THE OMAHA ILY BEE * * * VOL. OMAHA TUESDAY - MORNING , JULY 21 , 1874. NO. 27. THE DAILY BEE. EDWAKD KOSEWATEB , Editor and Prop'r O cXo. . 138 F n h in street , bettr. Kl nth nd Tenth. TEEMS OF &UIJSCKIPTION : One , one year. In adTince tj.00 . copy 8ix months , in adrsnce 4.00 three menths in adrance. . . , . _ 2.00 c3B-If not paid In adTince , J8 per annum will FREDERICK , LEADING BATTER ! Best Goods , ILOWESTFHICES FarnhamSt . * GrandP ( > ntr llDeotel. } Q1VT A rl A. OMAHA BUSfflESS DTOOBYT CEAOKEE MANUFAOrOET. Smith. 185 Unmer itreet. bet. McClnrcA 12th. declitf 01,483 AND PICTURE 7S.KO.t3. T Keluhart , 1S6 Dou < U * street , dealei in lJ .window glass and picture Iraines. dialing a-2U done to order. - BOOTS ADD SHOES. Thllin Lang , 155 Farnham it , between tub J aid HBh. lebUrl COHPEOTIOHEBT. . Latey , comer 12th and Douglas slre u , . jninuucturer and wholesale denier in candies and confectionery. Country tr de n.- licetcd. apllf COAL DEtLEFH. * Elliot , coal , lima , cemen t hair .etc. , Fland Funham t. fl > lSiu3 DEOUQIST5. . R ler , diuggiit , coroir 12th and Wur- . neyta PAWN BBOKEB. T\T'Elguttcr , No. 200 Farnham it. Ul7 f LATODBT. IauD < iiT opened at oil llth at. , t > et Anew . - Douglas. The wnabing and Ironing- will be done to order , nr t ra s work PAIKTEB3. T ehiuafl k B rd , bou-e and sign paintm , . a2jti AJ lOtli at. int. gNrfham and Barney. SOii . . fcokp Work * , fpwell A Co , still TJrcmlum . Five Soap. their JVeoJjJW JL manu'acf ire the i.ragl county /awarded by first premiumawarded . topfAf , Ja. and State lairs , and rottawattamle Orders soli"Hfdrom the trade. A110BHEI3. E. ESTAISIIO'JK. , r. M. FJiANCIS ESTABROOK& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE-Cr # jl > n Block , Ornate , Jfeb. .ninSlti OEXThR L THOMAS , Attorney flijtl" .Counsiior nt Law. I iOPPIOE Boom JV Vistcher1 * Block , NEB OMAHA - ' ' JOHN > V. LYTLE , A.ltorney at-Laur aaj Solicitor In Eqaltf. jFriOL-Orer Flnt NtUoul Buk , tnal-tf PAKKE GODWIN , Attorney at Lawi ( Gunpbeirs Bkek , ) 5091-2 I'ZIBTEBKTS BTBEBT. OMAHA 26 1m C3 . A. BALDTTIM BALDWIN & O'JBBIEV. ATTORNEYS * LAW OlBce Caldwell Block , Wouglai Ftreet , KEBEASEA. - OUAHA. - - - fM--.Jtl JOHN C. CO WIN , . 0oU.oi.tox" AXD COUNSELOR. .OFFICEr-CttElQirrON'S BZ.OCK , .OMAHA , KEUBASKA. T. W. T. KicUarOs , Attorney at Law , Office 5J < 0 13th St. , bet. anil Douglas , Offlaha , po. . Box 80 14U O. II.BALLO c.U. { ( . .GLASGOW. Eallou& Glasgow , ATTORNEYSATLAW , Uiuco n Crelgbton's siew blact , soatheaat cor room , floor. OMAHA. * NEB. SAVAGE & MANDfcRSON , Attorneys at Law , j fA/'KHAU BTBEAT. j AMU w. si / jo E , I Oraah * Kcbruka CBA8LB * r JfAXDKJUnn.- ' N. J. BURK.HAM. ATTORNEY AND COUNSEtlflB AT LAW , No. 2GO Farobam Street OMAHA - - NEB. mrhMtl J. S. SHROPSHIRE , Attorneyat'Law Eoom Ko. 1 , S E. Corner 15th and Dougj ! $ t ? ( , NEBB. OMAHA , - - SPAIN & PRITCHETT , Attorneys ind Couaselors at Lair. OS' * ) , 60ft TwtOL i Street , / II M * . I/vV RAT e.a , Omaba. Zleb. . W. AMBROSE , HEDICK'S OPEKA HOUSE OMAHA arSU N E. Attorney 1 Counselor at Law Ofice-B3 mifoeightonBlocklOMAHA. . OCT. 15th wid IJonglas Bts. I _ , - OLLECTIOKS SOLICITED AND PROMPT- t S IT attended to So charge unless collec- are made. Hout to let and rents col- jloal estate bonshtand sold. aplltl , J. CONNELIi. AUorae fcr gflCOa * J - iclal Bisect. omcs 8c uli aide ol Farnliaai , between l h . t6 > * U , Pj > ro lU Court Houa * . IT takes nine tailors to make a man , but it only takes one tailor to make a $20,000 suit. KEEP it before tbe people ! Tne $4,000 , and not the Twenty Dollar check. Uv coorse. THE hungry army of patriotic contractors is becoming desperate , and General Sickles still five hun dred miles away ! DOES detection detect the trans mission of noble charity circulars through the mails , is to be the conun drum during the impending postal investigation. CHIEF Master Artizan Doctor Johiibon is still hunting fora substi tute to Captain Lee , \\ho , in defer ence to the suggestions made by the BEE , has tendered his resignation of * he Ko-op Presidency. "We mildly