--v,vf. V- 1 . X isi'a- 1 - 4 lRNING. aTTJLY 16, 1874. NO. 23. t J THE OMAHA VOL. IV. """-' OMAHA THURSDAY IA AILY BEE TRSDAY M iujbr M V -. i I I THE DATLY BEE. EDWARD BOSEWATFB, Editor wlPrep'r 0ea-B".138 rmtmliaBiSI lata ad Tenth. TERMS OF' SmsSCEIFTHW: nu asiv n VMT. In adTaa 7 JO "."" r.iA.ri. nBM BX sunuf r .4.09 .r mnhm in aaTaaee zw srif nov paid In adTaa1 par uiu will , mllrtwi. , , FREDERICK, LEADING Him ! Best Goods," FarnhfuotStj GTM?,gitueoua OMAHA, OMAHA BUSINESS' DDffiCTORT. OB iaKKaa WAOveT. McCIunsi Smith. 186 JUtbit atraei. wt. lllhDdlh. daetttf 8LAS3 AH1J PIOTUaE PA.tfES. X Beinhirt. IK Iu lu itreat, dealei i J .window gLus and picture Iramef. lua dose to order. -2tf BOOTS AED BH0E8. F. blllp lanj, 135 ttraiua ai, .perwwn aiid 1130- fcusri nn-rPEcnoiElT. HL later, corner 12th nd Dough atneu. . mnufjcturer s4 wholewl 4atlr in cmndw and conlctlonery. Country trade ao Reeled. , Pl COA - DEiLEES. FiUndJ EIUt. cod, Umi,cBwnt hair ,ww 1J4 Farnhani it. iMSS DEUQ0IFT3. J A. B lcr,druggUVcoriir 12lh and Mr . neyiis TAWS BEOrEB. M. Elgutter,TTo.2eoFarBiiBat. " 1-I7ii' LaOTDY A new laoDdrr opened at all 11th at-, bt A. Farntian. r od Dougla. Thr waahlnc and Ironing will bo done toorJer, tiral t'-tm work PACTTH8. Lehuun & IWard, boue and algo painUri, I xotli at. bet. F Tnuam and Harney. a2SU BiUP' PACfrOaY. TVemlum Sop WorWa, Powell Co, tlill IT niann-nctnre . their Premium Soap. He firit premium awarded by the lougla county and Stat talri. and rottawatttrale county, la. Orucri toll-utulliom the trade. AllOUEIi. p. estabrojk: w. m.'fbancis. ESTABB00K& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT XAW. OFFICE-Crelehton Block, Omaha, Neh. dacn21ll DEXTER L. THOMAS, literacy aa4" ICewucler at Law. i :omoB-iU)tJi' OMAHA Vl-cWi'lkak. - - NEB JOIDi W. JjYTLE, Mtoneyt'Law u Swiietor i Eqoltj. wlTTJb-OTwTint IaUd Kaak, mal-tf FAltKE GODWDi, Attorney at Lawt (Campbell'i Bkek,) B061-2 IIIXTSEBTI BTXBT. OKAlA a3lm . . ,aXDWI paO.K.O'BWaV. BAUWIS OVMHT. ATTimNEYSLAW BBBfB rj oace-Ca)dwaalick,PotlMtrMt, OUAHA. - - - - HE1 !.&! JOHN C. C0WIN, .my. Solloltor 15 GMJIHCLNt. OFFIC-CREiaHT0X'S BiOCX, BMAJfA, KKMBABKA. Ml T. W. T. Riclwrdi, Attoiaiey at Law, MkeSlwlSth St ket. Fanhaa m4 DmsUs, Oaaka, He. ro,iiD .CM 0.H.BAIOU 0. A'tlLABOOW. Ballon & Glasgow, ATTORNEYSATLAWa OBoa a Creighton'a tier block, aoothaaat cor room, Aoor. MAMA. BEB. SAVAGE & MANDtRSON, Attorneys at Law, 4tt FAJUTHAH BTKKATr ' jaaasw.ax.7jaB. J Ovate Habraaka eaasuH kawbms. N.J.BURNHA1C. ATawKSCT iS CwCTStLLWt AT LAW, K0.-4M Farnhaaa StreM OMAHA - - NEB. rfaawt J. S. SHROPSHIRE, Attorney-atLaw Boom H q. l , s. K. uoner HU mm 1 OMAHA, KEBB. j. a. WAUk. SPAl'N & PRITCHE1T, Attwaqr v Cwjtow at Law. oa. CM TwaK. tircat. 11mm. I iUT4M.Oaaaa.3ab. 0. W. AMBftOSE, AttOrmaraat'Iia r KE9ICKS OPEBA MOSK OMAHA - YBBw'l "ran O r -. JOHBI C. V. Attorney i CounMlorttLaw- ouxcnoKssoucn-iBairBFBOitPT. iylyaUeadM to. X ekeaa ! mtr tians are made. Hoaaaa to let a4 WU cat. - acted. BealeatataMWCktaWaeU. amt W, J; OONHIXL. a, r ; . . '"- UW 'Mai BMriital.L-Ll. KS-aawtki atia -hi in iMiiiii r iinniiyilleTMlTaaTiMfc 1 . " - " - Axd still the children cry for vr& ter works. Somebody ought to issue a bull against the comet to prevent him from slashing around promiscuously with his tail. Since the Bee smashed the Ko ops slate several standing candi dates are promenading our streets with sad, solemn and melancholy countenances. The We&icher Jbrf,CarlShurz's St Louis paper, admonishes the Germans of Missouri not to allow themselves to be inveigled into a preposterous alliance with the Bour bon Democracy by what the Jb calls excessive beer madness ? Ger man Hepublicans will do well to profit by thisadmonition. Councilman (President) Gib son publicly acknowledged that he can never relish a dish of ice cream or an oyster stew without having a copy of the Bee to flavor them and he only patronizes restaurants that sabseribe for the Bee. Such is also the habit of the Ko-ops, who