? 12o. } k , in St A D Balcombe to Ma Temple Craft , 98x132 feet in be i tpers , ner of block 77 $10,000. riday Anthony O. Sather to Boj Gor- block R Shinn's se Hill , lot 3 , , n thQ addition § 1,500. beast J. M. Brudahavr to R. H. & J jenth Jlillf-r , CGO acres in west pa : .nd is county § 8,500. llrewstor to Ellen Piere . He G W 3 and 4 , blk 3 Quiun's additlc Fudge Omaha ? 430. jpos- N P Dodnelo J E Boyd , lot 438 , Gnmdview $50. S A Strickland to Isaac S Ha 1 acre in n c ne 34,15,13 § 10 bar- W J Maxwell te N O Wil < x 'hila- hfsw3,1C , 12 $800. , George Hattto James "Water iheap i.nif lo ts 2 , 4 and 7 , blk 109 , Florei 'hf * $500. with Israel Sauuders Jr io Mai house Wesson , lot 8 , block 48 , Oma ] per ? 1,000. good Charles Powell to J H Bacon 3 , block 200 , Omaha. § 2,000. i M F .Shinn to Luke "Usher , ttend. "bliJC-k "S ; " Shlnn'a second add § 400. JGMegeath ! ST. 1 acre south of park ID _ ? ; § 500 Henry E Brown to H J Rat 090 acres in west part of com mono A BELLIGERENT FEMALE. ! Mrs. Parker "Winds up her Huscle and goes for a weaker Sister , towhom her ex-husband' had paid some at < - - lention. Some time ago "Coupon. John" Parker paid some little attention to a fast girl named Minnie Evans , to he who claims and the woman , his wife and who formerly lived with him , suspecting that her John had been following the example of I Beecher , could not , like Theodore Tilton , condone the offence and , brood over the affair for anyrgrcat length of time. She bore her griev ance , as she supposed it to be , for | two weeks , all the time , however , lookout for the keepmg a sharp frail Minnie Evans. Friday Mrs. Parker , whose traveling name is Nellie Mason , in company with the notorious Tilly Weed , de coyed the unsuspecting Minnie to a secluded spot on the river bottom , where she "turned herself loose" upon her rival , who was weak in physique as well as moralsandgave her an unmerciful pounding , to the delight of Tilly Weed , who stood bj and looked on as a deeply interests spectator. After punishing Minnii quite severely she let hei gobut no before she had threatened her witl further punishment. Minnie Evans , being afraid of he life , gave herself up for protection t who escorted her t a policeman , jail , where she remained overnight This morning she swore out a wai rant for the belligerent "Mrs. Pa ker. h ker.Th poljceman into whose hanc or , tje warrant was papcd } , found hejr t ere a fortunp-tpJIer's ' } jouse , onEIpvent street , quite composedly srnokjug cigar , and resting easily on her pi gilistlc laurels. xs- She was brought into the Poll ill- - for Court , where she confronted Jud | Wilbur , and to whom she lit on he assumed ajUfftngdgnt bearing , usii ats very unpretty language botu to hj ihe and Minnie Evans , the victim pre her jealous wrath. She was fin in aJJ $ J3.8.0 whi ny § 10.00 and costs , , er- she refused to pay , probably for t very good reason , that she didi teen have it at hand. She preferred on- go to jail sour grapes , you Jcno' and to. iajj sJjg went , where she bo remain for "two weeks , firijyi < way of the transgressor is hard , idy FEOH COLFAX COUNTS pic- HIGHLAND , COLFAX Co. ) Ing July 21st , 1874. ay , EDITOR bed Dear Sir In addition tp the gr last drouth , which made the wheat yl een poor , we have for nearly two wei bten plagued with immense swar icld of grasshoppers. They eat up m ors , snd- of the corn , oats , and all the gan produce , flowers , and leaves off 'pry trees , makjng it look like wir ois here. I saw as many as two i sad three hundred on one corn st : We shall not have any corn or deed feed of any kind for stock i season. There will be much suf ing of course. Unless we get i wo shall not have much hay , as ground all 3FSHni ? * a much parcl We saw an extraordinary pro- tenlay. On looking to the n < lerk we could see what looked like ' mail columns of smoke , but which pro to be armies of grasshoppers lea\ rom and flying high. They went eoi JRB west , and when I tell yell t ! > ey 1 tslx on from morplng tJl | evening , can form some idea of thp puni tbo We are now nearly clear of th gent but they have destroyed everyth has even the potato vlnea wore eaten be small. 