Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1874, Image 4
T CHE OMAHA BEE -WEDNESDAY , JULY 22 , 1874. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. THE OMAHA DAILI BEE carrier , to any nerved to subscriber ! br f7beciy ? , every evening , tfnBto , - Untedl fllteen rents per week.or $3.73 lor ril months , and 37.00 peranuuin , when paid \ Smpiainta Ibont irregularities , addressed this office will receive prompt attenUon. TttEOKAiLi.lUii.T BBS will be mailed to jutecribersatlhelollowingratts , y Ue inra- riably in advance : J7.UO per annum. 3.75 " 6..onths. . TtK OMAJIA BAU.T BEK has by I r tns GEST circulation In the city. auJ Is , ivertUlDg fora , the beat and ck-pest a < noUcM. CC > " Tabular "j dSaud Local advertisementa before two o'CjOfk . M. , , . 'v- . v AifertlMifleBiA uci'vts one o civc * r. & . BEB All adTertlnemcnU for tbe WKKTI.Y must be handed in before Monday noon , lor tna uae week's Israe. JltlllVAL AAI UEPAU1UUE OF TBAIXS. Time Curd of ilie ButlluKiou KonU X.EAVXOMA11A. AM1VK ATOWlHf. unaysetce. * Monday cicepted. ThlB Is the only J UB running Pulltian Hotel. ( jnlou Pacific. If ATI. A.BBJTS g : : : : rai | | : | | : | > UyFrel2ht j f'1- f"M . M UallFreUht 6:45 : A. S. . 8 80 A. lloclt & Pncflf. Cbtc co ( 10:10 : P.H 10M1'.M MaU tlOUOA.l Bxprew Cltn St. Jo. A : Coniicl' MomlneExirees..5:30 A. M. 10:00 A. X veninsEri'rcBS2W P.M. C:40P.M , Omalia * : Nortli-vi-ontcrii and Sloni OUr < I'ucltlc. . 8:15 A.M. 2:15P.M Daily except Sundays. OmnlbnaeB end Baggage AVegonB Ipavo th fllcc , corner Famhain and Ninth streets , fl ; ccn mlnntoe in ad\ar.ce of the above Uailro&i Opening and Closing of JSIails in Omalia. SOUTC BCI. CLOSE. WIST. A.M. P.M. A. M. P. X C.V.K.K. 2.20 EAST. S N. W. K. K. . do do. . . . U.1.&P. K. It- 11:00 4.SO do * < f. 11:00 4.30 do do. . . . B. < 7.0C 4:30 : uc. . . . 30 KOK1U. O.&K. W.11.B. . . ! : M 7:45 Chicago and all liulcrn cities , Nebraska City , Platliwouth , Council Blufband Uurlicg- toii , ducatlO Oium.di c Bt4:30a. : m. and St. Joseph , due at 10 00 a. n. and 7 p. m. ; closes at 1:45 p. 111. and 4.30 a. m. Office open Sundays Iroui 12 to 1 p. in. V O. E. YOST. Postmaster. TOADVBttTlHiCJIS 'I'ne L.HOof thoUA.lfjV VKK IN more IlLnH donble that of l > nurpublUbciII Peycto'e KesUurant and Oyster rooms. The. leading house of the kind. 207 , Farnham street , between .Twelfth and Thirteenth. Jeb24tf QMAHA BREVITIES. The offices of the City Clerk and Treasurer have bet-ii ujov'tf ' " to the Opera llouse. Jennie Stanley paid ft $2 fine jif- the Police Court yesterday for drunkenness. Martin's drug store is being moved on to Fourteenth street , to make room for that new brick building. One Charles Whitney was ar * rested yesterday by PolIcemanBenn- tt t < lict , on the charge of assaulting an t old man named Nelson. * A squad of twenty recruits ar rived ycstorday from St. Ix > uis , a id went "West , bound for Sacra mento to join the 2d cavalry. " Baggage will soon be checked to and from Omaha by the lowu roads , and thus one of the greatest nuisances of the transfer rechecking ing will be done away with. Judge Pcabrdyy esterday issued a marriage license to a loving col ored couplethe first which has been madeoutfor colored people since he has been in oillce. The Iowa Coal Company has succeeded the Union Coal and Mi ning Company in this city. Mr. George Patterson , assisted by Mr. Towle. will attend to the business at the old office onThirteenth street j A gentleman drove up in front of Creighton block last evening , and jumping out of his buggy , asked President Gibbon , of the City Coun cil , to watch his horses while he went to ti ) post oillce. "Yes , I'll Avatch them , " answered Mr. Gibson ; "and when you come back , I'll tell you which way they have gone. " Tka. City Council met last evening in the ucw council cham ber in Pattee's Opera House. To some members of tlfe Council the recollections of the old familiar scenes "were thus revived , as they have-before been there as endorsers of a" "noble charily" for a poor or- Clark & Warden's new brick stable will be one of the/tnest strnc- tures in the city when completed , and as a livery stable it cannot be excelled by any other in the West. fii The cornice is being put on to-day. trgi The floor of the basement , where gies the horses are to be kept , will be es Kicholson pavement , the" blocks for which are already on the ground tfc ready to be laid down. IKW W ] We are glad to learn of the success than cess of Mr. H. Jlonibcrger , in rap idly increasing his already heavy wholesale trade in wines , liquors - itnd cigars. His extensive establish- an mcnt Jn Caldwell .Block , is filled to Jo ] Its utmost capacity , with a line and j complete otoclr , to which Mr. Horn- bcrger la constantly adding. He yesterday received 50,000 cigars , and pve SO barrels of whisky. Warren Chase , of St Louis , one of the most celebrated lecturers in the United States , will lecture-nest Sunday afternoon before the Free Beligious Society. The horse-shoe has ever been considered a sign of good luck , and it was probably for that reason that Councilman James Stephenson , has for sometime