buy their lager only where they keep the Bee. Twenty thousand dollars is all thai an insurance agent demands of the Omaha Bee for a blasted repu tation. That agent has been slan dered and his character damaged to that exteat, but not alto gether ruined, and yet we are astonished that the demand i go moderate. If it had been a light ning rod pedler or a sewing ma chine agent Kosewater would not have been let off so easily, and our advice to him now Is to pay that amount and settle up before it is too late. Any man who is capable of saying anything mean enough to damage the reputation of the aver age insurance agent ought to be hung. Kearney News. An indiscriminate tiaugtder in clothing and gents' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 206 Farnham street. Fine linen and che volt shirts ot our wn make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. JiaUroad TUZcta bought and sold by T. Gottheimcr. Broker, at 296 Fan.ham street. Unredeemed Fledges for bale. may lv26 Hamlet Oram, 9th street between Jones and LeaTenworth sts , OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. TTIEPSTHE MOST COMPLETE ASSOET JV met of Jadles' jnd Gents' straw hats, trim med and uotrlmtapj, 1'arasoU. Piques, Mar seilles, Nainsooks and all kinds of lry Goods, Ladies' nd Gentr' Bo.ts, etc My line of Dry Goods U Complete. Sclll'zonly lor .CASH, I am able to UNDERSELL any other Dealer In the Clt r. OorFBICESar.! LOWER than erer hMrdu before. uiTl4-3m-nl J. JKOOREBEAD, :d:RUgk3-ist AND PHARMACIST, Patter's Block, Bet OalUcnda & wtbUr Eta, OMAHA, NEB. Mifsfdacs Prescriptions carefully Je26'3fll cgmnoundnl. DENTIPTBV; ;tttLg,,5g) PEIfTISTS, OFFICE. Mo. S32 FARHHAH ST. cr BTants, BetGthot?tJ- 9-Otikt iircticliMr Tnl IsU In tlie city DR. A. S. BILLINGS! DB1TTIST, M4 3PairaralaAzxx flUt.. Bel. 13th and 14th, up stairs. Tatth extracted without pala. by use of Ml troua Ozlda Tiaa. releeapacataiihou aSU urglol Xro' LVANGAMfM.D. Dtapcoaea hia ewa aaedrlaea, and besides regular practice, makes specialities of Derange aBtaasdrnsaaaa Pecoliar to Women, Flsta la, Piles and other Diseases nf the Bactum. Orna : Corner Farnham and 14th straeta, Irat door to the right, op tf-lrr. Bsidcn . 210 Douglas street, beta ern 12 and 11th, next to .Lutheran Church Omaha. Ieh. Addmaa Lock Box SM. janldwtf HB8. J. E.VAHDERCK Edeotio Physician- Kmldenee and ogt. 550 IVjdge at be" 11th nod IStbats. Upetlal attention paid to'obstetries and dls- pecsujr io women ana cnuarcn. Rfu. California House. , WUTZ HAfliW, ?rop'r. No. 10 DougUs Street, rorn!r Jfth.Oauha, Nebraska. Hoard by the day or week, iune 1. Tl lit Car. ' amd KUvcaUi su. All kinds of TAILORING. CWnins and re ins- doaa at reasonable rau a. a nne lot oi .nRKf.sHINU (lOOne easstantlT on band sdaoUebeaD. tocSBU BEDMAK & LEWIS, Cor, 10th and Izard Streets 1 Ootton-nrood LTJ'MBBB On hand and SAWED TO OEDEE. jeWla J. O. EIA1TIE, Dealer la Staple and Fancy Groceries. WW rat price paid for Country Produce. Ibiek store, K.X. Gar. 1 fc Ohiaajo Eta, imtt OMAHA, NEB. QUAIIsEY'B XT. F. Soap Tactoryl 4t ttKA vf Ikai IThUh VW.Jb1 SaHroad. Bear the powder house. Maaulae tarrsjist rlsssi aaap far home coosamptwo. .MH P.N.GLYNN. TTfllaaiTT JIB BZTAU. StUXJCK X Wints, Liquors, Segars, TBVC, AKB PIPES. sTCaWarala Wteca aad Oatwar at H'haa4Dedeateaets. opposite tha 1 (S TELEGRAPHIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. gpacUlljaUperted ftr aka Omaka DaflyBa. Vt Ua Atlaatie aa Paaiie TalaCraPb Co. THE GARDEN CITY IN FUMES! Another Disastrous Fire. Full Particulars of the Great Conflagration. Chicago, June 15. . The fire commenced in that por tion of the city, known as Chey enne, on Taylor, between Twelfth and Clark streets, and Fourth ave nue. This part of the city consists of the worst rookeries imaginable, most of which were occupied as houses of ill-fame. The alarm struck from the corner of Twelth and Clark streets, at half-past three o'clock, and when, in a few moments afterwards, the first