1 nion and tliat crop will of our people have cut and stac their wheat and harvest is ne intly tosa , over , but this season will long b < rites membercd as the. worst and i ved ever be remembered by the ol > , with settler herc. | Respectfully , f ( d to His ROHEKT L. PAYS ' ijiTTBE'FBOK DIXOJT XEWCABTI < EvDlXON Co. , Is at Nebraska , July 21. EDITOKBEE : iood- The grasshoppers are still 1 Tut- and having destroyed the corn , Des have tinned their attention to Bee- small grain , and are eating it ii Ross , shook , * which Is something Bat have never done before , at leas 3ood- to any great extent. Grain \v Kan- is unharvested is being cut fn Hey , charge by these hungry insects sxico , in a very few days ycgetatii ; JT every kind will be , complete ! } moy , stroyed. The pests are report wife , be at work from Tankton to' S City. , * GROCERIES. 1874. The place to buy your fa Stan- supplies is at , Jno. S.rJobnsc Co.'s , 260 Dodge Street. , P 111am Butter , Country Produce , a ires 4,15 , voice of ono of tb'o Very best br of SL Louis family flour , am sonic other goods needed hi the fai cor- can be found fresh and .reliabld as cheap aa the cheapest. We cond not be undersold , _ JNO. S. JOIIXSON & Co. , F. A. July25-eod3t ; rt of A cmpcu. elots , During this month I will' in to CARPETS , .OIL CLOTH , 7blk , TING and WALL PAPER. scall and examine goods- and f 0. , You can always find a farge 0.x , w well selected stock of CARP ] ' OIL CLOTH , MATTfefG' "V man UOW SHADES , MATS , HI ice etc. , at my establishment , and buy direct from manufacturers rinna importers , I can sell the same ua. of goods as loww Chicago o i , Jot Louis. Give me. a JOHN lotS , Carpe lition 504 Fourteenth street , * beb , Farnham and Douglas streets 5& 8Me1' - ' ' | . . Tudian Curloeitlcs lat Kot- rarnham si may 7-tf. A JW * r sf rPAUL NELSON. * ' - < -V..M. , . _ , Itr-fs Claimed that He. Hang Himielf. * - * - - IThe coronersmques'ton the death of Paul Nelson , was concludedFriday evening at thu office of Judge Porter. After returning from the cemetery consisting of 12. B. ry , the jury , Chandler. G. W. Homan , Sr. , Hen ry Grebe , Louis Weinstein , J. H. "Stem and C. S. Goodrich , met at Judge Porter's office , where an ex amination of witnesses was had. The evidence , such as it was , went to show that th old gentleman hung i himself. first wit Peters-on was the Mary . She refused to testify nnless ness. she could first see her husband , but this was not permitted. She said Christian Peterson she was the wife of Nelson was her father ; he had son been ; sick for some time ; he had been and down for fourteen days ; he peddled up milk of mornings , then went back to bed again ; he was troubled with his legs ; he said when he was dead not to let anybody see him ; he didn't want to live ; at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon I went up to his room and he was petty well ; Found him at about 5 o'clock in the stable. He had hung himself. I didn't ' tell any one , forh ° had told me not to. He died on Tuesday and was buried on Wednesday. Mysel ; and husband dressed him for burial We put Uho best clothes on that hi had. He had on a pair of blu < pants , a shirt , no coat ; don't rf I didn' member about a blanket. say anything about my father' death to our neighbors ; sonic live * r very near us. Merely told Glsl that he died. Re had been slcli o He was GG years old. He had n 0 property here. He attended t t. his milk business every day up t rthe day of his death. He had n ' recollect whetht vest on. Don't _ r bin around a