and modestly suggest that the poet ical Pratt is entitled to the honors. BY a strictly.originfl ! and Irresisti ble kind of logic , the absence of any record or profile of an estab lished grade on anj givej < treet In the City Engineer's olllce , is to be taken u&primairjofe evidence that the grade on that street v s estab lished in 1866. porters and baggage smashers are requested to take no tice that the man who has had the trunks built will Jil'fl njtro-glyct-rine leave Chicago on his first annual campaign against these enemies of trunks and band-boxes carjy tin's week. He wU | go west and swing around the cjrole by way of Qinaha , Honolulu and Xe\v Caledonia. FOB the benefit of the forty tjious- and Russians , and al ) otljprs who may desire information about the CityofEldred , and the great Ne braska sand hills , we "will state that Colonel Noteware , Superintendent Qf Immigration , may now be found on Uls Jfjjlian villa , in Bohemian precinct , Saundera Bounty , here he is superintending the cultiv&tfqp of Italian turnips , catnips , and other uips , peculiar to that delicious cli mate. Any information touching the Senatorial campaign , will rteacb br } # Jf sent by special messenger. An indiscriminate slaughfer fn cjothing anil gents' furnishing goods j-pgardJess of prices at 200 Farnhaiu. str tt. Fjne linen and chevoit shirts gl our -wii make at SiOO and $2.50 each. bought and sold by Ootlhoimer , Broker , at 296 Fariiham street. DfiTPflpCfflcd Pledges for Kale. may Iy24 Hamlet Orum , 9th street between Jones and Lcavenworth sts , PJJAHA , - NEBRASKA. TO E MOST COMPLETE ASSORT- KEEPS lAlic J Cents' straw kata , trim med and untrlinmnl , PiJASfllj. Piques , Mar seilles , Nfilnwokfi andallltnuii o/ Dry Goods , Ladles' \nd GenU * Boot , etc. My linp of Pry Hoods i' Complete S11Ig only lor C.ABH , \ am rile to IJJTDERSKiiL any other Dealer In theCfty. O ? PiUCES are LOWEU than ever heard < j before. - J. MOOREHEAD , AND PHARMACIST , Block , Bet. CiHforaJa & Vebttcr EU. yMAlIA , NEB. Pty : Jdans fr rrJDtlon ( carefully jeG 3u > * connwundsd. pENTIPTBV. PElffTISTS , OFFICE , No. 232 FARNHAM ST. Bet 13th & . Uth SU- Z-OUlcst jiractlclnc IVnt U 1 tUa city DB , A , S , BILLINGS , Bet. 13th and Uth , np itatra. retth extracted without pain , by utaof troui Oxide 3aa. TOOce opes Atall hou eS F. VAN CAMP JVI. D. Viiptum bit own medclnc * . and besides regular practlrw. makes specialities of Derange * menu and PUeuat Peculiar to Woman , Fistu la , Pile * and other Puff * * ) pf the Bectnm. and 14th ttreetj , 0/rjcit ; Corner Farnbaa rttAonr to the right , op alarrf , E sldenc > , 210 Douglas * trrft , belvffa1 and ISfh. next to Lutheran CJjUtrii Opafbf , Feb. AadroM iock BPI SH. } n11d4wtl , MBS. J. E. VAX DBRCOOK Eclectic Physician * Beaidence and officr 250 Dodge st bet 14th nnd 15Ui ts. to'obstetrlcs and dli- attention paid pedal t , fall. tt.s& petuKar 10 women and children California House. 2BITZ HAFNEE , Prop'r. No. ITODougUnStiwt , corner JMJi.OW'ta , XebmLa. board Ly the day or week. lunel.Tl QUAILEY'S TT. P. Soap Factoryl hltttalcd ton the lineof ! the Union Pacific IUllro 'l , pear the powder house. Manufac ture * &itt.cas aoap far home consumption. 1unc2lT P. N. GLYNN STHOLESALJ : AKO KETAIL DEALER ix Wines , Liquors. Segars , TOBACi 0 AXD PIPES. asrCulifornb Wines and BrandjM. S * Corner of l'h and Dodge street * , opposrto the new Post Office buUdlns , Uniaba. Neb' ) e2SU CONTRACTS ! B Rl DO KS 1 The subscriber if pre ] > ared to do all kinds of Bridging , ( Railway or Highway ) . Pile Drir ing and Heavy Framing of any description , ( Sinn bridge * a speclalt ) ) , will lurnlsh rnttnUl and complete the same on the tbortest possible notice. Plar and B&ccificatlot. ] lurnUbed. Orders solicited. County Qerka and others VERY LATEST. MIDNIQ-HT. BOSTON , July 29. A pigeon shooting match at Bea con Park to-day for ? 