THE 0 n . < * < * rn OMAHAFRIDAYMORNING - . JULY 24 , 1874. NO. 30. THE DAILY BEE. KDWAKD KOSEWATEE , Editor nd Prop'i Office So. 138 Fanilinni street , toetw. KtoUx and Tenth. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : Oce copy , one year. In adrance - . 4.00 .00 alx month * , in ad ce - " three menths in adTance _ . _ 2.00 K3T11 not paid in adrance , 88 per annum \rill . rollrtcd. ] FBEDEBICK , \i \ LEADING H&TTEE ! Best Goods , Z.OWESTFBJCES FarnliaiiSt. ' OMAHA. OHABA BUSINESS CEAOKEE Smith. 185 Unrner ftrcef. fcct. McdureA . declbU QLAS3.AND PJOTUEE FR MKS T RrfnhM-C 186 Oou-l etrect , da > eJ.wlnJow gluss aud picture Itauisf. ( ' " 'n done to order. * " BOOTS AED SHOES. hilip Ung , 155 rarnhaui t. between . l CONFECTIOHIEY. . Ijtey , corner 12th nJ Dugl ijrecxa. mnuf cturer and whulowilc deiicr In cand'fsand confectionery. Country tr de : Jiccted. ' * . Plff COAL DEALERS. ' * Elliot , coal , lime , cemen i tlwlr.eic. , FUnd Farnham U J Jel.lSm3 12th aud U r- , . K leroiU3glstcprntr JA. . neysw PAWN BROKER. . l .17i I - | r EJpitter , NO.-200 FarnUam M LADHDEY. . LADHDEY.oil lllh nt. . * Vatnhan. rnd Dough * . T h" " ' ' 'ins aud Ing will be done to rrder. first clans work PAIHTBES. T ehrain i Rrard. bou-e and sign pamt'i' , U lOUi U bet. F.mham and Haruey. a2 tf PAOTOEY. Soap. WorVn. Powell A Co , still ' ir 1'fetnlusi Soap. Five firal preraluu.awarded l > y the 4.ougla county , la. and State lair. , and Pottawattamjo county Order * yoll-JU'dtrom thelraile. _ _ _ _ ATIOBHET3. r _ _ _ t t E , ESTABRO'JK."M - FRANCIS ESTABROOK& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE Creishton BU > c | , Opiaha. Neb "DEXTER L , THOMAS , Atloraej and' Counselor ftt Law. OPPICE BOOT Bo * Vl chr'i Blotfc NEB OMAHA - - - JOHN \V , LYTLE , AllorBeTat-Law and SoJlcUor IP ; , Eqallj. -OTer Tint Satlonal Btak , PAKKE GODWIN , Attorney at ( Qtmpbell'x Blick , ) M91-2 TH1ETEEKTH BTBEBT. OKAHA a26 liu _ . _ . C2O. V. O'BKIKN. A. BALDWIK BALDWIN tt , O'BRIEN , ATTOKNEYS LAW Office Ctldwell J51ock , Douglaa Ftxctt , NEBRASKA. OMAHA. - - - - JOHN c. co\yp , . Solioitoar COUNSELOR. OMAHA , > EUUASKA. T. W. T. KicnJirfls , Attorney- Law , OHIce 510 13th St. , bet. Farmham aad Douglas , Oamlitt , > "cb. - 0. Bor 80 UKUU O.I1.BALLO f.i > . B.GL.VSGOW. Ballon & Glasgow , ATTORNEYSATLAW , Office n CrclgliVon' } iew Uoct , aoutheait cor Ooor. OMAHA. NEB. bAVAGE & MANDERSON , Ill Attorneys at Law , 2 FAENHAM 8TEEAT. , Kebrarti CBAKLSf If. J. BTTRNHAM. ATTORNEI AND COUNSELLOR AT [ No. SCO F rnh m Street " OMA.HA - NEB. ) mrhSOH t JOHN E. KKL.I.KY. ' Attorney 1 Counselor at Law Office-Boom2 , Crelghton Block , ! . OKAHA. OCT. 15th tad 1'ooglM cts. i /COLLECTIONS SOLICITED AND PBOMPT- l ; IT attended to. .No ehsrge unless collec tion i areniide. Itourestolct and rents col- ectcd. KctlnUte bought and told. * pl"tl W , J. CONNELL , Attorney fGi' econd Jud. Iclal District OKHCS South tide of F 'rnh ra , between 1Mb P TClh iU. , orposlt * Court lloue. t J. S. SHROPSHISE , Attorney- - Law , - EoomNo 1,8. E. Corner lllh knfl DoagUs BU , O1IAHA NEBR. , - , - 2. t. SriV > . afO. K. rUTCHCTT ! ' SPAUN & PRITCHEYT , ri Attoracrs , iad CouBselon at Law. PSe. 50ft Twelti b' eet. /U . k fe .W. 1AMBBOSB , * r KEDICK'S OMAHA , has just discovered that she has a silver-plated postmaster. THE comet has given way to the dog-star. On for a hand organ to relieve our dry good's clerks from monet ony. GEOKQE FRANCIS proposes to take a trip to the other side of the world in order to get another bight at the comet's tail. WITH a three thousand pound fire alarm bell Omaha will be compara tively safe against over-slepping in case of a midnight fire. No wonder Yost was ready to fight Sperry's battles , as long as Sperry was willing to put money in his p'nrse by signing fraudulent pay rolls for him. AN assault upon the city editor of the Nashville .Banner , resulted in a rush for a thousand extras , and the publisher has issued an invitation to the man with the iron fist , to call again. Ma. PATTEKidan eminently prac tical philantropist. He has a happy faculty of regulating his memory according