engine arrived, the whole area from 503 to 523 Clark street, through to Third ave nue, was in names. r The wind blew a gale-from 4he southwest, and in spite of the ef forts of the firemen, the fire crossed Third avenue, communicating to Queens Chapel (colored) on the east side of that street The spread of the flames southward on Clark was checked at 5:27, although the build ings from No. 527 to, 537 were badly damaged. The building on the northeast corner of Clark and Tay lor caught fire at about four o'clock, anu slowly burned northward till it reached No. 467, where It was checked. At the southern limit on the west side of Third avenue is the large distillery of G. C. Russell & Co. This rookery was saved through the exertions of the working men of the place, thus presenting the spread: of the conflagration south ward on that street. - ' From this point the fire spread with fearful rapidity in a north easterly direction. At about five thirty it had burned through to the corner of Taylor and State streets. The strange phenomenen, namely the jumping of flames and. com municating to buildings whole squares distant was again witnessed on this occasion. While the fire had not crossed to the north side of Taylor, Mr. Pryor's millinery on the northeast corner of Polk street and Third avenue, commenced to burn, and in spite of the exertions of an engine and numberless citizens was soon burning from top to bot tom. Shortly afterwards, at about G o'clock, the German Methodist Church, on the cornel of Third avenue and Polk street, caught fire in the'st'eeple. t about $ o'clock it had burned throukh to Btate street Nothing could be done to stop the fury of the flames to the north, therefore the attention of the firemen was mainly directed io the south, And they checked the spread. ins of the fiafdes in JhaJ direction. The southern limits 'of thVffre on Fourth avenue are No, 264 on the west side, and No. 253 on the east side, about ten houses north of Sixth street. At about half past: 6 o'clock the fire crossed Suite street, communis caung to toe Duuoing no. ouw. op; site Taylor, and thence burned no: on Dotn sides or state. On corner of Wabash avenue and Peck Court, at 7 o'clock, when the tire was going at a rapid rate towards Wab' avenue, a reporter met Jjampbell juijj poljce Superintendent Ben'm. Mr. Campbell wanted 'to blow up Bom of the buildings, but isenm declined to aid, as ne nad not the Dower to do so. Mr. CamDb said he had spoken to the Mayo: abpijt he samething, but the Mayor decline to fiq any eucn tning. rue reporter passed to Wabash avenue and there met Mayor Co vin, who seemed to have lost all energy arid powr. Ie said he could do nothing. At 7j 4)8 Ffrst Baptist church on Wabash, between Peck and J21- anage courts, caugnt nre, iroi whence the flames spread rapid! soutn. and at 17 minutes past 7 Weed'" Hotel, corner State Hubbard owt, was burning. The southern ilmlts pf.th fire as follows: Clark street east si to No.- 527 Fourth avenue. -No. on west BMei on No. 283 on the eas side of Third avenue If a. 204 on the west aide to No. 253. on the east side of State street; No, 518 on the west to No. 511 on the east side; on Wabash avenue, No. 475 on the west and 475 on the east side. On Aiken's theater, seve: streams of water were kept stantiy playing on the roo: the building; but tbewpetern it was discovered to be in which mastered r the water ciept aiong toward tne eastei of ttie bunding. To them thea tap was a large vacant as another vacant lpt was dftjutly opposite we punning, it wan mat a cneex to we nre ooi effected here. The theater thA nnlnr of iha fliumon' but as Boon as the flames t hold on the building It parent tint the theater hi and, as is usual when such buildi: burn, tne names were of the hi description, and sparks fro woodwork flf the inost dang 1UUU. Mr. Pat O'Neii's buUding, corn oi eiate and iarrison streets, a tout loss. At was occupied b O'Neil a as a wine store; L. C. czuo., as narpess manoAeti and Piatt A Co. eJothlers. building cost $35,000 and was sored for f25,000 ; stock invoiot the first of July amounted to uuu, but about 710,000 worth was removed; insured for: Lu C.Chase A Co. 