250 a side , be tween Capt. Bogardus and Mr. Jail , resulted in a victory for the former ; Jail giving up at the 85th bird. Jail had ten birds to start. Score , Jail 50 , Bogardus GO out of 100. WASHINGTON , July 20. The superintendent of the moun ted recruiting service is ordered to forward one hundred recruits to Austin , Texas , for the 4th Cavalry , and all disposable colored recruits to the same place , for assignment to the 9th Cavalry. Also 80 recruits to Fort Dodge , Kansas , to the Oth Cavalry. BOSTON , July 20. Jesse R. Pomeroy made a full confession of his murder of Katy Curran , to-day. He said she came to .the store for some papers , in the morning. He told her there were some down stairs , and as she \rent down he followed her , put his left arm around her neck , and with a knife in his right hand , cut her throar. He then hid her body un der the stones and returned to the store , after washing his bloody knife and hands. ST. Louis , July 20. Messrs. Hobbs of Indiana , Earl of Massachusetts , Tabor of New \ ork , Rhode" , of Philadelphia , and Johnson of Cincinnati , members of the Quaker Commission , which has control of the Indian policy , and who have been to Lawrencp , , Ivan- sas , to examine the conduct of their agent , J. D. Miles , say that a hun dred or a hundred and fifty Chey- eiincs , and Arrapahoes , and a few Comanches , are the only Indians now op the warpath in thesouthwest. The late disturbances are due to the bad faith of the white Buffalo hun ters , and the whisky sellers , who have frequently entered the Indian territory , and after making the Iji- tjjans drunk ( have stolen their pos sessions and epaped. Thjs has long been endured , but now some voung Indians , aggravated by repetition , seek redress , and attempt the pun ishment of them. ST. PAUL , July 20. Ex-Attorney General Clarke , of Marjitoba , was last evening btruck twice on top Ije d with a slung shot iu front of the Metropolitan Hotel by some unknown person , who es caped. This morning as Clarke was leaving for the East he was &et up on by a crowd of ruftianb from Minv neapolis , headed by Mike Hey : chief of police of that city , vhp , | heat and kicked Clarke savagely , , ! to the car and left on the train , t hut jt is feared that he is dangerously hurt , being in poor health. Hey wns arrested ami held for trial. He is one of the Mill' neappolis party who were impris oned last year at Winnepeg , forian , alleged attempt fo kidnap Lord Gor don , and the murderous uttacU'oU" Clarke is in revenge for his notion as a public prosecutor in thecaflair. The examination shows that one of hjs ribs was broken , ami tlmt he bos sustained otjipr severe injuries. Fears are entortained'for his If0 ( , ' as he had a hemorrhage yesterday and is in poor nealth. The peoplOj-are5 much excited against the perpetra tors of this outrage. i _ KAN FRANCISCO , Julyl20. Reports from alT purls of tkptatp represent the harvest progressing. The yield of grain is abundant and mupji larger than last season ! San tranpisco has donated$20r 000 to the Louisiana sufti-rorsT The last Installment' $4000rwios forwarded - warded to-day. t Jhe crusaders of Portland , Oregon gen , have abandoned their efforts. No movement has yet ueorf infttle for a local option electioji2in this city , and all are waiting trie decision of the supremje court on 'the consti- tutionah'ty of the law. * It is understood that nty investigation * gation Js b.eing eondiicledin > this city on tho'ptyrf of the German bondholders , Into the ihmnrijiljconr dltlon of what is known asPttie Vallejo railroad hybtera , arid' that revelations will be made ln the business which will not redound credit to this State. The friends of the Central Pacific say that they will attempt to clearv their skirts by tlifbwiug ajf the blame on Latham and his nsaocifttes , hq taniferred the' road * to that .company ! ' ' Horatio Tliornj- , secretary of the Commercial Life Insurance Com pany , was drowned yesterday while tityWff In Lake. Pillarcetbs " , San Mafteo counly. Last night < | uring a Jipavy fpg , the British ship , Wai ring Queen , in baijast for this port from New Zea land , ren ashore five milea'north of port Aoyes , abovp tjijs harbor. She will prove a total lo. 3. ! Th"e paptain and crew