THE OMAH AILY BEE. J VOL. IV. OMAHA FRIDAY MORNING-. JULY 17, 1874. NO 24. H- THE DAILY BEE. EBVTAKD KOSKWATKU, Editor and Prop'i OSm-Xo. 138 I rUtn sirccCbetw. KlBtbdTrBtk- TERMS OK faUBSCBIPIIOS: OwcorT,oaejer. in advance 17.00 "".. 1 3' gix months, in advance 4.00 ' three menths in advance 2.W aWH not paid in advance, J8 per annum will . ;r coiiud . IREDERICK, LEiDING HATTER ! Best Goods, Farnham St- Oppotite the Grand Central Hotel, f OMAHA. OIAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OE10KEB JUSUFAOiOEY. - tTcaare A Smith. 1!5 Urnev street. bet. li llthandltth. decl&U QLA83 AND PIOTUaE F3'ME3. T Beinhirt. 1SS Pou Us street, dealei In J. window gLus aadpiiturilraiujs, (llailnj done to order. B00T3 AUD 8HG23. PhUlpLanj, 155 Farnham st. between loth anillSh. Iebl9rl COHFECTI0SEBT. HL LaW. corner 12th nd Dougls strews. m,nuUcturer and wholesale dealer In cand'n and confe-.tlouerv. Country trade c llceted. P1" C0AT- D3AT.EI.8. Tlnd i Elliut, coil, linie. cjmen 1 hair .etc.. X 1M Firnluni st, lel.lsniS DRDQQIST3. J A. U der, diucUt, corner 12th nd "kUr . bey its PAWH BXOKEE. TyT Hgutter, No. 3W Farnhain st. i 171 LAUHDET. new UuD'lfr opened at all llth ., - Ksrnlian. ena uougias. iikhiis" ilng will be done to order, nrsv FAIHTES8. Lehman A Beard. hou and itgn run". lOtli at. bet. F rnham and Harney. a2Mi StfiP FACTORY, nrerolara Sop Woris. Powell A Co, atUl P Mncfiri their rVemiuni Soap. Fire 7st premium .awarded by the L-ougla county and State fairs, and Pottawattamie county, la. Order aoli-llud from the trade. AlTOBHEIi . M. FRANCIS HlBlfe il ESTABR00K& FRANCIS l ATTORNEYS AT LAW. iL1 OFFICE Creitfilon Mock, Omaha, Xeh. J3CUIUI DEXTER L THOMAS, Atlornej aud" .Counselor at Law. : OFFICE Boom Bo OMAHA Vizscoer'i Block, - - NEB JOHN V. LYTLE, AttoraOT-at-Law and Eqaily. Solicitor 1b jTZlOh-C Tint HationaJ Btak, KTMl-U T3lKE GOIMVES, Attorney at Law (Campbell's Bkck.) 5091-2 THIBTEENTH STREET. OKAHA a2C lu A. BALD WIS SSO. K. O'BBIKK. BALD WIS & O'BKIEBT. ATTORNEYSHIP YV Office Caldwell Block, Douglaa Ftreet, OMAHA. - - - - NEBRASKA. I-H-.ttt JOHN C. CO WIN, A-ttorxxoy, Solioitor AND COUNSELOR. OFFICE CUEIQHTON'8 BX.OCK, OMAHA. JfEUBASKA. arttf T. W. T. Kichards, Attorney at Law, (Mice 5 10 13th St., beL FarakM aad Doaglas, Omaha 5eb. F 0. Box 80 U(UU O.U.BALLO r.i. n. GLASGOW. Bullou& Glasgow, ATTORNEYSATLAW. Office n Crclgbton'a uew block, aoutheait cor room, floor. OMAUA. EB. U SAVAGE & MANDERSOh, Attorneys at Law, M2 FA&KHAU STCEAT. ''iOti Omaha Kebraaka ' CIAaXXf F lBl". N. J. BURNHAM. ATT0RKEY ASD COD.NSELLOB AT LAW, Ko. 200 Farnhani Street r-OMAHA - - NEB. inrhStill .1. S. SHROPSHIRE . , Attorney- at -Law I V Poom Xo. 1, S. E. Corner 13th and Douctaa 6U, OMAHA, - - XEBR. Ij. a. srUk. -j. b. rarrcBrrr ODAIIM Jf. DDITPUPYT i AttonwTS lad CMtuetea at Law. iim. Lark Bn Mm, Omaha. Ueb. G. W. AMBROSE. Attornov Xt av KEDICKS OPERA HOUSE OMAHA - XTEB. I duua ., Attorney 1 CounseloratLaw f0a??::'FEli,te,lJiJock'r -0KABA. Oa.lStatttiL'otiglM BU. i w rK)LLECTIONS SOUCITED AND PBOMPT JLj ly attended to. No charge unlet collec tions an made. Houses to let end rents col- ectci. Keal estate boutjht and sold. apl.u W, J. CONNELL Oouusellor mt AND VHHet Attoner tt JU- U icUl District. w - . i lbariltliuppefjictl iTBH-1'.s eoaia sia tm ' The Herald is suffering from an attack of the Dodge street horror. Jpdoe Dudley is still confident of Ko-op success, if not this year then in '70. They charge it to spontaneous combustion this time instead of suspecting O'Leary's cow. Is it not about time for some of the disfranchised politicians in Southwestern Nebraska, to call for an extra session of the Legislature? Omaha firemen have assumed a very bell-igerent attitude toward the City Council, because the "fathers" refuse to furnish them an alarm bell. Senator Tipton is the only Nebraska Congressman that came home promptly after Congress had adjourned. He could face his con stituents with perfect composure, for he knew he had done