blanket was put Missed him from the house about ° i o'clock. After I cut him down 1 it 1 wasnt ? brought in until Petersc ' u I came home. " Did not'say to GU that hp djed 9f spasms. Told tl a Coroner that he was thrpwlilg J ) , li hands and arms about some Urn Had spasms at 11 o'clock * aud 01 o'clock. Had never had spasms b > ce fore. Had them since he was tak ( sick thio last time. Had three tl ce I I day on which he died. i'y f hcr has had horses , b ' thii none now. Hasn't a rn I owns ' Ij I now. Kasnt | lind any hors'es sin April 1st. * "Had two Ijien , F3ff ed and harness" . ' It was one ) 'ypac'n ' * ch ast April. Hp sotd'tHem " tq B " . fJouUln't ' 6ay"yia& } husband. VuUu > r - - i : hp paid for them. Wave s&n ray hi a't band give father money whene\ tow he asked for it. Th5rearo thi . We own the w ; cows on the place. Tnn' know what he did with t money that my husbanu pam In He pu4 | h. j3 .dpfctg wit | } jr. Caj name a person to whom he pi money. Told my sister Christ ! just as I told the jury. She cai home at 10 o'clock. Told her tl he had done such u thing ; that iriiLself told her not had hung - ; " - i - OU slei say anything about it. She eat home { jyery nipU , pjn.'t ( } look eld his face when I put thp. tope. . L him there. Went in and got ; cks knife. Peterson and I carried h ms in. It was dark. Peterson ca test in at about 0 } o'clock. It was len light to carry him in when Peters first came home. the Christina Nelson testified that iter brother-in-law told her that or father died of cholera morbus. ] ilk. sister dtdnlt talk" tp bpr ab/Ui She didn't see her fathpr a'ffpi in- was dead. thii James H. Platz , said that ho i fer- Peterson In Jail yesterday , and ain latter told him old man Nelson hi himself. the Clui. tian Peterson testified icd same as his wife about the old mi pes- denth. He said that he told hei jrth tell Phrjstjnfi W Wt | ] bought a team of deceaspd about ras year njfo , and paid Jum S6QO foi ived Had never had any troublefwlth Ing old man. Ho was burled In Jth clothes lie dipd In.Tried tl times to dress liimin hisbestclo : iep ' hut couldn't ori account of the si yo'ii from the leg. her. PlliJMp Weaver , who lives i em , the Peturspfis , spl l that he hei great racket over there" Sup ing , evening , and he thought they Heat 1 off ) Iquarreling. I- . - " " ' " - " " ' H"-"o- Jost' B. Burns , a neighbor , did iked hear any quarrel there Sunday a noon , arly Peter Iversou , who lived witl 3 re- Petersons , testified as to the. QUSt man's sickness. Did not knoV Idest hung himself until told so by < stable Simpson , when on the Wi court. Nelson said on Sunday he bad'an awful pain in hs i Didn't see Nelson after he < They never quarreled. Dr. J. R. Conkling made an anjpntion ] of thp body of decei it was very much decayed ; oou ] ' tell whether there were'marks rope around the neck ; took out jcre , stomiteh , and brought it homo us. Noticed a slight ulceratioi they the log ; couldn't ' say now the c the of death. ithe Dr. McClelland coincided they Dr. Colliding. Some kinds of prevented d < son would have it not Arsenic will" preserve the body. . hioh Dr. J. G. Baylcy went to P DC Of sou's \ \ ith Coroaer Gish ; Pete > , and and his wife both said he di < m off choleia-morbus. They said he spasmx , threw his head backclc , f de ed his hands. She said he die ed to the bud in ono of these spa iioux She said they laid him out in i suit o f .nice black- clothes , am all they could for him. The jury rendered a verdipt deceased came to his death by b miiy " ' mj" himself. in & Peterson was discharged fron rime rest immediately. - hin- - 'The evidence fails to show tt ands chemical examination , of 1 all stomach was made , nor does il nily , isfactorily explain the strange taud duct of Peteison and his wife. can Coroner Gish Baturdaymprnin j itedjPfcterdpn/s / housond inqi for thejrope * with