to circumstances. Just now he remembers very positively that he paid those 54,000 to General Strickland for professional services. This version differs slightly with the story formerly related by the noble' charity ditpenber but then we must .save Furay , you know. An indiscriminate slaughter in clothing and gents' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 206 Faruham street. Fine linen aud chevoit shirts ol our wu make at $2.00 and S2.50 each. Railroad Tlt.Zels bought and sold by Gottheimer , Broker , at 290 Faruham street. Unredeemed Hedges for Sale. may Hamlet Orum , m Ptb street bcUcen Jones and Leaven worth sts , OMAHA , - NEBRASKA. MOBT COMPLETE ASSORT V mcl o [ Jjulles' mdGent ' straw hats , trim med and untrimuied , 1'arasols. Piques , Mar- feillea. Nainsooks and all kinds of 1'ry Goods , Ladies' -\ndGenU 'Boots , etc. Sly line ot Cry koods 1' Complete. S"llg ! only tor CASH. I ajnaWeto ySnmSbi-li any other Dealer iu the City. Our PUJCEs are LOWER than erer heard ot before. wvli-in-Dl J. .MOOREHEAD , ZDIR/UGi-GKEST .AND PH&BMACIST , PiUer's Block , Bet California & Wetattr Bte. OMAHA , NEB. pjjiaiclans Prescriptions carefully e2GJUl1' OFFICE , Ho. 232 FARf/HAM ST. Bet. t3th & Uth SisOMAHA. . ' ' ' ' ' Inllieclly DR , A , S , BILLINGS , t t. . Bet. J3th and 14th , up itairi. Teeth extracted rlthont pain , bjuseof M- troua Uzlde iu. I. VAN CAMP M. D. IHapeniea hii own medclnet. and betides regular practice , make * specialities of Derange- meaU and Diseasn Peculiar to Women , Fistu la , PUr * and other Dlseanes of the Bectum. OFHCK : Corner Farnham and I4 h treet * , first door to the right , up > Utrr. ppjidenc , 210 Dougbs BtrfctbetuconJanJ ) l ih , next to Jjifhcrau Chuiph Omaha , feltAddms Lock Hoi SM. Jin § . J. E. VANDKKCOOK Eclectic Physicianf Residence and offir. 2.W Dodge st bet l tb nnd )5lb sts. Special attention paJJ to'ol > stetrlcj and dli- eisea peculiar to women and ruildr < < n. 'f9U. California FEITZ HAFJiEE , Prop'V. Ko. 17JDongJasgrfft | , cprn r Jth ) , KebrasLa. isoard Lj the Jay or week. luuel. vl 171 Cor. tarnhatn and ISlevenln SI * . AH kinds of TA1LOUISG , Cleaning and re pairing done at reasonable r U a. A Hue lot ot FURNIalllNO < ) UODS conmanUy on iand. and aold cheap. VTOU1JAKI > - Market Gardners ! K.NDS OF VF.OETABLES AND ALL . for aa'e. Orders cddrefted tu ua at our garden Cor. 21st and PaulSlrrets. sill rerrUeirnmf > t attention. aplSditm BPENCEB'S Fruit and Confection avy Cor. 18lb and L-Avenworlh" S'B. , ] j43m ATTnETfrttDGE. QUAILEY'S TT * P. Soap Factory ! Situated on the line * of the Union Pacific Railroad , upar the powder honvs. Manufac ture fiist-cbus soap for home runiuroptiou. \avttt-lr- \ _ P. N. GLYNN VWOI.K&U.E ASD nETAIL pEALEK IX Wines , Liquors , Segars , TOBAC 0 AND PIPES. ea-CulIfornU Wines and BrandIes.- Corner of IS * and Dodgfl streets opposite. the raw Post Office building. Omaha. Nebe | 2U COXTKACTSI 8IUDGK&TI The subscriber is prepared to do all kinds ol Bridcing , ( Ua'lway ' or Utebwaj ) . PJlaIrT | ing and Heary Framing of any description. ( Span bridges a iprclalt ) ) , will furnish material and complete the aame on the shortest possible notice. Plata and ipcclfcalloi.3 furnished. Ordin solicited. County Clerks and others . arlll confer a faror by sending notice of Icttinga W WILUAM 374 Paul Street , VERYLATEST. MIPNIG-HT. _ THE EAST , The Beecher-Tilton Scandal.- Mrs.Tilton's Statement. JX EW YOHK , July 23. The following is the statement o : Mrs. Elizabeth R. Til ton : „ To pick up anew the .sorrows ol the past ten years , which I had daily schooled myself rio-forget and for : give , stiugs and pains , and makes this an imperative -duty , as called forth by the malicious statement oi my husband , the saddest act of my life. Beside my thought of follow ing my Master contradicts this act , mypen and sense of perversionmy life'and ' faith * almost compels me to stand aside till'Goi himselfjdelivers - ml.Yet , I see in this -wanton act an urgent call and privilege from which I shrink not. To reply in detail to twenty-two articles of ar- raigumenf ; I shall not attempt at present ; yet if called upon to testify to each and every one of them , I shall not hesitate to do so. Suffice it for my purpose now , that I reply to one of the most glaring charge * . . Touching" the feigned sorrow of my husband concerning compulsory revelations , I solemnly avow that long before 'the "Woodhull publica tion , I know him , by insinuation and Uireqt statement , to have repea ted to"my very' near relatives and friends the substance of these accu sations which shock tbe moral sense of the entire commmiitythis day. .Many timei , when reading that certain -persons had -spoken ill of him , he has sent me to chide them for so doing , and * then- and there I learned that he had been before me , with his caiuumfes against myself - self , so that I was speechless. The re-iteration in his statement that he had.repeatedjy triven to hide these so-called facts. Is utterly false , aVhis hatred for Mr. Beecher has existed for many years , and his determina tion to ruin him ( Beecher ) has been the great aim of'his life. .Again , his perfidy' to the holiest love of his wife has been discovered in his pub lication ; < and it reaches almost to sacrilege ; and he has added to this endeavor the early scandal of Mrs. \Voodhull , to make my own words condemn me. He has no parallel. Most conspicuously is my letter quo ted , reading like Griffith Gaunt. Had Mr. Tilton read of the pure character of Qattjeriue , he would have seen that 'I lifted n y- self beside it as near as any human being could affect the ideal ; but it was her character , and not the-inci- dents of fiction surrounding it , to which I referred. ' Her's ' was no sin or criminal action , though like a confession with hers , I had made to Mr , TjftPJ1 j'1 ' telling my love to my friends ancj pastqr one year before , and I now add that nQtwib&tandr ( Ing all the misrepresentations and the anguish of soul , I owe to my ac quaintance and friendship with Mr. Beecher , as to no other human in strumentality , that encouragemznt of my mental life , and that growth toward Divine nature which enables me to work daily in the lively hope of life beyond the KKftvc , The shamqipss jjnarges { n artiploa seven , eight and 'nine 'are fearfully false in each and every particular. TJio one referred to in Tilton's tenth paragraph \fau obtained merely from iuiportuufty anil by lprpsan : tations that they were necessary for hjm to use in hh then difficulties with tyr. JJowen , J W3 then sick nigh unto death , liavjng spared a miscarriage only four days before , J signed whateveflio required "with out knowing or 'imderetandlng Its import. The paper I never have seen and don't know what state inpnju K poijtajne-J. In the charge Is a fetifiF to Jjtr. Hqutqn ) , qtiqtpd to prove that I never desired' separa tion or advised by Mrs ! Beeoher to leave my hus'band. ' I reply that thj * Jptter asL Mr.'rltoi | < 8 own coupppUoR.ojpduped r 0 to copy and ejgu jt as njy qwn apt , whiph in fcay weakness and'iriis- . taken thought to , .help I haye done too often du1fn * Uiese' unhappy years , , iujplloatjnB-th f harmony of home was tin 1 } token until Sfr , Beecher entered li as a frpquent guesancl friend , a lamentable satire upon the household where he himself , years beforpjjajd ) the cor ner itone of supji , JQSO , qml deso- prated its alter at the time of my departure so that the atmosphere was not only -godless , hut impure for my pJilIdOJlvftnqJUkl fk ? ffor and throe qf ngon.y I wouTd fijjn Jpft my daughters to the iuwiuuous and diabolical' teachings of these latter days. His frequent attempts , to prpye me insane , weafominded , jn- Blgnlilpant , and m.etl * > Jn tho-pres- , encp of a ] | , rank in the category of heartless , splfishness and falsehood , Iwvjnp } t3 Plini'nx Jn Ilia present en- deavore to ponvinpp tup world that I am and 'ever have been unable to distinguish between innocent and uujlty Jovp ) In 8umming" thp " whelp inalter , iafllrm"jn.yself before God to be Innocent of the crimes taid.unon me , and that I have never been puilty of adultry with Henry Ward Beecher in thought or deed , nor ha s he ever offered