Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1874, Image 2
" - * p"- THE OMAHA BE" OFFICIAL PAPER Off THE CH TO COUUESPOXDKNTS. Wx DO HOT desire any contributions whaU 4ol aliterary or poetical character ; and , w&aot undertake to preserre , or to ret . Sis Our _ _ _ e same , ia any case whatever. is ( nffidently large to more than supply limited apace in that direction. BKU. NAKS OF WKTTKK , in full , must inc and .very cue accompany any commnn tlonof what BsturesoeTer. * Thii ia not tended lor publication , but for ear own u { ctioa and ai proof of good faith. OB * Cotnrrxr FBIEKDS we will .alwayi pleased to hear from , on all matters cunna withcropi , country poUtlci , and on any i je 'whiteTcr of general interesUo the j pie oJ our State. Any information conn ed with ui election , and relating to flo accUenU.eiC.v'ffilito gladly received , such commnnU'UonE , however , must brief M possible ; an4t > r mustinalic ! " Ma xl the * heet bnl te written np" n one " " . rouncii. for o AtL AlOJOl xcxxun of candidates whether made by self or friends , whether as not "ccaor con. 3unlcation9 to .Editor , are ( until nominations are m d&ply personal , and will be charged as erttaCJifnu , C All ouMtunlciUoni should be addrcswx C. RO8EWATEE , Editor and Publisher , D : On and alter October twenty.fint , 1672 , DAJLT BEE la aegu ! the _ T jtij circulation o fcf llr.'JBdwin Darii , to whose order all crlpUoas not paid at the office-will be p yi * ad bjr whoa all receipts for subscriptions counttrmipi * * , E. fcOSEWATER. PuWi ' 'THE."Brop1dyn Borrow" Is yr , the .New York Herald terms Beecher-Tiltou. nest-Uuling revi tions. . . CCSTAB has been heard from , : according to last accounts , the dlans still keep within respecta distance of the Black Hills' plorer. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ACCORDING to the Lincoln J3h four Hundred irennonites are r 'quartered In the floral hall of old State fair grounds. These really the first Mennonites t , have'cbrne to Nebraska. The i onj 'of Russians that.settled in C county arePreshyterians. The I 31. Railroad company expect to < onlze theseMcnuonitcs on the Cc pany's hinds east of Lowell. The so-called investigationbei Justice Bartlett of the char against Postmaster Yost , was cc ruenced yesterday , aud contim -until to-day. This investigation not recognized by JMr. Yost . .Special Agent Hawley. JRepu can. can.This is the first , and BO tar only allusion made by the Omi Ko-op organ , to the grave char that were preferred against P < master Yost. For the informal of. the Republican , we will st that It is immaterial whether Mes : Yost and fiawley recognize or Dpre the Investigation now in \ - jjresa .before Justice Bartlett. ' -In fact It was but natural for 1 * Yost to object to an Investlgat that promises to convict him grave misdemeanors in office , sworn and unimpeachable te mony. Already enough of this I timony has been secured to c vince the most ekoptical mind t there has been corruption enoi in the Omaha postofllcc to sin ] whole ship load of postmasters. AKD POLITICS. In the last number of Oolma Rural licrWj the most jnfluen 'Grange organ in * he Southwest , question of organizing a separ political Grangers' party ia ablyt cussed. -The article in question is chic directed at the St. Ixnris ltcpu < can , formerly a Democratic , t , ' now an Independent paper. 1 Jbllowing extract might be prh ably digested by the leaders of eo-calleti Independent movement Nebraska : The Republican would have cv * Granger stultify himself , and viol , the , organic law of the order , viol - - - the' constitution of theState Gran and of every subordinate Gran for they all expressly forbid Grani having to do with politics or n gion. By following the Repu\ \ can's advice , the Grange would "xOome a political organization , wh tfi contrary io the very spirit a purpose of the order. Internal c ; senfions and strife would enter < . 