have just arrived in the " ship's boats , bringing" news of the disaster. No TivesT were lost. WASHINGTON , Juy } 20. A dispatch says that a gentleman just returned from Cuba , where he ha < j resided for the last nine or ten months , & * ates that'he does not be lieve the Sp njQfds can hold out ' much longer , for 'thpfp fjnanies are sadly deranged. K was no | ; for $ e fact that the ppopjejrf the pnjte4 State were madp to' ' pontribute the largest proportion * ojf Spanish rule in Cuba , the war would have i been ended long ago , There are $100,000,000 worth of sugar , export- .ed annually , and about $80,000,000 of this cornea to the United -States. A few large houses in New York and Philadelphia hayo monopo- Jfzfiil { he sugar trade , and these 1 houses advance large Vsums of money to the 'planters , arid their only security is a lieu on Uio ayes who cultivate the sugar plantations , They have been mnklujpthese ad vances for years anijliave come to have heavy interest directly Ja the slaves , and therefore are the real slaveholders. If emancipation waste to be decreed they would be heavy losers ; " bence , tjjey are ( i . Ing all they can to crush \.ut tti&puban re bellion , the success of whiOhinsurcs emancipation. Whenever thjs"cap- tain general makes an extraordina ry Jevy upon the merchants of Cuba he does not assess the&njajTandthe great , hutoonfiiios his leyyto & fp ' principal houses. These pjen } ip- raedlately call a nieeting ofjftll the principal houses engaged initrans- porting to the \Tnltetl StatesXand they add the amount of thojlevy to the next Invoices of sugar/tobacco , etc. , to be shipped to this country. CABLEGRAMS. Fifteen Miners Killed by an Ex plosion in an English Colliery. The German Government Deems It Necessary to Keep a Sharp Look-out on the Religious Press. MADKID , July 20.t The government has made a fresffl levy of 130,000 troops , to reinforcef the anny of the North. PARIS , July 2 General Cissey has been appoint ed provincial Minister of the Intej ? rior. JjONDON , July 20. An explosion occurred inCa col liery in Wizen Saturday by fifteen miners were killed. CALCUTTA , JulyllQ. The rivers from. Saim to 'Orde have overflowed their banks aiTd the country is flooded. The/ciam- age is very great. S , July 20. The ministry that has resigned it is believed \\ill * be reconstructed with' the followiiig < changes : Duke de Cazer , Minister of Foreign Af- alrs ; M. Boucher , Minister of Fi nance. cf" , if , July 20. Dispatches repeived fron ofllcjal sources , contirju tie previous re ports of the surrender of Cuercia to the Carlists , notwithstanding the assertions to the contrary , tele graphed fiora-Madrid. MADRID , Juy2Q. ] Mr. Cusninggave a "fareweirjlin- ner yesterday in honor of Senor Mantillax3fcSpanish } Minister to * - . XiONDON , Jdly 20. Thejimos' special Paris correspondent pendent says it is considered cer tain iliat General Cissey and Dul e de Gazes will return to their present positions in the niinistri * . BEKIJN , July 19. government has increased the stringency of Its regulations restricting - stricting ultramontane agitation's. Club's and the clerical press will bu closely matched and vigorous ' dealt with for dMoyal or illegal manifestations. HAVANA , July 19. A column of troops from Holfjuln jhave encountered the insurgents in -the hills of Bigar'Ora , under "Calfes- 'tor. "The position of the latter was captured after five hours firing , and the Jnsurgenfa rijspprspfl. Seyeral rinsurgents wore killed and a num ber taken prisoners. The Spaniards lost one ohe private killed , and one officer and seven privates wounded. ThP P ° JH"1I ) | aftcr provisioning , started in pursuit qf tlp | iisui'gpits | , - PARIS , July 19. The crisis at Versailles slill con- tjnues , General Ci sey will proba bly be appointed Minister of the In terior ad interim Duke do Broglje has failed to form a cabinet because the Legitimists are determined in their opi > osition to the organization of President McMahon's powers. The Chevalier Nigara , Italian minister to Francp , was presonf at a fete given at Vernon hijoior } ] of Patreach , and In'the course of his speech took occasion to declare that Italy would be eternally grateful to Franfjp , anfl tl8 rfj0icc < l in being able to give assurances of the tor- dial friendship between' the two countries. MADRID , July 19. The town of Guonaa , ninety mjles ' from this city , has burrcndered'lo the Carlists. The garrison made a brave defense , but were compelled to surrender , owing to the heavy force of the Carh'bts investing the place. 