-T7" V M- If I he Host TTeserfl Xe4 cal Hi. Ecorerr of the Agi-T.Ttrj Maa tls owe Pbja'cU. ZIlHi Frazier's Great Remedy Tbepeoileof rfc 'Unlled? States hire been humbugged wltbeU kin, of Patent MHclnw, quacks and Imposters, for the put few yon. In a most shameful manner. TIm writer of the following li one ot the TlcUnu, and wishes to present a rery plain case. Be'Jerlng tht by cleansing the Vood was the only troo way of banishing disease, and being a tret sufferer frra weak lung and a Kiofcloua afectl. .u4 alter Wing way kinds ol Patent Medicines aad ? eminent PnyatcUas, I mjLnS2S? myself, and at lait d.acoTered a Blood bearcher, or Boot Bitten, which not only jaxe meini xaediate releif, bat alter lew weeks ejected idkal cure! The oom. left me, my lungs became strong and sound, my a, petite good, and the scrofulous disease had disappeared. Feeling confident that my DiscoTery possessed wonderful healing; Tirtues; I gare It to others afflicted, and found It eSected the most miracu lous cures In -thousands ol,cssss, not alone curing Cough', Consumption, Asthma. Catarrh, Sfcrolula and TVek Lungs. 'but all disease, caused from humors In the b:ood. The demand from my friends and other, bear jag about these Bitters becoraIaVery great, I commenced put Snenfofeeltag heFBAZIhS BOOT BirfEB8-I was a tat taekwexi in presenting either myself or medicine to the pubUc-not being a Patent Med cine Man, but f am getting bravely o.er that. I bare sold thousands of bottles f my Boot Bitters, and it is my desire and determination U place the same within the reach of every suSeting man, woman and children the face of the clTilized The grand prlndrle that operates la these Boot Bitten h the newer they possess In cleans ing the turgid blood and banishing the Tile humors from the system. Boot Bitus are strictly Mediclnalreparatlon, compounded from root combined wita herbs aad pla iti, many of -whUa. -were used ln-the good old days of our forefathers, when people were cured by some simple looiar- herb, and wsam Uknuel. and other paU-M.of she mlnerl klagdom were unknown. ' ' , ' ... They open all Ike.saJural passages of the body, cast out disease; take away .all sxkness and build up ths system with pure blood, hence they must reach all diseases by puriaos tion and nourishment. No person c .c take Boot Bitters aad remain long unwclL Victory upon victory they hare gained over disease and. death In all stations lad conditions lo life. They re constantly ef fecting cures of the utmort Importance. ror Consumption, asthma, Scr.ful., Siroluloui it ruptious, Catarrh. Wesk Xangs, Los. VltatltT and Broken-down Constitutions, these Bout Bitters are unlveisaliy admitted to be the most wonde.ful Medical Uiscorery known to the world. i3ir pectoral healing properties pene trate every po.tionof the hnmaa traase, sooth ing the i-unis, strengthening the Stomach, Kidneys and Uver, cleansing the blood lrom every aind ol humor. So other medicine will cure Chronic -.Ktiewmsusisy neuxaia, Heart disease. Fits, lUxlov Headache, Dyspepsia, Fever and awe, Cutifeaesa, Piles, UrinrylWssea,JVBny WLusVd JJv Complaint, so quickly as this Boot Bitters. All such diseases ir caused I rouTa bad stomach aad a polsunous condition- oMba blood. For weakly, nervous young men, suffering lrom loss ot memory, loss of energy, etc., caused lrom abuses In early llle.aud to delicate f emales.these strengthening Boot Bitters are especially re commended. One bottle will do more toward eradicating Syphilis, Scurvy, Tetter, I-ever Sores, Sore Eyes, Tumors. Cacrous forma Uoas7lropsy, Erysipelss, b Bheum, Ulrers. Bolls Flesh Worms.-Blotches; Pustules, fcrup Uons, pimples on the face, and Corruptions from the Blood than all other reu dies iu exiiteace. G. W. FRAZEBB. Crn3VEIAri, OJGtXO.r Frailer Boot Bitters are sold by allth -lac Druggists, Storekeepers and Chemhtts. Sold Wholesale by Strong A Cobb, 199 Superior sreetfaud Beaton Styers . Canneld, 127 Wal- (x. Pittsburg: Oeorge I. Ooodwla uo., BoVton , "oh?. Hey Curren A. Co, Unh Stttes Medicine House. 8 and 9 College Place, New York; Wyth Biotkers.PhUadelpha; Ful ler A Fuller. Chicago ; John u Park, Cincinna ti, and other ftrsSlass Drug Housea and accept no suhsUtute whatever Price with in the reach of all-11 per bottle ate-tettlai, 5. J-UdAwly important" TO Commercial Travelers. COMMEBCIA:. TBAVELEBS who solicit orderV by CABD, CATALOUUE, TBADE UStT SAMP1JJ. OR OTHKB SPECIMEN. al ttose who visit thslr customersand soUdt trade by purchases msde DIBfcCT KOM SIOCK, and who travel in say section by Ball or Boat. seUlng any class of goods, arere JJesSd ndtWrJBUSINESs and PBI VATE ADDBESS, as below, st.tlng class ;of nods they sell, and bv whom employed; also those who are at present vnder no eaiagemeat. TuTniUte.U of OBEAT lMPOBlCE INDIVIDUALLY to sa'esnien of this class, or men lollcltlng trade In this manner. It is SeTefore ESPECIALLY desired that this notice nuy meet the eye ol ALL Commercial Travelers and Salesmen in this. country and that they will AT OSCB. give it their atten tion. Those who cornpiv with above request will be CONFIDENTIALLY treated and duly advised of object In vljw- iBJesaa address, (by. lAteronly). c(M)pEnATI0N care Geo. P. BoweU 4 Co., 41 Park Bow Jy9eodlm 5fw' Yoar CtTT. JOBS iiAuaui, Practical Watchmaker, 171 ParaPai , B.B.O. 11th St OMAHA NEB APPLETONS American CYCLOPAEDIA VewEeviMd'Editioi. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on very mblect. Printed from new type, - andUlustrated with Several Thonssnrl JjtasjjjadMaaa,, TiawcrkerlglaaaraMsheil derfcae UUe completed in 1863, since vUch4kM. Mm wide ccaUttoa whlc?lt has attained la all parU of iSted Statas, aad tha alcvjloseta which nav- Utoaplae, U-weryaeh rf Stt.'SZSfiiklAmTtiit, an exact " " . - IflatH .., Iw -MltlAii' mJ A UUH' a ana . vorou !--. , -.-- dltlon eauueu, -lj "" -- .