nothing. "When Master Allen of the Mis souri Grange wrote the lollowiug comments on the political situation he evidently had Doctor Johnson's Industrial Ko-operatives in his mind's eye : 'Now look at the present political cauldron! Men advertising them selves for ofiicc ! Hear their claok ere, their rhajisodists spouting their praises. See their subordinate ring men already treating in their names and interest. Are these men for important and responsible places of trust? Oh, my countrymen! Shame, where is thy blush ? "Why are these men rushing to the front ? Who has called them? Are they in real true sympathy with us whom they seek toserve(cotnmaiid)? What has been their occupation? What is It now? From whence have they obtained the money they are now freely spending to obtain office? By Industrious toil? Have they pro duced any wealth? Or have they only accumulated of that produced by others? What sympathy have they with the toilers.0 These are not silly, idle questions, but go to tne very root of our present troub les. This is hot weather, and as the heated term advances the polit ical cauldron will boll more furious ly. This is unfortunate, for it should bp a time to cool reflection." An indtienmtnate slaughter m clothing and gents' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 200 Farnham street. Fine linen and chevolt shirt, of our wn make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Jiailroad Tteta bought and sold by P. Gottheimer, Broker, at 296 Fariibaru street Unredeemed Hedges for ,Sale. may ly26 Hamlet Oram, 9th street between Jones and Leavenworth sts , OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. Keeps the most complete asooiit met of l-aillcs" jnd UeuU' straw hats, trim med and untrimmed. Parasols. Piques, Mar seilles, Nainsooks andaU kinds of liry (loads, Indies' ind Genu ' Bo.t etc. My Hue of Dry Uoaj I' Complete. S-.Ui -g only lor CASH, I iil able (o UNDERSELL any other Dealer in the City. Our PJUCES are LOWEU than eTer heard Ci Wore. niTll-3m-il J. MOOEEHEAD,- :d:RUgkbkest AND FHABMACIST, " Patter's Block, Bet. California k Wefcttr Ets. OMAHA, NEB, Physicians Prescriptions carefully je2G3ot comuoundnl. DENTIPTHV. fctt&RlS,$ ? lIItIIU XI&IffTISTS, OFFICE. No. 532 FARNHAM ST. vr stubs. .- Bet 13th &l41h Ets- OMAHA. -Oldest nrart!ciir lVnl ltda hi the city . S DR. A S. BILLINGS, . DE1TTI T, 84 SParsiliam St.. Bet. 1-th and Nth, up stairs. Tetth extracted without pain, by use of ni trous Oxide ia. VOffli-e ores atall boa eitf Surdcnl JEIooxub. . VAN CAMP M. D. Dlsprasra Ids own medclncs, and besides regular prwtice, tnaVe ocialitlea ol Dercnge menta ar.d Piseues rKnllar to Women, Fistu la, Piles and other Disrate o! the Eectum. Orncx : Corner Fsrnhanj and Hth street, first door to the right, up stair-. Kcsldenc , 210 Itouglr street, bctucrn 12 and ISth, next to Lutheran CLuich On-hi, Neh. Audrxs Lock box 3H. jsntldawif MRS. J. K. VAXDEKCOOrc Eclectio Physioiant Btaldcnce and oS 2J0 Dydje st bet 14th .-nd lSth sts. rjpeclal attention paid to obstetric and dis- peculiar 10 women ana ruuarra. urj. California House. FEITZ EATIiElT, Prop'r- No. 170 Ponclas Street, coror l)ib, Ojn.'i, KrbrasLa. lird by Uieday or west, iune 1. Tl C. I SAMATT2T. 171 Cor. Vambam and Elercnta 8U. All kind ol TAILOBIKQ, CWoIor and re pairing dose at reasonable rU a. A fine lot of VOKKiSHINQ GOODS constanUy on hand and aoJd cheap. Uc36tl QUAILEY'S "U P. Soap Taotopyl Situated on the line tot the Union radfic Bxilroad, near the powder house. Manufac ture first -ds soap lor home consumption. InneJA-ir P.N.GLYNN WHOLXXALX AXD SETAIT. SEAIXB VS Wines, Liquors, Segars, TOBACCO AD PIPES. asarCalifomla Wines and Brandies.