'a stock. at $40,000, was totally dee! insured for $17,000. Plttt & stuck, valued at $25,000; unknown. The great Adel theatre was totally destroyed. The lessee lefUbr the East last Monday yvrtiimt "f He ptupoa oi engagin. a company jot uw season. T theatre aad propertied were own oy Air. vaa figging, The coEanasies havinr risks ar as follows; German XjuaranceCom Pay of Fneeert, HL, ft ,000 ; Com ?lo St JjoniM, $6,000; Alltv waala Natkmsl of Philadelphia, reope- oc rWiadeepfekt, Home ot TSXaW, tafsgaard of Philadelphia, Memphis, $50,000 ; Traders' Chicago, $100,000. At 7:30 the flames had reached the St James Hotel, and it was evi dent that in less than ten minutes, the interior would be in flames. At this moment, just as the cornice of the hotel caught fire, Mayor Colvin appeared and gave orders to blow up the hotel. The Mayor, surrounded by half a dozen persons ot different grades, gave this order to the police men, who went off to hunt up the persons in charge of the powder, while the Mayor pounded on the door of the State Street Savings Bank to inform the custodians on the Inside of his intentions. On being asked what buildings he intended to blow up the Mayor said he would if necessary blow up all on the south side of Van Buren from State to Michigan avenue. In answer to a question whether he had any one competent to do the work thoroughly he replied some what angrily, that of course he had. The competency of the individual was shown about twenty minutes later,- when the slow match was "ighted. The crowd had been moved back nearly a block; three engines stationed at this corner had been drawn off, necessitating idleness for at least fifteen minutes. The powder wan carried into the centre of the store, a match was lighted and about half a dozen per sons scampered out of the front door as if fleeing from the wrath that was to come. Tne crowd nei its breath, and those nearest th doomed buildintr crammed in ways and behind walls totain protection from the showerjirhich would be apt to follow the explosion. The lamentable fizzle that?1 did follow was only effected in thoroughly preparing the biUdlng to burn rapidly. There was snuffled thud, and scattering puf&jufjanoke, and broken glass flew eut of the front of the store intojfthe street Not a brick wasdlsltfEed, and not even a pane of glass of the adjoin ing stores brokenjrhe result was tbatin five minuf&fthe whole build ing was a roaringMJiisn of flames, of such intensityf?ifeat Carter's building, just easref Van Buren street followed it, asjHeo did build ings on the north side,:. The farce of putting a charge of forty ppupds of powder in a loosjL. blast Into a solid brick build&Elqccupied by Boomer. A Jenksttslthe same dis astrous effects MMtltcd. WasMkOTO.', July 15. The Alabama cnms commission, which is to meet here on the 23d, is being prepared for by the depart ment of justice3ooms are being fitted up for them, and the chief justice, as welLaJs.tbe attorney gen. eral, will assist in the organization and the prjfeation pf rules. "Un der the Jsfw,-only those who are knowndM direct claimants can have their j adjudlcated-right out, but all may De neara and re ported gress. The co ion now consists of Messrs. of Michigan ; Ken Carolina ; Ryerson, nett, of N of New Je: r ; Baldwin, of Iowa ; and Porter, of Pennsylvania, the latter beinteBomlnated In place of ward. It was the in law to have- all of the experts in ship and ma rs, but tne commissioners ycrs, ,IM)W thought the grand jury id true bills for libel against A. Dana. This Is the opinion lawyers here. tor Clayton left her for Ne- from which place he goes ,'td' tittle Bock. If will be Ibered that BaSter'had a" let- theNew York Herald, dui Jest May, detailing the etc., of bis position. In he made certain charges