which Nelson 1 St. himself. Peterson snld hov get It , if the hogs had not eate offers upy jnd he accordingly went dug U up from under the gro s of It showed the marks of having [ AT- cut ! "Th'e place in the stable w Call lees. Nelson hung himsef , ] , was also ] and ted out , Concerning the statement of 3TS , physicians to the effect that body was too much decayed to JGS , - - - - - as I low tht detection of poison , th and lowing letter from a chemisl class I been receivedf. At the inquest on elson evening , two physicians couoi in the surprising statement sveen P08011 * cannot be discovered corpse sifter the lapse of three < the time between -Nelson's .cease and exhumation. This a 110 tjoj ) , { f trpp , would be good ne' ' tuosp ' Jnbprjt , an.4 to ture. But the fact is , that 'most , of the poisons operating quickly and fatally that can be procured by an ordinary individual , can be discov ered-not only in" three tlays , but in * 'v- * * * 4o anfl lTltHf > pt\ . _ . . IUU1 lUOlilll\to v > w - the crime-has-been brought'n'pme to the poisonersi" ' C. ° P.T _ r POSTAL IRREGULARITIES. f How Pattee's Branch Office was Managed. * , * * j The Silver Plate Gift , &c. i. , . * * * * The public examination o f 'wit nesses in the'postal corruption case commenced at 11 , a. m. Saturday , before Justice J. 'P. Bartlettj ; 'and the following deposition , -was-taken , Gjen.Estabrpbkfjisking .the ques tions o'fth'e "witnessMr. . Yost was * * " " * not present : % WILLIAM jftaJAMBEEaE1 Q. State your name , "rag6" and * * * * * ' - place of residence. A. William.'MMJambergefjthir- ty-nine years of age , reside in Omaha. - T * J. Q. Are you acquainted with one * ' ' James M. Pattee ? ? * A. iTarn. - - . i Ja i _ . y _ Q , . Have you atany 'time1beerj In hla.employ , and " " , if " so , wlien and , in what service ? ,1 3 3 " At , . I , was-in his 3emplbyi'in l&T. was'-trayelinj . and part of ' 1873 ; - I agent for him ! and .had charge o s his room when hia circulars wen i folded. Q.i In what business was Jame [ i M. Pattee engaged during the tinn you was in his employ ? _ , A. In the gift enterprise and lolo tery business. o Q. What matter was folded t o > r be mailed In that room inwhic _ L you was employed ? - . AJ Lottery circulars ahd new ; 5 ' ' ' papers. ie , Q. State in what manner athe n " ' ill were folded , and" enveloped , ie A. They.wgrt fodfe ] "to lett < | a sjze" , put In prf\-elopesv \ an < } scale e.some with one circular , othfers wil e.le two , and 6the"rff with three. le lee JQ. In whatonanner were tl e- ejn circulars described by you deposit * lie in the raail ? lieut A. Thejenvelones were T direct * ut beoje the circulars were placed ; them.ZTheywere then sealed ai stamped.-assorted into States , ° _ * ce ' * - 1 ! - - delivered to the Omaha post office. "ft. ' Btntp'-Wfapther' 'plrpuld alt -had the same character of s tarn and jf "so"vyhat"Nva3 amount ? as- . uVl | ( JJreptefl to pwtlas In tl ror Unitc.d States hftd three cent stam and those directed to parties eom. Canada had six cent stamps. Tl m.he refers only to circulars sent frq hem. ' room. m. i't | U'Besides the matter ( lesorib by Vou'wp i\\&o \ 'Any news | > | ip < mailed from that office ? name mo A. Yes ; there were Dlipatoh aat JtepubUcana and Eerolda. he Q. What character of stamp y to used on such newspapers ? A. One cent postage stamps. eps matter usually < at Q. Was other fc eW tjmp , - day , an5 may" be more , were w me circulars placed Inside of the ] too pers. son pers.Q. Was the whole pack * stamped with the one cent stam her A. Yes. her Q. Was this done by .the dir Her : \t. \ . t.he Q. "Where 'were ' these papka mailed and stamped ? A. In Mr. Pattee's ' office. < \ the stamps were cancelled in the orlgl img sheets by drawing a pen across th with ink , then placed on wrapp the sorted in States , placed in bags ( m's taken to the postoffice. Some w r to also taken over in baskets " " to ' " apss one Q. Was , it the uniform a'pr-ac : oneU. with Mr , Pattee , when the' ma the was put up In the manner' ou h the stated , both at the time you h ireer mentioned } and at other times thcs send them out with the one "c nell stamp ? A. We always sent papers icar With ithe one cent stamp , 'anc id a sending circulars to agents , we iday "frequently spri"d.tjiera out a. $ w vere paper rat'pa 9 , . 