'ery'Grange , and the speedy disin - ration of the order would folk If'the Republican was the v < \yorst \ enemy pf the Patrons , n wanted to destroy the order in , 1 shortest time , the very course recommends would soonest acco pllsh the purpose it had in vie Our political prejudices i the strongest prejudices " r.Eaye , " and the founders L ttrtheGrange wisely exclud thelxinslderatlon cf political or p ; rty questlons. Grangers should " more take separate arid indcpcndt kj political action than should Masc * - 3at Odd Fellows , Methodists or B : - . - UsU , or any religious denominatic There are many matters on whi Grangers can harmonize and uni 7&nd accomplish great good for thei .selves.y But there arc other inatti . Sa.oa"b.lch. . they cannot unite , a they can't agree in politics ; and the effort is successful to make the 'take a hand In politics , il will pro to be the rock on which their ba trill be shattered , and nil the fo : hopes which they have cherish Will take wings and fly away. "We know the great good t Order is doing for the farmer , 'a : as the years roll around it will greater and still greater good if t j t * bjignt of jxjlitics is kept out. I let it enter the grange , and a ve Pandora's box of evil will be . ' loose , and ruin will ensue. * ' A3 a friend and a member of t 'Grangeiwo "wanttdseeitpreserv for'the great blessings it will cc fer. Wewant nothing done tl , " -win la any way jeopardize growth or influence. Every Gran Saa become a lecture-room aud school-room for the farmer. ] * .w a never educated so rapi < ly as na-vr. He has real advanced more intellectual ! socially and as a busine man within the inst two yet .than he did in any preceding t : yeara. Shall we do anything , the * > to endanger the very Iffe and c v . Jstence of the order by turning . ! out of the channel for which it w : organized ? We believe we know the sen -feients of the great mass of tl Grangers belonging to both poli cal parties , and it is hostile to t ! course recommended bythe JRppu /'can. Tfaeyl will be caught in j uch trap. They understand t of the Grange for bctl does. ThebJova : foi ir BtrongeTf their care of it greati and they aT $ not going toviolr thejr solemn pledges to gratify t and caprices $ f any oue. JOUBHMJSM. tJNPfilKCIl-LED . The "suffering olcl man" of * th senior twilight paper is aliout read ; to collapse since ; the In estlgatioi of the 'charges "preferred'-agalns Postmaster Yost has resulted in th complete vindication : of that-genUt man. The "suffering old man of the senior twilght concern feel very muchJiurt becausethesympj thy of the community is not"wit ' " h hhn instead'of "thejmerrtwhom roped into , theljobf ana arejno1 ' ' * GoVest'ol ; wriggling to'gefout , man , go west Union. "What do honest workingmen an farmers think of their' ' iricorfuptibl champion now ? Does not th brazen-faced" attempt to-whitewaa the notoriously corrupt transactior in the postal seivicp piove ooncli sivcly that [ the thirteen oppresse < &c. , havcsoild _ put "hblioVJ grincIp and jnanhood fottheppstaliring ? Why has this sham jeformjqrga studlousJyjJWitt&d lLmentionaboi the chargesj > referred agajfist Yo and Furay , and : why does it.attenj ] now to misload.tho o ti nature of the evidence- produced i substantiate , them. , jvhlle , therZM < claims a complete vindicatfo'n fi Yost , special agent Hawley , jvl was notorjo3isly''lenieritfirl "Ihis . ii vestigation declarfld' to'ifr/'flyp ' the presence of General Estabroo. that every charge Ltit ohelhailje. ( substantiated.JIow jnuch did take to convince the thirteen hone and incorruptible editors that q was vindicated from the charge'1 defrauding the Government in-pr curing Sperry's signature for rno'rii not recerad ! by him ? Howmuch did it take to &ats ! : them thai Yost waif vindicated fro : the charge of furnishing mail sac ! to Pattee , and. permitting him cancel stamps , on his.owncpape and circulars , contrary1 tolaw ! ? How much of the * circulatin juedium did it take to convince tl Union that the charge of specula . , ' " ' " * . -xx.