led a file of the paper for that ith, and having found persons were present a: tne conversa "referred to, proposes to prove .Governor a falsifier by affidavits, tf tnen. RUpsr ms reply. rafsUi set, I w IVtism a ma I fees, and others i drawn In the loose and careless c. ... nner that characterized the legis- or tne late season, under former act when seizures ltuiK to $500 or less were thp p.qJectpr of customs was lea, to advertise ami pen tue i. subject to libel' before the L States District Court Again, the value of the goods seized tesi th&n il,PQ0 an,d over $5Q0, 1 collector might release' the property to the owner upon the payment of the appraised value, -and subsequently submit the question, of the legality of the seiz ure to thp proper courts. The treas ury deparfiain reports show tUt anon: uuui , mue-ipiiuaui oi me or these two classes, the was settled ' without- refer. to the courts, and sq saved the of litigation, lhe law lately w does not clearly show that Intended to force all such cases to court, and as the Treasury offi als found themselves unable to construe the matter satisfactorily to Jhefnsejves, tbeyave referred the Case tt) the Attorney flenera for tffc opinion. v Mrs. Williams, wife of the At torney General, is still in poor health, being" subject to severe at taeks of nervous prostration, and has been ordered by her physjejaqs to go to the mir eral springs and baths at Raleigh, Va'., fcr which place she will leavo this week. v Chicago, July 14. The annual convention of the National Association of Photograph ers met in this city this forenoon, jtn a goodjy attendance anij a fine lay oi pnoiograpnio piotures. materials to be exhibited under :1tu). auspices of -the association will .be opened In tne exposition build ing this evening, tt- display to unae rnroagpout tae wees, aay. evening, and free-to the public e uncago eievsiors, as per om figures, contain 1.308.204 bush els of wheat, ,207,M:. bushels of corn, 145,03baMhe8-af oats, 6,408 bosheki of rye, antTCjit bushels of barley, making a grand total of 8, 472,398 bushels, against 3,557,057 buehsla one week ago, and 4,534,396 aasiiels for tne oorrespondBf week year, CCONKELBBUBO, PaV. JulV 13. ' Early yesterday moraine: Mrs. Jean Moats, residing "abobt ten south of this place, while. upder a state of mental i, and while her aosaaad. snot and JOUM nUR ly, Hwe thea, wttaaraaer, a aorrujie woaad appa the i and seek of f :fcsr eaaV , aad with pitetfcrk alaaeet ..Vf. toCon MUOb. ItM will cm brXi! dlreW remtl tarua. ingl U' TEST. IC3-HT. Flro Breaks Oat in m! Somb Twenty Art Banwd. " a. i., and Iowa Falls, Art Also Visited ay Fire Frtrrd. Chicago, July 15. broke out about 4:3U afternoon in the north- part of the city, in the vi- Milwauxee and unicago :: fifteen to twenty buildings burned. They were tchiefly saloons, and carpenter shops. brisk northwest breeze fanned flames, and the inflameable ter of the buildings .fed tnem seemed that the Are would assume the proportions of that night But the fire .depart- were promptly,.?, hand, and s oattunror tne names, finally suldued, with on- loas above stated. Great excitement prevailed for a time, as it seemed inevitable that the flames would sweep toward the heart of the city. To-day's fire occurred from four to seven p. m., on Milwaukee av enue, between Sangamon and Sprat streets, destroying about twenty-five houses, a majority of them being frame shanties. The locality was inhabited by the poor classes of Germans. The loss is probably about $60,000, and the insurance is not more than one-fth that amount The fire in northwest Chicago originated in the smoke house of Dugair's packing establishment. Almost an entire block was con sumed, but the buildings were of i the poorer sort The fire raged for an hour and a naif. A planing mill, vlth some valuable machinery u'os destroyed, the total loss being placed at $G0,Q00. The flames are now completely under control. During the progress of this Are two attempts at