past worn on his im maculate shirt-bosom a gold horse shoe set with diamonds. Jim fc out of luck now , however , as he has lost that horse-shoe. We understand that the jovia' Jeems T. Allan , has been reporting that the postal brigade have -'boxed' that special rooster from Washing ton. Mr. Allan may bo a good dep uty postmaster , a writer of excel lent agricultural essays , and a first- rate tree-planter , but we don't thin ! he will prove a success in "cooping' that special agent , Mr. Jack Morrow and a geptle man friend were ran away with yes terday on Farnham street. A Eleventh street the vehicle tippe < over , throwing them both out" , am running over Mr. Morrow , withou Injuring him' in the least. Botl gentlemen rpwmed then-places an < drove off. Those who witnessed th accident expected that there wouli have been two funerals , but happil ; such was not the case. Wash Norton , flf Norton & Bre mond's minstrels , who recent ) ; played in Omaha , met with a sai accident at Denver the other da1 He was tjirqwn from a buggy am had his leg broken to that it wjH b three months before he pan use II This is a great misfortune , for jtwil quite likely prevent his ever agaii dancing with that wonderful ski ! and gracefulness which he exhibits beforp fiji Omaha audience. Ferionai. Ex-Qov. A. S. Paddock , of Beal rice , "iutue . clty over Monda , night. United States Marshal Daily re turned from the East last night. Senator P. W. Hitchcock has re turned home from Washington. Hon. J. H. Millard returned yes terday from the East. A. IT. Earll , the Union Pacifii Agent at Ogden , is in. the city , ei route East. S. S. Stevens , general westen agent of the Chicago & Bock Islam railway , went west yesterday on i vjsjt accompanied by his family. Davii } Dtullpy Fjpd ] | the celebra ted New York lawyer , accompanied by his wife , came in from the Wesi Monday , and stopped at the Gram ] Central. They left for New York yesterday afternoon. Governor E. M. McCook , of Col orado , called at the BEE office this morn jug. He is stopping at the Grand Central Hotel , and will go to Denver to day. General Ueorge McCook , of Steubcuville , Ohio , his cousin , is also at the same llouse. M. G. McKoon , of French & Mc- Keen , the insurance agents , return ed from Chicago last evening. Af ter learning of the demoralization existing } n the Chipago fire depart ment , he is convinced that Qniaha , in proportion to hpr sizp , has one of the beet departments in the west. The following are the arrivals at the Wyoming1 : N J Miller , DesMoines ; DHarrls , Cincinnati ! ; T Sexton , -Lincoln , ; Miss Dorcey , O F Johnson and-wife , Ejosfon ; C H Cutler , Portland , Ore- joiif Hjenrj' PJurnmer , Manchester , N H ; Fred Boppua , JIuntington , Ind ; E N Grenell , FfcCalhounj TVP Walsh , New Orleans ; Henry Evans , O P R R ; M W Benschoter , Lotip' City ; W C Whipps , Granite Canon ; AS Paddock , Beatrice ; Thos Gib- on , Fontenelle ; Mrs Baxter and on , Iowa City ? ES Johnson , Coun- ilBlufls , and Frank GarrutbPlatts * uouth. " " - "Papa's Own Oirl. " This is the title of a new novel vritten by Marie Rowland , pub- ished in elegant style by John P. fewett , New York , and for sale in ) maha by S. C. Abbott & Co , t The manuscript of this grout American novel was submitted by lie author to one of the ablest of ur editorial critics , who after a arcful perusal , returned It with the Allowing eleganllyexpressed opin- > n and analysis of its rare 'excel- : nce : "As J think , pf them , thejnen , omen ai hildrun..of your .story > em like actually living Iwings , hour I have met and lived , with , [ perhaps may meet to-morrow. "The last half of your novel is rauder than anything George El- at ever wrote. I am not , in say- ig this , disparaging the first half of ie fctory , but this last part is a new > si > el. The ( 'onntis n creation &ug- ted by" the "best qualities of the at men you. have known. The > cial Palace , as you have painted is the heaven of humanity ; and c best of it is , that it is a heaven pable of realization. * * ie fcccne. of Dan's return , and of 3 meeting with Min , is indescriba- y .pathetic ; no one could read it 1 tli dry eyes , and .the moral-ele- jnt Involved Is mire effective in in niiy dramatic situation in ; raturc. With the true fidelity the artist you have given perfect cut ion to your minor characters. iur novel throughout meets all the > at questions of the day , even the uncial one , and it is tbe beat relation of Godin that could be en. The novel will be the great- * literary sensation of the time. " ? his powerfully written and ar- ic novel is to the eocial questions v convulsing the civilized world al at "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was to slavery agitation. resh fruit and vegetables daily , oC the very best , at , John 5. th nson & Go's , 2GO Dodge street. thhi IC-eod 3t. hi iree concert every ting by Professors Celarius and juue27-lm THE VALUE OF A NOSE. Ari Omaha "Han Considers His Worth Abont $5,000. The nose , as everybody knows , is the most prominent feature of the face. If it 4s a thing of beauty , then it is a joy forever ; but however