----- B Within thelast Un'years tte porftai of dis covery in every department of knowledge has mads a new work of reference aa ImperaUre 'rsi movement ol poUtleal aaalra has kept sack with the discoveries of science, and their fruitful application to the ladttssrhJ aad tesefal arts and thaeottvealeaoa and ream of, aodr 1 Ule. Great wars and consequent rerolu Uon.aaveoccured,lnvolTlnx national changes of peculiar Toenient. The dvll war oi oBroaa counS'.whlchwasatlUhekjhtwhwiUte last Toluaeof the old work appeared, has happily been ended, and a new course of commercial aad Industrial actlvlty.has hesaaammaaccd. LMitt suesslnns to oar saapUcal know- 'eaV'JoUUcal revc'utloas of thelast decade, with the natural result of the lapse of urT:.T brouabt Into pabUc view asulUtnda ofuewmen. whose names are in every one's mouth, and of wbW UmiTery one U curious S kaowthTparaculars. Great battles ve Sen fought aaTlmportawt aieges .malmHaed, ofwhlchTthe details are as jet. preserved only In thenewspspers or U the transient publica tion, of theay. but which eoght wuto their Place In permanent and authentic history. In wreparltgi ihe stesiat ediUoa for the press, t vSsanStaVr baiTSe aim tftihs editors to MagdOTathatataemaUaa u the Uesat poe IbSdatee, and to Ittrnlsh an .accurate, account of the most recent discoveries la science, of very fresh production .in literature, aad ef thenewset UTenUoa iaUmjWfUeal artt. as will as to give a succinct and original record of the progress ot political and Ustorlal event. The work has been begun after long and care fulpreUmlnary labor, aad with the most ample resources tor earrylaf stemaa.aaeeassul tarsalaatlen. , . . TSonTof the orirlaal ft2tT1f!: been used, but every mm haf wfjrta?c S type, 1oroltAlcValtwfycloMSlB, with the same plaa aai tampans a its prudeoss ear. but with alar greater pecuniary expendi ture, and with such improvements In lta com aaalttenM have bean eesajasled-by Uager ex Sarteaae aadaaUi! kaowUdf.. Tb Illustrations which are Introduced for the first time In the present edition have been added not for the sake of plctorU elect, but to civecreater lucidity and force to the exnlaaa SoL'Sthetext. TaerUtaanSrof cleat aad natural Urtarrf aid depict the most omens and reassjkaatolsatures of ateatry though Intended lor instruction ratberthaa ambellishmft.t, no pains hare been (pared to Sarethri: arUstinHe: .lt&fi their execul ion is eoonaoua, -ad It l believed Sly will tadawaleaaw eesS aa ad frabtoleat'ireotthaCyckaidia.aad worthy Its hlzt "haracle: The wars: U seed to Subscribers only, payable aadUvery of each volume. It will be com ittad in nxfea Urge octave volumes, each SulnlngsbmitaTOpeitully Illustrated with FICE ASP STYLE O? KSDI5G. la extra" Cloth, per vol . W.M in unrarv isuuer. vvs - In Half Turkey Morocco, per laJKatt Russia, extra gilt, ?er In full Morocco, antiqua, gilts la lull iassla, per vol.... vw Snceeedlsw to- vol 7 00 vol A OS lag. per .. .. . , , 10.00 .10.00 lams, until completion, wbl to lmued aef In twttsseatha. Specimen Mass of the Amateur Ctcw vjjtsta, showing type, lllostraUoaa. ate, aanl he seat ratioaaBeUaatioB. ITBST CLAaaVCAHVASHNG, AGiarVJ. WASTED Address the Publishers, D. Appletonfc Co., U9 k iSStJBreaiway, Kew Twk. HOW I GOT A WIFE. FBOM THE LOW OEBMAX OF FB. REUTER. (Tractlatad for the Bxx by L. W.) . (Concluded.) In the village where I was ap prenticed fora couple of years, there lived two very nice young fellows, .one witlTthe name of Wolfe, who was a blacksmith, and one called Horner, who was the miller of the village. The smith was a keen fel low and understood his business; the miller was rather stupid, but had lots of money. After a while it was talked around that the two were going to marry the two daugh ters of rich old man Schultze, and so it was, and they had a grand wedding. I remember it well, for our accountant, Lewis Erookmann, poured a glass of beer over my head at the time, and when I got mad at him aaid it was only for fun. After the wedding everything was quiet, and all seemed to be quite happy. But it did not last long, when the talk went around that the miller's wife was beating her husband. And so it was. And when one Sunday afternoon the miller saw the smith go into the I tavern he said to mm : "Well, I know what is going to Happen to you 'to-night" "How do you mean?" says the smith. ' "Just as if you did not know," says the miller. "You and I got fooled nicely." , "If with that you mean my wife," answers the smith, "let me assure you that I have done well." A "Yes," says the miller, "when she is-not at home." "Not at all," saj-s the smith, "she is as pleasant as she can be, and does everything in the world to make my home agreeable." "Well, but how in tbe woria did ,you manage tnatV" inquired me other. "I'll tell you," and with that the smith gives him his experience. "You see, when she and I were still engaged, I tried to And out which of her dresses or clothes she thought the most of.and I discovered it was a small, pretty red shawl, and when I got the chance, at th when everything was rather greasy, I took her shawl and wipd a dish with it. Tfou may imagine how she went forme. But I caught her around the waist, and kissed . her and said: "Sophie, never mind, my dear, you know you have me, and a shawl like that-you .can buy at anytime, but a fellow that thinks as much of you as I do, you'll never And again." And so she got over that, and nextl found that she "was rather fond of a .ittle porcelean vase that somebody had made her a pre- 'aentof, and when she was one day talking to some one, I took and let 'it drop. Now, of course, she was put out again, and commenced to cry, but I kissed her, "Never mind Sophie, see it is much better for that old vase to fall and break in two, than forme to fall and break an arm or a limb, who is to provide for both of us in the future?" Then at last I saw she had a very nice shell comb, as they are the fashion now, and I happened to step on it acci dentally, of course, but then she smiled and only said: "I wonder if you wouldn't buy me a new one, when next you go to town." And of course I did, and now she is quite , happy and contented, and we are as happy as two kittens. But I must go now and make my rubber." The Smith went and played his rubber at the inn, but it was only a little while, when some one came running in and said : ''Come, smith, the miller stands outside and looks "horrible !'J The smith goes outside and meets his brother-in-law with a black eye, and his lace all scratched and black, ud when he asks wha.t this means, the miller answer, full of rage, "Yes, .you had better ask ; it is all owing to your confounded story-telling !" "How ?" says the smith. "Well," says the miller, "I hftd recollected your story well enough, and thought to myself, what has helped the one sister may possibly eure the other ; at least, there would be no harm in trying. So I went home, and found my wife stand ing before, the glass fixing her hair to go out calling. On the table lies her. nicest bonnet, and I takes the bonnet and dips it into th.p wash bowl, with its dirty soap-water; but she sees me in the glass and Jumps at me, and when I said, 'Never .mind, never mind ; why, you have me, and you'll be able.to get anoth er,' she simply cries out, 'Yes, I do have you !' 