'Wh6was ; postmaster at 0 not ha * at , the time you speak ? ftpr- A. Casper , Yost , Q , BO yon know of letters t ithe ing been sent to the nostmastei old Omaha making" inquiries al r he Pattee and his gift enterprise ? Cou- A. i have seen letters in Patl to possession llirected to the postms ly that at Omaha , making inquiries al side , his lottery. lied. Q. Wha t was done with i letters ? ' A. Havesepn Mp. Pattee y ex- ' ' ised ; " (5. . ' on tlip'fftpp' 8om < Idn't the letters , and mail them fo of a 'parties sending them , ; the Q. Do you know whether i with letters generally contained a st n on to pay postage on answers ? A. I only know , of < one 1 which had the ling enclosed with stamp for answer , ' anil there poi- no stamp to that qne. That ia only one I recollect of re , Q.Bp. ypa , # ' fl\ , ? , any if-1 etera prespnt beingonade jjy Mr , , , irson to MrYost , and } f so what wa > d of State all you know about'-it. thad A. I saw a silver platefw nchMrvPattee told me he had ord .d on as a present for Mr. Yost ' sms. ' Q. Have you ever seen Mr. i $32 In Mr. Paitet's rooms , and | ' Idld oftpn ? , : , A. Yes , two or three times , i that how , ang- * Q. Have0you ever had any versaUon.with'Mri Yost , in rei to cprnipg 'here , toT give your dencc , and'if so0\y hen and what that conversation ? * * mt a A yesterday or the the before. He said they could note : sat- pel a person toattend , and If jc -it will only injure me , or wop cou- that effectv1 Q. "For wliat length of time i fvis- you engaged , or was Pattee gajged in the preparation , and t jnng .Lag of the packages , " you have scribed ? ould A . Ifwaa 'a steady business , ! the time ! went there , early in ' fall 6f 1872J , untillItleft in Ma und. ' 1873 : neft'orTihe 12th da : March , 1873. been . What number of such p here. ages were mailed dally- ? - ' 1 win : A. . .IfrQffi threMhotganfl to thousand per day , and one day t 'was about twentjr thousand le ' ' sent out . the _ t al- FOB reason of remarkably cfol- -prices. I am selling my spring .summer ' JulylO-tf " ! ' , > & H. STEI McKelligon's .c last second page. Ji&re2 ined VOLK'SHALL , free concert e that ' ; evening by Professors Cclarips a' in Bahns. june27-l D.YEDfa , c.eamng and rep i isser- the neate t * manner , at " " 6l ± > YE WORKB [ V8 to ST , oun ; Bt.Vet f. " CHECK YOUR 7BAGGAGE. " To ' .and From'TQmaha after Au- ! * c > _ * 'The IsEB'-aTIriomieed briefly the fad that on andafter August , bag gage would be checked to and from 'Omaha-'over "the-Iowa roads , - instead stead of "to and from Council Bluffs , as heretofore. This will do away with'the double-checking caused by the transfer up'to this time , and the \ traveling public are to be congratu lated upon this desirable improve ment. The following joint circular con firms our statements : ' V " * * * ! & CHICAGO , July 21,1873. To General fassenffer a'nd ' cket ' " ' ' - Agents ; , On and after August 1st , proxi mo , baggage destined to Omaha ana points beyond , by- our respective lii\est\should be checked to * Omaha instead of Councel Bluffs. Please prepare the Omaha checks at the 'earliest moment , that pas sengers may "be saved the trouble heretofore experienced of rechecking ing at Council Bluffs , as well as at " Omaha. , ' Gen'l Tk't Agt C B & < i R R. W. A. , "Gen'l Tk''t Agt C & N W R'y. j ' " ' " "V E. ST. JOHN , Gen'l Tk't Agt C KI & P K B. " SNOW FLAKEJ1 The best flour in the market at > LITTLE & WILLIAMS' , jy 24 3t 2G1 Douglas St. , ICE CREAM ! ICE CREAM ! I ' . , H. L.'LATEY'S is the place to ga 3y "for'thls very necessary commodity. y je23tf. " * * = _ jr XJLOSJNO out-wa.ter-nQolora at cost , idh at . SAMUEL BURNS , : h ju24-2t * 237 Farnham. ATTENTION , ONE AND ALL" ! I shall have 125 QUARTS of -d very CH6ICE BLACKBERRIES , this evening , at 8 o'clock. Leave id your orders for them. " " ' ' fr % \ \ "FH.'ALLEX. irs = = Pj Dried Beef , Sugar Cured Hums and breakfast Baoon , at Ue " LITTLE & WILLIAMS' , | Jy243t 201 Douglas St. JJ SPECIAL NOTICES. ' ed . o o Lpt , Foi Sale , Lotl , W nUTQm(4l ( Boardjpg , * c.wll jrs be Inserted lo these column * oaoe ( or TE > CENTS per Une : each lubuquent Insertloo FIYECKF18 per line , llie first liiscrtloi es , nerer lew than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ras , 'ITOATION WANTED-By a young mai 3 who Las had 4 years experience in the clotl lag and dry gooJi , also boot and a hoe buiineu n- will work'for Hp'sU salary f or a feVmp'ntlfi . AJdteis "A. K * ' Be q Good , refarencea. 'm ? - - ' ' & Office. jy&Zi" . ne ere TTTANTED situation i a Wagon an < V V Carriage maker , and can n pair all kind of Farming Implement ! . Address for fire day j. a CLIPSOK , ge Jy24d3twlt. Glenwood , lowt p ? IKL WAN 1 ED At Dr. EDWARD'S , 18 G Farnham Street. ec- N5C3I 11IKINR AN.D * SMELT j. , . .v 'CQ The"seoilannuaj " mdjburnedtrom JilT ( 2Ut , wljlIQ ) mU Durant Engine lQ jp. on TUnr o y , July JOll ges at 8 P. M , , tor tha eleitiQn o ( offitcri , and tb transaction ol buaiccss if great importance t Che the utockholderi. K. K. LONG. Fruld nt. nal em T7ANTED A girl to do general house worl TV Apply al H. Fomeroy'i , West end S Mry' Aronue. Wagta55.CO per week. . . BGNTT-IIouse on 18th near Cast atrcc jy2Jt . S. A. 1AYLOB 4 CO. lice tter rUEAfLAKD603 \ Acres o ( choice landi I \j Sarpy County , lor ule at Si 75 per aci ave one-half cub , balance one year at 10 iiercen ave Apply at Offiiceof Great Western Land Agenc 130 & 13i Farnham atreet. jy2C , to ; ent BOOMS to rent with or wit oat board. No. 117 Dodge atrert , ne , ninth. Jy 16121 out tin A girl to took at WANTED . llth and. mfyTpug * ! t , 1WS- GIRL WANTED Inquire at Mon ma- A Order Window i Po't Oroce. jylStl Tj > MPLOYMENT OFFlCE-Boom No. 1. nou Xy cut corner 15th and Douglai St . Wai ( d immadlately , lerrant slrl , ( armhandi , o iav- p nteraAnd laboreri , alio real estate bought a r at told , and taxes paid tor non-reildenti. J.N. FISHER , tout jySU Omaha , N. . tee's CT7ANTED IMMEDIATELY-A girl to ister YY house-work. Apply 331 iTarenp itreet. between 17th and 18th. } y3t bout TORE TO BENT 198 Douglas alrre quire of WEBfigfi * such olyltf i R PENT Hpijao qn 15th , nesr Datenp trite tree > , JeMU S. A , TAYLOR * CO 3 ot T7 > OB REKT House on Chicago , near 13th the J } je30t ( H. A.TAYLQUACC such Par boarders , it the sonthi WANTED and Ilarney sta. je2l amp rTTANTtD A cneap laroi in ezcnange etter VY mexcunmiiic. Address , Farmer , I find offlce. ap2lt was WILL SELL SECoisntJIAVn Carrlai the I nd one Hearjp. pheap for cash or trade I I need the room for new ones. . x ' JelSdtf. G. W. bout ittee TTWESALE IfiOacroaof land , belne the ! J } MotaeclS , lu tovnibipl3Nof K 4 E. 3 it ? the SB part ol Butl.cT ccuuty , < IO mllenNir weatof Lincoln. A well Im. TOTtd farm ad.o It on the west , and country all aioand it hich thickly KtUedt W1U ell for KOO , one 1 ered down , balance in ope year , or $3 00 per acre cash , or will trade Jor city property. Appl . myaU ANDREW fb&lH xosc mo THE PUBLIC The undersigned 1 _ L purchased and put upon the streets - public conreyances , some o ! the finest carria any- etennaoofactured in tbli country. They will run to and Irotn the depots , hotels andprlr con- rrsidencet. All orders left at Metropolil Hotel , or at the at able , near t e cor ol Elerci gard rt and Caplttl