tba.t may bewhether hand some or ugly , no person would want to be without a nose. It is general ly a great convenience , although at times a big nuisance , especially if a fellow has got a bad attack of ca tarrh. Then his nose is like the Nebraska winds , always on the blow. Omaha is a hard place for noses. Last summer two men got into a fight , and one bit the other's nose clean off. The man who did the biting barely escaped going to the penitentiary by some means or other. Another similar case happened a few weeks ago , but as the victim had his nose sowed on again , and came out all right , fcp did not pros ecute the matter farther than hav ing the nose-biter fined-at the Po lice Court for fighting. Dr. Baumer was so indiscreet as to criticise Krug's beer , and Krufi accordingly smashed his nose all over his face. Baumer sued foi Damages , and recovered § 150. That/s / one yalup of a nose. Now comes Mr , Adolph Minsiij and claims that he has got a' nest that can beat Dr. Baumer's all tc pieces , Mr. MInski thinks his nest " is" worth about $5,000 , and hp pro ; poses to endeavor to recover thai amount from Maurice Dee , whc caved it in with a fifteen-dollai umbrella , on Sunday afternoon last , The idea of suing for damages , was not Jotig in entering the head of'Mr. Minsk's' , wljq , immediately upon the clobe of the mill with Dee , askpt } , "Is fbQt rn.qn.worth any- - ? Upon learning time ho was full/able to'pay for a tr4-11 a030 ! he employed Hon. Joha C. Co win to fight thecasc.and the netitiou was filet } yestprday morning ii'lhe office of the clerk of the District Court. The petition goes on to sluto , in sub stance , that Dec broke Minski's nose , and otherwise injured his face and head , and that he beat and bruised the plaintiff about twelve or fifteen times about the body , and in mak ing the assault he tore and destroy ed a suit of clothes of the plaintiff valued at thirty dollars , and de stroyed one uinbrplla worth , fifteen dollars. The value of Mr. Minski's noje , therefore , according to his es- mateJflgured out in dollars and cents , would be the difference be tween the combined value of the clothes and umbrella forty-five dollars and five thousand dollars , which leaves a balance in favor of the nose of $4,956all of which amount the many frlendsof Mr Minski , Mr. Cowin and the BEE In cluded , hope that he will recover. Mr. Cowin was attorney for the defendant in the case of Baumer vs. Krug , and we suggest that it would be no more than proper under the circumsfanpps Messrs. Savage & Mandersonj who appparpd for the plaintiff in the same case , should appear for the defendant in this , because they are just as much entitled to a monopoly on nosc cases as is Mr. Cowin. ( Communicated ) Eudowiky to Haserodt. EDITOR BEE : My-attention was called to a no tice Jn { he } gst issue of your paper , wherein Mr. Haserodt CRS ! ] me a de liberate liar for-having said tn"at the man ( orTather brute ) who knocked me down in my own door , on Fri day night last , came out'of the At lantic House. 'Now , Mr. Editor , I do not wajif o get into any news paper controversy shout tljjs jjjatter , especially with Mr. Haserodt , be cause every truth-loving , honest and disinterested person in this com munity , who knows me and Mr. Haserodt , will .not hesitate a mo ment as to what side to lay the de- liberatp lie. I have said , and say right herp again , that the man who attacked me oamo out of the Atlan tic House , and'that no person was sitting or standing on the south tide ( fronting on.Howard street ) of lie Atlantlp House at that time , and i respectable lady , Mrs. Jlejndorf , vho had left our house only about ive minufcs previous to tile attack , ays the same..But she saw two tien sitting on the cast side of the louse , fronting on.Tenth street , and lirec or four men with .Mr. Hase- edt , iiibide 'the bar-room of the ouse , when she passed by , going ome. Besides all this , does it ot fceeinvery strange that lirec men .should sit on the south oor , ( for * those on theist - door juld not well see around the corer - erwhich , la not over eighty feet om my door , ) and no one at all line from the Atlantic Honse toas- st my wife , when she called very > ud for help ; but that'Mr. H. Kos- r's sons , who were sitting in the ick part of their lot , across the reet , which distance is not less tan two hundred feet , should be the st who triedto catch the scoun- el ? J. RUDOWSKY. He Didn't Tai<So wai Cheatsd. P' ' An Englishman , who arrived In tvni Is city-yesterday from the West. ni is' victimized- * the amount -ol In 5Q and a gold watch , while travel- tu j over the Central Pacific. The ovE. isengers got.hold of it and asked E. n if he hadnotbecn cheated. saW 'Oh , no ; my partner lost the same lount , ' replied he. SI 'Who was your partner ? " he was : ed. . . . 