i ' r II- THE OMAHA BEE THUESDAT, JULY 16, 1874. OFFICIAL PIPER OF THE CITT. THE OMAHA BAIL! BEE la serred U subscnbeTS by carrier, 10 any I partU the city, every evening, ibbihuijib jepted.) i fifteen cents per week, or $3.73 lor tiimootlu, and 17.00 per anuum, when paid li advance Ail coBPlalnta about Irregularities, addressed hi. rJHr will nceire tiromDt attention. Thx Omaha 1)axvt Bib will be mailed to Mbacribers at the following rates, yable inva riably in advance: 74peraBiam. 3.76 " Conttis. Th Omaha Daily Bex baa by far the LARGEST circulation in the city, and Is, kerdora, tbe beat and cheapest advertising saadinvn Katkb of ADTsarnswe. Local notice, 25 caatt par line: local advertisements, 20 cents per line; by the monti, 10 cent. No advertbcsBsat inserted for leas thin SO cents. Special noticaa. 10 cents per line; single lnaer- U.M v taavi than 9S rwntS- Transient abi -rUvanenu must invariably be add f or is advance Bates tor standing advertisements by specif eentrsct. , , All legal Notices, Statements, Tabular Work, ate, mulling csrelul revision by copy or proof tabs urniabed, must be handed in betcr tan o'clock A. H. to insure inaertion the "TiVlil 'ml Tup! 1tt-" " before two S)CdOfk M. AdioHsraimti lIors on o'clock T. X. Ail advertisements tor Urn Wkxxxy in taoat b handed in before Monday bmp, lor the assae week's isrue. 1RK1YAL AJfJ BEPARTDKE OF TRAINS. risaa Cmri of Che BnrliaxUm Route UAVK OMAHA. AJUCVB AT OMAHA. Express' 2-JO P. K. I Express ft55 a. M. taS 5:00 A. M. I Mail' 10:i5 T. M. Sundays excepted. 'Mondays excepted. Ttiis is tba only Una running Pullman Hotel. Clninecara. P. W. HITCHCOCK, HAMT P SKCKL, Gea'L Was. Fass. Agt. Ticket Agent. Chicago. IU. Osishs, Jeb. Union Pacific. UATX. ABBTTK. .. . 1140A.M. 2:00 P.M. KSiiKSr" ".: 4-45 P.M. 10:00P.M. V4UJI . s niinmi sr W s sT Oslly Freight f- Daily FreUht 6:4 - 6:45 P.M. 8:30 A. M Cktcc. aleelc IalaJ Pacflc stall 5:30 A.M. 'i:0?-M- press 2:50 P.M. !::". Sutdava excepted. tMondays excepted. Cklcace Jc NortstwestirB. Mali 'iA-M. lO.tOF.M. fepres.... 230 P.. tl0:u0A.M KrnTt- CltTt St. Jo. k Council Blafls Vornlng Expreaa... J 30 A. M. 10:00 A.M. kvening Express.. ..2 JO P. M. 6:40 P. M. ssaaka Jc Ifartatweatera an Slonx City . Pacific. MallKxpreas 8:15 A.M. i'USP.M. Daily except Sundays. OsmlbaaM and Baggage Wagons leave the flee, comer Famham and Ninth atreets, flf en stisalas la advance of the above Hallmad Etc. Opeaiag aad Closta OaHabsV f stalls IH A.M. P.M. 220 UM 11:00 llXl A.M. P. X nan l:S0 4:30 4J0 CP.K.K... H.W. K.H.. do do B.LAP. B.K.. do c..... B.4VM.R.B ii do do.... SJ9CTH. B.sttt,Jo do do,, . (I. sb 8. t'n OKTB. O.AM. W.K.B-, 7.-0C 430 8:00 10:00 20 7:45 Chicago and all Eoataro cilies, Kebraika City, Flattsxcoutb, Courxll Blafla and purling toB,daeatlOSOa.m.,clusesat4J0a. m. and :41p.B. r 8t. Louis snd St. Joseph, due at lfcOO a. m. and 7 p. Ht.; cloaca at 1:45 p. m. and 4:30 a. u. i)Cce open Sundaya Irom 12 to 1 p. m. C. E. YOST. Coatmaster. T0ADYEKTISKKS T sjgrtClT ItATlOSI f lb DAILY BBK tm more tkaJB steBkle tbat or aajotUCr daily paper jmblUlitlija Xebrmslca. Peycke'i Restaurant and -Oyster rooBia. The leading house of the kind. 207, Farnham street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth. Jeb24tf OMAHA BREVITIES. Railroad travel is light just at the present time. Edward Smith, for drunken ness, was taxed $2 and costs at the Police Court yesterday morning. A magnificently mounted buf falo head has been put up in the Chicago, Burlingtprv & Quincy rail road ticket office. The "Social Hours" Club Intend to visit Bellevue somecveningsoon, to trip tho light fantastic toe be neath the pale light of the moon. The "Pleasant Hours" club have arranged to give a moonlight plc-nic in Hanscom Park on Friday evening next. A neat coffee house has just been opened at 124 Farnham street, where delicious coffee and cream can be obtained at all hours of the day. John McCarthy has been ar rested forstealing a harness belong ing to Luther Poland. He will be examined before Judge Wilbur next Friday. A certain Omaha man, upon hearing that a fire engine had come to Chicago from Troy, N. Y., in five hours, Tuesday night, re marked that "they must have changed horses pretty often." The Congregational Sunday School picnic yesterday, at Hans com Park, was a very pleasant one. "With the aid of swings, dancing, and an abundance of refreshments, generously distributed, the pupils and everybody else enjoyed them selves thoroughly. Frederick, the enterprisinghat icrr has just issued a very neat and novel advertising card, caliled the mirror." By revolving a circBlar attachment, the various styles of ha? W"e