1'hp ' Govprnujent at Madrid has declared the whole of Bpain in a state of siege , and decrees of seques tration will be issued against all property held by Cailist adherents. The government has also forbidden the publication of news concerning the Carlist insurrection. Tli3 Government announces In Its pflicial orders that it will not pp'rmlt the shooting of prisoners jn retaliation for Carlist atrocities. * The Epoca denies that Queen Isa bella intends to revoke her act oj abdication. . July 19. The BeecherTTilton case continues to be the all absorbitant topic. ' At a meeting to-morrow evening it is pxpected Tilton will give a full and detailed statppipnt of the facts with in his kno'wledge that relates to tjp } scandal. It Is expected that TUton will present his document to the committee in person , and that It will be put into sworn testimony , which , when' the investigation is over , will b esont with the vprdict to the examining committee of thp church. The continuance of the investi gation depends upon the importance gf fr. Tilton's charges. . If they ad"d nothing to what the committee has already , fhe verdict whlph ajready " " J"as ) been virtually made ' up"wlll bp sent to tljp ohurbhj'fully exculpating Mr. Beochpr. Jf ttip charges are serjous , then Bcecher Is to be sum- ' moncd himself aftpr Mr. Titonand | , Mr. Morelton Js ready to fumish documentary evidence that Mrs. Via Woodhull is on her wpiy home to New York. A letter from Tennle CJaflin , da ted San Francisco , July 9th > says tljat jn three days Mrs. Woodhull will sfqpt past , and will probably rpach here 'the fast of this , qr the first of next week. Thp cqmpilttee does not Intend to call on her to tes tify , but they will hear any testi mony she may often , Those who know Mrs. Woodhull most intimately say positively that documentary evidence she claims to have bearing Mr. Beecher's signa ture , are simply letters decljning to notice their meetings arrangedlast summer at her house with Henry p. Bowen , H. B. Claflin , Mr. Bow- ep and a phonographer. That end- pd Mr. Bown , un4 Mr. Claflin urged. Mrs. Woodhull to present the copu- mentary evidenoo upon Mr. Beeoh- cr , Bhe said she had great use for the documents and would not give them up on any account , TELEGRAPHIC. 4 0'CLOCK P. H. Speclilly Eoported for the Omaha Daily Bet > , br th Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Go. 1TEW Jhe Beecher-Tilton Scandal. Beecher Ahead up to Date. Some Revelations Are Made Concerning the Famous Na- * tv than , Murder. RYE BEACH , A. H. , Julj20. . Mrs. C. Thayer , daughter of Dr. Tubbs , of Manchester , died of con vulsions here yesterday. NORWALK , Conn , July 19. A well known and Influential citi zen , Mr. Prank B. Smith , of this place , was out in bis pleasure steam yacht , the Flirt , last evening , and when near the entrance of the har bor by some means the awning took fire , and while endeavoring to put it out , he fell into the waier , and before assistance could reach him he was drowned. Men at once began dredging for his body , but up to the present timehavefailed to recover it. NEW YORK , July 20. Mr. Beecher is expected in Brook lyn to-day. Mayor Havemeyer's reply to Hoy. Dix , concerning the ' phargps made against him , will'be mojlQ to-day. It is understood that the reply em braces a carefully written history of the flght between Tammany Hall and Gardner and Chariick since the last election. The mayor maintains that the prosecution ot the commis sioners was partisan , and not in the interest of the people , and th'at he was justified by