'Some ' Woody duffer or another , . i know , who Joad morejtnoney _ 5 ri brains , " answered tbeEnglish- CT h , who has not yet learned that orc "partner" was a capper. grcus udian Curiosities at No. 170 us nham street , corner Hth street , Tei my 7-tf. LETTER FROM NEBRASKA CITY. Omaha Again Ahead. How Some Enterprising Oma- hosses Have Gobbled a Coal Bed , and Located a Town Site Hear Ne braska City. NEBRASKA CITY , July 18. Our city is rather dull and quiet , and nothing of much interest tc note through the country except the fine appearance of the crops , and what may possibly interest you more viz : a further showing of tht energy ami go-aiead ) proclivities ol Omaha. A number of our promi nent men , with their usual degree of inactivity , are now bemoaning their luck , as they choose to term it | n having permitted a partj of Omaha gentlemen to come under their very nose , and gobbh up some three miles of river front age o.i land containing a vast de posit of P ° 3l > 3s s } } ° wl ! from tu < outcrop. These parties have alrpadj a tunnel some 300 feet on a vein o superior coal , averaging some thlr ty inches in depth , and are nov boriug for the second strata , will good prospects for a large vein a not over 70 feet from surface. Tlite property bids fair to furnish a gooc fortune for Jail concerned , as it close proximity by rail to St. Jo < and Omaha renders It very vajufl' ble. ble.They have also gobbled a towi site"ai the junction pftheMjssour River and Junction Eailroadwhiol Is iu course of construction. Th ( names of these lucky parties I havi as yet been unable to learn ; bu whoever theyaie , they are deserv hig of a deal of crecjit for thej shrewdness.'ours , Omaha Jurisprudence From a Now Yorl Standpoint of View. The New York Tribune's funnj man has been studying the Police pqurt records of Qniflhfi , as pub lished in the BEE , and thus com ments on thP "queer kind of juris prudenue" thftt we bavp h.ero : 'They have a quepr fcjnd of jurjs , prudence In Omaha an invention which , perhaps , is the child of social necessity , though at the first Inspec tion it seems to he a little rough , In the Police Court , we read , on the 5th of July , as in many other Police Courts on that day , i 'ft Jjvply business" was tran sacted. It wasn't ' , howevpr , top lively for one William Taylor ' 'a ' suspicious stranger , " who was fined $3 and costs "on a venture , " and or dered to leave. It does not appear that William Taylor was suspected of felony or misdemeanor , or of In tending either he was simply "a suspicious stranger , ' ' andassuch or dered to leave , but not before he had , perhaps , made it im possible for him to leave by paying $3 and costs at least to Ipavo in any other way than on foot. ' But the man had or might have had company ; for at the same session of this august tribunal "Mary Ann Tate was discharged on promise of a hasty exodus from our midst. " So Maiy Ann and Wil liam might have gone out into the wilderness together she sustained by bin strength , and he rejuvepated bylier womanly sympathy. Like a new Adam and Eve they might have passed out of the Eden of Omaha. The world was all before them where to choose , and "the hastv exit frorn our mjdst" was pre destinate , Whether they Went single , or whether they went as a pair , let us hope that they found , In valley or upon the hills , borne pleas ant refuge not subject to thejurlsdlo- tion of Police Courts like that of Omaha " GRAND .BUSINESS CHANCE. A well established drug Business , with i large and continually Increasing patronage , with buildings , real es tate , stock and fixtures , In the thriv ing city of Seward , 26 miles west of Lincoln , which has brighter pros- pegts for rapid development than my city Jn tljo west.lso a cora- ) lote millinery stock and established ) usines . The above will be sold in > art , if the whole can be disposed if to different persons. Satisfactory reasons given forseli- ng on application. Cash payments ir its equivalent will be required. ? lljs is a raje ph.ance tq m.aHe mon- y , and those desiring to engage in bis business should apply or address nmecliatcly H. A. Lewis , or Re- ortcr office , Seward , Seward coun- y21d3-wl o ! For Minnenaha and Sf. Anthpny'g Faljs , Gram ! summer excursion to St , au ] , Minnesota , Dulutb , Lake Su- ; rior , Bear Lake , and other cool sorts , in Minnesota , on Wednes- jy , July 22 , at 7 p. m. Tickets for the round trip to St. iul or Minneapolis , $15.50 , or to uluth $23.00 , being less than one- ilf the regular fare. Tickets good r 30- days , a limited number of hich can only be sold by the Com- , ny's agent. GEO W GRATTON , - 1G3 Farnham street , ? ent Sioux City & Saint Paul K R J C Boyden , Gen'l Ticket Agent , \ City & Saint Paul B II. F CHill , Gen'l Ticket Agt. Sioux City & Pacific E R. ' S'OTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the rtnershlp heretofore existing be- fr ? cn the undersigned , under the & n name of "Windhoim & Arnold , d < ! been this day dissolved by mu- 1 consent. All debts due and Ing to said late firm to bo paid to Windheim , and all debts due by l late flrm , to be paid by said E. ndheim. july20-3t * 3RE BUILDING FOE SALE.i . will sell at a great bargain a and store building In Ft Cal- su n , Neb. The building is 33 by eet , and is equipped with coun- and shelving in complete 1C ; r. No place hi theState affords iter inducements fpf additional for ness in general merchandizing. J