THE OMAHA BES THURSDAY , JTJTJY 23 , IST OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY , THE OMAHA DAIO BEE , addreoe mtacriberatttnefollowinsraUa , rltbly In advance : . . THK OMAHA. DMLT BKI haa by far tj , and i tABGEBT drcnlaUon in the city bereforc , tin be t nd cheapest tdverUili ABTHtnsrjia. Local notlret , ' or : advertisements , T s line toe ; fcjthe local month , 10 cents. > SrerSemeat Inserted tor lew J f ° I Bpedal noticea,10cenuperlii > e ; slngleinae Uon , not lea than 23 ceata. Invariably 1 , Tanalent abtrtl emfsnU must " tei tor rtaadSg ndiertijemcnU by pcd eCluligal Xotlcci , Statement. , Tabal Work,7ST eqtilring careful revision bjcop Sprool too. furnished , must be handed before ten o'clock i. x. to insurs insertion t ciaTand Local advertisement , before ti . . adrertaemenu tor th WKKKLT Bj auit be handed In before Monday noon , for t tuna week' " larui. 1BU1YAL AJ(1 ( > DEPABlOliE t TBAIKS. rim * Cd of tb BarllnRton Ron ATOMAIIA. Sunday .excepted. 'Monday , except line running Pullman Hoi T6i If the only Union Pacific. . . ABSI if UtUy Frelfiht _ . . 6:45 : A. li. 3.30 A. Chlc co , Boclc . . S30A.M. 10:40 P , 2AO P. M. nooo A , M.tMondaye excepi CUlCBeo & NortU-westira. _ 6aCA.lL. nO:401' , JBxpreSi.- * * * ' ' * * * * r. St. Jo. & Council lilt JUllErprcM . P.I5A.SL 2:1M' Daily ercspt Sundaye. Omnlbtuef and R gace W Ron leave Farnham and Ninth street * , ffice , corner eeamiunt 8 in advance of the above Halii jne. and Closing of Malls Omaha. KOKTS. O.4S. VT.B.K- . . 2:60 7:15 : Chca 0 wa all Eastern cltlos , Nebn City , PlatUxcuth , Council Blun and Burl ton , due at 10 JO m.clusca at 4i30 a. m. I p Dl. Bt. LouU and EL Joseph , duo at 10:00 & tnd 7 p. m. ; close , at 1 : 5 ji. m. and 4:30 : a Office open Sunday. Irom 121o 1 p. m. C. K. YOST. I'ostmatU TOADTKKTISKBS lA'rlOM of the DAILT BKK In m tbaa doBble tJmt of aBy otlicr di pBp rpat > Kcbraaka. Peycke'i Restaurant and Oji room * . The leading house of kind. 207 , Famham street , betw Twelfth and Thirteenth. Jeb24i OMAHA BREVITIES. All quiet at the police court. Town talk the Beecher/KJl , scandal. Sixteen cars of tea came from the vest yesterday. Box No. 6 has been moi from the corner of Ninth and ] clfie streets , to the west end of : Union Pacific depot Citizens that vicinity will please take noti A pet squirrel got away at i Trivoli Garden yesterday , 1 was recaptured after a lively ch : up several trees and two or th houses. Paul Nelson , llx-ing on Mary's avenue , died Tuesday , a was buried yesterday. He \ an old settler , having lived here years. Clemmie Chase , tl'o bright of a happy and dignified fath His Honor , the Mayor , admiral fills the office Of page at the sessic of the City Council. Master Ed Taylor hud his rig hand badly jammed yesterday , being caught in the gearing of planing machine. He will probal loose one of his fingers. Beacon ixnlge No. 20 , 1. O. P. , gave an ice-cream social at Meyer's Hall Ir t evenii Among the other attractions of t occasion were cinging by t Arion Quartette Club and othe and dancing. On Monday night some thi stole about $200 worth of arn clothing boots , sboes , pantaloot shirts , blarkets , &c. , at the bs racks. As yet no clue has been o taincd to either the missing pier or tlfe tlu'ef. A very handsome Pullnu sleeping car , the "Galesburg , " can in Tuesday' from , the East , over tl favorite route , the Chicago , Burlini tonQnincy , over which road -will hereafter run regularly. 11 many citizens who had the pleasu of viewing it , among whom we ; several .prominent railroad mei pronounce it the most magnl leent car that. . they ever saw. : is & very .large car , being sixty-nii feet and three and one-half inchi longf'and. ten feet and six inchi inside ; the inside width is nine fa and four inches ; the berths ai three and one-half feet wide , an the aisle is two feet and nine inchi wide. It has sixteen wheels , foi lochcrs , fourteen sections , one stai room , one ladies dressing room , an one gents' do. In every respe < this beautiful "palace on wheels" ; most elegantly and luxuriously fu ; nished , and runs very smooth ! over the solid and well-laid track < the Greal Burlington Route. To-day is the last day o : iervice for the August term of thf Probate Court. _ , The managers of the Douglai bounty Bible Society will hold : meeting this afternoon at the Pres b > terian church to decide upoi putting some bibles where they wilde do the most good. They will quit likely supply the cars of the Unloi Pacific with them , and Jt is sug gested that they include the officei and employes of the road among th recipients , many of whom , we wi wager , have not brushed the dus off the good book for m-my a mont past During thepastyearan immenf ditching plow has been in procei of construction at the TJnion Pacif shops. It was completed sorx