displayed one after the other. Last night policeman Edward Power found a drunLen stranger lying in the streets. He had $148 jn his pocket, which he would probably have lost in some manner h-r be not been picked up and taken to jaU. When the news was received bcre that Chicago was bdBg burned up, considerable ex citement ensued, and the telegraph office were thronged with citizens anxioBS to hear the latest dispatches. Alth.mghit was an extensive con jimtJoa it was nothing as coni Mrfd to lb grwtf fi & 1871. VThy is a gossiping female like the comet? Because she's a tale bearer. In speaking of the comet it is incorrect to say, "thereby hangs a tale,' for the tail don't hang at all, but sticks straight up. The journeymen tailors of the leading shops of the city, with the exception of Ramge's, are on a strike, owing to an effort on the part of tlie employers to cut down their wages. A little German girl, named Mary Gloss, supposed to be lost, was picked up yesterday while wan dering about the streets, and was left at Dewey & Stone's furniture fctore, where she can be found by her parents. There always two sides to every story, and so it is in relation to the overcharge by "Big Bill," the hack man, an account of whose conduct appeared in yesterday's Bee. At three o'clock Monday afternoon, he conveyed a party of four from the Grand Central to the corner of Six teenth and Davenport streets, where he waited till five o'clock, and took them back to the hotel. Mr. Bal Jantine had previously asked Mr. Bull, the owner of the hack, what he would charge to take him, a lady and child and trunk to the depot,and ho was told $2. The driver Tuesday morning at three o'clock called at the hotel to take the party, which bad been increased to six, to the depot The rfvgr "d an om nibus baggageman got into a wran gle about the trunk, which he want ed the omnibus line to carry down, am he would pay them. Loud and obscene language followed, notwith standing MrBull djd pyerythjpg in his power to suppress t After the driver had taken the whole party down to the depot, Mr. Ballantlneof fered him S2, which the driver thought "was byfar too little for all the work ha had done- Mr. Ballan tine informed him that that wps fill the law allowed him, whereupon he snatched from his hand five dollars, and left, Mr. Bull soon afterwards learned of it, and reprimanding his driver for the act, went down to the depot to have tfe matter adjusted, but arrived just in time to see tue train crowing the bridge. He thep 'laid off' his driver, and afterwards gave three dollars to the physician of Ballantine's deceased brother, to send back to Ballantine. Thus it will be eeon that Mr. Bull was in no way responsible ft the conduct of his driver, and whose course he does not countenance. Broke Sii Arm. Tuesday afternoon Messrs. Har bacb, Grebe, Drexel and Stein took a drive out into the country. When they weie on their way home, S'ein insisted upon being allowed to drive, and the ribbons were finally entrusted, to his management Stein was now in his gloryj and was greatly enjoying the "proud position he occupied, and considered himself equal to any fast-diiving councilman in the city. Suddenly a big country goose seeing the mer chant tailor in his glory flew at his big Jfevfppnfjjaiid dog, which was running along the road.apfl bjt him on the ear. The dog became fright ened, and running between the horses, scared them so that they started up very suddenly, causing Mr. Grebe to be tumbled out of the wagon, striking on one of his arms and breaking the small bones of it. He was assisted into the vehicle, and upon arriving in the city, Dr. Peabody was called upon to attend him. During the remainder of the drive homeward, some other gentle man of the party handled the rib bons. Fire. A house near the Barracks, occu pied by a family named Hubbard, was burned down about one o'clock Tuesday night There had been a dancing party in the house during the evenin.tr. The cause of the fire is unknown. jbaPSEE McKelligon's card on second page. une2-tf ALL SUMMER DRESS GOODS AT COST, at July 11 tC CRUICKSHANK'S. In order to make room for my large fall and winter stock, $ now oiler my spring and summer stock at greatly reduced rates, below the original cost J. H. Stein. july8tf Foi: reason of remarkable low prices. I am selling my spring and summer goods very rapidly. julylO-tf J. H. Steix. ICE CREAM ! ICE CREAM ! ! H. L. Latev's is the place (o go for this very necessary commodity. je23tf. STORE BUILDING FOR SALE I will tell at a great bargain a lot and store building in Ft CaN houn, Neb. The building is 33 by. 50 feet, and is equipped