'and look," added thr) poor fellow, and showg the other side of his face," "this Is the way she treated me, and all owing to yiur eoufounded story." "You fool," said the smith, "did I not tell you I done what I did be fore the wedding ? What is whole some before tho wedding is not af ter." "And that Is the story, my lad," aid uncle Matthias, "and if you are smart, you'll know what to do." I stood for a while and looked out of the window, and thought over the story, and at last' turned round and said: "A foolish talepunole, a very foolish one." I remember you to have told muoh better ones." "Yes,1- laughed the old fellow, "but then I gave you the moral of my stories, always, and here you must look for it." "But you .cannot expeot m to d'p her bonnet into a wash-bowl, ot to wipe a grease-dish with her silken shawl.'1 MWhy, you can try it," laughs the rid rascal. "Not, uncle," says I. The old fellow laughs, and grins, and says at last, "Lad, how old are you in reality," Now I did not oare very muoh to hear my age discussed just about that time, and ask : "What do you mean ?" "Oh, nothing," says he, " I only mean." "Then let me tell you," I re torted, rather sharply; "That next seventh of November I shall be one and forty." "So, you are past "the forty ?" he asks, Yes," says I, "does that suit von on "Oh, for all I care," says he; "Only I cannot help to think of an old saying, which is: 'He, who is hot handsome while twentv.- nor verystroug when thirty, nor smart j wnen iony, nor very rich when fifty, had better give it up, ho will never get one;' and you, my son, d.Q-Bot seem oyer smart at forty. "Unole Mathlas," says I, audi aw myself up an inch, "whoever buys me for, is going to be cheated." "And still you cannot find ths moral of my tale. Lad, of eourae, I do not want you to play the farce with shawl or bonnet; that would never do for you, and I know.lt well enough. You muitgo at the Batter, a little nicer. For instance you think you will be able to engage in three real good blunderous affairs ?" "I gaesa I could." says I. "Thea do so," says my unole, "And you. think that will help m fo'rwiiain boas Inthehoaa?"- rv.L. . ,r, 'l.T 41.I..W n And. when she commences to scold you, then take her by the head, and give her real hearty kisses, and say: Never mind, never mind. Don't think of these foolish affairs, but look at my heart only, which beats for you now, and in all eter nity. And then, lad," says he, "then you can put in that kneeling, for you may say what you please, the matter Is not complete without that" I thought over the matter, and said, at least to myself: May be he is right; there is nothing like trying, and pitched in. Now of course I could again tell about the foolish affairs, that I en gaged in, but I know better. The matter might leak out, or my dear little wife might accidentally get hold of this book, and she might get to suspect that all these matters were put up jobs, and that she, in her good-heartedness, had been fooled. And then she would have had reason to say : "Wait. I will turn the tables You have fooled me once, now I will look to mat-' ters." But sometimes when I look at my wife, and see how prettily she arranges everything, and how neat ly she looks, add how she strives to make my home a bright one, and is always pleasant and agreeable, I cannot help to think : "You ought to be ashamed of your self to have gone to work in such an abominable manner ;" ana xne the other day I said to my uncle, "Do vou know what? I'll tell her all about these tricks before the wed ding." "The deuce you will," says uncle, "Every man, and the least one not excepted, must now and then make a big blunder, and a good joke ; but he must not tell of them himself, for they lose their point ; and you live so happy, why not be con tented !" "I know," said I; "but I some times must think as if we could live happier still if she was in com mand." "My son," said old "Uncle Mathias and laid his hand on my shoulder. "all tbe happiness in' this world is not poured on one head; be con tented with what you have got, and as regards married life, do you know old Joham Smith ? The same who, together with his wife, lived till they were both eighty years old and was buried with her on the same afternoon. He said once to me for I understand nothing about the matter myself "Sargeant," said he, "married life is like an apple tree, wherein somebody is sitting and picking and picking; but the best and finest are on top, to which nobody can reach. If he is lmpiu dent and attempts to force the matter, and gets a long pole and beats them off, he knocks them in two and hurts thejbranches, which promise so well for the future, but if he is a thoughtful man, he waits till they are quite rloe and then they fall into his lap by themselves and taste much bet-, ter too. And therefore lad," he added, and his wrinkled old face looked as good natured and honest as ever before, "do not knock your red apples off the trees,' but wait till late fall your's will soon be near and when you bring the last one to your wife, then tell her about these tricks before your wedding, and you'll see, then she will laugh about them." Before and After. (Detroit Free Press. Wednesday