time ago , and a trial was made wil it yesterdaj- . The Jplow is bui on a flat car , constructed express : for it , and is intended solely f ditching along the road. At tl rial this .morning it worked satl factorily to the parties witnessii ts operation , among whom w Mr. S. H. H. Clark , General Bupc ntendent of whose fertile bra the plan of the plow is an 01 growth. As the steam shovel h revolutionized a certain branch railroad construction , so may i look to see the matter of diggi the countless miles of ditchi along the railroads , by manual \ bor , superseded by this original a ingenious invention. Personal. Gen. John M. Thayer is registei at the Grand Central. M. W. Benschoter , a promini citizen and one of the founders Loup City , is at the Wyoming. Max Strechlow , correspondent the Pcoria Democrat , was in i citj' over'night. Geo. Christ , of the United Stn Mall Service , is at the Grand C tral. Surveyor. General Cunninglif of Plattsmouth , is registered at Grand Central. William Irving , of Plattsraou freight agent of the B. & M. in 1 braska , is at the Grand Central. The Yokes family will arrive h to-day from Chicago , over Chicago , Burlington and Quli railroad , en route to San Francis C. S. Blackman , representing extensive wholesale French f eery house , is stopping at the Me politan. Dr. Jensen and wife loft for Louis yesterdpy. Mrs. Jen will pursue her journey alone Canada , from that city , to v friends. General Superintendent S. H. Clark , and General Freight Ag Vining , of the Union Pacific , A leave for San Francisco to-d Tennie C. Claflin and Vict < Woodhull went East Tuesd hastening on to New York to t a hand in that Beecher-Tilton sc dal. Tennie had expected to m James F. Joy , President of Michigan Central , in this city , J upon learning .by inquiry at depot that ho had left Omaha Sunday last , she expressed her i appointment by remarking , "I surprised that Mr. Joy should hi gone , knowing as he did , tha would be hero to-day. " The following are the arrivals the Wyoming : Louis P Monk , and family , K York ; E DeHavens , Sioux City Anderson , James Wilson , Chica A J Tjclle , L Vod , Henry Surp ant , New Orleans ; T J Koot , Ge Camera , Chas E Deyo and w Chicago ; ESFawcett and fam : Mrs E Gifiord , Philadelphia ; C Tucker , Iowa ; H J Ranall , Lake City ; E M Collins , Fremo M M McKay , MrsEnsalen and fa ily , Mike Kramer and family , K : sas City ; F W Grenell , Ft Calhoi J S Hankcnberry , Kansas City A Gillett , Cedar Bapids ; Jos < Lane , Detroit ; Fred Koper , Cn J H Ackley , D C Brown , Sic City ; Robert M Welch , Jr , Soi Carolina ; John H Roe , James Ke < Grand Island ; J F Reynolds a wife , Fremont ; T M Duncan , Ja sonville , 111 ; Charles M Burw Chicago. Indian Kewi. The following dispatch was ceivcd at Government headquart in this city yesterday : CAMP STAMBUGH , July 17 Assistant Adjutant GcncralDcpa ment of Italic , Omaha : I have just returned from a sc < on the Cottonwood , Big and Lit RaponKe. , and Big and Little Wi rivers , and found no signs of ] dians. Captain Bote's second en airy has just returned Irom a scoi and reports that lie struck the tr of a small party on Powder divii going south ; followed trail about miles south of the three crossin on Sweohvater. Met the party ] : urning ; killed one Indian aud cii turpd seven head of horses. Wi exception of this small band the are no hostile Indians in the D trict. D. S. GORDON , Cap. 2d Cav. Comd'g Dist. Tolly Customer * . As I intend going east within t or three weeks , for the purpose purchasing a large stock of goo or the fall trade , I hope those of n customers who are indebted to i will call and settle by the first the .month , so that I can have tl pleasure of paying cash 'for n goo < ls , thus affording me an oppc tunity to purchase cheaper for the ben jflt. 1 ti FRANK J. RAMQ K. TiiE trade is hereby notified th ; a gr eat reduction is made in tl pric 3 of Culboun flour on account decl ine in price of wheat , CLARK , PARSONS & Co. f 21st , 1874. .St Tj.dian Curiosities jit No. i : Fan ihamstreet , corner llth .stree mJay 7-tf. .CITY. COUNCIL The City Council met in th new Council Chamber Tuesda ; evening , in Pattee's Opera House and an elegant room it is. A communication was reai from the Mayor , in which he report that he has executed a contract wit John Peterson to grade Saundei street the sureties the same s named in the , bid. An opinion of City Attome Thurston was read on the questio of the right of the city to grade street seventy-two feet instead < one hundred. He thinks that street cannot be said to be brougl to grade unless it is gmded the ei tire width. Unless it is so grade that property on the street cann < be made to pay a portion of the e : penses. penses.Rules for the government < Hanscom.Park were referred to tl committee , Messrs. Marsh , Luci and President Gibson. The report of appraisers appoint to estimate damages to property c Bt Mary's avenuewas read. Itcoi siders the benefits accruing to pi perty , and annexes to most lots 'i damage. " Mr. B. E. B. Kenned is allowed $350 , and the tot amount of damage to all owners estimated at $950. A vote was taki on a motion of Mr. Lucas , to pos pone for one week , and the motii was lost by 4 to 7. Those voting 1 it were Messrs. Campbell , Luci Steplienson , and A. A. Gibson. T motion to confirm the awards w carried by a vote of 7 to 4. The following resolution ! Mr. Swobe , was adopted , by a v < of 5 to 4 : Resolved , by the , CI Council , that the Mayor be and hereby authorized to borrow frc the sinking fund , the sum of ni hundred and fifty dollars , and tl he is hereby authorized to imn diately pay the same to the propei owners on St Mary's avenue , whom damages have been award as approved op thjs date. And 11 the city treasurer be authorized loan the said sum , the same to replaced and provided for in I next appropriation. A letter was read from.the cl engineer of the St. Louis wa workswhoin answer to an inqui says he cannot tell what it woi be worth to prepare an estimate the cost of water works for this ci but } je will visit Omaha if the coi cil will pay ] s expenses. I Marsh moved that he'be invited visit this city , as this man has hi died the same water that we p pose to lisp , The motion was t ried. Certain citizens of the Sect Ward , residing on Twelfth , Tl teenth , Fourteenth aud Fifteei streets , south of Howard , ask tht cistern be constructed on the COD of Fifteenth anrl Leavenwo streets. Referred so the commit onflre. _ Chief Engineer GalL'gan , of Fire Department , nsts permiss teplftpp box 6 on the western < of the new U , P , flppot. Refer to the committee on fire , with p < er to act. A petition was received in fa of extending Pierce street from g teenth street to Ruth's additi Referred to City Engineer with struotions to prepare a plat for natures of property holders. The following resolution by 3 Marsh was introduced : Jtesoh That the Street Commissioner instructed to lay a twelve-ii cement dram pipe across Saund and Eighteenth streets , at si point on each .street as is necess to give proper drainage. Refer to committee on streets and grat with power to act. The following resolution Mr. Stephenson was adopted : - solved , That the thanks of t Council be tendered to James Pattee , Esq. , forthepleasantchf ful , and commodious room he 1 prepared for the meetings of t body. A communication was receii from the Union Pacific band ofl ing to give a sacred concert In Ha com Park next Sunday , If transp tation be furnished. A motion Mr. Swobe , that the senior meml from the First furnish transportat free of cost , was carried. The following resolution by Brown was adopted : Jtcsolv That the Mayor is hereby auth ized to appoint three commission to appraise the damage , if any , the owners of property on Doc street , that may be caused by 1 change of grade on said street , fr < the west side of Twenty-secc street to the east side of Fourteei street , and that the Mayor make 1 appointments this evening , 1 Mayor appointed as such apprals W. R. Bartlett , M. G. McKoon , a J. J. Sutphen. By President J. S. Gibson J solved , By the City Council that I city engineer be directed to sur\ the extension of 20th street fn the northeast corner of the tr. known aud designated as Ellen H ford's heirs' tract , so as to conm with.20th street at the starting po first above mentionedand also atl crossingof St. Mary's avenue and be of equal width at each of said ; tersections with 20th street so cc nected. Adopted. A resolution that no pai holding picnics or cntertainnici in the park shall bu allowed charge an entrance fee to the pai was referred to special commit ! on rules of park. -r A communication was re from J. F. Sheeleyand E. B Will committee of fire department , in ing the Council to purchase large fire alarm bell. After co siderable discussion the report w adopted , and the purchase of t bell ordered by a unanimous vo The bell is to weigh 3,000 pouu and to cost $1,177. The public printing for thene year was awarded to the DAIJ BEE , as the lowest bidder. Further time was granted t ; committee for the examination ex-Police Judge Dudley's accoui An ordinance to abolish , tl office of Captain of Police was i troduced by Mr. Lucas , and re : twice. twice.Mr. Mr. Lucas offered a resolutic to advertise for bids for placit stone curbing on both sides of Far lam and Douglas streets. Refem to the committee on grades. Mr. Swobe moved to appoii special policemen to serve witho extra pay in Hanscom Park. Ca ried. A. Bonnerson was awarded tl contract for hay at $7.60 per ton. rJolin Haley wa& appoint ! special policeman at the Park , at confirmed. The