ns easy. EiaJi CLARK. ne25-4w Cit SOMETHING ABOUT THE GRADES ; Old and ITew Grad'es on Dodge Street Compared. St. ' Mary's Avenue Records. OMAHA , July 21. The subject of street grades seems at piesent to engross public atten tion , and as usual in the discussion of such subjects , misrepresentations by interested parties are being spread , broadcast toeffect desired modifications. The decision of Chief Justice Lake that the grade of any street cannot , when changed from plans previously adoptedbe putjntp pflept without flrst assessing and tendering payment of'resultintr damages , is being quoted as a barrier to the successful execution this season of wort upon Dodgeand gther sheets. | js alleged that the erode upon Dodge street adopted in 1873 so modifies that of 1868 that the city will be embarrased to pay resulting damages to Meredith and others , and that in consequence the plans Adopted must" be changed. A's' I ma e p" surveys and.d.e.sjgued. the plans recently adopted- ! deem it ray duty to make a proper ex planation , and then let the public judge whether these representations are based upon facts. .It is well known that a'system known as the Creighton grades was adopted in I860 , under its provisions Dodge street and most all others north ward to Webster street , were to be cut to the extent of from twenty- five to thirty fet. In 1868 Mr. Meredith : ; 'with * special view to secure a change upon IJougljs , ' Dodge and Capitol avenue grades Was'elepted. ft'tjjp pouppij. Th.e tihange after iwnsjderftbje eftbrt was finally effected In 1809t Jfowlfth * cut provi < ] ii for in , the change thus brought about Is rin excess of what it ought to be , Mr. Meri- dith , and others , whg were instru mental In Jts "adoption , ijr&the last ones to complain"a'nd'certafniy can clain no damages. N.OW It Is stated fhat the grade recommended by myself contemplates an Increase of cutting. Let us see. The elevation above low water-mark of the grade as established by Meredith in 1869 on Dodge street , and that adopted in 1873 are as follows : Old grade centre 19th on west side Dodge 158 fept ; new grade , ditto , lag/iiiaking / qufr ou'n.eXy"qne foot less than old. Centre block west , old grade , 170 , d.jtto. new grndo , 169 j , making out on new grade only MX inches more. Old grade west side 20th , 178 , new grade 180 ; old grade cuning two feet more. Thus it will be seen that the records do not substantiate the allegations in reference to Dodge street. Now a few words in refer ence to Sjt. Mary la ayeuuv. first of ) there never was such a street in 1800 , when the grade Is claimed to have been established. There is no authenticated plat to show it no record showing that property was over purchased or ever deeded for that purpose. Only a year ago , Mr. B. E. B. Kennedy came before the City Council with a protest in behalf of his neighbors against the formal opening of the street. An injunction was after- wqrds sought by him , of the courts , to'rostraiir the city"from tdkinn it , which Judge Lake refused , upon grounds that the city had a right to condemn property for public high ways. If a street had a legal exist ence before , then why these proceed ings ? Again , Mrs. Crary , by Mr. Kennedy , her attorney , has a ' ' paso now hi qourt far fjama'ges' , resulting from opening the avenue through those grounds lasfc year. Those parties are now fighting t\vo battles , one claiming damages for changing a grade upon a street es tablished seven years ago , and the fop grounds taken by thP Pty } upon the same street , which they claim hnd no existence. Can a grade bo regarded ns established on a street having no existence ? But what- record is there of any grade ? ( assuming such a street to jave le gally existed. ) Certainly it cannot be claimed that a piece of paper with no cirtifl- cate. no record , an $ jn fp.tqnly partly marked in pencil , like many temporary plats , Is the proof of Its being the one claimed to have been recommended and adopted. Is it not reasonable to suppose that Barnard , who established grades in I860 , from Jackson to Webster sfrppt , sh.quW bavp lyrltteu ful } despriptiftnH of all- these grades , [ jf which the City Clerk's records xmtain an exact copy , and then make an exception of this ivenue. The very title by which : his plat is recognizable at all , was placed there by myself. I was con- lecti-d with that office as early as I868and strange to say pvpr sawan ifflpja } plat of any gracfe upop th'at treet. Th.P statement made that he present City Engineer JVrnlshed i certificate of a copy , I nm author- zed by him to pronounce as false. le Informs me that he never certi- ied to anything in the premises , DYEING , c.eamng and repairing one in the neatest manner , at the STEAM Di'E WORKS , ) th St.bct. Famhaniand Douglas pr28t f. DR. POWELL , ofiice 215 , Fdrn- am street. Iune23-tf In order to make room for my rge fall and winter stock , I now ler my spring and summer stock greatly reduced rates , below the iginal cost. J. H. "STEIN. julyStf McKelligon's card ton cond page. june2-tf The choicest , freshest table butter * the city , always to be found at i hnson & Co. s. , No. 260 Dodge i eet. - jyoodSt , - P BEIJ.EVUE UBOVE , twelve miles T m Omaha , on the line of the B. M. IL B. , and 100 yards from the A xit , has been improved for pit nics 1 private parties _ UY-M'AUSIjAND'4 MARTIN. Ul engagements for the grove 1 be made through " AjfUY McAUSLAJTD , f 7tf. 242 Douglas Street. ii. 