-f , - , - - , "i" ; Vxx.f - .wasta ing in i > ostal clerlis : salanes sustained , \yhen eveir Yostmdml ted this charge f How about tl I bribery charge of Lew' Hill , whie leaves Yost in the dilemma of eith .having defrauded the governm'eii or a mail contractor ? What abe the bilyer plate donated by Pa tee , and how inucjr did it tal ' to close the eyes of the'thirtec 1 to the 'palpable sfuct that Patti musthave received some consider tion for it ? If tliere was anythh wanting to stamp the unprincipl < journalism pf the Union wiUi,4i famy , it" is thls unblushuig ar shameless' proclamation that tl investigation of the charges pr ferred against Postmaster Yost-h : resulted in a complete tindicatit of that gentleman. In > fhe la ] guage of the Union , we would , si "go west" young man , Omaha'wi soon be too hot a place for-you. number . of applicattoi from -twenty-one Western an SoutherWstates to July ; 23d , fi the or nlzatlon of atlohal Bank is forty-seven , with an .aggrega circulation pf $4,183,000.The. tot : Tiumbcr of bonds .withdrawn , undi the act of June.20thj ] ST/.Js .SSJ 900 , and the amount ? of legal tei den , deposited for' the purpose of ri deeming the circulatIoiTsurrei der d , $33SO,000. ; TheSe bent have been withdrawn bj twenty eight .National "Bank 'Association Thus it vil } be vseentiiat rency surrendered hjr the * hanl almost . equal to the amount Issue to now banks , , .which , jwacllcal ] theory of the iuflatioi ists in tlie.licad. an cxceUcntVtletectivi but lie never discovered that Paltt was running a branch postoffice i Caldwcll block. , . EELIGIOUS. -'T Sc' : There are only twenty-eight Hi ualists in the English. House. < Tlie several Methodist church * of Canada have agreed upon a bas : of union ; < rf * ffg' , It isamiouncedHhat'ihe mer can pilgrimagc.will berepeatedhea j-ear , wlie'n , oyrf 500 Catholics c vaniti , has withdrawn from thePrc testa.nt Episcopal Cburqh. He join Birshoi/CummihkC f ,1 5 Eev. Robert Laird Collier Jin stated that he intends to return t his 'Chicago congregation in th full , .and thut his -health is rapid ! ' K Catholicyinrror * of Balti m6reVXaiii mourning Jhisweek > , fo Bishop Whelari , of Wlieelini , i. , whose death -a few day -v- ' 'ago "vvas anrkUnced - - * c Canada is itoJjpldaJarge meetini /Montreal . - , - i1 - .nextfeQctobei - j. ' * , , < , ' . . , : . . ' Dis airettolp ie ' * MS- The magnificent Mosaic pic to be placed iri the hey . natioha iX The Sacred Heart , Paris ' ' - Mr. Swing is preaching no.w or Sunday , 'nf&rninK3XinMcCormick'i " " Hall , t hit-ago , to crowdeil" Houses The hall hold over 3,000 persons and it is pncked at each service More than twice as many people ai his church would hold are thus en abled to hear him. , Bishop Cummins indisposed fron his office aridjginiuistry , .but th ( elFcct of Bishopl5mith's documen is about ns evident as , a bull.ngains the coinetj Qn6.fhe.'first respon scs is from "Emriianual xChurch , ir Loui > A-ille , Ky.ipa Bishop Smith' ! own diocese , \yhicir forsakes hii Episcopal care for that of his lute as sociatc , the now deposed Bishop. Tlie Soulhwesfern "University o tlie Baptist 'denorainatlon is located after considerable .rivalry betweer various places , lite bids were as follows : Murfre bore , $139,500 Jackson , $150,000 3 ? Chattanooga $100,000 ; McMirinville , $100,000 Jackson , Macusontfcountj' , Tenn. hnving bid theThjghest , secures the irlstitutiou. ea ? "NsA Pius IX. , though sjurpassing has notreache3"the76T age : Bonnace VIII. ( T&i to1303) ) ; Paul HI. (1534 ( tc . 70 toJ676) ) and liifijcenLXIIL (1691 ( t&1700V and Clement XH. (1730 ( to iT Ora ! from 90 to 92 i while Gregory IX. , nephew of Innocent ] JI. , livec1 tc the age of 100 , PtlGHTEDA.D.1874. "Two souls with but aslog'e thought , Two hearts that beat as one , " , , t * NKLTJE , fojui/ur. * Bless mj heart I You're come at last. . Awful glad to see yon , 'dear J Thought jouM died or something , Sell Such an age since you're been here 1 Mr engagement 1 Gracious ! Yes. _ humor's bit the mark this time. -And'the victim T Charter Gray. Know him , don't you 7 Well he's pri Suchinuitachlost Splendid style I ' Then Le's not M > horrid fast t Wall zes like a seraph , too , lias pome fortune best and hst , ' Love him ? Nonsense. Don't be "sol Pretty much as' love now goes ; Ole's < ? vote < l.and In tltce , - " I'll get used to him , I I'pcse. First love ! Humbug. Iwn't talk.stufl Bella Brown , doa'i be a fooL Kelt you'll rave cf flames and darts , Like