Council-adjourned for 01 week. . , Cleaning and repaifii done in the neatest manner , at tl STEAM DYE WORKS , Oth S tbet Farnham and Dougla pr28tt THE POSTAL INYESTIGTAIOW Arrival of Special Kail Agen Hawley. from Chicago. U. R. Hawley , of Chicago , Specia Mail Agent , arrived here yesterda ; accompanied by his daughtei and took , quarters at the Grani Central Hotel. Mr. Hawley wa met on the other side of the rive by Mr. Paul Vanderwort , chit clerk of the Union Pacific railwa mail sei vice , and on the transfe train by Mr. Furay , who accompf nied him to his hotel. He came hei o investigate the charges preferre by Mr. Bye against Postmast < Yost , and special mail agent Fi ray. The examination commence yesterday afternoon , in the offic of Mr. Vanderwort , over Bartlett Smith's real estate office. It wi jrobably conUnueseveral days , ac we shall endeavor to give the resu of each day's business , if possibl even if the investigation is beir held with closed doors , and no r porters admitted. Every effort is being made 1 Mr. Bye , who preferred tl charges , to have a fair , square ai open investigation. Mr. Bye not out of the mail service , , as tl morning's Herald intimates , but still performing his duties as railwi postal clerk , and will very like continue to do so for some time come. The citizens of Oma demadthatno whitewash , be 'o ' plied in this case , but thftt evei thingbe made public just as Urea is. - A Ha py Wedding. Charley Williams , a handsoi agricultural implement agent Fremont , was married.last Tuesd night to Miss Mary Miller , t daughter of a well xo jlo Doc county fanner. THE LAST CHANCE To obtain the best daily paper pi lished iu Nebraska at the excei ingly low rate of fifty cents ] mouth. . After the first of August no si scriptions will bg received at 1 than the regular prjpp. Now is THE THIB ; ? 1.5Q in i vance pays for the OMAHA DA3 BEE three months. jy23-3 Hormal Institute ut Fremont Defer One Weric. CRETE , July 21 EDITOR BEE : I have thought best to defer Nornjal T.nsttute at Fremont < week. Jt will thpreforp conjraei Tuesday , August lth , at 2 o'cl ' < p. m. The National Teachers' Asso ( tion meets at Detroit during the f week in August , and as all th whom I expected to assist me , pect to attend that Associatioi cannot have the assistance in Institute until the 18th. Will otl paper * please notice. J. M.MCKENZTE , State Superintendent A FEW more good solicitors wa ed at thp new Affloripftn gewj Machine rooms , 583 Soventeeei street. . 3. H. SEAMAN , jy22-3t Manager GRAND BUSINESS CIIANCE.- well established drug.buslness , w a large and continually increasi patronage , with buildings , real tate , stock and fixtures , in the thr ing'pity of Sewardj 26 miles wesl Lincoln , whloh has brighter pr peots for rapid development tb any city in the west. Also a co pleto mlUnory stock and establish business. The above will be sold part , if the whole can be dlspoi of to different persons. Satisfactory reasons given forsc ing on application. Cash paymei or its equivalent will be requiri This Ls a rare chance to make me ey , and those desiring to engage this business should apply or addr < immediately H. A. Lewis , or 1 porter office , Seward , Seward coi ty , Nebraska , THE FRENCH COFFEE HOUSE , 12th street , between Farnham a Harney , will , during the months July and August , be open from o'clock a. m. till 12:30 p. m. a from 4:30 p. m. to 12:30 a. m. * F. ALSTEAD. juhSOeodtf BELI.EVUE GROVE , twelve mil from Omaha , on the line of the & M. R. R. , and 100 yards from t depot , has been improved for pii ni and private parties BY M'AUSLAND & MARTIN. All engagements for the gro will be made through ANDY MCAUSI.AND , jy7tf. 242 Douslis Street. Foil reason of remarkable Ic prices. I am selling "my' spring ai summer goods very rapidly. julylO-tf J. H. STEIN. " ICE CREAM , ! ICE CREAM H. L7 LATEV'S is the place to ) for this very necessary commodit ' . . je23tf. _ _ VpLK's HAM. , tree concert eve1 evening by Professors Celarlus at - , june27-lm NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION . Notice is hereby given that tl partnership , heretofore existing b ; ween the undersigned , under tl firm name of Windheim & Arnol has been this day dissolved by mi ual consent. All debts due ac Owing to said late firm to be paid i E. Windheim , and alt debts due I said late firm , to be paid by said 1 Windheim. july20-3t * STORE BUILDING FOR SAL1 I will sell at a great bargain lot and store building in Ft Ca houn , Neb. The building is 33 b 50 feet , and is equipped with com ters and shelving hi complel order. No place In theState affort greater inducements for addition ! usiness in general merchandizing Perms easy. june25-4w Additional Telegraph. CINCINNATI ? July 22. The prinieis-m the Times office on learning that theyTvvere to b discharged and their places to b filled by non-union metf.ton Satui ' " day next , all stoppetU'work' ' th ! morning ( ahd th& o'ffice was the ; filled by non-unionimeii. - . ' * WASHINGTON- July 22. , In consequence of the ' openingj the bids for the new fiv'ckper cen loan to-jnorrow , Secretary Bristol -will not leave fbr.Loug Branch ur evening Eight bid til to-morrow , were received .this morning , princ pally from New York ; The bid yTill be opened at twelve ! o'clock morrow , but .will not be made pul lie until the day after. ' 0- Bo'sTpN. July 22 The evening papers all cornrnei on the latest phase of the Beeclie Tilton scandal. The..Herald . 