ATenue , will be promptly ' evi- tended to. A share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. J01JN E. BULL. was mjrlSU day i DI8SOLUTI01" NOTICE. ugo Omaha , A'tb. , July lltb , 18 is to -VfOTICE Is hereby giren that F. H. Goddi IM and T. W. Bead , doing bulncu in i city of Omaha ant State of Nebraska , un < nrere the firm name of Goddard A Bead hate t day dlssoUfd partnership by mutual conae e.n- F. H. Qoddard continuing in the bualnesa. aail W. Bead , retlricg. F. H. OODDARB rip I . J CleSigned | , | T > w > EAD. . - " SfAS. .M. " DEALEU IN "BrHOLESiALE t acj/la * ried' Cider. lOj.iinil'lSO'FjirniamStreft. / _ I ' I r > ) m. MAKUFACTUBEB. N. E. COBNEB ot 14th and HABMEV 8 TTTOULD respectfullyannoaccetoUi * pen on { YY Uc that he is now ready to fill aU c iracU in the abort Unes wlth neatnett i dUpatco. \ wagoni constantly onhaadi very or sale. and m U.P.RR.MEATMARKE . . , . iring _ ICth street bet California and Wefciter. ; the LIQUORS , WINES , ETC. o o sf O ! M -01 o ( D > TO I * - P. N. GLYNN WUOI.K3ALE AND BETAIL DEALER IK Wines , Liquors , Segarsr- TUB ACI 0 AND PIPES. JWCalifornU Wines and BrandIesCa Corner of 15'b and DoJgo atreeta. opposite the Dew I'ost Office building. Omaha. NebIe25tf Bavarian Beer Hall ! 193 Dougba St , Opposite Metropolitan "Hotel. Finest brands of all clauea of .Liquors and Segara. Fresh Lager constantly on hand. Je25-3m CUAS. HAUT.frop. . . Corner of Comings ui Tweaty-second ttreeti The finest lager baer con stantly on han4 , HOTELS , GRAND CENTRA. ! "EC O 17 33 Xa . OMAHA , - HEBRA3KA The largest and beat ho ? between Chicane \nd Sao f ranclsoa. Optus * ! oev September aotb. 1873. s3jl U OEO. THKALL. Proprietor. CITY HOTEL , E. T. PAGE , Proprietor. 10th St. , bet , YfttfiVw a 'l Haney OMAHA , NEB. .Free . .EMMo and from all Trains. Passengers for other Hole's or private Res : dcnccs , carried for 25 cents. : * S- All orders left at P. II. Allen's , 24 do < from P. O. C. Wilson A Son. cor. 19th an 1 Urney , and the City Hotel OPW , U > recoil 1 p , < o\u.l \ > t a\teptlptf. ' Il71m " " "Onited States Hotel , COW. DOUGLAS AND TENTH STREETS mllEUNDERSIGNED rtspcctfnlly annoui X ce that he has purchased and refr ted tl above Hotel , and is uow raadr to accouinioda the public , with board by day cr we k , at res enable rates. WILLIAJJ { , ! { ! ! , Prpp , FARMERS HOUSE E. VT. Cor. of 14th and Hsniey Bti. JUSTUS KESSLEH , Froprieto Omaha , Neb. JySlu ILLINOIS JiOUSI Between 9th atd 10th. CHARLES FELDKUMAjr , Prop. mchlltf Central Hous < T o. 630 Sixteenth Streak Opp. Jefferson Square , " Q4AHA ? , KI JQSEHOYE , Prop'r. Pqy and week Board at reasonable raid. in. Firit-claj brvi attocUcd to the Louse. California House , IEITZ HAFMEE , Prop'r. th it- No. 170 Douglas Street , corner llth , Om. itir - Nebraska. Board by the day or week. irnd 1nno 1 , rl sb. Southern Motel , art FitmtlBs : on 4th. , 6 ud Wtlovtiti , , St , Louis , - Mi "Laveille , "Warner & Co. , or . | 3EaroT3rlotor i. The Southern Hotel is fint-clau In all appointments. Its tables are at all times s it. plied In the greatest abundance , with all delicacies the markets afford , Its clerks employes are all polite and attentire to est wants of the guests of the hotel , There la It Improved eleia'or leading from the fint t to the upper one , Railroad and teaml Icktt offices , news stund. and wesxerr fit IkZ iOT telegrapli otQ.e in the hotunda of hotel. V * . Wood ! Wood ! Wooi Immense Deduction ! T S. P. BUIG fa1 YARD. CORNER S'E ,4 Htu and Clil ago Streets. Good H in , . .eodS7 008olt . > IM. S'oie Wood to I Ih- any number o , aiore ver ; cliraii. ap8tf ! Ini 'is lalf in G. STRIFFLER to DEALEB N CHOICE B. IE br - Fraii * . ate Xuls n , lib fonfccllonerj , atla Tobacc t la . i > j , Ac. , &c. . S. K.OR.or 1 . a lUif It. Tbe Slooz City and Pacific Itallroad , ird the ID C.nncctloa llb the Icr % his SIOUXCTY ! & ST , PAl