Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1874, Image 3
Most Wonderful Xedcal I/I.- covery of the Agj Eyery Man TiU own Fhys'clan. grazier's Great Remedy The people of th < > United States hive been 1 humbugged with all kind * of Patent Medicines , quacks and importers , for the past lew ywn , Ilu a most shaineiul manner. The writer of the "lolloping H one of iba victims , and wishes to I present a TCTV plain cas . l Believing that by cleansing the b'ood was the only true way of banishing disease , and Lbeing a gre-t sufferer irum weak lungs and a rcrouilous aQecii u , aud after trying many kinds of Patent .MMlclues and the most [ eminent Pnysicians , I commenced doctoring pyself , and at last d scorered a Blood Searcher , * r Root Bitters , which not only gave me im- kuediate relelf , but alter a few weeks eflected 19 radical cure. The cough left me , my lungs Mcame strong and t uud. mr a..petit good , and the scrofulous dUea e had disappeared , feeling confident that my Discovery possessed 7ouderful healing Virtues , I gave It to others CUicted , and found It effected the ruomnlracu- Eous cures in thousands of cases , not alone Icuriiig Cuugh .Consumption , Asthma , Catarrh , icrolula and Weik Lungs , but all distases uused from humon in the b'ood. The demand rein iny friends nd others bearing about tbesa Bitters becoming eery great , I commenced put- . ne them up for tile , catling hem FRAZItR'S OT BITTERS. I was a nrst backward in . .renting either mykelf or medicine to the Ipublic-not being * 1'atent Mod cine Man , but II am getting bravely o er that. I hive sold thousands of botUes . ! iny Hoot Bitters , and t is my desire and determination to place the .ime within the reach of every suflenng man. .iromanand child uu tue { ace of tha civilized The grand principle that operates in these loot Bitters Is the power they possess In cleans- fcjtho turgid blood and banishing tbe vile Juniors from the system. Root Bitteis are Strictly a Medicinal Preparation , compounded from roots combined with herbs anil p-jts , . niany of which were used in the good old days [ jf our forefathers , when people were cured by 3Otue simple root or herb , and whoa talomel land other pois.ns ol the miner * ! klugdom | ere unknown. They open all tha natural passages of the jody , i" st out disease , take away all sickness and build up tha system -with pure blood , Jiencc trey must reach all dUeases by purifica tion aud nourikhment , f > o person c c take Root Bitters and remain Ilong uuwtll. Victory upon victory they have l-alued ever disease and death In all stations bud conditions in life. They are constantly ef- Icctlng cures of tha utmost importance. , for i > msumplion , ostbiua , scr-fuU , .Scrofulous E- | uptlous\ Catarrh , Wek Lungs. Lost Vitality _ fud Broken-down Conslitutionj , these Ro < it Bitters are universally admitted to be the moat Iwonde.ful Medical lU.ovcry kuown to tne LvorlJ. liieir pet-tond healing properties pene- B-steetery iw.tlonol the humanframesooth ing the Lungs , strengthening the Stomach , JCidneyg and Liver , cleaning the blood from levery kind of humor. No other medicine will Icure Chronic Rheumatism , > eursigia , fUeart DUease , Fits , Dizzlniss , Headache , E Dyspepsia , Fever aud Ague , CosUveness , Piles , I Urinary Diseases , Kidney Disuse , and Liver .Complaint , so quickly at this Root Bitters. All iuch dUeales are caused from a bad stomach find a poisonous con Jltion of the blood. 1-or I weakly , nervous young men , suflering from loss lot memory , loss of energy , etc. , caused from tibuses In early life.and tuuelleal * femalethe e f.trengthening Root Bitter * are e | > eci lly re- I commended. One bottle will do more toward [ eradicating Syphilis , Scurvy. Tetter , t ever f Mores , Sore Eyes , 'tumors , Can < * rou forma hlons , Dropsy , Erysipelas , salt Rhcuni , blrers. I Bolls , Flesh Worms , Blotches , Pustules , tru- | Ltlou , pimples on the face , and OorrupUoua Iroui I the Blood than all other remedies In exUtence. iG. W. FRAZIER , omo.i Frailers Root Bitters rc sold by all the lead- | I In ? Druggists , Storekeepers and Chemist * , bold I Whele U > by Strong 4 Cobb , 18a bupertor ! street , and Benton Myers A Canfiold 117 Wat- Icr street , Cleveland , O. ; B. L. Fabnestocki It * . , Pittsburg ; Oeorge C. Goodwin A Co. , f Boston ; John K. Henry Curran 4 Co , United \ itatcs Medicine House , 8 and 9 College Place , .New York : Wyth Brothers , Philadelph a ; tul- Ller 4 Fuller , Chicago ; John L. Park , Cmclnna- I ti , and other nrst-clsss Drug Houses. ahow this notice to your druggist or store- keSpeVT Ask for FRAZlERS ROOT BITTERS , l and accept no substitute whatever. Price with- f Inthercichof all-Si per bottle : aix bottlei , I IS. IJlSdiwly IMPORTANT TO ( Commercial Trayelers. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS who solicit irders by CARD. CATALOGUE , TRADE- ; UbT ? SIMPLE. OR OTHER oPECIMEN , i also tlose who visit their customersMid solicit trade by purchase * made DIRECT FBOM .STOCK , and who travel In any section , by Rail or Boat , telling any class of goods , are requested - , quested to send their BU&INEoS and PKI- l VATE ADDRESS , as below , stating class of , goods they sell , and br whom employed ; also , , , ho e who are at present under no engagement. ! JrhU matte * la of OtlEAT IMPORfAhCE INDIVIDUALLY to sa'esraen of thU class , or I men sollcitinz trade in this manner. It is [ therefore ESPECIALLY desired tbst this i notice nuy meet the eye ot ALL Commercial ! Travelers and balesmen In this country and that they will AT ONCE give it their atten tion. The 9who comply with above request will be CONFIDENT'ALLY treated and duly , advised of object In flow , Pjeije address , ( by lettci only ) , c re Ofo. P. Bowell 4 Co. , 41 Park Bow. JyScodJm i'E'ff YOKK CITY. Praciical 171 r rnP va , 8. B Ojr. llth St. OMAHA NEB APPLETON'S American CYCLOPAEDIA New Bevised Edition. Entirely rewritten by iho ablest writers on every subject. Printed from new type , ndlllustratcd with twvcral TUa and Ecgravingi and Mapi. TUB work originally published under the title . o . . . In 1S63 , since wulcb time the wide completed . . . , , . . . Lukupieu. , . , | nnJ In 11 Tiarlm of eclence , literature , and art , have Ind ' editors and publishers to submit It to n eract li and thorough revision , and to issue a DOT I'dltion cntlUed , Twe A BBICA CCLOPA . . li 'within tbo last ten years tii m < W flf fll - I covery In every department of knowledge has r wsde new work of reference an Imperailve -a-anU arU and the conrcnience and renn m nt of soclrlll.'e. Ore twar and consequent revoln- tlon. naveoccuroJ.lnvolTlqz national changes of peculler moment. TheclrU war of euro n country , which wan at IU height when