incendiarism in the same neighborhood were discovered and were frustrated. In one case kerosene oil was used. At about o'clock an alarm from Wabash avenue and Madison street was sounded, but the fire proved io be of small moment Boston, July 15. The following dispatch was sent torflay: To' His Honor Mayor Colpin, CfiU cuo: Our citizens deeply sympathize with your people in the losses and suffering caused by the present fire. Can we do anything to alle viate your misfortunes? Boston is readynow as ever to extend a help ing hand to our sister city, Chicago. (Signed) Samuel Cobb, Mayor. Dispatches of similar tenor were also sent by Chief Savage of the Boston police, and Secretary, Den ning of the Young Men's Christian Association,1 - i ". rWAunrKOTOK, July 15. Geo. L. Bangs, general superin tendent or tne postal sen-ice, goes to Chicago to-night to look after the interests of the postofflce depart ment In connection Wife the buss ing of the postofflce in thatojty last hfgbt "?hp gover'upifiqt Josec per tween 530,000 and $40,900 by the destruction of the office. Habtford, July 15. The Insurance c6tnpan!t Sere lost The S4l.- 000; 'National, $23,000 : 'Phoenix, $l7,wo, Daytox, July 15. The Firemen's Insurance Com-, pany, reported as $40,000 loss at the Chicago fire, had no risk or burnt :j, ijj . . Chicago, July 15. .A fire la Oshkosh commencing at four p. m. yesterday was the most terrible In her history. It com menced in Hoille's seed store, and for a distance of two miles one way and one and a half miles the other way it was driven by a terrific gale and swept everything, it is repor ted tnstTOur t)unqrgd I ed "building were burned and five hundred' families re homeless. The loss is estimated at over six hundred thpusanfl dol lars; the Insurance is not yet known. 'City treasurer Taylor died from over work during the fire. Police Ford will die from, the same cause, and others are badly Injured. The city engines, and those of Bipon, lon du Lao anq Ncenab, did good service. The buildings burned arp niostjy dwellings, though 00 'stores' arc among thp jumper, 'as also some public buildings, Milwaukee, July 15. The boundaries of the burnt dis trict In Oshkosh extend from the Beckwith House to its rear on Division street, north on Division to Lorliif, -tiST.ce ncritaist- for be yond the city limits, thence, almost to Lake Winnebago. Six hundred buildings were burned and 3,000 people are .homeless. The less is about $1,000,000; insurance, $160,000. The following is tie principal h. sujance by companies: Germania, Erie, Fa.) $8,400; Atlantic A Pacific, MillviUe, $2,200; Allemanne, Pitts burg, $3,100; Brewers. Milwaukee. $4,250; Milwaukee Mehanics Mutual $7,770; Springfield, $7,150; Liver pooLand London, $5,200; Home, Columbus, $5,600; Fatlonal, Phila delphia, $3,700; American and Merchants, $3,225; Phoenix, Hart lord. $96,300; Northwestern Na tioaai, Milwaukee, $13,800; Ger mahla, freeport, $2,700; iEtna, $8,650; Continental, $7,400 ; Frank lin, $1,700 : Home, A. Y., $10,900 ; Phcenlr, S0,QQ0 j Hartford, $8,850 ; North American, $5,100 ; Insur ance, A. Y., $1,300; Manhattan, $1,400 Firemen's Fund, $2,150; German, $3,350-j Glens Falls, $1,000; Peoples', Memphis, $5,500; other sundry companies, $54,250; AUeaeBBia, Pittsburg, $3,000; American, $24,000 'Farmers' $1,000 Chicago, July 15, A special gives an account of a dJeeietroM fkein Iowa Falls, which originated ia a meat market yester day at So'doclrp. m., and destroy tae -whole business portion of the town. Its progress could not be aeaked ea aesoant of a high wind tskrwingfrorn the south. Forty-five buildings were burned, and the loss teaboutflSO.OOO; partkU iuwrance. The foUcwing are the principal losses! - .W. Nichols, agrlcBlturallai. alssweato, low Utom--eUaan - ., insurance , . c Harding, $8,000, in iswuraace, oa-alf; WUk4 Blue, YERYJf miSn ASectifJ -"trji UHrtftllM OshkosMWi Who AXmmmW fire o'cloMemis westST clnJaaTer mwWaUeS were objmc tilSit dftaSSt Seat dry