RAILROAD . , , ! s C2 Bllei the shortest route from Omi Go cil Blafh to St. Paul , Xlneapo jSUllwater , Anoka , Dalath , Bism rck , sad p Imt In Hlsnttota. ' * 7 Traln'leaTes Omaha dally , ( except Saturd , at 6 o.clock p. m. , and Council Bluffs at 8.0 ! m. , from Chicago & North-Western Depot. Fftre'asTOWaBdIImeas QUICK by IBJ ether Line. J EULLIAH PALACE KM&CA rs , MHf TRAINS Bb- - ON ALL , on- Be sure roar ticket reads VIA Sioux Cl inA thus aroiding circuitous routes and inidni transfers. tnd Tickets can be purchase * ! at Ihe offices of Chicago & . Northwestern Railway in Oat ; and Council Bluffs. tndfi M ' , -JC.BOYDEN , fiST Getf BUPaul.Ulnn. ! Paaa. A Ticket AgtSt. . P. 4 SC , , b - , K a HILL , en'l pajj. and Tieket Agt. , S , U i P. , Sic ST "City , Iowa , QEO. W. OBATTON , AeU , J63 F rpham 8tT6 t. Omit * * , > The Kingof theSnVJXG MAClIIMI WOFLD as piemccnlly as Cold Ftf n In the Realms ci Finance. SALES EOB , 1873 : In Round Numbers 232,444 Machines ! ItBelnz over One Hundred acd Tblrtttn 7bccsoil more Machines tlan were told by inr olbtr . . . Sewing Machine Con i any during lliCR.n-.etii-e. It willh nly Ledtnlid i < .n tuih etldente tbat the fcilpcrlorily of the Singer la fully inonitrated. THE SINGER MANF'G ' GO , \ JSf. NASON , Agent , je . 212 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS , Agents for the Oriental Powder Co. STEFLE & JOHNSON , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! -SIMPSO.VS. BLOCK 528 and 54O - Fo-urteenth. Street , BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE iucl)132y ) iucl)132yMORGAN MORGAN & GALLAGER. -SUCCESSORS TO CHEWUTW AN5 MORGAN WHOLESALE GROCERS , No. 0& Famham Street , - ' - ZBTIEIB. prSdly WHITHEY , BAUSEBKAX & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS XTo. 2 :7 Douglas Street , mch27yi AGE.NTS FOK Til' ! IUPO > T POWDER CO. CLARK & FRENCH , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! AMD DEALERS IN CannecCGoods , Dried Fruits , Green Fruits in Season , jcl . ' .RL-CRS SOLICITED. ' ND PROMPTLY FILLED. A. . IE. S I : MI IF S O 1ST , - MANUFACTTJBEn AND WHOLESALE DEALSR INT CIGA&S. ! 532 EGIFTIElEJItfTIH : SO ? . , CZi. . A. 288 Dodge Street , 2d Door East of 16th Street. A. I ttep cons intly on hand the finest stoikof Broad Cloth , CasjJairres ami Vcstlrg which I am prepared to make up in tl e most la hionahe st jles and tq mil the moat at the lowest J osBitlo jiriei s. jclOdly ESTABLISHKU PUNDT , MEYER & BAAPKE , - , V OLESALE DEALERS IN FANCY GROCERIEi Teas , Spices , Tobacco and Cigars. 212 FarnLam Street , - - Omalia , hlcmTeodvl ha , JOBBERS OF D. DRY GOODS , HOSIERY , GLOYES 231 Street , its and leer the an J. J. BROWN & BBO. , xnt lion WHOLESALE DEALEES IN liond d ! STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOOI OF ard icit Motions , and Boots find Shoes. JOHN T. -JOBBER OF Shelf i Heavy Hardwa : IRON , STEEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK,1 AND- TIIRKSI1EIJS. 1IAU\KSTKKH , IlKAI'tUlS , MOAVKH8. COUS-DLA.MEHH. I'LOWN , COI.TIVATOKS , IIAV- KAIUM AND WAGON4. 24S Douglas Stt , Omalia , HENRY HORNBERGER. IL DEALEB IS WINES iha , 1U , all Iai01dKcntucky2\YlJl3kIesana [ a Specially * hl9rl HOMES and FABJ IS HT1TIBIIAS : as Coofbn beat Ian'lalTlowprices oniof ' 30 per oat. on the amount , H ES LA11GE DEDUCIONS-FOB GASH PAYMENTS. North ] of : ? latteJ oup Fork and Elkhorn Vafij gut B'KCo. . will aJtnbont 1.000.000 acrw of spln ill ! tTaiin . ieiir0u ry1 > t ttdm Jl-f < to $7.00 per acr on longerrflt. the aha South of he Platte It. ' lodr oftbe bestlaail , Nebraalui ISterseetedby _ nurjei.OBf laize ; The Comi o ncsa andaljaiuttolUraUroia andln . th < . .Ure.nJ'bestd T Jop d.partof thaSta > t , > ea al tmouatt-puliUcaa Valley For c'w rjanifnlllnforaiatlon apply to C , B. SCffiitiB , Agent B. & M. Ijmd Of CoraerofSlnth aad FarmbaM Ste. , Oroah J Or General Laad Df paatawt , Llocolo , ! K