the last volume of the old work appeared , bu Iwpplly been ended , and a new conme of commercial and Industrial activity has been commenced. Large accessions to our gbOgraphlcal kaow- edge have been maiabythe Indefatigable ex- ' revolutions of the lait rha crcai poiium decade , with " > natural result ol the lap e ol S met have bwught Into public view a multitude ' jV < tiewmen. wUwp namej are In every one' f S&outb , ind of who p lvesevery | one Is curious to know U > e parUcuiars. Criut battles have ' bceu fou-Ut and Important i ( ji4 malnuined , of whlch'the details are as yet prparfld only inthenewspspersorJn thotran teut pffblic * . , iionsof tbe W. but which ought no 'w take their place In permanent nd authentic history. In preparlr.g the present edition for the press , t hai acoordlngir been the aim of tha edltcra Jo I bring down the Information to the laust pos- Ible dates , nnd to lurnlsh an accurate account .i the most recent discoveries In science , ct firery Ireah production n literature , and of * theoewe * ! . JnTentlon In tbe practical arts , as ' veillas to civ t succinct and original record of ' SiVprogress & poU ? } l " * hlstorUl event. The ork hasTJcen b un after long and cre- K lul preliminary Ubor , u4 Jla the most ample njsources lor carryine It on to a successful K None of tbe origiutl stereotype glatf * bavp f b cn used , but every page W W prlnUd on 1 new type , lormlng fn Tact a new Cyclppiedla , P slth the same plan and compass u its predcces- * * but with afirgreaUr p unlarr espendl- * or Sire , and with such Improvements in Its com- posiaSSM bare been WfWf r - berLence andpfjjargeti KOOWIWI B. . * lllustntioci which ara Intiodnced for TL I. the first time in tS pr eat edition hare been I iddednoUortheMie of nJctorU'effect , but to 1 Jire greater lucidity and iSVp ? W U pl i - tionilnthetext. They embrace all branches of sciea-a and na < cral olstory , aad dehW the inoit iwnous aad reaarkablelcalnrei of sceniir/ Schltocture , and art , u weMas tbe wlous pro- r se of mechanic : and uiinnfactnre * . Al though Intended tor Instruction rstiflrJUan embetlUhmftt , nopilns bay * be n ipared to insure thefc artUUc excelleBce : the coit of jt r er n ( Kn Is enormous , nd It U bejlansl ther ill tud welcome reception as an ad- ' - ' -itnreof tbeCyclopsMlaaad worthy ld ] to Subscribers only , payable OTbi i ? tlitn IvtPoctavo volumes , eacb BSS fef r raaavtu ouUiroi LJtbBfrspnte Map * . 1'KJCE A3D 8TYM ! OF BINDJSQ , la nttt Cloth , per vol. . . . . . . . . . . . . tS.Op Ia UUxry lolber , p r TOl . m. . ) IB tlnit To b.7 Monxso , ptr iou-m 7 00 J JUIf Uc-w , tr fill , W jol - f CO , aj 1iou , * , ElU sjg , tr vol IOM IOMTO r * 4 TO- iud once In _ _ tU AMEUdV Crcto- . Appletoii & Co. , EemarkaTjle Warning by a Mys terious Messenger. ( Banner of Light ) MR. EDITOII : The following deeply interesting account of a very sad affair that took place sometime since in tLis neighborhood is from a gentleman in whom the utmost confidence can be placed. Hestates to me that he has for years known the parties interested , and that he has got at the facts correctly. G. i < . DITSON , M. D. MY DEAR SIR : I inclose you the particulars of the mysterious occurrence in this city in which you seemed so interested. I have de layed some time that I might see the actors in it and and interrogate them personally. Their intelli gence and honesty In the nuatter may be implicitly relied upon , lours , truly , J * * * About three miles southeast of the city of ISchenectady the high way is intersected by theXew York Central Railroad. At this point an aged couple , Mr. and Hrs. W. , well known to all the citizens , re turning home from an even ing drive , were struck and instantly killed by the rain due. in Schenectady at fi p. m. This accident occurred at ten minutes before G p. m. At ten minutes pnst 5 a lady in the city , Mrs. C. , of a highly nerv ous organization , and intimately acquainted with the unfortunate couple , answered a ring at the front door of her house , heard by both her husband and sister. She found standing at , her door an elderly lady , whom she had never before seen , dressed in the fashion of years long since gone by. The stranger said nothing , when the lady of the house opened the conversation by observing : "I do not know you ; do you wish anything ? " "Nor I you , " replied the old lady. "Tend down to the 6 o'clock train ; the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. W. will be on it. " Thu old lady walked off. Mrs. C. immediately told her husband , who was in the house , and asked him to go down to the depot , which was not any great distance. He , how ever , ridiculed his wife and her ner vous apprehensions ; but being again urged , went down to the depot to find that the train had not yet ar rived , and no report of any acci dent He returned home at 5:40 even yet before the accident to laugh at his wife and her fears. The train arrived a little late , and in a few minutes a messenger rushed up to say that the dead bodies of the old couple were on the train , and to request Mr. C. to come down , which he did , and helped them off. The messenger was sent up to Mr. C. in consequence of his first visit and inquiries. There were no means of telegraphic com munication with the place where the accident happened. After wards , in describing the appearance of the lady to a sister of Mrs. W. , she recognized it at once as a faith ful portrayal of her mother , who bad been dead many years. The ac tors in this singulai mystery are well known citizens , not in any manner Spiritualists , and are enti tled to implicit confidence hi all they say. say.Recapitulation. . 1. A lady three miles off was made aware , either by an objective or subjective vision , of an accident thJit ha4 not yet bapr pened and thp succeeding pveijts. 3. Her husband , in consequence of this message , goes to the depot , where the train had not yet arrived , and finds no report of an accident , which even then had uct happened. 3. After tha train arrived he finds the dead bodies on it , as predicted. 4. The oddly dressed person who brings the message is afterwards Identified as the ludy long since de ceased. 