with coun ters and shelving in con.pletc order. No place in theState affords greater inducements for additional I usiness in general merchandizing. Terms easy. lvLAM Cuirk. junv25-4w Indian Curiosities at No. 170 Farnham street corner 11th street, may 7-tf. DON'TFAILTOVISITCP.UCK 8HANCK'S SALE. julyll-6t Beixeyue Ukove, twelve miles from Omaha, on the line of the B. fc M. R, R., and 100 yards from the depot, has been improved for pk nlca and private parties BY H'AUSLAXD & HABTIX. All engagements for the rrove will be made through Andy McAuslaxd, Jy7t& 242 Douglas Street. Personal. "W. J. Sweesy, left for Chicago yes terday. G. W. Homau, jr., left for Chi cago yesterday afternoon. W. C. Staines, of Salt Lake, is at the Grand Central. M. G. McKoon, the insurance agent, went to Chicago yesterday afternoou. JohnTehon, who has been visit ing his brother Joe, returned to Chicago this morning. C. W. Mead, Charles Mead, E. T. "Williams, and S. S. Easton, of St. Paul, are at the Grand Central. Fred Carrier, of New York, for merly of Omaha, brother of Richard Carrier, is in the city on a visit. Senator Phineas AV. Hitchcock, of .Nebraska, according to the New York Herald, of Sunday, is residing temporarily at St, Nicholas Hotel. General Superintendent Clark, General Ticket Agent Kimball, and General Freight Agent Vining, of the Union Paciflc, left for St Louis this afternoon to meet the Kansas Pacific officials. "SV. L. Harrison, passenger con ductor on the mountain division of the Union Pacific, went west this morning, accompanied by his sister, who has just returned from the East, where she had been on a visit. The following are the arrivals at the "Wyoming: E S Smith, City; E Stevens, Ne vada; W A Stacey, Illinois ; Miss Snyder, Peru. 111.; Miss Bagley and sister, Chicago; R B Smith, do; W H Andrews, do; E. M. Clark, Nebraska; W W Hinkley, Sioux City; O J Ellis, Missouri Valley; T C Raper and daughter, Nites, Mich; 1 Mrs FE Anderson and family, San Francisco; James F Cummiugs apd wife, Washington, D C ; Samuel C Davis and wife, Texas; guniuel M Dodd, San Francisco; R R Studley, do; AEMermod, do. S.w i-UKE .Ke is AnyFi-ouk rr? i rn the Maiiket. J15t3 LITTI.E & WlLI'IAJIS. POSTPONEMENT. The Grand Gift Concert at Thiele's Hall, is hereby postponed until Friday evening, July 17. julyl5-3t" A business meeting of the "Con cordia" Society will be held to- f morrow (Thursday) evening, at 8 o'clock. Full attendance is re quested. By order of Ui? Board. julj'15-lt Aji Explanation and Apology. Inasmuch as the Crain scandal has created the general topic of con versation, and inasmuch as lam directly connected with the expose, I rise to make this explanation and answer several charges in last Mon day's issue of the Bee. Now that I reflect upon what I have done for Mr. S. A. .Taylor, and since he has been mean enough to 'betray my confidence, I cannot blame Mr. Rosewater, nor any one, for ques tioning my honor and impugning my veracity. But I am truly sorry that that gentleman did'not ask a pijvate explanation instead of pub licly berating me. As regards my being a poor reporter I care nothing, and shall say nothing, as I accepted the position out of ac commodation to Mr. Rorenson, and have no ambition to ever grove as an editor. 1 will admit that I have not acted as wisely as an older reporter would have done, but I wish neither my youth nor inexperience to elicit sympathy. Perhaps 1 have been duped ; but it was an error of the head and not of the heart, and if the language in my article on Craine was 6trong, it was because I had never seen the gentleman and could not temper my remarks to suit the exigencies of the case, and because I felt exasperated that a family whom I knew to be one of Omaha's elite, should be so grossly insulted. But there is one thing outof which not even my connec tion with the Bee hat "inveigled" me, and that is my adherence to the truth. The paper signed by me, in the possession of Mr. Taylor, and pur porting to be the cxhonerating of him from,all connection in the af fair "Was obtained from me by the assurance that it was only intended for his lawyers. The paper states simply what Mr. S. A. Talor did not say, but not what he did say. Of course I did not metapherase everything he said. For instance he stated that Crain lived "fast." I put it "difcsolute." Taylor said that Crain had plenty of diamonds when he came here, but that they disappeared, which was equivalent to "pewning," and so stated. Taylor said Crain had loft town, stating that he would be back In September, but that he (Taylor,) thought he never would. I denom inated this "jumping the town;" for the word "biaek-leg," I alone stand personally responsible as hav ing no synonym in the conversation of the Taylors. I distinctly aua repeatedly told Tajior that the paper must never be published except in connection Utth 41.A OT.llAlsk o4n.AHA i. . t .ii uio nuuicsuiicuieiii; ami ne distinctly and reneatedlv nmmti me it never would. My indignation may be imagined when the paper was circulated from " one end of the town to the other, and shown to everybody, embellished with such remarks as the tender conscience of Mr. Taylor would permit him using. Concerning that serenade, I would state that I happened also to hear the same party, and I could not conscientiously call their soul harrowing discords celestial ca dences. I said their music was bet ter than the torn cats. I beg that gentleman's pardon. In my hum ble opinion they were worse than the Philharmonics. Apologies from Mr, Rosewater are in order. H, P. ESTABBOOK, CITY COUNCIL At the City Council meeting Tuesdayevcning there were present Messrs. Banckes, L. Brown, Gibson, Lucas, Marsh, McGavock, Stephen son, Sutphcn, Swobe, and President Gibson. The appointment by the Mayor of J. W. Majors, as Captain of Po lice, was not confirmed, the vote being 5 to 5. The contract for grading Dodge street from 14th to 22d, was award ed to ratrick Riley, at 191 cents per yard, the bid of F. M. Moore being A discussion I ., , i J 20 cents per vara followed amoiur thecouucilnieh and interested property owners in regard as to how the street should be graded, whether according to the established grade, or to suit the wishes of the residents on that thoroughfare. The Mayor was in structed to withhold the delivery of the contract one week, and the mat ter was referred to the City Attorney for his opinion. The contract for grading Saun ders street was awarded to John Peterson, at 19 cents per yard, the bid of J. J. McLain being at 19 cents, The Mayor was authorized and requested to" move his law office and library into tho Mayor's office pro vided in Pattee's building, so that he will neea no other private office. The Street Commissioner was authorized to get the city property moved into the new quarters at a cost not to exceed $90. Stephenson had told Fletcher that he would give him $90 for moving the city property, $G0 less than last year", and some of the property had been moved. He thought that the res olution was out of place. Ho was hauled over the coals for this as sumption of authority, but wus finally let off by the adoption of the above resolution. A communication was read from Mr. H Pomeroy, stating that the grading of St. Mary's avenue would destroy his shade trees, and h'e "asked that thej' be allowed to remain until cold weather, he to complete the grading, and build a brick wall. The petition was al lowed. A resolution that a committee of three to prepare rules for Hans com Park, be appointed, was adopted, A resolution w,i3 adopted in. structing the City Clerk tocorrj2S: pond with T. J. Whitman, Chief Engineer of the St. Louis Water Works, and ascertain what It would cost for him to visit that city and make a careful estimate of the prob able expense of water works for the supply of this town. Mr. Gibson presented a rosolur tion concerning fences on Howard street, to remove them so that the grading may go on, which was adopted. Two or three sidewalk resolu tions' were' presented and adopted. A resolution was adopted in structing street commissioner to re move fcide walks on St. Mary's I avenue In order tliat thpy niay p preserved during tlie grading oi tue street, "and to be relaidas soon as the street is put to grade, and also noti fy such parties as havo their fences in the street to remove them. The finance committee reported on matters in their hands as follows: That the bill of posts from the oerk of the District Court, In the" case of Rice vs" City of Omaha, 'for$C4.10, be allowed; that in the matter of the pptit'on of J. J. Brown and Koiuitzcman, it be reported to the Board of Education. The committee on streets and grades recommended that the city buy ijo more djrt, referring especial ly' to fjie cafce of Thomas Swift Mr. Lucas moved to postpone one week. Carried. The committee on streets and ant grades reported on the exten sion of Pierpe street, that the prayer o'f tfip "petitioner be not granted; carried. That the City Attorney pre pare an ordinance, relating to uniform curbing and gutters on Farnham and Douglas streets. Adopted. The committee on fire reported favorably concerning a 1,600 barrel cistern, on Seventeenth and Izzard streets. It was stated that the cis tern would cost irom 750 to $800. After debate, the motion