afternoon a linen suited Individual who came from some town in Genesee County was noticed wandering around Franklin street, having considerable money and being under, the influence of liquor. A policeman spoke to him and warned him that he had bet ter lookout for himself, when the young man-ruplled: "Look out for MrmTf! You bet lVwill! Why, muter,' I'm chain lightning rolled up In a ball and stuck full of red hot bowie knives ! I'm a thunder bolt from the north, I am a regu lar rip-up thunderbolt, and folks want to let me alone, they do ! " Yesterday morning the same po liceman found the same individual lying asleep back of a coal-shed. His eyes were battered,, there waa hole in his head, and his watch and money were gone. "Here," said the officer, poking him with his club, "say, aren't you that thunder bolt from tho north woods? " The ma.n sat up, looked around in a dogged way, and slowly replied: " No, I ain't 'zactly a thunderbolt, but I'm the durned fool who thought be was ! " tbe coming struggle. The voters of our nation, . s neVr was known before. Are rising from Paclte's strand To Atlantic's rocay shore.-? " Why Is this mighty change 7 i What csn the meaning be I The rising of tbe maaacs From northern lake to southern sea. The spirit of old seventy-six From out our heroes' eraves Forbids a nation drenched In patriots' a'bloosV. oaouia sins 10 inai oi slaves ; Tbe motto which our coins once bore, i nougn ousoieie long since, Remain a ver trim? nnl uanMnt fnrtrUiiit?.!.! But mllHoasfor defense. Party ties and party laws Are but as ropes of sand. The Uhli of man to be a man Should govern Freedom's land. Then shall our Flag more proudly float O'er land as well as sea, And nations yet unborn ahall gladly gre-H The emblem of tbe free. In trade we'll try to deal, As man should deal with man. And while we seek to lire ourselves, We'll sell as cheap as anybody can. And If a bat you need, Or f nesd you c'nnce to meet, g Remember Bunco, the Hatter, us upper iraugisa street. elCtf h. aaaac c. J. XAaaa-Jbi GkERE k KARBACH, X 15th st. between Fax-ham and srney s'a. OMAHA, NEB. - - r BUNcracTcxn or- Spring and Farm WagjMS, UCrQIBS AH OARRl.lGBa3rJt Dealers la and manufacturers ot & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! PARTICULAR iTENTION PAI TO HOKtsCaMOKlSQ. aWRe pairing f wagons and Mac rim I thing prompilv done at reasonable prices mTdawo lOO.COO A.CBJESI M0H PAlatDTO LAID IT VEBKASXIU 500 HanscomPlaceLoLs! HOUSES ADD LOTS in the dty ot Omaha, for sale eheao and on cood terms. BOteOS MlLt. Real esUto brokers,omca over Mackey 'a store, on Dodge sU opposite new poetomca apSOesi ! Southern Hotel! FraattaiC aa 4th, Gth aai Vakltlta. St. Louis, - Mo. LaT)ill, WaRleT ic Co., 3Eaarot93rlterira. TaeSontacn-aTotta Arst-clsss In all Its aBpetntmeau.' IU tabUaaaeat alltlmee sup plied in the greatest abuadance, with all the delicacies the markets aSbrd, Its clerks aad employee are aU aoUee and attentive to tho wants ot the guests of the hotel. There is aa bBproveleleva'orkadlagiresn the art oor to. the upper en. .RsUrcad and steamboat IcketoB-es.aewa stand: aad wsetarr I telegraph oka la the kesaada ol hotel. HILLCAM LATETs Cor. lOLa and 'Webster Sts., Eeips a cosnpWte assortment ol GROCERIES and K.S. PROVISIONS. MOMVeUr- C.MMirCi. Daily Xeriatr. Office Omaha Daily Bee, ) July 18, 1874. i Business at the banks is fair, de posits good; discounts are light and only good paper accommodated,and that on short time. As soon as the crops commence to move there will be a greater demand for surplus funds and more calls for accommo dations. THE FHIST NATIONAL BANK quotes : Land Greats (selling) $815.00 Land Warrants, (160 acres buying) 176.00 Land Warrants (160 acres selling) . .185.00 Agricultural College Scrip, (ICO acres buying).- 176.00 ttL-Selliiig...... 185.00 Exchange on New York, 1-5 of one per ct. groceries. Trade in this line to-day Is active; country trade good; local demand somewhat better. Dry Goods. Orders from the country are coming slowly, but steadily. Local trade quiet Produce is in large supply to-day and in good demand. Prices are in favor of buyers. Hides and Leather. Trade good ; country orders fair; not much doing In local trade. Hardware There is an Increased activity in this line, both for j ' j iMTr't OMAHA XABKBTS. Carefully Corrected Dailrj JJXfcX UUUUQ.1 J. J. BROWN A bro., Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets 7i1 Uaracrs.. Hamilton. Merrimack Peabody. Richmond.. Simpson's.. BLEACHED SHXBTINaS. D.I.I.. A A K Boot a... Cabot i .... Lonsdale...... N. Y. Mills.. Peterboro. Suffolk L Is itjg si S3 ..iIHiTTT, BLEACHSCJsVKKTINaS. FeppereU 8-4 ...jr.. do do 9-4. 10 T COTTO: Farmers and Med Ureal Western BROWN Albion. A TJ lf..4 T X u 9 11 12 Ul iWs JIAa,. IVal.lT. jt ie.tt.ji Germ-vnia, B B....p-. L. L'... fd&Hi INOHAH8. American. Amoskeag i Jakca . Lancaster- fcOKINaS. Amoskeag, Biddeford. ca. aaNlMfl. Amoaketg ..ty":; .. - Bcsver Creek, B B.:.r..,,.. Haymakers...,. , ,y.'.. .... Otis.B B "li 40 mi, n r. a j v.., JEANS. ntAAv.i.A Hoasier..jE . jTAHKl; X0TI0SS otbtzCMwhr a co., 231 famham Street spool con wo.: i . i- 0 TO 42H . WQ1 00 socdtsoo f so 1S5 1 80 sso Dickens' KingW; uomesm Staale: SHAWLS. Ottomaa strips. White eoauKui- tt25S50 110 50 SHIRTS. iJC'i SMdlum-r.. 15 00 SO 00 : eutom made.. .S1200a24 00 rW-j 4 78a7 80 4f OVF.UALLS. Browa drill SC 50a7 25 tfjr" dock-. -. 7 75s9 00 Rtar drUl ... 7 00a7 60 f-9 dack SOOaSSO AWma . 00a 50 ",t i CORSETS. FwJprhaleboae 5 25a8 Cf OurVvM - ... . 15 00 CoLaesC M 60 SPRING 8K1BTS. printed.-.- $900 12 00 15 00 niBed fluted-.. nrvrPAi, rviMTtfTSSlON'. .... jSfj. KOSENFELD gives us tne foUowtea; quotations his day: Bu tractive, 15a20in tubs; Eggs fair, it 10c per dozen; Live ChicWu,dull,at2 00&2 SOperdoz.; Gooseberries, 2 50 per bu. ; Cher rlesvE.OOperbu; Lemens,12 00 per i"bt. ana Baspberries,20c per quart; Hacsberries,25c; apples. 1 00 to 1 25 fper box. i HARDWAKK joint t. xdoax. IRON. CaaasaoB bar- Hataesaoebi. Noawaf aaU rod CasCwasw .a STEEL. Oermoal - 11 Amerreaa casn. octagon aad square-, um Zt Jessup'a EaglUh do do - K& 40 Burdaa's horse shoes, per keg . 