6. The lady to whom the njessago. came bas , Jong been subject to mys terious impressions , for which she could give no reasons , and which greatly disturbed her. On this day particularly she experienced uncom fortable and undefined " forebodings. This is perhaps "the most pregnant ponsjd.eratjon of all ; Whence dq they come ? Tricks of Wasaoe Undertakers. A night or two since , while on his beat through B street , officer Shirts found an inebriated Individ ual reposing on a bench in front of Wilson & Brown's undertaking es tablishment. The officer shook the fellow uutij. he awoke him from .his drunken slumber , then explained to him that he would be obliged to escort him to the station-house un less he hunted other quarter * . The man tald the officer that he was a stranger in the town , that he had but four bits and the night being warm he had concluded it would be good economy to sleep out of doors and save Ills four bits { o buy hjs breakfast iii the morning. Nof ; be ing a hard hearted man , the officer told the fellow he might finish his dnoqip , provided he would get up and move out pf ejghf before the people werp astir qn the streets. fassjng tljat way agam in an hour or two , Mr. Shirts found that his "snoozer" had rolled off the bench and was lying in an empty coffin case , which was lying on the side- walfe , Rousing him again , he told him ho i'TO4st get out of there. ' ' "Out o ? what ? " grumbled the fel low. low."Why "Why , out of that coffin ! " said Shirts though it was but one of those large coffin shaped cases in which coffins are shipped. "Who's in a coffin ? " said the fel low nibbing his eves. Why > you are , " said Shirts. /If / I am I don't know it. " "Well , 1 know It , and if you don't get out of that it will be the , en.d of you. Don't you know that if the undertakers get up in the morning and find you snoozing In there they'll clap a lid on the coffin , nail you up and bury you , then send in a bill and make the county pay your funeral expenses. " Crawling out of his narrow quar ters , thp fpjlow stood and gazed upon ih.e cofljn ° for a time , then sajd ; "What sort o' d d undertakers you got here in this country , that go and set coffins 'longside the side walks fur to ketch men ? " and with out waiting for an answer , he shuf fled away to find safer quarters. fa City Enterprize. HKlteni&ff the Eipening of ? ruit. AoiUiff under the principal that renewal of tb& earth immediately surrounding the roots increases theif activity , and accelerates the matur ing of all parts of the plants , Snclud ing the fruit , Mr. Stall removed the earth about an early pear tree , eight weeks before the normal period for rlppnjpgf for a space cf thirteen to fifteen feet \a. \ diameter , and to such an extent as to leave a depth ol earth over the roots of only aboul two to fovir inches , whicl oould bo tfcorpughjy warmed by the sun. Hp was surprised not only by the ripening of the -fruit In the middle of July , Out also by Its superior Juiqiqesa and flavor. In another experiment , the removal of the earth from the north side ot the tree alone caused the fruit on that Bide to ripen sev eral daya earlier than on the souti fcldc. Frequent watering was , ol courw.neeeahary In the above ex- Vineyard Qcadte , How President Grant Entered Saratoga. ( Saratoga Letter to thj Nl Y. Herald. ) As we ail came out from break fast , praising the efficacy of our favorite spring a subject we all differ about and quarrel about we saw a rush of people , und supposed there to be a run-away. No , it was only President of the United States , in a white linen duster , with an umbrella , getting out of a carriage and climbing up the steps of Congress - gress Hall , a lady on his arm and a secretary behind. He was stoop shouldered , bowed of head , humble and stolid , as usual. He was always unpretending , and this year , coming to a new place , he was less like a fashionable character than ever before. That way of creeping up stairs , morbidly modest and shrinking away , habitual to him , seemed more humble In the light of these tall facades and long/ architectural porticoes of Saratoga. He makes a point , without intend ing it , when he enters a new town , in this way. As I stood on the steps of the Grand Union , just oppo site , and saw him go up the other portico , I thought of the hundred or more times I have seen him walkIng - Ing as queer and creepingly , like a man inaae sensitive in early life by some community's frown or misap prehension. If time was long harsh with him , the best has been done to make reparation. An Ohio man right behind me remarked : "Well , " that's the first time I ever saw him before , and this time I have only seen him behind. He's a puzzle. He's respected , anyway. Battering away at him seems to do him good with another big class. There's only one way to make him President again that is , a war be tween the races in the South , and if that comes he's Inevitable. We'll beat him , if there ain't , with old Bill Allen , unless Jim Blame or Washburne beats old Bill. " Advice to Farmers' Boys. I am a farmer's boy , twenty-one years of age. Don't think that I can enter any of the professions Indeed , do not think I am possessed of any of the right elements for suc cess in them. I believe we were placed iu tills world for some pur pose. Now , what can I do to ac complish that purpose ? Why , my dear fellow , you can't do better than to be a good farmer. Set an example of industry , iritelli- ? eiice , kindness anu public spirit in your own neighborhood , and you will be one of the multitude of patient workers who are helping the world out of the mud. Few men can do more than just this , let them make over so much fuss. Christian Union. 400,000 , ACRES ! OK THE FINEST Elkliorn Yalley Lands ! FOH SALE HT 33. 3VZ. CTi-A.T1.3si , "Wisnor , ITeb milESE LANDS ABC CONVENIENT TO JL the uiatket and the FINEST ill the STATE ! Aad will be sold at from $2,50 to $5,00 PER ACRE ! For Cash or on Ion ? Time. ZS-LAND EXPLORING i JCK- ETS for sale at O. & N. W. De pot , bearing coupons -winch Mill lie taken at full cost ia payment for land. Wood ! Wood ! Wood ! Immense Reduction ! S. P. BP.IK fa' YARD , CORNER OF AT 14th and Chi ago Streets. Good Hard Wood $7 00 ; Sou % 00. Stove Wood to suit any number of stove very cheap. aplStf ED WAHD KUEHL. MAGISTER UF TIIE DEPARTED. Vo498 lUtu St. , between Farnhan & Harney. Will by the aid of guardian spirit ; , obtain lot any one a view oi tue put , present and fu- tuie. No fees charbed in cases of Hicknesi , apiJtf J. O. SLATTER , Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries. lllc'icit ' price paid for Country Produce , i Brick Store , 8. . Cor. 16ft & Chicago Eta. , je26tf OMAIIA , NEB. F. A. ' . . i'ETEKS. Saddle and Harness Maker , AND CARRIAGE TRIMMER , ' Ko. 374 Fnnib m .151h4fclOth. A I-L orilcrs and repairing promptly attended Jto rnd aatufactfqn guarraqteed - p id for hide * . GRAND CEJSTHA.L TSf. O rp 2 Xi . DHAHA , - - - HEBBASZA , The largest and bett hot between Chicago nd Han f ra Opened new September 30th ,1873. s30 If OKU. THKALL. Proprietor. BYHON BKKO. LEWIS S. SEED BYRON REED & CO , The Oldest Established Real Estate Agency IK NEBRASKA Keep a complete Abstract of Title to'all Real Eit tt In Oin ha and Douglas county. Established 1858. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY 538 * 540 Fourteenth Street , ( Office op stain. ) Omaha , Nebraska. Carriage , and Buggiea on hand or maile to order. N. B. Particular attenUon paid to Repair Inc. apr2S-U i Southern Motel , 4th , 6th tad Walantiti , , St. Louis , - Mo. "Laveille , "Warner & Co. , The Southern Hotel Is first-clsss in all Its apfojnf menu. Its tables are at all times iap- plird in tip greatest abundance , with all the delicacies the markets afford , Its clerks and employes are all polite and atfentlTe to the wants ol thn guttts ot the hotel. There is an improve leleya or leadiqe from the fint floor to the upper on , Ka Tread and steamboat Icketo3.cs , new j stimd. nd Tesxerp finlon telennph offl e in the hotunda of hotel. LATEY , Cor. 16lh and "Webster Sts. , Keps a complete assortmentxl GROCERIES and PBOYISIONS , Monev and Commerce. Daily Eeview. OFFICE OMAHA DAILY BEE , ) July 21 , 1874. f Business at the banks to-day b. fair. Land grants , warrants and scrip aie in tolerable demand and remain * firm at previous quotations. Exchange iu fair demand and good supply , rates ruling steady at last figures. Good commercial paper Ia readily accommodated on short time. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK quotes : Land Grants Celling ) . 5815.00 Land Warrants , (1GO ( acres buying ) . 176.00 Land Warrants (160 ( acres selling ) . 185.00 Agricultural College Scrip , ( ICO acrs buying ) . 176.00 Do. Selling . 185.00 Exchange 011 New York , 1-5 of one per ct. Groceries Trade is somewhat better to-day , and we noticed some heavy shipments. Sugars still hold firm , and are in good demand. Dry Goods Business in this line is looking up , aud there is quite au improvement in orders ; local trade quiet. Orders for hardware still come iu steadily , and are quite liberal. Lo cal trade is better. Wines and Liquors Business as usual in this line is good , both for country and local orders. Produce is in better supply and demand to-day. Prices remain un- ohanged. Market is well supplied with small fruits , apples and green corn. corn.Provisions Provisions Dull. Prices same. Fish In good demand. Stock fair. OMAHA MABKETS. Carelully Corrected Dally DRY GOODS. j. J. BROWN & BRO. , ( Jor. 14th and Douglas Streets. PRINTS. Aliens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ _ 9 American. . . . . . , - tl 9 Ainoakeag . . . . .M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 % Bristol . . . . . _ 82 ' Uarners . . 8J Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " * > 9 t Mernmack I ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M. ' 9 Peabody . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . y % Itichmond . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . 9 9 BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. Bright 4-4. . . , i. _ Boot G . . . v ' - 9 Cabot 4-4 . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . _ _ . 12 % Lonsdale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. 1 N. V. MI Is - . - i18)4 Ptfterboro. . . , , , , , , , , , , . . , 8 SuQulk L. . . _ . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . _ 8J-J BLEACHEC SHEETINGS. Pepperill 8-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ . . .7 J _ 31 do 9-4 - . . : : . . . _ . 8. K do 10 - . . . . _ 38 > i COiTONADiS. Farmers and Mechaulca. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 25X Great Western. . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 KKOWU SHEETINGS. Albion , A. . _ . . _ . . . - SJi Bedford R . . . . _ ' ' " " n n , . , , " , , , , , , , 5 Urantviile , EL' . . . ! . . ! ! . - . . 10H Germania , B B - . . . . _ . . . . . . . ty Lancley . . H . . _ . if L. U * . . . - - _ . _ . _ 9 GINGHAMS. " American. . . . . . . . . . . . .M. . . . . . . . . . . H Amoskeag . . . . . . . . . . . .MW . . . . . . . . . 12 Bites . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7T : . . 12H TICKINQS. Amoskeag , a c a . . . _ _ . . . . . BidSeford . _ . , - , . . . - DENIMS. Amoskeag , . . - JZ * . . _ 2S > Bearer Creek , B B 4. _ _ . Ky. Hay makers. . . . * H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 'tis , B B. . . . . . . . . . . 11 % Otis , C C _ . . ' _ . 15 > 4 i JEANS. Slddeford . X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 16 > J lloasier . . . . . . . . . . . 4u YANKEE NOTIONS- KURTZ aioiiR & CO. , 231 Faruham Street. SPOOL CUnu Clark's O. N. T - - ? o boat's . . . H. . . . .H.'M. . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . .HM 7u Merrick's. . . . . . - 424 ! -HOSIERY. Domestic. . . . . . . . . . - . . - . _ _ . . . . ? .V@2 00 British. . . - . ? . - . _ 3 OC 6 00 PAPER COLLARS. nickenV best. .s . . . .m. . . . . . . . . . S 90 King WilUam. _ . ! . _ . _ . . . l 35 [ iAnio Hf , . , , , . . .y. , , , . _ . i go jianley , - - - , - , _ T--- " ' 2 50 SHAWLS. Ottoman strlp . _ . $2 25@G 50 , . WUte eommnri . . 81050 ttKHliuW- , . . . . . . 15 OD ' custom made. . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So 00 Percftle. . . . . "i U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ? 1200a21 CO Calico , . . . .i . . . . . . . . . . i 75a7 60 V OVEBALLS. Brown drill . _ . . . ! C 50a7 25 ' dock . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . . 7 75a9 00 Blue drill. . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00a7 60 duck _ . . . _ . . _ _ . _ _ . 8 00a9 60 Whtie . . . . . _ . - . - . - . - 8 00a9 50 ' COKSETS. French whalebone m..M. . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 25a3 00 [ ) ur own.HH..fc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 00 Comet. . . . . . tn HM. . . . . . . . . . . , 22 60 fcPBINO SK1BTS. Linen prlntcd.1. . . , . . . , . . , . , . . . . . . . _ S 9 00 " ruffled = SS.i . U 00 " iuted ) . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 00 GENERAL COMMISSION. J. U. ItOSENFELD glVCS US tH6 following quotations his day : Butter , active , 15a20in tubs ; Eggs fair , at lie per dozen ; Live Chickens , dull , at 2 00@2 50 per doz.j Gooseberries , 2 50 per bu. ; Cher ries , 1 80 per buj Lemens,12 00 per box. ana Baspberries,20c per quart ; blackberries Oc ; apples , 1 00 to 1 25 per box. a ? HAEDWAKK Common llore shoe b . aorway nall'rod > * STEEL. Cast plow - . - 12 Germoa..MM.M . . . . . . .MM. . . . . i . . .i , , 11 American caan , octagon and square _ 18& 22 Jessup's English do do . . . 25@ 40 Burden's horse shoes , per keg . . . . . . . . . 725 do mule do do . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 25 Northwestern horse nails. . . . . . - S2a 83 Dundee thimble skeins , discount 45 ptr cent. Stothali , patent axles , discount 10 per cent. NAILS , 1M to 60J per kcj . - . . . . . _ 4 10 8d do . _ _ . _ . . _ . _ 4 35 id' do . . . . . . . _ . . . . . 