me indeco rous or-jjn proper proposals. ' " fo tbp'fRrther phargp"tjjat I was led -away- from my home by Mr , Beecher's friends , and by the advice * vice ot the lawyer whom Mr. Beecher had sent to me , and who , jn advance of njy appearing before fhc po'jpmjUe ; j arranged with me qupstjons { tut ] answers V'hipU ftrp. to ponstjtute my testimony , in Beecher's behalf , I answer that this again is untrue , for I never -saw the lawyer until introduced to him a few moments before the arrival of the committee , by r Y step-father , Judge Morse : In further reply , I sujrrpit the following'statpment of my.aetion before thp committee and ( he separation from my husbands The > publication ofTriton's tetter in answer to'iBaeoo , jhad not " home the' Goden | Age van d handed it to me to read , jjpon looking down Its polutnnsI 6awI w th blinding eyes , that he had put into execu tion the almost daily . .threat os his life , namely : that he lived. onlyto prush out Mr. Beecher ; that the God ofbattles Tvas with him ; that he had-alveays been Mr. Ueecher's BUperjor and'ftUthat laid in his- path vaq , his reputation and his childreii , but if need be , they should fall before this purpose. I did not rpad i pl saw enough without reifd- Jng ltfand my splrjt'rosp in me as * , Jib * " J ald , ' "tell me what ilsgfluotatjoo- Mr. % ' V ft , Two j'eais ago he came to me ai midnight , saying , "Elizabeth , al the letters and papers concerning my difficulties with Mr. Beechei and Mr. Bowen are burned and de stroyed , now , don't you betray me for I have nothing to defend myseli with. Did you believe that ? " said he. "I certainly did , inplicitly , " ] taid. "Well , let me tell you they all live ; not one is destroyed. " Jl this was said to intimidate me , it had quite the cojtrary effect. I had never been so fearless , nor seen so clearly hefore , with whonO was .dealing. Coming to mq a , little la'ter , he said : "I want you to read it ; you will find it a complefe vin dication of yourself. You have not stood before the community fpr five years as you now do. " Roused still further by the wickedness hid be hind so false a mask , I replied , "Theodore , understand me , this is the last time you will call me pub licly to walk through this filth ; my character needs no vindication at this late hour from you. There was 'a time , had you spoken out clearly , truthfuly'and | manfully for me , I would have been gratefulti but I shall riow speak and act for'myself ; also , that if in the future I see a scrap of paper referring to any hu man being , however remote , which it seems to me you might use or pervert for your 9\yn ends , I will destroy it. " ' 'This means battle on your part , then , " he said. "Just soI , replied. I write this because these words of mine ho has since used to my harm. The next morning I went to my brother and told him that I had decided to act in this matter ; that I had been treated by my husband as a nonenity from the beginning ; a plaything to be used or let alone at will ; that if " always seemed to me" ! was a party not a little concerned. I then showed Him a card r had written for publication. He respected my motive , but still advised complete .silence on my part. I yielded so far as to my appearing in the public prints , but counselling with myself and no other , it occurred to me that among the members of iny own communion , I might be heard , and not knowing any of the church committee , I asked the privilege of an interview In the parlors with those who had always been our mutual friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ovington then learned for the first time that the committee would meet that night , and advised mete see those' gentlemen , jas perhaps they were the best persons I could select. I accordingly did. There , alone , I pleaded my cause , and that of my husband and my children , the result being that their hearts were moved in sympathy for my family , "the feeling their pastor shared for years , and for which he is now suffering. On going home , I found my husband reading in bed. I told mm where I had been. I did not