to recom mit the matter to Messrs. Marsh, Campbell, and Lucas, witji a request that they ascertain the price of a dam, was carried. A resolution to purchase a three thousand dollar fire alarm bell, was postinmed one week. Withnell Bros., sewer on St. Mary's avenue, at $5.18 ppr running foot, antl 20 cents per yard for exca vating, Referred to the Mayor aud committee on streets and grades, wuii power to act. Proposals for printing were oeucd. Bids were read from the Bee and Union, and were referred for one week to the committee on printing. Tlie Council adjourned for one week. Another lot of that S.vow Flake Flour just arrived. ju!5-3t Little & Williams. STEELE & JOHNSON have JUST RECEIVED ONE .CAR LOAD OF Tin: CELEBRATED COLUMBIA R1VEU SALMON, tut up in half UARRELS AND IN CANS. jyHeod3t DR. POWELL, office 215, Farn ham street luuc23-tf Choice Shore Mackerel at JvlSfS r.TTTT.V Ar AVlTTTTAAtc' Dyeing, ceaning and repairing done in the neatest manner, at the STEAM DYE WORKS, 10th St,bet Farnham and Douglas apr2St f. Volk's Hall, free concert even' evening by Professors Celarius and Balms, juue27-lm Geo. H. Peterson, the pioneer cigar manufacturer, keeps con stantly on hand the very best brands of cigars, and also lone Jack, Fruits and Flowers, and "Durham" Smoking Tobacco. 211 Douglas street mayGeodly Type For Sale! A Font of Bourgeois Type, of which th'8 ia a sample, weighing 600 lbs. This type has been hi use on the Daily Bee lea than one year, and is nearly as good its new. For ienns &c, address E. BOSEWATEE, u f. Publisher of the Bee. INVEST YOrARE CASH IN DRY GOODS DU1XG THE SALE AT CRUICKSHANK'S. julyll-Gt DELAINES, TEN CENTS PER YARD AT CRUICKSHANK'S. julyll-Gt BEST CALICO'S, EIGHtcTS. PER YARD, AT CHlSK SHANK'S. julyir4t "HJ Froji 5 o'clock in the morning splendid coffee, strawberries, etc., are to be had at the French Coffee Uties of said firm to be piesonted to said o-Neii tt --. o- m mi. i kM for settlement. xiouse, io. too xweiiiu bitcci, tween Farnham and Harney. june23eodtf PARASOLS AT COST, ATr CRUICKSHANCK'S. julyll-t Ho ! For Hinnenaha and St. Antkomjr Ornnd snmmpr Mroiirsion in St? 1n,il Tiwrn-on4n TllllfltVl T aVa Ultt3 J.UU1, JlllUiraUlO, 1UiUlU, iAUP perior, Bear Lake, and other cool resorts, in Minnesota, on Wednes day, July 22, at 7 p. m. Tickets for the round trip to St Paul or Minneapolis, $15.50, or to Duluth $23.00, being less than one half the regular fare. Tickets good for 30 days, a limited number of which can only be sold by the Com pany's agent Geo W Gkatton, 1G3 Farnham street, Agent Sioux City & Saint Paul R R J C Boyden, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Sioux City fc Saint Paul R R. F C Hill, Gen'l Ticket Agt Sioux City & Pacific R R. July llt9 iOK bALE cheap. Desirable residence property, on 14th street Enquire of V. Bubkxey. tf BUY THE BEST FLOUR. Gilt Edge, or Cream of the Val ley, manufactured by Wetherald & Sons, jyl3-3t Beatrice Mills. CTOIB Printing The Bee Job Printing House EXECUTES ALL KISDS OF BOOK AND JOB PRINTING VERY E STYLE 4KP AT THK Lowest Cash Prices. Competent workmen are in charge of the several departments, and FIRST-CLASS work wUl be turned out in either English, Gerwir, Bohemian, or Danish Languages. a- Orders may be left at the BEE Counl Dg R om or forwarded by mall and wi ecoire prompt attention. Campaign Opened! IS Tim 8 OF PEACE PREPARE FOB WAH. Eternal Vigilance is the Ubertr. Price of The Campaign of 1874 promises to be by aU odds the most important and exciting political contest tbat has ever taken place In Neoraaka. THE OMAHA BEE, The recognized champion of popular rights and progressive ideas enters upon this campaign with a firm detennination to expose and de nounce the plots and intrigues of corruption ists, political bummers and ringmasters of every faction. The independent and outspoken course of the Bee during the past three years IsasufScient guarantee that It will sustain aU Just measures, and erer be ready to assail cor ruption and rascality wherever it may appear. An outspoken advocated the rights of the industrial tlas.es, its motto always has been " w mm tiie peopzb axd DOJl'-V M'ITU MONOPOLIES." The issue of the coming campaign Involves the prosperity of tlie state for a decade of years, and the voice of the Bee will be heard wlh no uncertain sound, for Reform and Economy, EQUAL REPRESENTATION, X New Constitution, And a strict accountability of pullic men In the administration of public affairs. The 1!f.k is not a mushroom affair of the mo ment, but the SCI1STANTI.IL EESCLTl,f febsut est industry In the application of the best journalistic talent. Its beginning was small, but