'saj ' Tilton's statement is a social bom ! shell one of the most destructi kind and teaches us that all me are tainted with.sih ; It 3s a terrib lesson 6t ; huruiity. ) tTho Trayelc which publishes- Beecher senm every Saturda'y , says the , matter h ; 'now ' assumed aiVa peefwheaatC no longer be'-i nbred. . A reputatic that has .been achieved. Jy the , pu licworkofyearsjis tarnished by th accusation , , but it all may yet 1 made clear by tli'e-tuccused. " The Transcript" says it matte 'little ' as to thfc.fate of .the acc.user * this c se , but | he , erninoht arid I ' ' loyed perspn'whoni'Tiltoii has dra * § ed before -ffie-'tribunal of popul 'opinlon'mustoiowtf ' ' answer for 1 .life . , on whatsis .dearer to him , ,1 , good name. , . " , The JpurnaJ'says- Ipcume Is either' an' extraordinary tissue * mistakes , wo'veii-by a disorder mind , or.itis ; almost sadctenl . . one-sided story HiLAEi.vAiA. July 22. This morning1- - terrible trage was enactedatnumber1839Npi ; Ninth street. A.-twoj sto.ry brj building , owned by Ggprge Was ington , Hoffman , who occupied with bis wire'.jiCarrie , ! and a p baby , aared:5 months. . . , The fain was apparently.- : .good crcu stances , and lived happy. lEvei thing about the house was neat a clean and ' 'irfdicated ' perf contentment. ' 'The.Ifirst . fli front is .a : parlor. This is cozy little .room and some the furniture vas , covered 'withh cloth , and.sbme with rep. Back this , Jbirti'o't gominbnicating w jtj'ls the" setting aiifl djuhig roe In this room , among the furnitu " is , a comfortably lounge. Goo. Hoffman' , the owner and occupa is a carriage blacksmith by tra and .has . been out of work for so time , only' having an oppoftun occasionally , ' of ' doing small jo This morning wilhout warnii he suddenly struck his wife wjth poker , aiming H'at her head. warded off the blow and received full forge on her arm , the pbk er < \ hqtjiaylng JiisUa en'ifKom thp f fie repeated 'the'tjlowabd qmj ly produced , a razor with which " cut a long gash on the left" side his wife's .head . , she tl seized him and a strug took place for the weapon. M Hoffman received eleven small c on the head. Finally Hoffman : backward and while on the fl sljp drew _ a rgzor across hjs tl r ' three times , cutting It from ea'i ear , and in. a short time he expir Her wounds , though paintul , not dangerous. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. AcmrtUemenU of To Let , Sale , Loct , Wants , Found , Boarding ; Ac. ; be Inserted in these columns once ( or 1 CENTSnr line ; each subsequent Insert FIVE CEFJS "per line. The-first Insert nerer Iwsthaa TWEJJTV-FIVE CENTS Men to work. . . Inquire at < WANTED Market , Cor , Douglas and J , ] ulya2 2t. ANTED A 'live canrasser at 508 I A girl to do general house wi WANTED at H. Pomeroy's. West end Mary's Ayenue. Wages -So.Og per wcjk. T710R HPJlSllQuspotrwli mjirCau'str . jy2 fT a. -JAILOR & o T7IOB ENT-A two-story brick bulWlng P Harney. 'roar 10th street , suitable li boarding house ; nice yard cistern , well , ct and other conTeoIencet. Apply at Otncc GREAT \\KSTEKN LAN1J AaENCV , ' and 131 Faruham itiee't. JT21 LAND COO'Afcres ' Of choice land CHEAP County , for sale at J1.75 per a one-half casb.'balanceone year at 10 par a Apply at Offiice of Great Western Land Agei . .130131 Farnbam street. jy : A girl to do general honsein WANTED 404 Hurt St.k . Jy20i TT1BRNISIIED ROOMS to rent wl.hor w ! JJ toUt.lxMUdi No. 117 Podge street ; r ninth. jylC ) : A rirl tp'eocilc ' a Amir ! WANTED ; jiU M lath.Dougiisit ; ( / / .Jvl GIRL WANTED Inquire at lMoi Order Window'Pot Office.Jyl3 : A man .tq work about , pli WANTED , at Hall's Foundry. Jy 13U \fOK SALE A neat cottage , corner 17th i faTcnpcrt. 'Inquire at' jylOtf U. HO..KKERGER , Douglas fJiMPLOYMENT OFFJCE-Room No. 1. KOI Ej east corner 15th'and Douglas Sts. Wa cd immediately , servant girls' , farmhands , c pentersand laborers , also real .estate bought i sold , and taxes paid lor uoa-reaidcnts. 