law and fact in reappointing - appointing them. A World's Saratoga special says the official announcement of the judges placing the Williams crew fourth , Cornell fifth and Dartmouth sixth at the finish of the university race causes some dispute. Cornell holds the fifth place to Dartmouth. The signal officer of the race has made an affidavit that Dartmouth was the fourth , and is corroborated by others. The correct time of the Columbia crew was 1C : 12 } . NKW YORK , jujy 20. The Beecher-Tilton scandal still engrosses public attention , and each new development tends to heighten public curiosity. The latest facts bearing on the scandal are centered in thp , statement of BrnnU. Wilkln- hon , rnddeTjefoie the investigating committee 'Wednesday night last. Wilkinson was formerly Beecher's lecture agent , and connected with the Christian Uuion newspaper , and is possessor of most important secrets bearing on the scandal. From the statement it appears that Tilton in his present action is ani mated solelv by a desire to compel B.epGhep tp provide for Jinn hand : feomely by gvjnfc } him a small' ' for tune so as to purchase his silence. His testimony was very volumin ous ; he produced a letter written by Tilton to Henry C. Bowen , in which Tflton refers fa the charges of adulterous 6ts committed by Beecher , which If he , Bowen , exposed - posed would drive Beecher from the pulpit ; and complains of Bowcn's breaking of Tilton's contracts \\ith the Independent and Brooklyn Union V r ion , ' Wilkcnson stated that Tilton brought the letter March , 1872 , and threatened to publish it in the Gold en Age , alleging that Bowen had n.lnetl hiru by dismissing hirn from the editorship of the Independent and Brooklyn Union ; ho complained that Beecher , who had power to re instate him , had deserted him , and declared he would have revenge , anjl would pursuphim to the grave : ho also complain etl that Bown hail refused to'pay'hlin a large debt 'for editorial services , compelling him to bring suit to collect it. Wilken- son was satisfied thatTilton's object was to raise money , and after a long consultation withTHtonan , arrangp : in out was agreed upon which it was thought would bo satisfactory to all parties. This resulted In the well known tripartite agreement , and befoie it was drafted Bowen agreed to pay Tilton forthwith. . The amount of unpaid salary due him.Tilton was then happy and overflowed with love and admiration for Beecher. Thp tripartite agreement was ready fbr'signature April 2d , i872and the paper was read at a meeting of four gentleman , of whom Tilton was one. In this paper both Bowen and Til- ton disavowed all charges and in- liendos attributed to them against Bcecher. Tilton as eager to sign , but was' restrained" "by the others present , and the paper was taken away in order that Bowen should first attach his signature. On the njght of April 2d Tilton , in reply \yilknsonls } qupstlon , sqM that the only wrong 'Beecher hail ever done him , had been to address improper language to his wife , and , for that , he held In his hand an ample and satisfactory apology. He denied ever having accused Beecher with criminal oopdupt. On thp. 3d of April Tilton again called oh hiru and angrily refused to sign the tri partite agreement , as org'.nally drawn up , this action being due to the fact that Bowen had re- fiiBp4 to pay the full amount of his claim , ( jhp full ajnouut was paid within a day or'two thereafter , and the agreement , \\hich in the mean time hart bepn altered by Tilton , was accepted by ai } parties. TiUon , ill modifying bis paragraph , backed out of his disavowal of his imputa tions on Beecher , and his admissions that they were untrue , and care fully secured to himself the large liberty to pursue Beecher forever with inuendos. The committee \ \ ill meet to-morrow evening to hear Ttqij's ! } statement and it is stated that'll will be madp public , if not by the committee , by Tiltou. Since last Thursday night , the Beechor Investigating committee have sus peuded operations. No more wit nesses will be