7 SB mt ' mule do do S 35 XoKhweetern horse nails-. . Ha 31 D dee thimble skeins, discount 45 pur cent. 'Ster half patent axles, discount 10 per cent. &- NAILS. 4 10 4S 4 60 4(5 5 10 7 10 SU 5 40 5H 4S6 6 10 OSS 6SS 70 pre SO pre 33 do 90 pre 30 da. 3f pre as pre 46 do Stda '.JW WMfPT m MC ao li, do wifL 4 do Miss do ICdBnla-agdo Sd do do Gd do do lOd casing do Id do do Cd do do Wrought, all.slaes-- BOLTS. Carriage and tire ..discount BUTTS. t Narrow wrought, last loist.-discount vaasiaeeenin reveraiue oo fC MISCELLANEOUS. Hay aad manure forks- diacooat Hoes aad gaidea rstrs da ' HINGES. Strt bM. T .dbcouat S WRENCHES. Tail's black discount CoaftjiSBBI ttatloa ..-. do do &' .. SCREWS. meneaa iron . Atf brass AOMCfJLTUJtAL 46 arc 40 pre TMIXMKNTS. HHolt'naloeat aUacperde aet M4 13 00 looo 00 12 00 13 00 13 00 13 00 13S0 13 00 13 JO " 8J6 5 75 11 M U 00 SO pre 60 da Eureka & l. arxDKs ad auoraus. Bawlaad'aNoS black. shovels. D M do do Boliehed do d da do black saadu d do.pausaed 4a do ' "spriag paint" LH aaoTtls- 'aWestacm Crewm . 4 Ao -bevefed-00FFCB MILLS. a area box "net .eaMt de i.-i ra)S Cataa lrch- est arts FILES. Hargia.1 tSatHhA Co.,. mat r.wvtt ua do HAMMERS. Hard AXrToI.lW,. S A KJio dad. BfaF PRINTS."?" Allans ...-..-.., J.'.'T', .,- American..- ,.... Amoskeag rSZr.VnT- Bristol -.iftsrri StKsT t-t ekKETINQS., ClarknjM), r'nat'W rslBk. HOSIERY. ttritt.h r. ; tmf rAtran WU-A.K3. k faaaaa - -. : IS'--' Si 10 90 10 09 ISM 14 W JIN soa sea :a ar"e No i do 3 , do3 HATCHETS. ,do.a LawX LEATHEB. Best Buffalo Sole,. X&SSc do aa WntTir" do ie.2.xic; No. 1.35c Best Oak do Baltimore Oak Sole-.S- r . rench JCUa s 1 raz 00 do Oslf, leading braada. J2 102 50 Domestic Kips .11 WI 3U .$1 351 75 do Calf r Hemlock Upper, per : SKiJJUC Oak. do. .. Grain do if -uc 30 t7 00(510 . Ill 00&14 OS sS(3sc Toppings, do Morocco IBoot 140 fans,. do (Oil on do (Simon) if 360C S3 003 25 S3 503 00 t0(Xi"00 do (GloverKJdV): Welt Leather, par mA$,J Boot Webhlnarper bolt-- . . Oak HsrnsWTealher, " Pittsburg, .rvc 5c eOgite 3SSc do W.a do No.1. do f oo do lto.3, Oak Line, do .etC-Kc H?ml unlock Harness Leather, J'o. 1 do Vela do No. unlock TJUva ..do JS3&4QC i, 3739c Hemlock .etgesc Fair Bridle. Bar aide.. .16 00(37 00 Team Collarsvaardoa. ...,-... Stage " do da. . i Scotch do doT' .. Concord do d .- - Collar IeathaiTraaaek) per foot,. do doV- (Basset) do Patent Das Leather.-. .123 50323 50 .971 VI MS 00 $3SU0 183c isyic 13c W. SOAPS PiwH' On.. Roan snonufacturen. Sap Piflattiv.6l-26 SA; Savon. bapo i'uMMsv w&o atepubLcH3wBical 61-2;PalAa?s35M;,C UUT, O MJ German Mot- led. 6 l3a 12. ABTsMODS and upaoLffnaua'fl jg? ' STOCK. Btiajssair B. Jones, Decorative tJp kolaUrer aad dealar in fine art goods, rjfO f unban Street, furnisher, the ''fallowing quotations: FRAME MOULDINGS. CM? walnut monldincs, one inch. peritr5c; 2iach 10c; 3 inch 15c; poliahedwalaut, 1 inch 7c; 2 inch 15rXaich21c. Berlin sUt, 1 inch 1.0015c; 2 inch 1230c; 3 inck 180 46c; iaaiUtion rosewood ana gut, i iuch.610c; 2 inch 1020c; 3 lncn 15 30c. Window shades. Plain bands, 6 feet, all colors, per pair, 1 50; ornamental bands, 2. 00 4 00; each additional foot, 75c per pair. REPPS. Union jnd all wool terry, per yard 1 503 jO; Imperial, plain and stri ped, 2 50a8 00. DAMASKS. Union per yard, 1 50; all wool, 2 OOaS 00. MATTRABSES. Husk, 4-4x6-2, 4 005 00; straw, 3 00a4 00; Excelsior. 3 50a4 50. LUMBER. RETATX. LIST ' Sublect to change of market witnout W WM. M. FOSTER, On U. P. R. R. tract bot. r jrnbam at " GEO A. HOAGLANI. joists, mtdlPf and sills, 20 It, snd der ... i .. ... . .... Over 90f t, eech adliuonal ft add'l Fencing No 1 ... . do Mo 2 1st common boards.. -. 2nd do do ....-. - ... MA" stock boards, 10 and 12 inch "B" do do do uo . "C" do do do do ....- 1st clear, 1, lJi. I A 2d do do do do - 3d do do do da .... Flooring, clear..-. ..... do 1st common .... .. do 2d do ... do 3d do ...-...... do nsrrow, clear ... 1st clear ceiling H inch. . -2d do do 4 inch.. ...... 1st do do y Inch... 3d do do inch-.. - 1st clear aiding... ...-..... ..- un- 00 0 HM 21 00 Zi 00 22 00 50 00 35 00 10 00 65 00 . 55 00 45 00 50 00 i 40 00 35 00 27 50 .... 45 00 33 00 32 50 .. 30 00 37 60 27 00 ., 28 00 . 24 00 20 00 4 25 3U0 3 00 350 i 3&0 za uo uo 1st common siding.... 2d do do ....... "A" shingle . Extra Mo 1 shin&l-. Common No 1 shaigles lath per 1000 D A U pickets eer 100...... H..n da da do bfl Batten pee lineal f'- ao uo uo Liberal discount on carload lots. WINDOWS, (Glased.) SS per ceatoa Chicago list. DOORS, (Wedged.) 25 .pel cent ot CI tcago l'st. BUNDS. ,30 per cent osr list. Whftelime per bbl . LoniavUle cement per bbl Plaster perls per bbl -". Plastering hair per bushel Tarred felt ..-... -. .fl 7532 00 -. SO03 25 .- 3 503 75 -. 40 4 Plattei log boaru-... OILS. PAINTS. tiLASS, Ac. N.I.D.BOLOMON. ROBEKT C BTEELL. Coal on s i Linseed OU, raw. 105 - " hl'd 1 10 Turpentine t5 Headlight OU 23 lATdUU, No IS 95100 m tt 2. 70 " winter 1 M ' "strain'dj Lubricating I a XT. Va. "" rAINTo, AC White Land, St. Louis, Srtlctlr Pure I 11 i I eUICT PfelllTT Putty in Bladders- ttnlh- Z 1 08 EnassaU Glass, colors, sq. f t. Window Glsa. 60 V c discount T12f.8HEET-LB0N. TTIRE. AC MIX.TOK:ROGERS, COR. 14th & FABNHAM. J PLATE. 1.0x14 ft", lasrejaaVity 10x1 Ic, bests. sail ty lnxiaxs. o 12x1216 d 12x12 IX d"a 1U20 IC da 14X20IX do 14x20 IXX do 14x20 IXXX 110 plate DC lOOpUteDX, lM pUU DXX 100 plata 9XXX Roofing IC charcoal Roofing IX da 10x14 IUcoka da aaxZtlC charcoal roeAo aoxzs ic charcoal rooa 4x14 IX charcoal. . 10x30 coke (liar cuttersV BLOCKTIN. Large pigs Small pigs Bar tin as If ETNC. Sheet tlm 25 ta 3S la do do do lrhalf r "11 At. A. At. 4b 9flA VA - Sheet 14 to g If ha per sheet 12 TlanarasoUet (extra refined.- 30 do do Ho. 1 do ' do raofing . n Udatatal SJHaTrr IRON. First quality, Ni rslto2A- 29 it ao ao aa do do do do do do ."T- CharoaaL both sides ssaethe ao xo zt., do do IS, do do 27. Juniata. No. 24 do io 26 da 27. Kussiaperfert7to 12. do No. 1, stained. taaatttUadles,sdewcent. Mrlmr tmmltal'a Itemle svl Noa. Leas than fuU bundles addaaent. aALVANIZSTX No. 14 to Ju do 21 to 34. do 3S to 36- do 37 15 1 V 18 -de .da doaf- . Full bundles discount ISperc COPPER. Rraxlera to do 10 to 45 43 :2 m. da UKtoluOB Eheathlax. 