4 6U 4d do _ _ _ _ . _ . _ 4 5 3d do - . _ 5 10 3d fine do T.T _ , , , .1 , _ 7 10 lOd ficis'ng do . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . 5 3 > Sd do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . 5 60 6d do , do . . - 5 85 lOd casing "ido , ' - . _ _ . _ . _ . 4 85 8d dO dO MMMW..M..MH..KH. 5 10 6d do do . . _ . . . . . C S5 Wrought , all sizes - _ _ 5 85 * BOLTS. Carriage and tire. . - . . discount 70 pr c BTJTTS. wrought , fist joint discount 20 pr c Cast , loose pm reTenibIe . . do 33 do MISCELLANEOUS. Hay and manure fi > 30 pr c Hoes and gaiden rakes. . . _ do 25 do t HINGES. Strap and T.J. . . _ _ discount 25prc OVRENCHES. Tail's black. _ * ; . _ discount 65 pr c Coe's linniitatlon _ _ _ _ _ _ do 45 do Coe'a genuine. . . _ _ _ . _ _ jo jO do SCREE'S. American Iron . _ . . _ . . _ 45 pr c do { brass - _ - 40pre SCTTIJK . H Hojt'i 3a.vtBt Xingpcr don t _ * 14 3 ! Champion nnM. _ . . . . _ . . .u , 18 QC Htald s Enrei * - _ _ _ . _ ] 0 OC do red - fy.- . . . - _ 9 SPADES A9D SHOVELS. Bowland'aNo2 black shoTels , I ! ! . 12 OC do do polished do do 13 ( K do do black spades do _ 12 ( X Moore .do , polished do do _ . 13 0 ( do's "spring pblnt" L U shorcls 13 K I AXES. LIppencott's Western Crown _ _ _ _ is ( X doJido do b vefea _ - 13 5 ( TCOFFEE MIIJS. I-arke's&o S , Iron boi - _ net S S ! do doJU3g4o . . _ . _ _ . 157 ! do do35 Union Jr h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II 0 ( eo do 35 & 0o CrlUnla - J3 01 tt FUJS. HarsfraTe , Smith & Co. , - discount . 80 pr i American Hie Co _ _ _ - do SO di Hardole's , A E Nol. 1 } , 2 _ M mmnnd' A E Nn * - . , . , _ Jg f > do do do * " ? TT T.-,1-,1 _ 10 Ode do E&clnter > No ! - - , - . , _ jo ode do do tdo 2 _ > . . _ . 13 & do do t do S. . . . , U Ol HATCHETS. Morris" shingling , No 1 do du do 2 do do do 3 do cl.w do 1. . dc o do 2. LEATHER. ' Best Buffalo Sole , \ g Matatnoras do . . . . . . . . . . . . o. 2 , 32c ; No. 1,35o Best Oak do ' 43@45c Baltimore Oak Sole. . 2 4Sc ireneh Kiis . . . _ . . . . . . . _ _ SI 40g2 ( 110 do Calf , leading brands . 32 tOQ2 SO Domestic Klp * . . . . _ . _ . _ .Sl 00 < Zjl SO do Calf. . . $1 35 < ljl 75 Hemlock Upper , per foot . . . 25@30c Oak' do do . . .Tt-iiiJ m . . . . .i-0 * * * -Grain do do SOo Linings , per dozen $7 C0@10 00 Topfiings , do $11 00&14 00 Morocco ( Boot Leg ) per foot , _ . _ _ . SS@43c do ( Oil Dressed ) do . 4W(340c ( do ( aimon ) S3 00@J 25 do ( Glove Kid. ) . S3 50&5 00 Welt Leather , per side , . 16 00(37 ( 00 Boot Webbing , per bolt , . . . . _ . . 4c@70o O k Harnsss ixather , " Pittsburg , " . . . . . 45c do do do No. 1 , _ . 40(342u ( do do do > o.JJ , . _ _ 33 < & 40e Oak Line do . . . . J _ _ . . . . .446J4C < Umloi.t Harness Leather , J > oj ; . . . . . . .BUQ40c do do dojfNo. . 2 , .37Q39C Hemlock Line do . . . _ . . . . . .44 < Zj4Gc Fair Brittle , per side- . ! 6 00@7 00 Team Collars , per dot 123 50&2J 50 SUjje do do i. . ' . . - . . . . . .i21 50 Scotch do do . . . - . - S36 00 concord do do * . . . . .M. . . . . M..S33 0 Collar Leathei ( Black ) per loot , 18@24c do do ( Russet ) ' do ISQilc Patent Dash Leather. . . . . . . . 15c SOAPS Powell & Co. , Soap monufacturera. Sapc. Publico , 6 l-2@6 3 4 ; Savon Republic , do. , Chemical OliTe , 6 to 6 1-2 ; Palm , 5@tQiGerman Mot- led , 6 l-4a6 1-2. ART GOODS AND TJPaoliJTERKR'S STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones , Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine art goods , 270 Farnham , Street , furniahe ? the following quotations : 7RAMB MOTJLDJJ | L Oil walnut mouldings } * ne inch , per foot , 5c ; 2 inch lOc ; 3 inch 15c ; polished walnut " , 1 inch 7c ; 2 Inch 15c ; 3 inch"21c. Berlin gilt , 1 inch 615c ; 2 inch 12@30c ; 3 inch 18 © 45c ; imitation rosewood and gilt , 1 iuch6@10c ; 2'inch 10@20c ; 3 inch 16@80c. WINDOW SHADES. Plain bands , 6 feet , all colors , per pair , 1 60 ; ornamental bands , 2 00@ 4 00 ; each additional 'foot , 75c per pair. BEPPS. Union jnd all wool terry , per yard 1 50@3 X ) ; Imperial , plam and stri ped , 2 50a8 00.DAMASKB. DAMASKB. Union per yard , 1 50 ; all wool , 2 OOaS 00. MATTRABSE3. Husk , 4-4x6-2 , 4 00a5 00 ; straw , 3 00a4 00 ; Excelsior. 3 504 50. LUMBER. RETATC. UST Subject to chance ol market witnout ' ' WM. M. FOSTER , On U. P. R. R. track hot. t irnbam ai GEO A. HOAGLANL. Joists , studding and sills , 20 It , and un der .T. \tS. 00 Over 20f t , each additional ft add'l 60 Fencing No 1 . . . . . . . . . * S COde do Ko 2 21 00 1st common boards. . . . . . . . 25 00 2nd do do . ifcj 00 "A" stock boards , 10 and 12 inch Co 00 "B" do do do uo S5 00 "C" do do do do 10 00 1st clear , 1,1J { , 1 and 2 Inch. _ 65 00 2d do do do do . . . . 55 00 3d do do do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 00 Flooring , dear. . . . . . _ . . . . . _ 50 00 do 111 common. . . _ 40 00 do 2d do _ 35 (30 ( do 3d do . . . 27 50 du narrow , cliar. . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . 4500 latclear celling yt inch 85 00 2d do do y inch 82 50 1st do do % Inch . 30 00 2d do Ho % inch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 50 1st clear siding _ 27 00 2d do do . _ _ 26 00 1st common siding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Ot ) 2d do do 20 00 "A" shingles 4 25 Exlra No 1 shingles 3 W ) CouimoB No 1 shuigles. * . . . . . . 2 00 Lath per 1000 3 5fl D A. U pickets etr 100 . M 3 5o foquurc' do do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O O Batten pe' lineal fi 1 % Hough do do do . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liberal discount on carload lots WINDOWS , ( Glazed. ) 35 per cent off Chicago list. DOORS , ( Wedged ) 25 pei cent oft Cl leago list. BLINDS. 30 per cent offlbt. White lime per bbl _ . .81 75@2 00 Lonlsvllle cement per bbl. . . . . _ . . . 3 00 )3 25 Plaster parts per bbl 3 50oJ 75 Plastering hair per bushel . . 40 T md felt . . 4 llatteringboaru . . . . _ _ . . . . . _ 4 % OILS. PAIMS , l4AJ > S , &c. N. I. D. SOLOMON. ROBEKT C. STEELL. Coal Oil S 19 Lard Oil , No IS S5l 00 Linseed Oil , raw. 105 " . " " 2 _ 70 " " bl'd. . . 1 10 " " wlnteri. Turpentine. ; . . . . 65 " "stralu'dj Qn Headlight Oil 28 Lubricating I _ , . . . , W. Va. f PAlKTb , AC Whlfe Lead , St. LouU , Srtlctly Pure _ $ 11 % " " " " Fancy Brakd * . . . . . . 94 Putty In Bladders. . . . 5 * " " Bulk . . 4 % Enameld Glass , colors , % 1 sq. ft. 1 oo Window GUSH. 60 8 c discount TIN. SHEET.IBON. WIRE , &C. SIILTON ROGERS , COR. 14th & FARNHASI. ty PLATE. 10x141C , lair quality. . . . . . 10x14 Ic , best quality 10x14 IX do do 12x12 IU do 12x12 IX , do 11x20 1C do 14x20 LX do 14x201X1 do 14x20 IXXX It-Opiate DC 100 plate DI , 100 plate DXX 100 plate DXXX Roofing 1C charcoal Roofing IX do 10x14 IU coke 20x231C charcoal roofing 20x28 1C charcoal roodng. . . _ . _ . e4xl4 IX charcoal . . . 