'J.N. FISHER , JyStf ' ' ' Omaha , N ANTED IMMEPIATEIA girl to W house-work. Apply. ' 331' lutenp stieet , between 17th and 18th , jy3t TORB TO RENT IDS'Douglas street. : ) quire of WEBBER & BEHM : uljltf | UR RENT House on 15th , near Davcnpi Mree ; . jeSOtf S. . A. TAYLOR A CO POR RENT House on Chicago , near IGth JjeSOtf S. A. TAYLOR 4 CO - boarders , at the. lonthwi WANTED-Day Harney sts. Je29t WAklLD A cneap isrm-in eicnange i merchandise. Address , Farmer , Bi ofice. 2i T WILL SELL .SECOND-HAND Carriag JL and one Hearse , cheap for cash or trade , I need the room for new ones. JelWtf. Q : w. HOMAN. > fi SALE 160 acres o ! land , being itho J _ C MotseclS , iu township 13NoJ R 4 E. the SE part , ol BUU..T ccunly , to miles Nirt west of Lincoln. A well im , ; ovtdfarm adjoi 'L ? .1116 * ' . " " country til atoiind it thlcty stttiodr Wfll sell for J500 , one hi down , balancs in one year , or $3 00 per acre cash , or wilt trade for city property. .Apply mv21U - AN DREW EOSEWATER. mo THE PDBLic The undersigned h JL purctased and put upon thev treeta public conveyances , some of the finest carriag ei ermancfoctnrcd in this country. They will run to andlrom the depots , hotels and priva residences. All orde left st the Metropolis ottK-pr at , thestable , near a e cor of Efevcn "ta ? , UpUr ! ATel > ue , will be promptly o tended to A share ot thejmblic patronage respectfully solicited ; JOHN E/ITOLL : ' " - WjlSU United States Hotel , COR. DOUGLAS AND TENTH , STREEia rpHEUNDEBSl3NED Trgpectrnnoui J. cesthat-ha has purchased and reflttedtl above Hotel , and is now ready to accommoda , the public , with board by day or week ; at rea onaSlerates. - WILLIAM.LEUR.Iprop. july22 ' 74 ly CABRUGE , BUGGY u \ . r" XJLNUFACTUBEB. \ N. E. CORNER of 14th. and 'HARNEY 8T1 lirOHLD mpectfullyannonncetothe pal YY lie that be Is now ready tp'fllTalJ coi irrcts in the abore lines with'neatacu an dispatch. A ' - . JM'Ezprcu ' wagons ' conaUntly Wii 'offhand en - - - " > fir - . -A uw AS1' ' ORDINANCE. An Ordinance to amend section 2 of chapter XXXf of lEe f e'vKca ordinance. ; Be U ordaTnetT by the city council ol the city el O Omaha ; T . i 5 , ! "sicrWJf T. That section 2of chapter.XXXl . of the Reviled Ordinance of the City of Ornate be 10 amended read as follows , to-wlt : " Any 4wUer ; 'proprietor ' or agent of any lint or place hereia mentioned , may receive jucenct to employ' one or more postes or runners npoi application and , uponenlemag into a bgni t < the city 'bi Omaha inthesmaof'nve-hundrei dollars for each license conditional for the pay ment of all damage which" shill occur by rtaioi rot the : careless tor , improper handling of ani goods or articles entrusted to the care of auci postes w rnndersi and'fufther , upon the pay uieut of the following sums. for a .license lor on year , to wlti * ' - ; -An runneu or , poste.for Jany. public house hotel , steamboat , stage'or omnibus Hue , twent. . five dollars , as ruuuers for . .ay mercbantili house or firm fifty dollars with proportional : rat es for a less period ; , , i j 1'r.o VIDEO that no license shall issne for , less period than nix mouths. Passed July 8 , 1874. Attest : . ! ' i I , , o.c.'LUDLOw , , .J. S.GIB.ON : , ' " * City Olert. Pri * . City Council Approved July 9 , 1874. - . i . ' JyjildSt - S.-C < CHASE.Mayoi . An ordinance levying 'taxes for the year i87i Be it oidained by the city council of the city J Oniaba'-/ . ' ' - - SKCTifjji I ; Thal'the ' following Uses be an the same are hereby levied pn the assessed va ue of the property within tald CHy'for the yea 'A.D.-l9U.i S.i- ' . ' . > For the general fund of said , city to'beuse for'general purpose ) , a tax otlfen'mill-on eac dullar , " I . For the slnU'lng fund Of said city a tax of fii mills on eicU 'dollar ; . , SECTIOX I. That the following taxes be.-an 'Ihe ' same 'are hereby levied 4n the assessed va ue of all the property within , the school dlstrli of the city 'of Omaha- the county of Dougli In'tbe state of , Nebraska for the year A. D. , 18i For the school fund of 'said district ; a tar ( five 'mills ' on 'each ' dollar. SKCiioNiIII TUia ordinance shall takecifo and be In force frdm 'and alter1 its passage , , PawedJuly > 7,0874. r Attest : O. C. LTJDLOW1 1 JL S.GIBSON , City Cleric. . Pres. Cily Councl Arrroved-Jrily 8 , Id74. * ' ; Jy21d3t , i f C.S./JUASE.May , < ) ' .AN ORDINANCE. An' OrdinanceWfreiatlon to 'the extension 18tu Sttcct. , , r Be 'it ordained Ey'the'City'Corncil of theCi .of Omaha. : . . . . . . SECTION II. Tliat It is'anl Is hereby decla redt : il > * lneciisary .for the City of Omaha aqpropriate a certain or parcel of landf < the public nse-anUbeneflfof said City for t extension of 18th street in said City and to used and occupied ns part of tald 18th street , , (5iid ( real-estate , is situated within said Ci and is described as follows ; to wit : A strip of land 6C feet wide , and about 20 ro long extending tr m the present notheru teru nusof 18th street , north' through the tan shown upon the map of said City as being sw : cd by'the heirs of Samuel Mahon to the sou line of Lake's'addltion ' to said City. All of sa s rip of land being in th'e South East quarter the South West quarter , of section Ten In Do glass Cou.nty.Mebraska and containing one U ; 'acre of ttnd more or less. ' -'SECTION ir.That the mayor be and he hereby Instructed to appointUireeconimlsslo r to upraise gall lands above discribpdaccoi SKCTIDS III. This'ordinanee shall take eflV and be in force f run and af ttr its passage. Passed July 8lli 1874. O.C.LUDLOW , J..S. GIBSON City Clerk. . Pres. City Counc Approved July 9th 1S74.