14 and IC ot. Plaahtaed, 14 aad 1 ox Noa. 7, S aad , Phtaished- BO M suet ospper .-Osaparbottoms- BRIGHT WTRB. 10 11 ny US Nee. 0 to C UJ W.li 1 . IsVM. 14 U 18 1 11 an 00 I 13 SO tsaa to I..-....... - M 00 do 17 00 do 15 do L- ,, 50 do 20 50 do 60 Orrrtf-my) S3 50 , ldorf "00 do Ao H do do a w aV do 15 00 do .- l on do .. 12 0 gw r " isg. w. r; ,..,. ,,r" j miiiiii" .....I v sav GrROCERIES; STEELE JOHNSON 638-540 14TH ST. CLARK k FKENCH COB. FABNHAM AND llTH ST. PUNDT, MEYER 4 EAAPKE, 212 FARN HVM ST., WHOLESALE DEALERS MOROAN A OALLAQHER, 205 FaiTl- ham St. whixney; batjserman a Co., .247 . .. Douglas St. J. J. bbowx & bro.. Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. SUGARS. Granulated pr lb Powdered do . 12 12 VI Crushed do ., Ratcut loaf do StandardA do Circle A do -. Extra C do Yllaw C do 13 11X - 11 11 :,0i N O choice do COFFEES. Rio choice pr.Tb. do piime do . do good do O t Java i. 26aS7 KtOS t425 Sla35 SYRUPS. Common pr gallon.. Good do Choice do do N O molasses- ,SS4S 6065 70s) 80 Baazooa cholce- SjYeglln . SJijS CAUDLES. M Weak A Co. bchofecs 1617 10ial7 6a6X ajrj SOAP. Missouri Vrliey- Klrk'a Savon.... M. Weak A Co tfchofer's German.- Klrk'a stardard da sterling-- PLUG TOBACCO. Black goods, Western, rfa da Virginia- 45 45aS0 6237 57sS5 6055 IStM do do LorrUard's. Bright do do do ... dj do Virginia Natural leal- DRIED FRUITS. California peaches per pound. '" do ' apples do ,Ftate do do New cunants KKalT ltol4s SsH 1U14K 17 21 3ga40 13 40 da Mimes- da (lernisn cherries do bl.ckberriei .. do raspberries-. An ..f.lni nr tlAT do seedless raisins, per pound SALT. New In barrels. do dairy ,J2 70s2 83 .. 4 505 75 CA14NED GOODS. 2 pound can Myer's oy s'ers, per case. 1 do do do do do .. 2 dc do William's do do . 2 do do peaches pet case... S do do do do -2 do do tomatoes do ..... S do do do do -. . Corn, Trophy per ease .- ,$4 25150 . 2 60a2 75 . 4 00a4 25 5 00 . g 507 00 . 3 503 75 600 SOU 5 60 5 50 4 605 00 550 550 ao ninsiow uw do Yarmouth do Strawberries, do Raspberries, do Pineapples, ' do. TEAS. Oolon s, per i-ound- 2575 . 40100 . 60al 25 450 3 10 300 , 4 765 t0 Youne Uvson. per pound - Ounpowder, do do FLOUR. Snow Flake, (Wells A NUman). uoia uun. JLXXX Iowa City California BAGS. 1 Oaaiiias. heavy weight. . .0 light do lips, four bmhel . adee gunnies . jin bags, Amoskeg A saJ19 174B1S lSit , . - Is - 3031 was mO IN imwiw m - 8PICE4. Nutmegs, Penang beet,per pound 1 35al 41 UjTe, do do CO Alspice do do ISa.O Cinamon bark do do .. soate COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON. y. bbls., 100 lbs-.. 1 lb cans, per doi- 50310 00 . 2 5b4 Z . 890(3400 2 do uo WHITE FISH. No. 1 kits FamUy In kits 1M1 . 1 153 1 25 . 1 10(9 1 20 .. 6 50(4 7 00 . 5 50 e 10 FamUymJibbb MACEEBLL. Family, In kits No. 1, do Mess, do Family, H M!s No. 1, de . Sardines, JJ boxes,. 1 10,3 1 20 1 fOa 2 00 3 00(c 3 5 .. 7 00(3 8 00 - 9 00(910 CO -16 5017 00 CIGAES. A. E. simpson, Manufacturer, 532 15tn Btreeu H. Unman . -9 M. 3 J5 00 35 00 35 00 40 00 43 00 SOOO 50C0 75 CO GS00 50 00 60 00 75 00 100 00 100 00 10J00 75 00 Reconstruction ... . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Grand (.entral UniverssL... Yara La Boquet Simon Pure Partlfas Yours Truly. uold ueaai La Espanola Triple Crown Henry Clay De VUler . YViUer. .... 1876 CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale depot 648 14th Street. Half barrel iicvi . .....-. 2 9C Chicago, Bock Island and Pacific B. B. THE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE rBOM OMAlU TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST, Via Dee Moines, 1avenport and Rock Island, o All Passenger Trains are equipped with the Wxstixouousk Patxst Aia Bbakrs and Miller's Paunt Safety Platform and Coupler. 2 Ft Express TralB8laTe Dailj, onnectlng as follows: AT DES MOINES with the Dee Moines Valley Bailroad, for Oskaloosa, Ottumwa, Keokuk Sjyii a3aa MATH 19 AT URINMELL with the Central Railroad of Iowa, for aU polnu north to St. Paul. AT WEST LIBERTY with the Burlington, Cedat Baplda A Minnesota Railroad, for Burlington, Cedar Bapids, Dubuque A St. PauL At 'WILTON UUMCflON with the South-Western branch, for Muscatine, Washington and all points south. AT DAVENPORT with the Davenport A St. Paul RsIItt1 for points north. . AT ROCX ISLAND with the Western Union Bailroad for Freeport, Bej ilt.Kacine Mil waukee aad all points In aorthern Illinois and Wisconsin. AT BOCK ISLAND with the Rocklord, Rock IslaadsadSt. Louis Railroad for St. Louis and polsti sodth. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Peoria A Rock laUnd Railioad for Peoria and polnU east. AT BUREAU JUNC., with braecb, for Hen ry, Laeere, ChUUeothe and PaorU, AT LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points nors.h and south. AT CHICAGO wlthll Unas East, North and South.. THROUGH TICKET'S to all Eastern cities, via this line, can be procured, aad any-Information obtained, concerning points, at the ticket oce of the company, 128 Farabant St., Omaha, and also st the principal ticket osaceo atosctUUaooI the U. P. B. R. CAackael Tkramsik aUl Ktimadsaail Kaatarm Faisrts. A.M. SMITH, Sia. J.X.LAOET. TsaaatAawat. K. RIDDLE, QeaVlSap't a. a. aTETEna. OesilWoaBaraAat ajssi Sioux City & Pacific R. R. Tfta tamtam IMrccC Baita frvam COUNCIL BLTJEES TO St. Paul, Minneapolis, And all Points In SOMaUtX IOWA 3OHNES0TA. PULLMAN PALACE SLEKPTKO CARS . On aU night train 7i this route. C4niRXTlMS. 