- Oorner of 15'h ssd Dodge streets, oppotite the tw Post Osict buUdis, Oman, Nets )Otl L.clS. &y VERY LATEST. MIDNIGHT. Cleveland, July 16. Gen. Garfield publishes in the Leader, a denial of the statement that his private secretary has ever been on the pay rolls of the House of Representatives without perform ing public duties. Utica. Julv 16. Two attempts were made to-day j 10 wreck and rob the pay train on the New York Central. Both were frustrated. Two men were seen by a man watching the track to place a huge tie on tne track. He pur sued them, but they escaped. Milwaukee, July 16. The Sentinel publishes reports from 39 counties in Michigan, show ing that the wheat crop, -Jth the exception of several counties where the drought has prevailed, will be above the average. Rye, average. Oats will be fair. The crop of bar ley is light. Winter wheat is al ready harvested and there is a enod yield. Little Rock, July 16. The friends of Sid Wallace, a noted desperado, when he was hung in Clarksvillo last spring, vowed vengeance on all connected with the afiair. The threats culminated yesterday in the shooting of Sheriff Kline, who acted as hangman on the occasion. He was fired on from an ambush and mortallv wounded. A cousin of Wallace, by the name ot Robinson, has been arrested, charged with the shooting. New York, July 16. A Paris corespondent in a letter to the London Times says : It is positively alnrmeu by the French journals that Marshal Serrano's late eflorts have Increased the chances of tlie recognition of the Spanish Republic by England, Russia, and Germany, and that Serranno has signified to those powers his inten tion of claiming 250,000,000 francs indemnity from France when he shall have conquered tho Carllsts, on the ground that that nation fa vored the CarlisU. Lowell, Mass., July 16. A thunder storm and hurricane passed over this city to-day, doing immense damage. The steeple of the First Congregational church was blown off and fell on the ad joining block, which was badly chattered. The Branch street church way uined. The Universalistchurch roof was blowr into the street The locomotive house of the Boston, Lowell & Nashua railroad lost its dome, and much other damage was done, East Saoikaw, Mich., July 16. In a race at the Saginaw driving pane to-day, for a special purse of $5,000, $2,500 to the winner, $1,500 to the second, and $1,000 to the horse that beat the best time on re cord, Goldsmith Maid won the. first and last in threo straight heats, ma king it remarkable In 2:10; 2:16$; 2:16; the only contestant being Judge Fullerton. Goldsmith Maid broke oncp n the first heat, but stijl won by a length.. S))e won the second heat by two lengths, and D"e third by four lengths. Fullerton's time was 2:20J; 2:18; 2:18. The track was in splendid condition. It is one mile and three-quarters lopg. Monmouth Pabk,1j': 4m July 1G Tho third day's rapes began tor day. Tho first race was for the Thes pian stakes, for twoyear olds, three quarters of a mile; eight started. Eclipse won; Arisides, 2d; Aurclia, 3d; time, 1.18. The second nce, the West End Hotel stakes, for fillies, foals of 1871, 1 nijles; three started; Bona venture won; jjanper< and Re gardless; dead heat for seco'wd'pjace; time, 3.13. The third race was for a purse of JfOOi nJJ ages; two-mile heats; four started. $'andajtc won in two beaU; Fellowcfjtft, 2d; tmc, 3,49, 3.37. The fourth race, Long Branch stakes, all ages, 1 miles; three started. Woodbine won; Survivor. .' 2d; Resolute, 3d; time, 3.09. UFr VoBK. July 16. News is received by' way of gan Domingo, that three of the Cubans who lately landed on the coast of Camaguay fiom a vessel In the Old Bahama Channel) were captured shortly after landing by the Span lardsj and" were pxeeuted on the Spanish gunboat Neptune, whUa they wero being conveyed from Naultas to Havana, Juan Bellldo de .Luna, editor of the Cuban paper, La Independence, and Josi Ferro de Canta, editor of the Spanish paper Lj Cronista, have been placed under bonds to restrain them from duelling. AJ1 the secret service officers on duty In this olt3 have been sum moned to Washington to answer charges pending against them in connection with the ring safe hmv glary, News has been received here that iue iiunuLi oieuuisuii) (jomp&nVA has dismissed from its