examined until Tilton has appeared before the com mittee , and the colling of additional testimony will depend upon state ments he makes. Thus far ten ses sions have been held , and six witnesses have been examined. The whole committee , with onp excep tion , have attended every session , To-morrow night the Investigation will commence with the examina tion of Tilton , and the work will bo brought to a speedy close , probably by toe end of th § week , i T AI.FKEP , Me. , July20. Ex-Congressman Heirick L > still in : i critical condition. NEW YOIIK , July 20. In the special term cf the Court of Appeals , a motion was made to-day in the case of Sharkoy , tLe mur derer , who escaped from the Tombs \\hileundersentenceofdeath , for a mandamus , to compel the clerk of the general term to make a return of a writ of error , and on a certiorari the motion was granted. YORK , July 20. A morning paper to-day publishes a letter from a convict recently par doned , in which he says that the Nathan murder and robbery was planned by some convicts in Sing Sing , in June , 1S70. This fact was made known to Superintendent Kelso after the deed had been com mitted. Two convicts named Ellis and Sweeney planned the affair , and Austerhouse , Tucker and Brown , three other convicts , were let into the plot , also thp notorious cracks man , Henry Smith. The writer thinks Forester and Irving knew nothing of the plot or subsequent tragedy. The trial of E.K. W5nship , salary broker , accused of embezzlement of money entrusted to him for jnvcst- nlcnt } n salaries of government offi cials , begins to-day before Levi Fuller , referee. AVinship's total lia bilities are $460,000 ; assets 5500,000. Upwards of 250 ticket agencies have been broken up here by a re cent order of the great railroad combination to that effect. Ticket selling is to be stopped. PHILADELPHIA , July 20. The geological urvey of the State attention. The importance and ex tent of the work is regarded as of nonsiderable significance. The parties are now nearly all in the field. The labor has been distribu ted as follows : Bituminous coal Measure , Clearfield and Jefferson counties have been assigned to Franklin Platt , and the southern part of the State to Prof. Frazier , J- . the formations and ores of Lehjgh Valley to Prof. ' Freq J. Prime , 'Jr. ; fossil ore belts' , as well as the other minerals of the Jmiiata region , to Mr. John H. Dewcs ; oil legions of Butler , Clairion and Venango coun ties to Mr. John F. Carl ; the ser pentine region in the olu ) formations of the southeastern corner of the state to Dr. G'enth ' ; the mineralo gist of survey and preparation of a a special report on the tipper oil re gion to Mr. John E. Wrigley and Henry M. Chance. They will spend some in time a special study of the formation in the gap at Port Clinton , with the view of solving several important problem , s of th stmeture. Andrew 'McCreatli has been ap pointed chemical assistant , \\ith his headquarters at Harrisburg. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. . * * % Now York Money Market. NEW YORK July 29. Money Easy at 22 } per cent. Exchange pull but .steady ; 4871 sixty days * 400'for'slght. * ' Gold- Steady , dull ; o\ ned at 10J declined an 3 ; now selling at 10J. Governments Quiet but Him , regular oslSSl 1 lljiegularGi 1 lJi ( : 421 , but nia'rket verv dull. New York Produce Market. NEW YORK , July 20. Brcadstuffs Generally quiet and unchanged. Flour Dull ; stiperfinp Stale and Western A QQ extra 5 70@5 00. Wheat Quiet ; No 1 spring , 1 , ,7 @ 1 40 ; No 2 Chicago 1 301 152 ; No 2 Milwaukee spring 1 3ol , ' 57. Corn Steady ; Western mixed afloat at ja. Oats Firmer ; Western mixed 02 © 04.Rye Rye Nominally ; 1 101 12. Provisions Dull and generally nominal. Pork New mess , 19 9020 00. B.ecf plain new mess , 14 50 © 1500. Bacon Shoit rib , 91 ; long clear , Cut M'ents Pickled hams 1414J ; shoulders 83@S3 ; bellies 9J9j. Lard Steam rendered , 12 } .askedj kettle rendered , 11 J asked ; 'prime city , HJ asked. Tallow 7J8 } . Leather Quiet for hemlock ; valerf confined