-3 jy21d3t - C.'S. CHASE. Mayi BTEOM BElCp. f PW'SI S. BE BYRON REED & CO. . .The Oldest .Established Real Estate Agenc IN NEBRASKA- Keep a complete Abstract of Title to > U R Estate In Om ha and Douglas countT. Established 1858. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY 538&540 Fourteenth Street , ( Office np stain. ) Omaha , Nebraska. Carriaj and Buggies on hand or. made to order. N. B. Particular attention paid to Bepa Infc. apr2S-U Hydraulic , Oemenl AND- INFORJI TIIE t JBLIC 1OJ WOULD are now ready to furnish H DBAULIC'CEMEST , of the Tery best qualil and in any quantity jeithcr at the factory , whl Is located at Bcatrice.Ncb. , or at the Pipe wet in Omaha. They also are prepared to furnl all kinds of CkMENT I'IPINO for SEWERAG DRAINAGE , ETC , Also manufacture styles of CHIMNEY WOUK. WEfiUARA TEE OUR CEMENTTOJJE Edt't TO A HYDRAULIC 'CEMENT MANl/rACTUKl IlTTlTE- UNITED S5PVTES. * * -ORDERS FHOJI DEALERS BESPEC FULLY SOLICITED. Bfc'ATMCE HYDRAULIC CEaiES & riPE co. OMASA - - NEBRASK. P , FALLON , ' ' DEALER IN Dress Goods , Silks and Trimming No. 2C3 Dodge K'-eet , between 14th and 15t DresSmakine : done with nea nese and dispatch. Ordei .sdlicitsd. F. A. Saddle and Harness Makei AND CARRIAGE TRIMMER , Ko. OH Faimham nt. bet. 15th & . 16tl * A IiLprdersand repairing promptly attend XX to and satisfaction guarranued. . ; JWCash paid for hidesl CEOTRAJ C T T Tn _ m OMAHA , - . . . NEBBABfc The largest and best hot between Chlcag ind San Francisco. Opened new September 30th. 1S73. s30 U GEO. THRALL. Proprietor. ED WABD KTJEHL. IGISTEa OF THE DKPAHTEE Ho498 lOth St , between larnLam & Harnei Will by Ihe aid of guardian spirit ? , obtal or any one a view of tue past , present and fu tme. No lees charged in cases of sickness. api3tf J. O. Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries Highest price paid for Country Produce. Brick Store , B. E. Cor. 16 A & Chicago Eta jeSCU OMAHA , NEB. 3BtTCT a. 3 > r SOO : 2a I 3UE DEALER IN , Fruits Confectionery , CIO ASS AND TOBACCO. KE corner Farnham and Elercnth street * OMAHA. . . . NEBRASKA Grx-oa/t Comer of Cnmiegs &ad Twcaty-second street ] The finest lager baer- - constantly stantly o& hand. < CHAS. WEY3IULLER , Prop , U.'P.R.ff MEAT MARKET . . . , , ICth street bet' California and Webster. K HAND THE BES1 supply of" FRESH AND SALTEE 78. Also a large stock of Flee Sugai Cored Hams and Breakfast Bacon , at the low- st rstes. TVM. AUST & KNUTH , Tarl-lT Proprietors. " * KEDMAff & LEWIS. Cor. 16th. and Izard Streets. nvr Oa hand and SAWED TO ORDER. - en > s 0. 2 o -3 " B " tJ § 2 ? | 1-4 > g 'feen een IW I W S : ; pg _ m H a - 8o o II W r ? S OC T/V OOA Wi" DAY. Agents waut $0 , * " 5 > % U ed. ( A11 clasjes of work ing people of either sex , 'young ' or old , siak nora money at work for us in their spare me nifnil < > r ij tbf time than st anything else Addins &T1NSO2 * A CO. . Portland , Maine * ' ' noT5 l . " .SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue'of c vendl issued out of the Dia trict Court for Cummlnz County , Ncbraski and to me directed , I will on the 24th day July. A. P. , 1874 , at 10 'o'clock , A. M. ol sail day. Bt , the store room' ' of Albert 'Tucker ' , Nc 384 Douglas street , in the city , oi Omaha , an , County of Douglas ; in said State , sell at auctio Tucker , to-wit : Eighty-five cases of men' . n boys'- boots , 23 case * oj shoes ; aim all the reta .lock of boqts and shoe * contained In said .tore alto a small line ot hats and caps ; ' also the to lowing : described' ( lore and' office furniture Two lounges , 1 desk , 1 stove and pipe , 2 chair 1 show ease and 1 letter press , or ao much of tt said good , as arc necessity to satisfy said Judj ment and costs , and accruing costs thereon. ALFRED BUBLEV , JylSdlOt Shenl VAN DORM'S All kinds ol light and heavy MACHIXEBY MADE & P.EPAIREE * " t tt Wo'l Guarantee-&l 256HASHET 8TBEET , - OKIE. . . . J tefOStt . .WILLIAMi 225Jwm im Street , - Omaha , Hi 1THOLS3AIJC AND EETAU. DKALSK IK FURNITPRF. BEDDING. ET ( TREITSCHKE & CO. , GROCER ; -And Geneial ProTisloo Dealers , 8. WCor. . Jackson and 13th Eta- , Keep a superior .tock of Groceries , Provisioi Wines , Liquors and Cigars , and sell rheap than any ether house In Omaha. jy3 3m ENOCH HENNEY , , Justice of the Peaci OiBw o > er thu State Bank , corner rf Far ham aud 13th street. . > e 1 > . - ar o osr EE -MAS' VACIOBE7 07 A2IO DKALKX 13- Lanibrrqnfns and l Jndoir Sbade : CHROMOS , ENGRA.TINS ( ; AN PICTURE FRAMES. ' no Farnham ttreet , coiner Fifteenth CITY HOTEL E. T. PAGE , Proprietor. 