goodsS20,000, insurance $5,000: J. Biggs, dry goods, $8,000, insur ance $1,000; Foster A Hoag, $3,000, insurance one-half; Van Buskirk & Arnold, $6,000, no insurance; R JO McGowan, $5,000, uninsured; Stra ther & Elliottgrocers, $5,000; Wel donSon, grocers, no insurance; Jones Hotel, $2,000; S. Stevens, $5,000; Miller & Ellsworth, $3,500; Ellis building, $1,500; Nelson Co., $4,500; Smith A Hutler, grocery, $6,000; all insured. The fire is now under control. Several citizens were prostrated by the heat- Salt Lake, July 15. The Governor of Utah has issued a proclamation under the Poland bill fixing the time and place of holding the district and 'supreme courts in that territory. The third district court has issued a mandamus to the city recorder In behalf the tax-payers, asking for an examination and permission to take copies of the city records, the case is to be appealed to the supreme court Ann Eliza Young will arrive hero this evening and a reception will be given her at the Walker House. Washington, July 15. The National Bepublicau this morning publishes the following letter from Senator Allison to a friend in this city: "Dubuque, Iowa, July 15. I am sorry that Mr. Shepard was temporarily sacrificed, as he has done so much for the city. He can afford to wait, however, as no stain is cast upon his honor or his integrity by the investigation or report Yours very-truly, Signed W. B. Allison. New York, July 15. The Beecher-Tilton sensation is one of the most prominent topics. In this city, and the articles daily appearing in the newspapers, serve to bring out every new develop ment of Interest each day. It has been generally understood that the Golden Age was "still the property of Tilton, and that he had simply retired from the editorial management, re linquishing the same to W. T. Clark. The latter, however, in a letter to the Word, informs the public generally that he has pur chased that paper, which is now ed ited by hiniself, and that for its manifold sheetings and faults since the first of July, he is alone respon sible. The Golden Age, neverthe less, continues to defend Tilton in his present troubles. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. New York July 15. Money Easy at 2 'per cent. Foreign Exchange Dull but steady at 487J for sixty days, 490 for sight. Gold Very dull ; opened at 109$,. and immediately declined to 109 j, with fluctuations ever since between those ficures: now eellincrat 109S. Governments Firm in small vol ume eurrenfiv 7s I lfi? Stocks Opened i to U per cent below yesterday; clo&ng"pref3 a.qd d,eajngs were' 'cbrapf e'fized by unn--su'al activity apil excitement ; there was a large covering of shorts,-and a subsequent rally "of J to 13 pr cent : market now a-otv dim hnt- steady at a slight decline from bog figuies made; Erie 32J, Pacific Mall 431, Union Pacific 25J, Western FpIpu jft; - "-Ki1 New York Produce Market. New York, July 15. Breadstuff's Quiet Flour Unchanged; superfine State and Western, 5105 50; ex tra, 5 906 15. " Wheat Steady ; No. 1 spring, 1 42ail 43 ; No. 2 Chicago, 1 35 1 36; No. 2 Milwaukee spring, I 40 1 41 bid. Corn Firm ; western mixed afloat 78. VQatsSteady; western mixed, 61 63, ByeNominal at 1 101 12. Provisions Dull, but nominally unchanged. Pork New mess. 19 751920. Leather Quiet " Chicago Prouuce Market. Chicago, July 13. Flour Quiet, unchanged. Wheat Wead, drooping; 22 lower; No 1, 1 15$; No 2, closed at 1 12Jal 12 spot or July; August, 1 08J; No 8, 1 08; rejected, 09. Corn Less active, lower; closed firmer under favorable foreign and eastern advices; high mixed 61; No 2, 61a61; closing, 61 bid spot or Ju ly; 60J bid August- reected? 