in spite of the incendiary's torch, in defi ance of an immense moneyed power arrayed to crush it, and in face of the combined opposi tion of the most powerful political rings o the state, it has steadily advanced till it is to-day recognized, at home and abroad, aa the leading Journal o! Nebraska. The people have recog nized its merit. The people's patronage has made it 1 THE BEE IS THE PEOPLE'S PAPER! EVEBT VOTEE SHOULD BEAD IT. ts contents are cot altogether political, but are made up of correspondence and telegraphic news from all parts of the world, accurate and reliable market reports and choice miscel laneous matter. It is tic Cheapest anil Best ! THE CAMPAIGN BEE Will be mailed to any address at the followin rates, in advance I Daily, "5 months from July !, HM. Weekly, " " 40 cts. Address, 0T.TAHA DAILY EM, 138 FaraaUam St, Oiaaha-Neb SPECIAL NOTICES. KOnCE. AdTertisementa of To Let, For Sale, Lott, Wants, found. Boarding, Ac, will be inserted in these columns once for TEN CENTS per line; each subsequent insertion, FIVE CEFIS per line. -The first insertion necr leas thaa TWENTY-FIVE CENTS FEW MOKE BO Alt DEES can be accom modated at MBS. DE LAMARTYES, on North side Dodge, near 16th street, within half a block from the Post Office. There are also two rooms to be had at reasonable terms one front parlor and one In the second story. y!5 3t NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby giTen that the partnership nere- AtVvvA avttlnif ratlsrcAn 1 tiA nnilut.limn.1 Huider the firm name of O'NeU A Garry, has tats day been uissoirea uj mutual consent. All accounts due and owIdz to said late .ana to be paid to Eugene O'Neil and all llabili- EUGENE O'NEIL. JjUSt JOHN GAKVV. TTT ANTED Immediately, first-class T y wagon macer, at jyia-i GltEBE A KAPJUCH'S. GIRL WANTED Inquire at Money Order Window. Po-t Ofllce. iTlolf OST, SI RAYED OR STOLEN From Hickstein Bros. Meat MarVct. on 9th iatreet. a brown horse, with saddle aud bri lie. fThe tinder will please leave the same, or any r information thtrtof, at the Bt Office. yi5 if m ONEY TO LOAN At DR. EDWARDS', jyl42t 131 Farnham Street. t7 ANTED Girl to do house-work for small famUr. West side 17lh. between Call faatlia and Webster sis., 3d door East of Wel atarst. jyi4 2t EOR'stENT A good house of eight rooms No."12, ICtu street. Apply to b. Wright, corner CJiicsgo and 19th struct. jyl3dJi?. A Nicely furnished loom to rent, suitable for one or two gentlemen, at No. 22 Howard street. Jri3d6t. TJr ANTED A girl to do general housework Vrin a small family. Inquire at P. It. Lo riBf, Howard, bet. 13th and 14th it., Southside & JylSdtf. .NTED A man to work about place. quire at nail's r- ounury. Jyuu. L KALE A neat conacre, coiner 17th and nNieniiort. fnuuire ai JylOtf H. HOuNBERQER, Douglas St. T?MPLOYasNT OFFICE-Room No. 1. south J3i east cornersSth and Douglas ht:j. Want ed immediately; servant girls, farmhands, car penters and laboiwrs, also real estate bought and sold, and taxes paid tor non-residents. 4 J. N. FlSUEB, JySU Omaha, Neb. -ITTANTED AfilIadelDbia HouseT Dodee VV street, between 10th and llth, immedi ately, one cook; a yoruan preferred. Also, three girls. J" JyStf CXTANTED IMMEDIATELY -A girl to dc VV house-work. VApply 831 Davenport street, between 17th and ISia. j y3tf FOR SALE One of the easiest riding cov ered buggies in the cityi and 400 acres of land in Saundei a Co., within 9(1 miles ot Omaha jy2tt EKlF. HABCOCK. CtTORE TO RENT 198 Douglas street. In- J quire ot '"WEBBER A BEUM. julvllf Jh EOR RENT Honse on ljth, near Davenport street. JeMtf S.JA: TAYLOR 4 CO, FOR RENT House osl 9th and Jackson sta. jeSQif 8.;AnTAiLOR A CO. COR RENT House on CWeaco, near lGth st. XT jejUtl . A.'IAl t'LOR A CO. "ITT ANTED Day boarders, at the touthwest j v cor. ot iutn and Harney sts. Je23tf 117 ANTED a cneap larrn in ejjnaoge ipr office, mef unaauu, AdJrgss, Farmer, Bis ap.'i' I WILL SELL SECOND-HAND Carriages, and one Hearse, cheap for cash or trade, as i neeu ine room ior new ones.1 JelSdtf. G V. HOMAN. IRSALE-1C0 acres of land'belm: the NE OtseclS, Iu township 13, NotT. 4 E. iu the SE part bf Bujrccuutj", sp'jnrJeaJJSrtb westof Lfhc61n. A well 1m, Tovid farm sjd,,uini non me west, ana country au arouiwit is thickly settled: Will sell ior J500, Jasir half TO THE PUBLIC The undersigned has purchased and put upon tbastrtets as public conveyances, some of the ltiest carriages e ermanufactured in this country.lhey will be run to andirom tbe depots, hotels and private residences. AU orde s left at the Metropolitan Hotel, or at tho ste,b!e, soars e car of Eleventh at aud Cupl'rJ "Avenue, -wlH be" 'raraptly' at tended to. "A share' Af the public patronage is respectfully solicited. JOHN. EOtL, myretr ' - - ' SPENCER'S Fruit and Confectionary, STAND, Cor. 13ti and Leavenworth St.f Jyli Sm AT THE BRIDGE. G-roat TITesterss.