to higher grade. Iron Dull and nominal , Wool Fairly active , but priora without decided change. Chicago Pruuuce Market. CHICAGO , July 20. Flour No demand for anything but Minnesota. Flour Shippers not in markel ; prices nominal. Wheat Irregular ; cash , 1 11 ; August , 1 07 } ; September , \ 04 \ . ' Corn Quiet ; cosh , 012Gl' ; August , 615 ; September , glf. 1 Oats Steady ; cash , 52 ; July , 48V. Barley Firm ; 1 02. Highwines 95. Pork F rm ; August , 20 75 ; Sep tember , 21 00. Lard Quiet ; August , 4 4044 50. St. Louis Produce Market. ST. Louis , July 20. Flour Dull and unchanged. Wheat In good demand ; No 3 red fall , 1 08@1 lOj No 2 red win ter , 1 20. Corn Easier ; for track No 2 mixed , G4@G5 ; track , G5 ( ( CG ; eleva tor. G4@G51. Oats Irregular and lower ; No 2 , 00@62 on track. Barley Dull ; No 2 , 1 101 12 } . Bye Quiet ; prime , \ 00@1 05. Whisky Firm at Q5. Pork Firm ; generally held at 2550. Lard Firm ; 11 } for summer. St. . Louis Live Stock. ST. Louis , July 20. Hogs Receipts , 1520 ; higher ; light 5 25@5 37J. Cat ties- Receipts , 1530 ; steady J Texa'ns , 2 00@4 00 ; butchers , 2 75 © 3 25 ; good to extra steers , 4 50@G 00. Chicago Live Stock Market. CHICAGO , July 20. Cattle Receipts , 2,600. Market dull and nearly neglected ; prices nearly nominal ; Texas sold ut 2 38 © 3 55 ; choice steers , 5 90@6. 00 ; Butchers , 4 80. Hogs Receipts , 0,000. Good quality f.rm ; prices higher ; dosed strong at 5 SOaG 15 for poor to com mon ; G 20 for fair ; C 20aG GO for good to choice. All sold. bheep Receipts , 1,100. Market dull and easy atJJ 29a-5 50 , Clearing Sale ! EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS ! I AT OHUIOMHA K' ' OleanngSalei FOE. THIHT1T IIEISG on : Clearing Sale ! Annual Clearing Sale OF Foreign and Domestic Clearing Sale ! DRY GOODS Clearing Sale ! PRKPAUATOUY 1O STOCK TAKING. A. CRUICKSHANK , Clearing Sale ! mar5 Cor. Utli antl Famliam Sts. STOCK : , 1873. R. A. BROWN , 248 Douglas Street , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS , CARPETS , AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh. New G-oods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city , consisting of MERINOS , EMPRESS GLOW , RPELLAM % ALPACAS & MGKAIRS , also YELYET & BEAYER CLOAKItfGS. A FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS , BLANKETS , FLANNELS , MERINO L.NDEBWEAR AND WORSTED GOODS. TABLE LINEN IN GREAT VARIETY. A FULL LINE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS , QIL CLOTES , MATTING RUbfS , AND MATS , Furniture , bedding , Mirrors , and everything pertainins : to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade ; has largely increased his stock , and now has a complete assortment oi FINE , MEDIUM and LOW PRICED goods , which he is pffering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of everv one desiring anything in this irie , tg examine his stock before pnrchas- ing. , LOUNGES &e. ; UPHOLSTERED AND COVERED TO ORDER. CK S. SHIVEHICS , . Sti-oot. Ox ! G. STRIFFLER , DEALEK N E. I E S , s'ons , Fruit * , Nut * . Confectionery , Tobacco , Segars , &c. , &c. , &c. S. 1C. ; 0lt.of IvT Ti RiulFARXlIASI. a imr Schneider & Burniester Manufacturers of FIN , COPPER AND SHEET IROH WAKE. DEALEES IN Cooking and Heating Stores. Tin Roofing , Spouting and Gutter' ig doa short notice and ic the best majner. ittetn trcet MP124 dl City Meat Marker. Keep constantly on uand A LARGE SUPPLY OF S 33 33 X % J ? O MUTTON , " POULTRY , GAME ASD- "XT 33 Gr 33 T-A. 33 3j 33 IB FRANK J. RAMGE DRAPER & TAILOR . AHL. DEAUEKJN GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 'GOODS ' , * 'uH > ssortmentof Imported "Woolens. All Work Warranted. 2b2 FarnlianiSt. , - - Omalia , . o.5e < xllv isth , 1374 = 1 FROM THIS DATE WE WILL SELL : MILLINERY I At Greatly Reduced Prices ! MRS. C. F , HICKMAN , elSlm . IBTJIR/IR , , AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th/ and Harnoy Streets , Spring and Summer Styles A. POLACK , CLOTHIER , 238 St. ITear 14th. . Fine and Medium Clothing , and Furnishing Goods. , , _ n * f * * * \ 'iitf af * V -