1. At U. P. Traaafar with Unloa Pacific Sallroad for Oawha. icSuncllBlUBT. with Kansas City. St. Joe Hi CoSadl aaswaRrcad far St. Louis mmA ail points south. . S. At SutjoutI Valley Hh the Chicago and yarUwestara railway fat Chlcaco aad all PA?At"s5oax aty with Sioux City aad 9 FaaL HUaoIa Central and Dakota Southern raOroads. Steamers far Upper Missouri Elver, daring .ntvlamtloa, aad with stages for all potata la the North west. S. AUBlalr with Omaha aad Northwestern vallraad for Omaha aad Soathata Nebraska- C At Fremont. Nebraska, with the Untoa Paoae rslkcad for allpobstr. west sad tbe 'Fadae coast. il - - " - J. At Wlaaar with alaaaa fas Norfolk aad at? . points la Northern Nebraska. . Ikfcetr-fer sals la Chicago aad North western Railway osscea. ',... sHTBe sure toux- Uefceta read Tla S. C A P, BUy L. BURNETT, Snp't, F. C KILLS, Gen. Tldmtt- ua. n. wi-' CHICAGO &NORTHWES'N The Popular Route from OMAHA -TO Chicago and the East ! AND THE tlroot Houto Onlr TrWaterloe,Fert Dadre.DnbsjqBc.ljt Crosae, Prairie Dtt f. blest. Wuiaaa, SCPatU.DBlaUb, Jsnnvlllc, Kao alta, Green toai, Kaclne, btevea'a Polsst, Wrtvru, Valihraab, Ion Dmlrfue. atadlsou auad MUwukee. It Being the Shortest and FLut Comoleted Lin j Between OMAHA and CHICAGO, Constant tmprovm nts have taken place in tbe way of reducing Uiatle, and placing Iron with Steel Kails, adding to its roiling stock new ana uegant DAY staid 8LSCKPING CARS Equipped with the "Wtlughouje Air Brake" mA Hilllla. Vl.(tinn " .t aKI l.h In. m ti.ptaa Lie and commodious Eating Houses, offering all I tbe comi iru ol traveuug uie age can produce. From to 10 Fast .Express Trains ruu each way dallv over the vsirious lines of this load, thua securing to the traveler selecting this rou'e sure and certain connections in any di rection he may wish to go. Principal Ccsuseetleuas. AT MISSOUBI VALLCY JUNCTION, for Sioux City, Yankton and points reached via Sioux City and Pacific railroi.d. AT GRAND JUNCTION for Fort Dodge, Des Moines, Ottawa and Keokuk. AT MARSHAiXforSt. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, and northwestern points. AT CEDAR RAPID: for Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Charles City, Burlington and St. Louis. AT CLINTON for Dubuqno,Dunleith, Prai rie du Chlen, La Crosse, and all points on the Chicago, Cllntoa and Dubuque, and Chicago, Dubuque aad Minnesota railroads. AT FUUON iar Freeport, Racine htllwsu kee and sR aetata In Wisconsin. .AT CRICASOwiUaUnUwayalBsaiaadlaf erne! Cilnai TBI saaa W.sUraataTBT. MARVOI mtmtUXT. fiearl KaaaBaTr ACT. ejea. emfr. i.5Zl.Cmwr C.4J.K1WIT. t,Uasaash wax-i.ays om Omaha & St Louis Short Line 1874! The Kansas City, St. Joe and Council Bluffs R. B Is the only dire line to t. iiocxa AHD THE EAST. FROM OMAHA AND THE WEST NO CHANGE uut between OmsnaandSt. Loula ana b it 01 1 betweeD OMAHA anu AaW YORh. Thisth Only -Joe running a PULLJIAJI sAepino oak east PKUH OMAHA, ON AKBIVAL OV TUB UNION PACIFIC EXPBKSs THAIS. aWPassengers taking othei routes nave a disagreeable transfer at the River Station. 8 PASPENUBU TIC AIMS DAILY I REACHING ALL EASTEBN AHD WE3TEB5 0ITIE3 With Less Changes and in advance of other lines. This Entire Line Is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Caw, Palace Day Coaches and Chair Cars, Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Westinijhouse Air Brake. a9f"See that your tickets read via KauaaaClty, ft . Joseph Council Blansltalroel, Via Omaita and St. Louit. Tickets for sslo at cor. Tenth and Farnham iireets, and U. P. Depot, Omaha. JOS.TEHON, Fas. Agt. GEO. L. 3RADBURY, Gen' Agent. . F. 8ABNARD, Gen'l Supt. St. Joseph. A. C DAWKS, Oen'l is. Agt., St. Joseph. VandaliA A. S T. O TEAINS DAILY ! LKtVB ST. IOTJIS WITH Pullman Palace Cars THBOUOfi WITHOUT 0HAHQE Indianapolis, Cinoinnati 'Louisville, Chicago, Columbus, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, AHD NEW YORK Arrlvkl of Traiu from the Watt ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland. Buffalo & Boston TICKETS S7K. eerarfoiu Are for Bale at tbe Csmrsay's OsBee, Vasirtb A. Cbeatnait sts.. t. Lexila, atsel mi tbe Principal fXal. way OsBcea Us tbe Weet. CHAS. BABCOCK, a E RUSSELL, S'thern Pass. AVt, West'n Pass. Agt. Datxaa. Txxas. KassasOtt, JOHN E. SIMPSON. CHAS. E. FOLLEIT, Uen Supt., Oen'l Pass. Agt. a ZHl Ijtdiahaio-is St. Louis. XJxjXxcl tmxm.xom Confectlo.ers, Tool Works, T2103. Mills ft Srou, Isaautactnrers o Confectioners'Tools Jfacblce afenslda. Ice Cicaaa Freeze, etc., Noa. 1301 Sl 1303 North Eighth St. PHILADELPHIA, P Proprietors: "1 EsTASLlsaxD 186L' Thomas Mills. I QEO.U. Mllli; f 1ATALOaUES BEST ATLXaP.Paxaxa.j j upocaspUcaLoa. atarTAewSas arjB.ir L1 TATLOR, IStfc SL, ket. favmkew aad Haiaey. AU Uaaa el TAILORTNO, CLEANTNS aa4 REPAID 1NQ aaaa at reaseaahia ratal Mm m asjasmaal, aad aay UJarmal aa asv KEAENEY'S FLUID-EXTRACT BVCHU The only known remedy for BRIGUT'S DISEASE, And ajosltlve cure for Gout, Gravel, Strictures, Diabetes, Dyspepsia Ner vous Debility, Dropsy, No pretention or Incottlnence of Urine, IrI- Vtion. InSauiation or Ulceration of tbe BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, i SPBJIA TORRIKEA, Louroerhoe or Whites. Diseases ol the Prostrate tlLwil. S one in the UlaJJer. Colcul ur. GRAVEL OR nitlCK ;DlST DK l POSIT. And Mucus or Milky Dlachargcs. KEARNEY'S Extract Buchtt ! Permanently Cure allj Dbeases ol.tho Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings. Existing in Men, Women and Children, Ko Matter What the Age! ProL itctle vs: "One bottle ol Kearney's Fluid Extract Uuchu is worth more ttun all other Buchus combined." Price one dollar per botllejor Jslx bottles for five dollars. Depot 104 DuanerSt., N. Y. A physicisn In attendance to answer corres pondence aid give advice gratis. ssaTSend stamp for pamphlets, frce.M Crane A Erighamj Wholesale Agents, Sin Francisco. Cal. a Ski TO Tilt NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. SO CHARGE P0B ADVIOiJ AND C3N SnLTATIOS. TR J. B. DYOTT, graduate of Jenerson Heilical College, Philadel phia, author of several valuable vorks, jan be consulted on all dis eases of the Sexuul and Oriuary or gans, (whieh he has made an es pecial study.) cither in male or fe male, no matter from what cause originating, or how lorg standing A practice of 30 years tnabies him to treut diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can ibrward let ters describing symptoms and en closing stamp to prepay postage. jjgrSend for the Guttle to Health. Price 10c. J. B. DY0111,X.D. Physicion and Surgeon, 104 JDuane street, N. V. OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE. HAPPY RF.LE1F FOIt YOUNG MEN from theetfects of Irrors and Abusrs In early life. Manhood Restored. Impediments lo Marriage Kemoved. New metl od ol treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free. In sealed enveloi. Addrc.s, II OW AED ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., an Institution hiring a high eputatlon for honorable conduct and profe rlonsl kills. JeudAwSm oiaarlQS Popper, WHOLESALE BUTCHER NI CATTI.E BROKEK, SALT LAKE CITY, feb27It UTAU Ms Keller, Proprietor of tM RISING SUN ai:o LOS ANGELES TltfEYRDS. Depot for the sale of Lis NATIVE WINES AND BKisrx)iES Iff. SSI1I1ER . Co., Corner.of Battery and WashlnjtonSts. 