conceal any thing from him , as was his habit from me. , He asked who the gentlemen were. He said no more , and thei { dressed himself and.had.e . . mg , good. bye forever. At midnight the fol lowing night was awakened by my Jjusband standing } > y piv bedside. In a very tender and kind voice he said he wished to see me. I rose instantly , and followed him to his room , and , setting on the bedsidehe drew me onto his lap. He then said he was proud of me , he loved me so ; that nothing ever gave him such real peace and satisfaction as to hear me well spoken of at that meeting : that he had been mistali&n is to my niotVprispcjrig.fhe { } c'om- filttee , and to assure me that he had IJeen thoroughly wretched since his rash treatment . . . . . I.-- thp night . . . - treatment ' our _ - - _ _ - renewing - newing trust' in' tlijs onp human } } part J I11 ! loved , find Ijow h.anpy wp then were , The next ( lay Theodore wrote the statement to present to the com mittee when they should call upon him , and to all of which I heartily acceded. This document , God Jwpvrsi , Fft8Ti , ! | llMttFT ° ? thls auajr , completpjy vndlpatlng } my honor , and the honor of in'y pastor. In the afternoon he left me to show it to his friends. He returned home early in the evening , and.we ' . passed ihp ijqppVpst IjourB | h"'ii | known for years , ] \p \ assuring me tji t tbpre was no rest for him away from me. Oh , that the end had then cornel I would not then have received the , orupj blow "wniph lua.dp mp inao outrighh The -very next mornIng - " Ing ho cajled upon Mr. and "Sirs. ' Ovington , and while -there , w'ith shocking bravado , began a tjrad.o , addling , with oaths , shameful ' slanders against Mr.'Beeoher. Jn the afternoon of the next day he showed me his invitation from the commit tee Jo"meet thpm that evening. I'd. jfl lot bhow , njy Jmrt , but parried H jeavJly within , palrqly wlthowV all ilght and "till early'next morning. ) n , reflection this scene at 3 ( r , Ovlngton's convinced nje.'thRt , not- my hu&ban4's recent > rotesson | to me , his former spirit vas unchanged , and that his deojai ratjonsofropentfuipp flrfd affection. , VPFP qnly fur thp purpose of gaining my assistance to accomplish hs | ends in his warfarp upon Beeeher , In he light of these conclusion's ; my | uty appeared-pjain , I rose quietly , .ml having dressed , roused him , only to say , "Theodore , J will never ake another step by your side. i'lie end has indeed come. " He bllowcd me to Mrs. Qvington's to > reakfastr saying } ws ' u'afluy | ex cited and. that lie had'hpen misrep * resented perhapa , hut leaving nip ' as de'tcrmlned as" before. Howe o account for the change vhich twenty-four hours had > een capable of working hi his mind , then fixed for pjany years past , 1 leave for the eternities wit ) } hplr mysterjes to reveaj. T-bat he san , unreliable and unsafe guide , who'se'ideaTf truth-loving , it js my misfortune in this late sad hour to discover. [ Signed- ? YORK , July E3. * . Beecher8 health is still stated by lis friends" to be excellent , notwith- standing-the late severe shaking up which" he received at the hands of An im.sucpessfi4 n.afjp this afternoon tq interview Mrs/Tilton , at the house of , . % . Overtop In Brooklyn. Mrs. Tilton positively/declined to speak on the subject'of the tcandal. It was learned , however , tiiat Tjlton's pub lished Statement had no effect upon her ; in fact , she emphatically de nied its truthfulness. .Mrs. Tilton expressed indignation at hethus- ; baud's act In publishing- private letters to him. She ' | s now prepar-r ing a statement fo'f the committee , which will be ready in a day or two. The committee will use their own discretion as to making it public. * p It is understood that Ihe sepafia- -ilon agreed 'upon will not ba factory to MIS. Tilton , and s itumedlatelyapplyjor A divorce , TELE6RAPIIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Bpedillj Eeported for tits Omaha Dally Bee br the Atlantic and Pacific TeleeraVh Co , NEW The Public is Indebted. ; to the Faithlessness of a Reporter for the Publication of / Tiljon's