10x20 cuke ( for cotters } . . , BLOCK TIN. Large pigs. . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . _ . 35 Bar tin . _ lll'IIIIIIZ ! ! Jr ! JiniIirnZ ! 1 S3 ZINC. Sheet tin 25 to S6 in . . . do do do It half caeks. . . _ . \ \ % do do do InSSOIb cai > ks _ . . . . 12 Sheet 34 to 35 Inches per sheet. . . . 12 % Tinnerssoldei ( extra refined . . . 25 do do No. l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 do do roofing , , , li t , Jt L1 t 21 bid 71 fM.mi . . Oa2 SHEET IRON. First quality , Numbers IB to 24 do do do V5. do do do 2G. . . . do do do V7. . . . . Charcoal , both sides smothe do No 24. . . do do S6 _ . _ do do 27. JcnlaUNo. 24 _ . . do .lo 26 do do 27 _ Russia perfect 7 to 12 _ do ifo. 1 , stained _ IMS than lull bundles , add one cent. "A"Amerlcac Immltat'n Russia , 11 Nos. Less than full "bundles add one cent. do 27. . Full bundles discount ISrercentT TOPPER. Per bandl * 15 per centdiscoua GROCERIES. STEELE i JOHNSON 53S-540 14TH ST. CLARK i FBENCH COB. FABNHAM ANE llTII ST. . PUNDT , 3IEYEB & RAAPKE , 212 FARN- HV3I ST. , WHOLESALE DEALERS- MORGAN & GALLAGHER , 205 Farn- hum St. WHITNEY , BAUSERMAN i. CO. , 247 Douglas St. J. J.JBROWNiBRO. , Cor. 14th and DouglasStreets. . SUGARS. Granulated pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 "owdertid do 1- Crushed do . . . . . . . . . 12 Bat cut loaf do _ 13 Standard A do HXaU % Circle A do UJi Kxtia C ao 11 Yellow C do . r. N O choice do COFFEES. Bio choice pr tt > .M. . . . . . . . . . 2&i27 diS prime do docood do O O Ja\j : SYUUPd. Common pr gallon . . . _ . . 3a 45 Uood do . SUfctio Choice da . . 70a80 do P.anzoon choice. . . . _ . - Carolina . . . . . . . . _ . - . . . . . . . - . . . CAlJDLES. M Wak & Co . - . - . ! C.ial7 faOAP. Missouri Vrlley. . . - . GaG > S Kirk's Savon . _ . - lijs M. Wesk A Co . _ . . - . . . . 7a7i b'chofer's German. . . _ . . . . f Kirk's standard . 4JJ do bterling. . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ 4a4 ; PLUG TOBACCO. IJlack goods , Western . 45 do do Virginia . _ . 4J450 do do Lomlord's . . . . _ S2a57 Bright do do do . _ . 57aC5 dj do Virginia. , . _ . 5Ja53 Natural leaf . . . 75a93 DRIED FRUITS. California peaches per pound. . . . . . IC alT do apples do . . . . . . . . . . . . 12al2M Ftate Uo do . 14al4 > i New currants . . . . 8 do prunes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14al4 ( do German cherries. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 do bUcltberrlea . . 21 do raspberries - . 3Sa40 do raisins , per box . - . 340 do seedlta > s raisins , per pound. . . . . ! ? } bALT. New in barrels . - J2 70a2 S3 do dairy . _ . . . . - 4 00o5 75 CANNED GOODS. 2pounacanllyer'30js'crs , percase..S4 23a4 60 1 do do do do do . . . 2 50.12 75 2 dc do William's do do . . . 4 00a4 25 2 do do peaches pci case . . . . . . . . C CO 3 do do do do . 6 50a7 00 2 do do tomatoes do - 3 60a3 75 3 do do do do . 5 00 Corn. Tropny per case . 5 (10 do Winslow do . . . . . . . . 5 50 do Yarmouth do . . . . . . 5 50 Strawberries , do . 4 S0a5 00 Raspberries , do . . . . - . 5 50 Pineapples , \ do j . . . . - 5 50 TEAS. Oolon s , per pound. . . . . _ . . . . . . . 25a75 Young 11 j son , per pound . 40al 00 Ciunpowder , do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goal 25 FLOUR. Snow Flake , ( Wells 4 Nieman ) . 4 50 Gold Dust . _ 3 10 XXXX Iowa City . _ . - 3 00 California . - . 4 75a5 10 BAGS. GUM lies , heavy weight . . . _ . _ _ 18 19 .o light do - 17 18 1 ips , four bucbel . . - _ . . _ . ! Xal9 udee gunnies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ IS ilu bags , AmosLeg A . . . . . . . . . . S0a31 .o do Lud.ow a a. . Nutmegs , Penang best , per pound. . . . . 1 3jal 41 Cljvei uu do . . . CO Alspico do do . . . ISa.O Cinamon bark do dj . 35a46 COLUMBIA RIVER SALJ10N. bbli. , luO Iba . _ . S9 50(510 ( CO 1 It cans , ptr doz . - . 2 50(1 ( } 2 75 J do do . . . _ . . . . . . 3 00a ( 4 CO WHITE Ftoll. No. 1 kits . _ . - . 1 15(3 ( 1 = 5 Family m kits . 1 lOfij 1 20 y bbls . C 50 < y ) 7 W ) Family in } bljls. . . . - 5 50 < i $ G LO MACKERhL. Family , in Vits . 1 10 ® 1 20 No. 1 , do . _ . 1 Wit 2 OJ Mess , do . _ . . 3 OOfgt 3 25 Family , U ubs. ! . . . 7 OOftj 8 UO No. 1 , Ua . 9 OlXijlO CO bardmea , } J boxes , . _ . . . . . .1G 50(2 ( 17 l ° CIGARS. A. E. SIMPSON , Manufacturer , 532 15th Street. H. Upman . _ $ M. S f 5 00 Reconstruction. . . do Z. " > ( XI Grand leatral.- . do 35 00 Universal . . do 40 00 Yara . . . . . _ . - . do 4J 00 La lloquet . _ . - . do 50 M him.iu 1'ure . _ . . do 50 00 [ 'arilgas . . . . . . . . . . . do 75 10 Yours Truly . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . do G5 00 [ iold Medal . . . . . . . _ do 50 UO La Espanola . do 60 00 Triple Crown- . . . . do 75 00 llenry Clay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 100 00 De Viller _ . . _ . _ . do 100 00 Y Viller. _ . . do 100 00 1870 . . . . do 75 tO CALIIOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale depot 548 14th Street. Qall barrel sacks-- . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 % Chicago , Hock Island ami Pacific R. R. TIIE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE FROM OMAHA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST , Via DCS ilolnca. l/aTeuport anil Rock Island. o AH Passenger Trains are equipped with the WK.-TI.NOIIOUSK I'ATKNT AIR UIUKKS and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. 2 Fast Express Trains Leave Daily , onnectlng as follows : AT DE3 SIOINES with the DCS Jloines Valley Railroad , for Oakaloosa , Otluinwa , and St. Lonis. AT GlUNNfcLL with the Central Railroad of Iowa , for all points north to St. Paul. AT WEST LIUERTY with Ihe Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Minnesota Railroad , for Burlington. Cedar Rapids , Dubuque & ht. Paul , At WILTON JUNCTION with the South-Western nranch , for Muscatlne , Washington and all points couth. AT DAVENPORT with the Davenport A St. Paul Railroad for points north. AT KOCK ISLAND with the Western Union Railroad for i'reeport , Be.jit , ttacine. Mil waukee and all points in uortbprn Illinois and Wisconsin. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Rocklord , RocL Is'and and St. LouU Railroad for St. Louis and points south. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Peoria & Hock Island Rallioad for Peoria and points east. AT BUREAU JUNG. , with branch , for Hen ry. Laccre , Chllllcothe and Peoria. AT LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points nort hand south. AT CHICAGO with all lines East , North and riouth. THROUGH TICKET'S to all Eastern titles , tiathU line , can be procured , and any information mation obtained , concerning points , at the ticket office of the company , 123 Farnhain St. , Omaha , and also at the principal ticket offices along the line of the U. P. R. K. Baggage Checked Tbrongh to all Principal Kaitera Points. A. M. SMITH , H. RIDDLE , Gen'l Pass'r Ag't , Uen'l Sup't Chicago. Chicago. J. H.LACEY , as STEVENS , Ticket Agent , Gen'l Wotwn Ag't a2SU Ocaab * Oman * . Sioux City & Pacific R , R , The Shortest anil only Direct Route from COUNCIL BLTJFES St. Paul , Minneapolis , And all Points in NORTHERN IOWA & MINNESOTA. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPINGCAES On all night trains 7la thli route. CONNECTIONS. 1. At U. P. Transfer with Union Pacific Bailroad for Omaha. 2. At Council BluB , with Kansas City , St. Joe and Council BluttjCallroad for St. Louis and all points south. 3. At Jtt-souri Valley with the Chicago and Northwestern railway lei Chicago and all points east. < . At Sioux City with Sionr City and S Paul , Illinois Central and Dakota Southern railroads. Steamers for Upper Missouri Biver , during niTigitloB and with stages toi all points in tbe Xorthwest. 6. At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern railroad for Omaha and Southern Nebraska. 6. At Fremont , Nebraska , with the Union Pacific railroad lor all point ; Tett and the Pacific toast. 7..At Wisnerwith tiges for Norfolk and al ! points in'Nbrthern Nebraska. WTiciets lor sale in Chicago and North- wentern Railway office * . . * 3 Ba sure your" tickets read Tla 3. C. & . P. Eallway. L. BUBSETT , Sup't. F. a HI1LS , Gen. Ticket Asft. OEC , W. GBATTAN , Agenlj Omiba. CHICAGO & NORTHWEST The Popular Route from O IMC .A. ZE3I .A. TO Chicago and the East ! AND THE tDix-oot Zl.o-u.tG TrWMcrloo.Forl Dodce.Dubnqnc.I.i Cro < * e , l ralrleDu Clileu. Wluoua , St. t * ulDulutlit Jauc.villr , K < no- ftL. , Urceit t > a > , Uncine. Mefen'i I'oliU , W trr > wn , O > likr-Hl > > ton DuLac. DiatlUuu nud Milwaukee. It Being tbe Shortest and Flist Completed Lint Uetweeu OMAHA and CHIC AGO , Constant itnpror < > ui'nt8 hare taken place in the nay of reducing ( iiade , and placing Iron with fateel Uails , adding to its rolling stock new ami Llvgaut DA- ' and SL.KKPING CARS Equipped with the MNuitliighousoAir Brake" and "Miller Hatlorui. " establishing comturta- Lie and couiuirdiuus Eating Houses , ottering all the comforts ol traveling the age can produce. Frorr. ! . to 1O Fast Express Trains ruu each way daily over the various lines of this road , thus securing to the trareJer selecting this route sure and certain connections in aiiy di rection he may wish to go. Principal Connections. AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTION , for Sioux City , YanLton and polaU reached Tla Sioux City and Pacific railroad. AT GRAND JUNCTION for Fort Dodge , DCS Moines , Ottawa and Keokuk. AT MARSHAuLforSt. Paul , Minneapolis , Duluth , and northwestern points. AT LEDAR BAPIDs for Waterloo. Cedar Falls , Charles City , Burlington and &t. Louis. ATCLIN10N forDubuqne , Dun'eith , Prai rie du Chien , LaCrosse , and all points on.the Chicago , Clinton and Dubuque , and Chicago , Dubuuue end Minnesota railroads. AT FU I/TON f or Freeport , Baclne Milwau kee and all polnUln Wisconsin. AT CHICAGO with all railway Uo * JMdb out ol Chicago. ThroBchtUketotoaUeMtcraeltiM via tkl line can M procured , and any Informal o b- talcd , onecrnlAg Konte , lUtM , teat ts Ooapcnyl eOe * , fl8 Fmbam utrcet , OMita , and alM at * * iclotipri ttesssMMeea kh ( tto .iVkji : EictanvpaiaU , w.H.8fSHfcrr , Oea'l Vaeegrr Act. co. J. H. LJ.CC7 , C. O. KIWI , Tktat Atft , UsW * . Qn'l JLtfS O mk * . Omaha & St. Louis Short Line 1874 ! The Kansas City , St. Joe and Council Bluffs R.B Is the only dire line to ST. 2j OTJIS AND THE EAST , FROM OMAHA AND THE "WEST SO ClIA QE i out between Oma&a and St. Louis ana b it oi e between OMAIIA anu AuW YOKk. This th Only Ino running a SLEEPING OAK EAST P11O9I OEIAI1A , ON AHKIVAL OK TIIE UNION PACIFIC EXPRESS TRAIN. tty Passengers taking other routes nave a disagreeable transfer at the liiver bUtion. I > A. SL'NUEK TRAINS DA1LT I REACHING ALL EASTEBN AND WESTERN CITIES With 1 53 Changes and In advance of other lines. This Entire Line ia equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars , Pulace Day Coached and Chair Cars , Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated TiVeslim hou8e Air Brake. KB"See that your ticiets read via Kaunas City , S . JosppU < fc Coancll UlurTJ Italrod , Via Omaha and St. Louis. Tickets lorsnlo at cor. Tenth and Farnham streets , and U. P. Depot , Onuha. JOS. TEHON , II HO. I * 3RADBDRY , Tass. Agt. Gen * Agent. . F. UAI1NARD , A. O. DAWES , Gcu'l bupt. Uen'l Pa-s. Agt. , ht. Josf nh. St. Jospoh. ROTJTE IE3 A S 1 ? . 3 TRAINS DAILY ! LBAVE ST. I.OUIS WITH Pullman Palace Cars THBOOGH WITHOUT OHAHQE TO Indianapolis , Cincinnati , Louisville , Chicago , Columbus , Pittsburg , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Washington , AND NEW YORK of Tralnj from the "West. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland. Buffalo & Boston Are for Sale t tbl TICKETS Company's Office N. E. corner ? burtb < fc Cnr tnnt ti i and at the Principal Bai'- way Office * In the West. CHAS. BABCOCK , C. E. RUSSELL , 8'thern Pass. A 't , Wesl'n Pass. Ag't. S. TEXAS. KANSAS Crnr JOHN E. SIMPSON. CHAS. E. FOLLETT , Gen i Sapt. , Uen'l Pass. Ag't. 1 29tf IXDIAXAPOLIS ST. Locis. TTxriToca. i Confectioners' Tool Works , Th.os. Mills & Bro Manufacturers o Confectioners'Tools Slatblce Moulds , Ice Cretan Freezers , &c. , Nos. 1301 & 1303 North Eighth : St PHILADELPHIA , PA. Proprietors : 1 ESTABLISHSD 186L' THOUAS MILLS , 1 GKO. M. MILLS , f / 1ATALOGtJES SEH : ATX.KEp.PARxut. J v ; upoc appllcaUon. 13th St , tot. Paraham aad Haraey All kinds of TAILORING , CLEANING an BEPALHING done at reasonable ntat V > r2oU KEABNEY'S FLUID-EXTSiCl- BTJCHU The.'only known remedy for BRIGHT'S DISEASE , And a.positlve cure for Gout , Gravel , Strictures , Diabetes , Dyspepsia Nervous - . vous Debility , Dropsy , Non-retention or Incoxtlnence of Urine , Irl- tatlou. Indainatlou or Ulceratlonof the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS , SPERMA TORRHCEA , Loucoerhoe or Whites , Diseases ol the Prostrate niaud. In. the Bladder. Coliul u : . GRAVEL , OR BRICK' 'DUST , DE. IPOSIT. And Mucus or Milky.DUchsrges. KEARNEY'S Extract Buclm ! Permanently Cum all ] Diseases .oljthe Bladder , Kidneys , and Dropsical Swellings. Existing In Men , Women and Children , No Matter What the Age ! Prof. Steele ssvs : "One bottle of Kearney's Fluid Extract Buchu 1s worth more than all other Buchus combined. " , Price one dollar per bottle orilx bottles for five dollars. Depot 104 DuanerSt , , N , Y , A physician In attendance to answer corres pondence and give advice gratis. 