a fchlt at bcardlng-schoU , Dan't be "mined , " I talked Jim so Some two years bock. Fact , my dear But two seasons kill romance , Leave one's views of life quite clear. Whr , if Will Latrobe had asked When he left , two years ago , " I'd bare thrown up all and gent 4 e Out to Kansas , doyou know ? Fancy me a settler's wife ? rBlest escap" dear , was ir not ? ' . Yes , it's hardlyjn my line To enact " .Lore in a Cot. " Well , you see , I had ray swing , Becb engaged to eight or ten , Got 1 ° * t ° P sometime , of cqurse , ho it don't much matter when. Auntie hates old maids , and ( bluki Eyerr girl should marry young v On thai tnemo my Thole liie long TtaveTicsard thachangos rungT r So , ma belle , what could 1 do ? Charier wante a stylish wife. We'll suit well enough , no fear , When we stttle down toe life. But for lore stufl I See my ring ! Lovely , ain't It 1r Solitaire. , . Nearly made JIauJe Hiuton turn "Goeen'Withenvy aua despair , ' ' - MVJJiile , about r IIow ibe trleJ for Charley , till I sailed In auy cut her out. Now she's taken Jack UcBrlde , I-Lelieve < , its all from pique JhrewiltnioTer once you know Bates me so she'll scarcely speak. Fa/won't' ' mind izpense at list , I'll be off his hands lor'good ; ' ' ' Coat a fortune two jcjrs past. My trouneaii shall out < lo ilaude'i , I' TO cor" luc * from pa , you \ np'jr JIeai > ' ( o"baYe"n > y dress ' , from Virth' ! Wop't she bejist'rari ( y Though 7 -Aiir yiUfcuis1 ' " , \UUSt. | MATRIMONIAUTIES. . -An old cynic says : "With ma tvomen , going to church is lit better thau looking into a boitu shop. " , , "Young , in years but an < jlppcr , " is a portion of the descr tipn of a runaway wife which v [ e'ft at an ' Indianapolis"static liouse. A juvenile wedding took , ph near Visalia , Cal. , the other di David Slinkard. aged 87 , led to 1 liter the blushing Mrs. Fram Griffith , aged 72. - She Detroit Free , Prcis profes ; to have discovered a young la who blushes , goes to bed , at ; nl ; jats heartily * , speaks plain Engll respects uer mother , doesut want marry a lord , aud knows how : ook. ook.Amirs' Amirs' . Olsen , of Salt Lake , mal i public declaration that in 1 opinion polygamy is as good for \ men as for men , and that shewoi like three husbands one to li ivith and love and the other two help support her. * It is not uncommon , in ; givl idvice ; to newly imarr'ed you ladies who marrypoorybung m < to allude to the fact'that-Eve mi ied a gardener ; but they don't s Anything about the gardner losi iis situation on account of tt nalch. Charles Reis , a German , elop rom Louisville , July 8 with his i narrled niece , leaving his wife a ihildren behindr He had previoi y sold outallhia effects , and leai jis family destitute. The pair i lupposed to have gone to St. Lou Air. Frank Leslie -was. marri , 'esterday , in Ifevr York , to M Florence Spuier , or , e of the mo Beautiful and accomplished ladies he metropolis , an authoress of ii < ind editress forseveraLyears of t Lady's Journal Mr. and M Leslie will spend the greater port ! > f the season in Saratoga , at A licslje's beautiful summer plai 'Interlaken,1' fiaralogian , liih. Simon Starges , of Allentown , P lied recently at the age of 79. 1 lad been married four times ; t vedtlhlgs have been , on his 401 6th , GOth'arid 70th birthdays. I astwife was dead , too , * and it1 ikely that .had . Mr. . Starges lly inotheryear he would have eel > rated his KOth .birthday jn the r iustomed style , because the loc > aper says that he was a methodic nan. The Knoxville , ( Tenn. ) Press ai Herald tells a pitiful story of an fropreacherfwho "imposed hlmsel ipon a respectable fanner's faini is u white man , and thus won C Lflection of thefamer's daught * Fust before they were to be marri he fact of his color leaked out , ai he match was abruptly broken o fbe would interesting to know ji tow much that negro preach acked of being a white man. - "Wood ford AridersonlLa colon iarber of Minneapolis , applied to'tl Jourfr of Common Pleas for a diver rom his-wife" Louisa , on thTfroui bat she had deserted him aud goi rliere The Jwicked.colored ; people j -to St. Paul. On Wednesday E ernoon , at 4 o'clock , Judge Your * led a decision with the1 Clerk hbVC'ourt , granting the divorce. ] bbufait hour Anderson appeared ; Ue clerk' . ( office and applied for cense to marry one Lizzie Wiek nd having procured it , he depart * a high glee. That was the quicke xauiple of getting. rldof , the'old at ssuming the new Iove7 oil recor iHe yas-eighteen-aad she swe xteen.j iHIsfather'WjisinexoraU > , tafier.raifljlngthe"vvlrid ! to the e : silt of $9) ) he , she , and her mothe 1th a mutual friend , boarded tl irs for tlie friendly gleus of Mi ' fare iot'tl ) uri. After paying \ - ind trip"andS2.50 to the parse ic twain , made one , landed I eavenworthtwith the large fortui T $1 in greenbacks. Repairng to doon , ice-cream and cake was s < [ > , reducing tlie cash to jtwo nicl s. Nothing daunted , two glass * T soda were called for , and tt bwly married couple started-1 : gin .life's wedded dream without > pper. This is enterprise , arid uder our congratulations to ti iir , wishing them a long an uppylife ' . . A letter from Careyville , Caraj ' ' dl county , Tenn.phows up th'e'it ' nioua deed of .a thrifty bu't-ur irupulous man in that locality. J lys : "Last Sunday , by Squii i arnack , , at Uils place , were ma ; edViri. . , Log8tbn and a Mrs. . Jh is. Both persons have lived undi irced consprt of whom they h v caried. , F6r some reason , possibl tonomy , Mr. Logston did not' gj ly for and receive a license. In th nial way , but. instead took one Uu id been issued to his _ brptht ' * eorge , in November , 1871' . , H ased George's and the lady une , inserted William and th laidcn name of the -woman to I Arrieci. aBdfChangetl the date ! ine , 1874r Atter betog tied-'ti > ther the couple left for- the rii iad , before a return was 'made. ( te license. George Logatorf ha jenJaalrieTjfvItb.'the same'Uce'm r'anuiauUibrz'e < lperson , and h turn was made to the. clerkwhic counts for its convenience forse < > d use. " ABORIGIKALITIES. _ \ ; j Sllver City , Nevada ) has a Pit bootblack./ * _ vv. . . _ fj The Indians in Washington T rltory seem to be-in trouble abc . .then w departures inTniiiari -large number -the-Jvootsa Indians , says the Belliffgliam" B jUftt/r haVe expressed ' a delire sever their tribal relations " , Jtfecoi useful citizens , and-settle" bn-hon steads. - - Mrs Janfcrth , wife pf.h . appointed Indian-'Agent at Sna river , Washington Territory , . ! been warned by the Chiet of t Utes that jf- she , accompanies 1 ' ' ' husband td'the ThQ Boise1 CCit Jt ; ( Idaho " ) Mat man of the 27th ult. , says" : "Twc ty-five bucks , one squaAV and thi hundred jwnies arrivediij to\yn.y terday from 'the UmatillaSR&erfi tlou , , Fort Hall ; frado with'-th'e rndJcrnVa that pk and "navUa"eoodltime generally SOn - On theey.ening of the 3d ins some three hundred Indians ( Ip\yi passed through Pawnee City , Ne on1 .their avay tp'ihc'.OtoS. Th camped on > Turkey cifeelcy near t celebration ; ground During * t night a party of Otoesvcam"aldo\ to esporttien } tq tlieht.TJllage. . , Alrte ; ! , Indian , Ur&l pf"liisfl frojbi jthe , marital inlitlelitrcsrtof i squawJtfied ; to eud iis troubles1 ; ' ' Conejes , last weekjj'bV bjqvi'i'ng t hjs , brainjpr } jyhatvas supposed .iFftlRS. He aimed , bady | , ho eyer , anol only grazed hi ? Ebalp a , J , . . . l' , hla s fises , and he ha.sVcohgUr e'l } ' .Jive awhile longer , .T"i.i f . There are a Idtofytes-wiHi Pi at their-head now lying 011 'the 01 er slde'of the Platte" beyond Vi Park. They are in sp ° cM . hi feather because 'they ' 'were' ' luc enough to fall foul of three1 Unfor nate Sioux near "Fremont's 'bjutt whose scalps they took'with' ' fucili being fifty to one or tbereaboi and they are going to hayu sci dance over it all. I' . Human nature , says the Aus Reveilleis thfc same , thewprld ov and an Indian.child takes , ns ini ; pleasure in a , doll as-dpes n wli one. ; .We were .ainiised this aft noon by observing a littjqlndj girl , , apparently 'about three jrcj old , who had found the her 'o china doll , probablv cast ; away some , white . .child , which..phe j fondling and ntivsing andTfalkiiig after , the manner , of ordinary 'd7 'mothers. Frequently > ve/eo / ori.i