service Cag ittius jjciuuiu nuu xtousseau, ium former of tho steamer Eurone. aitfl the latter of the steamer Aineriquef botn nave been removed lor abac doning their vessels. A warrant has been issued for arrest of James McCarthy, the Ifiwtr mate or tne American snip Cultiv tor, on the charge of having, on the 11th of last January, shot and killed John Smith, alias John Wright, one of the seamen on the vessel, when she was one day out from San Francisco, McCarthy ftnd several witnesses are daily expected at this port on the steamer Calirna, having been sent here for trial by me American consul at urusseis. The News says the question of the separation of Mr. and airs. Tilton is now in the hands of N. B. Moore, formerly judge of the court of ap peal , Judge Moore is stepfather of Mrs. Tilton, and lias been her hus band's Intimate friend for many years. .The grand jury found three more indictments each against the con victed police commissioners Char lick and Gardiner for a violation of the election laws. Washington advices state that Secretary Brjstow announces n ex planation of the terms upon which the five per cent, funded bonds are oflered for proposals, that all in terest on bonds accepted to date of subscription and have accrued up to three months thereafter, must be paid by subscribers whose bids are adopted, and must be so calculated in all settlements,, together -with payment to be made at the lime of subscription or at any time within three months thereafter. Th hnnd I of England rate of discount remains aizf. CABLEGRAMS. The Paris Journals Think That the Attempt to Assassinate Prince Bismarck Was a Put Up Job. A Crisis in the Spanish Govern ment is Reported.' London. July 16. The Standard says that later ac counts from Kissengen represent that Bismarck's condition is not so favorable as was at first reported. He has feverish symptoms and slept but little Tuesday night Santandin, July 16. The commandant of Bilboa has asked for reinforcements and they were sent from here to-day. The blockade of Bilboa by land Is" com plete and Is stringently maintained by the Carlists. Paris, July 16. The resignation of Magne, after to-da's vote in the Assemblv. considered as certain. jS come oi tne fans journals aaect to consider the attempt to takBis- marcK's me as a plot concocteaiby uie uerman ponce. London, July-16. A dispatch from Vienna explains that the police circular dejpibing persons suspected of a design against the life of Emperor Francis Joseph, was a forgery, tne author of which has been arrested. MAUBl,Julyl6. A crisis in the ministry is report ed as impending. GeitfZebella and Amicho, minister ofrjfinance, will probably retire. The former is said to be ill. In case GenJJZebaHa re signs, Gen. Mornz will probably be appointed as his successor In com mand of the army of? tBe north. CALOlfTTA July 16. There are desiatrous accounts from the "Pin iiiilslailili I The rain fall there has beenSxcesslve, and the country is undej water. The river Ganges is unusually high. The rain fall arotSid Calcutta has thus far been scantwhich causes apprehensions of thp .failure of crops in this vicinity. Jfilvices from the Bombay Presidenoy are more cheer ful. The fall oCiShi there has been aounuant, ana'tne crops are in ex cellent conJ!tlon. XJSgr London, July 16. A special fmta Berlin says Kull man, who attempted to take Bis marck's life Mcoqsidered a mere tool. He conkses that he was acting in conniption with others. Hauthalcr, tbelfricst who was ar rested for his ftonnection with this plot, belongsno the village of Walchsee, inTthe Austrian Tyral. He checketljBIsmarck's horses by stepping iiv front of them at the critical iLoaaent. Tpjmediately on hearing QJTuie affair, the King of Bavariaent his congratulations to Prince Bismarck on his fortunate espapejf The Berlin press declare that me attempted assassination provestke necessity of repressing the ultraiontalDe teachings. Paris, July 16. The rlebatc on Magne tax pro posals was continued