'OB reason of remarkable low : es/1 am selling my spring and isth imer goods'very rapidly. ilylO-tf. Jl H. STEIX. Spi : CREAM ! ICE CREAM ! ! : . LATEY'S is the place to go this very necessary commodity. AG1 23tf. iningroom girls wanted at the Hotel. jy7tf proa SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Advertisements of To Let , Foi Sale , Loct , Wants , Found , .Boarding , AC. , wil be Inserted in these columns once for TE CENTS per line ; each subsequent Insertion FrVECEFJS per line. The nrst insertioi never less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS T70R RENT A two-story brick buUding 01 JC llarney rear 10th street , suitable lor i boarding house ; nice yard cistern , well , cells and other conveniences. Apply at Office o GBEAT EbTEKX LAND AGENCY , 1 and 132 Farnham street. , riAO ISbNT A two story house with sevei X rooms , good wtll , cellar and cistern , wcs side of IStii , bclw een Davenport and Chicago. jy21tf C. AXIXWD LAND-COO Acres of choice lands li CHEAP County , for sale at SI 75 per acre one-half cash , balance one year at 10 percent Apply at Otlhce ol Great Western Land Agency ISO 4 13. ! Kamhaiii street. jy20t WANTED A good girl 'p family of three 58517th fct. j)20t ANTED A girl to do general housework at No. 404 Hurt bt. Jy2ud3t TURNIS1IEO KOOM.S to rent with or with J } out board. No. 117 Dodge street , nea ninth. jy 10121 ANTED A girl to cook at America ] w House , bet. llta and 12Ui , Douglas st. wA GIIJL WANTED Inquire at Mone' A Order Window , I'o t Olnce. jylSlf WANTED A man to work about place Inquire at Hall's Foundry. jylitf. I7IOU SALE A neat cottage , corner 17th am J } i avcnport. Inquire ai jyiqtf H. lip iNBEKGER , Douglas t j7 > Ml'LQYMENf o'priCE-Hoom No. 1. noutl Jloajt corner ISth and Douglas su. Want ed Immediately , servaut girls , farmhands , car pentcrsand laborers , also real estate bought am sold , and taxes paid lor non-residents. J.N. FUSHEK , jyStf Omaha , Neb CTTANTED IJIMEMATEL1 girl ted : YV house-work. Apply 331 liavenpor street , between 17th and 18th. jy3tf TOUE TO KENT 193 DougUu street. In I quire Of WEIJBEU i BE1IM. Tuiyttf IJI OR REST Wonsc on 15th , near Daveopor J- tree' . Jc3Qtf S. A. TAYLOR A CO. JE E JacVson sta . 1A1LOR4CO. ANTED Day boarders , at the touthwcs W cor. of 10th and Hartley sts. je29tf A cneap inrui in excnange 10 : WANTED . . Address , ' Fariucr , B i ' - - - - ajiilt T WILL SELL SECOND-HAND Carriages I and one Hearse , cheap for cash or trade , a : Fneed the room for now ones. JelSdti. . a. W. HOMAN. - land , being the NI M otfeclS , in township 13 , N of K 4 E. it tne SE part ol ButY. r cxunty , V > miles Nnrth- west of Lincoln. A well -cntdfarm , adjoin * it on the west , and country all around it i < thickly tettlfl : Will sell for $500 , one hall down , balance in one year , or S3 00 per acre it cash , or will trade for city property. Apply tc ANDKLW tOSEWATEU. mO TtlE PUBLIC The undersigned has I purchased and put upon the streets as pvblic conveyances , some of the finest carriages ernianufactnred in this country. They will 1 * run to andlroro the depots , hotels and prlyatt residences. AU orde s lett at the Metropolitan Hold , or at the stable , near t e cor of Eleventh st and CapiUl Avenue , will lie promptly at tended to. A ahare of the public patronage IE respectfully solicited. JOHN E. HULL , my loll AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance to amend section 2 of clnptet XXXI of the reYisefl prdjmtncc , ' Be Jt ardalneuT by the city council of tbe ilty ol Omaha ; SKCTJOX I. That section 2 of chapter XXXI of the Revised Ordinance of the lily of Omaha be so amended as to read as follows , to-wit : "Any owiier , proprietor or ag nt of any line or place herein mentioned , may receive licence to employ one or more posies or runners upon application and upon eiaemng into a bond to the city ol Omaha in the bum of five-hundred dollars for each 1'csnse conditional for the pay ment of all damage which slull occur by reason of the careless or improper handling of any goods or articles entrusted to the care ot such posies or runners , and further , upon the pay ment of the following sums for a license lor one year , to-wit : As runners or posies for ( my p llc bouse , hotel. iteauiboat , stage or umntbus Hue , twen t - live dollArSi as runners for ' ! y wercbantile liouse or firm fifty dollars wlthrproporHonate rates for a less period ; " - , PROVIDED that no llcennc shairiasnc for a less period than t > lx months. Paastd July 8 , 1874. * \ Attest : O. C. LUDLOW , J. S. GlltsON . City Clerk. Tres.City Council. Approved July 9,187-t. . Jy21d3t 'S. 0 , ( XUASE , Mayor- AN ORDINANCE. Vn'crdinance levying taxes for'ihe yearlS74. te It oidjined by the city council of the city of ) maha , * | SECTION ! . That the following taxes