Statenient. Tilton isjndignant but it Can'1 . „ , be XEW YOKK , July 23. Wall street markets were de pressed yesterday , and small tran sactions in stocks , which continued weak throughout. BROOKLYN , July 23. It will be several -weeks before the Beecher's'mvesUgation commit tee will be able to report , os Tilton's statement has rendered it necessary to call a large number of witnesses. MEADVI LE , Pa. , July 23. Some time after midnigh last night , all the prisoners , four in number , confined in jail in this city escaped. They removedj a stone in the wall , and by twisting ropes out of blankets descended to the ground and escaped. No clue to them has been found as yet. It is believed that they had help from the outside. BOSTON , July 23. Jesao Pomeroy , the boy murderer , has made another confession. He admits that he murdered little JETorace Mullen , whose body was found at Dorchester Marsh two mouths ago. Ho cut his throat and stabbed him in his bowels and chest , afterwards mutilating the body frightfully. Further convictions as to the' fate of his other victims maybe bo expected. YOKK , July 23. THe prosecution in the case of E. K. Winship , defaulting salary bro ker , closed this morning. The ref eree announced that he wanted to reserve h'is decision until Tuesday next. , , / A new pound has , been ordered for the slaughter pf dogs , and the 18th ward market. will be taken for the purpose. Dogs are to be drown ed instead of asphyxed ; nearly two thousand dogs have already been klllpd. N , July 23. Two hundred anjl fifty-four tjiou- sand d.dllars Jn national currency notes wercrecejvel at the treasury to-day for redenjplionr Quite s\ \ number of bids hgvp b.'een rpcejved ' ' for the new' iiv'e per pent bonds. They will be opened at noon to-day , but no announcement will be made in regard to the matter until Secre tary Biistow has consulted with the president. For this purpose he leaves Washington for Long Branch to-night , taking the bids that have been made with him. YOKK , July 23. The Golden gerformerly Tilton's paper , no.w'ownccf and'edited by W. T. Clark , "in f Is issue to-day lias an editorial on Tilton's' late statement It sympathizes with Tijton hnrt ' ' ' ' praises'hls'raaffiiRnfin'Jty'In beefing the burden ot Wroiig so long. It says It is'an swful sorrow tliat covers ' ' " ers ' thp } an.fl t'y y. Qnp Qr tftg most popular , test Joved preftoner in America fr stricken down wltji wlmt u a thouajr ] tmea woreo than t e dagger's stroke or disease ; if he survives it will be as the shivered and blasted oak , its every Jjmft revealing the effects of lightning.h&i' answer he can make to'this simple , consistent and apparently truthful statementback ed by convincing evidence , it is in > possjhl9 to conjecturehut no Answer hp c n possihlf make will lift him to thp ped&stal ho h'as fallen from. The sorrow of the community Hs to.o deep for ponden natiou ; \ $ tha pity be as w-pfoim and , unutterable as tbopaht. Tlie statement clears the alrjQJ".smoke , and must , alter pub lic estimate of qn injdred and tra duced man. The delicacy of reti- cpnce , thp nohity | } of his forbear- flrjpp , t\nVlU3 \ ( generosity towards one whom he darried ln'his arms till she broke out of theni uid leaped into anothei's , will touclTevery [ s.oul thajt can appreciate such qualities. MARKETS BY - TELEGRAPH. t n ' New York Money Market. NEW YORJC July 23 , Money 33nsy nt23 per cent. Exchange Pull but lirm 4874 © 490 , Gold Firmer ; advanced to 1 10 ; now selling at 1 00 J. It ia eaid SCO- 000,000 of the new loan will be bid tor by foreign bankers. Government sold one million of gold to-day at . 1 _ . ' "Governments - 5irm but quiet ; 10-403 , registered , 1 12. ' % * * Stopks Jilprcflqtfy ajid flrnier ; L S advanced from W'fo'T2i ! "NY U f2 | Eqe 81 } ; VP / 20PM 44 J. New York Produce Market. .NswYonir , July'23. Ereadstuffs quigt Flour palj ; supprfino State and Western fSEm SK ) extra 5 70@5 85. Wheat Quiet j No I spring33a © 1 35 ; No 2 Chicago 1 28@1 29 ; No 2 Milwaukee spring 1 31@1 32. Corn Firm ; Western mixed , Oata = r-Flrm ; Western mixed afloat , 04jar , . Bye 1 09 for State and Pennsyl vania. Provisions Quiet Pork New jpess , J2 QQ21 25. liqrrf Hteam renaered , 12al2 | } j Jvettje rpncjered , 12J skedj prime city , 12J askocl. . . Jron andr Wool ' Quiet. Chicago Prouuce Market. CiiioAao , July 23. Flour Pull ; shippers offer 5 00 for'good shipping- extras ; superflned wanted at 3 00a4 75. WheatJhsettIe3j July 1 03 August "b'Ofl. Corn Steady ; cash. 04 | ; August , 62J ; September. 