in the Assem bly yGstexjJay, The minister in re ferrinjfto the vote ofV'tho sajt tax, accjjied the Republican deputies of subordinating the financial interests oAtke country to political conslder tloW.. This was followed by tumult andpscord, which compelled Pres ident Buffet to temporarily suspend tbeaitting. Subsequently the niln istrproposition to increase certain taxeaHS rted by fi voto pf 33 to 250. J3 FuxAer investigations Into the doings of Bonapartlst propaganda have resulted In compromising M. HfgBtjens' The Imperialists are belipg to fee), uneasy as. e. in vestialtidn progresses? The Miujs ter otsTuetice has not yet commenc ed wiaLproeeedipga against the lmplljapl parties, expecting add- Uonaiwjcovenes. Mil? 0Y TELEGRAPH. )W "aj vt New York Money Market. T Neav York July 10. jjjioney Abunaant supjiiy at 2j pjreent. rpgn Bxchapgp Dull but steMy at 487 for sixty days, 4S91 foratebt ' " Very dull and devoid of speculative features; opened at 109, at wnm ail sales until noon, when it rose trlOO, now selling at 109J. Go)cnments Steady on small bust m in ourrpppy sjxes. iks Opened strong, but Eoon ed IChl per cent, but are now lying; Lake Shore, Erie. W U, I and Wabash represented : er dealings; Erie, 32 : P M, ,25J; WU,71J. Htw York Produce Market. EW Vokk, Juy J 6. Breadstuffs Quiet Flour Steady; prices unchanged. Wheat Dull and nominal. Com Quiet and weak; western mixed afloat at 7879. Oats strong ana lilglier for asked. e Nominal. ivisions Dull and unchanged. 10 Prouuce Market. Chicago, July 16. Pull, expfipt for phoice ta; shipping extras, 5 25 supers wanted, 3 504 50. I unseiueu ; -casn, iw $ ; OSJ J Kopteinber, 1 05$. et; casn, ois ; August, iber, 61 J. ' X?IM... - .t. p. . -r.. jn . Mgaei, SqI September, 35. Barley rirm ; August and Sep- ber, 101. Atlgliwines Uoc, Pork Firm August, 19 85 ; Seiv asking su us. uiet and unchanged. su lis Produce Market. St. Louis, July 16. r Qujet, unphanged. liull, closed easy, lower: No 2 Sail, 1 08; No 2 red winter im. Coi all, unsettled, lower; No 2mlxi &65 east elevator; G3t rei I August Oat unsettled; CO ele- vator.. Ryt rlier, scarce, 90. ly, vo. Pork 5 r,21. , 12112J. ell."": ' iLM: "Wri mK APHIC. O'CLOCK P. M. for tbi Omaha Daily Bee, ud Fde Telezrapli Co. CACO. ited Loss by the Fire $2,500,000.-ln- , $800,000. Stoddard, the Supposed Wjkirderess of Charles Good ifrich, Sent to an Insane Asylum. New Yokk, July 16. 'the court of General Sessions 'Brooklyn. vesterdav.LizzIeKincr alias Kate Stoddard, who, it is sup- posea, muruereu unaries tiooarich, was pronounced hopelessly insane. She will be sent to the asylum to morrow. Portsmouth, N. H., July 10. The shore end of the telegraph cable was successfully landed from the steamer Ambassador at Rye Beach yesterday. The crew and deckricians were assisted by many of the townsmen and a number of ladies and gentlemen visitors. At six o'clock the splice was completed aud communication established with the steamer, which was lying about three-quarters of a mile oil' shore. The manager of the cable, and officers of the steamer, with Mayor Miller and other gentlemen, breakfasted at Gov. straw 's cottage. The Ambassador will commence laying a cable from Rye Beach to the Shoals about noon, aud will probably complote the w ork so as to sail east to-night with the Taraday. The weather was fine, the sea smooth, and everything favored the complete success attained. A salute of one hundred guns was fired on the beach, and rockets and other ' fireworks displayed during the landing. Guns and rockets we're also fired from the steamer. A num ber of ladies and gentlemen have gone on the steamer Ambassador to witness the completion of the laying of the cable. Chicago, July 16, The lire Tuesday night did not result in as heavy an aggregate loss as plight be supposed. The total loss is about $2,500,000; insurance about $800,000. Of the thousand or so of buildings consumed, only a few were substantial or valuable, the majority being mere fire traps. The Culk of he fires actual loss, was east on State street, where It swept down the First Baptist church. The building occupied by tjie postottlee the St. 