street little mites i of Indian igi with miniature basket ? , contaiiji rag papooses , on'iliQjc pqplu , whi 'answer thp same purpojjeio thi as the most expensive , and clab ately gotten up dolL-tlqes a v h child. . , TheTucson ( Arizona ) Citizen cb plains that someof the most vali ble lands \n\ \ \ the territory lire rcsci edor the Indians , and says : " 1 large areas covered by the'Chirii hui and White Moi-ntaln Indi raservations are even inow rctardi enterprise. Especially ds 'this ti of the White Mountain reservati wherein it covers the copper inii about "Clifton. It is expected Washington that Agent -Robe will recommend jth'a reduction the minorsJSo that t department can make it with t approval of all officers who are ii position to know that the India have no use for and hardly a kno'wledge of the imining" laii sought to be excluded. " At the depot yesterday , , eayf ; . t Sacramento Union , of July . 171 the , most observed of the passengi was , a Bannock Indian boy , abc three years of nge , who was bci taken , through by WellSj Farjgo Co.'s express , from som citation. the plains to San Francisco , for resident of the latter paoe. | . Hew a bright little chap , clad only it : oouple of shirtSj .extending o'hly trifl belo\v his kiiQcs. , . , His he and .teet were bare , his hair hat "righting cut , " " and. . altogether i had a cool , , free and easy appei ance , About is. eck were two the express cpmpimy'a parcel taj sho.wiug ifronx 'hencQ ccamJB , ai where he was going , and from cprd about his \vrfit hung1 , itsj pehded a buckskin' bog. contain a fevV' o'ojns , .niarbles , ctc'v , his"entl edrthly 'possessions , with the exec tibh of a string of colored , "beads. I seemed , f p take fo 'traveling kindl notiued every tjijng around him hi only 'exhibited . .fearvhen ; a lar niari. " . faring' a stov.epipe . hi stepped Aip a't the depot to intervic binf. He' was as ; active and Jmit ttyp.aa. a , moriUoy. Shortly befo ihe 'train r'eached the , city Jhej.o servedthe , , express aggntt polishii his , bopts. AVheit tlie latfcchi finished , .tbeiy < JUrig''rids'Kin ' , piclo ' ' ' tip tlie brush' , a'pp'liecl Illiberal qua tlty of blacking , to'his own , barefe ( and after polfehing . : for awhil grunted Uls disgust because h&cou not' effect a IMPIETIES. J'O,2 Lord , ! . ' prayed n Method ! minister , ' . ' .keep jne Jiumblear poor"O ! , Lord"if thbu IFEw uim humble , " said the deaconAvl next prayed , "We will keep hii goor. " ' "BaptistBeccher. rhe woman who didn't wanfc-bii in tlj"e/aces"fivieror ixumes wit ler'terrlble fist > \'hllofie _ was mal ng love to herweakcr , sister. rItheTUtlo1 > dy speaks ngaln . . H eceritly fcll"into 'a ' pond ofiwat jut'managed to crawl out before , tu iiifnnce , arrived. His mpftier. , : iyht .asked h"irn tp thank GoUvfi ils 'preseH-rtUon.tnud ; lie ansiwere houghtfuily-j/'Yes , I s'pose Do ifd save me , but , held ; on t hVgxyass , tooV"v l * " ' The editor of the YpsIIanti ( Mich , Sentinel preaches th'u tp the mlnli erst "n And' especial ijrdo Y'CiS.4 > il he : .pulpit , stppj lynjr , stopcfaisiO ng history , stop striving for eijs'f ion' at the lexpenfcftxilf trutn.sld colding us aridrX liuS' ' nt usrt tiefe b .ago jrthlit is regeneral -eleWtlng leianobling , iiiuliKur ying , lebjis. jiave iy rThe Rev.Mr. . Dandy Is .in grcss ribulatibn. JEIeCli pastor. of , th ' Ad treet Methodists , injrCliicago' , . an he. Board of TrusteeSTbf that churc lave'prcferred charges against liir -First1 , for lying ; .second for d.U hoii , sty ; third , for patronlzingx6ahcin chools ; fourth , for smoking tobac o ; . .fifthor running the KoTirdjii ] t * ilebt ; sixth , for vfmllcti chesi itid seventfi , forinenlciencjv If a h'ese charges colild be sustainejl j rou'lil' ' go hard , doubtless wit ! JnitHer 'Dandy. ' 'A Methodist parson called t Ireach at an outAf-therway town i : California , was'inf6rmedlJeIofe5eD ering the pnlpit'ibae he must b aref id , as .marijrbf Tthe lassemble © Bgregatipn vere "rough's ; " , an rauldnothesifate : to disturb him i ii9 xematks vdidA't . .stjitThehol < "J\rib'trcplj' ' , but -haviri' desk' he JooK-'frbin , ] b1 revolvers , and placin : lie. on