621. * Oatsf Irnv cash , 56 ; July , , 52 ; Augnst 3SjJBejpte ; ber , 34J , - BarleyQulet ; 'September 1 02. Higbwjnes 95. „ Pork Firmj-August , 20 88a20 90 ; Sept 23.00" ' CABLESRAMg. Horejroopsto be Sept to Cuba. Carlist'Atrocities. They Shoot Every Tenth Prisoner ' , ; ' Taken. Republican Victory atSalvanca. They Release 700 Prison ers Held by tlioCarlistsl - President McMahon Speaks His Mind Pretty Plainly on French Affairs. MADIUD , July 23. Senor Martilla has been appoin ted Spanish minister at Waiihiug- iton. Julyi23. At the JLqrd Mayor's banquet , Deisrali , in reply to a toast , said.he would endeavor to redress thegrievj- ' ances of the people , and improve' their condition1. BEKLIN , July 23. Provincial correspondence of the semi-official organ congratulates King Louis on the establishment of most cordial relations bet\\ ecu Ba varia and other States of the Ger man pmpiro. UJ MADRID , July 23. Dispatches received by govern ment , state that one hundred Repub lican troops .held as prisoners by the Carlists at Olat 'have been shot by orcler of the * Carlist commander. The appointment of Senor Mantel- la as Spanish minister to the United States is announced. July 23. , The ' Lord Mayor's banquet was Riven last night to a large and dis tinguished assemblage of guests. M. Disraeli replied to the toast of the evening , and in the course of his remarks hu f-aid it had always been his endeavor to 'redress grievances and improve the condition of pee ple. i „ HAVAXA , July 23. Consignees of the" different steam ship lines have received communi cation from tlje postal authorities n.otfyiug { thppi that in the future- letters for foreign parts must pass through the central postoffice and not be received as heretofore at thp counting-rooms of coi'sign DCS. Manuel Caloo telegraphs from Spain that troops will be sent to Cuba to fill up her original quota , MADRID , July 25. Gen. Pen has defeated a detach ment of Alphon&o's army at Salvan- cle , in the province of Cauenca , de livering 700 taken by the Carlists at Cauica and capturing eight officers ' of Alphonso's stall' with a 'consider able quantity of arms and bflggaife. The Carlist losa in filled , wounded and prisoners was heavy. The gov ernment has ordered contributions to be levied on partisans of Don Carlos. The property of Carl ist rj& , ideuts in Cauenca has hen sfpze'l to indemnify ti\o \ relativ iinans UUleUuuring . ) , July S3. Sena ? Castelar dejiveiod a speech 1 yesterday , in which he declared the programme of hi * 1)arty demanded the esbJ 13iment of a conservative republic. Extreme Republican theories , only divided them from the Libera who , were thph' best allies. bpnor Sanz has been appointed Minister of Spain , to the Mexican Republic. The Carlistg Miot every tenth man of the volunteer battalions , wh.o were captured at Cuanica. General Bohiquds is in command of the Republican army at Catalo nia. nia.General General Sploca will soon tafce the fiejd.'in Central Spain , with 14,000 men and thirty guns. J.OXDON , July 23. At the Lord Mayor's banquet Mr. D'Jsraell , Iinuiswering to the toast to therniinUtry , * ald that no one was able to view the state of Europe without alarm ' Everyone must de plore the anarchal , condition of some favored countries , and friends of peace wore never juorc sought for by the leadingjqwers of Europe and America. England would use her influence fqr peace. Mr. D'Israoli repudiated the principles that that country was not responsible in the many qujjs ons Avhich might arise Abroad , afjectjng the fortunes of the world. Desbeh'eved that the influ ence of Uu land migfii now be most effectively excerciseuVthatshe raiglit assist distracted countries