8AJI FRAXCISCO, mai7tl CAL. PASSENGERS Going East or South from Omaha And Points on U. P.E.B., hould take th "LINCOLN ROUTE" ATCHISON & NEBRASKA RAILROAD ' And cure lor thcmlr3 the choice of Six Popular U'.Jtea from AtckUou to Chicago aad St. Louis, All making Reliable C Jnectiona and being clppd with Palace Day and fjlaeplag Cyn. All delay and lnconTenience arrirlnz from Ferries acd transfers can be arolded Vt est of Chicago and St. loals by secarins Ticteti ria ATCUISOS and the ATCniSUX A ffCBKAMKA n.VIIJtOAD. Direct and Reliable Connections are also made with the A. x. o. r. u. ti. ior iao Qrett Arkiusas TaUej & Colorado, And with all lines running Soeth to points !n Southern Xansa and tbe Indian Territory. Ask for Tickets Tia LINCOIi & ATCHISON t CHAS. aSMITH, Oen'l Snpt, WW W- F. WHITE Cent Pass. Ag't. DON'T BUY! UNTIL YOU HAVJC CAREFULLY EXAMINED OT7H XTE"W ' 7i?AD2pj3i,!A2X 1 AND LO RESERVOIR iiiii.y- AS WE HAVE TWELVE liOOD REASONS why ther will do yourworic. Quick and Easv, Chea and Clean. Ill Theyarecleipesttobuy, aaaaal They are best to use, gf I'her bate evenly and quickly, ; W Their ojt ration is perfect, """"""f They have always a good draft. aB They are maue of lac bestniaterlal s5V They rcast perfecUv-, Tbey require but Utile fuel, Tbey aro Tery low priced, isj They ara easily managed, Isaaa They re suited to all localities flB Every stoveguaranteedtogiTesaUfoctien SOLD BY Excelsior Man'fg Co., ST. LOUIS, M0., and by JI.ROGERS. e3ar0rlAa. ZO'olcsx'aasBlK.ja, & UTfe or Ptuns: 00 ooe Or Sxar-Coa:cd, Concentrated, Root and Herbal Jalcc, AutU niUoas Granule. XfiE"LITTI.n GIAST" CATILUITIC or .TIultaHl I.' Parvo riiyslc. Tho novelty of modem Mcdttfti. Chenlcal and rharmaccutical Scii'iicc Nu use of any lonii Uk:ii' tba Un;c. rcpitUlvo and oaiweous piili, ronipoied Of eticap. crude, and balky ingredient. nhen we can by a careful application of chemical science extract all tho cathartic and other medi cinal properties from the most valuable roots and lierDi, aad ro'.irrutntd ihcm into a minute Gran, me. carct'iy larger than a ruutard ace J, that til uo readily swallowed by tboso ot lh!m(Mteen!tiv5 rtomocht and a?tidlous taster. EachlitUeFurKatlvo relict reprwenU, In a n.Htconccntrateil form. a mucK cathartic power; as Is embodied In any of tha Lin,j pills fbund for sale in tho drrz hop. Froni their wonderful ca thartic po. ye.-, in proportion 'o their size, people who luro not tried them art. apt to foppora thai ta?ynrehara ordratte In effect, bat such Is no at all the cajt. .Uo different activo medicinal prin c'lplen of which they sre composed befts so ha ciaalzcd and modilcd. 0110 by tho others, as to prodace n mint aenrrhliia and Ibon ouh.yct gently and UiuUlyoporatlna; catnartl;. J 3 00 Ilcwanl U hereby offered by tha pro prietor of theso l'cllct', to any chcmit who, upon analysis vlll find In them on Calomel or otner forms of mercury any other zaiert poleon. " Uelujr entirely vcRctablo.no jurtrcn I? care Is .-equired while umnj; them. They ope rate without disturbance to tho cocMltntlon. diet, oroccupation. r'orJnundler, Ilciidnclic, Constipation, I nip tiro ItlooU, lalu lit tho .Shoulder?, risUtiicsw of tho Chest, Dizzluca, Sotir Eructation ot tho Momncli, Had taalo In .jiouth. Ulllout nttacUx, Pain In rccton ol KldiicyiIiitcrnnl lover, fflontcd fcollitz nbout Stonijcli, IttiNh, of mood to Head, Ulna C0I-1 orod Urine, Uiioclallllty nd, (Jloomy rorcbodlims , ialjo lr. I'ierce'ltPIcuHaiitl'iirtratlTOl'ellrtu la explanation of tho remedial power of my Tar- fitlvo l'cltcts over ro prcat a va iety of rllacisee wish toray that tliclr action upon tho ni'Imul economy Ib unlvorsul, nata Claud or tI.suoccapltlst tliclr eana tlvc iniprcp. A;o docs not Impair then; their eaircouUntfaml being enclosed In jlass bottles prcfcrvc thcirlrtucs unimpaired for aor 1 th, oftime. In any climate, eo that they ara si. ways fresh and reliable, which Is not tfco cs nth the pilis found In the drn-c stores, put up ia chan vrtwl or paste-lcard boiw. Rccollctt thai fira'i dwenjcs where a Coxatlwc, Altera tiro or Purcatlvo U Indicated. the llttlo r-ilct irili c'uo tho most perfect saUsfacUon to all w&ou-clhcm. They aro Hold by nil cnKrprlalne Drutrgiatd nt 25 ccutu a bottle. Do not allow any cirnEIt to lnduco yon lo ico yo Ufa! tnte nnvthin cl.J that to may lay la Just as pood as my f cllcto becauJO ho makes a target S ronton that whi'h no recemmenos. Jt your ni""lf t csnnot apply Ihcm. cnclcso S3 cents anuftcccivi them n retnm mail from JFFALO, N. Ti ASK FOE PYLE'S o SALERATUS! 3 ASD BAKINa SODA! E m T XM TTSU Pinai Meyer A Itaapke and Whitney Bauserman A Co. CASTLE BROS., IMPORTERS OF TEAS AND East India Goods. 213 and 813 FROST STBEET San Franci California, mcbSTm, PLATTE TALLEY REAL ESTATE! Samuel C. Smith, Locai:Agent;ior;tho TJ. P. R. R. LANDS, Columbus, . Hob. Government Lands Located ! V. P. Lands Sold! Improved Farms AadToTraroUfor CASH!! OK OINTLONG- TIME!! All CommuaicatIon3 Cheer fully Anstveretl tta CX.T1T STOVE ST.OEE. ! E. F. COOK, ! 637 lth St, bstwsea Doaglu and Doda Manufacturer of Tin Copper snd .Sheet Iron are, ana aaier u ! A&AKfW OEra 1 TmwsMm .r -'smrszs Ammmmvit ivanrwn: v. aaaar S V;7Trni!trV " I i AeccfeS laHr sVaaa aw SIZaV om aasn, 1 Iv , Cooking and Heating stoves " Stamped, Japanned and French Ware 01 and. Tin Swan. Outters and Spoutln jina hD Work dan anlwarraatad, hiU 15 h 1"XD, 1UJ KW UH 1 UIU. nit blunders, but do not, be wicked. SacIftVU 1 , ft waadla 15 far caatdlsaoaa A'efelSai., Kaasaa ' aaJ l7 a X 'KJtej -i- - - i T'-