4V3end stamp for pamphlets , frce.ia Crane 4 Brlgham , Wholesale AgenU , San Francisco. Cal. a 8 i TO int. NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. SOOHABQB FOE ADVIOE AND CON- SULTATIOIT. TB J. B. DYOTT , graduate of JelTerson Medical College , Philadel phia , author of several valuable vvorks , jan be consulted on all diseases - , eases of the Sexuul and Orinary or gans , ( which he has made an es pecial study , ) either in male or fe male , no matter from what cause originating * , or how long standing A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward let ters describing symptoms and en closing stamp to prepay postage. I-Send for the Guide to Health. Price lOc. J. B. DYO121M.D. Physicion-and Surgeon , 104 * Duane atreet , X. Y. OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE , HAPPY RELEIF FOR YOUNG MEN from the effects of hrrors and Abuses in early life. Manhood Restored. Jmpediuieuts to Marriage Removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Boots and Circulars aent free , in sealed envelopes. Address. HOW ARD ASSOCIATION , No. 2 South Ninth St. , Philadelphia , Pa. , an Institution having a high eputatlou for honorable conduct and prufea- ieod&w3ui Giiarles Popper , WHOLESALE BUTCHER NI > CATTLE BROKER , SALT LAKE CITY , - - UTAH feb271tM. H . Keller , % f Proprietor of tba RISING SUN AIO J&OS ANGELES Depot for tbe sale of bis NATIVE WINES AND ZBDR/AJSTIDIIES JO. fBif * < & CO. , Corner'ol Battery and WaohlngtorTS'j. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. mar7tl PASSENG-EBS Going East orSouth from Omaha And Points on U. P.B.B. , ho aid take th < "LINCOLN EOUTE" ATCHISON & , NEBRASKA RAILROAD' ' And f cnra lor themselT s the choice ol Pii Popular B jtesfrom AtchLiou to Chicago and St. Louis , All making Reliable C jnections and being Dipped with Falaoa Day and Bleeping Cut. All delay and Inconvenience arrtrinz from Ferries acd transfers can be arolded West of Chicago and St. Louis by securing Ticketi Tla ATCHISOS smrl the ATC1T1SUX A 9TEBRANKA BAIUIOAD. Direct and Reliable Connections are also made with the A. T. & B. F. E , E. for the Great Arkansas Yalley & Colorado , And with all lines running South to points in Southern Kansas and the Indian Territory. Ask for Tickets Tia LINCOL & A.TCHISON CHAS. C.SMITH. W. F. WHITE- Gen'l Sopt. Gen'l Pass. Ag't. JC6U * AfeWSon , UNTIL. YOU I1AVK CAREFULLY EXAMINED OTTE. BESERVOIE3E3 l ; ? > iPF 4 S U E HAVE TWELVE UOOD REASONS rV. why ther will do your work. Quick and Easv. Chea- ) and Clean. I Tliey are cheapest to buy , * They are best to u e , | They base evtnly and qnlcklv , ' ] Their operation is perfect , | 1 hey have always a Rood draft , - They are made ofLUebeistmaterlal ; They roast perfectly , tThcy require but little fuel , They are very low priced , I They are easily managed. They are suited to all localities | Every stoveguarantccdtogivesathfactfaB SOLD BY ES Isior ManTg Co. , ST. LOUIS , MO. , BOG-ERS. FEILEB.1 oo O O > Or Sugar-Coaled , Concentrated , Itooi and Herbal Juice , Atitl- BUlotis Granules. mE"I.ITTl n CIANT" CATIMUTIC. or Ulultaiu It > Parro Physic. The norclty of modem SVcdicai. Chemical anil Pharmaceatical Science Ko use of any loceet iVtns ; the Ursp. repulsive and caiveou * pilU. roaiposcd of cheap , crude , ami bulky in cdientJ , ntheu wo can by a careful application of chemical deuce , extract all tbo cathartic aud other mttlf. : lual properties from the IUIMC valuable roota ano icrbJ , ana roureutnto them into a minute Gran- nc. * car ( > ly larger than a muptaril locd , that can Do readily allowed by lho eot ho mostsens'.HO etoruacli-i and fastidious ta tc * . iicnlittlel urintlvo I'cllct represent * , in a uo't concentntwt form , a-t taucK cathartic power is is embodied m any of the lartv pills fonnd fur 'ale ' in thti dm : ; ehopj From their wonderful ca- hartic pow r , in proportion * o their ize , people rha bars not trlc.l them nn > ept to mppora that hey are hana i > rilrattc iu efTecVbat ench is not it all the cae. . iba different nctivo medicinal prin- riplesof vhich they nra compojed bcln ia har- aonlzett and modilcd. one by the othirs , as to proJuco n moxt Benrcliliisr end thor- cathartic. J500 ReYrarillilierchyoCcrorl by the pro. prictor of .hcse I'cllct-i to nny chcmUt who , cpon nnilysij , vlll find in them any Calomel or other formd of mercury ot any otacr mineral [ Kjleon. HeluR entirely mrt fen lar rare isequirul while ucin ? them. They ci - rate w ithout diBtnrbanco to the contltntlon , du t. orcccupation. For Jaiindlco , Ilendat'lir , Constipation. Iiupuro Itlouil , I'ulu In the Miouldcr * . TlRirtncf * ol tlio Client , DizzliicKK , Sour I ructation of the Momncli , Had tnsto In uiouth , IIIllotiH nttncUH , I'nlu in rrcloii of Kidiioyo , liitornnl Fovcr , Zlloatcd Icclliisr uliout storaacli > ICush of Rloud to fiend , IIlRfi Col ored Urine , UiiHoclahility and. fJIoomy Ir'orobodliiKS take Ir Plerce'M IIeiMniit I'nrentlvo I'cllots. In ciphnntlou of the remedial power of my I'nr- gatlvo 1'tllcts 01 cr f a prcat n va.-icty of dlscoiics. I ulh torjy t'jat tliclr nctioii upon the animal economy lmml\orHal , iioto. Claud or tlssuo oncapiitK their nn na tive lmi > rc . Ao docs not Impair them : their enjpr coatlnjnE < l being enclosed In gbi- * bottles preserve their \ Irtacs unimpaired for anr lccjth of time. In any climate , so that they are a- \riv : fresh aud reliable , \vhlch i not the ca o with the piln fonnd in the dm ? etorcpntnp in cheap \7ooJ or pa tc-bcard bos'-a. Recollect that f.ral ! diseases whrro a Iaxitlvo , Altern- firs cr I'ureatlvo is indicated , tbe o llttlo IVil.ts w.h pl e thenost perfect eatiflCictioa to all wcoueothsra. They nro Mold by nit enterprising Drugglbtii at 5 cent * a bottle. Do not allow any cirn stet to Induce yet to take anything : eN j that to rmy eay 1 < Ju'i tn rood 83 my Pelleto because ho nukes a Urgei profit on thit whi'h ho recommends. Jf your drui t cannot i-apply them , enclose 85 cecta and recciM ? tln-m y n-tnni nnil from zz. r. nEiw , jr. j > . , JVo v , . , N. . A.SK EOE PYLE'S SALERATUS ! 2 AND BAKING- SODA ? EOT 120" TTJ33EJ Pi' na Meyer A Raapke and Whitney Bauscrruan A Co CASTLE BROS- , IMPORTERS OP TEAS AND _ _ East India Goods , 213 nnd 215 FttOXT STURET San Franci - California. mchG'in PLATTE TALLEY REAL ESTATE ! Samuel C , Smith , TJ. P. B. B. LANDS , Columbus , - ITeb. Government Lands Located ! IJ. P. Lands Sola ! Improved Farms andTovrn L oU fi/ ? O -A.S HI ! ! on ON LONGTIME ! ! Communications Cheer fully Answered g j f 'I' V STOVE ST.O.B.E. E. F. OOOK1 , 537 14tb St. , btUew DoagLu and Dsil i llanufictarer of Tli dipper and Sheet Iroa , and dealer in Cooking and Heating stoves Stamped , Japanned and French Ware 01 an < 1. Tin Roofing , Gutters and Spoutlnzanc hD Work dane anl warnntej. ebht