be and he same are hereby levied on the a/sessed val- ie of the property within taid City lor the year I. D. , 1874. ' - ' } "or tle general fund of said city to be used or general purposes , a tax : of ten rnilU on each ollar , For the sinking fund of said city a tax of five illls on each dollar. SECTION I. That the following taxes be , and he uarne are hereby levied on the wscssed vale - e of all the property within the school district f the city ot Omaha , in the county of Douglas , i the state of NebraatafortheyeacA. D , 1874. For the school fund of Bald district , a tax of ve mills on each dollar. ' - ; SECTION III This ordinance shall take effect nd be in force from and altar Hj passage , * ' PaS.c4.July7J87V - r ' T Attest ; / O , 0. LUDLOW , J. S. GIBSON , City Clerk. Pros. Cily Council. AprrovedJulyg , 1374. Jy21d3t C. S. CHASE , Mayor. AN ORDINANCE. , n Ordinance In relation to the extension of Ith Street e it ordajnpd by the City Coi-ncil of the City : onhai ' . N If. That it li and Is hereby dcclar- l to be necessary for the Clty'of Omaha to ipropriate a certain tract or parcel of land for ie public use and benefit of said City for the Ltension of ISth street in gala City and to be ied and occupied as part of said 18th street , Said real-estate Is situated within said City id is described as follows , to wit : " A strip of land 66 feet wide and about 20 rods cy IBB neirs pi Samuel Mabon. to the south ie o { Lake's aditlon ( } to sad | City. A1J of said rip of Und being la tbe South East quarter ot B South West quarter ol section Ten in Dou- IB County , J/ebruka and containing one half re of land more or less. 3ECTIOS II. That tbe mare be and hois reby Instructed to appoint three coiumUuion- i to aspraise sal4 Jands aboye dlscribfd accord- * tol" , w. , * . . . This/ ordinance shall t ke effect'l d be in force from , and gjtir its pasiaee ? asjpd July 8th 1874. " "b. 0 , LUDLOW , J. S. GIBSON. I I .City Clerk. Pies. City Council. Approved July 9th 1874. I i Id3t C. S. CHASE. Mayor. LOO.OOO 3H PABMIHO LAND Iff NEBBASKJLI ! ) OHaBSComPlaceLots ! . "OUSES ANU LOTS jn the city of Omaha * , for salecbeanand " I . on eoodtenui. * IIOUGS Oi , JI1I.L , . eal estate brokers.omce over lackey's atore , Dodee st. opposite new postomceap30m2 THE COMIJiG SXUUGGLK. be voters of our nation , . . A * ne'er wa * known belorc , . i , , re rising from Pacific's strand 7 I , To Atlantic's rociy shore. I " by is this mighty clunw ? " ' What can tbe meaning Ie ? | r ie rising of the masses * From northern lake to southern sea. ie spirit of old seventy-six V > From out our heroes' Rra es , , , irbids a nation drenched In patriots' blood , Should sink to that of slaves ; " IP motto which our coins once bore , Chough obsolete Ipng sincef main as ever true i not one cent lor tribute , Jut minions for defence , it rty ties and party laws / Lre but as ropes of sandl / e > Ijhts of mm tobeaman * v ihould Boyern Freedom's land ? en shall our Flag more proudly float I'er land as well as'sca , n trade we'll trr to deal , vt , s man should deal with man , 4 while we seek to live ourselves , re'll sell as cheap as anybody can , 1 if a hat you need , < $ , r friend yon chance to meet , aember Bance , the Hatter-v n Upper Douglas Streetr V- . - elCtf 1BEBK. c. S' K ABB At II. GKETJE & KAEBACIT , it. between Famhamlajid arney 11. * D3IAHA , - Ifl NEB. ing and Farm agons , VGOIES AND CAIIBLIGBS. J Dealers In and manufacturers of I [ CCLtoniLXMPLEMENTS ! .TJCULAR ATTENTION PAI TO Ca - HOKSK BttOKIXU. lepalrinjc olwag pi and blackamlthlng Ur dOBttyftionable prices enc eno c o S3 r fr S < Oi 3 = W ourtoe W ourtoeCQ CQ fr P s ( ft ; " 1" 3 M S m W G ! S3 S > x if 0 x1 PH jr i ? H 3 M ' 'I-1 58 * * * M S C § x rEK DAY. Agents waut- tf ed. All classes of work ing people of either sex , young or old , raake more money at work for us in their spare mo ments or all the tinio than at anything else. Addie s STINSON 4 Co. , Portland , Maine- novSvl SHEIUFF'S SALE. By virtue of a vendl issued out of the Dis trict Court for Gumming County , Nebraska , and to me directed , I will on the 24th day of July , A. D. , 1874 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. ot said day , at the store room of Albert Tucker , No. 234 Douglas street , in the city of Omaha , and County of Douglas , in said State , sell at auction the following described property , levied upon to satisfy a judgment ot said Court , re covered by II. L. Henry , against Albert Tucker , to-wit : Eighty-five cases of msnUtnd boys' boots , 23 cases of s.hoes ; &Ua all tht retiil stock of boots acd shoes cbatarinedMn'Eald store ; alioaimaUline'brhqi andcapg : also , the fol lowing" described storp and oftice furniture ; Two lounges , 1 deal : , 1 OYe MH\ pipe , a * . . . y to satisfy said judg- ulm.auu costs , and accruing costs thereon. ALFRED BURLEY , JylSdlOt Sheriff. VAN CORN'S JtfACIfflfE All kinds of light and heavy MACHINERY MADE & EEPAIKED. S&'All Wo'lc Guarantee ? . * ® * 258 HABNET STBEEt , - OMAHA. WILLIAM SEXAUEB. 