withsympathy and counsel , and resume - sumo a position worthy her fopuer prestige. > PAIUS , July 23 , President McMahon , iu response to a deputation of members oJT the Assembly who waited upon linn , said ho was not summoned toixhVer in order to restore a monarchy or empire. His acts prpved that he would not participate in such enter prises. The law which treated the septennate still less imposed upon him theJasXpLeonstitujng ft ( J0fl- ntp } jppuhliq. Peirier's hill offered liim "nothing , but hy isolating him from the con servatives , by vhose aid lie wished the government would deprivexhlra of much , consequently the ministers-would declare in his namd that he rejected the'project. In conolu&fon he expressed the opinion "that the proclamation of the Republic might 'disturb order. It is now understood that the go"v- ernment will demand of the As sembly the adoption1 ofthe laws re- ' ferredlo by the'Presldent , vice the constitutional bill drafrn up by the committee of thirty , together with the additional measures passed , asS resented by the Minlsterof Ihe Jn- S srlor to that committee on thettOtb. hist. The Loft have .agreed tha't if M. Peirer's bill is rejected they will introduce a motion to the following : effect ; That the Assembly , regard ing the present state , of- Parts un- avoldab'lej and that the1 constitution of the government bedissolvedonthe ' 23th of August , and that the gen eral election1 'for members of the Assembly be-held on the Gth of September , and that the new sembly meet on .tBfe ' 28th of temher. It , is believed that motion ajrea'dy has mq support of , 300 deputies. Te33onanarUsts are meditating whether , to 'vo'te , for.4tor , nqt , , i . . i M. HELLM m j. RQ , - ANDJDEALCnS IK OOOZDS , 221 and 223 FARNHAM STREET , COS. 13TH ST ; © TJR STOCK FOR THE SKR/IlSTGr Is Complete now ; Our Assortment in Clothing i Gents9 FumieMng Goods Comprises th.e Latest ITovelties. THE LATEST STALES 1ST KATS A2TD CAPS. We Hare also a Full Line in BOY'S and „ YOUTH'S Clothing. WE WILL SELL OURG-OODS LOWER THAN EVER. M. HELLMAN & CO. A T. . . , 1873. as Street , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOOD ; AND \BITS' An Immense Stock of Fresli New G-oods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city , consisting of IERIIOS , EMPRESS CLOTHS , RSPILLAIfS , ALPACAS & MOHAIRS , also VELIHET & BEATER CLOA3ONGS. A FULL STOCK OF SfclAWLS , BLANKETS , FLANNELS , MERINO L.NDERWEAR AND WORSTED GOODS , TABLE LIXEX IX GREAT VARIETY. A FULL LIXE OP ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS , OIL CLOTES- MATTING RUfiS , AND MATS , Srvr aTSiXS S pertaining to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade ; has largely increased his stock and now ho ° a complete assqjtment of FINE , -MEDIUM and LOW -HT goods which he is , pffering at such REDUCED _ . _ as. to make it to the interest of everyone desiring anything in this -line , to es iine his stock before pnrchas- IV > i - LOUNGES &c.IJPHOLSTEBEDAND COVERED TO OBBEikivBRios > . Stx-oot. IIAVIKC ; ItOUGHT THK BANKRUPT STOCK Of the Popular Dry Goods Store , 223 Farnliam Street , I hereby wish to inform tlie public of Onali.i and \icintty that I shall continue the business and otTer t all times G-REAT INDUCEMENTS In all kinds of STAPLE AND 1'AXCY DRY GOODS ! I have adopted the Strictly Cash and One Price Principle , which I hope will meet with "thp 8pprc\dl of the public us my prices shall lie aiwa\s THE VERY LOWEST. A liberal patronage solicited. Respectfully , JOHN H. F , LEHMANN , 228 rarnliam fctrtet. Omaha , Kch. , Julr 21st , 137J. jy23 liu FBANK J. . . AM. DEAIAT. IN GENTLEMEN'S ' FURNISHING JGOODS , ! . All "Work Warronlcd. 18th , 1Q74I FUOM THIS DATE WE WILL SELL MI ERY ! At Greatly Reduced Prices ! MBS. C , F , HICKMAN , elSlm AGRiCULTUML IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. and 2Sarasy Streets , Spring and Summer Styles , A. POLACK , O L O T H IE 238 Farnkam St. ITear Fine and Medium Clothing , re"/ / ' . . . ' . , ' and Furnishing Goods * TIHIEl CIKIE.A.IFIEJSI ? , r t u * ) f , * . ) < .V , J , "f J v li , , t V Y > i - i" > C . .T