'James and Michigan Ave nue hotels, Mr. Scammoh's build ings, the Adelphia theatre, several fine residences, and a number of stores. The fire department lays the blame of the spreading of the fire of last night's conflagration to the board of public works; insuffi ciency of water is the excuse. Insurance in the devastated dis trict was comparatively light for somp. fbre prudent companies have begp withdrawing polloles jn that sectpn. not deeming them safe, owing to ihe peculiar jnflama ble condition of the buildings. Up to the present writing, it Is impossi ble to procure an accurate list of the losses of the Companies. Much of the i2B,lrnee was held upon stocks of goods and furniture, which were quite? generally removed, and, the salvage will nro'vp jj considerable item. No Company admits a doubt as to its ability to stand the strain. The total losses to the insurance com panies will not, much, if anv, exceed $8p0;0O0. and yery Vuph' ortlte net loss will occur in the'foiir blocks burned nortfo of Bqrrjsop street, and in the residences on tho avenues. The leading insurance men Judge that the total loss will not exceed 52,500,000. This will be wonderful, considering the area burned over, and shows be pharacr ter of the buildings burped, ' r i i ia- b ! , tap New York, July 10. H. P. McGrath, the owner of Tom Bowling, has published a card about the conditoji of the famous horse, and wanply "ijcn'lps fh'at he orjgr inated a gambler's fiction to make the horse sell low in tho pools. He says : 'For some unknown reason Tom Bowling's Jockey was instruct ed to hold the horse, and not to let him exhaust himself unnecessarily. Tom Bowling's struggle to get his head free to go on,tbrew him out of his stride, and ho struck himself on the near fore leg, causing a swell ing, which developed itself the same Pjght The opinion was divided as to whether the horse was broke down, nnd I am frank to say that at first feared ho was, and it was only after he had been examined by suoh turfs men and surgeons as Mr. Littler field the trainor, and Dr. Cattnach, who pronornced it only a bruise, and not an injury to the tendon, that I had hopes of his recovery. John Mitchel, the exile, sailed yesterday for Ireland, to engage in the politics f that country. He openly expressed the opinion that no good can come to Ireland from the British Parliament, aud that Ireland can never be prosperous or bappy until she completely controls her own destinies, "and her pohriecr tjon with England entirely severed, With regard to the present home rule movement, be thinks it does notropresept thp real hopes ftnd asr plrations of the people, that it is a nerveless effort to patch up a national quarrel In an Incomplete and unsatisfactory manner. He pon&iders Jip whole movement a mere milk-apd-watpr kind of na tional effort. He will not place himself in antagonism with the home-rule movement,but he intends to demonstrate to England and to the world that there is something stronger and more determined in Ireland than home-rule. He has a firm conviction that England Will never grant self-government till forced to do so, and that all her delusive concessions to Ireland have been wrung from her by force. He himself will seek the suffrages of the people on the broad principle of Ireland's right to com plete independence. He has the belief that the British Government will not arrest him, but should they do so, he is prepared to take the fonseqqences. ?4 (Specially Bepc&ai brtLeAtlaiV SC The Estil Placed wiv ,t2f2EW ml9 New York, July 16. A cable dispatch received here I announces the safe arrival at Cork, ireland, last evening, of the Amer ican schooner Benson, loaded w:th corn from Toledo to Europe. No news has as yet been received from the Pembilico which sailed at the same time- Washington, D. C, July 16. Secretaries