225 r.jn'iazi Street , < Onata , Heb TV IQUia LK AND BETA1L PIULER Rf FURNITURE , BEDDING , ETC , TEEITSCHKE & CO. , GROCERS And Gcncial Provision Dealers , 8. WCor. . Jackson and 13th Sts- , Keep a supfiior stock of Groceries , Provisions , Wines , Liquors and Cigars , and sell cheaper than any oilier house in Omaha. j } 3 3m ENOCH HENNEY , Justice of the Peace Office overt no State Bank , corner rf Faru- hatu and 13thstreets. Ie \ -MAh' FACTCBEV OF AXD OEALKB IN- Lnmbn qtiius and V.r'udoir Shades , CHROMOS , EXQRATINHS AND PICTURE FRAMES. 270 Farnbam street , coiner Fifteenth CITY HOTEL , E , T. PAGE , Proprietor. lOtt St. , Let. Farnham and Harney , OM\HA , N D. Free lluss to and from all Trains. Passengers for olhcr Hole's r.r private Resi dence v n 1 ° ' 25 cents. IW All orders left at P. II. Allen's , 2d door from P. O , C. Wilton A Son , cor. 13th and IlTney , and the City Hotel Oflice , will receive pioiupt attention. Iy7 1m FARMERS HOUSE ! B. W. Cor. of 14th and Harney Sts. JUSTUS KESSiEB , Proprietor , Omaha , Neb. ILLINOIS * HO USE. fAf-n > i n-m SzTOOt Between 9th and. 10th. S , Prop. Central House 'If 0.630 Sixteenth Street , ' Jpp. Jefferson Square , OMAHA , NFB , JOSEPH DOTE , Prcp'r , Day and week T3oad at veasopable rales. First-cliEj far altacpttl to the bouse. Tlio Sioux Cltj and Pacific Railroad , la Connection wtlh the slOUX' CITY & ST , PAUL RAILROAD , i 02 miles thr shortcut route from Oma id Council Bluffr to St. Paul , 3HnrapoI : lllirater , Anula , Duluth , BIsmarcL , and a lints In Jllnnrsota. Train leaves Omaha daily , ( eirept Saturday G o.clock p. m. , and Council Bluffs at 8.05 j , from Cbicngo A North-Western Depot. ire as LOW and 1 ime as QUICK n by any oilier Line. ILLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS , te sure vour ticket reads VIA Sioux. City 19 avoiding circuitous routes and rniduigm nufcrs 'ickets can be nrcbasel at the offices of the icago < fc Xortliwislern Railway in Omaha 1 Council lilulls. JT. EOYDCN , I'l Pan. A Tkket Agf it I' . A d. ' . JJ. It. I Paul , Minn. F. C. HILL , - I'l Pass , and Ticket Agt. , S. C A I' . , Sioui ily , Iowa. OEO. W. GBATTON , Agenf. 1C3 Fainbam Street , Omaba.Neb. ily 20 , tf. Mrs. D. A. MOITETT , shionable ' Dressmaking , . 564 Fourteenth St. , )3m ) OMAHA , NEB. L. WOODWOBTH , 3 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. WAGO1T cred Tt pure oed Stock , No 1GON HARDWARE , SS aUai Wheels , Piaijhed Qerring , & & L ? , Springs and TliImLle SkeinsThe -The ( ARDWOOD LUMBER , SSiS riages , Hacks a "Buggies StHdebmeker AVagca Depot. ,5U , Tbe Kingof IheSEWJXG MACHINE IVOriD as ric-tmintntly M Cold Ttltns in the Realms ci Finance. * SALES EOK 1873 : In Round Numbers 232,444 Machines ! VJhTn ni.ri''V" ' ' . lr lcanl"ln * Ml evidence that the superiority of the Singer Is tu Iv THE SINGER MANF'G ' CO , W. N. NASON , Agent , Je. . 212 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE GROUERS , j Agents for the Oriental Powder Co. STEFXE & JOHNSON , WHOLESALE 6ROCERS ! SIMPSON'S. BLOCK 538 anU 540 Foteent3i Street , BET. DOUG-LAS AND DODGE - - " h"ySTORGAN STORGAN tfc GALLAGER. -SUCCESSORS TO CHEIGHTON AN3 MOROAN WHOLESALE GROCERS , Ko. tVa Farnham Street WHITNEY , BAUSERHAW , & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS ITo. 247 Douglas Street , . . , - - IsTISIB mch27yl GEiNTS FOR THS DUPO.\T POWDER CO. CLARK & FRENCH/ WHOLESALE GRGCERS ! Canned Goods , Dried Fruits , Green Fruits in Season. Je 1 .MtljERS SOMC1TKI ) / ND PROMPTLY FILLED. A , S. S I & . IP S O MANUFACTUBEU AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN CIGAR 532 C. I. . A. 288 Dodge Street , 2d Door East of 16th Street. I keep cons jntly on hand tbe finest lo ltof ItreaJ Cloth , Cissloirrcs and V UP tlC m ° St laslllonabl' ! > l > lv * and 'ult h wort fa. EbTABLISflku 51 PUNDT , JilEYER & RAAPKE , -.VHOI.ESALE DEALfRS IN FANCY GROCERIES , Teas , Spices , Tot eco and Cigars. 212 Farnham Street , Onmlia Nej ) hlctuTeodvl MOHR& go JOBBERS OF [ > RY GOODS , HOSIERY , GLOYES and XOTIOKS. 231 Farn&am Street , - - IsTIEIB. J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY rs-ir Notions. id Boots nnd Shoes. JOHN T. OF-- JOBBEIl - - Shelf i Heavy Hardware IRON , STEEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK,1 AND- ItKSUERH. IIAlrVKSTEIS.S , IIEAI'KKSMOWK1 8. EUS. 1'L.OVffl , crffcTIVATOnS I IIAV S Omaha- HENRY HORNBERGER. DEALEB Df _ Jmportfl-l.'iioods a SpecI-Ulj. DME& and liarhiiijton nd Missouri P > er'RalIroad Co. . offer ) T > est Ian Isat'low prlcn at G DC. cen. . Interest , * A "I hahimu prentiumof 20 per cent , on tbe amount of tbe ase , if half tbe land is cultivated , witblu two yean from dale of piirchiw. LAllOE DEDUCIOXS FOR CASH PAYMENTS. lh of' latte , loup Fork and Elkhorn Valleys , A M.R.'h. Co. wlllseCaboiil J.000.000 acres of spl n Hltrazin ; and.agricnHaralJland In fwitcred'rvunlry , f Irom Sir * to 87.00 per acre on longervdit. South of he Platte raja sa lar otolf of tha bMtlaal In Xebrni4lnUrwte.lby nuraerom rirrrs the State , also in ta } vxu railroa/IanliatMUr estini batdarelopelpircof pu a.Vzlley. FordrcitUrsanKull Information apply to R. SCHALLtR , Agent B. & M. land Office , Corner of Jilnth and Farnham Sts. , Omalia Or General Land Deportment ) Lincoln , No ,