-' BiE&:E-w":E:Rr Corner of Comings aad Twenty-second streets. TTia tiTtpRf: lacAr lpr nrm. otontlJnn Vn - "TV ObOUUV UU UOUUi r '-25-Gm CHAS. WEYMULLER. Prop. i U. P. R.R. MEAT MARKETJ lGth street bet California and Webster. TATE KEEP ON HAND THE BEST; SUPDl MEATS. Also a large stock ot Fine Susstr Cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon, at tbe lev. PIT 01 1'iitOll A.MJ SALilSLXr st rites. WM. AUST A KNUTH, Vf inv11.1v VJvt.itAi.. Wood! Wood! Wood! Immense Reduction! ATS.P. BEIO 8' YARD, CORNER 0F JTX. mu anu (.ni ago streets, uood Hard 14th and Chi ago Streets. Good Hard wood57 00 ; Solt K 00. Slove Wood to acft any number of stove very cheap. aptttf STODIf ARD fc IIURLBUT, Market Gardners f; A LL KINDS OF i VEOETABLES AND J plants, for sale. Orders addressed to us at our garden ' ,- Cor, 21st and Paul Streets; wil 1 receive prompt attention. apl5d3m THE OMAHA WEEKLY BEE TS ACKNOWLEDGED RYEVEBYBODTa'O a. dc tbe BFST PAPER Published in Nebraska, It Contains More Heading Matter and Less Advertisements than any Newspaper Published in the West. Emoracing a clioieo selection of newsand miscellaneous matter with live Editorials on all iinportant top ics j complete and reliable telegraph ic and local market reports to the day of issue, and a variety of State,East ernandWestern correspondence that together makeup a newspaper self ( .lnm Asv,,f,1fwt nv.4 ..... .w...w..ul V. .4 ""'" isjuautu uiiu nuvi ouipuaacwujr JliVerV article frOillC into tbe MI. umnsoftheBEEis carefully acSa, unized, and everything that can of- w!ir 3 9 M Republican2PoUBfi3E0.W. GRATTON, Agent, policy of tbe BEE is, and always has been, to expose and denoupce abus es and porriiptlon in tho body poll- tic without fear or favor. KnlWrinfimi "PrMir $150 Per Anm JN ADVANCE, e. kosewa: EPITORAND rEOPr.IET0 138 Farnham Street, to. 7. 8 n 2 c W2 H C LMI o 0 CT CD M w Hi w IT O 3 w 0 CD 8 I 03 O m Ed er rs 3 0 it GO 1 I 5 m t c era - p CD n 5 S. CO OK T OOA PEK DAY. Agents waut OO l" piU ed. All clastes of work ing people oi either sex, young or old, sake mora money at work for us in their spare mo ments or all tbe tlm than at anything else. Aaaieuauncun a iu., roruanu, jiaine novSvl SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a vendi issued out of the Dis trict Court for Cumming County, Nebiaska. and to me directed, I will on tbe 21th day of July, A. O., 1874, at 10 o'clock, A. u. ot said day. at the store room of Albert Tucker, No. 284 Douglas street, in the city of Omaha, and County of Douglas, in said State, sell at auction the following described property, levied upon to satisfy a judgment of said Court, re covered by II. L. Henryj sgain-t Albert Tucker, to-wit : Eighty-five isses of men's and boys' boots, 23 cases of shoes ; alao all the retail stock of boots and shock contained in said store ; also a small line of hats and caps ; also the fol lowing described store and office furniture : Two lounges, 1 desk, 1 stove and pipe, 2 chairs, 1 show case and 1 letter nrcss. or so much of the asid goods as are necessay to satisfy said Judg ment and costs, aad accruing costs thereon. ALFRED BURLEY. JylSdlOt Sheriff. VAN BORIS'S MACHINE SHOP. Ail kinds of light and heavy MACHLNEIiY MADE & REPAIRED. WSAll Wb"k Guarant.-TBt 266 HABHEY 8TBEET. - OMAHA. sep'JStt ILLIAM SEXAUER. 225TniiiaaStreat, - - Omaha, Neb TTUOLKSALV XifD RETAIL SKALEX 13 FURNITDRE, BEDDING, ETC. TBEITSCHKE & CO., GROCERS And ticneial Provision Dealers, S. W- Cot. Jackson and 13th Ste-, K?ep a superior stock of Groceries, Provision, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, and sell cheaper than any other house in Umaha. Jy3 3m ENOCH HENNEY, Justice of the Peace Office over tho Plate Bank, corner tf Farn ham aid 13th streets. 'el v5H2 3Nrr.X. TOIfSB -kah' factukev or A3D dealkx ik- Lambrc quins and VfiidoTT SLades, C11B0M0S, ESGRATIKH8 X$B 270 Fsrnhsm t wit. corner Fifteenth Mrs. D. A. MOFFETT, Fashionable Dressmaking, 564 Fourteenth St., je303m OMAHA, KtvB. CITY HOTEL, E. T. TAGE, Proprietor. 