Belknap and Bristow returhed to Washington this after noon. Secretary Fish will arrive to morrow. Attorney General Wil liams left Washington this afternoon for Raleigh Springs, Va., to be ab sent a week or ten days. Washington, July 16. Thp Secretary of the Treasury lias decided that national banks will be permitted to make good the amount charged to the five per cent fund for redemption of their notes, by the remittance of national bank notes, thus saving the expense oi remitting legal tender notes from the treasury in return for bank notes to bo redeemed, and of the return of legal tenders by the bank to make good the five per cent, fund. The first deposit of the five percent bonds must, however, be made in legal tender, In all cases. Toronto, Ont, July 1G. There is still no news from the missing yacht Foam, with a crew of seven prominent loronto gentle nien. The United States revenue cutter Chase volunteered her ser vices and has leit this harbor on a cruise after the missing boat. The International Regatta takes place here to-day. The entries com prises some crack United States oarsmen, including P. Luther, H. Coulter, and others. Salt Lake, July 16. The young men of Mormon faith ask tho Gentiles to appoint a com mittee to meet them in convention, to make a common political battle against stereotyped old fogies, as they term them to be, who serve Brigham Young. Their object Is to crush the Church or force it to at tend exclusively to its spiritual affairs. The Chief Justice of the territory has granted a peremptory mandamus to compel the city offi cials to allow copies to be taken of their books and accounts, by the citizens' committee of forty-five, for the purpose of Investigating the alleged gross frauds on tax payers. Preparations for an ovation to Mrs. Ann Elliza Young, upon the occasion of her return to Salt Lake to-night, are being made. A recep tion at the Walker House will take place. Gov. Woodson has issued his pro clamation for holding the terms of the District and Supreme Courts. New York, July 16. The Times this morning pub lished an addresed to people of the U. S. issued by the Union Repub lican Congressional Committee. The document is very lenghty, oc cupying over ksix columns. It is devoted principally to a review of tne political events since the acces sion of the Republican party to power, apd to a" comparison "of acts of tjie Republican' and' Democrats parties, tending to prove that the Democrats did not provide either a powerful or an economical govern ment The address alsocntcrs Into a lengthy discussion of the currency and transportation question; argues that neither party has agreed as to how necessary reform should be cf fected in currency, iju't plafpis' thijt the Republican party is best able to treat with, the great question. The committee refer to various suggestions made on tho subject of transportation to the beaboard, and enuorsos the proposition to open or enlarge several different water clo. nelsLet'.Teeii Mississippi and Atlan tic, or subject cheap railroad trans portation oommutee 'object" to placing railway fares and freights under tho control of states, but does not offer any suggestions on the subject. The address concludes with a strong appeal to the people for a renewed rupnart qf thp Repub lican party in the coming election. For somo time past war nas been raged between the La Independ ence, a Cuban patriotlo organ, and of wbioh Senor Delua iseditorand tjenor Deconto, editor of a paper de voted to Spanish interests, and in tjie coir. m ns of each paper have nj pparpd, vijp threats against pndh other suoh as the term of coward, poltroon, charlatan be prominent ly conspicuous. The result was a challenge to mortal combat, given by DeConta, and accepted by Deln na. The details were arranged apd Canada fixed upon as "tlie battle ground, and the time of meeting to be early next week. Tho secret leaked out and yesterday Delnna was arrested wid taken before Judge Murray. He was put under $1,000 to keep the peace. Saratoga, July 10. The town Is crowded to overflow: Ing with strangers to witness the the inter-collegiate regatta this af ternoon. A light brepze prevails anfl tho water s smooth, and ap excellent race is anticipated. Bet ting on Harvard and Yale Is ever and professional sporting men are backing them. The Columbia crew aro hopeful. It is estimated that the crowd go ing toward the lake numbers thirty thousand. The Yale crew report themselves In excellent condition. The Harvards are in first-rate con dition and confident of victory. Tee Wesleyan crew are all right,but quiet. There is no pool selling this morning. 3 p. m. The committee have just returned from the trip around the course. Tl?ey have postponed the raee until six o'clock on account of the high wind. Betting is now in favor of the Connecticut crew against the field. Chicago Live Stock Market. Ciiicago, July 16. Cattle-Reeeipts, 2,200. Market steady and prices firm; fair to choice steers sold at 5 256 00 ; ex tra steers, 6 256 50; Texans, 3 15 5 00; stockers, 3 7oa4 00. Hogs Receipts, 9,000. Market active and firm; prices a shade higher for best grades; others steady; common to medium sold at 5 40a5 85 ; fair to choice, 5 90a6 20 ; one lot of fancy, 6 50. Sheep Receipts, 1,000. Market less active and easy; sales at 3 00a 5 00 for common to good. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis, July 16. Cattle Receipts, 1,400. Market firm and unchanged. Hogs Steady; receipts, 800; light. S 155 40; heavy, 5 85Q 2 M. HELLMAN & CO., CLOTHIERS guests' 221 and 223 FARNHAM STREET, COR. 13TH ST. OUR STOCK FOR THE S&ttTJSTGr AJEsTD SUIIILCEIR, SIE1AJ302T Is Complete now; Our Assortment in Clothing i Gents' Furnishing Goods I Comprises tlie Latost Hovelties,. THE LATEST STALES ZXT SATS AMD CAPS. a Have also a Full line in BOY'S aa. IfUTH'S Clothing WE WILL SELL OURG-OODS LOWERS AN EVER. M. HELUKwtN Sc CO. R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresli New Goods Just Opened to b sold lower than any other house in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, RSPELLANTI ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also VELYET& BEATER CLOAKHSGS A FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS MERINO LNDERWEAR.AND WORSTED GOODS TABLE LI.VEN IN REAT VARIETY. A FULL LINE OP ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CHEAPER 053IA.K Furniture, bedding, and erjrtMng nertainine: to the FURNITURE and UP S9L?55 J9?4a.?S Lla.riclY increased his stock SS: nas a complete asscJtmeiLt ot FINE anything 0 m. PAHI,Oa:Sl(TSfcLOgST&fcbSPHOISTEBEDiAND G. STRIFIXER, DEALEB N GEOCEEE S, Provisions, frulus. Nuts Ccnfect loner j, iODacc, Segars, ' e., Ac. tc. .T riidFARKIIAM. K.tnt.or a lUif Schneider & Burmester Manufacturers of ON, COPrER AND SHEET II1QS WARE. D5AJ.EE3 J Cooking and Ucati'n? Stores. Tin Koofinj, Spouting and Gutter' ng don short notice and lc (be best munn. . itteen trret Pt24 dj City Meat Market. becxxsxj-c: Kfp constant! on'hand A LARGE SUPPLY OF Bxi.x: MUTTON, POULTRY, GAME -A.W vbo-bta: Spring and Summer Styles. flLjk sW " ti 238 Fine and Medium AKDiDEALEES IN- unrismnsro- goods FAT.T. STOCK, 1873. CARPETS, OIL CLOTES, MATTING RUGS AND mw rDJSLJLlX - THE CTFTTP a - Jii:S SHITSSjfOg: to eATmSl&F?& 203 EAxrxi.lx. FRANK J. DRAPER & TAILOR .AM, DEALER IIJ-, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 'GOODS. Wl ssorlafntof Imported TToolens. AllTTork Warraiited aitlIex:Bix&B:'St' - - Omaha, Web OXTaSTE 18th, 1S7-4! FnOlt THIS DATE WE WILL SELL. MILLINERY At Greatly Reduced Prices MRS. IS 1 in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. smd Harney Streets, ohvl:a.:e3: - - - ietes. A. POL ACK, CLOTHIER Farnham St XTear Clothing, and Furnishing Good. t:kla.:n" PEST Mirrors MEfrnfivr -a r tS aB 8trcct.:Oxn jMxj EAMGE ! C. F. HICKMAN. 14th. m -M 9 wa iuisl avEHL 1SBBBBBBBBBBBBBbYBBBBBBF BPaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB aHaaaaaaaaaafl aaaaaaaaaraaaaaaV f Ba.-Vj .A ,