each side pf tbe'Bible ' gave' harp glance .around ; the house an aid , "Let us pray. " A more 01 lerly service was never conducted DASKIKG. U.S.DE OSITOIl jCofiier awTfisCx * ' Strtt L r .w . _ . .V -L - < - Jr - -S t- l 85 ' ' ' CapitaLand.Prollts - § , A. J. IK SAWDERS" , . . , EXOS L.OWE " < i 'Kft < . , r < ni i . -d L : J. . -"in % . . fi : JXW. . . CQr..iarnljam. aud 13th Sts. , . : . -.Hv-rir- , ! . ' , ; . . . . / . . ? ? ro , ay I ' ' ' * *" aifyi i .ic \ EPtSlTS'A5 * 8Mj NE DO ! _ .vTclbno ? il r J - L "l .I 'A .ill Certificate : ! ; tff' .Deposit : miiE < wirotB"on. svipA'KTjoF : A.I JL posit after jrcmaluijig.n | this Bcnk th months , will draw interest froVu'of dep it fo payment. Tlifwholcror any parto'.a. gcsit cui ) 'igdigwn atjlati" t'oip. augSSi ! ' T- ! Tne . i-IJf CaldwellJ'"ftamiltori * & C ( ' transacted ; sanic as 11 : of an Inconi6rdted-.Uank ; > . . ' ' - Accounts kppt hi'.C rro3cyicr- ! subject , to Ssigutnclieuk'j without/ tice. -Mlwi1i-o * I : * Certificates oM > .cnpsii ijisiieu.pi ! able ou d'einan jj at .fixed dt bearing1 iutef st at ( Sut 'percent. \ auniini , iu all \m of the couutry. - .Advances ma le fo' castdnicrs ; ftTirpTed ) [ securities at iharket ral br'iiitercst. , Bnjaua sell1 Gold ; 'Bills of 'I ' clinngr , ( Jovcrnmeiih State. Coiihi ' ami Citr BondSi17 * ' TTc giva special attention 1o neg tiating Bnilraifd and otlicr Corj rate Loans'IssnCd' withiu' the Sla Draw Sight Di'afts ou Englai Ireland , ScoilaudamLall parts lluropc. ' . - ; . , jni . . ( . .t. i Sell Tickets. aultl' i , 's EZHA , . J , II. . MnJ.uVRI NATIONAL BAN ] _ : 'ii Juir m Cor.iDouglAs nijdT3ilrtcenth .Streets. i * ' # " ! -N'EVJlASlt ; t. ij t1 S . ' i- Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . _ . . _ . . .5200,000 Surplus and rroQtj. . .V. . . ' . . % _ 3U.OOO ANr lbESIONATKD ) DEPOSITOnY FI BANK : DEALS in Oovernluent lionds , Vouche > 'C. . n a J..T. Gold Com. , jif ' . ' . _ - . .f'liULLJONand. GOLDVUST. y _ ; _ * * _ . _ Arid sells ( iralts and 'inakcs'- ' collections * 6n i . 'i partsof Enrop'o. . , C5riraflsilV'avfn paydblo in sold or cum by en" UieBank'of Calif6rnia , Sin.l'rancisco.- J ' . . . , - TICKETS FOR' AUi.IO Atli 'PAR' ' .cf ; Europe via tlie Cunard , and t < atloi Steamship. Lilies , and the IlamburE-Ajner'c ' ' ' ' . 'l . , . ; S. BE ] JKeal Efetaie IN NEBRASKA. ' IfTOp n'rompIcS ' : ATjitractfo ? Title to all.R Eatnte In aud Douclas count v. Established ,1858. , Iu538i Si'd' TouriccaUi Street , j M.praah'a.lTebpistit Cartlag ' liand'onsiai < e to onler. " - * N. l'jrtlcolar aUim'tion/paia to ' - ? Cement OLD JSF.O M THE PiIBLTC THA' ' . flicyire. . noW"tcaily 1id3fui3ilshH-X ; fr < t UL CX , EME T-6f heVe y best quaiitj nd in any quahtityJcUhfirat the factoVyVirhlc i ISiat ® at i caWcc'pvcTS.fftr ' t the Pipe worl ' ' rt "Omaha1 ThcT alsaftr6 Trrparcd To'fu'rnls 11 kinds of Cy itfilf 3 > KlPISpIor SEWEUAQ t ) UAlyA"GE'ETC , - AL o manufacture , al itf&Foi canjiKEr WOUK A WE GU ABAN Iffi OOUCESIENlVrrt BEIFCJUtTXA J1 lYDUAULlC DEMEXaLMAXl/nXCIUiEJ NTHK . ' , , i ! e-onpESsi > i ) jr D&ALECS .VLXYSOHCtTEDJ * ; HYDIUULIU ! Slit 1O 1ODEALEB IN iHD ( OM Vl ljbiv MERCHANT. ' , , . t r.x . . . * " * . . trccl > < tbctw D III h and' 15th Carriage -and Wagon ' in the BLOB " . , . . 11 f - i w * fffff r\rj vV ! * t ' i * . JAll Uiii or4igat Imd tea'Tj1 ttt .tvfVtijl 4 k i. . ' . REPJUREDi ' 38 HASHET BTBEET , OKAHA D E WE Y IHAi/IO STONE .M .S > iO , LsZ Nos.-187,189 and 1Q1 F l1 STOCK SOLE WESTERN AGENCY FOR STEWAJIT'S COOKING and JBDBAXDS0 : THE "FEABLESS , ' < COOKING STOVES , ; . , & sr-Ji ; isB ii A. T : EME , : > . t CHARTER OAK COOKING- STOVES ' . * : - . / ' Allof TYWcli Will be Sold at Sariufacturers * Prices , With - ' > fox * NEBRASKA SH1BT MANDFASTOR1 159- ' . ' , /'i59 FARNHAM STf-i ' IHI PNHAM ST- > ; " NEBEASKA' , OMAHA,1"NEBEASKA' , SHIRTS 'AND GENTS'aFDRNlSHIN& ' GOlii ) . , ' &Q. , & ( ' . JSatisfation.guatrant8ed. ® t -1 C Shirts of all kinds made'to order. . ' " ' " , aprllyleod i f Fort Calhoun Mills. &G' , - Manufactured with Great Care from the Best Grain ; General Depot ; Ccr. 1-iih. c& Dodge Sts "mar9-ir. QjftA'ELA. ELABI CLARK. WHOLES A L E C A ND1 fi , - i I. f'B. I aiii now manufacturing all varieties , of candies . . . , arid will eell at . -utui E A. S T E K1ST I3 E. I O . OS S ' - - : ; i ' it : J ' ' " Dealers In this State need not want to go. East for CADDIES. * ' ' 1 trial issollcitea. .V \ Oox2tlx. . ' 'mchlltl ' w. B. PITCH , FELT AND And Manufacturer of Dry ana Saturated Hoofln and Sheaililns Felt. ' ' ' ALSOD'EALEBS'IN' . . y J ' , Hoofing , Pitcti , Coal , Tar , Etc. , Etc 'OFirfG'in any nut "of Nebraska or adjoining States ; Office orpoille the. Gas Works , co I2thi treet.