10 Ih St., bet. Farnham and JIarney, OM4UA. NEB. U Free Buss to and from all Trains. Ftssengers for other Hole's or private Itcsl- uencts, carried ior zs cents. B3- All orders left at P. II. Allen's. 21 door l from P. O , C". Wi!pn 5: fc li pr. 13th and ' II'Tuey, apd the fiiy Jlotel OfBce, will receive ' piouipt attention. iv7 lm FARMERS HOUSE! a Ttr n .mi.i a tt o j. us vta vur. oi xtia ana aaxaey ou fiJUSTCS KESSLER, Proprietor. Omaha, Neb, iECinois HOUSE. .Between 9th ar.d 10th. CnARLES PELDEJIMAX, Prop. mchlltf rfcentral House bTo. 630 Sixteenth 8treet, . Jefferson Square, OMA HA, NEB. JOSEPH DOVE, Prop'r. Day and week Board at reasonable rates. Flnt-iI-3 lor attached to the house. Jt27 3m Sioux Ci:y & Pacific R. R. In cunnecticn with the ionx City and St. Paul Bailroafl, C2 MlUs tin Shortest Route rnoii iaLa & Council Bluffs PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, Stillwater, Anoka, Duluth, f BXSZsIAIlS: ASD ALL POINTS IX MINNESOTA. Traiji leave Opial a dally, (e xu-pt eatur'ar) aio;wrr J., afcu louncu ciuu. iisv fiom Ciilcxgu and Northwetterii iHtKiU 8 Wi l'. u., ras LOW and Time as QUICK as by rn other Line. .- BULLMAN PAI-CE SLEEI'ING Oa all tilght Train. CAI13 sure your tickets real via Sioux C ty, thus avoiding circuitous routes and lalduight -- - ransfer TTPtrKTS ran t nnrrlia.r.1 st tbiKilHmnl ,nc SXaS TcoVnYii ST '" -fi a hoyden. r. c. hill. G. T. A F. As't. S.C.4P.R.E. St. Paul. Sioux City, 163 Farnham Street, v?uiyi3 osiaIa. rich, L. W00DWORTH, itxoo Asuugias or,., jiukxun., lieu. Wood Stock, OJ.Zt.Xa.Ga3El WAGON HABDWABE, Fatast Wheels, Tiaisaetl Geirlaj, 4c Axles, Springs and lhiHb!e SJcelos HARDWOOD LUMBER, Carriages, Haclcs sj Buggies StsuUtssvckcr IVasrsjsa DejMt. Ol O CD R" Ol WM Oil Rjv SZlsTO-IEIR. siisra-EE,, The Kingof tbe SETTING MACHINE WOELD as preeminently as Gold Befins in tie Realms ct Finance. SALES FOE 1873: In Round Numbers 232,444 Macnines! ItBring over One Ilundrtrf and Thirteen Thousand more Machines than were sold bv any other Seeing Machine Comjany during the same life. It will hitibly be denied .pun such evidence that the superiority of the Singer Is iu Ir lucubrated. THE SINGER MANFG CO. W, N. NASON, Agent. je SO. 212 DOUGLAS STKEET, OMAHA. J. J. BROWN & BRO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Agents for the Oriental Powder Co. OMAHA, 2ST"E3B., mjt-ir STEELE & JOHNSON, WHOLESALE 6R0CERS! SIMPSOA'S BLOCK 538 and 540 Fourteenth. Street, BET. DOUG-LAS AND DODGE OJMLLiiA., - nuhlSSr MORGAN fe GALLAGER. SUCCESSORS TO CBEIGHTON aH9 MORUAN WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. Zdti Farnham Street, qaffAlBA. - - - HBB. WHITNEY, B AUSERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS Ho. 247 Douglas Street, OMAHA, - - .TsTIEIB mch;7rI AGKATS FOR Til ; DUPQT POWDER CO. OLARK & FRENCH, WHOLESALE GROCERS I AND DEALERS IN Canned Goods, Dried Fruits, Green Fruits in Season. Jel ..KDEKS SOLICITED.' Au. ."E3. S I M P S O U, --MANUFAOTUKEa AND WUOIiSALE DEALER OT CIGARS, 532 I'IFTEENTH ST., CBEIGHTOIf BIiOOK. sp2SmC C. L. A. DLEIOI3:A.2SrT TAILOB, 288 Dodfee Street, 2d Door East of 16th Street. I keep cons Jntlv on hand the tine-it which I am iireiored to ma ke up In tLe mos at the lowest i otsihie prices. ROBERT Paints, Oils, Varnishes, BRUSHES, LAMP GOODS ETC. 257 Douglas Street mcM8eodlr KURT2.JIOHR& (Jo JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES and NOTIONS. 231 Fambam Street, J. J. BROWN & BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IX STAPLE AND FANCY DRY HOODS Notions. jiMd mv8-lr JOHN T. ITO&AR, JOBBER OF Shelf Heavy Hardware IRON, STEEL, NAILS, WAGON STOCK,' AND TIIRKSHKR.X. IIAKKSTKnN,HKAMCRS MOWKRR. DHILLm. mEKUKKK KAKLVt AMD 246 .Douglas St.. OnuOaa. XTebraska. HENRY HORNBEKGa. DEALER IN Wines, LiP&s, Cisars, ss?o4lo. Tht Old KeiituclijjWhbkles aad ImporUi-ftioodt a Specially. 239D0TJGLA38rP. (Odd well Block,) Iil9vl HOICEB and TJLB2L3 Z2T XTZSZULvSZ The Barlij jton snd Mhsouri P IverllUIIroad Co., ojrs best lsa 's allow prices on 10 years' credit at 6 pc. cec. interest, ul i ha tonus premium of 30 per cent, on the amount of tha purchase, It halt the land is cuitivateJ, within two years frosa date ot purchase. " LABGE DEDUCIONS FOR CASH PAYMENTS. North of Platte, )oup Fork and Elkhorn valleys Th-B. A M. B-'h. Co. will seC about 1,000,060 acres of lplendi I raxinj and.acrlcultural.land fa a wellwatered'rounlry, t Irom iVf U 17.00 per atre on long eredlu South of he Platte The Conn any ownsa Urge bo.ly o the best Ian I In Nebraska, lntersetwi by numerous rivers snd a-IJa-sen. to IU railroad and In the Ur.-est sn 1 best dsreiopel part of the BUte.jSS also In la smous trpuolIcan.Valley. For drcuUrs sal full lnforasatlon apply to C. B. SCIIALLliB, Agent B. & M. land Offlce, ConwrefKlatk aal Faraaaat St., Oatalia Or ireaeral ISTEIB ND PROMPTLY FILLEIX ZLATTI. stotkof Broad Cloth. r.,ln. .., n,l v.iin. . fhiouab'e stjles snd to suit the most fastidious. ; fastidious. jeiouir C. STEEL1,, EALEBIN Boots and Shoes. - WAOOH). rachlsy Q2wT A F3I, IsTES. La4 Deftxrmtmt, uwma,Mt n g'.'lll.l.L '