10th St. , bet. Farnham and Harnej 09I4UA , NEB. * free Jitut to and Jrom all Trains. Passengers for other Hole's or private lies deuces , carried for 25 cents. KB- All orders left at P. II. Allen's. 11 do from P. O. , C. Wilson & Son , ror. 13th ai U'rney , and the City Hotel Office , will recci' ptouipt attention. jjV lui FARMERS HOUSE 8. "W. Cor. of 14th and Harnty Sts , JUSTUS KESSLEE , Prtprleto ; Omaha. Nob. ' JyJ la . iLLmois Hoasi Sxroot Between 9th ai.d 10th. CUAKLKS FELDKUMAN , mchlltf _ Central House K 0.030 Sixteenth Street , Opp. JeQerson Square , OMAHA , KE JOSEPffDOYE , Prop'r. Day and week Board at reasonable rates. First-class bur attached to the house. , Ie27 3m _ The Sioux City and Pacific Railroad , la Co Ktion IU > the SIOUX CIJY & , : ST'pAUi RAILROAD , Ii 62 milr * the shortest route from Omal and Council Bluffs to St. Paul , JUneapoli SUllnater , 'Anqiaj Dniuth , Bismarck , and a points In Minnesota. Train leaves Omaha daily , ( except Saturda ] at 6 o.cloct p. in. , and Council Blutii at 8:05 i m. , from CUIcogo A Xoitb-U'esUrn Depot. Fare as LOWandlJnicas QUICK a J > 7 any other Line. PULLMAN PALACE SMNGCARi OH ALL NIGHT TRAINS , .Bestire'Tour tlck l reads' VIA Sioux City thus avoiding circuitous route * and luidnignt transfers. Tickets can be urchas I at Ihe offices of tlx Chicago Jc Korthwi stern Railway in ( Jiiialu and Council Bluns. J C. BOYDEX. Ocn'l Pus. A Ticket AgfSt P.AS.r. U. K , 8t.ftul.Mtan. Uen'l PaAt. and Ticket Agt. , SC. & P. , Siour City , Iowa. CEO. IV. OBATTON , Agent. 1C3 Farnham Street , Omalis..Neb. Julf 20 , tf. _ _ _ Mrs. D. A. MOFFETT , Fashionable Dressmaking , 564 Fourteenth St. , OMAHA. NKB. jc303m L. WOODWORTfl , 238 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. WAGOU Wood Stock , ud-XI TAGON HABDWABE , Patent WliMby Fiaiiaed Ottrisg , & . Ules , SprlBgs and Thimble Sisins HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hades. Buggies * StmdcbMkicr 1V go Depot. The King of tlie SEWING IfACUlSE 1V01.1D as pre-eminently cs Gold Ecijns In the lealms ci Finance. ' SALES EOR 1873 : En Round Numbers 232,444 Machines ! ItBeine over One Hundred . and Thirteen Thousand moreXacblocs than xere sold by any otter Machine the tiife. Sewing Compsny.duiing same It. Will. bait ly l denku . .pca such evidence that the superiority of the Singer is luiv : Monst rated. THE SINGER MANFG CO , V W. N. NASON , Agent , je- ; ISO. 212 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA. ' _ I - ! ! > ' ; * * - J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE GROWERS , Agents for the Oriental Powder Co. STEFXE & JOHNSON , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! SIMPSOK'S. BJXCK 533 and 54O Fo-urteenth. Strest , BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE - USTIEIB MORGAN & GALLAGER. succtssons TO CBEIGHTOX AKS MOBGAK WHOLESALE GROCERS , So. ZVa Farnham Street WHITNEY , B ATJSERHAN & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS ito. 247 Douglas Street , mch7yi AGENTS FOR TH 5 DUPONT POTYDEK CO. CLARE : & FRENCH , WHOLESALE GROCERS ! AND DEALERS Ztf Canned Goods , Dried Fruits , Green Fruits in Season. J6 1 „ . .Mil/ERS SOLICITED / ND PROMPTLY FILLED. A. . H. S I 3 C 3 ? S O 1ST , --MANUFACTUREII AND WDOLFSALE DEALER IN CIGAKS 532 I'IFTEE3TaI3 ! : : SO ? . , C. . L. A. EZL TTE , 288 Dodge Street , 2d Door East of 16th Street. I keep cons intly on hand the finest itoikof Broad Cloth , Casslmerrs and Vestings ; which I am prepared to mate up in tie most fashionable st ) les and to suit the most fastidious , at the lowest posslUaprico. JelOdly ROBERT C. STEEL1 , , ) EALEE IN Faints Oils Varnishes , , , , BRUSHES , LAMP GOODS ETC- 257 Douglas Street - - OMABTAJ mchlSeodlv JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS , HOSIEBT , GLOYES and NOTIOX& ] 231 Famtiam Street , J. X BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS- raT8.-lT Motions , aid Boots and Shoes. JOHN T. JOBBEB OF Shelf Heavy Hardwan IRON , STEEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK,1 AND- UJatDlia KAKK8 AND WAOOSM. mchlSy j 246 Douglas St , , Onialia , ITebraslsa , .HENRY HORNBERGER. DEALER IN- WINES , LIPRS , CMRS V 9 B 9 cfec-ctoo. Ina Old KentuckyJ\Tlii3l lc3 and Jraporte-l.'Uoodi a Special lj. hi9rl IOMES and .t i , within two year , from LA11GE DEDUCIONS FOB CASH PAYMENTS. lorth ofDlatte , ) .oup Fork and Elkhorn Valley ! South of he Platte Intent l by numerous Tl SCHALLtB , Agent B. & M. Land Office , " J1AJJ1JCorwrofXlHthaad Anita Sts. , Omaha Or Geoeral Land Depajtmeat , LbicolB Ne