58 Hs' 'Oats Active, strong and higher; No 2 5050; closed 501. Bye Scarce; wanted; No 2 sold at 1 00. Barley Nominal Pork Active, firm, higher; 19 J cosh or August Lard Quiet and easy at 11 . Butter Steadiei: few sales: fimcy Eggs Firmer at 1315. AVhisky Firmer at 95. On Call Board this afternoon wheat closed quiet at 1 12loJ for July; 1 OSMor Aqgqut, Corn dull at 0H foronlyioii; August,' St. Louis Product Market. St. Louis July 15.j Flour Quiet Wheat Firmer; prime "red 1 17(4 1 20; choice 1 251 30. Corn Easier; 65 on track, 63 to seller for August, Qats-Hlgherj No 2, 57 on east track.. Bye Higher; new, 80, Whiskey Steady; 95. Pork Firm; 20 70. Bulk Meats Active and higher; shoulders at St Joe and Quincy, 7; here, 7, Lard Higher; refined, 1212. Bacon 5 705 90; heavy, 6 00 520. . Ch'tcaie Live Stock Market. Chicaoo, July 15. Cattle Receipts, 24,000. Market dull weak; shade lower In price; fair to choice steers 5aG05; extra steers, 6 12Jal5; Texans, 3 I0a4j. Hogs Receipts, 8,000. Market quiet, firm, steady; 5 50a6 40 for common to choice poor to medium 5 58a80; fairtocbice, 5 85a6 20. Sheep Receipts 940; scarce; wanted badly; sales, 4a5 75 for poor to very choice. St Unit Uvt SttclL, ! Ca- ' , :Jul15X;.l .. Keceipta,-1,400. .Market firm and unchanged. Hogs Receipts, 500; ranging,- 9 w5v.1v. Clearing Sale Clearing Sale Clearing Sale Clearing Sale Clearing Sale Clearing Sale R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street, DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to' be sold lower than any other house in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, ALPACAS &MCnAIRS, also VELYET& BEATER CL0AKINGS. A FULL STOCK OF SilAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, XS-A.JDXOBJBV AND 01SXXaX3ZUE22ST'SI MERINO LNDERWEAJR AND WORSTED GOODS. TABLE LINEN IX REAT TARIETT. A FULL LINE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS. OH, CLOTES, HATTING RUfiS. AND MATS CHEAPER THAN: THE CHEAPEST CSAE;B.S shivbioe; Furniture, bedding, Mirrors, fgd evBmhing pertaining: .to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade; has largely increased his stock and now T?Tr&?Pmple aSB?enf oi FINE, MEDITOl anTiow PRICES F?nS7&Q&GJ8 ?Hoh'iVOKD fiVfe as A0- ln?ke l tQ the interest of everyone desirme anything in thiQ -Iwa, te examine his stock bifitLS PSRLOR:SMSLOTOGES 4fcc.:TTPHOLSTERED.AND COVERED TO ORDER. CEAS. SKIVSHICS, QOaFarnliam StrootJOn) nlxn. G. STRIFFLER, DEALER N CHOICES. IE s, ProTls'ons, Fruitt, : Nats CoafctlioHcrj, . Tobacci, Separs, c,Ac..&c S. K. OR.of I T. andFARHIIAH. a 114ir Sclmeirter & Eurmester MmnfactBrer o riN, COPPER AND SHEET IROS WARE. DEALERS IN Cookinp aad IleatlRg Stores. Tin Roofing, Spontlng and Gutter ngdoo hort notice ana Ic toe Leat mauner. lltfn trret arpt2a d City Meat Markex. 0 Kft? cotuUcllj on'haod A LARGE SUPPLY OF OTOtTS MU1T0X, r. Po P0ULTKT, GAME -ASI ig-zita.: Spring and Summer Styles. aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BBBBBBaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam laaaaaaam BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBw' iBBBBBBBBBa aaaaaaaaaaSB aaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaa eand Medium EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS !! CRUICKSHANE'S - FOB- THIRTY DAYS! .; BEISO OfR - jS-nnual Clearing Safe OF Foreign &nd Domestic DRY GOODfis JL2ST1D CXXaiillET-y, : preparatory &: CRUICKSHANK, --. Cor. niarS FAT.T, STOCK,. 1873. WHOLESALE-AND RETAIL FRANK DRAPER & TAILOR . AMI. DEALER IX JGENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 'GOODS. .. Fall ssertmeatef Imported TFooIcas. All Work WarraHle!.'1 2?J?arnllamSt' - - OmiaHa.;:!, 3i.:5eodlT FROU TI1I3 DATE WE WILL SELL '" ' ' MILLINERY! At Greatly Seduced PAaffi MRS. C. F. HICEMAN. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS aat m m Mm m mbb . 13 CL OHAHA - A.POLACK, CLOTHIER, 238 rrnli&m St XTar 14th. Jiaaaaak. vHaaaaaaaSaa ClotMnr tuid FiirnisHiiis Goods. Ju,:', TECA.UT THE -AT- v S 1-M 4 to stock taking. . . . n.. 14th ana Farnliam -Jvts, jj -'J .a Ji RSPELLANTS J J. RAMGrS .111 tl S4T21y StTQtS, - u 2JTES. CHEAPEST.' VLaaaaaaf BaaVBaBaaBaaaaaaaw aaaaaaaCJaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaar Daaaaaaaaaaam: ' aB aaaaa BaaaaVaaa y i i -" - - 5 . . t r- s .v --:'.. fv. n i in u.ath