- " Address P.'oBox,452. : ' , i 0. F. GOODMAN , i < mm n i. r. . a - r , ; , ; . . . . Jc - - * - - i ul l ! . J AndXicaler In " i OILS "AND wiNDriw5 GLASS , . - ' - 't j ' Omaha. Nebraska. - - " * ' - cr. 'lMPOETritl4Sl > 'JoiroEK.Qi ; .FOBWOK IID ; " - . . . " 1421 FABNHAMT " - fS.a4lEET , OMAHA n. .f ; . 'NEB. ' * 1' I ' . " ' ' Old KentncirlTiilsWes a Specialty.- . * . " ' . \ ' , t r ELDORADO VXSE 'juiyzijZ ' oiHftaar'fli' . .Alectt. . . , tt . " ; . ' ± 11 1 i * JAS. , M. M ITTIE , ' - WHOLESALE. DEALER IN t , Cla ried' Cider. I35anil JSO Farnamm Strei t. / - - tV BOOTS & SHOES . f - 510 th St. Between jFwuham and Do/8" 1r- : : TTHOUCSAI.K ASD SETOil. ! DRNITHREi BEDDING ; . ITC , 1 jj ' ; _ _ i i * I . T > " * / " t t.j ' of Farn- Office orer the SUte'Bimk , ' corner 281 15U1 > ? t f J ftM.4iPft JfatJ ' UUDEJRTAKER trios. i" " ' , jKwp conitantiyon'hind * * * , ' I.A QElSU ? IVF t. , t . * -t MAX'li/lSYflf / BROTHER , OMAHA , NEBRASKA 'j ' > * i r $ ? ' 1 * 'tl A CHEAP FAB.MSI SOMES On tHe Line oftii _ Union Pacific Railroad1 A LiTid. Grant of 12,000,000 Acreiof tb beat FABHI5Q ud MI3EBAL lands of Aaerlcs 1,000,000 ACUF * " IN NEBRASKA E [ THE GREAT WATTE YALLEI ' J THE QABDEH Ot THE "WEST HOW FOB SALE ' CBntrai'portlon of the United States , on tbo 4tst degree of Noith Lat These lands are In' the ' American Continent , anj for praia . " ' Temperate' Zone o ! the Itude. the" central 'line ol the great . { rowing and stock raising unsurpassed by any in the United States. U . acd aora ccnreideat to dtik t thai n 05EAPEB 15 PEIOEBnr fiToratle terns ? a. . - be found El/airnere. FIVE andTElT TEAES ! credit gifen with Interest at SIX PEE CENT * Credit. Laai * at tha na ' Tea Yean OOLOHlSTB.'and ACTUAL BETULEES can hny oa . ' trica to tU OBEDIT PUBOHABEB3. , r' / ' A Deduction' TEH PEB CENT. FOR CASH. . . . . - _ . BEEJI03iESTEADS FOE ACTUAL SETTLERS. C pjl L Q es * Locations for Colonies ! Soldiers ' Entitled to a Homestead cf 160 Acres. . to of ' Pamphletwith new maps , published In Endish , German , SwteJ 'Bend for new Hascrlptlve Pamphlet . " . * T * xW7"T-c - and Dua' ! j , uiaiiod free eierywhore. Land AJdresj Commissioner > U. 3F P. K. U. Co. Uniaha. Neb. A. B. HUBEltMANN & CO o a ? W TCHMAKERSjOF JEWELBY - S. E. Cor. 13th & Douglas Sts. WATCHES & CLOCKS. -JEWItKfrAND PLATED-WARE , AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. ' ' Dealers.Can t Save TIME and FREIGHT bj < - Ordering of Us. ENGRAYING DON13 TREE OF CILUIGE ! . ' " . i . ' , , . T J&-ALL 'UO'ODfc WARRANT j-J ) TO BE AS REPRESENTED.- ian31-tf v -8 ± ± rS. Cr-ABBOTT & CO. , " " ' 1L * . - > - . ' "i " " Booksellers ! [ OBALBRSIH 177 ALL PAPERS , DECORATZOSTS , Famliam Street. Omalia , Neb1 o ( j , PdWIshera' ; Agents tor School Books nsed in Nebraska. 1 GEO. A. HOAGLANB , Wholesale Lum , OFFICE AND YARD - * - ( i r , n < \ OF DOUGLAS AND6THSTS , , U. P , B , R , 7BACR , * 5 5rA * " * - - ; AWM. . M. FOSTER , Wholesale Lumber. WlNDOWSVffOORS , BLINDS/MOULDINGS , &C. . .Plaster * " * Eafis " , Hair , Dry and Tarred Felt. . . i. t. . . Sole Agents for Bear Creek Lime and Loulsrille Ccmeat ] X D SOLOMON , GLASS , Ai- . OIL AND HEAD-LIGHT OE ' - ' NEBRASKi ' WAH'A .K- . ' 4 FAIBLIE . & MONELL , ILANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS I * . Stationers , Engravers and Printers , 42TZ3 LCODCE SEALS. OdaiTeUows and Kniglits of TT HiT ± * ! F O K3UE S. " BOOKS , BLANKS , ETC. , - "JEWELS , PROPERTIES , " ' . - AND"EXPRESS.-a = T-.C A Cjnrrc'D-v PBICES'AND"EXPRESS.a troot. ARTHUR BUCKBEE. R , OEALEB IX , i , CeSef2fle3"'ChHrck Oromds aa Puljlic Park ? , 'Jr- ' - - - OMAH.